__filename__ = "inbox.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.5.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@libreserver.org" __status__ = "Production" __module_group__ = "Timeline" import json import os import datetime import time import random from shutil import copyfile from linked_data_sig import verify_json_signature from flags import is_system_account from flags import is_blog_post from flags import is_recent_post from flags import is_reply from flags import is_group_account from flags import has_group_type from flags import is_quote_toot from flags import url_permitted from utils import harmless_markup from utils import quote_toots_allowed from utils import lines_in_file from utils import date_epoch from utils import date_utcnow from utils import contains_statuses from utils import get_actor_from_post_id from utils import acct_handle_dir from utils import text_in_file from utils import get_media_descriptions_from_post from utils import get_summary_from_post from utils import get_account_timezone from utils import domain_permitted from utils import get_reply_interval_hours from utils import can_reply_to from utils import get_base_content_from_post from utils import acct_dir from utils import remove_domain_port from utils import get_port_from_domain from utils import has_object_dict from utils import dm_allowed_from_domain from utils import get_config_param from utils import has_users_path from utils import get_full_domain from utils import remove_id_ending from utils import create_inbox_queue_dir from utils import get_status_number from utils import get_domain_from_actor from utils import get_nickname_from_actor from utils import locate_post from utils import delete_post from utils import load_json from utils import save_json from utils import local_actor_url from utils import get_attributed_to from utils import get_reply_to from utils import get_actor_from_post from utils import data_dir from utils import is_dm from utils import has_actor from httpsig import get_digest_algorithm_from_headers from httpsig import verify_post_headers from session import create_session from follow import is_following_actor from follow import get_followers_of_actor from follow import is_follower_of_person from follow import followed_account_accepts from follow import store_follow_request from follow import no_of_follow_requests from follow import get_no_of_followers from follow import follow_approval_required from pprint import pprint from cache import cache_svg_images from cache import get_person_pub_key from acceptreject import receive_accept_reject from blocking import is_blocked from blocking import is_blocked_nickname from blocking import is_blocked_domain from blocking import broch_modeLapses from filters import is_filtered from httpsig import message_content_digest from posts import outbox_message_create_wrap from posts import convert_post_content_to_html from posts import edited_post_filename from posts import save_post_to_box from posts import is_create_inside_announce from posts import create_direct_message_post from posts import is_muted_conv from posts import is_image_media from posts import send_signed_json from posts import send_to_followers_thread from posts import post_allow_comments from posts import valid_post_content from webapp_post import individual_post_as_html from question import is_vote from media import replace_you_tube from media import replace_twitter from git import receive_git_patch from followingCalendar import receiving_calendar_events from happening import save_event_post from context import has_valid_context from speaker import update_speaker from announce import create_announce from notifyOnPost import notify_when_person_posts from conversation import update_conversation from webapp_hashtagswarm import store_hash_tags from person import valid_sending_actor from fitnessFunctions import fitness_performance from content import reject_twitter_summary from content import load_dogwhistles from threads import begin_thread from reading import store_book_events from inbox_receive import inbox_update_index from inbox_receive import receive_edit_to_post from inbox_receive import receive_like from inbox_receive import receive_reaction from inbox_receive import receive_zot_reaction from inbox_receive import receive_bookmark from inbox_receive import receive_announce from inbox_receive import receive_delete from inbox_receive import receive_question_vote from inbox_receive import receive_move_activity from inbox_receive import receive_update_activity from inbox_receive_undo import receive_undo_like from inbox_receive_undo import receive_undo_reaction from inbox_receive_undo import receive_undo_bookmark from inbox_receive_undo import receive_undo_announce from inbox_receive_undo import receive_undo def _store_last_post_id(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, post_json_object: {}) -> None: """Stores the id of the last post made by an actor When a new post arrives this allows it to be compared against the last to see if it is an edited post. It would be great if edited posts contained a back reference id to the source but we don't live in that ideal world. """ actor = post_id = None if has_object_dict(post_json_object): if post_json_object['object'].get('attributedTo'): actor_str = \ get_attributed_to(post_json_object['object']['attributedTo']) if actor_str: actor = actor_str post_id = remove_id_ending(post_json_object['object']['id']) if not actor: actor = get_actor_from_post(post_json_object) post_id = remove_id_ending(post_json_object['id']) if not actor: return account_dir = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) lastpost_dir = account_dir + '/lastpost' if not os.path.isdir(lastpost_dir): if os.path.isdir(account_dir): os.mkdir(lastpost_dir) actor_filename = lastpost_dir + '/' + actor.replace('/', '#') try: with open(actor_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_actor: fp_actor.write(post_id) except OSError: print('EX: Unable to write last post id to ' + actor_filename) def _inbox_store_post_to_html_cache(recent_posts_cache: {}, max_recent_posts: int, translate: {}, base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, session, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, post_json_object: {}, allow_deletion: bool, boxname: str, show_published_date_only: bool, peertube_instances: [], allow_local_network_access: bool, theme_name: str, system_language: str, max_like_count: int, signing_priv_key_pem: str, cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: str, timezone: str, mitm: bool, bold_reading: bool, dogwhistles: {}, min_images_for_accounts: [], buy_sites: {}, auto_cw_cache: {}) -> None: """Converts the json post into html and stores it in a cache This enables the post to be quickly displayed later """ page_number = -999 avatar_url = None if boxname != 'outbox': boxname = 'inbox' not_dm = not is_dm(post_json_object) yt_replace_domain = get_config_param(base_dir, 'youtubedomain') twitter_replacement_domain = get_config_param(base_dir, 'twitterdomain') minimize_all_images = False if nickname in min_images_for_accounts: minimize_all_images = True individual_post_as_html(signing_priv_key_pem, True, recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, translate, page_number, base_dir, session, cached_webfingers, person_cache, nickname, domain, port, post_json_object, avatar_url, True, allow_deletion, http_prefix, __version__, boxname, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, theme_name, system_language, max_like_count, not_dm, True, True, False, True, False, cw_lists, lists_enabled, timezone, mitm, bold_reading, dogwhistles, minimize_all_images, None, buy_sites, auto_cw_cache) def valid_inbox(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str) -> bool: """Checks whether files were correctly saved to the inbox """ domain = remove_domain_port(domain) inbox_dir = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/inbox' if not os.path.isdir(inbox_dir): return True for subdir, _, files in os.walk(inbox_dir): for fname in files: filename = os.path.join(subdir, fname) if not os.path.isfile(filename): print('filename: ' + filename) return False if text_in_file('postNickname', filename): print('queue file incorrectly saved to ' + filename) return False break return True def valid_inbox_filenames(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, expected_domain: str, expected_port: int) -> bool: """Used by unit tests to check that the port number gets appended to domain names within saved post filenames """ domain = remove_domain_port(domain) inbox_dir = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/inbox' if not os.path.isdir(inbox_dir): print('Not an inbox directory: ' + inbox_dir) return True expected_str = expected_domain + ':' + str(expected_port) expected_found = False ctr = 0 for subdir, _, files in os.walk(inbox_dir): for fname in files: filename = os.path.join(subdir, fname) ctr += 1 if not os.path.isfile(filename): print('filename: ' + filename) return False if expected_str in filename: expected_found = True break if ctr == 0: return True if not expected_found: print('Expected file was not found: ' + expected_str) for subdir, _, files in os.walk(inbox_dir): for fname in files: filename = os.path.join(subdir, fname) print(filename) break return False return True def inbox_message_has_params(message_json: {}) -> bool: """Checks whether an incoming message contains expected parameters """ expected_params = ['actor', 'type', 'object'] for param in expected_params: if not message_json.get(param): # print('inbox_message_has_params: ' + # param + ' ' + str(message_json)) return False # actor should be a string actor_url = get_actor_from_post(message_json) if not actor_url: print('WARN: actor should be a string, but is actually: ' + actor_url) pprint(message_json) return False # type should be a string if not isinstance(message_json['type'], str): print('WARN: type from ' + actor_url + ' should be a string, but is actually: ' + str(message_json['type'])) return False # object should be a dict or a string if not has_object_dict(message_json): if not isinstance(message_json['object'], str): print('WARN: object from ' + actor_url + ' should be a dict or string, but is actually: ' + str(message_json['object'])) return False if not message_json.get('to'): allowed_without_to_param = ['Like', 'EmojiReact', 'Follow', 'Join', 'Request', 'Accept', 'Capability', 'Undo', 'Move'] if message_json['type'] not in allowed_without_to_param: return False return True def inbox_permitted_message(domain: str, message_json: {}, federation_list: []) -> bool: """ check that we are receiving from a permitted domain """ if not has_actor(message_json, False): return False actor = get_actor_from_post(message_json) # always allow the local domain if domain in actor: return True if not url_permitted(actor, federation_list): return False always_allowed_types = ( 'Follow', 'Join', 'Like', 'EmojiReact', 'Delete', 'Announce', 'Move' ) if message_json['type'] not in always_allowed_types: if not has_object_dict(message_json): return True reply_id = get_reply_to(message_json['object']) if reply_id: in_reply_to = reply_id if not isinstance(in_reply_to, str): return False if not url_permitted(in_reply_to, federation_list): return False return True def _deny_non_follower(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, reply_nickname: str, reply_domain: str, sending_actor: str): """Returns true if replying to an account which is not a follower or mutual. This only applies if 'Only replies from followers' or 'Only replies from mutuals' is selected on the edit profile screen """ # Is this a reply to something written from this account? if reply_nickname != nickname or reply_domain != domain: return False # has this account specified to only receive replies from followers? account_dir = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) if not os.path.isfile(account_dir + '/.repliesFromFollowersOnly'): if not os.path.isfile(account_dir + '/.repliesFromMutualsOnly'): return False # is the sending actor a follower? follower_nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(sending_actor) follower_domain, _ = get_domain_from_actor(sending_actor) if not is_follower_of_person(base_dir, nickname, domain, follower_nickname, follower_domain): return True if os.path.isfile(account_dir + '/.repliesFromMutualsOnly'): if not is_following_actor(base_dir, nickname, domain, sending_actor): return True return False def save_post_to_inbox_queue(base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, nickname: str, domain: str, post_json_object: {}, original_post_json_object: {}, message_bytes: str, http_headers: {}, post_path: str, debug: bool, blocked_cache: [], block_federated: [], system_language: str, mitm: bool, max_message_bytes: int) -> str: """Saves the given json to the inbox queue for the person key_id specifies the actor sending the post """ if len(message_bytes) > max_message_bytes: print('REJECT: inbox message too long ' + str(len(message_bytes)) + ' bytes') return None original_domain = domain domain = remove_domain_port(domain) # block at the ealiest stage possible, which means the data # isn't written to file post_nickname = None post_domain = None actor = None obj_dict_exists = False # who is sending the post? sending_actor = None if has_object_dict(post_json_object): obj_dict_exists = True if post_json_object['object'].get('attributedTo'): sending_actor = \ get_attributed_to(post_json_object['object']['attributedTo']) else: if post_json_object.get('attributedTo'): sending_actor = \ get_attributed_to(post_json_object['attributedTo']) if not sending_actor: if post_json_object.get('actor'): sending_actor = get_actor_from_post(post_json_object) # check that the sender is valid