__filename__ = "webfinger.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.3.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@libreserver.org" __status__ = "Production" __module_group__ = "ActivityPub" import os import urllib.parse from session import get_json from cache import store_webfinger_in_cache from cache import get_webfinger_from_cache from utils import get_full_domain from utils import load_json from utils import load_json_onionify from utils import save_json from utils import get_protocol_prefixes from utils import remove_domain_port from utils import get_user_paths from utils import get_group_paths from utils import local_actor_url def _parse_handle(handle: str) -> (str, str, bool): """Parses a handle and returns nickname and domain """ group_account = False if '.' not in handle: return None, None, False prefixes = get_protocol_prefixes() handle_str = handle for prefix in prefixes: handle_str = handle_str.replace(prefix, '') # try domain/@nick if '/@' in handle: domain, nickname = handle_str.split('/@') return nickname, domain, False # try nick@domain if '@' in handle: if handle.startswith('!'): handle = handle[1:] group_account = True nickname, domain = handle.split('@') return nickname, domain, group_account # try for different /users/ paths users_paths = get_user_paths() group_paths = get_group_paths() for possible_users_path in users_paths: if possible_users_path in handle: if possible_users_path in group_paths: group_account = True domain, nickname = handle_str.split(possible_users_path) return nickname, domain, group_account return None, None, False def webfinger_handle(session, handle: str, http_prefix: str, cached_webfingers: {}, from_domain: str, project_version: str, debug: bool, group_account: bool, signing_priv_key_pem: str) -> {}: """Gets webfinger result for the given ActivityPub handle """ if not session: if debug: print('WARN: No session specified for webfinger_handle') return None nickname, domain, _ = _parse_handle(handle) if not nickname: return None wf_domain = remove_domain_port(domain) wf_handle = nickname + '@' + wf_domain if debug: print('Parsed webfinger handle: ' + handle + ' -> ' + wf_handle) wfg = get_webfinger_from_cache(wf_handle, cached_webfingers) if wfg: if debug: print('Webfinger from cache: ' + str(wfg)) return wfg url = '{}://{}/.well-known/webfinger'.format(http_prefix, domain) hdr = { 'Accept': 'application/jrd+json' } par = { 'resource': 'acct:{}'.format(wf_handle) } try: result = \ get_json(signing_priv_key_pem, session, url, hdr, par, debug, project_version, http_prefix, from_domain) except Exception as ex: print('ERROR: webfinger_handle ' + wf_handle + ' ' + str(ex)) return None # if the first attempt fails then try specifying the webfinger # resource in a different way if not result: resource = handle if handle == wf_handle: # reconstruct the actor resource = http_prefix + '://' + wf_domain + '/users/' + nickname # try again using the actor as the resource # See https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7033 section 4.5 par = { 'resource': '{}'.format(resource) } try: result = \ get_json(signing_priv_key_pem, session, url, hdr, par, debug, project_version, http_prefix, from_domain) except Exception as ex: print('ERROR: webfinger_handle ' + wf_handle + ' ' + str(ex)) return None if result: store_webfinger_in_cache(wf_handle, result, cached_webfingers) else: if debug: print("WARN: Unable to webfinger " + url + ' ' + 'nickname: ' + str(nickname) + ' ' + 'handle: ' + str(handle) + ' ' + 'wf_handle: ' + str(wf_handle) + ' ' + 'domain: ' + str(wf_domain) + ' ' + 'headers: ' + str(hdr) + ' ' + 'params: ' + str(par)) return result def store_webfinger_endpoint(nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, base_dir: str, wf_json: {}) -> bool: """Stores webfinger endpoint for a user to a file """ original_domain = domain domain = get_full_domain(domain, port) handle = nickname + '@' + domain wf_subdir = '/wfendpoints' if not os.path.isdir(base_dir + wf_subdir): os.mkdir(base_dir + wf_subdir) filename = base_dir + wf_subdir + '/' + handle + '.json' save_json(wf_json, filename) if nickname == 'inbox': handle = original_domain + '@' + domain filename = base_dir + wf_subdir + '/' + handle + '.json' save_json(wf_json, filename) return True def create_webfinger_endpoint(nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, http_prefix: str, public_key_pem: str, group_account: bool) -> {}: """Creates a webfinger endpoint for a user """ original_domain = domain domain = get_full_domain(domain, port) person_name = nickname person_id = local_actor_url(http_prefix, person_name, domain) subject_str = "acct:" + person_name + "@" + original_domain profile_page_href = http_prefix + "://" + domain + "/@" + nickname if nickname in ('inbox', original_domain): person_name = 'actor' person_id = http_prefix + "://" + domain + "/" + person_name subject_str = "acct:" + original_domain + "@" + original_domain profile_page_href = http_prefix + '://' + domain + \ '/about/more?instance_actor=true' person_link = http_prefix + "://" + domain + "/@" + person_name blog_url = http_prefix + "://" + domain + "/blog/" + person_name account = { "aliases": [ person_link, person_id ], "links": [ { "href": person_link + "/avatar.png", "rel": "http://webfinger.net/rel/avatar", "type": "image/png" }, { "href": blog_url, "rel": "http://webfinger.net/rel/blog" }, { "href": profile_page_href, "rel": "http://webfinger.net/rel/profile-page", "type": "text/html" }, { "href": profile_page_href, "rel": "http://webfinger.net/rel/profile-page", "type": "text/vcard" }, { "href": person_id, "rel": "self", "type": "application/activity+json" } ], "subject": subject_str } return account def webfinger_node_info(http_prefix: str, domain_full: str) -> {}: """ /.well-known/nodeinfo endpoint """ nodeinfo = { 'links': [ { 'href': http_prefix + '://' + domain_full + '/nodeinfo/2.0', 'rel': 'http://nodeinfo.diaspora.software/ns/schema/2.0' } ] } return nodeinfo def webfinger_meta(http_prefix: str, domain_full: str) -> str: """Return /.well-known/host-meta """ meta_str = \ "<?xml version=’1.0' encoding=’UTF-8'?>" + \ "<XRD xmlns=’http://docs.oasis-open.org/ns/xri/xrd-1.0'" + \ " xmlns:hm=’http://host-meta.net/xrd/1.0'>" + \ "" + \ "<hm:Host>" + domain_full + "</hm:Host>" + \ "" + \ "<Link rel=’lrdd’" + \ " template=’" + http_prefix + "://" + domain_full + \ "/describe?uri={uri}'>" + \ " <Title>Resource Descriptor</Title>" + \ " </Link>" + \ "</XRD>" return meta_str def webfinger_lookup(path: str, base_dir: str, domain: str, onion_domain: str, port: int, debug: bool) -> {}: """Lookup the webfinger endpoint for an account """ if not path.startswith('/.well-known/webfinger?'): return None handle = None res_type = 'acct' if 'resource=' + res_type + ':' in path: handle = path.split('resource=' + res_type + ':')[1].strip() handle = urllib.parse.unquote(handle) if debug: print('DEBUG: WEBFINGER handle ' + handle) elif 'resource=' + res_type + '%3A' in path: handle = path.split('resource=' + res_type + '%3A')[1] handle = urllib.parse.unquote(handle.strip()) if debug: print('DEBUG: WEBFINGER handle ' + handle) if not handle: if debug: print('DEBUG: WEBFINGER handle missing') return None if '&' in handle: handle = handle.split('&')[0].strip() print('DEBUG: WEBFINGER handle with & removed ' + handle) if '@' not in handle: if debug: print('DEBUG: WEBFINGER no @ in handle ' + handle) return None handle = get_full_domain(handle, port) # convert @domain@domain to inbox@domain if '@' in handle: handle_domain = handle.split('@')[1] if handle.startswith(handle_domain + '@'): handle = 'inbox@' + handle_domain # if this is a lookup for a handle using its onion domain # then swap the onion domain for the clearnet version onionify = False if onion_domain: if onion_domain in handle: handle = handle.replace(onion_domain, domain) onionify = True # instance actor if handle.startswith('actor@'): handle = handle.replace('actor@', 'inbox@', 1) elif handle.startswith('Actor@'): handle = handle.replace('Actor@', 'inbox@', 1) filename = base_dir + '/wfendpoints/' + handle + '.json' if debug: print('DEBUG: WEBFINGER filename ' + filename) if not os.path.isfile(filename): if debug: print('DEBUG: WEBFINGER filename not found ' + filename) return None if not onionify: wf_json = load_json(filename) else: print('Webfinger request for onionified ' + handle) wf_json = load_json_onionify(filename, domain, onion_domain) if not wf_json: wf_json = {"nickname": "unknown"} return wf_json def _webfinger_update_avatar(wf_json: {}, actor_json: {}) -> bool: """Updates the avatar image link """ found = False avatar_url = actor_json['icon']['url'] media_type = actor_json['icon']['mediaType'] for