diff --git a/webapp_post.py b/webapp_post.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..95fea56c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webapp_post.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1217 @@
+__filename__ = "webapp_post.py"
+__author__ = "Bob Mottram"
+__license__ = "AGPL3+"
+__version__ = "1.1.0"
+__maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram"
+__email__ = "bob@freedombone.net"
+__status__ = "Production"
+import os
+import time
+from dateutil.parser import parse
+from auth import createPassword
+from git import isGitPatch
+from datetime import datetime
+from cache import getPersonFromCache
+from bookmarks import bookmarkedByPerson
+from like import likedByPerson
+from like import noOfLikes
+from posts import isEditor
+from posts import postIsMuted
+from posts import getPersonBox
+from posts import isDM
+from posts import downloadAnnounce
+from utils import getCachedPostDirectory
+from utils import getCachedPostFilename
+from utils import getProtocolPrefixes
+from utils import isNewsPost
+from utils import isBlogPost
+from utils import getDisplayName
+from utils import isPublicPost
+from utils import updateRecentPostsCache
+from utils import removeIdEnding
+from utils import getNicknameFromActor
+from utils import getDomainFromActor
+from utils import isEventPost
+from content import replaceEmojiFromTags
+from content import htmlReplaceQuoteMarks
+from content import htmlReplaceEmailQuote
+from content import removeTextFormatting
+from content import removeLongWords
+from content import getMentionsFromHtml
+from content import switchWords
+from person import isPersonSnoozed
+from announce import announcedByPerson
+from webapp_utils import getPersonAvatarUrl
+from webapp_utils import updateAvatarImageCache
+from webapp_utils import loadIndividualPostAsHtmlFromCache
+from webapp_utils import addEmojiToDisplayName
+from webapp_utils import postContainsPublic
+from webapp_utils import getContentWarningButton
+from webapp_utils import getPostAttachmentsAsHtml
+from webapp_media import addEmbeddedElements
+from webapp_question import insertQuestion
+from devices import E2EEdecryptMessageFromDevice
+def preparePostFromHtmlCache(postHtml: str, boxName: str,
+ pageNumber: int) -> str:
+ """Sets the page number on a cached html post
+ """
+ # if on the bookmarks timeline then remain there
+ if boxName == 'tlbookmarks' or boxName == 'bookmarks':
+ postHtml = postHtml.replace('?tl=inbox', '?tl=tlbookmarks')
+ if '?page=' in postHtml:
+ pageNumberStr = postHtml.split('?page=')[1]
+ if '?' in pageNumberStr:
+ pageNumberStr = pageNumberStr.split('?')[0]
+ postHtml = postHtml.replace('?page=' + pageNumberStr, '?page=-999')
+ withPageNumber = postHtml.replace(';-999;', ';' + str(pageNumber) + ';')
+ withPageNumber = withPageNumber.replace('?page=-999',
+ '?page=' + str(pageNumber))
+ return withPageNumber
+def saveIndividualPostAsHtmlToCache(baseDir: str,
+ nickname: str, domain: str,
+ postJsonObject: {},
+ postHtml: str) -> bool:
+ """Saves the given html for a post to a cache file
+ This is so that it can be quickly reloaded on subsequent
+ refresh of the timeline
+ """
+ htmlPostCacheDir = \
+ getCachedPostDirectory(baseDir, nickname, domain)
+ cachedPostFilename = \
+ getCachedPostFilename(baseDir, nickname, domain, postJsonObject)
+ # create the cache directory if needed
+ if not os.path.isdir(htmlPostCacheDir):
+ os.mkdir(htmlPostCacheDir)
+ try:
+ with open(cachedPostFilename, 'w+') as fp:
+ fp.write(postHtml)
+ return True
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('ERROR: saving post to cache ' + str(e))
+ return False
+def individualPostAsHtml(allowDownloads: bool,
+ recentPostsCache: {}, maxRecentPosts: int,
+ iconsDir: str, translate: {},
+ pageNumber: int, baseDir: str,
+ session, wfRequest: {}, personCache: {},
+ nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
+ postJsonObject: {},
