__filename__ = "posts.py"
__author__ = "Bob Mottram"
__license__ = "AGPL3+"
__version__ = "1.3.0"
__maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram"
__email__ = "bob@libreserver.org"
__status__ = "Production"
__module_group__ = "ActivityPub"

import json
import html
import datetime
import os
import shutil
import sys
import time
import random
from socket import error as SocketError
from time import gmtime, strftime
from collections import OrderedDict
from threads import thread_with_trace
from cache import store_person_in_cache
from cache import get_person_from_cache
from cache import expire_person_cache
from pprint import pprint
from session import create_session
from session import get_json
from session import post_json
from session import post_json_string
from session import post_image
from webfinger import webfinger_handle
from httpsig import create_signed_header
from siteactive import site_is_active
from languages import understood_post_language
from utils import valid_hash_tag
from utils import get_audio_extensions
from utils import get_summary_from_post
from utils import get_user_paths
from utils import invalid_ciphertext
from utils import has_object_string_type
from utils import remove_id_ending
from utils import replace_users_with_at
from utils import has_group_type
from utils import get_base_content_from_post
from utils import remove_domain_port
from utils import get_port_from_domain
from utils import has_object_dict
from utils import reject_post_id
from utils import remove_invalid_chars
from utils import file_last_modified
from utils import is_public_post
from utils import has_users_path
from utils import valid_post_date
from utils import get_full_domain
from utils import get_followers_list
from utils import is_evil
from utils import get_status_number
from utils import create_person_dir
from utils import url_permitted
from utils import get_nickname_from_actor
from utils import get_domain_from_actor
from utils import delete_post
from utils import valid_nickname
from utils import locate_post
from utils import load_json
from utils import save_json
from utils import get_config_param
from utils import locate_news_votes
from utils import locate_news_arrival
from utils import votes_on_newswire_item
from utils import remove_html
from utils import dangerous_markup
from utils import acct_dir
from utils import local_actor_url
from media import get_music_metadata
from media import attach_media
from media import replace_you_tube
from media import replace_twitter
from content import words_similarity
from content import limit_repeated_words
from content import post_tag_exists
from content import remove_long_words
from content import add_html_tags
from content import replace_emoji_from_tags
from content import remove_text_formatting
from auth import create_basic_auth_header
from blocking import is_blocked_hashtag
from blocking import is_blocked
from blocking import is_blocked_domain
from filters import is_filtered
from git import convert_post_to_patch
from linked_data_sig import generate_json_signature
from petnames import resolve_petnames
from video import convert_video_to_note
from context import get_individual_post_context
from maps import geocoords_from_map_link

def is_moderator(base_dir: str, nickname: str) -> bool:
    """Returns true if the given nickname is a moderator
    moderators_file = base_dir + '/accounts/moderators.txt'

    if not os.path.isfile(moderators_file):
        admin_name = get_config_param(base_dir, 'admin')
        if not admin_name:
            return False
        if admin_name == nickname:
            return True
        return False

    with open(moderators_file, 'r') as fp_mod:
        lines = fp_mod.readlines()
        if len(lines) == 0:
            admin_name = get_config_param(base_dir, 'admin')
            if not admin_name:
                return False
            if admin_name == nickname:
                return True
        for moderator in lines:
            moderator = moderator.strip('\n').strip('\r')
            if moderator == nickname:
                return True
    return False

def no_of_followers_on_domain(base_dir: str, handle: str,
                              domain: str, follow_file='followers.txt') -> int:
    """Returns the number of followers of the given handle from the given domain
    filename = base_dir + '/accounts/' + handle + '/' + follow_file
    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
        return 0

    ctr = 0
    with open(filename, 'r') as followers_file:
        for follower_handle in followers_file:
            if '@' in follower_handle:
                follower_domain = follower_handle.split('@')[1]
                follower_domain = follower_domain.replace('\n', '')
                follower_domain = follower_domain.replace('\r', '')
                if domain == follower_domain:
                    ctr += 1
    return ctr

