__filename__ = "tests.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.2.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@freedombone.net" __status__ = "Production" __module_group__ = "Testing" import time import os import shutil import json import datetime from shutil import copyfile from random import randint from time import gmtime, strftime from pprint import pprint from httpsig import signPostHeaders from httpsig import signPostHeadersNew from httpsig import verifyPostHeaders from httpsig import messageContentDigest from cache import storePersonInCache from cache import getPersonFromCache from threads import threadWithTrace from daemon import runDaemon from session import createSession from session import getJson from posts import regenerateIndexForBox from posts import removePostInteractions from posts import getMentionedPeople from posts import validContentWarning from posts import deleteAllPosts from posts import createPublicPost from posts import sendPost from posts import noOfFollowersOnDomain from posts import groupFollowersByDomain from posts import archivePostsForPerson from posts import sendPostViaServer from follow import clearFollows from follow import clearFollowers from follow import sendFollowRequestViaServer from follow import sendUnfollowRequestViaServer from siteactive import siteIsActive from utils import isGroupAccount from utils import getActorLanguagesList from utils import getCategoryTypes from utils import getSupportedLanguages from utils import setConfigParam from utils import isGroupActor from utils import dateStringToSeconds from utils import dateSecondsToString from utils import validPassword from utils import userAgentDomain from utils import camelCaseSplit from utils import decodedHost from utils import getFullDomain from utils import validNickname from utils import firstParagraphFromString from utils import removeIdEnding from utils import updateRecentPostsCache from utils import followPerson from utils import getNicknameFromActor from utils import getDomainFromActor from utils import copytree from utils import loadJson from utils import saveJson from utils import getStatusNumber from utils import getFollowersOfPerson from utils import removeHtml from utils import dangerousMarkup from utils import acctDir from pgp import extractPGPPublicKey from pgp import pgpPublicKeyUpload from utils import containsPGPPublicKey from follow import followerOfPerson from follow import unfollowAccount from follow import unfollowerOfAccount from follow import sendFollowRequest from person import createPerson from person import createGroup from person import setDisplayNickname from person import setBio # from person import generateRSAKey from skills import setSkillLevel from skills import actorSkillValue from skills import setSkillsFromDict from skills import actorHasSkill from roles import setRolesFromList from roles import setRole from roles import actorHasRole from auth import constantTimeStringCheck from auth import createBasicAuthHeader from auth import authorizeBasic from auth import storeBasicCredentials from like import likePost from like import sendLikeViaServer from announce import announcePublic from announce import sendAnnounceViaServer from city import parseNogoString from city import spoofGeolocation from city import pointInNogo from media import getImageDimensions from media import getMediaPath from media import getAttachmentMediaType from delete import sendDeleteViaServer from inbox import jsonPostAllowsComments from inbox import validInbox from inbox import validInboxFilenames from categories import guessHashtagCategory from content import getPriceFromString from content import limitRepeatedWords from content import switchWords from content import extractTextFieldsInPOST from content import validHashTag from content import htmlReplaceEmailQuote from content import htmlReplaceQuoteMarks from content import dangerousCSS from content import addWebLinks from content import replaceEmojiFromTags from content import addHtmlTags from content import removeLongWords from content import replaceContentDuplicates from content import removeTextFormatting from content import removeHtmlTag from theme import updateDefaultThemesList from theme import setCSSparam from linked_data_sig import generateJsonSignature from linked_data_sig import verifyJsonSignature from newsdaemon import hashtagRuleTree from newsdaemon import hashtagRuleResolve from newswire import getNewswireTags from newswire import parseFeedDate from newswire import limitWordLengths from mastoapiv1 import getMastoApiV1IdFromNickname from mastoapiv1 import getNicknameFromMastoApiV1Id from webapp_post import prepareHtmlPostNickname from speaker import speakerReplaceLinks from markdown import markdownToHtml from languages import setActorLanguages from languages import getActorLanguages from languages import getLinksFromContent from languages import addLinksToContent from languages import libretranslate from languages import libretranslateLanguages from shares import authorizeSharedItems from shares import generateSharedItemFederationTokens from shares import createSharedItemFederationToken from shares import updateSharedItemFederationToken from shares import mergeSharedItemTokens from shares import sendShareViaServer from shares import getSharedItemsCatalogViaServer testServerGroupRunning = False testServerAliceRunning = False testServerBobRunning = False testServerEveRunning = False thrGroup = None thrAlice = None thrBob = None thrEve = None def _testHttpSigNew(): print('testHttpSigNew') messageBodyJson = {"hello": "world"} messageBodyJsonStr = json.dumps(messageBodyJson) publicKeyPem = \ '-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n' + \ 'MIIBCgKCAQEAhAKYdtoeoy8zcAcR874L8' + \ 'cnZxKzAGwd7v36APp7Pv6Q2jdsPBRrw\n' + \ 'WEBnez6d0UDKDwGbc6nxfEXAy5mbhgajz' + \ 'rw3MOEt8uA5txSKobBpKDeBLOsdJKFq\n' + \ 'MGmXCQvEG7YemcxDTRPxAleIAgYYRjTSd' + \ '/QBwVW9OwNFhekro3RtlinV0a75jfZg\n' + \ 'kne/YiktSvLG34lw2zqXBDTC5NHROUqGT' + \ 'lML4PlNZS5Ri2U4aCNx2rUPRcKIlE0P\n' + \ 'uKxI4T+HIaFpv8+rdV6eUgOrB2xeI1dSF' + \ 'Fn/nnv5OoZJEIB+VmuKn3DCUcCZSFlQ\n' + \ 'PSXSfBDiUGhwOw76WuSSsf1D4b/vLoJ10wIDAQAB\n' + \ '-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n' privateKeyPem = \ '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n' + \ 'MIIEqAIBAAKCAQEAhAKYdtoeoy8zcAcR8' + \ '74L8cnZxKzAGwd7v36APp7Pv6Q2jdsP\n' + \ 'BRrwWEBnez6d0UDKDwGbc6nxfEXAy5mbh' + \ 'gajzrw3MOEt8uA5txSKobBpKDeBLOsd\n' + \ 'JKFqMGmXCQvEG7YemcxDTRPxAleIAgYYR' + \ 'jTSd/QBwVW9OwNFhekro3RtlinV0a75\n' + \ 'jfZgkne/YiktSvLG34lw2zqXBDTC5NHRO' + \ 'UqGTlML4PlNZS5Ri2U4aCNx2rUPRcKI\n' + \ 'lE0PuKxI4T+HIaFpv8+rdV6eUgOrB2xeI' + \ '1dSFFn/nnv5OoZJEIB+VmuKn3DCUcCZ\n' + \ 'SFlQPSXSfBDiUGhwOw76WuSSsf1D4b/vL' + \ 'oJ10wIDAQABAoIBAG/JZuSWdoVHbi56\n' + \ 'vjgCgkjg3lkO1KrO3nrdm6nrgA9P9qaPj' + \ 'xuKoWaKO1cBQlE1pSWp/cKncYgD5WxE\n' + \ 'CpAnRUXG2pG4zdkzCYzAh1i+c34L6oZoH' + \ 'sirK6oNcEnHveydfzJL5934egm6p8DW\n' + \ '+m1RQ70yUt4uRc0YSor+q1LGJvGQHReF0' + \ 'WmJBZHrhz5e63Pq7lE0gIwuBqL8SMaA\n' + \ 'yRXtK+JGxZpImTq+NHvEWWCu09SCq0r83' + \ '8ceQI55SvzmTkwqtC+8AT2zFviMZkKR\n' + \ 'Qo6SPsrqItxZWRty2izawTF0Bf5S2VAx7' + \ 'O+6t3wBsQ1sLptoSgX3QblELY5asI0J\n' + \ 'YFz7LJECgYkAsqeUJmqXE3LP8tYoIjMIA' + \ 'KiTm9o6psPlc8CrLI9CH0UbuaA2JCOM\n' + \ 'cCNq8SyYbTqgnWlB9ZfcAm/cFpA8tYci9' + \ 'm5vYK8HNxQr+8FS3Qo8N9RJ8d0U5Csw\n' + \ 'DzMYfRghAfUGwmlWj5hp1pQzAuhwbOXFt' + \ 'xKHVsMPhz1IBtF9Y8jvgqgYHLbmyiu1\n' + \ 'mwJ5AL0pYF0G7x81prlARURwHo0Yf52kE' + \ 'w1dxpx+JXER7hQRWQki5/NsUEtv+8RT\n' + \ 'qn2m6qte5DXLyn83b1qRscSdnCCwKtKWU' + \ 'ug5q2ZbwVOCJCtmRwmnP131lWRYfj67\n' + \ 'B/xJ1ZA6X3GEf4sNReNAtaucPEelgR2ns' + \ 'N0gKQKBiGoqHWbK1qYvBxX2X3kbPDkv\n' + \ '9C+celgZd2PW7aGYLCHq7nPbmfDV0yHcW' + \ 'jOhXZ8jRMjmANVR/eLQ2EfsRLdW69bn\n' + \ 'f3ZD7JS1fwGnO3exGmHO3HZG+6AvberKY' + \ 'VYNHahNFEw5TsAcQWDLRpkGybBcxqZo\n' + \ '81YCqlqidwfeO5YtlO7etx1xLyqa2NsCe' + \ 'G9A86UjG+aeNnXEIDk1PDK+EuiThIUa\n' + \ '/2IxKzJKWl1BKr2d4xAfR0ZnEYuRrbeDQ' + \ 'YgTImOlfW6/GuYIxKYgEKCFHFqJATAG\n' + \ 'IxHrq1PDOiSwXd2GmVVYyEmhZnbcp8Cxa' + \ 'EMQoevxAta0ssMK3w6UsDtvUvYvF22m\n' + \ 'qQKBiD5GwESzsFPy3Ga0MvZpn3D6EJQLg' + \ 'snrtUPZx+z2Ep2x0xc5orneB5fGyF1P\n' + \ 'WtP+fG5Q6Dpdz3LRfm+KwBCWFKQjg7uTx' + \ 'cjerhBWEYPmEMKYwTJF5PBG9/ddvHLQ\n' + \ 'EQeNC8fHGg4UXU8mhHnSBt3EA10qQJfRD' + \ 's15M38eG2cYwB1PZpDHScDnDA0=\n' + \ '-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----' sigInput = \ 'sig1=(date); alg=rsa-sha256; keyId="test-key-b"' sig = \ 'sig1=:HtXycCl97RBVkZi66ADKnC9c5eSSlb57GnQ4KFqNZplOpNfxqk62' + \ 'JzZ484jXgLvoOTRaKfR4hwyxlcyb+BWkVasApQovBSdit9Ml/YmN2IvJDPncrlhPD' + \ 'VDv36Z9/DiSO+RNHD7iLXugdXo1+MGRimW1RmYdenl/ITeb7rjfLZ4b9VNnLFtVWw' + \ 'rjhAiwIqeLjodVImzVc5srrk19HMZNuUejK6I3/MyN3+3U8tIRW4LWzx6ZgGZUaEE' + \ 'P0aBlBkt7Fj0Tt5/P5HNW/Sa/m8smxbOHnwzAJDa10PyjzdIbywlnWIIWtZKPPsoV' + \ 'oKVopUWEU3TNhpWmaVhFrUL/O6SN3w==:' # "hs2019", using RSASSA-PSS [RFC8017] and SHA-512 [RFC6234] # sigInput = \ # 'sig1=(*request-target, *created, host, date, ' + \ # 'cache-control, x-empty-header, x-example); keyId="test-key-a"; ' + \ # 'alg=hs2019; created=1402170695; expires=1402170995' # sig = \ # 'sig1=:K2qGT5srn2OGbOIDzQ6kYT+ruaycnDAAUpKv+ePFfD0RAxn/1BUe' + \ # 'Zx/Kdrq32DrfakQ6bPsvB9aqZqognNT6be4olHROIkeV879RrsrObury8L9SCEibe' + \ # 'oHyqU/yCjphSmEdd7WD+zrchK57quskKwRefy2iEC5S2uAH0EPyOZKWlvbKmKu5q4' + \ # 'CaB8X/I5/+HLZLGvDiezqi6/7p2Gngf5hwZ0lSdy39vyNMaaAT0tKo6nuVw0S1MVg' + \ # '1Q7MpWYZs0soHjttq0uLIA3DIbQfLiIvK6/l0BdWTU7+2uQj7lBkQAsFZHoA96ZZg' + \ # 'FquQrXRlmYOh+Hx5D9fJkXcXe5tmAg==:' nickname = 'foo' boxpath = '/' + nickname # headers = { # "*request-target": "get " + boxpath, # "*created": "1402170695", # "host": "example.org", # "date": "Tue, 07 Jun 2014 20:51:35 GMT", # "cache-control": "max-age=60, must-revalidate", # "x-emptyheader": "", # "x-example": "Example header with some whitespace.", # "x-dictionary": "b=2", # "x-dictionary": "a=1", # "x-list": "(a, b, c)", # "Signature-Input": sigInput, # "Signature": sig # } dateStr = "Tue, 07 Jun 2014 20:51:35 GMT" secondsSinceEpoch = 1402174295 domain = "example.com" port = 443 headers = { "*created": str(secondsSinceEpoch), "*request-target": "post /foo?param=value&pet=dog", "host": domain, "date": dateStr, "content-type": "application/json", "digest": "SHA-256=X48E9qOokqqrvdts8nOJRJN3OWDUoyWxBf7kbu9DBPE=", "content-length": "18", "Signature-Input": sigInput, "Signature": sig } httpPrefix = 'https' debug = False assert verifyPostHeaders(httpPrefix, publicKeyPem, headers, boxpath, False, None, messageBodyJsonStr, debug, True) # make a deliberate mistake headers['Signature'] = headers['Signature'].replace('V', 'B') assert not verifyPostHeaders(httpPrefix, publicKeyPem, headers, boxpath, False, None, messageBodyJsonStr, debug, True) # test signing bodyDigest = messageContentDigest(messageBodyJsonStr) contentLength = len(messageBodyJsonStr) headers = { "host": domain, "date": dateStr, "digest": f'SHA-256={bodyDigest}', "content-type": "application/json", "content-length": str(contentLength) } signatureIndexHeader, signatureHeader = \ signPostHeadersNew(dateStr, privateKeyPem, nickname, domain, port, domain, port, boxpath, httpPrefix, messageBodyJsonStr, 'rsa-sha256') expectedIndexHeader = \ 'keyId="https://example.com/users/foo#main-key"; ' + \ 'alg=hs2019; created=' + str(secondsSinceEpoch) + '; ' + \ 'sig1=(*request-target, *created, host, date, ' + \ 'digest, content-type, content-length)' if signatureIndexHeader != expectedIndexHeader: print('Unexpected new http header: ' + signatureIndexHeader) print('Should be: ' + expectedIndexHeader) assert signatureIndexHeader == expectedIndexHeader assert signatureHeader == \ 'sig1=:euX3O1KSTYXN9/oR2qFezswWm9FbrjtRymK7xBpXNQvTs' + \ 'XehtrNdD8nELZKzPXMvMz7PaJd6V+fjzpHoZ9upTdqqQLK2Iwml' + \ 'p4BlHqW6Aopd7sZFCWFq7/Amm5oaizpp3e0jb5XISS5m3cRKuoi' + \ 'LM0x+OudmAoYGi0TEEJk8bpnJAXfVCDfmOyL3XNqQeShQHeOANG' + \ 'okiKktj8ff+KLYLaPTAJkob1k/EhoPIkbw/YzAY8IZjWQNMkf+F' + \ 'JChApQ5HnDCQPwD5xV9eGzBpAf6D0G19xiTmQye4Hn6tAs3fy3V' + \ '/aYa/GhW2pSrctDnAKIi4imj9joppr3CB8gqgXZOPQ==:' def _testHttpsigBase(withDigest): print('testHttpsig(' + str(withDigest) + ')') baseDir = os.getcwd() path = baseDir + '/.testHttpsigBase' if os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path) os.mkdir(path) os.chdir(path) contentType = 'application/activity+json' nickname = 'socrates' domain = 'argumentative.social' httpPrefix = 'https' port = 5576 password = 'SuperSecretPassword' privateKeyPem, publicKeyPem, person, wfEndpoint = \ createPerson(path, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, False, False, password) assert privateKeyPem messageBodyJson = { "a key": "a value", "another key": "A string", "yet another key": "Another string" } messageBodyJsonStr = json.dumps(messageBodyJson) headersDomain = getFullDomain(domain, port) dateStr = strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z", gmtime()) boxpath = '/inbox' if not withDigest: headers = { 'host': headersDomain, 'date': dateStr, 'accept': 'application/json' } signatureHeader = \ signPostHeaders(dateStr, privateKeyPem, nickname, domain, port, domain, port, boxpath, httpPrefix, None) else: bodyDigest = messageContentDigest(messageBodyJsonStr) contentLength = len(messageBodyJsonStr) headers = { 'host': headersDomain, 'date': dateStr, 'digest': f'SHA-256={bodyDigest}', 'content-type': contentType, 'content-length': str(contentLength) } signatureHeader = \ signPostHeaders(dateStr, privateKeyPem, nickname, domain, port, domain, port, boxpath, httpPrefix, messageBodyJsonStr) headers['signature'] = signatureHeader assert verifyPostHeaders(httpPrefix, publicKeyPem, headers, boxpath, False, None, messageBodyJsonStr, False) if withDigest: # everything correct except for content-length headers['content-length'] = str(contentLength + 2) assert verifyPostHeaders(httpPrefix, publicKeyPem, headers, boxpath, False, None, messageBodyJsonStr, False) is False assert verifyPostHeaders(httpPrefix, publicKeyPem, headers, '/parambulator' + boxpath, False, None, messageBodyJsonStr, False) is False assert verifyPostHeaders(httpPrefix, publicKeyPem, headers, boxpath, True, None, messageBodyJsonStr, False) is False if not withDigest: # fake domain headers = { 'host': 'bogon.domain', 'date': dateStr, 'content-type': 'application/json' } else: # correct domain but fake message messageBodyJsonStr = \ '{"a key": "a value", "another key": "Fake GNUs", ' + \ '"yet another key": "More Fake GNUs"}' contentLength = len(messageBodyJsonStr) bodyDigest = messageContentDigest(messageBodyJsonStr) headers = { 'host': domain, 'date': dateStr, 'digest': f'SHA-256={bodyDigest}', 'content-type': contentType, 'content-length': str(contentLength) } headers['signature'] = signatureHeader assert verifyPostHeaders(httpPrefix, publicKeyPem, headers, boxpath, True, None, messageBodyJsonStr, False) is False os.chdir(baseDir) shutil.rmtree(path) def _testHttpsig(): _testHttpsigBase(True) _testHttpsigBase(False) def _testCache(): print('testCache') personUrl = "cat@cardboard.box" personJson = { "id": 123456, "test": "This is a test" } personCache = {} storePersonInCache(None, personUrl, personJson, personCache, True) result = getPersonFromCache(None, personUrl, personCache, True) assert result['id'] == 123456 assert result['test'] == 'This is a test' def _testThreadsFunction(param: str): for i in range(10000): time.sleep(2) def _testThreads(): print('testThreads') thr = \ threadWithTrace(target=_testThreadsFunction, args=('test',), daemon=True) thr.start() assert thr.is_alive() is True time.sleep(1) thr.kill() thr.join() assert thr.is_alive() is False def createServerAlice(path: str, domain: str, port: int, bobAddress: str, federationList: [], hasFollows: bool, hasPosts: bool, sendThreads: []): print('Creating test server: Alice on port ' + str(port)) if os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path) os.mkdir(path) os.chdir(path) sharedItemsFederatedDomains = [] systemLanguage = 'en' nickname = 'alice' httpPrefix = 'http' proxyType = None password = 'alicepass' maxReplies = 64 domainMaxPostsPerDay = 1000 accountMaxPostsPerDay = 1000 allowDeletion = True lowBandwidth = True privateKeyPem, publicKeyPem, person, wfEndpoint = \ createPerson(path, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, True, False, password) deleteAllPosts(path, nickname, domain, 'inbox') deleteAllPosts(path, nickname, domain, 'outbox') assert setSkillLevel(path, nickname, domain, 'hacking', 90) assert setRole(path, nickname, domain, 'guru') if hasFollows: followPerson(path, nickname, domain, 'bob', bobAddress, federationList, False, False) followerOfPerson(path, nickname, domain, 'bob', bobAddress, federationList, False, False) if hasPosts: testFollowersOnly = False testSaveToFile = True clientToServer = False testCommentsEnabled = True testAttachImageFilename = None testMediaType = None testImageDescription = None testCity = 'London, England' testInReplyTo = None testInReplyToAtomUri = None testSubject = None testSchedulePost = False testEventDate = None testEventTime = None testLocation = None testIsArticle = False conversationId = None createPublicPost(path, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, "No wise fish would go anywhere without a porpoise", testFollowersOnly, testSaveToFile, clientToServer, testCommentsEnabled, testAttachImageFilename, testMediaType, testImageDescription, testCity, testInReplyTo, testInReplyToAtomUri, testSubject, testSchedulePost, testEventDate, testEventTime, testLocation, testIsArticle, systemLanguage, conversationId, lowBandwidth) createPublicPost(path, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, "Curiouser and curiouser!", testFollowersOnly, testSaveToFile, clientToServer, testCommentsEnabled, testAttachImageFilename, testMediaType, testImageDescription, testCity, testInReplyTo, testInReplyToAtomUri, testSubject, testSchedulePost, testEventDate, testEventTime, testLocation, testIsArticle, systemLanguage, conversationId, lowBandwidth) createPublicPost(path, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, "In the gardens of memory, in the palace " + "of dreams, that is where you and I shall meet", testFollowersOnly, testSaveToFile, clientToServer, testCommentsEnabled, testAttachImageFilename, testMediaType, testImageDescription, testCity, testInReplyTo, testInReplyToAtomUri, testSubject, testSchedulePost, testEventDate, testEventTime, testLocation, testIsArticle, systemLanguage, conversationId, lowBandwidth) regenerateIndexForBox(path, nickname, domain, 'outbox') global testServerAliceRunning testServerAliceRunning = True maxMentions = 10 maxEmoji = 10 onionDomain = None i2pDomain = None allowLocalNetworkAccess = True maxNewswirePosts = 20 dormantMonths = 3 sendThreadsTimeoutMins = 30 maxFollowers = 10 verifyAllSignatures = True brochMode = False showNodeInfoAccounts = True showNodeInfoVersion = True city = 'London, England' logLoginFailures = False userAgentsBlocked = [] maxLikeCount = 10 print('Server running: Alice') runDaemon(lowBandwidth, maxLikeCount, sharedItemsFederatedDomains, userAgentsBlocked, logLoginFailures, city, showNodeInfoAccounts, showNodeInfoVersion, brochMode, verifyAllSignatures, sendThreadsTimeoutMins, dormantMonths, maxNewswirePosts, allowLocalNetworkAccess, 2048, False, True, False, False, True, maxFollowers, 0, 100, 1024, 5, False, 0, False, 1, False, False, False, 5, True, True, 'en', __version__, "instanceId", False, path, domain, onionDomain, i2pDomain, None, port, port, httpPrefix, federationList, maxMentions, maxEmoji, False, proxyType, maxReplies, domainMaxPostsPerDay, accountMaxPostsPerDay, allowDeletion, True, True, False, sendThreads, False) def createServerBob(path: str, domain: str, port: int, aliceAddress: str, federationList: [], hasFollows: bool, hasPosts: bool, sendThreads: []): print('Creating test server: Bob on port ' + str(port)) if os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path) os.mkdir(path) os.chdir(path) sharedItemsFederatedDomains = [] systemLanguage = 'en' nickname = 'bob' httpPrefix = 'http' proxyType = None clientToServer = False password = 'bobpass' maxReplies = 64 domainMaxPostsPerDay = 1000 accountMaxPostsPerDay = 1000 allowDeletion = True lowBandwidth = True privateKeyPem, publicKeyPem, person, wfEndpoint = \ createPerson(path, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, True, False, password) deleteAllPosts(path, nickname, domain, 'inbox') deleteAllPosts(path, nickname, domain, 'outbox') if hasFollows and aliceAddress: followPerson(path, nickname, domain, 'alice', aliceAddress, federationList, False, False) followerOfPerson(path, nickname, domain, 'alice', aliceAddress, federationList, False, False) if hasPosts: testFollowersOnly = False testSaveToFile = True testCommentsEnabled = True testAttachImageFilename = None testImageDescription = None testMediaType = None testCity = 'London, England' testInReplyTo = None testInReplyToAtomUri = None testSubject = None testSchedulePost = False testEventDate = None testEventTime = None testLocation = None testIsArticle = False conversationId = None createPublicPost(path, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, "It's your life, live it your way.", testFollowersOnly, testSaveToFile, clientToServer, testCommentsEnabled, testAttachImageFilename, testMediaType, testImageDescription, testCity, testInReplyTo, testInReplyToAtomUri, testSubject, testSchedulePost, testEventDate, testEventTime, testLocation, testIsArticle, systemLanguage, conversationId, lowBandwidth) createPublicPost(path, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, "One of the things I've realised is that " + "I am very simple", testFollowersOnly, testSaveToFile, clientToServer, testCommentsEnabled, testAttachImageFilename, testMediaType, testImageDescription, testCity, testInReplyTo, testInReplyToAtomUri, testSubject, testSchedulePost, testEventDate, testEventTime, testLocation, testIsArticle, systemLanguage, conversationId, lowBandwidth) createPublicPost(path, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, "Quantum physics is a bit of a passion of mine", testFollowersOnly, testSaveToFile, clientToServer, testCommentsEnabled, testAttachImageFilename, testMediaType, testImageDescription, testCity, testInReplyTo, testInReplyToAtomUri, testSubject, testSchedulePost, testEventDate, testEventTime, testLocation, testIsArticle, systemLanguage, conversationId, lowBandwidth) regenerateIndexForBox(path, nickname, domain, 'outbox') global testServerBobRunning testServerBobRunning = True maxMentions = 10 maxEmoji = 10 onionDomain = None i2pDomain = None allowLocalNetworkAccess = True maxNewswirePosts = 20 dormantMonths = 3 sendThreadsTimeoutMins = 30 maxFollowers = 10 verifyAllSignatures = True brochMode = False showNodeInfoAccounts = True showNodeInfoVersion = True city = 'London, England' logLoginFailures = False userAgentsBlocked = [] maxLikeCount = 10 print('Server running: Bob') runDaemon(lowBandwidth, maxLikeCount, sharedItemsFederatedDomains, userAgentsBlocked, logLoginFailures, city, showNodeInfoAccounts, showNodeInfoVersion, brochMode, verifyAllSignatures, sendThreadsTimeoutMins, dormantMonths, maxNewswirePosts, allowLocalNetworkAccess, 2048, False, True, False, False, True, maxFollowers, 0, 100, 1024, 5, False, 0, False, 1, False, False, False, 5, True, True, 'en', __version__, "instanceId", False, path, domain, onionDomain, i2pDomain, None, port, port, httpPrefix, federationList, maxMentions, maxEmoji, False, proxyType, maxReplies, domainMaxPostsPerDay, accountMaxPostsPerDay, allowDeletion, True, True, False, sendThreads, False) def createServerEve(path: str, domain: str, port: int, federationList: [], hasFollows: bool, hasPosts: bool, sendThreads: []): print('Creating test server: Eve on port ' + str(port)) if os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path) os.mkdir(path) os.chdir(path) sharedItemsFederatedDomains = [] nickname = 'eve' httpPrefix = 'http' proxyType = None password = 'evepass' maxReplies = 64 allowDeletion = True privateKeyPem, publicKeyPem, person, wfEndpoint = \ createPerson(path, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, True, False, password) deleteAllPosts(path, nickname, domain, 'inbox') deleteAllPosts(path, nickname, domain, 'outbox') global testServerEveRunning testServerEveRunning = True maxMentions = 10 maxEmoji = 10 onionDomain = None i2pDomain = None allowLocalNetworkAccess = True maxNewswirePosts = 20 dormantMonths = 3 sendThreadsTimeoutMins = 30 maxFollowers = 10 verifyAllSignatures = True brochMode = False showNodeInfoAccounts = True showNodeInfoVersion = True city = 'London, England' logLoginFailures = False userAgentsBlocked = [] maxLikeCount = 10 lowBandwidth = True print('Server running: Eve') runDaemon(lowBandwidth, maxLikeCount, sharedItemsFederatedDomains, userAgentsBlocked, logLoginFailures, city, showNodeInfoAccounts, showNodeInfoVersion, brochMode, verifyAllSignatures, sendThreadsTimeoutMins, dormantMonths, maxNewswirePosts, allowLocalNetworkAccess, 2048, False, True, False, False, True, maxFollowers, 0, 100, 1024, 5, False, 0, False, 1, False, False, False, 5, True, True, 'en', __version__, "instanceId", False, path, domain, onionDomain, i2pDomain, None, port, port, httpPrefix, federationList, maxMentions, maxEmoji, False, proxyType, maxReplies, allowDeletion, True, True, False, sendThreads, False) def createServerGroup(path: str, domain: str, port: int, federationList: [], hasFollows: bool, hasPosts: bool, sendThreads: []): print('Creating test server: Group on port ' + str(port)) if os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path) os.mkdir(path) os.chdir(path) sharedItemsFederatedDomains = [] # systemLanguage = 'en' nickname = 'testgroup' httpPrefix = 'http' proxyType = None password = 'testgrouppass' maxReplies = 64 domainMaxPostsPerDay = 1000 accountMaxPostsPerDay = 1000 allowDeletion = True privateKeyPem, publicKeyPem, person, wfEndpoint = \ createGroup(path, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, True, password) deleteAllPosts(path, nickname, domain, 'inbox') deleteAllPosts(path, nickname, domain, 'outbox') global testServerGroupRunning testServerGroupRunning = True maxMentions = 10 maxEmoji = 10 onionDomain = None i2pDomain = None allowLocalNetworkAccess = True maxNewswirePosts = 20 dormantMonths = 3 sendThreadsTimeoutMins = 30 maxFollowers = 10 verifyAllSignatures = True brochMode = False showNodeInfoAccounts = True showNodeInfoVersion = True city = 'London, England' logLoginFailures = False userAgentsBlocked = [] maxLikeCount = 10 lowBandwidth = True print('Server running: Group') runDaemon(lowBandwidth, maxLikeCount, sharedItemsFederatedDomains, userAgentsBlocked, logLoginFailures, city, showNodeInfoAccounts, showNodeInfoVersion, brochMode, verifyAllSignatures, sendThreadsTimeoutMins, dormantMonths, maxNewswirePosts, allowLocalNetworkAccess, 2048, False, True, False, False, True, maxFollowers, 0, 100, 1024, 5, False, 0, False, 1, False, False, False, 5, True, True, 'en', __version__, "instanceId", False, path, domain, onionDomain, i2pDomain, None, port, port, httpPrefix, federationList, maxMentions, maxEmoji, False, proxyType, maxReplies, domainMaxPostsPerDay, accountMaxPostsPerDay, allowDeletion, True, True, False, sendThreads, False) def testPostMessageBetweenServers(): print('Testing sending message from one server to the inbox of another') global testServerAliceRunning global testServerBobRunning testServerAliceRunning = False testServerBobRunning = False systemLanguage = 'en' httpPrefix = 'http' proxyType = None baseDir = os.getcwd() if os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/.tests'): shutil.rmtree(baseDir + '/.tests') os.mkdir(baseDir + '/.tests') # create the servers aliceDir = baseDir + '/.tests/alice' aliceDomain = '' alicePort = 61935 aliceAddress = aliceDomain + ':' + str(alicePort) bobDir = baseDir + '/.tests/bob' bobDomain = '' bobPort = 61936 federationList = [bobDomain, aliceDomain] aliceSendThreads = [] bobSendThreads = [] bobAddress = bobDomain + ':' + str(bobPort) global thrAlice if thrAlice: while thrAlice.is_alive(): thrAlice.stop() time.sleep(1) thrAlice.kill() thrAlice = \ threadWithTrace(target=createServerAlice, args=(aliceDir, aliceDomain, alicePort, bobAddress, federationList, False, False, aliceSendThreads), daemon=True) global thrBob if thrBob: while thrBob.is_alive(): thrBob.stop() time.sleep(1) thrBob.kill() thrBob = \ threadWithTrace(target=createServerBob, args=(bobDir, bobDomain, bobPort, aliceAddress, federationList, False, False, bobSendThreads), daemon=True) thrAlice.start() thrBob.start() assert thrAlice.is_alive() is True assert thrBob.is_alive() is True # wait for both servers to be running while not (testServerAliceRunning and testServerBobRunning): time.sleep(1) time.sleep(1) print('\n\n*******************************************************') print('Alice sends to Bob') os.chdir(aliceDir) sessionAlice = createSession(proxyType) inReplyTo = None inReplyToAtomUri = None subject = None alicePostLog = [] followersOnly = False saveToFile = True clientToServer = False ccUrl = None alicePersonCache = {} aliceCachedWebfingers = {} aliceSharedItemsFederatedDomains = [] aliceSharedItemFederationTokens = {} attachedImageFilename = baseDir + '/img/logo.png' testImageWidth, testImageHeight = \ getImageDimensions(attachedImageFilename) assert testImageWidth assert testImageHeight mediaType = getAttachmentMediaType(attachedImageFilename) attachedImageDescription = 'Logo' isArticle = False city = 'London, England' # nothing in Alice's outbox outboxPath = aliceDir + '/accounts/alice@' + aliceDomain + '/outbox' assert len([name for name in os.listdir(outboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(outboxPath, name))]) == 0 lowBandwidth = False signingPrivateKeyPem = None sendResult = \ sendPost(signingPrivateKeyPem, __version__, sessionAlice, aliceDir, 'alice', aliceDomain, alicePort, 'bob', bobDomain, bobPort, ccUrl, httpPrefix, 'Why is a mouse when it spins? ' + 'यह एक परीक्षण है #sillyquestion', followersOnly, saveToFile, clientToServer, True, attachedImageFilename, mediaType, attachedImageDescription, city, federationList, aliceSendThreads, alicePostLog, aliceCachedWebfingers, alicePersonCache, isArticle, systemLanguage, aliceSharedItemsFederatedDomains, aliceSharedItemFederationTokens, lowBandwidth, inReplyTo, inReplyToAtomUri, subject) print('sendResult: ' + str(sendResult)) queuePath = bobDir + '/accounts/bob@' + bobDomain + '/queue' inboxPath = bobDir + '/accounts/bob@' + bobDomain + '/inbox' mPath = getMediaPath() mediaPath = aliceDir + '/' + mPath for i in range(30): if os.path.isdir(inboxPath): if len([name for name in os.listdir(inboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(inboxPath, name))]) > 0: if len([name for name in os.listdir(outboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(outboxPath, name))]) == 1: if len([name for name in os.listdir(mediaPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(mediaPath, name))]) > 0: if len([name for name in os.listdir(queuePath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(queuePath, name))]) == 0: break time.sleep(1) # check that a news account exists newsActorDir = aliceDir + '/accounts/news@' + aliceDomain print("newsActorDir: " + newsActorDir) assert os.path.isdir(newsActorDir) newsActorFile = newsActorDir + '.json' assert os.path.isfile(newsActorFile) newsActorJson = loadJson(newsActorFile) assert newsActorJson assert newsActorJson.get("id") # check the id of the news actor print('News actor Id: ' + newsActorJson["id"]) assert (newsActorJson["id"] == httpPrefix + '://' + aliceAddress + '/users/news') # Image attachment created assert len([name for name in os.listdir(mediaPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(mediaPath, name))]) > 0 # inbox item created assert len([name for name in os.listdir(inboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(inboxPath, name))]) == 1 # queue item removed testval = len([name for name in os.listdir(queuePath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(queuePath, name))]) print('queuePath: ' + queuePath + ' '+str(testval)) assert testval == 0 assert validInbox(bobDir, 'bob', bobDomain) assert validInboxFilenames(bobDir, 'bob', bobDomain, aliceDomain, alicePort) print('Check that message received from Alice contains the expected text') for name in os.listdir(inboxPath): filename = os.path.join(inboxPath, name) assert os.path.isfile(filename) receivedJson = loadJson(filename, 0) if receivedJson: pprint(receivedJson['object']['content']) assert receivedJson assert 'Why is a mouse when it spins?' in \ receivedJson['object']['content'] assert 'Why is a mouse when it spins?' in \ receivedJson['object']['contentMap'][systemLanguage] assert 'यह एक परीक्षण है' in receivedJson['object']['content'] print('Check that message received from Alice contains an attachment') assert receivedJson['object']['attachment'] assert len(receivedJson['object']['attachment']) == 1 attached = receivedJson['object']['attachment'][0] pprint(attached) assert attached.get('type') assert attached.get('url') assert attached['mediaType'] == 'image/png' assert '/media/' in attached['url'] assert attached['url'].endswith('.png') assert attached.get('width') assert attached.get('height') assert attached['width'] > 0 assert attached['height'] > 0 print('\n\n*******************************************************') print("Bob likes Alice's post") aliceDomainStr = aliceDomain + ':' + str(alicePort) followerOfPerson(bobDir, 'bob', bobDomain, 'alice', aliceDomainStr, federationList, False, False) bobDomainStr = bobDomain + ':' + str(bobPort) followPerson(aliceDir, 'alice', aliceDomain, 'bob', bobDomainStr, federationList, False, False) sessionBob = createSession(proxyType) bobPostLog = [] bobPersonCache = {} bobCachedWebfingers = {} statusNumber = None outboxPostFilename = None outboxPath = aliceDir + '/accounts/alice@' + aliceDomain + '/outbox' for name in os.listdir(outboxPath): if '#statuses#' in name: statusNumber = \ int(name.split('#statuses#')[1].replace('.json', '')) outboxPostFilename = outboxPath + '/' + name assert statusNumber > 0 assert outboxPostFilename assert likePost({}, sessionBob, bobDir, federationList, 'bob', bobDomain, bobPort, httpPrefix, 'alice', aliceDomain, alicePort, [], statusNumber, False, bobSendThreads, bobPostLog, bobPersonCache, bobCachedWebfingers, True, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) for i in range(20): if 'likes' in open(outboxPostFilename).read(): break time.sleep(1) alicePostJson = loadJson(outboxPostFilename, 0) if alicePostJson: pprint(alicePostJson) assert 'likes' in open(outboxPostFilename).read() print('\n\n*******************************************************') print("Bob repeats Alice's post") objectUrl = \ httpPrefix + '://' + aliceDomain + ':' + str(alicePort) + \ '/users/alice/statuses/' + str(statusNumber) inboxPath = aliceDir + '/accounts/alice@' + aliceDomain + '/inbox' outboxPath = bobDir + '/accounts/bob@' + bobDomain + '/outbox' outboxBeforeAnnounceCount = \ len([name for name in os.listdir(outboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(outboxPath, name))]) beforeAnnounceCount = \ len([name for name in os.listdir(inboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(inboxPath, name))]) print('inbox items before announce: ' + str(beforeAnnounceCount)) print('outbox items before announce: ' + str(outboxBeforeAnnounceCount)) assert outboxBeforeAnnounceCount == 0 assert beforeAnnounceCount == 0 announcePublic(sessionBob, bobDir, federationList, 'bob', bobDomain, bobPort, httpPrefix, objectUrl, False, bobSendThreads, bobPostLog, bobPersonCache, bobCachedWebfingers, True, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) announceMessageArrived = False outboxMessageArrived = False for i in range(10): time.sleep(1) if not os.path.isdir(inboxPath): continue if len([name for name in os.listdir(outboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(outboxPath, name))]) > 0: outboxMessageArrived = True print('Announce created by Bob') if len([name for name in os.listdir(inboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(inboxPath, name))]) > 0: announceMessageArrived = True print('Announce message sent to Alice!') if announceMessageArrived and outboxMessageArrived: break afterAnnounceCount = \ len([name for name in os.listdir(inboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(inboxPath, name))]) outboxAfterAnnounceCount = \ len([name for name in os.listdir(outboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(outboxPath, name))]) print('inbox items after announce: ' + str(afterAnnounceCount)) print('outbox items after announce: ' + str(outboxAfterAnnounceCount)) assert afterAnnounceCount == beforeAnnounceCount+1 assert outboxAfterAnnounceCount == outboxBeforeAnnounceCount + 1 # stop the servers thrAlice.kill() thrAlice.join() assert thrAlice.is_alive() is False thrBob.kill() thrBob.join() assert thrBob.is_alive() is False os.chdir(baseDir) shutil.rmtree(aliceDir) shutil.rmtree(bobDir) def testFollowBetweenServers(): print('Testing sending a follow request from one server to another') global testServerAliceRunning global testServerBobRunning testServerAliceRunning = False testServerBobRunning = False systemLanguage = 'en' httpPrefix = 'http' proxyType = None federationList = [] baseDir = os.getcwd() if os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/.tests'): shutil.rmtree(baseDir + '/.tests') os.mkdir(baseDir + '/.tests') # create the servers aliceDir = baseDir + '/.tests/alice' aliceDomain = '' alicePort = 61935 aliceSendThreads = [] aliceAddress = aliceDomain + ':' + str(alicePort) bobDir = baseDir + '/.tests/bob' bobDomain = '' bobPort = 61936 bobSendThreads = [] bobAddress = bobDomain + ':' + str(bobPort) global thrAlice if thrAlice: while thrAlice.is_alive(): thrAlice.stop() time.sleep(1) thrAlice.kill() thrAlice = \ threadWithTrace(target=createServerAlice, args=(aliceDir, aliceDomain, alicePort, bobAddress, federationList, False, False, aliceSendThreads), daemon=True) global thrBob if thrBob: while thrBob.is_alive(): thrBob.stop() time.sleep(1) thrBob.kill() thrBob = \ threadWithTrace(target=createServerBob, args=(bobDir, bobDomain, bobPort, aliceAddress, federationList, False, False, bobSendThreads), daemon=True) thrAlice.start() thrBob.start() assert thrAlice.is_alive() is True assert thrBob.is_alive() is True # wait for all servers to be running ctr = 0 while not (testServerAliceRunning and testServerBobRunning): time.sleep(1) ctr += 1 if ctr > 60: break print('Alice online: ' + str(testServerAliceRunning)) print('Bob online: ' + str(testServerBobRunning)) assert ctr <= 60 time.sleep(1) # In the beginning all was calm and there were no follows print('*********************************************************') print('Alice sends a follow request to Bob') os.chdir(aliceDir) sessionAlice = createSession(proxyType) inReplyTo = None inReplyToAtomUri = None subject = None alicePostLog = [] followersOnly = False saveToFile = True clientToServer = False ccUrl = None alicePersonCache = {} aliceCachedWebfingers = {} alicePostLog = [] bobActor = httpPrefix + '://' + bobAddress + '/users/bob' signingPrivateKeyPem = None sendResult = \ sendFollowRequest(sessionAlice, aliceDir, 'alice', aliceDomain, alicePort, httpPrefix, 'bob', bobDomain, bobActor, bobPort, httpPrefix, clientToServer, federationList, aliceSendThreads, alicePostLog, aliceCachedWebfingers, alicePersonCache, True, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) print('sendResult: ' + str(sendResult)) for t in range(16): if os.path.isfile(bobDir + '/accounts/bob@' + bobDomain + '/followers.txt'): if os.path.isfile(aliceDir + '/accounts/alice@' + aliceDomain + '/following.txt'): if os.path.isfile(aliceDir + '/accounts/alice@' + aliceDomain + '/followingCalendar.txt'): break time.sleep(1) assert validInbox(bobDir, 'bob', bobDomain) assert validInboxFilenames(bobDir, 'bob', bobDomain, aliceDomain, alicePort) assert 'alice@' + aliceDomain in open(bobDir + '/accounts/bob@' + bobDomain + '/followers.txt').read() assert 'bob@' + bobDomain in open(aliceDir + '/accounts/alice@' + aliceDomain + '/following.txt').read() assert 'bob@' + bobDomain in open(aliceDir + '/accounts/alice@' + aliceDomain + '/followingCalendar.txt').read() assert not isGroupActor(aliceDir, bobActor, alicePersonCache) assert not isGroupAccount(aliceDir, 'alice', aliceDomain) print('\n\n*********************************************************') print('Alice sends a message to Bob') alicePostLog = [] alicePersonCache = {} aliceCachedWebfingers = {} aliceSharedItemsFederatedDomains = [] aliceSharedItemFederationTokens = {} alicePostLog = [] isArticle = False city = 'London, England' lowBandwidth = False signingPrivateKeyPem = None sendResult = \ sendPost(signingPrivateKeyPem, __version__, sessionAlice, aliceDir, 'alice', aliceDomain, alicePort, 'bob', bobDomain, bobPort, ccUrl, httpPrefix, 'Alice message', followersOnly, saveToFile, clientToServer, True, None, None, None, city, federationList, aliceSendThreads, alicePostLog, aliceCachedWebfingers, alicePersonCache, isArticle, systemLanguage, aliceSharedItemsFederatedDomains, aliceSharedItemFederationTokens, lowBandwidth, inReplyTo, inReplyToAtomUri, subject) print('sendResult: ' + str(sendResult)) queuePath = bobDir + '/accounts/bob@' + bobDomain + '/queue' inboxPath = bobDir + '/accounts/bob@' + bobDomain + '/inbox' aliceMessageArrived = False for i in range(20): time.sleep(1) if os.path.isdir(inboxPath): if len([name for name in os.listdir(inboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(inboxPath, name))]) > 0: aliceMessageArrived = True print('Alice message sent to Bob!') break assert aliceMessageArrived is True print('Message from Alice to Bob succeeded') # stop the servers thrAlice.kill() thrAlice.join() assert thrAlice.is_alive() is False thrBob.kill() thrBob.join() assert thrBob.is_alive() is False # queue item removed time.sleep(4) assert len([name for name in os.listdir(queuePath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(queuePath, name))]) == 0 os.chdir(baseDir) shutil.rmtree(baseDir + '/.tests') def testSharedItemsFederation(): print('Testing federation of shared items between Alice and Bob') global testServerAliceRunning global testServerBobRunning testServerAliceRunning = False testServerBobRunning = False systemLanguage = 'en' httpPrefix = 'http' proxyType = None federationList = [] baseDir = os.getcwd() if os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/.tests'): shutil.rmtree(baseDir + '/.tests') os.mkdir(baseDir + '/.tests') # create the servers aliceDir = baseDir + '/.tests/alice' aliceDomain = '' alicePort = 61917 aliceSendThreads = [] aliceAddress = aliceDomain + ':' + str(alicePort) bobDir = baseDir + '/.tests/bob' bobDomain = '' bobPort = 61983 bobSendThreads = [] bobAddress = bobDomain + ':' + str(bobPort) bobPassword = 'bobpass' bobCachedWebfingers = {} bobPersonCache = {} global thrAlice if thrAlice: while thrAlice.is_alive(): thrAlice.stop() time.sleep(1) thrAlice.kill() thrAlice = \ threadWithTrace(target=createServerAlice, args=(aliceDir, aliceDomain, alicePort, bobAddress, federationList, False, False, aliceSendThreads), daemon=True) global thrBob if thrBob: while thrBob.is_alive(): thrBob.stop() time.sleep(1) thrBob.kill() thrBob = \ threadWithTrace(target=createServerBob, args=(bobDir, bobDomain, bobPort, aliceAddress, federationList, False, False, bobSendThreads), daemon=True) thrAlice.start() thrBob.start() assert thrAlice.is_alive() is True assert thrBob.is_alive() is True # wait for all servers to be running ctr = 0 while not (testServerAliceRunning and testServerBobRunning): time.sleep(1) ctr += 1 if ctr > 60: break print('Alice online: ' + str(testServerAliceRunning)) print('Bob online: ' + str(testServerBobRunning)) assert ctr <= 60 time.sleep(1) signingPrivateKeyPem = None sessionClient = createSession(proxyType) # Get Bob's instance actor print('\n\n*********************************************************') print("Test Bob's instance actor") profileStr = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams' testHeaders = { 'host': bobAddress, 'Accept': 'application/ld+json; profile="' + profileStr + '"' } bobInstanceActorJson = \ getJson(signingPrivateKeyPem, sessionClient, 'http://' + bobAddress + '/@actor', testHeaders, {}, True, __version__, 'http', 'somedomain.or.other', 10, True) assert bobInstanceActorJson pprint(bobInstanceActorJson) assert bobInstanceActorJson['name'] == 'ACTOR' # In the beginning all was calm and there were no follows print('\n\n*********************************************************') print("Alice and Bob agree to share items catalogs") assert os.path.isdir(aliceDir) assert os.path.isdir(bobDir) setConfigParam(aliceDir, 'sharedItemsFederatedDomains', bobAddress) setConfigParam(bobDir, 'sharedItemsFederatedDomains', aliceAddress) print('*********************************************************') print('Alice sends a follow request to Bob') os.chdir(aliceDir) sessionAlice = createSession(proxyType) inReplyTo = None inReplyToAtomUri = None subject = None alicePostLog = [] followersOnly = False saveToFile = True clientToServer = False ccUrl = None alicePersonCache = {} aliceCachedWebfingers = {} alicePostLog = [] bobActor = httpPrefix + '://' + bobAddress + '/users/bob' sendResult = \ sendFollowRequest(sessionAlice, aliceDir, 'alice', aliceDomain, alicePort, httpPrefix, 'bob', bobDomain, bobActor, bobPort, httpPrefix, clientToServer, federationList, aliceSendThreads, alicePostLog, aliceCachedWebfingers, alicePersonCache, True, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) print('sendResult: ' + str(sendResult)) for t in range(16): if os.path.isfile(bobDir + '/accounts/bob@' + bobDomain + '/followers.txt'): if os.path.isfile(aliceDir + '/accounts/alice@' + aliceDomain + '/following.txt'): if os.path.isfile(aliceDir + '/accounts/alice@' + aliceDomain + '/followingCalendar.txt'): break time.sleep(1) assert validInbox(bobDir, 'bob', bobDomain) assert validInboxFilenames(bobDir, 'bob', bobDomain, aliceDomain, alicePort) assert 'alice@' + aliceDomain in open(bobDir + '/accounts/bob@' + bobDomain + '/followers.txt').read() assert 'bob@' + bobDomain in open(aliceDir + '/accounts/alice@' + aliceDomain + '/following.txt').read() assert 'bob@' + bobDomain in open(aliceDir + '/accounts/alice@' + aliceDomain + '/followingCalendar.txt').read() assert not isGroupActor(aliceDir, bobActor, alicePersonCache) assert not isGroupAccount(bobDir, 'bob', bobDomain) print('\n\n*********************************************************') print('Bob publishes some shared items') if os.path.isdir(bobDir + '/ontology'): shutil.rmtree(bobDir + '/ontology') os.mkdir(bobDir + '/ontology') copyfile(baseDir + '/img/logo.png', bobDir + '/logo.png') copyfile(baseDir + '/ontology/foodTypes.json', bobDir + '/ontology/foodTypes.json') copyfile(baseDir + '/ontology/toolTypes.json', bobDir + '/ontology/toolTypes.json') copyfile(baseDir + '/ontology/clothesTypes.json', bobDir + '/ontology/clothesTypes.json') assert os.path.isfile(bobDir + '/logo.png') assert os.path.isfile(bobDir + '/ontology/foodTypes.json') assert os.path.isfile(bobDir + '/ontology/toolTypes.json') assert os.path.isfile(bobDir + '/ontology/clothesTypes.json') sharedItemName = 'cheddar' sharedItemDescription = 'Some cheese' sharedItemImageFilename = 'logo.png' sharedItemQty = 1 sharedItemType = 'Cheese' sharedItemCategory = 'Food' sharedItemLocation = "Bob's location" sharedItemDuration = "10 days" sharedItemPrice = "1.30" sharedItemCurrency = "EUR" signingPrivateKeyPem = None sessionBob = createSession(proxyType) shareJson = \ sendShareViaServer(bobDir, sessionBob, 'bob', bobPassword, bobDomain, bobPort, httpPrefix, sharedItemName, sharedItemDescription, sharedItemImageFilename, sharedItemQty, sharedItemType, sharedItemCategory, sharedItemLocation, sharedItemDuration, bobCachedWebfingers, bobPersonCache, True, __version__, sharedItemPrice, sharedItemCurrency, signingPrivateKeyPem) assert shareJson assert isinstance(shareJson, dict) sharedItemName = 'Epicyon T-shirt' sharedItemDescription = 'A fashionable item' sharedItemImageFilename = 'logo.png' sharedItemQty = 1 sharedItemType = 'T-Shirt' sharedItemCategory = 'Clothes' sharedItemLocation = "Bob's location" sharedItemDuration = "5 days" sharedItemPrice = "0" sharedItemCurrency = "EUR" shareJson = \ sendShareViaServer(bobDir, sessionBob, 'bob', bobPassword, bobDomain, bobPort, httpPrefix, sharedItemName, sharedItemDescription, sharedItemImageFilename, sharedItemQty, sharedItemType, sharedItemCategory, sharedItemLocation, sharedItemDuration, bobCachedWebfingers, bobPersonCache, True, __version__, sharedItemPrice, sharedItemCurrency, signingPrivateKeyPem) assert shareJson assert isinstance(shareJson, dict) sharedItemName = 'Soldering iron' sharedItemDescription = 'A soldering iron' sharedItemImageFilename = 'logo.png' sharedItemQty = 1 sharedItemType = 'Soldering iron' sharedItemCategory = 'Tools' sharedItemLocation = "Bob's location" sharedItemDuration = "9 days" sharedItemPrice = "10.00" sharedItemCurrency = "EUR" shareJson = \ sendShareViaServer(bobDir, sessionBob, 'bob', bobPassword, bobDomain, bobPort, httpPrefix, sharedItemName, sharedItemDescription, sharedItemImageFilename, sharedItemQty, sharedItemType, sharedItemCategory, sharedItemLocation, sharedItemDuration, bobCachedWebfingers, bobPersonCache, True, __version__, sharedItemPrice, sharedItemCurrency, signingPrivateKeyPem) assert shareJson assert isinstance(shareJson, dict) time.sleep(2) print('\n\n*********************************************************') print('Bob has a shares.json file containing the uploaded items') sharesFilename = bobDir + '/accounts/bob@' + bobDomain + '/shares.json' assert os.path.isfile(sharesFilename) sharesJson = loadJson(sharesFilename) assert sharesJson pprint(sharesJson) assert len(sharesJson.items()) == 3 for itemID, item in sharesJson.items(): if not item.get('dfcId'): pprint(item) print(itemID + ' does not have dfcId field') assert item.get('dfcId') print('\n\n*********************************************************') print('Bob can read the shared items catalog on his own instance') signingPrivateKeyPem = None catalogJson = \ getSharedItemsCatalogViaServer(bobDir, sessionBob, 'bob', bobPassword, bobDomain, bobPort, httpPrefix, True, signingPrivateKeyPem) assert catalogJson pprint(catalogJson) assert 'DFC:supplies' in catalogJson assert len(catalogJson.get('DFC:supplies')) == 3 print('\n\n*********************************************************') print('Alice sends a message to Bob') aliceTokensFilename = \ aliceDir + '/accounts/sharedItemsFederationTokens.json' assert os.path.isfile(aliceTokensFilename) aliceSharedItemFederationTokens = loadJson(aliceTokensFilename) assert aliceSharedItemFederationTokens print('Alice shared item federation tokens:') pprint(aliceSharedItemFederationTokens) assert len(aliceSharedItemFederationTokens.items()) > 0 for hostStr, token in aliceSharedItemFederationTokens.items(): assert ':' in hostStr alicePostLog = [] alicePersonCache = {} aliceCachedWebfingers = {} aliceSharedItemsFederatedDomains = [bobAddress] alicePostLog = [] isArticle = False city = 'London, England' lowBandwidth = False signingPrivateKeyPem = None sendResult = \ sendPost(signingPrivateKeyPem, __version__, sessionAlice, aliceDir, 'alice', aliceDomain, alicePort, 'bob', bobDomain, bobPort, ccUrl, httpPrefix, 'Alice message', followersOnly, saveToFile, clientToServer, True, None, None, None, city, federationList, aliceSendThreads, alicePostLog, aliceCachedWebfingers, alicePersonCache, isArticle, systemLanguage, aliceSharedItemsFederatedDomains, aliceSharedItemFederationTokens, lowBandwidth, True, inReplyTo, inReplyToAtomUri, subject) print('sendResult: ' + str(sendResult)) queuePath = bobDir + '/accounts/bob@' + bobDomain + '/queue' inboxPath = bobDir + '/accounts/bob@' + bobDomain + '/inbox' aliceMessageArrived = False for i in range(20): time.sleep(1) if os.path.isdir(inboxPath): if len([name for name in os.listdir(inboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(inboxPath, name))]) > 0: aliceMessageArrived = True print('Alice message sent to Bob!') break assert aliceMessageArrived is True print('Message from Alice to Bob succeeded') print('\n\n*********************************************************') print('Check that Alice received the shared items authorization') print('token from Bob') aliceTokensFilename = \ aliceDir + '/accounts/sharedItemsFederationTokens.json' bobTokensFilename = \ bobDir + '/accounts/sharedItemsFederationTokens.json' assert os.path.isfile(aliceTokensFilename) assert os.path.isfile(bobTokensFilename) aliceTokens = loadJson(aliceTokensFilename) assert aliceTokens for hostStr, token in aliceTokens.items(): assert ':' in hostStr assert aliceTokens.get(aliceAddress) print('Alice tokens') pprint(aliceTokens) bobTokens = loadJson(bobTokensFilename) assert bobTokens for hostStr, token in bobTokens.items(): assert ':' in hostStr assert bobTokens.get(bobAddress) print("Check that Bob now has Alice's token") assert bobTokens.get(aliceAddress) print('Bob tokens') pprint(bobTokens) print('\n\n*********************************************************') print('Alice can read the federated shared items catalog of Bob') headers = { 'Origin': aliceAddress, 'Authorization': bobTokens[bobAddress], 'host': bobAddress, 'Accept': 'application/json' } url = httpPrefix + '://' + bobAddress + '/catalog' signingPrivateKeyPem = None catalogJson = getJson(signingPrivateKeyPem, sessionAlice, url, headers, None, True) assert catalogJson pprint(catalogJson) assert 'DFC:supplies' in catalogJson assert len(catalogJson.get('DFC:supplies')) == 3 # stop the servers thrAlice.kill() thrAlice.join() assert thrAlice.is_alive() is False thrBob.kill() thrBob.join() assert thrBob.is_alive() is False # queue item removed time.sleep(4) assert len([name for name in os.listdir(queuePath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(queuePath, name))]) == 0 os.chdir(baseDir) shutil.rmtree(baseDir + '/.tests') print('Testing federation of shared items between ' + 'Alice and Bob is complete') def testGroupFollow(): print('Testing following of a group') global testServerAliceRunning global testServerBobRunning global testServerGroupRunning systemLanguage = 'en' testServerAliceRunning = False testServerBobRunning = False testServerGroupRunning = False # systemLanguage = 'en' httpPrefix = 'http' proxyType = None federationList = [] baseDir = os.getcwd() if os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/.tests'): shutil.rmtree(baseDir + '/.tests') os.mkdir(baseDir + '/.tests') # create the servers aliceDir = baseDir + '/.tests/alice' aliceDomain = '' alicePort = 61927 aliceSendThreads = [] aliceAddress = aliceDomain + ':' + str(alicePort) bobDir = baseDir + '/.tests/bob' bobDomain = '' bobPort = 61814 bobSendThreads = [] # bobAddress = bobDomain + ':' + str(bobPort) testgroupDir = baseDir + '/.tests/testgroup' testgroupDomain = '' testgroupPort = 61925 testgroupSendThreads = [] testgroupAddress = testgroupDomain + ':' + str(testgroupPort) global thrAlice if thrAlice: while thrAlice.is_alive(): thrAlice.stop() time.sleep(1) thrAlice.kill() thrAlice = \ threadWithTrace(target=createServerAlice, args=(aliceDir, aliceDomain, alicePort, testgroupAddress, federationList, False, True, aliceSendThreads), daemon=True) global thrBob if thrBob: while thrBob.is_alive(): thrBob.stop() time.sleep(1) thrBob.kill() thrBob = \ threadWithTrace(target=createServerBob, args=(bobDir, bobDomain, bobPort, None, federationList, False, False, bobSendThreads), daemon=True) global thrGroup if thrGroup: while thrGroup.is_alive(): thrGroup.stop() time.sleep(1) thrGroup.kill() thrGroup = \ threadWithTrace(target=createServerGroup, args=(testgroupDir, testgroupDomain, testgroupPort, federationList, False, False, testgroupSendThreads), daemon=True) thrAlice.start() thrBob.start() thrGroup.start() assert thrAlice.is_alive() is True assert thrBob.is_alive() is True assert thrGroup.is_alive() is True # wait for all servers to be running ctr = 0 while not (testServerAliceRunning and testServerBobRunning and testServerGroupRunning): time.sleep(1) ctr += 1 if ctr > 60: break print('Alice online: ' + str(testServerAliceRunning)) print('Bob online: ' + str(testServerBobRunning)) print('Test Group online: ' + str(testServerGroupRunning)) assert