Link color

Bob Mottram 2020-12-23 18:15:30 +00:00
parent f7d9864093
commit db875e375c
1 changed files with 17 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -2847,9 +2847,20 @@ def testFunctions():
print('Function: ' + name + '')
print('Constructing function call graph')
moduleColors = ('red', 'green', 'yellow', 'orange', 'purple', 'cyan',
'darkgoldenrod3', 'darkolivegreen1', 'darkorange1',
'darkorchid1', 'darkseagreen', 'darkslategray4',
'deeppink1', 'deepskyblue1', 'dimgrey', 'gold1',
'goldenrod', 'burlywood2', 'bisque1', 'brown1',
'chartreuse2', 'cornsilk', 'darksalmon')
maxModuleCalls = 1
colorCtr = 0
for modName, modProperties in modules.items():
lineCtr = 0
modules[modName]['color'] = moduleColors[colorCtr]
colorCtr += 1
if colorCtr >= len(moduleColors):
colorCtr = 0
for line in modules[modName]['lines']:
if line.strip().startswith('def '):
name = line.split('def ')[1].split('(')[0]
@ -2909,7 +2920,9 @@ def testFunctions():
for modName, modProperties in modules.items():
callGraphStr += ' subgraph cluster_' + modName + ' {\n'
callGraphStr += ' label = "' + modName + '";\n'
callGraphStr += ' node [style=filled];\n'
callGraphStr += ' node '
callGraphStr += '[style=filled fillcolor='
callGraphStr += modProperties['color'] + '];\n'
moduleFunctionsStr = ''
for name in modProperties['functions']:
if name.startswith('test'):
@ -2924,11 +2937,13 @@ def testFunctions():
for name, properties in functionProperties.items():
if not properties['calls']:
modColor = modules[properties['module']]['color']
for calledFunc in properties['calls']:
if calledFunc.startswith('test'):
if calledFunc not in excludeFuncs:
callGraphStr += ' "' + name + '" -> "' + calledFunc + '";\n'
callGraphStr += ' "' + name + '" -> "' + calledFunc + \
'" [color=' + modColor + '];\n'
callGraphStr += '\n}\n'
with open('', 'w+') as fp: