"These are globally blocked for all accounts on this instance":"对于该实例上的所有帐户,这些被全局禁止",
"Any blocks or suspensions made by moderators will be shown here.":"主持人的任何阻止或悬停都会在此处显示。",
"Welcome. Please enter your login details below.":"欢迎。 请在下面输入您的登录详细信息。",
"Welcome. Please login or register a new account.":"欢迎。 请登录或注册一个新帐户。",
"Please enter some credentials":"请输入一些凭证",
"You will become the admin of this site.":"您将成为该站点的管理员。",
"Terms of Service":"服务条款",
"About this Instance":"关于此实例",
"Enter Nickname":"输入昵称",
"Enter Password":"输入密码",
"Profile for":"的个人资料",
"The files attached below should be no larger than 10MB in total uploaded at once.":"一次上传的文件总数不得超过10MB。",
"Avatar image":"头像图片",
"Background image":"背景图",
"Timeline banner image":"时间线横幅图片",
"Approve follower requests":"批准关注者请求",
"This is a bot account":"这是一个机器人帐户",
"Filtered words":"过滤词",
"One per line":"每行一个",
"Blocked accounts":"帐户被封锁",
"Blocked accounts, one per line, in the form nickname@domain or *@blockeddomain":"被阻止的帐户,每行一个,格式为nickname@domain或*@blockeddomain",
"Federation list":"联盟清单",
"Federate only with a defined set of instances. One domain name per line.":"仅与一组定义的实例联合。 每行一个域名。",
"If you want to participate within organizations then you can indicate some skills that you have and approximate proficiency levels. This helps organizers to construct teams with an appropriate combination of skills.":"如果您想参加组织内部的活动,则可以指出您所拥有的一些技能并大致熟练程度。 这有助于组织者构建具有适当技能组合的团队。",
"A list of moderator nicknames. One per line.":"主持人昵称列表。 每行一个。",
"List of moderator nicknames":"主持人昵称列表",
"Your bio":"你的生物",
"Copy the text then paste it into your post":"复制文字,然后将其粘贴到您的帖子中",
"Emoji Search":"表情符号搜索",
"No results":"没结果",
"Skills search":"技能搜寻",
"Shared Items Search":"共享项目搜索",
"Shared Item":"共享项目",
"Approve follow requests":"批准关注请求",
"Page down":"向下翻页",
"Page up":"向上翻页",
"Media": "媒体",
"This is a group account":"这是一个群组帐户",
"Only people I follow can send me DMs":"只有我关注的人可以向我发送直接消息",