__filename__ = "shares.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.2.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@libreserver.org" __status__ = "Production" __module_group__ = "Timeline" import os import re import secrets import time import datetime from random import randint from pprint import pprint from session import getJson from webfinger import webfingerHandle from auth import createBasicAuthHeader from auth import constantTimeStringCheck from posts import getPersonBox from session import postJson from session import postImage from session import createSession from utils import has_object_stringType from utils import date_string_to_seconds from utils import date_seconds_to_string from utils import get_config_param from utils import get_full_domain from utils import validNickname from utils import load_json from utils import save_json from utils import get_image_extensions from utils import remove_domain_port from utils import isAccountDir from utils import acct_dir from utils import is_float from utils import get_category_types from utils import get_shares_files_list from utils import local_actor_url from media import processMetaData from media import convertImageToLowBandwidth from filters import isFilteredGlobally from siteactive import siteIsActive from content import getPriceFromString from blocking import isBlocked def _loadDfcIds(base_dir: str, system_language: str, productType: str, http_prefix: str, domain_full: str) -> {}: """Loads the product types ontology This is used to add an id to shared items """ productTypesFilename = \ base_dir + '/ontology/custom' + productType.title() + 'Types.json' if not os.path.isfile(productTypesFilename): productTypesFilename = \ base_dir + '/ontology/' + productType + 'Types.json' productTypes = load_json(productTypesFilename) if not productTypes: print('Unable to load ontology: ' + productTypesFilename) return None if not productTypes.get('@graph'): print('No @graph list within ontology') return None if len(productTypes['@graph']) == 0: print('@graph list has no contents') return None if not productTypes['@graph'][0].get('rdfs:label'): print('@graph list entry has no rdfs:label') return None languageExists = False for label in productTypes['@graph'][0]['rdfs:label']: if not label.get('@language'): continue if label['@language'] == system_language: languageExists = True break if not languageExists: print('productTypes ontology does not contain the language ' + system_language) return None dfcIds = {} for item in productTypes['@graph']: if not item.get('@id'): continue if not item.get('rdfs:label'): continue for label in item['rdfs:label']: if not label.get('@language'): continue if not label.get('@value'): continue if label['@language'] == system_language: itemId = \ item['@id'].replace('http://static.datafoodconsortium.org', http_prefix + '://' + domain_full) dfcIds[label['@value'].lower()] = itemId break return dfcIds def _getValidSharedItemID(actor: str, displayName: str) -> str: """Removes any invalid characters from the display name to produce an item ID """ removeChars = (' ', '\n', '\r', '#') for ch in removeChars: displayName = displayName.replace(ch, '') removeChars2 = ('+', '/', '\\', '?', '&') for ch in removeChars2: displayName = displayName.replace(ch, '-') displayName = displayName.replace('.', '_') displayName = displayName.replace("’", "'") actor = actor.replace('://', '___') actor = actor.replace('/', '--') return actor + '--shareditems--' + displayName def removeSharedItem(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, itemID: str, http_prefix: str, domain_full: str, sharesFileType: str) -> None: """Removes a share for a person """ sharesFilename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/' + sharesFileType + '.json' if not os.path.isfile(sharesFilename): print('ERROR: remove shared item, missing ' + sharesFileType + '.json ' + sharesFilename) return sharesJson = load_json(sharesFilename) if not sharesJson: print('ERROR: remove shared item, ' + sharesFileType + '.json could not be loaded from ' + sharesFilename) return if sharesJson.get(itemID): # remove any image for the item itemIDfile = base_dir + '/sharefiles/' + nickname + '/' + itemID if sharesJson[itemID]['imageUrl']: formats = get_image_extensions() for ext in formats: if sharesJson[itemID]['imageUrl'].endswith('.' + ext): if os.path.isfile(itemIDfile + '.' + ext): try: os.remove(itemIDfile + '.' + ext) except OSError: print('EX: removeSharedItem unable to delete ' + itemIDfile + '.' + ext) # remove the item itself del sharesJson[itemID] save_json(sharesJson, sharesFilename) else: print('ERROR: share index "' + itemID + '" does not exist in ' + sharesFilename) def _addShareDurationSec(duration: str, published: int) -> int: """Returns the duration for the shared item in seconds """ if ' ' not in duration: return 0 durationList = duration.split(' ') if not durationList[0].isdigit(): return 0 if 'hour' in durationList[1]: return published + (int(durationList[0]) * 60 * 60) if 'day' in durationList[1]: return published + (int(durationList[0]) * 60 * 60 * 24) if 'week' in durationList[1]: return published + (int(durationList[0]) * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) if 'month' in durationList[1]: return published + (int(durationList[0]) * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30) if 'year' in durationList[1]: return published + (int(durationList[0]) * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365) return 0 def _dfcProductTypeFromCategory(base_dir: str, itemCategory: str, translate: {}) -> str: """Does the shared item category match a DFC product type? If so then return the product type. This will be used to select an appropriate ontology file such as ontology/foodTypes.json """ productTypesList = get_category_types(base_dir) categoryLower = itemCategory.lower() for productType in productTypesList: if translate.get(productType): if translate[productType] in categoryLower: return productType else: if productType in categoryLower: return productType return None def _getshareDfcId(base_dir: str, system_language: str, itemType: str, itemCategory: str, translate: {}, http_prefix: str, domain_full: str, dfcIds: {} = None) -> str: """Attempts to obtain a DFC Id for the shared item, based upon productTypes ontology. See https://github.com/datafoodconsortium/ontology """ # does the category field match any prodyct type ontology # files in the ontology subdirectory? matchedProductType = \ _dfcProductTypeFromCategory(base_dir, itemCategory, translate) if not matchedProductType: itemType = itemType.replace(' ', '_') itemType = itemType.replace('.', '') return 'epicyon#' + itemType if not dfcIds: dfcIds = _loadDfcIds(base_dir, system_language, matchedProductType, http_prefix, domain_full) if not dfcIds: return '' itemTypeLower = itemType.lower() matchName = '' matchId = '' for name, uri in dfcIds.items(): if name not in itemTypeLower: continue if len(name) > len(matchName): matchName = name matchId = uri if not matchId: # bag of words match maxMatchedWords = 0 for name, uri in dfcIds.items(): name = name.replace('-', ' ') words = name.split(' ') score = 0 for wrd in words: if wrd in itemTypeLower: score += 1 if score > maxMatchedWords: maxMatchedWords = score matchId = uri return matchId def _getshareTypeFromDfcId(dfcUri: str, dfcIds: {}) -> str: """Attempts to obtain a share item type from its DFC Id, based upon productTypes ontology. See https://github.com/datafoodconsortium/ontology """ if dfcUri.startswith('epicyon#'): itemType = dfcUri.split('#')[1] itemType = itemType.replace('_', ' ') return itemType for name, uri in dfcIds.items(): if uri.endswith('#' + dfcUri): return name elif uri == dfcUri: return name return None def _indicateNewShareAvailable(base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, nickname: str, domain: str, domain_full: str, sharesFileType: str) -> None: """Indicate to each account that a new share is available """ for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(base_dir + '/accounts'): for handle in dirs: if not isAccountDir(handle): continue accountDir = base_dir + '/accounts/' + handle if sharesFileType == 'shares': newShareFile = accountDir + '/.newShare' else: newShareFile = accountDir + '/.newWanted' if os.path.isfile(newShareFile): continue accountNickname = handle.split('@')[0] # does this account block you? if accountNickname != nickname: if isBlocked(base_dir, accountNickname, domain, nickname, domain, None): continue localActor = \ local_actor_url(http_prefix, accountNickname, domain_full) try: with open(newShareFile, 'w+') as fp: if sharesFileType == 'shares': fp.write(localActor + '/tlshares') else: fp.write(localActor + '/tlwanted') except OSError: print('EX: _indicateNewShareAvailable unable to write ' + str(newShareFile)) break def addShare(base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, displayName: str, summary: str, image_filename: str, itemQty: float, itemType: str, itemCategory: str, location: str, duration: str, debug: bool, city: str, price: str, currency: str, system_language: str, translate: {}, sharesFileType: str, low_bandwidth: bool, content_license_url: str) -> None: """Adds a new share """ if isFilteredGlobally(base_dir, displayName + ' ' + summary + ' ' + itemType + ' ' + itemCategory): print('Shared item was filtered due to content') return sharesFilename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/' + sharesFileType + '.json' sharesJson = {} if os.path.isfile(sharesFilename): sharesJson = load_json(sharesFilename, 1, 2) duration = duration.lower() published = int(time.time()) durationSec = _addShareDurationSec(duration, published) domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port) actor = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full) itemID = _getValidSharedItemID(actor, displayName) dfcId = _getshareDfcId(base_dir, system_language, itemType, itemCategory, translate, http_prefix, domain_full) # has an image for this share been uploaded? imageUrl = None moveImage = False if not image_filename: sharesImageFilename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/upload' formats = get_image_extensions() for ext in formats: if os.path.isfile(sharesImageFilename + '.' + ext): image_filename = sharesImageFilename + '.' + ext moveImage = True domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port) # copy or move the image for the shared item to its destination if image_filename: if os.path.isfile(image_filename): if not os.path.isdir(base_dir + '/sharefiles'): os.mkdir(base_dir + '/sharefiles') if not os.path.isdir(base_dir + '/sharefiles/' + nickname): os.mkdir(base_dir + '/sharefiles/' + nickname) itemIDfile = base_dir + '/sharefiles/' + nickname + '/' + itemID formats = get_image_extensions() for ext in formats: if not image_filename.endswith('.' + ext): continue if low_bandwidth: convertImageToLowBandwidth(image_filename) processMetaData(base_dir, nickname, domain, image_filename, itemIDfile + '.' + ext, city, content_license_url) if moveImage: try: os.remove(image_filename) except OSError: print('EX: addShare unable to delete ' + str(image_filename)) imageUrl = \ http_prefix + '://' + domain_full + \ '/sharefiles/' + nickname + '/' + itemID + '.' + ext sharesJson[itemID] = { "displayName": displayName, "summary": summary, "imageUrl": imageUrl, "itemQty": float(itemQty), "dfcId": dfcId, "itemType": itemType, "category": itemCategory, "location": location, "published": published, "expire": durationSec, "itemPrice": price, "itemCurrency": currency } save_json(sharesJson, sharesFilename) _indicateNewShareAvailable(base_dir, http_prefix, nickname, domain, domain_full, sharesFileType) def expireShares(base_dir: str) -> None: """Removes expired items from shares """ for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(base_dir + '/accounts'): for account in dirs: if not isAccountDir(account): continue nickname = account.split('@')[0] domain = account.split('@')[1] for sharesFileType in get_shares_files_list(): _expireSharesForAccount(base_dir, nickname, domain, sharesFileType) break def _expireSharesForAccount(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, sharesFileType: str) -> None: """Removes expired items from shares for a particular account """ handleDomain = remove_domain_port(domain) handle = nickname + '@' + handleDomain sharesFilename = \ base_dir + '/accounts/' + handle + '/' + sharesFileType + '.json' if not os.path.isfile(sharesFilename): return sharesJson = load_json(sharesFilename, 1, 2) if not sharesJson: return curr_time = int(time.time()) deleteItemID = [] for itemID, item in sharesJson.items(): if curr_time > item['expire']: deleteItemID.append(itemID) if not deleteItemID: return for itemID in deleteItemID: del sharesJson[itemID] # remove any associated images itemIDfile = base_dir + '/sharefiles/' + nickname + '/' + itemID formats = get_image_extensions() for ext in formats: if os.path.isfile(itemIDfile + '.' + ext): try: os.remove(itemIDfile + '.' + ext) except OSError: print('EX: _expireSharesForAccount unable to delete ' + itemIDfile + '.' + ext) save_json(sharesJson, sharesFilename) def getSharesFeedForPerson(base_dir: str, domain: str, port: int, path: str, http_prefix: str, sharesFileType: str, sharesPerPage: int) -> {}: """Returns the shares for an account from GET requests """ if '/' + sharesFileType not in path: return None # handle page numbers headerOnly = True pageNumber = None if '?page=' in path: pageNumber = path.split('?page=')[1] if pageNumber == 'true': pageNumber = 1 else: try: pageNumber = int(pageNumber) except BaseException: print('EX: getSharesFeedForPerson unable to convert to int ' + str(pageNumber)) pass path = path.split('?page=')[0] headerOnly = False if not path.endswith('/' + sharesFileType): return None nickname = None if path.startswith('/users/'): nickname = \ path.replace('/users/', '', 1).replace('/' + sharesFileType, '') if path.startswith('/@'): nickname = \ path.replace('/@', '', 1).replace('/' + sharesFileType, '') if not nickname: return None if not validNickname(domain, nickname): return None domain = get_full_domain(domain, port) handleDomain = remove_domain_port(domain) sharesFilename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, handleDomain) + '/' + \ sharesFileType + '.json' if headerOnly: noOfShares = 0 if os.path.isfile(sharesFilename): sharesJson = load_json(sharesFilename) if sharesJson: noOfShares = len(sharesJson.items()) idStr = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain) shares = { '@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', 'first': idStr + '/' + sharesFileType + '?page=1', 'id': idStr + '/' + sharesFileType, 'totalItems': str(noOfShares), 'type': 'OrderedCollection' } return shares if not pageNumber: pageNumber = 1 nextPageNumber = int(pageNumber + 1) idStr = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain) shares = { '@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', 'id': idStr + '/' + sharesFileType + '?page=' + str(pageNumber), 'orderedItems': [], 'partOf': idStr + '/' + sharesFileType, 'totalItems': 0, 'type': 'OrderedCollectionPage' } if not os.path.isfile(sharesFilename): return shares currPage = 1 pageCtr = 0 totalCtr = 0 sharesJson = load_json(sharesFilename) if sharesJson: for itemID, item in sharesJson.items(): pageCtr += 1 totalCtr += 1 if currPage == pageNumber: item['shareId'] = itemID shares['orderedItems'].append(item) if pageCtr >= sharesPerPage: pageCtr = 0 currPage += 1 shares['totalItems'] = totalCtr lastPage = int(totalCtr / sharesPerPage) if lastPage < 1: lastPage = 1 if nextPageNumber > lastPage: shares['next'] = \ local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain) + \ '/' + sharesFileType + '?page=' + str(lastPage) return shares def sendShareViaServer(base_dir, session, fromNickname: str, password: str, fromDomain: str, fromPort: int, http_prefix: str, displayName: str, summary: str, image_filename: str, itemQty: float, itemType: str, itemCategory: str, location: str, duration: str, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, debug: bool, project_version: str, itemPrice: str, itemCurrency: str, signing_priv_key_pem: str) -> {}: """Creates an item share via c2s """ if not session: print('WARN: No session for sendShareViaServer') return 6 # convert $4.23 to 4.23 USD newItemPrice, newItemCurrency = getPriceFromString(itemPrice) if newItemPrice != itemPrice: itemPrice = newItemPrice if not itemCurrency: if newItemCurrency != itemCurrency: itemCurrency = newItemCurrency fromDomainFull = get_full_domain(fromDomain, fromPort) actor = local_actor_url(http_prefix, fromNickname, fromDomainFull) toUrl = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public' ccUrl = actor + '/followers' newShareJson = { "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", 'type': 'Add', 'actor': actor, 'target': actor + '/shares', 'object': { "type": "Offer", "displayName": displayName, "summary": summary, "itemQty": float(itemQty), "itemType": itemType, "category": itemCategory, "location": location, "duration": duration, "itemPrice": itemPrice, "itemCurrency": itemCurrency, 'to': [toUrl], 'cc': [ccUrl] }, 'to': [toUrl], 'cc': [ccUrl] } handle = http_prefix + '://' + fromDomainFull + '/@' + fromNickname # lookup the inbox for the To handle wfRequest = \ webfingerHandle(session, handle, http_prefix, cached_webfingers, fromDomain, project_version, debug, False, signing_priv_key_pem) if not wfRequest: if debug: print('DEBUG: share webfinger failed for ' + handle) return 1 if not isinstance(wfRequest, dict): print('WARN: share webfinger for ' + handle + ' did not return a dict. ' + str(wfRequest)) return 1 postToBox = 'outbox' # get the actor inbox for the To handle originDomain = fromDomain (inboxUrl, pubKeyId, pubKey, fromPersonId, sharedInbox, avatarUrl, displayName, _) = getPersonBox(signing_priv_key_pem, originDomain, base_dir, session, wfRequest, person_cache, project_version, http_prefix, fromNickname, fromDomain, postToBox, 83653) if not inboxUrl: if debug: print('DEBUG: share no ' + postToBox + ' was found for ' + handle) return 3 if not fromPersonId: if debug: print('DEBUG: share no actor was found for ' + handle) return 4 authHeader = createBasicAuthHeader(fromNickname, password) if image_filename: headers = { 'host': fromDomain, 'Authorization': authHeader } postResult = \ postImage(session, image_filename, [], inboxUrl.replace('/' + postToBox, '/shares'), headers) headers = { 'host': fromDomain, 'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': authHeader } postResult = \ postJson(http_prefix, fromDomainFull, session, newShareJson, [], inboxUrl, headers, 30, True) if not postResult: if debug: print('DEBUG: POST share failed for c2s to ' + inboxUrl) # return 5 if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s POST share item success') return newShareJson def sendUndoShareViaServer(base_dir: str, session, fromNickname: str, password: str, fromDomain: str, fromPort: int, http_prefix: str, displayName: str, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, debug: bool, project_version: str, signing_priv_key_pem: str) -> {}: """Undoes a share via c2s """ if not session: print('WARN: No session for sendUndoShareViaServer') return 6 fromDomainFull = get_full_domain(fromDomain, fromPort) actor = local_actor_url(http_prefix, fromNickname, fromDomainFull) toUrl = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public' ccUrl = actor + '/followers' undoShareJson = { "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", 'type': 'Remove', 'actor': actor, 'target': actor + '/shares', 'object': { "type": "Offer", "displayName": displayName, 'to': [toUrl], 'cc': [ccUrl] }, 'to': [toUrl], 'cc': [ccUrl] } handle = http_prefix + '://' + fromDomainFull + '/@' + fromNickname # lookup the inbox for the To handle wfRequest = \ webfingerHandle(session, handle, http_prefix, cached_webfingers, fromDomain, project_version, debug, False, signing_priv_key_pem) if not wfRequest: if debug: print('DEBUG: unshare webfinger failed for ' + handle) return 1 if not isinstance(wfRequest, dict): print('WARN: unshare webfinger for ' + handle + ' did not return a dict. ' + str(wfRequest)) return 1 postToBox = 'outbox' # get the actor inbox for the To handle originDomain = fromDomain (inboxUrl, pubKeyId, pubKey, fromPersonId, sharedInbox, avatarUrl, displayName, _) = getPersonBox(signing_priv_key_pem, originDomain, base_dir, session, wfRequest, person_cache, project_version, http_prefix, fromNickname, fromDomain, postToBox, 12663) if not inboxUrl: if debug: print('DEBUG: unshare no ' + postToBox + ' was found for ' + handle) return 3 if not fromPersonId: if debug: print('DEBUG: unshare no actor was found for ' + handle) return 4 authHeader = createBasicAuthHeader(fromNickname, password) headers = { 'host': fromDomain, 'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': authHeader } postResult = \ postJson(http_prefix, fromDomainFull, session, undoShareJson, [], inboxUrl, headers, 30, True) if not postResult: if debug: print('DEBUG: POST unshare failed for c2s to ' + inboxUrl) # return 5 if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s POST unshare success') return undoShareJson def sendWantedViaServer(base_dir, session, fromNickname: str, password: str, fromDomain: str, fromPort: int, http_prefix: str, displayName: str, summary: str, image_filename: str, itemQty: float, itemType: str, itemCategory: str, location: str, duration: str, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, debug: bool, project_version: str, itemMaxPrice: str, itemCurrency: str, signing_priv_key_pem: str) -> {}: """Creates a wanted item via c2s """ if not session: print('WARN: No session for sendWantedViaServer') return 6 # convert $4.23 to 4.23 USD newItemMaxPrice, newItemCurrency = getPriceFromString(itemMaxPrice) if newItemMaxPrice != itemMaxPrice: itemMaxPrice = newItemMaxPrice if not itemCurrency: if newItemCurrency != itemCurrency: itemCurrency = newItemCurrency fromDomainFull = get_full_domain(fromDomain, fromPort) actor = local_actor_url(http_prefix, fromNickname, fromDomainFull) toUrl = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public' ccUrl = actor + '/followers' newShareJson = { "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", 'type': 'Add', 'actor': actor, 'target': actor + '/wanted', 'object': { "type": "Offer", "displayName": displayName, "summary": summary, "itemQty": float(itemQty), "itemType": itemType, "category": itemCategory, "location": location, "duration": duration, "itemPrice": itemMaxPrice, "itemCurrency": itemCurrency, 'to': [toUrl], 'cc': [ccUrl] }, 'to': [toUrl], 'cc': [ccUrl] } handle = http_prefix + '://' + fromDomainFull + '/@' + fromNickname # lookup the inbox for the To handle wfRequest = \ webfingerHandle(session, handle, http_prefix, cached_webfingers, fromDomain, project_version, debug, False, signing_priv_key_pem) if not wfRequest: if debug: print('DEBUG: share webfinger failed for ' + handle) return 1 if not isinstance(wfRequest, dict): print('WARN: wanted webfinger for ' + handle + ' did not return a dict. ' + str(wfRequest)) return 1 postToBox = 'outbox' # get the actor inbox for the To handle originDomain = fromDomain (inboxUrl, pubKeyId, pubKey, fromPersonId, sharedInbox, avatarUrl, displayName, _) = getPersonBox(signing_priv_key_pem, originDomain, base_dir, session, wfRequest, person_cache, project_version, http_prefix, fromNickname, fromDomain, postToBox, 23653) if not inboxUrl: if debug: print('DEBUG: wanted no ' + postToBox + ' was found for ' + handle) return 3 if not fromPersonId: if debug: print('DEBUG: wanted no actor was found for ' + handle) return 4 authHeader = createBasicAuthHeader(fromNickname, password) if image_filename: headers = { 'host': fromDomain, 'Authorization': authHeader } postResult = \ postImage(session, image_filename, [], inboxUrl.replace('/' + postToBox, '/wanted'), headers) headers = { 'host': fromDomain, 'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': authHeader } postResult = \ postJson(http_prefix, fromDomainFull, session, newShareJson, [], inboxUrl, headers, 30, True) if not postResult: if debug: print('DEBUG: POST wanted failed for c2s to ' + inboxUrl) # return 5 if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s POST wanted item success') return newShareJson def sendUndoWantedViaServer(base_dir: str, session, fromNickname: str, password: str, fromDomain: str, fromPort: int, http_prefix: str, displayName: str, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, debug: bool, project_version: str, signing_priv_key_pem: str) -> {}: """Undoes a wanted item via c2s """ if not session: print('WARN: No session for sendUndoWantedViaServer') return 6 fromDomainFull = get_full_domain(fromDomain, fromPort) actor = local_actor_url(http_prefix, fromNickname, fromDomainFull) toUrl = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public' ccUrl = actor + '/followers' undoShareJson = { "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", 'type': 'Remove', 'actor': actor, 'target': actor + '/wanted', 'object': { "type": "Offer", "displayName": displayName, 'to': [toUrl], 'cc': [ccUrl] }, 'to': [toUrl], 'cc': [ccUrl] } handle = http_prefix + '://' + fromDomainFull + '/@' + fromNickname # lookup the inbox for the To handle wfRequest = \ webfingerHandle(session, handle, http_prefix, cached_webfingers, fromDomain, project_version, debug, False, signing_priv_key_pem) if not wfRequest: if debug: print('DEBUG: unwant webfinger failed for ' + handle) return 1 if not isinstance(wfRequest, dict): print('WARN: unwant webfinger for ' + handle + ' did not return a dict. ' + str(wfRequest)) return 1 postToBox = 'outbox' # get the actor inbox for the To handle originDomain = fromDomain (inboxUrl, pubKeyId, pubKey, fromPersonId, sharedInbox, avatarUrl, displayName, _) = getPersonBox(signing_priv_key_pem, originDomain, base_dir, session, wfRequest, person_cache, project_version, http_prefix, fromNickname, fromDomain, postToBox, 