if sending_actor: if not isinstance(sending_actor, str): print('REJECT: sending actor is not a string ' + str(sending_actor)) return None actor = sending_actor post_nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(sending_actor) if not post_nickname: print('REJECT: No post Nickname in actor ' + sending_actor) return None post_domain, post_port = \ get_domain_from_actor(sending_actor) if not post_domain: if debug: pprint(post_json_object) print('REJECT: No post Domain in actor ' + str(sending_actor)) return None if is_blocked(base_dir, nickname, domain, post_nickname, post_domain, blocked_cache, block_federated): print('BLOCK: post from ' + post_nickname + '@' + post_domain + ' blocked') return None post_domain = get_full_domain(post_domain, post_port) # get the content of the post content_str = \ get_base_content_from_post(post_json_object, system_language) if obj_dict_exists: if is_quote_toot(post_json_object, content_str): allow_quotes = False if sending_actor: allow_quotes = \ quote_toots_allowed(base_dir, nickname, domain, post_nickname, post_domain) if not allow_quotes: if post_json_object.get('id'): print('REJECT: inbox quote toot ' + nickname + '@' + domain + ' ' + str(post_json_object['id'])) return None # is this a reply to a blocked domain or account? reply_id = get_reply_to(post_json_object['object']) if reply_id: if isinstance(reply_id, str): in_reply_to = reply_id reply_domain, _ = \ get_domain_from_actor(in_reply_to) if reply_domain: if is_blocked_domain(base_dir, reply_domain, blocked_cache, block_federated): print('BLOCK: post contains reply from ' + str(actor) + ' to a blocked domain: ' + reply_domain) return None reply_nickname = \ get_nickname_from_actor(in_reply_to) if reply_nickname and reply_domain: if is_blocked_nickname(base_dir, reply_domain, blocked_cache): print('BLOCK: post contains reply from ' + str(actor) + ' to a blocked nickname: ' + reply_nickname + '@' + reply_domain) return None if is_blocked(base_dir, nickname, domain, reply_nickname, reply_domain, blocked_cache, block_federated): print('BLOCK: post contains reply from ' + str(actor) + ' to a blocked account: ' + reply_nickname + '@' + reply_domain) return None if _deny_non_follower(base_dir, nickname, domain, reply_nickname, reply_domain, actor): print('REJECT: post contains reply from ' + str(actor) + ' who is not a follower of ' + nickname + '@' + domain) return None # filter on the content of the post if content_str: summary_str = \ get_summary_from_post(post_json_object, system_language, []) media_descriptions = \ get_media_descriptions_from_post(post_json_object) content_all = \ summary_str + ' ' + content_str + ' ' + media_descriptions if is_filtered(base_dir, nickname, domain, content_all, system_language): if post_json_object.get('id'): print('REJECT: post was filtered out due to content ' + str(post_json_object['id'])) return None if reject_twitter_summary(base_dir, nickname, domain, summary_str): if post_json_object.get('id'): print('REJECT: post was filtered out due to ' + 'twitter summary ' + str(post_json_object['id'])) return None original_post_id = None if post_json_object.get('id'): if not isinstance(post_json_object['id'], str): print('REJECT: post id is not a string ' + str(post_json_object['id'])) return None original_post_id = remove_id_ending(post_json_object['id']) curr_time = date_utcnow() post_id = None if post_json_object.get('id'): post_id = remove_id_ending(post_json_object['id']) published = curr_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") if not post_id: status_number, published = get_status_number() if actor: post_id = actor + '/statuses/' + status_number else: post_id = \ local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, original_domain) + \ '/statuses/' + status_number # NOTE: don't change post_json_object['id'] before signature check inbox_queue_dir = create_inbox_queue_dir(nickname, domain, base_dir) handle = nickname + '@' + domain destination = data_dir(base_dir) + '/' + \ handle + '/inbox/' + post_id.replace('/', '#') + '.json' filename = inbox_queue_dir + '/' + post_id.replace('/', '#') + '.json' shared_inbox_item = False if nickname == 'inbox': nickname = original_domain shared_inbox_item = True digest_start_time = time.time() digest_algorithm = get_digest_algorithm_from_headers(http_headers) digest = message_content_digest(message_bytes, digest_algorithm) time_diff_str = str(int((time.time() - digest_start_time) * 1000)) if debug: while len(time_diff_str) < 6: time_diff_str = '0' + time_diff_str print('DIGEST|' + time_diff_str + '|' + filename) new_queue_item = { "originalId": original_post_id, "id": post_id, "actor": actor, "nickname": nickname, "domain": domain, "postNickname": post_nickname, "postDomain": post_domain, "sharedInbox": shared_inbox_item, "published": published, "httpHeaders": http_headers, "path": post_path, "post": post_json_object, "original": original_post_json_object, "digest": digest, "filename": filename, "destination": destination, "mitm": mitm } if debug: print('Inbox queue item created') save_json(new_queue_item, filename) return filename def _inbox_post_recipients_add(base_dir: str, to_list: [], recipients_dict: {}, domain_match: str, domain: str, debug: bool, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str) -> bool: """Given a list of post recipients (to_list) from 'to' or 'cc' parameters populate a recipients_dict with the handle for each """ follower_recipients = False for recipient in to_list: if not recipient: continue # if the recipient is an onion or i2p address then # is it an account on a clearnet instance? # If so then change the onion/i2p to the account domain if onion_domain: if onion_domain + '/' in recipient: recipient = recipient.replace(onion_domain, domain) if i2p_domain: if i2p_domain + '/' in recipient: recipient = recipient.replace(i2p_domain, domain) # is this a to an account on this instance? if domain_match in recipient: # get the handle for the account on this instance nickname = recipient.split(domain_match)[1] handle = nickname + '@' + domain handle_dir = acct_handle_dir(base_dir, handle) if os.path.isdir(handle_dir): recipients_dict[handle] = None else: if debug: print('DEBUG: ' + data_dir(base_dir) + '/' + handle + ' does not exist') else: if debug: if recipient.endswith('#Public') or \ recipient == 'as:Public' or \ recipient == 'Public': print('DEBUG: #Public recipient is too non-specific. ' + recipient + ' ' + domain_match) else: print('DEBUG: ' + recipient + ' is not local to ' + domain_match) print(str(to_list)) if recipient.endswith('followers'): if debug: print('DEBUG: followers detected as post recipients') follower_recipients = True return follower_recipients, recipients_dict def _inbox_post_recipients(base_dir: str, post_json_object: {}, domain: str, port: int, debug: bool, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str) -> ([], []): """Returns dictionaries containing the recipients of the given post The shared dictionary contains followers """ recipients_dict = {} recipients_dict_followers = {} if not post_json_object.get('actor'): if debug: pprint(post_json_object) print('WARNING: inbox post has no actor') return recipients_dict, recipients_dict_followers domain = remove_domain_port(domain) domain_base = domain domain = get_full_domain(domain, port) domain_match = '/' + domain + '/users/' actor = get_actor_from_post(post_json_object) # first get any specific people which the post is addressed to follower_recipients = False if has_object_dict(post_json_object): if post_json_object['object'].get('to'): if isinstance(post_json_object['object']['to'], list): recipients_list = post_json_object['object']['to'] else: recipients_list = [post_json_object['object']['to']] if debug: print('DEBUG: resolving "to"') includes_followers, recipients_dict = \ _inbox_post_recipients_add(base_dir, recipients_list, recipients_dict, domain_match, domain_base, debug, onion_domain, i2p_domain) if includes_followers: follower_recipients = True else: if debug: print('DEBUG: inbox post has no "to"') if post_json_object['object'].get('cc'): if isinstance(post_json_object['object']['cc'], list): recipients_list = post_json_object['object']['cc'] else: recipients_list = [post_json_object['object']['cc']] includes_followers, recipients_dict = \ _inbox_post_recipients_add(base_dir, recipients_list, recipients_dict, domain_match, domain_base, debug, onion_domain, i2p_domain) if includes_followers: follower_recipients = True else: if debug: print('DEBUG: inbox post has no cc') else: if debug and post_json_object.get('object'): if isinstance(post_json_object['object'], str): if contains_statuses(post_json_object['object']): print('DEBUG: inbox item is a link to a post') else: if '/users/' in post_json_object['object']: print('DEBUG: inbox item is a link to an actor') if post_json_object.get('to'): if isinstance(post_json_object['to'], list): recipients_list = post_json_object['to'] else: recipients_list = [post_json_object['to']] includes_followers, recipients_dict = \ _inbox_post_recipients_add(base_dir, recipients_list, recipients_dict, domain_match, domain_base, debug, onion_domain, i2p_domain) if includes_followers: follower_recipients = True if post_json_object.get('cc'): if isinstance(post_json_object['cc'], list): recipients_list = post_json_object['cc'] else: recipients_list = [post_json_object['cc']] includes_followers, recipients_dict = \ _inbox_post_recipients_add(base_dir, recipients_list, recipients_dict, domain_match, domain_base, debug, onion_domain, i2p_domain) if includes_followers: follower_recipients = True if not follower_recipients: if debug: print('DEBUG: no followers were resolved') return recipients_dict, recipients_dict_followers # now resolve the followers recipients_dict_followers = \ get_followers_of_actor(base_dir, actor, debug) return recipients_dict, recipients_dict_followers def update_edited_post(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, message_json: {}, edited_published: str, edited_postid: str, recent_posts_cache: {}, box_name: str, max_mentions: int, max_emoji: int, allow_local_network_access: bool, debug: bool, system_language: str, http_prefix: str, domain_full: str, person_cache: {}, signing_priv_key_pem: str, max_recent_posts: int, translate: {}, session, cached_webfingers: {}, port: int, allow_deletion: bool, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, peertube_instances: [], theme_name: str, max_like_count: int, cw_lists: {}, dogwhistles: {}, min_images_for_accounts: [], max_hashtags: int, buy_sites: {}, auto_cw_cache: {}, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str) -> None: """ When an edited post is created this assigns a published and updated date to it, and uses the previous id """ edited_updated = \ message_json['object']['published'] if edited_published: message_json['published'] = \ edited_published message_json['object']['published'] = \ edited_published message_json['id'] = \ edited_postid + '/activity' message_json['object']['id'] = \ edited_postid message_json['object']['url'] = \ edited_postid message_json['updated'] = \ edited_updated message_json['object']['updated'] = \ edited_updated message_json['type'] = 'Update' message_json2 = message_json.copy() receive_edit_to_post(recent_posts_cache, message_json2, base_dir, nickname, domain, max_mentions, max_emoji, allow_local_network_access, debug, system_language, http_prefix, domain_full, person_cache, signing_priv_key_pem, max_recent_posts, translate, session, cached_webfingers, port, allow_deletion, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, theme_name, max_like_count, cw_lists, dogwhistles, min_images_for_accounts, max_hashtags, buy_sites, auto_cw_cache, onion_domain, i2p_domain) # update the index id_str = edited_postid.split('/')[-1] index_filename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/' + box_name + '.index' if not text_in_file(id_str, index_filename): try: with open(index_filename, 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_index: content = fp_index.read() if id_str + '\n' not in content: fp_index.seek(0, 0) fp_index.write(id_str + '\n' + content) except OSError as ex: print('WARN: Failed to write index after edit ' + index_filename + ' ' + str(ex)) def populate_replies(base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, domain: str, message_json: {}, max_replies: int, debug: bool) -> bool: """Updates the list of replies for a post on this domain if a reply to it arrives """ if not message_json.get('id'): return False if not has_object_dict(message_json): return False reply_to = get_reply_to(message_json['object']) if not reply_to: return False if not message_json['object'].get('to'): return False if not isinstance(reply_to, str): return False if debug: print('DEBUG: post contains a reply') # is this a reply to a post on this domain? if not reply_to.startswith(http_prefix + '://' + domain + '/'): if debug: print('DEBUG: post is a reply to another not on this domain') print(reply_to) print('Expected: ' + http_prefix + '://' + domain + '/') return False reply_to_nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(reply_to) if not reply_to_nickname: print('DEBUG: no nickname found for ' + reply_to) return False reply_to_domain, _ = get_domain_from_actor(reply_to) if not reply_to_domain: if debug: print('DEBUG: no domain found for ' + reply_to) return False post_filename = locate_post(base_dir, reply_to_nickname, reply_to_domain, reply_to) if not post_filename: if debug: print('DEBUG: post may have expired - ' + reply_to) return False if not post_allow_comments(post_filename): if debug: print('DEBUG: post does not allow comments - ' + reply_to) return False # populate a text file containing the ids of replies post_replies_filename = post_filename.replace('.json', '.replies') message_id = remove_id_ending(message_json['id']) if os.path.isfile(post_replies_filename): num_lines = lines_in_file(post_replies_filename) if num_lines > max_replies: return False if not text_in_file(message_id, post_replies_filename): try: with open(post_replies_filename, 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_replies: fp_replies.write(message_id + '\n') except OSError: print('EX: populate_replies unable to append ' + post_replies_filename) else: try: with open(post_replies_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_replies: fp_replies.write(message_id + '\n') except OSError: print('EX: populate_replies unable to write ' + post_replies_filename) return True def _obtain_avatar_for_reply_post(session, base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, domain: str, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str, person_cache: {}, post_json_object: {}, debug: bool, signing_priv_key_pem: str) -> None: """Tries to obtain the actor for the person being replied to so that their avatar can later be shown """ if not has_object_dict(post_json_object): return reply_id = get_reply_to(post_json_object['object']) if not reply_id: return lookup_actor = reply_id if not lookup_actor: return if not isinstance(lookup_actor, str): return if not has_users_path(lookup_actor): return if contains_statuses(lookup_actor): lookup_actor = get_actor_from_post_id(lookup_actor) if debug: print('DEBUG: Obtaining actor for reply post ' + lookup_actor) for tries in range(6): pub_key = \ get_person_pub_key(base_dir, session, lookup_actor, person_cache, debug, __version__, http_prefix, domain, onion_domain, i2p_domain, signing_priv_key_pem) if pub_key: if not isinstance(pub_key, dict): if debug: print('DEBUG: public key obtained for reply: ' + lookup_actor) else: if debug: print('DEBUG: http error code for public key ' + 'obtained for reply: ' + lookup_actor + ' ' + str(pub_key)) break if debug: print('DEBUG: Retry ' + str(tries + 1) + ' obtaining actor for ' + lookup_actor) time.sleep(5) def _dm_notify(base_dir: str, handle: str, url: str) -> None: """Creates a notification that a new DM has arrived """ account_dir = acct_handle_dir(base_dir, handle) if not os.path.isdir(account_dir): return dm_file = account_dir + '/.newDM' if not os.path.isfile(dm_file): try: with open(dm_file, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_dm: fp_dm.write(url) except OSError: print('EX: _dm_notify unable to write ' + dm_file) def _notify_post_arrival(base_dir: str, handle: str, url: str) -> None: """Creates a notification that a new post has arrived. This is for followed accounts with the notify checkbox enabled on the person options screen """ account_dir = acct_handle_dir(base_dir, handle) if not os.path.isdir(account_dir): return notify_file = account_dir + '/.newNotifiedPost' if os.path.isfile(notify_file): # check that the same notification is not repeatedly sent try: with open(notify_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_notify: existing_notification_message = fp_notify.read() if url in existing_notification_message: return except OSError: print('EX: _notify_post_arrival unable to read ' + notify_file) try: with open(notify_file, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_notify: fp_notify.write(url) except OSError: print('EX: _notify_post_arrival unable to write ' + notify_file) def _reply_notify(base_dir: str, handle: str, url: str) -> None: """Creates a notification that a new reply has arrived """ account_dir = acct_handle_dir(base_dir, handle) if not os.path.isdir(account_dir): return reply_file = account_dir + '/.newReply' if not os.path.isfile(reply_file): try: with open(reply_file, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_reply: fp_reply.write(url) except OSError: print('EX: _reply_notify unable to write ' + reply_file) def _git_patch_notify(base_dir: str, handle: str, subject: str, from_nickname: str, from_domain: str) -> None: """Creates a notification that a new git patch has arrived """ account_dir = acct_handle_dir(base_dir, handle) if not os.path.isdir(account_dir): return patch_file = account_dir + '/.newPatch' subject = subject.replace('[PATCH]', '').strip() handle = '@' + from_nickname + '@' + from_domain try: with open(patch_file, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_patch: fp_patch.write('git ' + handle + ' ' + subject) except OSError: print('EX: _git_patch_notify unable to write ' + patch_file) def _group_handle(base_dir: str, handle: str) -> bool: """Is the given account handle a group? """ actor_file = acct_handle_dir(base_dir, handle) + '.json' if not os.path.isfile(actor_file): return False actor_json = load_json(actor_file) if not actor_json: return False if not actor_json.get('type'): return False return actor_json['type'] == 'Group' def _send_to_group_members(server, session, session_onion, session_i2p, base_dir: str, handle: str, port: int, post_json_object: {}, http_prefix: str, federation_list: [], send_threads: [], post_log: [], cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, debug: bool, curr_domain: str, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str, signing_priv_key_pem: str, sites_unavailable: [], system_language: str) -> None: """When a post arrives for a group send it out to the group members """ if debug: print('\n\n=========================================================') print(handle + ' sending to group members') shared_item_federation_tokens = {} shared_items_federated_domains = [] shared_items_federated_domains_str = \ get_config_param(base_dir, 'shared_items_federated_domains') if shared_items_federated_domains_str: si_federated_domains_list = \ shared_items_federated_domains_str.split(',') for shared_federated_domain in si_federated_domains_list: domain_str = shared_federated_domain.strip() shared_items_federated_domains.append(domain_str) followers_file = acct_handle_dir(base_dir, handle) + '/followers.txt' if not os.path.isfile(followers_file): return if not post_json_object.get('to'): return if not post_json_object.get('object'): return if not has_object_dict(post_json_object): return nickname = handle.split('@')[0].replace('!', '') domain = handle.split('@')[1] domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port) group_actor = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full) if isinstance(post_json_object['to'], list): if group_actor not in post_json_object['to']: return else: if group_actor != post_json_object['to']: return cc_str = '' nickname = handle.split('@')[0].replace('!', '') # save to the group outbox so that replies will be to the group # rather than the original sender save_post_to_box(base_dir, http_prefix, None, nickname, domain, post_json_object, 'outbox') post_id = remove_id_ending(post_json_object['object']['id']) if debug: print('Group announce: ' + post_id) announce_json = \ create_announce(session, base_dir, federation_list, nickname, domain, port, group_actor + '/followers', cc_str, http_prefix, post_id, False, False, send_threads, post_log, person_cache, cached_webfingers, debug, __version__, signing_priv_key_pem, curr_domain, onion_domain, i2p_domain, sites_unavailable, system_language) send_to_followers_thread(server, session, session_onion, session_i2p, base_dir, nickname, domain, onion_domain, i2p_domain, port, http_prefix, federation_list, send_threads, post_log, cached_webfingers, person_cache, announce_json, debug, __version__, shared_items_federated_domains, shared_item_federation_tokens, signing_priv_key_pem, sites_unavailable, system_language) def _inbox_update_calendar_from_tag(base_dir: str, handle: str, post_json_object: {}) -> None: """Detects whether the tag list on a post contains calendar events and if so saves the post id to a file in the calendar directory for the account """ if not post_json_object.get('actor'): return if not has_object_dict(post_json_object): return if not post_json_object['object'].get('tag'): return if not isinstance(post_json_object['object']['tag'], list): return actor = get_actor_from_post(post_json_object) actor_nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(actor) if not actor_nickname: return actor_domain, _ = get_domain_from_actor(actor) if not actor_domain: return handle_nickname = handle.split('@')[0] handle_domain = handle.split('@')[1] if not receiving_calendar_events(base_dir, handle_nickname, handle_domain, actor_nickname, actor_domain): return post_id = remove_id_ending(post_json_object['id']).replace('/', '#') # look for events within the tags list for tag_dict in post_json_object['object']['tag']: if not tag_dict.get('type'): continue if tag_dict['type'] != 'Event': continue if not tag_dict.get('startTime'): continue save_event_post(base_dir, handle, post_id, tag_dict) def _inbox_update_calendar_from_event(base_dir: str, handle: str, post_json_object: {}) -> None: """Detects whether the post contains calendar events and if so saves the post id to a file in the calendar directory for the account This is for Friendica-style calendar events """ if not post_json_object.get('actor'): return if not has_object_dict(post_json_object): return if post_json_object['object']['type'] != 'Event': return if not post_json_object['object'].get('startTime'): return if not isinstance(post_json_object['object']['startTime'], str): return actor = get_actor_from_post(post_json_object) actor_nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(actor) if not actor_nickname: return actor_domain, _ = get_domain_from_actor(actor) if not actor_domain: return handle_nickname = handle.split('@')[0] handle_domain = handle.split('@')[1] if not receiving_calendar_events(base_dir, handle_nickname, handle_domain, actor_nickname, actor_domain): return post_id = remove_id_ending(post_json_object['id']).replace('/', '#') save_event_post(base_dir, handle, post_id, post_json_object['object']) def _update_last_seen(base_dir: str, handle: str, actor: str) -> None: """Updates the time when the given handle last saw the given actor This can later be used to indicate if accounts are dormant/abandoned/moved """ if '@' not in handle: return nickname = handle.split('@')[0] domain = handle.split('@')[1] domain = remove_domain_port(domain) account_path = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) if not os.path.isdir(account_path): return if not is_following_actor(base_dir, nickname, domain, actor): return last_seen_path = account_path + '/lastseen' if not os.path.isdir(last_seen_path): os.mkdir(last_seen_path) last_seen_filename = \ last_seen_path + '/' + actor.replace('/', '#') + '.txt' curr_time = date_utcnow() days_since_epoch = (curr_time - date_epoch()).days # has the value changed? if os.path.isfile(last_seen_filename): try: with open(last_seen_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_last_seen: days_since_epoch_file = fp_last_seen.read() if int(days_since_epoch_file) == days_since_epoch: # value hasn't changed, so we can save writing # anything to file return except OSError: print('EX: _update_last_seen unable to read ' + last_seen_filename) try: with open(last_seen_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_last_seen: fp_last_seen.write(str(days_since_epoch)) except OSError: print('EX: _update_last_seen unable to write ' + last_seen_filename) def _bounce_dm(sender_post_id: str, session, http_prefix: str, base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, sending_handle: str, federation_list: [], send_threads: [], post_log: [], cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, translate: {}, debug: bool, last_bounce_message: [], system_language: str, signing_priv_key_pem: str, dm_license_url: str, languages_understood: [], bounce_is_chat: bool, curr_domain: str, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str, sites_unavailable: []) -> bool: """Sends a bounce message back to the sending handle if a DM has been rejected """ print(nickname + '@' + domain + ' cannot receive DM from ' + sending_handle + ' because they do not follow them') # Don't send out bounce messages too frequently. # Otherwise an adversary could try to DoS your instance # by continuously sending DMs to you curr_time = int(time.time()) if curr_time - last_bounce_message[0] < 60: return False # record the last time that a bounce was generated last_bounce_message[0] = curr_time sender_nickname = sending_handle.split('@')[0] group_account = False if sending_handle.startswith('!'): sending_handle = sending_handle[1:] group_account = True sender_domain = sending_handle.split('@')[1] sender_port = port if ':' in sender_domain: sender_port = get_port_from_domain(sender_domain) sender_domain = remove_domain_port(sender_domain) # create the bounce DM subject = None content = translate['DM bounce'] save_to_file = False client_to_server = False comments_enabled = False attach_image_filename = None media_type = None image_description = '' video_transcript = None city = 'London, England' in_reply_to = remove_id_ending(sender_post_id) in_reply_to_atom_uri = None schedule_post = False event_date = None event_time = None event_end_time = None location = None conversation_id = None convthread_id = None low_bandwidth = False buy_url = '' chat_url = '' auto_cw_cache = {} post_json_object = \ create_direct_message_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, port, http_prefix, content, save_to_file, client_to_server, comments_enabled, attach_image_filename, media_type, image_description, video_transcript, city, in_reply_to, in_reply_to_atom_uri, subject, debug, schedule_post, event_date, event_time, event_end_time, location, system_language, conversation_id, convthread_id, low_bandwidth, dm_license_url, dm_license_url, '', languages_understood, bounce_is_chat, translate, buy_url, chat_url, auto_cw_cache, session) if not post_json_object: print('WARN: unable to create