#!/bin/bash # # This can be called from a crontab entry to send notifications # when Epicyon events occur # # License # ======= # # Copyright (C) 2020 Bob Mottram <bob@freedombone.net> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. PROJECT_NAME=epicyon epicyonInstallDir=/opt/${PROJECT_NAME} local_domain=$HOSTNAME if [ -f /var/lib/tor/hidden_service_epicyon/hostname ]; then local_domain=$(cat /var/lib/tor/hidden_service_epicyon/hostname) fi function notification_translate_text { text="$1" if ! grep -q '"language":' "${epicyonInstallDir}/config.json"; then echo "$text" return fi language=$(cat "${epicyonInstallDir}/config.json" | awk -F '"language":' '{print $2}' | awk -F '"' '{print $2}') translationsFilename="${epicyonInstallDir}/translations/${language}.json" if [ ! -f "$translationsFilename" ]; then echo "$text" return fi if ! grep -q "\"$text\":" "$translationsFilename"; then echo "$text" return fi grep "\"$text\":" "$translationsFilename" | awk -F '"' '{print $4}' } function kill_sendxmpp_process { # Sometimes the process can get stuck, so ensure that # it gets killed if necessary # shellcheck disable=SC2009 sendxmpp_pid=$(ps ax | grep /usr/bin/sendxmpp | grep -v grep | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}') if [ "$sendxmpp_pid" ]; then kill -9 "$sendxmpp_pid" fi } function matrix_server_message { admin_username="$1" notifications_username="$2" message="$3" MATRIX_DATA_DIR='/var/lib/matrix' homeserver_config="${MATRIX_DATA_DIR}/homeserver.yaml" # shellcheck disable=SC2002 MATRIX_DOMAIN_NAME=$(cat "$homeserver_config" | grep "server_name:" | head -n 1 | awk -F '"' '{print $2}') if [ ! "$MATRIX_DOMAIN_NAME" ]; then return fi # get the curl command and domain to send to curl_command='curl' homebase="https://$MATRIX_DOMAIN_NAME" if [ -f /var/lib/tor/hidden_service_matrix/hostname ]; then curl_command='torsocks curl' homebase="http://$(cat /var/lib/tor/hidden_service_matrix/hostname)" fi # get the token for the matrix admin user MATRIXADMIN="@${admin_username}:$MATRIX_DOMAIN_NAME" MATRIXUSER="@${notifications_username}:$MATRIX_DOMAIN_NAME" cd "$MATRIX_DATA_DIR" || return TOKEN=$(sqlite3 homeserver.db "select token from access_tokens where user_id like '$MATRIXADMIN' order by id desc limit 1;") if [ ! "$TOKEN" ]; then admin_username="${notifications_username}" TOKEN=$(sqlite3 homeserver.db "select token from access_tokens where user_id like '$MATRIXUSER' order by id desc limit 1;") if [ ! "$TOKEN" ]; then echo "No matrix token for $MATRIXADMIN" return fi fi # send server notice MATRIXPOST="${homebase}/_synapse/admin/v1/send_server_notice?access_token=${TOKEN}" MATRIXMESSAGE="{\"user_id\": \"${MATRIXUSER}\",\"content\": { \"msgtype\": \"m.text\",\"body\": \"${message}\" }}" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 ${curl_command} --request POST --silent --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data "${MATRIXMESSAGE}" ${MATRIXPOST} > /dev/null } function sendNotification { USERNAME="$1" SUBJECT="$2" MESSAGE="$3" if [ -d /etc/prosody ]; then if [ -f /usr/bin/sendxmpp ]; then notification_user_password=$(openssl rand -base64 32 | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 30 ; echo -n '') if prosodyctl register "notification" "$local_domain" "$notification_user_password"; then if [[ "$SUBJECT" == *' Tor '* ]]; then MESSAGE="$SUBJECT" fi if [ -f /usr/bin/sendxmpp ]; then kill_sendxmpp_process echo "${MESSAGE}" | /usr/bin/sendxmpp -u notification -p "${notification_user_password}" -j localhost -o ${local_domain} --message-type=headline -n -t -s ${PROJECT_NAME} ${USERNAME}@${local_domain} fi fi prosodyctl deluser "notification@$local_domain" fi fi if [ -d /etc/matrix ]; then matrix_server_message "${USERNAME}" "${USERNAME}" "$MESSAGE" fi } function notifications { # checks if DMs or replies have arrived and sends notifications to users if [ ! -f "$epicyonInstallDir/config.json" ]; then return fi if [ ! -f "${epicyonInstallDir}/config.json" ]; then return fi # shellcheck disable=SC2002 EPICYON_DOMAIN_NAME=$(cat "${epicyonInstallDir}/config.json" | awk -F '"domain":' '{print $2}' | awk -F '"' '{print $2}') for d in ${epicyonInstallDir}/accounts/*/ ; do if [[ "$d" != *'@'* ]]; then continue fi