__filename__ = "session.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.5.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@libreserver.org" __status__ = "Production" __module_group__ = "Session" import os import requests import json import errno from socket import error as SocketError from http.client import HTTPConnection from flags import is_image_file from flags import url_permitted from utils import text_in_file from utils import acct_dir from utils import binary_is_image from utils import image_mime_types_dict from httpsig import create_signed_header def create_session(proxy_type: str): """ Creates a new session """ session = None try: session = requests.session() except requests.exceptions.RequestException as exc: print('EX: requests error during create_session ' + str(exc)) return None except SocketError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('EX: connection was reset during create_session ' + str(exc)) else: print('EX: socket error during create_session ' + str(exc)) return None except ValueError as exc: print('EX: error during create_session ' + str(exc)) return None if not session: return None session.max_redirects = 3 if proxy_type == 'tor': session.proxies = {} session.proxies['http'] = 'socks5h://localhost:9050' session.proxies['https'] = 'socks5h://localhost:9050' elif proxy_type == 'i2p': session.proxies = {} session.proxies['http'] = 'socks5h://localhost:4447' session.proxies['https'] = 'socks5h://localhost:4447' elif proxy_type == 'gnunet': session.proxies = {} session.proxies['http'] = 'socks5h://localhost:7777' session.proxies['https'] = 'socks5h://localhost:7777' elif proxy_type in ('ipfs', 'ipns'): session.proxies = {} session.proxies['ipfs'] = 'socks5h://localhost:4001' # print('New session created with proxy ' + str(proxy_type)) return session def url_exists(session, url: str, timeout_sec: int = 3, http_prefix: str = 'https', domain: str = 'testdomain') -> bool: """Is the given url resolvable? """ if not isinstance(url, str): print('url: ' + str(url)) print('ERROR: url_exists failed, url should be a string') return False session_params = {} session_headers = {} session_headers['User-Agent'] = 'Epicyon/' + __version__ if domain: session_headers['User-Agent'] += \ '; +' + http_prefix + '://' + domain + '/' if '://' not in url: if url.startswith('/'): url = http_prefix + '://' + domain + url if not session: print('WARN: url_exists failed, no session specified') return True try: result = session.get(url, headers=session_headers, params=session_params, timeout=timeout_sec, allow_redirects=True) if result: if result.status_code in (200, 304): return True print('url_exists for ' + url + ' returned ' + str(result.status_code)) except BaseException as exc: print('EX: url_exists GET failed ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(exc)) return False def get_resolved_url(session, url: str, timeout_sec: int = 20) -> {}: """returns the URL after redirections eg. https://osm.org/go/0G0dJ91-?m=&relation=62414 becomes https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=53.05289268493652 &mlon=8.644180297851562#map=11/53.05289268493652/8.644180297851562 """ try: result = session.get(url, headers={}, params={}, timeout=timeout_sec, allow_redirects=True) if result.url: if isinstance(result.url, str): if '://' in result.url: return result.url except ValueError as exc: print('EX: _get_resolved_url failed, url: ' + str(url) + ', ' + str(exc)) except SocketError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('EX: _get_resolved_url failed, ' + 'connection was reset during _get_resolved_url ' + str(exc)) return None def _get_json_request(session, url: str, session_headers: {}, session_params: {}, timeout_sec: int, quiet: bool, debug: bool, return_json: bool) -> {}: """http GET for json """ try: result = session.get(url, headers=session_headers, params=session_params, timeout=timeout_sec, allow_redirects=True) if result.status_code != 200: if result.status_code == 401: print("WARN: get_json " + url + ' rejected by secure mode') return { "error": 401 } elif result.status_code == 403: print('WARN: get_json Forbidden url: ' + url) return { "error": 403 } elif result.status_code == 404: print('WARN: get_json Not Found url: ' + url) return { "error": 404 } elif result.status_code == 410: print('WARN: get_json no