__filename__ = "person.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.2.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@freedombone.net" __status__ = "Production" __module_group__ = "ActivityPub" import time import os import subprocess import shutil import pyqrcode from random import randint from pathlib import Path from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization from shutil import copyfile from webfinger import createWebfingerEndpoint from webfinger import storeWebfingerEndpoint from posts import getUserUrl from posts import createDMTimeline from posts import createRepliesTimeline from posts import createMediaTimeline from posts import createNewsTimeline from posts import createBlogsTimeline from posts import createFeaturesTimeline from posts import createBookmarksTimeline from posts import createEventsTimeline from posts import createInbox from posts import createOutbox from posts import createModeration from auth import storeBasicCredentials from auth import removePassword from roles import setRole from roles import setRolesFromList from roles import getActorRolesList from media import processMetaData from utils import removeDomainPort from utils import getStatusNumber from utils import getFullDomain from utils import validNickname from utils import loadJson from utils import saveJson from utils import setConfigParam from utils import getConfigParam from utils import refreshNewswire from utils import getProtocolPrefixes from utils import hasUsersPath from utils import getImageExtensions from session import createSession from session import getJson from webfinger import webfingerHandle from pprint import pprint from cache import getPersonFromCache def generateRSAKey() -> (str, str): key = rsa.generate_private_key( public_exponent=65537, key_size=2048, backend=default_backend() ) privateKeyPem = key.private_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM, format=serialization.PrivateFormat.TraditionalOpenSSL, encryption_algorithm=serialization.NoEncryption() ) pubkey = key.public_key() publicKeyPem = pubkey.public_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM, format=serialization.PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo, ) privateKeyPem = privateKeyPem.decode("utf-8") publicKeyPem = publicKeyPem.decode("utf-8") return privateKeyPem, publicKeyPem def setProfileImage(baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, imageFilename: str, imageType: str, resolution: str, city: str) -> bool: """Saves the given image file as an avatar or background image for the given person """ imageFilename = imageFilename.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') if not (imageFilename.endswith('.png') or imageFilename.endswith('.jpg') or imageFilename.endswith('.jpeg') or imageFilename.endswith('.svg') or imageFilename.endswith('.gif')): print('Profile image must be png, jpg, gif or svg format') return False if imageFilename.startswith('~/'): imageFilename = imageFilename.replace('~/', str(Path.home()) + '/') domain = removeDomainPort(domain) fullDomain = getFullDomain(domain, port) handle = nickname + '@' + domain personFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/' + handle + '.json' if not os.path.isfile(personFilename): print('person definition not found: ' + personFilename) return False if not os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/accounts/' + handle): print('Account not found: ' + baseDir + '/accounts/' + handle) return False iconFilenameBase = 'icon' if imageType == 'avatar' or imageType == 'icon': iconFilenameBase = 'icon' else: iconFilenameBase = 'image' mediaType = 'image/png' iconFilename = iconFilenameBase + '.png' if imageFilename.endswith('.jpg') or \ imageFilename.endswith('.jpeg'): mediaType = 'image/jpeg' iconFilename = iconFilenameBase + '.jpg' if imageFilename.endswith('.gif'): mediaType = 'image/gif' iconFilename = iconFilenameBase + '.gif' if imageFilename.endswith('.svg'): mediaType = 'image/svg+xml' iconFilename = iconFilenameBase + '.svg' profileFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/' + handle + '/' + iconFilename personJson = loadJson(personFilename) if personJson: personJson[iconFilenameBase]['mediaType'] = mediaType personJson[iconFilenameBase]['url'] = \ httpPrefix + '://' + fullDomain + '/users/' + \ nickname + '/' + iconFilename saveJson(personJson, personFilename) cmd = \ '/usr/bin/convert ' + imageFilename + ' -size ' + \ resolution + ' -quality 50 ' + profileFilename subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True) processMetaData(baseDir, nickname, domain, profileFilename, profileFilename, city) return True return False def _accountExists(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str) -> bool: """Returns true if the given account exists """ domain = removeDomainPort(domain) return os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain) or \ os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/deactivated/' + nickname + '@' + domain) def randomizeActorImages(personJson: {}) -> None: """Randomizes the filenames for avatar image and background This causes other instances to update their cached avatar image """ personId = personJson['id'] lastPartOfFilename = personJson['icon']['url'].split('/')[-1] existingExtension = lastPartOfFilename.split('.')