# Congratulations!
You are now ready to begin using Epicyon. This is a moderated social space, so please make sure to abide by our [terms of service](/terms), and have fun.

### Hints
Use the **magnifier** icon 🔍 to search for fediverse handles and follow people.

Selecting the **banner at the top** of the screen switches between timeline view and your profile.

The screen will not automatically refresh when posts arrive, so use **F5** or the **Inbox** button to refresh.

#### Rite of Passage
Corporate culture trains you to want the maximum number of followers and likes - to seek personal fame and shallow, outrage-inducing interactions to grab attention.

So if you are coming from that culture, please be aware that this is a different type of system with a very different set of expectations.

Having a lot of followers is not necessary, and often it's undesirable. People may block you, and that's ok. Nobody has a right to an audience. If someone blocks you then you're not being censored. People are just exercising their freedom to associate with whoever they wish.

Standards of personal behavior are expected to be better than in the corporate systems. Your behavior also has consequences for the reputation of this instance. If you behave in an inconsiderate manner which goes against the terms of service then your account may be suspended or removed.