__filename__ = "daemon_post_person_options.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.5.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@libreserver.org" __status__ = "Production" __module_group__ = "Core POST" import os import errno import urllib.parse from socket import error as SocketError from utils import get_nickname_from_actor from httpcodes import write2 from httpcodes import http_404 from httpheaders import login_headers from httpheaders import redirect_headers from httpheaders import set_headers from utils import refresh_newswire from utils import acct_dir from utils import get_config_param from utils import get_domain_from_actor from utils import get_full_domain from utils import remove_eol from session import establish_session from webapp_profile import html_profile_after_search from petnames import set_pet_name from person import person_snooze from person import person_unsnooze from person import set_person_notes from followingCalendar import add_person_to_calendar from followingCalendar import remove_person_from_calendar from webapp_person_options import person_minimize_images from webapp_person_options import person_undo_minimize_images from webapp_confirm import html_confirm_block from webapp_confirm import html_confirm_unblock from webapp_confirm import html_confirm_follow from webapp_confirm import html_confirm_unfollow from webapp_create_post import html_new_post from webapp_moderation import html_account_info from languages import get_understood_languages from blocking import allowed_announce_add from blocking import allowed_announce_remove from blocking import blocked_quote_toots_add from blocking import blocked_quote_toots_remove from notifyOnPost import add_notify_on_post from notifyOnPost import remove_notify_on_post from posts import is_moderator def _person_options_page_number(options_confirm_params: str) -> int: """Get the page number """ page_number = 1 if 'pageNumber=' in options_confirm_params: page_number_str = options_confirm_params.split('pageNumber=')[1] if '&' in page_number_str: page_number_str = page_number_str.split('&')[0] if len(page_number_str) < 5: if page_number_str.isdigit(): page_number = int(page_number_str) return page_number def _person_options_actor(options_confirm_params: str) -> str: """Get the actor """ options_actor = options_confirm_params.split('actor=')[1] if '&' in options_actor: options_actor = options_actor.split('&')[0] return options_actor def _person_options_moved_to(options_confirm_params: str) -> str: """actor for movedTo """ options_actor_moved = None if 'movedToActor=' in options_confirm_params: options_actor_moved = \ options_confirm_params.split('movedToActor=')[1] if '&' in options_actor_moved: options_actor_moved = options_actor_moved.split('&')[0] return options_actor_moved def _person_options_avatar_url(options_confirm_params: str) -> str: """url of the avatar """ options_avatar_url = options_confirm_params.split('avatarUrl=')[1] if '&' in options_avatar_url: options_avatar_url = options_avatar_url.split('&')[0] return options_avatar_url def _person_options_post_url(options_confirm_params: str) -> str: """link to a post, which can then be included in reports """ post_url = None if 'postUrl' in options_confirm_params: post_url = options_confirm_params.split('postUrl=')[1] if '&' in post_url: post_url = post_url.split('&')[0] return post_url def _person_options_petname(options_confirm_params: str) -> str: """petname for this person """ petname = None if 'optionpetname' in options_confirm_params: petname = options_confirm_params.split('optionpetname=')[1] if '&' in petname: petname = petname.split('&')[0] # Limit the length of the petname if len(petname) > 20 or \ ' ' in petname or '/' in petname or \ '?' in petname or '#' in petname: petname = None return petname def _person_option_receive_petname(self, options_confirm_params: str, petname: str, debug: bool, options_nickname: str, options_domain_full: str, base_dir: str, chooser_nickname: str, domain: str, users_path: str, default_timeline: str, page_number: int, cookie: str, calling_domain: str) -> bool: """person options screen, petname submit button See html_person_options """ if '&submitPetname=' in options_confirm_params and petname: if debug: print('Change petname to ' + petname) handle = options_nickname + '@' + options_domain_full set_pet_name(base_dir, chooser_nickname, domain, handle, petname) users_path_str = \ users_path + '/' + default_timeline + \ '?page=' + str(page_number) redirect_headers(self, users_path_str, cookie, calling_domain, 303) self.server.postreq_busy = False return True return False def _person_options_notes(options_confirm_params: str) -> str: """notes about this person """ person_notes = None if 'optionnotes' in options_confirm_params: person_notes = options_confirm_params.split('optionnotes=')[1] if '&' in person_notes: person_notes = person_notes.split('&')[0] person_notes = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(person_notes.strip()) # Limit the length of the notes if len(person_notes) > 64000: person_notes = None return person_notes def _person_options_receive_notes(self, options_confirm_params: str, debug: bool, options_nickname: str, options_domain_full: str, person_notes: str, base_dir: str, chooser_nickname: str, domain: str, users_path: str, default_timeline: str, page_number: int, cookie: str, calling_domain: str) -> bool: """Person options screen, person notes submit button See html_person_options """ if '&submitPersonNotes=' in options_confirm_params: if debug: print('Change person notes') handle = options_nickname + '@' + options_domain_full if not person_notes: person_notes = '' set_person_notes(base_dir, chooser_nickname, domain, handle, person_notes) users_path_str = \ users_path + '/' + default_timeline + \ '?page=' + str(page_number) redirect_headers(self, users_path_str, cookie, calling_domain, 303) self.server.postreq_busy = False return True return False def _person_options_view(self, options_confirm_params: str, debug: bool, options_actor: str, key_shortcuts: {}, chooser_nickname: str, account_timezone: {}, proxy_type: str, bold_reading_nicknames: {}, authorized: bool, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_recent_posts: int, translate: {}, base_dir: str, users_path: str, http_prefix: str, domain: str, port: int, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, project_version: str, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, default_timeline: str, peertube_instances: [], allow_local_network_access: bool, theme_name: str, system_language: str, max_like_count: int, signing_priv_key_pem: str, cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: {}, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str, dogwhistles: {}, min_images_for_accounts: {}, buy_sites: [], max_shares_on_profile: int, no_of_books: int, auto_cw_cache: {}, cookie: str, calling_domain: str, curr_session, access_keys: {}) -> bool: """Person options screen, view button See html_person_options """ if '&submitView=' in options_confirm_params: if debug: print('Viewing ' + options_actor) if key_shortcuts.get(chooser_nickname): access_keys = key_shortcuts[chooser_nickname] timezone = None if account_timezone.get(chooser_nickname): timezone = account_timezone.get(chooser_nickname) profile_handle = remove_eol(options_actor).strip() # establish the session curr_proxy_type = proxy_type if '.onion/' in profile_handle or \ profile_handle.endswith('.onion'): curr_proxy_type = 'tor' curr_session = self.server.session_onion elif ('.i2p/' in profile_handle or profile_handle.endswith('.i2p')): curr_proxy_type = 'i2p' curr_session = self.server.session_i2p curr_session = \ establish_session("handle search", curr_session, curr_proxy_type, self.server) if not curr_session: self.server.postreq_busy = False return True bold_reading = False if bold_reading_nicknames.get(chooser_nickname): bold_reading = True profile_str = \ html_profile_after_search(authorized, recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, translate, base_dir, users_path, http_prefix, chooser_nickname, domain, port, profile_handle, curr_session, cached_webfingers, person_cache, debug, project_version, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, default_timeline, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, theme_name, access_keys, system_language, max_like_count, signing_priv_key_pem, cw_lists, lists_enabled, timezone, onion_domain, i2p_domain, bold_reading, dogwhistles, min_images_for_accounts, buy_sites, max_shares_on_profile, no_of_books, auto_cw_cache) if profile_str: msg = profile_str.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) login_headers(self, 'text/html', msglen, calling_domain) write2(self, msg) self.server.postreq_busy = False return True redirect_headers(self, options_actor, cookie, calling_domain, 303) self.server.postreq_busy = False return True return False def _person_options_on_calendar(self, options_confirm_params: str, base_dir: str, chooser_nickname: str, domain: str, options_nickname: str, options_domain_full: str, users_path: str, default_timeline: str, page_number: int, cookie: str, calling_domain: str) -> bool: """Person options screen, on calendar checkbox See html_person_options """ if '&submitOnCalendar=' in options_confirm_params: on_calendar = None if 'onCalendar=' in options_confirm_params: on_calendar = options_confirm_params.split('onCalendar=')[1] if '&' in on_calendar: on_calendar = on_calendar.split('&')[0] if on_calendar == 'on': add_person_to_calendar(base_dir, chooser_nickname, domain, options_nickname, options_domain_full) else: remove_person_from_calendar(base_dir, chooser_nickname, domain, options_nickname, options_domain_full) users_path_str = \ users_path + '/' + default_timeline + \ '?page=' + str(page_number) redirect_headers(self, users_path_str, cookie, calling_domain, 303) self.server.postreq_busy = False return True return False def _person_options_min_images(self, options_confirm_params: str, base_dir: str, chooser_nickname: str, domain: str, options_nickname: str, options_domain_full: str, users_path: str, default_timeline: str, page_number: int, cookie: str, calling_domain: str) -> bool: """Person options screen, minimize images checkbox See html_person_options """ if '&submitMinimizeImages=' in options_confirm_params: minimize_images = None if 'minimizeImages=' in options_confirm_params: minimize_images = \ options_confirm_params.split('minimizeImages=')[1] if '&' in minimize_images: minimize_images = minimize_images.split('&')[0] if minimize_images == 'on': person_minimize_images(base_dir, chooser_nickname, domain, options_nickname, options_domain_full) else: person_undo_minimize_images(base_dir, chooser_nickname, domain, options_nickname, options_domain_full) users_path_str = \ users_path + '/' + default_timeline + \ '?page=' + str(page_number) redirect_headers(self, users_path_str, cookie, calling_domain, 303) self.server.postreq_busy = False return True return False def _person_options_allow_announce(self, options_confirm_params: str, base_dir: str, chooser_nickname: str, domain: str, options_nickname: str, options_domain_full: str, users_path: str, default_timeline: str, page_number: int, cookie: str, calling_domain: str) -> bool: """Person options screen, allow announces checkbox See html_person_options """ if '&submitAllowAnnounce=' in options_confirm_params: allow_announce = None if 'allowAnnounce=' in options_confirm_params: allow_announce = \ options_confirm_params.split('allowAnnounce=')[1] if '&' in allow_announce: allow_announce = allow_announce.split('&')[0] if allow_announce == 'on': allowed_announce_add(base_dir, chooser_nickname, domain, options_nickname, options_domain_full) else: allowed_announce_remove(base_dir, chooser_nickname, domain, options_nickname, options_domain_full) users_path_str = \ users_path + '/' + default_timeline + \ '?page=' + str(page_number) redirect_headers(self, users_path_str, cookie, calling_domain, 303) self.server.postreq_busy = False return True return False def _person_options_allow_quotes(self, options_confirm_params: str, base_dir: str, chooser_nickname: str, domain: str, options_nickname: str, options_domain_full: str, users_path: str, default_timeline: str, page_number: int, cookie: str, calling_domain: str) -> bool: """Person options screen, allow quote toots checkbox See html_person_options """ if '&submitAllowQuotes=' in options_confirm_params: allow_quote_toots = None if 'allowQuotes=' in options_confirm_params: allow_quote_toots = \ options_confirm_params.split('allowQuotes=')[1] if '&' in allow_quote_toots: allow_quote_toots = allow_quote_toots.split('&')[0] if allow_quote_toots != 'on': blocked_quote_toots_add(base_dir, chooser_nickname, domain, options_nickname, options_domain_full) else: blocked_quote_toots_remove(base_dir, chooser_nickname, domain, options_nickname, options_domain_full) users_path_str = \ users_path + '/' + default_timeline + \ '?page=' + str(page_number) redirect_headers(self, users_path_str, cookie, calling_domain, 303) self.server.postreq_busy = False return True return False def _person_options_notify(self, options_confirm_params: str, base_dir: str, chooser_nickname: str, domain: str, options_nickname: str, options_domain_full: str, users_path: str, default_timeline: str, page_number: int, cookie: str, calling_domain: str) -> bool: """Person options screen, on notify checkbox See html_person_options """ if '&submitNotifyOnPost=' in options_confirm_params: notify = None if 'notifyOnPost=' in options_confirm_params: notify = options_confirm_params.split('notifyOnPost=')[1] if '&' in notify: notify = notify.split('&')[0] if notify == 'on': add_notify_on_post(base_dir, chooser_nickname, domain, options_nickname, options_domain_full) else: remove_notify_on_post(base_dir, chooser_nickname, domain, options_nickname, options_domain_full) users_path_str = \ users_path + '/' + default_timeline + \ '?page=' + str(page_number) redirect_headers(self, users_path_str, cookie, calling_domain, 303) self.server.postreq_busy = False return True return False def _person_options_post_to_news(self, options_confirm_params: str, chooser_nickname: str, base_dir: str, options_nickname: str, options_domain: str, users_path: str, default_timeline: str, page_number: int, cookie: str, calling_domain: str) -> bool: """Person options screen, permission to post to newswire See html_person_options """ if '&submitPostToNews=' in options_confirm_params: admin_nickname = get_config_param(base_dir, 'admin') if (chooser_nickname != options_nickname and (chooser_nickname == admin_nickname or (is_moderator(base_dir, chooser_nickname) and not is_moderator(base_dir, options_nickname)))): posts_to_news = None if 'postsToNews=' in options_confirm_params: posts_to_news = \ options_confirm_params.split('postsToNews=')[1] if '&' in posts_to_news: posts_to_news = posts_to_news.split('&')[0] account_dir = acct_dir(base_dir, options_nickname, options_domain) newswire_blocked_filename = account_dir + '/.nonewswire' if posts_to_news == 'on': if os.path.isfile(newswire_blocked_filename): try: os.remove(newswire_blocked_filename) except OSError: print('EX: _person_options unable to delete ' + newswire_blocked_filename) refresh_newswire(base_dir) else: if os.path.isdir(account_dir): nw_filename = newswire_blocked_filename nw_written = False try: with open(nw_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_no: fp_no.write('\n') nw_written = True except OSError as ex: print('EX: _person_options_post_to_news unable ' + 'to write ' + nw_filename + ' ' + str(ex)) if nw_written: refresh_newswire(base_dir) users_path_str = \ users_path + '/' + default_timeline + \ '?page=' + str(page_number) redirect_headers(self, users_path_str, cookie, calling_domain, 303) self.server.postreq_busy = False return True return False def _person_options_post_to_features(self, options_confirm_params: str, chooser_nickname: str, options_nickname: str, base_dir: str, options_domain: str, users_path: str, default_timeline: str, page_number: int, cookie: str, calling_domain: str) -> bool: """Person options screen, permission to post to featured articles See html_person_options """ if '&submitPostToFeatures=' in options_confirm_params: admin_nickname = get_config_param(base_dir, 'admin') if (chooser_nickname != options_nickname and (chooser_nickname == admin_nickname or (is_moderator(base_dir, chooser_nickname) and not is_moderator(base_dir, options_nickname)))): posts_to_features = None if 'postsToFeatures=' in options_confirm_params: posts_to_features = \ options_confirm_params.split('postsToFeatures=')[1] if '&' in posts_to_features: posts_to_features = posts_to_features.split('&')[0] account_dir = acct_dir(base_dir, options_nickname, options_domain) features_blocked_filename = account_dir + '/.nofeatures' if posts_to_features == 'on': if os.path.isfile(features_blocked_filename): try: os.remove(features_blocked_filename) except OSError: print('EX: _person_options unable to delete ' + features_blocked_filename) refresh_newswire(base_dir) else: if os.path.isdir(account_dir): feat_filename = features_blocked_filename feat_written = False try: with open(feat_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_no: fp_no.write('\n') feat_written = True except OSError as ex: print('EX: _person_options_post_to_features ' + 'unable to write ' + feat_filename + ' ' + str(ex)) if feat_written: refresh_newswire(base_dir) users_path_str = \ users_path + '/' + default_timeline + \ '?page=' + str(page_number) redirect_headers(self, users_path_str, cookie, calling_domain, 303) self.server.postreq_busy = False return True return False def _person_options_mod_news(self, options_confirm_params: str, base_dir: str, chooser_nickname: str, options_nickname: str, options_domain: str, users_path: str, default_timeline: str, page_number: int, cookie: str, calling_domain: str) -> bool: """Person options screen, permission to post to newswire See html_person_options """ if '&submitModNewsPosts=' in options_confirm_params: admin_nickname = get_config_param(base_dir, 'admin') if (chooser_nickname != options_nickname and (chooser_nickname == admin_nickname or (is_moderator(base_dir, chooser_nickname) and not is_moderator(base_dir, options_nickname)))): mod_posts_to_news = None if 'modNewsPosts=' in options_confirm_params: mod_posts_to_news = \ options_confirm_params.split('modNewsPosts=')[1] if '&' in mod_posts_to_news: mod_posts_to_news = mod_posts_to_news.split('&')[0] account_dir = acct_dir(base_dir, options_nickname, options_domain) newswire_mod_filename = account_dir + '/.newswiremoderated' if mod_posts_to_news != 'on': if os.path.isfile(newswire_mod_filename): try: os.remove(newswire_mod_filename) except OSError: print('EX: _person_options unable to delete ' + newswire_mod_filename) else: if os.path.isdir(account_dir): nw_filename = newswire_mod_filename try: with open(nw_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_mod: fp_mod.write('\n') except OSError: print('EX: _person_options_mod_news ' + 'unable to write ' + nw_filename) users_path_str = \ users_path + '/' + default_timeline + \ '?page=' + str(page_number) redirect_headers(self, users_path_str, cookie, calling_domain, 303) self.server.postreq_busy = False return True return False def _person_options_block(self, options_confirm_params: str, debug: bool, options_actor: str, translate: {}, base_dir: str, users_path: str, options_avatar_url: str, cookie: str, calling_domain: str) -> bool: """Person options screen, block button See html_person_options """ if '&submitBlock=' in options_confirm_params: if debug: print('Blocking ' + options_actor) msg = \ html_confirm_block(translate, base_dir, users_path, options_actor, options_avatar_url).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) set_headers(self, 'text/html', msglen, cookie, calling_domain, False) write2(self, msg) self.server.postreq_busy = False return True return False def _person_options_unblock(self, options_confirm_params: str, debug: bool, options_actor: str, translate: {}, base_dir: str, users_path: str, options_avatar_url: str, cookie: str, calling_domain: str) -> bool: """Person options screen, unblock button See html_person_options """ if '&submitUnblock=' in options_confirm_params: if debug: print('Unblocking ' + options_actor) msg = \ html_confirm_unblock(translate, base_dir, users_path, options_actor, options_avatar_url).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) set_headers(self, 'text/html', msglen, cookie, calling_domain, False) write2(self, msg) self.server.postreq_busy = False return True return False def _person_options_follow(self, options_confirm_params: str, debug: bool, options_actor: str, translate: {}, base_dir: str, users_path: str, options_avatar_url: str, chooser_nickname: str, domain: str, cookie: str, calling_domain: str) -> bool: """Person options screen, follow button See html_person_options followStr """ if '&submitFollow=' in options_confirm_params or \ '&submitJoin=' in options_confirm_params: if debug: print('Following ' + options_actor) msg = \ html_confirm_follow(translate, base_dir, users_path, options_actor, options_avatar_url, chooser_nickname, domain).