forked from indymedia/epicyon
Translations for rss button
@ -292,5 +292,6 @@
"Edit Links": "تحرير الارتباطات",
"One link per line. Description followed by the link.": "رابط واحد في كل سطر. الوصف متبوع بالرابط.",
"Left column image": "صورة العمود الأيسر",
"Right column image": "صورة العمود الأيمن"
"Right column image": "صورة العمود الأيمن",
"RSS feed for this site": "تغذية RSS لهذا الموقع"
@ -292,5 +292,6 @@
"Edit Links": "Edita els enllaços",
"One link per line. Description followed by the link.": "Un enllaç per línia. Descripció seguida de l'enllaç.",
"Left column image": "Imatge de la columna esquerra",
"Right column image": "Imatge de la columna dreta"
"Right column image": "Imatge de la columna dreta",
"RSS feed for this site": "Feed RSS per a aquest lloc"
@ -292,5 +292,6 @@
"Edit Links": "Golygu Dolenni",
"One link per line. Description followed by the link.": "Un dolen y llinell. Disgrifiad wedi'i ddilyn gan y ddolen.",
"Left column image": "Delwedd colofn chwith",
"Right column image": "Delwedd colofn dde"
"Right column image": "Delwedd colofn dde",
"RSS feed for this site": "Porthiant RSS ar gyfer y wefan hon"
@ -292,5 +292,6 @@
"Edit Links": "Links bearbeiten",
"One link per line. Description followed by the link.": "Ein Link pro Zeile. Beschreibung gefolgt vom Link.",
"Left column image": "Bild in der linken Spalte",
"Right column image": "Bild in der rechten Spalte"
"Right column image": "Bild in der rechten Spalte",
"RSS feed for this site": "RSS-Feed für diese Site"
@ -292,5 +292,6 @@
"Edit Links": "Edit Links",
"One link per line. Description followed by the link.": "One link per line. Description followed by the link. Titles should begin with #",
"Left column image": "Left column image",
"Right column image": "Right column image"
"Right column image": "Right column image",
"RSS feed for this site": "RSS feed for this site"
@ -292,5 +292,6 @@
"Edit Links": "Editar enlaces",
"One link per line. Description followed by the link.": "Un enlace por línea. Descripción seguida del enlace.",
"Left column image": "Imagen de la columna izquierda",
"Right column image": "Imagen de la columna derecha"
"Right column image": "Imagen de la columna derecha",
"RSS feed for this site": "Fuente RSS para este sitio"
@ -292,5 +292,6 @@
"Edit Links": "Modifier les liens",
"One link per line. Description followed by the link.": "Un lien par ligne. Description suivie du lien.",
"Left column image": "Image de la colonne de gauche",
"Right column image": "Image de la colonne de droite"
"Right column image": "Image de la colonne de droite",
"RSS feed for this site": "Flux RSS de ce site"
@ -292,5 +292,6 @@
"Edit Links": "Cuir Naisc in eagar",
"One link per line. Description followed by the link.": "Nasc amháin in aghaidh an líne. Cur síos agus an nasc ina dhiaidh sin.",
"Left column image": "Íomhá colún ar chlé",
"Right column image": "Íomhá colún ar dheis"
"Right column image": "Íomhá colún ar dheis",
"RSS feed for this site": "Fotha RSS don láithreán seo"
@ -292,5 +292,6 @@
"Edit Links": "लिंक संपादित करें",
"One link per line. Description followed by the link.": "प्रति पंक्ति एक लिंक। लिंक के बाद विवरण।",
"Left column image": "बाएं स्तंभ की छवि",
"Right column image": "राइट कॉलम छवि"
"Right column image": "राइट कॉलम छवि",
"RSS feed for this site": "इस साइट के लिए आरएसएस फ़ीड"
@ -292,5 +292,6 @@
"Edit Links": "Modifica collegamenti",
"One link per line. Description followed by the link.": "Un collegamento per riga. Descrizione seguita dal collegamento.",
"Left column image": "Immagine della colonna di sinistra",
"Right column image": "Immagine della colonna di destra"
"Right column image": "Immagine della colonna di destra",
"RSS feed for this site": "Feed RSS per questo sito"
@ -292,5 +292,6 @@
"Edit Links": "リンクの編集",
"One link per line. Description followed by the link.": "1行に1つのリンク。 説明の後にリンクが続きます。",
"Left column image": "左の列の画像",
"Right column image": "右の列の画像"
"Right column image": "右の列の画像",
"RSS feed for this site": "このサイトのRSSフィード"
@ -288,5 +288,6 @@
"Edit Links": "Edit Links",
"One link per line. Description followed by the link.": "One link per line. Description followed by the link. Titles should begin with #",
"Left column image": "Left column image",
"Right column image": "Right column image"
"Right column image": "Right column image",
"RSS feed for this site": "RSS feed for this site"
@ -292,5 +292,6 @@
"Edit Links": "Editar Links",
"One link per line. Description followed by the link.": "Um link por linha. Descrição seguida pelo link.",
"Left column image": "Imagem da coluna esquerda",
"Right column image": "Imagem da coluna direita"
"Right column image": "Imagem da coluna direita",
"RSS feed for this site": "Feed RSS para este site"
@ -292,5 +292,6 @@
"Edit Links": "Редактировать ссылки",
"One link per line. Description followed by the link.": "По одной ссылке в строке. Описание с последующей ссылкой.",
"Left column image": "Изображение в левом столбце",
"Right column image": "Изображение в правом столбце"
"Right column image": "Изображение в правом столбце",
"RSS feed for this site": "RSS-канал для этого сайта"
@ -292,5 +292,6 @@
"Edit Links": "编辑连结",
"One link per line. Description followed by the link.": "每行一个链接。 描述,然后是链接。",
"Left column image": "左栏图片",
"Right column image": "右栏图片"
"Right column image": "右栏图片",
"RSS feed for this site": "该站点的RSS feed"
@ -5213,8 +5213,10 @@ def getLeftColumnContent(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domainFull: str,
httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + \
'/blog/' + nickname + '/rss.xml">' + \
'<img class="' + editImageClass + \
'" loading="lazy" alt="RSS" title="RSS" src="/' + \
iconsDir + '/rss.png" /></a>\n'
'" loading="lazy" alt="' + \
translate['RSS feed for this site'] + \
'" title="' + translate['RSS feed for this site'] + \
'" src="/' + iconsDir + '/rss.png" /></a>\n'
if editImageClass == 'leftColEdit':
htmlStr += ' </center>\n'
Reference in New Issue