__filename__ = "pgp.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.5.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@libreserver.org" __status__ = "Production" __module_group__ = "Profile Metadata" import os import base64 import subprocess from pathlib import Path from person import get_actor_json from flags import is_pgp_encrypted from flags import contains_pgp_public_key from utils import get_occupation_skills from utils import get_url_from_post from utils import safe_system_string from utils import get_full_domain from utils import get_status_number from utils import local_actor_url from utils import replace_users_with_at from utils import remove_html from webfinger import webfinger_handle from posts import get_person_box from auth import create_basic_auth_header from session import post_json from pronouns import get_pronouns from pixelfed import get_pixelfed from discord import get_discord from art import get_art_site_url from music import get_music_site_url from youtube import get_youtube from peertube import get_peertube from xmpp import get_xmpp_address from matrix import get_matrix_address from briar import get_briar_address from cwtch import get_cwtch_address from blog import get_blog_address from website import get_website from utils import get_attachment_property_value def get_email_address(actor_json: {}) -> str: """Returns the email address for the given actor """ if not actor_json.get('attachment'): return '' if not isinstance(actor_json['attachment'], list): return '' for property_value in actor_json['attachment']: name_value = None if property_value.get('name'): name_value = property_value['name'] elif property_value.get('schema:name'): name_value = property_value['schema:name'] if not name_value: continue name_value_lower = name_value.lower() if 'email' not in name_value_lower: if 'e-mail' not in name_value_lower: if 'electronic mail' not in name_value_lower: continue if not property_value.get('type'): continue prop_value_name, _ = \ get_attachment_property_value(property_value) if not prop_value_name: continue if not property_value['type'].endswith('PropertyValue'): continue value_str = remove_html(property_value[prop_value_name]) if '://' in value_str: continue if '@' not in value_str: continue if '.' not in value_str: continue return value_str return '' def get_pgp_pub_key(actor_json: {}) -> str: """Returns PGP public key for the given actor """ if not actor_json.get('attachment'): return '' for property_value in actor_json['attachment']: name_value = None if property_value.get('name'): name_value = property_value['name'] elif property_value.get('schema:name'): name_value = property_value['schema:name'] if not name_value: continue if not name_value.lower().startswith('pgp'): continue if not property_value.get('type'): continue prop_value_name, _ = \ get_attachment_property_value(property_value) if not prop_value_name: continue if not property_value['type'].endswith('PropertyValue'): continue if not contains_pgp_public_key(property_value[prop_value_name]): continue return remove_html(property_value[prop_value_name]) return '' def get_pgp_fingerprint(actor_json: {}) -> str: """Returns PGP fingerprint for the given actor """ if not actor_json.get('attachment'): return '' for property_value in actor_json['attachment']: name_value = None if property_value.get('name'): name_value = property_value['name'] elif property_value.get('schema:name'): name_value = property_value['schema:name'] if not name_value: continue if not name_value.lower().startswith('openpgp'): continue if not property_value.get('type'): continue prop_value_name, _ = \ get_attachment_property_value(property_value) if not prop_value_name: continue if not property_value['type'].endswith('PropertyValue'): continue if len(property_value[prop_value_name]) < 10: continue return remove_html(property_value[prop_value_name]) return '' def set_email_address(actor_json: {}, email_address: str) -> None: """Sets the email address for the given actor """ not_email_address = False if '@' not in email_address: not_email_address = True if '.' not in email_address: not_email_address = True if '<' in email_address: not_email_address = True if email_address.startswith('@'): not_email_address = True if not actor_json.get('attachment'): actor_json['attachment'] = [] # remove any existing value property_found = None for property_value in actor_json['attachment']: name_value = None if property_value.get('name'): name_value = property_value['name'] elif property_value.get('schema:name'): name_value = property_value['schema:name'] if not name_value: continue if not property_value.get('type'): continue if not name_value.lower().startswith('email'): continue property_found = property_value break if property_found: actor_json['attachment'].remove(property_found) if not_email_address: return for property_value in actor_json['attachment']: name_value = None if property_value.get('name'): name_value = property_value['name'] elif property_value.get('schema:name'): name_value = property_value['schema:name'] if not name_value: continue if not property_value.get('type'): continue if not name_value.lower().startswith('email'): continue if not property_value['type'].endswith('PropertyValue'): continue prop_value_name, _ = \ get_attachment_property_value(property_value) if not prop_value_name: continue property_value[prop_value_name] = email_address return new_email_address = { "name": "Email", "type": "PropertyValue", "value": email_address } actor_json['attachment'].append(new_email_address) def set_pgp_pub_key(actor_json: {}, pgp_pub_key: str) -> None: """Sets a PGP public key for the given actor """ remove_key = False if not pgp_pub_key: remove_key = True else: if not contains_pgp_public_key(pgp_pub_key): remove_key = True if '<' in pgp_pub_key: remove_key = True if not actor_json.get('attachment'): actor_json['attachment'] = [] # remove any existing value property_found = None for property_value in actor_json['attachment']: name_value = None if property_value.get('name'): name_value = property_value['name'] elif property_value.get('schema:name'): name_value = property_value['schema:name'] if not name_value: continue if not property_value.get('type'): continue if not name_value.lower().startswith('pgp'): continue property_found = property_value break if property_found: actor_json['attachment'].remove(property_found) if remove_key: return for property_value in actor_json['attachment']: name_value = None if property_value.get('name'): name_value = property_value['name'] elif property_value.get('schema:name'): name_value = property_value['schema:name'] if not name_value: continue if not property_value.get('type'): continue if not name_value.lower().startswith('pgp'): continue if not property_value['type'].endswith('PropertyValue'): continue prop_value_name, _ = \ get_attachment_property_value(property_value) if not prop_value_name: continue property_value[prop_value_name] = pgp_pub_key return newpgp_pub_key = { "name": "PGP", "type": "PropertyValue", "value": pgp_pub_key } actor_json['attachment'].append(newpgp_pub_key) def set_pgp_fingerprint(actor_json: {}, fingerprint: str) -> None: """Sets a PGP fingerprint for the given actor """ remove_fingerprint = False if not fingerprint: remove_fingerprint = True else: if len(fingerprint) < 10: remove_fingerprint = True if not actor_json.get('attachment'): actor_json['attachment'] = [] # remove any existing value property_found = None for property_value in actor_json['attachment']: name_value = None if property_value.get('name'): name_value = property_value['name'] elif property_value.get('schema:name'): name_value = property_value['schema:name'] if not name_value: continue if not property_value.get('type'): continue if not name_value.lower().startswith('openpgp'): continue property_found = property_value break if property_found: actor_json['attachment'].remove(property_found) if remove_fingerprint: return for property_value in actor_json['attachment']: name_value = None if property_value.get('name'): name_value = property_value['name'] elif property_value.get('schema:name'): name_value = property_value['schema:name'] if not name_value: continue if not property_value.get('type'): continue if not name_value.lower().startswith('openpgp'): continue if not