__filename__ = "daemon_post_receive.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.5.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@libreserver.org" __status__ = "Production" __module_group__ = "Core POST" import os import time import copy import errno from socket import error as SocketError from shares import add_share from languages import get_understood_languages from languages import set_default_post_language from content import get_price_from_string from content import replace_emoji_from_tags from content import add_html_tags from content import extract_text_fields_in_post from content import extract_media_in_form_post from content import save_media_in_form_post from media import apply_watermark_to_image from media import replace_twitter from media import replace_you_tube from media import process_meta_data from media import convert_image_to_low_bandwidth from media import attach_media from city import get_spoofed_city from flags import is_image_file from flags import is_float from utils import get_instance_url from utils import save_json from utils import remove_post_from_cache from utils import load_json from utils import locate_post from utils import refresh_newswire from utils import get_base_content_from_post from utils import license_link_from_name from utils import get_config_param from utils import acct_dir from posts import create_reading_post from posts import create_question_post from posts import create_report_post from posts import create_direct_message_post from posts import create_followers_only_post from posts import create_unlisted_post from posts import create_blog_post from posts import create_public_post from posts import undo_pinned_post from posts import pin_post2 from inbox import populate_replies from inbox import update_edited_post from daemon_utils import post_to_outbox from webapp_column_right import html_citations from httpheaders import set_headers from httpcodes import write2 from cache import store_person_in_cache from cache import remove_person_from_cache from cache import get_person_from_cache from shares import add_shares_to_actor from person import get_actor_update_json NEW_POST_SUCCESS = 1 NEW_POST_FAILED = -1 NEW_POST_CANCELLED = 2 def _receive_new_post_process_newpost(self, fields: {}, base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, domain_full: str, port: int, city: str, http_prefix: str, person_cache: {}, content_license_url: str, mentions_str: str, comments_enabled: bool, filename: str, attachment_media_type: str, low_bandwidth: bool, translate: {}, buy_url: str, chat_url: str, auto_cw_cache: {}, edited_postid: str, edited_published: str, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_mentions: int, max_emoji: int, allow_local_network_access: bool, debug: bool, system_language: str, signing_priv_key_pem: str, max_recent_posts: int, curr_session, cached_webfingers: {}, allow_deletion: bool, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, peertube_instances: [], theme_name: str, max_like_count: int, cw_lists: {}, dogwhistles: {}, min_images_for_accounts: {}, max_hashtags: int, buy_sites: [], project_version: str, proxy_type: str, max_replies: int, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str) -> int: """ A new post has been received from the New Post screen and is then sent to the outbox """ if not fields.get('pinToProfile'): pin_to_profile = False else: pin_to_profile = True # is the post message empty? if not fields['message']: # remove the pinned content from profile screen undo_pinned_post(base_dir, nickname, domain) return NEW_POST_SUCCESS city = get_spoofed_city(city, base_dir, nickname, domain) conversation_id = None if fields.get('conversationId'): conversation_id = fields['conversationId'] convthread_id = None if fields.get('convthreadId'): convthread_id = fields['convthreadId'] languages_understood = \ get_understood_languages(base_dir, http_prefix, nickname, domain_full, person_cache) media_license_url = content_license_url if fields.get('mediaLicense'): media_license_url = fields['mediaLicense'] if '://' not in media_license_url: media_license_url = \ license_link_from_name(media_license_url) media_creator = '' if fields.get('mediaCreator'): media_creator = fields['mediaCreator'] video_transcript = '' if fields.get('videoTranscript'): video_transcript = fields['videoTranscript'] message_json = \ create_public_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, port, http_prefix, mentions_str + fields['message'], False, False, comments_enabled, filename, attachment_media_type, fields['imageDescription'], video_transcript, city, fields['replyTo'], fields['replyTo'], fields['subject'], fields['schedulePost'], fields['eventDate'], fields['eventTime'], fields['eventEndTime'], fields['location'], False, fields['languagesDropdown'], conversation_id, convthread_id, low_bandwidth, content_license_url, media_license_url, media_creator, languages_understood, translate, buy_url, chat_url, auto_cw_cache) if message_json: if edited_postid: update_edited_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, message_json, edited_published, edited_postid, recent_posts_cache, 'outbox', max_mentions, max_emoji, allow_local_network_access, debug, system_language, http_prefix, domain_full, person_cache, signing_priv_key_pem, max_recent_posts, translate, curr_session, cached_webfingers, port, allow_deletion, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, theme_name, max_like_count, cw_lists, dogwhistles, min_images_for_accounts, max_hashtags, buy_sites, auto_cw_cache, onion_domain, i2p_domain) print('DEBUG: sending edited public post ' + str(message_json)) if fields['schedulePost']: return NEW_POST_SUCCESS if pin_to_profile: sys_language = system_language content_str = \ get_base_content_from_post(message_json, sys_language) pin_post2(base_dir, nickname, domain, content_str) return NEW_POST_SUCCESS if post_to_outbox(self, message_json, project_version, nickname, curr_session, proxy_type): populate_replies(base_dir, http_prefix, domain_full, message_json, max_replies, debug) return NEW_POST_SUCCESS return NEW_POST_FAILED def _receive_new_post_process_newblog(self, fields: {}, citations_button_press: bool, base_dir: str, nickname: str, newswire: {}, theme_name: str, domain: str, domain_full: str, port: int, translate: {}, cookie: str, calling_domain: str, http_prefix: str, person_cache: {}, content_license_url: str, comments_enabled: bool, filename: str, attachment_media_type: str, low_bandwidth: bool, buy_url: str, chat_url: str, project_version: str, curr_session, proxy_type: str, max_replies: int, debug: bool) -> int: """A new blog post has been received from the New Post screen and is then sent to the outbox """ # citations button on newblog screen if citations_button_press: message_json = \ html_citations(base_dir, nickname, domain, translate, newswire, fields['subject'], fields['message'], theme_name) if message_json: message_json = message_json.encode('utf-8') message_json_len = len(message_json) set_headers(self, 'text/html', message_json_len, cookie, calling_domain, False) write2(self, message_json) return NEW_POST_SUCCESS return NEW_POST_FAILED if