__filename__ = "desktop_client.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.5.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@libreserver.org" __status__ = "Production" __module_group__ = "Client" import os import html import time import sys import select import webbrowser import urllib.parse from pathlib import Path from random import randint from utils import get_post_attachments from utils import get_url_from_post from utils import get_actor_languages_list from utils import get_attributed_to from utils import remove_html from utils import safe_system_string from utils import text_in_file from utils import disallow_announce from utils import disallow_reply from utils import get_base_content_from_post from utils import has_object_dict from utils import get_full_domain from utils import is_dm from utils import load_translations_from_file from utils import get_nickname_from_actor from utils import get_domain_from_actor from utils import is_pgp_encrypted from utils import local_actor_url from utils import get_reply_to from utils import get_actor_from_post from session import create_session from speaker import speakable_text from speaker import get_speaker_pitch from speaker import get_speaker_rate from speaker import get_speaker_range from like import send_like_via_server from like import send_undo_like_via_server from follow import approve_follow_request_via_server from follow import deny_follow_request_via_server from follow import get_follow_requests_via_server from follow import get_following_via_server from follow import get_followers_via_server from follow import send_follow_request_via_server from follow import send_unfollow_request_via_server from posts import send_block_via_server from posts import send_undo_block_via_server from posts import send_mute_via_server from posts import send_undo_mute_via_server from posts import send_post_via_server from posts import c2s_box_json from posts import download_announce from announce import send_announce_via_server from announce import send_undo_announce_via_server from pgp import pgp_local_public_key from pgp import pgp_decrypt from pgp import has_local_pg_pkey from pgp import pgp_encrypt_to_actor from pgp import pgp_public_key_upload from like import no_of_likes from bookmarks import send_bookmark_via_server from bookmarks import send_undo_bookmark_via_server from delete import send_delete_via_server from person import get_actor_json from cache import get_person_from_cache def _desktop_help() -> None: """Shows help """ _desktop_clear_screen() indent = ' ' print('') print(indent + _highlight_text('Help Commands:')) print('') print(indent + 'quit ' + 'Exit from the desktop client') print(indent + 'show dm|sent|inbox|replies|bookmarks ' + 'Show a timeline') print(indent + 'mute ' + 'Turn off the screen reader') print(indent + 'speak ' + 'Turn on the screen reader') print(indent + 'sounds on ' + 'Turn on notification sounds') print(indent + 'sounds off ' + 'Turn off notification sounds') print(indent + 'rp ' + 'Repeat the last post') print(indent + 'like ' + 'Like the last post') print(indent + 'unlike ' + 'Unlike the last post') print(indent + 'bookmark ' + 'Bookmark the last post') print(indent + 'unbookmark ' + 'Unbookmark the last post') print(indent + 'block [post number|handle] ' + 'Block someone via post number or handle') print(indent + 'unblock [handle] ' + 'Unblock someone') print(indent + 'mute ' + 'Mute the last post') print(indent + 'unmute ' + 'Unmute the last post') print(indent + 'reply ' + 'Reply to the last post') print(indent + 'post ' + 'Create a new post') print(indent + 'post to [handle] ' + 'Create a new direct message') print(indent + 'announce/boost ' + 'Boost the last post') print(indent + 'follow [handle] ' + 'Make a follow request') print(indent + 'unfollow [handle] ' + 'Stop following the give handle') print(indent + 'next ' + 'Next page in the timeline') print(indent + 'prev ' + 'Previous page in the timeline') print(indent + 'read [post number] ' + 'Read a post from a timeline') print(indent + 'show [post number] ' + 'Read a post from a timeline') print(indent + 'open [post number] ' + 'Open web links within a timeline post') print(indent + 'profile [post number or handle] ' + 'Show profile for the person who made the given post') print(indent + 'following [page number] ' + 'Show accounts that you are following') print(indent + 'followers [page number] ' + 'Show accounts that are following you') print(indent + 'approve [handle] ' + 'Approve a follow request') print(indent + 'deny [handle] ' + 'Deny a follow request') print(indent + 'pgp ' + 'Show your PGP public key') print('') def _create_desktop_config(actor: str) -> None: """Sets up directories for desktop client configuration """ home_dir = str(Path.home()) if not os.path.isdir(home_dir + '/.config'): os.mkdir(home_dir + '/.config') if not os.path.isdir(home_dir + '/.config/epicyon'): os.mkdir(home_dir + '/.config/epicyon') nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(actor) domain, port = get_domain_from_actor(actor) handle = nickname + '@' + domain if port not in (443, 80): handle += '_' + str(port) read_posts_dir = home_dir + '/.config/epicyon/' + handle if not os.path.isdir(read_posts_dir): os.mkdir(read_posts_dir) def _mark_post_as_read(actor: str, post_id: str, post_category: str) -> None: """Marks the given post as read by the given actor """ home_dir = str(Path.home()) _create_desktop_config(actor) nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(actor) if not nickname: return domain, port = get_domain_from_actor(actor) if not domain: return handle = nickname + '@' + domain if port not in (443, 80): handle += '_' + str(port) read_posts_dir = home_dir + '/.config/epicyon/' + handle read_posts_filename = read_posts_dir + '/' + post_category + '.txt' if os.path.isfile(read_posts_filename): if text_in_file(post_id, read_posts_filename): return try: # prepend to read posts file post_id += '\n' with open(read_posts_filename, 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as read_file: content = read_file.read() if post_id not in content: read_file.seek(0, 0) read_file.write(post_id + content) except OSError as ex: print('EX: Failed to mark post as read 1 ' + str(ex)) else: try: with open(read_posts_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as read_file: read_file.write(post_id + '\n') except OSError as ex: print('EX: Failed to mark post as read 2 ' + str(ex)) def _has_read_post(actor: str, post_id: str, post_category: str) -> bool: """Returns true if the given post has been read by the actor """ home_dir = str(Path.home()) _create_desktop_config(actor) nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(actor) if not nickname: return True domain, port = get_domain_from_actor(actor) if not domain: return True handle = nickname + '@' + domain if port not in (443, 80): handle += '_' + str(port) read_posts_dir = home_dir + '/.config/epicyon/' + handle read_posts_filename = read_posts_dir + '/' + post_category + '.txt' if os.path.isfile(read_posts_filename): if text_in_file(post_id, read_posts_filename): return True return False def _post_is_to_you(actor: str, post_json_object: {}) -> bool: """Returns true if the post is to the actor """ to_your_actor = False if post_json_object.get('to'): if isinstance(post_json_object['to'], list): if actor in post_json_object['to']: to_your_actor = True elif isinstance(post_json_object['to'], str): if actor == post_json_object['to']: to_your_actor = True if not to_your_actor and post_json_object.get('cc'): if isinstance(post_json_object['cc'], list): if actor in post_json_object['cc']: to_your_actor = True elif isinstance(post_json_object['cc'], str): if actor == post_json_object['cc']: to_your_actor = True if not to_your_actor and has_object_dict(post_json_object): if post_json_object['object'].get('to'): if isinstance(post_json_object['to'], list): if actor in post_json_object['object']['to']: to_your_actor = True elif isinstance(post_json_object['to'], str): if actor == post_json_object['object']['to']: to_your_actor = True if not to_your_actor and post_json_object['object'].get('cc'): if isinstance(post_json_object['cc'], list): if actor in post_json_object['object']['cc']: to_your_actor = True elif isinstance(post_json_object['cc'], str): if actor == post_json_object['object']['cc']: to_your_actor = True return to_your_actor def _new_desktop_notifications(actor: str, inbox_json: {}, notify_json: {}) -> None: """Looks for changes in the inbox and adds notifications """ notify_json['dmNotifyChanged'] = False notify_json['repliesNotifyChanged'] = False if not inbox_json: return if not inbox_json.get('orderedItems'): return dm_done = False reply_done = False for post_json_object in inbox_json['orderedItems']: if not post_json_object.get('id'): continue if not post_json_object.get('type'): continue if post_json_object['type'] == 'Announce': continue if not _post_is_to_you(actor, post_json_object): continue if is_dm(post_json_object): if not dm_done: if not _has_read_post(actor, post_json_object['id'], 'dm'): changed = False if not notify_json.get('dmPostId'): changed = True else: if notify_json['dmPostId'] != post_json_object['id']: changed = True if changed: notify_json['dmNotify'] = True notify_json['dmNotifyChanged'] = True notify_json['dmPostId'] = post_json_object['id'] dm_done = True else: if not reply_done: if not _has_read_post(actor, post_json_object['id'], 'replies'): changed = False if not notify_json.get('repliesPostId'): changed = True else: if notify_json['repliesPostId'] != \ post_json_object['id']: changed = True if changed: notify_json['repliesNotify'] = True notify_json['repliesNotifyChanged'] = True notify_json['repliesPostId'] = post_json_object['id'] reply_done = True def _desktop_clear_screen() -> None: """Clears the screen """ os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear') def _desktop_show_banner() -> None: """Shows the banner at the top """ banner_filename = 'banner.txt' if not os.path.isfile(banner_filename): banner_theme = 'starlight' banner_filename = 'theme/' + banner_theme + '/banner.txt' if not os.path.isfile(banner_filename): return with open(banner_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as banner_file: banner = banner_file.read() if banner: print(banner + '\n') def _desktop_wait_for_cmd(timeout: int, debug: bool) -> str: """Waits for a command to be entered with a timeout Returns the command, or None on timeout """ inp, _, _ = select.select([sys.stdin], [], [], timeout) if inp: text = sys.stdin.readline().strip() if debug: print("Text entered: " + text) return text if debug: print("Timeout") return None def _play_sound(sound_filename: str, player: str = 'ffplay') -> None: """Plays a sound """ if not os.path.isfile(sound_filename): return if player == 'ffplay': cmd = \ 'ffplay ' + safe_system_string(sound_filename) + \ ' -autoexit -hide_banner -nodisp 2> /dev/null' os.system(cmd) def _speaker_espeak(espeak, pitch: int, rate: int, srange: int, say_text: str) -> None: """Speaks the given text with espeak """ espeak.set_parameter(espeak.Parameter.Pitch, pitch) espeak.set_parameter(espeak.Parameter.Rate, rate) espeak.set_parameter(espeak.Parameter.Range, srange) espeak.synth(html.unescape(say_text)) def _speaker_mimic3(pitch: int, rate: int, srange: int, say_text: str) -> None: """Speaks the given text with mimic3 """ voice = 'en_UK/apope_low' if pitch > 20: voice = 'en_US/m-ailabs_low' if pitch > 40: voice = 'en_US/hifi-tts_low' if pitch >= 50: voice = 'en_US/ljspeech_low' if pitch > 75: voice = 'en_US/vctk_low' length_scale = str(1.2 - (rate / 600.0)) srange = min(srange, 100) noise_w = str(srange / 100.0) text = html.unescape(say_text).replace('"', "'") if not text: return audio_filename = '/tmp/epicyon_voice.wav' cmd = 'mimic3 -v ' + voice + \ ' --length-scale ' + length_scale + \ ' --noise-w ' + noise_w + \ ' --stdout' + \ ' "' + text + '" > ' + \ audio_filename + ' 2> /dev/null' cmd = safe_system_string(cmd) try: os.system(cmd) except OSError as ex: print('EX: unable to play ' + audio_filename + ' ' + str(ex)) _play_sound(audio_filename) def _speaker_picospeaker(pitch: int, rate: int, system_language: str, say_text: str) -> None: """TTS using picospeaker """ speaker_lang = 'en-GB' supported_languages = { "fr": "fr-FR", "es": "es-ES", "de": "de-DE", "it": "it-IT" } for lang, speaker_str in supported_languages.items(): if system_language.startswith(lang): speaker_lang = speaker_str break say_text = str(say_text).replace('"', "'") speaker_text = html.unescape(str(say_text)) speaker_cmd = \ 'picospeaker ' + \ '-l ' + safe_system_string(speaker_lang) + \ ' -r ' + str(rate) + \ ' -p ' + str(pitch) + ' "' + \ safe_system_string(speaker_text) + '" 2> /dev/null' os.system(speaker_cmd) def _desktop_notification(notification_type: str, title: str, message: str) -> None: """Shows a desktop notification """ if not notification_type: return if notification_type == 'notify-send': # Ubuntu cmd = \ 'notify-send "' + safe_system_string(title) + \ '" "' + safe_system_string(message) + '"' os.system(cmd) elif notification_type == 'zenity': # Zenity cmd = \ 'zenity --notification --title "' + safe_system_string(title) + \ '" --text="' + safe_system_string(message) + '"' os.system(cmd) elif notification_type == 'osascript': # Mac cmd = \ "osascript -e 'display notification \"" + \ safe_system_string(message) + "\" with title \"" + \ safe_system_string(title) + "\"'" os.system(cmd) elif notification_type == 'New-BurntToastNotification': # Windows cmd = \ "New-BurntToastNotification -Text \"" + \ safe_system_string(title) + "\", '" + \ safe_system_string(message) + "'" os.system(cmd) def _text_to_speech(say_str: str, screenreader: str, pitch: int, rate: int, srange: int, system_language: str, espeak=None) -> None: """Say something via TTS """ # speak the post content if screenreader == 'espeak': _speaker_espeak(espeak, pitch, rate, srange, say_str) elif screenreader == 'picospeaker': _speaker_picospeaker(pitch, rate, system_language, say_str) elif screenreader == 'mimic3': _speaker_mimic3(pitch, rate, srange, say_str) def _say_command(content: str, say_str: str, screenreader: str, system_language: str, espeak=None, speaker_name: str = 'screen reader', speaker_gender: str = 'They/Them') -> None: """Speaks a command """ print(content) if not screenreader: return pitch = get_speaker_pitch(speaker_name, screenreader, speaker_gender) rate = get_speaker_rate(speaker_name, screenreader) srange = get_speaker_range(speaker_name) _text_to_speech(say_str, screenreader, pitch, rate, srange, system_language, espeak) def _desktop_reply_to_post(session, post_id: str, base_dir: str, nickname: str, password: str, domain: str, port: int, http_prefix: str, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, debug: bool, subject: str, screenreader: str, system_language: str, languages_understood: [], espeak, conversation_id: str, low_bandwidth: bool, content_license_url: str, media_license_url: str, media_creator: str, signing_priv_key_pem: str, translate: {}) -> None: """Use the desktop client to send a reply to the most recent post """ if '://' not in post_id: return to_nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(post_id) if not to_nickname: return to_domain, to_port = get_domain_from_actor(post_id) if not to_domain: return say_str = 'Replying to ' + to_nickname + '@' + to_domain _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) say_str = translate['Type your reply message, then press Enter'] + '.' _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) reply_message = input() if not reply_message: say_str = translate['No reply was entered'] + '.' _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) return reply_message = reply_message.strip() if not reply_message: say_str = translate['No reply was entered'] + '.' _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) return print('') say_str = translate['You entered this reply'] + ':' _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) _say_command(reply_message, reply_message, screenreader, system_language, espeak) say_str = translate['Send this reply, yes or no?'] _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) yesno = input() if 'y' not in yesno.lower(): say_str = translate['Abandoning reply'] _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) return cc_url = None attach = None media_type = None attached_image_description = None is_article = False subject = None comments_enabled = True city = 'London, England' say_str = 'Sending reply' event_date = None event_time = None event_end_time = None location = None buy_url = '' chat_url = '' video_transcript = None auto_cw_cache = {} _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) if send_post_via_server(signing_priv_key_pem, __version__, base_dir, session, nickname, password, domain, port, to_nickname, to_domain, to_port, cc_url, http_prefix, reply_message, comments_enabled, attach, media_type, attached_image_description, video_transcript, city, cached_webfingers, person_cache, is_article, system_language, languages_understood, low_bandwidth, content_license_url, media_license_url, media_creator, event_date, event_time, event_end_time, location, translate, buy_url, chat_url, auto_cw_cache, debug, post_id, post_id, conversation_id, subject) == 0: say_str = translate['Sent'] else: say_str = translate['Post failed'] _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) def _desktop_new_post(session, base_dir: str, nickname: str, password: str, domain: str, port: int, http_prefix: str, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, debug: bool, screenreader: str, system_language: str, languages_understood: [], espeak, low_bandwidth: bool, content_license_url: str, media_license_url: str, media_creator: str, signing_priv_key_pem: str, translate: {}) -> None: """Use the desktop client to create a new post """ conversation_id = None say_str = translate['Create a new post'] _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) say_str = translate['Type your post, then press Enter'] + '.' _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) new_message = input() if not new_message: say_str = translate['No post was entered'] + '.' _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) return new_message = new_message.strip() if not new_message: say_str = translate['No post was entered'] + '.' _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) return print('') say_str = translate['You entered this public post'] + ':' _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) _say_command(new_message, new_message, screenreader, system_language, espeak) say_str = translate['Send this post, yes or no?'] _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) yesno = input() if 'y' not in yesno.lower(): say_str = translate['Abandoning new post'] _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) return cc_url = None attach = None media_type = None attached_image_description = None city = 'London, England' is_article = False subject = None comments_enabled = True subject = None say_str = 'Sending' event_date = None event_time = None event_end_time = None location = None buy_url = '' chat_url = '' video_transcript = None auto_cw_cache = {} _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) if send_post_via_server(signing_priv_key_pem, __version__, base_dir, session, nickname, password, domain, port, None, '#Public', port, cc_url, http_prefix, new_message, comments_enabled, attach, media_type, attached_image_description, video_transcript, city, cached_webfingers, person_cache, is_article, system_language, languages_understood, low_bandwidth, content_license_url, media_license_url, media_creator, event_date, event_time, event_end_time, location, translate, buy_url, chat_url, auto_cw_cache, debug, None, None, conversation_id, subject) == 0: say_str = translate['Sent'] else: say_str = translate['Post