__filename__ = "announce.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.0.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@freedombone.net" __status__ = "Production" import time import json import commentjson from pprint import pprint from utils import getStatusNumber from utils import createOutboxDir from utils import urlPermitted from utils import getNicknameFromActor from utils import getDomainFromActor from utils import locatePost from posts import sendSignedJson from posts import getPersonBox from session import postJson from webfinger import webfingerHandle from auth import createBasicAuthHeader def outboxAnnounce(baseDir: str,messageJson: {},debug: bool) -> bool: """ Adds or removes announce entries from the shares collection within a given post """ if not messageJson.get('actor'): return False if not messageJson.get('type'): return False if not messageJson.get('object'): return False if messageJson['type']=='Announce': if not isinstance(messageJson['object'], str): return False nickname=getNicknameFromActor(messageJson['actor']) if not nickname: print('WARN: no nickname found in '+messageJson['actor']) return False domain,port=getDomainFromActor(messageJson['actor']) postFilename=locatePost(baseDir,nickname,domain,messageJson['object']) if postFilename: updateAnnounceCollection(postFilename,messageJson['actor'],debug) return True if messageJson['type']=='Undo': if not isinstance(messageJson['object'], dict): return False if not messageJson['object'].get('type'): return False if messageJson['object']['type']=='Announce': if not isinstance(messageJson['object']['object'], str): return False nickname=getNicknameFromActor(messageJson['actor']) if not nickname: print('WARN: no nickname found in '+messageJson['actor']) return False domain,port=getDomainFromActor(messageJson['actor']) postFilename=locatePost(baseDir,nickname,domain,messageJson['object']['object']) if postFilename: undoAnnounceCollectionEntry(postFilename,messageJson['actor'],debug) return True return False def undoAnnounceCollectionEntry(postFilename: str,actor: str,debug: bool) -> None: """Undoes an announce for a particular actor by removing it from the "shares" collection within a post. Note that the "shares" collection has no relation to shared items in shares.py. It's shares of posts, not shares of physical objects. """ postJsonObject=None tries=0 while tries<5: try: with open(postFilename, 'r') as fp: postJsonObject=commentjson.load(fp) break except Exception as e: print('WARN: commentjson exception undoAnnounceCollectionEntry - '+str(e)) time.sleep(2) tries+=1 if postJsonObject: if not postJsonObject.get('type'): return if postJsonObject['type']!='Create': return if not postJsonObject.get('object'): if debug: pprint(postJsonObject) print('DEBUG: post has no object') return if not isinstance(postJsonObject['object'], dict): return if not postJsonObject['object'].get('shares'): return if not postJsonObject['object']['shares'].get('items'): return totalItems=0 if postJsonObject['object']['shares'].get('totalItems'): totalItems=postJsonObject['object']['shares']['totalItems'] itemFound=False for announceItem in postJsonObject['object']['shares']['items']: if announceItem.get('actor'): if announceItem['actor']==actor: if debug: print('DEBUG: Announce was removed for '+actor) postJsonObject['object']['shares']['items'].remove(announceItem) itemFound=True break if itemFound: if totalItems==1: if debug: print('DEBUG: shares (announcements) was removed from post') del postJsonObject['object']['shares'] else: postJsonObject['object']['shares']['totalItems']=len(postJsonObject['object']['shares']['items']) tries=0 while tries<5: try: with open(postFilename, 'w') as fp: commentjson.dump(postJsonObject, fp, indent=4, sort_keys=False) break except Exception as e: print(e) time.sleep(1) tries+=1 def updateAnnounceCollection(postFilename: str,actor: str,debug: bool) -> None: """Updates the announcements collection within a post Confusingly this is known as "shares", but isn't