__filename__ = "webapp_create_post.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.2.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@libreserver.org" __status__ = "Production" __module_group__ = "Web Interface" import os from utils import get_new_post_endpoints from utils import isPublicPostFromUrl from utils import getNicknameFromActor from utils import getDomainFromActor from utils import get_media_formats from utils import get_config_param from utils import acct_dir from utils import get_currencies from utils import get_category_types from webapp_utils import getBannerFile from webapp_utils import htmlHeaderWithExternalStyle from webapp_utils import htmlFooter from webapp_utils import editTextField from webapp_utils import editNumberField from webapp_utils import editCurrencyField from webapp_post import individualPostAsHtml def _htmlFollowingDataList(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, domain_full: str) -> str: """Returns a datalist of handles being followed """ listStr = '\n' followingFilename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/following.txt' msg = None if os.path.isfile(followingFilename): with open(followingFilename, 'r') as followingFile: msg = followingFile.read() # add your own handle, so that you can send DMs # to yourself as reminders msg += nickname + '@' + domain_full + '\n' if msg: # include petnames petnamesFilename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/petnames.txt' if os.path.isfile(petnamesFilename): followingList = [] with open(petnamesFilename, 'r') as petnamesFile: petStr = petnamesFile.read() # extract each petname and append it petnamesList = petStr.split('\n') for pet in petnamesList: followingList.append(pet.split(' ')[0]) # add the following.txt entries followingList += msg.split('\n') else: # no petnames list exists - just use following.txt followingList = msg.split('\n') followingList.sort() if followingList: for followingAddress in followingList: if followingAddress: listStr += '\n' listStr += '\n' return listStr def _htmlNewPostDropDown(scopeIcon: str, scopeDescription: str, replyStr: str, translate: {}, showPublicOnDropdown: bool, defaultTimeline: str, pathBase: str, dropdownNewPostSuffix: str, dropdownNewBlogSuffix: str, dropdownUnlistedSuffix: str, dropdownFollowersSuffix: str, dropdownDMSuffix: str, dropdownReminderSuffix: str, dropdownReportSuffix: str, noDropDown: bool, accessKeys: {}) -> str: """Returns the html for a drop down list of new post types """ dropDownContent = '\n' return dropDownContent dropDownContent += ' \n' dropDownContent += '\n' return dropDownContent def htmlNewPost(cssCache: {}, media_instance: bool, translate: {}, base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, path: str, inReplyTo: str, mentions: [], shareDescription: str, reportUrl: str, pageNumber: int, category: str, nickname: str, domain: str, domain_full: str, defaultTimeline: str, newswire: {}, theme: str, noDropDown: bool, accessKeys: {}, customSubmitText: str, conversationId: str, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_recent_posts: int, session, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, port: int, post_json_object: {}, project_version: str, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, peertube_instances: [], allow_local_network_access: bool, system_language: str, max_like_count: int, signing_priv_key_pem: str, cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: str, boxName: str) -> str: """New post screen """ replyStr = '' isNewReminder = False if path.endswith('/newreminder'): isNewReminder = True # the date and time dateAndTimeStr = '

\n' if not isNewReminder: dateAndTimeStr += \ '\n' # select a date and time for this post dateAndTimeStr += '\n' dateAndTimeStr += '\n' dateAndTimeStr += '\n

\n' showPublicOnDropdown = True messageBoxHeight = 400 # filename of the banner shown at the top bannerFile, bannerFilename = \ getBannerFile(base_dir, nickname, domain, theme) if not path.endswith('/newshare') and not path.endswith('/newwanted'): if not path.endswith('/newreport'): if not inReplyTo or isNewReminder: newPostText = '

' + \ translate['Write your post text below.'] + '

\n' else: newPostText = '' if category != 'accommodation': newPostText = \ '

' + \ translate['Write your reply to'] + \ ' ' + \ translate['this post'] + '

\n' if post_json_object: newPostText += \ individualPostAsHtml(signing_priv_key_pem, True, recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, translate, None, base_dir, session, cached_webfingers, person_cache, nickname, domain, port, post_json_object, None, True, False, http_prefix, project_version, boxName, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, theme, system_language, max_like_count, False, False, False, False, False, False, cw_lists, lists_enabled) replyStr = '\n' # if replying to a non-public post then also make # this post non-public if not isPublicPostFromUrl(base_dir, nickname, domain, inReplyTo): newPostPath = path if '?' in newPostPath: newPostPath = newPostPath.split('?')[0] if newPostPath.endswith('/newpost'): path = path.replace('/newpost', '/newfollowers') elif newPostPath.endswith('/newunlisted'): path = path.replace('/newunlisted', '/newfollowers') showPublicOnDropdown = False else: newPostText = \ '