failed'] _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) def _safe_message(content: str) -> str: """Removes anything potentially unsafe from a string """ return content.replace('`', '').replace('$(', '$ (') def _timeline_is_empty(box_json: {}) -> bool: """Returns true if the given timeline is empty """ empty = False if not box_json: empty = True else: if not isinstance(box_json, dict): empty = True elif not box_json.get('orderedItems'): empty = True return empty def _get_first_item_id(box_json: {}) -> str: """Returns the id of the first item in the timeline """ if _timeline_is_empty(box_json): return if len(box_json['orderedItems']) == 0: return return box_json['orderedItems'][0]['id'] def _text_only_content(content: str) -> str: """Remove formatting from the given string """ content = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(content) content = html.unescape(content) return remove_html(content) def _get_image_description(post_json_object: {}) -> str: """Returns a image description/s on a post """ image_description = '' post_attachments = get_post_attachments(post_json_object) if not post_attachments: return image_description # for each attachment for img in post_attachments: if not isinstance(img, dict): continue if not img.get('name'): continue if not img.get('mediaType'): continue if not isinstance(img['name'], str): continue if not isinstance(img['mediaType'], str): continue if not img['mediaType'].startswith('image/'): if not img['mediaType'].startswith('video/'): continue message_str = img['name'] if message_str: message_str = message_str.strip() message_str = remove_html(message_str) if not message_str.endswith('.'): image_description += message_str + '. ' else: image_description += message_str + ' ' return image_description def _show_likes_on_post(post_json_object: {}, max_likes: int) -> None: """Shows the likes on a post """ if not has_object_dict(post_json_object): return if not post_json_object['object'].get('likes'): return object_likes = post_json_object['object']['likes'] if not isinstance(object_likes, dict): return if not object_likes.get('items'): return if not isinstance(object_likes['items'], list): return print('') ctr = 0 for item in object_likes['items']: print(' ❤ ' + str(item['actor'])) ctr += 1 if ctr >= max_likes: break def _show_replies_on_post(post_json_object: {}, max_replies: int) -> None: """Shows the replies on a post """ if not has_object_dict(post_json_object): return if not post_json_object['object'].get('replies'): return object_replies = post_json_object['object']['replies'] if not isinstance(object_replies, dict): return if not object_replies.get('items'): return if not isinstance(object_replies['items'], list): return print('') ctr = 0 for item in object_replies['items']: url_str = get_url_from_post(item['url']) item_url = remove_html(url_str) print(' ↰ ' + str(item_url)) ctr += 1 if ctr >= max_replies: break def _read_local_box_post(session, nickname: str, domain: str, http_prefix: str, base_dir: str, box_name: str, page_number: int, index: int, box_json: {}, system_language: str, screenreader: str, espeak, translate: {}, your_actor: str, domain_full: str, person_cache: {}, signing_priv_key_pem: str, blocked_cache: {}, block_federated: [], bold_reading: bool) -> {}: """Reads a post from the given timeline Returns the post json """ if _timeline_is_empty(box_json): return {} post_json_object = _desktop_get_box_post_object(box_json, index) if not post_json_object: return {} gender = 'They/Them' box_name_str = box_name if box_name.startswith('tl'): box_name_str = box_name[2:] say_str = 'Reading ' + box_name_str + ' post ' + str(index) + \ ' from page ' + str(page_number) + '.' say_str2 = say_str.replace(' dm ', ' DM ') _say_command(say_str, say_str2, screenreader, system_language, espeak) print('') if post_json_object['type'] == 'Announce': actor = get_actor_from_post(post_json_object) name_str = get_nickname_from_actor(actor) if not name_str: return {} recent_posts_cache = {} allow_local_network_access = False yt_replace_domain = None twitter_replacement_domain = None show_vote_posts = False languages_understood = [] person_url = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full) actor_json = \ get_person_from_cache(base_dir, person_url, person_cache) if actor_json: languages_understood = get_actor_languages_list(actor_json) post_json_object2 = \ download_announce(session, base_dir, http_prefix, nickname, domain, post_json_object, __version__, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, allow_local_network_access, recent_posts_cache, False, system_language, domain_full, person_cache, signing_priv_key_pem, blocked_cache, block_federated, bold_reading, show_vote_posts, languages_understood) if post_json_object2: if has_object_dict(post_json_object2): if post_json_object2['object'].get('attributedTo') and \ post_json_object2['object'].get('content'): attrib_field = post_json_object2['object']['attributedTo'] attributed_to = get_attributed_to(attrib_field) content = \ get_base_content_from_post(post_json_object2, system_language) if attributed_to and content: actor = attributed_to name_str1 = get_nickname_from_actor(actor) if not name_str1: return {} name_str += ' ' + translate['announces'] + ' ' + \ name_str1 say_str = name_str _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) print('') if screenreader: time.sleep(2) content = \ _text_only_content(content) im_desc = _get_image_description(post_json_object2) if im_desc: if not content.endswith('.'): content += '.' content += ' ' + im_desc message_str, _ = \ speakable_text(http_prefix, nickname, domain, domain_full, base_dir, content, translate) say_str = content _say_command(say_str, message_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) return post_json_object2 return {} attributed_to = \ get_attributed_to(post_json_object['object']['attributedTo']) if not attributed_to: return {} content = get_base_content_from_post(post_json_object, system_language) if not isinstance(attributed_to, str) or \ not isinstance(content, str): return {} actor = attributed_to name_str = get_nickname_from_actor(actor) if not name_str: return {} content = _text_only_content(content) im_desc = _get_image_description(post_json_object) if im_desc: if not content.endswith('.'): content += '.' content += ' ' + im_desc if is_pgp_encrypted(content): say_str = translate['Encrypted message. Please enter your passphrase.'] _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) content = pgp_decrypt(domain, content, actor, signing_priv_key_pem) if is_pgp_encrypted(content): say_str = translate['Message could not be decrypted'] _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) return {} content = _safe_message(content) message_str, _ = speakable_text(http_prefix, nickname, domain, domain_full, base_dir, content, translate) if screenreader: time.sleep(2) # say the speaker's name _say_command(name_str, name_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak, name_str, gender) print('') reply_id = get_reply_to(post_json_object['object']) if reply_id: print(translate['replying to'].title() + ' ' + reply_id + '\n') if screenreader: time.sleep(2) # speak the post content _say_command(content, message_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak, name_str, gender) _show_likes_on_post(post_json_object, 10) _show_replies_on_post(post_json_object, 10) # if the post is addressed to you then mark it as read if _post_is_to_you(your_actor, post_json_object): if is_dm(post_json_object): _mark_post_as_read(your_actor, post_json_object['id'], 'dm') else: _mark_post_as_read(your_actor, post_json_object['id'], 'replies') return post_json_object def _desktop_show_actor(http_prefix: str, nickname: str, domain: str, domain_full: str, base_dir: str, actor_json: {}, translate: {}, system_language: str, screenreader: str, espeak) -> None: """Shows information for the given actor """ actor = actor_json['id'] actor_nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(actor) if not actor_nickname: return actor_domain, actor_port = get_domain_from_actor(actor) actor_domain_full = get_full_domain(actor_domain, actor_port) handle = '@' + actor_nickname + '@' + actor_domain_full say_str = translate['Profile for'] + ' ' + html.unescape(handle) _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) print(actor) if actor_json.get('movedTo'): say_str = 'Moved to ' + html.unescape(actor_json['movedTo']) _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) if actor_json.get('alsoKnownAs'): also_known_as_str = '' ctr = 0 for alt_actor in actor_json['alsoKnownAs']: if ctr > 0: also_known_as_str += ', ' ctr += 1 also_known_as_str += alt_actor say_str = translate['Other accounts'] + ' ' + \ html.unescape(also_known_as_str) _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) if actor_json.get('summary'): say_str = html.unescape(remove_html(actor_json['summary'])) say_str = say_str.replace('"', "'") say_str2 = speakable_text(http_prefix, nickname, domain, domain_full, base_dir, say_str, translate)[0] _say_command(say_str, say_str2, screenreader, system_language, espeak) def _desktop_show_profile(session, nickname: str, domain: str, domain_full: str, base_dir: str, index: int, box_json: {}, system_language: str, screenreader: str, espeak, translate: {}, post_json_object: {}, signing_priv_key_pem: str, http_prefix: str) -> {}: """Shows the profile of the actor for the given post Returns the actor json """ if _timeline_is_empty(box_json): return {} if not post_json_object: post_json_object = _desktop_get_box_post_object(box_json, index) if not post_json_object: return {} actor = None if post_json_object['type'] == 'Announce': nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(post_json_object['object']) if nickname: nick_str = '/' + nickname + '/' if nick_str in post_json_object['object']: actor = \ post_json_object['object'].split(nick_str)[0] + \ '/' + nickname else: actor = get_attributed_to(post_json_object['object']['attributedTo']) if