+ avatarUrl: str, showAvatarOptions: bool,
+ allowDeletion: bool,
+ httpPrefix: str, projectVersion: str,
+ boxName: str, YTReplacementDomain: str,
+ showPublishedDateOnly: bool,
+ showRepeats=True,
+ showIcons=False,
+ manuallyApprovesFollowers=False,
+ showPublicOnly=False,
+ storeToCache=True) -> str:
+ """ Shows a single post as html
+ """
+ if not postJsonObject:
+ return ''
+ # benchmark
+ postStartTime = time.time()
+ postActor = postJsonObject['actor']
+ # ZZZzzz
+ if isPersonSnoozed(baseDir, nickname, domain, postActor):
+ return ''
+ # benchmark 1
+ timeDiff = int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName + ' 1 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ avatarPosition = ''
+ messageId = ''
+ if postJsonObject.get('id'):
+ messageId = removeIdEnding(postJsonObject['id'])
+ # benchmark 2
+ timeDiff = int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName + ' 2 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ messageIdStr = ''
+ if messageId:
+ messageIdStr = ';' + messageId
+ fullDomain = domain
+ if port:
+ if port != 80 and port != 443:
+ if ':' not in domain:
+ fullDomain = domain + ':' + str(port)
+ pageNumberParam = ''
+ if pageNumber:
+ pageNumberParam = '?page=' + str(pageNumber)
+ if (not showPublicOnly and
+ (storeToCache or boxName == 'bookmarks' or
+ boxName == 'tlbookmarks') and
+ boxName != 'tlmedia'):
+ # update avatar if needed
+ if not avatarUrl:
+ avatarUrl = \
+ getPersonAvatarUrl(baseDir, postActor, personCache,
+ allowDownloads)
+ # benchmark 2.1
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName +
+ ' 2.1 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ updateAvatarImageCache(session, baseDir, httpPrefix,
+ postActor, avatarUrl, personCache,
+ allowDownloads)
+ # benchmark 2.2
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName +
+ ' 2.2 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ postHtml = \
+ loadIndividualPostAsHtmlFromCache(baseDir, nickname, domain,
+ postJsonObject)
+ if postHtml:
+ postHtml = preparePostFromHtmlCache(postHtml, boxName, pageNumber)
+ updateRecentPostsCache(recentPostsCache, maxRecentPosts,
+ postJsonObject, postHtml)
+ # benchmark 3
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName +
+ ' 3 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ return postHtml
+ # benchmark 4
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName + ' 4 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ if not avatarUrl:
+ avatarUrl = \
+ getPersonAvatarUrl(baseDir, postActor, personCache,
+ allowDownloads)
+ avatarUrl = \
+ updateAvatarImageCache(session, baseDir, httpPrefix,
+ postActor, avatarUrl, personCache,
+ allowDownloads)
+ else:
+ updateAvatarImageCache(session, baseDir, httpPrefix,
+ postActor, avatarUrl, personCache,
+ allowDownloads)
+ # benchmark 5
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName + ' 5 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ if not avatarUrl:
+ avatarUrl = postActor + '/avatar.png'
+ if fullDomain not in postActor:
+ (inboxUrl, pubKeyId, pubKey,
+ fromPersonId, sharedInbox,
+ avatarUrl2, displayName) = getPersonBox(baseDir, session, wfRequest,
+ personCache,
+ projectVersion, httpPrefix,
+ nickname, domain, 'outbox')
+ # benchmark 6
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName + ' 6 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ if avatarUrl2:
+ avatarUrl = avatarUrl2
+ if displayName:
+ if ':' in displayName:
+ displayName = \
+ addEmojiToDisplayName(baseDir, httpPrefix,
+ nickname, domain,
+ displayName, False)
+ # benchmark 7
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName + ' 7 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ if '/users/news/' not in avatarUrl:
+ avatarLink = ' '
+ avatarLink += \
+ ' \n'
+ if showAvatarOptions and \
+ fullDomain + '/users/' + nickname not in postActor:
+ if '/users/news/' not in avatarUrl:
+ avatarLink = \
+ ' \n'
