__filename__ = "blocking.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.5.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@libreserver.org" __status__ = "Production" __module_group__ = "Core" import os import json import time from session import get_json_valid from session import create_session from utils import data_dir from utils import string_contains from utils import date_from_string_format from utils import date_utcnow from utils import remove_eol from utils import has_object_string from utils import has_object_string_object from utils import has_object_string_type from utils import remove_domain_port from utils import has_object_dict from utils import is_account_dir from utils import get_cached_post_filename from utils import load_json from utils import save_json from utils import file_last_modified from utils import set_config_param from utils import has_users_path from utils import get_full_domain from utils import remove_id_ending from utils import is_evil from utils import locate_post from utils import evil_incarnate from utils import get_domain_from_actor from utils import get_nickname_from_actor from utils import acct_dir from utils import local_actor_url from utils import has_actor from utils import text_in_file from utils import get_actor_from_post from conversation import mute_conversation from conversation import unmute_conversation from auth import create_basic_auth_header from session import get_json def get_global_block_reason(search_text: str, blocking_reasons_filename: str) -> str: """Returns the reason why a domain was globally blocked """ if not text_in_file(search_text, blocking_reasons_filename): return '' reasons_str = '' try: with open(blocking_reasons_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_reas: reasons_str = fp_reas.read() except OSError: print('WARN: Failed to raed blocking reasons ' + blocking_reasons_filename) if not reasons_str: return '' reasons_lines = reasons_str.split('\n') for line in reasons_lines: if line.startswith(search_text): if ' ' in line: return line.split(' ', 1)[1] return '' def get_account_blocks(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str) -> str: """Returne the text for the textarea for "blocked accounts" when editing profile """ account_directory = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) blocking_filename = \ account_directory + '/blocking.txt' blocking_reasons_filename = \ account_directory + '/blocking_reasons.txt' if not os.path.isfile(blocking_filename): return '' blocked_accounts_textarea = '' blocking_file_text = '' try: with open(blocking_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_block: blocking_file_text = fp_block.read() except OSError: print('EX: Failed to read ' + blocking_filename) return '' blocklist = blocking_file_text.split('\n') for handle in blocklist: handle = handle.strip() if not handle: continue reason = \ get_global_block_reason(handle, blocking_reasons_filename) if reason: blocked_accounts_textarea += \ handle + ' - ' + reason + '\n' continue blocked_accounts_textarea += handle + '\n' return blocked_accounts_textarea def blocked_timeline_json(actor: str, page_number: int, items_per_page: int, base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str) -> {}: """Returns blocked collection for an account https://codeberg.org/fediverse/fep/src/branch/main/fep/c648/fep-c648.md """ blocked_accounts_textarea = \ get_account_blocks(base_dir, nickname, domain) blocked_list = [] if blocked_accounts_textarea: blocked_list = blocked_accounts_textarea.split('\n') start_index = (page_number - 1) * items_per_page if start_index >= len(blocked_list): start_index = 0 last_page_number = (len(blocked_list) / items_per_page) + 1 result_json = { "@context": [ "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", "https://purl.archive.org/socialweb/blocked" ], "id": actor + '?page=' + str(page_number), "first": actor + '?page=1', "last": actor + '?page=' + str(last_page_number), "type": "OrderedCollection", "name": nickname + "'s Blocked Collection", "orderedItems": [] } index = start_index for _ in range(items_per_page): if index >= len(blocked_list): break block_handle = blocked_list[index] block_reason = '' if ' - ' in block_handle: block_reason = block_handle.split(' - ')[1] block_handle = block_handle.split(' - ')[0] block_type = "Person" if block_handle.startswith('*@'): block_type = "Application" block_handle = block_handle.split('*@', 1)[1] block_json = { "type": "Block", "id": actor + '/' + str(index), "object": { "type": block_type, "id": block_handle } } if block_reason: block_json["object"]["name"] = block_reason result_json["orderedItems"].append(block_json) index += 1 return result_json def add_account_blocks(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, blocked_accounts_textarea: str) -> bool: """Update the blockfile for an account after editing their profile and changing "blocked accounts" """ if blocked_accounts_textarea is None: return False blocklist = blocked_accounts_textarea.split('\n') blocking_file_text = '' blocking_reasons_file_text = '' for line in blocklist: line = line.strip() reason = None if ' - ' in line: block_id = line.split(' - ', 1)[0] reason = line.split(' - ', 1)[1] blocking_reasons_file_text += block_id + ' ' + reason + '\n' elif ' ' in line: block_id = line.split(' ', 1)[0] reason = line.split(' ', 1)[1] blocking_reasons_file_text += block_id + ' ' + reason + '\n' else: block_id = line blocking_file_text += block_id + '\n' account_directory = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) blocking_filename = \ account_directory + '/blocking.txt' blocking_reasons_filename = \ account_directory + '/blocking_reasons.txt' if not blocking_file_text: if os.path.isfile(blocking_filename): try: os.remove(blocking_filename) except OSError: print('EX: _profile_edit unable to delete blocking ' + blocking_filename) if os.path.isfile(blocking_reasons_filename): try: os.remove(blocking_reasons_filename) except OSError: print('EX: _profile_edit unable to delete blocking reasons' + blocking_reasons_filename) return True try: with open(blocking_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_block: fp_block.write(blocking_file_text) except OSError: print('EX: Failed to write ' + blocking_filename) try: with open(blocking_reasons_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_block: fp_block.write(blocking_reasons_file_text) except OSError: print('EX: Failed to write ' + blocking_reasons_filename) return True def _add_global_block_reason(base_dir: str, block_nickname: str, block_domain: str, reason: str) -> bool: """Store a global block reason """ if not reason: return False blocking_reasons_filename = \ data_dir(base_dir) + '/blocking_reasons.txt' if not block_nickname.startswith('#'): # is the handle already blocked? block_id = block_nickname + '@' + block_domain else: block_id = block_nickname reason = reason.replace('\n', '').strip() reason_line = block_id + ' ' + reason + '\n' if os.path.isfile(blocking_reasons_filename): if not text_in_file(block_id, blocking_reasons_filename): try: with open(blocking_reasons_filename, 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as reas_file: reas_file.write(reason_line) except OSError: print('EX: unable to add blocking reason ' + block_id) else: reasons_str = '' try: with open(blocking_reasons_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as reas_file: reasons_str = reas_file.read() except OSError: print('EX: unable to read blocking reasons') reasons_lines = reasons_str.split('\n') new_reasons_str = '' for line in reasons_lines: if not line.startswith(block_id + ' '): new_reasons_str += line + '\n' continue new_reasons_str += reason_line try: with open(blocking_reasons_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as reas_file: reas_file.write(new_reasons_str) except OSError: print('EX: unable to save blocking reasons' + blocking_reasons_filename) else: try: with open(blocking_reasons_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as reas_file: reas_file.write(reason_line) except OSError: print('EX: unable to save blocking reason ' + block_id + ' ' + blocking_reasons_filename) return True def add_global_block(base_dir: str, block_nickname: str, block_domain: str, reason: str) -> bool: """Global block which applies to all accounts """ _add_global_block_reason(base_dir, block_nickname, block_domain, reason) blocking_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/blocking.txt' if not block_nickname.startswith('#'): # is the handle already blocked? block_handle = block_nickname + '@' + block_domain if os.path.isfile(blocking_filename): if text_in_file(block_handle, blocking_filename): return False # block an account handle or domain try: with open(blocking_filename, 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as block_file: block_file.write(block_handle + '\n') except OSError: print('EX: unable to save blocked handle ' + block_handle) return False else: block_hashtag = block_nickname # is the hashtag already blocked? if os.path.isfile(blocking_filename): if text_in_file(block_hashtag + '\n', blocking_filename): return False # block a hashtag try: with open(blocking_filename, 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as block_file: block_file.write(block_hashtag + '\n') except OSError: print('EX: unable to save blocked hashtag ' + block_hashtag) return False return True def _add_block_reason(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, block_nickname: str, block_domain: str, reason: str) -> bool: """Store an account level block reason """ if not reason: return False domain = remove_domain_port(domain) blocking_reasons_filename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/blocking_reasons.txt' if not block_nickname.startswith('#'): # is the handle already blocked? block_id = block_nickname + '@' + block_domain else: block_id = block_nickname reason = reason.replace('\n', '').strip() reason_line = block_id + ' ' + reason + '\n' if os.path.isfile(blocking_reasons_filename): if not text_in_file(block_id, blocking_reasons_filename): try: with open(blocking_reasons_filename, 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as reas_file: reas_file.write(reason_line) except OSError: print('EX: unable to add blocking reason 2 ' + block_id) else: reasons_str = '' try: with open(blocking_reasons_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as reas_file: reasons_str = reas_file.read() except OSError: print('EX: unable to read blocking reasons 2') reasons_lines = reasons_str.split('\n') new_reasons_str = '' for line in reasons_lines: if not line.startswith(block_id + ' '): new_reasons_str += line + '\n' continue new_reasons_str += reason_line try: with open(blocking_reasons_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as reas_file: reas_file.write(new_reasons_str) except OSError: print('EX: unable to save blocking reasons 2' + blocking_reasons_filename) else: try: with open(blocking_reasons_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as reas_file: reas_file.write(reason_line) except OSError: print('EX: unable to save blocking reason 2 ' + block_id + ' ' + blocking_reasons_filename) def add_block(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, block_nickname: str, block_domain: str, reason: str) -> bool: """Block the given account """ if block_domain.startswith(domain) and nickname == block_nickname: # don't block self return False domain = remove_domain_port(domain) blocking_filename = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/blocking.txt' block_handle = block_nickname + '@' + block_domain if os.path.isfile(blocking_filename): if text_in_file(block_handle + '\n', blocking_filename): return False # if we are following then unfollow following_filename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/following.txt' if os.path.isfile(following_filename): if text_in_file(block_handle + '\n', following_filename): following_str = '' try: with open(following_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as foll_file: following_str = foll_file.read() except OSError: print('EX: Unable to read following ' + following_filename) return False if following_str: following_str = following_str.replace(block_handle + '\n', '') try: with open(following_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as foll_file: foll_file.write(following_str) except OSError: print('EX: Unable to write following ' + following_str) return False # if they are a follower then remove them followers_filename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/followers.txt' if os.path.isfile(followers_filename): if text_in_file(block_handle + '\n', followers_filename): followers_str = '' try: with open(followers_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as foll_file: followers_str = foll_file.read() except OSError: print('EX: Unable to read followers ' + followers_filename) return False if followers_str: followers_str = followers_str.replace(block_handle + '\n', '') try: with open(followers_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as foll_file: foll_file.write(followers_str) except OSError: print('EX: Unable to write followers ' + followers_str) return False try: with open(blocking_filename, 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as block_file: block_file.write(block_handle + '\n') except OSError: print('EX: unable to append block handle ' + block_handle) return False if reason: _add_block_reason(base_dir, nickname, domain, block_nickname, block_domain, reason) return True def _remove_global_block_reason(base_dir: str, unblock_nickname: str, unblock_domain: str) -> bool: """Remove a globla block reason """ unblocking_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/blocking_reasons.txt' if not os.path.isfile(unblocking_filename): return False if not unblock_nickname.startswith('#'): unblock_id = unblock_nickname + '@' + unblock_domain else: unblock_id = unblock_nickname if not text_in_file(unblock_id + ' ', unblocking_filename): return False reasons_str = '' try: with open(unblocking_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as reas_file: reasons_str = reas_file.read() except OSError: print('EX: unable to read blocking reasons 2') reasons_lines = reasons_str.split('\n') new_reasons_str = '' for line in reasons_lines: if line.startswith(unblock_id + ' '): continue new_reasons_str += line + '\n' try: with open(unblocking_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as reas_file: reas_file.write(new_reasons_str) except OSError: print('EX: unable to save blocking reasons 2' + unblocking_filename) def remove_global_block(base_dir: str, unblock_nickname: str, unblock_domain: str) -> bool: """Unblock the given global block """ _remove_global_block_reason(base_dir, unblock_nickname, unblock_domain) unblocking_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/blocking.txt' if not unblock_nickname.startswith('#'): unblock_handle = unblock_nickname + '@' + unblock_domain if os.path.isfile(unblocking_filename): if text_in_file(unblock_handle, unblocking_filename): try: with open(unblocking_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_unblock: with open(unblocking_filename + '.new', 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fpnew: for line in fp_unblock: handle = remove_eol(line) if unblock_handle not in line: fpnew.write(handle + '\n') except OSError as ex: print('EX: failed to remove global block ' + unblocking_filename + ' ' + str(ex)) return False if os.path.isfile(unblocking_filename + '.new'): try: os.rename(unblocking_filename + '.new', unblocking_filename) except OSError: print('EX: unable to rename ' + unblocking_filename) return False return True else: unblock_hashtag = unblock_nickname if os.path.isfile(unblocking_filename): if text_in_file(unblock_hashtag + '\n', unblocking_filename): try: with open(unblocking_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_unblock: with open(unblocking_filename + '.new', 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fpnew: for line in fp_unblock: block_line = remove_eol(line) if unblock_hashtag not in line: fpnew.write(block_line + '\n') except OSError as ex: print('EX: failed to remove global hashtag block ' + unblocking_filename + ' ' + str(ex)) return False if os.path.isfile(unblocking_filename + '.new'): try: os.rename(unblocking_filename + '.new', unblocking_filename) except OSError: print('EX: unable to rename 2 ' + unblocking_filename) return False return True return False def remove_block(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, unblock_nickname: str, unblock_domain: str) -> bool: """Unblock the given account """ domain = remove_domain_port(domain) unblocking_filename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/blocking.txt' unblock_handle = unblock_nickname + '@' + unblock_domain if os.path.isfile(unblocking_filename): if text_in_file(unblock_handle, unblocking_filename): try: with open(unblocking_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_unblock: with open(unblocking_filename + '.new', 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fpnew: for line in fp_unblock: handle = remove_eol(line) if unblock_handle not in line: fpnew.write(handle + '\n') except OSError as ex: print('EX: failed to remove block ' + unblocking_filename + ' ' + str(ex)) return False if os.path.isfile(unblocking_filename + '.new'): try: os.rename(unblocking_filename + '.new', unblocking_filename) except OSError: print('EX: unable to rename 3 ' + unblocking_filename) return False return True return False def is_blocked_hashtag(base_dir: str, hashtag: str) -> bool: """Is the given hashtag blocked? """ # avoid very long hashtags if len(hashtag) > 32: return True global_blocking_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/blocking.txt' if os.path.isfile(global_blocking_filename): hashtag = hashtag.strip('\n').strip('\r') if not hashtag.startswith('#'): hashtag = '#' + hashtag if text_in_file(hashtag + '\n', global_blocking_filename): return True return False def get_domain_blocklist(base_dir: str) -> str: """Returns all globally blocked domains as a string This can be used for fast matching to mitigate flooding """ blocked_str = '' evil_domains = evil_incarnate() for evil in evil_domains: blocked_str += evil + '\n' global_blocking_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/blocking.txt' if not os.path.isfile(global_blocking_filename): return blocked_str try: with open(global_blocking_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_blocked: blocked_str += fp_blocked.read() except OSError: print('EX: unable to read ' + global_blocking_filename) return blocked_str def update_blocked_cache(base_dir: str, blocked_cache: [], blocked_cache_last_updated: int, blocked_cache_update_secs: int) -> int: """Updates the cache of globally blocked domains held in memory """ curr_time = int(time.time()) if blocked_cache_last_updated > curr_time: print('WARN: Cache updated in the future') blocked_cache_last_updated = 0 seconds_since_last_update = curr_time - blocked_cache_last_updated if seconds_since_last_update < blocked_cache_update_secs: return blocked_cache_last_updated global_blocking_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/blocking.txt' if not os.path.isfile(global_blocking_filename): return blocked_cache_last_updated try: with open(global_blocking_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_blocked: blocked_lines = fp_blocked.readlines() # remove newlines for index, _ in enumerate(blocked_lines): blocked_lines[index] = remove_eol(blocked_lines[index]) # update the cache blocked_cache.clear() blocked_cache += blocked_lines except OSError as ex: print('EX: unable to read ' + global_blocking_filename + ' ' + str(ex)) return curr_time def _get_short_domain(domain: str) -> str: """ by checking a shorter version we can thwart adversaries who constantly change their subdomain e.g. subdomain123.mydomain.com becomes mydomain.com """ sections = domain.split('.') no_of_sections = len(sections) if no_of_sections > 2: return sections[no_of_sections-2] + '.' + sections[-1] return None def is_blocked_domain(base_dir: str, domain: str, blocked_cache: [], block_federated: []) -> bool: """Is the given domain blocked? """ if '.' not in domain: return False if is_evil(domain): return True short_domain = _get_short_domain(domain) search_str = '*@' + domain if not broch_mode_is_active(base_dir): if block_federated: if domain in block_federated: return True if blocked_cache: for blocked_str in blocked_cache: if blocked_str == search_str: return True if short_domain: if blocked_str == '*@' + short_domain: return True else: # instance block list global_blocking_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/blocking.txt' if os.path.isfile(global_blocking_filename): search_str += '\n' search_str_short = None if short_domain: search_str_short = '*@' + short_domain + '\n' try: with open(global_blocking_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_blocked: blocked_str = fp_blocked.read() if search_str in blocked_str: return True if short_domain: if search_str_short in blocked_str: return True except OSError as ex: print('EX: unable to read ' + global_blocking_filename + ' ' + str(ex)) else: allow_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/allowedinstances.txt' # instance allow list if not short_domain: if not text_in_file(domain, allow_filename): return True else: if not text_in_file(short_domain, allow_filename): return True return False def is_blocked_nickname(base_dir: str, nickname: str, blocked_cache: [] = None) -> bool: """Is the given nickname blocked? """ search_str = nickname + '@*' if blocked_cache: for blocked_str in blocked_cache: if blocked_str == search_str: return True else: # instance-wide block list global_blocking_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/blocking.txt' if os.path.isfile(global_blocking_filename): search_str += '\n' try: with open(global_blocking_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_blocked: blocked_str = fp_blocked.read() if search_str in blocked_str: return True except OSError as ex: print('EX: unable to read ' + global_blocking_filename + ' ' + str(ex)) return False def is_blocked(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, block_nickname: str, block_domain: str, blocked_cache: [], block_federated: []) -> bool: """Is the given account blocked? """ if is_evil(block_domain): return True block_handle = None if block_nickname and block_domain: block_handle = block_nickname + '@' + block_domain if not broch_mode_is_active(base_dir): # instance level block list if block_federated: for blocked_str in block_federated: if '@' in blocked_str or '://' in blocked_str: if block_handle: if blocked_str == block_handle: return True elif blocked_str == block_domain: return True if blocked_cache: for blocked_str in blocked_cache: if block_nickname: if block_nickname + '@*' in blocked_str: return True if block_domain: if '*@' + block_domain in blocked_str: return True if block_handle: if blocked_str == block_handle: return True else: global_blocks_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/blocking.txt' if os.path.isfile(global_blocks_filename): if block_nickname: if text_in_file(block_nickname + '@*\n', global_blocks_filename): return True if text_in_file('*@' + block_domain, global_blocks_filename): return True if block_handle: block_str = block_handle + '\n' if