' + translate['Write your report below.'] + '

\n' # custom report header with any additional instructions if os.path.isfile(base_dir + '/accounts/report.txt'): with open(base_dir + '/accounts/report.txt', 'r') as file: customReportText = file.read() if '

' not in customReportText: customReportText = \ '

' + \ customReportText + '

\n' repStr = '

' customReportText = \ customReportText.replace('

', repStr) newPostText += customReportText idx = 'This message only goes to moderators, even if it ' + \ 'mentions other fediverse addresses.' newPostText += \ '

' + translate[idx] + '

\n' + \ '

' + translate['Also see'] + \ ' ' + \ translate['Terms of Service'] + '

\n' else: if path.endswith('/newshare'): newPostText = \ '

' + \ translate['Enter the details for your shared item below.'] + \ '

\n' else: newPostText = \ '

' + \ translate['Enter the details for your wanted item below.'] + \ '

\n' if path.endswith('/newquestion'): newPostText = \ '

' + \ translate['Enter the choices for your question below.'] + \ '

\n' if os.path.isfile(base_dir + '/accounts/newpost.txt'): with open(base_dir + '/accounts/newpost.txt', 'r') as file: newPostText = \ '

' + file.read() + '

\n' cssFilename = base_dir + '/epicyon-profile.css' if os.path.isfile(base_dir + '/epicyon.css'): cssFilename = base_dir + '/epicyon.css' if '?' in path: path = path.split('?')[0] newPostEndpoints = get_new_post_endpoints() pathBase = path for currPostType in newPostEndpoints: pathBase = pathBase.replace('/' + currPostType, '') newPostImageSection = '
\n' newPostImageSection += \ editTextField(translate['Image description'], 'imageDescription', '') newPostImageSection += \ ' \n' newPostImageSection += '
\n' scopeIcon = 'scope_public.png' scopeDescription = translate['Public'] if shareDescription: if category == 'accommodation': placeholderSubject = translate['Request to stay'] else: placeholderSubject = translate['Ask about a shared item.'] + '..' else: placeholderSubject = \ translate['Subject or Content Warning (optional)'] + '...' placeholderMentions = '' if inReplyTo: placeholderMentions = \ translate['Replying to'] + '...' placeholderMessage = '' if category != 'accommodation': placeholderMessage = translate['Write something'] + '...' else: idx = 'Introduce yourself and specify the date ' + \ 'and time when you wish to stay' placeholderMessage = translate[idx] extraFields = '' endpoint = 'newpost' if path.endswith('/newblog'): placeholderSubject = translate['Title'] scopeIcon = 'scope_blog.png' if defaultTimeline != 'tlfeatures': scopeDescription = translate['Blog'] else: scopeDescription = translate['Article'] endpoint = 'newblog' elif path.endswith('/newunlisted'): scopeIcon = 'scope_unlisted.png' scopeDescription = translate['Unlisted'] endpoint = 'newunlisted' elif path.endswith('/newfollowers'): scopeIcon = 'scope_followers.png' scopeDescription = translate['Followers'] endpoint = 'newfollowers' elif path.endswith('/newdm'): scopeIcon = 'scope_dm.png' scopeDescription = translate['DM'] endpoint = 'newdm' elif isNewReminder: scopeIcon = 'scope_reminder.png' scopeDescription = translate['Reminder'] endpoint = 'newreminder' elif path.endswith('/newreport'): scopeIcon = 'scope_report.png' scopeDescription = translate['Report'] endpoint = 'newreport' elif path.endswith('/newquestion'): scopeIcon = 'scope_question.png' scopeDescription = translate['Question'] placeholderMessage = translate['Enter your question'] + '...' endpoint = 'newquestion' extraFields = '
