__filename__ = "webapp_post.py"
__author__ = "Bob Mottram"
__license__ = "AGPL3+"
__version__ = "1.3.0"
__maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram"
__email__ = "bob@libreserver.org"
__status__ = "Production"
__module_group__ = "Web Interface"
import os
import time
import urllib.parse
from dateutil.parser import parse
from auth import create_password
from git import is_git_patch
from datetime import datetime
from cache import get_person_from_cache
from bookmarks import bookmarked_by_person
from announce import announced_by_person
from announce import no_of_announces
from like import liked_by_person
from like import no_of_likes
from follow import is_following_actor
from posts import post_is_muted
from posts import get_person_box
from posts import download_announce
from posts import populate_replies_json
from utils import license_link_from_name
from utils import dont_speak_hashtags
from utils import remove_eol
from utils import disallow_announce
from utils import disallow_reply
from utils import convert_published_to_local_timezone
from utils import remove_hash_from_post_id
from utils import remove_html
from utils import get_actor_languages_list
from utils import get_base_content_from_post
from utils import get_content_from_post
from utils import get_language_from_post
from utils import get_summary_from_post
from utils import has_object_dict
from utils import update_announce_collection
from utils import is_pgp_encrypted
from utils import is_dm
from utils import is_reminder
from utils import is_chat_message
from utils import reject_post_id
from utils import is_recent_post
from utils import get_config_param
from utils import get_full_domain
from utils import is_editor
from utils import locate_post
from utils import load_json
from utils import get_cached_post_directory
from utils import get_cached_post_filename
from utils import get_protocol_prefixes
from utils import is_news_post
from utils import is_blog_post
from utils import get_display_name
from utils import display_name_is_emoji
from utils import is_public_post
from utils import is_followers_post
from utils import update_recent_posts_cache
from utils import remove_id_ending
from utils import get_nickname_from_actor
from utils import get_domain_from_actor
from utils import acct_dir
from utils import local_actor_url
from utils import is_unlisted_post
from content import replace_remote_hashtags
from content import detect_dogwhistles
from content import create_edits_html
from content import bold_reading_string
from content import limit_repeated_words
from content import replace_emoji_from_tags
from content import html_replace_quote_marks
from content import html_replace_email_quote
from content import remove_text_formatting
from content import remove_long_words
from content import get_mentions_from_html
from content import switch_words
from person import is_person_snoozed
from person import get_person_avatar_url
from webapp_utils import language_right_to_left
from webapp_utils import get_banner_file
from webapp_utils import get_avatar_image_url
from webapp_utils import update_avatar_image_cache
from webapp_utils import load_individual_post_as_html_from_cache
from webapp_utils import add_emoji_to_display_name
from webapp_utils import post_contains_public
from webapp_utils import get_content_warning_button
from webapp_utils import get_post_attachments_as_html
from webapp_utils import html_header_with_external_style
from webapp_utils import html_footer
from webapp_utils import get_broken_link_substitute
from webapp_media import add_embedded_elements
from webapp_question import insert_question
from devices import e2e_edecrypt_message_from_device
from webfinger import webfinger_handle
from speaker import update_speaker
from languages import auto_translate_post
from blocking import is_blocked
from blocking import add_cw_from_lists
from reaction import html_emoji_reactions
from maps import html_open_street_map
from maps import set_map_preferences_coords
from maps import set_map_preferences_url
from maps import geocoords_from_map_link
from maps import get_location_from_tags
def _html_post_metadata_open_graph(domain: str, post_json_object: {},
system_language: str) -> str:
"""Returns html OpenGraph metadata for a post
metadata = \
" \n"
metadata += \
" \n"
metadata += \
" \n"
metadata += \
" \n"
obj_json = post_json_object
if has_object_dict(post_json_object):
obj_json = post_json_object['object']
if obj_json.get('id'):
metadata += " \n"
if obj_json.get('summary'):
metadata += " \n"
if obj_json.get('attributedTo'):
if isinstance(obj_json['attributedTo'], str):
attrib = obj_json['attributedTo']
actor_nick = get_nickname_from_actor(attrib)
if actor_nick:
actor_domain, _ = get_domain_from_actor(attrib)
actor_handle = actor_nick + '@' + actor_domain
metadata += \
" \n"
metadata += \
" \n"
if obj_json.get('url'):
metadata += \
" \n"
if obj_json.get('published'):
metadata += " \n"
metadata += \
" \n"
if not obj_json.get('attachment') or obj_json.get('sensitive'):
if 'content' in obj_json and not obj_json.get('sensitive'):
obj_content = obj_json['content']
if 'contentMap' in obj_json:
if obj_json['contentMap'].get(system_language):
obj_content = obj_json['contentMap'][system_language]
description = remove_html(obj_content)
metadata += \
" \n"
metadata += \
" \n"
return metadata
# metadata for attachment
for attach_json in obj_json['attachment']:
if not isinstance(attach_json, dict):
if not attach_json.get('mediaType'):
if not attach_json.get('url'):
if not attach_json.get('name'):
description = None
if attach_json['mediaType'].startswith('image/'):
description = 'Attached: 1 image'
elif attach_json['mediaType'].startswith('video/'):
description = 'Attached: 1 video'
elif attach_json['mediaType'].startswith('audio/'):
description = 'Attached: 1 audio'
if description:
if 'content' in obj_json and not obj_json.get('sensitive'):
obj_content = obj_json['content']
if 'contentMap' in obj_json:
if obj_json['contentMap'].get(system_language):
obj_content = obj_json['contentMap'][system_language]
description += '\n\n' + remove_html(obj_content)
metadata += \
" \n"
metadata += \
" \n"
metadata += \
" \n"
metadata += \
" \n"
if attach_json.get('width'):
metadata += \
" \n"
if attach_json.get('height'):
metadata += \
" \n"
metadata += \
" \n"
if attach_json['mediaType'].startswith('image/'):
metadata += \
" \n"
return metadata
def _log_post_timing(enable_timing_log: bool, post_start_time,
debug_id: str) -> None:
"""Create a log of timings for performance tuning
if not enable_timing_log:
time_diff = int((time.time() - post_start_time) * 1000)
if time_diff > 100:
print('TIMING INDIV ' + debug_id + ' = ' + str(time_diff))
def prepare_html_post_nickname(nickname: str, post_html: str) -> str:
"""html posts stored in memory are for all accounts on the instance
and they're indexed by id. However, some incoming posts may be
destined for multiple accounts (followers). This creates a problem
where the icon links whose urls begin with href="/users/nickname?