bounce message to ' + sending_handle) return False extra_headers = {} # bounce DM goes back to the sender print('Sending bounce DM to ' + sending_handle) send_signed_json(post_json_object, session, base_dir, nickname, domain, port, sender_nickname, sender_domain, sender_port, http_prefix, False, federation_list, send_threads, post_log, cached_webfingers, person_cache, debug, __version__, None, group_account, signing_priv_key_pem, 7238634, curr_domain, onion_domain, i2p_domain, extra_headers, sites_unavailable, system_language) return True def _is_valid_dm(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, post_json_object: {}, update_index_list: [], session, http_prefix: str, federation_list: [], send_threads: [], post_log: [], cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, translate: {}, debug: bool, last_bounce_message: [], handle: str, system_language: str, signing_priv_key_pem: str, dm_license_url: str, languages_understood: [], curr_domain: str, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str, sites_unavailable: []) -> bool: """Is the given message a valid DM? """ if nickname == 'inbox': # going to the shared inbox return True # check for the flag file which indicates to # only receive DMs from people you are following follow_dms_filename = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/.followDMs' if not os.path.isfile(follow_dms_filename): # dm index will be updated update_index_list.append('dm') act_url = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain) _dm_notify(base_dir, handle, act_url + '/dm') return True # get the file containing following handles following_filename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/following.txt' # who is sending a DM? if not post_json_object.get('actor'): return False sending_actor = get_actor_from_post(post_json_object) sending_actor_nickname = \ get_nickname_from_actor(sending_actor) if not sending_actor_nickname: return False sending_actor_domain, _ = \ get_domain_from_actor(sending_actor) if not sending_actor_domain: return False # Is this DM to yourself? eg. a reminder sending_to_self = False if sending_actor_nickname == nickname and \ sending_actor_domain == domain: sending_to_self = True # check that the following file exists if not sending_to_self: if not os.path.isfile(following_filename): print('No following.txt file exists for ' + nickname + '@' + domain + ' so not accepting DM from ' + sending_actor_nickname + '@' + sending_actor_domain) return False # Not sending to yourself if not sending_to_self: # is this a vote on a question? if is_vote(base_dir, nickname, domain, post_json_object, debug): # make the content the same as the vote answer post_json_object['object']['content'] = \ post_json_object['object']['name'] # remove any other content if post_json_object['object'].get("contentMap"): del post_json_object['object']['contentMap'] # remove any summary / cw post_json_object['object']['summary'] = None if post_json_object['object'].get("summaryMap"): del post_json_object['object']['summaryMap'] return True # get the handle of the DM sender send_h = sending_actor_nickname + '@' + sending_actor_domain # check the follow if not is_following_actor(base_dir, nickname, domain, send_h): # DMs may always be allowed from some domains if not dm_allowed_from_domain(base_dir, nickname, domain, sending_actor_domain): # send back a bounce DM if post_json_object.get('id') and \ post_json_object.get('object'): obj_has_dict = has_object_dict(post_json_object) # don't send bounces back to # replies to bounce messages obj = post_json_object['object'] if obj_has_dict and \ not get_reply_to(obj): bounced_id = \ remove_id_ending(post_json_object['id']) bounce_chat = False if obj.get('type'): if obj['type'] == 'ChatMessage': bounce_chat = True _bounce_dm(bounced_id, session, http_prefix, base_dir, nickname, domain, port, send_h, federation_list, send_threads, post_log, cached_webfingers, person_cache, translate, debug, last_bounce_message, system_language, signing_priv_key_pem, dm_license_url, languages_understood, bounce_chat, curr_domain, onion_domain, i2p_domain, sites_unavailable) return False # dm index will be updated update_index_list.append('dm') act_url = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain) _dm_notify(base_dir, handle, act_url + '/dm') return True def _create_reply_notification_file(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, handle: str, debug: bool, post_is_dm: bool, post_json_object: {}, actor: str, update_index_list: [], http_prefix: str, default_reply_interval_hrs: int) -> bool: """Generates a file indicating that a new reply has arrived The file can then be used by other systems to create a notification xmpp, matrix, email, etc """ is_reply_to_muted_post = False if post_is_dm: return is_reply_to_muted_post if not is_reply(post_json_object, actor): return is_reply_to_muted_post if nickname == 'inbox': return is_reply_to_muted_post # replies index will be updated update_index_list.append('tlreplies') # Due to lack of AP specification maintenance, a conversation can also be # referred to as a thread or (confusingly) "context" conversation_id = None if post_json_object['object'].get('conversation'): conversation_id = post_json_object['object']['conversation'] elif post_json_object['object'].get('context'): conversation_id = post_json_object['object']['context'] elif post_json_object['object'].get('thread'): conversation_id = post_json_object['object']['thread'] in_reply_to = get_reply_to(post_json_object['object']) if not in_reply_to: return is_reply_to_muted_post if not isinstance(in_reply_to, str): return is_reply_to_muted_post if not is_muted_conv(base_dir, nickname, domain, in_reply_to, conversation_id): # check if the reply is within the allowed time period # after publication reply_interval_hours = \ get_reply_interval_hours(base_dir, nickname, domain, default_reply_interval_hrs) if can_reply_to(base_dir, nickname, domain, in_reply_to, reply_interval_hours): act_url = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain) _reply_notify(base_dir, handle, act_url + '/tlreplies') else: if debug: print('Reply to ' + in_reply_to + ' is outside of the ' + 'permitted interval of ' + str(reply_interval_hours) + ' hours') return False else: is_reply_to_muted_post = True return is_reply_to_muted_post def _low_frequency_post_notification(base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, handle: str, post_is_dm: bool, json_obj: {}) -> None: """Should we notify that a post from this person has arrived? This is for cases where the notify checkbox is enabled on the person options screen """ if post_is_dm: return if not json_obj: return if not json_obj.get('attributedTo'): return if not json_obj.get('id'): return attributed_to = get_attributed_to(json_obj['attributedTo']) if not attributed_to: return from_nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(attributed_to) if not from_nickname: return from_domain, from_port = get_domain_from_actor(attributed_to) if not from_domain: return from_domain_full = get_full_domain(from_domain, from_port) if notify_when_person_posts(base_dir, nickname, domain, from_nickname, from_domain_full): post_id = remove_id_ending(json_obj['id']) dom_full = get_full_domain(domain, port) post_link = \ local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, dom_full) + \ '?notifypost=' + post_id.replace('/', '-') _notify_post_arrival(base_dir, handle, post_link) def _check_for_git_patches(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, handle: str, json_obj: {}) -> int: """check for incoming git patches """ if not json_obj: return 0 if not json_obj.get('content'): return 0 if not json_obj.get('summary'): return 0 if not json_obj.get('attributedTo'): return 0 attributed_to = get_attributed_to(json_obj['attributedTo']) if not attributed_to: return 0 from_nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(attributed_to) if not from_nickname: return 0 from_domain, from_port = get_domain_from_actor(attributed_to) if not from_domain: return 0 from_domain_full = get_full_domain(from_domain, from_port) if receive_git_patch(base_dir, nickname, domain, json_obj['type'], json_obj['summary'], json_obj['content'], from_nickname, from_domain_full): _git_patch_notify(base_dir, handle, json_obj['summary'], from_nickname, from_domain_full) return 1 if '[PATCH]' in json_obj['content']: print('WARN: git patch not accepted - ' + json_obj['summary']) return 2 return 0 def _has_former_representations(post_json_object: {}) -> bool: """Does the given post contain a list of previous edits? """ post_obj = post_json_object['object'] if not isinstance(post_obj, dict): return False if not post_obj.get('id'): return False if not post_obj.get('formerRepresentations'): return False if not isinstance(post_obj['formerRepresentations'], dict): return False if not post_obj['formerRepresentations'].get('orderedItems'): return False if not isinstance(post_obj['formerRepresentations']['orderedItems'], list): return False return True def _former_representations_to_edits(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, post_json_object: {}, max_mentions: int, max_emoji: int, allow_local_network_access: bool, debug: bool, system_language: str, http_prefix: str, domain_full: str, person_cache: {}, max_hashtags: int, port: int, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str) -> bool: """ Some instances use formerRepresentations to store previous edits """ if not _has_former_representations(post_json_object): return False post_obj = post_json_object['object'] prev_edits_list = post_obj['formerRepresentations']['orderedItems'] post_id = remove_id_ending(post_obj['id']) post_filename = \ locate_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, post_id, False) if not post_filename: return False post_history_filename = post_filename.replace('.json', '.edits') post_history_json = {} if os.path.isfile(post_history_filename): post_history_json = load_json(post_history_filename) # check each former post and add it to the edits file if needed posts_added = False for prev_post_json in prev_edits_list: prev_post_obj = prev_post_json if has_object_dict(prev_post_json): prev_post_obj = prev_post_json['object'] # get the published date for the previous post if not prev_post_obj.get('published'): continue published_str = prev_post_obj['published'] # was the previous post already logged? if post_history_json.get(published_str): continue # add Create to the previous post if needed if not has_object_dict(prev_post_json): prev_post_id = None if prev_post_json.get('id'): prev_post_id = prev_post_json['id'] outbox_message_create_wrap(http_prefix, nickname, domain, port, prev_post_json) if prev_post_id: prev_post_json['id'] = prev_post_id prev_post_json['object']['id'] = prev_post_id prev_post_json['object']['url'] = prev_post_id prev_post_json['object']['atomUri'] = prev_post_id # validate the previous post harmless_markup(prev_post_json) if not valid_post_content(base_dir, nickname, domain, prev_post_json, max_mentions, max_emoji, allow_local_network_access, debug, system_language, http_prefix, domain_full, person_cache, max_hashtags, onion_domain, i2p_domain): continue post_history_json[published_str] = prev_post_json posts_added = True if posts_added: save_json(post_history_json, post_history_filename) print('formerRepresentations updated for ' + post_filename) return True def _inbox_after_initial(server, inbox_start_time, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_recent_posts: int, session, session_onion, session_i2p, key_id: str, handle: str, message_json: {}, base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, send_threads: [], post_log: [], cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, domain: str, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str, port: int, federation_list: [], debug: bool, queue_filename: str, destination_filename: str, max_replies: int, allow_deletion: bool, max_mentions: int, max_emoji: int, translate: {}, unit_test: bool, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, allow_local_network_access: bool, peertube_instances: [], last_bounce_message: [], theme_name: str, system_language: str, max_like_count: int, signing_priv_key_pem: str, default_reply_interval_hrs: int, cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: str, dm_license_url: str, languages_understood: [], mitm: bool, bold_reading: bool, dogwhistles: {}, max_hashtags: int, buy_sites: {}, sites_unavailable: []) -> bool: """ Anything which needs to be done after initial checks have passed """ # if this is a clearnet instance then replace any onion/i2p # domains with the account domain if onion_domain or i2p_domain: message_str = json.dumps(message_json, ensure_ascii=False) if onion_domain: if onion_domain in message_str: message_str = message_str.replace(onion_domain, domain) try: message_json = json.loads(message_str) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as ex: print('EX: json decode error ' + str(ex) + ' from _inbox_after_initial onion ' + str(message_str)) inbox_start_time = time.time() return False if i2p_domain: if i2p_domain in message_str: message_str = message_str.replace(i2p_domain, domain) try: message_json = json.loads(message_str) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as ex: print('EX: json decode error ' + str(ex) + ' from _inbox_after_initial i2p ' + str(message_str)) inbox_start_time = time.time() return False actor = key_id if '#' in actor: actor = key_id.split('#')[0] _update_last_seen(base_dir, handle, actor) post_is_dm = False is_group = _group_handle(base_dir, handle) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', '_group_handle', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() handle_name = handle.split('@')[0] if