Checkbox for receiving calendar events

Bob Mottram 2020-07-03 20:11:05 +01:00
parent ebd681d11a
commit 0b47d6fd3d
16 changed files with 47 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -248,5 +248,6 @@
"Bad Request": "اقتراح غير جيد",
"Better luck next time": "حظ أوفر في المرة القادمة",
"Unavailable": "غير متوفره",
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "الخادم مشغول. الرجاء معاودة المحاولة في وقت لاحق"
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "الخادم مشغول. الرجاء معاودة المحاولة في وقت لاحق",
"Receive calendar events from this account": "تلقي أحداث التقويم من هذا الحساب"

View File

@ -248,5 +248,6 @@
"Bad Request": "Sol·licitud incorrecta",
"Better luck next time": "Que tingueu més sort la propera vegada",
"Unavailable": "No disponible",
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "El servidor està ocupat. Siusplau, intenta-ho més tard"
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "El servidor està ocupat. Siusplau, intenta-ho més tard",
"Receive calendar events from this account": "Rep esdeveniments del calendari des daquest compte"

View File

@ -248,5 +248,6 @@
"Bad Request": "Cais drwg",
"Better luck next time": "Gwell lwc y tro nesaf",
"Unavailable": "Ddim ar gael",
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "Mae'r gweinydd yn brysur. Rho gynnig Arni eto'n hwyrach"
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "Mae'r gweinydd yn brysur. Rho gynnig Arni eto'n hwyrach",
"Receive calendar events from this account": "Derbyn digwyddiadau calendr o'r cyfrif hwn"

View File

@ -248,5 +248,6 @@
"Bad Request": "Ungültige Anforderung",
"Better luck next time": "Viel Glück beim nächsten Mal",
"Unavailable": "Nicht verfügbar",
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "Der Server ist beschäftigt. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal"
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "Der Server ist beschäftigt. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal",
"Receive calendar events from this account": "Erhalten Sie Kalenderereignisse von diesem Konto"

View File

@ -248,5 +248,6 @@
"Bad Request": "Bad Request",
"Better luck next time": "Better luck next time",
"Unavailable": "Unavailable",
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "The server is busy. Please try again later"
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "The server is busy. Please try again later",
"Receive calendar events from this account": "Receive calendar events from this account"

View File

@ -248,5 +248,6 @@
"Bad Request": "Solicitud incorrecta",
"Better luck next time": "Mejor suerte la próxima vez",
"Unavailable": "Indisponible",
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "El servidor esta ocupado. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde"
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "El servidor esta ocupado. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde",
"Receive calendar events from this account": "Recibe eventos de calendario de esta cuenta"

View File

@ -248,5 +248,6 @@
"Bad Request": "Mauvaise Demande",
"Better luck next time": "Plus de chance la prochaine fois",
"Unavailable": "Indisponible",
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "Le serveur est occupé. Veuillez réessayer plus tard"
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "Le serveur est occupé. Veuillez réessayer plus tard",
"Receive calendar events from this account": "Recevoir des événements d'agenda de ce compte"

View File

@ -248,5 +248,6 @@
"Bad Request": "Droch-Iarraidh",
"Better luck next time": "Ádh níos fearr an chéad uair eile",
"Unavailable": "Níl sé ar fáil",
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "Tá an freastalaí gnóthach. Bain triail eile as níos déanaí"
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "Tá an freastalaí gnóthach. Bain triail eile as níos déanaí",
"Receive calendar events from this account": "Faigh imeachtaí féilire ón gcuntas seo"

View File

@ -248,5 +248,6 @@
"Bad Request": "खराब अनुरोध",
"Better luck next time": "अगली बार किस्मत तुम्हारा साथ देगी",
"Unavailable": "अनुपलब्ध",
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "सर्वर व्यस्त है। बाद में पुन: प्रयास करें"
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "सर्वर व्यस्त है। बाद में पुन: प्रयास करें",
"Receive calendar events from this account": "इस खाते से कैलेंडर ईवेंट प्राप्त करें"

View File

@ -248,5 +248,6 @@
"Bad Request": "Brutta richiesta",
"Better luck next time": "La prossima volta sarai più fortunato",
"Unavailable": "non disponibile",
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "Il server è occupato. Per favore riprova più tardi"
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "Il server è occupato. Per favore riprova più tardi",
"Receive calendar events from this account": "Ricevi eventi di calendario da questo account"

View File

@ -248,5 +248,6 @@
"Bad Request": "要求の形式が正しくありません",
"Better luck next time": "次回は幸運を",
"Unavailable": "利用できません",
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "サーバーはビジーです。 後でもう一度やり直してください"
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "サーバーはビジーです。 後でもう一度やり直してください",
"Receive calendar events from this account": "このアカウントからカレンダーイベントを受信します"

View File

@ -244,5 +244,6 @@
"Bad Request": "Bad Request",
"Better luck next time": "Better luck next time",
"Unavailable": "Unavailable",
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "The server is busy. Please try again later"
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "The server is busy. Please try again later",
"Receive calendar events from this account": "Receive calendar events from this account"

View File

@ -248,5 +248,6 @@
"Bad Request": "Pedido ruim",
"Better luck next time": "Mais sorte da próxima vez",
"Unavailable": "Indisponível",
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "O servidor está ocupado. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde"
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "O servidor está ocupado. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde",
"Receive calendar events from this account": "Receba eventos da agenda desta conta"

View File

@ -248,5 +248,6 @@
"Bad Request": "Неверный запрос",
"Better luck next time": "Повезет в следующий раз",
"Unavailable": "Недоступен",
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "Сервер занят. Пожалуйста, попробуйте позже"
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "Сервер занят. Пожалуйста, попробуйте позже",
"Receive calendar events from this account": "Получать события календаря от этого аккаунта"

View File

@ -247,5 +247,6 @@
"Bad Request": "错误的请求",
"Better luck next time": "下次好运",
"Unavailable": "不可用",
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "服务器忙。 请稍后再试"
"The server is busy. Please try again later": "服务器忙。 请稍后再试",
"Receive calendar events from this account": "从该帐户接收日历事件"

View File

@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ from happening import getTodaysEvents
from git import isGitPatch
from theme import getThemesList
from petnames import getPetName
from calendar import receivingCalendarEvents
def getContentWarningButton(postID: str, translate: {},
@ -5450,6 +5451,22 @@ def htmlPersonOptions(translate: {}, baseDir: str,
optionsStr += \
' <button type="submit" class="button" name="submitReport">' + \
translate['Report'] + '</button>'
if isFollowingActor(baseDir, nickname, domain, optionsActor):
actorNickname = getNicknameFromActor(optionsActor)
actorDomain, actorPort = getDomainFromActor(optionsActor)
if receivingCalendarEvents(baseDir, nickname, domain,
actorNickname, actorDomain):
optionsStr += \
'<br><input type="checkbox" ' + \
'class="profilecheckbox" name="onCalendar" ' + \
'checked>' + \
translate['Receive calendar events from this account']
optionsStr += \
'<br><input type="checkbox" ' + \
'class="profilecheckbox" name="onCalendar">' + \
translate['Receive calendar events from this account']
optionsStr += ' </form>'
optionsStr += '</center>'
optionsStr += '</div>'