def _get_local_private_key(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str) -> str:
    """Returns the private key for a local account
    if not domain or not nickname:
        return None
    handle = nickname + '@' + domain
    key_filename = base_dir + '/keys/private/' + handle.lower() + '.key'
    if not os.path.isfile(key_filename):
        return None
    with open(key_filename, 'r') as pem_file:
        return pem_file.read()
    return None

def get_instance_actor_key(base_dir: str, domain: str) -> str:
    """Returns the private key for the instance actor used for
    signing GET posts
    return _get_local_private_key(base_dir, 'inbox', domain)

def _get_local_public_key(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str) -> str:
    """Returns the public key for a local account
    if not domain or not nickname:
        return None
    handle = nickname + '@' + domain
    key_filename = base_dir + '/keys/public/' + handle.lower() + '.key'
    if not os.path.isfile(key_filename):
        return None
    with open(key_filename, 'r') as pem_file:
        return pem_file.read()
    return None

def _get_person_key(nickname: str, domain: str, base_dir: str,
                    key_type: str = 'public', debug: bool = False):
    """Returns the public or private key of a person
    if key_type == 'private':
        key_pem = _get_local_private_key(base_dir, nickname, domain)
        key_pem = _get_local_public_key(base_dir, nickname, domain)
    if not key_pem:
        if debug:
            print('DEBUG: ' + key_type + ' key file not found')
        return ''
    if len(key_pem) < 20:
        if debug:
            print('DEBUG: private key was too short: ' + key_pem)
        return ''
    return key_pem

def _clean_html(raw_html: str) -> str:
    # text=BeautifulSoup(raw_html, 'html.parser').get_text()
    text = raw_html
    return html.unescape(text)

def get_user_url(wf_request: {}, source_id: int, debug: bool) -> str:
    """Gets the actor url from a webfinger request
    if not wf_request.get('links'):
        if source_id == 72367:
            print('get_user_url ' + str(source_id) +
                  ' failed to get display name for webfinger ' +
            print('get_user_url webfinger activity+json contains no links ' +
                  str(source_id) + ' ' + str(wf_request))
        return None
    for link in wf_request['links']:
        if not (link.get('type') and link.get('href')):
        if link['type'] != 'application/activity+json':
        if '/@' not in link['href']:
            if debug and not has_users_path(link['href']):
                print('get_user_url webfinger activity+json ' +
                      'contains single user instance actor ' +
                      str(source_id) + ' ' + str(link))
            return link['href'].replace('/@', '/users/')
        return link['href']
    return None

def parse_user_feed(signing_priv_key_pem: str,
                    session, feed_url: str, as_header: {},
                    project_version: str, http_prefix: str,
                    origin_domain: str, debug: bool, depth: int = 0) -> []:
    if depth > 10:
        if debug:
            print('Maximum search depth reached')
        return None

    if debug:
        print('Getting user feed for ' + feed_url)
        print('User feed header ' + str(as_header))
        print('http_prefix ' + str(http_prefix))
        print('origin_domain ' + str(origin_domain))

    feed_json = \
        get_json(signing_priv_key_pem, session, feed_url, as_header, None,
                 debug, project_version, http_prefix, origin_domain)
    if not feed_json:
        profile_str = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams'
        accept_str = 'application/ld+json; profile="' + profile_str + '"'
        if as_header['Accept'] != accept_str:
            as_header = {
                'Accept': accept_str
            feed_json = get_json(signing_priv_key_pem, session, feed_url,
                                 as_header, None, debug, project_version,
                                 http_prefix, origin_domain)
    if not feed_json:
        if debug:
            print('No user feed was returned')
        return None

    if debug:
        print('User feed:')

    if 'orderedItems' in feed_json:
        return feed_json['orderedItems']
    if 'items' in feed_json:
        return feed_json['items']

