__filename__ = "epicyon.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.2.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@freedombone.net" __status__ = "Production" import os import html import shutil import sys import time import argparse from person import createPerson from person import createGroup from person import setProfileImage from person import removeAccount from person import activateAccount from person import deactivateAccount from skills import setSkillLevel from roles import setRole from webfinger import webfingerHandle from posts import downloadFollowCollection from posts import getPublicPostDomains from posts import getPublicPostDomainsBlocked from posts import sendBlockViaServer from posts import sendUndoBlockViaServer from posts import createPublicPost from posts import deleteAllPosts from posts import archivePosts from posts import sendPostViaServer from posts import getPublicPostsOfPerson from posts import getUserUrl from posts import checkDomains from session import createSession from session import getJson from newswire import getRSS from filters import addFilter from filters import removeFilter from pprint import pprint from daemon import runDaemon from follow import clearFollows from follow import followerOfPerson from follow import sendFollowRequestViaServer from follow import sendUnfollowRequestViaServer from tests import testPostMessageBetweenServers from tests import testFollowBetweenServers from tests import testClientToServer from tests import runAllTests from auth import storeBasicCredentials from auth import createPassword from utils import hasUsersPath from utils import getFullDomain from utils import setConfigParam from utils import getConfigParam from utils import getDomainFromActor from utils import getNicknameFromActor from utils import followPerson from utils import validNickname from utils import getProtocolPrefixes from media import archiveMedia from media import getAttachmentMediaType from delete import sendDeleteViaServer from like import sendLikeViaServer from like import sendUndoLikeViaServer from roles import sendRoleViaServer from skills import sendSkillViaServer from availability import setAvailability from availability import sendAvailabilityViaServer from manualapprove import manualDenyFollowRequest from manualapprove import manualApproveFollowRequest from shares import sendShareViaServer from shares import sendUndoShareViaServer from shares import addShare from theme import setTheme from announce import sendAnnounceViaServer from socnet import instancesGraph from migrate import migrateAccounts from speaker import getSpeakerFromServer from speaker import getSpeakerPitch from speaker import getSpeakerRate from speaker import getSpeakerRange def str2bool(v) -> bool: """Returns true if the given value is a boolean """ if isinstance(v, bool): return v if v.lower() in ('yes', 'true', 't', 'y', '1'): return True elif v.lower() in ('no', 'false', 'f', 'n', '0'): return False else: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Boolean value expected.') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='ActivityPub Server') parser.add_argument('-n', '--nickname', dest='nickname', type=str, default=None, help='Nickname of the account to use') parser.add_argument('--screenreader', dest='screenreader', type=str, default='espeak', help='Name of the screen reader') parser.add_argument('--fol', '--follow', dest='follow', type=str, default=None, help='Handle of account to follow. eg. nickname@domain') parser.add_argument('--unfol', '--unfollow', dest='unfollow', type=str, default=None, help='Handle of account stop following. ' + 'eg. nickname@domain') parser.add_argument('-d', '--domain', dest='domain', type=str, default=None, help='Domain name of the server') parser.add_argument('-o', '--onion', dest='onion', type=str, default=None, help='Onion domain name of the server if ' + 'primarily on clearnet') parser.add_argument('--i2pDomain', dest='i2pDomain', type=str, default=None, help='i2p domain name of the server if ' + 'primarily on clearnet') parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', dest='port', type=int, default=None, help='Port number to run on') parser.add_argument('--postsPerSource', dest='maxNewswirePostsPerSource', type=int, default=4, help='Maximum newswire posts per feed or account') parser.add_argument('--dormantMonths', dest='dormantMonths', type=int, default=3, help='How many months does a followed account need to ' + 'be unseen for before being considered dormant') parser.add_argument('--sendThreadsTimeoutMins', dest='sendThreadsTimeoutMins', type=int, default=30, help='How many minutes before a thread to send out ' + 'posts expires') parser.add_argument('--maxNewswirePosts', dest='maxNewswirePosts', type=int, default=20, help='Maximum newswire posts in the right column') parser.add_argument('--maxFeedSize', dest='maxNewswireFeedSizeKb', type=int, default=10240, help='Maximum newswire rss/atom feed size in K') parser.add_argument('--maxFeedItemSizeKb', dest='maxFeedItemSizeKb', type=int, default=2048, help='Maximum size of an individual rss/atom ' + 'feed item in K') parser.add_argument('--maxMirroredArticles', dest='maxMirroredArticles', type=int, default=100, help='Maximum number of news articles to mirror.' + ' Set to zero for indefinite mirroring.') parser.add_argument('--maxNewsPosts', dest='maxNewsPosts', type=int, default=0, help='Maximum number of news timeline posts to keep. ' + 'Zero for no expiry.') parser.add_argument('--maxFollowers', dest='maxFollowers', type=int, default=2000, help='Maximum number of followers per account. ' + 'Zero for no limit.') parser.add_argument('--followers', dest='followers', type=str, default='', help='Show list of followers for the given actor') parser.add_argument('--postcache', dest='maxRecentPosts', type=int, default=512, help='The maximum number of recent posts to store in RAM') parser.add_argument('--proxy', dest='proxyPort', type=int, default=None, help='Proxy port number to run on') parser.add_argument('--path', dest='baseDir', type=str, default=os.getcwd(), help='Directory in which to store posts') parser.add_argument('--ytdomain', dest='YTReplacementDomain', type=str, default=None, help='Domain used to replace youtube.com') parser.add_argument('--language', dest='language', type=str, default=None, help='Language code, eg. en/fr/de/es') parser.add_argument('-a', '--addaccount', dest='addaccount', type=str, default=None, help='Adds a new account') parser.add_argument('-g', '--addgroup', dest='addgroup', type=str, default=None, help='Adds a new group') parser.add_argument('--activate', dest='activate', type=str, default=None, help='Activate a previously deactivated account') parser.add_argument('--deactivate', dest='deactivate', type=str, default=None, help='Deactivate an account') parser.add_argument('-r', '--rmaccount', dest='rmaccount', type=str, default=None, help='Remove an account') parser.add_argument('--rmgroup', dest='rmgroup', type=str, default=None, help='Remove a group') parser.add_argument('--pass', '--password', dest='password', type=str, default=None, help='Set a password for an account') parser.add_argument('--chpass', '--changepassword', nargs='+', dest='changepassword', help='Change the password for an account') parser.add_argument('--actor', dest='actor', type=str, default=None, help='Show the json actor the given handle') parser.add_argument('--posts', dest='posts', type=str, default=None, help='Show posts for the given handle') parser.add_argument('--postDomains', dest='postDomains', type=str, default=None, help='Show domains referenced in public ' 'posts for the given handle') parser.add_argument('--postDomainsBlocked', dest='postDomainsBlocked', type=str, default=None, help='Show blocked domains referenced in public ' 'posts for the given handle') parser.add_argument('--checkDomains', dest='checkDomains', type=str, default=None, help='Check domains of non-mutual followers for ' 'domains which are globally blocked by this instance') parser.add_argument('--socnet', dest='socnet', type=str, default=None, help='Show dot diagram for social network ' 'of federated instances') parser.add_argument('--postsraw', dest='postsraw', type=str, default=None, help='Show raw json of posts for the given handle') parser.add_argument('--json', dest='json', type=str, default=None, help='Show the json for a given activitypub url') parser.add_argument('--rss', dest='rss', type=str, default=None, help='Show an rss feed for a given url') parser.add_argument('-f', '--federate', nargs='+', dest='federationList', help='Specify federation list separated by spaces') parser.add_argument("--repliesEnabled", "--commentsEnabled", dest='commentsEnabled', type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=True, help="Enable replies to a post") parser.add_argument("--showPublishAsIcon", dest='showPublishAsIcon', type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=True, help="Whether to show newswire publish " + "as an icon or a button") parser.add_argument("--fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader", dest='fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader', type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Whether to show the timeline " + "button header containing inbox and outbox " + "as the full width of the screen") parser.add_argument("--iconsAsButtons", dest='iconsAsButtons', type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Show