[1] # NOTE: these files don't need to have cryptographically # secure names randStr = str(randint(10000000000000, 99999999999999)) # nosec baseUrl = personId.split('/users/')[0] nickname = personJson['preferredUsername'] personJson['icon']['url'] = \ baseUrl + '/accounts/avatars/' + nickname + \ '/avatar' + randStr + '.' + existingExtension lastPartOfFilename = personJson['image']['url'].split('/')[-1] existingExtension = lastPartOfFilename.split('.')[1] randStr = str(randint(10000000000000, 99999999999999)) # nosec personJson['image']['url'] = \ baseUrl + '/accounts/headers/' + nickname + \ '/image' + randStr + '.' + existingExtension def getDefaultPersonContext() -> str: """Gets the default actor context """ return { 'Curve25519Key': 'toot:Curve25519Key', 'Device': 'toot:Device', 'Ed25519Key': 'toot:Ed25519Key', 'Ed25519Signature': 'toot:Ed25519Signature', 'EncryptedMessage': 'toot:EncryptedMessage', 'IdentityProof': 'toot:IdentityProof', 'PropertyValue': 'schema:PropertyValue', 'alsoKnownAs': {'@id': 'as:alsoKnownAs', '@type': '@id'}, 'cipherText': 'toot:cipherText', 'claim': {'@id': 'toot:claim', '@type': '@id'}, 'deviceId': 'toot:deviceId', 'devices': {'@id': 'toot:devices', '@type': '@id'}, 'discoverable': 'toot:discoverable', 'featured': {'@id': 'toot:featured', '@type': '@id'}, 'featuredTags': {'@id': 'toot:featuredTags', '@type': '@id'}, 'fingerprintKey': {'@id': 'toot:fingerprintKey', '@type': '@id'}, 'focalPoint': {'@container': '@list', '@id': 'toot:focalPoint'}, 'identityKey': {'@id': 'toot:identityKey', '@type': '@id'}, 'manuallyApprovesFollowers': 'as:manuallyApprovesFollowers', 'messageFranking': 'toot:messageFranking', 'messageType': 'toot:messageType', 'movedTo': {'@id': 'as:movedTo', '@type': '@id'}, 'publicKeyBase64': 'toot:publicKeyBase64', 'schema': 'http://schema.org#', 'suspended': 'toot:suspended', 'toot': 'http://joinmastodon.org/ns#', 'value': 'schema:value', 'hasOccupation': 'schema:hasOccupation', 'Occupation': 'schema:Occupation', 'occupationalCategory': 'schema:occupationalCategory', 'Role': 'schema:Role', 'WebSite': 'schema:Project', 'CategoryCode': 'schema:CategoryCode', 'CategoryCodeSet': 'schema:CategoryCodeSet' } def _createPersonBase(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, httpPrefix: str, saveToFile: bool, manualFollowerApproval: bool, password: str = None) -> (str, str, {}, {}): """Returns the private key, public key, actor and webfinger endpoint """ privateKeyPem, publicKeyPem = generateRSAKey() webfingerEndpoint = \ createWebfingerEndpoint(nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, publicKeyPem) if saveToFile: storeWebfingerEndpoint(nickname, domain, port, baseDir, webfingerEndpoint) handle = nickname + '@' + domain originalDomain = domain domain = getFullDomain(domain, port) personType = 'Person' # Enable follower approval by default approveFollowers = manualFollowerApproval personName = nickname personId = httpPrefix + '://' + domain + '/users/' + nickname inboxStr = personId + '/inbox' personUrl = httpPrefix + '://' + domain + '/@' + personName if nickname == 'inbox': # shared inbox inboxStr = httpPrefix + '://' + domain + '/actor/inbox' personId = httpPrefix + '://' + domain + '/actor' personUrl = httpPrefix + '://' + domain + \ '/about/more?instance_actor=true' personName = originalDomain approveFollowers = True personType = 'Application' elif nickname == 'news': personUrl = httpPrefix + '://' + domain + \ '/about/more?news_actor=true' approveFollowers = True personType = 'Application' # NOTE: these image files don't need to have # cryptographically secure names imageUrl = \ personId + '/image' + \ str(randint(10000000000000, 99999999999999)) + '.png' # nosec iconUrl = \ personId + '/avatar' + \ str(randint(10000000000000, 99999999999999)) + '.png' # nosec statusNumber, published = getStatusNumber() newPerson = { '@context': [ 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', 'https://w3id.org/security/v1', getDefaultPersonContext() ], 'published': published, 'alsoKnownAs': [], 'attachment': [], 'devices': personId + '/collections/devices', 'endpoints': { 'id': personId + '/endpoints', 'sharedInbox': httpPrefix + '://' + domain + '/inbox', }, 'featured': personId + '/collections/featured', 'featuredTags': personId + '/collections/tags', 'followers': personId + '/followers', 'following': personId + '/following', 'tts': personId + '/speaker', 'shares': personId + '/shares', 'hasOccupation': [ { '@type': 'Occupation', 'name': "", "occupationLocation": { "@type": "City", "name": "Fediverse" }, 'skills': [] } ], 'availability': None, 'icon': { 'mediaType': 'image/png', 'type': 'Image', 'url': iconUrl }, 'id': personId, 'image': { 'mediaType': 'image/png', 'type': 'Image', 'url': imageUrl }, 'inbox': inboxStr, 'manuallyApprovesFollowers': approveFollowers, 'discoverable': True, 'name': personName, 'outbox': personId + '/outbox', 'preferredUsername': personName, 'summary': '', 'publicKey': { 'id': personId + '#main-key', 'owner': personId, 'publicKeyPem': publicKeyPem }, 'tag': [], 'type': personType, 'url': personUrl } if nickname == 'inbox': # fields not needed by the shared inbox del newPerson['outbox'] del newPerson['icon'] del newPerson['image'] if newPerson.get('skills'): del newPerson['skills'] del newPerson['shares'] if newPerson.get('roles'): del newPerson['roles'] del newPerson['tag'] del newPerson['availability'] del