not fields['subject']: print('WARN: blog posts must have a title') return NEW_POST_FAILED if not fields['message']: print('WARN: blog posts must have content') return NEW_POST_FAILED # submit button on newblog screen save_to_file = False client_to_server = False city = None conversation_id = None if fields.get('conversationId'): conversation_id = fields['conversationId'] convthread_id = None if fields.get('convthreadId'): convthread_id = fields['convthreadId'] languages_understood = \ get_understood_languages(base_dir, http_prefix, nickname, domain_full, person_cache) media_license_url = content_license_url if fields.get('mediaLicense'): media_license_url = fields['mediaLicense'] if '://' not in media_license_url: media_license_url = \ license_link_from_name(media_license_url) media_creator = '' if fields.get('mediaCreator'): media_creator = fields['mediaCreator'] video_transcript = '' if fields.get('videoTranscript'): video_transcript = fields['videoTranscript'] message_json = \ create_blog_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, port, http_prefix, fields['message'], save_to_file, client_to_server, comments_enabled, filename, attachment_media_type, fields['imageDescription'], video_transcript, city, fields['replyTo'], fields['replyTo'], fields['subject'], fields['schedulePost'], fields['eventDate'], fields['eventTime'], fields['eventEndTime'], fields['location'], fields['languagesDropdown'], conversation_id, convthread_id, low_bandwidth, content_license_url, media_license_url, media_creator, languages_understood, translate, buy_url, chat_url) if message_json: if fields['schedulePost']: return NEW_POST_SUCCESS if post_to_outbox(self, message_json, project_version, nickname, curr_session, proxy_type): refresh_newswire(base_dir) populate_replies(base_dir, http_prefix, domain_full, message_json, max_replies, debug) return NEW_POST_SUCCESS return NEW_POST_FAILED def _receive_new_post_process_editblog(self, fields: {}, base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, recent_posts_cache: {}, http_prefix: str, translate: {}, curr_session, debug: bool, system_language: str, port: int, filename: str, city: str, content_license_url: str, attachment_media_type: str, low_bandwidth: bool, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str) -> int: """Edited blog post has been received and is then sent to the outbox """ print('Edited blog post received') post_filename = \ locate_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, fields['postUrl']) if os.path.isfile(post_filename): post_json_object = load_json(post_filename) if post_json_object: cached_filename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + \ '/postcache/' + \ fields['postUrl'].replace('/', '#') + '.html' if os.path.isfile(cached_filename): print('Edited blog post, removing cached html') try: os.remove(cached_filename) except OSError: print('EX: _receive_new_post_process ' + 'unable to delete ' + cached_filename) # remove from memory cache remove_post_from_cache(post_json_object, recent_posts_cache) # change the blog post title post_json_object['object']['summary'] = \ fields['subject'] # format message tags = [] hashtags_dict = {} mentioned_recipients = [] fields['message'] = \ add_html_tags(base_dir, http_prefix, nickname, domain, fields['message'], mentioned_recipients, hashtags_dict, translate, True) # replace emoji with unicode tags = [] for _, tag in hashtags_dict.items(): tags.append(tag) # get list of tags fields['message'] = \ replace_emoji_from_tags(curr_session, base_dir, fields['message'], tags, 'content', debug, True) post_json_object['object']['content'] = \ fields['message'] content_map = post_json_object['object']['contentMap'] content_map[system_language] = \ fields['message'] img_description = '' if fields.get('imageDescription'): img_description = fields['imageDescription'] video_transcript = '' if fields.get('videoTranscript'): video_transcript = fields['videoTranscript'] if filename: city = get_spoofed_city(city, base_dir, nickname, domain) license_url = content_license_url if fields.get('mediaLicense'): license_url = fields['mediaLicense'] if '://' not in license_url: license_url = \ license_link_from_name(license_url) creator = '' if fields.get('mediaCreator'): creator = fields['mediaCreator'] post_json_object['object'] = \ attach_media(base_dir, http_prefix, nickname, domain, port, post_json_object['object'], filename, attachment_media_type, img_description, video_transcript, city, low_bandwidth, license_url, creator, fields['languagesDropdown']) replace_you_tube(post_json_object, yt_replace_domain, system_language) replace_twitter(post_json_object, twitter_replacement_domain, system_language) save_json(post_json_object, post_filename) # also save to the news actor if nickname != 'news': post_filename = \ post_filename.replace('#users#' + nickname + '#', '#users#news#') save_json(post_json_object, post_filename) print('Edited blog post, resaved ' + post_filename) return NEW_POST_SUCCESS print('Edited blog post, unable to load json for ' + post_filename) else: print('Edited blog post not found ' + str(fields['postUrl'])) return NEW_POST_FAILED def _receive_new_post_process_newunlisted(self, fields: {}, city: str, base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, domain_full: str, http_prefix: str, person_cache: {}, content_license_url: str, port: int, mentions_str: str, comments_enabled: bool, filename: str, attachment_media_type: str, low_bandwidth: bool, translate: {}, buy_url: str, chat_url: str, auto_cw_cache: {}, edited_postid: str, edited_published: str, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_mentions: int, max_emoji: int, allow_local_network_access: bool, debug: bool, system_language: str, signing_priv_key_pem: str, max_recent_posts: int, curr_session, cached_webfingers: {}, allow_deletion: bool, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, peertube_instances: [], theme_name: str, max_like_count: int, cw_lists: {}, dogwhistles: {}, min_images_for_accounts: {}, max_hashtags: int, buy_sites: [], project_version: str, proxy_type: str, max_replies: int, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str) -> int: """Unlisted post has been received from New Post screen and is then sent to the outbox """ city = get_spoofed_city(city, base_dir, nickname, domain) save_to_file = False client_to_server = False conversation_id = None if fields.get('conversationId'): conversation_id = fields['conversationId'] convthread_id = None if fields.get('convthreadId'): convthread_id = fields['convthreadId'] languages_understood = \ get_understood_languages(base_dir, http_prefix, nickname, domain_full, person_cache) media_license_url = content_license_url if fields.get('mediaLicense'): media_license_url = fields['mediaLicense'] if '://' not in media_license_url: media_license_url = \ license_link_from_name(media_license_url) media_creator = '' if fields.get('mediaCreator'): media_creator = fields['mediaCreator'] video_transcript = '' if fields.get('videoTranscript'): video_transcript = fields['videoTranscript'] message_json = \ create_unlisted_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, port, http_prefix, mentions_str + fields['message'], save_to_file, client_to_server, comments_enabled, filename, attachment_media_type, fields['imageDescription'], video_transcript, city, fields['replyTo'], fields['replyTo'], fields['subject'], fields['schedulePost'], fields['eventDate'], fields['eventTime'], fields['eventEndTime'], fields['location'], fields['languagesDropdown'], conversation_id, convthread_id, low_bandwidth, content_license_url, media_license_url, media_creator, languages_understood, translate, buy_url, chat_url, auto_cw_cache) if message_json: if edited_postid: update_edited_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, message_json, edited_published, edited_postid, recent_posts_cache, 'outbox', max_mentions, max_emoji, allow_local_network_access, debug, system_language, http_prefix, domain_full, person_cache, signing_priv_key_pem, max_recent_posts, translate, curr_session, cached_webfingers, port, allow_deletion, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, theme_name, max_like_count, cw_lists, dogwhistles, min_images_for_accounts, max_hashtags, buy_sites, auto_cw_cache, onion_domain, i2p_domain) print('DEBUG: sending edited unlisted post ' + str(message_json)) if fields['schedulePost']: return NEW_POST_SUCCESS if post_to_outbox(self, message_json, project_version, nickname, curr_session, proxy_type): populate_replies(base_dir, http_prefix, domain, message_json, max_replies, debug) return NEW_POST_SUCCESS return NEW_POST_FAILED def _receive_new_post_process_newfollowers(self, fields: {}, city: str, base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, domain_full: str, mentions_str: str, http_prefix: str, person_cache: {}, content_license_url: str, port: int, comments_enabled: bool, filename: str, attachment_media_type: str, low_bandwidth: bool, translate: {}, buy_url: str, chat_url: str, auto_cw_cache: {}, edited_postid: str, edited_published: str, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_mentions: int, max_emoji: int, allow_local_network_access: bool, debug: bool, system_language: str, signing_priv_key_pem: str, max_recent_posts: int, curr_session, cached_webfingers: {}, allow_deletion: bool, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, peertube_instances: [], theme_name: str, max_like_count: int, cw_lists: {}, dogwhistles: {}, min_images_for_accounts: {}, max_hashtags: int, buy_sites: [], project_version: str, proxy_type: str, max_replies: int, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str) -> int: """Followers only post has been received from New Post screen and is then sent to the outbox """ city = get_spoofed_city(city, base_dir, nickname, domain) save_to_file = False client_to_server = False conversation_id = None if fields.get('conversationId'): conversation_id = fields['conversationId'] convthread_id = None if fields.get('convthreadId'): convthread_id = fields['convthreadId'] mentions_message = mentions_str + fields['message'] languages_understood = \ get_understood_languages(base_dir, http_prefix, nickname, domain_full, person_cache) media_license_url = content_license_url if fields.get('mediaLicense'): media_license_url = fields['mediaLicense'] if '://' not in media_license_url: media_license_url = \ license_link_from_name(media_license_url) media_creator = '' if fields.get('mediaCreator'): media_creator = fields['mediaCreator'] video_transcript = '' if fields.get('videoTranscript'): video_transcript = fields['videoTranscript'] message_json = \ create_followers_only_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, port, http_prefix, mentions_message, save_to_file, client_to_server, comments_enabled, filename, attachment_media_type, fields['imageDescription'], video_transcript, city, fields['replyTo'], fields['replyTo'], fields['subject'], fields['schedulePost'], fields['eventDate'], fields['eventTime'], fields['eventEndTime'], fields['location'], fields['languagesDropdown'], conversation_id, convthread_id, low_bandwidth, content_license_url, media_license_url, media_creator, languages_understood, translate, buy_url, chat_url, auto_cw_cache) if message_json: if edited_postid: update_edited_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, message_json, edited_published, edited_postid, recent_posts_cache, 'outbox', max_mentions, max_emoji, allow_local_network_access, debug, system_language, http_prefix, domain_full, person_cache, signing_priv_key_pem, max_recent_posts, translate, curr_session, cached_webfingers, port, allow_deletion, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, theme_name, max_like_count, cw_lists, dogwhistles, min_images_for_accounts, max_hashtags, buy_sites, auto_cw_cache, onion_domain, i2p_domain) print('DEBUG: sending edited followers post ' + str(message_json)) if fields['schedulePost']: return NEW_POST_SUCCESS if post_to_outbox(self, message_json, project_version, nickname, curr_session, proxy_type): populate_replies(base_dir, http_prefix, domain, message_json, max_replies, debug) return NEW_POST_SUCCESS return NEW_POST_FAILED def _receive_new_post_process_newdm(self, fields: {}, mentions_str: str, city: str, base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, domain_full: str, http_prefix: str, person_cache: {}, content_license_url: str, port: int, comments_enabled: str, filename: str, attachment_media_type: str, low_bandwidth: bool, dm_license_url: str, translate: {}, buy_url: str, chat_url: str, auto_cw_cache: {}, edited_postid: str, edited_published: str, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_mentions: int, max_emoji: int, allow_local_network_access: bool, debug: bool, system_language: str, signing_priv_key_pem: str, max_recent_posts: int, curr_session, cached_webfingers: {}, allow_deletion: bool, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, peertube_instances: [], theme_name: str, max_like_count: int, cw_lists: {}, dogwhistles: {}, min_images_for_accounts: {}, max_hashtags: int, buy_sites: [], project_version: str, proxy_type: str, max_replies: int, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str) -> int: """Direct message post has been received from New Post screen and is then sent to the outbox """ message_json = None print('A DM was posted') if '@' in mentions_str: city = get_spoofed_city(city, base_dir, nickname, domain) save_to_file = False client_to_server = False conversation_id = None if fields.get('conversationId'): conversation_id = fields['conversationId'] convthread_id = None if fields.get('convthreadId'): convthread_id = fields['convthreadId'] languages_understood = \ get_understood_languages(base_dir, http_prefix, nickname, domain_full, person_cache) reply_is_chat = False if fields.get('replychatmsg'): reply_is_chat = fields['replychatmsg'] media_license_url = content_license_url if fields.get('mediaLicense'): media_license_url = fields['mediaLicense'] if '://' not in media_license_url: media_license_url = \ license_link_from_name(media_license_url) media_creator = '' if fields.get('mediaCreator'): media_creator = fields['mediaCreator'] video_transcript = '' if fields.get('videoTranscript'): video_transcript = fields['videoTranscript'] message_json = \ create_direct_message_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, port, http_prefix, mentions_str + fields['message'], save_to_file, client_to_server, comments_enabled, filename, attachment_media_type, fields['imageDescription'], video_transcript, city, fields['replyTo'], fields['replyTo'], fields['subject'], True, fields['schedulePost'], fields['eventDate'], fields['eventTime'], fields['eventEndTime'], fields['location'], fields['languagesDropdown'], conversation_id, convthread_id, low_bandwidth, dm_license_url, media_license_url, media_creator, languages_understood, reply_is_chat, translate, buy_url, chat_url, auto_cw_cache) if message_json: print('DEBUG: posting DM edited_postid ' + str(edited_postid)) if edited_postid: update_edited_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, message_json, edited_published, edited_postid, recent_posts_cache, 'outbox', max_mentions, max_emoji, allow_local_network_access, debug, system_language, http_prefix, domain_full, person_cache, signing_priv_key_pem, max_recent_posts, translate, curr_session, cached_webfingers, port, allow_deletion, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, theme_name, max_like_count, cw_lists, dogwhistles, min_images_for_accounts, max_hashtags, buy_sites, auto_cw_cache, onion_domain, i2p_domain) print('DEBUG: sending edited dm post ' + str(message_json)) if fields['schedulePost']: return NEW_POST_SUCCESS print('Sending new DM to ' + str(message_json['object']['to'])) if post_to_outbox(self, message_json, project_version, nickname, curr_session, proxy_type): populate_replies(base_dir, http_prefix, domain, message_json, max_replies, debug) return NEW_POST_SUCCESS return NEW_POST_FAILED def _receive_new_post_process_newreminder(self, fields: {}, nickname: str, domain: str, domain_full: str, mentions_str: str, city: str, base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, person_cache: {}, port: int, filename: str, attachment_media_type: str, low_bandwidth: bool, dm_license_url: str, translate: {}, buy_url: str, chat_url: str, auto_cw_cache: {}, edited_postid: str, edited_published: str, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_mentions: int, max_emoji: int, allow_local_network_access: bool, debug: bool, system_language: str, signing_priv_key_pem: str, max_recent_posts: int, curr_session, cached_webfingers: {}, allow_deletion: bool, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, peertube_instances: [], theme_name: str, max_like_count: int, cw_lists: {}, dogwhistles: {}, min_images_for_accounts: {}, max_hashtags: int, buy_sites: [], project_version: str, proxy_type: str, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str) -> int: """Reminder post has been received from New Post screen and is then sent to the outbox """ message_json = None handle = nickname + '@' + domain_full print('A reminder was posted for ' + handle) if '@' + handle not in mentions_str: mentions_str = '@' + handle + ' ' + mentions_str city = get_spoofed_city(city, base_dir, nickname, domain) save_to_file = False client_to_server = False comments_enabled = False conversation_id = None convthread_id = None mentions_message = mentions_str + fields['message'] languages_understood = \ get_understood_languages(base_dir, http_prefix, nickname, domain_full, person_cache) media_license_url = '' media_creator = '' if fields.get('mediaCreator'): media_creator = fields['mediaCreator'] video_transcript = '' if fields.get('videoTranscript'): video_transcript = fields['videoTranscript'] message_json = \ create_direct_message_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, port, http_prefix, mentions_message, save_to_file, client_to_server, comments_enabled, filename, attachment_media_type, fields['imageDescription'], video_transcript, city, None, None, fields['subject'], True, fields['schedulePost'], fields['eventDate'], fields['eventTime'], fields['eventEndTime'], fields['location'], fields['languagesDropdown'], conversation_id, convthread_id, low_bandwidth, dm_license_url, media_license_url, media_creator, languages_understood, False, translate, buy_url, chat_url, auto_cw_cache) if message_json: if fields['schedulePost']: return NEW_POST_SUCCESS print('DEBUG: new reminder to ' + str(message_json['object']['to']) + ' ' + str(edited_postid)) if edited_postid: update_edited_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, message_json, edited_published, edited_postid, recent_posts_cache, 'dm', max_mentions, max_emoji, allow_local_network_access, debug, system_language, http_prefix, domain_full, person_cache, signing_priv_key_pem, max_recent_posts, translate, curr_session, cached_webfingers, port, allow_deletion, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, theme_name, max_like_count, cw_lists, dogwhistles, min_images_for_accounts, max_hashtags, buy_sites, auto_cw_cache, onion_domain, i2p_domain) print('DEBUG: sending edited reminder post ' + str(message_json)) if post_to_outbox(self, message_json, project_version, nickname, curr_session, proxy_type): return NEW_POST_SUCCESS return NEW_POST_FAILED def _receive_new_post_process_newreport(self, fields: {}, attachment_media_type: str, city: str, base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, domain_full: str, http_prefix: str, person_cache: {}, content_license_url: str, port: int, mentions_str: str, filename: str, low_bandwidth: bool, debug: bool, translate: {}, auto_cw_cache: {}, project_version: str, curr_session, proxy_type: str) -> int: """Report post has been received from New Post screen and is then sent to the outbox """ if attachment_media_type: if attachment_media_type != 'image': return NEW_POST_FAILED # So as to be sure that this only goes to moderators # and not accounts being reported we disable any # included fediverse addresses by replacing '@' with '-at-' fields['message'] = fields['message'].replace('@', '-at-') city = get_spoofed_city(city, base_dir, nickname, domain) languages_understood = \ get_understood_languages(base_dir, http_prefix, nickname, domain_full, person_cache) media_license_url = content_license_url if fields.get('mediaLicense'): media_license_url = fields['mediaLicense'] if '://' not in media_license_url: media_license_url = \ license_link_from_name(media_license_url) media_creator = '' if fields.get('mediaCreator'): media_creator = fields['mediaCreator'] video_transcript = '' if fields.get('videoTranscript'): video_transcript = fields['videoTranscript'] message_json = \ create_report_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, port, http_prefix, mentions_str + fields['message'], False, False, True, filename, attachment_media_type, fields['imageDescription'], video_transcript, city, debug, fields['subject'], fields['languagesDropdown'], low_bandwidth, content_license_url, media_license_url, media_creator, languages_understood, translate, auto_cw_cache) if message_json: if post_to_outbox(self, message_json, project_version, nickname, curr_session, proxy_type): return NEW_POST_SUCCESS return NEW_POST_FAILED def _receive_new_post_process_newquestion(self, fields: {}, city: str, base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, domain_full: str, http_prefix: str, person_cache: {}, content_license_url: str, port: int, comments_enabled: bool, filename: str, attachment_media_type: str, low_bandwidth: bool, translate: {}, auto_cw_cache: {}, debug: bool, project_version: str, curr_session, proxy_type: str) -> int: """Question/poll post has been received from New Post screen and is then sent to the outbox """ if not fields.get('duration'): return NEW_POST_FAILED if not fields.get('message'): return NEW_POST_FAILED q_options = [] for question_ctr in range(8): if fields.get('questionOption' + str(question_ctr)): q_options.append(fields['questionOption' + str(question_ctr)]) if not q_options: return NEW_POST_FAILED city = get_spoofed_city(city, base_dir, nickname, domain) if isinstance(fields['duration'], str): if len(fields['duration']) > 5: return NEW_POST_FAILED int_duration_days = int(fields['duration']) languages_understood = \ get_understood_languages(base_dir, http_prefix, nickname, domain_full, person_cache) media_license_url = content_license_url if fields.get('mediaLicense'): media_license_url = fields['mediaLicense'] if '://' not in media_license_url: media_license_url = \ license_link_from_name(media_license_url) media_creator = '' if fields.get('mediaCreator'): media_creator = fields['mediaCreator'] video_transcript = '' if fields.get('videoTranscript'): video_transcript = fields['videoTranscript'] message_json = \ create_question_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, port, http_prefix, fields['message'], q_options, False, False, comments_enabled, filename, attachment_media_type, fields['imageDescription'], video_transcript, city, fields['subject'], int_duration_days, fields['languagesDropdown'], low_bandwidth, content_license_url, media_license_url, media_creator, languages_understood, translate, auto_cw_cache) if message_json: if debug: print('DEBUG: new Question') if post_to_outbox(self, message_json, project_version, nickname, curr_session, proxy_type): return NEW_POST_SUCCESS return NEW_POST_FAILED def _receive_new_post_process_newreading(self, fields: {}, post_type: str, content_license_url: str, base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, nickname: str, domain_full: str, person_cache: {}, city: str, domain: str, port: int, mentions_str: str, comments_enabled: bool, filename: str, attachment_media_type: str, low_bandwidth: bool, translate: {}, buy_url: str, chat_url: str, auto_cw_cache: {}, edited_published: str, edited_postid: str, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_mentions: int, max_emoji: int, allow_local_network_access: bool, debug: bool, system_language: str, signing_priv_key_pem: str, max_recent_posts: int, curr_session, cached_webfingers: {}, allow_deletion: bool, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, peertube_instances: [], theme_name: str, max_like_count: int, cw_lists: {}, dogwhistles: {}, min_images_for_accounts: {}, max_hashtags: int, buy_sites: [], project_version: str, proxy_type: str, max_replies: int, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str) -> int: """Reading status post has been received from New Post screen and is then sent to the outbox """ if not fields.get('readingupdatetype'): print(post_type + ' no readingupdatetype') return NEW_POST_FAILED if fields['readingupdatetype'] not in ('readingupdatewant', 'readingupdateread', 'readingupdatefinished', 'readingupdaterating'): print(post_type + ' not recognised ' + fields['readingupdatetype']) return NEW_POST_FAILED if not fields.get('booktitle'): print(post_type + ' no booktitle') return NEW_POST_FAILED if not fields.get('bookurl'): print(post_type + ' no bookurl') return NEW_POST_FAILED book_rating = 0.0 if fields.get('bookrating'): if isinstance(fields['bookrating'], (float, int)): book_rating = fields['bookrating'] media_license_url = content_license_url if fields.get('mediaLicense'): media_license_url = fields['mediaLicense'] if '://' not in media_license_url: media_license_url = \ license_link_from_name(media_license_url) media_creator = '' if fields.get('mediaCreator'): media_creator = fields['mediaCreator'] video_transcript = '' if fields.get('videoTranscript'): video_transcript = fields['videoTranscript'] conversation_id = None convthread_id = None languages_understood = \ get_understood_languages(base_dir, http_prefix, nickname, domain_full, person_cache) city = get_spoofed_city(city, base_dir, nickname, domain) msg_str = fields['readingupdatetype'] # reading status message_json = \ create_reading_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, port, http_prefix, mentions_str, msg_str, fields['booktitle'], fields['bookurl'], book_rating, False, False, comments_enabled, filename, attachment_media_type, fields['imageDescription'], video_transcript, city, None, None, fields['subject'], fields['schedulePost'], fields['eventDate'], fields['eventTime'], fields['eventEndTime'], fields['location'], False, fields['languagesDropdown'], conversation_id, convthread_id, low_bandwidth, content_license_url, media_license_url, media_creator, languages_understood, translate, buy_url, chat_url, auto_cw_cache) if message_json: if edited_postid: update_edited_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, message_json, edited_published, edited_postid, recent_posts_cache, 'outbox', max_mentions, max_emoji, allow_local_network_access, debug, system_language, http_prefix, domain_full, person_cache, signing_priv_key_pem, max_recent_posts, translate, curr_session, cached_webfingers, port, allow_deletion, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, theme_name, max_like_count, cw_lists, dogwhistles, min_images_for_accounts, max_hashtags, buy_sites, auto_cw_cache, onion_domain, i2p_domain) print('DEBUG: sending edited reading status post ' + str(message_json)) if fields['schedulePost']: return NEW_POST_SUCCESS if not fields.get('pinToProfile'): pin_to_profile = False else: pin_to_profile = True if pin_to_profile: sys_language = system_language content_str = \ get_base_content_from_post(message_json, sys_language) pin_post2(base_dir, nickname, domain, content_str) return NEW_POST_SUCCESS if post_to_outbox(self, message_json, project_version, nickname, curr_session, proxy_type): populate_replies(base_dir, http_prefix, domain_full, message_json, max_replies, debug) return NEW_POST_SUCCESS return NEW_POST_FAILED def _receive_new_post_process_newshare(self, fields: {}, post_type: str, attachment_media_type: str, city: str, base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, http_prefix: str, port: int, filename: str, debug: bool, translate: {}, low_bandwidth: bool, content_license_url: str, block_federated: bool, calling_domain: str, domain_full: str, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str, person_cache: {}, max_shares_on_profile: int, project_version: str, curr_session, proxy_type: str) -> int: """Shared/Wanted item post has been received from New Post screen and is then sent to the outbox """ if not fields.get('itemQty'): print(post_type + ' no itemQty') return NEW_POST_FAILED if not fields.get('itemType'): print(post_type + ' no itemType') return NEW_POST_FAILED if 'itemPrice' not in fields: print(post_type + ' no itemPrice') return