header icons as buttons") parser.add_argument("--rssIconAtTop", dest='rssIconAtTop', type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=True, help="Whether to show the rss icon at teh top or bottom" + "of the timeline") parser.add_argument("--publishButtonAtTop", dest='publishButtonAtTop', type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Whether to show the publish button at the top of " + "the newswire column") parser.add_argument("--allowLocalNetworkAccess", dest='allowLocalNetworkAccess', type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Whether to allow access to local network " + "addresses. This might be useful when deploying in " + "a mesh network") parser.add_argument("--verifyAllSignatures", dest='verifyAllSignatures', type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Whether to require that all incoming " + "posts have valid jsonld signatures") parser.add_argument("--brochMode", dest='brochMode', type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Enable broch mode") parser.add_argument("--noapproval", type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Allow followers without approval") parser.add_argument("--mediainstance", type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Media Instance - favor media over text") parser.add_argument("--dateonly", type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Only show the date at the bottom of posts") parser.add_argument("--blogsinstance", type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Blogs Instance - favor blogs over microblogging") parser.add_argument("--newsinstance", type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="News Instance - favor news over microblogging") parser.add_argument("--positivevoting", type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="On newswire, whether moderators vote " + "positively for or veto against items") parser.add_argument("--debug", type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Show debug messages") parser.add_argument("--authenticatedFetch", type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Enable authentication on GET requests" + " for json (authenticated fetch)") parser.add_argument("--instanceOnlySkillsSearch", type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Skills searches only return " + "results from this instance") parser.add_argument("--http", type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Use http only") parser.add_argument("--gnunet", type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Use gnunet protocol only") parser.add_argument("--dat", type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Use dat protocol only") parser.add_argument("--hyper", type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Use hypercore protocol only") parser.add_argument("--i2p", type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Use i2p protocol only") parser.add_argument("--tor", type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Route via Tor") parser.add_argument("--migrations", type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Migrate moved accounts") parser.add_argument("--tests", type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Run unit tests") parser.add_argument("--testsnetwork", type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Run network unit tests") parser.add_argument("--testdata", type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Generate some data for testing purposes") parser.add_argument('--icon', '--avatar', dest='avatar', type=str, default=None, help='Set the avatar filename for an account') parser.add_argument('--image', '--background', dest='backgroundImage', type=str, default=None, help='Set the profile background image for an account') parser.add_argument('--archive', dest='archive', type=str, default=None, help='Archive old files to the given directory') parser.add_argument('--archiveweeks', dest='archiveWeeks', type=int, default=4, help='Specify the number of weeks after which ' + 'media will be archived') parser.add_argument('--maxposts', dest='archiveMaxPosts', type=int, default=32000, help='Maximum number of posts in in/outbox') parser.add_argument('--minimumvotes', dest='minimumvotes', type=int, default=1, help='Minimum number of votes to remove or add' + ' a newswire item') parser.add_argument('--votingtime', dest='votingtime', type=int, default=1440, help='Time to vote on newswire items in minutes') parser.add_argument('--message', dest='message', type=str, default=None, help='Message content') parser.add_argument('--delete', dest='delete', type=str, default=None, help='Delete a specified post') parser.add_argument("--allowdeletion", type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Do not allow deletions") parser.add_argument('--repeat', '--announce', dest='announce', type=str, default=None, help='Announce/repeat a url') parser.add_argument('--favorite', '--like', dest='like', type=str, default=None, help='Like a url') parser.add_argument('--undolike', '--unlike', dest='undolike', type=str, default=None, help='Undo a like of a url') parser.add_argument('--sendto', dest='sendto', type=str, default=None, help='Address to send a post to') parser.add_argument('--attach', dest='attach', type=str, default=None, help='File to attach to a post') parser.add_argument('--imagedescription', dest='imageDescription', type=str, default=None, help='Description of an attached image') parser.add_argument('--warning', '--warn', '--cwsubject', '--subject', dest='subject', type=str, default=None, help='Subject of content warning') parser.add_argument('--reply', '--replyto', dest='replyto', type=str, default=None, help='Url of post to reply to') parser.add_argument("--followersonly", type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=True, help="Send to followers only") parser.add_argument("--followerspending", type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Show a list of followers pending") parser.add_argument('--approve', dest='approve', type=str, default=None, help='Approve a follow request') parser.add_argument('--deny', dest='deny', type=str, default=None, help='Deny a follow request') parser.add_argument("-c", "--client", type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Use as an ActivityPub client") parser.add_argument('--maxreplies', dest='maxReplies', type=int, default=64, help='Maximum number of replies to a post') parser.add_argument('--maxMentions', '--hellthread', dest='maxMentions', type=int, default=10, help='Maximum number of mentions within a post') parser.add_argument('--maxEmoji', '--maxemoji', dest='maxEmoji', type=int, default=10, help='Maximum number of emoji within a post') parser.add_argument('--role', dest='role', type=str, default=None, help='Set a role for a person') parser.add_argument('--organization', '--project', dest='project', type=str, default=None, help='Set a project for a person') parser.add_argument('--skill', dest='skill', type=str, default=None, help='Set a skill for a person') parser.add_argument('--level', dest='skillLevelPercent', type=int, default=None, help='Set a skill level for a person as a ' + 'percentage, or zero to remove') parser.add_argument('--status', '--availability', dest='availability', type=str, default=None, help='Set an availability status') parser.add_argument('--speaker', '--tts', dest='speaker', type=str, default=None, help='Announce posts as they arrive at your ' + 'inbox using TTS. --speaker [handle]') parser.add_argument('--block', dest='block', type=str, default=None, help='Block a particular address') parser.add_argument('--unblock', dest='unblock', type=str, default=None, help='Remove a block on a particular address') parser.add_argument('--delegate', dest='delegate', type=str, default=None, help='Address of an account to delegate a role to') parser.add_argument('--undodelegate', '--undelegate', dest='undelegate', type=str, default=None, help='Removes a delegated role for the given address') parser.add_argument('--filter', dest='filterStr', type=str, default=None, help='Adds a word or phrase which if present will ' + 'cause a message to be ignored') parser.add_argument('--unfilter', dest='unfilterStr', type=str, default=None, help='Remove a filter on a particular word or phrase') parser.add_argument('--domainmax', dest='domainMaxPostsPerDay', type=int, default=8640, help='Maximum number of received posts ' + 'from a domain per day') parser.add_argument('--accountmax', dest='accountMaxPostsPerDay', type=int, default=8640, help='Maximum number of received posts ' + 'from an account per day') parser.add_argument('--itemName', dest='itemName', type=str, default=None, help='Name of an item being shared') parser.add_argument('--undoItemName', dest='undoItemName', type=str, default=None, help='Name of an shared item to remove') parser.add_argument('--summary', dest='summary', type=str, default=None, help='Description of an item being shared') parser.add_argument('--itemImage', dest='itemImage', type=str, default=None, help='Filename of an image for an item being shared') parser.add_argument('--itemType', dest='itemType', type=str, default=None, help='Type of item being shared') parser.add_argument('--itemCategory', dest='itemCategory', type=str, default=None, help='Category of item being shared') parser.add_argument('--location', dest='location', type=str, default=None, help='Location/City of item being shared') parser.add_argument('--duration', dest='duration', type=str, default=None, help='Duration