text_in_file(block_str, global_blocks_filename): return True if not block_federated: federated_blocks_filename = \ data_dir(base_dir) + '/block_api.txt' if os.path.isfile(federated_blocks_filename): block_federated = [] try: with open(federated_blocks_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_fed: block_federated = fp_fed.read().split('\n') except OSError: print('EX: is_blocked unable to load ' + federated_blocks_filename) if block_domain in block_federated: return True if block_handle: if block_handle in block_federated: return True else: # instance allow list allow_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/allowedinstances.txt' short_domain = _get_short_domain(block_domain) if not short_domain and block_domain: if not text_in_file(block_domain + '\n', allow_filename): return True else: if not text_in_file(short_domain + '\n', allow_filename): return True # account level allow list account_dir = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) allow_filename = account_dir + '/allowedinstances.txt' if block_domain and os.path.isfile(allow_filename): if not text_in_file(block_domain + '\n', allow_filename): return True # account level block list blocking_filename = account_dir + '/blocking.txt' if os.path.isfile(blocking_filename): if block_nickname: if text_in_file(block_nickname + '@*\n', blocking_filename): return True if block_domain: if text_in_file('*@' + block_domain + '\n', blocking_filename): return True if block_handle: if text_in_file(block_handle + '\n', blocking_filename): return True return False def allowed_announce(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, block_nickname: str, block_domain: str, announce_blocked_cache: [] = None) -> bool: """Is the given nickname allowed to send announces? """ block_handle = None if block_nickname and block_domain: block_handle = block_nickname + '@' + block_domain # cached announce blocks if announce_blocked_cache: for blocked_str in announce_blocked_cache: if block_nickname: if block_nickname + '@*' in blocked_str: return False if block_domain: if '*@' + block_domain in blocked_str: return False if block_handle: if blocked_str == block_handle: return False # non-cached instance level announce blocks global_announce_blocks_filename = \ data_dir(base_dir) + '/noannounce.txt' if os.path.isfile(global_announce_blocks_filename): if block_nickname: if text_in_file(block_nickname + '@*', global_announce_blocks_filename, False): return False if block_domain: if text_in_file('*@' + block_domain, global_announce_blocks_filename, False): return False if block_handle: block_str = block_handle + '\n' if text_in_file(block_str, global_announce_blocks_filename, False): return False # non-cached account level announce blocks account_dir = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) blocking_filename = account_dir + '/noannounce.txt' if os.path.isfile(blocking_filename): if block_nickname: if text_in_file(block_nickname + '@*\n', blocking_filename, False): return False if block_domain: if text_in_file('*@' + block_domain + '\n', blocking_filename, False): return False if block_handle: if text_in_file(block_handle + '\n', blocking_filename, False): return False return True def allowed_announce_add(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, following_nickname: str, following_domain: str) -> None: """Allow announces for a handle """ account_dir = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) blocking_filename = account_dir + '/noannounce.txt' # if the noannounce.txt file doesn't yet exist if not os.path.isfile(blocking_filename): return handle = following_nickname + '@' + following_domain if text_in_file(handle + '\n', blocking_filename, False): file_text = '' try: with open(blocking_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_noannounce: file_text = fp_noannounce.read() except OSError: print('EX: unable to read noannounce add: ' + blocking_filename + ' ' + handle) new_file_text = '' file_text_list = file_text.split('\n') handle_lower = handle.lower() for allowed in file_text_list: if allowed.lower() != handle_lower: new_file_text += allowed + '\n' file_text = new_file_text try: with open(blocking_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_noannounce: fp_noannounce.write(file_text) except OSError: print('EX: unable to write noannounce add: ' + blocking_filename + ' ' + handle) def allowed_announce_remove(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, following_nickname: str, following_domain: str) -> None: """Don't allow announces from a handle """ account_dir = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) blocking_filename = account_dir + '/noannounce.txt' handle = following_nickname + '@' + following_domain # if the noannounce.txt file doesn't yet exist if not os.path.isfile(blocking_filename): file_text = handle + '\n' try: with open(blocking_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_noannounce: fp_noannounce.write(file_text) except OSError: print('EX: unable to write initial noannounce remove: ' + blocking_filename + ' ' + handle) return file_text = '' if not text_in_file(handle + '\n', blocking_filename, False): try: with open(blocking_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_noannounce: file_text = fp_noannounce.read() except OSError: print('EX: unable to read noannounce remove: ' + blocking_filename + ' ' + handle) file_text += handle + '\n' try: with open(blocking_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_noannounce: fp_noannounce.write(file_text) except OSError: print('EX: unable to write noannounce: ' + blocking_filename + ' ' + handle) def blocked_quote_toots_add(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, following_nickname: str, following_domain: str) -> None: """Block quote toots for a handle """ account_dir = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) blocking_filename = account_dir + '/quotesblocked.txt' # if the quotesblocked.txt file doesn't yet exist if os.path.isfile(blocking_filename): return handle = following_nickname + '@' + following_domain if not text_in_file(handle + '\n', blocking_filename, False): file_text = '' try: with open(blocking_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_quotes: file_text = fp_quotes.read() except OSError: print('EX: unable to read quotesblocked add: ' + blocking_filename + ' ' + handle) file_text += handle + '\n' try: with open(blocking_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_quotes: fp_quotes.write(file_text) except OSError: print('EX: unable to write quotesblocked add: ' + blocking_filename + ' ' + handle) def blocked_quote_toots_remove(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, following_nickname: str, following_domain: str) -> None: """allow quote toots from a handle """ account_dir = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) blocking_filename = account_dir + '/quotesblocked.txt' handle = following_nickname + '@' + following_domain # if the quotesblocked.txt file doesn't yet exist if not os.path.isfile(blocking_filename): return file_text = '' if text_in_file(handle + '\n', blocking_filename, False): try: with open(blocking_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_quotes: file_text = fp_quotes.read() except OSError: print('EX: unable to read quotesblocked remove: ' + blocking_filename + ' ' + handle) file_text = file_text.replace(handle + '\n', '') try: with open(blocking_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_quotes: fp_quotes.write(file_text) except OSError: print('EX: unable to write quotesblocked remove: ' + blocking_filename + ' ' + handle) def outbox_block(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, message_json: {}, debug: bool) -> bool: """ When a block request is received by the outbox from c2s """ if not message_json.get('type'): if debug: print('DEBUG: block - no type') return False if not message_json['type'] == 'Block': if debug: print('DEBUG: not a block') return False if not has_object_string(message_json, debug): return False if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s block request arrived in outbox') message_id = remove_id_ending(message_json['object']) if '/statuses/' not in message_id: if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s block object is not a status') return False if not has_users_path(message_id): if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s block object has no nickname') return False domain = remove_domain_port(domain) post_filename = locate_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, message_id) if not post_filename: if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s block post not found in inbox or outbox') print(message_id) return False nickname_blocked = get_nickname_from_actor(message_json['object']) if not nickname_blocked: print('WARN: unable to find nickname in ' + message_json['object']) return False domain_blocked, port_blocked = \ get_domain_from_actor(message_json['object']) if not domain_blocked: print('WARN: unable to find domain in ' + message_json['object']) return False domain_blocked_full = get_full_domain(domain_blocked, port_blocked) add_block(base_dir, nickname, domain, nickname_blocked, domain_blocked_full, '') if debug: print('DEBUG: post blocked via c2s - ' + post_filename) return True def outbox_undo_block(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, message_json: {}, debug: bool) -> None: """ When an undo block request is received by the outbox from c2s """ if not message_json.get('type'): if debug: print('DEBUG: undo block - no type') return if not message_json['type'] == 'Undo': if debug: print('DEBUG: not an undo block') return if not has_object_string_type(message_json, debug): return if not message_json['object']['type'] == 'Block': if debug: print('DEBUG: not an undo block') return if not has_object_string_object(message_json, debug): return if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s undo block request arrived in outbox') message_id = remove_id_ending(message_json['object']['object']) if '/statuses/' not in message_id: if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s undo block object is not a status') return if not has_users_path(message_id): if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s undo block object has no nickname') return domain = remove_domain_port(domain) post_filename = locate_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, message_id) if not post_filename: if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s undo block post not found in inbox or outbox') print(message_id) return nickname_blocked = \ get_nickname_from_actor(message_json['object']['object']) if not nickname_blocked: print('WARN: unable to find nickname in ' + message_json['object']['object']) return domain_object = message_json['object']['object'] domain_blocked, port_blocked = get_domain_from_actor(domain_object) if not domain_blocked: print('WARN: unable to find domain in ' + message_json['object']['object']) return domain_blocked_full = get_full_domain(domain_blocked, port_blocked) remove_block(base_dir, nickname, domain, nickname_blocked, domain_blocked_full) if debug: print('DEBUG: post undo blocked via c2s - ' + post_filename) def mute_post(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, http_prefix: str, post_id: str, recent_posts_cache: {}, debug: bool) -> None: """ Mutes the given post """ print('mute_post: post_id ' + post_id) post_filename = locate_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, post_id) if not post_filename: print('mute_post: file not found ' + post_id) return post_json_object = load_json(post_filename) if not post_json_object: print('mute_post: object not loaded ' + post_id) return print('mute_post: ' + str(post_json_object)) post_json_obj = post_json_object also_update_post_id = None if has_object_dict(post_json_object): post_json_obj = post_json_object['object'] else: if has_object_string(post_json_object, debug): also_update_post_id = remove_id_ending(post_json_object['object']) domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port) actor = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full) if post_json_obj.get('conversation'): mute_conversation(base_dir, nickname, domain, post_json_obj['conversation']) elif post_json_obj.get('context'): mute_conversation(base_dir, nickname, domain, post_json_obj['context']) # does this post have ignores on it from differenent actors? if not post_json_obj.get('ignores'): if debug: print('DEBUG: Adding initial mute to ' + post_id) ignores_json = { "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", 'id': post_id, 'type': 'Collection', "totalItems": 1, 'items': [{ 'type': 'Ignore', 'actor': actor }] } post_json_obj['ignores'] = ignores_json else: if not post_json_obj['ignores'].get('items'): post_json_obj['ignores']['items'] = [] items_list = post_json_obj['ignores']['items'] for ignores_item in items_list: if ignores_item.get('actor'): if ignores_item['actor'] == actor: return new_ignore = { 'type': 'Ignore', 'actor': actor } ig_it = len(items_list) items_list.append(new_ignore) post_json_obj['ignores']['totalItems'] = ig_it post_json_obj['muted'] = True if save_json(post_json_object, post_filename): print('mute_post: saved ' + post_filename) # remove cached post so that the muted version gets recreated # without its content text and/or image cached_post_filename = \ get_cached_post_filename(base_dir, nickname, domain, post_json_object) if cached_post_filename: if os.path.isfile(cached_post_filename): try: os.remove(cached_post_filename) print('MUTE: cached post removed ' + cached_post_filename) except OSError: print('EX: MUTE cached post not removed ' + cached_post_filename) else: print('MUTE: cached post not found ' + cached_post_filename) try: with open(post_filename + '.muted', 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as mute_file: mute_file.write('\n') except OSError: print('EX: Failed to save mute file ' + post_filename + '.muted') return print('MUTE: ' + post_filename + '.muted file added') # if the post is in the recent posts cache then mark it as muted if recent_posts_cache.get('index'): post_id = \ remove_id_ending(post_json_object['id']).replace('/', '#') if post_id in recent_posts_cache['index']: print('MUTE: ' + post_id + ' is in recent posts cache') if recent_posts_cache.get('json'): recent_posts_cache['json'][post_id] = json.dumps(post_json_object) print('MUTE: ' + post_id + ' marked as muted in recent posts memory cache') if recent_posts_cache.get('html'): if recent_posts_cache['html'].get(post_id): del recent_posts_cache['html'][post_id] print('MUTE: ' + post_id + ' removed cached html') if also_update_post_id: post_filename = locate_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, also_update_post_id) if os.path.isfile(post_filename): post_json_obj = load_json(post_filename) cached_post_filename = \ get_cached_post_filename(base_dir, nickname, domain, post_json_obj) if cached_post_filename: if os.path.isfile(cached_post_filename): try: os.remove(cached_post_filename) print('MUTE: cached referenced post removed ' + cached_post_filename) except OSError: print('EX: ' + 'MUTE cached referenced post not removed ' + cached_post_filename) if recent_posts_cache.get('json'): if recent_posts_cache['json'].get(also_update_post_id): del recent_posts_cache['json'][also_update_post_id] print('MUTE: ' + also_update_post_id + ' removed referenced json') if recent_posts_cache.get('html'): if recent_posts_cache['html'].get(also_update_post_id): del recent_posts_cache['html'][also_update_post_id] print('MUTE: ' + also_update_post_id + ' removed referenced html') def