the same as shared items within shares.py It's shares of posts, not shares of physical objects. """ postJsonObject=None tries=0 while tries<5: try: with open(postFilename, 'r') as fp: postJsonObject=commentjson.load(fp) break except Exception as e: print('WARN: commentjson exception updateAnnounceCollection - '+str(e)) time.sleep(1) tries+=1 if postJsonObject: if not postJsonObject.get('object'): if debug: pprint(postJsonObject) print('DEBUG: post '+announceUrl+' has no object') return if not isinstance(postJsonObject['object'], dict): return postUrl=postJsonObject['id'].replace('/activity','')+'/shares' if not postJsonObject['object'].get('shares'): if debug: print('DEBUG: Adding initial shares (announcements) to '+postUrl) announcementsJson = { "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", 'id': postUrl, 'type': 'Collection', "totalItems": 1, 'items': [{ 'type': 'Announce', 'actor': actor }] } postJsonObject['object']['shares']=announcementsJson else: if postJsonObject['object']['shares'].get('items'): for announceItem in postJsonObject['object']['shares']['items']: if announceItem.get('actor'): if announceItem['actor']==actor: return newAnnounce={ 'type': 'Announce', 'actor': actor } postJsonObject['object']['shares']['items'].append(newAnnounce) postJsonObject['object']['shares']['totalItems']=len(postJsonObject['object']['shares']['items']) else: if debug: print('DEBUG: shares (announcements) section of post has no items list') if debug: print('DEBUG: saving post with shares (announcements) added') pprint(postJsonObject) tries=0 while tries<5: try: with open(postFilename, 'w') as fp: commentjson.dump(postJsonObject, fp, indent=4, sort_keys=False) break except Exception as e: print(e) time.sleep(1) tries+=1 def announcedByPerson(postJsonObject: {}, nickname: str,domain: str) -> bool: """Returns True if the given post is announced by the given person """ if not postJsonObject.get('object'): return False if not isinstance(postJsonObject['object'], dict): return False # not to be confused with shared items if not postJsonObject['object'].get('shares'): return False actorMatch=domain+'/users/'+nickname for item in postJsonObject['object']['shares']['items']: if item['actor'].endswith(actorMatch): return True return False def createAnnounce(session,baseDir: str,federationList: [], \ nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, \ toUrl: str, ccUrl: str, httpPrefix: str, \ objectUrl: str, saveToFile: bool, \ clientToServer: bool, \ sendThreads: [],postLog: [], \ personCache: {},cachedWebfingers: {}, \ debug: bool,projectVersion: str) -> {}: """Creates an announce message Typically toUrl will be https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public and ccUrl might be a specific person favorited or repeated and the followers url objectUrl is typically the url of the message, corresponding to url or atomUri in createPostBase """ if not urlPermitted(objectUrl,federationList,"inbox:write"): return None if ':' in domain: domain=domain.split(':')[0] fullDomain=domain if port: if port!=80 and port!=443: if ':' not in domain: fullDomain=domain+':'+str(port) statusNumber,published = getStatusNumber() newAnnounceId= \ httpPrefix+'://'+fullDomain+'/users/'+nickname+'/statuses/'+statusNumber newAnnounce = { "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", 'actor': httpPrefix+'://'+fullDomain+'/users/'+nickname, 'atomUri': httpPrefix+'://'+fullDomain+'/users/'+nickname+'/statuses/'+statusNumber, 'cc': [], 'id': newAnnounceId+'/activity', 'object': objectUrl, 'published': published, 'to': [toUrl], 'type': 'Announce' } if ccUrl: if len(ccUrl)>0: newAnnounce['cc']=[ccUrl] if saveToFile: outboxDir = createOutboxDir(nickname,domain,baseDir) filename=outboxDir+'/'+newAnnounceId.replace('/','#')+'.json' tries=0 while tries<5: try: with open(filename, 'w') as fp: commentjson.dump(newAnnounce, fp, indent=4, sort_keys=False) break except Exception as e: print(e) time.sleep(1) tries+=1 announceNickname=None announceDomain=None