epicyonDir="${d::-1}" USERNAME=$(echo "$epicyonDir" | awk -F '/' '{print $5}' | awk -F '@' '{print $1}') # send notifications for calendar events to XMPP/email users epicyonCalendarfile="$epicyonDir/.newCalendar" if [ -f "$epicyonCalendarfile" ]; then if ! grep -q "##sent##" "$epicyonCalendarfile"; then epicyonCalendarmessage=$(notification_translate_text 'New calendar event') epicyonCalendarfileContent=$(echo "$epicyonCalendarmessage")" "$(cat "$epicyonCalendarfile") if [[ "$epicyonCalendarfileContent" == '/calendar'* ]]; then epicyonCalendarmessage="Epicyon: ${EPICYON_DOMAIN_NAME}/users/${USERNAME}${epicyonCalendarfileContent}" fi sendNotification "$USERNAME" "Epicyon" "$epicyonCalendarmessage" echo "##sent##" >> "$epicyonCalendarfile" chown ${PROJECT_NAME}:${PROJECT_NAME} "$epicyonCalendarfile" fi fi # send notifications for DMs to XMPP/email users epicyonDMfile="$epicyonDir/.newDM" if [ -f "$epicyonDMfile" ]; then if ! grep -q "##sent##" "$epicyonDMfile"; then epicyonDMmessage=$(notification_translate_text 'New direct message') epicyonDMfileContent=$(echo "$epicyonDMmessage")" "$(cat "$epicyonDMfile") if [[ "$epicyonDMfileContent" == *':'* ]]; then epicyonDMmessage="Epicyon: $epicyonDMfileContent" fi sendNotification "$USERNAME" "Epicyon" "$epicyonDMmessage" echo "##sent##" > "$epicyonDMfile" chown ${PROJECT_NAME}:${PROJECT_NAME} "$epicyonDMfile" fi fi # send notifications for replies to XMPP/email users epicyonReplyFile="$epicyonDir/.newReply" if [ -f "$epicyonReplyFile" ]; then if ! grep -q "##sent##" "$epicyonReplyFile"; then epicyonReplyMessage=$(notification_translate_text 'New reply') epicyonReplyFileContent=$(echo "$epicyonReplyMessage")" "$(cat "$epicyonReplyFile") if [[ "$epicyonReplyFileContent" == *':'* ]]; then epicyonReplyMessage="Epicyon: $epicyonReplyFileContent" fi sendNotification "$USERNAME" "Epicyon" "$epicyonReplyMessage" echo "##sent##" > "$epicyonReplyFile" chown ${PROJECT_NAME}:${PROJECT_NAME} "$epicyonReplyFile" fi fi # send notifications for git patches to XMPP/email users epicyonPatchFile="$epicyonDir/.newPatch" if [ -f "$epicyonPatchFile" ]; then if [ -f "${epicyonPatchFile}Content" ]; then if ! grep -q "##sent##" "$epicyonPatchFile"; then epicyonPatchMessage=$(cat "$epicyonPatchFile") if [ "$epicyonPatchMessage" ]; then # notify the member sendNotification "$USERNAME" "Epicyon" "$epicyonPatchMessage" echo "##sent##" > "$epicyonPatchFile" chown ${PROJECT_NAME}:${PROJECT_NAME} "$epicyonPatchFile" # send the patch to them by email cat "${epicyonPatchFile}Content" | mail -s "[Epicyon] $epicyonPatchMessage" "${USERNAME}@${HOSTNAME}" rm "${epicyonPatchFile}Content" fi fi fi fi # send notifications for new shared items to XMPP/email users epicyonShareFile="$epicyonDir/.newShare" if [ -f "$epicyonShareFile" ]; then if ! grep -q "##sent##" "$epicyonShareFile"; then epicyonShareMessage=$(notification_translate_text 'New shared item') epicyonShareFileContent=$(echo "$epicyonShareMessage")" "$(cat "$epicyonShareFile") if [[ "$epicyonShareFileContent" == *':'* ]]; then epicyonShareMessage="Epicyon: $epicyonShareFileContent" fi sendNotification "$USERNAME" "Epicyon" "$epicyonShareMessage" echo "##sent##" > "$epicyonShareFile" chown ${PROJECT_NAME}:${PROJECT_NAME} "$epicyonShareFile" fi fi # send notifications for follow requests to XMPP/email users epicyonFollowFile="$epicyonDir/followrequests.txt" epicyonFollowNotificationsFile="$epicyonDir/follownotifications.txt" if [ -f "$epicyonFollowFile" ]; then if [ -s "$epicyonFollowFile" ]; then epicyonNotify= if [ -f "$epicyonFollowNotificationsFile" ]; then hash1=$(sha256sum "$epicyonFollowFile" | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}') hash2=$(sha256sum "$epicyonFollowNotificationsFile" | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}') if [[ "$hash1" != "$hash2" ]]; then epicyonNotify=1 fi else epicyonNotify=1 fi if [ $epicyonNotify ]; then cp "$epicyonFollowFile" "$epicyonFollowNotificationsFile" chown ${PROJECT_NAME}:${PROJECT_NAME} "$epicyonFollowNotificationsFile" epicyonFollowMessage=$(notification_translate_text "New follow request")" ${EPICYON_DOMAIN_NAME}/users/${USERNAME}" sendNotification "$USERNAME" "Epicyon" "$epicyonFollowMessage" fi fi fi done } notifications