link in wf_json['links']: if not link.get('rel'): continue if not link['rel'].endswith('://webfinger.net/rel/avatar'): continue found = True if link['href'] != avatar_url or link['type'] != media_type: link['href'] = avatar_url link['type'] = media_type return True break if found: return False wf_json['links'].append({ "href": avatar_url, "rel": "http://webfinger.net/rel/avatar", "type": media_type }) return True def _webfinger_update_vcard(wf_json: {}, actor_json: {}) -> bool: """Updates the vcard link """ for link in wf_json['links']: if link.get('type'): if link['type'] == 'text/vcard': return False wf_json['links'].append({ "href": actor_json['url'], "rel": "http://webfinger.net/rel/profile-page", "type": "text/vcard" }) return True def _webfinger_add_blog_link(wf_json: {}, actor_json: {}) -> bool: """Adds a blog link to webfinger if needed """ found = False if '/users/' in actor_json['id']: blog_url = \ actor_json['id'].split('/users/')[0] + '/blog/' + \ actor_json['id'].split('/users/')[1] else: blog_url = \ actor_json['id'].split('/@')[0] + '/blog/' + \ actor_json['id'].split('/@')[1] for link in wf_json['links']: if not link.get('rel'): continue if not link['rel'].endswith('://webfinger.net/rel/blog'): continue found = True if link['href'] != blog_url: link['href'] = blog_url return True break if found: return False wf_json['links'].append({ "href": blog_url, "rel": "http://webfinger.net/rel/blog" }) return True def _webfinger_updateFromProfile(wf_json: {}, actor_json: {}) -> bool: """Updates webfinger Email/blog/xmpp links from profile Returns true if one or more tags has been changed """ if not actor_json.get('attachment'): return False changed = False webfinger_property_name = { "xmpp": "xmpp", "matrix": "matrix", "email": "mailto", "ssb": "ssb", "briar": "briar", "cwtch": "cwtch", "jami": "jami", "tox": "toxId" } aliases_not_found = [] for name, alias in webfinger_property_name.items(): aliases_not_found.append(alias) for property_value in actor_json['attachment']: if not property_value.get('name'): continue property_name = property_value['name'].lower() found = False for name, alias in webfinger_property_name.items(): if name == property_name: if alias in aliases_not_found: aliases_not_found.remove(alias) found = True break if not found: continue if not property_value.get('type'): continue if not property_value.get('value'): continue if property_value['type'] != 'PropertyValue': continue new_value = property_value['value'].strip() if '://' in new_value: new_value = new_value.split('://')[1] alias_index = 0 found = False for alias in wf_json['aliases']: if alias.startswith(webfinger_property_name[property_name] + ':'): found = True break alias_index += 1 new_alias = webfinger_property_name[property_name] + ':' + new_value if found: if wf_json['aliases'][alias_index] != new_alias: changed = True wf_json['aliases'][alias_index] = new_alias else: wf_json['aliases'].append(new_alias) changed = True # remove any aliases which are no longer in the actor profile remove_alias = [] for alias in aliases_not_found: for full_alias in wf_json['aliases']: if full_alias.startswith(alias + ':'): remove_alias.append(full_alias) for full_alias in remove_alias: wf_json['aliases'].remove(full_alias) changed = True if _webfinger_update_avatar(wf_json, actor_json): changed = True if _webfinger_update_vcard(wf_json, actor_json): changed = True if _webfinger_add_blog_link(wf_json, actor_json): changed = True return changed def webfinger_update(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, onion_domain: str, cached_webfingers: {}) -> None: """Regenerates stored webfinger """ handle = nickname + '@' + domain wf_subdir = '/wfendpoints' if not os.path.isdir(base_dir + wf_subdir): return filename = base_dir + wf_subdir + '/' + handle + '.json' onionify = False if onion_domain: if onion_domain in handle: handle = handle.replace(onion_domain, domain) onionify = True if not onionify: wf_json = load_json(filename) else: wf_json = load_json_onionify(filename, domain, onion_domain) if not wf_json: return actor_filename = base_dir + '/accounts/' + handle + '.json' actor_json = load_json(actor_filename) if not actor_json: return if _webfinger_updateFromProfile(wf_json, actor_json): if save_json(wf_json, filename): store_webfinger_in_cache(handle, wf_json, cached_webfingers)