__filename__ = "webapp_person_options.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.5.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@libreserver.org" __status__ = "Production" __module_group__ = "Web Interface" import os from shutil import copyfile from petnames import get_pet_name from person import is_person_snoozed from posts import is_moderator from utils import data_dir from utils import quote_toots_allowed from utils import get_full_domain from utils import get_config_param from utils import is_dormant from utils import remove_html from utils import get_domain_from_actor from utils import get_nickname_from_actor from utils import is_featured_writer from utils import acct_dir from utils import text_in_file from utils import remove_domain_port from blocking import is_blocked from follow import is_follower_of_person from follow import is_following_actor from followingCalendar import receiving_calendar_events from notifyOnPost import notify_when_person_posts from person import get_person_notes from webapp_utils import html_header_with_external_style from webapp_utils import html_footer from webapp_utils import get_broken_link_substitute from webapp_utils import html_keyboard_navigation from webapp_utils import get_banner_file from webapp_utils import html_hide_from_screen_reader from webapp_utils import minimizing_attached_images from blocking import allowed_announce def _minimize_attached_images(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, following_nickname: str, following_domain: str, add: bool) -> None: """Adds or removes a handle from the following.txt list into a list indicating whether to minimize images from that account """ # check that a following file exists domain = remove_domain_port(domain) following_filename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/following.txt' if not os.path.isfile(following_filename): print("WARN: following.txt doesn't exist for " + nickname + '@' + domain) return handle = following_nickname + '@' + following_domain # check that you are following this handle (not case sensitive) if not text_in_file(handle + '\n', following_filename, False): print('WARN: ' + handle + ' is not in ' + following_filename) return minimize_filename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/followingMinimizeImages.txt' # get the contents of the minimize file, which is # a set of handles minimize_handles = '' if os.path.isfile(minimize_filename): print('Minimize file exists') try: with open(minimize_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_minimize: minimize_handles = fp_minimize.read() except OSError: print('EX: minimize_attached_images ' + minimize_filename) else: # create a new minimize file from the following file print('Creating minimize file ' + minimize_filename) if add: try: with open(minimize_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_min: fp_min.write('') except OSError: print('EX: minimize_attached_images unable to write ' + minimize_filename) # already in the minimize file? if handle + '\n' in minimize_handles: print(handle + ' exists in followingMinimizeImages.txt') if add: # already added return # remove from minimize file minimize_handles = minimize_handles.replace(handle + '\n', '') try: with open(minimize_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_min: fp_min.write(minimize_handles) except OSError: print('EX: minimize_attached_images 3 ' + minimize_filename) else: print(handle + ' not in followingMinimizeImages.txt') # not already in the minimize file if add: # append to the list of handles minimize_handles += handle + '\n' try: with open(minimize_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_min: fp_min.write(minimize_handles) except OSError: print('EX: minimize_attached_images 4 ' + minimize_filename) def person_minimize_images(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, following_nickname: str, following_domain: str) -> None: """Images from this person are minimized by default """ _minimize_attached_images(base_dir, nickname, domain, following_nickname, following_domain, True) def person_undo_minimize_images(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, following_nickname: str, following_domain: str) -> None: """Images from this person are no longer minimized by default """ _minimize_attached_images(base_dir, nickname, domain, following_nickname, following_domain, False) def html_person_options(default_timeline: str, translate: {}, base_dir: str, domain: str, domain_full: str, origin_path_str: str, options_actor: str, options_profile_url: str, options_link: str, page_number: int, donate_url: str, web_address: str, gemini_link: str, pronouns: str, xmpp_address: str, matrix_address: str, ssb_address: str, blog_address: str, tox_address: str, briar_address: str, cwtch_address: str, enigma_pub_key: str, pgp_pub_key: str, pgp_fingerprint: str, email_address: str, dormant_months: int, back_to_path: str, locked_account: bool, moved_to: str, also_known_as: [], text_mode_banner: str, news_instance: bool, authorized: bool, access_keys: {}, is_group: bool, theme: str, blocked_cache: [], repo_url: str, sites_unavailable: [], youtube: str, peertube: str, pixelfed: str, discord: str) -> str: """Show options for a person: view/follow/block/report """ options_link_str = '' options_domain, options_port = get_domain_from_actor(options_actor) if not options_domain: return None options_domain_full = get_full_domain(options_domain, options_port) dir_str = data_dir(base_dir) if os.path.isfile(dir_str + '/options-background-custom.jpg'): if not os.path.isfile(dir_str + '/options-background.jpg'): copyfile(dir_str + '/options-background.jpg', dir_str + '/options-background.jpg') dormant = False offline = False if options_domain in sites_unavailable: offline = True follow_str = 'Follow' if is_group: follow_str = 'Join' block_str = 'Block' nickname = None options_nickname = None follows_you = False if origin_path_str.startswith('/users/'): nickname = origin_path_str.split('/users/')[1] if '/' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('/')[0] if '?' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('?')[0] # follower_domain, follower_port = get_domain_from_actor(options_actor) if is_following_actor(base_dir, nickname, domain, options_actor): follow_str = 'Unfollow' if is_group: follow_str = 'Leave' if not offline: dormant = \ is_dormant(base_dir, nickname, domain, options_actor, dormant_months) options_nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(options_actor) if not options_nickname: return None options_domain_full = get_full_domain(options_domain, options_port) follows_you = \ is_follower_of_person(base_dir, nickname, domain, options_nickname, options_domain_full) if is_blocked(base_dir, nickname, domain, options_nickname, options_domain_full, None, None): block_str = 'Unblock' if options_link: options_link_str += \ ' \n' css_filename = base_dir + '/epicyon-options.css' if os.path.isfile(base_dir + '/options.css'): css_filename = base_dir + '/options.css' # To snooze, or not to snooze? That is the question snooze_button_str = 'Snooze' if nickname: if is_person_snoozed(base_dir, nickname, domain, options_actor): snooze_button_str = 'Unsnooze' donate_str = '' if donate_url: donate_str = \ ' ' + translate['Donate'] + '\n' instance_title = \ get_config_param(base_dir, 'instanceTitle') options_str = \ html_header_with_external_style(css_filename, instance_title, None) # show banner banner_file, _ = \ get_banner_file(base_dir, nickname, domain, theme) back_path = '/' if nickname: back_path = '/users/' + nickname + '/' + default_timeline if 'moderation' in back_to_path: back_path = '/users/' + nickname + '/moderation' if authorized and origin_path_str == '/users/' + nickname: banner_link = back_path else: banner_link = origin_path_str options_str += \ '
\n\n' options_str += \ '\n' + \ '