unmute_post(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, http_prefix: str, post_id: str, recent_posts_cache: {}, debug: bool) -> None: """ Unmutes the given post """ post_filename = locate_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, post_id) if not post_filename: return post_json_object = load_json(post_filename) if not post_json_object: return mute_filename = post_filename + '.muted' if os.path.isfile(mute_filename): try: os.remove(mute_filename) except OSError: if debug: print('EX: unmute_post mute filename not deleted ' + str(mute_filename)) print('UNMUTE: ' + mute_filename + ' file removed') post_json_obj = post_json_object also_update_post_id = None if has_object_dict(post_json_object): post_json_obj = post_json_object['object'] else: if has_object_string(post_json_object, debug): also_update_post_id = remove_id_ending(post_json_object['object']) if post_json_obj.get('conversation'): unmute_conversation(base_dir, nickname, domain, post_json_obj['conversation']) elif post_json_obj.get('context'): unmute_conversation(base_dir, nickname, domain, post_json_obj['context']) if post_json_obj.get('ignores'): domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port) actor = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full) total_items = 0 if post_json_obj['ignores'].get('totalItems'): total_items = post_json_obj['ignores']['totalItems'] items_list = post_json_obj['ignores']['items'] for ignores_item in items_list: if ignores_item.get('actor'): if ignores_item['actor'] == actor: if debug: print('DEBUG: mute was removed for ' + actor) items_list.remove(ignores_item) break if total_items == 1: if debug: print('DEBUG: mute was removed from post') del post_json_obj['ignores'] else: ig_it_len = len(post_json_obj['ignores']['items']) post_json_obj['ignores']['totalItems'] = ig_it_len post_json_obj['muted'] = False save_json(post_json_object, post_filename) # remove cached post so that the muted version gets recreated # with its content text and/or image cached_post_filename = \ get_cached_post_filename(base_dir, nickname, domain, post_json_object) if cached_post_filename: if os.path.isfile(cached_post_filename): try: os.remove(cached_post_filename) except OSError: if debug: print('EX: unmute_post cached post not deleted ' + str(cached_post_filename)) # if the post is in the recent posts cache then mark it as unmuted if recent_posts_cache.get('index'): post_id = \ remove_id_ending(post_json_object['id']).replace('/', '#') if post_id in recent_posts_cache['index']: print('UNMUTE: ' + post_id + ' is in recent posts cache') if recent_posts_cache.get('json'): recent_posts_cache['json'][post_id] = json.dumps(post_json_object) print('UNMUTE: ' + post_id + ' marked as unmuted in recent posts cache') if recent_posts_cache.get('html'): if recent_posts_cache['html'].get(post_id): del recent_posts_cache['html'][post_id] print('UNMUTE: ' + post_id + ' removed cached html') if also_update_post_id: post_filename = locate_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, also_update_post_id) if os.path.isfile(post_filename): post_json_obj = load_json(post_filename) cached_post_filename = \ get_cached_post_filename(base_dir, nickname, domain, post_json_obj) if cached_post_filename: if os.path.isfile(cached_post_filename): try: os.remove(cached_post_filename) print('MUTE: cached referenced post removed ' + cached_post_filename) except OSError: if debug: print('EX: ' + 'unmute_post cached ref post not removed ' + str(cached_post_filename)) if recent_posts_cache.get('json'): if recent_posts_cache['json'].get(also_update_post_id): del recent_posts_cache['json'][also_update_post_id] print('UNMUTE: ' + also_update_post_id + ' removed referenced json') if recent_posts_cache.get('html'): if recent_posts_cache['html'].get(also_update_post_id): del recent_posts_cache['html'][also_update_post_id] print('UNMUTE: ' + also_update_post_id + ' removed referenced html') def outbox_mute(base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, message_json: {}, debug: bool, recent_posts_cache: {}) -> None: """When a mute is received by the outbox from c2s """ if not message_json.get('type'): return if not has_actor(message_json, debug): return domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port) actor_url = get_actor_from_post(message_json) if not actor_url.endswith(domain_full + '/users/' + nickname): return if not message_json['type'] == 'Ignore': return if not has_object_string(message_json, debug): return if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s mute request arrived in outbox') message_id = remove_id_ending(message_json['object']) if '/statuses/' not in message_id: if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s mute object is not a status') return if not has_users_path(message_id): if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s mute object has no nickname') return domain = remove_domain_port(domain) post_filename = locate_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, message_id) if not post_filename: if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s mute post not found in inbox or outbox') print(message_id) return nickname_muted = get_nickname_from_actor(message_json['object']) if not nickname_muted: print('WARN: unable to find nickname in ' + message_json['object']) return mute_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, port, http_prefix, message_json['object'], recent_posts_cache, debug) if debug: print('DEBUG: post muted via c2s - ' + post_filename) def outbox_undo_mute(base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, message_json: {}, debug: bool, recent_posts_cache: {}) -> None: """When an undo mute is received by the outbox from c2s """ if not message_json.get('type'): return if not has_actor(message_json, debug): return domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port) actor_url = get_actor_from_post(message_json) if not actor_url.endswith(domain_full + '/users/' + nickname): return if not message_json['type'] == 'Undo': return if not has_object_string_type(message_json, debug): return if message_json['object']['type'] != 'Ignore': return if not isinstance(message_json['object']['object'], str): if debug: print('DEBUG: undo mute object is not a string') return if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s undo mute request arrived in outbox') message_id = remove_id_ending(message_json['object']['object']) if '/statuses/' not in message_id: if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s undo mute object is not a status') return if not has_users_path(message_id): if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s undo mute object has no nickname') return domain = remove_domain_port(domain) post_filename = locate_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, message_id) if not post_filename: if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s undo mute post not found in inbox or outbox') print(message_id) return nickname_muted = get_nickname_from_actor(message_json['object']['object']) if not nickname_muted: print('WARN: unable to find nickname in ' + message_json['object']['object']) return unmute_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, port, http_prefix, message_json['object']['object'], recent_posts_cache, debug) if debug: print('DEBUG: post undo mute via c2s - ' + post_filename) def broch_mode_is_active(base_dir: str) -> bool: """Returns true if broch mode is active """ allow_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/allowedinstances.txt' return os.path.isfile(allow_filename) def set_broch_mode(base_dir: str, domain_full: str, enabled: bool) -> None: """Broch mode can be used to lock down the instance during a period of time when it is temporarily under attack. For example, where an adversary is constantly spinning up new