longer available url: ' + url) return { "error": 410 } elif result.status_code == 303: print('WARN: get_json redirect not permitted: ' + url) return { "error": 303 } elif result.status_code == 301: print('WARN: get_json moved permanently: ' + url) return { "error": 301 } else: session_headers2 = session_headers.copy() if session_headers2.get('Authorization'): session_headers2['Authorization'] = 'REDACTED' print('WARN: get_json url: ' + url + ' failed with error code ' + str(result.status_code) + ' headers: ' + str(session_headers2)) if return_json: return result.json() return result.content except requests.exceptions.RequestException as exc: session_headers2 = session_headers.copy() if session_headers2.get('Authorization'): session_headers2['Authorization'] = 'REDACTED' if debug and not quiet: print('EX: get_json failed, url: ' + str(url) + ', ' + 'headers: ' + str(session_headers2) + ', ' + 'params: ' + str(session_params) + ', ' + str(exc)) except ValueError as exc: session_headers2 = session_headers.copy() if session_headers2.get('Authorization'): session_headers2['Authorization'] = 'REDACTED' if debug and not quiet: print('EX: get_json failed, url: ' + str(url) + ', ' + 'headers: ' + str(session_headers2) + ', ' + 'params: ' + str(session_params) + ', ' + str(exc)) except SocketError as exc: if not quiet: if exc.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('EX: get_json failed, ' + 'connection was reset during get_json ' + str(exc)) return None def _get_json_signed(session, url: str, domain_full: str, session_headers: {}, session_params: {}, timeout_sec: int, signing_priv_key_pem: str, quiet: bool, debug: bool) -> {}: """Authorized fetch - a signed version of GET """ if not domain_full: if debug: print('No sending domain for signed GET') return None if '://' not in url: print('Invalid url: ' + url) return None http_prefix = url.split('://')[0] to_domain_full = url.split('://')[1] if '/' in to_domain_full: to_domain_full = to_domain_full.split('/')[0] if ':' in domain_full: domain = domain_full.split(':')[0] port = domain_full.split(':')[1] else: domain = domain_full if http_prefix == 'https': port = 443 else: port = 80 if ':' in to_domain_full: to_domain = to_domain_full.split(':')[0] to_port = to_domain_full.split(':')[1] else: to_domain = to_domain_full if http_prefix == 'https': to_port = 443 else: to_port = 80 if debug: print('Signed GET domain: ' + domain + ' ' + str(port)) print('Signed GET to_domain: ' + to_domain + ' ' + str(to_port)) print('Signed GET url: ' + url) print('Signed GET http_prefix: ' + http_prefix) message_str = '' with_digest = False if to_domain_full + '/' in url: path = '/' + url.split(to_domain_full + '/')[1] else: path = '/actor' content_type = 'application/activity+json' if session_headers.get('Accept'): content_type = session_headers['Accept'] signature_header_json = \ create_signed_header(None, signing_priv_key_pem, 'actor', domain, port, to_domain, to_port, path, http_prefix, with_digest, message_str, content_type) if debug: print('Signed GET signature_header_json ' + str(signature_header_json)) # update the session headers from the signature headers session_headers['Host'] = signature_header_json['host'] session_headers['Date'] = signature_header_json['date'] session_headers['Accept'] = signature_header_json['accept'] session_headers['Signature'] = signature_header_json['signature'] session_headers['Content-Length'] = '0' if debug: print('Signed GET session_headers ' + str(session_headers)) return_json = True if 'json' not in content_type: return_json = False return _get_json_request(session, url, session_headers, session_params, timeout_sec, quiet, debug, return_json) def get_json_valid(test_json: {}) -> bool: """Is the given get_json result valid? """ if not test_json: return False if 'error' in test_json: return False return True def get_json(signing_priv_key_pem: str, session, url: str, headers: {}, params: {}, debug: bool, version: str = __version__, http_prefix: str = 'https', domain: str = 'testdomain', timeout_sec: int = 20, quiet: bool = False) -> {}: """Download some json """ if not isinstance(url, str): if debug and not quiet: print('url: ' + str(url)) print('ERROR: get_json failed, url should be a string') return None session_params = {} session_headers = {} if headers: session_headers = headers if