\n' nav_links = {} timeline_link_str = html_hide_from_screen_reader('🏠') + ' ' + \ translate['Switch to timeline view'] nav_links[timeline_link_str] = \ '/users/' + nickname + '/' + default_timeline nav_access_keys = { } options_str += \ html_keyboard_navigation(text_mode_banner, nav_links, nav_access_keys, None, None, None, False) options_str += '
\n' options_str += '
\n' options_str += '
\n' options_str += ' \n' options_str += ' \n' handle_nick = get_nickname_from_actor(options_actor) if not handle_nick: return None handle = handle_nick + '@' + options_domain handle_shown = handle if locked_account: handle_shown += '🔒' if moved_to: handle_shown += ' ⌂' if dormant: handle_shown += ' 💤' if offline: handle_shown += ' [' + translate['offline'].upper() + ']' options_str += \ '

' + translate['Options for'] + \ ' @' + handle_shown + '

\n' # is sending posts to this account blocked? send_block_filename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/send_blocks.txt' if os.path.isfile(send_block_filename): if text_in_file(options_actor, send_block_filename, False): options_str += \ '

' + \ translate['FollowAccountWarning'] + '

\n' elif text_in_file('://' + options_domain + '\n', send_block_filename, False): options_str += \ '

' + \ translate['FollowWarning'] + '

\n' if follows_you and authorized: if follow_str != 'Unfollow': options_str += \ '

' + \ translate['Follows you'] + '

\n' else: options_str += \ '