need to be changed for different nicknames to display correctly
within their timelines.
This function changes the nicknames for the icon links.
# replace the nickname
users_str = ' href="/users/'
if users_str not in post_html:
return post_html
user_found = True
post_str = post_html
new_post_str = ''
while user_found:
if users_str not in post_str:
new_post_str += post_str
# the next part, after href="/users/nickname?
next_str = post_str.split(users_str, 1)[1]
if '?' in next_str:
next_str = next_str.split('?', 1)[1]
new_post_str += post_str
# append the previous text to the result
new_post_str += post_str.split(users_str)[0]
new_post_str += users_str + nickname + '?'
# post is now the next part
post_str = next_str
return new_post_str
def replace_link_variable(link: str, variable_name: str, value: str,
separator: str = '?') -> str:
"""Replaces a variable within the given link
full_var = separator + variable_name + '='
if full_var not in link:
return link
curr_str = link
result = ''
while full_var in curr_str:
prefix = curr_str.split(full_var, 1)[0] + full_var
next_str = curr_str.split(full_var, 1)[1]
if separator in next_str:
next_str = next_str.split(separator, 1)[1]
result += prefix + value + separator
curr_str = next_str
result += prefix + value
curr_str = ''
return result + curr_str
def prepare_post_from_html_cache(nickname: str, post_html: str, box_name: str,
page_number: int, first_post_id: str) -> str:
"""Sets the page number on a cached html post
# if on the bookmarks timeline then remain there
if box_name in ('tlbookmarks', 'bookmarks'):
post_html = post_html.replace('?tl=inbox', '?tl=tlbookmarks')
if '?page=' in post_html:
page_number_str = post_html.split('?page=')[1]
if '?' in page_number_str:
page_number_str = page_number_str.split('?')[0]
post_html = \
post_html.replace('?page=' + page_number_str, '?page=-999')
# add the page number
with_page_number = \
post_html.replace(';-999;', ';' + str(page_number) + ';')
with_page_number = \
with_page_number.replace('?page=-999', '?page=' + str(page_number))
# add first post in the timeline
if first_post_id is None:
first_post_id = ''
first_post_id = first_post_id.replace('#', '/')
if '?firstpost=' in with_page_number:
with_page_number = \
'firstpost', first_post_id, '?')
elif ';firstpost=' in with_page_number:
with_page_number = \
'firstpost', first_post_id, ';')
with_page_number = \
'?firstpost=' + first_post_id +
return prepare_html_post_nickname(nickname, with_page_number)
def _save_individual_post_as_html_to_cache(base_dir: str,
nickname: str, domain: str,
post_json_object: {},
post_html: str) -> bool:
"""Saves the given html for a post to a cache file
This is so that it can be quickly reloaded on subsequent
refresh of the timeline
html_post_cache_dir = \
get_cached_post_directory(base_dir, nickname, domain)
cached_post_filename = \
get_cached_post_filename(base_dir, nickname, domain, post_json_object)
# create the cache directory if needed
if not os.path.isdir(html_post_cache_dir):
with open(cached_post_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_cache:
return True
except Exception as ex:
print('ERROR: saving post to cache, ' + str(ex))
return False
def _get_post_from_recent_cache(session,
base_dir: str,
http_prefix: str,
nickname: str, domain: str,
post_json_object: {},
post_actor: str,
person_cache: {},
allow_downloads: bool,
show_public_only: bool,
store_to_cache: bool,
box_name: str,
avatar_url: str,
enable_timing_log: bool,
page_number: int,
recent_posts_cache: {},
max_recent_posts: int,
signing_priv_key_pem: str,
first_post_id: str) -> str:
"""Attempts to get the html post from the recent posts cache in memory
if box_name == 'tlmedia':
return None
if show_public_only:
return None
try_cache = False
bm_timeline = box_name in ('bookmarks', 'tlbookmarks')
if store_to_cache or bm_timeline:
try_cache = True
if not try_cache:
return None
# update avatar if needed
if not avatar_url:
avatar_url = \
get_person_avatar_url(base_dir, post_actor, person_cache)
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '2.1')
session, base_dir, http_prefix,
post_actor, avatar_url, person_cache,
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '2.2')
post_html = \
load_individual_post_as_html_from_cache(base_dir, nickname, domain,
if not post_html:
return None
post_html = \
prepare_post_from_html_cache(nickname, post_html,
box_name, page_number, first_post_id)
update_recent_posts_cache(recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts,
post_json_object, post_html)
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '3')
return post_html
def _get_avatar_image_html(show_avatar_options: bool,
nickname: str, domain_full: str,
avatar_url: str, post_actor: str,
translate: {}, avatar_position: str,
page_number: int, message_id_str: str) -> str:
"""Get html for the avatar image
# don't use svg images
if avatar_url.endswith('.svg'):
avatar_url = '/icons/avatar_default.png'
avatar_link = ''
if '/users/news/' not in avatar_url:
avatar_link = \
' '
show_profile_str = 'Show profile'
if translate.get(show_profile_str):
show_profile_str = translate[show_profile_str]
avatar_link += \
' ' + translated_citations_str + ': ' + by_text + ' '
post_str += \
if show_avatar_options and \
domain_full + '/users/' + nickname not in post_actor:
show_options_for_this_person_str = 'Show options for this person'
