forked from indymedia/epicyon
Autogenerated hashtags entry on edit screen
@ -3351,6 +3351,18 @@ class PubServer(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
if os.path.isfile(switchFilename):
# autogenerated tags
autoTagsFilename = \
baseDir + '/accounts/' + \
nickname + '@' + domain + \
if fields.get('autoTags'):
with open(autoTagsFilename, 'w+') as autoTagsFile:
if os.path.isfile(autoTagsFilename):
# save blocked accounts list
blockedFilename = \
baseDir + '/accounts/' + \
@ -283,5 +283,6 @@
"Moderation policy or code of conduct": "سياسة الوسطية أو قواعد السلوك",
"Edit event": "تحرير الحدث",
"Notify when posts are liked": "يخطر عندما يتم اعجاب المشاركات",
"Don't show the Like button": "لا تظهر زر أعجبني"
"Don't show the Like button": "لا تظهر زر أعجبني",
"Autogenerated Hashtags": "علامات التجزئة المُنشأة تلقائيًا"
@ -283,5 +283,6 @@
"Moderation policy or code of conduct": "Política de moderació o codi de conducta",
"Edit event": "Edita l’esdeveniment",
"Notify when posts are liked": "Notifiqueu-ho quan us agradin les publicacions",
"Don't show the Like button": "No mostreu el botó M'agrada"
"Don't show the Like button": "No mostreu el botó M'agrada",
"Autogenerated Hashtags": "Hashtags autogenerats"
@ -283,5 +283,6 @@
"Moderation policy or code of conduct": "Polisi cymedroli neu god ymddygiad",
"Edit event": "Golygu digwyddiad",
"Notify when posts are liked": "Hysbysu pryd mae swyddi'n cael eu hoffi",
"Don't show the Like button": "Peidiwch â dangos y botwm Hoffi"
"Don't show the Like button": "Peidiwch â dangos y botwm Hoffi",
"Autogenerated Hashtags": "Hashtags awtogeneiddiedig"
@ -283,5 +283,6 @@
"Moderation policy or code of conduct": "Moderationsrichtlinie oder Verhaltenskodex",
"Edit event": "Ereignis bearbeiten",
"Notify when posts are liked": "Benachrichtigen, wenn Beiträge gefallen",
"Don't show the Like button": "Zeigen Sie nicht die Schaltfläche \"Gefällt mir\" an"
"Don't show the Like button": "Zeigen Sie nicht die Schaltfläche \"Gefällt mir\" an",
"Autogenerated Hashtags": "Automatisch generierte Hashtags"
@ -283,5 +283,6 @@
"Moderation policy or code of conduct": "Moderation policy or code of conduct",
"Edit event": "Edit event",
"Notify when posts are liked": "Notify when posts are liked",
"Don't show the Like button": "Don't show the Like button"
"Don't show the Like button": "Don't show the Like button",
"Autogenerated Hashtags": "Autogenerated Hashtags"
@ -283,5 +283,6 @@
"Moderation policy or code of conduct": "Política de moderación o código de conducta",
"Edit event": "Editar evento",
"Notify when posts are liked": "Notificar cuando les gusten las publicaciones",
"Don't show the Like button": "No mostrar el botón Me gusta"
"Don't show the Like button": "No mostrar el botón Me gusta",
"Autogenerated Hashtags": "Hashtags autogenerados"
@ -283,5 +283,6 @@
"Moderation policy or code of conduct": "Politique de modération ou code de conduite",
"Edit event": "Modifier l'événement",
"Notify when posts are liked": "Notifier lorsque les messages sont aimés",
"Don't show the Like button": "Ne pas afficher le bouton J'aime"
"Don't show the Like button": "Ne pas afficher le bouton J'aime",
"Autogenerated Hashtags": "Hashtags générés automatiquement"
@ -283,5 +283,6 @@
"Moderation policy or code of conduct": "Beartas modhnóireachta nó cód iompair",
"Edit event": "Cuir imeacht in eagar",
"Notify when posts are liked": "Cuir in iúl cathain is maith poist",
"Don't show the Like button": "Ná taispeáin an cnaipe Cosúil"
"Don't show the Like button": "Ná taispeáin an cnaipe Cosúil",