for which to share an item') parser.add_argument('--registration', dest='registration', type=str, default=None, help='Whether new registrations are open or closed') parser.add_argument("--nosharedinbox", type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help='Disable shared inbox') parser.add_argument('--maxregistrations', dest='maxRegistrations', type=int, default=None, help='The maximum number of new registrations') parser.add_argument("--resetregistrations", type=str2bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help="Reset the number of remaining registrations") args = parser.parse_args() debug = False if args.debug: debug = True if args.tests: runAllTests() sys.exit() if args.testsnetwork: print('Network Tests') testPostMessageBetweenServers() testFollowBetweenServers() testClientToServer() print('All tests succeeded') sys.exit() httpPrefix = 'https' if args.http or args.i2p: httpPrefix = 'http' elif args.gnunet: httpPrefix = 'gnunet' baseDir = args.baseDir if baseDir.endswith('/'): print("--path option should not end with '/'") sys.exit() if args.posts: if '@' not in args.posts: if '/users/' in args.posts: postsNickname = getNicknameFromActor(args.posts) postsDomain, postsPort = getDomainFromActor(args.posts) args.posts = \ getFullDomain(postsNickname + '@' + postsDomain, postsPort) else: print('Syntax: --posts nickname@domain') sys.exit() if not args.http: args.port = 443 nickname = args.posts.split('@')[0] domain = args.posts.split('@')[1] proxyType = None if args.tor or domain.endswith('.onion'): proxyType = 'tor' if domain.endswith('.onion'): args.port = 80 elif args.i2p or domain.endswith('.i2p'): proxyType = 'i2p' if domain.endswith('.i2p'): args.port = 80 elif args.gnunet: proxyType = 'gnunet' getPublicPostsOfPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, False, True, proxyType, args.port, httpPrefix, debug, __version__) sys.exit() if args.postDomains: if '@' not in args.postDomains: if '/users/' in args.postDomains: postsNickname = getNicknameFromActor(args.postDomains) postsDomain, postsPort = getDomainFromActor(args.postDomains) args.postDomains = \ getFullDomain(postsNickname + '@' + postsDomain, postsPort) else: print('Syntax: --postDomains nickname@domain') sys.exit() if not args.http: args.port = 443 nickname = args.postDomains.split('@')[0] domain = args.postDomains.split('@')[1] proxyType = None if args.tor or domain.endswith('.onion'): proxyType = 'tor' if domain.endswith('.onion'): args.port = 80 elif args.i2p or domain.endswith('.i2p'): proxyType = 'i2p' if domain.endswith('.i2p'): args.port = 80 elif args.gnunet: proxyType = 'gnunet' wordFrequency = {} domainList = [] domainList = getPublicPostDomains(None, baseDir, nickname, domain, proxyType, args.port, httpPrefix, debug, __version__, wordFrequency, domainList) for postDomain in domainList: print(postDomain) sys.exit() if args.postDomainsBlocked: # Domains which were referenced in public posts by a # given handle but which are globally blocked on this instance if '@' not in args.postDomainsBlocked: if '/users/' in args.postDomainsBlocked: postsNickname = getNicknameFromActor(args.postDomainsBlocked) postsDomain, postsPort = \ getDomainFromActor(args.postDomainsBlocked) args.postDomainsBlocked = \ getFullDomain(postsNickname + '@' + postsDomain, postsPort) else: print('Syntax: --postDomainsBlocked nickname@domain') sys.exit() if not args.http: args.port = 443 nickname = args.postDomainsBlocked.split('@')[0] domain = args.postDomainsBlocked.split('@')[1] proxyType = None if args.tor or domain.endswith('.onion'): proxyType = 'tor' if domain.endswith('.onion'): args.port = 80 elif args.i2p or domain.endswith('.i2p'): proxyType = 'i2p' if domain.endswith('.i2p'): args.port = 80 elif args.gnunet: proxyType = 'gnunet' wordFrequency = {} domainList = [] domainList = getPublicPostDomainsBlocked(None, baseDir, nickname, domain, proxyType, args.port, httpPrefix, debug, __version__, wordFrequency, domainList) for postDomain in domainList: print(postDomain) sys.exit() if args.checkDomains: # Domains which were referenced in public posts by a # given handle but which are globally blocked on this instance if '@' not in args.checkDomains: if '/users/' in args.checkDomains: postsNickname = getNicknameFromActor(args.posts) postsDomain, postsPort = getDomainFromActor(args.posts) args.checkDomains = \ getFullDomain(postsNickname + '@' + postsDomain, postsPort) else: print('Syntax: --checkDomains nickname@domain') sys.exit() if not args.http: args.port = 443 nickname = args.checkDomains.split('@')[0] domain = args.checkDomains.split('@')[1] proxyType = None if args.tor or domain.endswith('.onion'): proxyType = 'tor' if domain.endswith('.onion'): args.port = 80 elif args.i2p or domain.endswith('.i2p'): proxyType = 'i2p' if domain.endswith('.i2p'): args.port = 80 elif args.gnunet: proxyType = 'gnunet' maxBlockedDomains = 0 checkDomains(None, baseDir, nickname, domain, proxyType, args.port, httpPrefix, debug, __version__, maxBlockedDomains, False) sys.exit() if args.socnet: if ',' not in args.socnet: print('Syntax: ' '--socnet nick1@domain1,nick2@domain2,nick3@domain3') sys.exit() if not args.http: args.port = 443 proxyType = 'tor' dotGraph = instancesGraph(baseDir, args.socnet, proxyType, args.port, httpPrefix, debug, __version__) try: with open('socnet.dot', 'w+') as fp: fp.write(dotGraph) print('Saved to socnet.dot') except BaseException: pass sys.exit() if args.postsraw: if '@' not in args.postsraw: print('Syntax: --postsraw nickname@domain') sys.exit() if not args.http: args.port = 443 nickname = args.postsraw.split('@')[0] domain = args.postsraw.split('@')[1] proxyType = None if args.tor or domain.endswith('.onion'): proxyType = 'tor' elif args.i2p or domain.endswith('.i2p'): proxyType = 'i2p' elif args.gnunet: proxyType = 'gnunet' getPublicPostsOfPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, False, False, proxyType, args.port, httpPrefix, debug, __version__) sys.exit() if args.json: session = createSession(None) profileStr = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams' asHeader = { 'Accept': 'application/ld+json; profile="' + profileStr + '"' } testJson = getJson(session, args.json, asHeader, None, __version__, httpPrefix, None) pprint(testJson) sys.exit() # create cache for actors if not os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/cache'): os.mkdir(baseDir + '/cache') if not os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/cache/actors'): print('Creating actors cache') os.mkdir(baseDir + '/cache/actors') if not os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/cache/announce'): print('Creating announce cache') os.mkdir(baseDir + '/cache/announce') # set the theme in config.json themeName = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'theme') if not themeName: setConfigParam(baseDir, 'theme', 'default') themeName = 'default' if not args.mediainstance: mediaInstance = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'mediaInstance') if mediaInstance is not None: args.mediainstance = mediaInstance if args.mediainstance: args.blogsinstance = False args.newsinstance = False if not args.newsinstance: newsInstance = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'newsInstance') if newsInstance is not None: args.newsinstance = newsInstance if args.newsinstance: args.blogsinstance = False args.mediainstance = False if not args.blogsinstance: blogsInstance = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'blogsInstance') if blogsInstance is not None: args.blogsinstance = blogsInstance if args.blogsinstance: args.mediainstance = False args.newsinstance = False # set the instance title in config.json title = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'instanceTitle') if not title: setConfigParam(baseDir, 'instanceTitle', 'Epicyon') # set the instance description in config.json descFull = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'instanceDescription') if not descFull: setConfigParam(baseDir, 'instanceDescription', 'Just another ActivityPub server') # set the short instance description in config.json descShort = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'instanceDescriptionShort') if not descShort: setConfigParam(baseDir, 'instanceDescriptionShort', 'Just another ActivityPub server') if args.domain: domain = args.domain setConfigParam(baseDir, 'domain', domain) if args.rss: session = createSession(None) testRSS = getRSS(baseDir, domain, session, args.rss, False, False, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000) pprint(testRSS) sys.exit() if args.onion: if not args.onion.endswith('.onion'): print(args.onion + ' does not look like an onion domain') sys.exit() if '://' in args.onion: args.onion = args.onion.split('://')[1] onionDomain = args.onion setConfigParam(baseDir, 'onion', onionDomain) i2pDomain = None if args.i2pDomain: if not args.i2pDomain.endswith('.i2p'): print(args.i2pDomain + ' does not look like an i2p domain') sys.exit() if '://' in args.i2pDomain: args.onion = args.onion.split('://')[1] i2pDomain = args.i2pDomain setConfigParam(baseDir, 'i2pDomain', i2pDomain) if not args.language: languageCode = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'language') if languageCode: args.language = languageCode # maximum number of new registrations if not args.maxRegistrations: maxRegistrations = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'maxRegistrations') if not