__filename__ = "importFollowing.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.4.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@libreserver.org" __status__ = "Production" __module_group__ = "Core" import os import time import random from utils import get_full_domain from utils import acct_dir from utils import is_account_dir from utils import get_nickname_from_actor from utils import get_domain_from_actor from follow import is_following_actor from follow import send_follow_request from session import create_session from session import set_session_for_sender from threads import begin_thread def _establish_import_session(httpd, calling_function: str, curr_session, proxy_type: str): """Recreates session if needed """ if curr_session: return curr_session print('DEBUG: creating new import session during ' + calling_function) curr_session = create_session(proxy_type) if curr_session: set_session_for_sender(httpd, proxy_type, curr_session) return curr_session print('ERROR: failed to create import session during ' + calling_function) return None def _update_import_following(base_dir: str, handle: str, httpd, import_filename: str) -> bool: """Send out follow requests from the import csv file """ following_str = '' try: with open(import_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_import: following_str = fp_import.read() except OSError: print('Ex: failed to load import file ' + import_filename) return False if following_str: main_session = None lines = following_str.split('\n') random.shuffle(lines) print('FOLLOW: ' + handle + ' attempting to follow ' + str(lines)) nickname = handle.split('@')[0] domain = handle.split('@')[1] for line in lines: if '://' not in line and '@' not in line: continue if ',' not in line: continue orig_line = line notes = None line = line.strip() fields = line.split(',') line = fields[0].strip() if len(fields) >= 5: notes = fields[4] if line.startswith('#'): # comment continue following_nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(line) if not following_nickname: continue following_domain, following_port = get_domain_from_actor(line) if not following_domain: continue if following_nickname == nickname and \ following_domain == domain: # don't follow yourself continue following_handle = following_nickname + '@' + following_domain following_handle_full = following_nickname + '@' + \ get_full_domain(following_domain, following_port) if notes: notes = notes.replace('<br>', '\n') person_notes_filename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + \ '/notes/' + following_handle + '.txt' try: with open(person_notes_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_notes: fp_notes.write(notes) except OSError: print('EX: Unable to import notes for ' + following_handle) if is_following_actor(base_dir, nickname, domain, following_handle_full): # remove the followed handle from the import list following_str = following_str.replace(orig_line + '\n', '') try: with open(import_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_import: fp_import.write(following_str) except OSError: print('EX: unable to remove import 1 ' + line + ' from ' + import_filename) continue # send follow request curr_domain = domain curr_port = httpd.port curr_http_prefix = httpd.http_prefix following_actor = following_handle # get the appropriate session curr_session = main_session curr_proxy_type = httpd.proxy_type use_onion_session = False use_i2p_session = False if '.onion' not in domain and \ httpd.onion_domain and '.onion' in following_domain: curr_session = httpd.session_onion curr_domain = httpd.onion_domain curr_port = 80 following_port = 80 curr_http_prefix = 'http' curr_proxy_type = 'tor' use_onion_session = True if '.i2p' not in domain and \ httpd.i2p_domain and '.i2p' in following_domain: curr_session = httpd.session_i2p curr_domain = httpd.i2p_domain curr_port = 80 following_port = 80 curr_http_prefix = 'http' curr_proxy_type = 'i2p' use_i2p_session = True curr_session = \ _establish_import_session(httpd, "import follow", curr_session, curr_proxy_type) if curr_session: if use_onion_session: httpd.session_onion = curr_session elif use_i2p_session: httpd.session_i2p = curr_session else: main_session = curr_session send_follow_request(curr_session, base_dir, nickname, domain, curr_domain, curr_port, curr_http_prefix, following_nickname, following_domain, following_actor, following_port, curr_http_prefix, False, httpd.federation_list, httpd.send_threads, httpd.postLog, httpd.cached_webfingers, httpd.person_cache, httpd.debug, httpd.project_version, httpd.signing_priv_key_pem, httpd.domain, httpd.onion_domain, httpd.i2p_domain) # remove the followed handle from the import list following_str = following_str.replace(orig_line + '\n', '') try: with open(import_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_import: fp_import.write(following_str) except OSError: print('EX: unable to remove import 2 ' + line + ' from ' + import_filename) print('FOLLOW: import sent follow to ' + line + ' from ' + import_filename) return True return False def run_import_following(base_dir: str, httpd): """Sends out follow requests for imported following csv files """ while True: time.sleep(20) # get a list of accounts on the instance, in random sequence accounts_list = [] for _, dirs, _ in os.walk(base_dir + '/accounts'): for account in dirs: if '@' not in account: continue if not is_account_dir(account): continue accounts_list.append(account) break if not accounts_list: continue # check if each accounts has an import csv random.shuffle(accounts_list) for account in accounts_list: account_dir = base_dir + '/accounts/' + account import_filename = account_dir + '/import_following.csv' if not os.path.isfile(import_filename): continue if not _update_import_following(base_dir, account, httpd, import_filename): try: os.remove(import_filename) except OSError: print('EX: unable to remove import file ' + import_filename) else: break def run_import_following_watchdog(project_version: str, httpd) -> None: """Imports following lists from csv for every account on the instance """ print('THREAD: Starting import following watchdog ' + project_version) import_following_original = \ httpd.thrImportFollowing.clone(run_import_following) begin_thread(httpd.thrImportFollowing, 'run_import_following_watchdog') while True: time.sleep(50) if httpd.thrImportFollowing.is_alive(): continue httpd.thrImportFollowing.kill() print('THREAD: restarting import following watchdog') httpd.thrImportFollowing = \ import_following_original.clone(run_import_following) begin_thread(httpd.thrImportFollowing, 'run_import_following_watchdog 2') print('Restarting import following...')