params: session_params = params session_headers['User-Agent'] = 'Epicyon/' + version if domain: session_headers['User-Agent'] += \ '; +' + http_prefix + '://' + domain + '/' if not session: if not quiet: print('WARN: get_json failed, no session specified for get_json') return None if debug: HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1 if signing_priv_key_pem: return _get_json_signed(session, url, domain, session_headers, session_params, timeout_sec, signing_priv_key_pem, quiet, debug) return _get_json_request(session, url, session_headers, session_params, timeout_sec, quiet, debug, True) def get_vcard(xml_format: bool, session, url: str, params: {}, debug: bool, version: str, http_prefix: str, domain: str, timeout_sec: int = 20, quiet: bool = False) -> {}: """Download a vcard """ if not isinstance(url, str): if debug and not quiet: print('url: ' + str(url)) print('ERROR: get_vcard failed, url should be a string') return None headers = { 'Accept': 'text/vcard' } if xml_format: headers['Accept'] = 'application/vcard+xml' session_params = {} session_headers = {} if headers: session_headers = headers if params: session_params = params session_headers['User-Agent'] = 'Epicyon/' + version if domain: session_headers['User-Agent'] += \ '; +' + http_prefix + '://' + domain + '/' if not session: if not quiet: print('WARN: get_vcard failed, no session specified for get_vcard') return None if debug: HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1 try: result = session.get(url, headers=session_headers, params=session_params, timeout=timeout_sec, allow_redirects=True) if result.status_code != 200: if result.status_code == 401: print("WARN: get_vcard " + url + ' rejected by secure mode') elif result.status_code == 403: print('WARN: get_vcard Forbidden url: ' + url) elif result.status_code == 404: print('WARN: get_vcard Not Found url: ' + url) elif result.status_code == 410: print('WARN: get_vcard no longer available url: ' + url) else: session_headers2 = session_headers.copy() if session_headers2.get('Authorization'): session_headers2['Authorization'] = 'REDACTED' print('WARN: get_vcard url: ' + url + ' failed with error code ' + str(result.status_code) + ' headers: ' + str(session_headers2)) return result.content.decode('utf-8') except requests.exceptions.RequestException as ex: session_headers2 = session_headers.copy() if session_headers2.get('Authorization'): session_headers2['Authorization'] = 'REDACTED' if debug and not quiet: print('EX: get_vcard failed, url: ' + str(url) + ', ' + 'headers: ' + str(session_headers2) + ', ' + 'params: ' + str(session_params) + ', ' + str(ex)) except ValueError as exc: session_headers2 = session_headers.copy() if session_headers2.get('Authorization'): session_headers2['Authorization'] = 'REDACTED' if debug and not quiet: print('EX: get_vcard failed, url: ' + str(url) + ', ' + 'headers: ' + str(session_headers2) + ', ' + 'params: ' + str(session_params) + ', ' + str(exc)) except SocketError as exc: if not quiet: if exc.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('EX: get_vcard failed, ' + 'connection was reset during get_vcard ' + str(exc)) return None def download_html(signing_priv_key_pem: str, session, url: str, headers: {}, params: {}, debug: bool, version: str, http_prefix: str, domain: str, timeout_sec: int = 20, quiet: bool = False) -> {}: """Download a html document """ if not isinstance(url, str): if debug and not quiet: print('url: ' + str(url)) print('ERROR: download_html failed, url should be a string') return None session_params = {} session_headers = {} if headers: session_headers = headers if params: session_params = params session_headers['Accept'] = 'text/html' session_headers['User-Agent'] = 'Epicyon/' + version if domain: session_headers['User-Agent'] += \ '; +' + http_prefix + '://' + domain + '/' if not session: if not quiet: print('WARN: download_html failed, ' + 'no session specified for download_html') return None if debug: HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1 if signing_priv_key_pem: return _get_json_signed(session, url, domain, session_headers, session_params, timeout_sec, signing_priv_key_pem, quiet, debug) return _get_json_request(session, url, session_headers, session_params, timeout_sec, quiet, debug, False) def verify_html(session, url: str, debug: bool, version: str, http_prefix: str, nickname: str, domain: str, timeout_sec: int = 20, quiet: bool = False) -> bool: """Verify that the handle for nickname@domain exists within the given url """ if not url_exists(session, url, 3, http_prefix, domain): return False if '://' not in url: if url.startswith('/'): url = http_prefix + '://' + domain + url as_header = { 'Accept': 'text/html' } verification_site_html = \ download_html(None, session, url, as_header, None, debug, version, http_prefix, domain, timeout_sec, quiet) if not verification_site_html: if debug: print('Verification site could not be contacted ' + url) return False verification_site_html = verification_site_html.decode() # does the site contain rel="me" links? if ' rel="me" ' not in verification_site_html: return False # ensure that there are not too many rel="me" links sections = verification_site_html.split(' rel="me" ') me_links_count = len(sections) - 1 if me_links_count > 5: return False actor_links = [ domain + '/@' + nickname, domain + '/users/' + nickname ] for actor in actor_links: if domain.endswith('.onion') or domain.endswith('.i2p'): actor = 'http://' + actor else: actor = http_prefix + '://' + actor # double quotes link_str = ' rel="me" href="' + actor + '"' if link_str in verification_site_html: return True link_str = ' href="' + actor + '" rel="me"' if link_str in verification_site_html: return True # single quotes link_str = " rel=\"me\" href='" + actor + "'" if link_str in verification_site_html: return True link_str = " href='" + actor + "' rel=\"me\"" if link_str in verification_site_html: return True return False def site_is_verified(session, base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, nickname: str, domain: str, url: str, update: bool, debug: bool) -> bool: """Is the given website verified? """ verified_sites_filename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/verified_sites.txt' verified_file_exists = False if os.path.isfile(verified_sites_filename): verified_file_exists = True if text_in_file(url + '\n', verified_sites_filename, True): return True if not update: return False verified = \ verify_html(session, url, debug, __version__, http_prefix, nickname, domain) if verified: write_type = 'a+' if not verified_file_exists: write_type = 'w+' try: with open(verified_sites_filename, write_type, encoding='utf-8') as fp_verified: fp_verified.write(url + '\n') except OSError: print('EX: Verified sites could not be updated ' + verified_sites_filename) return verified def download_ssml(signing_priv_key_pem: str, session, url: str, headers: {}, params: {}, debug: bool, version: str, http_prefix: str, domain: str, timeout_sec: int = 20, quiet: bool = False) -> {}: """Download a ssml document """ if not isinstance(url, str): if debug and not quiet: print('url: ' + str(url)) print('ERROR: download_ssml failed, url should be a string') return None session_params = {} session_headers = {} if headers: session_headers = headers if params: session_params = params session_headers['Accept'] = 'application/ssml+xml' session_headers['User-Agent'] = 'Epicyon/' + version if domain: session_headers['User-Agent'] += \ '; +' + http_prefix + '://' + domain + '/' if not session: if not quiet: print('WARN: download_ssml failed, no session specified') return None if debug: HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1 if signing_priv_key_pem: return _get_json_signed(session, url, domain, session_headers, session_params, timeout_sec, signing_priv_key_pem, quiet, debug) return _get_json_request(session, url, session_headers, session_params, timeout_sec, quiet, debug, False) def _set_user_agent(session, http_prefix: str, domain_full: str) -> None: """Sets the user agent """ ua_str = \ 'Epicyon/' + __version__ + '; +' + \ http_prefix + '://' + domain_full + '/' session.headers.update({'User-Agent': ua_str}) def post_json(http_prefix: str, domain_full: str, session, post_json_object: {}, federation_list: [], inbox_url: str, headers: {}, timeout_sec: int = 60, quiet: bool = False) -> str: """Post a json message to the inbox of another person """ # check that we are posting to a permitted domain if not url_permitted(inbox_url, federation_list): if not quiet: print('post_json: ' + inbox_url + ' not permitted') return None _set_user_agent(session, http_prefix, domain_full) try: post_result = \ session.post(url=inbox_url, data=json.dumps(post_json_object), headers=headers, timeout=timeout_sec, allow_redirects=True) except requests.Timeout as exc: if not quiet: print('EX: post_json timeout ' + inbox_url + ' ' + json.dumps(post_json_object) + ' ' + str(headers)) print(exc) return '' except requests.exceptions.RequestException as exc: if not quiet: print('EX: post_json requests failed ' + inbox_url + ' ' + json.dumps(post_json_object) + ' ' + str(headers) + ' ' + str(exc)) return None except SocketError as exc: if not quiet and exc.