maxRegistrations: maxRegistrations = 10 setConfigParam(baseDir, 'maxRegistrations', str(maxRegistrations)) else: maxRegistrations = int(maxRegistrations) else: maxRegistrations = args.maxRegistrations setConfigParam(baseDir, 'maxRegistrations', str(maxRegistrations)) # if this is the initial run then allow new registrations if not getConfigParam(baseDir, 'registration'): setConfigParam(baseDir, 'registration', 'open') setConfigParam(baseDir, 'maxRegistrations', str(maxRegistrations)) setConfigParam(baseDir, 'registrationsRemaining', str(maxRegistrations)) if args.resetregistrations: setConfigParam(baseDir, 'registrationsRemaining', str(maxRegistrations)) print('Number of new registrations reset to ' + str(maxRegistrations)) # whether new registrations are open or closed if args.registration: if args.registration.lower() == 'open': registration = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'registration') if not registration: setConfigParam(baseDir, 'registrationsRemaining', str(maxRegistrations)) else: if registration != 'open': setConfigParam(baseDir, 'registrationsRemaining', str(maxRegistrations)) setConfigParam(baseDir, 'registration', 'open') print('New registrations open') else: setConfigParam(baseDir, 'registration', 'closed') print('New registrations closed') # unique ID for the instance instanceId = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'instanceId') if not instanceId: instanceId = createPassword(32) setConfigParam(baseDir, 'instanceId', instanceId) print('Instance ID: ' + instanceId) # get domain name from configuration configDomain = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'domain') if configDomain: domain = configDomain else: domain = 'localhost' # get onion domain name from configuration configOnionDomain = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'onion') if configOnionDomain: onionDomain = configOnionDomain else: onionDomain = None # get i2p domain name from configuration configi2pDomain = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'i2pDomain') if configi2pDomain: i2pDomain = configi2pDomain else: i2pDomain = None # get port number from configuration configPort = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'port') if configPort: port = configPort else: if domain.endswith('.onion') or \ domain.endswith('.i2p'): port = 80 else: port = 443 configProxyPort = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'proxyPort') if configProxyPort: proxyPort = configProxyPort else: proxyPort = port nickname = None if args.nickname: nickname = nickname federationList = [] if args.federationList: if len(args.federationList) == 1: if not (args.federationList[0].lower() == 'any' or args.federationList[0].lower() == 'all' or args.federationList[0].lower() == '*'): for federationDomain in args.federationList: if '@' in federationDomain: print(federationDomain + ': Federate with domains, not individual accounts') sys.exit() federationList = args.federationList.copy() setConfigParam(baseDir, 'federationList', federationList) else: configFederationList = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'federationList') if configFederationList: federationList = configFederationList proxyType = None if args.tor or domain.endswith('.onion'): proxyType = 'tor' elif args.i2p or domain.endswith('.i2p'): proxyType = 'i2p' elif args.gnunet: proxyType = 'gnunet' if args.approve: if not args.nickname: print('Specify a nickname with the --nickname option') sys.exit() if '@' not in args.approve: print('syntax: --approve nick@domain') sys.exit() session = createSession(proxyType) sendThreads = [] postLog = [] cachedWebfingers = {} personCache = {} manualApproveFollowRequest(session, baseDir, httpPrefix, args.nickname, domain, port, args.approve, federationList, sendThreads, postLog, cachedWebfingers, personCache, debug, __version__) sys.exit() if args.deny: if not args.nickname: print('Specify a nickname with the --nickname option') sys.exit() if '@' not in args.deny: print('syntax: --deny nick@domain') sys.exit() session = createSession(proxyType) sendThreads = [] postLog = [] cachedWebfingers = {} personCache = {} manualDenyFollowRequest(session, baseDir, httpPrefix, args.nickname, domain, port, args.deny, federationList, sendThreads, postLog, cachedWebfingers, personCache, debug, __version__) sys.exit() if args.followerspending: if not args.nickname: print('Specify a nickname with the --nickname option') sys.exit() accountsDir = baseDir + '/accounts/' + args.nickname + '@' + domain approveFollowsFilename = accountsDir + '/followrequests.txt' approveCtr = 0 if os.path.isfile(approveFollowsFilename): with open(approveFollowsFilename, 'r') as approvefile: for approve in approvefile: print(approve.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')) approveCtr += 1 if approveCtr == 0: print('There are no follow requests pending approval.') sys.exit() if args.message: if not args.nickname: print('Specify a nickname with the --nickname option') sys.exit() if not args.password: print('Specify a password with the --password option') sys.exit() session = createSession(proxyType) if not args.sendto: print('Specify an account to sent to: --sendto [nickname@domain]') sys.exit() if '@' not in args.sendto and \ not args.sendto.lower().endswith('public') and \ not args.sendto.lower().endswith('followers'): print('syntax: --sendto [nickname@domain]') print(' --sendto public') print(' --sendto followers') sys.exit() if '@' in args.sendto: toNickname = args.sendto.split('@')[0] toDomain = args.sendto.split('@')[1] toDomain = toDomain.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') toPort = 443 if ':' in toDomain: toPort = toDomain.split(':')[1] toDomain = toDomain.split(':')[0] else: if args.sendto.endswith('followers'): toNickname = None toDomain = 'followers' toPort = port else: toNickname = None toDomain = 'public' toPort = port # ccUrl=httpPrefix+'://'+domain+'/users/'+nickname+'/followers' ccUrl = None sendMessage = args.message followersOnly = args.followersonly clientToServer = args.client attachedImageDescription = args.imageDescription sendThreads = [] postLog = [] personCache = {} cachedWebfingers = {} subject = args.subject attach = args.attach mediaType = None if attach: mediaType = getAttachmentMediaType(attach) replyTo = args.replyto followersOnly = False isArticle = False print('Sending post to ' + args.sendto) sendPostViaServer(__version__, baseDir, session, args.nickname, args.password, domain, port, toNickname, toDomain, toPort, ccUrl, httpPrefix, sendMessage, followersOnly, args.commentsEnabled, attach, mediaType, attachedImageDescription, cachedWebfingers, personCache, isArticle, args.debug, replyTo, replyTo, subject) for i in range(10): # TODO detect send success/fail time.sleep(1) sys.exit() if args.announce: if not args.nickname: print('Specify a nickname with the --nickname option') sys.exit() if not args.password: print('Specify a password with the --password option') sys.exit() session = createSession(proxyType) personCache = {} cachedWebfingers = {} print('Sending announce/repeat of ' + args.announce) sendAnnounceViaServer(baseDir, session, args.nickname, args.password, domain, port, httpPrefix, args.announce, cachedWebfingers, personCache, True, __version__) for i in range(10): # TODO detect send success/fail time.sleep(1) sys.exit() if args.itemName: if not args.password: print('Specify a password with the --password option') sys.exit() if not args.nickname: print('Specify a nickname with the --nickname option') sys.exit() if not args.summary: print('Specify a description for your shared item ' + 'with the --summary option') sys.exit() if not args.itemType: print('Specify a type of shared item with the --itemType option') sys.exit() if not args.itemCategory: print('Specify a category of shared item ' + 'with the --itemCategory option') sys.exit() if not args.location: print('Specify a location or city where theshared ' + 'item resides with the --location option') sys.exit() if not args.duration: print('Specify a duration to share the object ' + 'with the --duration option') sys.exit() session = createSession(proxyType) personCache = {} cachedWebfingers = {} print('Sending shared item: ' + args.itemName) sendShareViaServer(baseDir, session, args.nickname, args.password, domain, port, httpPrefix, args.itemName, args.summary, args.itemImage, args.itemType, args.itemCategory, args.location, args.duration, cachedWebfingers, personCache, debug, __version__) for i in range(10): # TODO detect send success/fail time.sleep(1) sys.exit() if args.undoItemName: if not args.password: print('Specify a password with the --password option') sys.exit() if not args.nickname: print('Specify a nickname with the --nickname option') sys.exit() session = createSession(proxyType) personCache = {} cachedWebfingers = {} print('Sending undo of shared item: ' + args.undoItemName) sendUndoShareViaServer(baseDir, session, args.nickname, args.password, domain, port, httpPrefix, args.undoItemName, cachedWebfingers, personCache, debug, __version__) for i in range(10): # TODO detect send success/fail time.sleep(1) sys.exit() if args.like: if not args.nickname: print('Specify a nickname with the --nickname option') sys.exit() if not args.password: print('Specify a password with the --password option') sys.exit() session = createSession(proxyType) personCache = {} cachedWebfingers = {} print('Sending like of ' + args.like) sendLikeViaServer(baseDir, session, args.nickname, args.password, domain, port, httpPrefix, args.like, cachedWebfingers, personCache, True, __version__) for i in range(10): # TODO detect send success/fail time.sleep(1) sys.exit() if args.undolike: if not args.nickname: print('Specify a nickname with the --nickname option') sys.exit() if not args.password: print('Specify a password with the --password option') sys.exit() session = createSession(proxyType) personCache = {} cachedWebfingers = {} print('Sending undo like of ' + args.undolike) sendUndoLikeViaServer(baseDir, session, args.nickname, args.password, domain, port, httpPrefix, args.undolike, cachedWebfingers, personCache, True, __version__) for i in range(10): # TODO detect send success/fail time.sleep(1) sys.exit() if args.delete: if not args.nickname: print('Specify a nickname with the --nickname option') sys.exit() if not args.password: print('Specify a password with the --password option') sys.exit() session = createSession(proxyType) personCache = {} cachedWebfingers = {} print('Sending delete request of ' + args.delete) sendDeleteViaServer(baseDir, session, args.nickname, args.password, domain, port, httpPrefix, args.delete, cachedWebfingers, personCache, True, __version__) for i in range(10): # TODO detect send success/fail time.sleep(1) sys.exit() if args.follow: # follow via c2s protocol if '.' not in args.follow: print("This doesn't look like a fediverse handle") sys.exit() if not args.nickname: print('Please specify the nickname for the account with --nickname') sys.exit() if not args.password: print('Please specify the password for ' + args.nickname + ' on ' + domain) sys.exit() followNickname = getNicknameFromActor(args.follow) if not followNickname: print('Unable to find nickname in ' + args.follow) sys.exit() followDomain, followPort = getDomainFromActor(args.follow) session = createSession(proxyType) personCache = {} cachedWebfingers = {} followHttpPrefix = httpPrefix if args.follow.startswith('https'): followHttpPrefix = 'https' sendFollowRequestViaServer(baseDir, session, args.nickname, args.password, domain, port, followNickname, followDomain, followPort, httpPrefix, cachedWebfingers, personCache, debug, __version__) for t in range(20): time.sleep(1) # TODO some method to know if it worked print('Ok') sys.exit() if args.unfollow: # unfollow via c2s protocol if '.' not in args.follow: print("This doesn't look like a fediverse handle") sys.exit() if not args.nickname: print('Please specify the nickname for the account with --nickname') sys.exit() if not args.password: print('Please specify the password for '+args.nickname+' on '+domain) sys.exit() followNickname = getNicknameFromActor(args.unfollow) if not followNickname: print('WARN: unable to find nickname in ' + args.unfollow) sys.exit() followDomain, followPort = getDomainFromActor(args.unfollow) session = createSession(proxyType) personCache = {} cachedWebfingers = {} followHttpPrefix = httpPrefix if args.follow.startswith('https'): followHttpPrefix = 'https' sendUnfollowRequestViaServer(baseDir, session, args.nickname, args.password, domain, port, followNickname, followDomain, followPort, httpPrefix, cachedWebfingers, personCache, debug, __version__) for t in range(20): time.sleep(1) # TODO some method to know if it worked print('Ok') sys.exit() nickname = 'admin' if args.domain: domain = args.domain setConfigParam(baseDir, 'domain', domain) if args.port: port = args.port setConfigParam(baseDir, 'port', port) if args.proxyPort: proxyPort = args.proxyPort setConfigParam(baseDir, 'proxyPort', proxyPort) if args.gnunet: httpPrefix = 'gnunet' if args.dat: httpPrefix = 'dat' if args.hyper: httpPrefix = 'hyper' if args.i2p: httpPrefix = 'http' if args.migrations: cachedWebfingers = {} if args.http or domain.endswith('.onion'): httpPrefix = 'http' port = 80 proxyType = 'tor' elif domain.endswith('.i2p'): httpPrefix = 'http' port = 80 proxyType = 'i2p' elif args.gnunet: httpPrefix = 'gnunet' port = 80 proxyType = 'gnunet' else: httpPrefix = 'https' port = 443 session = createSession(proxyType) ctr = migrateAccounts(baseDir, session, httpPrefix, cachedWebfingers, True) if ctr == 0: print('No followed accounts have moved') else: print(str(ctr) + ' followed accounts were migrated') sys.exit() if args.actor: originalActor = args.actor if '/@' in args.actor or \ '/users/' in args.actor or \ args.actor.startswith('http') or \ args.actor.startswith('dat'): # format: https://domain/@nick prefixes = getProtocolPrefixes() for prefix in prefixes: args.actor = args.actor.replace(prefix, '') args.actor = args.actor.replace('/@', '/users/') if not hasUsersPath(args.actor): print('Expected actor format: ' + 'https://domain/@nick or https://domain/users/nick') sys.exit() if '/users/' in args.actor: nickname = args.actor.split('/users/')[1] nickname = nickname.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') domain = args.actor.split('/users/')[0] elif '/profile/' in args.actor: nickname = args.actor.split('/profile/')[1] nickname = nickname.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') domain = args.actor.split('/profile/')[0] elif '/channel/' in args.actor: nickname = args.actor.split('/channel/')[1] nickname = nickname.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') domain = args.actor.split('/channel/')[0] elif '/accounts/' in args.actor: nickname = args.actor.split('/accounts/')[1] nickname = nickname.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') domain = args.actor.split('/accounts/')[0] elif '/u/' in args.actor: nickname = args.actor.split('/u/')[1] nickname = nickname.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') domain = args.actor.split('/u/')[0] else: # format: @nick@domain if '@' not in args.actor: print('Syntax: --actor nickname@domain') sys.exit() if args.actor.startswith('@'): args.actor = args.actor[1:] if '@' not in args.actor: print('Syntax: --actor nickname@domain') sys.exit() nickname = args.actor.split('@')[0] domain = args.actor.split('@')[1] domain = domain.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') cachedWebfingers = {} if args.http or domain.endswith('.onion'): httpPrefix = 'http' port = 80 proxyType = 'tor' elif domain.endswith('.i2p'): httpPrefix = 'http' port = 80 proxyType = 'i2p' elif args.gnunet: httpPrefix = 'gnunet' port = 80 proxyType = 'gnunet' else: httpPrefix = 'https' port = 443 session = createSession(proxyType) if nickname == 'inbox': nickname = domain handle = nickname + '@' + domain wfRequest = webfingerHandle(session, handle, httpPrefix, cachedWebfingers, None, __version__) if not wfRequest: print('Unable to webfinger ' + handle) sys.exit() if not isinstance(wfRequest, dict): print('Webfinger for ' + handle + ' did not return a dict. ' + str(wfRequest)) sys.exit() pprint(wfRequest) personUrl = None if wfRequest.get('errors'): print('wfRequest error: ' + str(wfRequest['errors'])) if hasUsersPath(args.actor): personUrl = originalActor else: sys.exit() profileStr = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams' asHeader = { 'Accept': 'application/activity+json; profile="' + profileStr + '"' } if not personUrl: personUrl = getUserUrl(wfRequest) if nickname == domain: personUrl = personUrl.replace('/users/', '/actor/') personUrl = personUrl.replace('/accounts/', '/actor/') personUrl = personUrl.replace('/channel/', '/actor/') personUrl = personUrl.replace('/profile/', '/actor/') personUrl = personUrl.replace('/u/', '/actor/') if not personUrl: # try single user instance personUrl = httpPrefix + '://' + domain profileStr = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams' asHeader = { 'Accept': 'application/ld+json; profile="' + profileStr + '"' } if '/channel/' in personUrl or '/accounts/' in personUrl: profileStr = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams' asHeader = { 'Accept': 'application/ld+json; profile="' + profileStr + '"' } personJson = \ getJson(session, personUrl, asHeader, None, __version__, httpPrefix, None) if personJson: pprint(personJson) else: profileStr = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams' asHeader = { 'Accept': 'application/jrd+json; profile="' + profileStr + '"' } personJson = \ getJson(session, personUrl, asHeader, None, __version__, httpPrefix, None) if personJson: pprint(personJson) else: print('Failed to get ' + personUrl) sys.exit() if args.followers: originalActor = args.followers if '/@' in args.followers or \ '/users/' in args.followers or \ args.followers.startswith('http') or \ args.followers.startswith('dat'): # format: https://domain/@nick prefixes = getProtocolPrefixes() for prefix in prefixes: args.followers = args.followers.replace(prefix, '') args.followers = args.followers.replace('/@', '/users/') if not hasUsersPath(args.followers): print('Expected actor format: ' + 'https://domain/@nick or https://domain/users/nick') sys.exit() if '/users/' in args.followers: nickname = args.followers.split('/users/')[1] nickname = nickname.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') domain = args.followers.split('/users/')[0] elif '/profile/' in args.followers: nickname = args.followers.split('/profile/')[1] nickname = nickname.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') domain = args.followers.split('/profile/')[0] elif '/channel/' in args.followers: nickname = args.followers.split('/channel/')[1] nickname = nickname.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') domain = args.followers.split('/channel/')[0] elif '/accounts/' in args.followers: nickname = args.followers.split('/accounts/')[1] nickname = nickname.