__filename__ = "media.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.2.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@libreserver.org" __status__ = "Production" __module_group__ = "Timeline" import os import time import datetime import subprocess import random from random import randint from hashlib import sha1 from auth import createPassword from utils import get_base_content_from_post from utils import getFullDomain from utils import getImageExtensions from utils import getVideoExtensions from utils import getAudioExtensions from utils import getMediaExtensions from utils import has_object_dict from utils import acctDir from shutil import copyfile from shutil import rmtree from shutil import move from city import spoofGeolocation def _getBlurHash() -> str: """You may laugh, but this is a lot less computationally intensive, especially on large images, while still providing some visual variety in the timeline """ hashes = [ "UfGuaW01%gRi%MM{azofozo0V@xuozn#ofs.", "UFD]o8-;9FIU~qD%j[%M-;j[ofWB?bt7IURj", "UyO|v_1#im=s%y#U%OxDwRt3W9R-ogjHj[WX", "U96vAQt6H;WBt7ofWBa#MbWBo#j[byaze-oe", "UJKA.q01M|IV%LM|RjNGIVj[f6oLjrofaeof", "U9MPjn]?~Cxut~.PS1%1xXIo0fEer_$*^jxG", "UtLENXWCRjju~qayaeaz00j[ofayIVkCkCfQ", "UHGbeg-pbzWZ.ANI$wsQ$H-;E9W?0Nx]?FjE", "UcHU%#4n_ND%?bxatRWBIU%MazxtNaRjs:of", "ULR:TsWr~6xZofWWf6s-~6oK9eR,oes-WXNJ", "U77VQB-:MaMx%L%MogRkMwkCxuoIS*WYjEsl", "U%Nm{8R+%MxuE1t6WBNG-=RjoIt6~Vj]RkR*", "UCM7u;?boft7oft7ayj[~qt7WBoft7oft7Rj" ] return random.choice(hashes) def _replaceSiloDomain(post_json_object: {}, siloDomain: str, replacementDomain: str, system_language: str) -> None: """Replace a silo domain with a replacement domain """ if not replacementDomain: return if not has_object_dict(post_json_object): return if not post_json_object['object'].get('content'): return contentStr = get_base_content_from_post(post_json_object, system_language) if siloDomain not in contentStr: return contentStr = contentStr.replace(siloDomain, replacementDomain) post_json_object['object']['content'] = contentStr if post_json_object['object'].get('contentMap'): post_json_object['object']['contentMap'][system_language] = contentStr def replaceYouTube(post_json_object: {}, replacementDomain: str, system_language: str) -> None: """Replace YouTube with a replacement domain This denies Google some, but not all, tracking data """ _replaceSiloDomain(post_json_object, 'www.youtube.com', replacementDomain, system_language) def replaceTwitter(post_json_object: {}, replacementDomain: str, system_language: str) -> None: """Replace Twitter with a replacement domain This allows you to view twitter posts without having a twitter account """ _replaceSiloDomain(post_json_object, 'twitter.com', replacementDomain, system_language) def _removeMetaData(imageFilename: str, outputFilename: str) -> None: """Attempts to do this with pure python didn't work well, so better to use a dedicated tool if one is installed """ copyfile(imageFilename, outputFilename) if not os.path.isfile(outputFilename): print('ERROR: unable to remove metadata from ' + imageFilename) return if os.path.isfile('/usr/bin/exiftool'): print('Removing metadata from ' + outputFilename + ' using exiftool') os.system('exiftool -all= ' + outputFilename) # nosec elif os.path.isfile('/usr/bin/mogrify'): print('Removing metadata from ' + outputFilename + ' using mogrify') os.system('/usr/bin/mogrify -strip ' + outputFilename) # nosec def _spoofMetaData(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, outputFilename: str, spoofCity: str, content_license_url: str) -> None: """Spoof image metadata using a decoy model for a given city """ if not os.path.isfile(outputFilename): print('ERROR: unable to spoof metadata within ' + outputFilename) return # get the random seed used to generate a unique pattern for this account decoySeedFilename = acctDir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/decoyseed' decoySeed = 63725 if os.path.isfile(decoySeedFilename): with open(decoySeedFilename, 'r') as fp: decoySeed = int(fp.read()) else: decoySeed = randint(10000, 10000000000000000) try: with open(decoySeedFilename, 'w+') as fp: fp.write(str(decoySeed)) except OSError: print('EX: unable to write ' + decoySeedFilename) if os.path.isfile('/usr/bin/exiftool'): print('Spoofing