receive_like(recent_posts_cache, session, handle, base_dir, http_prefix, domain, port, onion_domain, i2p_domain, cached_webfingers, person_cache, message_json, debug, signing_priv_key_pem, max_recent_posts, translate, allow_deletion, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, theme_name, system_language, max_like_count, cw_lists, lists_enabled, bold_reading, dogwhistles, server.min_images_for_accounts, buy_sites, server.auto_cw_cache): if debug: print('DEBUG: Like accepted from ' + actor) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', '_receive_like', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() return False if receive_undo_like(recent_posts_cache, session, handle, base_dir, http_prefix, domain, port, cached_webfingers, person_cache, message_json, debug, signing_priv_key_pem, max_recent_posts, translate, allow_deletion, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, theme_name, system_language, max_like_count, cw_lists, lists_enabled, bold_reading, dogwhistles, server.min_images_for_accounts, buy_sites, server.auto_cw_cache): if debug: print('DEBUG: Undo like accepted from ' + actor) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', '_receive_undo_like', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() return False if receive_reaction(recent_posts_cache, session, handle, base_dir, http_prefix, domain, port, onion_domain, cached_webfingers, person_cache, message_json, debug, signing_priv_key_pem, max_recent_posts, translate, allow_deletion, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, theme_name, system_language, max_like_count, cw_lists, lists_enabled, bold_reading, dogwhistles, server.min_images_for_accounts, buy_sites, server.auto_cw_cache): if debug: print('DEBUG: Reaction accepted from ' + actor) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', '_receive_reaction', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() return False if receive_zot_reaction(recent_posts_cache, session, handle, base_dir, http_prefix, domain, port, onion_domain, cached_webfingers, person_cache, message_json, debug, signing_priv_key_pem, max_recent_posts, translate, allow_deletion, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, theme_name, system_language, max_like_count, cw_lists, lists_enabled, bold_reading, dogwhistles, server.min_images_for_accounts, buy_sites, server.auto_cw_cache): if debug: print('DEBUG: Zot reaction accepted from ' + actor) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', '_receive_zot_reaction', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() return False if receive_undo_reaction(recent_posts_cache, session, handle, base_dir, http_prefix, domain, port, cached_webfingers, person_cache, message_json, debug, signing_priv_key_pem, max_recent_posts, translate, allow_deletion, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, theme_name, system_language, max_like_count, cw_lists, lists_enabled, bold_reading, dogwhistles, server.min_images_for_accounts, buy_sites, server.auto_cw_cache): if debug: print('DEBUG: Undo reaction accepted from ' + actor) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', '_receive_undo_reaction', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() return False if receive_bookmark(recent_posts_cache, session, handle, base_dir, http_prefix, domain, port, cached_webfingers, person_cache, message_json, debug, signing_priv_key_pem, max_recent_posts, translate, allow_deletion, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, theme_name, system_language, max_like_count, cw_lists, lists_enabled, bold_reading, dogwhistles, server.min_images_for_accounts, server.buy_sites, server.auto_cw_cache): if debug: print('DEBUG: Bookmark accepted from ' + actor) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', '_receive_bookmark', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() return False if receive_undo_bookmark(recent_posts_cache, session, handle, base_dir, http_prefix, domain, port, cached_webfingers, person_cache, message_json, debug, signing_priv_key_pem, max_recent_posts, translate, allow_deletion, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, theme_name, system_language, max_like_count, cw_lists, lists_enabled, bold_reading, dogwhistles, server.min_images_for_accounts, server.buy_sites, server.auto_cw_cache): if debug: print('DEBUG: Undo bookmark accepted from ' + actor) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', '_receive_undo_bookmark', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() return False if is_create_inside_announce(message_json): message_json = message_json['object'] fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'is_create_inside_announce', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() # store any bookwyrm type notes store_book_events(base_dir, message_json, system_language, languages_understood, translate, debug, server.max_recent_books, server.books_cache, server.max_cached_readers) if receive_announce(recent_posts_cache, session, handle, base_dir, http_prefix, domain, onion_domain, i2p_domain, port, cached_webfingers, person_cache, message_json, debug, translate, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, allow_local_network_access, theme_name, system_language, signing_priv_key_pem, max_recent_posts, allow_deletion, peertube_instances, max_like_count, cw_lists, lists_enabled, bold_reading, dogwhistles, mitm, server.min_images_for_accounts, server.buy_sites, languages_understood, server.auto_cw_cache, server.block_federated): if debug: print('DEBUG: Announce accepted from ' + actor) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', '_receive_announce', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() if receive_undo_announce(recent_posts_cache, handle, base_dir, domain, message_json, debug): if debug: print('DEBUG: Undo announce accepted from ' + actor) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', '_receive_undo_announce', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() return False if receive_delete(handle, base_dir, http_prefix, domain, port, message_json, debug, allow_deletion, recent_posts_cache): if debug: print('DEBUG: Delete accepted from ' + actor) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', '_receive_delete', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() return False if debug: print('DEBUG: initial checks passed') print('copy queue file from ' + queue_filename + ' to ' + destination_filename) if os.path.isfile(destination_filename): return True if message_json.get('postNickname'): post_json_object = message_json['post'] else: post_json_object = message_json nickname = handle.split('@')[0] if is_vote(base_dir, nickname, domain, post_json_object, debug): receive_question_vote(server, base_dir, nickname, domain, http_prefix, handle, debug, post_json_object, recent_posts_cache, session, session_onion, session_i2p, onion_domain, i2p_domain, port, federation_list, send_threads, post_log, cached_webfingers, person_cache, signing_priv_key_pem, max_recent_posts, translate, allow_deletion, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, theme_name, system_language, max_like_count, cw_lists, lists_enabled, bold_reading, dogwhistles, server.min_images_for_accounts, server.buy_sites, server.sites_unavailable, server.auto_cw_cache) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', '_receive_question_vote', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() json_obj = None domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port) convert_post_content_to_html(post_json_object) # neutralise anything harmful harmless_markup(post_json_object) if valid_post_content(base_dir, nickname, domain, post_json_object, max_mentions, max_emoji, allow_local_network_access, debug, system_language, http_prefix, domain_full, person_cache, max_hashtags, onion_domain, i2p_domain): fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'valid_post_content', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() # is the sending actor valid? if not valid_sending_actor(session, base_dir, nickname, domain, person_cache, post_json_object, signing_priv_key_pem, debug, unit_test, system_language): if debug: print('Inbox sending actor is not valid ' + str(post_json_object)) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'not_valid_sending_actor', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() return False fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'valid_sending_actor', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() if post_json_object.get('object'): json_obj = post_json_object['object'] if not isinstance(json_obj, dict): json_obj = None else: json_obj = post_json_object if _check_for_git_patches(base_dir, nickname, domain, handle, json_obj) == 2: fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', '_check_for_git_patches', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() return False # replace YouTube links, so they get less tracking data replace_you_tube(post_json_object, yt_replace_domain, system_language) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'replace_you_tube', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() # replace twitter link domains, so that you can view twitter posts # without having an account replace_twitter(post_json_object, twitter_replacement_domain, system_language) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'replace_you_twitter', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() # list of indexes to be updated update_index_list = ['inbox'] populate_replies(base_dir, http_prefix, domain, post_json_object, max_replies, debug) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'populate_replies', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() is_reply_to_muted_post = False if not is_group: # create a DM notification file if needed post_is_dm = is_dm(post_json_object) if post_is_dm: if not _is_valid_dm(base_dir, nickname, domain, port, post_json_object, update_index_list, session, http_prefix, federation_list, send_threads, post_log, cached_webfingers, person_cache, translate, debug, last_bounce_message, handle, system_language, signing_priv_key_pem, dm_license_url, languages_understood, domain, onion_domain, i2p_domain, server.sites_unavailable): if debug: print('Invalid DM ' + str(post_json_object)) return False fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', '_is_valid_dm', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() # get the actor being replied to actor = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'local_actor_url', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() # create a reply notification file if needed is_reply_to_muted_post = \ _create_reply_notification_file(base_dir, nickname, domain, handle, debug, post_is_dm, post_json_object, actor, update_index_list, http_prefix, default_reply_interval_hrs) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', '_create_reply_notification_file', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() show_vote_posts = True show_vote_file = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/.noVotes' if os.path.isfile(show_vote_file): show_vote_posts = False if is_image_media(session, base_dir, http_prefix, nickname, domain, post_json_object, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, allow_local_network_access, recent_posts_cache, debug, system_language, domain_full, person_cache, signing_priv_key_pem, bold_reading, show_vote_posts, languages_understood): # media index will be updated update_index_list.append('tlmedia') fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'is_image_media', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() if is_blog_post(post_json_object): # blogs index will be updated update_index_list.append('tlblogs') # get the avatar for a reply/announce _obtain_avatar_for_reply_post(session, base_dir, http_prefix, domain, onion_domain, i2p_domain, person_cache, post_json_object, debug, signing_priv_key_pem) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', '_obtain_avatar_for_reply_post', debug) # cache any svg image attachments locally # This is so that any scripts can be removed cache_svg_images(session, base_dir, http_prefix, domain, domain_full, onion_domain, i2p_domain, post_json_object, federation_list, debug, None) inbox_start_time = time.time() # save the post to file if save_json(post_json_object, destination_filename): fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'save_json', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() if mitm: # write a file to indicate that this post was delivered # via a third party destination_filename_mitm = \ destination_filename.replace('.json', '') + '.mitm' try: with open(destination_filename_mitm, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_mitm: fp_mitm.write('\n') except OSError: print('EX: _inbox_after_initial unable to write ' + destination_filename_mitm) _low_frequency_post_notification(base_dir, http_prefix, nickname, domain, port, handle, post_is_dm, json_obj) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', '_low_frequency_post_notification', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() # If this is a reply to a muted post then also mute it. # This enables you to ignore a threat that's getting boring if is_reply_to_muted_post: print('MUTE REPLY: ' + destination_filename) destination_filename_muted = destination_filename + '.muted' try: with open(destination_filename_muted, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_mute: fp_mute.write('\n') except OSError: print('EX: _inbox_after_initial unable to write 2 ' + destination_filename_muted) # is this an edit of a previous post? # in Mastodon "delete and redraft" # NOTE: this must be done before update_conversation is called edited_filename, edited_json = \ edited_post_filename(base_dir, handle_name, domain, post_json_object, debug, 