256 lines
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256 lines
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# Convert QGroundControl survey waypoints to DJI GO 4 waypoints 2.0
# Solely for the creation of terrain survey mapping
# at a fixed altitude.
import sys
import os
import shutil
import argparse
import time
import math
import random
import sqlite3
import json
####### Globals ################################################################
mission_table = 'dji_pilot_dji_groundstation_waypoint2_model_WayPoint2MissionDBModel'
waypoint_table = 'dji_pilot_dji_groundstation_waypoint2_model_WayPoint2MissionDBModel$WayPoint2DBPoint'
####### Helper Function(s) #####################################################
def haversine(coord1, coord2):
R = 6371000 #6372800 # Earth radius in meters [looks like DJI GO 4 uses 6371000]
lat1, lon1 = coord1
lat2, lon2 = coord2
phi1, phi2 = math.radians(lat1), math.radians(lat2)
dphi = math.radians(lat2 - lat1)
dlambda = math.radians(lon2 - lon1)
a = math.sin(dphi/2)**2 + \
math.cos(phi1) * math.cos(phi2) * math.sin(dlambda/2)**2
return 2 * R * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - a))
# TODO: Confirm that 'complexItemType' = "survey"
# TODO: Also update 'way_point_2_cache.db'
# - delete existing cached mission, and its' waypoints
# - insert the same new data as with 'way_point_2.db'
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert QGroundControl survey waypoints to DJI GO 4 waypoints 2.0')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--dbfile', required=True, type=str,
help='DJI GO 4 database file')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--infile', required=True, type=argparse.FileType('r'),
help='JSON input file')
parser.add_argument('-a', '--altitude', type=float,
help='Altitude above ground, in meters')
parser.add_argument('-f', '--finishaction', type=int, default=4,
help='Act to perform upon mission completion [0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 - hover] (default: %(default)s)')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--name', type=str,
help='Name for the mission (qgc2dji-survey_<date-time>)')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--speed', type=float,
help='Flight speed')
args = parser.parse_args()
if not os.path.isfile(args.dbfile):
print("[ERROR] Database file does not exist!", file=sys.stderr)
conn = sqlite3.connect(args.dbfile)
except sqlite3.Error as e:
print("[ERROR] Could not connect to database!\n" + e.args[0], file=sys.stderr)
# The only values we care about are inside "TransectStyleComlexItem"
items = json.loads(args.infile.read())['mission']['items']
main_data = None
for item in items:
if 'TransectStyleComplexItem' in item:
main_data = item["TransectStyleComplexItem"]
if not main_data:
print("[ERROR] Required data not present in json!", file=sys.stderr)
altitude = args.altitude
if not altitude:
altitude = main_data["CameraCalc"]["DistanceToSurface"]
finishaction = args.finishaction
# If this is no set, it will be later on during parsing
flight_speed = args.speed
if not flight_speed:
# First check if a value was set in the json
for item in items:
if 'command' in item and item['command'] == 178:
# Reverse-engineered this location - could easily change in future QGroundControl releases
flight_speed = item['params'][1]
# Set an acceptable, but slow default if speed still hasn't been set
# TODO: Calculate this based on mission distance / photo count / 5s to get one photo per 5seconds ???
if not flight_speed:
flight_speed = 3.5
mission_name = args.name
if not mission_name:
timestr = time.strftime('%d%m%Y-%H%M%S')
mission_name = "qgc2dji-survey_" + timestr
# DJI GO database stores time in milliseconds since epoch
update_time = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute(f'SELECT missionId FROM {mission_table}')
existing_ids = cur.fetchall()
# Looking at existing database entries, it appears that 'missionId' is an arbitrary value
mission_id = random.randrange(10000,99999)
while (mission_id,) in existing_ids:
print("[INFO] ID collision. Generating new ID.")
mission_id = random.randrange(10000,99999)
waypoint_queue = []
# Set default values for DJI GO database waypoint table
heading_type = 0 # Free ?
poi_index = -1 # None ?
heading = 0 # Look-ahead ?