12693) if not inboxUrl: if debug: print('DEBUG: unwant no ' + postToBox + ' was found for ' + handle) return 3 if not fromPersonId: if debug: print('DEBUG: unwant no actor was found for ' + handle) return 4 authHeader = createBasicAuthHeader(fromNickname, password) headers = { 'host': fromDomain, 'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': authHeader } postResult = \ postJson(http_prefix, fromDomainFull, session, undoShareJson, [], inboxUrl, headers, 30, True) if not postResult: if debug: print('DEBUG: POST unwant failed for c2s to ' + inboxUrl) # return 5 if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s POST unwant success') return undoShareJson def getSharedItemsCatalogViaServer(base_dir, session, nickname: str, password: str, domain: str, port: int, http_prefix: str, debug: bool, signing_priv_key_pem: str) -> {}: """Returns the shared items catalog via c2s """ if not session: print('WARN: No session for getSharedItemsCatalogViaServer') return 6 authHeader = createBasicAuthHeader(nickname, password) headers = { 'host': domain, 'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': authHeader, 'Accept': 'application/json' } domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port) url = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full) + '/catalog' if debug: print('Shared items catalog request to: ' + url) catalogJson = getJson(signing_priv_key_pem, session, url, headers, None, debug, __version__, http_prefix, None) if not catalogJson: if debug: print('DEBUG: GET shared items catalog failed for c2s to ' + url) # return 5 if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s GET shared items catalog success') return catalogJson def outboxShareUpload(base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, message_json: {}, debug: bool, city: str, system_language: str, translate: {}, low_bandwidth: bool, content_license_url: str) -> None: """ When a shared item is received by the outbox from c2s """ if not message_json.get('type'): return if not message_json['type'] == 'Add': return if not has_object_stringType(message_json, debug): return if not message_json['object']['type'] == 'Offer': if debug: print('DEBUG: not an Offer activity') return if not message_json['object'].get('displayName'): if debug: print('DEBUG: displayName missing from Offer') return if not message_json['object'].get('summary'): if debug: print('DEBUG: summary missing from Offer') return if not message_json['object'].get('itemQty'): if debug: print('DEBUG: itemQty missing from Offer') return if not message_json['object'].get('itemType'): if debug: print('DEBUG: itemType missing from Offer') return if not message_json['object'].get('category'): if debug: print('DEBUG: category missing from Offer') return if not message_json['object'].get('duration'): if debug: print('DEBUG: duration missing from Offer') return itemQty = float(message_json['object']['itemQty']) location = '' if message_json['object'].get('location'): location = message_json['object']['location'] image_filename = None if message_json['object'].get('image_filename'): image_filename = message_json['object']['image_filename'] if debug: print('Adding shared item') pprint(message_json) addShare(base_dir, http_prefix, nickname, domain, port, message_json['object']['displayName'], message_json['object']['summary'], image_filename, itemQty, message_json['object']['itemType'], message_json['object']['category'], location, message_json['object']['duration'], debug, city, message_json['object']['itemPrice'], message_json['object']['itemCurrency'], system_language, translate, 'shares', low_bandwidth, content_license_url) if debug: print('DEBUG: shared item received via c2s') def outboxUndoShareUpload(base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, message_json: {}, debug: bool) -> None: """ When a shared item is removed via c2s """ if not message_json.get('type'): return if not message_json['type'] == 'Remove': return if not has_object_stringType(message_json, debug): return if not message_json['object']['type'] == 'Offer': if debug: print('DEBUG: not an Offer activity') return if not message_json['object'].get('displayName'): if debug: print('DEBUG: displayName missing from Offer') return domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port) removeSharedItem(base_dir, nickname, domain, message_json['object']['displayName'], http_prefix, domain_full, 'shares') if debug: print('DEBUG: shared item removed via c2s') def _sharesCatalogParams(path: str) -> (bool, float, float, str): """Returns parameters when accessing the shares catalog """ today = False minPrice = 0 maxPrice = 9999999 matchPattern = None if '?' not in path: return today, minPrice, maxPrice, matchPattern args = path.split('?', 1)[1] argList = args.split(';') for arg in argList: if '=' not in arg: continue key = arg.split('=')[0].lower() value = arg.split('=')[1] if key == 'today': value = value.lower() if 't' in value or 'y' in value or '1' in value: today = True elif key.startswith('min'): if is_float(value): minPrice = float(value) elif key.startswith('max'): if is_float(value): maxPrice = float(value) elif key.startswith('match'): matchPattern = value return today, minPrice, maxPrice, matchPattern def sharesCatalogAccountEndpoint(base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, nickname: str, domain: str, domain_full: str, path: str, debug: bool, sharesFileType: str) -> {}: """Returns the endpoint for the shares catalog of a particular account See https://github.com/datafoodconsortium/ontology Also the subdirectory ontology/DFC """ today, minPrice, maxPrice, matchPattern = _sharesCatalogParams(path) dfcUrl = \ http_prefix + '://' + domain_full + '/ontologies/DFC_FullModel.owl#' dfcPtUrl = \ http_prefix + '://' + domain_full + \ '/ontologies/DFC_ProductGlossary.rdf#' owner = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full) if sharesFileType == 'shares': dfcInstanceId = owner + '/catalog' else: dfcInstanceId = owner + '/wantedItems' endpoint = { "@context": { "DFC": dfcUrl, "dfc-pt": dfcPtUrl, "@base": "http://maPlateformeNationale" }, "@id": dfcInstanceId, "@type": "DFC:Entreprise", "DFC:supplies": [] } currDate = datetime.datetime.utcnow() currDateStr = currDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") sharesFilename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/' + sharesFileType + '.json' if not os.path.isfile(sharesFilename): if debug: print(sharesFileType + '.json file not found: ' + sharesFilename) return endpoint sharesJson = load_json(sharesFilename, 1, 2) if not sharesJson: if debug: print('Unable to load json for ' + sharesFilename) return endpoint for itemID, item in sharesJson.items(): if not item.get('dfcId'): if debug: print('Item does not have dfcId: ' + itemID) continue if '#' not in item['dfcId']: continue if today: if not item['published'].startswith(currDateStr): continue if minPrice is not None: if float(item['itemPrice']) < minPrice: continue if maxPrice is not None: if float(item['itemPrice']) > maxPrice: continue description = item['displayName'] + ': ' + item['summary'] if matchPattern: if not re.match(matchPattern, description): continue expireDate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(item['expire']) expireDateStr = expireDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") shareId = _getValidSharedItemID(owner, item['displayName']) if item['dfcId'].startswith('epicyon#'): dfcId = "epicyon:" + item['dfcId'].split('#')[1] else: dfcId = "dfc-pt:" + item['dfcId'].split('#')[1] priceStr = item['itemPrice'] + ' ' + item['itemCurrency'] catalogItem = { "@id": shareId, "@type": "DFC:SuppliedProduct", "DFC:hasType": dfcId, "DFC:startDate": item['published'], "DFC:expiryDate": expireDateStr, "DFC:quantity": float(item['itemQty']), "DFC:price": priceStr, "DFC:Image": item['imageUrl'], "DFC:description": description } endpoint['DFC:supplies'].append(catalogItem) return endpoint def sharesCatalogEndpoint(base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, domain_full: str, path: str, sharesFileType: str) -> {}: """Returns the endpoint for the shares catalog for the instance See https://github.com/datafoodconsortium/ontology Also the subdirectory ontology/DFC """ today, minPrice, maxPrice, matchPattern = _sharesCatalogParams(path) dfcUrl = \ http_prefix + '://' + domain_full + '/ontologies/DFC_FullModel.owl#' dfcPtUrl = \ http_prefix + '://' + domain_full + \ '/ontologies/DFC_ProductGlossary.rdf#' dfcInstanceId = http_prefix + '://' + domain_full + '/catalog' endpoint = { "@context": { "DFC": dfcUrl, "dfc-pt": dfcPtUrl, "@base": "http://maPlateformeNationale" }, "@id": dfcInstanceId, "@type": "DFC:Entreprise", "DFC:supplies": [] } currDate = datetime.datetime.utcnow() currDateStr = currDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(base_dir + '/accounts'): for acct in dirs: if not isAccountDir(acct): continue nickname = acct.split('@')[0] domain = acct.split('@')[1] owner = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full) sharesFilename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/' + \ sharesFileType + '.json' if not os.path.isfile(sharesFilename): continue print('Test 78363 ' + sharesFilename) sharesJson = load_json(sharesFilename, 1, 2) if not sharesJson: continue for itemID, item in sharesJson.items(): if not item.get('dfcId'): continue if '#' not in item['dfcId']: continue if today: if not item['published'].startswith(currDateStr): continue if minPrice is not None: if float(item['itemPrice']) < minPrice: continue if maxPrice is not None: if float(item['itemPrice']) > maxPrice: continue description = item['displayName'] + ': ' + item['summary'] if matchPattern: if not re.match(matchPattern, description): continue startDateStr = date_seconds_to_string(item['published']) expireDateStr = date_seconds_to_string(item['expire']) shareId = _getValidSharedItemID(owner, item['displayName']) if item['dfcId'].startswith('epicyon#'): dfcId = "epicyon:" + item['dfcId'].split('#')[1] else: dfcId = "dfc-pt:" + item['dfcId'].split('#')[1] priceStr = item['itemPrice'] + ' ' + item['itemCurrency'] catalogItem = { "@id": shareId, "@type": "DFC:SuppliedProduct", "DFC:hasType": dfcId, "DFC:startDate": startDateStr, "DFC:expiryDate": expireDateStr, "DFC:quantity": float(item['itemQty']), "DFC:price": priceStr, "DFC:Image": item['imageUrl'], "DFC:description": description } endpoint['DFC:supplies'].append(catalogItem) return endpoint def sharesCatalogCSVEndpoint(base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, domain_full: str, path: str, sharesFileType: str) -> str: """Returns a CSV version of the shares catalog """ catalogJson = \ sharesCatalogEndpoint(base_dir, http_prefix, domain_full, path, sharesFileType) if not catalogJson: return '' if not catalogJson.get('DFC:supplies'): return '' csvStr = \ 'id,type,hasType,startDate,expiryDate,' + \ 'quantity,price,currency,Image,description,\n' for item in catalogJson['DFC:supplies']: csvStr += '"' + item['@id'] + '",' csvStr += '"' + item['@type'] + '",' csvStr += '"' + item['DFC:hasType'] + '",' csvStr += '"' + item['DFC:startDate'] + '",' csvStr += '"' + item['DFC:expiryDate'] + '",' csvStr += str(item['DFC:quantity']) + ',' csvStr += item['DFC:price'].split(' ')[0] + ',' csvStr += '"' + item['DFC:price'].split(' ')[1] + '",' if item.get('DFC:Image'): csvStr += '"' + item['DFC:Image'] + '",' description = item['DFC:description'].replace('"', "'") csvStr += '"' + description + '",\n' return csvStr def generateSharedItemFederationTokens(shared_items_federated_domains: [], base_dir: str) -> {}: """Generates tokens for shared item federated domains """ if not shared_items_federated_domains: return {} tokensJson = {} if base_dir: tokensFilename = \ base_dir + '/accounts/sharedItemsFederationTokens.json' if os.path.isfile(tokensFilename): tokensJson = load_json(tokensFilename, 1, 2) if tokensJson is None: tokensJson = {} tokensAdded = False for domain_full in shared_items_federated_domains: if not tokensJson.get(domain_full): tokensJson[domain_full] = '' tokensAdded = True if not tokensAdded: return tokensJson if base_dir: save_json(tokensJson, tokensFilename) return tokensJson def updateSharedItemFederationToken(base_dir: str, tokenDomainFull: str, newToken: str, debug: bool, tokensJson: {} = None) -> {}: """Updates an individual token for shared item federation """ if debug: print('Updating shared items token for ' + tokenDomainFull) if not tokensJson: tokensJson = {} if base_dir: tokensFilename = \ base_dir + '/accounts/sharedItemsFederationTokens.json' if os.path.isfile(tokensFilename): if debug: print('Update loading tokens for ' + tokenDomainFull) tokensJson = load_json(tokensFilename, 1, 2) if tokensJson is None: tokensJson = {} updateRequired = False if tokensJson.get(tokenDomainFull): if tokensJson[tokenDomainFull] != newToken: updateRequired = True else: updateRequired = True if updateRequired: tokensJson[tokenDomainFull] = newToken if base_dir: save_json(tokensJson, tokensFilename) return tokensJson def mergeSharedItemTokens(base_dir: str, domain_full: str, newSharedItemsFederatedDomains: [], tokensJson: {}) -> {}: """When the shared item federation domains list has changed, update the tokens dict accordingly """ removals = [] changed = False for tokenDomainFull, tok in tokensJson.items(): if domain_full: if tokenDomainFull.startswith(domain_full): continue if tokenDomainFull not in newSharedItemsFederatedDomains: removals.append(tokenDomainFull) # remove domains no longer in the federation list for tokenDomainFull in removals: del tokensJson[tokenDomainFull] changed = True # add new domains from the federation list for tokenDomainFull in newSharedItemsFederatedDomains: if tokenDomainFull not in tokensJson: tokensJson[tokenDomainFull] = '' changed = True if base_dir and changed: tokensFilename = \ base_dir + '/accounts/sharedItemsFederationTokens.json' save_json(tokensJson, tokensFilename) return tokensJson def createSharedItemFederationToken(base_dir: str, tokenDomainFull: str, force: bool, tokensJson: {} = None) -> {}: """Updates an individual token for shared item federation """ if not tokensJson: tokensJson = {} if base_dir: tokensFilename = \ base_dir + '/accounts/sharedItemsFederationTokens.json' if os.path.isfile(tokensFilename): tokensJson = load_json(tokensFilename, 1, 2) if tokensJson is None: tokensJson = {} if force or not tokensJson.get(tokenDomainFull): tokensJson[tokenDomainFull] = secrets.token_urlsafe(64) if base_dir: save_json(tokensJson, tokensFilename) return tokensJson def authorizeSharedItems(shared_items_federated_domains: [], base_dir: str, originDomainFull: str, calling_domainFull: str, authHeader: str, debug: bool, tokensJson: {} = None) -> bool: """HTTP simple token check for shared item federation """ if not shared_items_federated_domains: # no shared item federation return False if originDomainFull not in shared_items_federated_domains: if debug: print(originDomainFull + ' is not in the shared items federation list ' + str(shared_items_federated_domains)) return False if 'Basic ' in authHeader: if debug: print('DEBUG: shared item federation should not use basic auth') return False providedToken = authHeader.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '').strip() if not providedToken: if debug: print('DEBUG: shared item federation token is empty') return False if len(providedToken) < 60: if debug: print('DEBUG: shared item federation token is too small ' + providedToken) return False if not tokensJson: tokensFilename = \ base_dir + '/accounts/sharedItemsFederationTokens.json' if not os.path.isfile(tokensFilename): if debug: print('DEBUG: shared item federation tokens file missing ' + tokensFilename) return False tokensJson = load_json(tokensFilename, 1, 2) if not tokensJson: return False if not tokensJson.get(calling_domainFull): if debug: print('DEBUG: shared item federation token ' + 'check failed for ' + calling_domainFull) return False if not constantTimeStringCheck(tokensJson[calling_domainFull], providedToken): if debug: print('DEBUG: shared item federation token ' + 'mismatch for ' + calling_domainFull) return False return True def _updateFederatedSharesCache(session, shared_items_federated_domains: [], base_dir: str, domain_full: str, http_prefix: str, tokensJson: {}, debug: bool, system_language: str, sharesFileType: str) -> None: """Updates the cache of federated shares for the instance. This enables shared items to be available even when other instances might not be online """ # create directories where catalogs will be stored cacheDir = base_dir + '/cache' if not os.path.isdir(cacheDir): os.mkdir(cacheDir) if sharesFileType == 'shares': catalogsDir = cacheDir + '/catalogs' else: catalogsDir = cacheDir + '/wantedItems' if not os.path.isdir(catalogsDir): os.mkdir(catalogsDir) asHeader = { "Accept": "application/ld+json", "Origin": domain_full } for federatedDomainFull in shared_items_federated_domains: # NOTE: federatedDomain does not have a port extension, # so may not work in some situations if federatedDomainFull.startswith(domain_full): # only download from instances other than this one continue if not tokensJson.get(federatedDomainFull): # token has been obtained for the other domain continue if not siteIsActive(http_prefix + '://' + federatedDomainFull, 10): continue if sharesFileType == 'shares': url = http_prefix + '://' + federatedDomainFull + '/catalog' else: url = http_prefix + '://' + federatedDomainFull + '/wantedItems' asHeader['Authorization'] = tokensJson[federatedDomainFull] catalogJson = getJson(session, url, asHeader, None, debug, __version__, http_prefix, None) if not catalogJson: print('WARN: failed to download shared items catalog for ' + federatedDomainFull) continue catalogFilename = catalogsDir + '/' + federatedDomainFull + '.json' if save_json(catalogJson, catalogFilename): print('Downloaded shared items catalog for ' + federatedDomainFull) sharesJson = _dfcToSharesFormat(catalogJson, base_dir, system_language, http_prefix, domain_full) if sharesJson: sharesFilename = \ catalogsDir + '/' + federatedDomainFull + '.' + \ sharesFileType + '.json' save_json(sharesJson, sharesFilename) print('Converted shares catalog for ' + federatedDomainFull) else: time.sleep(2) def runFederatedSharesWatchdog(project_version: str, httpd) -> None: """This tries to keep the federated shares update thread running even if it dies """ print('Starting federated shares watchdog') federatedSharesOriginal = \ httpd.thrPostSchedule.clone(runFederatedSharesDaemon) httpd.thrFederatedSharesDaemon.start() while True: time.sleep(55) if httpd.thrFederatedSharesDaemon.is_alive(): continue httpd.thrFederatedSharesDaemon.kill() httpd.thrFederatedSharesDaemon = \ federatedSharesOriginal.clone(runFederatedSharesDaemon) httpd.thrFederatedSharesDaemon.start() print('Restarting federated shares daemon...') def _generateNextSharesTokenUpdate(base_dir: str, minDays: int, maxDays: int) -> None: """Creates a file containing the next date when the shared items token for this instance will be updated """ tokenUpdateDir = base_dir + '/accounts' if not os.path.isdir(base_dir): os.mkdir(base_dir) if not os.path.isdir(tokenUpdateDir): os.mkdir(tokenUpdateDir) tokenUpdateFilename = tokenUpdateDir + '/.tokenUpdate' nextUpdateSec = None if os.path.isfile(tokenUpdateFilename): with