__filename__ = "theme.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.2.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@libreserver.org" __status__ = "Production" __module_group__ = "Web Interface" import os from utils import isAccountDir from utils import loadJson from utils import saveJson from utils import getImageExtensions from utils import copytree from utils import acctDir from utils import dangerousSVG from utils import localActorUrl from shutil import copyfile from shutil import make_archive from shutil import unpack_archive from shutil import rmtree from content import dangerousCSS def importTheme(base_dir: str, filename: str) -> bool: """Imports a theme """ if not os.path.isfile(filename): return False tempThemeDir = base_dir + '/imports/files' if os.path.isdir(tempThemeDir): rmtree(tempThemeDir, ignore_errors=False, onerror=None) os.mkdir(tempThemeDir) unpack_archive(filename, tempThemeDir, 'zip') essentialThemeFiles = ('name.txt', 'theme.json') for themeFile in essentialThemeFiles: if not os.path.isfile(tempThemeDir + '/' + themeFile): print('WARN: ' + themeFile + ' missing from imported theme') return False newThemeName = None with open(tempThemeDir + '/name.txt', 'r') as fp: newThemeName = fp.read().replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') if len(newThemeName) > 20: print('WARN: Imported theme name is too long') return False if len(newThemeName) < 2: print('WARN: Imported theme name is too short') return False newThemeName = newThemeName.lower() forbiddenChars = ( ' ', ';', '/', '\\', '?', '!', '#', '@', ':', '%', '&', '"', '+', '<', '>', '$' ) for ch in forbiddenChars: if ch in newThemeName: print('WARN: theme name contains forbidden character') return False if not newThemeName: return False # if the theme name in the default themes list? defaultThemesFilename = base_dir + '/defaultthemes.txt' if os.path.isfile(defaultThemesFilename): if newThemeName.title() + '\n' in open(defaultThemesFilename).read(): newThemeName = newThemeName + '2' themeDir = base_dir + '/theme/' + newThemeName if not os.path.isdir(themeDir): os.mkdir(themeDir) copytree(tempThemeDir, themeDir) if os.path.isdir(tempThemeDir): rmtree(tempThemeDir, ignore_errors=False, onerror=None) if scanThemesForScripts(themeDir): rmtree(themeDir, ignore_errors=False, onerror=None) return False return os.path.isfile(themeDir + '/theme.json') def exportTheme(base_dir: str, theme: str) -> bool: """Exports a theme as a zip file """ themeDir = base_dir + '/theme/' + theme if not os.path.isfile(themeDir + '/theme.json'): return False if not os.path.isdir(base_dir + '/exports'): os.mkdir(base_dir + '/exports') exportFilename = base_dir + '/exports/' + theme + '.zip' if os.path.isfile(exportFilename): try: os.remove(exportFilename) except OSError: print('EX: exportTheme unable to delete ' + str(exportFilename)) try: make_archive(base_dir + '/exports/' + theme, 'zip', themeDir) except BaseException: print('EX: exportTheme unable to archive ' + base_dir + '/exports/' + str(theme)) pass return os.path.isfile(exportFilename) def _getThemeFiles() -> []: """Gets the list of theme style sheets """ return ('epicyon.css', 'login.css', 'follow.css', 'suspended.css', 'calendar.css', 'blog.css', 'options.css', 'search.css', 'links.css', 'welcome.css', 'graph.css') def isNewsThemeName(base_dir: str, themeName: str) -> bool: """Returns true if the given theme is a news instance """ themeDir = base_dir + '/theme/' + themeName if os.path.isfile(themeDir + '/is_news_instance'): return True return False def getThemesList(base_dir: str) -> []: """Returns the list of available themes Note that these should be capitalized, since they're also used to create the web interface dropdown list and to lookup function names """ themes = [] for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(base_dir + '/theme'): for themeName in dirs: if '~' not in themeName and \ themeName != 'icons' and themeName != 'fonts': themes.append(themeName.title()) break themes.sort() print('Themes available: ' + str(themes)) return themes def _copyThemeHelpFiles(base_dir: str, themeName: str, systemLanguage: str) -> None: """Copies any theme specific help files from the welcome subdirectory """ if not systemLanguage: systemLanguage = 'en' themeDir = base_dir + '/theme/' + themeName + '/welcome' if not os.path.isdir(themeDir): themeDir = base_dir + '/defaultwelcome' for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(themeDir): for helpMarkdownFile in files: if not helpMarkdownFile.endswith('_' + systemLanguage + '.md'): continue destHelpMarkdownFile = \ helpMarkdownFile.replace('_' + systemLanguage + '.md', '.md') if destHelpMarkdownFile == 'profile.md' or \ destHelpMarkdownFile == 'final.md': destHelpMarkdownFile = 'welcome_' + destHelpMarkdownFile if os.path.isdir(base_dir + '/accounts'): copyfile(themeDir + '/' + helpMarkdownFile, base_dir + '/accounts/' + destHelpMarkdownFile) break def _setThemeInConfig(base_dir: str, name: str) -> bool: """Sets the theme with the given name within config.json """ configFilename = base_dir + '/config.json' if not os.path.isfile(configFilename): return False configJson = loadJson(configFilename, 0) if not configJson: return False configJson['theme'] = name return saveJson(configJson, configFilename) def _setNewswirePublishAsIcon(base_dir: str, useIcon: bool) -> bool: """Shows the newswire publish action as an icon or a button """ configFilename = base_dir + '/config.json' if not os.path.isfile(configFilename): return False configJson = loadJson(configFilename, 0) if not configJson: return False configJson['showPublishAsIcon'] = useIcon return saveJson(configJson, configFilename) def _setIconsAsButtons(base_dir: str, useButtons: bool) -> bool: """Whether to show icons in the header (inbox, outbox, etc) as buttons """ configFilename = base_dir + '/config.json' if not os.path.isfile(configFilename): return False configJson = loadJson(configFilename, 0) if not configJson: return False configJson['iconsAsButtons'] = useButtons return saveJson(configJson, configFilename) def _setRssIconAtTop(base_dir: str, atTop: bool) -> bool: """Whether to show RSS icon at the top of the timeline """ configFilename = base_dir + '/config.json' if not os.path.isfile(configFilename): return False configJson = loadJson(configFilename, 0) if not configJson: return False configJson['rssIconAtTop'] = atTop return saveJson(configJson, configFilename) def _setPublishButtonAtTop(base_dir: str, atTop: bool) -> bool: """Whether to show the publish button above the title image in the newswire column """ configFilename = base_dir + '/config.json' if not os.path.isfile(configFilename): return False configJson = loadJson(configFilename, 0) if not configJson: return False configJson['publishButtonAtTop'] = atTop return saveJson(configJson, configFilename) def _setFullWidthTimelineButtonHeader(base_dir: str, fullWidth: bool) -> bool: """Shows the timeline button header containing inbox, outbox, calendar, etc as full width """ configFilename = base_dir + '/config.json' if not os.path.isfile(configFilename): return False configJson = loadJson(configFilename, 0) if not configJson: return False configJson['fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader'] = fullWidth return saveJson(configJson, configFilename) def getTheme(base_dir: str) -> str: """Gets the current theme name from config.json """ configFilename = base_dir + '/config.json' if os.path.isfile(configFilename): configJson = loadJson(configFilename, 0) if configJson: if configJson.get('theme'): return configJson['theme'] return 'default' def _removeTheme(base_dir: str): """Removes the current theme style sheets """ themeFiles = _getThemeFiles() for filename in themeFiles: if not os.path.isfile(base_dir + '/' + filename): continue try: os.remove(base_dir + '/' + filename) except OSError: print('EX: _removeTheme unable to delete ' + base_dir + '/' + filename) def setCSSparam(css: str, param: str, value: str) -> str: """Sets a CSS parameter to a given value """ # is this just a simple string replacement? if ';' in param: return css.replace(param, value) # color replacement if param.startswith('rgba('): return css.replace(param, value) # if the parameter begins with * then don't prepend -- onceOnly = False if param.startswith('*'): if param.startswith('**'): onceOnly = True searchStr = param.replace('**', '') + ':' else: searchStr = param.replace('*', '') + ':' else: searchStr = '--' + param + ':' if searchStr not in css: return css if onceOnly: s = css.split(searchStr, 1) else: s = css.split(searchStr) newcss = '' for sectionStr in s: # handle font-family which is a variable nextSection = sectionStr if ';' in nextSection: nextSection = nextSection.split(';')[0] + ';' if searchStr == 'font-family:' and "var(--" in nextSection: newcss += searchStr + ' ' + sectionStr continue if not newcss: if sectionStr: newcss = sectionStr else: newcss = ' ' else: if ';' in sectionStr: newcss += \ searchStr + ' ' + value + ';' + sectionStr.split(';', 1)[1] else: newcss += searchStr + ' ' + sectionStr return newcss.strip() def _setThemeFromDict(base_dir: str, name: str, themeParams: {}, bgParams: {}, allow_local_network_access: bool) -> None: """Uses a dictionary to set a theme """ if name: _setThemeInConfig(base_dir, name) themeFiles = _getThemeFiles() for filename in themeFiles: # check for custom css within the theme directory templateFilename = base_dir + '/theme/' + name + '/epicyon-' + filename if filename == 'epicyon.css': templateFilename = \ base_dir + '/theme/' + name + '/epicyon-profile.css' # Ensure that any custom CSS is mostly harmless. # If not then just use the defaults if dangerousCSS(templateFilename, allow_local_network_access) or \ not os.path.isfile(templateFilename): # use default css templateFilename = base_dir + '/epicyon-' + filename if filename == 'epicyon.css': templateFilename = base_dir + '/epicyon-profile.css' if not os.path.isfile(templateFilename): continue with open(templateFilename, 'r') as cssfile: css = cssfile.read() for paramName, paramValue in themeParams.items(): if paramName == 'newswire-publish-icon': if paramValue.lower() == 'true': _setNewswirePublishAsIcon(base_dir, True) else: _setNewswirePublishAsIcon(base_dir, False) continue elif paramName == 'full-width-timeline-buttons': if paramValue.lower() == 'true': _setFullWidthTimelineButtonHeader(base_dir, True) else: _setFullWidthTimelineButtonHeader(base_dir, False) continue elif paramName == 'icons-as-buttons': if paramValue.lower() == 'true': _setIconsAsButtons(base_dir, True) else: _setIconsAsButtons(base_dir, False) continue elif paramName == 'rss-icon-at-top': if paramValue.lower() == 'true': _setRssIconAtTop(base_dir, True) else: _setRssIconAtTop(base_dir, False) continue elif paramName == 'publish-button-at-top': if paramValue.lower() == 'true': _setPublishButtonAtTop(base_dir, True) else: _setPublishButtonAtTop(base_dir, False) continue css = setCSSparam(css, paramName, paramValue) filename = base_dir + '/' + filename with open(filename, 'w+') as cssfile: cssfile.write(css) screenName = ( 'login', 'follow', 'options', 'search', 'welcome' ) for s in screenName: if bgParams.get(s): _setBackgroundFormat(base_dir, name, s, bgParams[s]) def _setBackgroundFormat(base_dir: str, name: str, backgroundType: str, extension: str) -> None: """Sets the background file extension """ if extension == 'jpg': return cssFilename = base_dir + '/' + backgroundType + '.css' if not os.path.isfile(cssFilename): return with open(cssFilename, 'r') as cssfile: css = cssfile.read() css = css.replace('background.jpg', 'background.' + extension) with open(cssFilename, 'w+') as cssfile2: cssfile2.write(css) def enableGrayscale(base_dir: str) -> None: """Enables grayscale for the current theme """ themeFiles = _getThemeFiles() for filename in themeFiles: templateFilename = base_dir + '/' + filename if not os.path.isfile(templateFilename): continue with open(templateFilename, 'r') as cssfile: css = cssfile.read() if 'grayscale' not in css: css = \ css.replace('body, html {', 'body, html {\n filter: grayscale(100%);') filename = base_dir + '/' + filename with open(filename, 'w+') as cssfile: cssfile.write(css) grayscaleFilename = base_dir + '/accounts/.grayscale' if not os.path.isfile(grayscaleFilename): with open(grayscaleFilename, 'w+') as grayfile: grayfile.write(' ') def disableGrayscale(base_dir: str) -> None: """Disables grayscale for the current theme """ themeFiles = _getThemeFiles() for filename in themeFiles: templateFilename = base_dir + '/' + filename if not os.path.isfile(templateFilename): continue with open(templateFilename, 'r') as cssfile: css = cssfile.read() if 'grayscale' in css: css = \ css.replace('\n filter: grayscale(100%);', '') filename = base_dir + '/' + filename with open(filename, 'w+') as cssfile: cssfile.write(css) grayscaleFilename = base_dir + '/accounts/.grayscale' if os.path.isfile(grayscaleFilename): try: os.remove(grayscaleFilename) except OSError: print('EX: disableGrayscale unable to delete ' + grayscaleFilename) def _setCustomFont(base_dir: str): """Uses a dictionary to set a theme """ customFontExt = None customFontType = None fontExtension = { 'woff': 'woff', 'woff2': 'woff2', 'otf': 'opentype', 'ttf': 'truetype' } for ext, extType in fontExtension.items(): filename = base_dir + '/fonts/custom.' + ext if os.path.isfile(filename): customFontExt = ext customFontType = extType if not customFontExt: return themeFiles = _getThemeFiles() for filename in themeFiles: templateFilename = base_dir + '/' + filename if not os.path.isfile(templateFilename): continue with open(templateFilename, 'r') as cssfile: css = cssfile.read() css = \ setCSSparam(css, "*src", "url('./fonts/custom." + customFontExt + "') format('" + customFontType + "')") css = setCSSparam(css, "*font-family", "'CustomFont'") filename = base_dir + '/' + filename with open(filename, 'w+') as cssfile: cssfile.write(css) def setThemeFromDesigner(base_dir: str, themeName: str, domain: str, themeParams: {}, allow_local_network_access: bool, systemLanguage: str): customThemeFilename = base_dir + '/accounts/theme.json' saveJson(themeParams, customThemeFilename) setTheme(base_dir, themeName, domain, allow_local_network_access, systemLanguage) def resetThemeDesignerSettings(base_dir: str, themeName: str, domain: str, allow_local_network_access: bool, systemLanguage: str) -> None: """Resets the theme designer settings """ customVariablesFile = base_dir + '/accounts/theme.json' if os.path.isfile(customVariablesFile): try: os.remove(customVariablesFile) except OSError: print('EX: unable to remove theme designer settings on reset') def _readVariablesFile(base_dir: str, themeName: str, variablesFile: str, allow_local_network_access: bool) -> None: """Reads variables from a file in the theme directory """ themeParams = loadJson(variablesFile, 0) if not themeParams: return # set custom theme parameters customVariablesFile = base_dir + '/accounts/theme.json' if os.path.isfile(customVariablesFile): customThemeParams = loadJson(customVariablesFile, 0) if customThemeParams: for variableName, value in customThemeParams.items(): themeParams[variableName] = value bgParams = { "login": "jpg", "follow": "jpg", "options": "jpg", "search": "jpg" } _setThemeFromDict(base_dir, themeName, themeParams, bgParams, allow_local_network_access) def _setThemeDefault(base_dir: str, allow_local_network_access: bool): name = 'default' _removeTheme(base_dir) _setThemeInConfig(base_dir, name) bgParams = { "login": "jpg", "follow": "jpg", "options": "jpg", "search": "jpg" } themeParams = { "newswire-publish-icon": True, "full-width-timeline-buttons": False, "icons-as-buttons": False, "rss-icon-at-top": True, "publish-button-at-top": False, "banner-height": "20vh", "banner-height-mobile": "10vh", "search-banner-height-mobile": "15vh" } _setThemeFromDict(base_dir, name, themeParams, bgParams, allow_local_network_access) def _setThemeFonts(base_dir: str, themeName: str) -> None: """Adds custom theme fonts """ themeNameLower = themeName.lower() fontsDir = base_dir + '/fonts' themeFontsDir = \ base_dir + '/theme/' + themeNameLower + '/fonts' if not os.path.isdir(themeFontsDir): return for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(themeFontsDir): for filename in files: if filename.endswith('.woff2') or \ filename.endswith('.woff') or \ filename.endswith('.ttf') or \ filename.endswith('.otf'): destFilename = fontsDir + '/' + filename if os.path.isfile(destFilename): # font already exists in the destination location continue copyfile(themeFontsDir + '/' + filename, destFilename) break def getTextModeBanner(base_dir: str) -> str: """Returns the banner used for shell browsers, like Lynx """ textModeBannerFilename = base_dir + '/accounts/banner.txt' if os.path.isfile(textModeBannerFilename): with open(textModeBannerFilename, 'r') as fp: bannerStr = fp.read() if bannerStr: return bannerStr.replace('\n', '
') return None def getTextModeLogo(base_dir: str) -> str: """Returns the login screen logo used for shell browsers, like Lynx """ textModeLogoFilename = base_dir + '/accounts/logo.txt' if not os.path.isfile(textModeLogoFilename): textModeLogoFilename = base_dir + '/img/logo.txt' with open(textModeLogoFilename, 'r') as fp: logoStr = fp.read() if logoStr: return logoStr.replace('\n', '