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('EX: connection was reset during post_json') return None except ValueError as exc: if not quiet: print('EX: post_json failed ' + inbox_url + ' ' + json.dumps(post_json_object) + ' ' + str(headers) + ' ' + str(exc)) return None if post_result: return post_result.text return None def post_json_string(session, post_json_str: str, federation_list: [], inbox_url: str, headers: {}, debug: bool, http_prefix: str, domain_full: str, timeout_sec: int = 30, quiet: bool = False) -> (bool, bool, int): """Post a json message string to the inbox of another person The second boolean returned is true if the send if unauthorized NOTE: Here we post a string rather than the original json so that conversions between string and json format don't invalidate the message body digest of http signatures """ # check that we are posting to a permitted domain if not url_permitted(inbox_url, federation_list): if not quiet: print('post_json_string: ' + inbox_url + ' not permitted') return False, True, 0 _set_user_agent(session, http_prefix, domain_full) try: post_result = \ session.post(url=inbox_url, data=post_json_str, headers=headers, timeout=timeout_sec, allow_redirects=True) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as exc: if not quiet: print('EX: error during post_json_string requests ' + str(exc)) return None, None, 0 except SocketError as exc: if not quiet and exc.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('EX: connection was reset during post_json_string') if not quiet: print('EX: post_json_string failed ' + inbox_url + ' ' + post_json_str + ' ' + str(headers)) return None, None, 0 except ValueError as exc: if not quiet: print('EX: error during post_json_string ' + str(exc)) return None, None, 0 if post_result.status_code < 200 or post_result.status_code > 204: if post_result.status_code >= 400 and \ post_result.status_code <= 405 and \ post_result.status_code != 404: if not quiet: print('WARN: Post to ' + inbox_url + ' is unauthorized. Code ' + str(post_result.status_code)) return False, True, post_result.status_code if not quiet: print('WARN: Failed to post to ' + inbox_url + ' with headers ' + str(headers) + ' status code ' + str(post_result.status_code)) return False, False, post_result.status_code return True, False, 0 def post_image(session, attach_image_filename: str, federation_list: [], inbox_url: str, headers: {}, http_prefix: str, domain_full: str) -> str: """Post an image to the inbox of another person or outbox via c2s """ # check that we are posting to a permitted domain if not url_permitted(inbox_url, federation_list): print('post_json: ' + inbox_url + ' not permitted') return None if not is_image_file(attach_image_filename): print('Image must be png, jpg, jxl, webp, avif, heic, gif or svg') return None if not os.path.isfile(attach_image_filename): print('Image not found: ' + attach_image_filename) return None content_type = 'image/jpeg' if attach_image_filename.endswith('.png'): content_type = 'image/png' elif attach_image_filename.endswith('.gif'): content_type = 'image/gif' elif attach_image_filename.endswith('.webp'): content_type = 'image/webp' elif attach_image_filename.endswith('.avif'): content_type = 'image/avif' elif attach_image_filename.endswith('.heic'): content_type = 'image/heic' elif attach_image_filename.endswith('.jxl'): content_type = 'image/jxl' elif attach_image_filename.endswith('.svg'): content_type = 'image/svg+xml' headers['Content-type'] = content_type media_binary = None try: with open(attach_image_filename, 'rb') as fp_av: media_binary = fp_av.read() except OSError: print('EX: post_image unable to read binary ' + attach_image_filename) if media_binary: _set_user_agent(session, http_prefix, domain_full) try: post_result = session.post(url=inbox_url, data=media_binary, headers=headers, allow_redirects=True) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as ex: print('EX: error during post_image requests ' + str(ex)) return None except SocketError as ex: if ex.