NEW_POST_FAILED if 'itemCurrency' not in fields: print(post_type + ' no itemCurrency') return NEW_POST_FAILED if not fields.get('category'): print(post_type + ' no category') return NEW_POST_FAILED if not fields.get('duration'): print(post_type + ' no duratio') return NEW_POST_FAILED if attachment_media_type: if attachment_media_type != 'image': print('Attached media is not an image') return NEW_POST_FAILED duration_str = fields['duration'] if duration_str: if ' ' not in duration_str: duration_str = duration_str + ' days' city = get_spoofed_city(city, base_dir, nickname, domain) item_qty = 1 if fields['itemQty']: if is_float(fields['itemQty']): item_qty = float(fields['itemQty']) item_price = "0.00" item_currency = "EUR" if fields['itemPrice']: item_price, item_currency = \ get_price_from_string(fields['itemPrice']) if fields['itemCurrency']: item_currency = fields['itemCurrency'] if post_type == 'newshare': print('Adding shared item') shares_file_type = 'shares' else: print('Adding wanted item') shares_file_type = 'wanted' share_on_profile = False if fields.get('shareOnProfile'): if fields['shareOnProfile'] == 'on': share_on_profile = True add_share(base_dir, http_prefix, nickname, domain, port, fields['subject'], fields['message'], filename, item_qty, fields['itemType'], fields['category'], fields['location'], duration_str, debug, city, item_price, item_currency, fields['languagesDropdown'], translate, shares_file_type, low_bandwidth, content_license_url, share_on_profile, block_federated) if post_type == 'newshare': # add shareOnProfile items to the actor attachments # https://codeberg.org/fediverse/fep/src/branch/main/fep/0837/fep-0837.md actor = \ get_instance_url(calling_domain, http_prefix, domain_full, onion_domain, i2p_domain) + \ '/users/' + nickname actor_json = get_person_from_cache(base_dir, actor, person_cache) if not actor_json: actor_filename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '.json' if os.path.isfile(actor_filename): actor_json = load_json(actor_filename) if actor_json: if add_shares_to_actor(base_dir, nickname, domain, actor_json, max_shares_on_profile): remove_person_from_cache(base_dir, actor, person_cache) store_person_in_cache(base_dir, actor, actor_json, person_cache, True) actor_filename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '.json' save_json(actor_json, actor_filename) # send profile update to followers update_actor_json = \ get_actor_update_json(actor_json) print('Sending actor update ' + 'after change to attached shares: ' + str(update_actor_json)) post_to_outbox(self, update_actor_json, project_version, nickname, curr_session, proxy_type) if filename: if os.path.isfile(filename): try: os.remove(filename) except OSError: print('EX: _receive_new_post_process ' + 'unable to delete ' + filename) self.post_to_nickname = nickname return NEW_POST_SUCCESS def _receive_new_post_process(self, post_type: str, path: str, headers: {}, length: int, post_bytes, boundary: str, calling_domain: str, cookie: str, content_license_url: str, curr_session, proxy_type: str, base_dir: str, debug: bool, max_post_length: int, domain: str, city: str, low_bandwidth: bool, translate: {}, system_language: str, http_prefix: str, domain_full: str, person_cache: {}, port: int, auto_cw_cache: {}, recent_posts_cache: {}, allow_local_network_access: bool, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, signing_priv_key_pem: str, show_published_date_only: bool, min_images_for_accounts: [], peertube_instances: [], max_mentions: int, max_emoji: int, max_recent_posts: int, cached_webfingers: {}, allow_deletion: bool, theme_name: str, max_like_count: int, cw_lists: {}, dogwhistles: {}, max_hashtags: int, buy_sites: [], project_version: str, max_replies: int, newswire: {}, dm_license_url: str, block_federated: [], onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str, max_shares_on_profile: int, watermark_width_percent: int, watermark_position: str, watermark_opacity: int) -> int: # Note: this needs to happen synchronously # 0=this is not a new post # 1=new post success # -1=new post failed # 2=new post cancelled if debug: print('DEBUG: receiving POST') if ' boundary=' not in headers['Content-Type']: return NEW_POST_FAILED if debug: print('DEBUG: receiving POST headers ' + headers['Content-Type'] + ' path ' + path) nickname = None nickname_str = path.split('/users/')[1] if '?' in nickname_str: nickname_str = nickname_str.split('?')[0] if '/' in nickname_str: nickname = nickname_str.split('/')[0] else: nickname = nickname_str if debug: print('DEBUG: POST nickname ' + str(nickname)) if not nickname: print('WARN: no nickname found when receiving ' + post_type + ' path ' + path) return NEW_POST_FAILED # get the message id of an edited post edited_postid = None print('DEBUG: edited_postid path ' + path) if '?editid=' in path: edited_postid = path.split('?editid=')[1] if '?' in edited_postid: edited_postid = edited_postid.split('?')[0] print('DEBUG: edited_postid ' + edited_postid) # get the published date of an edited post edited_published = None if '?editpub=' in path: edited_published = path.split('?editpub=')[1] if '?' in edited_published: edited_published = \ edited_published.split('?')[0] print('DEBUG: edited_published ' + edited_published) length = int(headers['Content-Length']) if length > max_post_length: print('POST size too large') return NEW_POST_FAILED boundary = headers['Content-Type'].split('boundary=')[1] if ';' in boundary: boundary = boundary.split(';')[0] # Note: we don't use cgi here because it's due to be deprecated # in Python 3.8/3.10 # Instead we use the multipart mime parser from the email module if debug: print('DEBUG: extracting media from POST') media_bytes, post_bytes = \ extract_media_in_form_post(post_bytes, boundary, 'attachpic') if debug: if media_bytes: print('DEBUG: media was found. ' + str(len(media_bytes)) + ' bytes') else: print('DEBUG: no media was found in POST') # Note: a .temp extension is used here so that at no time is # an image with metadata publicly exposed, even for a few mS filename_base = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/upload.temp' filename, attachment_media_type = \ save_media_in_form_post(media_bytes, debug, filename_base) if debug: if filename: print('DEBUG: POST media filename is ' + filename) else: print('DEBUG: no media filename in POST') if filename: if is_image_file(filename): # convert to low bandwidth if needed if low_bandwidth: print('Converting to low bandwidth ' + filename) convert_image_to_low_bandwidth(filename) apply_watermark_to_image(base_dir, nickname, domain, filename, watermark_width_percent, watermark_position, watermark_opacity) post_image_filename = filename.replace('.temp', '') print('Removing metadata from ' + post_image_filename) city = get_spoofed_city(city, base_dir, nickname, domain) process_meta_data(base_dir, nickname, domain, filename, post_image_filename, city, content_license_url) if os.path.isfile(post_image_filename): print('POST media saved to ' + post_image_filename) else: print('ERROR: POST media could not be saved to ' + post_image_filename) else: if os.path.isfile(filename): new_filename = filename.replace('.temp', '') os.rename(filename, new_filename) filename = new_filename fields = \ extract_text_fields_in_post(post_bytes, boundary, debug, None) if debug: if fields: print('DEBUG: text field extracted from POST ' + str(fields)) else: print('WARN: no text fields could be extracted from POST') # was the citations button pressed on the newblog screen? citations_button_press = False if post_type == 'newblog' and fields.get('submitCitations'): if fields['submitCitations'] == translate['Citations']: citations_button_press = True if not citations_button_press: # process the received text fields from the POST if not fields.get('message') and \ not fields.get('imageDescription') and \ not fields.get('pinToProfile'): print('WARN: no message, image description or pin') return NEW_POST_FAILED submit_text1 = translate['Publish'] submit_text2 = translate['Send'] submit_text3 = submit_text2 custom_submit_text = \ get_config_param(base_dir, 'customSubmitText') if custom_submit_text: submit_text3 = custom_submit_text if fields.get('submitPost'): if fields['submitPost'] != submit_text1 and \ fields['submitPost'] != submit_text2 and \ fields['submitPost'] != submit_text3: print('WARN: no submit field ' + fields['submitPost']) return NEW_POST_FAILED else: print('WARN: no submitPost') return NEW_POST_CANCELLED if not fields.get('imageDescription'): fields['imageDescription'] = None if not fields.get('videoTranscript'): fields['videoTranscript'] = None if not fields.get('subject'): fields['subject'] = None if not fields.get('replyTo'): fields['replyTo'] = None if not fields.get('schedulePost'): fields['schedulePost'] = False else: fields['schedulePost'] = True print('DEBUG: shedulePost ' + str(fields['schedulePost'])) if not fields.get('eventDate'): fields['eventDate'] = None if not fields.get('eventTime'): fields['eventTime'] = None if not fields.get('eventEndTime'): fields['eventEndTime'] = None if not fields.get('location'): fields['location'] = None if not fields.get('languagesDropdown'): fields['languagesDropdown'] = system_language set_default_post_language(base_dir, nickname, domain, fields['languagesDropdown']) self.server.default_post_language[nickname] = \ fields['languagesDropdown'] if not citations_button_press: # Store a file which contains the time in seconds # since epoch when an attempt to post something was made. # This is then used for active monthly users counts last_used_filename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/.lastUsed' try: with open(last_used_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_last: fp_last.write(str(int(time.time()))) except OSError: print('EX: _receive_new_post_process unable to write ' + last_used_filename) mentions_str = '' if fields.get('mentions'): mentions_str = fields['mentions'].strip() + ' ' if not fields.get('commentsEnabled'): comments_enabled = False else: comments_enabled = True buy_url = '' if fields.get('buyUrl'): buy_url = fields['buyUrl'] chat_url = '' if fields.get('chatUrl'): chat_url = fields['chatUrl'] if post_type == 'newpost': return _receive_new_post_process_newpost( self, fields, base_dir, nickname, domain, domain_full, port, city, http_prefix, person_cache, content_license_url, mentions_str, comments_enabled, filename, attachment_media_type, low_bandwidth, translate, buy_url, chat_url, auto_cw_cache, edited_postid, edited_published, recent_posts_cache, max_mentions, max_emoji, allow_local_network_access, debug, system_language, signing_priv_key_pem, max_recent_posts, curr_session, cached_webfingers, allow_deletion, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, theme_name, max_like_count, cw_lists, dogwhistles, min_images_for_accounts, max_hashtags, buy_sites, project_version, proxy_type, max_replies, onion_domain, i2p_domain) if post_type == 'newblog': return _receive_new_post_process_newblog( self, fields, citations_button_press, base_dir, nickname, newswire, theme_name, domain, domain_full, port, translate, cookie, calling_domain, http_prefix, person_cache, content_license_url, comments_enabled, filename, attachment_media_type, low_bandwidth, buy_url, chat_url, project_version, curr_session, proxy_type, max_replies, debug) if post_type == 'editblogpost': return _receive_new_post_process_editblog( self, fields, base_dir, nickname, domain, recent_posts_cache, http_prefix, translate, curr_session, debug, system_language, port, filename, city, content_license_url, attachment_media_type, low_bandwidth, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain) if post_type == 'newunlisted': return _receive_new_post_process_newunlisted( self, fields, city, base_dir, nickname, domain, domain_full, http_prefix, person_cache, content_license_url, port, mentions_str, comments_enabled, filename, attachment_media_type, low_bandwidth, translate, buy_url, chat_url, auto_cw_cache, edited_postid, edited_published, recent_posts_cache, max_mentions, max_emoji, allow_local_network_access, debug, system_language, signing_priv_key_pem, max_recent_posts, curr_session, cached_webfingers, allow_deletion, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, theme_name, max_like_count, cw_lists, dogwhistles, min_images_for_accounts, max_hashtags, buy_sites, project_version, proxy_type, max_replies, onion_domain, i2p_domain) if post_type == 'newfollowers': return _receive_new_post_process_newfollowers( self, fields, city, base_dir, nickname, domain, domain_full, mentions_str, http_prefix, person_cache, content_license_url, port, comments_enabled, filename, attachment_media_type, low_bandwidth, translate, buy_url, chat_url, auto_cw_cache, edited_postid, edited_published, recent_posts_cache, max_mentions, max_emoji, allow_local_network_access, debug, system_language, signing_priv_key_pem, max_recent_posts, curr_session, cached_webfingers, allow_deletion, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, theme_name, max_like_count, cw_lists, dogwhistles, min_images_for_accounts, max_hashtags, buy_sites, project_version, proxy_type, max_replies, onion_domain, i2p_domain) if post_type == 'newdm': return _receive_new_post_process_newdm( self, fields, mentions_str, city, base_dir, nickname, domain, domain_full, http_prefix, person_cache, content_license_url, port, comments_enabled, filename, attachment_media_type, low_bandwidth, dm_license_url, translate, buy_url, chat_url, auto_cw_cache, edited_postid, edited_published, recent_posts_cache, max_mentions, max_emoji, allow_local_network_access, debug, system_language, signing_priv_key_pem, max_recent_posts, curr_session, cached_webfingers, allow_deletion, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, theme_name, max_like_count, cw_lists, dogwhistles, min_images_for_accounts, max_hashtags, buy_sites, project_version, proxy_type, max_replies, onion_domain, i2p_domain) if post_type == 'newreminder': return _receive_new_post_process_newreminder( self, fields, nickname, domain, domain_full, mentions_str, city, base_dir, http_prefix, person_cache, port, filename, attachment_media_type, low_bandwidth, dm_license_url, translate, buy_url, chat_url, auto_cw_cache, edited_postid, edited_published, recent_posts_cache, max_mentions, max_emoji, allow_local_network_access, debug, system_language, signing_priv_key_pem, max_recent_posts, curr_session, cached_webfingers, allow_deletion, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, theme_name, max_like_count, cw_lists, dogwhistles, min_images_for_accounts, max_hashtags, buy_sites, project_version, proxy_type, onion_domain, i2p_domain) if