# Epicyon Customizations ## Terms of Service You can customize the terms of service by editing **accounts/tos.txt**. If it doesn't already exist then you can use **default_tos.txt** as a template. ## About Your Instance Information about your instance and its origin story can be added by editing **accounts/about.txt**. ## Welcome Message On the login screen you can provide a custom welcome message by creating the file **accounts/login.txt**. This could be used to show a motd or scheduled maintenance information. ## Login Logo You can customize the image on the login screen by saving your instance logo to **accounts/login.png**. A background image can also be set for the login screen by adding **accounts/login-background.png** A custom background image can be supplied for the search screen by adding **accounts/search-background.png** ## Reports Advice When a moderator report is created the message at the top of the screen can be customized to provide any additional information, advice or alerts. Edit **accounts/report.txt** and add your text. ## Extra Emoji Extra emoji can be added to the *emoji* directory and you should then update the **emoji/emoji.json** file, which maps the name to the filename (without the .png extension). ## Style / Colors There are a few predefined themes which you can change to. Move to the directory where Epicyon is installed, then you can use: ``` bash theme default theme light theme hacker theme purple ``` Alternatively if you want to create a much more customized theme then you can manually edit css files. Create copies of the default files: ``` bash cp epicyon-profile.css epicyon.css cp epicyon-follow.css follow.css cp epicyon-login.css login.css cp epicyon-suspended.css suspended.css ``` You can then edit *epicyon.css*, *follow.css*, *login.css* and *follow.css* as needed and those files won't be overwritten if you upgrade. *epicyon.css* is the main style for displaying profiles and timelines. *follow.css* is used for displaying options when you select an avatar. *login.css* defines the style of the login screen. *suspended.css* is the style for the screen which shows that an account has been suspended.