newPerson['followers'] del newPerson['following'] del newPerson['attachment'] if saveToFile: # save person to file peopleSubdir = '/accounts' if not os.path.isdir(baseDir + peopleSubdir): os.mkdir(baseDir + peopleSubdir) if not os.path.isdir(baseDir + peopleSubdir + '/' + handle): os.mkdir(baseDir + peopleSubdir + '/' + handle) if not os.path.isdir(baseDir + peopleSubdir + '/' + handle + '/inbox'): os.mkdir(baseDir + peopleSubdir + '/' + handle + '/inbox') if not os.path.isdir(baseDir + peopleSubdir + '/' + handle + '/outbox'): os.mkdir(baseDir + peopleSubdir + '/' + handle + '/outbox') if not os.path.isdir(baseDir + peopleSubdir + '/' + handle + '/queue'): os.mkdir(baseDir + peopleSubdir + '/' + handle + '/queue') filename = baseDir + peopleSubdir + '/' + handle + '.json' saveJson(newPerson, filename) # save to cache if not os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/cache'): os.mkdir(baseDir + '/cache') if not os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/cache/actors'): os.mkdir(baseDir + '/cache/actors') cacheFilename = baseDir + '/cache/actors/' + \ newPerson['id'].replace('/', '#') + '.json' saveJson(newPerson, cacheFilename) # save the private key privateKeysSubdir = '/keys/private' if not os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/keys'): os.mkdir(baseDir + '/keys') if not os.path.isdir(baseDir + privateKeysSubdir): os.mkdir(baseDir + privateKeysSubdir) filename = baseDir + privateKeysSubdir + '/' + handle + '.key' with open(filename, 'w+') as text_file: print(privateKeyPem, file=text_file) # save the public key publicKeysSubdir = '/keys/public' if not os.path.isdir(baseDir + publicKeysSubdir): os.mkdir(baseDir + publicKeysSubdir) filename = baseDir + publicKeysSubdir + '/' + handle + '.pem' with open(filename, 'w+') as text_file: print(publicKeyPem, file=text_file) if password: storeBasicCredentials(baseDir, nickname, password) return privateKeyPem, publicKeyPem, newPerson, webfingerEndpoint def registerAccount(baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, port: int, nickname: str, password: str, manualFollowerApproval: bool) -> bool: """Registers a new account from the web interface """ if _accountExists(baseDir, nickname, domain): return False if not validNickname(domain, nickname): print('REGISTER: Nickname ' + nickname + ' is invalid') return False if len(password) < 8: print('REGISTER: Password should be at least 8 characters') return False (privateKeyPem, publicKeyPem, newPerson, webfingerEndpoint) = createPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, True, manualFollowerApproval, password) if privateKeyPem: return True return False def createGroup(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, httpPrefix: str, saveToFile: bool, password: str = None) -> (str, str, {}, {}): """Returns a group """ (privateKeyPem, publicKeyPem, newPerson, webfingerEndpoint) = createPerson(baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, saveToFile, False, password) newPerson['type'] = 'Group' return privateKeyPem, publicKeyPem, newPerson, webfingerEndpoint def savePersonQrcode(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, scale=6) -> None: """Saves a qrcode image for the handle of the person This helps to transfer onion or i2p handles to a mobile device """ qrcodeFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + domain + '/qrcode.png' if os.path.isfile(qrcodeFilename): return handle = getFullDomain('@' + nickname + '@' + domain, port) url = pyqrcode.create(handle) url.png(qrcodeFilename, scale) def createPerson(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, httpPrefix: str, saveToFile: bool, manualFollowerApproval: bool, password: str = None) -> (str, str, {}, {}): """Returns the private key, public key, actor and webfinger endpoint """ if not validNickname(domain, nickname): return None, None, None, None # If a config.json file doesn't exist then don't decrement # remaining registrations counter if nickname != 'news': remainingConfigExists = \ getConfigParam(baseDir, 'registrationsRemaining') if remainingConfigExists: registrationsRemaining = int(remainingConfigExists) if registrationsRemaining <= 0: return None, None, None, None else: if os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/accounts/news@' + domain): # news account already exists return None, None, None, None (privateKeyPem, publicKeyPem, newPerson, webfingerEndpoint) = _createPersonBase(baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, saveToFile, manualFollowerApproval, password) if not getConfigParam(baseDir, 'admin'): if nickname != 'news': # print(nickname+' becomes the instance admin and a moderator') setConfigParam(baseDir, 'admin', nickname) setRole(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'admin') setRole(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'moderator') setRole(baseDir, nickname, domain, 'editor') if not os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/accounts'): os.mkdir(baseDir + '/accounts') if not os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain): os.mkdir(baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain) if manualFollowerApproval: followDMsFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + domain + '/.followDMs' with open(followDMsFilename, 'w+') as fFile: fFile.write('\n') # notify when posts are liked if nickname != 