action = 0 # Do nothing (as opposed to take photo, etc)
pitch = -90.0 # Point camera toward ground
radius = 2.0 # Some default ? Could be realted to 'arc' vs 'polyline'
speed = 0.0 # Use 'autoFlightSpeed' from 'mission_table'
# Prepare each waypoint for insert
waypoints = main_data['VisualTransectPoints']
last_coord = ()
curr_coord = ()
accum_distance = 0
# TEST DATA - Expected accumulated result: 1825.33557128906
# Result initially was 1825.8512451494107 which should be close enough
# Result with "standard" Earth radius is 1825.3355327088402 which is closer still
# TODO: Test geopy module ? [see: https://janakiev.com/blog/gps-points-distance-python/]
#waypoints = [(-19.9914615912953,57.6010317688705),
# (-19.9906124706645,57.6018561685789),
# (-19.9907586941667,57.6021400677547),
# (-19.9917566018806,57.6012092059048),
# (-19.9920208284113,57.6013183979067),
# (-19.9908972216132,57.6023884794603),
# (-19.9910049650248,57.6026669190904),
# (-19.9923184032966,57.601438509184),
# (-19.9925544106552,57.6017169485915),
# (-19.9911050125569,57.6029944951315),
# (-19.9912281477626,57.6033111519851),
# (-19.9927904174512,57.6019353328111),
# (-19.9931793793255,57.6022154786425),
# (-19.9915212340617,57.6036721688515),
# (-19.9915956280736,57.6039779066684),
# (-19.9934298150556,57.6024819755698)]
count = 0
for waypoint in waypoints:
latitude = waypoint[0]
longitude = waypoint[1]
waypoint_id = count
count = count + 1
waypoint_queue.append((heading_type, altitude, mission_id, poi_index, heading, latitude, action, pitch, radius, speed, longitude, waypoint_id))
if count > 1:
curr_coord = (latitude, longitude)
accum_distance = accum_distance + haversine(last_coord, curr_coord)
last_coord = curr_coord
last_coord = (latitude, longitude)
# Set default values for DJI GO database mission table
is_use_custom_direction = 0
first_lon = 0.0
first_lat = 0.0
local = ''#None # becomes NULL in sqlite db
exit_mission_on_rc_lost = 0 # Keep flying
flight_path_mode = 0 # 'polyline' vs 'arc' ?
is_cache = 0 # ?
rotate_gimbal_pitch = 1 # ?
goto_first_waypoint_mode = 0 # ?
repeat_times = 1 # Only fly the mission once
max_flight_speed = 8.3 # (m/s) Based on ~30km/h being a good maximum
heading_mode = 0 # ? Different from 'heading_type' ?
is_enable_multi_poi = 0
route_distance = accum_distance #'' #None # Can we get away with leaving this blank !?
point_count = len(waypoints)
print("\n======= MISSION DATA =======\n")
print(f"Mission name:\t\t{mission_name}")
print(f"Mission id:\t\t{mission_id}")
print(f"Max flight speed:\t{max_flight_speed} m/s")
print(f"Cruise speed:\t\t{flight_speed} m/s")
print(f"Altitude:\t\t{altitude} m")
print(f"Route distance:\t\t{route_distance} m")
print(f"Finished action:\t{finishaction}")
# TODO: Implement more robust regex version of the following
proceed = ''
while proceed not in ['y', 'Y', 'n', 'N']:
proceed = input("Write out to database? [y/n] ")
if proceed == 'n' or proceed == 'N':
print("[INFO] Exiting without updating database.")
# Generate SQL INSERT for the mission
sql = (f"INSERT INTO {mission_table}"
"(missionId, isUseCustomDirection, updateTime, finishedAction, firstLng, local, "
"exitMissionOnRCSignalLost, flightPathMode, isCache, rotateGimbalPitch, "
"gotoFirstWaypointMode, pointCount, repeatTimes, routDistance, firstLat, " # n.b. 'routDistance' is not a spelling mistake
"missionName, maxFlightSpeed, headingMode, autoFlightSpeed, isEnableMultiPOI) "
"VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)")
cur.execute(sql, (mission_id, is_use_custom_direction, update_time, finishaction,
first_lon, local, exit_mission_on_rc_lost, flight_path_mode,
is_cache, rotate_gimbal_pitch, goto_first_waypoint_mode, point_count,
repeat_times, route_distance, first_lat, mission_name, max_flight_speed,
heading_mode, flight_speed, is_enable_multi_poi))
# SQL INSERT for all waypoints from QGroundControl
sql = (f"INSERT INTO {waypoint_table}"
"(headingType, altitude, missionId, poiIndex, heading, latitude, action, "
"pitch, radius, speed, longitude, myIndex) "
"VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)")
cur.executemany(sql, waypoint_queue)
# TODO: Implement database backup as a commandline option
shutil.copy2(args.dbfile, args.dbfile + ".bak")
# Write changes back to the database
# TODO: Determine if there is any other clean up