post_type == 'newreport': return _receive_new_post_process_newreport( self, fields, attachment_media_type, city, base_dir, nickname, domain, domain_full, http_prefix, person_cache, content_license_url, port, mentions_str, filename, low_bandwidth, debug, translate, auto_cw_cache, project_version, curr_session, proxy_type) if post_type == 'newquestion': return _receive_new_post_process_newquestion( self, fields, city, base_dir, nickname, domain, domain_full, http_prefix, person_cache, content_license_url, port, comments_enabled, filename, attachment_media_type, low_bandwidth, translate, auto_cw_cache, debug, project_version, curr_session, proxy_type) if post_type == 'newreadingstatus': return _receive_new_post_process_newreading( self, fields, post_type, content_license_url, base_dir, http_prefix, nickname, domain_full, person_cache, city, domain, port, mentions_str, comments_enabled, filename, attachment_media_type, low_bandwidth, translate, buy_url, chat_url, auto_cw_cache, edited_published, edited_postid, recent_posts_cache, max_mentions, max_emoji, allow_local_network_access, debug, system_language, signing_priv_key_pem, max_recent_posts, curr_session, cached_webfingers, allow_deletion, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, theme_name, max_like_count, cw_lists, dogwhistles, min_images_for_accounts, max_hashtags, buy_sites, project_version, proxy_type, max_replies, onion_domain, i2p_domain) if post_type in ('newshare', 'newwanted'): return _receive_new_post_process_newshare( self, fields, post_type, attachment_media_type, city, base_dir, nickname, domain, http_prefix, port, filename, debug, translate, low_bandwidth, content_license_url, block_federated, calling_domain, domain_full, onion_domain, i2p_domain, person_cache, max_shares_on_profile, project_version, curr_session, proxy_type) return NEW_POST_FAILED def receive_new_post(self, post_type, path: str, calling_domain: str, cookie: str, content_license_url: str, curr_session, proxy_type: str, base_dir: str, debug: bool, max_post_length: int, domain: str, city: str, low_bandwidth: bool, translate: {}, system_language: str, http_prefix: str, domain_full: str, person_cache: {}, port: int, auto_cw_cache: {}, recent_posts_cache: {}, allow_local_network_access: bool, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, signing_priv_key_pem: str, show_published_date_only: bool, min_images_for_accounts: [], peertube_instances: [], max_mentions: int, max_emoji: int, max_recent_posts: int, cached_webfingers: {}, allow_deletion: bool, theme_name: str, max_like_count: int, cw_lists: {}, dogwhistles: {}, max_hashtags: int, buy_sites: [], project_version: str, max_replies: int, newswire: {}, dm_license_url: str, block_federated: [], onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str, max_shares_on_profile: int, watermark_width_percent: int, watermark_position: str, watermark_opacity: int) -> int: """A new post has been created This creates a thread to send the new post """ page_number = 1 original_path = path if '/users/' not in path: print('Not receiving new post for ' + path + ' because /users/ not in path') return None if '?' + post_type + '?' not in path: print('Not receiving new post for ' + path + ' because ?' + post_type + '? not in path') return None print('New post begins: ' + post_type + ' ' + path) if '?page=' in path: page_number_str = path.split('?page=')[1] if '?' in page_number_str: page_number_str = page_number_str.split('?')[0] if '#' in page_number_str: page_number_str = page_number_str.split('#')[0] if len(page_number_str) > 5: page_number_str = "1" if page_number_str.isdigit(): page_number = int(page_number_str) path = path.split('?page=')[0] # get the username who posted new_post_thread_name = None if '/users/' in path: new_post_thread_name = path.split('/users/')[1] if '/' in new_post_thread_name: new_post_thread_name = new_post_thread_name.split('/')[0] if not new_post_thread_name: new_post_thread_name = '*' if self.server.new_post_thread.get(new_post_thread_name): print('Waiting for previous new post thread to end') wait_ctr = 0 np_thread = self.server.new_post_thread[new_post_thread_name] while np_thread.is_alive() and wait_ctr < 8: time.sleep(1) wait_ctr += 1 if wait_ctr >= 8: print('Killing previous new post thread for ' + new_post_thread_name) np_thread.kill() # make a copy of self.headers headers = copy.deepcopy(self.headers) headers_without_cookie = copy.deepcopy(headers) if 'cookie' in headers_without_cookie: del headers_without_cookie['cookie'] if 'Cookie' in headers_without_cookie: del headers_without_cookie['Cookie'] print('New post headers: ' + str(headers_without_cookie)) length = int(headers['Content-Length']) if length > max_post_length: print('POST size too large') return None if not headers.get('Content-Type'): if headers.get('Content-type'): headers['Content-Type'] = headers['Content-type'] elif headers.get('content-type'): headers['Content-Type'] = headers['content-type'] if headers.get('Content-Type'): if ' boundary=' in headers['Content-Type']: boundary = headers['Content-Type'].split('boundary=')[1] if ';' in boundary: boundary = boundary.split(';')[0] try: post_bytes = self.rfile.read(length) except SocketError as ex: if ex.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('WARN: POST post_bytes ' + 'connection reset by peer') else: print('WARN: POST post_bytes socket error') return None except ValueError as ex: print('EX: POST post_bytes rfile.read failed, ' + str(ex)) return None # second length check from the bytes received # since Content-Length could be untruthful length = len(post_bytes) if length > max_post_length: print('POST size too large') return None # Note sending new posts needs to be synchronous, # otherwise any attachments can get mangled if # other events happen during their decoding print('Creating new post from: ' + new_post_thread_name) retval = \ _receive_new_post_process(self, post_type, original_path, headers, length, post_bytes, boundary, calling_domain, cookie, content_license_url, curr_session, proxy_type, base_dir, debug, max_post_length, domain, city, low_bandwidth, translate, system_language, http_prefix, domain_full, person_cache, port, auto_cw_cache, recent_posts_cache, allow_local_network_access, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, signing_priv_key_pem, show_published_date_only, min_images_for_accounts, peertube_instances, max_mentions, max_emoji, max_recent_posts, cached_webfingers, allow_deletion, theme_name, max_like_count, cw_lists, dogwhistles, max_hashtags, buy_sites, project_version, max_replies, newswire, dm_license_url, block_federated, onion_domain, i2p_domain, max_shares_on_profile, watermark_width_percent, watermark_position, watermark_opacity) if debug: print('DEBUG: _receive_new_post_process returned ' + str(retval)) return page_number