    next_url = None
    if 'first' in feed_json:
        next_url = feed_json['first']
    elif 'next' in feed_json:
        next_url = feed_json['next']

    if debug:
        print('User feed next url: ' + str(next_url))

    if next_url:
        if isinstance(next_url, str):
            if '?max_id=0' not in next_url:
                user_feed = \
                                    session, next_url, as_header,
                                    project_version, http_prefix,
                                    origin_domain, debug, depth + 1)
                if user_feed:
                    return user_feed
        elif isinstance(next_url, dict):
            user_feed = next_url
            if user_feed.get('orderedItems'):
                return user_feed['orderedItems']
            if user_feed.get('items'):
                return user_feed['items']
    return None

def _get_person_box_actor(session, base_dir: str, actor: str,
                          profile_str: str, as_header: {},
                          debug: bool, project_version: str,
                          http_prefix: str, origin_domain: str,
                          person_cache: {},
                          signing_priv_key_pem: str,
                          source_id: int) -> {}:
    """Returns the actor json for the given actor url
    person_json = \
        get_person_from_cache(base_dir, actor, person_cache, True)
    if person_json:
        return person_json

    if '/channel/' in actor or '/accounts/' in actor:
        as_header = {
            'Accept': 'application/ld+json; profile="' + profile_str + '"'
    person_json = \
        get_json(signing_priv_key_pem, session, actor, as_header, None,
                 debug, project_version, http_prefix, origin_domain)
    if person_json:
        return person_json
    as_header = {
        'Accept': 'application/ld+json; profile="' + profile_str + '"'
    person_json = \
        get_json(signing_priv_key_pem, session, actor, as_header, None,
                 debug, project_version, http_prefix, origin_domain)
    if person_json:
        return person_json
    print('Unable to get actor for ' + actor + ' ' + str(source_id))
    if not signing_priv_key_pem:
        print('No signing key provided when getting actor')
    return None

def get_person_box(signing_priv_key_pem: str, origin_domain: str,
                   base_dir: str, session, wf_request: {}, person_cache: {},
                   project_version: str, http_prefix: str,
                   nickname: str, domain: str,
                   box_name: str = 'inbox',
                   source_id=0) -> (str, str, str, str, str, str, str, bool):
    debug = False
    profile_str = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams'
    as_header = {
        'Accept': 'application/activity+json; profile="' + profile_str + '"'
    if not wf_request:
        print('No webfinger given')
        return None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None

    # get the actor / person_url
    if not wf_request.get('errors'):
        # get the actor url from webfinger links
        person_url = get_user_url(wf_request, source_id, debug)
        if nickname == 'dev':
            # try single user instance
            print('get_person_box: Trying single user instance with ld+json')
            person_url = http_prefix + '://' + domain
            as_header = {
                'Accept': 'application/ld+json; profile="' + profile_str + '"'
            # the final fallback is a mastodon style url
            person_url = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain)
    if not person_url:
        return None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None

    # get the actor json from the url
    person_json = \
        _get_person_box_actor(session, base_dir, person_url,
                              profile_str, as_header,
                              debug, project_version,
                              http_prefix, origin_domain,
                              person_cache, signing_priv_key_pem,
    if not person_json:
        return None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None

    is_group = False
    if person_json.get('type'):
        if person_json['type'] == 'Group':
            is_group = True