') return None def _setTextModeTheme(base_dir: str, name: str) -> None: # set the text mode logo which appears on the login screen # in browsers such as Lynx textModeLogoFilename = \ base_dir + '/theme/' + name + '/logo.txt' if os.path.isfile(textModeLogoFilename): try: copyfile(textModeLogoFilename, base_dir + '/accounts/logo.txt') except OSError: print('EX: _setTextModeTheme unable to copy ' + textModeLogoFilename + ' ' + base_dir + '/accounts/logo.txt') else: try: copyfile(base_dir + '/img/logo.txt', base_dir + '/accounts/logo.txt') except OSError: print('EX: _setTextModeTheme unable to copy ' + base_dir + '/img/logo.txt ' + base_dir + '/accounts/logo.txt') # set the text mode banner which appears in browsers such as Lynx textModeBannerFilename = \ base_dir + '/theme/' + name + '/banner.txt' if os.path.isfile(base_dir + '/accounts/banner.txt'): try: os.remove(base_dir + '/accounts/banner.txt') except OSError: print('EX: _setTextModeTheme unable to delete ' + base_dir + '/accounts/banner.txt') if os.path.isfile(textModeBannerFilename): try: copyfile(textModeBannerFilename, base_dir + '/accounts/banner.txt') except OSError: print('EX: _setTextModeTheme unable to copy ' + textModeBannerFilename + ' ' + base_dir + '/accounts/banner.txt') def _setThemeImages(base_dir: str, name: str) -> None: """Changes the profile background image and banner to the defaults """ themeNameLower = name.lower() profileImageFilename = \ base_dir + '/theme/' + themeNameLower + '/image.png' bannerFilename = \ base_dir + '/theme/' + themeNameLower + '/banner.png' searchBannerFilename = \ base_dir + '/theme/' + themeNameLower + '/search_banner.png' leftColImageFilename = \ base_dir + '/theme/' + themeNameLower + '/left_col_image.png' rightColImageFilename = \ base_dir + '/theme/' + themeNameLower + '/right_col_image.png' _setTextModeTheme(base_dir, themeNameLower) backgroundNames = ('login', 'shares', 'delete', 'follow', 'options', 'block', 'search', 'calendar', 'welcome') extensions = getImageExtensions() for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(base_dir + '/accounts'): for acct in dirs: if not isAccountDir(acct): continue accountDir = os.path.join(base_dir + '/accounts', acct) for backgroundType in backgroundNames: for ext in extensions: if themeNameLower == 'default': backgroundImageFilename = \ base_dir + '/theme/default/' + \ backgroundType + '_background.' + ext else: backgroundImageFilename = \ base_dir + '/theme/' + themeNameLower + '/' + \ backgroundType + '_background' + '.' + ext if os.path.isfile(backgroundImageFilename): try: copyfile(backgroundImageFilename, base_dir + '/accounts/' + backgroundType + '-background.' + ext) continue except OSError: print('EX: _setThemeImages unable to copy ' + backgroundImageFilename) # background image was not found # so remove any existing file if os.path.isfile(base_dir + '/accounts/' + backgroundType + '-background.' + ext): try: os.remove(base_dir + '/accounts/' + backgroundType + '-background.' + ext) except OSError: print('EX: _setThemeImages unable to delete ' + base_dir + '/accounts/' + backgroundType + '-background.' + ext) if os.path.isfile(profileImageFilename) and \ os.path.isfile(bannerFilename): try: copyfile(profileImageFilename, accountDir + '/image.png') except OSError: print('EX: _setThemeImages unable to copy ' + profileImageFilename) try: copyfile(bannerFilename, accountDir + '/banner.png') except OSError: print('EX: _setThemeImages unable to copy ' + bannerFilename) try: if os.path.isfile(searchBannerFilename): copyfile(searchBannerFilename, accountDir + '/search_banner.png') except OSError: print('EX: _setThemeImages unable to copy ' + searchBannerFilename) try: if os.path.isfile(leftColImageFilename): copyfile(leftColImageFilename, accountDir + '/left_col_image.png') elif os.path.isfile(accountDir + '/left_col_image.png'): try: os.remove(accountDir + '/left_col_image.png') except OSError: print('EX: _setThemeImages unable to delete ' + accountDir + '/left_col_image.png') except OSError: print('EX: _setThemeImages unable to copy ' + leftColImageFilename) try: if