' + translate['Mutuals'] + '

\n' options_str += '
\n' if moved_to: new_nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(moved_to) new_domain, _ = get_domain_from_actor(moved_to) if new_nickname and new_domain: new_handle = new_nickname + '@' + new_domain blocked_icon_str = '' if is_blocked(base_dir, nickname, domain, new_nickname, new_domain, blocked_cache, None): blocked_icon_str = '❌' options_str += \ '

' + \ translate['New account'] + \ ': @' + new_handle + '' + \ blocked_icon_str if follow_str == 'Unfollow' and not blocked_icon_str: options_str += \ ' \n' options_str += \ '' options_str += '

\n' elif also_known_as: other_accounts_html = \ '

' + \ translate['Other accounts'] + ': ' ctr = 0 if isinstance(also_known_as, list): for alt_actor in also_known_as: if alt_actor == options_actor: continue if ctr > 0: other_accounts_html += ' ' ctr += 1 alt_domain, _ = get_domain_from_actor(alt_actor) if not alt_domain: continue other_accounts_html += \ '' + alt_domain + '' elif isinstance(also_known_as, str): if also_known_as != options_actor: ctr += 1 alt_domain, _ = get_domain_from_actor(also_known_as) if alt_domain: other_accounts_html += \ '' + \ alt_domain + '' other_accounts_html += '

\n' if ctr > 0: options_str += other_accounts_html if pronouns: options_str += \ '

' + translate['Pronouns'] + \ ': ' + pronouns + '

\n' if email_address: options_str += \ '

' + translate['Email'] + \ ': ' + remove_html(email_address) + '

\n' if web_address: web_str = remove_html(web_address) if '://' not in web_str: web_str = 'https://' + web_str options_str += \ '

🌐 ' + \ web_address + '

\n' if repo_url: repo_str = remove_html(repo_url) if '://' not in repo_str: repo_str = 'https://' + repo_str options_str += \ '

💻 ' + \ repo_url + '

\n' if gemini_link: gemini_str = remove_html(gemini_link) if '://' not in gemini_str: gemini_str = 'gemini://' + gemini_str options_str += \ '

' + \ gemini_link + '

\n' if xmpp_address: options_str += \ '

' + translate['XMPP'] + \ ': ' + \ xmpp_address + '

\n' if matrix_address: options_str += \ '

' + translate['Matrix'] + ': ' + \ remove_html(matrix_address) + '

\n' if ssb_address: options_str += \ '

SSB: ' + remove_html(ssb_address) + '

\n' if blog_address: options_str += \ '

Blog: ' + \ remove_html(blog_address) + '

\n' if pixelfed: options_str += \ '

Pixelfed' + \ ': ' + \ pixelfed + '

\n' if discord: options_str += \ '

Discord' + \ ': ' + \ discord + '

\n' if youtube: options_str += \ '

YouTube' + \ ': ' + \ youtube + '

\n' if peertube: options_str += \ '

PeerTube' + \ ': ' + \ peertube + '

\n' if tox_address: options_str += \ '

Tox: ' + remove_html(tox_address) + '

\n' if briar_address: if briar_address.startswith('briar://'): options_str += \ '

' + \ remove_html(briar_address) + '

\n' else: options_str += \ '

briar://' + \ remove_html(briar_address) + '

\n' if cwtch_address: options_str += \ '

Cwtch: ' + \ remove_html(cwtch_address) + '

\n' if enigma_pub_key: options_str += \ '

Enigma: ' + \ remove_html(enigma_pub_key) + '

\n' if pgp_fingerprint: options_str += '

' + \ translate['PGP Fingerprint'] + ': ' + \ remove_html(pgp_fingerprint).replace('\n', '
') + '