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) set_headers(self, 'text/html', msglen, cookie, calling_domain, False) write2(self, msg) self.server.postreq_busy = False return True return False def _person_options_move(self, options_confirm_params: str, options_actor_moved: str, debug: bool, translate: {}, base_dir: str, users_path: str, options_avatar_url: str, chooser_nickname: str, domain: str, cookie: str, calling_domain: str) -> bool: """Person options screen, move button See html_person_options followStr """ if '&submitMove=' in options_confirm_params and options_actor_moved: if debug: print('Moving ' + options_actor_moved) msg = \ html_confirm_follow(translate, base_dir, users_path, options_actor_moved, options_avatar_url, chooser_nickname, domain).encode('utf-8') if msg: msglen = len(msg) set_headers(self, 'text/html', msglen, cookie, calling_domain, False) write2(self, msg) self.server.postreq_busy = False return True return False def _person_options_unfollow(self, options_confirm_params: str, options_actor: str, translate: {}, base_dir: str, users_path: str, options_avatar_url: str, cookie: str, calling_domain: str) -> bool: """Person options screen, unfollow button See html_person_options followStr """ if '&submitUnfollow=' in options_confirm_params or \ '&submitLeave=' in options_confirm_params: print('Unfollowing ' + options_actor) msg = \ html_confirm_unfollow(translate, base_dir, users_path, options_actor, options_avatar_url).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) set_headers(self, 'text/html', msglen, cookie, calling_domain, False) write2(self, msg) self.server.postreq_busy = False return True return False def _person_options_dm(self, options_confirm_params: str, debug: bool, options_actor: str, path: str, key_shortcuts: {}, base_dir: str, bold_reading_nicknames: {}, chooser_nickname: str, http_prefix: str, domain_full: str, person_cache: {}, system_language: str, default_post_language: {}, translate: {}, page_number: int, domain: str, default_timeline: str, newswire: str, theme_name: str, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_recent_posts: int, curr_session, cached_webfingers: {}, port: int, project_version: str, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, peertube_instances: [], allow_local_network_access: bool, max_like_count: int, signing_priv_key_pem: str, cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: {}, dogwhistles: {}, min_images_for_accounts: {}, buy_sites: [], auto_cw_cache: {}, cookie: str, calling_domain: str, access_keys: {}) -> bool: """Person options screen, DM button See html_person_options """ if '&submitDM=' in options_confirm_params: if debug: print('Sending DM to ' + options_actor) report_path = path.replace('/personoptions', '') + '/newdm' if '/users/' in path: nickname = path.split('/users/')[1] if '/' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('/')[0] if key_shortcuts.get(nickname): access_keys = key_shortcuts[nickname] custom_submit_text = get_config_param(base_dir, 'customSubmitText') conversation_id = None convthread_id = None reply_is_chat = False bold_reading = False if bold_reading_nicknames.get(chooser_nickname): bold_reading = True languages_understood = \ get_understood_languages(base_dir, http_prefix, chooser_nickname, domain_full, person_cache) default_post_language2 = system_language if default_post_language.get(nickname): default_post_language2 = default_post_language[nickname] default_buy_site = '' msg = \ html_new_post({}, False, translate, base_dir, http_prefix, report_path, None, [options_actor], None, None, page_number, '', chooser_nickname, domain, domain_full, default_timeline, newswire, theme_name, True, access_keys, custom_submit_text, conversation_id, convthread_id, recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, curr_session, cached_webfingers, person_cache, port, None, project_version, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, system_language, languages_understood, max_like_count, signing_priv_key_pem, cw_lists, lists_enabled, default_timeline, reply_is_chat, bold_reading, dogwhistles, min_images_for_accounts, None, None, default_post_language2, buy_sites, default_buy_site, auto_cw_cache) if msg: msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) set_headers(self, 'text/html', msglen, cookie, calling_domain, False) write2(self, msg) self.server.postreq_busy = False return True return False def _person_options_info(self, options_confirm_params: str, base_dir: str, chooser_nickname: str, debug: bool, options_actor: str, translate: {}, http_prefix: str, domain: str, system_language: str, signing_priv_key_pem: str, block_federated: [], cookie: str, calling_domain: str) -> bool: """Person options screen, Info button See html_person_options """ if '&submitPersonInfo=' in options_confirm_params: if