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('EX: connection was reset during post_image') print('ERROR: post_image failed ' + inbox_url + ' ' + str(headers) + ' ' + str(ex)) return None except ValueError as ex: print('EX: error during post_image ' + str(ex)) return None if post_result: return post_result.text return None def _looks_like_url(url: str) -> bool: """Does the given string look like a url """ if not url: return False if '.' not in url: return False if '://' not in url: return False return True def download_image(session, url: str, image_filename: str, debug: bool, force: bool = False) -> bool: """Downloads an image with an expected mime type """ if not _looks_like_url(url): if debug: print('WARN: download_image, ' + url + ' does not look like a url') return None # try different image types image_formats = image_mime_types_dict() session_headers = None for im_format, mime_type in image_formats.items(): if url.endswith('.' + im_format) or \ '.' + im_format + '?' in url: session_headers = { 'Accept': 'image/' + mime_type } break if not session_headers: if debug: print('download_image: no session headers') return False if not os.path.isfile(image_filename) or force: try: if debug: print('Downloading image url: ' + url) result = session.get(url, headers=session_headers, params=None, allow_redirects=True) if result.status_code < 200 or \ result.status_code > 202: if debug: print('Image download failed with status ' + str(result.status_code)) # remove partial download if os.path.isfile(image_filename): try: os.remove(image_filename) except OSError: print('EX: download_image unable to delete ' + image_filename) else: media_binary = result.content if binary_is_image(image_filename, media_binary): with open(image_filename, 'wb') as fp_im: fp_im.write(media_binary) if debug: print('Image downloaded from ' + url) return True else: print('WARN: download_image binary not recognized ' + image_filename) except BaseException as ex: print('EX: Failed to download image: ' + str(url) + ' ' + str(ex)) return False def download_image_any_mime_type(session, url: str, timeout_sec: int, debug: bool): """http GET for an image with any mime type """ # check that this looks like a url if not _looks_like_url(url): if debug: print('WARN: download_image_any_mime_type, ' + url + ' does not look like a url') return None, None mime_type = None content_type = None result = None image_mime_types = \ 'image/x-icon, image/png, image/webp, image/jpeg, image/gif, ' + \ 'image/avif, image/heic, image/jxl, image/svg+xml' session_headers = { 'Accept': image_mime_types } try: result = session.get(url, headers=session_headers, timeout=timeout_sec, allow_redirects=True) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as ex: print('EX: download_image_any_mime_type failed1: ' + str(url) + ', ' + str(ex)) return None, None except ValueError as ex: print('EX: download_image_any_mime_type failed2: ' + str(url) + ', ' + str(ex)) return None, None except SocketError as ex: if ex.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('EX: download_image_any_mime_type failed, ' + 'connection was reset ' + str(ex)) return None, None if not result: return None, None if result.status_code != 200: print('WARN: download_image_any_mime_type: ' + url + ' failed with error code ' + str(result.status_code)) return None, None if result.headers.get('content-type'): content_type = result.headers['content-type'] elif result.headers.get('Content-type'): content_type = result.headers['Content-type'] elif result.headers.get('Content-Type'): content_type = result.headers['Content-Type'] if not content_type: return None, None image_formats = image_mime_types_dict() for _, m_type in image_formats.items(): if 'image/' + m_type in content_type: mime_type = 'image/' + m_type return result.content, mime_type def get_method(method_name: str, xml_str: str, session, url: str, params: {}, headers: {}, debug: bool, version: str, http_prefix: str, domain: str, timeout_sec: int = 20, quiet: bool = False) -> {}: """Part of the vcard interface """ if method_name not in ("REPORT", "PUT", "PROPFIND"): print("Unrecognized method: " + method_name) return None if not isinstance(url, str): if debug and not quiet: print('url: ' + str(url)) print('ERROR: get_method failed, url should be a string') return None if not headers: headers = { 'Accept': 'application/xml' } else: headers['Accept'] = 'application/xml' session_params = {} session_headers = {} if headers: session_headers = headers if params: session_params = params session_headers['User-Agent'] = 'Epicyon/' + version if domain: session_headers['User-Agent'] += \ '; +' + http_prefix + '://' + domain + '/' if not session: if not quiet: print('WARN: get_method failed, ' + 'no session specified for get_vcard') return None if debug: HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1 try: result = session.request(method_name, url, headers=session_headers, data=xml_str, params=session_params, timeout=timeout_sec, allow_redirects=True) if result.status_code not in (200, 207): if result.status_code == 401: print("WARN: get_method " + url + ' rejected by secure mode') elif result.status_code == 403: print('WARN: get_method Forbidden url: ' + url) elif result.status_code == 404: print('WARN: get_method Not Found url: ' + url) elif result.status_code == 410: print('WARN: get_method no longer available url: ' + url) else: session_headers2 = session_headers.copy() if session_headers2.get('Authorization'): session_headers2['Authorization'] = 'REDACTED' print('WARN: get_method url: ' + url + ' failed with error code ' + str(result.status_code) + ' headers: ' + str(session_headers2)) return result.content.decode('utf-8') except requests.exceptions.RequestException as ex: session_headers2 = session_headers.copy() if session_headers2.get('Authorization'): session_headers2['Authorization'] = 'REDACTED' if debug and not quiet: print('EX: get_method failed, url: ' + str(url) + ', ' + 'headers: ' + str(session_headers2) + ', ' + 'params: ' + str(session_params) + ', ' + str(ex)) except ValueError as ex: session_headers2 = session_headers.copy() if session_headers2.get('Authorization'): session_headers2['Authorization'] = 'REDACTED' if debug and not quiet: print('EX: get_method failed, url: ' + str(url) + ', ' + 'headers: ' + str(session_headers2) + ', ' + 'params: ' + str(session_params) + ', ' + str(ex)) except SocketError as ex: if not quiet: if ex.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('EX: get_method failed, ' + 'connection was reset during get_vcard ' + str(ex)) return None def get_session_for_domains(server, calling_domain: str, referer_domain: str): """Returns the appropriate session for the given domains """ if referer_domain is None: referer_domain = '' if '.onion:' in calling_domain or \ calling_domain.endswith('.onion') or \ '.onion:' in referer_domain or \ referer_domain.endswith('.onion'): if not server.domain.endswith('.onion'): if server.onion_domain and server.session_onion: return server.session_onion, 'tor' if '.i2p:' in calling_domain or \ calling_domain.endswith('.i2p') or \ '.i2p:' in referer_domain or \ referer_domain.endswith('.i2p'): if not server.domain.endswith('.i2p'): if server.i2p_domain and server.session_i2p: return server.session_i2p, 'i2p' return server.session, server.proxy_type def get_session_for_domain(server, referer_domain: str): """Returns the appropriate session for the given domain """ return get_session_for_domains(server, referer_domain, referer_domain) def set_session_for_sender(server, proxy_type: str, new_session) -> None: """Sets the appropriate session for the given sender """ if proxy_type == 'tor': if not server.domain.endswith('.onion'): if server.onion_domain and server.session_onion: server.session_onion = new_session return if proxy_type == 'i2p': if not server.domain.endswith('.i2p'): if server.i2p_domain and server.session_i2p: server.session_i2p = new_session return server.session = new_session def establish_session(calling_function: str, curr_session, proxy_type: str, server): """Recreates session if needed """ if curr_session: return curr_session print('DEBUG: creating new session during ' + calling_function) curr_session = create_session(proxy_type) if curr_session: set_session_for_sender(server, proxy_type, curr_session) return curr_session print('ERROR: GET failed to create session during ' + calling_function) return None