\n' if pgp_pub_key: options_str += \ '
' + \ translate['PGP Public Key'] + \ '
' + \ remove_html(pgp_pub_key).replace('\n', '
') + \ '
\n' options_str += ' \n' options_str += ' \n' options_str += ' \n' if authorized: if origin_path_str == '/users/' + nickname: if options_nickname: # handle = options_nickname + '@' + options_domain_full petname = get_pet_name(base_dir, nickname, domain, handle) options_str += \ ' ' + translate['Petname'] + ': \n' + \ ' \n' \ '
\n' # Notify when a post arrives from this person if is_following_actor(base_dir, nickname, domain, options_actor): # allow announces checkbox_str = \ ' 🔁' + \ translate['Allow announces'] + \ '\n
\n' if not allowed_announce(base_dir, nickname, domain, options_nickname, options_domain_full): checkbox_str = checkbox_str.replace(' checked>', '>') options_str += checkbox_str # allow quote toots if quote_toots_allowed(base_dir, nickname, domain, None, None): checkbox_str = \ ' ' + \ translate['Show quote posts'] + \ '\n
\n' if not quote_toots_allowed(base_dir, nickname, domain, options_nickname, options_domain_full): checkbox_str = checkbox_str.replace(' checked>', '>') options_str += checkbox_str # notify about new posts checkbox_str = \ ' 🔔' + \ translate['Notify me when this account posts'] + \ '\n
\n' if not notify_when_person_posts(base_dir, nickname, domain, options_nickname, options_domain_full): checkbox_str = checkbox_str.replace(' checked>', '>') options_str += checkbox_str # receive calendar events checkbox_str = \ ' ' + \ translate['Receive calendar events from this account'] + \ '\n
\n' if not receiving_calendar_events(base_dir, nickname, domain, options_nickname, options_domain_full): checkbox_str = checkbox_str.replace(' checked>', '>') options_str += checkbox_str # minimise images for this handle checkbox_str = \ ' ' + \ translate['Minimize attached images'] + \ '\n
\n' if not minimizing_attached_images(base_dir, nickname, domain, options_nickname, options_domain_full): checkbox_str = checkbox_str.replace(' checked>', '>') options_str += checkbox_str # checkbox for permission to post to newswire newswire_posts_permitted = False if options_domain_full == domain_full: admin_nickname = get_config_param(base_dir, 'admin') if (nickname == admin_nickname or (is_moderator(base_dir, nickname) and not is_moderator(base_dir, options_nickname))): newswire_blocked_filename = \ dir_str + '/' + \ options_nickname + '@' + options_domain + \ '/.nonewswire' checkbox_str = \ ' ' + \ translate['Allow news posts'] + \ '\n
\n' if os.path.isfile(newswire_blocked_filename): checkbox_str = checkbox_str.replace(' checked>', '>') else: newswire_posts_permitted = True options_str += checkbox_str # whether blogs created by this account are moderated on # the newswire if newswire_posts_permitted: moderated_filename = \ dir_str + '/' + \ options_nickname + '@' + \ options_domain + '/.newswiremoderated' checkbox_str = \ ' ' + \ translate['News posts are moderated'] + \ '\n
\n' if not os.path.isfile(moderated_filename): checkbox_str = checkbox_str.replace(' checked>', '>') options_str += checkbox_str # checkbox for permission to post to featured articles if news_instance and options_domain_full == domain_full: admin_nickname = get_config_param(base_dir, 'admin') if (nickname == admin_nickname or (is_moderator(base_dir, nickname) and not is_moderator(base_dir, options_nickname))): checkbox_str = \ ' ' + \ translate['Featured writer'] + \ '\n
\n' if not is_featured_writer(base_dir, options_nickname, options_domain): checkbox_str = checkbox_str.replace(' checked>', '>') options_str += checkbox_str options_str += options_link_str + donate_str if authorized: options_str += \ ' \n' if authorized: options_str += \ ' \n' options_str += \ ' \n' options_str += \ ' \n' options_str += \ ' \n' if is_moderator(base_dir, nickname): options_str += \ ' \n' options_str += \ ' \n' person_notes = '' if origin_path_str == '/users/' + nickname: person_notes = \ get_person_notes(base_dir, nickname, domain, handle) options_str += \ '

' + translate['Notes'] + ': \n' options_str += '
\n' options_str += \ ' \n' options_str += \ '
\n' + \ '
\n' + \ '
\n' + \ '
\n' options_str += html_footer() return options_str