if translate.get(show_options_for_this_person_str):
show_options_for_this_person_str = \
if '/users/news/' not in avatar_url:
avatar_link = \
' \n'
avatar_link += \
# don't link to the person options for the news account
avatar_link += \
return avatar_link.strip()
def _get_reply_icon_html(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
is_public_reply: bool, is_unlisted_reply: bool,
show_icons: bool, comments_enabled: bool,
post_json_object: {}, page_number_param: str,
translate: {}, system_language: str,
conversation_id: str) -> str:
"""Returns html for the reply icon/button
reply_str = ''
if not (show_icons and comments_enabled):
return reply_str
# reply is permitted - create reply icon
reply_to_link = remove_hash_from_post_id(post_json_object['object']['id'])
reply_to_link = remove_id_ending(reply_to_link)
# see Mike MacGirvin's replyTo suggestion
if post_json_object['object'].get('replyTo'):
# check that the alternative replyTo url is not blocked
block_nickname = \
if not block_nickname:
return reply_str
block_domain, _ = \
if not is_blocked(base_dir, nickname, domain,
block_nickname, block_domain, {}):
reply_to_link = post_json_object['object']['replyTo']
if post_json_object['object'].get('attributedTo'):
if isinstance(post_json_object['object']['attributedTo'], str):
reply_to_link += \
'?mention=' + post_json_object['object']['attributedTo']
content = get_base_content_from_post(post_json_object, system_language)
if content:
mentioned_actors = \
" 500:
reply_to_link += page_number_param
reply_str = ''
reply_to_this_post_str = 'Reply to this post'
if translate.get(reply_to_this_post_str):
reply_to_this_post_str = translate[reply_to_this_post_str]
conversation_str = ''
if conversation_id:
conversation_str = '?conversationId=' + conversation_id
if is_public_reply:
reply_str += \
' \n'
elif is_unlisted_reply:
reply_str += \
' \n'
if is_dm(post_json_object):
reply_type = 'replydm'
if is_chat_message(post_json_object):
reply_type = 'replychat'
reply_str += \
' ' + \
reply_str += \
' ' + \
reply_str += \
' ' + \
return reply_str
def _get_edit_icon_html(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain_full: str,
post_json_object: {}, actor_nickname: str,
translate: {}, is_event: bool,
first_post_id: str) -> str:
"""Returns html for the edit icon/button
edit_str = ''
actor = post_json_object['actor']
# This should either be a post which you created,
# or it could be generated from the newswire (see
# _add_blogs_to_newswire) in which case anyone with
# editor status should be able to alter it
if (actor.endswith('/' + domain_full + '/users/' + nickname) or
(is_editor(base_dir, nickname) and
actor.endswith('/' + domain_full + '/users/news'))):
post_id = remove_id_ending(post_json_object['object']['id'])
if '/statuses/' not in post_id:
return edit_str
reply_to = ''
if post_json_object['object'].get('inReplyTo'):
reply_to = ';replyTo=' + post_json_object['object']['inReplyTo']
first_post_str = ''
if first_post_id:
first_post_str = ';firstpost=' + first_post_id
if is_blog_post(post_json_object):
edit_blog_post_str = 'Edit blog post'
if translate.get(edit_blog_post_str):
edit_blog_post_str = translate[edit_blog_post_str]
if not is_news_post(post_json_object):
edit_str += \
' ' + \
'' + \
edit_str += \
' ' + \
'' + \
elif is_event:
edit_event_str = 'Edit event'
if translate.get(edit_event_str):
edit_event_str = translate[edit_event_str]
edit_str += \
' ' + \
'' + \
elif is_public_post(post_json_object):
# Edit a public post
edit_post_str = 'Edit post'
if translate.get(edit_post_str):
edit_post_str = translate[edit_post_str]
edit_str += \
' ' + \
'' + \
elif is_reminder(post_json_object):
# Edit a reminder
edit_post_str = 'Edit reminder'
if translate.get(edit_post_str):
edit_post_str = translate[edit_post_str]
edit_str += \
' ' + \
'' + \
elif is_dm(post_json_object):
# Edit a DM
edit_post_str = 'Edit post'
if translate.get(edit_post_str):
edit_post_str = translate[edit_post_str]
edit_str += \
' ' + \
'' + \
elif is_unlisted_post(post_json_object):
# Edit an unlisted post
edit_post_str = 'Edit post'
if translate.get(edit_post_str):
edit_post_str = translate[edit_post_str]
edit_str += \
' ' + \
'' + \
elif is_followers_post(post_json_object):
# Edit a followers only post
edit_post_str = 'Edit post'
if translate.get(edit_post_str):
edit_post_str = translate[edit_post_str]
edit_str += \
' ' + \
'' + \
return edit_str
def _get_announce_icon_html(is_announced: bool,
post_actor: str,
nickname: str, domain_full: str,
announce_json_object: {},
post_json_object: {},
is_public_repeat: bool,
is_moderation_post: bool,
show_repeat_icon: bool,
translate: {},
page_number_param: str,
timeline_post_bookmark: str,
box_name: str,
max_announce_count: int,
first_post_id: str) -> str:
"""Returns html for announce icon/button at the bottom of the post
announce_str = ''
if not show_repeat_icon:
return announce_str
if is_moderation_post:
return announce_str
# don't allow announce/repeat of your own posts
announce_icon = 'repeat_inactive.png'
announce_link = 'repeat'
announce_emoji = ''
if not is_public_repeat:
announce_link = 'repeatprivate'
repeat_this_post_str = 'Repeat this post'
if translate.get(repeat_this_post_str):
repeat_this_post_str = translate[repeat_this_post_str]
announce_title = repeat_this_post_str
unannounce_link_str = ''