announcePort=None if '/users/' in objectUrl or \ '/channel/' in objectUrl or \ '/profile/' in objectUrl: announceNickname=getNicknameFromActor(objectUrl) announceDomain,announcePort=getDomainFromActor(objectUrl) if announceNickname and announceDomain: sendSignedJson(newAnnounce,session,baseDir, \ nickname,domain,port, \ announceNickname,announceDomain,announcePort, \ 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public', \ httpPrefix,True,clientToServer,federationList, \ sendThreads,postLog,cachedWebfingers,personCache, \ debug,projectVersion) return newAnnounce def announcePublic(session,baseDir: str,federationList: [], \ nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, httpPrefix: str, \ objectUrl: str,clientToServer: bool, \ sendThreads: [],postLog: [], \ personCache: {},cachedWebfingers: {}, \ debug: bool,projectVersion: str) -> {}: """Makes a public announcement """ fromDomain=domain if port: if port!=80 and port!=443: if ':' not in domain: fromDomain=domain+':'+str(port) toUrl = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public' ccUrl = httpPrefix + '://'+fromDomain+'/users/'+nickname+'/followers' return createAnnounce(session,baseDir,federationList, \ nickname,domain,port, \ toUrl,ccUrl,httpPrefix, \ objectUrl,True,clientToServer, \ sendThreads,postLog, \ personCache,cachedWebfingers, \ debug,projectVersion) def repeatPost(session,baseDir: str,federationList: [], \ nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, httpPrefix: str, \ announceNickname: str, announceDomain: str, \ announcePort: int, announceHttpsPrefix: str, \ announceStatusNumber: int,clientToServer: bool, \ sendThreads: [],postLog: [], \ personCache: {},cachedWebfingers: {}, \ debug: bool,projectVersion: str) -> {}: """Repeats a given status post """ announcedDomain=announceDomain if announcePort: if announcePort!=80 and announcePort!=443: if ':' not in announcedDomain: announcedDomain=announcedDomain+':'+str(announcePort) objectUrl = announceHttpsPrefix + '://'+announcedDomain+'/users/'+ \ announceNickname+'/statuses/'+str(announceStatusNumber) return announcePublic(session,baseDir,federationList, \ nickname,domain,port,httpPrefix, \ objectUrl,clientToServer, \ sendThreads,postLog, \ personCache,cachedWebfingers, \ debug,projectVersion) def undoAnnounce(session,baseDir: str,federationList: [], \ nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, \ toUrl: str, ccUrl: str, httpPrefix: str, \ objectUrl: str, saveToFile: bool, \ clientToServer: bool, \ sendThreads: [],postLog: [], \ personCache: {},cachedWebfingers: {}, \ debug: bool) -> {}: """Undoes an announce message Typically toUrl will be https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public and ccUrl might be a specific person whose post was repeated and the objectUrl is typically the url of the message which was repeated, corresponding to url or atomUri in createPostBase """ if not urlPermitted(objectUrl,federationList,"inbox:write"): return None if ':' in domain: domain=domain.split(':')[0] fullDomain=domain if port: if port!=80 and port!=443: if ':' not in domain: fullDomain=domain+':'+str(port) newUndoAnnounce = { "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", 'actor': httpPrefix+'://'+fullDomain+'/users/'+nickname, 'type': 'Undo', 'cc': [], 'to': [toUrl], 'object': { 'actor': httpPrefix+'://'+fullDomain+'/users/'+nickname, 'cc': [], 'object': objectUrl, 'to': [toUrl], 'type': 'Announce' } } if ccUrl: if len(ccUrl)>0: newUndoAnnounce['object']['cc']=[ccUrl] announceNickname=None announceDomain=None announcePort=None if '/users/' in objectUrl or \ '/channel/' in objectUrl or \ '/profile/' in objectUrl: announceNickname=getNicknameFromActor(objectUrl) announceDomain,announcePort=getDomainFromActor(objectUrl) if announceNickname and announceDomain: sendSignedJson(newUndoAnnounce,session,baseDir, \ nickname,domain,port, \ announceNickname,announceDomain,announcePort, \ 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public', \ httpPrefix,True,clientToServer,federationList, \ sendThreads,postLog,cachedWebfingers,personCache,debug) return newUndoAnnounce def undoAnnouncePublic(session,baseDir: str,federationList: [], \ nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, httpPrefix: str, \ objectUrl: str,clientToServer: bool, \ sendThreads: [],postLog: [], \ personCache: {},cachedWebfingers: {}, \ debug: bool) -> {}: """Undoes a public announcement """ fromDomain=domain if port: if port!