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') domain = args.followers.split('/accounts/')[0] elif '/u/' in args.followers: nickname = args.followers.split('/u/')[1] nickname = nickname.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') domain = args.followers.split('/u/')[0] else: # format: @nick@domain if '@' not in args.followers: print('Syntax: --actor nickname@domain') sys.exit() if args.followers.startswith('@'): args.followers = args.followers[1:] if '@' not in args.followers: print('Syntax: --actor nickname@domain') sys.exit() nickname = args.followers.split('@')[0] domain = args.followers.split('@')[1] domain = domain.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') cachedWebfingers = {} if args.http or domain.endswith('.onion'): httpPrefix = 'http' port = 80 proxyType = 'tor' elif domain.endswith('.i2p'): httpPrefix = 'http' port = 80 proxyType = 'i2p' elif args.gnunet: httpPrefix = 'gnunet' port = 80 proxyType = 'gnunet' else: httpPrefix = 'https' port = 443 session = createSession(proxyType) if nickname == 'inbox': nickname = domain handle = nickname + '@' + domain wfRequest = webfingerHandle(session, handle, httpPrefix, cachedWebfingers, None, __version__) if not wfRequest: print('Unable to webfinger ' + handle) sys.exit() if not isinstance(wfRequest, dict): print('Webfinger for ' + handle + ' did not return a dict. ' + str(wfRequest)) sys.exit() personUrl = None if wfRequest.get('errors'): print('wfRequest error: ' + str(wfRequest['errors'])) if hasUsersPath(args.followers): personUrl = originalActor else: sys.exit() profileStr = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams' asHeader = { 'Accept': 'application/activity+json; profile="' + profileStr + '"' } if not personUrl: personUrl = getUserUrl(wfRequest) if nickname == domain: personUrl = personUrl.replace('/users/', '/actor/') personUrl = personUrl.replace('/accounts/', '/actor/') personUrl = personUrl.replace('/channel/', '/actor/') personUrl = personUrl.replace('/profile/', '/actor/') personUrl = personUrl.replace('/u/', '/actor/') if not personUrl: # try single user instance personUrl = httpPrefix + '://' + domain profileStr = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams' asHeader = { 'Accept': 'application/ld+json; profile="' + profileStr + '"' } if '/channel/' in personUrl or '/accounts/' in personUrl: profileStr = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams' asHeader = { 'Accept': 'application/ld+json; profile="' + profileStr + '"' } followersList = \ downloadFollowCollection('followers', session, httpPrefix, personUrl, 1, 3) if followersList: for actor in followersList: print(actor) sys.exit() if args.addaccount: if '@' in args.addaccount: nickname = args.addaccount.split('@')[0] domain = args.addaccount.split('@')[1] else: nickname = args.addaccount if not args.domain or not getConfigParam(baseDir, 'domain'): print('Use the --domain option to set the domain name') sys.exit() configuredDomain = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'domain') if configuredDomain: if domain != configuredDomain: print('The account domain is expected to be ' + configuredDomain) sys.exit() if not validNickname(domain, nickname): print(nickname + ' is a reserved name. Use something different.') sys.exit() if not args.password: print('Use the --password option to set the password for ' + nickname) sys.exit() if len(args.password.strip()) < 8: print('Password should be at least 8 characters') sys.exit() if os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain): print('Account already exists') sys.exit() if os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/deactivated/' + nickname + '@' + domain): print('Account is deactivated') sys.exit() if domain.endswith('.onion') or \ domain.endswith('.i2p'): port = 80 httpPrefix = 'http' createPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, True, not args.noapproval, args.password.strip()) if os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain): print('Account created for ' + nickname + '@' + domain) else: print('Account creation failed') sys.exit() if args.addgroup: if '@' in args.addgroup: nickname = args.addgroup.split('@')[0] domain = args.addgroup.split('@')[1] else: nickname = args.addgroup if not args.domain or not getConfigParam(baseDir, 'domain'): print('Use the --domain option to set the domain name') sys.exit() if not validNickname(domain, nickname): print(nickname + ' is a reserved name. Use something different.') sys.exit() if not args.password: print('Use the --password option to set the password for ' + nickname) sys.exit() if len(args.password.strip()) < 8: print('Password should be at least 8 characters') sys.exit() if os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain): print('Group already exists') sys.exit() createGroup(baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, True, args.password.strip()) if os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain): print('Group created for ' + nickname + '@' + domain) else: print('Group creation failed') sys.exit() if args.rmgroup: args.rmaccount = args.rmgroup if args.deactivate: args.rmaccount = args.deactivate if args.rmaccount: if '@' in args.rmaccount: nickname = args.rmaccount.split('@')[0] domain = args.rmaccount.split('@')[1] else: nickname = args.rmaccount if not args.domain or not getConfigParam(baseDir, 'domain'): print('Use the --domain option to set the domain name') sys.exit() configuredDomain = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'domain') if configuredDomain: if domain != configuredDomain: print('The account domain is expected to be ' + configuredDomain) sys.exit() if args.deactivate: if deactivateAccount(baseDir, nickname, domain): print('Account for ' + nickname + '@' + domain + ' was deactivated') else: print('Account for ' + nickname + '@' + domain + ' was not found') sys.exit() if removeAccount(baseDir, nickname, domain, port): if not args.rmgroup: print('Account for ' + nickname + '@' + domain + ' was removed') else: print('Group ' + nickname + '@' + domain + ' was removed') sys.exit() if args.activate: if '@' in args.activate: nickname = args.activate.split('@')[0] domain = args.activate.split('@')[1] else: nickname = args.activate if not args.domain or not getConfigParam(baseDir, 'domain'): print('Use the --domain option to set the domain name') sys.exit() if activateAccount(baseDir, nickname, domain): print('Account for ' + nickname + '@' + domain + ' was activated') else: print('Deactivated account for ' + nickname + '@' + domain + ' was not found') sys.exit() if args.changepassword: if len(args.changepassword) != 2: print('--changepassword [nickname] [new password]') sys.exit() if '@' in args.changepassword[0]: nickname = args.changepassword[0].split('@')[0] domain = args.changepassword[0].split('@')[1] else: nickname = args.changepassword[0] if not args.domain or not getConfigParam(baseDir, 'domain'): print('Use the --domain option to set the domain name') sys.exit() newPassword = args.changepassword[1] if len(newPassword) < 8: print('Password should be at least 8 characters') sys.exit() if not os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain): print('Account ' + nickname + '@' + domain + ' not found') sys.exit() passwordFile = baseDir + '/accounts/passwords' if os.path.isfile(passwordFile): if nickname + ':' in open(passwordFile).read(): storeBasicCredentials(baseDir, nickname, newPassword) print('Password for ' + nickname + ' was changed') else: print(nickname + ' is not in the passwords file') else: print('Passwords file not found') sys.exit() if args.archive: if args.archive.lower().endswith('null') or \ args.archive.lower().endswith('delete') or \ args.archive.lower().endswith('none'): args.archive = None print('Archiving with deletion of old posts...') else: print('Archiving to ' + args.archive + '...') archiveMedia(baseDir, args.archive, args.archiveWeeks) archivePosts(baseDir, httpPrefix, args.archive, {}, args.archiveMaxPosts) print('Archiving complete') sys.exit() if not args.domain and not domain: print('Specify a domain with --domain [name]') sys.exit() if args.avatar: if not os.path.isfile(args.avatar): print(args.avatar + ' is not an image filename') sys.exit() if not args.nickname: print('Specify a nickname with --nickname [name]') sys.exit() if setProfileImage(baseDir, httpPrefix, args.nickname, domain, port, args.avatar, 'avatar', '128x128'): print('Avatar added for ' + args.nickname) else: print('Avatar was not added for ' + args.nickname) sys.exit() if args.backgroundImage: if not os.path.isfile(args.backgroundImage): print(args.backgroundImage + ' is not an image filename') sys.exit() if not args.nickname: print('Specify a nickname with --nickname [name]') sys.exit() if setProfileImage(baseDir, httpPrefix, args.nickname, domain, port, args.backgroundImage, 'background', '256x256'): print('Background image added for ' + args.nickname) else: print('Background image was not added for ' + args.nickname) sys.exit() if args.project: if not args.delegate and not args.undelegate: if not nickname: print('No nickname given') sys.exit() if args.role.lower() == 'none' or \ args.role.lower() == 'remove' or \ args.role.lower() == 'delete': args.role = None if args.role: if setRole(baseDir, nickname, domain, args.project, args.role): print('Role within ' + args.project + ' set to ' + args.role) else: if