property_value['type'].endswith('PropertyValue'): continue prop_value_name, _ = \ get_attachment_property_value(property_value) if not prop_value_name: continue property_value[prop_value_name] = fingerprint.strip() return newpgp_fingerprint = { "name": "OpenPGP", "type": "PropertyValue", "value": fingerprint } actor_json['attachment'].append(newpgp_fingerprint) def extract_pgp_public_key(content: str) -> str: """Returns the PGP key from the given text """ start_block = '--BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK--' end_block = '--END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK--' if start_block not in content: return None if end_block not in content: return None if '\n' not in content: return None lines_list = content.split('\n') extracting = False public_key = '' for line in lines_list: if not extracting: if start_block in line: extracting = True else: if end_block in line: public_key += line break if extracting: public_key += line + '\n' return public_key def _pgp_import_pub_key(recipient_pub_key: str) -> str: """ Import the given public key """ # do a dry run cmd_import_pub_key = \ 'echo "' + safe_system_string(recipient_pub_key) + \ '" | gpg --dry-run --import 2> /dev/null' proc = subprocess.Popen([cmd_import_pub_key], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) (import_result, err) = proc.communicate() if err: return None # this time for real cmd_import_pub_key = \ 'echo "' + safe_system_string(recipient_pub_key) + \ '" | gpg --import 2> /dev/null' proc = subprocess.Popen([cmd_import_pub_key], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) (import_result, err) = proc.communicate() if err: return None # get the key id cmd_import_pub_key = \ 'echo "' + safe_system_string(recipient_pub_key) + \ '" | gpg --show-keys' proc = subprocess.Popen([cmd_import_pub_key], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) (import_result, err) = proc.communicate() if not import_result: return None import_result = import_result.decode('utf-8').split('\n') key_id = '' for line in import_result: if line.startswith('pub'): continue if line.startswith('uid'): continue if line.startswith('sub'): continue key_id = line.strip() break return key_id def _pgp_encrypt(content: str, recipient_pub_key: str) -> str: """ Encrypt using your default pgp key to the given recipient """ key_id = _pgp_import_pub_key(recipient_pub_key) if not key_id: return None cmd_encrypt = \ 'echo "' + safe_system_string(content) + \ '" | gpg --encrypt --armor --recipient ' + \ safe_system_string(key_id) + ' 2> /dev/null' proc = subprocess.Popen([cmd_encrypt], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) (encrypt_result, _) = proc.communicate() if not encrypt_result: return None encrypt_result = encrypt_result.decode('utf-8') if not is_pgp_encrypted(encrypt_result): return None return encrypt_result def has_local_pg_pkey() -> bool: """Returns true if there is a local .gnupg directory """ home_dir = str(Path.home()) gpg_dir = home_dir + '/.gnupg' if os.path.isdir(gpg_dir): key_id = pgp_local_public_key() if key_id: return True return False def pgp_encrypt_to_actor(domain: str, content: str, toHandle: str, signing_priv_key_pem: str) -> str: """PGP encrypt a message to the given actor or handle """ # get the actor and extract the pgp public key from it recipient_pub_key = \ _get_pgp_public_key_from_actor(signing_priv_key_pem, domain, toHandle) if not recipient_pub_key: return None # encrypt using the recipient public key return _pgp_encrypt(content, recipient_pub_key) def pgp_decrypt(domain: str, content: str, fromHandle: str, signing_priv_key_pem: str) -> str: """ Encrypt using your default pgp key to the given recipient fromHandle can be a handle or actor url """ if not is_pgp_encrypted(content): return content # if the public key is also included within the message then import it if contains_pgp_public_key(content): pub_key = extract_pgp_public_key(content) else: pub_key = \ _get_pgp_public_key_from_actor(signing_priv_key_pem, domain, content, fromHandle) if pub_key: _pgp_import_pub_key(pub_key) cmd_decrypt = \ 'echo "' + safe_system_string(content) + \ '" | gpg --decrypt --armor 2> /dev/null' proc = subprocess.Popen([cmd_decrypt], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) (decrypt_result, _) = proc.communicate() if not decrypt_result: return content decrypt_result = decrypt_result.decode('utf-8').strip() return decrypt_result def _pgp_local_public_key_id() -> str: """Gets the local pgp public key ID """ cmd_str = \ "gpgconf --list-options gpg | " + \ "awk -F: '$1 == \"default-key\" {print $10}'" proc = subprocess.Popen([cmd_str], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) (result, err) = proc.communicate() if err: return None if not result: return None if len(result) < 5: return None return result.decode('utf-8').replace('"', '').strip() def pgp_local_public_key() -> str: """Gets the local pgp public key """ key_id = _pgp_local_public_key_id() if not key_id: key_id = '' cmd_str = "gpg --armor --export " + safe_system_string(key_id) proc = subprocess.Popen([cmd_str], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) (result, err) = proc.communicate() if err: return None if not result: return None return extract_pgp_public_key(result.decode('utf-8')) def _get_pgp_public_key_from_actor(signing_priv_key_pem: str, domain: str, handle: str, actor_json: {} = None) -> str: """Searches tags on the actor to see if there is any PGP public key specified """ if not actor_json: actor_json, _ = \ get_actor_json(domain, handle, False, False, False, False, False, True, signing_priv_key_pem, None) if not actor_json: return None if not actor_json.get('attachment'): return None if not isinstance(actor_json['attachment'], list): return None # search through the tags on the actor for tag in actor_json['attachment']: if not isinstance(tag, dict): continue prop_value_name, _ = get_attachment_property_value(tag) if not prop_value_name: continue if not isinstance(tag[prop_value_name], str): continue if contains_pgp_public_key(tag[prop_value_name]): return tag[prop_value_name] return None def pgp_public_key_upload(base_dir: str, session, nickname: str, password: str, domain: str, port: int, http_prefix: str, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, debug: bool, test: str, signing_priv_key_pem: str, system_language: str) -> {}: if debug: print('pgp_public_key_upload') if not session: if debug: print('WARN: No session for pgp_public_key_upload') return None if not test: if debug: print('Getting PGP public key') pgp_pub_key = pgp_local_public_key() if not pgp_pub_key: return None pgp_pub_key_id = _pgp_local_public_key_id() else: if debug: print('Testing with PGP public key ' + test) pgp_pub_key = test pgp_pub_key_id = None domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port) if debug: print('PGP test domain: ' + domain_full) handle = nickname + '@' + domain_full if debug: print('Getting actor for ' + handle) actor_json, _ = \ get_actor_json(domain_full, handle, False, False, False, False, debug, True, signing_priv_key_pem, session) if not actor_json: if debug: print('No actor returned for ' + handle) return None if debug: print('Actor for ' + handle + ' obtained') actor = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full) handle = replace_users_with_at(actor) # check that this looks like the correct actor if not actor_json.get('id'): if debug: print('Actor has no id') return None if not actor_json.get('url'): if debug: print('Actor has no url') return None if not actor_json.get('type'): if debug: print('Actor has no type') return None if actor_json['id'] != actor: if debug: print('Actor id is not ' + actor + ' instead is ' + actor_json['id']) return None if actor_json['url'] != handle: if debug: print('Actor url is not ' + handle) return None if actor_json['type'] != 'Person': if debug: print('Actor type is not Person') return None # set the pgp details if pgp_pub_key_id: set_pgp_fingerprint(actor_json, pgp_pub_key_id) else: if debug: print('No PGP key Id. Continuing anyway.') if debug: print('Setting PGP key within ' + actor) set_pgp_pub_key(actor_json, pgp_pub_key) # create an actor update status_number, _ = get_status_number() actor_update = { '@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', 'id': actor + '#updates/' + status_number, 'type': 'Update', 'actor': actor, 