diff --git a/follow.py b/follow.py
index 3e809ea7..7b2488b8 100644
--- a/follow.py
+++ b/follow.py
@@ -36,22 +36,6 @@ def getFollowersOfPerson(baseDir: str,nickname: str,domain: str,followFile='foll
     return followers
-def noOfFollowersOnDomain(baseDir: str,handle: str, domain: str, followFile='followers.txt') -> int:
-    """Returns the number of followers of the given handle from the given domain
-    """
-    filename=baseDir+'/accounts/'+handle+'/'+followFile
-    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
-        return 0
-    ctr=0
-    with open(filename, "r") as followersFilename:
-        for followerHandle in followersFilename:
-            if '@' in followerHandle:
-                followerDomain=followerHandle.split('@')[1].replace('\n','')
-                if domain==followerDomain:
-                    ctr+=1
-    return ctr
 def followPerson(baseDir: str,nickname: str, domain: str, \
                  followNickname: str, followDomain: str, \
                  federationList: [], followFile='following.txt') -> bool:
diff --git a/posts.py b/posts.py
index 9a481bdc..80f7307c 100644
--- a/posts.py
+++ b/posts.py
@@ -35,6 +35,22 @@ try:
 except ImportError:
     from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+def noOfFollowersOnDomain(baseDir: str,handle: str, domain: str, followFile='followers.txt') -> int:
+    """Returns the number of followers of the given handle from the given domain
+    """
+    filename=baseDir+'/accounts/'+handle+'/'+followFile
+    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
+        return 0
+    ctr=0
+    with open(filename, "r") as followersFilename:
+        for followerHandle in followersFilename:
+            if '@' in followerHandle:
+                followerDomain=followerHandle.split('@')[1].replace('\n','')
+                if domain==followerDomain:
+                    ctr+=1
+    return ctr
 def getPersonKey(nickname: str,domain: str,baseDir: str,keyType='public'):
     """Returns the public or private key of a person
@@ -456,6 +472,12 @@ def sendPost(session,baseDir: str,nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, \
     # get the actor inbox for the To handle
     inboxUrl,pubKeyId,pubKey,toPersonId,sharedInbox = \
+    # If there are more than one followers on the target domain
+    # then send to teh shared inbox indead of the individual inbox
+    if noOfFollowersOnDomain(baseDir,handle,toDomain)>1 and sharedInbox:        
+        inboxUrl=sharedInbox
     if not inboxUrl:
         return 2
     if not pubKey:
diff --git a/tests.py b/tests.py
index a66975f3..c67540a3 100644
--- a/tests.py
+++ b/tests.py
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ from posts import deleteAllPosts
 from posts import createPublicPost
 from posts import sendPost
 from posts import archivePosts
+from posts import noOfFollowersOnDomain
 from follow import clearFollows
 from follow import clearFollowers
 from follow import followPerson
@@ -30,7 +31,6 @@ from follow import followerOfPerson
 from follow import unfollowPerson
 from follow import unfollowerOfPerson
 from follow import getFollowersOfPerson
-from follow import noOfFollowersOnDomain
 from person import createPerson
 from person import setPreferredNickname
 from person import setBio