+ avatarLink += \
+ ' \n'
+ else:
+ # don't link to the person options for the news account
+ avatarLink += \
+ ' \n'
+ avatarImageInPost = \
+ '
' + avatarLink.strip() + '
+ # don't create new html within the bookmarks timeline
+ # it should already have been created for the inbox
+ if boxName == 'tlbookmarks' or boxName == 'bookmarks':
+ return ''
+ timelinePostBookmark = removeIdEnding(postJsonObject['id'])
+ timelinePostBookmark = timelinePostBookmark.replace('://', '-')
+ timelinePostBookmark = timelinePostBookmark.replace('/', '-')
+ # If this is the inbox timeline then don't show the repeat icon on any DMs
+ showRepeatIcon = showRepeats
+ isPublicRepeat = False
+ showDMicon = False
+ if showRepeats:
+ if isDM(postJsonObject):
+ showDMicon = True
+ showRepeatIcon = False
+ else:
+ if not isPublicPost(postJsonObject):
+ isPublicRepeat = True
+ titleStr = ''
+ galleryStr = ''
+ isAnnounced = False
+ if postJsonObject['type'] == 'Announce':
+ postJsonAnnounce = \
+ downloadAnnounce(session, baseDir, httpPrefix,
+ nickname, domain, postJsonObject,
+ projectVersion, translate,
+ YTReplacementDomain)
+ if not postJsonAnnounce:
+ return ''
+ postJsonObject = postJsonAnnounce
+ isAnnounced = True
+ # benchmark 8
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName + ' 8 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ if not isinstance(postJsonObject['object'], dict):
+ return ''
+ # if this post should be public then check its recipients
+ if showPublicOnly:
+ if not postContainsPublic(postJsonObject):
+ return ''
+ isModerationPost = False
+ if postJsonObject['object'].get('moderationStatus'):
+ isModerationPost = True
+ containerClass = 'container'
+ containerClassIcons = 'containericons'
+ timeClass = 'time-right'
+ actorNickname = getNicknameFromActor(postActor)
+ if not actorNickname:
+ # single user instance
+ actorNickname = 'dev'
+ actorDomain, actorPort = getDomainFromActor(postActor)
+ displayName = getDisplayName(baseDir, postActor, personCache)
+ if displayName:
+ if ':' in displayName:
+ displayName = \
+ addEmojiToDisplayName(baseDir, httpPrefix,
+ nickname, domain,
+ displayName, False)
+ titleStr += \
+ ' ' + displayName + ' \n'
+ else:
+ if not messageId:
+ # pprint(postJsonObject)
+ print('ERROR: no messageId')
+ if not actorNickname:
+ # pprint(postJsonObject)
+ print('ERROR: no actorNickname')
+ if not actorDomain:
+ # pprint(postJsonObject)
+ print('ERROR: no actorDomain')
+ titleStr += \
+ ' @' + actorNickname + '@' + actorDomain + ' \n'
+ # benchmark 9
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName + ' 9 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ # Show a DM icon for DMs in the inbox timeline
+ if showDMicon:
+ titleStr = \
+ titleStr + ' \n'
+ replyStr = ''
+ # check if replying is permitted
+ commentsEnabled = True
+ if 'commentsEnabled' in postJsonObject['object']:
+ if postJsonObject['object']['commentsEnabled'] is False:
+ commentsEnabled = False
+ if showIcons and commentsEnabled:
+ # reply is permitted - create reply icon
+ replyToLink = postJsonObject['object']['id']
+ if postJsonObject['object'].get('attributedTo'):
+ if isinstance(postJsonObject['object']['attributedTo'], str):
+ replyToLink += \
+ '?mention=' + postJsonObject['object']['attributedTo']
+ if postJsonObject['object'].get('content'):
+ mentionedActors = \
+ getMentionsFromHtml(postJsonObject['object']['content'])
+ if mentionedActors:
+ for actorUrl in mentionedActors:
+ if '?mention=' + actorUrl not in replyToLink:
+ replyToLink += '?mention=' + actorUrl
+ if len(replyToLink) > 500:
+ break
+ replyToLink += pageNumberParam
+ replyStr = ''
+ if isPublicRepeat:
+ replyStr += \
+ ' \n'
+ else:
+ if isDM(postJsonObject):
+ replyStr += \
+ ' ' + \
+ ' \n'
+ else:
+ replyStr += \
+ ' ' + \
+ ' \n'
+ replyStr += \
+ ' ' + \
+ ' \n'
+ # benchmark 10
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName + ' 10 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ isEvent = isEventPost(postJsonObject)