os.path.isfile(rightColImageFilename): copyfile(rightColImageFilename, accountDir + '/right_col_image.png') else: if os.path.isfile(accountDir + '/right_col_image.png'): try: os.remove(accountDir + '/right_col_image.png') except OSError: print('EX: _setThemeImages unable to delete ' + accountDir + '/right_col_image.png') except OSError: print('EX: _setThemeImages unable to copy ' + rightColImageFilename) break def setNewsAvatar(base_dir: str, name: str, http_prefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str) -> None: """Sets the avatar for the news account """ nickname = 'news' newFilename = base_dir + '/theme/' + name + '/icons/avatar_news.png' if not os.path.isfile(newFilename): newFilename = base_dir + '/theme/default/icons/avatar_news.png' if not os.path.isfile(newFilename): return avatarFilename = \ localActorUrl(http_prefix, domainFull, nickname) + '.png' avatarFilename = avatarFilename.replace('/', '-') filename = base_dir + '/cache/avatars/' + avatarFilename if os.path.isfile(filename): try: os.remove(filename) except OSError: print('EX: setNewsAvatar unable to delete ' + filename) if os.path.isdir(base_dir + '/cache/avatars'): copyfile(newFilename, filename) accountDir = acctDir(base_dir, nickname, domain) copyfile(newFilename, accountDir + '/avatar.png') def _setClearCacheFlag(base_dir: str) -> None: """Sets a flag which can be used by an external system (eg. a script in a cron job) to clear the browser cache """ if not os.path.isdir(base_dir + '/accounts'): return flagFilename = base_dir + '/accounts/.clear_cache' with open(flagFilename, 'w+') as flagFile: flagFile.write('\n') def setTheme(base_dir: str, name: str, domain: str, allow_local_network_access: bool, systemLanguage: str) -> bool: """Sets the theme with the given name as the current theme """ result = False prevThemeName = getTheme(base_dir) # if the theme has changed then remove any custom settings if prevThemeName != name: resetThemeDesignerSettings(base_dir, name, domain, allow_local_network_access, systemLanguage) _removeTheme(base_dir) themes = getThemesList(base_dir) for themeName in themes: themeNameLower = themeName.lower() if name == themeNameLower: try: globals()['setTheme' + themeName](base_dir, allow_local_network_access) except BaseException: print('EX: setTheme unable to set theme ' + themeName) pass if prevThemeName: if prevThemeName.lower() != themeNameLower: # change the banner and profile image # to the default for the theme _setThemeImages(base_dir, name) _setThemeFonts(base_dir, name) result = True if not result: # default _setThemeDefault(base_dir, allow_local_network_access) result = True variablesFile = base_dir + '/theme/' + name + '/theme.json' if os.path.isfile(variablesFile): _readVariablesFile(base_dir, name, variablesFile, allow_local_network_access) _setCustomFont(base_dir) # set the news avatar newsAvatarThemeFilename = \ base_dir + '/theme/' + name + '/icons/avatar_news.png' if os.path.isdir(base_dir + '/accounts/news@' + domain): if os.path.isfile(newsAvatarThemeFilename): newsAvatarFilename = \ base_dir + '/accounts/news@' + domain + '/avatar.png' copyfile(newsAvatarThemeFilename, newsAvatarFilename) grayscaleFilename = base_dir + '/accounts/.grayscale' if os.path.isfile(grayscaleFilename): enableGrayscale(base_dir) else: disableGrayscale(base_dir) _copyThemeHelpFiles(base_dir, name, systemLanguage) _setThemeInConfig(base_dir, name) _setClearCacheFlag(base_dir) return result def updateDefaultThemesList(base_dir: str) -> None: """Recreates the list of default themes """ themeNames = getThemesList(base_dir) defaultThemesFilename = base_dir + '/defaultthemes.txt' with open(defaultThemesFilename, 'w+') as defaultThemesFile: for name in themeNames: defaultThemesFile.write(name + '\n') def scanThemesForScripts(base_dir: str) -> bool: """Scans the theme directory for any svg files containing scripts """ for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(base_dir + '/theme'): for f in files: if not f.endswith('.svg'): continue svgFilename = os.path.join(subdir, f) content = '' with open(svgFilename, 'r') as fp: content = fp.read() svgDangerous = dangerousSVG(content, False) if svgDangerous: print('svg file contains script: ' + svgFilename) return True # deliberately no break - should resursively scan return False