is_moderator(base_dir, chooser_nickname): if debug: print('Showing info for ' + options_actor) msg = \ html_account_info(translate, base_dir, http_prefix, chooser_nickname, domain, options_actor, debug, system_language, signing_priv_key_pem, None, block_federated) if msg: msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) set_headers(self, 'text/html', msglen, cookie, calling_domain, False) write2(self, msg) self.server.postreq_busy = False return True http_404(self, 11) return True return False def _person_options_snooze(self, options_confirm_params: str, path: str, http_prefix: str, domain_full: str, debug: bool, options_actor: str, base_dir: str, domain: str, calling_domain: str, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str, default_timeline: str, page_number: int, cookie: str) -> bool: """Person options screen, snooze button See html_person_options """ if '&submitSnooze=' in options_confirm_params: users_path = path.split('/personoptions')[0] this_actor = http_prefix + '://' + domain_full + users_path if debug: print('Snoozing ' + options_actor + ' ' + this_actor) if '/users/' in this_actor: nickname = this_actor.split('/users/')[1] person_snooze(base_dir, nickname, domain, options_actor) if calling_domain.endswith('.onion') and onion_domain: this_actor = 'http://' + onion_domain + users_path elif (calling_domain.endswith('.i2p') and i2p_domain): this_actor = 'http://' + i2p_domain + users_path actor_path_str = \ this_actor + '/' + default_timeline + \ '?page=' + str(page_number) redirect_headers(self, actor_path_str, cookie, calling_domain, 303) self.server.postreq_busy = False return True return False def _person_options_unsnooze(self, options_confirm_params: str, path: str, http_prefix: str, domain_full: str, debug: bool, options_actor: str, base_dir: str, domain: str, calling_domain: str, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str, default_timeline: str, page_number: int, cookie: str) -> bool: """Person options screen, unsnooze button See html_person_options """ if '&submitUnsnooze=' in options_confirm_params: users_path = path.split('/personoptions')[0] this_actor = http_prefix + '://' + domain_full + users_path if debug: print('Unsnoozing ' + options_actor + ' ' + this_actor) if '/users/' in this_actor: nickname = this_actor.split('/users/')[1] person_unsnooze(base_dir, nickname, domain, options_actor) if calling_domain.endswith('.onion') and onion_domain: this_actor = 'http://' + onion_domain + users_path elif (calling_domain.endswith('.i2p') and i2p_domain): this_actor = 'http://' + i2p_domain + users_path actor_path_str = \ this_actor + '/' + default_timeline + \ '?page=' + str(page_number) redirect_headers(self, actor_path_str, cookie, calling_domain, 303) self.server.postreq_busy = False return True return False def _person_options_report(self, options_confirm_params: str, debug: bool, path: str, options_actor: str, key_shortcuts: {}, base_dir: str, bold_reading_nicknames: {}, chooser_nickname: str, http_prefix: str, domain_full: str, person_cache: {}, system_language: str, default_post_language: {}, translate: {}, post_url: str, page_number: int, domain: str, default_timeline: str, newswire: {}, theme_name: str, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_recent_posts: int, curr_session, cached_webfingers: {}, port: int, project_version: str, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, peertube_instances: [], allow_local_network_access: bool, max_like_count: int, signing_priv_key_pem: str, cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: {}, dogwhistles: {}, min_images_for_accounts: {}, buy_sites: [], auto_cw_cache: {}, cookie: str, calling_domain: str, access_keys: {}) -> bool: """Person options screen, report button See html_person_options """ if '&submitReport=' in options_confirm_params: if debug: print('Reporting ' + options_actor) report_path = \ path.replace('/personoptions', '') + '/newreport' if '/users/' in path: nickname = path.split('/users/')[1] if '/' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('/')[0] if key_shortcuts.get(nickname): access_keys = key_shortcuts[nickname] custom_submit_text = get_config_param(base_dir, 'customSubmitText') conversation_id = None convthread_id = None reply_is_chat = False bold_reading = False if bold_reading_nicknames.get(chooser_nickname): bold_reading = True languages_understood = \ get_understood_languages(base_dir, http_prefix, chooser_nickname, domain_full, person_cache) default_post_language2 = system_language if default_post_language.get(nickname): default_post_language2 = default_post_language[nickname] default_buy_site = '' msg = \ html_new_post({}, False, translate, base_dir, http_prefix, report_path, None, [], None, post_url, page_number, '', chooser_nickname, domain, domain_full, default_timeline, newswire, theme_name, True, access_keys, custom_submit_text, conversation_id, convthread_id, recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, curr_session, cached_webfingers, person_cache, port, None, project_version, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, system_language, languages_understood, max_like_count, signing_priv_key_pem, cw_lists, lists_enabled, default_timeline, reply_is_chat, bold_reading, dogwhistles, min_images_for_accounts, None, None, default_post_language2, buy_sites, default_buy_site, auto_cw_cache) if