instances. It surveys the following lists of all accounts and uses that to construct an instance level allow list. Anything arriving which is then not from one of the allowed domains will be dropped """ allow_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/allowedinstances.txt' if not enabled: # remove instance allow list if os.path.isfile(allow_filename): try: os.remove(allow_filename) except OSError: print('EX: set_broch_mode allow file not deleted ' + str(allow_filename)) print('Broch mode turned off') else: if os.path.isfile(allow_filename): last_modified = file_last_modified(allow_filename) print('Broch mode already activated ' + last_modified) return # generate instance allow list allowed_domains = [domain_full] follow_files = ('following.txt', 'followers.txt') dir_str = data_dir(base_dir) for _, dirs, _ in os.walk(dir_str): for acct in dirs: if not is_account_dir(acct): continue account_dir = os.path.join(dir_str, acct) for follow_file_type in follow_files: following_filename = account_dir + '/' + follow_file_type if not os.path.isfile(following_filename): continue try: with open(following_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as foll_file: follow_list = foll_file.readlines() for handle in follow_list: if '@' not in handle: continue handle = remove_eol(handle) handle_domain = handle.split('@')[1] if handle_domain not in allowed_domains: allowed_domains.append(handle_domain) except OSError as ex: print('EX: failed to read ' + following_filename + ' ' + str(ex)) break # write the allow file try: with open(allow_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as allow_file: allow_file.write(domain_full + '\n') for allowed in allowed_domains: allow_file.write(allowed + '\n') print('Broch mode enabled') except OSError as ex: print('EX: Broch mode not enabled due to file write ' + str(ex)) return set_config_param(base_dir, "brochMode", enabled) def broch_modeLapses(base_dir: str, lapse_days: int) -> bool: """After broch mode is enabled it automatically elapses after a period of time """ allow_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/allowedinstances.txt' if not os.path.isfile(allow_filename): return False last_modified = file_last_modified(allow_filename) modified_date = \ date_from_string_format(last_modified, ["%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"]) if not modified_date: print('EX: broch_modeLapses date not parsed ' + str(last_modified)) return False curr_time = date_utcnow() days_since_broch = (curr_time - modified_date).days if days_since_broch >= lapse_days: removed = False try: os.remove(allow_filename) removed = True except OSError: print('EX: broch_modeLapses allow file not deleted ' + str(allow_filename)) if removed: set_config_param(base_dir, "brochMode", False) print('Broch mode has elapsed') return True return False def import_blocking_file(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, lines: []) -> bool: """Imports blocked domains for a given account """ if not lines: return False if len(lines) < 2: return False if not lines[0].startswith('#domain,#') or \ 'comment' not in lines[0]: return False fieldnames = lines[0].split(',') comment_field_index = 0 for field_str in fieldnames: if 'comment' in field_str: break comment_field_index += 1 if comment_field_index >= len(fieldnames): return False account_directory = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) blocking_filename = \ account_directory + '/blocking.txt' blocking_reasons_filename = \ account_directory + '/blocking_reasons.txt' existing_lines = [] if os.path.isfile(blocking_filename): try: with open(blocking_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_blocks: existing_lines = fp_blocks.read().splitlines() except OSError: print('EX: ' + 'unable to import existing blocked instances from file ' + blocking_filename) existing_reasons = [] if os.path.isfile(blocking_reasons_filename): try: with open(blocking_reasons_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_blocks: existing_reasons = fp_blocks.read().splitlines() except OSError: print('EX: ' + 'unable to import existing ' + 'blocked instance reasons from file ' + blocking_reasons_filename) append_blocks = [] append_reasons = [] for line_str in lines: if line_str.startswith('#'): continue block_fields = line_str.split(',') blocked_domain_name = block_fields[0].strip() if ' ' in blocked_domain_name or \ '.' not in blocked_domain_name: continue if blocked_domain_name in existing_lines: # already blocked continue append_blocks.append(blocked_domain_name) blocked_comment = '' if '"' in line_str: quote_section = line_str.split('"') if len(quote_section) > 1: blocked_comment = quote_section[1] append_reasons.append(blocked_domain_name + ' ' + blocked_comment) if not blocked_comment: if len(block_fields) > comment_field_index: blocked_comment = block_fields[comment_field_index].strip() if blocked_comment: if blocked_comment.startswith('"'): blocked_comment = blocked_comment.replace('"', '') if blocked_comment not in existing_reasons: append_reasons.append(blocked_domain_name + ' ' + blocked_comment) if not append_blocks: return True try: with open(blocking_filename, 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_blocks: for new_block in append_blocks: fp_blocks.write(new_block + '\n') except OSError: print('EX: ' + 'unable to append imported blocks to ' + blocking_filename) try: with open(blocking_reasons_filename, 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_blocks: for new_reason in append_reasons: fp_blocks.write(new_reason + '\n') except OSError: print('EX: ' + 'unable to append imported block reasons to ' + blocking_reasons_filename) return True def export_blocking_file(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str) -> str: """exports account level blocks in a csv format """ account_directory = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) blocking_filename = \ account_directory + '/blocking.txt' blocking_reasons_filename = \ account_directory + '/blocking_reasons.txt' blocks_header = \ '#domain,#severity,#reject_media,#reject_reports,' + \ '#public_comment,#obfuscate\n' if not os.path.isfile(blocking_filename): return blocks_header blocking_lines = [] if os.path.isfile(blocking_filename): try: with open(blocking_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_block: blocking_lines = fp_block.read().splitlines() except OSError: print('EX: export_blocks failed to read ' + blocking_filename) blocking_reasons = [] if os.path.isfile(blocking_reasons_filename): try: with open(blocking_reasons_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_block: blocking_reasons = fp_block.read().splitlines() except OSError: print('EX: export_blocks failed to read ' + blocking_reasons_filename) blocks_str = blocks_header for blocked_domain in blocking_lines: blocked_domain = blocked_domain.strip() if blocked_domain.startswith('#'): continue reason_str = '' for reason_line in blocking_reasons: if reason_line.startswith(blocked_domain + ' '): reason_str = reason_line.split(' ', 1)[1] break blocks_str += \ blocked_domain + ',suspend,false,false,"' + \ reason_str + '",false\n' return blocks_str def get_blocks_via_server(session, nickname: str, password: str, domain: str, port: int, http_prefix: str, page_number: int, debug: bool, version: str, signing_priv_key_pem: str) -> {}: """Returns the blocked collection for shared items via c2s https://codeberg.org/fediverse/fep/src/branch/main/fep/c648/fep-c648.md """ if not session: print('WARN: No session for get_blocks_via_server') return 6 auth_header = create_basic_auth_header(nickname, password) headers = { 'host': domain, 'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': auth_header, 'Accept': 'application/json' } domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port) url = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full) + \ '/blocked?page=' + str(page_number) if debug: print('Blocked collection request to: ' + url) blocked_json = get_json(signing_priv_key_pem, session, url, headers, None, debug, version, http_prefix, None) if not get_json_valid(blocked_json): if debug: print('DEBUG: GET blocked collection failed for c2s to ' + url) # return 5 if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s GET blocked collection success') return blocked_json def load_blocked_military(base_dir: str) -> {}: """Loads a list of nicknames for accounts which block military instances """ block_military_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/block_military.txt' nicknames_list = [] if os.path.isfile(block_military_filename): try: with open(block_military_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_mil: nicknames_list = fp_mil.read() except OSError: print('EX: error while reading block military file') if not nicknames_list: return {} nicknames_list = nicknames_list.split('\n') nicknames_dict = {} for nickname in nicknames_list: nicknames_dict[nickname] = True return nicknames_dict def save_blocked_military(base_dir: str, block_military: {}) -> None: """Saves a list of nicknames for accounts which block military instances """ nicknames_str = '' for nickname, _ in block_military.items(): nicknames_str += nickname + '\n' block_military_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/block_military.txt' try: with open(block_military_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_mil: fp_mil.write(nicknames_str) except OSError: print('EX: error while saving block military file') def get_mil_domains_list() -> []: """returns a list of military domains """ return ('army', 'navy', 'airforce', 'mil', 'sncorp.com', 'sierranevadacorp.us', 'ncontext.com') def contains_military_domain(message_str: str) -> bool: """Returns true if the given string contains a military domain """ mil_domains = get_mil_domains_list() for domain_str in mil_domains: if '.' not in domain_str: tld = domain_str if '.' + tld + '"' in message_str or \ '.' + tld + '/' in message_str: return True else: if domain_str + '"' in message_str or \ domain_str + '/' in message_str: return True return False def load_federated_blocks_endpoints(base_dir: str) -> []: """Loads endpoint urls for federated blocklists """ block_federated_endpoints = [] block_api_endpoints_filename = \ data_dir(base_dir) + '/block_api_endpoints.txt' if os.path.isfile(block_api_endpoints_filename): new_block_federated_endpoints = [] try: with open(block_api_endpoints_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_ep: new_block_federated_endpoints = fp_ep.read().split('\n') except OSError: print('EX: unable to load block_api_endpoints.txt') for endpoint in new_block_federated_endpoints: if endpoint: if '#' not in endpoint: block_federated_endpoints.append(endpoint) return block_federated_endpoints def _valid_federated_blocklist_entry(text: str, domain: str) -> bool: """is the given blocklist entry valid? """ if ' ' in text or \ ',' in text or \ ';' in text or \ '.' not in text or \ '<' in text: return False if text == domain: return False if text.endswith('@' + domain) or \ text.endswith('://' + domain): return False return True def _update_federated_blocks(session, base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, domain: str, debug: bool, version: str, signing_priv_key_pem: str, max_api_blocks: int) -> []: """Creates block_api.txt """ block_federated = [] debug = True if not session: print('WARN: federated blocklist ' + 'no session for update_federated_blocks') return block_federated headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json' } block_federated_endpoints = load_federated_blocks_endpoints(base_dir) if debug: print('DEBUG: federated blocklist endpoints: ' + str(block_federated_endpoints)) new_block_api_str = '' for endpoint in block_federated_endpoints: if not endpoint: continue url = endpoint.strip() if debug: print('federated blocklist Block API endpoint: ' + url) blocked_json = get_json(signing_priv_key_pem, session, url, headers, None, debug, version, http_prefix, domain) if not get_json_valid(blocked_json): print('DEBUG: federated blocklist ' + 'GET blocked json failed ' + url) continue if debug: print('DEBUG: federated blocklist: ' + str(blocked_json)) if isinstance(blocked_json, list): # ensure that the size of the list does not become a form of denial # of service if len(blocked_json) < max_api_blocks: for block_dict in blocked_json: if isinstance(block_dict, str): # a simple list of strings containing handles # or domains handle = block_dict if handle.startswith('@'): handle = handle[1:] if _valid_federated_blocklist_entry(handle, domain): if handle not in new_block_api_str: new_block_api_str += handle + '\n' if handle not in block_federated: block_federated.append(handle) continue if not isinstance(block_dict, dict): continue for block_fieldname in ('username', 'domain'): if not block_dict.get(block_fieldname): continue if not isinstance(block_dict[block_fieldname], str): continue handle = block_dict[block_fieldname] if handle.startswith('@'): handle = handle[1:] if not _valid_federated_blocklist_entry(handle, domain): continue if handle not in new_block_api_str: new_block_api_str += handle + '\n' if handle not in block_federated: block_federated.append(handle) block_api_filename = \ data_dir(base_dir) + '/block_api.txt' if not new_block_api_str: print('DEBUG: federated blocklist not loaded: ' + block_api_filename) if os.path.isfile(block_api_filename): try: os.remove(block_api_filename) except OSError: print('EX: unable to remove block api: ' + block_api_filename) else: print('DEBUG: federated blocklist loaded: ' + str(block_federated)) try: with open(block_api_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_api: fp_api.write(new_block_api_str) except OSError: print('EX: unable to write block_api.txt') return block_federated def save_block_federated_endpoints(base_dir: str, block_federated_endpoints: []) -> []: """Saves a list of blocking API endpoints """ block_api_endpoints_filename = \ data_dir(base_dir) + '/block_api_endpoints.txt' result = [] block_federated_endpoints_str = '' for endpoint in block_federated_endpoints: if not endpoint: continue if '.' not in endpoint or \ string_contains(endpoint, (' ', '<', ',', ';')): continue if endpoint.startswith('@'): endpoint = endpoint[1:] if not endpoint: continue block_federated_endpoints_str += endpoint.strip() + '\n' result.append(endpoint) if not block_federated_endpoints_str: if os.path.isfile(block_api_endpoints_filename): try: os.remove(block_api_endpoints_filename) except OSError: print('EX: unable to delete block_api_endpoints.txt') block_api_filename = \ data_dir(base_dir) + '/block_api.txt' if os.path.isfile(block_api_filename): try: os.remove(block_api_filename) except OSError: print('EX: unable to delete block_api.txt') else: try: with open(block_api_endpoints_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_api: fp_api.write(block_federated_endpoints_str) except OSError: print('EX: unable to write block_api_endpoints.txt') return result def run_federated_blocks_daemon(base_dir: str, httpd, debug: bool) -> None: """Runs the daemon used to update federated blocks """ if debug: print('DEBUG: federated blocklist 0') seconds_per_hour = 60 * 60 time.sleep(60) session = None while True: if debug: print('DEBUG: federated blocklist 1') if httpd.session: session = httpd.session else: session = create_session(httpd.proxy_type) if session: if debug: print('DEBUG: federated blocklist 2') httpd.block_federated = \ _update_federated_blocks(httpd.session, base_dir, httpd.http_prefix, httpd.domain, debug, httpd.project_version, httpd.signing_priv_key_pem, httpd.max_api_blocks) time.sleep(seconds_per_hour * 6)