### Middle column Incoming posts will appear here, as a chronological timeline. If you send any posts they will also appear here. ### 🡱 The top banner 🡱 At the top of the screen you can select the **banner** to switch to your profile, and edit it or log out. ### 🡱 Timeline buttons and icons 🡱 The **buttons** below the top banner allow you to select different timelines. There are also **icons** on the right to **search**, view your **calendar** or create **new posts**. The **show/hide** icon allows more timeline buttons to be shown, along with moderator controls. ### 🡰 Left column 🡰 Here you can add **useful links**. This only appears on desktop displays or devices with larger screens. It is similar to a *blogroll*. You can only add or edit links if you have an **administrator** or **editor** role. If you are on mobile then user the **links icon** at the top to read news. ### 🡲 Right column 🡲 RSS feeds can be added in the right column, known as the *newswire*. This only appears on desktop displays or devices with larger screens. You can only add or edit feeds if you have an **administrator** or **editor** role, and incoming feed items can also be moderated. If you are on mobile then user the **newswire icon** at the top to read news.