'to': [actor], 'cc': [], 'object': actor_json } if debug: print('actor update is ' + str(actor_update)) # lookup the inbox for the To handle wf_request = \ webfinger_handle(session, handle, http_prefix, cached_webfingers, domain, __version__, debug, False, signing_priv_key_pem) if not wf_request: if debug: print('DEBUG: pgp actor update webfinger failed for ' + handle) return None if not isinstance(wf_request, dict): if debug: print('WARN: Webfinger for ' + handle + ' did not return a dict. ' + str(wf_request)) return None post_to_box = 'outbox' # get the actor inbox for the To handle origin_domain = domain (inbox_url, _, _, from_person_id, _, _, _, _) = get_person_box(signing_priv_key_pem, origin_domain, base_dir, session, wf_request, person_cache, __version__, http_prefix, nickname, domain, post_to_box, 35725, system_language) if not inbox_url: if debug: print('DEBUG: No ' + post_to_box + ' was found for ' + handle) return None if not from_person_id: if debug: print('DEBUG: No actor was found for ' + handle) return None auth_header = create_basic_auth_header(nickname, password) headers = { 'host': domain, 'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': auth_header } quiet = not debug tries = 0 while tries < 4: post_result = \ post_json(http_prefix, domain_full, session, actor_update, [], inbox_url, headers, 5, quiet) if post_result: break tries += 1 if post_result is None: if debug: print('DEBUG: POST pgp actor update failed for c2s to ' + inbox_url) return None if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s POST pgp actor update success') return actor_update def actor_to_vcard(actor: {}, domain: str, translate: {}) -> str: """Returns a vcard for a given actor """ actor_url_str = get_url_from_post(actor['url']) vcard_str = 'BEGIN:VCARD\n' vcard_str += 'VERSION:4.0\n' vcard_str += 'REV:' + actor['published'] + '\n' vcard_str += 'FN:' + remove_html(actor['name']) + '\n' vcard_str += 'NICKNAME:' + actor['preferredUsername'] + '\n' vcard_str += 'NOTE:' + remove_html(actor['summary']) + '\n' url_str = get_url_from_post(actor['icon']['url']) if url_str: vcard_str += 'PHOTO:' + url_str + '\n' pgp_key = get_pgp_pub_key(actor) if pgp_key: vcard_str += 'KEY:data:application/pgp-keys;base64,' + \ base64.b64encode(pgp_key.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') + '\n' email_address = get_email_address(actor) if email_address: vcard_str += 'EMAIL;TYPE=internet:' + email_address + '\n' vcard_str += 'IMPP:fediverse:' + \ actor['preferredUsername'] + '@' + domain + '\n' if actor.get('vcard:bday'): birthday_str = actor['vcard:bday'] if '-' in birthday_str: birthday = birthday_str.split('-') if len(birthday) == 3: vcard_str += \ 'BDAY:' + birthday[0] + birthday[1] + birthday[2] + '\n' pronouns = get_pronouns(actor) if pronouns: vcard_str += 'PRONOUNS:' + pronouns + '\n' vcard_str += 'SOCIALPROFILE;SERVICE-TYPE=Mastodon:' + actor_url_str + '\n' blog_address = get_blog_address(actor) if blog_address: vcard_str += 'SOCIALPROFILE;SERVICE-TYPE=Blog:' + blog_address + '\n' discord = get_discord(actor) if discord: vcard_str += 'SOCIALPROFILE;SERVICE-TYPE=Discord:' + discord + '\n' pixelfed = get_pixelfed(actor) if pixelfed: vcard_str += 'SOCIALPROFILE;SERVICE-TYPE=Pixelfed:' + pixelfed + '\n' art_site_url = get_art_site_url(actor) if art_site_url: vcard_str += \ 'SOCIALPROFILE;SERVICE-TYPE=Art:' + art_site_url + '\n' music_site_url = get_music_site_url(actor) if music_site_url: vcard_str += \ 'SOCIALPROFILE;SERVICE-TYPE=Music:' + music_site_url + '\n' youtube = get_youtube(actor) if youtube: vcard_str += 'SOCIALPROFILE;SERVICE-TYPE=YouTube:' + youtube + '\n' peertube = get_peertube(actor) if peertube: vcard_str += 'SOCIALPROFILE;SERVICE-TYPE=PeerTube:' + peertube + '\n' website = get_website(actor, translate) if website: vcard_str += 'URL:' + website + '\n' xmpp_address = get_xmpp_address(actor) if xmpp_address: vcard_str += 'IMPP:xmpp:' + xmpp_address + '\n' matrix_address = get_matrix_address(actor) if matrix_address: vcard_str += 'IMPP:matrix:' + matrix_address + '\n' briar_address = get_briar_address(actor) if briar_address: if briar_address.startswith('briar://'): briar_address = briar_address.split('briar://')[1] vcard_str += 'IMPP:briar:' + briar_address + '\n' cwtch_address = get_cwtch_address(actor) if cwtch_address: vcard_str += 'IMPP:cwtch:' + cwtch_address + '\n' oc_skills_list = get_occupation_skills(actor) if oc_skills_list: for skill_name in oc_skills_list: if ':' not in skill_name: continue skill_level = skill_name.split(':')[1] if not skill_level.isdigit(): continue skill_level = int(skill_level) skill_name = skill_name.split(':')[0].strip().lower() if not skill_name: continue level_str = None if skill_level < 33: level_str = 'beginner' elif skill_level < 66: level_str = 'average' else: level_str = 'expert' vcard_str += \ 'EXPERTISE;LEVEL=' + level_str + ':' + skill_name + '\n' if actor.get('hasOccupation'): if len(actor['hasOccupation']) > 0: if actor['hasOccupation'][0].get('name'): vcard_str += \ 'ROLE:' + \ actor['hasOccupation'][0]['name'] + '\n' if actor['hasOccupation'][0].get('occupationLocation'): city_name = \ actor['hasOccupation'][0]['occupationLocation']['name'] vcard_str += \ 'ADR:;;;' + city_name + ';;;\n' vcard_str += 'END:VCARD\n' return vcard_str def actor_to_vcard_xml(actor: {}, domain: str, translate: {}) -> str: """Returns a xml formatted vcard for a given actor """ vcard_str = '\n' vcard_str += '\n' vcard_str += ' \n' vcard_str += ' ' + \ remove_html(actor['name']) + '\n' vcard_str += ' ' + \ actor['preferredUsername'] + '\n' vcard_str += ' ' + \ remove_html(actor['summary']) + '\n' email_address = get_email_address(actor) if email_address: vcard_str += ' ' + email_address + '\n' vcard_str += ' ' + \ 'fediverse' + \ '' + actor['preferredUsername'] + '@' + domain + \ '\n' if actor.get('vcard:bday'): birthday_str = actor['vcard:bday'] if '-' in birthday_str: birthday = birthday_str.split('-') if len(birthday) == 3: vcard_str += \ ' ' + \ birthday[0] + birthday[1] + birthday[2] + \ '\n' pronouns = get_pronouns(actor) if pronouns: vcard_str += ' ' + pronouns + '\n' pixelfed = get_pixelfed(actor) if pixelfed: vcard_str += ' ' + \ 'pixelfed' + \ '' + pixelfed + '\n' discord = get_discord(actor) if discord: vcard_str += ' ' + \ 'discord' + \ '' + discord + '\n' youtube = get_youtube(actor) if youtube: vcard_str += ' ' + \ 'youtube' + \ '' + youtube + '\n' art_site_url = get_art_site_url(actor) if art_site_url: vcard_str += ' ' + \ 'art' + \ '' + art_site_url + '\n' music_site_url = get_music_site_url(actor) if music_site_url: vcard_str += ' ' + \ 'music' + \ '' + music_site_url + '\n' peertube = get_peertube(actor) if peertube: vcard_str += ' ' + \ 'peertube' + \ '' + peertube + '\n' xmpp_address = get_xmpp_address(actor) if xmpp_address: vcard_str += ' ' + \ 'xmpp' + \ '' + xmpp_address + '\n' matrix_address = get_matrix_address(actor) if matrix_address: vcard_str += ' ' + \ 'matrix' + \ '' + matrix_address + '\n' briar_address = get_briar_address(actor) if briar_address: vcard_str += ' ' + \ 'briar' + \ '' + briar_address + '\n' cwtch_address = get_cwtch_address(actor) if cwtch_address: vcard_str += ' ' + \ 'cwtch' + \ '' + cwtch_address + '\n' url_str = get_url_from_post(actor['url']) vcard_str += ' ' + \ 'profile' + \ '' + url_str + '\n' blog_address = get_blog_address(actor) if blog_address: vcard_str += ' ' + \ 'blog' + \ '' + blog_address + '\n' website = get_website(actor, translate) if website: vcard_str += ' ' + \ 'website' + \ '' + website + '\n' vcard_str += ' ' + actor['published'] + '\n' url_str = get_url_from_post(actor['icon']['url']) if url_str: vcard_str += \ ' ' + url_str + '\n' pgp_key = get_pgp_pub_key(actor) if pgp_key: pgp_key_encoded = \ base64.b64encode(pgp_key.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') vcard_str += \ ' ' + \ '' + \ 'data' + \ 'application/pgp-keys;base64' + \ '' + \ '' + pgp_key_encoded + '\n' if actor.get('hasOccupation'): if len(actor['hasOccupation']) > 0: if actor['hasOccupation'][0].get('name'): vcard_str += \ ' ' + \ actor['hasOccupation'][0]['name'] + '\n' if actor['hasOccupation'][0].get('occupationLocation'): city_name = \ actor['hasOccupation'][0]['occupationLocation']['name'] vcard_str += \ ' ' + city_name + '\n' vcard_str += ' \n' vcard_str += '\n' return vcard_str