diff --git a/content.py b/content.py
index 938837ab..6fae4567 100644
--- a/content.py
+++ b/content.py
@@ -14,31 +14,6 @@ from utils import fileLastModified
 from utils import getLinkPrefixes
-def getMentionsString(content: str) -> []:
-    """Returns the initial string containing mentions from the post content
-    and the content string without the initial mentions
-    """
-    if ' ' not in content:
-        # Doesn't contain any distinct words
-        return ['', content]
-    if '@' not in content:
-        # Nothing which could be a mention
-        return ['', content]
-    messageStr = content.strip()
-    if not messageStr.startswith('@'):
-        # There are no mentions
-        return ['', content]
-    words = messageStr.split(' ')
-    # get each mentioned handle
-    mentions = ''
-    for handle in words:
-        if not handle.startswith('@'):
-            break
-        mentions += handle + ' '
-    messageStr = content.replace(mentions, '')
-    return [mentions.strip(), messageStr]
 def switchWords(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, content: str) -> str:
     """Performs word replacements. eg. Trump -> The Orange Menace
diff --git a/tests.py b/tests.py
index 9fbb7374..9cd7d21d 100644
--- a/tests.py
+++ b/tests.py
@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ from media import getAttachmentMediaType
 from delete import sendDeleteViaServer
 from inbox import validInbox
 from inbox import validInboxFilenames
-from content import getMentionsString
 from content import addWebLinks
 from content import replaceEmojiFromTags
 from content import addHtmlTags
@@ -1866,24 +1865,8 @@ def testSiteIsActive():
     assert(not siteIsActive('https://notarealwebsite.a.b.c'))
-def testGetMentionsString():
-    print('testGetMentionsString')
-    content = 'This post has no mentions'
-    result = getMentionsString(content)
-    assert len(result) == 2
-    assert not result[0]
-    assert result[1] == 'This post has no mentions'
-    content = '@nick@abc @sue@def This post has no mentions'
-    result = getMentionsString(content)
-    assert len(result) == 2
-    assert result[0] == '@nick@abc @sue@def'
-    assert result[1] == 'This post has no mentions'
 def runAllTests():
     print('Running tests...')
-    testGetMentionsString()