__filename__ = "inbox.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.0.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@freedombone.net" __status__ = "Production" import json import os import datetime import time import json import commentjson from shutil import copyfile from utils import urlPermitted from utils import createInboxQueueDir from utils import getStatusNumber from utils import getDomainFromActor from utils import getNicknameFromActor from utils import domainPermitted from utils import locatePost from utils import deletePost from utils import removeAttachment from utils import removeModerationPostFromIndex from httpsig import verifyPostHeaders from session import createSession from session import getJson from follow import receiveFollowRequest from follow import getFollowersOfActor from follow import unfollowerOfPerson from pprint import pprint from cache import getPersonFromCache from cache import storePersonInCache from acceptreject import receiveAcceptReject from capabilities import getOcapFilename from capabilities import CapablePost from capabilities import capabilitiesReceiveUpdate from like import updateLikesCollection from like import undoLikesCollectionEntry from blocking import isBlocked from filters import isFiltered from announce import updateAnnounceCollection from httpsig import messageContentDigest def validInbox(baseDir: str,nickname: str,domain: str) -> bool: """Checks whether files were correctly saved to the inbox """ if ':' in domain: domain=domain.split(':')[0] inboxDir=baseDir+'/accounts/'+nickname+'@'+domain+'/inbox' if not os.path.isdir(inboxDir): return True for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(inboxDir): for f in files: filename = os.path.join(subdir, f) if not os.path.isfile(filename): print('filename: '+filename) return False if 'postNickname' in open(filename).read(): print('queue file incorrectly saved to '+filename) return False return True def validInboxFilenames(baseDir: str,nickname: str,domain: str, \ expectedDomain: str,expectedPort: int) -> bool: """Used by unit tests to check that the port number gets appended to domain names within saved post filenames """ if ':' in domain: domain=domain.split(':')[0] inboxDir=baseDir+'/accounts/'+nickname+'@'+domain+'/inbox' if not os.path.isdir(inboxDir): return True expectedStr=expectedDomain+':'+str(expectedPort) for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(inboxDir): for f in files: filename = os.path.join(subdir, f) if not os.path.isfile(filename): print('filename: '+filename) return False if not expectedStr in filename: print('Expected: '+expectedStr) print('Invalid filename: '+filename) return False return True def getPersonPubKey(baseDir: str,session,personUrl: str, \ personCache: {},debug: bool, \ projectVersion: str,httpPrefix: str,domain: str) -> str: if not personUrl: return None personUrl=personUrl.replace('#main-key','') if personUrl.endswith('/users/inbox'): if debug: print('DEBUG: Obtaining public key for shared inbox') personUrl=personUrl.replace('/users/inbox','/inbox') personJson = getPersonFromCache(baseDir,personUrl,personCache) if not personJson: if debug: print('DEBUG: Obtaining public key for '+personUrl) asHeader = {'Accept': 'application/activity+json; profile="https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"'} personJson = getJson(session,personUrl,asHeader,None,projectVersion,httpPrefix,domain) if not personJson: return None pubKey=None if personJson.get('publicKey'): if personJson['publicKey'].get('publicKeyPem'): pubKey=personJson['publicKey']['publicKeyPem'] else: if personJson.get('publicKeyPem'): pubKey=personJson['publicKeyPem'] if not pubKey: if debug: print('DEBUG: Public key not found for '+personUrl) storePersonInCache(baseDir,personUrl,personJson,personCache) return pubKey def inboxMessageHasParams(messageJson: {}) -> bool: """Checks whether an incoming message contains expected parameters """ expectedParams=['type','actor','object'] for param in expectedParams: if not messageJson.get(param): return False if not messageJson.get('to'): allowedWithoutToParam=['Like','Follow','Request','Accept','Capability','Undo'] if messageJson['type'] not in allowedWithoutToParam: return False return True def inboxPermittedMessage(domain: str,messageJson: {},federationList: []) -> bool: """ check that we are receiving from a permitted domain """ testParam='actor' if not messageJson.get(testParam): return False actor=messageJson[testParam] # always allow the local domain if domain in actor: return True if not urlPermitted(actor,federationList,"inbox:write"): return False if messageJson['type']!='Follow' and \ messageJson['type']!='Like' and \ messageJson['type']!='Delete' and \ messageJson['type']!='Announce': if messageJson.get('object'): if not isinstance(messageJson['object'], dict): return False if messageJson['object'].get('inReplyTo'): inReplyTo=messageJson['object']['inReplyTo'] if not urlPermitted(inReplyTo,federationList,"inbox:write"): return False return True def validPublishedDate(published) -> bool: currTime=datetime.datetime.utcnow() pubDate=datetime.datetime.strptime(published,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") daysSincePublished = (currTime - pubTime).days if daysSincePublished>30: return False return True def savePostToInboxQueue(baseDir: str,httpPrefix: str, \ nickname: str, domain: str, \ postJsonObject: {}, \ messageBytes: str, \ httpHeaders: {}, \ postPath: str,debug: bool) -> str: """Saves the give json to the inbox queue for the person keyId specifies the actor sending the post """ originalDomain=domain if ':' in domain: domain=domain.split(':')[0] # block at the ealiest stage possible, which means the data # isn't written to file postNickname=None postDomain=None actor=None if postJsonObject.get('actor'): actor=postJsonObject['actor'] postNickname=getNicknameFromActor(postJsonObject['actor']) if not postNickname: print('No post Nickname in actor '+postJsonObject['actor']) return None postDomain,postPort=getDomainFromActor(postJsonObject['actor']) if not postDomain: pprint(postJsonObject) print('No post Domain in actor') return None if isBlocked(baseDir,nickname,domain,postNickname,postDomain): if debug: print('DEBUG: post from '+postNickname+' blocked') return None if postPort: if postPort!