metadata in ' + outputFilename + ' using exiftool') currTimeAdjusted = \ datetime.datetime.utcnow() - \ datetime.timedelta(minutes=randint(2, 120)) published = currTimeAdjusted.strftime("%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S+00:00") (latitude, longitude, latitudeRef, longitudeRef, camMake, camModel, camSerialNumber) = \ spoofGeolocation(base_dir, spoofCity, currTimeAdjusted, decoySeed, None, None) if os.system('exiftool -artist=@"' + nickname + '@' + domain + '" ' + '-Make="' + camMake + '" ' + '-Model="' + camModel + '" ' + '-Comment="' + str(camSerialNumber) + '" ' + '-DateTimeOriginal="' + published + '" ' + '-FileModifyDate="' + published + '" ' + '-CreateDate="' + published + '" ' + '-GPSLongitudeRef=' + longitudeRef + ' ' + '-GPSAltitude=0 ' + '-GPSLongitude=' + str(longitude) + ' ' + '-GPSLatitudeRef=' + latitudeRef + ' ' + '-GPSLatitude=' + str(latitude) + ' ' + '-copyright="' + content_license_url + '" ' + '-Comment="" ' + outputFilename) != 0: # nosec print('ERROR: exiftool failed to run') else: print('ERROR: exiftool is not installed') return def convertImageToLowBandwidth(imageFilename: str) -> None: """Converts an image to a low bandwidth version """ low_bandwidthFilename = imageFilename + '.low' if os.path.isfile(low_bandwidthFilename): try: os.remove(low_bandwidthFilename) except OSError: print('EX: convertImageToLowBandwidth unable to delete ' + low_bandwidthFilename) cmd = \ '/usr/bin/convert +noise Multiplicative ' + \ '-evaluate median 10% -dither Floyd-Steinberg ' + \ '-monochrome ' + imageFilename + ' ' + low_bandwidthFilename print('Low bandwidth image conversion: ' + cmd) subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True) # wait for conversion to happen ctr = 0 while not os.path.isfile(low_bandwidthFilename): print('Waiting for low bandwidth image conversion ' + str(ctr)) time.sleep(0.2) ctr += 1 if ctr > 100: print('WARN: timed out waiting for low bandwidth image conversion') break if os.path.isfile(low_bandwidthFilename): try: os.remove(imageFilename) except OSError: print('EX: convertImageToLowBandwidth unable to delete ' + imageFilename) os.rename(low_bandwidthFilename, imageFilename) if os.path.isfile(imageFilename): print('Image converted to low bandwidth ' + imageFilename) else: print('Low bandwidth converted image not found: ' + low_bandwidthFilename) def processMetaData(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, imageFilename: str, outputFilename: str, city: str, content_license_url: str) -> None: """Handles image metadata. This tries to spoof the metadata if possible, but otherwise just removes it """ # first remove the metadata _removeMetaData(imageFilename, outputFilename) # now add some spoofed data to misdirect surveillance capitalists _spoofMetaData(base_dir, nickname, domain, outputFilename, city, content_license_url) def _isMedia(imageFilename: str) -> bool: """Is the given file a media file? """ if not os.path.isfile(imageFilename): print('WARN: Media file does not exist ' + imageFilename) return False permittedMedia = getMediaExtensions() for m in permittedMedia: if imageFilename.endswith('.' + m): return True print('WARN: ' + imageFilename + ' is not a permitted media type') return False def createMediaDirs(base_dir: str, mediaPath: str) -> None: if not os.path.isdir(base_dir + '/media'): os.mkdir(base_dir + '/media') if not os.path.isdir(base_dir + '/' + mediaPath): os.mkdir(base_dir + '/' + mediaPath) def getMediaPath() -> str: currTime = datetime.datetime.utcnow() weeksSinceEpoch = int((currTime - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)).days / 7) return 'media/' + str(weeksSinceEpoch) def getAttachmentMediaType(filename: str) -> str: """Returns the type of media for the given file image, video or audio """ mediaType = None imageTypes = getImageExtensions() for mType in imageTypes: if filename.endswith('.' + mType): return 'image' videoTypes = getVideoExtensions() for mType in videoTypes: if filename.endswith('.' + mType): return 'video' audioTypes = getAudioExtensions() for mType in audioTypes: if filename.endswith('.' + mType): return 'audio' return mediaType def _updateEtag(mediaFilename: str) -> None: """ calculate the etag, which is a sha1 of the data """ # only