300, system_language) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'edited_post_filename', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() # handle any previous edits if _former_representations_to_edits(base_dir, nickname, domain, post_json_object, max_mentions, max_emoji, allow_local_network_access, debug, system_language, http_prefix, domain_full, person_cache, max_hashtags, port, onion_domain, i2p_domain): # ensure that there is an updated entry # for the publication date if post_json_object['object'].get('published') and \ not post_json_object['object'].get('updated'): post_json_object['object']['updated'] = \ post_json_object['object']['published'] save_json(post_json_object, destination_filename) # If this was an edit then update the edits json file and # delete the previous version of the post if edited_filename and edited_json: prev_edits_filename = \ edited_filename.replace('.json', '.edits') edits_filename = \ destination_filename.replace('.json', '.edits') modified = edited_json['object']['published'] if os.path.isfile(edits_filename): edits_json = load_json(edits_filename) if edits_json: if not edits_json.get(modified): edits_json[modified] = edited_json save_json(edits_json, edits_filename) else: if os.path.isfile(prev_edits_filename): if prev_edits_filename != edits_filename: try: copyfile(prev_edits_filename, edits_filename) except OSError: print('EX: failed to copy edits file') edits_json = load_json(edits_filename) if edits_json: if not edits_json.get(modified): edits_json[modified] = edited_json save_json(edits_json, edits_filename) else: edits_json = { modified: edited_json } save_json(edits_json, edits_filename) if edited_filename != destination_filename: delete_post(base_dir, http_prefix, nickname, domain, edited_filename, debug, recent_posts_cache, True) # update the indexes for different timelines for boxname in update_index_list: fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'box_' + boxname, debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() if not inbox_update_index(boxname, base_dir, handle, destination_filename, debug): fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'inbox_update_index', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() print('ERROR: unable to update ' + boxname + ' index') else: if boxname == 'inbox': if is_recent_post(post_json_object, 3): domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port) update_speaker(base_dir, http_prefix, nickname, domain, domain_full, post_json_object, person_cache, translate, None, theme_name, system_language, boxname) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'update_speaker', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() if not unit_test: if debug: print('Saving inbox post as html to cache') html_cache_start_time = time.time() allow_local_net_access = allow_local_network_access show_pub_date_only = show_published_date_only timezone = \ get_account_timezone(base_dir, handle_name, domain) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'get_account_timezone', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() min_img_for_accounts = \ server.min_images_for_accounts _inbox_store_post_to_html_cache(recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, translate, base_dir, http_prefix, session, cached_webfingers, person_cache, handle_name, domain, port, post_json_object, allow_deletion, boxname, show_pub_date_only, peertube_instances, allow_local_net_access, theme_name, system_language, max_like_count, signing_priv_key_pem, cw_lists, lists_enabled, timezone, mitm, bold_reading, dogwhistles, min_img_for_accounts, buy_sites, server.auto_cw_cache) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', '_inbox_store_post_to_html_cache', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() if debug: time_diff = \ str(int((time.time() - html_cache_start_time) * 1000)) print('Saved ' + boxname + ' post as html to cache in ' + time_diff + ' mS') update_conversation(base_dir, handle_name, domain, post_json_object) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'update_conversation', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() # store the id of the last post made by this actor _store_last_post_id(base_dir, nickname, domain, post_json_object) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', '_store_last_post_id', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() _inbox_update_calendar_from_tag(base_dir, handle, post_json_object) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', '_inbox_update_calendar_from_tag', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() _inbox_update_calendar_from_event(base_dir, handle, post_json_object) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', '_inbox_update_calendar_from_event', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() store_hash_tags(base_dir, handle_name, domain, http_prefix, domain_full, post_json_object, translate, session) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'store_hash_tags', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() # send the post out to group members if is_group: _send_to_group_members(server, session, session_onion, session_i2p, base_dir, handle, port, post_json_object, http_prefix, federation_list, send_threads, post_log, cached_webfingers, person_cache, debug, domain, onion_domain, i2p_domain, signing_priv_key_pem, sites_unavailable, system_language) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', '_send_to_group_members', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() else: if debug: print("Inbox post is not valid " + str(post_json_object)) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'invalid_post', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() # if the post wasn't saved if not os.path.isfile(destination_filename): if debug: print("Inbox post was not saved " + destination_filename) return False fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'end_after_initial', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() return True def clear_queue_items(base_dir: str, queue: []) -> None: """Clears the queue for each account """ ctr = 0 queue.clear() dir_str = data_dir(base_dir) for _, dirs, _ in os.walk(dir_str): for account in dirs: queue_dir = dir_str + '/' + account + '/queue' if not os.path.isdir(queue_dir): continue for _, _, queuefiles in os.walk(queue_dir): for qfile in queuefiles: try: os.remove(os.path.join(queue_dir, qfile)) ctr += 1 except OSError: print('EX: clear_queue_items unable to delete ' + qfile) break break if ctr > 0: print('Removed ' + str(ctr) + ' inbox queue items') def _restore_queue_items(base_dir: str, queue: []) -> None: """Checks the queue for each account and appends filenames """ queue.clear() dir_str = data_dir(base_dir) for _, dirs, _ in os.walk(dir_str): for account in dirs: queue_dir = dir_str + '/' + account + '/queue' if not os.path.isdir(queue_dir): continue for _, _, queuefiles in os.walk(queue_dir): for qfile in queuefiles: queue.append(os.path.join(queue_dir, qfile)) break break if len(queue) > 0: print('Restored ' + str(len(queue)) + ' inbox queue items') def run_inbox_queue_watchdog(project_version: str, httpd) -> None: """This tries to keep the inbox thread running even if it dies """ print('THREAD: Starting inbox queue watchdog ' + project_version) inbox_queue_original = httpd.thrInboxQueue.clone(run_inbox_queue) begin_thread(httpd.thrInboxQueue, 'run_inbox_queue_watchdog') while True: time.sleep(20) if not httpd.thrInboxQueue.is_alive() or httpd.restart_inbox_queue: httpd.restart_inbox_queue_in_progress = True httpd.thrInboxQueue.kill() print('THREAD: restarting inbox queue watchdog') httpd.thrInboxQueue = inbox_queue_original.clone(run_inbox_queue) httpd.inbox_queue.clear() begin_thread(httpd.thrInboxQueue, 'run_inbox_queue_watchdog 2') print('Restarting inbox queue...') httpd.restart_inbox_queue_in_progress = False httpd.restart_inbox_queue = False def _inbox_quota_exceeded(queue: {}, queue_filename: str, queue_json: {}, quotas_daily: {}, quotas_per_min: {}, domain_max_posts_per_day: int, account_max_posts_per_day: int, debug: bool) -> bool: """limit the number of posts which can arrive per domain per day """ post_domain = queue_json['postDomain'] if not post_domain: return False if domain_max_posts_per_day > 0: if quotas_daily['domains'].get(post_domain): if quotas_daily['domains'][post_domain] > \ domain_max_posts_per_day: print('Queue: Quota per day - Maximum posts for ' + post_domain + ' reached (' + str(domain_max_posts_per_day) + ')') if len(queue) > 0: try: os.remove(queue_filename) except OSError: print('EX: _inbox_quota_exceeded unable to delete 1 ' + str(queue_filename)) if len(queue) > 0: queue.pop(0) return True quotas_daily['domains'][post_domain] += 1 else: quotas_daily['domains'][post_domain] = 1 if quotas_per_min['domains'].get(post_domain): domain_max_posts_per_min = \ int(domain_max_posts_per_day / (24 * 60)) if domain_max_posts_per_min < 5: domain_max_posts_per_min = 5 if quotas_per_min['domains'][post_domain] > \ domain_max_posts_per_min: print('Queue: Quota per min - Maximum posts for ' + post_domain + ' reached (' + str(domain_max_posts_per_min) + ')') if len(queue) > 0: try: os.remove(queue_filename) except OSError: print('EX: _inbox_quota_exceeded unable to delete 2 ' + str(queue_filename)) if len(queue) > 0: queue.pop(0) return True quotas_per_min['domains'][post_domain] += 1 else: quotas_per_min['domains'][post_domain] = 1 if account_max_posts_per_day > 0: post_handle = queue_json['postNickname'] + '@' + post_domain if quotas_daily['accounts'].get(post_handle): if quotas_daily['accounts'][post_handle] > \ account_max_posts_per_day: print('Queue: Quota account posts per day -' + ' Maximum posts for ' + post_handle + ' reached (' + str(account_max_posts_per_day) + ')') if len(queue) > 0: try: os.remove(queue_filename) except OSError: print('EX: _inbox_quota_exceeded unable to delete 3 ' + str(queue_filename)) if len(queue) > 0: queue.pop(0) return True quotas_daily['accounts'][post_handle] += 1 else: quotas_daily['accounts'][post_handle] = 1 if quotas_per_min['accounts'].get(post_handle): account_max_posts_per_min = \ int(account_max_posts_per_day / (24 * 60)) account_max_posts_per_min = max(account_max_posts_per_min, 5) if quotas_per_min['accounts'][post_handle] > \ account_max_posts_per_min: print('Queue: Quota account posts per min -' + ' Maximum posts for ' + post_handle + ' reached (' + str(account_max_posts_per_min) + ')') if len(queue) > 0: try: os.remove(queue_filename) except OSError: print('EX: _inbox_quota_exceeded unable to delete 4 ' + str(queue_filename)) if len(queue) > 0: queue.pop(0) return True quotas_per_min['accounts'][post_handle] += 1 else: quotas_per_min['accounts'][post_handle] = 1 if debug: if account_max_posts_per_day > 0 or domain_max_posts_per_day > 0: pprint(quotas_daily) return False def _check_json_signature(base_dir: str, queue_json: {}) -> (bool, bool): """check if a json signature exists on this post """ has_json_signature = False jwebsig_type = None original_json = queue_json['original'] if not original_json.get('@context') or \ not original_json.get('signature'): return has_json_signature, jwebsig_type if not isinstance(original_json['signature'], dict): return has_json_signature, jwebsig_type # see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7515 jwebsig = original_json['signature'] # signature exists and is of the expected type if not jwebsig.get('type') or \ not jwebsig.get('signatureValue'): return has_json_signature, jwebsig_type jwebsig_type = jwebsig['type'] if jwebsig_type == 'RsaSignature2017': if has_valid_context(original_json): has_json_signature = True else: unknown_contexts_file = \ data_dir(base_dir) + '/unknownContexts.txt' unknown_context = str(original_json['@context']) print('unrecognized @context: ' + unknown_context) already_unknown = False if os.path.isfile(unknown_contexts_file): if text_in_file(unknown_context, unknown_contexts_file): already_unknown = True if not already_unknown: try: with open(unknown_contexts_file, 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_unknown: fp_unknown.write(unknown_context + '\n') except OSError: print('EX: _check_json_signature unable to append ' + unknown_contexts_file) else: print('Unrecognized jsonld signature type: ' + jwebsig_type) unknown_signatures_file = \ data_dir(base_dir) + '/unknownJsonSignatures.txt' already_unknown = False if os.path.isfile(unknown_signatures_file): if text_in_file(jwebsig_type, unknown_signatures_file): already_unknown = True if not already_unknown: try: with open(unknown_signatures_file, 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_unknown: fp_unknown.write(jwebsig_type + '\n') except OSError: print('EX: _check_json_signature unable to append ' + unknown_signatures_file) return has_json_signature, jwebsig_type def _receive_follow_request(session, session_onion, session_i2p, base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, port: int, send_threads: [], post_log: [], cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, message_json: {}, federation_list: [], debug: bool, project_version: str, max_followers: int, this_domain: str, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str, signing_priv_key_pem: str, unit_test: bool, system_language: str, followers_sync_cache: {}, sites_unavailable: []) -> bool: """Receives a follow request within the POST section of HTTPServer """ if not message_json['type'].startswith('Follow'): if not message_json['type'].startswith('Join'): return False print('Receiving follow request') if not has_actor(message_json, debug): return True actor_url = get_actor_from_post(message_json) if not has_users_path(actor_url): if debug: print('DEBUG: ' + 'users/profile/author/accounts/channel