open(tokenUpdateFilename, 'r') as fp: nextUpdateStr = fp.read() if nextUpdateStr: if nextUpdateStr.isdigit(): nextUpdateSec = int(nextUpdateStr) curr_time = int(time.time()) updated = False if nextUpdateSec: if curr_time > nextUpdateSec: nextUpdateDays = randint(minDays, maxDays) nextUpdateInterval = int(60 * 60 * 24 * nextUpdateDays) nextUpdateSec += nextUpdateInterval updated = True else: nextUpdateDays = randint(minDays, maxDays) nextUpdateInterval = int(60 * 60 * 24 * nextUpdateDays) nextUpdateSec = curr_time + nextUpdateInterval updated = True if updated: with open(tokenUpdateFilename, 'w+') as fp: fp.write(str(nextUpdateSec)) def _regenerateSharesToken(base_dir: str, domain_full: str, minDays: int, maxDays: int, httpd) -> None: """Occasionally the shared items token for your instance is updated. Scenario: - You share items with $FriendlyInstance - Some time later under new management $FriendlyInstance becomes $HostileInstance - You block $HostileInstance and remove them from your federated shares domains list - $HostileInstance still knows your shared items token, and can still have access to your shared items if it presents a spoofed Origin header together with the token By rotating the token occasionally $HostileInstance will eventually lose access to your federated shares. If other instances within your federated shares list of domains continue to follow and communicate then they will receive the new token automatically """ tokenUpdateFilename = base_dir + '/accounts/.tokenUpdate' if not os.path.isfile(tokenUpdateFilename): return nextUpdateSec = None with open(tokenUpdateFilename, 'r') as fp: nextUpdateStr = fp.read() if nextUpdateStr: if nextUpdateStr.isdigit(): nextUpdateSec = int(nextUpdateStr) if not nextUpdateSec: return curr_time = int(time.time()) if curr_time <= nextUpdateSec: return createSharedItemFederationToken(base_dir, domain_full, True, None) _generateNextSharesTokenUpdate(base_dir, minDays, maxDays) # update the tokens used within the daemon shared_fed_domains = httpd.shared_items_federated_domains httpd.sharedItemFederationTokens = \ generateSharedItemFederationTokens(shared_fed_domains, base_dir) def runFederatedSharesDaemon(base_dir: str, httpd, http_prefix: str, domain_full: str, proxy_type: str, debug: bool, system_language: str) -> None: """Runs the daemon used to update federated shared items """ secondsPerHour = 60 * 60 fileCheckIntervalSec = 120 time.sleep(60) # the token for this instance will be changed every 7-14 days minDays = 7 maxDays = 14 _generateNextSharesTokenUpdate(base_dir, minDays, maxDays) while True: shared_items_federated_domainsStr = \ get_config_param(base_dir, 'shared_items_federated_domains') if not shared_items_federated_domainsStr: time.sleep(fileCheckIntervalSec) continue # occasionally change the federated shared items token # for this instance _regenerateSharesToken(base_dir, domain_full, minDays, maxDays, httpd) # get a list of the domains within the shared items federation shared_items_federated_domains = [] fed_domains_list = \ shared_items_federated_domainsStr.split(',') for shared_fed_domain in fed_domains_list: shared_items_federated_domains.append(shared_fed_domain.strip()) if not shared_items_federated_domains: time.sleep(fileCheckIntervalSec) continue # load the tokens tokensFilename = \ base_dir + '/accounts/sharedItemsFederationTokens.json' if not os.path.isfile(tokensFilename): time.sleep(fileCheckIntervalSec) continue tokensJson = load_json(tokensFilename, 1, 2) if not tokensJson: time.sleep(fileCheckIntervalSec) continue session = createSession(proxy_type) for sharesFileType in get_shares_files_list(): _updateFederatedSharesCache(session, shared_items_federated_domains, base_dir, domain_full, http_prefix, tokensJson, debug, system_language, sharesFileType) time.sleep(secondsPerHour * 6) def _dfcToSharesFormat(catalogJson: {}, base_dir: str, system_language: str, http_prefix: str, domain_full: str) -> {}: """Converts DFC format into the internal formal used to store shared items. This simplifies subsequent search and display """ if not catalogJson.get('DFC:supplies'): return {} sharesJson = {} dfcIds = {} productTypesList = get_category_types(base_dir) for productType in productTypesList: dfcIds[productType] = \ _loadDfcIds(base_dir, system_language, productType, http_prefix, domain_full) curr_time = int(time.time()) for item in catalogJson['DFC:supplies']: if not item.get('@id') or \ not item.get('@type') or \ not item.get('DFC:hasType') or \ not item.get('DFC:startDate') or \ not item.get('DFC:expiryDate') or \ not item.get('DFC:quantity') or \ not item.get('DFC:price') or \ not item.get('DFC:description'): continue if ' ' not in item['DFC:price']: continue if ':' not in item['DFC:description']: continue if ':' not in item['DFC:hasType']: continue startTimeSec = date_string_to_seconds(item['DFC:startDate']) if not startTimeSec: continue expiryTimeSec = date_string_to_seconds(item['DFC:expiryDate']) if not expiryTimeSec: continue if expiryTimeSec < curr_time: # has expired continue if item['DFC:hasType'].startswith('epicyon:'): itemType = item['DFC:hasType'].split(':')[1] itemType = itemType.replace('_', ' ') itemCategory = 'non-food' productType = None else: hasType = item['DFC:hasType'].split(':')[1] itemType = None productType = None for prodType in productTypesList: itemType = _getshareTypeFromDfcId(hasType, dfcIds[prodType]) if itemType: productType = prodType break itemCategory = 'food' if not itemType: continue allText = item['DFC:description'] + ' ' + itemType + ' ' + itemCategory if isFilteredGlobally(base_dir, allText): continue dfcId = None if productType: dfcId = dfcIds[productType][itemType] itemID = item['@id'] description = item['DFC:description'].split(':', 1)[1].strip() imageUrl = '' if item.get('DFC:Image'): imageUrl = item['DFC:Image'] sharesJson[itemID] = { "displayName": item['DFC:description'].split(':')[0], "summary": description, "imageUrl": imageUrl, "itemQty": float(item['DFC:quantity']), "dfcId": dfcId, "itemType": itemType, "category": itemCategory, "location": "", "published": startTimeSec, "expire": expiryTimeSec, "itemPrice": item['DFC:price'].split(' ')[0], "itemCurrency": item['DFC:price'].split(' ')[1] } return sharesJson def shareCategoryIcon(category: str) -> str: """Returns unicode icon for the given category """ categoryIcons = { 'accommodation': '🏠', 'clothes': '👚', 'tools': '🔧', 'food': '🍏' } if categoryIcons.get(category): return categoryIcons[category] return ''