=80 and postPort!=443: if ':' not in postDomain: postDomain=postDomain+':'+str(postPort) if postJsonObject.get('object'): if isinstance(postJsonObject['object'], dict): if postJsonObject['object'].get('inReplyTo'): if isinstance(postJsonObject['object']['inReplyTo'], str): replyNickname=getNicknameFromActor(postJsonObject['object']['inReplyTo']) replyDomain,replyPort=getDomainFromActor(postJsonObject['object']['inReplyTo']) if replyNickname and replyDomain: if isBlocked(baseDir,nickname,domain,postNickname,postDomain): print('WARN: post contains reply to a blocked account: '+replyNickname+'@'+replyDomain) return None if postJsonObject['object'].get('content'): if isinstance(postJsonObject['object']['content'], str): if isFiltered(baseDir,nickname,domain,postJsonObject['object']['content']): print('WARN: post was filtered out due to content') return None originalPostId=None if postJsonObject.get('id'): originalPostId=postJsonObject['id'].replace('/activity','').replace('/undo','') currTime=datetime.datetime.utcnow() postId=None if postJsonObject.get('id'): #if '/statuses/' not in postJsonObject['id']: postId=postJsonObject['id'].replace('/activity','').replace('/undo','') published=currTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") if not postId: statusNumber,published = getStatusNumber() if actor: postId=actor+'/statuses/'+statusNumber else: postId=httpPrefix+'://'+originalDomain+'/users/'+nickname+'/statuses/'+statusNumber # NOTE: don't change postJsonObject['id'] before signature check inboxQueueDir=createInboxQueueDir(nickname,domain,baseDir) handle=nickname+'@'+domain destination=baseDir+'/accounts/'+handle+'/inbox/'+postId.replace('/','#')+'.json' #if os.path.isfile(destination): # if debug: # print(destination) # print('DEBUG: inbox item already exists') # return None filename=inboxQueueDir+'/'+postId.replace('/','#')+'.json' sharedInboxItem=False if nickname=='inbox': nickname=originalDomain sharedInboxItem=True newQueueItem = { 'originalId': originalPostId, 'id': postId, 'actor': actor, 'nickname': nickname, 'domain': domain, 'postNickname': postNickname, 'postDomain': postDomain, 'sharedInbox': sharedInboxItem, 'published': published, 'httpHeaders': httpHeaders, 'path': postPath, 'post': postJsonObject, 'digest': messageContentDigest(messageBytes), 'filename': filename, 'destination': destination } if debug: print('Inbox queue item created') pprint(newQueueItem) with open(filename, 'w') as fp: commentjson.dump(newQueueItem, fp, indent=4, sort_keys=False) return filename def inboxCheckCapabilities(baseDir :str,nickname :str,domain :str, \ actor: str,queue: [],queueJson: {}, \ capabilityId: str,debug : bool) -> bool: if nickname=='inbox': return True ocapFilename= \ getOcapFilename(baseDir, \ queueJson['nickname'],queueJson['domain'], \ actor,'accept') if not ocapFilename: return False if not os.path.isfile(ocapFilename): if debug: print('DEBUG: capabilities for '+ \ actor+' do not exist') os.remove(queueFilename) queue.pop(0) return False with open(ocapFilename, 'r') as fp: oc=commentjson.load(fp) if not oc.get('id'): if debug: print('DEBUG: capabilities for '+actor+' do not contain an id') os.remove(queueFilename) queue.pop(0) return False if oc['id']!=capabilityId: if debug: print('DEBUG: capability id mismatch') os.remove(queueFilename) queue.pop(0) return False if not oc.get('capability'): if debug: print('DEBUG: missing capability list') os.remove(queueFilename) queue.pop(0) return False if not CapablePost(queueJson['post'],oc['capability'],debug): if debug: print('DEBUG: insufficient capabilities to write to inbox from '+actor) os.remove(queueFilename) queue.pop(0) return False if debug: print('DEBUG: object capabilities check success') return True def inboxPostRecipientsAdd(baseDir :str,httpPrefix :str,toList :[], \ recipientsDict :{}, \ domainMatch: str,domain :str, \ actor :str,debug: bool) -> bool: """Given a list of post recipients (toList) from 'to' or 'cc' parameters populate a recipientsDict with the handle and capabilities id for each """ followerRecipients=False for recipient in toList: # is this a to a local account? if domainMatch in recipient: # get the handle for the local account nickname=recipient.split(domainMatch)[1] handle=nickname+'@'+domain if os.path.isdir(baseDir+'/accounts/'+handle): # are capabilities granted for this account to the # sender (actor) of the post? ocapFilename=baseDir+'/accounts/'+handle+'/ocap/accept/'+actor.replace('/','#')+'.json' if os.path.isfile(ocapFilename): # read the granted capabilities and obtain the id with open(ocapFilename, 'r') as fp: ocapJson=commentjson.load(fp) if ocapJson.get('id'): # append with the capabilities id recipientsDict[handle]=ocapJson['id'] else: recipientsDict[handle]=None else: if debug: print('DEBUG: '+ocapFilename+' not found') recipientsDict[handle]=None else: if debug: print('DEBUG: '+baseDir+'/accounts/'+handle+' does not exist') else: if debug: print('DEBUG: '+recipient+' is not local to '+domainMatch) print(str(toList)) if recipient.endswith('followers'): if debug: print('DEBUG: followers detected as post recipients') followerRecipients=True return followerRecipients,recipientsDict def inboxPostRecipients(baseDir :str,postJsonObject :{},httpPrefix :str,domain : str,port :int, debug :bool) -> ([],[]): """Returns dictionaries containing the recipients of the given post The shared dictionary contains followers """ recipientsDict={} recipientsDictFollowers={} if not postJsonObject.get('actor'): if debug: pprint(postJsonObject) print('WARNING: inbox post has no actor') return recipientsDict,recipientsDictFollowers if ':' in domain: domain=domain.split(':')[0] domainBase=domain if port: if port!=80 and port!=443: if ':' not in domain: domain=domain+':'+str(port) domainMatch='/'+domain+'/users/' actor = postJsonObject['actor'] # first get any specific people which the post is addressed to followerRecipients=False if postJsonObject.get('object'): if isinstance(postJsonObject['object'], dict): if postJsonObject['object'].get('to'): if isinstance(postJsonObject['object']['to'], list): recipientsList=postJsonObject['object']['to'] else: recipientsList=[postJsonObject['object']['to']] if debug: print('DEBUG: resolving "to"') includesFollowers,recipientsDict= \ inboxPostRecipientsAdd(baseDir,httpPrefix, \ recipientsList, \ recipientsDict, \ domainMatch,domainBase, \ actor,debug) if includesFollowers: followerRecipients=True else: if debug: print('DEBUG: inbox post has no "to"') if postJsonObject['object'].get('cc'): if isinstance(postJsonObject['object']['cc'], list): recipientsList=postJsonObject['object']['cc'] else: recipientsList=[postJsonObject['object']['cc']] includesFollowers,recipientsDict= \ inboxPostRecipientsAdd(baseDir,httpPrefix, \ recipientsList, \ recipientsDict, \ domainMatch,domainBase, \ actor,debug) if includesFollowers: followerRecipients=True else: if debug: print('DEBUG: inbox post has no cc') else: if debug: if isinstance(postJsonObject['object'], str): if '/statuses/' in postJsonObject['object']: print('DEBUG: inbox item is a link to a post') else: if '/users/' in postJsonObject['object']: print('DEBUG: inbox item is a link to an actor') if postJsonObject.get('to'): if isinstance(postJsonObject['to'], list): recipientsList=postJsonObject['to'] else: recipientsList=[postJsonObject['to']] includesFollowers,recipientsDict= \ inboxPostRecipientsAdd(baseDir,httpPrefix, \ recipientsList, \ recipientsDict, \ domainMatch,domainBase, \ actor,debug) if includesFollowers: followerRecipients=True if postJsonObject.get('cc'): if isinstance(postJsonObject['cc'], list): recipientsList=postJsonObject['cc'] else: recipientsList=[postJsonObject['cc']] includesFollowers,recipientsDict= \ inboxPostRecipientsAdd(baseDir,httpPrefix, \ recipientsList, \ recipientsDict, \ domainMatch,domainBase, \ actor,debug) if includesFollowers: followerRecipients=True if not followerRecipients: if debug: print('DEBUG: no followers were resolved') return recipientsDict,recipientsDictFollowers # now resolve the followers recipientsDictFollowers= \ getFollowersOfActor(baseDir,actor,debug) return recipientsDict,recipientsDictFollowers def receiveUndoFollow(session,baseDir: str,httpPrefix: str, \ port: int,messageJson: {}, \ federationList: [], \ debug : bool) -> bool: if not messageJson['object'].get('actor'): if debug: print('DEBUG: follow request has no actor within object') return False if '/users/' not in messageJson['object']['actor']: if debug: print('DEBUG: "users" missing from actor within object') return False if messageJson['object']['actor'] != messageJson['actor']: if debug: print('DEBUG: actors do not match') return False nicknameFollower=getNicknameFromActor(messageJson['object']['actor']) if not nicknameFollower: print('WARN: unable to find nickname in '+messageJson['object']['actor']) return False domainFollower,portFollower=getDomainFromActor(messageJson['object']['actor']) domainFollowerFull=domainFollower if portFollower: if portFollower!=80 and portFollower!=443: if ':' not in domainFollower: domainFollowerFull=domainFollower+':'+str(portFollower) nicknameFollowing=getNicknameFromActor(messageJson['object']['object']) if not nicknameFollowing: print('WARN: unable to find nickname in '+messageJson['object']['object']) return False domainFollowing,portFollowing=getDomainFromActor(messageJson['object']['object']) domainFollowingFull=domainFollowing if portFollowing: if portFollowing!=80 and portFollowing!=443: if ':' not in domainFollowing: domainFollowingFull=domainFollowing+':'+str(portFollowing) if unfollowerOfPerson(baseDir, \ nicknameFollowing,domainFollowingFull, \ nicknameFollower,domainFollowerFull, \ debug): if debug: print('DEBUG: Follower '+nicknameFollower+'@'+domainFollowerFull+' was removed') return True if debug: print('DEBUG: Follower '+nicknameFollower+'@'+domainFollowerFull+' was not removed') return False def receiveUndo(session,baseDir: str,httpPrefix: str, \ port: int,sendThreads: [],postLog: [], \ cachedWebfingers: {},personCache: {}, \ messageJson: {},federationList: [], \ debug : bool, \ acceptedCaps=["inbox:write","objects:read"]) -> bool: """Receives an undo request within the POST section of HTTPServer """ if not messageJson['type'].startswith('Undo'): return False if debug: print('DEBUG: Undo activity received') if not messageJson.get('actor'): if debug: print('DEBUG: follow request has no actor') return False if '/users/' not in messageJson['actor']: if debug: print('DEBUG: "users" missing from actor') return False if not messageJson.get('object'): if debug: print('DEBUG: '+messageJson['type']+' has no object') return False if not isinstance(messageJson['object'], dict): if debug: print('DEBUG: '+messageJson['type']+' object is not a dict') return False if not messageJson['object'].get('type'): if debug: print('DEBUG: '+messageJson['type']+' has no object type') return False if not messageJson['object'].get('object'): if debug: print('DEBUG: '+messageJson['type']+' has no object within object') return False if not isinstance(messageJson['object']['object'], str): if debug: print('DEBUG: '+messageJson['type']+' object within object is not a string') return False if messageJson['object']['type']=='Follow': return receiveUndoFollow(session,baseDir,httpPrefix, \ port,messageJson, \ federationList, \ debug) return False def personReceiveUpdate(baseDir: str, \ domain: str,port: int, \ updateNickname: str,updateDomain: str,updatePort: int, \ personJson: {},personCache: {},debug: bool) -> bool: """Changes an actor. eg: avatar or display name change """ if debug: print('DEBUG: receiving actor update for '+personJson['url']) domainFull=domain if port: if port!=80 and port!=443: domainFull=domain+':'+str(port) updateDomainFull=updateDomain if updatePort: if updatePort!=80 and updatePort!=443: updateDomainFull=updateDomain+':'+str(updatePort) actor=updateDomainFull+'/users/'+updateNickname if actor not in personJson['id']: if debug: print('actor: '+actor) print('id: '+personJson['id']) print('DEBUG: Actor does not match id') return False if updateDomainFull==domainFull: if debug: print('DEBUG: You can only receive actor updates for domains other than your own') return False if not personJson.get('publicKey'): if debug: print('DEBUG: actor update does not contain a public key') return False if not personJson['publicKey'].get('publicKeyPem'): if debug: print('DEBUG: actor update does not contain a public key Pem') return False actorFilename=baseDir+'/cache/actors/'+personJson['id'].replace('/','#')+'.json' # check that the public keys match. # If they don't then this may be a nefarious attempt to hack an account if personCache.get(personJson['id']): if personCache[personJson['id']]['actor']['publicKey']['publicKeyPem']!=personJson['publicKey']['publicKeyPem']: if debug: print('WARN: Public key does not match when updating actor') return False else: if os.path.isfile(actorFilename): with open(actorFilename, 'r') as fp: existingPersonJson=commentjson.load(fp) if existingPersonJson['publicKey']['publicKeyPem']!=personJson['publicKey']['publicKeyPem']: if debug: print('WARN: Public key does not match cached actor when updating') return False # save to cache in memory storePersonInCache(baseDir,personJson['id'],personJson,personCache) # save to cache on file with open(actorFilename, 'w') as fp: commentjson.dump(personJson, fp, indent=4, sort_keys=False) print('actor updated for '+personJson['id']) return True def receiveUpdate(session,baseDir: str, \ httpPrefix: str,domain :str,port: int, \ sendThreads: [],postLog: [],cachedWebfingers: {}, \ personCache: {},messageJson: {},federationList: [], \ debug : bool) -> bool: """Receives an Update activity within the POST section of HTTPServer """ if messageJson['type']!='Update': return False if not messageJson.get('actor'): if debug: print('DEBUG: '+messageJson['type']+' has no actor') return False if not messageJson.get('object'): if debug: print('DEBUG: '+messageJson['type']+' has no object') return False if not isinstance(messageJson['object'], dict): if debug: print('DEBUG: '+messageJson['type']+' object is not a dict') return False if not messageJson['object'].get('type'): if debug: print('DEBUG: '+messageJson['type']+' object has no type') return False if '/users/' not in messageJson['actor']: if debug: print('DEBUG: "users" missing from actor in '+messageJson['type']) return False if messageJson['object']['type']=='Person' or \ messageJson['object']['type']=='Application' or \ messageJson['object']['type']=='Service': if messageJson['object'].get('url') and messageJson['object'].get('id'): print('Request to update actor: '+messageJson['actor']) updateNickname=getNicknameFromActor(messageJson['actor']) if updateNickname: updateDomain,updatePort=getDomainFromActor(messageJson['actor']) if personReceiveUpdate(baseDir, \ domain,port, \ updateNickname,updateDomain,updatePort, \ messageJson['object'], \ personCache,debug): if debug: print('DEBUG: Profile update was received for '+messageJson['object']['url']) return True if messageJson['object'].get('capability') and messageJson['object'].get('scope'): nickname=getNicknameFromActor(messageJson['object']['scope']) if nickname: domain,tempPort=getDomainFromActor(messageJson['object']['scope']) if messageJson['object']['type']=='Capability': if capabilitiesReceiveUpdate(baseDir,nickname,domain,port, messageJson['actor'], \ messageJson['object']['id'], \ messageJson['object']['capability'], \ debug): if debug: print('DEBUG: An update was received') return True return False def receiveLike(session,handle: str,baseDir: str, \ httpPrefix: str,domain :str,port: int, \ sendThreads: [],postLog: [],cachedWebfingers: {}, \ personCache: {},messageJson: {},federationList: [], \ debug : bool) -> bool: """Receives a Like activity within the POST section of HTTPServer """ if messageJson['type']!