'news': notifyLikesFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + domain + '/.notifyLikes' with open(notifyLikesFilename, 'w+') as nFile: nFile.write('\n') theme = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'theme') if not theme: theme = 'default' if nickname != 'news': if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/img/default-avatar.png'): copyfile(baseDir + '/img/default-avatar.png', baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain + '/avatar.png') else: newsAvatar = baseDir + '/theme/' + theme + '/icons/avatar_news.png' if os.path.isfile(newsAvatar): copyfile(newsAvatar, baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain + '/avatar.png') defaultProfileImageFilename = baseDir + '/theme/default/image.png' if theme: if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/theme/' + theme + '/image.png'): defaultProfileImageFilename = \ baseDir + '/theme/' + theme + '/image.png' if os.path.isfile(defaultProfileImageFilename): copyfile(defaultProfileImageFilename, baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain + '/image.png') defaultBannerFilename = baseDir + '/theme/default/banner.png' if theme: if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/theme/' + theme + '/banner.png'): defaultBannerFilename = baseDir + '/theme/' + theme + '/banner.png' if os.path.isfile(defaultBannerFilename): copyfile(defaultBannerFilename, baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain + '/banner.png') if nickname != 'news' and remainingConfigExists: registrationsRemaining -= 1 setConfigParam(baseDir, 'registrationsRemaining', str(registrationsRemaining)) savePersonQrcode(baseDir, nickname, domain, port) return privateKeyPem, publicKeyPem, newPerson, webfingerEndpoint def createSharedInbox(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, httpPrefix: str) -> (str, str, {}, {}): """Generates the shared inbox """ return _createPersonBase(baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, True, True, None) def createNewsInbox(baseDir: str, domain: str, port: int, httpPrefix: str) -> (str, str, {}, {}): """Generates the news inbox """ return createPerson(baseDir, 'news', domain, port, httpPrefix, True, True, None) def personUpgradeActor(baseDir: str, personJson: {}, handle: str, filename: str) -> None: """Alter the actor to add any new properties """ updateActor = False if not os.path.isfile(filename): print('WARN: actor file not found ' + filename) return if not personJson: personJson = loadJson(filename) # add a speaker endpoint if not personJson.get('tts'): personJson['tts'] = personJson['id'] + '/speaker' updateActor = True if not personJson.get('published'): statusNumber, published = getStatusNumber() personJson['published'] = published updateActor = True occupationName = '' if personJson.get('occupationName'): occupationName = personJson['occupationName'] del personJson['occupationName'] updateActor = True if personJson.get('occupation'): occupationName = personJson['occupation'] del personJson['occupation'] updateActor = True # if the older skills format is being used then switch # to the new one if not personJson.get('hasOccupation'): personJson['hasOccupation'] = [ { '@type': 'Occupation', 'name': occupationName, "occupationLocation": { "@type": "City", "name": "Fediverse" }, 'skills': [] } ] updateActor = True # remove the old skills format if personJson.get('skills'): del personJson['skills'] updateActor = True # if the older roles format is being used then switch # to the new one if personJson.get('affiliation'): del personJson['affiliation'] updateActor = True if not isinstance(personJson['hasOccupation'], list): personJson['hasOccupation'] = [ { '@type': 'Occupation', 'name': occupationName, 'occupationLocation': { '@type': 'City', 'name': 'Fediverse' }, 'skills': [] } ] updateActor = True else: # add location if it is missing for index in range(len(personJson['hasOccupation'])): ocItem = personJson['hasOccupation'][index] if ocItem.get('hasOccupation'): ocItem = ocItem['hasOccupation'] if ocItem.get('location'): del ocItem['location'] updateActor = True if not ocItem.get('occupationLocation'): ocItem['occupationLocation'] = { "@type": "City", "name": "Fediverse" } updateActor = True else: if ocItem['occupationLocation']['@type'] != 'City': ocItem['occupationLocation'] = { "@type": "City", "name": "Fediverse" } updateActor = True # if no roles are defined then ensure that the admin # roles are configured rolesList = getActorRolesList(personJson) if not rolesList: adminName = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'admin') if personJson['id'].endswith('/users/' + adminName): rolesList = ["admin", "moderator", "editor"] setRolesFromList(personJson, rolesList) updateActor = True # remove the old roles format if personJson.get('roles'): del personJson['roles'] updateActor = True if updateActor: personJson['@context'] = [ 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', 'https://w3id.org/security/v1', getDefaultPersonContext() ], saveJson(personJson, filename) # also update the actor within the cache actorCacheFilename = \ baseDir + '/accounts/cache/actors/' + \ personJson['id'].replace('/', '#') + '.json' if os.path.isfile(actorCacheFilename): saveJson(personJson, actorCacheFilename) # update domain/@nickname in actors cache actorCacheFilename = \ baseDir + '/accounts/cache/actors/' + \ personJson['id'].replace('/users/', '/@').replace('/', '#') + \ '.json' if os.path.isfile(actorCacheFilename): saveJson(personJson, actorCacheFilename) def personLookup(domain: str, path: str, baseDir: str) -> {}: """Lookup the person for an given nickname """ if path.endswith('#main-key'): path = path.replace('#main-key', '') # is this a shared inbox lookup? isSharedInbox = False if path == '/inbox' or path == '/users/inbox' or path == '/sharedInbox': # shared inbox actor on @domain@domain path = '/users/' + domain isSharedInbox = True else: notPersonLookup = ('/inbox', '/outbox', '/outboxarchive', '/followers', '/following', '/featured', '.png', '.jpg', '.gif', '.svg', '.mpv') for ending in notPersonLookup: if path.endswith(ending): return None nickname = None if path.startswith('/users/'): nickname = path.replace('/users/', '', 1) if path.startswith('/@'): nickname = path.replace('/@', '', 1) if not nickname: return None if not isSharedInbox and not validNickname(domain, nickname): return None domain = removeDomainPort(domain) handle = nickname + '@' + domain filename = baseDir + '/accounts/' + handle + '.json' if not os.path.isfile(filename): return None personJson = loadJson(filename) personUpgradeActor(baseDir, personJson, handle, filename) # if not personJson: # personJson={"user": "unknown"} return personJson def personBoxJson(recentPostsCache: {}, session, baseDir: str, domain: str, port: int, path: str, httpPrefix: str, noOfItems: int, boxname: str, authorized: bool, newswireVotesThreshold: int, positiveVoting: bool, votingTimeMins: int) -> {}: """Obtain the inbox/outbox/moderation feed for the given person """ if boxname != 'inbox' and boxname != 'dm' and \ boxname != 'tlreplies' and boxname != 'tlmedia' and \ boxname != 'tlblogs' and boxname != 'tlnews' and \ boxname != 'tlfeatures' and \ boxname != 'outbox' and boxname != 'moderation' and \ boxname != 'tlbookmarks' and boxname != 'bookmarks' and \ boxname != 'tlevents': return None if not '/' + boxname in path: return None # Only show the header by default headerOnly = True # handle page numbers pageNumber = None if '?page=' in path: pageNumber = path.split('?page=')[1] if pageNumber == 'true': pageNumber = 1 else: try: pageNumber = int(pageNumber) except BaseException: pass path = path.split('?page=')[0] headerOnly = False if not path.endswith('/' + boxname): return None nickname = None if path.startswith('/users/'): nickname = path.replace('/users/', '', 1).replace('/' + boxname, '') if path.startswith('/@'): nickname = path.replace('/@', '', 1).replace('/' + boxname, '') if not nickname: return None if not validNickname(domain, nickname): return None if boxname == 'inbox': return createInbox(recentPostsCache, session, baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, noOfItems, headerOnly, pageNumber) elif boxname == 'dm': return createDMTimeline(recentPostsCache, session, baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, noOfItems, headerOnly, pageNumber) elif boxname == 'tlbookmarks' or boxname == 'bookmarks': return createBookmarksTimeline(session, baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, noOfItems, headerOnly, pageNumber) elif boxname == 'tlevents': return createEventsTimeline(recentPostsCache, session, baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, noOfItems, headerOnly, pageNumber) elif boxname == 'tlreplies': return createRepliesTimeline(recentPostsCache, session, baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, noOfItems, headerOnly, pageNumber) elif boxname == 'tlmedia': return createMediaTimeline(session, baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, noOfItems, headerOnly, pageNumber) elif boxname == 'tlnews': return createNewsTimeline(session, baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, noOfItems, headerOnly, newswireVotesThreshold, positiveVoting, votingTimeMins, pageNumber) elif boxname == 'tlfeatures': return createFeaturesTimeline(session, baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, noOfItems, headerOnly, pageNumber) elif boxname == 'tlblogs': return createBlogsTimeline(session, baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, noOfItems, headerOnly, pageNumber) elif boxname == 'outbox': return createOutbox(session, baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, noOfItems, headerOnly, authorized, pageNumber) elif boxname == 'moderation': return createModeration(baseDir, nickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, noOfItems, headerOnly, pageNumber) return None def setDisplayNickname(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, displayName: str) -> bool: if len(displayName) > 32: return False handle = nickname + '@' + domain filename = baseDir + '/accounts/' + handle + '.json' if not os.path.isfile(filename): return False personJson = loadJson(filename) if not personJson: return False personJson['name'] = displayName saveJson(personJson, filename) return True def setBio(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, bio: str) -> bool: if len(bio) > 32: return False handle = nickname + '@' + domain filename = baseDir + '/accounts/' + handle + '.json' if not os.path.isfile(filename): return False personJson = loadJson(filename) if not personJson: return False if not personJson.get('summary'): return False personJson['summary'] = bio saveJson(personJson, filename) return