    # get the url for the box/collection
    box_json = None
    if not person_json.get(box_name):
        if person_json.get('endpoints'):
            if person_json['endpoints'].get(box_name):
                box_json = person_json['endpoints'][box_name]
        box_json = person_json[box_name]
    if not box_json:
        return None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None

    person_id = None
    if person_json.get('id'):
        person_id = person_json['id']
    pub_key_id = None
    pub_key = None
    if person_json.get('publicKey'):
        if person_json['publicKey'].get('id'):
            pub_key_id = person_json['publicKey']['id']
        if person_json['publicKey'].get('publicKeyPem'):
            pub_key = person_json['publicKey']['publicKeyPem']
    shared_inbox = None
    if person_json.get('sharedInbox'):
        shared_inbox = person_json['sharedInbox']
        if person_json.get('endpoints'):
            if person_json['endpoints'].get('sharedInbox'):
                shared_inbox = person_json['endpoints']['sharedInbox']
    avatar_url = None
    if person_json.get('icon'):
        if person_json['icon'].get('url'):
            avatar_url = person_json['icon']['url']
    display_name = None
    if person_json.get('name'):
        display_name = person_json['name']
        if dangerous_markup(person_json['name'], False):
            display_name = '*ADVERSARY*'
        elif is_filtered(base_dir,
                         nickname, domain,
            display_name = '*FILTERED*'
        # have they moved?
        if person_json.get('movedTo'):
            display_name += ' ⌂'

    store_person_in_cache(base_dir, person_url, person_json,
                          person_cache, True)

    return box_json, pub_key_id, pub_key, person_id, shared_inbox, \
        avatar_url, display_name, is_group

def _is_public_feed_post(item: {}, person_posts: {}, debug: bool) -> bool:
    """Is the given post a public feed post?
    if not isinstance(item, dict):
        if debug:
            print('item object is not a dict')
        return False
    if not item.get('id'):
        if debug:
            print('No id')
        return False
    if not item.get('type'):
        if debug:
            print('No type')
        return False
    if item['type'] != 'Create' and \
       item['type'] != 'Announce' and \
       item['type'] != 'Page' and \
       item['type'] != 'Note':
        if debug:
            print('Not a Create/Note/Announce type')
        return False
    if item.get('object'):
        if isinstance(item['object'], dict):
            if not item['object'].get('published'):
                if debug:
                    print('No published attribute')
                return False
        elif isinstance(item['object'], str):
            if not item.get('published'):
                if debug:
                    print('No published attribute')
                return False
            if debug:
                print('object is not a dict or string')
            return False
    elif item['type'] == 'Note' or item['type'] == 'Page':
        if not item.get('published'):
            if debug:
                print('No published attribute')
            return False
    if not person_posts.get(item['id']):
        this_item = item
        if item.get('object'):
            this_item = item['object']
        # check that this is a public post
        # #Public should appear in the "to" list
        item_is_note = False
        if item['type'] == 'Note' or item['type'] == 'Page':
            item_is_note = True

        if isinstance(this_item, dict):
            if this_item.get('to'):
                is_public = False
                for recipient in this_item['to']:
                    if recipient.endswith('#Public'):
                        is_public = True
                if not is_public:
                    return False
        elif isinstance(this_item, str) or item_is_note:
            if item.get('to'):
                is_public = False
                for recipient in item['to']:
                    if recipient.endswith('#Public'):
                        is_public = True
                if not is_public:
                    return False
    return True

def is_create_inside_announce(item: {}) -> bool:
    """ is this a Create inside of an Announce?
    eg. lemmy feed item
    if not isinstance(item, dict):
        return False
    if item['type'] != 'Announce':
        return False
    if not item.get('object'):
        return False
    if not isinstance(item['object'], dict):
        return False
    if not item['object'].get('type'):
        return False
    if item['object']['type'] != 'Create':
        return False
    return True