=80 and port!=443: if ':' not in domain: fromDomain=domain+':'+str(port) toUrl = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public' ccUrl = httpPrefix + '://'+fromDomain+'/users/'+nickname+'/followers' return undoAnnounce(session,baseDir,federationList, \ nickname,domain,port, \ toUrl,ccUrl,httpPrefix, \ objectUrl,True,clientToServer, \ sendThreads,postLog, \ personCache,cachedWebfingers, \ debug) def undoRepeatPost(session,baseDir: str,federationList: [], \ nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, httpPrefix: str, \ announceNickname: str, announceDomain: str, \ announcePort: int, announceHttpsPrefix: str, \ announceStatusNumber: int,clientToServer: bool, \ sendThreads: [],postLog: [], \ personCache: {},cachedWebfingers: {}, \ debug: bool) -> {}: """Undoes a status post repeat """ announcedDomain=announceDomain if announcePort: if announcePort!=80 and announcePort!=443: if ':' not in announcedDomain: announcedDomain=announcedDomain+':'+str(announcePort) objectUrl = announceHttpsPrefix + '://'+announcedDomain+'/users/'+ \ announceNickname+'/statuses/'+str(announceStatusNumber) return undoAnnouncePublic(session,baseDir,federationList, \ nickname,domain,port,httpPrefix, \ objectUrl,clientToServer, \ sendThreads,postLog, \ personCache,cachedWebfingers, \ debug) def sendAnnounceViaServer(baseDir: str,session, \ fromNickname: str,password: str, fromDomain: str,fromPort: int, \ httpPrefix: str,repeatObjectUrl: str, \ cachedWebfingers: {},personCache: {}, \ debug: bool,projectVersion: str) -> {}: """Creates an announce message via c2s """ if not session: print('WARN: No session for sendAnnounceViaServer') return 6 withDigest=True fromDomainFull=fromDomain if fromPort: if fromPort!=80 and fromPort!=443: if ':' not in fromDomain: fromDomainFull=fromDomain+':'+str(fromPort) toUrl = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public' ccUrl = httpPrefix + '://'+fromDomainFull+'/users/'+fromNickname+'/followers' statusNumber,published = getStatusNumber() newAnnounceId= \ httpPrefix+'://'+fromDomainFull+'/users/'+fromNickname+'/statuses/'+statusNumber newAnnounceJson = { "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", 'actor': httpPrefix+'://'+fromDomainFull+'/users/'+fromNickname, 'atomUri': newAnnounceId, 'cc': [ccUrl], 'id': newAnnounceId+'/activity', 'object': repeatObjectUrl, 'published': published, 'to': [toUrl], 'type': 'Announce' } handle=httpPrefix+'://'+fromDomainFull+'/@'+fromNickname # lookup the inbox for the To handle wfRequest = \ webfingerHandle(session,handle,httpPrefix,cachedWebfingers, \ fromDomain,projectVersion) if not wfRequest: if debug: print('DEBUG: announce webfinger failed for '+handle) return 1 postToBox='outbox' # get the actor inbox for the To handle inboxUrl,pubKeyId,pubKey,fromPersonId,sharedInbox,capabilityAcquisition,avatarUrl,displayName = \ getPersonBox(baseDir,session,wfRequest,personCache, \ projectVersion,httpPrefix,fromNickname,fromDomain,postToBox) if not inboxUrl: if debug: print('DEBUG: No '+postToBox+' was found for '+handle) return 3 if not fromPersonId: if debug: print('DEBUG: No actor was found for '+handle) return 4 authHeader=createBasicAuthHeader(fromNickname,password) headers = {'host': fromDomain, \ 'Content-type': 'application/json', \ 'Authorization': authHeader} postResult = \ postJson(session,newAnnounceJson,[],inboxUrl,headers,"inbox:write") #if not postResult: # if debug: # print('DEBUG: POST announce failed for c2s to '+inboxUrl) # return 5 if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s POST announce success') return newAnnounceJson