__filename__ = "announce.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.2.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@libreserver.org" __status__ = "Production" __module_group__ = "ActivityPub" from utils import hasObjectStringObject from utils import hasGroupType from utils import removeDomainPort from utils import removeIdEnding from utils import hasUsersPath from utils import getFullDomain from utils import getStatusNumber from utils import createOutboxDir from utils import urlPermitted from utils import getNicknameFromActor from utils import getDomainFromActor from utils import locatePost from utils import saveJson from utils import undoAnnounceCollectionEntry from utils import updateAnnounceCollection from utils import localActorUrl from utils import replaceUsersWithAt from utils import hasActor from utils import hasObjectStringType from posts import sendSignedJson from posts import getPersonBox from session import postJson from webfinger import webfingerHandle from auth import createBasicAuthHeader def isSelfAnnounce(post_json_object: {}) -> bool: """Is the given post a self announce? """ if not post_json_object.get('actor'): return False if not post_json_object.get('type'): return False if post_json_object['type'] != 'Announce': return False if not post_json_object.get('object'): return False if not isinstance(post_json_object['actor'], str): return False if not isinstance(post_json_object['object'], str): return False return post_json_object['actor'] in post_json_object['object'] def outboxAnnounce(recentPostsCache: {}, base_dir: str, messageJson: {}, debug: bool) -> bool: """ Adds or removes announce entries from the shares collection within a given post """ if not hasActor(messageJson, debug): return False if not isinstance(messageJson['actor'], str): return False if not messageJson.get('type'): return False if not messageJson.get('object'): return False if messageJson['type'] == 'Announce': if not isinstance(messageJson['object'], str): return False if isSelfAnnounce(messageJson): return False nickname = getNicknameFromActor(messageJson['actor']) if not nickname: print('WARN: no nickname found in ' + messageJson['actor']) return False domain, port = getDomainFromActor(messageJson['actor']) postFilename = locatePost(base_dir, nickname, domain, messageJson['object']) if postFilename: updateAnnounceCollection(recentPostsCache, base_dir, postFilename, messageJson['actor'], nickname, domain, debug) return True elif messageJson['type'] == 'Undo': if not hasObjectStringType(messageJson, debug): return False if messageJson['object']['type'] == 'Announce': if not isinstance(messageJson['object']['object'], str): return False nickname = getNicknameFromActor(messageJson['actor']) if not nickname: print('WARN: no nickname found in ' + messageJson['actor']) return False domain, port = getDomainFromActor(messageJson['actor']) postFilename = locatePost(base_dir, nickname, domain, messageJson['object']['object']) if postFilename: undoAnnounceCollectionEntry(recentPostsCache, base_dir, postFilename, messageJson['actor'], domain, debug) return True return False def announcedByPerson(isAnnounced: bool, postActor: str, nickname: str, domainFull: str) -> bool: """Returns True if the given post is announced by the given person """ if not postActor: return False if isAnnounced and \ postActor.endswith(domainFull + '/users/' + nickname): return True return False def createAnnounce(session, base_dir: str, federationList: [], nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, toUrl: str, ccUrl: str, http_prefix: str, objectUrl: str, saveToFile: bool, client_to_server: bool, send_threads: [], postLog: [], person_cache: {}, cached_webfingers: {}, debug: bool, project_version: str, signing_priv_key_pem: str) -> {}: """Creates an announce message Typically toUrl will be https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public and ccUrl might be a specific person favorited or repeated and the followers url objectUrl is typically the url of the message, corresponding to url or atomUri in createPostBase """ if not urlPermitted(objectUrl, federationList): return None domain = removeDomainPort(domain) fullDomain = getFullDomain(domain, port) statusNumber, published = getStatusNumber() newAnnounceId = http_prefix + '://' + fullDomain + \ '/users/' + nickname + '/statuses/' + statusNumber atomUriStr = localActorUrl(http_prefix, nickname, fullDomain) + \ '/statuses/' + statusNumber newAnnounce = { "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", 'actor': localActorUrl(http_prefix, nickname, fullDomain), 'atomUri': atomUriStr, 'cc': [], 'id': newAnnounceId + '/activity', 'object': objectUrl, 'published': published, 'to': [toUrl], 'type': 'Announce' } if ccUrl: if len(ccUrl) > 0: newAnnounce['cc'] = [ccUrl] if saveToFile: outboxDir = createOutboxDir(nickname, domain, base_dir) filename = outboxDir + '/' + newAnnounceId.replace('/', '#') + '.json' saveJson(newAnnounce, filename) announceNickname = None announceDomain = None announcePort = None groupAccount = False if hasUsersPath(objectUrl): announceNickname = getNicknameFromActor(objectUrl) announceDomain, announcePort = getDomainFromActor(objectUrl) if '/' + str(announceNickname) + '/' in objectUrl: announceActor = \ objectUrl.split('/' + announceNickname + '/')[0] + \ '/' + announceNickname if hasGroupType(base_dir, announceActor, person_cache): groupAccount = True if announceNickname and announceDomain: sendSignedJson(newAnnounce, session, base_dir, nickname, domain, port, announceNickname, announceDomain, announcePort, None, http_prefix, True, client_to_server, federationList, send_threads, postLog, cached_webfingers, person_cache, debug, project_version, None, groupAccount, signing_priv_key_pem, 639633) return newAnnounce def announcePublic(session, base_dir: str, federationList: [], nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, http_prefix: str, objectUrl: str, client_to_server: bool, send_threads: [], postLog: [], person_cache: {}, cached_webfingers: {}, debug: bool, project_version: str, signing_priv_key_pem: str) -> {}: """Makes a public announcement """ fromDomain = getFullDomain(domain, port) toUrl = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public' ccUrl = localActorUrl(http_prefix, nickname, fromDomain) + '/followers' return createAnnounce(session, base_dir, federationList, nickname, domain, port, toUrl, ccUrl, http_prefix, objectUrl, True, client_to_server, send_threads, postLog, person_cache, cached_webfingers, debug, project_version, signing_priv_key_pem) def sendAnnounceViaServer(base_dir: str, session, fromNickname: str, password: str, fromDomain: str, fromPort: int, http_prefix: str, repeatObjectUrl: str, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, debug: bool, project_version: str, signing_priv_key_pem: str) -> {}: """Creates an announce message via c2s """ if not session: print('WARN: No session for sendAnnounceViaServer') return 6 fromDomainFull = getFullDomain(fromDomain, fromPort) toUrl = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public' actorStr = localActorUrl(http_prefix, fromNickname, fromDomainFull) ccUrl = actorStr + '/followers' statusNumber, published = getStatusNumber() newAnnounceId = actorStr + '/statuses/' + statusNumber newAnnounceJson = { "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", 'actor': actorStr, 'atomUri': newAnnounceId, 'cc': [ccUrl], 'id': newAnnounceId + '/activity', 'object': repeatObjectUrl, 'published': published, 'to': [toUrl], 'type': 'Announce' } handle = http_prefix + '://' + fromDomainFull + '/@' + fromNickname # lookup the inbox for the To handle wfRequest = webfingerHandle(session, handle, http_prefix, cached_webfingers, fromDomain, project_version, debug, False, signing_priv_key_pem) if not wfRequest: if debug: print('DEBUG: announce webfinger failed for ' + handle) return 1 if not isinstance(wfRequest, dict): print('WARN: announce webfinger for ' + handle + ' did not return a dict. ' + str(wfRequest)) return 1 postToBox = 'outbox' # get the actor inbox for the To handle originDomain = fromDomain (inboxUrl, pubKeyId, pubKey, fromPersonId, sharedInbox, avatarUrl, displayName, _) = getPersonBox(signing_priv_key_pem, originDomain, base_dir, session, wfRequest, person_cache, project_version, http_prefix, fromNickname, fromDomain, postToBox, 73528) if not inboxUrl: if debug: print('DEBUG: announce no ' + postToBox + ' was found for ' + handle) return 3 if not fromPersonId: if debug: print('DEBUG: announce no actor was found for ' + handle) return 4 authHeader = createBasicAuthHeader(fromNickname, password) headers = { 'host': fromDomain, 'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': authHeader } postResult = postJson(http_prefix, fromDomainFull, session, newAnnounceJson, [], inboxUrl, headers, 3, True) if not postResult: print('WARN: announce not posted') if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s POST announce success') return newAnnounceJson def sendUndoAnnounceViaServer(base_dir: str, session, undoPostJsonObject: {}, nickname: str, password: str, domain: str, port: int, http_prefix: str, repeatObjectUrl: str, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, debug: bool, project_version: str, signing_priv_key_pem: str) -> {}: """Undo an announce message via c2s """ if not session: print('WARN: No session for sendUndoAnnounceViaServer') return 6 domainFull = getFullDomain(domain, port) actor = localActorUrl(http_prefix, nickname, domainFull) handle = replaceUsersWithAt(actor) statusNumber, published = getStatusNumber() unAnnounceJson = { '@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', 'id': actor + '/statuses/' + str(statusNumber) + '/undo', 'type': 'Undo', 'actor': actor, 'object': undoPostJsonObject['object'] } # lookup the inbox for the To handle wfRequest = webfingerHandle(session, handle, http_prefix, cached_webfingers, domain, project_version, debug, False, signing_priv_key_pem) if not wfRequest: if debug: print('DEBUG: undo announce webfinger failed for ' + handle) return 1 if not isinstance(wfRequest, dict): print('WARN: undo announce webfinger for ' + handle + ' did not return a dict. ' + str(wfRequest)) return 1 postToBox = 'outbox' # get the actor inbox for the To handle originDomain = domain (inboxUrl, pubKeyId, pubKey, fromPersonId, sharedInbox, avatarUrl, displayName, _) = getPersonBox(signing_priv_key_pem, originDomain, base_dir, session, wfRequest, person_cache, project_version, http_prefix, nickname, domain, postToBox, 73528) if not inboxUrl: if debug: print('DEBUG: undo announce no ' + postToBox + ' was found for ' + handle) return 3 if not fromPersonId: if debug: print('DEBUG: undo announce no actor was found for ' + handle) return 4 authHeader = createBasicAuthHeader(nickname, password) headers = { 'host': domain, 'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': authHeader } postResult = postJson(http_prefix, domainFull, session, unAnnounceJson, [], inboxUrl, headers, 3, True) if not postResult: print('WARN: undo announce not posted') if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s POST undo announce success') return unAnnounceJson def outboxUndoAnnounce(recentPostsCache: {}, base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, messageJson: {}, debug: bool) -> None: """ When an undo announce is received by the outbox from c2s """ if not messageJson.get('type'): return if not messageJson['type'] == 'Undo': return if not hasObjectStringType(messageJson, debug): return if not messageJson['object']['type'] == 'Announce': if debug: print('DEBUG: not a undo announce') return if not hasObjectStringObject(messageJson, debug): return if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s undo announce request arrived in outbox') messageId = removeIdEnding(messageJson['object']['object']) domain = removeDomainPort(domain) postFilename = locatePost(base_dir, nickname, domain, messageId) if not postFilename: if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s undo announce post not found in inbox or outbox') print(messageId) return True undoAnnounceCollectionEntry(recentPostsCache, base_dir, postFilename, messageJson['actor'], domain, debug) if debug: print('DEBUG: post undo announce via c2s - ' + postFilename)