def _get_posts(session, outbox_url: str, max_posts: int,
               max_mentions: int,
               max_emoji: int, max_attachments: int,
               federation_list: [],
               person_cache: {}, raw: bool,
               simple: bool, debug: bool,
               project_version: str, http_prefix: str,
               origin_domain: str, system_language: str,
               signing_priv_key_pem: str) -> {}:
    """Gets public posts from an outbox
    if debug:
        print('Getting outbox posts for ' + outbox_url)
    person_posts = {}
    if not outbox_url:
        return person_posts
    profile_str = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams'
    accept_str = \
        'application/activity+json; ' + \
        'profile="' + profile_str + '"'
    as_header = {
        'Accept': accept_str
    if '/outbox/' in outbox_url:
        accept_str = \
            'application/ld+json; ' + \
            'profile="' + profile_str + '"'
        as_header = {
            'Accept': accept_str
    if raw:
        if debug:
            print('Returning the raw feed')
        result = []
        i = 0
        user_feed = parse_user_feed(signing_priv_key_pem,
                                    session, outbox_url, as_header,
                                    project_version, http_prefix,
                                    origin_domain, debug)
        for item in user_feed:
            i += 1
            if i == max_posts:
        return None

    if debug:
        print('Returning a human readable version of the feed')
    user_feed = parse_user_feed(signing_priv_key_pem,
                                session, outbox_url, as_header,
                                project_version, http_prefix,
                                origin_domain, debug)
    if not user_feed:
        return person_posts

    i = 0
    for item in user_feed:
        if is_create_inside_announce(item):
            item = item['object']

        if not _is_public_feed_post(item, person_posts, debug):

        this_item = item
        this_item_type = item['type']
        if this_item_type not in ('Note', 'Page'):
            this_item = item['object']

        content = get_base_content_from_post(item, system_language)
        content = content.replace('&apos;', "'")

        mentions = []
        emoji = {}
        summary = ''
        in_reply_to = ''
        attachment = []
        sensitive = False
        if isinstance(this_item, dict):
            if this_item.get('tag'):
                for tag_item in this_item['tag']:
                    if not tag_item.get('type'):
                    tag_type = tag_item['type'].lower()
                    if tag_type == 'emoji':
                        if tag_item.get('name') and tag_item.get('icon'):
                            if tag_item['icon'].get('url'):
                                # No emoji from non-permitted domains
                                if url_permitted(tag_item['icon']['url'],
                                    emoji_name = tag_item['name']
                                    emoji_icon = tag_item['icon']['url']
                                    emoji[emoji_name] = emoji_icon
                                    if debug:
                                        print('url not permitted ' +
                    if tag_type == 'mention':
                        if tag_item.get('name'):
                            if tag_item['name'] not in mentions:
            if len(mentions) > max_mentions:
                if debug:
                    print('max mentions reached')
            if len(emoji) > max_emoji:
                if debug:
                    print('max emojis reached')

            if this_item.get('summaryMap'):
                if this_item['summaryMap'].get(system_language):
                    summary = this_item['summaryMap'][system_language]
            if not summary and this_item.get('summary'):
                if this_item['summary']:
                    summary = this_item['summary']

            if this_item.get('inReplyTo'):
                if this_item['inReplyTo']:
                    if isinstance(this_item['inReplyTo'], str):
                        # No replies to non-permitted domains
                        if not url_permitted(this_item['inReplyTo'],
                            if debug:
                                print('url not permitted ' +
                        in_reply_to = this_item['inReplyTo']

            if this_item.get('attachment'):
                if this_item['attachment']:
                    for attach in this_item['attachment']:
                        if attach.get('name') and attach.get('url'):
                            # no attachments from non-permitted domains
                            if url_permitted(attach['url'],
                                if debug:
                                    print('url not permitted ' +

            sensitive = False
            if this_item.get('sensitive'):
                sensitive = this_item['sensitive']

        if content:
            if simple:
                print(_clean_html(content) + '\n')
                person_posts[item['id']] = {
                    "sensitive": sensitive,
                    "inreplyto": in_reply_to,
                    "summary": summary,
                    "html": content,
                    "plaintext": _clean_html(content),
                    "attachment": attachment,
                    "mentions": mentions,
                    "emoji": emoji
            i += 1