setRole(baseDir, nickname, domain, args.project, None): print('Left ' + args.project) sys.exit() if args.skill: if not nickname: print('Specify a nickname with the --nickname option') sys.exit() if not args.password: print('Specify a password with the --password option') sys.exit() if not args.skillLevelPercent: print('Specify a skill level in the range 0-100') sys.exit() if int(args.skillLevelPercent) < 0 or \ int(args.skillLevelPercent) > 100: print('Skill level should be a percentage in the range 0-100') sys.exit() session = createSession(proxyType) personCache = {} cachedWebfingers = {} print('Sending ' + args.skill + ' skill level ' + str(args.skillLevelPercent) + ' for ' + nickname) sendSkillViaServer(baseDir, session, nickname, args.password, domain, port, httpPrefix, args.skill, args.skillLevelPercent, cachedWebfingers, personCache, True, __version__) for i in range(10): # TODO detect send success/fail time.sleep(1) sys.exit() if args.availability: if not nickname: print('Specify a nickname with the --nickname option') sys.exit() if not args.password: print('Specify a password with the --password option') sys.exit() session = createSession(proxyType) personCache = {} cachedWebfingers = {} print('Sending availability status of ' + nickname + ' as ' + args.availability) sendAvailabilityViaServer(baseDir, session, nickname, args.password, domain, port, httpPrefix, args.availability, cachedWebfingers, personCache, True, __version__) for i in range(10): # TODO detect send success/fail time.sleep(1) sys.exit() if args.speaker: # Announce posts as they arrive in your inbox using text-to-speech if args.speaker.startswith('@'): args.speaker = args.speaker[1:] if '@' not in args.speaker: print('Specify the handle of the speaker nickname@domain') sys.exit() nickname = args.speaker.split('@')[0] domain = args.speaker.split('@')[1] if not nickname: print('Specify a nickname with the --nickname option') sys.exit() if not args.password: print('Specify a password with the --password option') sys.exit() proxyType = None if args.tor or domain.endswith('.onion'): proxyType = 'tor' if domain.endswith('.onion'): args.port = 80 elif args.i2p or domain.endswith('.i2p'): proxyType = 'i2p' if domain.endswith('.i2p'): args.port = 80 elif args.gnunet: proxyType = 'gnunet' if args.screenreader == 'espeak': print('Setting up espeak') from espeak import espeak print('Running speaker for ' + nickname + '@' + domain) prevSay = '' while (1): session = createSession(proxyType) speakerJson = \ getSpeakerFromServer(baseDir, session, nickname, args.password, domain, port, httpPrefix, True, __version__) if speakerJson: if speakerJson['say'] != prevSay: if speakerJson.get('name'): nameStr = speakerJson['name'] gender = 'They/Them' if speakerJson.get('gender'): gender = speakerJson['gender'] # get the speech parameters pitch = getSpeakerPitch(nameStr, args.screenreader, gender) rate = getSpeakerRate(nameStr, args.screenreader) srange = getSpeakerRange(nameStr) # say the speaker's name if args.screenreader == 'espeak': espeak.set_parameter(espeak.Parameter.Pitch, pitch) espeak.set_parameter(espeak.Parameter.Rate, rate) espeak.set_parameter(espeak.Parameter.Range, srange) espeak.synth(html.unescape(nameStr)) elif args.screenreader == 'picospeaker': speakerLang = 'en-GB' if args.language: if args.language.startswith('fr'): speakerLang = 'fr-FR' elif args.language.startswith('es'): speakerLang = 'es-ES' elif args.language.startswith('de'): speakerLang = 'de-DE' elif args.language.startswith('it'): speakerLang = 'it-IT' speakerCmd = 'picospeaker ' + \ '-l ' + speakerLang + \ ' -r ' + str(rate) + \ ' -p ' + str(pitch) + ' "' + \ html.unescape(nameStr) + '"' if args.debug: print(speakerCmd) os.system(speakerCmd) time.sleep(2) # append image description if needed if not speakerJson.get('imageDescription'): sayStr = speakerJson['say'] # echo spoken text to the screen print(html.unescape(nameStr) + ': ' + html.unescape(speakerJson['say']) + '\n') else: sayStr = speakerJson['say'] + '. ' + \ speakerJson['imageDescription'] # echo spoken text to the screen print(html.unescape(nameStr) + ': ' + html.unescape(speakerJson['say']) + '\n' + html.unescape(speakerJson['imageDescription'])) # speak the post content if args.screenreader == 'espeak': espeak.synth(html.unescape(sayStr)) elif args.screenreader == 'picospeaker': speakerCmd = 'picospeaker ' + \ '-l ' + speakerLang + \ ' -r ' + str(rate) + \ ' -p ' + str(pitch) + ' "' + \ html.unescape(sayStr) + '"' if args.debug: print(speakerCmd) os.system(speakerCmd) prevSay = speakerJson['say'] time.sleep(30) sys.exit() if federationList: print('Federating with: ' + str(federationList)) if args.block: if not nickname: print('Specify a nickname with the --nickname option') sys.exit() if not args.password: print('Specify a password with the --password option') sys.exit() if '@' in args.block: blockedDomain = args.block.split('@')[1] blockedDomain = blockedDomain.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') blockedNickname = args.block.split('@')[0] blockedActor = httpPrefix + '://' + blockedDomain + \ '/users/' + blockedNickname args.block = blockedActor else: if '/users/' not in args.block: print(args.block + ' does not look like an actor url') sys.exit() session = createSession(proxyType) personCache = {} cachedWebfingers = {} print('Sending block of ' + args.block) sendBlockViaServer(baseDir, session, nickname, args.password, domain, port, httpPrefix, args.block, cachedWebfingers, personCache, True, __version__) for i in range(10): # TODO detect send success/fail time.sleep(1) sys.exit() if args.delegate: if not nickname: print('Specify a nickname with the --nickname option') sys.exit() if not args.password: print('Specify a password with the --password option') sys.exit() if not args.project: print('Specify a project with the --project option') sys.exit() if not args.role: print('Specify a role with the --role option') sys.exit() if '@' in args.delegate: delegatedNickname = args.delegate.split('@')[0] args.delegate = blockedActor session = createSession(proxyType) personCache = {} cachedWebfingers = {} print('Sending delegation for ' + args.delegate + ' with role ' + args.role + ' in project ' + args.project) sendRoleViaServer(baseDir, session, nickname, args.password, domain, port, httpPrefix, args.delegate, args.project, args.role, cachedWebfingers, personCache, True, __version__) for i in range(10): # TODO detect send success/fail time.sleep(1) sys.exit() if args.undelegate: if not nickname: print('Specify a nickname with the --nickname option') sys.exit() if not args.password: print('Specify a password with the --password option') sys.exit() if not args.project: print('Specify a project with the --project option') sys.exit() if '@' in args.undelegate: delegatedNickname = args.undelegate.split('@')[0] args.undelegate = blockedActor session = createSession(proxyType) personCache = {} cachedWebfingers = {} print('Sending delegation removal for ' + args.undelegate + ' from role ' + args.role + ' in project ' + args.project) sendRoleViaServer(baseDir, session, nickname, args.password, domain, port, httpPrefix, args.delegate, args.project, None, cachedWebfingers, personCache, True, __version__) for i in range(10): # TODO detect send success/fail time.sleep(1) sys.exit() if args.unblock: if not nickname: print('Specify a nickname with the --nickname option') sys.exit() if not args.password: print('Specify a password with the --password option') sys.exit() if '@' in args.unblock: blockedDomain = args.unblock.split('@')[1] blockedDomain = blockedDomain.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') blockedNickname = args.unblock.split('@')[0] blockedActor = httpPrefix + '://' + blockedDomain + \ '/users/' + blockedNickname args.unblock = blockedActor else: if '/users/' not in args.unblock: print(args.unblock + ' does not look like an actor url') sys.exit() session = createSession(proxyType) personCache = {} cachedWebfingers = {} print('Sending undo block of ' + args.unblock) sendUndoBlockViaServer(baseDir, session, nickname, args.password, domain, port, httpPrefix, args.unblock, cachedWebfingers, personCache, True, __version__) for i in range(10): # TODO detect send success/fail time.sleep(1) sys.exit() if args.filterStr: if not args.nickname: print('Please specify a nickname') sys.exit() if addFilter(baseDir, args.nickname, domain, args.filterStr): print('Filter added to ' + args.nickname + ': ' + args.filterStr) sys.exit() if args.unfilterStr: if not args.nickname: print('Please specify a nickname') sys.exit() if removeFilter(baseDir, args.nickname, domain, args.unfilterStr): print('Filter removed from ' + args.nickname + ': ' + args.unfilterStr) sys.exit() if args.testdata: nickname = 'testuser567' password = 'boringpassword' print('Generating some test data for user: ' + nickname) if os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/tags'): shutil.rmtree(baseDir + '/tags') if os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/accounts'): shutil.rmtree(baseDir + '/accounts') if os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/keys'): shutil.rmtree(baseDir + '/keys') if os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/media'): shutil.rmtree(baseDir + '/media') if os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/sharefiles'): shutil.rmtree(baseDir + '/sharefiles') if os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/wfendpoints'): shutil.rmtree(baseDir + '/wfendpoints') setConfigParam(baseDir, 