forked from indymedia/epicyon
Enter news processing rules from the newswire edit screen
@ -2984,6 +2984,16 @@ class PubServer(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
if os.path.isfile(filterNewswireFilename):
# save news tagging rules
hashtagRulesFilename = \
baseDir + '/accounts/hashtagrules.txt'
if fields.get('hashtagRulesList'):
with open(hashtagRulesFilename, 'w+') as rulesfile:
if os.path.isfile(hashtagRulesFilename):
newswireTrustedFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/newswiretrusted.txt'
if fields.get('trustedNewswire'):
newswireTrusted = fields['trustedNewswire']
@ -311,5 +311,7 @@
"Site Editors": "محررو الموقع",
"Allow news posts": "السماح بنشر الأخبار",
"Publish": "ينشر",
"Publish a news article": "انشر مقالة إخبارية"
"Publish a news article": "انشر مقالة إخبارية",
"News tagging rules": "قواعد وسم الأخبار",
"See instructions": "انظر التعليمات"
@ -311,5 +311,7 @@
"Site Editors": "Editors de llocs",
"Allow news posts": "Permet publicacions de notícies",
"Publish": "Publica",
"Publish a news article": "Publicar un article de notícies"
"Publish a news article": "Publicar un article de notícies",
"News tagging rules": "Regles d'etiquetatge de notícies",
"See instructions": "Consulteu les instruccions"
@ -311,5 +311,7 @@
"Site Editors": "Golygyddion Safle",
"Allow news posts": "Caniatáu swyddi newyddion",
"Publish": "Cyhoeddi",
"Publish a news article": "Cyhoeddi erthygl newyddion"
"Publish a news article": "Cyhoeddi erthygl newyddion",
"News tagging rules": "Rheolau tagio newyddion",
"See instructions": "Gweler y cyfarwyddiadau"
@ -311,5 +311,7 @@
"Site Editors": "Site-Editoren",
"Allow news posts": "Nachrichtenbeiträge zulassen",
"Publish": "Veröffentlichen",
"Publish a news article": "Veröffentlichen Sie einen Nachrichtenartikel"
"Publish a news article": "Veröffentlichen Sie einen Nachrichtenartikel",
"News tagging rules": "Regeln für das Markieren von Nachrichten",
"See instructions": "Siehe Anweisungen"
@ -311,5 +311,7 @@
"Site Editors": "Site Editors",
"Allow news posts": "Allow news posts",
"Publish": "Publish",
"Publish a news article": "Publish a news article"
"Publish a news article": "Publish a news article",
"News tagging rules": "News tagging rules",
"See instructions": "See instructions"
@ -311,5 +311,7 @@
"Site Editors": "Editores del sitio",
"Allow news posts": "Permitir publicaciones de noticias",
"Publish": "Publicar",
"Publish a news article": "Publica un artículo de noticias"
"Publish a news article": "Publica un artículo de noticias",
"News tagging rules": "Reglas de etiquetado de noticias",
"See instructions": "Vea las instrucciones"
@ -311,5 +311,7 @@
"Site Editors": "Éditeurs du site",
"Allow news posts": "Autoriser les articles d'actualité",
"Publish": "Publier",
"Publish a news article": "Publier un article de presse"
"Publish a news article": "Publier un article de presse",
"News tagging rules": "Règles de marquage des actualités",
"See instructions": "Voir les instructions"
@ -311,5 +311,7 @@
"Site Editors": "Eagarthóirí Suímh",
"Allow news posts": "Ceadaigh poist nuachta",
"Publish": "Fhoilsiú",
"Publish a news article": "Foilsigh alt nuachta"
"Publish a news article": "Foilsigh alt nuachta",
"News tagging rules": "Rialacha clibeála nuachta",
"See instructions": "Féach na treoracha"
@ -311,5 +311,7 @@
"Site Editors": "साइट संपादकों",
"Allow news posts": "समाचार पोस्ट की अनुमति दें",
"Publish": "प्रकाशित करना",
"Publish a news article": "एक समाचार लेख प्रकाशित करें"
"Publish a news article": "एक समाचार लेख प्रकाशित करें",
"News tagging rules": "समाचार टैगिंग नियम",
"See instructions": "निर्देश देखें"
@ -311,5 +311,7 @@
"Site Editors": "Editori del sito",
"Allow news posts": "Consenti post di notizie",
"Publish": "Pubblicare",
"Publish a news article": "Pubblica un articolo di notizie"
"Publish a news article": "Pubblica un articolo di notizie",
"News tagging rules": "Regole di tagging delle notizie",
"See instructions": "Vedere le istruzioni"
@ -311,5 +311,7 @@
"Site Editors": "サイト編集者",
"Allow news posts": "ニュース投稿を許可する",
"Publish": "公開する",
"Publish a news article": "ニュース記事を公開する"
"Publish a news article": "ニュース記事を公開する",
"News tagging rules": "ニュースのタグ付けルール",
"See instructions": "手順を参照してください"
@ -307,5 +307,7 @@
"Site Editors": "Site Editors",
"Allow news posts": "Allow news posts",
"Publish": "Publish",
"Publish a news article": "Publish a news article"
"Publish a news article": "Publish a news article",
"News tagging rules": "News tagging rules",
"See instructions": "See instructions"
@ -311,5 +311,7 @@
"Site Editors": "Editores do site",
"Allow news posts": "Permitir postagens de notícias",
"Publish": "Publicar",
"Publish a news article": "Publique um artigo de notícias"
"Publish a news article": "Publique um artigo de notícias",
"News tagging rules": "Regras de marcação de notícias",
"See instructions": "Veja as instruções"
@ -311,5 +311,7 @@
"Site Editors": "Редакторы сайта",
"Allow news posts": "Разрешить публикации новостей",
"Publish": "Публиковать",
"Publish a news article": "Опубликовать новостную статью"
"Publish a news article": "Опубликовать новостную статью",
"News tagging rules": "Правила тегирования новостей",
"See instructions": "См. Инструкции"
@ -311,5 +311,7 @@
"Site Editors": "网站编辑",
"Allow news posts": "允许新闻发布",
"Publish": "发布",
"Publish a news article": "发布新闻文章"
"Publish a news article": "发布新闻文章",
"News tagging rules": "新闻标记规则",
"See instructions": "见说明"
@ -1356,11 +1356,31 @@ def htmlEditNewswire(translate: {}, baseDir: str, path: str,
' <br><b><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Filtered words'] + '</label></b>\n'
editNewswireForm += ' <br><label class="labels">' + \
translate['One per line'] + '</label>\n'
translate['One per line'] + '</label>'
editNewswireForm += ' <textarea id="message" ' + \
'name="filteredWordsNewswire" style="height:200px">' + \
filterStr + '</textarea>\n'
hashtagRulesStr = ''
hashtagRulesFilename = \
baseDir + '/accounts/hashtagrules.txt'
if os.path.isfile(hashtagRulesFilename):
with open(hashtagRulesFilename, 'r') as rulesfile:
hashtagRulesStr =
editNewswireForm += \
' <br><b><label class="labels">' + \
translate['News tagging rules'] + '</label></b>\n'
editNewswireForm += ' <br><label class="labels">' + \
translate['One per line'] + '.</label>\n'
editNewswireForm += \
' <a href="' + \
'' + \
'">' + translate['See instructions'] + '</a>\n'
editNewswireForm += ' <textarea id="message" ' + \
'name="hashtagRulesList" style="height:200px">' + \
hashtagRulesStr + '</textarea>\n'
editNewswireForm += \
Reference in New Issue