ctr <= 60 time.sleep(1) print('*********************************************************') print('Alice has some outbox posts') aliceOutbox = 'http://' + aliceAddress + '/users/alice/outbox' session = createSession(None) profileStr = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams' asHeader = { 'Accept': 'application/ld+json; profile="' + profileStr + '"' } signingPrivateKeyPem = None outboxJson = getJson(signingPrivateKeyPem, session, aliceOutbox, asHeader, None, True, __version__, 'http', None) assert outboxJson pprint(outboxJson) assert outboxJson['type'] == 'OrderedCollection' assert 'first' in outboxJson firstPage = outboxJson['first'] assert 'totalItems' in outboxJson print('Alice outbox totalItems: ' + str(outboxJson['totalItems'])) assert outboxJson['totalItems'] == 3 outboxJson = getJson(signingPrivateKeyPem, session, firstPage, asHeader, None, True, __version__, 'http', None) assert outboxJson pprint(outboxJson) assert 'orderedItems' in outboxJson assert outboxJson['type'] == 'OrderedCollectionPage' print('Alice outbox orderedItems: ' + str(len(outboxJson['orderedItems']))) assert len(outboxJson['orderedItems']) == 3 queuePath = \ testgroupDir + '/accounts/testgroup@' + testgroupDomain + '/queue' # In the beginning the test group had no followers print('*********************************************************') print('Alice sends a follow request to the test group') os.chdir(aliceDir) sessionAlice = createSession(proxyType) inReplyTo = None inReplyToAtomUri = None subject = None alicePostLog = [] followersOnly = False saveToFile = True clientToServer = False ccUrl = None alicePersonCache = {} aliceCachedWebfingers = {} alicePostLog = [] # aliceActor = httpPrefix + '://' + aliceAddress + '/users/alice' testgroupActor = httpPrefix + '://' + testgroupAddress + '/users/testgroup' signingPrivateKeyPem = None sendResult = \ sendFollowRequest(sessionAlice, aliceDir, 'alice', aliceDomain, alicePort, httpPrefix, 'testgroup', testgroupDomain, testgroupActor, testgroupPort, httpPrefix, clientToServer, federationList, aliceSendThreads, alicePostLog, aliceCachedWebfingers, alicePersonCache, True, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) print('sendResult: ' + str(sendResult)) aliceFollowingFilename = \ aliceDir + '/accounts/alice@' + aliceDomain + '/following.txt' aliceFollowingCalendarFilename = \ aliceDir + '/accounts/alice@' + aliceDomain + \ '/followingCalendar.txt' testgroupFollowersFilename = \ testgroupDir + '/accounts/testgroup@' + testgroupDomain + \ '/followers.txt' for t in range(16): if os.path.isfile(testgroupFollowersFilename): if os.path.isfile(aliceFollowingFilename): if os.path.isfile(aliceFollowingCalendarFilename): break time.sleep(1) assert validInbox(testgroupDir, 'testgroup', testgroupDomain) assert validInboxFilenames(testgroupDir, 'testgroup', testgroupDomain, aliceDomain, alicePort) assert 'alice@' + aliceDomain in open(testgroupFollowersFilename).read() assert '!alice@' + aliceDomain not in \ open(testgroupFollowersFilename).read() testgroupWebfingerFilename = \ testgroupDir + '/wfendpoints/testgroup@' + \ testgroupDomain + ':' + str(testgroupPort) + '.json' assert os.path.isfile(testgroupWebfingerFilename) assert 'group:testgroup@' in open(testgroupWebfingerFilename).read() print('group: exists within the webfinger endpoint for testgroup') testgroupHandle = 'testgroup@' + testgroupDomain followingStr = '' with open(aliceFollowingFilename, 'r') as fp: followingStr = fp.read() print('Alice following.txt:\n\n' + followingStr) if '!testgroup' not in followingStr: print('Alice following.txt does not contain !testgroup@' + testgroupDomain + ':' + str(testgroupPort)) assert isGroupActor(aliceDir, testgroupActor, alicePersonCache) assert not isGroupAccount(aliceDir, 'alice', aliceDomain) assert isGroupAccount(testgroupDir, 'testgroup', testgroupDomain) assert '!testgroup' in followingStr assert testgroupHandle in open(aliceFollowingFilename).read() assert testgroupHandle in open(aliceFollowingCalendarFilename).read() print('\n\n*********************************************************') print('Alice follows the test group') print('*********************************************************') print('Bob sends a follow request to the test group') os.chdir(bobDir) sessionBob = createSession(proxyType) inReplyTo = None inReplyToAtomUri = None subject = None bobPostLog = [] followersOnly = False saveToFile = True clientToServer = False ccUrl = None bobPersonCache = {} bobCachedWebfingers = {} bobPostLog = [] # bobActor = httpPrefix + '://' + bobAddress + '/users/bob' testgroupActor = httpPrefix + '://' + testgroupAddress + '/users/testgroup' signingPrivateKeyPem = None sendResult = \ sendFollowRequest(sessionBob, bobDir, 'bob', bobDomain, bobPort, httpPrefix, 'testgroup', testgroupDomain, testgroupActor, testgroupPort, httpPrefix, clientToServer, federationList, bobSendThreads, bobPostLog, bobCachedWebfingers, bobPersonCache, True, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) print('sendResult: ' + str(sendResult)) bobFollowingFilename = \ bobDir + '/accounts/bob@' + bobDomain + '/following.txt' bobFollowingCalendarFilename = \ bobDir + '/accounts/bob@' + bobDomain + \ '/followingCalendar.txt' testgroupFollowersFilename = \ testgroupDir + '/accounts/testgroup@' + testgroupDomain + \ '/followers.txt' for t in range(16): if os.path.isfile(testgroupFollowersFilename): if os.path.isfile(bobFollowingFilename): if os.path.isfile(bobFollowingCalendarFilename): break time.sleep(1) assert validInbox(testgroupDir, 'testgroup', testgroupDomain) assert validInboxFilenames(testgroupDir, 'testgroup', testgroupDomain, bobDomain, bobPort) assert 'bob@' + bobDomain in open(testgroupFollowersFilename).read() assert '!bob@' + bobDomain not in open(testgroupFollowersFilename).read() testgroupWebfingerFilename = \ testgroupDir + '/wfendpoints/testgroup@' + \ testgroupDomain + ':' + str(testgroupPort) + '.json' assert os.path.isfile(testgroupWebfingerFilename) assert 'group:testgroup@' in open(testgroupWebfingerFilename).read() print('group: exists within the webfinger endpoint for testgroup') testgroupHandle = 'testgroup@' + testgroupDomain followingStr = '' with open(bobFollowingFilename, 'r') as fp: followingStr = fp.read() print('Bob following.txt:\n\n' + followingStr) if '!testgroup' not in followingStr: print('Bob following.txt does not contain !testgroup@' + testgroupDomain + ':' + str(testgroupPort)) assert isGroupActor(bobDir, testgroupActor, bobPersonCache) assert '!testgroup' in followingStr assert testgroupHandle in open(bobFollowingFilename).read() assert testgroupHandle in open(bobFollowingCalendarFilename).read() print('Bob follows the test group') print('\n\n*********************************************************') print('Alice posts to the test group') inboxPathBob = \ bobDir + '/accounts/bob@' + bobDomain + '/inbox' startPostsBob = \ len([name for name in os.listdir(inboxPathBob) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(inboxPathBob, name))]) assert startPostsBob == 0 alicePostLog = [] alicePersonCache = {} aliceCachedWebfingers = {} aliceSharedItemsFederatedDomains = [] aliceSharedItemFederationTokens = {} alicePostLog = [] isArticle = False city = 'London, England' lowBandwidth = False signingPrivateKeyPem = None sendResult = \ sendPost(signingPrivateKeyPem, __version__, sessionAlice, aliceDir, 'alice', aliceDomain, alicePort, 'testgroup', testgroupDomain, testgroupPort, ccUrl, httpPrefix, "Alice group message", followersOnly, saveToFile, clientToServer, True, None, None, None, city, federationList, aliceSendThreads, alicePostLog, aliceCachedWebfingers, alicePersonCache, isArticle, systemLanguage, aliceSharedItemsFederatedDomains, aliceSharedItemFederationTokens, lowBandwidth, inReplyTo, inReplyToAtomUri, subject) print('sendResult: ' + str(sendResult)) queuePath = \ testgroupDir + '/accounts/testgroup@' + testgroupDomain + '/queue' inboxPath = \ testgroupDir + '/accounts/testgroup@' + testgroupDomain + '/inbox' aliceMessageArrived = False startPosts = len([name for name in os.listdir(inboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(inboxPath, name))]) for i in range(20): time.sleep(1) if os.path.isdir(inboxPath): currPosts = \ len([name for name in os.listdir(inboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(inboxPath, name))]) if currPosts > startPosts: aliceMessageArrived = True print('Alice post sent to test group!') break assert aliceMessageArrived is True print('\n\n*********************************************************') print('Post from Alice to test group succeeded') print('\n\n*********************************************************') print('Check that post was relayed from test group to bob') bobMessageArrived = False for i in range(20): time.sleep(1) if os.path.isdir(inboxPathBob): currPostsBob = \ len([name for name in os.listdir(inboxPathBob) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(inboxPathBob, name))]) if currPostsBob > startPostsBob: bobMessageArrived = True print('Bob received relayed group post!') break assert bobMessageArrived is True # stop the servers thrAlice.kill() thrAlice.join() assert thrAlice.is_alive() is False thrBob.kill() thrBob.join() assert thrBob.is_alive() is False thrGroup.kill() thrGroup.join() assert thrGroup.is_alive() is False # queue item removed time.sleep(4) assert len([name for name in os.listdir(queuePath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(queuePath, name))]) == 0 os.chdir(baseDir) shutil.rmtree(baseDir + '/.tests') print('Testing following of a group is complete') def _testFollowersOfPerson(): print('testFollowersOfPerson') currDir = os.getcwd() nickname = 'mxpop' domain = 'diva.domain' password = 'birb' port = 80 httpPrefix = 'https' federationList = [] baseDir = currDir + '/.tests_followersofperson' if os.path.isdir(baseDir): shutil.rmtree(baseDir) os.mkdir(baseDir) os.chdir(baseDir) createPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, True, False, password) createPerson(baseDir, 'maxboardroom', domain, port, httpPrefix, True, False, password) createPerson(baseDir, 'ultrapancake', domain, port, httpPrefix, True, False, password) createPerson(baseDir, 'drokk', domain, port, httpPrefix, True, False, password) createPerson(baseDir, 'sausagedog', domain, port, httpPrefix, True, False, password) clearFollows(baseDir, nickname, domain) followPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'maxboardroom', domain, federationList, False, False) followPerson(baseDir, 'drokk', domain, 'ultrapancake', domain, federationList, False, False) # deliberate duplication followPerson(baseDir, 'drokk', domain, 'ultrapancake', domain, federationList, False, False) followPerson(baseDir, 'sausagedog', domain, 'ultrapancake', domain, federationList, False, False) followPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'ultrapancake', domain, federationList, False, False) followPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'someother', 'randodomain.net', federationList, False, False) followList = getFollowersOfPerson(baseDir, 'ultrapancake', domain) assert len(followList) == 3 assert 'mxpop@' + domain in followList assert 'drokk@' + domain in followList assert 'sausagedog@' + domain in followList os.chdir(currDir) shutil.rmtree(baseDir) def _testNoOfFollowersOnDomain(): print('testNoOfFollowersOnDomain') currDir = os.getcwd() nickname = 'mxpop' domain = 'diva.domain' otherdomain = 'soup.dragon' password = 'birb' port = 80 httpPrefix = 'https' federationList = [] baseDir = currDir + '/.tests_nooffollowersOndomain' if os.path.isdir(baseDir): shutil.rmtree(baseDir) os.mkdir(baseDir) os.chdir(baseDir) createPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, True, False, password) createPerson(baseDir, 'maxboardroom', otherdomain, port, httpPrefix, True, False, password) createPerson(baseDir, 'ultrapancake', otherdomain, port, httpPrefix, True, False, password) createPerson(baseDir, 'drokk', otherdomain, port, httpPrefix, True, False, password) createPerson(baseDir, 'sausagedog', otherdomain, port, httpPrefix, True, False, password) followPerson(baseDir, 'drokk', otherdomain, nickname, domain, federationList, False, False) followPerson(baseDir, 'sausagedog', otherdomain, nickname, domain, federationList, False, False) followPerson(baseDir, 'maxboardroom', otherdomain, nickname, domain, federationList, False, False) followerOfPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'cucumber', 'sandwiches.party', federationList, False, False) followerOfPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'captainsensible', 'damned.zone', federationList, False, False) followerOfPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'pilchard', 'zombies.attack', federationList, False, False) followerOfPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'drokk', otherdomain, federationList, False, False) followerOfPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'sausagedog', otherdomain, federationList, False, False) followerOfPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'maxboardroom', otherdomain, federationList, False, False) followersOnOtherDomain = \ noOfFollowersOnDomain(baseDir, nickname + '@' + domain, otherdomain) assert followersOnOtherDomain == 3 unfollowerOfAccount(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'sausagedog', otherdomain, False, False) followersOnOtherDomain = \ noOfFollowersOnDomain(baseDir, nickname + '@' + domain, otherdomain) assert followersOnOtherDomain == 2 os.chdir(currDir) shutil.rmtree(baseDir) def _testGroupFollowers(): print('testGroupFollowers') currDir = os.getcwd() nickname = 'test735' domain = 'mydomain.com' password = 'somepass' port = 80 httpPrefix = 'https' federationList = [] baseDir = currDir + '/.tests_testgroupfollowers' if os.path.isdir(baseDir): shutil.rmtree(baseDir) os.mkdir(baseDir) os.chdir(baseDir) createPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, True, False, password) clearFollowers(baseDir, nickname, domain) followerOfPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'badger', 'wild.domain', federationList, False, False) followerOfPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'squirrel', 'wild.domain', federationList, False, False) followerOfPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'rodent', 'wild.domain', federationList, False, False) followerOfPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'utterly', 'clutterly.domain', federationList, False, False) followerOfPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'zonked', 'zzz.domain', federationList, False, False) followerOfPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'nap', 'zzz.domain', federationList, False, False) grouped = groupFollowersByDomain(baseDir, nickname, domain) assert len(grouped.items()) == 3 assert grouped.get('zzz.domain') assert grouped.get('clutterly.domain') assert grouped.get('wild.domain') assert len(grouped['zzz.domain']) == 2 assert len(grouped['wild.domain']) == 3 assert len(grouped['clutterly.domain']) == 1 os.chdir(currDir) shutil.rmtree(baseDir) def _testFollows(): print('testFollows') currDir = os.getcwd() nickname = 'test529' domain = 'testdomain.com' password = 'mypass' port = 80 httpPrefix = 'https' federationList = ['wild.com', 'mesh.com'] baseDir = currDir + '/.tests_testfollows' if os.path.isdir(baseDir): shutil.rmtree(baseDir) os.mkdir(baseDir) os.chdir(baseDir) createPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, True, False, password) clearFollows(baseDir, nickname, domain) followPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'badger', 'wild.com', federationList, False, False) followPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'squirrel', 'secret.com', federationList, False, False) followPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'rodent', 'drainpipe.com', federationList, False, False) followPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'batman', 'mesh.com', federationList, False, False) followPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'giraffe', 'trees.com', federationList, False, False) accountDir = acctDir(baseDir, nickname, domain) f = open(accountDir + '/following.txt', 'r') domainFound = False for followingDomain in f: testDomain = followingDomain.split('@')[1] testDomain = testDomain.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') if testDomain == 'mesh.com': domainFound = True if testDomain not in federationList: print(testDomain) assert(False) assert(domainFound) unfollowAccount(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'batman', 'mesh.com', True, False) domainFound = False for followingDomain in f: testDomain = followingDomain.split('@')[1] testDomain = testDomain.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') if testDomain == 'mesh.com': domainFound = True assert(domainFound is False) clearFollowers(baseDir, nickname, domain) followerOfPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'badger', 'wild.com', federationList, False, False) followerOfPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'squirrel', 'secret.com', federationList, False, False) followerOfPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'rodent', 'drainpipe.com', federationList, False, False) followerOfPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'batman', 'mesh.com', federationList, False, False) followerOfPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'giraffe', 'trees.com', federationList, False, False) accountDir = acctDir(baseDir, nickname, domain) f = open(accountDir + '/followers.txt', 'r') for followerDomain in f: testDomain = followerDomain.split('@')[1] testDomain = testDomain.