missing from actor') return True domain, temp_port = get_domain_from_actor(actor_url) if not domain: if debug: print('DEBUG: receive follow request actor without domain ' + actor_url) return True from_port = port domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, temp_port) if temp_port: from_port = temp_port if not domain_permitted(domain, federation_list): if debug: print('DEBUG: follower from domain not permitted - ' + domain) return True nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(actor_url) if not nickname: # single user instance nickname = 'dev' if debug: print('DEBUG: follow request does not contain a ' + 'nickname. Assuming single user instance.') if not message_json.get('to'): message_json['to'] = message_json['object'] if not isinstance(message_json['to'], list): message_json['to'] = [message_json['to']] if not has_users_path(message_json['object']): if debug: print('DEBUG: users/profile/author/channel/accounts ' + 'not found within object') return True domain_to_follow, temp_port = get_domain_from_actor(message_json['object']) if not domain_to_follow: if debug: print('DEBUG: receive follow request no domain found in object ' + message_json['object']) return True # switch to the local domain rather than its onion or i2p version if onion_domain: if domain_to_follow.endswith(onion_domain): domain_to_follow = this_domain if i2p_domain: if domain_to_follow.endswith(i2p_domain): domain_to_follow = this_domain if not domain_permitted(domain_to_follow, federation_list): if debug: print('DEBUG: follow domain not permitted ' + domain_to_follow) return True domain_to_follow_full = get_full_domain(domain_to_follow, temp_port) nickname_to_follow = get_nickname_from_actor(message_json['object']) if not nickname_to_follow: if debug: print('DEBUG: follow request does not contain a ' + 'nickname for the account followed') return True if is_system_account(nickname_to_follow): if debug: print('DEBUG: Cannot follow system account - ' + nickname_to_follow) return True if max_followers > 0: if get_no_of_followers(base_dir, nickname_to_follow, domain_to_follow) > max_followers: print('WARN: ' + nickname_to_follow + ' has reached their maximum number of followers') return True handle_to_follow = nickname_to_follow + '@' + domain_to_follow if domain_to_follow == domain: handle_dir = acct_handle_dir(base_dir, handle_to_follow) if not os.path.isdir(handle_dir): if debug: print('DEBUG: followed account not found - ' + handle_dir) return True is_already_follower = False if is_follower_of_person(base_dir, nickname_to_follow, domain_to_follow_full, nickname, domain_full): if debug: print('DEBUG: ' + nickname + '@' + domain + ' is already a follower of ' + nickname_to_follow + '@' + domain_to_follow) is_already_follower = True approve_handle = nickname + '@' + domain_full curr_session = session curr_http_prefix = http_prefix curr_domain = domain curr_port = from_port if onion_domain and \ not curr_domain.endswith('.onion') and \ domain_to_follow.endswith('.onion'): curr_session = session_onion curr_http_prefix = 'http' curr_domain = onion_domain curr_port = 80 port = 80 if debug: print('Domain switched from ' + domain + ' to ' + curr_domain) elif (i2p_domain and not curr_domain.endswith('.i2p') and domain_to_follow.endswith('.i2p')): curr_session = session_i2p curr_http_prefix = 'http' curr_domain = i2p_domain curr_port = 80 port = 80 if debug: print('Domain switched from ' + domain + ' to ' + curr_domain) # is the actor sending the request valid? if not valid_sending_actor(curr_session, base_dir, nickname_to_follow, domain_to_follow, person_cache, message_json, signing_priv_key_pem, debug, unit_test, system_language): print('REJECT spam follow request ' + approve_handle) return True # what is the followers policy? if not is_already_follower and \ follow_approval_required(base_dir, nickname_to_follow, domain_to_follow, debug, approve_handle): print('Follow approval is required') if domain.endswith('.onion'): if no_of_follow_requests(base_dir, nickname_to_follow, domain_to_follow, 'onion') > 5: print('Too many follow requests from onion addresses') return True elif domain.endswith('.i2p'): if no_of_follow_requests(base_dir, nickname_to_follow, domain_to_follow, 'i2p') > 5: print('Too many follow requests from i2p addresses') return True else: if no_of_follow_requests(base_dir, nickname_to_follow, domain_to_follow, '') > 10: print('Too many follow requests') return True # Get the actor for the follower and add it to the cache. # Getting their public key has the same result if debug: print('Obtaining the following actor: ' + actor_url) pubkey_result = \ get_person_pub_key(base_dir, curr_session, actor_url, person_cache, debug, project_version, curr_http_prefix, this_domain, onion_domain, i2p_domain, signing_priv_key_pem) if not pubkey_result: if debug: print('Unable to obtain following actor: ' + actor_url) elif isinstance(pubkey_result, dict): if debug: print('http error code trying to obtain following actor: ' + actor_url + ' ' + str(pubkey_result)) group_account = \ has_group_type(base_dir, actor_url, person_cache) if group_account and is_group_account(base_dir, nickname, domain): print('Group cannot follow a group') return True print('Storing follow request for approval') return store_follow_request(base_dir, nickname_to_follow, domain_to_follow, port, nickname, domain, from_port, message_json, debug, actor_url, group_account) else: if is_already_follower: print(approve_handle + ' is already a follower. ' + 'Re-sending Accept.') else: print('Follow request does not require approval ' + approve_handle) # update the followers account_to_be_followed = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname_to_follow, domain_to_follow) if os.path.isdir(account_to_be_followed): followers_filename = account_to_be_followed + '/followers.txt' # for actors which don't follow the mastodon # /users/ path convention store the full actor if '/users/' not in actor_url: approve_handle = actor_url # Get the actor for the follower and add it to the cache. # Getting their public key has the same result if debug: print('Obtaining the following actor: ' + actor_url) pubkey_result = \ get_person_pub_key(base_dir, curr_session, actor_url, person_cache, debug, project_version, curr_http_prefix, this_domain, onion_domain, i2p_domain, signing_priv_key_pem) if not pubkey_result: if debug: print('Unable to obtain following actor: ' + actor_url) elif isinstance(pubkey_result, dict): if debug: print('http error code trying to obtain ' + 'following actor: ' + actor_url + ' ' + str(pubkey_result)) print('Updating followers file: ' + followers_filename + ' adding ' + approve_handle) if os.path.isfile(followers_filename): if not text_in_file(approve_handle, followers_filename): group_account = \ has_group_type(base_dir, actor_url, person_cache) if debug: print(approve_handle + ' / ' + actor_url + ' is Group: ' + str(group_account)) if group_account and \ is_group_account(base_dir, nickname, domain): print('Group cannot follow a group') return True try: with open(followers_filename, 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_followers: content = fp_followers.read() if approve_handle + '\n' not in content: fp_followers.seek(0, 0) if not group_account: fp_followers.write(approve_handle + '\n' + content) else: fp_followers.write('!' + approve_handle + '\n' + content) except OSError as ex: print('WARN: ' + 'Failed to write entry to followers file ' + str(ex)) else: try: with open(followers_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_followers: fp_followers.write(approve_handle + '\n') except OSError: print('EX: _receive_follow_request unable to write ' + followers_filename) else: print('ACCEPT: Follow Accept account directory not found: ' + account_to_be_followed) print('Beginning follow accept') return followed_account_accepts(curr_session, base_dir, curr_http_prefix, nickname_to_follow, domain_to_follow, port, nickname, curr_domain, curr_port, actor_url, federation_list, message_json, send_threads, post_log, cached_webfingers, person_cache, debug, project_version, True, signing_priv_key_pem, this_domain, onion_domain, i2p_domain, followers_sync_cache, sites_unavailable, system_language) def run_inbox_queue(server, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_recent_posts: int, project_version: str, base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, send_threads: [], post_log: [], cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, queue: [], domain: str, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str, port: int, proxy_type: str, federation_list: [], max_replies: int, domain_max_posts_per_day: int, account_max_posts_per_day: int, allow_deletion: bool, debug: bool, max_mentions: int, max_emoji: int, translate: {}, unit_test: bool, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, max_followers: int, allow_local_network_access: bool, peertube_instances: [], verify_all_signatures: bool, theme_name: str, system_language: str, max_like_count: int, signing_priv_key_pem: str, default_reply_interval_hrs: int, cw_lists: {}, max_hashtags: int) -> None: """Processes received items and moves them to the appropriate directories """ inbox_start_time = time.time() print('Starting new session when starting inbox queue') fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'start', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() curr_session_time = int(time.time()) session_last_update = 0 session = create_session(proxy_type) if session: session_last_update = curr_session_time session_restart_interval_secs = random.randrange(18000, 20000) # is this is a clearnet instance then optionally start sessions # for onion and i2p domains session_onion = None session_i2p = None session_last_update_onion = 0 session_last_update_i2p = 0 if proxy_type != 'tor' and onion_domain: print('Starting onion session when starting inbox queue') session_onion = create_session('tor') if session_onion: session_onion = curr_session_time if proxy_type != 'i2p' and i2p_domain: print('Starting i2p session when starting inbox queue') session_i2p = create_session('i2p') if session_i2p: session_i2p = curr_session_time inbox_handle = 'inbox@' + domain if debug: print('DEBUG: Inbox queue running') # if queue processing was interrupted (eg server crash) # then this loads any outstanding items back into the queue _restore_queue_items(base_dir, queue) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', '_restore_queue_items', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() # keep track of numbers of incoming posts per day quotas_last_update_daily = int(time.time()) quotas_daily = { 'domains': {}, 'accounts': {} } quotas_last_update_per_min = int(time.time()) quotas_per_min = { 'domains': {}, 'accounts': {} } heart_beat_ctr = 0 queue_restore_ctr = 0 # time when the last DM bounce message was sent # This is in a list so that it can be changed by reference # within _bounce_dm last_bounce_message = [int(time.time())] # how long it takes for broch mode to lapse broch_lapse_days = random.randrange(7, 14) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'while_loop_start', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() while True: time.sleep(1) inbox_start_time = time.time() fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'while_loop_itteration', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() # heartbeat to monitor whether the inbox queue is running heart_beat_ctr += 1 if heart_beat_ctr >= 10: # turn off broch mode after it has timed out if broch_modeLapses(base_dir, broch_lapse_days): broch_lapse_days = random.randrange(7, 14) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'broch_modeLapses', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() print('>>> Heartbeat Q:' + str(len(queue)) + ' ' + '{:%F %T}'.format(datetime.datetime.now())) heart_beat_ctr = 0 if len(queue) == 0: # restore any remaining queue items queue_restore_ctr += 1 if queue_restore_ctr >= 30: queue_restore_ctr = 0 _restore_queue_items(base_dir, queue) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'restore_queue', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() continue # oldest item first queue.sort() queue_filename = queue[0] if not os.path.isfile(queue_filename): print("Queue: queue item rejected because it has no file: " + queue_filename) if len(queue) > 0: queue.pop(0) continue if debug: print('Loading queue item ' + queue_filename) # Load the queue json queue_json = load_json(queue_filename) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'load_queue_json', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() if not queue_json: print('Queue: run_inbox_queue failed to load inbox queue item ' + queue_filename) # Assume that the file is probably corrupt/unreadable if len(queue) > 0: queue.pop(0) # delete the queue file if os.path.isfile(queue_filename): try: os.remove(queue_filename) except OSError: print('EX: run_inbox_queue 1 unable to delete ' + str(queue_filename)) continue curr_time = int(time.time()) # clear the daily quotas for maximum numbers of received posts if curr_time - quotas_last_update_daily > 60 * 60 * 24: quotas_daily = { 'domains': {}, 'accounts': {} } quotas_last_update_daily = curr_time if curr_time - quotas_last_update_per_min > 60: # clear the per minute quotas for maximum numbers of received posts quotas_per_min = { 'domains': {}, 'accounts': {} } # also check if the json signature enforcement has changed verify_all_sigs = get_config_param(base_dir, "verifyAllSignatures") if verify_all_sigs is not None: verify_all_signatures = verify_all_sigs # change the last time that this was done quotas_last_update_per_min = curr_time if _inbox_quota_exceeded(queue, queue_filename, queue_json, quotas_daily, quotas_per_min, domain_max_posts_per_day, account_max_posts_per_day, debug): continue fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', '_inbox_quota_exceeded', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() # recreate the session periodically time_diff = curr_time - session_last_update if not session or time_diff > session_restart_interval_secs: print('Regenerating inbox queue session at 5hr interval') session = create_session(proxy_type) if session: session_last_update = curr_time else: print('WARN: inbox session not created') continue if onion_domain: time_diff = curr_time - session_last_update_onion if not session_onion or time_diff > session_restart_interval_secs: print('Regenerating inbox queue onion session at 5hr interval') session_onion = create_session('tor') if session_onion: session_last_update_onion = curr_time else: print('WARN: inbox onion session not created') continue if i2p_domain: time_diff = curr_time - session_last_update_i2p if not session_i2p or time_diff > session_restart_interval_secs: print('Regenerating inbox queue i2p session at 5hr interval') session_i2p = create_session('i2p') if session_i2p: session_last_update_i2p = curr_time else: print('WARN: inbox i2p session not created') continue fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'recreate_session', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() curr_session = session if queue_json.get('actor'): if isinstance(queue_json['actor'], str): sender_domain, _ = get_domain_from_actor(queue_json['actor']) if sender_domain: if sender_domain.endswith('.onion') and \ session_onion and proxy_type != 'tor': curr_session = session_onion elif (sender_domain.endswith('.i2p') and session_i2p and proxy_type != 'i2p'): curr_session = session_i2p if debug and queue_json.get('actor'): print('Obtaining public key for actor ' + queue_json['actor']) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'start_get_pubkey', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() # Try a few times to obtain the public key pub_key = None key_id = None for tries in range(8): key_id = None signature_params = \ queue_json['httpHeaders']['signature'].split(',') for signature_item in signature_params: if signature_item.startswith('keyId='): if '"' in signature_item: key_id = signature_item.split('"')[1] break if not key_id: print('Queue: No keyId in signature: ' + queue_json['httpHeaders']['signature']) pub_key = None break pub_key = \ get_person_pub_key(base_dir, curr_session, key_id, person_cache, debug, project_version, http_prefix, domain, onion_domain, i2p_domain, signing_priv_key_pem) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'get_person_pub_key', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() if pub_key: if not isinstance(pub_key, dict): if debug: print('DEBUG: public key: ' + str(pub_key)) else: if debug: print('DEBUG: http code error for public key: ' + str(pub_key)) pub_key = None break if debug: print('DEBUG: Retry ' + str(tries+1) + ' obtaining public key for ' + key_id) time.sleep(1) if not pub_key: if debug: print('Queue: public key could not be obtained from ' + key_id) if os.path.isfile(queue_filename): try: os.remove(queue_filename) except OSError: print('EX: run_inbox_queue 2 unable to delete ' + str(queue_filename)) if len(queue) > 0: queue.pop(0) continue # check the http header signature fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'begin_check_signature', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() if debug: print('DEBUG: checking http header signature') pprint(queue_json['httpHeaders']) post_str = json.dumps(queue_json['post']) http_signature_failed = False if not verify_post_headers(http_prefix, pub_key, queue_json['httpHeaders'], queue_json['path'], False, queue_json['digest'], post_str, debug): http_signature_failed = True print('Queue: Header signature check failed') pprint(queue_json['httpHeaders']) else: if debug: print('DEBUG: http header signature check success') fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'verify_post_headers', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() # check if a json signature exists on this post has_json_signature, jwebsig_type = \ _check_json_signature(base_dir, queue_json) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', '_check_json_signature', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() # strict enforcement of json signatures if not has_json_signature: if http_signature_failed: if jwebsig_type: print('Queue: Header signature check failed and does ' + 'not have a recognised jsonld signature type ' + jwebsig_type) else: print('Queue: Header signature check failed and ' + 'does not have jsonld signature') if debug: pprint(queue_json['httpHeaders']) if verify_all_signatures: original_json = queue_json['original'] print('Queue: inbox post does not have a jsonld signature ' + key_id + ' ' + str(original_json)) if http_signature_failed or verify_all_signatures: if os.path.isfile(queue_filename): try: os.remove(queue_filename) except OSError: print('EX: run_inbox_queue 3 unable to delete ' + str(queue_filename)) if len(queue) > 0: queue.pop(0) continue else: if http_signature_failed or verify_all_signatures: # use the original json message received, not one which # may have been modified along the way original_json = queue_json['original'] if not verify_json_signature(original_json, pub_key): if debug: print('WARN: jsonld inbox signature check failed ' + key_id + ' ' + pub_key + ' ' + str(original_json)) else: print('WARN: jsonld inbox signature check failed ' + key_id) if os.path.isfile(queue_filename): try: os.remove(queue_filename) except OSError: print('EX: run_inbox_queue 4 unable to delete ' + str(queue_filename)) if len(queue) > 0: queue.pop(0) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'not_verify_signature', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() continue if http_signature_failed: print('jsonld inbox signature check success ' + 'via relay ' + key_id) else: print('jsonld inbox signature check success ' + key_id) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'verify_signature_success', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() dogwhistles_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/dogwhistles.txt' if not os.path.isfile(dogwhistles_filename): dogwhistles_filename = base_dir + '/default_dogwhistles.txt' dogwhistles = load_dogwhistles(dogwhistles_filename) # set the id to the same as the post filename # This makes the filename and the id consistent # if queue_json['post'].get('id'): # queue_json['post']['id'] = queue_json['id'] if receive_undo(base_dir, queue_json['post'], debug, domain, onion_domain, i2p_domain): print('Queue: Undo accepted from ' + key_id) if os.path.isfile(queue_filename): try: os.remove(queue_filename) except OSError: print('EX: run_inbox_queue 5 unable to delete ' + str(queue_filename)) if len(queue) > 0: queue.pop(0) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', '_receive_undo', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() continue if debug: print('DEBUG: checking for follow requests') if _receive_follow_request(curr_session, session_onion, session_i2p, base_dir, http_prefix, port, send_threads, post_log, cached_webfingers, person_cache, queue_json['post'], federation_list, debug, project_version, max_followers, domain, onion_domain, i2p_domain, signing_priv_key_pem, unit_test, system_language, server.followers_sync_cache, server.sites_unavailable): if os.path.isfile(queue_filename): try: os.remove(queue_filename) except OSError: print('EX: run_inbox_queue 6 unable to delete ' + str(queue_filename)) if len(queue) > 0: queue.pop(0) print('Queue: Follow activity for ' + key_id + ' removed from queue') fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', '_receive_follow_request', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() continue if debug: print('DEBUG: No follow requests') if receive_accept_reject(base_dir, domain, queue_json['post'], federation_list, debug, domain, onion_domain, i2p_domain): print('Queue: Accept/Reject received from ' + key_id) if os.path.isfile(queue_filename): try: os.remove(queue_filename) except OSError: print('EX: run_inbox_queue 7 unable to delete ' + str(queue_filename)) if len(queue) > 0: queue.pop(0) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'receive_accept_reject', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() continue if receive_move_activity(curr_session, base_dir, http_prefix, domain, port, cached_webfingers, person_cache, queue_json['post'], queue_json['postNickname'], debug, signing_priv_key_pem, send_threads, post_log, federation_list, onion_domain, i2p_domain, server.sites_unavailable, server.blocked_cache, server.block_federated, server.system_language): if debug: print('Queue: _receive_move_activity ' + key_id) if os.path.isfile(queue_filename): try: os.remove(queue_filename) except OSError: print('EX: run_inbox_queue 8 unable to receive move ' + str(queue_filename)) if len(queue) > 0: queue.pop(0) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', '_receive_move_activity', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() continue if receive_update_activity(recent_posts_cache, curr_session, base_dir, http_prefix, domain, port, cached_webfingers, person_cache, queue_json['post'], queue_json['postNickname'], debug, max_mentions, max_emoji, allow_local_network_access, system_language, signing_priv_key_pem, max_recent_posts, translate, allow_deletion, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, theme_name, max_like_count, cw_lists, dogwhistles, server.min_images_for_accounts, max_hashtags, server.buy_sites, server.auto_cw_cache, onion_domain, i2p_domain): if debug: print('Queue: Update accepted from ' + key_id) if os.path.isfile(queue_filename): try: os.remove(queue_filename) except OSError: print('EX: run_inbox_queue 8 unable to delete ' + str(queue_filename)) if len(queue) > 0: queue.pop(0) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', '_receive_update_activity', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() continue # get recipients list recipients_dict, recipients_dict_followers = \ _inbox_post_recipients(base_dir, queue_json['post'], domain, port, debug, onion_domain, i2p_domain) if len(recipients_dict.items()) == 0 and \ len(recipients_dict_followers.items()) == 0: if debug: print('Queue: no recipients were resolved ' + 'for post arriving in inbox') if os.path.isfile(queue_filename): try: os.remove(queue_filename) except OSError: print('EX: run_inbox_queue 9 unable to delete ' + str(queue_filename)) if len(queue) > 0: queue.pop(0) continue fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', '_post_recipients', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() # if there are only a small number of followers then # process them as if they were specifically # addresses to particular accounts no_of_follow_items = len(recipients_dict_followers.items()) if no_of_follow_items > 0: # always deliver to individual inboxes if no_of_follow_items < 999999: if debug: print('DEBUG: moving ' + str(no_of_follow_items) + ' inbox posts addressed to followers') for handle, post_item in recipients_dict_followers.items(): recipients_dict[handle] = post_item recipients_dict_followers = {} # recipients_list = [recipients_dict, recipients_dict_followers] if debug: print('*************************************') print('Resolved recipients list:') pprint(recipients_dict) print('Resolved followers list:') pprint(recipients_dict_followers) print('*************************************') # Copy any posts addressed to followers into the shared inbox # this avoid copying file multiple times to potentially many # individual inboxes if len(recipients_dict_followers) > 0: shared_inbox_post_filename = \ queue_json['destination'].replace(inbox_handle, inbox_handle) if not os.path.isfile(shared_inbox_post_filename): save_json(queue_json['post'], shared_inbox_post_filename) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'shared_inbox_save', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() lists_enabled = get_config_param(base_dir, "listsEnabled") dm_license_url = '' fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'distribute_post', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() # for posts addressed to specific accounts for handle, _ in recipients_dict.items(): destination = \ queue_json['destination'].replace(inbox_handle, handle) languages_understood = [] mitm = False if queue_json.get('mitm'): mitm = True bold_reading = False bold_reading_filename = \ acct_handle_dir(base_dir, handle) + '/.boldReading' if os.path.isfile(bold_reading_filename): bold_reading = True _inbox_after_initial(server, inbox_start_time, recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, session, session_onion, session_i2p, key_id, handle, queue_json['post'], base_dir, http_prefix, send_threads, post_log, cached_webfingers, person_cache, domain, onion_domain, i2p_domain, port, federation_list, debug, queue_filename, destination, max_replies, allow_deletion, max_mentions, max_emoji, translate, unit_test, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, allow_local_network_access, peertube_instances, last_bounce_message, theme_name, system_language, max_like_count, signing_priv_key_pem, default_reply_interval_hrs, cw_lists, lists_enabled, dm_license_url, languages_understood, mitm, bold_reading, dogwhistles, max_hashtags, server.buy_sites, server.sites_unavailable) fitness_performance(inbox_start_time, server.fitness, 'INBOX', 'handle_after_initial', debug) inbox_start_time = time.time() if debug: pprint(queue_json['post']) print('Queue: Queue post accepted') if os.path.isfile(queue_filename): try: os.remove(queue_filename) except OSError: print('EX: run_inbox_queue 10 unable to delete ' + str(queue_filename)) if len(queue) > 0: queue.pop(0)