__filename__ = "webapp_podcast.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.5.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@libreserver.org" __status__ = "Production" __module_group__ = "Web Interface Columns" import os import html import datetime import urllib.parse from shutil import copyfile from utils import get_url_from_post from utils import get_config_param from utils import remove_html from media import path_is_audio from content import safe_web_text from webapp_utils import get_broken_link_substitute from webapp_utils import html_header_with_external_style from webapp_utils import html_footer from webapp_utils import html_keyboard_navigation from session import get_json_valid from session import get_json def _html_podcast_chapters(link_url: str, session, session_onion, session_i2p, http_prefix: str, domain: str, podcast_properties: {}, debug: bool) -> str: """Returns html for chapters of a podcast """ if not podcast_properties: return '' key = 'chapters' if not podcast_properties.get(key): return '' if not isinstance(podcast_properties[key], dict): return '' if podcast_properties[key].get('url'): url_str = get_url_from_post(podcast_properties[key]['url']) chapters_url = remove_html(url_str) elif podcast_properties[key].get('uri'): chapters_url = podcast_properties[key]['uri'] else: return '' html_str = '' if podcast_properties[key].get('type'): url_type = podcast_properties[key]['type'] curr_session = session if chapters_url.endswith('.onion'): curr_session = session_onion elif chapters_url.endswith('.i2p'): curr_session = session_i2p as_header = { 'Accept': url_type } if 'json' in url_type: chapters_json = \ get_json(None, curr_session, chapters_url, as_header, None, debug, __version__, http_prefix, domain) if not get_json_valid(chapters_json): return '' if not chapters_json.get('chapters'): return '' if not isinstance(chapters_json['chapters'], list): return '' chapters_html = '' for chapter in chapters_json['chapters']: if not isinstance(chapter, dict): continue if not chapter.get('title'): continue if not chapter.get('startTime'): continue chapter_title = chapter['title'] chapter_url = '' if chapter.get('url'): url_str = get_url_from_post(chapter['url']) chapter_url = remove_html(url_str) chapter_title = \ '<a href="' + chapter_url + '">' + \ chapter['title'] + '<\a>' start_sec = chapter['startTime'] skip_url = link_url + '#t=' + str(start_sec) start_time_str = \ '<a href="' + skip_url + '">' + \ str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=start_sec)) + \ '</a>' if chapter.get('img'): chapters_html += \ ' <li>\n' + \ ' ' + start_time_str + '\n' + \ ' <img loading="lazy" ' + \ 'decoding="async" ' + \ 'src="' + chapter['img'] + \ '" alt="" />\n' + \ ' ' + chapter_title + '\n' + \ ' </li>\n' if chapters_html: html_str = \ '<div class="chapters">\n' + \ ' <u>\n' + chapters_html + ' </u>\n</div>\n' return html_str def _html_podcast_transcripts(podcast_properties: {}, translate: {}) -> str: """Returns html for transcripts of a podcast """ if not podcast_properties: return '' key = 'transcripts' if not podcast_properties.get(key): return '' if not isinstance(podcast_properties[key], list): return '' ctr = 1 html_str = '' for _ in podcast_properties[key]: transcript_url = None if podcast_properties[key].get('url'): url_str = get_url_from_post(podcast_properties[key]['url']) transcript_url = remove_html(url_str) elif podcast_properties[key].get('uri'): transcript_url = podcast_properties[key]['uri'] if not transcript_url: continue if ctr > 1: html_str += '<br>' html_str += '<a href="' + transcript_url + '">' html_str += translate['Transcript'] if ctr > 1: html_str += ' ' + str(ctr) html_str += '</a>\n' ctr += 1 return html_str def _html_podcast_social_interactions(podcast_properties: {}, translate: {}, nickname: str) -> str: """Returns html for social interactions with a podcast """ if not podcast_properties: return '' key = 'discussion' if not podcast_properties.get(key): key = 'socialInteract' if not podcast_properties.get(key): return '' if not isinstance(podcast_properties[key], dict): return '' if podcast_properties[key].get('uri'): episode_post_url = podcast_properties[key]['uri'] elif podcast_properties[key].get('url'): url_str = get_url_from_post(podcast_properties[key]['url']) episode_post_url = remove_html(url_str) elif podcast_properties[key].get('text'): episode_post_url = podcast_properties[key]['text'] else: return '' actor_str = '' podcast_account_id = None if podcast_properties[key].get('accountId'): podcast_account_id = podcast_properties[key]['accountId'] elif podcast_properties[key].get('podcastAccountUrl'): podcast_account_id = \ podcast_properties[key]['podcastAccountUrl'] if