announce_count = no_of_announces(post_json_object)
announce_count_str = ''
if announce_count > 0:
if announce_count <= max_announce_count:
announce_count_str = ' (' + str(announce_count) + ')'
announce_count_str = ' (' + str(max_announce_count) + '+)'
if announced_by_person(is_announced,
post_actor, nickname, domain_full):
if announce_count == 1:
# announced by the reader only
announce_count_str = ''
announce_icon = 'repeat.png'
announce_emoji = '🔁 '
announce_link = 'unrepeat'
if not is_public_repeat:
announce_link = 'unrepeatprivate'
undo_the_repeat_str = 'Undo the repeat'
if translate.get(undo_the_repeat_str):
undo_the_repeat_str = translate[undo_the_repeat_str]
announce_title = undo_the_repeat_str
if announce_json_object:
unannounce_link_str = '?unannounce=' + \
announce_post_id = \
announce_post_id = remove_id_ending(announce_post_id)
announce_str = ''
if announce_count_str:
announcers_post_id = announce_post_id.replace('/', '--')
announcers_screen_link = \
'/users/' + nickname + '?announcers=' + announcers_post_id
# show the number of announces next to icon
announce_str += '\n'
first_post_str = ''
if first_post_id:
first_post_str = '?firstpost=' + first_post_id
announce_link_str = '?' + \
announce_link + '=' + announce_post_id + page_number_param
announce_str += \
' \n'
announce_str += \
' ' + \
return announce_str
def _get_like_icon_html(nickname: str, domain_full: str,
is_moderation_post: bool,
show_like_button: bool,
post_json_object: {},
enable_timing_log: bool,
translate: {}, page_number_param: str,
timeline_post_bookmark: str,
box_name: str,
max_like_count: int,
first_post_id: str) -> str:
"""Returns html for like icon/button
if not show_like_button or is_moderation_post:
return ''
like_str = ''
like_icon = 'like_inactive.png'
like_link = 'like'
like_title = 'Like this post'
if translate.get(like_title):
like_title = translate[like_title]
like_emoji = ''
like_count = no_of_likes(post_json_object)
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '12.1')
like_count_str = ''
if like_count > 0:
if like_count <= max_like_count:
like_count_str = ' (' + str(like_count) + ')'
like_count_str = ' (' + str(max_like_count) + '+)'
if liked_by_person(post_json_object, nickname, domain_full):
if like_count == 1:
# liked by the reader only
like_count_str = ''
like_icon = 'like.png'
like_link = 'unlike'
like_title = 'Undo the like'
if translate.get(like_title):
like_title = translate[like_title]
like_emoji = '👍 '
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '12.2')
like_post_id = remove_hash_from_post_id(post_json_object['id'])
like_post_id = remove_id_ending(like_post_id)
like_str = ''
if like_count_str:
likers_post_id = like_post_id.replace('/', '--')
likers_screen_link = \
'/users/' + nickname + '?likers=' + likers_post_id
# show the number of likes next to icon
like_str += '\n'
first_post_str = ''
if first_post_id:
first_post_str = '?firstpost=' + first_post_id
like_str += \
' \n'
like_str += \
' ' + \
return like_str
def _get_bookmark_icon_html(nickname: str, domain_full: str,
post_json_object: {},
is_moderation_post: bool,
translate: {},
enable_timing_log: bool,
post_start_time, box_name: str,
page_number_param: str,
timeline_post_bookmark: str,
first_post_id: str) -> str:
"""Returns html for bookmark icon/button
bookmark_str = ''
if is_moderation_post:
return bookmark_str
bookmark_icon = 'bookmark_inactive.png'
bookmark_link = 'bookmark'
bookmark_emoji = ''
bookmark_title = 'Bookmark this post'
if translate.get(bookmark_title):
bookmark_title = translate[bookmark_title]
if bookmarked_by_person(post_json_object, nickname, domain_full):
bookmark_icon = 'bookmark.png'
bookmark_link = 'unbookmark'
bookmark_emoji = '🔖 '
bookmark_title = 'Undo the bookmark'
if translate.get(bookmark_title):
bookmark_title = translate[bookmark_title]
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '12.6')
bookmark_post_id = \
bookmark_post_id = remove_id_ending(bookmark_post_id)
first_post_str = ''
if first_post_id:
first_post_str = '?firstpost=' + first_post_id
bookmark_str = \
' \n'
bookmark_str += \
' ' + \
return bookmark_str
def _get_reaction_icon_html(nickname: str, post_json_object: {},
is_moderation_post: bool,
show_reaction_button: bool,
translate: {},
enable_timing_log: bool,
post_start_time, box_name: str,
page_number_param: str,
timeline_post_reaction: str,
first_post_id: str) -> str:
"""Returns html for reaction icon/button
reaction_str = ''
if not show_reaction_button or is_moderation_post:
return reaction_str
reaction_icon = 'reaction.png'
reaction_title = 'Select reaction'
if translate.get(reaction_title):
reaction_title = translate[reaction_title]
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '12.65')
reaction_post_id = \
reaction_post_id = remove_id_ending(reaction_post_id)
first_post_str = ''
if first_post_id:
first_post_str = '?firstpost=' + first_post_id
reaction_str = \
' \n'
reaction_str += \
' ' + \
return reaction_str
def _get_mute_icon_html(is_muted: bool,
post_actor: str,
message_id: str,
nickname: str, domain_full: str,
allow_deletion: bool,
page_number_param: str,
box_name: str,
timeline_post_bookmark: str,
translate: {},
first_post_id: str) -> str:
"""Returns html for mute icon/button
mute_str = ''
if (allow_deletion or
('/' + domain_full + '/' in post_actor and
return mute_str
first_post_str = ''
if first_post_id:
first_post_str = '?firstpost=' + first_post_id
if not is_muted:
mute_this_post_str = 'Mute this post'
if translate.get('Mute this post'):
mute_this_post_str = translate[mute_this_post_str]
mute_str = \
' \n'
mute_str += \
' ' + \
undo_mute_str = 'Undo mute'
if translate.get(undo_mute_str):
undo_mute_str = translate[undo_mute_str]
mute_str = \
' \n'
mute_str += \
' ' + \
return mute_str
def _get_delete_icon_html(nickname: str, domain_full: str,
allow_deletion: bool,
post_actor: str,
message_id: str,
post_json_object: {},
page_number_param: str,
translate: {},
first_post_id: str) -> str:
"""Returns html for delete icon/button
delete_str = ''
if (allow_deletion or
('/' + domain_full + '/' in post_actor and
if '/users/' + nickname + '/' in message_id:
if not is_news_post(post_json_object):
delete_this_post_str = 'Delete this post'
if translate.get(delete_this_post_str):
delete_this_post_str = translate[delete_this_post_str]
first_post_str = ''
if first_post_id:
first_post_str = '?firstpost=' + first_post_id
delete_str = \
' \n'
delete_str += \
' ' + \
return delete_str
def _get_published_date_str(post_json_object: {},
show_published_date_only: bool,
timezone: str) -> str:
"""Return the html for the published date on a post
published_str = ''
if not post_json_object['object'].get('published'):
return published_str
published_str = post_json_object['object']['published']
if '.' not in published_str:
if '+' not in published_str:
datetime_object = \
datetime.strptime(published_str, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
datetime_object = \
datetime.strptime(published_str.split('+')[0] + 'Z',
published_str = \
published_str.replace('T', ' ').split('.')[0]
datetime_object = parse(published_str)
# convert to local time
datetime_object = \
convert_published_to_local_timezone(datetime_object, timezone)
if not show_published_date_only:
published_str = datetime_object.strftime("%a %b %d, %H:%M")
published_str = datetime_object.strftime("%a %b %d")
# if the post has replies then append a symbol to indicate this
if post_json_object.get('hasReplies'):
if post_json_object['hasReplies'] is True:
published_str = '[' + published_str + ']'
return published_str
def _get_blog_citations_html(box_name: str,
post_json_object: {},
translate: {}) -> str:
"""Returns blog citations as html
# show blog citations
citations_str = ''
if box_name not in ('tlblogs', 'tlfeatures'):
return citations_str
if not post_json_object['object'].get('tag'):
return citations_str
for tag_json in post_json_object['object']['tag']:
if not isinstance(tag_json, dict):
if not tag_json.get('type'):
if tag_json['type'] != 'Article':
if not tag_json.get('name'):
if not tag_json.get('url'):
citations_str += \
def _announce_unattributed_html(translate: {},
post_json_object: {},
nickname: str) -> str:
"""Returns the html for an announce title where there
is no attribution on the announced post
announces_str = 'announces'
if translate.get(announces_str):
announces_str = translate[announces_str]
post_id = remove_id_ending(post_json_object['object']['id'])
post_link = '/users/' + nickname + '?convthread=' + \
post_id.replace('/', '--')
return '
\n' + \
' @unattributed\n'
def _announce_with_display_name_html(translate: {},
post_json_object: {},
announce_display_name: str,
nickname: str) -> str:
"""Returns html for an announce having a display name
announces_str = 'announces'
if translate.get(announces_str):
announces_str = translate[announces_str]
post_id = remove_id_ending(post_json_object['object']['id'])
post_link = '/users/' + nickname + '?convthread=' + \
post_id.replace('/', '--')
return '
\n' + \
' ' + \
'' + \
announce_display_name + '\n'
def _get_post_title_announce_html(base_dir: str,
http_prefix: str,
nickname: str, domain: str,
show_repeat_icon: bool,
is_announced: bool,
post_json_object: {},
post_actor: str,
translate: {},
enable_timing_log: bool,
box_name: str,
person_cache: {},
allow_downloads: bool,
avatar_position: str,
page_number: int,
message_id_str: str,
container_class_icons: str,
container_class: str,
mitm: bool) -> (str, str, str, str):
"""Returns the announce title of a post containing names of participants
x announces y
title_str = ''
reply_avatar_image_in_post = ''
obj_json = post_json_object['object']
# has no attribution
if not obj_json.get('attributedTo'):
title_str += \
_announce_unattributed_html(translate, post_json_object, nickname)
return (title_str, reply_avatar_image_in_post,
container_class_icons, container_class)
attributed_to = ''
if isinstance(obj_json['attributedTo'], str):
attributed_to = obj_json['attributedTo']
# boosting your own post
if attributed_to.startswith(post_actor):
title_str += _boost_own_post_html(translate)
return (title_str, reply_avatar_image_in_post,
container_class_icons, container_class)
# boosting another person's post
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '13.2')
announce_nickname = None
if attributed_to:
announce_nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(attributed_to)
if not announce_nickname:
title_str += \
_announce_unattributed_html(translate, post_json_object, nickname)
return (title_str, reply_avatar_image_in_post,
container_class_icons, container_class)
announce_domain, _ = get_domain_from_actor(attributed_to)
get_person_from_cache(base_dir, attributed_to, person_cache)
announce_display_name = \