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') if testDomain not in federationList: print(testDomain) assert(False) os.chdir(currDir) shutil.rmtree(baseDir) def _testCreatePerson(): print('testCreatePerson') systemLanguage = 'en' currDir = os.getcwd() nickname = 'test382' domain = 'badgerdomain.com' password = 'mypass' port = 80 httpPrefix = 'https' clientToServer = False baseDir = currDir + '/.tests_createperson' if os.path.isdir(baseDir): shutil.rmtree(baseDir) os.mkdir(baseDir) os.chdir(baseDir) privateKeyPem, publicKeyPem, person, wfEndpoint = \ createPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, True, False, password) assert os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/passwords') deleteAllPosts(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'inbox') deleteAllPosts(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'outbox') setDisplayNickname(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'badger') setBio(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'Randomly roaming in your backyard') archivePostsForPerson(nickname, domain, baseDir, 'inbox', None, {}, 4) archivePostsForPerson(nickname, domain, baseDir, 'outbox', None, {}, 4) testInReplyTo = None testInReplyToAtomUri = None testSubject = None testSchedulePost = False testEventDate = None testEventTime = None testLocation = None testIsArticle = False content = "G'day world!" followersOnly = False saveToFile = True commentsEnabled = True attachImageFilename = None mediaType = None conversationId = None lowBandwidth = True createPublicPost(baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, content, followersOnly, saveToFile, clientToServer, commentsEnabled, attachImageFilename, mediaType, 'Not suitable for Vogons', 'London, England', testInReplyTo, testInReplyToAtomUri, testSubject, testSchedulePost, testEventDate, testEventTime, testLocation, testIsArticle, systemLanguage, conversationId, lowBandwidth) os.chdir(currDir) shutil.rmtree(baseDir) def showTestBoxes(name: str, inboxPath: str, outboxPath: str) -> None: inboxPosts = \ len([name for name in os.listdir(inboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(inboxPath, name))]) outboxPosts = \ len([name for name in os.listdir(outboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(outboxPath, name))]) print('EVENT: ' + name + ' inbox has ' + str(inboxPosts) + ' posts and ' + str(outboxPosts) + ' outbox posts') def _testAuthentication(): print('testAuthentication') currDir = os.getcwd() nickname = 'test8743' password = 'SuperSecretPassword12345' baseDir = currDir + '/.tests_authentication' if os.path.isdir(baseDir): shutil.rmtree(baseDir) os.mkdir(baseDir) os.chdir(baseDir) assert storeBasicCredentials(baseDir, 'othernick', 'otherpass') assert storeBasicCredentials(baseDir, 'bad:nick', 'otherpass') is False assert storeBasicCredentials(baseDir, 'badnick', 'otherpa:ss') is False assert storeBasicCredentials(baseDir, nickname, password) authHeader = createBasicAuthHeader(nickname, password) assert authorizeBasic(baseDir, '/users/' + nickname + '/inbox', authHeader, False) assert authorizeBasic(baseDir, '/users/' + nickname, authHeader, False) is False assert authorizeBasic(baseDir, '/users/othernick/inbox', authHeader, False) is False authHeader = createBasicAuthHeader(nickname, password + '1') assert authorizeBasic(baseDir, '/users/' + nickname + '/inbox', authHeader, False) is False password = 'someOtherPassword' assert storeBasicCredentials(baseDir, nickname, password) authHeader = createBasicAuthHeader(nickname, password) assert authorizeBasic(baseDir, '/users/' + nickname + '/inbox', authHeader, False) os.chdir(currDir) shutil.rmtree(baseDir) def testClientToServer(): print('EVENT: Testing sending a post via c2s') global testServerAliceRunning global testServerBobRunning testServerAliceRunning = False testServerBobRunning = False systemLanguage = 'en' httpPrefix = 'http' proxyType = None federationList = [] lowBandwidth = False baseDir = os.getcwd() if os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/.tests'): shutil.rmtree(baseDir + '/.tests') os.mkdir(baseDir + '/.tests') # create the servers aliceDir = baseDir + '/.tests/alice' aliceDomain = '' alicePort = 61935 aliceSendThreads = [] aliceAddress = aliceDomain + ':' + str(alicePort) bobDir = baseDir + '/.tests/bob' bobDomain = '' bobPort = 61936 bobSendThreads = [] bobAddress = bobDomain + ':' + str(bobPort) global thrAlice if thrAlice: while thrAlice.is_alive(): thrAlice.stop() time.sleep(1) thrAlice.kill() thrAlice = \ threadWithTrace(target=createServerAlice, args=(aliceDir, aliceDomain, alicePort, bobAddress, federationList, False, False, aliceSendThreads), daemon=True) global thrBob if thrBob: while thrBob.is_alive(): thrBob.stop() time.sleep(1) thrBob.kill() thrBob = \ threadWithTrace(target=createServerBob, args=(bobDir, bobDomain, bobPort, aliceAddress, federationList, False, False, bobSendThreads), daemon=True) thrAlice.start() thrBob.start() assert thrAlice.is_alive() is True assert thrBob.is_alive() is True # wait for both servers to be running ctr = 0 while not (testServerAliceRunning and testServerBobRunning): time.sleep(1) ctr += 1 if ctr > 60: break print('Alice online: ' + str(testServerAliceRunning)) print('Bob online: ' + str(testServerBobRunning)) time.sleep(1) print('\n\n*******************************************************') print('EVENT: Alice sends to Bob via c2s') sessionAlice = createSession(proxyType) followersOnly = False attachedImageFilename = baseDir + '/img/logo.png' mediaType = getAttachmentMediaType(attachedImageFilename) attachedImageDescription = 'Logo' city = 'London, England' isArticle = False cachedWebfingers = {} personCache = {} password = 'alicepass' conversationId = None aliceInboxPath = aliceDir + '/accounts/alice@' + aliceDomain + '/inbox' aliceOutboxPath = aliceDir + '/accounts/alice@' + aliceDomain + '/outbox' bobInboxPath = bobDir + '/accounts/bob@' + bobDomain + '/inbox' bobOutboxPath = bobDir + '/accounts/bob@' + bobDomain + '/outbox' outboxPath = aliceDir + '/accounts/alice@' + aliceDomain + '/outbox' inboxPath = bobDir + '/accounts/bob@' + bobDomain + '/inbox' showTestBoxes('alice', aliceInboxPath, aliceOutboxPath) showTestBoxes('bob', bobInboxPath, bobOutboxPath) assert len([name for name in os.listdir(aliceInboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(aliceInboxPath, name))]) == 0 assert len([name for name in os.listdir(aliceOutboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(aliceOutboxPath, name))]) == 0 assert len([name for name in os.listdir(bobInboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bobInboxPath, name))]) == 0 assert len([name for name in os.listdir(bobOutboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bobOutboxPath, name))]) == 0 print('EVENT: all inboxes and outboxes are empty') signingPrivateKeyPem = None sendResult = \ sendPostViaServer(signingPrivateKeyPem, __version__, aliceDir, sessionAlice, 'alice', password, aliceDomain, alicePort, 'bob', bobDomain, bobPort, None, httpPrefix, 'Sent from my ActivityPub client', followersOnly, True, attachedImageFilename, mediaType, attachedImageDescription, city, cachedWebfingers, personCache, isArticle, systemLanguage, lowBandwidth, True, None, None, conversationId, None) print('sendResult: ' + str(sendResult)) for i in range(30): if os.path.isdir(outboxPath): if len([name for name in os.listdir(outboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(outboxPath, name))]) == 1: break time.sleep(1) showTestBoxes('alice', aliceInboxPath, aliceOutboxPath) showTestBoxes('bob', bobInboxPath, bobOutboxPath) assert len([name for name in os.listdir(aliceInboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(aliceInboxPath, name))]) == 0 assert len([name for name in os.listdir(aliceOutboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(aliceOutboxPath, name))]) == 1 print(">>> c2s post arrived in Alice's outbox\n\n\n") for i in range(30): if os.path.isdir(inboxPath): if len([name for name in os.listdir(bobInboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bobInboxPath, name))]) == 1: break time.sleep(1) showTestBoxes('alice', aliceInboxPath, aliceOutboxPath) showTestBoxes('bob', bobInboxPath, bobOutboxPath) assert len([name for name in os.listdir(bobInboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bobInboxPath, name))]) == 1 assert len([name for name in os.listdir(bobOutboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bobOutboxPath, name))]) == 0 print(">>> s2s post arrived in Bob's inbox") print("c2s send success\n\n\n") print('\n\nEVENT: Getting message id for the post') statusNumber = 0 outboxPostFilename = None outboxPostId = None for name in os.listdir(outboxPath): if '#statuses#' in name: statusNumber = name.split('#statuses#')[1].replace('.json', '') statusNumber = int(statusNumber.replace('#activity', '')) outboxPostFilename = outboxPath + '/' + name postJsonObject = loadJson(outboxPostFilename, 0) if postJsonObject: outboxPostId = removeIdEnding(postJsonObject['id']) assert outboxPostId print('message id obtained: ' + outboxPostId) assert validInbox(bobDir, 'bob', bobDomain) assert validInboxFilenames(bobDir, 'bob', bobDomain, aliceDomain, alicePort) print('\n\nAlice follows Bob') signingPrivateKeyPem = None sendFollowRequestViaServer(aliceDir, sessionAlice, 'alice', password, aliceDomain, alicePort, 'bob', bobDomain, bobPort, httpPrefix, cachedWebfingers, personCache, True, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) alicePetnamesFilename = aliceDir + '/accounts/' + \ 'alice@' + aliceDomain + '/petnames.txt' aliceFollowingFilename = \ aliceDir + '/accounts/alice@' + aliceDomain + '/following.txt' bobFollowersFilename = \ bobDir + '/accounts/bob@' + bobDomain + '/followers.txt' for t in range(10): if os.path.isfile(bobFollowersFilename): if 'alice@' + aliceDomain + ':' + str(alicePort) in \ open(bobFollowersFilename).read(): if os.path.isfile(aliceFollowingFilename) and \ os.path.isfile(alicePetnamesFilename): if 'bob@' + bobDomain + ':' + str(bobPort) in \ open(aliceFollowingFilename).read(): break time.sleep(1) assert os.path.isfile(bobFollowersFilename) assert os.path.isfile(aliceFollowingFilename) assert os.path.isfile(alicePetnamesFilename) assert 'bob bob@' + bobDomain in \ open(alicePetnamesFilename).read() print('alice@' + aliceDomain + ':' + str(alicePort) + ' in ' + bobFollowersFilename) assert 'alice@' + aliceDomain + ':' + str(alicePort) in \ open(bobFollowersFilename).read() print('bob@' + bobDomain + ':' + str(bobPort) + ' in ' + aliceFollowingFilename) assert 'bob@' + bobDomain + ':' + str(bobPort) in \ open(aliceFollowingFilename).read() assert validInbox(bobDir, 'bob', bobDomain) assert validInboxFilenames(bobDir, 'bob', bobDomain, aliceDomain, alicePort) print('\n\nEVENT: Bob follows Alice') sendFollowRequestViaServer(aliceDir, sessionAlice, 'bob', 'bobpass', bobDomain, bobPort, 'alice', aliceDomain, alicePort, httpPrefix, cachedWebfingers, personCache, True, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) for t in range(10): if os.path.isfile(aliceDir + '/accounts/alice@' + aliceDomain + '/followers.txt'): if 'bob@' + bobDomain + ':' + str(bobPort) in \ open(aliceDir + '/accounts/alice@' + aliceDomain + '/followers.txt').read(): if os.path.isfile(bobDir + '/accounts/bob@' + bobDomain + '/following.txt'): aliceHandleStr = \ 'alice@' + aliceDomain + ':' + str(alicePort) if aliceHandleStr in \ open(bobDir + '/accounts/bob@' + bobDomain + '/following.txt').read(): if os.path.isfile(bobDir + '/accounts/bob@' + bobDomain + '/followingCalendar.txt'): if aliceHandleStr in \ open(bobDir + '/accounts/bob@' + bobDomain + '/followingCalendar.txt').read(): break time.sleep(1) assert os.path.isfile(aliceDir + '/accounts/alice@' + aliceDomain + '/followers.txt') assert os.path.isfile(bobDir + '/accounts/bob@' + bobDomain + '/following.txt') assert 'bob@' + bobDomain + ':' + str(bobPort) in \ open(aliceDir + '/accounts/alice@' + aliceDomain + '/followers.txt').read() assert 'alice@' + aliceDomain + ':' + str(alicePort) in \ open(bobDir + '/accounts/bob@' + bobDomain + '/following.txt').read() sessionBob = createSession(proxyType) password = 'bobpass' outboxPath = bobDir + '/accounts/bob@' + bobDomain + '/outbox' inboxPath = aliceDir + '/accounts/alice@' + aliceDomain + '/inbox' print(str(len([name for name in os.listdir(bobOutboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bobOutboxPath, name))]))) showTestBoxes('alice', aliceInboxPath, aliceOutboxPath) showTestBoxes('bob', bobInboxPath, bobOutboxPath) assert len([name for name in os.listdir(bobOutboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bobOutboxPath, name))]) == 1 print(str(len([name for name in os.listdir(aliceInboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(aliceInboxPath, name))]))) showTestBoxes('alice', aliceInboxPath, aliceOutboxPath) showTestBoxes('bob', bobInboxPath, bobOutboxPath) assert len([name for name in os.listdir(aliceInboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(aliceInboxPath, name))]) == 0 print('\n\nEVENT: Bob likes the post') sendLikeViaServer(bobDir, sessionBob, 'bob', 'bobpass', bobDomain, bobPort, httpPrefix, outboxPostId, cachedWebfingers, personCache, True, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) for i in range(20): if os.path.isdir(outboxPath) and os.path.isdir(inboxPath): if len([name for name in os.listdir(outboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(outboxPath, name))]) == 2: test = len([name for name in os.listdir(inboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(inboxPath, name))]) if test == 1: break time.sleep(1) showTestBoxes('alice', aliceInboxPath, aliceOutboxPath) showTestBoxes('bob', bobInboxPath, bobOutboxPath) assert len([name for name in os.listdir(bobOutboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bobOutboxPath, name))]) == 2 assert len([name for name in os.listdir(aliceInboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(aliceInboxPath, name))]) == 0 print('EVENT: Post liked') print(str(len([name for name in os.listdir(outboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(outboxPath, name))]))) showTestBoxes('alice', aliceInboxPath, aliceOutboxPath) showTestBoxes('bob', bobInboxPath, bobOutboxPath) assert len([name for name in os.listdir(outboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(outboxPath, name))]) == 2 print(str(len([name for name in os.listdir(inboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(inboxPath, name))]))) assert len([name for name in os.listdir(aliceInboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(aliceInboxPath, name))]) == 0 showTestBoxes('alice', aliceInboxPath, aliceOutboxPath) showTestBoxes('bob', bobInboxPath, bobOutboxPath) print('\n\nEVENT: Bob repeats the post') signingPrivateKeyPem = None sendAnnounceViaServer(bobDir, sessionBob, 'bob', password, bobDomain, bobPort, httpPrefix, outboxPostId, cachedWebfingers, personCache, True, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) for i in range(20): if os.path.isdir(outboxPath) and os.path.isdir(inboxPath): if len([name for name in os.listdir(outboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(outboxPath, name))]) == 3: if len([name for name in os.listdir(inboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(inboxPath, name))]) == 2: break time.sleep(1) showTestBoxes('alice', aliceInboxPath, aliceOutboxPath) showTestBoxes('bob', bobInboxPath, bobOutboxPath) assert len([name for name in os.listdir(bobOutboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bobOutboxPath, name))]) == 3 assert len([name for name in os.listdir(aliceInboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(aliceInboxPath, name))]) == 1 print('EVENT: Post repeated') inboxPath = bobDir + '/accounts/bob@' + bobDomain + '/inbox' outboxPath = aliceDir + '/accounts/alice@' + aliceDomain + '/outbox' postsBefore = \ len([name for name in os.listdir(inboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(inboxPath, name))]) print('\n\nEVENT: Alice deletes her post: ' + outboxPostId + ' ' + str(postsBefore)) password = 'alicepass' sendDeleteViaServer(aliceDir, sessionAlice, 'alice', password, aliceDomain, alicePort, httpPrefix, outboxPostId, cachedWebfingers, personCache, True, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) for i in range(30): if os.path.isdir(inboxPath): test = len([name for name in os.listdir(inboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(inboxPath, name))]) if test == postsBefore-1: break time.sleep(1) test = len([name for name in os.listdir(inboxPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(inboxPath, name))]) assert test == postsBefore - 1 print(">>> post deleted from Alice's outbox and Bob's inbox") assert validInbox(bobDir, 'bob', bobDomain) assert validInboxFilenames(bobDir, 'bob', bobDomain, aliceDomain, alicePort) print('\n\nEVENT: Alice unfollows Bob') password = 'alicepass' sendUnfollowRequestViaServer(baseDir, sessionAlice, 'alice', password, aliceDomain, alicePort, 'bob', bobDomain, bobPort, httpPrefix, cachedWebfingers, personCache, True, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) for t in range(10): if 'alice@' + aliceDomain + ':' + str(alicePort) not in \ open(bobFollowersFilename).read(): if 'bob@' + bobDomain + ':' + str(bobPort) not in \ open(aliceFollowingFilename).read(): break time.sleep(1) assert os.path.isfile(bobFollowersFilename) assert os.path.isfile(aliceFollowingFilename) assert 'alice@' + aliceDomain + ':' + str(alicePort) \ not in open(bobFollowersFilename).read() assert 'bob@' + bobDomain + ':' + str(bobPort) \ not in open(aliceFollowingFilename).read() assert validInbox(bobDir, 'bob', bobDomain) assert validInboxFilenames(bobDir, 'bob', bobDomain, aliceDomain, alicePort) assert validInbox(aliceDir, 'alice', aliceDomain) assert validInboxFilenames(aliceDir, 'alice', aliceDomain, bobDomain, bobPort) # stop the servers thrAlice.kill() thrAlice.join() assert thrAlice.is_alive() is False thrBob.kill() thrBob.join() assert thrBob.is_alive() is False os.chdir(baseDir) # shutil.rmtree(aliceDir) # shutil.rmtree(bobDir) def _testActorParsing(): print('testActorParsing') actor = 'https://mydomain:72/users/mynick' domain, port = getDomainFromActor(actor) assert domain == 'mydomain' assert port == 72 nickname = getNicknameFromActor(actor) assert nickname == 'mynick' actor = 'https://element/accounts/badger' domain, port = getDomainFromActor(actor) assert domain == 'element' nickname = getNicknameFromActor(actor) assert nickname == 'badger' actor = 'egg@chicken.com' domain, port = getDomainFromActor(actor) assert domain == 'chicken.com' nickname = getNicknameFromActor(actor) assert nickname == 'egg' actor = '@waffle@cardboard' domain, port = getDomainFromActor(actor) assert domain == 'cardboard' nickname = getNicknameFromActor(actor) assert nickname == 'waffle' actor = 'https://astral/channel/sky' domain, port = getDomainFromActor(actor) assert domain == 'astral' nickname = getNicknameFromActor(actor) assert nickname == 'sky' actor = 'https://randomain/users/rando' domain, port = getDomainFromActor(actor) assert domain == 'randomain' nickname = getNicknameFromActor(actor) assert nickname == 'rando' actor = 'https://otherdomain:49/@othernick' domain, port = getDomainFromActor(actor) assert domain == 'otherdomain' assert port == 49 nickname = getNicknameFromActor(actor) assert nickname == 'othernick' def _testWebLinks(): print('testWebLinks') exampleText = \ "
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" + \ "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" + \ "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" + \ "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" + \ " #turbot #haddock
" resultText = removeLongWords(exampleText, 40, []) assert resultText == "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" + \ " #turbot " + \ "#haddock
" exampleText = \ '@foo Some ' + \ 'random text.