not actor: return {} is_http = False if 'http://' in actor: is_http = True is_gnunet = False is_ipfs = False is_ipns = False actor_json, _ = \ get_actor_json(domain, actor, is_http, is_gnunet, is_ipfs, is_ipns, False, True, signing_priv_key_pem, session) _desktop_show_actor(http_prefix, nickname, domain, domain_full, base_dir, actor_json, translate, system_language, screenreader, espeak) return actor_json def _desktop_show_profile_from_handle(session, nickname: str, domain: str, domain_full: str, base_dir: str, handle: str, system_language: str, screenreader: str, espeak, translate: {}, signing_priv_key_pem: str, http_prefix: str) -> {}: """Shows the profile for a handle Returns the actor json """ actor_json, _ = \ get_actor_json(domain, handle, False, False, False, False, False, True, signing_priv_key_pem, session) _desktop_show_actor(http_prefix, nickname, domain, domain_full, base_dir, actor_json, translate, system_language, screenreader, espeak) return actor_json def _desktop_get_box_post_object(box_json: {}, index: int) -> {}: """Gets the post with the given index from the timeline """ ctr = 0 for post_json_object in box_json['orderedItems']: if not post_json_object.get('type'): continue if not post_json_object.get('object'): continue if post_json_object['type'] == 'Announce': if not isinstance(post_json_object['object'], str): continue ctr += 1 if ctr == index: return post_json_object continue if not has_object_dict(post_json_object): continue if not post_json_object['object'].get('published'): continue if not post_json_object['object'].get('content'): continue ctr += 1 if ctr == index: return post_json_object return None def _format_published(published: str) -> str: """Formats the published time for display on timeline """ date_str = published.split('T')[0] month_str = date_str.split('-')[1] day_str = date_str.split('-')[2] time_str = published.split('T')[1] hour_str = time_str.split(':')[0] min_str = time_str.split(':')[1] return month_str + '-' + day_str + ' ' + hour_str + ':' + min_str + 'Z' def _pad_to_width(content: str, width: int) -> str: """Pads the given string to the given width """ if len(content) > width: content = content[:width] else: while len(content) < width: content += ' ' return content def _highlight_text(text: str) -> str: """Returns a highlighted version of the given text """ return '\33[7m' + text + '\33[0m' def _desktop_show_box(indent: str, follow_requests_json: {}, your_actor: str, box_name: str, box_json: {}, translate: {}, screenreader: str, system_language: str, espeak, page_number: int) -> bool: """Shows online timeline """ number_width = 2 name_width = 16 content_width = 50 # title _desktop_clear_screen() _desktop_show_banner() notification_icons = '' if box_name.startswith('tl'): box_name_str = box_name[2:] else: box_name_str = box_name title_str = _highlight_text(box_name_str.upper()) # if new_dms: # notification_icons += ' 📩' # if new_replies: # notification_icons += ' 📨' if notification_icons: while len(title_str) < 95 - len(notification_icons): title_str += ' ' title_str += notification_icons print(indent + title_str + '\n') if _timeline_is_empty(box_json): box_str = box_name_str if box_name == 'dm': box_str = 'DM' say_str = indent + 'You have no ' + box_str + ' posts yet.' _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) print('') return False ctr = 1 for post_json_object in box_json['orderedItems']: if not post_json_object.get('type'): continue if post_json_object['type'] == 'Announce': if post_json_object.get('actor') and \ post_json_object.get('object'): if isinstance(post_json_object['object'], str): author_actor = \ get_actor_from_post(post_json_object) name1 = get_nickname_from_actor(author_actor) if not name1: continue name = name1 + ' ⮌' name = _pad_to_width(name, name_width) ctr_str = str(ctr) pos_str = _pad_to_width(ctr_str, number_width) published = \ _format_published(post_json_object['published']) announced_nickname = \ get_nickname_from_actor(post_json_object['object']) if not announced_nickname: continue announced_domain, _ = \ get_domain_from_actor(post_json_object['object']) if not announced_domain: continue announced_handle = \ announced_nickname + '@' + announced_domain line_str = \ indent + str(pos_str) + ' | ' + name + ' | ' + \ published + ' | ' + \ _pad_to_width(announced_handle, content_width) print(line_str) ctr += 1 continue if not has_object_dict(post_json_object): continue if not post_json_object['object'].get('published'): continue if not post_json_object['object'].get('content'): continue ctr_str = str(ctr) pos_str = _pad_to_width(ctr_str, number_width) author_actor = \ get_attributed_to(post_json_object['object']['attributedTo']) content_warning = None if post_json_object['object'].get('summary'): content_warning = '⚡' + \ _pad_to_width(post_json_object['object']['summary'], content_width) name = get_nickname_from_actor(author_actor) if not name: continue # append icons to the end of the name space_added = False reply_id = get_reply_to(post_json_object['object']) if reply_id: if not space_added: space_added = True name += ' ' name += '↲' if post_json_object['object'].get('replies'): replies_list = post_json_object['object']['replies'] if replies_list.get('items'): items = replies_list['items'] for i in range(int(items)): name += '↰' if i > 10: break likes_count = no_of_likes(post_json_object) likes_count = max(likes_count, 10) for _ in range(likes_count): if not space_added: space_added = True name += ' ' name += '❤' name = _pad_to_width(name, name_width) published = _format_published(post_json_object['published']) content_str = get_base_content_from_post(post_json_object, system_language) content = _text_only_content(content_str) if box_name != 'dm': if is_dm(post_json_object): content = '📧' + content if not content_warning: if is_pgp_encrypted(content): content = '🔒' + content elif '://' in content: content = '🔗' + content content = _pad_to_width(content, content_width) else: # display content warning if is_pgp_encrypted(content): content = '🔒' + content_warning else: if '://' in content: content = '🔗' + content_warning else: content = content_warning if post_json_object['object'].get('ignores'): content = '🔇' if post_json_object['object'].get('bookmarks'): content = '🔖' + content if '\n' in content: content = content.replace('\n', ' ') line_str = indent + str(pos_str) + ' | ' + name + ' | ' + \ published + ' | ' + content if box_name == 'inbox' and \ _post_is_to_you(your_actor, post_json_object): if not _has_read_post(your_actor, post_json_object['id'], 'dm'): if not _has_read_post(your_actor, post_json_object['id'], 'replies'): line_str = _highlight_text(line_str) print(line_str) ctr += 1 if follow_requests_json: _desktop_show_follow_requests(follow_requests_json, translate) print('') # say the post number range say_str = indent + box_name_str + ' page ' + str(page_number) + \ ' containing ' + str(ctr - 1) + ' posts. ' say_str2 = say_str.replace('\33[3m', '').replace('\33[0m', '') say_str2 = say_str2.replace('show dm', 'show DM') say_str2 = say_str2.replace('dm post', 'Direct message post') _say_command(say_str, say_str2, screenreader, system_language, espeak) print('') return True def _desktop_new_dm(session, to_handle: str, base_dir: str, nickname: str, password: str, domain: str, port: int, http_prefix: str, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, debug: bool, screenreader: str, system_language: str, languages_understood: [], espeak, low_bandwidth: bool, content_license_url: str, media_license_url: str, media_creator: str, signing_priv_key_pem: str, translate: {}) -> None: """Use the desktop client to create a new direct message which can include multiple destination handles """ if ' ' in to_handle: handles_list = to_handle.split(' ') elif ',' in to_handle: handles_list = to_handle.split(',') elif ';' in to_handle: handles_list = to_handle.split(';') else: handles_list = [to_handle] for handle in handles_list: handle = handle.strip() _desktop_new_dm_base(session, handle, base_dir, nickname, password, domain, port, http_prefix, cached_webfingers, person_cache, debug, screenreader, system_language, languages_understood, espeak, low_bandwidth, content_license_url, media_license_url, media_creator, signing_priv_key_pem, translate) def _desktop_new_dm_base(session, to_handle: str, base_dir: str, nickname: str, password: str, domain: str, port: int, http_prefix: str, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, debug: bool, screenreader: str, system_language: str, languages_understood: [], espeak, low_bandwidth: bool, content_license_url: str, media_license_url: str, media_creator: str, signing_priv_key_pem: str, translate: {}) -> None: """Use the desktop client to create a new direct message """ conversation_id = None to_port = port if '://' in to_handle: to_nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(to_handle) if not to_nickname: return to_domain, to_port = get_domain_from_actor(to_handle) if not to_domain: return to_handle = to_nickname + '@' + to_domain else: if to_handle.startswith('@'): to_handle = to_handle[1:] to_nickname = to_handle.split('@')[0] if not to_nickname: return to_domain = to_handle.split('@')[1] if not to_domain: return say_str = translate['Create new direct message to'] + ' ' + to_handle _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) say_str = 'Type your direct message, then press Enter.' _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) new_message = input() if not new_message: say_str = translate['No direct message was entered'] + '.' _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) return new_message = new_message.strip() if not new_message: say_str = translate['No direct message was entered'] + '.' _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) return say_str = translate['You entered this direct message to'] + \ ' ' + to_handle + ':' _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) _say_command(new_message, new_message, screenreader, system_language, espeak) cc_url = None attach = None media_type = None attached_image_description = None city = 'London, England' is_article = False subject = None comments_enabled = True subject = None # if there is a local PGP key then attempt to encrypt the DM # using the PGP public key of the recipient if has_local_pg_pkey(): say_str = \ 'Local PGP key detected...' + \ 'Fetching PGP public key for ' + to_handle _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) padded_message = new_message if len(padded_message) < 32: # add some padding before and after # This is to guard against cribs based on small messages, like "Hi" for _ in range(randint(1, 16)): padded_message = ' ' + padded_message for _ in range(randint(1, 16)): padded_message += ' ' cipher_text = \ pgp_encrypt_to_actor(domain, padded_message, to_handle, signing_priv_key_pem) if not cipher_text: say_str = \ to_handle + ' has no PGP public key. ' + \ 'Your message will be sent in clear text' _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) else: new_message = cipher_text say_str = translate['Message encrypted'] _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) say_str = translate['Send this direct message, yes or no?'] _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) yesno = input() if 'y' not in yesno.lower(): say_str = translate['Abandoning new direct message'] _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) return event_date = None event_time = None event_end_time = None location = None buy_url = '' chat_url = '' video_transcript = None say_str = 'Sending' auto_cw_cache = {} _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) if send_post_via_server(signing_priv_key_pem, __version__, base_dir, session, nickname, password, domain, port, to_nickname, to_domain, to_port, cc_url, http_prefix, new_message, comments_enabled, attach, media_type, attached_image_description, video_transcript, city, cached_webfingers, person_cache, is_article, system_language, languages_understood, low_bandwidth, content_license_url, media_license_url, media_creator, event_date, event_time, event_end_time, location, translate, buy_url, chat_url, auto_cw_cache, debug, None, None, conversation_id, subject) == 0: say_str = translate['Sent'] else: say_str = translate['Post failed'] _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) def _desktop_show_follow_requests(follow_requests_json: {}, translate: {}) -> None: """Shows any follow requests """ if not isinstance(follow_requests_json, dict): return if not follow_requests_json.get('orderedItems'): return if not follow_requests_json['orderedItems']: return indent = ' ' print('') print(indent + translate['Approve follow requests'] + ':') print('') for item in follow_requests_json['orderedItems']: handle_nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(item) if not handle_nickname: continue handle_domain, handle_port = get_domain_from_actor(item) if not handle_domain: continue handle_domain_full = \ get_full_domain(handle_domain, handle_port) print(indent + ' 👤 ' + handle_nickname + '@' + handle_domain_full) def _desktop_show_following(following_json: {}, translate: {}, page_number: int, indent: str, follow_type: str = 'following') -> None: """Shows a page of accounts followed """ if not isinstance(following_json, dict): return if not following_json.get('orderedItems'): return if not following_json['orderedItems']: return print('') if follow_type == 'following': print(indent + 'Following page ' + str(page_number)) elif follow_type == 'followers': print(indent + 'Followers page ' + str(page_number)) print('') for item in following_json['orderedItems']: handle_nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(item) if not handle_nickname: continue handle_domain, handle_port = get_domain_from_actor(item) if not handle_domain: continue handle_domain_full = \ get_full_domain(handle_domain, handle_port) print(indent + ' 👤 ' + handle_nickname + '@' + handle_domain_full) def run_desktop_client(base_dir: str, proxy_type: str, http_prefix: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, password: str, screenreader: str, system_language: str, notification_sounds: bool, notification_type: str, no_key_press: bool, store_inbox_posts: bool, show_new_posts: bool, language: str, debug: bool, low_bandwidth: bool) -> None: """Runs the desktop and screen reader client, which announces new inbox items """ bold_reading = False # TODO: this should probably be retrieved somehow from the server signing_priv_key_pem = None content_license_url = 'https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0' media_license_url = 'https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0' media_creator = '' blocked_cache = {} block_federated = [] languages_understood = [] indent = ' ' if show_new_posts: indent = '' _desktop_clear_screen() _desktop_show_banner() espeak = None if screenreader: if screenreader == 'espeak': print('Setting up espeak') from espeak import espeak elif screenreader not in ('picospeaker', 'mimic3'): print(screenreader + ' is not a supported TTS system') return say_str = indent + 'Running ' + screenreader + ' for ' + \ nickname + '@' + domain _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) else: print(indent + 'Running desktop notifications for ' + nickname + '@' + domain) if notification_sounds: say_str = indent + 'Notification sounds on' else: say_str = indent + 'Notification sounds off' _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) curr_timeline = 'inbox' page_number = 1 post_json_object = {} original_screen_reader = screenreader sounds_dir = 'theme/default/sounds/' # prev_say = '' # prev_calendar = False # prev_follow = False # prev_like = '' # prev_share = False dm_sound_filename = sounds_dir + 'dm.ogg' reply_sound_filename = sounds_dir + 'reply.ogg' # calendar_sound_filename = sounds_dir + 'calendar.ogg' # follow_sound_filename = sounds_dir + 'follow.ogg' # like_sound_filename = sounds_dir + 'like.ogg' # share_sound_filename = sounds_dir + 'share.ogg' player = 'ffplay' name_str = None gender = None message_str = None content = None cached_webfingers = {} person_cache = {} pgp_key_upload = False say_str = indent + 'Loading translations file' _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) translate, system_language = \ load_translations_from_file(base_dir, language) say_str = indent + 'Connecting...' _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) session = create_session(proxy_type) say_str = indent + '/q or /quit to exit' _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port) your_actor = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full) actor_json = None notify_json = { "dmPostId": "Initial", "dmNotify": False, "dmNotifyChanged": False, "repliesPostId": "Initial", "repliesNotify": False, "repliesNotifyChanged": False } prev_timeline_first_id = '' desktop_shown = False while (1): if not pgp_key_upload: if not has_local_pg_pkey(): print('No PGP public key was found') else: say_str = indent + 'Uploading PGP public key' _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) pgp_public_key_upload(base_dir, session, nickname, password, domain, port, http_prefix, cached_webfingers, person_cache, debug, False, signing_priv_key_pem, system_language) say_str = indent + 'PGP public key uploaded' _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) pgp_key_upload = True box_json = c2s_box_json(session, nickname, password, domain, port, http_prefix, curr_timeline, page_number, debug, signing_priv_key_pem) follow_requests_json = \ get_follow_requests_via_server(session, nickname, password, domain, port, http_prefix, 1, debug, __version__, signing_priv_key_pem) if not (curr_timeline == 'inbox' and page_number == 1): # monitor the inbox to generate notifications inbox_json = c2s_box_json(session, nickname, password, domain, port, http_prefix, 'inbox', 1, debug, signing_priv_key_pem) else: inbox_json = box_json if inbox_json: _new_desktop_notifications(your_actor, inbox_json, notify_json) if notify_json.get('dmNotify'): if notify_json.get('dmNotifyChanged'): _desktop_notification(notification_type, "Epicyon", "New DM " + your_actor + '/dm') if notification_sounds: _play_sound(dm_sound_filename, player) if notify_json.get('repliesNotify'): if notify_json.get('repliesNotifyChanged'): _desktop_notification(notification_type, "Epicyon", "New reply " + your_actor + '/replies') if notification_sounds: _play_sound(reply_sound_filename, player) if box_json: timeline_first_id = _get_first_item_id(box_json) if timeline_first_id != prev_timeline_first_id: _desktop_clear_screen() _desktop_show_box(indent, follow_requests_json, your_actor, curr_timeline, box_json, translate, None, system_language, espeak, page_number) desktop_shown = True prev_timeline_first_id = timeline_first_id else: session = create_session(proxy_type) if not desktop_shown: if not session: print('No session\n') _desktop_clear_screen() _desktop_show_banner() print('No posts\n') if proxy_type == 'tor': print('You may need to run the desktop client ' + 'with the --http option') # wait for a while, or until a key is pressed if no_key_press: time.sleep(10) else: command_str = _desktop_wait_for_cmd(30, debug) if command_str: refresh_timeline = False if command_str.startswith('/'): command_str = command_str[1:] if command_str in ('q', 'quit', 'exit'): say_str = 'Quit' _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) if screenreader: command_str = _desktop_wait_for_cmd(2, debug) break if command_str.startswith('show dm'): page_number = 1 prev_timeline_first_id = '' curr_timeline = 'dm' box_json = c2s_box_json(session, nickname, password, domain, port, http_prefix, curr_timeline, page_number, debug, signing_priv_key_pem) if box_json: _desktop_show_box(indent, follow_requests_json, your_actor, curr_timeline, box_json, translate, screenreader, system_language, espeak, page_number) elif command_str.startswith('show rep'): page_number = 1 prev_timeline_first_id = '' curr_timeline = 'tlreplies' box_json = c2s_box_json(session, nickname, password, domain, port, http_prefix, curr_timeline, page_number, debug, signing_priv_key_pem) if box_json: _desktop_show_box(indent, follow_requests_json, your_actor, curr_timeline, box_json, translate, screenreader, system_language, espeak, page_number) elif command_str.startswith('show b'): page_number = 1 prev_timeline_first_id = '' curr_timeline = 'tlbookmarks' box_json = c2s_box_json(session, nickname, password, domain, port, http_prefix, curr_timeline, page_number, debug, signing_priv_key_pem) if box_json: _desktop_show_box(indent, follow_requests_json, your_actor, curr_timeline, box_json, translate, screenreader, system_language, espeak, page_number) elif (command_str.startswith('show sen') or command_str.startswith('show out')): page_number = 1 prev_timeline_first_id = '' curr_timeline = 'outbox' box_json = c2s_box_json(session, nickname, password, domain, port, http_prefix, curr_timeline, page_number, debug, signing_priv_key_pem) if box_json: _desktop_show_box(indent, follow_requests_json, your_actor, curr_timeline, box_json, translate, screenreader, system_language, espeak, page_number) elif (command_str == 'show' or command_str.startswith('show in') or command_str == 'clear'): page_number = 1 prev_timeline_first_id = '' curr_timeline = 'inbox' refresh_timeline = True elif command_str.startswith('next'): page_number += 1 prev_timeline_first_id = '' refresh_timeline = True elif command_str.startswith('prev'): page_number -= 1 page_number = max(page_number, 1) prev_timeline_first_id = '' box_json = c2s_box_json(session, nickname, password, domain, port, http_prefix, curr_timeline, page_number, debug, signing_priv_key_pem) if box_json: _desktop_show_box(indent, follow_requests_json, your_actor, curr_timeline, box_json, translate, screenreader, system_language, espeak, page_number) elif (command_str.startswith('read ') or command_str.startswith('show ') or command_str == 'read' or command_str == 'show'): if command_str in ('read', 'show'): post_index_str = '1' else: if 'read ' in command_str: post_index_str = command_str.split('read ')[1] else: post_index_str = command_str.split('show ')[1] if len(post_index_str) > 5: post_index_str = "1" if box_json and post_index_str.isdigit(): _desktop_clear_screen() _desktop_show_banner() if len(post_index_str) > 5: post_index_str = "1" post_index = int(post_index_str) post_json_object = \ _read_local_box_post(session, nickname, domain, http_prefix, base_dir, curr_timeline, page_number, post_index, box_json, system_language, screenreader, espeak, translate, your_actor, domain_full, person_cache, signing_priv_key_pem, blocked_cache, block_federated, bold_reading) print('') say_str = translate['Press Enter to continue'] + '...' say_str2 = _highlight_text(say_str) _say_command(say_str2, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) input() prev_timeline_first_id = '' refresh_timeline = True print('') elif (command_str.startswith('profile ') or command_str == 'profile'): actor_json = None if command_str == 'profile': if post_json_object: actor_json = \ _desktop_show_profile(session, nickname, domain, domain_full, base_dir, post_index, box_json, system_language, screenreader, espeak, translate, post_json_object, signing_priv_key_pem, http_prefix) else: post_index_str = '1' else: post_index_str = command_str.split('profile ')[1] if not post_index_str.isdigit(): profile_handle = post_index_str _desktop_clear_screen() _desktop_show_banner() _desktop_show_profile_from_handle(session, nickname, domain, domain_full, base_dir, profile_handle, system_language, screenreader, espeak, translate, signing_priv_key_pem, http_prefix) say_str = translate['Press Enter to continue'] + '...' say_str2 = _highlight_text(say_str) _say_command(say_str2, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) input() prev_timeline_first_id = '' refresh_timeline = True elif not actor_json and box_json: _desktop_clear_screen() _desktop_show_banner() if len(post_index_str) > 5: post_index_str = "1" post_index = int(post_index_str) actor_json = \ _desktop_show_profile(session, nickname, domain, domain_full, base_dir, post_index, box_json, system_language, screenreader, espeak, translate, None, signing_priv_key_pem, http_prefix) say_str = translate['Press Enter to continue'] + '...' say_str2 = _highlight_text(say_str) _say_command(say_str2, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) input() prev_timeline_first_id = '' refresh_timeline = True print('') elif command_str in ('reply', 'r'): if post_json_object: post_content = '' if post_json_object['object'].get('content'): post_content = post_json_object['object']['content'] post_summary = '' if post_json_object['object'].get('summary'): post_summary = post_json_object['object']['summary'] if not disallow_reply(post_summary + ' ' + post_content): if post_json_object.get('id'): post_id = post_json_object['id'] subject = None if post_json_object['object'].get('summary'): subject = post_json_object['object']['summary'] conversation_id = None if post_json_object['object'].get('conversation'): conversation_id = \ post_json_object['object']['conversation'] elif post_json_object['object'].get('context'): conversation_id = \ post_json_object['object']['context'] session_reply = create_session(proxy_type) _desktop_reply_to_post(session_reply, post_id, base_dir, nickname, password, domain, port, http_prefix, cached_webfingers, person_cache, debug, subject, screenreader, system_language, languages_understood, espeak, conversation_id, low_bandwidth, content_license_url, media_license_url, media_creator, signing_priv_key_pem, translate) refresh_timeline = True print('') elif (command_str == 'post' or command_str == 'p' or command_str == 'send' or command_str.startswith('dm ') or command_str.startswith('direct message ') or command_str.startswith('post ') or command_str.startswith('send ')): session_post = create_session(proxy_type) if command_str.startswith('dm ') or \ command_str.startswith('direct message ') or \ command_str.startswith('post ') or \ command_str.startswith('send '): command_str = command_str.replace(' to ', ' ') command_str = command_str.replace(' dm ', ' ') command_str = command_str.replace(' DM ', ' ') # direct message to_handle = None if command_str.startswith('post '): to_handle = command_str.split('post ', 1)[1] elif command_str.startswith('send '): to_handle = command_str.split('send ', 1)[1] elif command_str.startswith('dm '): to_handle = command_str.split('dm ', 1)[1] elif command_str.startswith('direct message '): to_handle = command_str.split('direct message ', 1)[1] if to_handle: _desktop_new_dm(session_post, to_handle, base_dir, nickname, password, domain, port, http_prefix, cached_webfingers, person_cache, debug, screenreader, system_language, languages_understood, espeak, low_bandwidth, content_license_url, media_license_url, media_creator, signing_priv_key_pem, translate) refresh_timeline = True else: # public post _desktop_new_post(session_post, base_dir, nickname, password, domain, port, http_prefix, cached_webfingers, person_cache, debug, screenreader, system_language, languages_understood, espeak, low_bandwidth, content_license_url, media_license_url, media_creator, signing_priv_key_pem, translate) refresh_timeline = True print('') elif command_str == 'like' or command_str.startswith('like '): curr_index = 0 if ' ' in command_str: post_index = command_str.split(' ')[-1].strip() if len(post_index) > 5: post_index = "1" if post_index.isdigit(): curr_index = int(post_index) if curr_index > 0 and box_json: post_json_object = \ _desktop_get_box_post_object(box_json, curr_index) if post_json_object: if post_json_object.get('id'): attrib_field = \ post_json_object['object']['attributedTo'] like_actor = get_attributed_to(attrib_field) say_str1 = get_nickname_from_actor(like_actor) if say_str1: say_str = 'Liking post by ' + say_str1 _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) session_like = create_session(proxy_type) send_like_via_server(base_dir, session_like, nickname, password, domain, port, http_prefix, post_json_object['id'], cached_webfingers, person_cache, False, __version__, signing_priv_key_pem, system_language) refresh_timeline = True print('') elif (command_str == 'undo mute' or command_str == 'undo ignore' or command_str == 'remove mute' or command_str == 'rm mute' or command_str == 'unmute' or command_str == 'unignore' or command_str == 'mute undo' or command_str.startswith('undo mute ') or command_str.startswith('undo ignore ') or command_str.startswith('remove mute ') or command_str.startswith('remove ignore ') or command_str.startswith('unignore ') or command_str.startswith('unmute ')): curr_index = 0 if ' ' in command_str: post_index = command_str.split(' ')[-1].strip() if len(post_index) > 5: post_index = "1" if post_index.isdigit(): curr_index = int(post_index) if curr_index > 0 and box_json: post_json_object = \ _desktop_get_box_post_object(box_json, curr_index) if post_json_object: if post_json_object.get('id'): attrib_field = \ post_json_object['object']['attributedTo'] mute_actor = get_attributed_to(attrib_field) say_str1 = get_nickname_from_actor(mute_actor) if say_str1: say_str = 'Unmuting post by ' + say_str1 _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) session_mute = create_session(proxy_type) send_undo_mute_via_server(base_dir, session_mute, nickname, password, domain, port, http_prefix, post_json_object['id'], cached_webfingers, person_cache, False, __version__, signing_priv_key_pem, system_language) refresh_timeline = True print('') elif (command_str == 'mute' or command_str == 'ignore' or command_str.startswith('mute ') or command_str.startswith('ignore ')): curr_index = 0 if ' ' in command_str: post_index = command_str.split(' ')[-1].strip() if len(post_index) > 5: post_index = "1" if post_index.isdigit(): curr_index = int(post_index) if curr_index > 0 and box_json: post_json_object = \ _desktop_get_box_post_object(box_json, curr_index) if post_json_object: if post_json_object.get('id'): attrib_field = \ post_json_object['object']['attributedTo'] mute_actor = get_attributed_to(attrib_field) say_str1 = get_nickname_from_actor(mute_actor) say_str = 'Muting post by ' + say_str1 if say_str1: _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) session_mute = create_session(proxy_type) send_mute_via_server(base_dir, session_mute, nickname, password, domain, port, http_prefix, post_json_object['id'], cached_webfingers, person_cache, False, __version__, signing_priv_key_pem, system_language) refresh_timeline = True print('') elif (command_str == 'undo bookmark' or command_str == 'remove bookmark' or command_str == 'rm bookmark' or command_str == 'undo bm' or command_str == 'rm bm' or command_str == 'remove bm' or command_str == 'unbookmark' or command_str == 'bookmark undo' or command_str == 'bm undo ' or command_str.startswith('undo bm ') or command_str.startswith('remove bm ') or command_str.startswith('undo bookmark ') or command_str.startswith('remove bookmark ') or command_str.startswith('unbookmark ') or command_str.startswith('unbm ')): curr_index = 0 if ' ' in command_str: post_index = command_str.split(' ')[-1].strip() if len(post_index) > 5: post_index = "1" if post_index.isdigit(): curr_index = int(post_index) if curr_index > 0 and box_json: post_json_object = \ _desktop_get_box_post_object(box_json, curr_index) if post_json_object: if post_json_object.get('id'): attrib_field = \ post_json_object['object']['attributedTo'] bm_actor = get_attributed_to(attrib_field) say_str1 = get_nickname_from_actor(bm_actor) if say_str1: say_str = 'Unbookmarking post by ' + say_str1 _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) sessionbm = create_session(proxy_type) id_str = post_json_object['id'] send_undo_bookmark_via_server(base_dir, sessionbm, nickname, password, domain, port, http_prefix, id_str, cached_webfingers, person_cache, False, __version__, signing_priv_key_pem, system_language) refresh_timeline = True print('') elif (command_str == 'bookmark' or command_str == 'bm' or command_str.startswith('bookmark ') or command_str.startswith('bm ')): curr_index = 0 if ' ' in command_str: post_index = command_str.split(' ')[-1].strip() if len(post_index) > 5: post_index = "1" if post_index.isdigit(): curr_index = int(post_index) if curr_index > 0 and box_json: post_json_object = \ _desktop_get_box_post_object(box_json, curr_index) if post_json_object: if post_json_object.get('id'): attrib_field = \ post_json_object['object']['attributedTo'] bm_actor = get_attributed_to(attrib_field) say_str1 = get_nickname_from_actor(bm_actor) if say_str1: say_str = 'Bookmarking post by ' + say_str1 _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) sessionbm = create_session(proxy_type) send_bookmark_via_server(base_dir, sessionbm, nickname, password, domain, port, http_prefix, post_json_object['id'], cached_webfingers, person_cache, False, __version__, signing_priv_key_pem, system_language) refresh_timeline = True print('') elif (command_str.startswith('undo block ') or command_str.startswith('remove block ') or command_str.startswith('rm block ') or command_str.startswith('unblock ')): curr_index = 0 if ' ' in command_str: post_index = command_str.split(' ')[-1].strip() if len(post_index) > 5: post_index = "1" if post_index.isdigit(): curr_index = int(post_index) if curr_index > 0 and box_json: post_json_object = \ _desktop_get_box_post_object(box_json, curr_index) if post_json_object: if post_json_object.get('id') and \ post_json_object.get('object'): if has_object_dict(post_json_object): if post_json_object['object'].get('attributedTo'): attrib_field = \ post_json_object['object']['attributedTo'] block_actor = get_attributed_to(attrib_field) say_str1 = get_nickname_from_actor(block_actor) if say_str1: say_str = 'Unblocking ' + say_str1 _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) session_block = create_session(proxy_type) sign_key_pem = signing_priv_key_pem cached_wf = cached_webfingers send_undo_block_via_server(base_dir, session_block, nickname, password, domain, port, http_prefix, block_actor, cached_wf, person_cache, False, __version__, sign_key_pem, system_language) refresh_timeline = True print('') elif command_str.startswith('block '): block_actor = None curr_index = 0 if ' ' in command_str: post_index = command_str.split(' ')[-1].strip() if len(post_index) > 5: post_index = "1" if post_index.isdigit(): curr_index = int(post_index) else: if '@' in post_index: block_handle = post_index if block_handle.startswith('@'): block_handle = block_handle[1:] if '@' in block_handle: block_domain = block_handle.split('@')[1] block_nickname = block_handle.split('@')[0] block_actor = \ local_actor_url(http_prefix, block_nickname, block_domain) if curr_index > 0 and box_json and not block_actor: post_json_object = \ _desktop_get_box_post_object(box_json, curr_index) if post_json_object and not block_actor: if post_json_object.get('id') and \ post_json_object.get('object'): if has_object_dict(post_json_object): if post_json_object['object'].get('attributedTo'): attrib_field = \ post_json_object['object']['attributedTo'] block_actor = get_attributed_to(attrib_field) if block_actor: say_str1 = get_nickname_from_actor(block_actor) if say_str1: say_str = 'Blocking ' + say_str1 _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) session_block = create_session(proxy_type) send_block_via_server(base_dir, session_block, nickname, password, domain, port, http_prefix, block_actor, cached_webfingers, person_cache, False, __version__, signing_priv_key_pem, system_language) refresh_timeline = True print('') elif command_str in ('unlike', 'undo like'): curr_index = 0 if ' ' in command_str: post_index = command_str.split(' ')[-1].strip() if len(post_index) > 5: post_index = "1" if post_index.isdigit(): curr_index = int(post_index) if curr_index > 0 and box_json: post_json_object = \ _desktop_get_box_post_object(box_json, curr_index) if post_json_object: if post_json_object.get('id'): attrib_field = \ post_json_object['object']['attributedTo'] unlike_actor = get_attributed_to(attrib_field) say_str1 = get_nickname_from_actor(unlike_actor) if say_str1: say_str = \ 'Undoing like of post by ' + \ say_str1 _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) session_unlike = create_session(proxy_type) send_undo_like_via_server(base_dir, session_unlike, nickname, password, domain, port, http_prefix, post_json_object['id'], cached_webfingers, person_cache, False, __version__, signing_priv_key_pem, system_language) refresh_timeline = True print('') elif (command_str.startswith('announce') or command_str.startswith('boost') or command_str.startswith('retweet')): curr_index = 0 if ' ' in command_str: post_index = command_str.split(' ')[-1].strip() if len(post_index) > 5: post_index = "1" if post_index.isdigit(): curr_index = int(post_index) if curr_index > 0 and box_json: post_json_object = \ _desktop_get_box_post_object(box_json, curr_index) if post_json_object: post_content = '' if post_json_object['object'].get('content'): post_content = post_json_object['object']['content'] post_summary = '' if post_json_object['object'].get('summary'): post_summary = post_json_object['object']['summary'] attachment = get_post_attachments(post_json_object) capabilities = {} if post_json_object['object'].get('capabilities'): capabilities = \ post_json_object['object']['capabilities'] if not disallow_announce(post_summary + ' ' + post_content, attachment, capabilities): if post_json_object.get('id'): post_id = post_json_object['id'] attrib_field = \ post_json_object['object']['attributedTo'] announce_actor = get_attributed_to(attrib_field) say_str1 = get_nickname_from_actor(announce_actor) if say_str1: say_str = 'Announcing post by ' + say_str1 _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) session_announce = create_session(proxy_type) send_announce_via_server(base_dir, session_announce, nickname, password, domain, port, http_prefix, post_id, cached_webfingers, person_cache, True, __version__, signing_priv_key_pem, system_language) refresh_timeline = True print('') elif (command_str.startswith('unannounce') or command_str.startswith('undo announce') or command_str.startswith('unboost') or command_str.startswith('undo boost') or command_str.startswith('undo retweet')): curr_index = 0 if ' ' in command_str: post_index = command_str.split(' ')[-1].strip() if len(post_index) > 5: post_index = "1" if post_index.isdigit(): curr_index = int(post_index) if curr_index > 0 and box_json: post_json_object = \ _desktop_get_box_post_object(box_json, curr_index) if post_json_object: if post_json_object.get('id'): post_id = post_json_object['id'] attrib_field = \ post_json_object['object']['attributedTo'] announce_actor = get_attributed_to(attrib_field) say_str1 = get_nickname_from_actor(announce_actor) if say_str1: say_str = 'Undoing announce post by ' + say_str1 _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) session_announce = create_session(proxy_type) send_undo_announce_via_server(base_dir, session_announce, post_json_object, nickname, password, domain, port, http_prefix, cached_webfingers, person_cache, True, __version__, signing_priv_key_pem, system_language) refresh_timeline = True print('') elif (command_str == 'follow requests' or command_str.startswith('follow requests ')): curr_page = 1 if ' ' in command_str: page_num = command_str.split(' ')[-1].strip() if len(page_num) > 5: page_num = "1" if page_num.isdigit(): curr_page = int(page_num) follow_requests_json = \ get_follow_requests_via_server(session, nickname, password, domain, port, http_prefix, curr_page, debug, __version__, signing_priv_key_pem) if follow_requests_json: if isinstance(follow_requests_json, dict): _desktop_show_follow_requests(follow_requests_json, translate) print('') elif (command_str == 'following' or command_str.startswith('following ')): curr_page = 1 if ' ' in command_str: page_num = command_str.split(' ')[-1].strip() if len(page_num) > 5: page_num = "1" if page_num.isdigit(): curr_page = int(page_num) following_json = \ get_following_via_server(session, nickname, password, domain, port, http_prefix, curr_page, debug, __version__, signing_priv_key_pem) if following_json: if isinstance(following_json, dict): _desktop_show_following(following_json, translate, curr_page, indent, 'following') print('') elif (command_str == 'followers' or command_str.startswith('followers ')): curr_page = 1 if ' ' in command_str: page_num = command_str.split(' ')[-1].strip() if len(page_num) > 5: page_num = "1" if page_num.isdigit(): curr_page = int(page_num) followers_json = \ get_followers_via_server(session, nickname, password, domain, port, http_prefix, curr_page, debug, __version__, signing_priv_key_pem) if followers_json: if isinstance(followers_json, dict): _desktop_show_following(followers_json, translate, curr_page, indent, 'followers') print('') elif (command_str == 'follow' or command_str.startswith('follow ')): if command_str == 'follow': if actor_json: follow_handle = actor_json['id'] else: follow_handle = '' else: follow_handle = command_str.replace('follow ', '').strip() if follow_handle.startswith('@'): follow_handle = follow_handle[1:] if '@' in follow_handle or '://' in follow_handle: follow_nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(follow_handle) follow_domain, follow_port = \ get_domain_from_actor(follow_handle) if follow_nickname and follow_domain: say_str = 'Sending follow request to ' + \ follow_nickname + '@' + follow_domain _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) session_follow = create_session(proxy_type) send_follow_request_via_server(base_dir, session_follow, nickname, password, domain, port, follow_nickname, follow_domain, follow_port, http_prefix, cached_webfingers, person_cache, debug, __version__, signing_priv_key_pem, system_language) else: if follow_handle: say_str = follow_handle + ' is not valid' else: say_str = 'Specify a handle to follow' _say_command(say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) print('') elif (command_str.startswith('unfollow ') or command_str.startswith('stop following ')): follow_handle = command_str.replace('unfollow ', '').strip() follow_handle = follow_handle.replace('stop following ', '') if follow_handle.startswith('@'): follow_handle = follow_handle[1:] if '@' in follow_handle or '://' in follow_handle: follow_nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(follow_handle) follow_domain, follow_port = \ get_domain_from_actor(follow_handle) if follow_nickname and follow_domain: say_str = 'Stop following ' + \ follow_nickname + '@' + follow_domain _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) session_unfollow = create_session(proxy_type) send_unfollow_request_via_server(base_dir, session_unfollow, nickname, password, domain, port, follow_nickname, follow_domain, follow_port, http_prefix, cached_webfingers, person_cache, debug, __version__, signing_priv_key_pem, system_language) else: say_str = follow_handle + ' is not valid' _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) print('') elif command_str.startswith('approve '): approve_handle = command_str.replace('approve ', '').strip() if approve_handle.startswith('@'): approve_handle = approve_handle[1:] if '@' in approve_handle or '://' in approve_handle: approve_nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(approve_handle) approve_domain, _ = \ get_domain_from_actor(approve_handle) if approve_nickname and approve_domain: say_str = 'Sending approve follow request for ' + \ approve_nickname + '@' + approve_domain _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) session_approve = create_session(proxy_type) approve_follow_request_via_server(session_approve, nickname, password, domain, port, http_prefix, approve_handle, debug, __version__, signing_priv_key_pem) else: if approve_handle: say_str = approve_handle + ' is not valid' else: say_str = 'Specify a handle to approve' _say_command(say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) print('') elif command_str.startswith('deny '): deny_handle = command_str.replace('deny ', '').strip() if deny_handle.startswith('@'): deny_handle = deny_handle[1:] if '@' in deny_handle or '://' in deny_handle: deny_nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(deny_handle) deny_domain, _ = \ get_domain_from_actor(deny_handle) if deny_nickname and deny_domain: say_str = 'Sending deny follow request for ' + \ deny_nickname + '@' + deny_domain _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) session_deny = create_session(proxy_type) deny_follow_request_via_server(session_deny, nickname, password, domain, port, http_prefix, deny_handle, debug, __version__, signing_priv_key_pem) else: if deny_handle: say_str = deny_handle + ' is not valid' else: say_str = 'Specify a handle to deny' _say_command(say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) print('') elif command_str in ('repeat', 'replay', 'rp', 'again', 'say again'): if screenreader and name_str and \ gender and message_str and content: say_str = 'Repeating ' + name_str _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak, name_str, gender) time.sleep(2) _say_command(content, message_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak, name_str, gender) print('') elif command_str in ('sounds on', 'sound on', 'sound'): say_str = 'Notification sounds on' _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) notification_sounds = True elif command_str in ('sounds off', 'sound off', 'nosound'): say_str = 'Notification sounds off' _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) notification_sounds = False elif command_str in ('speak', 'screen reader on', 'speak on', 'speaker on', 'talker on', 'talk on', 'reader on'): if original_screen_reader: screenreader = original_screen_reader say_str = 'Screen reader on' _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) else: print('No --screenreader option was specified') elif command_str in ('mute', 'screen reader off', 'speaker off', 'talker off', 'reader off'): if original_screen_reader: screenreader = None say_str = 'Screen reader off' _say_command(say_str, say_str, original_screen_reader, system_language, espeak) else: print('No --screenreader option was specified') elif command_str.startswith('open'): curr_index = 0 if ' ' in command_str: post_index = command_str.split(' ')[-1].strip() if len(post_index) > 5: post_index = "1" if post_index.isdigit(): curr_index = int(post_index) if curr_index > 0 and box_json: post_json_object = \ _desktop_get_box_post_object(box_json, curr_index) if post_json_object: if post_json_object['type'] == 'Announce': recent_posts_cache = {} allow_local_network_access = False yt_replace_domain = None twitter_replacement_domain = None show_vote_posts = False post_json_object2 = \ download_announce(session, base_dir, http_prefix, nickname, domain, post_json_object, __version__, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, allow_local_network_access, recent_posts_cache, False, system_language, domain_full, person_cache, signing_priv_key_pem, blocked_cache, block_federated, bold_reading, show_vote_posts, languages_understood) if post_json_object2: post_json_object = post_json_object2 if post_json_object: content = \ get_base_content_from_post(post_json_object, system_language) message_str, detected_links = \ speakable_text(http_prefix, nickname, domain, domain_full, base_dir, content, translate) link_opened = False for url in detected_links: if '://' in url: webbrowser.open(url) link_opened = True if link_opened: say_str = 'Opened web links' _say_command(say_str, say_str, original_screen_reader, system_language, espeak) else: say_str = 'There are no web links to open.' _say_command(say_str, say_str, original_screen_reader, system_language, espeak) print('') elif (command_str.startswith('pgp') or command_str.startswith('gpg')): if not has_local_pg_pkey(): print('No PGP public key was found') else: print(pgp_local_public_key()) print('') elif command_str.startswith('h'): _desktop_help() say_str = translate['Press Enter to continue'] + '...' say_str2 = _highlight_text(say_str) _say_command(say_str2, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) input() prev_timeline_first_id = '' refresh_timeline = True elif (command_str == 'delete' or command_str == 'rm' or command_str.startswith('delete ') or command_str.startswith('rm ')): curr_index = 0 if ' ' in command_str: post_index = command_str.split(' ')[-1].strip() if len(post_index) > 5: post_index = "1" if post_index.isdigit(): curr_index = int(post_index) if curr_index > 0 and box_json: post_json_object = \ _desktop_get_box_post_object(box_json, curr_index) if post_json_object: if post_json_object.get('id'): attrib_field = \ post_json_object['object']['attributedTo'] rm_actor = get_attributed_to(attrib_field) if rm_actor != your_actor: say_str = 'You can only delete your own posts' _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) else: print('') if post_json_object['object'].get('summary'): print(post_json_object['object']['summary']) content_str = \ get_base_content_from_post(post_json_object, system_language) print(content_str) print('') say_str = 'Confirm delete, yes or no?' _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) yesno = input() if 'y' not in yesno.lower(): say_str = 'Deleting post' _say_command(say_str, say_str, screenreader, system_language, espeak) sessionrm = create_session(proxy_type) send_delete_via_server(base_dir, sessionrm, nickname, password, domain, port, http_prefix, post_json_object['id'], cached_webfingers, person_cache, False, __version__, signing_priv_key_pem, system_language) refresh_timeline = True print('') if refresh_timeline: if box_json: _desktop_show_box(indent, follow_requests_json, your_actor, curr_timeline, box_json, translate, screenreader, system_language, espeak, page_number)