get_display_name(base_dir, attributed_to, person_cache)
if announce_display_name:
if len(announce_display_name) < 2 or \
announce_display_name = None
if not announce_display_name:
announce_display_name = announce_nickname + '@' + announce_domain
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '13.3')
# add any emoji to the display name
if ':' in announce_display_name:
announce_display_name = \
add_emoji_to_display_name(None, base_dir, http_prefix,
nickname, domain,
announce_display_name, False,
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '13.3.1')
title_str += \
_announce_with_display_name_html(translate, post_json_object,
if mitm:
title_str += _mitm_warning_html(translate)
# show avatar of person replied to
announce_actor = attributed_to
announce_avatar_url = \
get_person_avatar_url(base_dir, announce_actor, person_cache)
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '13.4')
if not announce_avatar_url:
announce_avatar_url = ''
idx = 'Show options for this person'
if '/users/news/' not in announce_avatar_url:
show_options_for_this_person_str = idx
if translate.get(idx):
show_options_for_this_person_str = translate[idx]
reply_avatar_image_in_post = \
return title_str
def _reply_to_unknown_html(translate: {},
post_json_object: {},
nickname: str) -> str:
"""Returns the html title for a reply to an unknown handle
replying_to_str = 'replying to'
if translate.get(replying_to_str):
replying_to_str = translate[replying_to_str]
post_id = post_json_object['object']['inReplyTo']
post_link = '/users/' + nickname + '?convthread=' + \
post_id.replace('/', '--')
return '
\n' + \
' @unknown\n'
def _mitm_warning_html(translate: {}) -> str:
"""Returns the html title for a reply to an unknown handle
mitm_warning_str = translate['mitm']
return '
def _reply_with_unknown_path_html(translate: {},
post_json_object: {},
post_domain: str,
nickname: str) -> str:
"""Returns html title for a reply with an unknown path
eg. does not contain /statuses/
replying_to_str = 'replying to'
if translate.get(replying_to_str):
replying_to_str = translate[replying_to_str]
post_id = post_json_object['object']['inReplyTo']
post_link = '/users/' + nickname + '?convthread=' + \
post_id.replace('/', '--')
return '
\n' + \
' ' + \
post_domain + '\n'
def _get_reply_html(translate: {},
in_reply_to: str, reply_display_name: str,
nickname: str) -> str:
"""Returns html title for a reply
replying_to_str = 'replying to'
if translate.get(replying_to_str):
replying_to_str = translate[replying_to_str]
post_link = '/users/' + nickname + '?convthread=' + \
in_reply_to.replace('/', '--')
return ' ' + \
\n' + \
' ' + \
'' + \
reply_display_name + '\n'
def _get_post_title_reply_html(base_dir: str,
http_prefix: str,
nickname: str, domain: str,
show_repeat_icon: bool,
is_announced: bool,
post_json_object: {},
post_actor: str,
translate: {},
enable_timing_log: bool,
box_name: str,
person_cache: {},
allow_downloads: bool,
avatar_position: str,
page_number: int,
message_id_str: str,
container_class_icons: str,
container_class: str,
mitm: bool) -> (str, str, str, str):
"""Returns the reply title of a post containing names of participants
x replies to y
title_str = ''
reply_avatar_image_in_post = ''
obj_json = post_json_object['object']
# not a reply
if not obj_json.get('inReplyTo'):
return (title_str, reply_avatar_image_in_post,
container_class_icons, container_class)
container_class_icons = 'containericons darker'
container_class = 'container darker'
# reply to self
if obj_json['inReplyTo'].startswith(post_actor):
title_str += _reply_to_yourself_html(translate)
return (title_str, reply_avatar_image_in_post,
container_class_icons, container_class)
# has a reply
if '/statuses/' not in obj_json['inReplyTo']:
post_domain = obj_json['inReplyTo']
prefixes = get_protocol_prefixes()
for prefix in prefixes:
post_domain = post_domain.replace(prefix, '')
if '/' in post_domain:
post_domain = post_domain.split('/', 1)[0]
if post_domain:
title_str += \
post_json_object, post_domain,
return (title_str, reply_avatar_image_in_post,
container_class_icons, container_class)
in_reply_to = obj_json['inReplyTo']
reply_actor = in_reply_to.split('/statuses/')[0]
reply_nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(reply_actor)
if not reply_nickname:
title_str += \
_reply_to_unknown_html(translate, post_json_object, nickname)
return (title_str, reply_avatar_image_in_post,
container_class_icons, container_class)
reply_domain, _ = get_domain_from_actor(reply_actor)
if not (reply_nickname and reply_domain):
title_str += \
_reply_to_unknown_html(translate, post_json_object, nickname)
return (title_str, reply_avatar_image_in_post,
container_class_icons, container_class)
get_person_from_cache(base_dir, reply_actor, person_cache)
reply_display_name = \
get_display_name(base_dir, reply_actor, person_cache)
if reply_display_name:
if len(reply_display_name) < 2 or \
reply_display_name = None
if not reply_display_name:
reply_display_name = reply_nickname + '@' + reply_domain
# add emoji to the display name
if ':' in reply_display_name:
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '13.5')
reply_display_name = \
add_emoji_to_display_name(None, base_dir, http_prefix,
nickname, domain,
reply_display_name, False, translate)
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '13.6')
title_str += \