\n' extraFields += '
\n' for questionCtr in range(8): extraFields += \ '
\n' extraFields += \ '
\n' extraFields += '
' elif path.endswith('/newshare'): scopeIcon = 'scope_share.png' scopeDescription = translate['Shared Item'] placeholderSubject = translate['Name of the shared item'] + '...' placeholderMessage = \ translate['Description of the item being shared'] + '...' endpoint = 'newshare' extraFields = '
\n' extraFields += \ editNumberField(translate['Quantity'], 'itemQty', 1, 1, 999999, 1) extraFields += '
' + \ editTextField(translate['Type of shared item. eg. hat'] + ':', 'itemType', '', '', True) categoryTypes = get_category_types(base_dir) catStr = translate['Category of shared item. eg. clothing'] extraFields += '
\n' extraFields += '
\n' extraFields += \ editNumberField(translate['Duration of listing in days'], 'duration', 14, 1, 365, 1) extraFields += '
\n' extraFields += '
\n' cityOrLocStr = translate['City or location of the shared item'] extraFields += editTextField(cityOrLocStr + ':', 'location', '') extraFields += '
\n' extraFields += '
\n' extraFields += \ editCurrencyField(translate['Price'] + ':', 'itemPrice', '0.00', '0.00', True) extraFields += '
' extraFields += \ '
\n' currencies = get_currencies() extraFields += ' \n' extraFields += '
\n' elif path.endswith('/newwanted'): scopeIcon = 'scope_wanted.png' scopeDescription = translate['Wanted'] placeholderSubject = translate['Name of the wanted item'] + '...' placeholderMessage = \ translate['Description of the item wanted'] + '...' endpoint = 'newwanted' extraFields = '
\n' extraFields += \ editNumberField(translate['Quantity'], 'itemQty', 1, 1, 999999, 1) extraFields += '
' + \ editTextField(translate['Type of wanted item. eg. hat'] + ':', 'itemType', '', '', True) categoryTypes = get_category_types(base_dir) catStr = translate['Category of wanted item. eg. clothes'] extraFields += '
\n' extraFields += '
\n' extraFields += \ editNumberField(translate['Duration of listing in days'], 'duration', 14, 1, 365, 1) extraFields += '
\n' extraFields += '
\n' cityOrLocStr = translate['City or location of the wanted item'] extraFields += editTextField(cityOrLocStr + ':', 'location', '') extraFields += '
\n' extraFields += '
\n' extraFields += \ editCurrencyField(translate['Maximum Price'] + ':', 'itemPrice', '0.00', '0.00', True) extraFields += '
' extraFields += \ '
\n' currencies = get_currencies() extraFields += ' \n' extraFields += '
\n' citationsStr = '' if endpoint == 'newblog': citationsFilename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/.citations.txt' if os.path.isfile(citationsFilename): citationsStr = '
\n' citationsStr += '