"Autogenerated Hashtags": "Hashtags uathghinte"
@ -283,5 +283,6 @@
"Moderation policy or code of conduct": "मॉडरेशन पॉलिसी या आचार संहिता",
"Edit event": "घटना संपादित करें",
"Notify when posts are liked": "पोस्ट पसंद आने पर सूचित करें",
"Don't show the Like button": "लाइक बटन न दिखाएं"
"Don't show the Like button": "लाइक बटन न दिखाएं",
"Autogenerated Hashtags": "ऑटोजेनरेटेड हैशटैग"
@ -283,5 +283,6 @@
"Moderation policy or code of conduct": "Politica di moderazione o codice di condotta",
"Edit event": "Modifica evento",
"Notify when posts are liked": "Avvisa quando i post sono piaciuti",
"Don't show the Like button": "Non mostrare il pulsante Mi piace"
"Don't show the Like button": "Non mostrare il pulsante Mi piace",
"Autogenerated Hashtags": "Hashtag generati automaticamente"
@ -283,5 +283,6 @@
"Moderation policy or code of conduct": "モデレートポリシーまたは行動規範",
"Edit event": "イベントを編集",
"Notify when posts are liked": "投稿が高く評価されたときに通知する",
"Don't show the Like button": "「いいね!」ボタンを表示しない"
"Don't show the Like button": "「いいね!」ボタンを表示しない",
"Autogenerated Hashtags": "自動生成されたハッシュタグ"
@ -279,5 +279,6 @@
"Moderation policy or code of conduct": "Moderation policy or code of conduct",
"Edit event": "Edit event",
"Notify when posts are liked": "Notify when posts are liked",
"Don't show the Like button": "Don't show the Like button"
"Don't show the Like button": "Don't show the Like button",
"Autogenerated Hashtags": "Autogenerated Hashtags"
@ -283,5 +283,6 @@
"Moderation policy or code of conduct": "Política de moderação ou código de conduta",
"Edit event": "Editar evento",
"Notify when posts are liked": "Notificar quando as postagens forem curtidas",
"Don't show the Like button": "Não mostrar o botão Curtir"
"Don't show the Like button": "Não mostrar o botão Curtir",
"Autogenerated Hashtags": "Hashtags autogeradas"
@ -283,5 +283,6 @@
"Moderation policy or code of conduct": "Политика модерации или кодекс поведения",
"Edit event": "Изменить мероприятие",
"Notify when posts are liked": "Уведомлять, когда публикации нравятся",
"Don't show the Like button": "Не показывать кнопку \"Нравится\""
"Don't show the Like button": "Не показывать кнопку \"Нравится\"",
"Autogenerated Hashtags": "Автоматически сгенерированные хештеги"
@ -283,5 +283,6 @@
"Moderation policy or code of conduct": "审核政策或行为准则",
"Edit event": "编辑活动",
"Notify when posts are liked": "通知喜欢的帖子",
"Don't show the Like button": "不显示“赞”按钮"
"Don't show the Like button": "不显示“赞”按钮",
"Autogenerated Hashtags": "自动生成的标签"
@ -1167,6 +1167,14 @@ def htmlEditProfile(translate: {}, baseDir: str, path: str,
with open(switchFilename, 'r') as switchfile:
switchStr =
autoTags = ''
autoTagsFilename = \
baseDir + '/accounts/' + \
nickname + '@' + domain + '/autotags.txt'
if os.path.isfile(autoTagsFilename):
with open(autoTagsFilename, 'r') as autoTagsFile:
autoTags =
blockedStr = ''
blockedFilename = \
baseDir + '/accounts/' + \
@ -1507,6 +1515,14 @@ def htmlEditProfile(translate: {}, baseDir: str, path: str,
' <textarea id="message" name="switchWords" ' + \
'style="height:200px">' + switchStr + '</textarea>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <br><b><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Autogenerated Hashtags'] + '</label></b>\n'
editProfileForm += ' <br><label class="labels">A -> #B</label>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <textarea id="message" name="autoTags" ' + \
'style="height:200px">' + autoTags + '</textarea>\n'
editProfileForm += \
' <br><b><label class="labels">' + \
translate['Blocked accounts'] + '</label></b>\n'
Reference in New Issue