_get_reply_html(translate, in_reply_to, reply_display_name, nickname)
if mitm:
title_str += _mitm_warning_html(translate)
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '13.7')
# show avatar of person replied to
reply_avatar_url = \
get_person_avatar_url(base_dir, reply_actor, person_cache)
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '13.8')
if reply_avatar_url:
show_profile_str = 'Show profile'
if translate.get(show_profile_str):
show_profile_str = translate[show_profile_str]
reply_avatar_image_in_post = \
return copyright_str
def individual_post_as_html(signing_priv_key_pem: str,
allow_downloads: bool,
recent_posts_cache: {}, max_recent_posts: int,
translate: {},
page_number: int, base_dir: str,
session, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {},
nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
post_json_object: {},
avatar_url: str, show_avatar_options: bool,
allow_deletion: bool,
http_prefix: str, project_version: str,
box_name: str,
yt_replace_domain: str,
twitter_replacement_domain: str,
show_published_date_only: bool,
peertube_instances: [],
allow_local_network_access: bool,
theme_name: str, system_language: str,
max_like_count: int,
show_repeats: bool,
show_icons: bool,
manually_approves_followers: bool,
show_public_only: bool,
store_to_cache: bool,
use_cache_only: bool,
cw_lists: {},
lists_enabled: str,
timezone: str,
mitm: bool, bold_reading: bool,
dogwhistles: {},
minimize_all_images: bool,
first_post_id: str) -> str:
""" Shows a single post as html
if not post_json_object:
return ''
# maximum number of different emoji reactions which can be added to a post
max_reaction_types = 5
# benchmark
post_start_time = time.time()
post_actor = post_json_object['actor']
# ZZZzzz
if is_person_snoozed(base_dir, nickname, domain, post_actor):
return ''
# if downloads of avatar images aren't enabled then we can do more
# accurate timing of different parts of the code
enable_timing_log = not allow_downloads
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '1')
avatar_position = ''
message_id = ''
if post_json_object.get('id'):
message_id = remove_hash_from_post_id(post_json_object['id'])
message_id = remove_id_ending(message_id)
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '2')
# does this post have edits?
edits_post_url = \
remove_id_ending(message_id.strip()).replace('/', '#') + '.edits'
account_dir = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/'
edits_filename = account_dir + box_name + '/' + edits_post_url
edits_str = ''
if os.path.isfile(edits_filename):
edits_json = load_json(edits_filename, 0, 1)
if edits_json:
edits_str = create_edits_html(edits_json, post_json_object,
translate, timezone, system_language)
message_id_str = ''
if message_id:
message_id_str = ';' + message_id
domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port)
page_number_param = ''
if page_number:
page_number_param = '?page=' + str(page_number)
# get the html post from the recent posts cache if it exists there
post_html = \
_get_post_from_recent_cache(session, base_dir,
http_prefix, nickname, domain,
if post_html:
return post_html
if use_cache_only and post_json_object['type'] != 'Announce':
return ''
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '4')
avatar_url = \
base_dir, http_prefix,
post_actor, person_cache,
avatar_url, allow_downloads,
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '5')
# get the display name
if domain_full not in post_actor:
# lookup the correct webfinger for the post_actor
post_actor_nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(post_actor)
if not post_actor_nickname:
return ''
post_actor_domain, post_actor_port = get_domain_from_actor(post_actor)
post_actor_domain_full = \
get_full_domain(post_actor_domain, post_actor_port)
post_actor_handle = post_actor_nickname + '@' + post_actor_domain_full
post_actor_wf = \
webfinger_handle(session, post_actor_handle, http_prefix,
domain, __version__, False, False,
avatar_url2 = None
display_name = None
if post_actor_wf:
origin_domain = domain
(_, _, _, _, _, avatar_url2,
display_name, _) = get_person_box(signing_priv_key_pem,
base_dir, session,
nickname, domain,
'outbox', 72367)
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '6')
if avatar_url2:
avatar_url = avatar_url2
if display_name:
# add any emoji to the display name
if ':' in display_name:
display_name = \
add_emoji_to_display_name(session, base_dir, http_prefix,
nickname, domain,
display_name, False, translate)
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '7')
avatar_link = \
nickname, domain_full,
avatar_url, post_actor,
translate, avatar_position,
page_number, message_id_str)
avatar_image_in_post = \
# check if replying is permitted
comments_enabled = True
if isinstance(post_json_object['object'], dict) and \
'commentsEnabled' in post_json_object['object']:
if post_json_object['object']['commentsEnabled'] is False:
comments_enabled = False
elif 'rejectReplies' in post_json_object['object']:
if post_json_object['object']['rejectReplies']:
comments_enabled = False
conversation_id = None
if isinstance(post_json_object['object'], dict):
if 'conversation' in post_json_object['object']:
if post_json_object['object']['conversation']:
conversation_id = post_json_object['object']['conversation']
elif 'context' in post_json_object['object']:
if post_json_object['object']['context']:
conversation_id = post_json_object['object']['context']
public_reply = False
unlisted_reply = False
if is_public_post(post_json_object):
public_reply = True
if is_unlisted_post(post_json_object):
public_reply = False
unlisted_reply = True
reply_str = _get_reply_icon_html(base_dir, nickname, domain,
public_reply, unlisted_reply,
show_icons, comments_enabled,
post_json_object, page_number_param,
translate, system_language,
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '10')
edit_str = _get_edit_icon_html(base_dir, nickname, domain_full,
post_json_object, actor_nickname,
translate, False, first_post_id)
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '11')
announce_str = \
nickname, domain_full,
box_name, max_like_count,
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '12')
# whether to show a like button
hide_like_button_file = \
acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/.hideLikeButton'
show_like_button = True
if os.path.isfile(hide_like_button_file):
show_like_button = False
# whether to show a reaction button
hide_reaction_button_file = \
acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/.hideReactionButton'
show_reaction_button = True
if os.path.isfile(hide_reaction_button_file):
show_reaction_button = False
like_json_object = post_json_object
if announce_json_object:
like_json_object = announce_json_object
like_str = _get_like_icon_html(nickname, domain_full,
translate, page_number_param,
box_name, max_like_count,
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '12.5')
bookmark_str = \
_get_bookmark_icon_html(nickname, domain_full,
post_start_time, box_name,
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '12.9')
reaction_str = \
_get_reaction_icon_html(nickname, post_json_object,
post_start_time, box_name,
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '12.10')
is_muted = post_is_muted(base_dir, nickname, domain,
post_json_object, message_id)
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '13')
mute_str = \
nickname, domain_full,
translate, first_post_id)
delete_str = \
_get_delete_icon_html(nickname, domain_full,
translate, first_post_id)
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '13.1')
# get the title: x replies to y, x announces y, etc
container_class) = _get_post_title_html(base_dir,
nickname, domain,
container_class, mitm)
title_str += title_str2
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '14')
person_url = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full)
actor_json = \
get_person_from_cache(base_dir, person_url, person_cache)
languages_understood = []
if actor_json:
languages_understood = get_actor_languages_list(actor_json)
content_str = get_content_from_post(post_json_object, system_language,
content_language = \
get_language_from_post(post_json_object, system_language,
content_str = dont_speak_hashtags(content_str)
attachment_str, gallery_str = \
get_post_attachments_as_html(base_dir, nickname, domain,
box_name, translate,
is_muted, avatar_link,
reply_str, announce_str, like_str,
bookmark_str, delete_str, mute_str,
published_str = \
_get_published_date_str(post_json_object, show_published_date_only,
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '15')
published_link = message_id
# blog posts should have no /statuses/ in their link
post_is_blog = False
if is_blog_post(post_json_object):
post_is_blog = True
# is this a post to the local domain?
if '://' + domain in message_id:
published_link = message_id.replace('/statuses/', '/')
# if this is a local link then make it relative so that it works
# on clearnet or onion address
if domain + '/users/' in published_link or \
domain + ':' + str(port) + '/users/' in published_link:
published_link = '/users/' + published_link.split('/users/')[1]
content_license_url = _get_content_license(post_json_object)
if not is_news_post(post_json_object):
if show_icons:
footer_str = ''
footer_str = '
' + footer_str
if not summary_str:
summary_str = get_summary_from_post(post_json_object, system_language,
is_patch = is_git_patch(base_dir, nickname, domain,
summary_str, content_str)
_log_post_timing(enable_timing_log, post_start_time, '16')
if not is_pgp_encrypted(content_str):
# if we are on an onion instance then substitute any common clearnet
# domains with their onion version
if '.onion' in domain and '://' in content_str:
content_str = \
_substitute_onion_domains(base_dir, content_str)
if not is_patch:
# remove any tabs
content_str = \
content_str.replace('\t', '').replace('\r', '')
# Add bold text
if bold_reading and \
not displaying_ciphertext and \
not post_is_blog:
content_str = bold_reading_string(content_str)
object_content = \
remove_long_words(content_str, 40, [])
object_content = \
remove_text_formatting(object_content, bold_reading)
object_content = limit_repeated_words(object_content, 6)
object_content = \
switch_words(base_dir, nickname, domain, object_content)
object_content = html_replace_email_quote(object_content)
object_content = html_replace_quote_marks(object_content)
# append any edits
object_content += edits_str
object_content = content_str
encrypted_str = 'Encrypted'
if translate.get(encrypted_str):
encrypted_str = translate[encrypted_str]
object_content = '🔒 ' + encrypted_str
object_content = \
'' + content_str + \
' + reaction_str
post_html = '