podcast_account_id: actor_handle = podcast_account_id if actor_handle.startswith('@'): actor_handle = actor_handle[1:] actor_str = '?actor=' + actor_handle podcast_str = \ '<center>\n' + \ ' <a href="/users/' + nickname + \ '?replyto=' + episode_post_url + actor_str + '" target="_blank" ' + \ 'rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">💬 ' + \ translate['Leave a comment'] + '</a>\n' + \ ' <span itemprop="comment">\n' + \ ' <a href="' + episode_post_url + '" target="_blank" ' + \ 'rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">' + \ translate['View comments'] + '</a>\n </span>\n' + \ '</center>\n' return podcast_str def _html_podcast_performers(podcast_properties: {}) -> str: """Returns html for performers of a podcast """ if not podcast_properties: return '' key = 'persons' if not podcast_properties.get(key): return '' if not isinstance(podcast_properties[key], list): return '' # list of performers podcast_str = '<div class="performers">\n' podcast_str += ' <center>\n' podcast_str += '<ul>\n' for performer in podcast_properties[key]: if not performer.get('text'): continue performer_name = \ '<span itemprop="name">' + performer['text'] + '</span>' performer_title = performer_name if performer.get('role'): performer_title += \ ' (<span itemprop="hasOccupation">' + \ performer['role'] + '</span>)' if performer.get('group'): performer_title += ', <i>' + performer['group'] + '</i>' performer_title = remove_html(performer_title) performer_url = '' if performer.get('href'): performer_url = remove_html(performer['href']) performer_img = '' if performer.get('img'): performer_img = performer['img'] podcast_str += ' <li>\n' podcast_str += ' <figure>\n' podcast_str += ' <span itemprop="creator" ' + \ 'itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Person">\n' podcast_str += \ ' <a href="' + performer_url + '" itemprop="url">\n' podcast_str += \ ' <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" ' + \ 'src="' + performer_img + '" alt="" itemprop="image" />\n' podcast_str += \ ' <figcaption>' + performer_title + '</figcaption>\n' podcast_str += ' </a>\n' podcast_str += ' </span></figure>\n' podcast_str += ' </li>\n' podcast_str += '</ul>\n' podcast_str += '</div>\n' return podcast_str def _html_podcast_soundbites(link_url: str, extension: str, podcast_properties: {}, translate: {}) -> str: """Returns html for podcast soundbites """ if not podcast_properties: return '' if not podcast_properties.get('soundbites'): return '' podcast_str = '<div class="performers">\n' podcast_str += ' <center>\n' podcast_str += '<ul>\n' ctr = 1 for performer in podcast_properties['soundbites']: if not performer.get('startTime'): continue if not performer['startTime'].isdigit(): continue if not performer.get('duration'): continue if not performer['duration'].isdigit(): continue end_time = str(float(performer['startTime']) + float(performer['duration'])) podcast_str += ' <li>\n' preview_url = \ link_url + '#t=' + performer['startTime'] + ',' + end_time soundbite_title = translate['Preview'] if ctr > 0: soundbite_title += ' ' + str(ctr) podcast_str += \ ' <span itemprop="trailer">\n' + \ ' <audio controls tabindex="10">\n' + \ ' <p>' + soundbite_title + '</p>\n' + \ ' <source src="' + preview_url + '" type="audio/' + \ extension.replace('.', '') + '">' + \ translate['Your browser does not support the audio element.'] + \ '</audio>\n </span>\n' podcast_str += ' </li>\n' ctr += 1 podcast_str += '</ul>\n' podcast_str += '</div>\n' return podcast_str def html_podcast_episode(translate: {}, base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, newswire_item: [], text_mode_banner: str, session, session_onion, session_i2p, http_prefix: str, debug: bool) -> str: """Returns html for a podcast episode, an item from the newswire """ css_filename = base_dir + '/epicyon-podcast.css' if os.path.isfile(base_dir + '/podcast.css'): css_filename = base_dir + '/podcast.css' if os.path.isfile(base_dir + '/accounts/podcast-background-custom.jpg'): if not os.path.isfile(base_dir + '/accounts/podcast-background.jpg'): copyfile(base_dir + '/accounts/podcast-background.jpg', base_dir + '/accounts/podcast-background.jpg') instance_title = get_config_param(base_dir, 'instanceTitle') podcast_str = \ html_header_with_external_style(css_filename, instance_title, None) podcast_properties = newswire_item[8] image_url = '' image_src = 'src' if podcast_properties.get('images'): if podcast_properties['images'].get('srcset'): image_url = podcast_properties['images']['srcset'] image_src = 'srcset' if not image_url and podcast_properties.get('image'): image_url = podcast_properties['image'] link_url = newswire_item[1] podcast_str += html_keyboard_navigation(text_mode_banner, {}, {}, None, None, None, False) podcast_str += '<br><br>\n' podcast_str += \ '<div class="options" itemscope ' + \ 'itemtype="http://schema.org/PodcastEpisode">\n' podcast_str += ' <div class="optionsAvatar">\n' podcast_str += ' <center>\n' podcast_str += ' <a href="' + link_url + '" itemprop="url">\n' podcast_str += ' <span itemprop="image">\n' if image_src == 'srcset': podcast_str += ' <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" ' + \ 'srcset="' + image_url + \ '" alt="" ' + get_broken_link_substitute() + '/>\n' else: podcast_str += ' <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" ' + \ 'src="' + image_url + \ '" alt="" ' + get_broken_link_substitute() + '/>\n' podcast_str += ' </span></a>\n' podcast_str += ' </center>\n' podcast_str += ' </div>\n' podcast_str += ' <center>\n' audio_extension = None if path_is_audio(link_url): if '.mp3' in link_url: audio_extension = 'mpeg' elif '.opus' in link_url: audio_extension = 'opus' elif '.spx' in link_url: audio_extension = 'spx' elif '.flac' in link_url: audio_extension = 'flac' elif '.wav' in link_url: audio_extension = 'wav' else: audio_extension = 'ogg' else: if podcast_properties.get('linkMimeType'): if 'audio' in podcast_properties['linkMimeType']: audio_extension = \ podcast_properties['linkMimeType'].split('/')[1] # show widgets for soundbites if audio_extension: podcast_str += _html_podcast_soundbites(link_url, audio_extension, podcast_properties, translate) # podcast player widget podcast_str += \ ' <span itemprop="audio">\n' + \ ' <audio controls tabindex="10">\n' + \ ' <source src="' + link_url + '" type="audio/' + \ audio_extension.replace('.', '') + '">' + \ translate['Your browser does not support the audio element.'] + \ '\n </audio>\n </span>\n' elif podcast_properties.get('linkMimeType'): if '/youtube' in podcast_properties['linkMimeType']: url = link_url.replace('/watch?v=', '/embed/') if '&' in url: url = url.split('&')[0] if '?utm_' in url: url = url.split('?utm_')[0] podcast_str += \ ' <span itemprop="video">\n' + \ " <iframe loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" src=\"" + \ url + "\" width=\"400\" height=\"300\" " + \ "frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"fullscreen\" " + \ "allowfullscreen " + \ "sandbox=\"allow-scripts allow-same-origin\">\n" + \ " </iframe>\n </span>\n" elif 'video' in podcast_properties['linkMimeType']: video_mime_type = podcast_properties['linkMimeType'] video_msg = 'Your browser does not support the video element.' podcast_str += \ ' <span itemprop="video">\n' + \ ' <figure id="videoContainer" ' + \ 'data-fullscreen="false">\n' + \ ' <video id="video" controls preload="metadata" ' + \ 'tabindex="10">\n' + \ '<source src="' + link_url + '" ' + \ 'type="' + video_mime_type + '">' + \ translate[video_msg] + \ '</video>\n </figure>\n </span>\n' podcast_title = \ remove_html(html.unescape(urllib.parse.unquote_plus(newswire_item[0]))) if podcast_title: podcast_str += \ '<p><label class="podcast-title">' + \ '<span itemprop="headline">' + \ podcast_title + \ '</span></label></p>\n' if podcast_properties.get('author'): author = podcast_properties['author'] podcast_str += '<p>' + author + '</p>\n' transcripts = _html_podcast_transcripts(podcast_properties, translate) if transcripts: podcast_str += '<p>' + transcripts + '</p>\n' if newswire_item[4]: podcast_description = \ html.unescape(urllib.parse.unquote_plus(newswire_item[4])) podcast_description = safe_web_text(podcast_description) if podcast_description: podcast_str += \ '<p><span itemprop="description">' + \ podcast_description + '</span></p>\n' # donate button if podcast_properties.get('funding'): if podcast_properties['funding'].get('url'): url_str = get_url_from_post(podcast_properties['funding']['url']) donate_url = remove_html(url_str) podcast_str += \ '<p><span itemprop="funding"><a href="' + donate_url + \ '" rel="donation"><button class="donateButton">' + \ translate['Donate'] + '</button></a></span></p>\n' if podcast_properties['categories']: tags_str = '' for tag in podcast_properties['categories']: tag = tag.replace('#', '') tag_link = '/users/' + nickname + '/tags/' + tag tags_str += \ '#<a href="' + tag_link + '">' + \ '<span itemprop="keywords">' + tag + '</span>' + \ '</a> ' podcast_str += '<p>' + tags_str.strip() + '</p>\n' podcast_str += _html_podcast_performers(podcast_properties) podcast_str += \ _html_podcast_social_interactions(podcast_properties, translate, nickname) podcast_str += \ _html_podcast_chapters(link_url, session, session_onion, session_i2p, http_prefix, domain, podcast_properties, debug) podcast_str += ' </center>\n' podcast_str += '</div>\n' podcast_str += html_footer() return podcast_str