+ # benchmark 11
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName + ' 11 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ editStr = ''
+ if (postJsonObject['actor'].endswith(fullDomain + '/users/' + nickname) or
+ (isEditor(baseDir, nickname) and
+ postJsonObject['actor'].endswith(fullDomain + '/users/news'))):
+ if '/statuses/' in postJsonObject['object']['id']:
+ if isBlogPost(postJsonObject):
+ blogPostId = postJsonObject['object']['id']
+ if not isNewsPost(postJsonObject):
+ editStr += \
+ ' ' + \
+ '' + \
+ ' \n'
+ else:
+ editStr += \
+ ' ' + \
+ '' + \
+ ' \n'
+ elif isEvent:
+ eventPostId = postJsonObject['object']['id']
+ editStr += \
+ ' ' + \
+ '' + \
+ ' \n'
+ announceStr = ''
+ if not isModerationPost and showRepeatIcon:
+ # don't allow announce/repeat of your own posts
+ announceIcon = 'repeat_inactive.png'
+ announceLink = 'repeat'
+ if not isPublicRepeat:
+ announceLink = 'repeatprivate'
+ announceTitle = translate['Repeat this post']
+ if announcedByPerson(postJsonObject, nickname, fullDomain):
+ announceIcon = 'repeat.png'
+ if not isPublicRepeat:
+ announceLink = 'unrepeatprivate'
+ announceTitle = translate['Undo the repeat']
+ announceStr = \
+ ' \n'
+ announceStr += \
+ ' ' + \
+ ' \n'
+ # benchmark 12
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName + ' 12 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ # whether to show a like button
+ hideLikeButtonFile = \
+ baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain + '/.hideLikeButton'
+ showLikeButton = True
+ if os.path.isfile(hideLikeButtonFile):
+ showLikeButton = False
+ likeStr = ''
+ if not isModerationPost and showLikeButton:
+ likeIcon = 'like_inactive.png'
+ likeLink = 'like'
+ likeTitle = translate['Like this post']
+ likeCount = noOfLikes(postJsonObject)
+ # benchmark 12.1
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName + ' 12.1 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ likeCountStr = ''
+ if likeCount > 0:
+ if likeCount <= 10:
+ likeCountStr = ' (' + str(likeCount) + ')'
+ else:
+ likeCountStr = ' (10+)'
+ if likedByPerson(postJsonObject, nickname, fullDomain):
+ if likeCount == 1:
+ # liked by the reader only
+ likeCountStr = ''
+ likeIcon = 'like.png'
+ likeLink = 'unlike'
+ likeTitle = translate['Undo the like']
+ # benchmark 12.2
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName + ' 12.2 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ likeStr = ''
+ if likeCountStr:
+ # show the number of likes next to icon
+ likeStr += ''
+ likeStr += likeCountStr.replace('(', '').replace(')', '').strip()
+ likeStr += ' \n'
+ likeStr += \
+ ' \n'
+ likeStr += \
+ ' ' + \
+ ' \n'
+ # benchmark 12.5
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName + ' 12.5 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ bookmarkStr = ''
+ if not isModerationPost:
+ bookmarkIcon = 'bookmark_inactive.png'
+ bookmarkLink = 'bookmark'
+ bookmarkTitle = translate['Bookmark this post']
+ if bookmarkedByPerson(postJsonObject, nickname, fullDomain):
+ bookmarkIcon = 'bookmark.png'
+ bookmarkLink = 'unbookmark'
+ bookmarkTitle = translate['Undo the bookmark']
+ # benchmark 12.6
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName + ' 12.6 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ bookmarkStr = \
+ ' \n'
+ bookmarkStr += \
+ ' ' + \
+ ' \n'
+ # benchmark 12.9
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName + ' 12.9 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ isMuted = postIsMuted(baseDir, nickname, domain, postJsonObject, messageId)
+ # benchmark 13
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName + ' 13 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ deleteStr = ''
+ muteStr = ''
+ if (allowDeletion or
+ ('/' + fullDomain + '/' in postActor and
+ messageId.startswith(postActor))):
+ if '/users/' + nickname + '/' in messageId:
+ if not isNewsPost(postJsonObject):
+ deleteStr = \
+ ' \n'
+ deleteStr += \
+ ' ' + \
+ ' \n'
+ else:
+ if not isMuted:
+ muteStr = \
+ ' \n'
+ muteStr += \
+ ' ' + \
+ ' \n'
+ else:
+ muteStr = \
+ ' \n'
+ muteStr += \
+ ' ' + \
+ ' \n'
+ # benchmark 13.1
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName + ' 13.1 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ replyAvatarImageInPost = ''
+ if showRepeatIcon:
+ if isAnnounced:
+ if postJsonObject['object'].get('attributedTo'):
+ attributedTo = ''
+ if isinstance(postJsonObject['object']['attributedTo'], str):
+ attributedTo = postJsonObject['object']['attributedTo']
+ if attributedTo.startswith(postActor):
+ titleStr += \
+ ' \n'
+ else:
+ # benchmark 13.2
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName +
+ ' 13.2 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ announceNickname = None
+ if attributedTo:
+ announceNickname = getNicknameFromActor(attributedTo)
+ if announceNickname:
+ announceDomain, announcePort = \
+ getDomainFromActor(attributedTo)
+ getPersonFromCache(baseDir, attributedTo,
+ personCache, allowDownloads)
+ announceDisplayName = \
+ getDisplayName(baseDir, attributedTo, personCache)
+ if announceDisplayName:
+ # benchmark 13.3
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = \
+ int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName +
+ ' 13.3 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ if ':' in announceDisplayName:
+ announceDisplayName = \
+ addEmojiToDisplayName(baseDir, httpPrefix,
+ nickname, domain,
+ announceDisplayName,
+ False)
+ # benchmark 13.3.1
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = \
+ int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName +
+ ' 13.3.1 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ titleStr += \
+ ' ' + \
+ ' \n' + \
+ ' ' + \
+ announceDisplayName + ' \n'
+ # show avatar of person replied to
+ announceActor = \
+ postJsonObject['object']['attributedTo']
+ announceAvatarUrl = \
+ getPersonAvatarUrl(baseDir, announceActor,
+ personCache, allowDownloads)
+ # benchmark 13.4
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = \
+ int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName +
+ ' 13.4 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ if announceAvatarUrl:
+ idx = 'Show options for this person'
+ if '/users/news/' not in announceAvatarUrl:
+ replyAvatarImageInPost = \
+ ' ' \
+ '\n'
+ else:
+ titleStr += \
+ ' \n' + \
+ ' @' + \
+ announceNickname + '@' + \
+ announceDomain + ' \n'
+ else:
+ titleStr += \
+ ' \n' + \
+ ' @unattributed \n'
+ else:
+ titleStr += \
+ ' ' + \
+ ' \n' + \
+ ' @unattributed \n'
+ else:
+ if postJsonObject['object'].get('inReplyTo'):
+ containerClassIcons = 'containericons darker'
+ containerClass = 'container darker'
+ if postJsonObject['object']['inReplyTo'].startswith(postActor):
+ titleStr += \
+ ' \n'
+ else:
+ if '/statuses/' in postJsonObject['object']['inReplyTo']:
+ inReplyTo = postJsonObject['object']['inReplyTo']
+ replyActor = inReplyTo.split('/statuses/')[0]
+ replyNickname = getNicknameFromActor(replyActor)
+ if replyNickname:
+ replyDomain, replyPort = \
+ getDomainFromActor(replyActor)
+ if replyNickname and replyDomain:
+ getPersonFromCache(baseDir, replyActor,
+ personCache,
+ allowDownloads)
+ replyDisplayName = \
+ getDisplayName(baseDir, replyActor,
+ personCache)
+ if replyDisplayName:
+ if ':' in replyDisplayName:
+ # benchmark 13.5
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = \
+ int((time.time() -
+ postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' +
+ boxName + ' 13.5 = ' +
+ str(timeDiff))
+ repDisp = replyDisplayName
+ replyDisplayName = \
+ addEmojiToDisplayName(baseDir,
+ httpPrefix,
+ nickname,
+ domain,
+ repDisp,
+ False)
+ # benchmark 13.6
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = \
+ int((time.time() -
+ postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' +