\n' citationsStr += ' \n' citationsStr += '
\n' dateAndLocation = '' if endpoint != 'newshare' and \ endpoint != 'newwanted' and \ endpoint != 'newreport' and \ endpoint != 'newquestion': if not isNewReminder: dateAndLocation = \ '
\n' if category != 'accommodation': dateAndLocation += \ '

\n' else: dateAndLocation += \ '\n' if endpoint == 'newpost': dateAndLocation += \ '

\n' if not inReplyTo: dateAndLocation += \ '

\n' dateAndLocation += dateAndTimeStr dateAndLocation += '
\n' dateAndLocation += '
\n' dateAndLocation += \ editTextField(translate['Location'], 'location', '') dateAndLocation += '
\n' instanceTitle = get_config_param(base_dir, 'instanceTitle') newPostForm = htmlHeaderWithExternalStyle(cssFilename, instanceTitle, None) newPostForm += \ '
\n' + \ '\n' newPostForm += '\n' + \ '
\n' mentionsStr = '' for m in mentions: mentionNickname = getNicknameFromActor(m) if not mentionNickname: continue mentionDomain, mentionPort = getDomainFromActor(m) if not mentionDomain: continue if mentionPort: mentionsHandle = \ '@' + mentionNickname + '@' + \ mentionDomain + ':' + str(mentionPort) else: mentionsHandle = '@' + mentionNickname + '@' + mentionDomain if mentionsHandle not in mentionsStr: mentionsStr += mentionsHandle + ' ' # build suffixes so that any replies or mentions are # preserved when switching between scopes dropdownNewPostSuffix = '/newpost' dropdownNewBlogSuffix = '/newblog' dropdownUnlistedSuffix = '/newunlisted' dropdownFollowersSuffix = '/newfollowers' dropdownDMSuffix = '/newdm' dropdownReminderSuffix = '/newreminder' dropdownReportSuffix = '/newreport' if inReplyTo or mentions: dropdownNewPostSuffix = '' dropdownNewBlogSuffix = '' dropdownUnlistedSuffix = '' dropdownFollowersSuffix = '' dropdownDMSuffix = '' dropdownReminderSuffix = '' dropdownReportSuffix = '' if inReplyTo: dropdownNewPostSuffix += '?replyto=' + inReplyTo dropdownNewBlogSuffix += '?replyto=' + inReplyTo dropdownUnlistedSuffix += '?replyto=' + inReplyTo dropdownFollowersSuffix += '?replyfollowers=' + inReplyTo dropdownDMSuffix += '?replydm=' + inReplyTo for mentionedActor in mentions: dropdownNewPostSuffix += '?mention=' + mentionedActor dropdownNewBlogSuffix += '?mention=' + mentionedActor dropdownUnlistedSuffix += '?mention=' + mentionedActor dropdownFollowersSuffix += '?mention=' + mentionedActor dropdownDMSuffix += '?mention=' + mentionedActor dropdownReportSuffix += '?mention=' + mentionedActor if conversationId and inReplyTo: dropdownNewPostSuffix += '?conversationId=' + conversationId dropdownNewBlogSuffix += '?conversationId=' + conversationId dropdownUnlistedSuffix += '?conversationId=' + conversationId dropdownFollowersSuffix += '?conversationId=' + conversationId dropdownDMSuffix += '?conversationId=' + conversationId dropDownContent = '' if not reportUrl and not shareDescription: dropDownContent = \ _htmlNewPostDropDown(scopeIcon, scopeDescription, replyStr, translate, showPublicOnDropdown, defaultTimeline, pathBase, dropdownNewPostSuffix, dropdownNewBlogSuffix, dropdownUnlistedSuffix, dropdownFollowersSuffix, dropdownDMSuffix, dropdownReminderSuffix, dropdownReportSuffix, noDropDown, accessKeys) else: if not shareDescription: # reporting a post to moderator mentionsStr = 'Re: ' + reportUrl + '\n\n' + mentionsStr newPostForm += \ '
\n' if conversationId: newPostForm += \ ' \n' newPostForm += '
\n' newPostForm += \ ' \n' newPostForm += '
\n' newPostForm += ' \n' newPostForm += ' \n' newPostForm += ' \n' newPostForm += ' \n' if newswire and path.endswith('/newblog'): newPostForm += ' \n' newPostForm += ' \n' else: newPostForm += ' \n' newPostForm += ' \n' newPostForm += '\n' newPostForm += '\n' newPostForm += \ ' \n' # for a new blog if newswire items exist then add a citations button if newswire and path.endswith('/newblog'): newPostForm += \ ' \n' submitText = translate['Submit'] if customSubmitText: submitText = customSubmitText newPostForm += \ ' \n' newPostForm += ' \n
' + dropDownContent + '' + \
        translate['Search for emoji'] + '
\n' newPostForm += '
\n' newPostForm += '
\n' newPostForm += '
\n' newPostForm += replyStr if media_instance and not replyStr: newPostForm += newPostImageSection if not shareDescription: shareDescription = '' # for reminders show the date and time at the top if isNewReminder: newPostForm += '
\n' newPostForm += dateAndTimeStr newPostForm += '
\n' newPostForm += \ editTextField(placeholderSubject, 'subject', shareDescription) newPostForm += '' selectedStr = ' selected' if inReplyTo or endpoint == 'newdm': if inReplyTo: newPostForm += \ '
\n' else: newPostForm += \ ' ' \ ' 📄
\n' newPostForm += \ ' \n' newPostForm += \ _htmlFollowingDataList(base_dir, nickname, domain, domain_full) newPostForm += '' selectedStr = '' newPostForm += \ '
' if media_instance: messageBoxHeight = 200 if endpoint == 'newquestion': messageBoxHeight = 100 elif endpoint == 'newblog': messageBoxHeight = 800 newPostForm += \ ' \n' newPostForm += extraFields + citationsStr + dateAndLocation if not media_instance or replyStr: newPostForm += newPostImageSection newPostForm += \ '
\n' + \ ' \n' + \ '
\n' + \ '
\n' + \ '
\n' if not reportUrl: newPostForm = \ newPostForm.replace('', '') newPostForm += htmlFooter() return newPostForm