msg: msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) set_headers(self, 'text/html', msglen, cookie, calling_domain, False) write2(self, msg) self.server.postreq_busy = False return True return False def person_options2(self, path: str, calling_domain: str, cookie: str, base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, domain: str, domain_full: str, port: int, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str, debug: bool, curr_session, authorized: bool, show_published_date_only: bool, allow_local_network_access: bool, access_keys: {}, key_shortcuts: {}, signing_priv_key_pem: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, peertube_instances: [], yt_replace_domain: str, cached_webfingers: {}, recent_posts_cache: {}, account_timezone: {}, proxy_type: str, bold_reading_nicknames: {}, min_images_for_accounts: [], max_shares_on_profile: int, max_recent_posts: int, translate: {}, person_cache: {}, project_version: str, default_timeline: str, theme_name: str, system_language: str, max_like_count: int, cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: {}, dogwhistles: {}, buy_sites: [], no_of_books: int, auto_cw_cache: {}, default_post_language: str, newswire: {}, block_federated: []) -> None: """Receive POST from person options screen """ page_number = 1 users_path = path.split('/personoptions')[0] origin_path_str = http_prefix + '://' + domain_full + users_path chooser_nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(origin_path_str) if not chooser_nickname: if calling_domain.endswith('.onion') and onion_domain: origin_path_str = 'http://' + onion_domain + users_path elif (calling_domain.endswith('.i2p') and i2p_domain): origin_path_str = 'http://' + i2p_domain + users_path print('WARN: unable to find nickname in ' + origin_path_str) redirect_headers(self, origin_path_str, cookie, calling_domain, 303) self.server.postreq_busy = False return length = int(self.headers['Content-length']) try: options_confirm_params = self.rfile.read(length).decode('utf-8') except SocketError as ex: if ex.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('EX: POST options_confirm_params ' + 'connection reset by peer') else: print('EX: POST options_confirm_params socket error') self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.postreq_busy = False return except ValueError as ex: print('EX: ' + 'POST options_confirm_params rfile.read failed, ' + str(ex)) self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.postreq_busy = False return options_confirm_params = \ urllib.parse.unquote_plus(options_confirm_params) page_number = _person_options_page_number(options_confirm_params) options_actor = _person_options_actor(options_confirm_params) options_actor_moved = _person_options_moved_to(options_confirm_params) options_avatar_url = _person_options_avatar_url(options_confirm_params) post_url = _person_options_post_url(options_confirm_params) petname = _person_options_petname(options_confirm_params) person_notes = _person_options_notes(options_confirm_params) # get the nickname options_nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(options_actor) if not options_nickname: if calling_domain.endswith('.onion') and onion_domain: origin_path_str = 'http://' + onion_domain + users_path elif (calling_domain.endswith('.i2p') and i2p_domain): origin_path_str = 'http://' + i2p_domain + users_path print('WARN: unable to find nickname in ' + options_actor) redirect_headers(self, origin_path_str, cookie, calling_domain, 303) self.server.postreq_busy = False return options_domain, options_port = get_domain_from_actor(options_actor) if not options_domain: if calling_domain.endswith('.onion') and onion_domain: origin_path_str = 'http://' + onion_domain + users_path elif (calling_domain.endswith('.i2p') and i2p_domain): origin_path_str = 'http://' + i2p_domain + users_path print('WARN: unable to find domain in ' + options_actor) redirect_headers(self, origin_path_str, cookie, calling_domain, 303) self.server.postreq_busy = False return options_domain_full = get_full_domain(options_domain, options_port) if chooser_nickname == options_nickname and \ options_domain == domain and \ options_port == port: if debug: print('You cannot perform an option action on yourself') if _person_options_view(self, options_confirm_params, debug, options_actor, key_shortcuts, chooser_nickname, account_timezone, proxy_type, bold_reading_nicknames, authorized, recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, translate, base_dir, users_path, http_prefix, domain, port, cached_webfingers, person_cache, project_version, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, default_timeline, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, theme_name, system_language, max_like_count, signing_priv_key_pem, cw_lists, lists_enabled, onion_domain, i2p_domain, dogwhistles, min_images_for_accounts, buy_sites, max_shares_on_profile, no_of_books, auto_cw_cache, cookie, calling_domain, curr_session, access_keys): return if _person_option_receive_petname(self, options_confirm_params, petname, debug, options_nickname, options_domain_full, base_dir, chooser_nickname, domain, users_path, default_timeline, page_number, cookie, calling_domain): return if _person_options_receive_notes(self, options_confirm_params, debug, options_nickname, options_domain_full, person_notes, base_dir, chooser_nickname, domain, users_path, default_timeline, page_number, cookie, calling_domain): return if _person_options_on_calendar(self, options_confirm_params, base_dir, chooser_nickname, domain, options_nickname, options_domain_full, users_path, default_timeline, page_number, cookie, calling_domain): return if _person_options_min_images(self, options_confirm_params, base_dir, chooser_nickname, domain, options_nickname, options_domain_full, users_path, default_timeline, page_number, cookie, calling_domain): return if _person_options_allow_announce(self, options_confirm_params, base_dir, chooser_nickname, domain, options_nickname, options_domain_full, users_path, default_timeline, page_number, cookie, calling_domain): return if _person_options_allow_quotes(self, options_confirm_params, base_dir, chooser_nickname, domain, options_nickname, options_domain_full, users_path, default_timeline, page_number, cookie, calling_domain): return if _person_options_notify(self, options_confirm_params, base_dir, chooser_nickname, domain, options_nickname, options_domain_full, users_path, default_timeline, page_number, cookie, calling_domain): return if _person_options_post_to_news(self, options_confirm_params, chooser_nickname, base_dir, options_nickname, options_domain, users_path, default_timeline, page_number, cookie, calling_domain): return if _person_options_post_to_features(self, options_confirm_params, chooser_nickname, options_nickname, base_dir, options_domain, users_path, default_timeline, page_number, cookie, calling_domain): return if _person_options_mod_news(self, options_confirm_params, base_dir, chooser_nickname, options_nickname, options_domain, users_path, default_timeline, page_number, cookie, calling_domain): return if _person_options_block(self, options_confirm_params, debug, options_actor, translate, base_dir, users_path, options_avatar_url, cookie, calling_domain): return if _person_options_unblock(self, options_confirm_params, debug, options_actor, translate, base_dir, users_path, options_avatar_url, cookie, calling_domain): return if _person_options_follow(self, options_confirm_params, debug, options_actor, translate, base_dir, users_path, options_avatar_url, chooser_nickname, domain, cookie, calling_domain): return if _person_options_move(self, options_confirm_params, options_actor_moved, debug, translate, base_dir, users_path, options_avatar_url, chooser_nickname, domain, cookie, calling_domain): return if _person_options_unfollow(self, options_confirm_params, options_actor, translate, base_dir, users_path, options_avatar_url, cookie, calling_domain): return if _person_options_dm(self, options_confirm_params, debug, options_actor, path, key_shortcuts, base_dir, bold_reading_nicknames, chooser_nickname, http_prefix, domain_full, person_cache, system_language, default_post_language, translate, page_number, domain, default_timeline, newswire, theme_name, recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, curr_session, cached_webfingers, port, project_version, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, max_like_count, signing_priv_key_pem, cw_lists, lists_enabled, dogwhistles, min_images_for_accounts, buy_sites, auto_cw_cache, cookie, calling_domain, access_keys): return if _person_options_info(self, options_confirm_params, base_dir, chooser_nickname, debug, options_actor, translate, http_prefix, domain, system_language, signing_priv_key_pem, block_federated, cookie, calling_domain): return if _person_options_snooze(self, options_confirm_params, path, http_prefix, domain_full, debug, options_actor, base_dir, domain, calling_domain, onion_domain, i2p_domain, default_timeline, page_number, cookie): return if _person_options_unsnooze(self, options_confirm_params, path, http_prefix, domain_full, debug, options_actor, base_dir, domain, calling_domain, onion_domain, i2p_domain, default_timeline, page_number, cookie): return if _person_options_report(self, options_confirm_params, debug, path, options_actor, key_shortcuts, base_dir, bold_reading_nicknames, chooser_nickname, http_prefix, domain_full, person_cache, system_language, default_post_language, translate, post_url, page_number, domain, default_timeline, newswire, theme_name, recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, curr_session, cached_webfingers, port, project_version, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, max_like_count, signing_priv_key_pem, cw_lists, lists_enabled, dogwhistles, min_images_for_accounts, buy_sites, auto_cw_cache, cookie, calling_domain, access_keys): return # redirect back from person options screen if calling_domain.endswith('.onion') and onion_domain: origin_path_str = 'http://' + onion_domain + users_path elif calling_domain.endswith('.i2p') and i2p_domain: origin_path_str = 'http://' + i2p_domain + users_path redirect_headers(self, origin_path_str, cookie, calling_domain, 303) self.server.postreq_busy = False return