+ boxName + ' 13.6 = ' +
+ str(timeDiff))
+ titleStr += \
+ ' ' + \
+ ' \n' + \
+ ' ' + \
+ '' + replyDisplayName + ' \n'
+ # benchmark 13.7
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = int((time.time() -
+ postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName +
+ ' 13.7 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ # show avatar of person replied to
+ replyAvatarUrl = \
+ getPersonAvatarUrl(baseDir,
+ replyActor,
+ personCache,
+ allowDownloads)
+ # benchmark 13.8
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = int((time.time() -
+ postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName +
+ ' 13.8 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ if replyAvatarUrl:
+ replyAvatarImageInPost = \
+ ' \n'
+ else:
+ inReplyTo = \
+ postJsonObject['object']['inReplyTo']
+ titleStr += \
+ ' ' + \
+ ' \n' + \
+ ' @' + \
+ replyNickname + '@' + \
+ replyDomain + ' \n'
+ else:
+ titleStr += \
+ ' \n' + \
+ ' @unknown \n'
+ else:
+ postDomain = \
+ postJsonObject['object']['inReplyTo']
+ prefixes = getProtocolPrefixes()
+ for prefix in prefixes:
+ postDomain = postDomain.replace(prefix, '')
+ if '/' in postDomain:
+ postDomain = postDomain.split('/', 1)[0]
+ if postDomain:
+ titleStr += \
+ ' \n' + \
+ ' ' + postDomain + ' \n'
+ # benchmark 14
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName + ' 14 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ attachmentStr, galleryStr = \
+ getPostAttachmentsAsHtml(postJsonObject, boxName, translate,
+ isMuted, avatarLink.strip(),
+ replyStr, announceStr, likeStr,
+ bookmarkStr, deleteStr, muteStr)
+ publishedStr = ''
+ if postJsonObject['object'].get('published'):
+ publishedStr = postJsonObject['object']['published']
+ if '.' not in publishedStr:
+ if '+' not in publishedStr:
+ datetimeObject = \
+ datetime.strptime(publishedStr, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
+ else:
+ datetimeObject = \
+ datetime.strptime(publishedStr.split('+')[0] + 'Z',
+ "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
+ else:
+ publishedStr = \
+ publishedStr.replace('T', ' ').split('.')[0]
+ datetimeObject = parse(publishedStr)
+ if not showPublishedDateOnly:
+ publishedStr = datetimeObject.strftime("%a %b %d, %H:%M")
+ else:
+ publishedStr = datetimeObject.strftime("%a %b %d")
+ # benchmark 15
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName + ' 15 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ publishedLink = messageId
+ # blog posts should have no /statuses/ in their link
+ if isBlogPost(postJsonObject):
+ # is this a post to the local domain?
+ if '://' + domain in messageId:
+ publishedLink = messageId.replace('/statuses/', '/')
+ # if this is a local link then make it relative so that it works
+ # on clearnet or onion address
+ if domain + '/users/' in publishedLink or \
+ domain + ':' + str(port) + '/users/' in publishedLink:
+ publishedLink = '/users/' + publishedLink.split('/users/')[1]
+ if not isNewsPost(postJsonObject):
+ footerStr = '' + publishedStr + ' \n'
+ else:
+ footerStr = '' + publishedStr + ' \n'
+ # change the background color for DMs in inbox timeline
+ if showDMicon:
+ containerClassIcons = 'containericons dm'
+ containerClass = 'container dm'
+ if showIcons:
+ footerStr = '\n \n'
+ footerStr += replyStr + announceStr + likeStr + bookmarkStr + \
+ deleteStr + muteStr + editStr
+ if not isNewsPost(postJsonObject):
+ footerStr += '
' + publishedStr + ' \n'
+ else:
+ footerStr += '
' + publishedStr + ' \n'
+ footerStr += '
+ postIsSensitive = False
+ if postJsonObject['object'].get('sensitive'):
+ # sensitive posts should have a summary
+ if postJsonObject['object'].get('summary'):
+ postIsSensitive = postJsonObject['object']['sensitive']
+ else:
+ # add a generic summary if none is provided
+ postJsonObject['object']['summary'] = translate['Sensitive']
+ # add an extra line if there is a content warning,