True def reenableAccount(baseDir: str, nickname: str) -> None: """Removes an account suspention """ suspendedFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/suspended.txt' if os.path.isfile(suspendedFilename): lines = [] with open(suspendedFilename, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() with open(suspendedFilename, 'w+') as suspendedFile: for suspended in lines: if suspended.strip('\n').strip('\r') != nickname: suspendedFile.write(suspended) def suspendAccount(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str) -> None: """Suspends the given account """ # Don't suspend the admin adminNickname = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'admin') if not adminNickname: return if nickname == adminNickname: return # Don't suspend moderators moderatorsFile = baseDir + '/accounts/moderators.txt' if os.path.isfile(moderatorsFile): with open(moderatorsFile, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() for moderator in lines: if moderator.strip('\n').strip('\r') == nickname: return saltFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + domain + '/.salt' if os.path.isfile(saltFilename): os.remove(saltFilename) tokenFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + domain + '/.token' if os.path.isfile(tokenFilename): os.remove(tokenFilename) suspendedFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/suspended.txt' if os.path.isfile(suspendedFilename): with open(suspendedFilename, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() for suspended in lines: if suspended.strip('\n').strip('\r') == nickname: return with open(suspendedFilename, 'a+') as suspendedFile: suspendedFile.write(nickname + '\n') else: with open(suspendedFilename, 'w+') as suspendedFile: suspendedFile.write(nickname + '\n') def canRemovePost(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, postId: str) -> bool: """Returns true if the given post can be removed """ if '/statuses/' not in postId: return False domainFull = getFullDomain(domain, port) # is the post by the admin? adminNickname = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'admin') if not adminNickname: return False if domainFull + '/users/' + adminNickname + '/' in postId: return False # is the post by a moderator? moderatorsFile = baseDir + '/accounts/moderators.txt' if os.path.isfile(moderatorsFile): with open(moderatorsFile, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() for moderator in lines: if domainFull + '/users/' + moderator.strip('\n') + '/' in postId: return False return True def _removeTagsForNickname(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int) -> None: """Removes tags for a nickname """ if not os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/tags'): return domainFull = getFullDomain(domain, port) matchStr = domainFull + '/users/' + nickname + '/' directory = os.fsencode(baseDir + '/tags/') for f in os.scandir(directory): f = f.name filename = os.fsdecode(f) if not filename.endswith(".txt"): continue try: tagFilename = os.path.join(directory, filename) except BaseException: continue if not os.path.isfile(tagFilename): continue if matchStr not in open(tagFilename).read(): continue lines = [] with open(tagFilename, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() with open(tagFilename, 'w+') as tagFile: for tagline in lines: if matchStr not in tagline: tagFile.write(tagline) def removeAccount(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int) -> bool: """Removes an account """ # Don't remove the admin adminNickname = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'admin') if not adminNickname: return False if nickname == adminNickname: return False # Don't remove moderators moderatorsFile = baseDir + '/accounts/moderators.txt' if os.path.isfile(moderatorsFile): with open(moderatorsFile, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() for moderator in lines: if moderator.strip('\n') == nickname: return False reenableAccount(baseDir, nickname) handle = nickname + '@' + domain removePassword(baseDir, nickname) _removeTagsForNickname(baseDir, nickname, domain, port) if os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/deactivated/' + handle): shutil.rmtree(baseDir + '/deactivated/' + handle) if os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/accounts/' + handle): shutil.rmtree(baseDir + '/accounts/' + handle) if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/accounts/' + handle + '.json'): os.remove(baseDir + '/accounts/' + handle + '.json') if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/wfendpoints/' + handle + '.json'): os.remove(baseDir + '/wfendpoints/' + handle + '.json') if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/keys/private/' + handle + '.key'): os.remove(baseDir + '/keys/private/' + handle + '.key') if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/keys/public/' + handle + '.pem'): os.remove(baseDir + '/keys/public/' + handle + '.pem') if os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/sharefiles/' + nickname): shutil.rmtree(baseDir + '/sharefiles/' + nickname) if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/wfdeactivated/' + handle + '.json'): os.remove(baseDir + '/wfdeactivated/' + handle + '.json') if os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/sharefilesdeactivated/' + nickname): shutil.rmtree(baseDir + '/sharefilesdeactivated/' + nickname) refreshNewswire(baseDir) return True def deactivateAccount(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str) -> bool: """Makes an account temporarily unavailable """ handle = nickname + '@' + domain accountDir = baseDir + '/accounts/' + handle if not os.path.isdir(accountDir): return False deactivatedDir = baseDir + '/deactivated' if not os.path.isdir(deactivatedDir): os.mkdir(deactivatedDir) shutil.move(accountDir, deactivatedDir + '/' + handle) if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/wfendpoints/' + handle + '.json'): deactivatedWebfingerDir = baseDir + '/wfdeactivated' if not os.path.isdir(deactivatedWebfingerDir): os.mkdir(deactivatedWebfingerDir) shutil.move(baseDir + '/wfendpoints/' + handle + '.json', deactivatedWebfingerDir + '/' + handle + '.json') if os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/sharefiles/' + nickname): deactivatedSharefilesDir = baseDir + '/sharefilesdeactivated' if not os.path.isdir(deactivatedSharefilesDir): os.mkdir(deactivatedSharefilesDir) shutil.move(baseDir + '/sharefiles/' + nickname, deactivatedSharefilesDir + '/' + nickname) refreshNewswire(baseDir) return os.path.isdir(deactivatedDir + '/' + nickname + '@' + domain) def activateAccount(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str) -> None: """Makes a deactivated account available """ handle = nickname + '@' + domain deactivatedDir = baseDir + '/deactivated' deactivatedAccountDir = deactivatedDir + '/' + handle if os.path.isdir(deactivatedAccountDir): accountDir = baseDir + '/accounts/' + handle if not os.path.isdir(accountDir): shutil.move(deactivatedAccountDir, accountDir) deactivatedWebfingerDir = baseDir + '/wfdeactivated' if os.path.isfile(deactivatedWebfingerDir + '/' + handle + '.json'): shutil.move(deactivatedWebfingerDir + '/' + handle + '.json', baseDir + '/wfendpoints/' + handle + '.json') deactivatedSharefilesDir = baseDir + '/sharefilesdeactivated' if os.path.isdir(deactivatedSharefilesDir + '/' + nickname): if not os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/sharefiles/' + nickname): shutil.move(deactivatedSharefilesDir + '/' + nickname, baseDir + '/sharefiles/' + nickname) refreshNewswire(baseDir) def isPersonSnoozed(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, snoozeActor: str) -> bool: """Returns true if the given actor is snoozed """ snoozedFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + domain + '/snoozed.txt' if not os.path.isfile(snoozedFilename): return False if snoozeActor + ' ' not in open(snoozedFilename).read(): return False # remove the snooze entry if it has timed out replaceStr = None with open(snoozedFilename, 'r') as snoozedFile: for line in snoozedFile: # is this the entry for the actor? if line.startswith(snoozeActor + ' '): snoozedTimeStr = \ line.split(' ')[1].replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') # is there a time appended? if snoozedTimeStr.isdigit(): snoozedTime = int(snoozedTimeStr) currTime = int(time.time()) # has the snooze timed out? if int(currTime - snoozedTime) > 60 * 60 * 24: replaceStr = line else: replaceStr = line break if replaceStr: content = None with open(snoozedFilename, 'r') as snoozedFile: content = snoozedFile.read().replace(replaceStr, '') if content: with open(snoozedFilename, 'w+') as writeSnoozedFile: writeSnoozedFile.write(content) if snoozeActor + ' ' in open(snoozedFilename).read(): return True return False def personSnooze(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, snoozeActor: str) -> None: """Temporarily ignores the given actor """ accountDir = baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain if not os.path.isdir(accountDir): print('ERROR: unknown account ' + accountDir) return snoozedFilename = accountDir + '/snoozed.txt' if os.path.isfile(snoozedFilename): if snoozeActor + ' ' in open(snoozedFilename).read(): return with open(snoozedFilename, 'a+') as snoozedFile: snoozedFile.write(snoozeActor + ' ' + str(int(time.time())) + '\n') def personUnsnooze(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, snoozeActor: str) -> None: """Undoes a temporarily ignore of the given actor """ accountDir = baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain if not os.path.isdir(accountDir): print('ERROR: unknown account ' + accountDir) return snoozedFilename = accountDir + '/snoozed.txt' if not os.path.isfile(snoozedFilename): return if snoozeActor + ' ' not in open(snoozedFilename).read(): return replaceStr = None with open(snoozedFilename, 'r') as snoozedFile: for line in snoozedFile: if line.startswith(snoozeActor + ' '): replaceStr = line break if replaceStr: content = None with open(snoozedFilename, 'r') as snoozedFile: content = snoozedFile.read().replace(replaceStr, '') if content: with open(snoozedFilename, 'w+') as writeSnoozedFile: writeSnoozedFile.write(content) def setPersonNotes(baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, handle: str, notes: str) -> bool: """Adds notes about a person """ if '@' not in handle: return False if handle.startswith('@'): handle = handle[1:] notesDir = baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + domain + '/notes' if not os.path.isdir(notesDir): os.mkdir(notesDir) notesFilename = notesDir + '/' + handle + '.txt' with open(notesFilename, 'w+') as notesFile: notesFile.write(notes) return True def getActorJson(hostDomain: str, handle: str, http: bool, gnunet: bool, debug: bool, quiet: bool = False) -> ({}, {}): """Returns the actor json """ if debug: print('getActorJson for ' + handle) originalActor = handle if '/@' in handle or \ '/users/' in handle or \ handle.startswith('http') or \ handle.startswith('dat'): # format: https://domain/@nick originalHandle = handle if not hasUsersPath(originalHandle): if not quiet or debug: print('getActorJson: Expected actor format: ' + 'https://domain/@nick or https://domain/users/nick') return None, None prefixes = getProtocolPrefixes() for prefix in prefixes: handle = handle.replace(prefix, '') handle = handle.replace('/@', '/users/') if '/users/' in handle: nickname = handle.split('/users/')[1] nickname = nickname.