create etags for media if '/media/' not in mediaFilename: return # check that the media exists if not os.path.isfile(mediaFilename): return # read the binary data data = None try: with open(mediaFilename, 'rb') as mediaFile: data = mediaFile.read() except OSError: print('EX: _updateEtag unable to read ' + str(mediaFilename)) if not data: return # calculate hash etag = sha1(data).hexdigest() # nosec # save the hash try: with open(mediaFilename + '.etag', 'w+') as etagFile: etagFile.write(etag) except OSError: print('EX: _updateEtag unable to write ' + str(mediaFilename) + '.etag') def attachMedia(base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, postJson: {}, imageFilename: str, mediaType: str, description: str, city: str, low_bandwidth: bool, content_license_url: str) -> {}: """Attaches media to a json object post The description can be None """ if not _isMedia(imageFilename): return postJson fileExtension = None acceptedTypes = getMediaExtensions() for mType in acceptedTypes: if imageFilename.endswith('.' + mType): if mType == 'jpg': mType = 'jpeg' if mType == 'mp3': mType = 'mpeg' fileExtension = mType if not fileExtension: return postJson mediaType = mediaType + '/' + fileExtension print('Attached media type: ' + mediaType) if fileExtension == 'jpeg': fileExtension = 'jpg' if mediaType == 'audio/mpeg': fileExtension = 'mp3' domain = getFullDomain(domain, port) mPath = getMediaPath() mediaPath = mPath + '/' + createPassword(32) + '.' + fileExtension if base_dir: createMediaDirs(base_dir, mPath) mediaFilename = base_dir + '/' + mediaPath mediaPath = \ mediaPath.replace('media/', 'system/media_attachments/files/', 1) attachmentJson = { 'mediaType': mediaType, 'name': description, 'type': 'Document', 'url': http_prefix + '://' + domain + '/' + mediaPath } if mediaType.startswith('image/'): attachmentJson['blurhash'] = _getBlurHash() # find the dimensions of the image and add them as metadata attachImageWidth, attachImageHeight = \ getImageDimensions(imageFilename) if attachImageWidth and attachImageHeight: attachmentJson['width'] = attachImageWidth attachmentJson['height'] = attachImageHeight postJson['attachment'] = [attachmentJson] if base_dir: if mediaType.startswith('image/'): if low_bandwidth: convertImageToLowBandwidth(imageFilename) processMetaData(base_dir, nickname, domain, imageFilename, mediaFilename, city, content_license_url) else: copyfile(imageFilename, mediaFilename) _updateEtag(mediaFilename) return postJson def archiveMedia(base_dir: str, archive_directory: str, maxWeeks: int) -> None: """Any media older than the given number of weeks gets archived """ if maxWeeks == 0: return currTime = datetime.datetime.utcnow() weeksSinceEpoch = int((currTime - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)).days/7) minWeek = weeksSinceEpoch - maxWeeks if archive_directory: if not os.path.isdir(archive_directory): os.mkdir(archive_directory) if not os.path.isdir(archive_directory + '/media'): os.mkdir(archive_directory + '/media') for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(base_dir + '/media'): for weekDir in dirs: if int(weekDir) < minWeek: if archive_directory: move(os.path.join(base_dir + '/media', weekDir), archive_directory + '/media') else: # archive to /dev/null rmtree(os.path.join(base_dir + '/media', weekDir), ignore_errors=False, onerror=None) break def pathIsVideo(path: str) -> bool: if path.endswith('.ogv') or \ path.endswith('.mp4'): return True return False def pathIsAudio(path: str) -> bool: if path.endswith('.ogg') or \ path.endswith('.mp3'): return True return False def getImageDimensions(imageFilename: str) -> (int, int): """Returns the dimensions of an image file """ try: result = subprocess.run(['identify', '-format', '"%wx%h"', imageFilename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except BaseException: print('EX: getImageDimensions unable to run identify command') return None, None if not result: return None, None dimensionsStr = result.stdout.decode('utf-8').replace('"', '') if 'x' not in dimensionsStr: return None, None widthStr = dimensionsStr.split('x')[0] if not widthStr.isdigit(): return None, None heightStr = dimensionsStr.split('x')[1] if not heightStr.isdigit(): return None, None return int(widthStr), int(heightStr)