'registrationsRemaining', str(maxRegistrations)) createPerson(baseDir, 'maxboardroom', domain, port, httpPrefix, True, False, password) createPerson(baseDir, 'ultrapancake', domain, port, httpPrefix, True, False, password) createPerson(baseDir, 'drokk', domain, port, httpPrefix, True, False, password) createPerson(baseDir, 'sausagedog', domain, port, httpPrefix, True, False, password) createPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, True, False, 'likewhateveryouwantscoob') setSkillLevel(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'testing', 60) setSkillLevel(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'typing', 50) setRole(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'instance', 'admin') setRole(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'epicyon', 'hacker') setRole(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'someproject', 'assistant') setAvailability(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'busy') addShare(baseDir, httpPrefix, nickname, domain, port, "spanner", "It's a spanner", "img/shares1.png", "tool", "mechanical", "City", "2 months", debug) addShare(baseDir, httpPrefix, nickname, domain, port, "witch hat", "Spooky", "img/shares2.png", "hat", "clothing", "City", "3 months", debug) deleteAllPosts(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'inbox') deleteAllPosts(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'outbox') testFollowersOnly = False testSaveToFile = True testClientToServer = False testCommentsEnabled = True testAttachImageFilename = None testMediaType = None testImageDescription = None createPublicPost(baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, "like this is totally just a #test man", testFollowersOnly, testSaveToFile, testClientToServer, testCommentsEnabled, testAttachImageFilename, testMediaType, testImageDescription) createPublicPost(baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, "Zoiks!!!", testFollowersOnly, testSaveToFile, testClientToServer, testCommentsEnabled, testAttachImageFilename, testMediaType, testImageDescription) createPublicPost(baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, "Hey scoob we need like a hundred more #milkshakes", testFollowersOnly, testSaveToFile, testClientToServer, testCommentsEnabled, testAttachImageFilename, testMediaType, testImageDescription) createPublicPost(baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, "Getting kinda spooky around here", testFollowersOnly, testSaveToFile, testClientToServer, testCommentsEnabled, testAttachImageFilename, testMediaType, testImageDescription, 'someone') createPublicPost(baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, "And they would have gotten away with it too" + "if it wasn't for those pesky hackers", testFollowersOnly, testSaveToFile, testClientToServer, testCommentsEnabled, 'img/logo.png', 'image/png', 'Description of image') createPublicPost(baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, "man these centralized sites are like the worst!", testFollowersOnly, testSaveToFile, testClientToServer, testCommentsEnabled, testAttachImageFilename, testMediaType, testImageDescription) createPublicPost(baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, "another mystery solved #test", testFollowersOnly, testSaveToFile, testClientToServer, testCommentsEnabled, testAttachImageFilename, testMediaType, testImageDescription) createPublicPost(baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, "let's go bowling", testFollowersOnly, testSaveToFile, testClientToServer, testCommentsEnabled, testAttachImageFilename, testMediaType, testImageDescription) domainFull = domain + ':' + str(port) clearFollows(baseDir, nickname, domain) followPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'maxboardroom', domainFull, federationList, False) followPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'ultrapancake', domainFull, federationList, False) followPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'sausagedog', domainFull, federationList, False) followPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'drokk', domainFull, federationList, False) followerOfPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'drokk', domainFull, federationList, False) followerOfPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'maxboardroom', domainFull, federationList, False) setConfigParam(baseDir, 'admin', nickname) # set a lower bound to the maximum mentions # so that it can't be accidentally set to zero and disable replies if args.maxMentions < 4: args.maxMentions = 4 registration = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'registration') if not registration: registration = False minimumvotes = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'minvotes') if minimumvotes: args.minimumvotes = int(minimumvotes) votingtime = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'votingtime') if votingtime: args.votingtime = votingtime # only show the date at the bottom of posts dateonly = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'dateonly') if dateonly: args.dateonly = dateonly # set the maximum number of newswire posts per account or rss feed maxNewswirePostsPerSource = \ getConfigParam(baseDir, 'maxNewswirePostsPerSource') if maxNewswirePostsPerSource: args.maxNewswirePostsPerSource = int(maxNewswirePostsPerSource) # set the maximum number of newswire posts appearing in the right column maxNewswirePosts = \ getConfigParam(baseDir, 'maxNewswirePosts') if maxNewswirePosts: args.maxNewswirePosts = int(maxNewswirePosts) # set the maximum size of a newswire rss/atom feed in Kilobytes maxNewswireFeedSizeKb = \ getConfigParam(baseDir, 'maxNewswireFeedSizeKb') if maxNewswireFeedSizeKb: args.maxNewswireFeedSizeKb = int(maxNewswireFeedSizeKb) maxMirroredArticles = \ getConfigParam(baseDir, 'maxMirroredArticles') if maxMirroredArticles is not None: args.maxMirroredArticles = int(maxMirroredArticles) maxNewsPosts = \ getConfigParam(baseDir, 'maxNewsPosts') if maxNewsPosts is not None: args.maxNewsPosts = int(maxNewsPosts) maxFollowers = \ getConfigParam(baseDir, 'maxFollowers') if maxFollowers is not None: args.maxFollowers = int(maxFollowers) maxFeedItemSizeKb = \ getConfigParam(baseDir, 'maxFeedItemSizeKb') if maxFeedItemSizeKb is not None: args.maxFeedItemSizeKb = int(maxFeedItemSizeKb) dormantMonths = \ getConfigParam(baseDir, 'dormantMonths') if dormantMonths is not None: args.dormantMonths = int(dormantMonths) sendThreadsTimeoutMins = \ getConfigParam(baseDir, 'sendThreadsTimeoutMins') if sendThreadsTimeoutMins is not None: args.sendThreadsTimeoutMins = int(sendThreadsTimeoutMins) showPublishAsIcon = \ getConfigParam(baseDir, 'showPublishAsIcon') if showPublishAsIcon is not None: args.showPublishAsIcon = bool(showPublishAsIcon) iconsAsButtons = \ getConfigParam(baseDir, 'iconsAsButtons') if iconsAsButtons is not None: args.iconsAsButtons = bool(iconsAsButtons) rssIconAtTop = \ getConfigParam(baseDir, 'rssIconAtTop') if rssIconAtTop is not None: args.rssIconAtTop = bool(rssIconAtTop) publishButtonAtTop = \ getConfigParam(baseDir, 'publishButtonAtTop') if publishButtonAtTop is not None: args.publishButtonAtTop = bool(publishButtonAtTop) fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader = \ getConfigParam(baseDir, 'fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader') if fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader is not None: args.fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader = bool(fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader) allowLocalNetworkAccess = \ getConfigParam(baseDir, 'allowLocalNetworkAccess') if allowLocalNetworkAccess is not None: args.allowLocalNetworkAccess = bool(allowLocalNetworkAccess) verifyAllSignatures = \ getConfigParam(baseDir, 'verifyAllSignatures') if verifyAllSignatures is not None: args.verifyAllSignatures = bool(verifyAllSignatures) brochMode = \ getConfigParam(baseDir, 'brochMode') if brochMode is not None: args.brochMode = bool(brochMode) YTDomain = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'youtubedomain') if YTDomain: if '://' in YTDomain: YTDomain = YTDomain.split('://')[1] if '/' in YTDomain: YTDomain = YTDomain.split('/')[0] if '.' in YTDomain: args.YTReplacementDomain = YTDomain if setTheme(baseDir, themeName, domain, args.allowLocalNetworkAccess, args.language): print('Theme set to ' + themeName) if __name__ == "__main__": runDaemon(args.brochMode, args.verifyAllSignatures, args.sendThreadsTimeoutMins, args.dormantMonths, args.maxNewswirePosts, args.allowLocalNetworkAccess, args.maxFeedItemSizeKb, args.publishButtonAtTop, args.rssIconAtTop, args.iconsAsButtons, args.fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader, args.showPublishAsIcon, args.maxFollowers, args.maxNewsPosts, args.maxMirroredArticles, args.maxNewswireFeedSizeKb, args.maxNewswirePostsPerSource, args.dateonly, args.votingtime, args.positivevoting, args.minimumvotes, args.newsinstance, args.blogsinstance, args.mediainstance, args.maxRecentPosts, not args.nosharedinbox, registration, args.language, __version__, instanceId, args.client, baseDir, domain, onionDomain, i2pDomain, args.YTReplacementDomain, port, proxyPort, httpPrefix, federationList, args.maxMentions, args.maxEmoji, args.authenticatedFetch, proxyType, args.maxReplies, args.domainMaxPostsPerDay, args.accountMaxPostsPerDay, args.allowdeletion, debug, False, args.instanceOnlySkillsSearch, [], not args.noapproval)