+ # for better vertical spacing on mobile
+ if postIsSensitive:
+ footerStr = ' ' + footerStr
+ if not postJsonObject['object'].get('summary'):
+ postJsonObject['object']['summary'] = ''
+ if postJsonObject['object'].get('cipherText'):
+ postJsonObject['object']['content'] = \
+ E2EEdecryptMessageFromDevice(postJsonObject['object'])
+ if not postJsonObject['object'].get('content'):
+ return ''
+ isPatch = isGitPatch(baseDir, nickname, domain,
+ postJsonObject['object']['type'],
+ postJsonObject['object']['summary'],
+ postJsonObject['object']['content'])
+ # benchmark 16
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName + ' 16 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ if not isPatch:
+ objectContent = \
+ removeLongWords(postJsonObject['object']['content'], 40, [])
+ objectContent = removeTextFormatting(objectContent)
+ objectContent = \
+ switchWords(baseDir, nickname, domain, objectContent)
+ objectContent = htmlReplaceEmailQuote(objectContent)
+ objectContent = htmlReplaceQuoteMarks(objectContent)
+ else:
+ objectContent = \
+ postJsonObject['object']['content']
+ if not postIsSensitive:
+ contentStr = objectContent + attachmentStr
+ contentStr = addEmbeddedElements(translate, contentStr)
+ contentStr = insertQuestion(baseDir, translate,
+ nickname, domain, port,
+ contentStr, postJsonObject,
+ pageNumber)
+ else:
+ postID = 'post' + str(createPassword(8))
+ contentStr = ''
+ if postJsonObject['object'].get('summary'):
+ contentStr += \
+ '' + str(postJsonObject['object']['summary']) + ' \n '
+ if isModerationPost:
+ containerClass = 'container report'
+ # get the content warning text
+ cwContentStr = objectContent + attachmentStr
+ if not isPatch:
+ cwContentStr = addEmbeddedElements(translate, cwContentStr)
+ cwContentStr = \
+ insertQuestion(baseDir, translate, nickname, domain, port,
+ cwContentStr, postJsonObject, pageNumber)
+ if not isBlogPost(postJsonObject):
+ # get the content warning button
+ contentStr += \
+ getContentWarningButton(postID, translate, cwContentStr)
+ else:
+ contentStr += cwContentStr
+ # benchmark 17
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName + ' 17 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ if postJsonObject['object'].get('tag') and not isPatch:
+ contentStr = \
+ replaceEmojiFromTags(contentStr,
+ postJsonObject['object']['tag'],
+ 'content')
+ if isMuted:
+ contentStr = ''
+ else:
+ if not isPatch:
+ contentStr = ' ' + \
+ contentStr + \
+ '
+ else:
+ contentStr = \
+ '\n'
+ # show blog citations
+ citationsStr = ''
+ if boxName == 'tlblog':
+ if postJsonObject['object'].get('tag'):
+ for tagJson in postJsonObject['object']['tag']:
+ if not isinstance(tagJson, dict):
+ continue
+ if not tagJson.get('type'):
+ continue
+ if tagJson['type'] != 'Article':
+ continue
+ if not tagJson.get('name'):
+ continue
+ if not tagJson.get('url'):
+ continue
+ citationsStr += \
+ '' + \
+ '' + tagJson['name'] + ' \n'
+ if citationsStr:
+ citationsStr = '' + translate['Citations'] + \
+ ':
' + \
+ '\n'
+ postHtml = ''
+ if boxName != 'tlmedia':
+ postHtml = ' \n'
+ postHtml += avatarImageInPost
+ postHtml += '
\n' + \
+ ' ' + titleStr + \
+ replyAvatarImageInPost + '
+ postHtml += contentStr + citationsStr + footerStr + '\n'
+ postHtml += '
+ else:
+ postHtml = galleryStr
+ # benchmark 18
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName + ' 18 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ if not showPublicOnly and storeToCache and \
+ boxName != 'tlmedia' and boxName != 'tlbookmarks' and \
+ boxName != 'bookmarks':
+ saveIndividualPostAsHtmlToCache(baseDir, nickname, domain,
+ postJsonObject, postHtml)
+ updateRecentPostsCache(recentPostsCache, maxRecentPosts,
+ postJsonObject, postHtml)
+ # benchmark 19
+ if not allowDownloads:
+ timeDiff = int((time.time() - postStartTime) * 1000)
+ if timeDiff > 100:
+ print('TIMING INDIV ' + boxName + ' 19 = ' + str(timeDiff))
+ return postHtml