='Like': return False if not messageJson.get('actor'): if debug: print('DEBUG: '+messageJson['type']+' has no actor') return False if not messageJson.get('object'): if debug: print('DEBUG: '+messageJson['type']+' has no object') return False if not isinstance(messageJson['object'], str): if debug: print('DEBUG: '+messageJson['type']+' object is not a string') return False if not messageJson.get('to'): if debug: print('DEBUG: '+messageJson['type']+' has no "to" list') return False if '/users/' not in messageJson['actor']: if debug: print('DEBUG: "users" missing from actor in '+messageJson['type']) return False if '/statuses/' not in messageJson['object']: if debug: print('DEBUG: "statuses" missing from object in '+messageJson['type']) return False if not os.path.isdir(baseDir+'/accounts/'+handle): print('DEBUG: unknown recipient of like - '+handle) # if this post in the outbox of the person? postFilename=locatePost(baseDir,handle.split('@')[0],handle.split('@')[1],messageJson['object']) if not postFilename: if debug: print('DEBUG: post not found in inbox or outbox') print(messageJson['object']) return True if debug: print('DEBUG: liked post found in inbox') updateLikesCollection(postFilename,messageJson['object'],messageJson['actor'],debug) return True def receiveUndoLike(session,handle: str,baseDir: str, \ httpPrefix: str,domain :str,port: int, \ sendThreads: [],postLog: [],cachedWebfingers: {}, \ personCache: {},messageJson: {},federationList: [], \ debug : bool) -> bool: """Receives an undo like activity within the POST section of HTTPServer """ if messageJson['type']!='Undo': return False if not messageJson.get('actor'): return False if not messageJson.get('object'): return False if not isinstance(messageJson['object'], dict): return False if not messageJson['object'].get('type'): return False if messageJson['object']['type']!='Like': return False if not messageJson['object'].get('object'): if debug: print('DEBUG: '+messageJson['type']+' like has no object') return False if not isinstance(messageJson['object']['object'], str): if debug: print('DEBUG: '+messageJson['type']+' like object is not a string') return False if '/users/' not in messageJson['actor']: if debug: print('DEBUG: "users" missing from actor in '+messageJson['type']+' like') return False if '/statuses/' not in messageJson['object']['object']: if debug: print('DEBUG: "statuses" missing from like object in '+messageJson['type']) return False if not os.path.isdir(baseDir+'/accounts/'+handle): print('DEBUG: unknown recipient of undo like - '+handle) # if this post in the outbox of the person? postFilename=locatePost(baseDir,handle.split('@')[0],handle.split('@')[1],messageJson['object']['object']) if not postFilename: if debug: print('DEBUG: unliked post not found in inbox or outbox') print(messageJson['object']['object']) return True if debug: print('DEBUG: liked post found in inbox. Now undoing.') undoLikesCollectionEntry(postFilename,messageJson['object'],messageJson['actor'],debug) return True def receiveDelete(session,handle: str,baseDir: str, \ httpPrefix: str,domain :str,port: int, \ sendThreads: [],postLog: [],cachedWebfingers: {}, \ personCache: {},messageJson: {},federationList: [], \ debug : bool,allowDeletion: bool) -> bool: """Receives a Delete activity within the POST section of HTTPServer """ if messageJson['type']!='Delete': return False if not messageJson.get('actor'): if debug: print('DEBUG: '+messageJson['type']+' has no actor') return False if debug: print('DEBUG: Delete activity arrived') if not messageJson.get('object'): if debug: print('DEBUG: '+messageJson['type']+' has no object') return False if not isinstance(messageJson['object'], str): if debug: print('DEBUG: '+messageJson['type']+' object is not a string') return False domainFull=domain if port: if port!=80 and port!=443: if ':' not in domain: domainFull=domain+':'+str(port) deletePrefix=httpPrefix+'://'+domainFull+'/' if not allowDeletion and \ (not messageJson['object'].startswith(deletePrefix) or \ not messageJson['actor'].startswith(deletePrefix)): if debug: print('DEBUG: delete not permitted from other instances') return False if not messageJson.get('to'): if debug: print('DEBUG: '+messageJson['type']+' has no "to" list') return False if '/users/' not in messageJson['actor']: if debug: print('DEBUG: "users" missing from actor in '+messageJson['type']) return False if '/statuses/' not in messageJson['object']: if debug: print('DEBUG: "statuses" missing from object in '+messageJson['type']) return False if messageJson['actor'] not in messageJson['object']: if debug: print('DEBUG: actor is not the owner of the post to be deleted') if not os.path.isdir(baseDir+'/accounts/'+handle): print('DEBUG: unknown recipient of like - '+handle) # if this post in the outbox of the person? messageId=messageJson['object'].replace('/activity','').replace('/undo','') removeModerationPostFromIndex(baseDir,messageId,debug) postFilename=locatePost(baseDir,handle.split('@')[0],handle.split('@')[1],messageId) if not postFilename: if debug: print('DEBUG: delete post not found in inbox or outbox') print(messageId) return True deletePost(baseDir,httpPrefix,handle.split('@')[0],handle.split('@')[1],postFilename,debug) if debug: print('DEBUG: post deleted - '+postFilename) return True def receiveAnnounce(session,handle: str,baseDir: str, \ httpPrefix: str,domain :str,port: int, \ sendThreads: [],postLog: [],cachedWebfingers: {}, \ personCache: {},messageJson: {},federationList: [], \ debug : bool) -> bool: """Receives an announce activity within the POST section of HTTPServer """ if messageJson['type']!