' resultText = removeLongWords(exampleText, 40, []) assert resultText == \ '@foo ' + \ 'Some random text.
' exampleText = \ 'This post has a web links https://somesite.net\n\nAnd some other text' linkedText = addWebLinks(exampleText) assert \ 'https://' + \ 'somesite.net1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH' + \ 'AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH' resultText = removeLongWords(exampleText, 40, []) assert resultText == '1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
' exampleText = \ 'Tox address is 88AB9DED6F9FBEF43E105FB72060A2D89F9B93C74' + \ '4E8C45AB3C5E42C361C837155AFCFD9D448
' resultText = removeLongWords(exampleText, 40, []) assert resultText == exampleText exampleText = \ 'some.incredibly.long.and.annoying.word.which.should.be.removed: ' + \ 'The remaining text' resultText = removeLongWords(exampleText, 40, []) assert resultText == \ 'some.incredibly.long.and.annoying.word.w\n' + \ 'hich.should.be.removed: The remaining text' exampleText = \ 'Tox address is 88AB9DED6F9FBEF43E105FB72060A2D89F9B93C74' + \ '4E8C45AB3C5E42C361C837155AFCFD9D448
' resultText = removeLongWords(exampleText, 40, []) assert resultText == \ 'Tox address is 88AB9DED6F9FBEF43E105FB72060A2D89F9B93C7\n' + \ '44E8C45AB3C5E42C361C837155AFCFD9D448
' resultText = removeLongWords(exampleText, 40, []) assert resultText == r'ABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCABCA<\p>' exampleText = \ '"the nucleus of mutual-support institutions, habits, and customs ' + \ 'remains alive with the millions; it keeps them together; and ' + \ 'they prefer to cling to their customs, beliefs, and traditions ' + \ 'rather than to accept the teachings of a war of each ' + \ 'against all"\n\n--Peter Kropotkin' testFnStr = addWebLinks(exampleText) resultText = removeLongWords(testFnStr, 40, []) assert resultText == exampleText assert 'ellipsis' not in resultText exampleText = \ '
filepopout=' + \ 'TemplateAttachmentRichPopout<<\\p>' resultText = replaceContentDuplicates(exampleText) assert resultText == \ '
filepopout=' + \ 'TemplateAttachmentRichPopout' exampleText = \ '
Test1 test2 #YetAnotherExcessivelyLongwindedAndBoringHashtag
' testFnStr = addWebLinks(exampleText) resultText = removeLongWords(testFnStr, 40, []) assert(resultText == 'Test1 test2 ' '#YetAnotherExcessivelyLongwindedAndBorin\ngHashtag
') exampleText = \ "Don't remove a p2p link " + \ "rad:git:hwd1yrerc3mcgn8ga9rho3dqi4w33nep7kxmqezss4topyfgmexihp" + \ "33xcw
" testFnStr = addWebLinks(exampleText) resultText = removeLongWords(testFnStr, 40, []) assert resultText == exampleText def _testAddEmoji(): print('testAddEmoji') content = "Emoji :lemon: :strawberry: :banana:" httpPrefix = 'http' nickname = 'testuser' domain = 'testdomain.net' port = 3682 recipients = [] hashtags = {} baseDir = os.getcwd() baseDirOriginal = os.getcwd() path = baseDir + '/.tests' if not os.path.isdir(path): os.mkdir(path) path = baseDir + '/.tests/emoji' if os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path) os.mkdir(path) baseDir = path path = baseDir + '/emoji' if os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path) os.mkdir(path) copytree(baseDirOriginal + '/emoji', baseDir + '/emoji') os.chdir(baseDir) privateKeyPem, publicKeyPem, person, wfEndpoint = \ createPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, True, False, 'password') contentModified = \ addHtmlTags(baseDir, httpPrefix, nickname, domain, content, recipients, hashtags, True) assert ':lemon:' in contentModified assert contentModified.startswith('') assert contentModified.endswith('
') tags = [] for tagName, tag in hashtags.items(): tags.append(tag) content = contentModified contentModified = replaceEmojiFromTags(content, tags, 'content') # print('contentModified: ' + contentModified) assert contentModified == 'Emoji 🍋 🍓 🍌
' os.chdir(baseDirOriginal) shutil.rmtree(baseDirOriginal + '/.tests') def _testGetStatusNumber(): print('testGetStatusNumber') prevStatusNumber = None for i in range(1, 20): statusNumber, published = getStatusNumber() if prevStatusNumber: assert len(statusNumber) == 18 assert int(statusNumber) > prevStatusNumber prevStatusNumber = int(statusNumber) def _testJsonString() -> None: print('testJsonString') filename = '.epicyon_tests_testJsonString.json' messageStr = "Crème brûlée यह एक परीक्षण ह" testJson = { "content": messageStr } assert saveJson(testJson, filename) receivedJson = loadJson(filename, 0) assert receivedJson assert receivedJson['content'] == messageStr encodedStr = json.dumps(testJson, ensure_ascii=False) assert messageStr in encodedStr os.remove(filename) def _testSaveLoadJson(): print('testSaveLoadJson') testJson = { "param1": 3, "param2": '"Crème brûlée यह एक परीक्षण ह"' } testFilename = '.epicyon_tests_testSaveLoadJson.json' if os.path.isfile(testFilename): os.remove(testFilename) assert saveJson(testJson, testFilename) assert os.path.isfile(testFilename) testLoadJson = loadJson(testFilename) assert(testLoadJson) assert testLoadJson.get('param1') assert testLoadJson.get('param2') assert testLoadJson['param1'] == 3 assert testLoadJson['param2'] == '"Crème brûlée यह एक परीक्षण ह"' os.remove(testFilename) def _testTheme(): print('testTheme') css = 'somestring --background-value: 24px; --foreground-value: 24px;' result = setCSSparam(css, 'background-value', '32px') assert result == \ 'somestring --background-value: 32px; --foreground-value: 24px;' css = \ 'somestring --background-value: 24px; --foreground-value: 24px; ' + \ '--background-value: 24px;' result = setCSSparam(css, 'background-value', '32px') assert result == \ 'somestring --background-value: 32px; --foreground-value: 24px; ' + \ '--background-value: 32px;' css = '--background-value: 24px; --foreground-value: 24px;' result = setCSSparam(css, 'background-value', '32px') assert result == '--background-value: 32px; --foreground-value: 24px;' def _testRecentPostsCache(): print('testRecentPostsCache') recentPostsCache = {} maxRecentPosts = 3 htmlStr = '' for i in range(5): postJsonObject = { "id": "https://somesite.whatever/users/someuser/statuses/" + str(i) } updateRecentPostsCache(recentPostsCache, maxRecentPosts, postJsonObject, htmlStr) assert len(recentPostsCache['index']) == maxRecentPosts assert len(recentPostsCache['json'].items()) == maxRecentPosts assert len(recentPostsCache['html'].items()) == maxRecentPosts def _testRemoveTextFormatting(): print('testRemoveTextFormatting') testStr = 'Text without formatting
' resultStr = removeTextFormatting(testStr) assert(resultStr == testStr) testStr = 'Text with
Text with formatting
') def _testJsonld(): print("testJsonld") jldDocument = { "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", "actor": "https://somesite.net/users/gerbil", "description": "My json document", "numberField": 83582, "object": { "content": "valid content" } } # privateKeyPem, publicKeyPem = generateRSAKey() privateKeyPem = '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n' \ 'MIIEowIBAAKCAQEAod9iHfIn4ugY/2byFrFjUprrFLkkH5bCrjiBq2/MdHFg99IQ\n' \ '7li2x2mg5fkBMhU5SJIxlN8kiZMFq7JUXSA97Yo4puhVubqTSHihIh6Xn2mTjTgs\n' \ 'zNo9SBbmN3YiyBPTcr0rF4jGWZAduJ8u6i7Eky2QH+UBKyUNRZrcfoVq+7grHUIA\n' \ '45pE7vAfEEWtgRiw32Nwlx55N3hayHax0y8gMdKEF/vfYKRLcM7rZgEASMtlCpgy\n' \ 'fsyHwFCDzl/BP8AhP9u3dM+SEundeAvF58AiXx1pKvBpxqttDNAsKWCRQ06/WI/W\n' \ '2Rwihl9yCjobqRoFsZ/cTEi6FG9AbDAds5YjTwIDAQABAoIBAERL3rbpy8Bl0t43\n' \ 'jh7a+yAIMvVMZBxb3InrV3KAug/LInGNFQ2rKnsaawN8uu9pmwCuhfLc7yqIeJUH\n' \ 'qaadCuPlNJ/fWQQC309tbfbaV3iv78xejjBkSATZfIqb8nLeQpGflMXaNG3na1LQ\n' \ '/tdZoiDC0ZNTaNnOSTo765oKKqhHUTQkwkGChrwG3Js5jekV4zpPMLhUafXk6ksd\n' \ '8XLlZdCF3RUnuguXAg2xP/duxMYmTCx3eeGPkXBPQl0pahu8/6OtBoYvBrqNdQcx\n' \ 'jnEtYX9PCqDY3hAXW9GWsxNfu02DKhWigFHFNRUQtMI++438+QIfzXPslE2bTQIt\n' \ '0OXUlwECgYEAxTKUZ7lwIBb5XKPJq53RQmX66M3ArxI1RzFSKm1+/CmxvYiN0c+5\n' \ '2Aq62WEIauX6hoZ7yQb4zhdeNRzinLR7rsmBvIcP12FidXG37q9v3Vu70KmHniJE\n' \ 'TPbt5lHQ0bNACFxkar4Ab/JZN4CkMRgJdlcZ5boYNmcGOYCvw9izuM8CgYEA0iQ1\n' \ 'khIFZ6fCiXwVRGvEHmqSnkBmBHz8MY8fczv2Z4Gzfq3Tlh9VxpigK2F2pFt7keWc\n' \ '53HerYFHFpf5otDhEyRwA1LyIcwbj5HopumxsB2WG+/M2as45lLfWa6KO73OtPpU\n' \ 'wGZYW+i/otdk9eFphceYtw19mxI+3lYoeI8EjYECgYBxOtTKJkmCs45lqkp/d3QT\n' \ '2zjSempcXGkpQuG6KPtUUaCUgxdj1RISQj792OCbeQh8PDZRvOYaeIKInthkQKIQ\n' \ 'P/Z1yVvIQUvmwfBqZmQmR6k1bFLJ80UiqFr7+BiegH2RD3Q9cnIP1aly3DPrWLD+\n' \ 'OY9OQKfsfQWu+PxzyTeRMwKBgD8Zjlh5PtQ8RKcB8mTkMzSq7bHFRpzsZtH+1wPE\n' \ 'Kp40DRDp41H9wMTsiZPdJUH/EmDh4LaCs8nHuu/m3JfuPtd/pn7pBjntzwzSVFji\n' \ 'bW+jwrJK1Gk8B87pbZXBWlLMEOi5Dn/je37Fqd2c7f0DHauFHq9AxsmsteIPXwGs\n' \ 'eEKBAoGBAIzJX/5yFp3ObkPracIfOJ/U/HF1UdP6Y8qmOJBZOg5s9Y+JAdY76raK\n' \ '0SbZPsOpuFUdTiRkSI3w/p1IuM5dPxgCGH9MHqjqogU5QwXr3vLF+a/PFhINkn1x\n' \ 'lozRZjDcF1y6xHfExotPC973UZnKEviq9/FqOsovZpvSQkzAYSZF\n' \ '-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----' publicKeyPem = '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n' \ 'MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAod9iHfIn4ugY/2byFrFj\n' \ 'UprrFLkkH5bCrjiBq2/MdHFg99IQ7li2x2mg5fkBMhU5SJIxlN8kiZMFq7JUXSA9\n' \ '7Yo4puhVubqTSHihIh6Xn2mTjTgszNo9SBbmN3YiyBPTcr0rF4jGWZAduJ8u6i7E\n' \ 'ky2QH+UBKyUNRZrcfoVq+7grHUIA45pE7vAfEEWtgRiw32Nwlx55N3hayHax0y8g\n' \ 'MdKEF/vfYKRLcM7rZgEASMtlCpgyfsyHwFCDzl/BP8AhP9u3dM+SEundeAvF58Ai\n' \ 'Xx1pKvBpxqttDNAsKWCRQ06/WI/W2Rwihl9yCjobqRoFsZ/cTEi6FG9AbDAds5Yj\n' \ 'TwIDAQAB\n' \ '-----END PUBLIC KEY-----' signedDocument = jldDocument.copy() generateJsonSignature(signedDocument, privateKeyPem) assert(signedDocument) assert(signedDocument.get('signature')) assert(signedDocument['signature'].get('signatureValue')) assert(signedDocument['signature'].get('type')) assert(len(signedDocument['signature']['signatureValue']) > 50) # print(str(signedDocument['signature'])) assert(signedDocument['signature']['type'] == 'RsaSignature2017') assert(verifyJsonSignature(signedDocument, publicKeyPem)) # alter the signed document signedDocument['object']['content'] = 'forged content' assert(not verifyJsonSignature(signedDocument, publicKeyPem)) jldDocument2 = { "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", "actor": "https://somesite.net/users/gerbil", "description": "Another json document", "numberField": 13353, "object": { "content": "More content" } } signedDocument2 = jldDocument2.copy() generateJsonSignature(signedDocument2, privateKeyPem) assert(signedDocument2) assert(signedDocument2.get('signature')) assert(signedDocument2['signature'].get('signatureValue')) # changed signature on different document if signedDocument['signature']['signatureValue'] == \ signedDocument2['signature']['signatureValue']: print('json signature has not changed for different documents') assert '.' not in str(signedDocument['signature']['signatureValue']) assert len(str(signedDocument['signature']['signatureValue'])) > 340 assert(signedDocument['signature']['signatureValue'] != signedDocument2['signature']['signatureValue']) def _testSiteIsActive(): print('testSiteIsActive') assert(siteIsActive('https://archive.org')) assert(siteIsActive('https://mastodon.social')) assert(not siteIsActive('https://notarealwebsite.a.b.c')) def _testRemoveHtml(): print('testRemoveHtml') testStr = 'This string has no html.' assert(removeHtml(testStr) == testStr) testStr = 'This string has html.' assert(removeHtml(testStr) == 'This string has html.') testStr = '' assert(removeHtml(testStr) == 'This string has. Two labels.') testStr = 'This string has.
Two paragraphs.
' assert(removeHtml(testStr) == 'This string has.\n\nTwo paragraphs.') testStr = 'This string has.This string contains a url http://somesite.or.other
' assert(removeHtml(testStr) == 'This string contains a url http://somesite.or.other') def _testDangerousCSS(): print('testDangerousCSS') baseDir = os.getcwd() for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(baseDir): for f in files: if not f.endswith('.css'): continue assert not dangerousCSS(baseDir + '/' + f, False) break def _testDangerousMarkup(): print('testDangerousMarkup') allowLocalNetworkAccess = False content = 'This is a valid message
' assert(not dangerousMarkup(content, allowLocalNetworkAccess)) content = 'This is a valid message without markup' assert(not dangerousMarkup(content, allowLocalNetworkAccess)) content = 'This is a valid-looking message. But wait... ' + \ '
' assert(dangerousMarkup(content, allowLocalNetworkAccess)) content = 'This is a valid-looking message. But wait... ' + \ '<script>document.getElementById("concentrated")' + \ '.innerHTML = "evil";</script>
' assert(dangerousMarkup(content, allowLocalNetworkAccess)) content = 'This html contains more than you expected... ' + \ '
' assert(dangerousMarkup(content, allowLocalNetworkAccess)) content = 'This is a valid-looking message. But wait... ' + \ '
' assert(dangerousMarkup(content, allowLocalNetworkAccess)) content = 'This message embeds an evil frame.' + \ '
' assert(dangerousMarkup(content, allowLocalNetworkAccess)) content = 'This message tries to obfuscate an evil frame.' + \ '< iframe src = "somesite"> iframe >
' assert(dangerousMarkup(content, allowLocalNetworkAccess)) content = 'This message is not necessarily evil, but annoying.' + \ '
This message contans a ' + \ 'valid link.
' assert(not dangerousMarkup(content, allowLocalNetworkAccess)) content = 'This message contans a ' + \ '' + \ 'valid link having invalid but harmless name.