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') domain = handle.split('/users/')[0] elif '/profile/' in handle: nickname = handle.split('/profile/')[1] nickname = nickname.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') domain = handle.split('/profile/')[0] elif '/channel/' in handle: nickname = handle.split('/channel/')[1] nickname = nickname.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') domain = handle.split('/channel/')[0] elif '/accounts/' in handle: nickname = handle.split('/accounts/')[1] nickname = nickname.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') domain = handle.split('/accounts/')[0] elif '/u/' in handle: nickname = handle.split('/u/')[1] nickname = nickname.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') domain = handle.split('/u/')[0] elif '://' in originalHandle: domain = originalHandle.split('://')[1] if '/' in domain: domain = domain.split('/')[0] if '://' + domain + '/' not in originalHandle: return None, None nickname = originalHandle.split('://' + domain + '/')[1] if '/' in nickname or '.' in nickname: return None, None else: # format: @nick@domain if '@' not in handle: if not quiet: print('getActorJson Syntax: --actor nickname@domain') return None, None if handle.startswith('@'): handle = handle[1:] if '@' not in handle: if not quiet: print('getActorJsonSyntax: --actor nickname@domain') return None, None nickname = handle.split('@')[0] domain = handle.split('@')[1] domain = domain.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') cachedWebfingers = {} proxyType = None if http or domain.endswith('.onion'): httpPrefix = 'http' proxyType = 'tor' elif domain.endswith('.i2p'): httpPrefix = 'http' proxyType = 'i2p' elif gnunet: httpPrefix = 'gnunet' proxyType = 'gnunet' else: if '127.0.' not in domain and '192.168.' not in domain: httpPrefix = 'https' else: httpPrefix = 'http' session = createSession(proxyType) if nickname == 'inbox': nickname = domain handle = nickname + '@' + domain wfRequest = webfingerHandle(session, handle, httpPrefix, cachedWebfingers, None, __version__, debug) if not wfRequest: if not quiet: print('getActorJson Unable to webfinger ' + handle) return None, None if not isinstance(wfRequest, dict): if not quiet: print('getActorJson Webfinger for ' + handle + ' did not return a dict. ' + str(wfRequest)) return None, None if not quiet: pprint(wfRequest) personUrl = None if wfRequest.get('errors'): if not quiet or debug: print('getActorJson wfRequest error: ' + str(wfRequest['errors'])) if hasUsersPath(handle): personUrl = originalActor else: if debug: print('No users path in ' + handle) return None, None profileStr = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams' headersList = ( "activity+json", "ld+json", "jrd+json" ) if not personUrl: personUrl = getUserUrl(wfRequest, 0, debug) if nickname == domain: personUrl = personUrl.replace('/users/', '/actor/') personUrl = personUrl.replace('/accounts/', '/actor/') personUrl = personUrl.replace('/channel/', '/actor/') personUrl = personUrl.replace('/profile/', '/actor/') personUrl = personUrl.replace('/u/', '/actor/') if not personUrl: # try single user instance personUrl = httpPrefix + '://' + domain + '/' + nickname headersList = ( "ld+json", "jrd+json", "activity+json" ) if '/channel/' in personUrl or '/accounts/' in personUrl: headersList = ( "ld+json", "jrd+json", "activity+json" ) if debug: print('personUrl: ' + personUrl) for headerType in headersList: headerMimeType = 'application/' + headerType asHeader = { 'Accept': headerMimeType + '; profile="' + profileStr + '"' } personJson = \ getJson(session, personUrl, asHeader, None, debug, __version__, httpPrefix, hostDomain, 20, quiet) if personJson: if not quiet: pprint(personJson) return personJson, asHeader return None, None def getPersonAvatarUrl(baseDir: str, personUrl: str, personCache: {}, allowDownloads: bool) -> str: """Returns the avatar url for the person """ personJson = \ getPersonFromCache(baseDir, personUrl, personCache, allowDownloads) if not personJson: return None # get from locally stored image if not personJson.get('id'): return None actorStr = personJson['id'].replace('/', '-') avatarImagePath = baseDir + '/cache/avatars/' + actorStr imageExtension = getImageExtensions() for ext in imageExtension: if os.path.isfile(avatarImagePath + '.' + ext): return '/avatars/' + actorStr + '.' + ext elif os.path.isfile(avatarImagePath.lower() + '.' + ext): return '/avatars/' + actorStr.lower() + '.' + ext if personJson.get('icon'): if personJson['icon'].get('url'): return personJson['icon']['url'] return None