='Announce': return False if not messageJson.get('actor'): if debug: print('DEBUG: '+messageJson['type']+' has no actor') return False if debug: print('DEBUG: receiving announce on '+handle) if not messageJson.get('object'): if debug: print('DEBUG: '+messageJson['type']+' has no object') return False if not isinstance(messageJson['object'], str): if debug: print('DEBUG: '+messageJson['type']+' object is not a string') return False if not messageJson.get('to'): if debug: print('DEBUG: '+messageJson['type']+' has no "to" list') return False if '/users/' not in messageJson['actor']: if debug: print('DEBUG: "users" missing from actor in '+messageJson['type']) return False if '/statuses/' not in messageJson['object']: if debug: print('DEBUG: "statuses" missing from object in '+messageJson['type']) return False if not os.path.isdir(baseDir+'/accounts/'+handle): print('DEBUG: unknown recipient of announce - '+handle) # is this post in the outbox of the person? postFilename=locatePost(baseDir,handle.split('@')[0],handle.split('@')[1],messageJson['object']) if not postFilename: if debug: print('DEBUG: announce post not found in inbox or outbox') print(messageJson['object']) return True updateAnnounceCollection(postFilename,messageJson['actor'],debug) if debug: print('DEBUG: announced/repeated post found in inbox') return True def receiveUndoAnnounce(session,handle: str,baseDir: str, \ httpPrefix: str,domain :str,port: int, \ sendThreads: [],postLog: [],cachedWebfingers: {}, \ personCache: {},messageJson: {},federationList: [], \ debug : bool) -> bool: """Receives an undo announce activity within the POST section of HTTPServer """ if messageJson['type']!='Undo': return False if not messageJson.get('actor'): return False if not messageJson.get('object'): return False if not isinstance(messageJson['object'], dict): return False if not messageJson['object'].get('object'): return False if not isinstance(messageJson['object']['object'], str): return False if messageJson['object']['type']!='Announce': return False if '/users/' not in messageJson['actor']: if debug: print('DEBUG: "users" missing from actor in '+messageJson['type']+' announce') return False if '/statuses/' not in messageJson['object']: if debug: print('DEBUG: "statuses" missing from object in '+messageJson['type']+' announce') return False if not os.path.isdir(baseDir+'/accounts/'+handle): print('DEBUG: unknown recipient of undo announce - '+handle) # if this post in the outbox of the person? postFilename=locatePost(baseDir,handle.split('@')[0],handle.split('@')[1],messageJson['object']) if not postFilename: if debug: print('DEBUG: undo announce post not found in inbox or outbox') print(messageJson['object']['object']) return True if debug: print('DEBUG: announced/repeated post to be undone found in inbox') with open(postFilename, 'r') as fp: postJsonObject=commentjson.load(fp) if not postJsonObject.get('type'): if postJsonObject['type']!='Announce': if debug: print("DEBUG: Attempt to undo something which isn't an announcement") return False undoAnnounceCollectionEntry(postFilename,messageJson['actor'],debug) os.remove(postFilename) return True def populateReplies(baseDir :str,httpPrefix :str,domain :str, \ messageJson :{},maxReplies: int,debug :bool) -> bool: """Updates the list of replies for a post on this domain if a reply to it arrives """ if not messageJson.get('id'): return False if not messageJson.get('object'): return False if not isinstance(messageJson['object'], dict): return False if not messageJson['object'].get('inReplyTo'): return False if not messageJson['object'].get('to'): return False replyTo=messageJson['object']['inReplyTo'] if debug: print('DEBUG: post contains a reply') # is this a reply to a post on this domain? if not replyTo.startswith(httpPrefix+'://'+domain+'/'): if debug: print('DEBUG: post is a reply to another not on this domain') print(replyTo) print('Expected: '+httpPrefix+'://'+domain+'/') return False replyToNickname=getNicknameFromActor(replyTo) if not replyToNickname: print('DEBUG: no nickname found for '+replyTo) return False replyToDomain,replyToPort=getDomainFromActor(replyTo) if not replyToDomain: if debug: print('DEBUG: no domain found for '+replyTo) return False postFilename=locatePost(baseDir,replyToNickname,replyToDomain,replyTo) if not postFilename: if debug: print('DEBUG: post may have expired - '+replyTo) return False # populate a text file containing the ids of replies postRepliesFilename=postFilename.replace('.json','.replies') messageId=messageJson['id'].replace('/activity','').replace('/undo','') if os.path.isfile(postRepliesFilename): numLines = sum(1 for line in open(postRepliesFilename)) if numLines>maxReplies: return False if messageId not in open(postRepliesFilename).read(): repliesFile=open(postRepliesFilename, "a") repliesFile.write(messageId+'\n') repliesFile.close() else: repliesFile=open(postRepliesFilename, "w") repliesFile.write(messageId+'\n') repliesFile.close() return True def inboxAfterCapabilities(session,keyId: str,handle: str,messageJson: {}, \ baseDir: str,httpPrefix: str,sendThreads: [], \ postLog: [],cachedWebfingers: {},personCache: {}, \ queue: [],domain: str,port: int,useTor: bool, \ federationList: [],ocapAlways: bool,debug: bool, \ acceptedCaps: [], queueFilename :str,destinationFilename :str, maxReplies: int,allowDeletion: bool) -> bool: """ Anything which needs to be done after capabilities checks have passed """ if receiveLike(session,handle, \ baseDir,httpPrefix, \ domain,port, \ sendThreads,postLog, \ cachedWebfingers, \ personCache, \ messageJson, \ federationList, \ debug): if debug: print('DEBUG: Like accepted from '+keyId) return False if receiveUndoLike(session,handle, \ baseDir,httpPrefix, \ domain,port, \ sendThreads,postLog, \ cachedWebfingers, \ personCache, \ messageJson, \ federationList, \ debug): if debug: print('DEBUG: Undo like accepted from '+keyId) return False if receiveAnnounce(session,handle, \ baseDir,httpPrefix, \ domain,port, \ sendThreads,postLog, \ cachedWebfingers, \ personCache, \ messageJson, \ federationList, \ debug): if debug: print('DEBUG: Announce accepted from '+keyId) if receiveUndoAnnounce(session,handle, \ baseDir,httpPrefix, \ domain,port, \ sendThreads,postLog, \ cachedWebfingers, \ personCache, \ messageJson, \ federationList, \ debug): if debug: print('DEBUG: Undo announce accepted from '+keyId) return False if receiveDelete(session,handle, \ baseDir,httpPrefix, \ domain,port, \ sendThreads,postLog, \ cachedWebfingers, \ personCache, \ messageJson, \ federationList, \ debug,allowDeletion): if debug: print('DEBUG: Delete accepted from '+keyId) return False populateReplies(baseDir,httpPrefix,domain,messageJson,maxReplies,debug) if debug: print('DEBUG: object capabilities passed') print('copy queue file from '+queueFilename+' to '+destinationFilename) if messageJson.get('postNickname'): with open(destinationFilename, 'w+') as fp: commentjson.dump(messageJson['post'], fp, indent=4, sort_keys=False) else: with open(destinationFilename, 'w+') as fp: commentjson.dump(messageJson, fp, indent=4, sort_keys=False) if not os.path.isfile(destinationFilename): return False return True def restoreQueueItems(baseDir: str,queue: []) -> None: """Checks the queue for each account and appends filenames """ queue.clear() for subdir,dirs,files in os.walk(baseDir+'/accounts'): for account in dirs: queueDir=baseDir+'/accounts/'+account+'/queue' if os.path.isdir(queueDir): for queuesubdir,queuedirs,queuefiles in os.walk(queueDir): for qfile in queuefiles: queue.append(os.path.join(queueDir, qfile)) if len(queue)>0: print('Restored '+str(len(queue))+' inbox queue items') def runInboxQueueWatchdog(projectVersion: str,httpd) -> None: """This tries to keep the inbox thread running even if it dies """ print('Starting inbox queue watchdog') inboxQueueOriginal=httpd.thrInboxQueue.clone() httpd.thrInboxQueue.start() while True: time.sleep(20) if not httpd.thrInboxQueue.isAlive(): httpd.thrInboxQueue.kill() httpd.thrInboxQueue=inboxQueueOriginal.clone() httpd.thrInboxQueue.start() print('Restarting inbox queue...') def runInboxQueue(projectVersion: str, \ baseDir: str,httpPrefix: str,sendThreads: [],postLog: [], \ cachedWebfingers: {},personCache: {},queue: [], \ domain: str,port: int,useTor: bool,federationList: [], \ ocapAlways: bool,maxReplies: int, \ domainMaxPostsPerDay: int,accountMaxPostsPerDay: int, \ allowDeletion: bool,debug: bool, \ acceptedCaps=["inbox:write","objects:read"]) -> None: """Processes received items and moves them to the appropriate directories """ currSessionTime=int(time.time()) sessionLastUpdate=currSessionTime session=createSession(domain,port,useTor) inboxHandle='inbox@'+domain if debug: print('DEBUG: Inbox queue running') # if queue processing was interrupted (eg server crash) # then this loads any outstanding items back into the queue restoreQueueItems(baseDir,queue) # keep track of numbers of incoming posts per unit of time quotasLastUpdate=int(time.time()) quotas={ 'domains': {}, 'accounts': {} } # keep track of the number of queue item read failures # so that if a file is corrupt then it will eventually # be ignored rather than endlessly retried itemReadFailed=0 heartBeatCtr=0 queueRestoreCtr=0 while True: time.sleep(1) # heartbeat to monitor whether the inbox queue is running heartBeatCtr+=1 if heartBeatCtr>=10: print('>>> Heartbeat Q:'+str(len(queue))+' '+datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S")) heartBeatCtr=0 if len(queue)==0: # restore any remaining queue items queueRestoreCtr+=1 if queueRestoreCtr>=30: queueRestoreCtr=0 restoreQueueItems(baseDir,queue) else: currTime=int(time.time()) # recreate the session periodically if not session or currTime-sessionLastUpdate>1200: print('Creating inbox session') session=createSession(domain,port,useTor) sessionLastUpdate=currTime # oldest item first queue.sort() queueFilename=queue[0] if not os.path.isfile(queueFilename): if debug: print("DEBUG: queue item rejected because it has no file: "+queueFilename) queue.pop(0) continue print('Loading queue item '+queueFilename) # Load the queue json try: with open(queueFilename, 'r') as fp: queueJson=commentjson.load(fp) except: itemReadFailed+=1 print('WARN: Failed to load inbox queue item '+queueFilename+' (try '+str(itemReadFailed)+')') if itemReadFailed>4: # After a few tries we can assume that the file # is probably corrupt/unreadable queue.pop(0) itemReadFailed=0 # delete the queue file os.remove(queueFilename) continue itemReadFailed=0 # clear the daily quotas for maximum numbers of received posts if currTime-quotasLastUpdate>60*60*24: quotas={ 'domains': {}, 'accounts': {} } quotasLastUpdate=currTime # limit the number of posts which can arrive per domain per day postDomain=queueJson['postDomain'] if postDomain: if domainMaxPostsPerDay>0: if quotas['domains'].get(postDomain): if quotas['domains'][postDomain]>domainMaxPostsPerDay: if debug: print('DEBUG: Maximum posts for '+postDomain+' reached') queue.pop(0) continue quotas['domains'][postDomain]+=1 else: quotas['domains'][postDomain]=1 if accountMaxPostsPerDay>0: postHandle=queueJson['postNickname']+'@'+postDomain if quotas['accounts'].get(postHandle): if quotas['accounts'][postHandle]>accountMaxPostsPerDay: if debug: print('DEBUG: Maximum posts for '+postHandle+' reached') queue.pop(0) continue quotas['accounts'][postHandle]+=1 else: quotas['accounts'][postHandle]=1 if debug: if accountMaxPostsPerDay>0 or domainMaxPostsPerDay>0: pprint(quotas) print('Obtaining public key for actor '+queueJson['actor']) # Try a few times to obtain the public key pubKey=None keyId=None for tries in range(8): keyId=None signatureParams=queueJson['httpHeaders']['signature'].split(',') for signatureItem in signatureParams: if signatureItem.startswith('keyId='): if '"' in signatureItem: keyId=signatureItem.split('"')[1] break if not keyId: if debug: print('DEBUG: No keyId in signature: '+ \ queueJson['httpHeaders']['signature']) os.remove(queueFilename) queue.pop(0) continue pubKey= \ getPersonPubKey(baseDir,session,keyId, \ personCache,debug, \ projectVersion,httpPrefix,domain) if pubKey: print('DEBUG: public key: '+str(pubKey)) break if debug: print('DEBUG: Retry '+str(tries+1)+ \ ' obtaining public key for '+keyId) time.sleep(5) if not pubKey: if debug: print('DEBUG: public key could not be obtained from '+keyId) os.remove(queueFilename) queue.pop(0) continue # check the signature if debug: print('DEBUG: checking http headers') pprint(queueJson['httpHeaders']) if not verifyPostHeaders(httpPrefix, \ pubKey, \ queueJson['httpHeaders'], \ queueJson['path'],False, \ queueJson['digest'], \ json.dumps(queueJson['post'])): if debug: print('DEBUG: Header signature check failed') os.remove(queueFilename) queue.pop(0) continue if debug: print('DEBUG: Signature check success') # set the id to the same as the post filename # This makes the filename and the id consistent #if queueJson['post'].get('id'): # queueJson['post']['id']=queueJson['id'] if receiveUndo(session, \ baseDir,httpPrefix,port, \ sendThreads,postLog, \ cachedWebfingers, personCache, \ queueJson['post'], \ federationList, \ debug, \ acceptedCaps=["inbox:write","objects:read"]): if debug: print('DEBUG: Undo accepted from '+keyId) os.remove(queueFilename) queue.pop(0) continue if debug: print('DEBUG: checking for follow requests') if receiveFollowRequest(session, \ baseDir,httpPrefix,port, \ sendThreads,postLog, \ cachedWebfingers, personCache, \ queueJson['post'], \ federationList, \ debug,projectVersion, \ acceptedCaps=["inbox:write","objects:read"]): os.remove(queueFilename) queue.pop(0) if debug: print('DEBUG: Follow activity for '+keyId+' removed from accepted from queue') continue else: if debug: print('DEBUG: No follow requests') if receiveAcceptReject(session, \ baseDir,httpPrefix,domain,port, \ sendThreads,postLog, \ cachedWebfingers, \ personCache, \ queueJson['post'], \ federationList, \ debug): if debug: print('DEBUG: Accept/Reject received from '+keyId) os.remove(queueFilename) queue.pop(0) continue if receiveUpdate(session, \ baseDir,httpPrefix, \ domain,port, \ sendThreads,postLog, \ cachedWebfingers, \ personCache, \ queueJson['post'], \ federationList, \ debug): if debug: print('DEBUG: Update accepted from '+keyId) os.remove(queueFilename) queue.pop(0) continue # get recipients list recipientsDict,recipientsDictFollowers= \ inboxPostRecipients(baseDir,queueJson['post'], \ httpPrefix,domain,port,debug) if len(recipientsDict.items())==0 and \ len(recipientsDictFollowers.items())==0: if debug: pprint(queueJson['post']) print('DEBUG: no recipients were resolved for post arriving in inbox') os.remove(queueFilename) queue.pop(0) continue # if there are only a small number of followers then process them as if they # were specifically addresses to particular accounts noOfFollowItems=len(recipientsDictFollowers.items()) if noOfFollowItems>0: if noOfFollowItems<5: if debug: print('DEBUG: moving '+str(noOfFollowItems)+ \ ' inbox posts addressed to followers') for handle,postItem in recipientsDictFollowers.items(): recipientsDict[handle]=postItem recipientsDictFollowers={} recipientsList=[recipientsDict,recipientsDictFollowers] if debug: print('*************************************') print('Resolved recipients list:') pprint(recipientsDict) print('Resolved followers list:') pprint(recipientsDictFollowers) print('*************************************') if queueJson['post'].get('capability'): if not isinstance(queueJson['post']['capability'], list): if debug: print('DEBUG: capability on post should be a list') os.remove(queueFilename) queue.pop(0) continue # Copy any posts addressed to followers into the shared inbox # this avoid copying file multiple times to potentially many # individual inboxes # This obviously bypasses object capabilities and so # any checking will needs to be handled at the time when inbox # GET happens on individual accounts. # See posts.py/createBoxBase if len(recipientsDictFollowers)>0: with open(queueJson['destination'].replace(inboxHandle,inboxHandle), 'w') as fp: commentjson.dump(queueJson['post'],fp,indent=4, \ sort_keys=False) # for posts addressed to specific accounts for handle,capsId in recipientsDict.items(): destination=queueJson['destination'].replace(inboxHandle,handle) # check that capabilities are accepted if queueJson['post'].get('capability'): capabilityIdList=queueJson['post']['capability'] # does the capability id list within the post contain the id # of the recipient with this handle? # Here the capability id begins with the handle, so this could also # be matched separately, but it's probably not necessary if capsId in capabilityIdList: inboxAfterCapabilities(session,keyId,handle, \ queueJson['post'], \ baseDir,httpPrefix, \ sendThreads,postLog, \ cachedWebfingers, \ personCache,queue,domain, \ port,useTor, \ federationList,ocapAlways, \ debug,acceptedCaps, \ queueFilename,destination, \ maxReplies,allowDeletion) else: if debug: print('DEBUG: object capabilities check has failed') pprint(queueJson['post']) else: if not ocapAlways: inboxAfterCapabilities(session,keyId,handle, \ queueJson['post'], \ baseDir,httpPrefix, \ sendThreads,postLog, \ cachedWebfingers, \ personCache,queue,domain, \ port,useTor, \ federationList,ocapAlways, \ debug,acceptedCaps, \ queueFilename,destination, \ maxReplies,allowDeletion) if debug: pprint(queueJson['post']) print('No capability list within post') print('ocapAlways: '+str(ocapAlways)) print('DEBUG: object capabilities check failed') if debug: print('DEBUG: Queue post accepted') os.remove(queueFilename) queue.pop(0)