' assert(not dangerousMarkup(content, allowLocalNetworkAccess)) content = 'This message which ' + \ 'tries to access the local network
' assert(dangerousMarkup(content, allowLocalNetworkAccess)) content = 'This message which ' + \ 'tries to access the local network
' assert(dangerousMarkup(content, allowLocalNetworkAccess)) content = ' This message which does not access ' + \ 'the local network
' assert(not dangerousMarkup(content, allowLocalNetworkAccess)) def _runHtmlReplaceQuoteMarks(): print('htmlReplaceQuoteMarks') testStr = 'The "cat" "sat" on the mat' result = htmlReplaceQuoteMarks(testStr) assert result == 'The “cat” “sat” on the mat' testStr = 'The cat sat on the mat' result = htmlReplaceQuoteMarks(testStr) assert result == 'The cat sat on the mat' testStr = '"hello"' result = htmlReplaceQuoteMarks(testStr) assert result == '“hello”' testStr = '"hello" "test" html' result = htmlReplaceQuoteMarks(testStr) assert result == '“hello” “test” html' def _testJsonPostAllowsComments(): print('testJsonPostAllowsComments') postJsonObject = { "id": "123" } assert jsonPostAllowsComments(postJsonObject) postJsonObject = { "id": "123", "commentsEnabled": False } assert not jsonPostAllowsComments(postJsonObject) postJsonObject = { "id": "123", "rejectReplies": False } assert jsonPostAllowsComments(postJsonObject) postJsonObject = { "id": "123", "rejectReplies": True } assert not jsonPostAllowsComments(postJsonObject) postJsonObject = { "id": "123", "commentsEnabled": True } assert jsonPostAllowsComments(postJsonObject) postJsonObject = { "id": "123", "object": { "commentsEnabled": True } } assert jsonPostAllowsComments(postJsonObject) postJsonObject = { "id": "123", "object": { "commentsEnabled": False } } assert not jsonPostAllowsComments(postJsonObject) def _testRemoveIdEnding(): print('testRemoveIdEnding') testStr = 'https://activitypub.somedomain.net' resultStr = removeIdEnding(testStr) assert resultStr == 'https://activitypub.somedomain.net' testStr = \ 'https://activitypub.somedomain.net/users/foo/' + \ 'statuses/34544814814/activity' resultStr = removeIdEnding(testStr) assert resultStr == \ 'https://activitypub.somedomain.net/users/foo/statuses/34544814814' testStr = \ 'https://undo.somedomain.net/users/foo/statuses/34544814814/undo' resultStr = removeIdEnding(testStr) assert resultStr == \ 'https://undo.somedomain.net/users/foo/statuses/34544814814' testStr = \ 'https://event.somedomain.net/users/foo/statuses/34544814814/event' resultStr = removeIdEnding(testStr) assert resultStr == \ 'https://event.somedomain.net/users/foo/statuses/34544814814' def _testValidContentWarning(): print('testValidContentWarning') resultStr = validContentWarning('Valid content warning') assert resultStr == 'Valid content warning' resultStr = validContentWarning('Invalid #content warning') assert resultStr == 'Invalid content warning' resultStr = \ validContentWarning('Invalid content warning') assert resultStr == 'Invalid content warning' def _testTranslations(): print('testTranslations') baseDir = os.getcwd() languagesStr = getSupportedLanguages(baseDir) assert languagesStr # load all translations into a dict langDict = {} for lang in languagesStr: langJson = loadJson('translations/' + lang + '.json') if not langJson: print('Missing language file ' + 'translations/' + lang + '.json') assert langJson langDict[lang] = langJson # load english translations translationsJson = loadJson('translations/en.json') # test each english string exists in the other language files for englishStr, translatedStr in translationsJson.items(): for lang in languagesStr: langJson = langDict[lang] if not langJson.get(englishStr): print(englishStr + ' is missing from ' + lang + '.json') assert langJson.get(englishStr) def _testConstantTimeStringCheck(): print('testConstantTimeStringCheck') assert constantTimeStringCheck('testing', 'testing') assert not constantTimeStringCheck('testing', '1234') assert not constantTimeStringCheck('testing', '1234567') itterations = 256 start = time.time() for timingTest in range(itterations): constantTimeStringCheck('nnjfbefefbsnjsdnvbcueftqfeuqfbqefnjeniwufgy', 'nnjfbefefbsnjsdnvbcueftqfeuqfbqefnjeniwufgy') end = time.time() avTime1 = ((end - start) * 1000000 / itterations) # change a single character and observe timing difference start = time.time() for timingTest in range(itterations): constantTimeStringCheck('nnjfbefefbsnjsdnvbcueftqfeuqfbqefnjeniwufgy', 'nnjfbefefbsnjsdnvbcueftqfeuqfbqeznjeniwufgy') end = time.time() avTime2 = ((end - start) * 1000000 / itterations) timeDiffMicroseconds = abs(avTime2 - avTime1) # time difference should be less than 10uS assert int(timeDiffMicroseconds) < 10 # change multiple characters and observe timing difference start = time.time() for timingTest in range(itterations): constantTimeStringCheck('nnjfbefefbsnjsdnvbcueftqfeuqfbqefnjeniwufgy', 'ano1befffbsn7sd3vbluef6qseuqfpqeznjgni9bfgi') end = time.time() avTime2 = ((end - start) * 1000000 / itterations) timeDiffMicroseconds = abs(avTime2 - avTime1) # time difference should be less than 10uS assert int(timeDiffMicroseconds) < 10 def _testReplaceEmailQuote(): print('testReplaceEmailQuote') testStr = 'This content has no quote.
' assert htmlReplaceEmailQuote(testStr) == testStr testStr = 'This content has no quote.
' + \ 'With multiple
' assert htmlReplaceEmailQuote(testStr) == testStr testStr = '"This is a quoted paragraph."
' assert htmlReplaceEmailQuote(testStr) == \ 'This is a quoted paragraph.' testStr = "
" + \
"@nickname " + \
> This is a quote
Some other text.
" expectedStr = "" + \
"@nickname " + \
This is a quote" + \ "
Some other text.
" resultStr = htmlReplaceEmailQuote(testStr) if resultStr != expectedStr: print('Result: ' + str(resultStr)) print('Expect: ' + expectedStr) assert resultStr == expectedStr testStr = "Some text:
> first line->second line
" + \ "Some question?
" expectedStr = "Some text:
first line-
" + \ "second line
Some question?
" resultStr = htmlReplaceEmailQuote(testStr) if resultStr != expectedStr: print('Result: ' + str(resultStr)) print('Expect: ' + expectedStr) assert resultStr == expectedStr testStr = "" + \ "@somenick" + \ "
> Text1.
" + \
"> Text2
> Text3
" + \
> Text4
> " + \
> Text6
" expectedStr = "" + \ "@somenick" + \ "
" + \ "Text2
" + \ "
" resultStr = htmlReplaceEmailQuote(testStr) if resultStr != expectedStr: print('Result: ' + str(resultStr)) print('Expect: ' + expectedStr) assert resultStr == expectedStr def _testRemoveHtmlTag(): print('testRemoveHtmlTag') testStr = "" resultStr = removeHtmlTag(testStr, 'width') assert resultStr == "" def _testHashtagRuleTree(): print('testHashtagRuleTree') operators = ('not', 'and', 'or', 'xor', 'from', 'contains') url = 'testsite.com' moderated = True conditionsStr = \ 'contains "Cat" or contains "Corvid" or ' + \ 'contains "Dormouse" or contains "Buzzard"' tagsInConditions = [] tree = hashtagRuleTree(operators, conditionsStr, tagsInConditions, moderated) assert str(tree) == str(['or', ['contains', ['"Cat"']], ['contains', ['"Corvid"']], ['contains', ['"Dormouse"']], ['contains', ['"Buzzard"']]]) content = 'This is a test' moderated = True conditionsStr = '#foo or #bar' tagsInConditions = [] tree = hashtagRuleTree(operators, conditionsStr, tagsInConditions, moderated) assert str(tree) == str(['or', ['#foo'], ['#bar']]) assert str(tagsInConditions) == str(['#foo', '#bar']) hashtags = ['#foo'] assert hashtagRuleResolve(tree, hashtags, moderated, content, url) hashtags = ['#carrot', '#stick'] assert not hashtagRuleResolve(tree, hashtags, moderated, content, url) content = 'This is a test' url = 'https://testsite.com/something' moderated = True conditionsStr = '#foo and from "testsite.com"' tagsInConditions = [] tree = hashtagRuleTree(operators, conditionsStr, tagsInConditions, moderated) assert str(tree) == str(['and', ['#foo'], ['from', ['"testsite.com"']]]) assert str(tagsInConditions) == str(['#foo']) hashtags = ['#foo'] assert hashtagRuleResolve(tree, hashtags, moderated, content, url) assert not hashtagRuleResolve(tree, hashtags, moderated, content, 'othersite.net') content = 'This is a test' moderated = True conditionsStr = 'contains "is a" and #foo or #bar' tagsInConditions = [] tree = hashtagRuleTree(operators, conditionsStr, tagsInConditions, moderated) assert str(tree) == \ str(['and', ['contains', ['"is a"']], ['or', ['#foo'], ['#bar']]]) assert str(tagsInConditions) == str(['#foo', '#bar']) hashtags = ['#foo'] assert hashtagRuleResolve(tree, hashtags, moderated, content, url) hashtags = ['#carrot', '#stick'] assert not hashtagRuleResolve(tree, hashtags, moderated, content, url) moderated = False conditionsStr = 'not moderated and #foo or #bar' tagsInConditions = [] tree = hashtagRuleTree(operators, conditionsStr, tagsInConditions, moderated) assert str(tree) == \ str(['not', ['and', ['moderated'], ['or', ['#foo'], ['#bar']]]]) assert str(tagsInConditions) == str(['#foo', '#bar']) hashtags = ['#foo'] assert hashtagRuleResolve(tree, hashtags, moderated, content, url) hashtags = ['#carrot', '#stick'] assert hashtagRuleResolve(tree, hashtags, moderated, content, url) moderated = True conditionsStr = 'moderated and #foo or #bar' tagsInConditions = [] tree = hashtagRuleTree(operators, conditionsStr, tagsInConditions, moderated) assert str(tree) == \ str(['and', ['moderated'], ['or', ['#foo'], ['#bar']]]) assert str(tagsInConditions) == str(['#foo', '#bar']) hashtags = ['#foo'] assert hashtagRuleResolve(tree, hashtags, moderated, content, url) hashtags = ['#carrot', '#stick'] assert not hashtagRuleResolve(tree, hashtags, moderated, content, url) conditionsStr = 'x' tagsInConditions = [] tree = hashtagRuleTree(operators, conditionsStr, tagsInConditions, moderated) assert tree is None assert tagsInConditions == [] hashtags = ['#foo'] assert not hashtagRuleResolve(tree, hashtags, moderated, content, url) conditionsStr = '#x' tagsInConditions = [] tree = hashtagRuleTree(operators, conditionsStr, tagsInConditions, moderated) assert str(tree) == str(['#x']) assert str(tagsInConditions) == str(['#x']) hashtags = ['#x'] assert hashtagRuleResolve(tree, hashtags, moderated, content, url) hashtags = ['#y', '#z'] assert not hashtagRuleResolve(tree, hashtags, moderated, content, url) conditionsStr = 'not #b' tagsInConditions = [] tree = hashtagRuleTree(operators, conditionsStr, tagsInConditions, moderated) assert str(tree) == str(['not', ['#b']]) assert str(tagsInConditions) == str(['#b']) hashtags = ['#y', '#z'] assert hashtagRuleResolve(tree, hashtags, moderated, content, url) hashtags = ['#a', '#b', '#c'] assert not hashtagRuleResolve(tree, hashtags, moderated, content, url) conditionsStr = '#foo or #bar and #a' tagsInConditions = [] tree = hashtagRuleTree(operators, conditionsStr, tagsInConditions, moderated) assert str(tree) == str(['and', ['or', ['#foo'], ['#bar']], ['#a']]) assert str(tagsInConditions) == str(['#foo', '#bar', '#a']) hashtags = ['#foo', '#bar', '#a'] assert hashtagRuleResolve(tree, hashtags, moderated, content, url) hashtags = ['#bar', '#a'] assert hashtagRuleResolve(tree, hashtags, moderated, content, url) hashtags = ['#foo', '#a'] assert hashtagRuleResolve(tree, hashtags, moderated, content, url) hashtags = ['#x', '#a'] assert not hashtagRuleResolve(tree, hashtags, moderated, content, url) def _testGetNewswireTags(): print('testGetNewswireTags') rssDescription = '' + \ 'Compelling description with #ExcitingHashtag, which is ' + \ 'being posted in #BoringForum' tags = getNewswireTags(rssDescription, 10) assert len(tags) == 2 assert '#BoringForum' in tags assert '#ExcitingHashtag' in tags def _testFirstParagraphFromString(): print('testFirstParagraphFromString') testStr = \ '' + \ 'This is another paragraph
' resultStr = firstParagraphFromString(testStr) if resultStr != 'This is a test': print(resultStr) assert resultStr == 'This is a test' testStr = 'Testing without html' resultStr = firstParagraphFromString(testStr) assert resultStr == testStr def _testParseFeedDate(): print('testParseFeedDate') pubDate = "2020-12-14T00:08:06+00:00" publishedDate = parseFeedDate(pubDate) assert publishedDate == "2020-12-14 00:08:06+00:00" pubDate = "Tue, 08 Dec 2020 06:24:38 -0600" publishedDate = parseFeedDate(pubDate) assert publishedDate == "2020-12-08 12:24:38+00:00" pubDate = "2020-08-27T16:12:34+00:00" publishedDate = parseFeedDate(pubDate) assert publishedDate == "2020-08-27 16:12:34+00:00" pubDate = "Sun, 22 Nov 2020 19:51:33 +0100" publishedDate = parseFeedDate(pubDate) assert publishedDate == "2020-11-22 18:51:33+00:00" def _testValidNickname(): print('testValidNickname') domain = 'somedomain.net' nickname = 'myvalidnick' assert validNickname(domain, nickname) nickname = 'my.invalid.nick' assert not validNickname(domain, nickname) nickname = 'myinvalidnick?' assert not validNickname(domain, nickname) nickname = 'my invalid nick?' assert not validNickname(domain, nickname) def _testGuessHashtagCategory() -> None: print('testGuessHashtagCategory') hashtagCategories = { "foo": ["swan", "goose"], "bar": ["cats", "mouse"] } guess = guessHashtagCategory("unspecifiedgoose", hashtagCategories) assert guess == "foo" guess = guessHashtagCategory("mastocats", hashtagCategories) assert guess == "bar" def _testGetMentionedPeople() -> None: print('testGetMentionedPeople') baseDir = os.getcwd() content = "@dragon@cave.site @bat@cave.site This is a test." actors = getMentionedPeople(baseDir, 'https', content, 'mydomain', False) assert actors assert len(actors) == 2 assert actors[0] == "https://cave.site/users/dragon" assert actors[1] == "https://cave.site/users/bat" def _testReplyToPublicPost() -> None: baseDir = os.getcwd() systemLanguage = 'en' nickname = 'test7492362' domain = 'other.site' port = 443 httpPrefix = 'https' postId = httpPrefix + '://rat.site/users/ninjarodent/statuses/63746173435' content = "@ninjarodent@rat.site This is a test." followersOnly = False saveToFile = False clientToServer = False commentsEnabled = True attachImageFilename = None mediaType = None imageDescription = 'Some description' city = 'London, England' testInReplyToAtomUri = None testSubject = None testSchedulePost = False testEventDate = None testEventTime = None testLocation = None testIsArticle = False conversationId = None lowBandwidth = True reply = \ createPublicPost(baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, content, followersOnly, saveToFile, clientToServer, commentsEnabled, attachImageFilename, mediaType, imageDescription, city, postId, testInReplyToAtomUri, testSubject, testSchedulePost, testEventDate, testEventTime, testLocation, testIsArticle, systemLanguage, conversationId, lowBandwidth) # print(str(reply)) assert reply['object']['content'] == \ '' + \ '@ninjarodent' + \ ' This is a test.
