# C2S Desktop client <img src="https://libreserver.org/epicyon/img/desktop_client.jpg" width="80%"/> ## Installing and running You can install the desktop client with: ``` bash ./install-desktop-client ``` and run it with: ``` bash ~/epicyon-client ``` To run it with text-to-speech via espeak: ``` bash ~/epicyon-client-tts ``` Or if you have picospeaker installed: ``` bash ~/epicyon-client-pico ``` Or if you have mimic3 installed: ``` bash ~/epicyon-client-mimic3 ``` ## Commands The desktop client has a few commands, which may be more convenient than the web interface for some purposes: ``` bash quit Exit from the desktop client mute Turn off the screen reader speak Turn on the screen reader sounds on Turn on notification sounds sounds off Turn off notification sounds rp Repeat the last post like Like the last post unlike Unlike the last post bookmark Bookmark the last post unbookmark Unbookmark the last post block [post number|handle] Block someone via post number or handle unblock [handle] Unblock someone mute Mute the last post unmute Unmute the last post reply Reply to the last post post Create a new post post to [handle] Create a new direct message announce/boost Boost the last post follow [handle] Make a follow request unfollow [handle] Stop following the give handle show dm|sent|inbox|replies|bookmarks Show a timeline next Next page in the timeline prev Previous page in the timeline read [post number] Read a post from a timeline open [post number] Open web links within a timeline post profile [post number or handle] Show profile for the person who made the given post following [page number] Show accounts that you are following followers [page number] Show accounts that are following you approve [handle] Approve a follow request deny [handle] Deny a follow request pgp Show your PGP public key ``` If you have a GPG key configured on your local system and are sending a direct message to someone who has a PGP key (the exported key, not just the key ID) set as a tag on their profile then it will try to encrypt the message automatically. So under some conditions end-to-end encryption is possible, such that the instance server only sees ciphertext. Conversely, for arriving direct messages if they are PGP encrypted then the desktop client will try to obtain the relevant public key and decrypt. ## Speaking your inbox It is possible to use text-to-speech to read your inbox as posts arrive. This can be useful if you are not looking at a screen but want to stay ambiently informed of what's happening. On Debian based systems you will need to have the **python3-espeak** package installed. ``` bash python3 epicyon.py --notifyShowNewPosts --screenreader espeak --desktop yournickname@yourdomain ``` Or a quicker version, if you have installed the desktop client as described above. ``` bash ~/epicyon-client-stream ``` Or if you have [picospeaker](https://gitlab.com/ky1e/picospeaker) installed: ``` bash ~/epicyon-stream-pico ``` Or if you have mimic3 installed: ``` bash ~/epicyon-stream-mimic3 ``` You can also use the **--password** option to provide the password. This will then stay running and incoming posts will be announced as they arrive.