' reply['object']['contentMap'][systemLanguage] = reply['object']['content'] assert reply['object']['tag'][0]['type'] == 'Mention' assert reply['object']['tag'][0]['name'] == '@ninjarodent@rat.site' assert reply['object']['tag'][0]['href'] == 'https://rat.site/@ninjarodent' assert len(reply['object']['to']) == 1 assert reply['object']['to'][0].endswith('#Public') assert len(reply['object']['cc']) >= 1 assert reply['object']['cc'][0].endswith(nickname + '/followers') assert len(reply['object']['tag']) == 1 assert len(reply['object']['cc']) == 2 assert reply['object']['cc'][1] == httpPrefix + '://rat.site/@ninjarodent' def _getFunctionCallArgs(name: str, lines: [], startLineCtr: int) -> []: """Returns the arguments of a function call given lines of source code and a starting line number """ argsStr = lines[startLineCtr].split(name + '(')[1] if ')' in argsStr: argsStr = argsStr.split(')')[0].replace(' ', '').split(',') return argsStr for lineCtr in range(startLineCtr + 1, len(lines)): if ')' not in lines[lineCtr]: argsStr += lines[lineCtr] continue else: argsStr += lines[lineCtr].split(')')[0] break return argsStr.replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '').split(',') def getFunctionCalls(name: str, lines: [], startLineCtr: int, functionProperties: {}) -> []: """Returns the functions called by the given one, Starting with the given source code at the given line """ callsFunctions = [] functionContentStr = '' for lineCtr in range(startLineCtr + 1, len(lines)): lineStr = lines[lineCtr].strip() if lineStr.startswith('def '): break if lineStr.startswith('class '): break functionContentStr += lines[lineCtr] for funcName, properties in functionProperties.items(): if funcName + '(' in functionContentStr: callsFunctions.append(funcName) return callsFunctions def _functionArgsMatch(callArgs: [], funcArgs: []): """Do the function artuments match the function call arguments """ if len(callArgs) == len(funcArgs): return True # count non-optional arguments callArgsCtr = 0 for a in callArgs: if a == 'self': continue if '=' not in a or a.startswith("'"): callArgsCtr += 1 funcArgsCtr = 0 for a in funcArgs: if a == 'self': continue if '=' not in a or a.startswith("'"): funcArgsCtr += 1 return callArgsCtr >= funcArgsCtr def _moduleInGroups(modName: str, includeGroups: [], modGroups: {}) -> bool: """Is the given module within the included groups list? """ for groupName in includeGroups: if modName in modGroups[groupName]: return True return False def _diagramGroups(includeGroups: [], excludeExtraModules: [], modules: {}, modGroups: {}, maxModuleCalls: int) -> None: """Draws a dot diagram containing only the given module groups """ callGraphStr = 'digraph EpicyonGroups {\n\n' callGraphStr += ' graph [fontsize=10 fontname="Verdana" compound=true];\n' callGraphStr += ' node [fontsize=10 fontname="Verdana"];\n\n' excludeModulesFromDiagram = [ 'setup', 'tests', '__init__', 'pyjsonld' ] excludeModulesFromDiagram += excludeExtraModules # colors of modules nodes for modName, modProperties in modules.items(): if modName in excludeModulesFromDiagram: continue if not _moduleInGroups(modName, includeGroups, modGroups): continue if not modProperties.get('calls'): callGraphStr += ' "' + modName + \ '" [fillcolor=yellow style=filled];\n' continue if len(modProperties['calls']) <= int(maxModuleCalls / 8): callGraphStr += ' "' + modName + \ '" [fillcolor=green style=filled];\n' elif len(modProperties['calls']) < int(maxModuleCalls / 4): callGraphStr += ' "' + modName + \ '" [fillcolor=orange style=filled];\n' else: callGraphStr += ' "' + modName + \ '" [fillcolor=red style=filled];\n' callGraphStr += '\n' # connections between modules for modName, modProperties in modules.items(): if modName in excludeModulesFromDiagram: continue if not _moduleInGroups(modName, includeGroups, modGroups): continue if not modProperties.get('calls'): continue for modCall in modProperties['calls']: if modCall in excludeModulesFromDiagram: continue if not _moduleInGroups(modCall, includeGroups, modGroups): continue callGraphStr += ' "' + modName + '" -> "' + modCall + '";\n' # module groups/clusters clusterCtr = 1 for groupName, groupModules in modGroups.items(): if groupName not in includeGroups: continue callGraphStr += '\n' callGraphStr += \ ' subgraph cluster_' + str(clusterCtr) + ' {\n' callGraphStr += ' node [style=filled];\n' for modName in groupModules: if modName not in excludeModulesFromDiagram: callGraphStr += ' ' + modName + ';\n' callGraphStr += ' label = "' + groupName + '";\n' callGraphStr += ' color = blue;\n' callGraphStr += ' }\n' clusterCtr += 1 callGraphStr += '\n}\n' filename = 'epicyon_groups' for groupName in includeGroups: filename += '_' + groupName.replace(' ', '-') filename += '.dot' with open(filename, 'w+') as fp: fp.write(callGraphStr) print('Graph saved to ' + filename) print('Plot using: ' + 'sfdp -x -Goverlap=false -Goverlap_scaling=2 ' + '-Gsep=+100 -Tx11 epicyon_modules.dot') def _testFunctions(): print('testFunctions') function = {} functionProperties = {} modules = {} modGroups = {} methodLOC = [] for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk('.'): for sourceFile in files: if not sourceFile.endswith('.py'): continue if sourceFile.startswith('.#'): continue modName = sourceFile.replace('.py', '') modules[modName] = { 'functions': [] } sourceStr = '' with open(sourceFile, 'r') as f: sourceStr = f.read() modules[modName]['source'] = sourceStr with open(sourceFile, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() modules[modName]['lines'] = lines lineCount = 0 prevLine = 'start' methodName = '' for line in lines: if '__module_group__' in line: if '=' in line: groupName = line.split('=')[1].strip() groupName = groupName.replace('"', '') groupName = groupName.replace("'", '') modules[modName]['group'] = groupName if not modGroups.get(groupName): modGroups[groupName] = [modName] else: if modName not in modGroups[groupName]: modGroups[groupName].append(modName) if not line.strip().startswith('def '): if lineCount > 0: lineCount += 1 # add LOC count for this function if len(prevLine.strip()) == 0 and \ len(line.strip()) == 0 and \ lineCount > 2: lineCount -= 2 if lineCount > 80: locStr = str(lineCount) + ';' + methodName if lineCount < 1000: locStr = '0' + locStr if lineCount < 100: locStr = '0' + locStr if lineCount < 10: locStr = '0' + locStr if locStr not in methodLOC: methodLOC.append(locStr) lineCount = 0 prevLine = line continue prevLine = line lineCount = 1 methodName = line.split('def ', 1)[1].split('(')[0] methodArgs = \ sourceStr.split('def ' + methodName + '(')[1] methodArgs = methodArgs.split(')')[0] methodArgs = methodArgs.replace(' ', '').split(',') if function.get(modName): function[modName].append(methodName) else: function[modName] = [methodName] if methodName not in modules[modName]['functions']: modules[modName]['functions'].append(methodName) functionProperties[methodName] = { "args": methodArgs, "module": modName, "calledInModule": [] } # LOC count for the last function if lineCount > 2: lineCount -= 2 if lineCount > 80: locStr = str(lineCount) + ';' + methodName if lineCount < 1000: locStr = '0' + locStr if lineCount < 100: locStr = '0' + locStr if lineCount < 10: locStr = '0' + locStr if locStr not in methodLOC: methodLOC.append(locStr) break print('LOC counts:') methodLOC.sort() for locStr in methodLOC: print(locStr.split(';')[0] + ' ' + locStr.split(';')[1]) excludeFuncArgs = [ 'pyjsonld' ] excludeFuncs = [ 'link', 'set', 'get' ] # which modules is each function used within? for modName, modProperties in modules.items(): print('Module: ' + modName + ' ✓') for name, properties in functionProperties.items(): lineCtr = 0 for line in modules[modName]['lines']: lineStr = line.strip() if lineStr.startswith('def '): lineCtr += 1 continue if lineStr.startswith('class '): lineCtr += 1 continue if name + '(' in line: modList = \ functionProperties[name]['calledInModule'] if modName not in modList: modList.append(modName) if modName in excludeFuncArgs: lineCtr += 1 continue if name in excludeFuncs: lineCtr += 1 continue callArgs = \ _getFunctionCallArgs(name, modules[modName]['lines'], lineCtr) funcArgs = functionProperties[name]['args'] if not _functionArgsMatch(callArgs, funcArgs): print('Call to function ' + name + ' does not match its arguments') print('def args: ' + str(len(functionProperties[name]['args'])) + '\n' + str(functionProperties[name]['args'])) print('Call args: ' + str(len(callArgs)) + '\n' + str(callArgs)) print('module ' + modName + ' line ' + str(lineCtr)) assert False lineCtr += 1 # don't check these functions, because they are procedurally called exclusions = [ 'do_GET', 'do_POST', 'do_HEAD', '__run', 'globaltrace', 'localtrace', 'kill', 'clone', 'unregister_rdf_parser', 'set_document_loader', 'has_property', 'has_value', 'add_value', 'get_values', 'remove_property', 'remove_value', 'normalize', 'get_document_loader', 'runInboxQueueWatchdog', 'runInboxQueue', 'runPostSchedule', 'runPostScheduleWatchdog', 'str2bool', 'runNewswireDaemon', 'runNewswireWatchdog', 'runFederatedSharesWatchdog', 'runFederatedSharesDaemon', 'threadSendPost', 'sendToFollowers', 'expireCache', 'getMutualsOfPerson', 'runPostsQueue', 'runSharesExpire', 'runPostsWatchdog', 'runSharesExpireWatchdog', 'getThisWeeksEvents', 'getAvailability', '_testThreadsFunction', 'createServerGroup', 'createServerAlice', 'createServerBob', 'createServerEve', 'E2EEremoveDevice', 'setOrganizationScheme', 'fill_headers', '_nothing' ] excludeImports = [ 'link', 'start' ] excludeLocal = [ 'pyjsonld', 'daemon', 'tests' ] excludeMods = [ 'pyjsonld' ] # check that functions are called somewhere for name, properties in functionProperties.items(): if name.startswith('__'): if name.endswith('__'): continue if name in exclusions: continue if properties['module'] in excludeMods: continue isLocalFunction = False if not properties['calledInModule']: print('function ' + name + ' in module ' + properties['module'] + ' is not called anywhere') assert properties['calledInModule'] if len(properties['calledInModule']) == 1: modName = properties['calledInModule'][0] if modName not in excludeLocal and \ modName == properties['module']: isLocalFunction = True if not name.startswith('_'): print('Local function ' + name + ' in ' + modName + '.py does not begin with _') assert False if name not in excludeImports: for modName in properties['calledInModule']: if modName == properties['module']: continue importStr = 'from ' + properties['module'] + ' import ' + name if importStr not in modules[modName]['source']: print(importStr + ' not found in ' + modName + '.py') assert False if not isLocalFunction: if name.startswith('_'): excludePublic = [ 'pyjsonld', 'daemon', 'tests' ] modName = properties['module'] if modName not in excludePublic: print('Public function ' + name + ' in ' + modName + '.py begins with _') assert False print('Function: ' + name + ' ✓') print('Constructing function call graph') moduleColors = ('red', 'green', 'yellow', 'orange', 'purple', 'cyan', 'darkgoldenrod3', 'darkolivegreen1', 'darkorange1', 'darkorchid1', 'darkseagreen', 'darkslategray4', 'deeppink1', 'deepskyblue1', 'dimgrey', 'gold1', 'goldenrod', 'burlywood2', 'bisque1', 'brown1', 'chartreuse2', 'cornsilk', 'darksalmon') maxModuleCalls = 1 maxFunctionCalls = 1 colorCtr = 0 for modName, modProperties in modules.items(): lineCtr = 0 modules[modName]['color'] = moduleColors[colorCtr] colorCtr += 1 if colorCtr >= len(moduleColors): colorCtr = 0 for line in modules[modName]['lines']: if line.strip().startswith('def '): name = line.split('def ')[1].split('(')[0] callsList = \ getFunctionCalls(name, modules[modName]['lines'], lineCtr, functionProperties) functionProperties[name]['calls'] = callsList.copy() if len(callsList) > maxFunctionCalls: maxFunctionCalls = len(callsList) # keep track of which module calls which other module for fn in callsList: modCall = functionProperties[fn]['module'] if modCall != modName: if modules[modName].get('calls'): if modCall not in modules[modName]['calls']: modules[modName]['calls'].append(modCall) if len(modules[modName]['calls']) > \ maxModuleCalls: maxModuleCalls = \ len(modules[modName]['calls']) else: modules[modName]['calls'] = [modCall] lineCtr += 1 _diagramGroups(['Commandline Interface', 'ActivityPub'], ['utils'], modules, modGroups, maxModuleCalls) _diagramGroups(['Commandline Interface', 'Core'], ['utils'], modules, modGroups, maxModuleCalls) _diagramGroups(['Timeline', 'Core'], ['utils'], modules, modGroups, maxModuleCalls) _diagramGroups(['Web Interface', 'Core'], ['utils'], modules, modGroups, maxModuleCalls) _diagramGroups(['Web Interface Columns', 'Core'], ['utils'], modules, modGroups, maxModuleCalls) _diagramGroups(['Core'], [], modules, modGroups, maxModuleCalls) _diagramGroups(['ActivityPub'], [], modules, modGroups, maxModuleCalls) _diagramGroups(['ActivityPub', 'Core'], ['utils'], modules, modGroups, maxModuleCalls) _diagramGroups(['ActivityPub', 'Security'], ['utils'], modules, modGroups, maxModuleCalls) _diagramGroups(['Core', 'Security'], ['utils'], modules, modGroups, maxModuleCalls) _diagramGroups(['Timeline', 'Security'], ['utils'], modules, modGroups, maxModuleCalls) _diagramGroups(['Web Interface', 'Accessibility'], ['utils', 'webapp_utils'], modules, modGroups, maxModuleCalls) _diagramGroups(['Core', 'Accessibility'], ['utils'], modules, modGroups, maxModuleCalls) def _testLinksWithinPost() -> None: baseDir = os.getcwd() systemLanguage = 'en' nickname = 'test27636' domain = 'rando.site' port = 443 httpPrefix = 'https' content = 'This is a test post with links.\n\n' + \ 'ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/v4/\n\nhttps://freedombone.net' followersOnly = False saveToFile = False clientToServer = False commentsEnabled = True attachImageFilename = None mediaType = None imageDescription = None city = 'London, England' testInReplyTo = None testInReplyToAtomUri = None testSubject = None testSchedulePost = False testEventDate = None testEventTime = None testLocation = None testIsArticle = False conversationId = None lowBandwidth = True postJsonObject = \ createPublicPost(baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, content, followersOnly, saveToFile, clientToServer, commentsEnabled, attachImageFilename, mediaType, imageDescription, city, testInReplyTo, testInReplyToAtomUri, testSubject, testSchedulePost, testEventDate, testEventTime, testLocation, testIsArticle, systemLanguage, conversationId, lowBandwidth) assert postJsonObject['object']['content'] == \ 'This is a test post with links.
' + \
'' + \
'ftp://' + \
'' + \
'ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/v4/' + \
' + \
'https://' + \
Some text
Other text
More text
" + \ "Errno::EOHNOES (No such file or rodent @ " + \
"ik_right - /tmp/blah.png)
" + \ "(" + \ "wuh)
Oh yeah like for sure
" + \ "Ground sloth tin opener
" + \ "" postJsonObject = \ createPublicPost(baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, content, False, False, False, True, None, None, False, None, testInReplyTo, testInReplyToAtomUri, testSubject, testSchedulePost, testEventDate, testEventTime, testLocation, testIsArticle, systemLanguage, conversationId, lowBandwidth) assert postJsonObject['object']['content'] == content assert postJsonObject['object']['contentMap'][systemLanguage] == content def _testMastoApi(): print('testMastoApi') nickname = 'ThisIsATestNickname' mastoId = getMastoApiV1IdFromNickname(nickname) assert(mastoId) nickname2 = getNicknameFromMastoApiV1Id(mastoId) if nickname2 != nickname: print(nickname + ' != ' + nickname2) assert nickname2 == nickname def _testDomainHandling(): print('testDomainHandling') testDomain = 'localhost' assert decodedHost(testDomain) == testDomain testDomain = '' assert decodedHost(testDomain) == testDomain testDomain = '' assert decodedHost(testDomain) == testDomain testDomain = 'xn--espaa-rta.icom.museum' assert decodedHost(testDomain) == "españa.icom.museum" def _testPrepareHtmlPostNickname(): print('testPrepareHtmlPostNickname') postHtml = ' Some quote or other' assert markdownToHtml(markdown) == 'This is a quotation:Some quote or other' markdown = 'This is a multi-line quotation:\n' + \ '> The first line\n' + \ '> The second line' assert markdownToHtml(markdown) == \ 'This is a multi-line quotation:
The first line The second line' markdown = 'This is **bold**' assert markdownToHtml(markdown) == 'This is bold' markdown = 'This is *italic*' assert markdownToHtml(markdown) == 'This is italic' markdown = 'This is _underlined_' assert markdownToHtml(markdown) == 'This is
' + removeHtml(content) + '
' assert '>@linked' not in contentPlain content = addLinksToContent(contentPlain, links) assert '>@linked' in content def _testAuthorizeSharedItems(): print('testAuthorizeSharedItems') sharedItemsFederatedDomains = \ ['dog.domain', 'cat.domain', 'birb.domain'] tokensJson = \ generateSharedItemFederationTokens(sharedItemsFederatedDomains, None) tokensJson = \ createSharedItemFederationToken(None, 'cat.domain', False, tokensJson) assert tokensJson assert not tokensJson.get('dog.domain') assert tokensJson.get('cat.domain') assert not tokensJson.get('birb.domain') assert len(tokensJson['dog.domain']) == 0 assert len(tokensJson['cat.domain']) >= 64 assert len(tokensJson['birb.domain']) == 0 assert not authorizeSharedItems(sharedItemsFederatedDomains, None, 'birb.domain', 'cat.domain', 'M' * 86, False, tokensJson) assert authorizeSharedItems(sharedItemsFederatedDomains, None, 'birb.domain', 'cat.domain', tokensJson['cat.domain'], False, tokensJson) tokensJson = \ updateSharedItemFederationToken(None, 'dog.domain', 'testToken', True, tokensJson) assert tokensJson['dog.domain'] == 'testToken' # the shared item federation list changes sharedItemsFederatedDomains = \ ['possum.domain', 'cat.domain', 'birb.domain'] tokensJson = mergeSharedItemTokens(None, '', sharedItemsFederatedDomains, tokensJson) assert 'dog.domain' not in tokensJson assert 'cat.domain' in tokensJson assert len(tokensJson['cat.domain']) >= 64 assert 'birb.domain' in tokensJson assert 'possum.domain' in tokensJson assert len(tokensJson['birb.domain']) == 0 assert len(tokensJson['possum.domain']) == 0 def _testDateConversions() -> None: print('testDateConversions') dateStr = "2021-05-16T14:37:41Z" dateSec = dateStringToSeconds(dateStr) dateStr2 = dateSecondsToString(dateSec) assert dateStr == dateStr2 def _testValidPassword(): print('testValidPassword') assert not validPassword('123') assert not validPassword('') assert validPassword('パスワード12345') assert validPassword('测试密码12345') assert validPassword('A!bc:defg1/234?56') def _testGetPriceFromString() -> None: print('testGetPriceFromString') price, curr = getPriceFromString("5.23") assert price == "5.23" assert curr == "EUR" price, curr = getPriceFromString("£7.36") assert price == "7.36" assert curr == "GBP" price, curr = getPriceFromString("$10.63") assert price == "10.63" assert curr == "USD" def _translateOntology() -> None: baseDir = os.getcwd() ontologyTypes = getCategoryTypes(baseDir) url = 'https://translate.astian.org' apiKey = None ltLangList = libretranslateLanguages(url, apiKey) baseDir = os.getcwd() languagesStr = getSupportedLanguages(baseDir) assert languagesStr for oType in ontologyTypes: changed = False filename = baseDir + '/ontology/' + oType + 'Types.json' if not os.path.isfile(filename): continue ontologyJson = loadJson(filename) if not ontologyJson: continue index = -1 for item in ontologyJson['@graph']: index += 1 if "rdfs:label" not in item: continue englishStr = None languagesFound = [] for label in item["rdfs:label"]: if '@language' not in label: continue languagesFound.append(label['@language']) if '@value' not in label: continue if label['@language'] == 'en': englishStr = label['@value'] if not englishStr: continue for lang in languagesStr: if lang not in languagesFound: translatedStr = None if url and lang in ltLangList: translatedStr = \ libretranslate(url, englishStr, 'en', lang, apiKey) if not translatedStr: translatedStr = englishStr else: translatedStr = translatedStr.replace('', '') translatedStr = translatedStr.replace('
', '') ontologyJson['@graph'][index]["rdfs:label"].append({ "@value": translatedStr, "@language": lang }) changed = True if not changed: continue saveJson(ontologyJson, filename + '.new') def runAllTests(): print('Running tests...') updateDefaultThemesList(os.getcwd()) _translateOntology() _testGetPriceFromString() _testFunctions() _testDateConversions() _testAuthorizeSharedItems() _testValidPassword() _testGetLinksFromContent() _testSetActorLanguages() _testLimitRepetedWords() _testLimitWordLengths() _testSwitchWords() _testUserAgentDomain() _testRoles() _testSkills() _testSpoofGeolocation() _testRemovePostInteractions() _testExtractPGPPublicKey() _testEmojiImages() _testCamelCaseSplit() _testSpeakerReplaceLinks() _testExtractTextFieldsInPOST() _testMarkdownToHtml() _testValidHashTag() _testPrepareHtmlPostNickname() _testDomainHandling() _testMastoApi() _testLinksWithinPost() _testReplyToPublicPost() _testGetMentionedPeople() _testGuessHashtagCategory() _testValidNickname() _testParseFeedDate() _testFirstParagraphFromString() _testGetNewswireTags() _testHashtagRuleTree() _testRemoveHtmlTag() _testReplaceEmailQuote() _testConstantTimeStringCheck() _testTranslations() _testValidContentWarning() _testRemoveIdEnding() _testJsonPostAllowsComments() _runHtmlReplaceQuoteMarks() _testDangerousCSS() _testDangerousMarkup() _testRemoveHtml() _testSiteIsActive() _testJsonld() _testRemoveTextFormatting() _testWebLinks() _testRecentPostsCache() _testTheme() _testSaveLoadJson() _testJsonString() _testGetStatusNumber() _testAddEmoji() _testActorParsing() _testHttpsig() _testHttpSigNew() _testCache() _testThreads() _testCreatePerson() _testAuthentication() _testFollowersOfPerson() _testNoOfFollowersOnDomain() _testFollows() _testGroupFollowers() print('Tests succeeded\n')