            if i == max_posts:
    return person_posts

def _get_common_words() -> str:
    """Returns a list of common words
    return (
        'that', 'some', 'about', 'then', 'they', 'were',
        'also', 'from', 'with', 'this', 'have', 'more',
        'need', 'here', 'would', 'these', 'into', 'very',
        'well', 'when', 'what', 'your', 'there', 'which',
        'even', 'there', 'such', 'just', 'those', 'only',
        'will', 'much', 'than', 'them', 'each', 'goes',
        'been', 'over', 'their', 'where', 'could', 'though',
        'like', 'think', 'same', 'maybe', 'really', 'thing',
        'something', 'possible', 'actual', 'actually',
        'because', 'around', 'having', 'especially', 'other',
        'making', 'made', 'make', 'makes', 'including',
        'includes', 'know', 'knowing', 'knows', 'things',
        'say', 'says', 'saying', 'many', 'somewhat',
        'problem', 'problems', 'idea', 'ideas',
        'using', 'uses', 'https', 'still', 'want', 'wants'

def _update_word_frequency(content: str, word_frequency: {}) -> None:
    """Creates a dictionary containing words and the number of times
    that they appear
    plain_text = remove_html(content)
    remove_chars = ('.', ';', '?', '\n', ':')
    for char in remove_chars:
        plain_text = plain_text.replace(char, ' ')
    words_list = plain_text.split(' ')
    common_words = _get_common_words()
    for word in words_list:
        wordLen = len(word)
        if wordLen < 3:
        if wordLen < 4:
            if word.upper() != word:
        if '&' in word or \
           '"' in word or \
           '@' in word or \
           "'" in word or \
           "--" in word or \
           '//' in word:
        if word.lower() in common_words:
        if word_frequency.get(word):
            word_frequency[word] += 1
            word_frequency[word] = 1

def get_post_domains(session, outbox_url: str, max_posts: int,
                     max_mentions: int,
                     max_emoji: int, max_attachments: int,
                     federation_list: [],
                     person_cache: {},
                     debug: bool,
                     project_version: str, http_prefix: str,
                     domain: str,
                     word_frequency: {},
                     domain_list: [], system_language: str,
                     signing_priv_key_pem: str) -> []:
    """Returns a list of domains referenced within public posts
    if not outbox_url:
        return []
    profile_str = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams'
    accept_str = \
        'application/activity+json; ' + \
        'profile="' + profile_str + '"'
    as_header = {
        'Accept': accept_str
    if '/outbox/' in outbox_url:
        accept_str = \
            'application/ld+json; ' + \
            'profile="' + profile_str + '"'
        as_header = {
            'Accept': accept_str

    post_domains = domain_list

    i = 0
    user_feed = parse_user_feed(signing_priv_key_pem,
                                session, outbox_url, as_header,
                                project_version, http_prefix, domain, debug)
    for item in user_feed:
        i += 1
        if i > max_posts:
        if not has_object_dict(item):
        content_str = get_base_content_from_post(item, system_language)
        if content_str:
            _update_word_frequency(content_str, word_frequency)
        if item['object'].get('inReplyTo'):
            if isinstance(item['object']['inReplyTo'], str):
                post_domain, post_port = \
                if post_domain not in post_domains:

        if item['object'].get('tag'):
            for tag_item in item['object']['tag']:
                if not tag_item.get('type'):
                tag_type = tag_item['type'].lower()
                if tag_type == 'mention':
                    if tag_item.get('href'):
                        post_domain, post_port = \
                        if post_domain not in post_domains:
    return post_domains

def _get_posts_for_blocked_domains(base_dir: str,
                                   session, outbox_url: str, max_posts: int,
                                   max_mentions: int,
                                   max_emoji: int, max_attachments: int,
                                   federation_list: [],
                                   person_cache: {},
                                   debug: bool,
                                   project_version: str, http_prefix: str,
                                   domain: str,
                                   signing_priv_key_pem: str) -> {}:
    """Returns a dictionary of posts for blocked domains
    if not outbox_url:
        return {}
    profile_str = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams'
    accept_str = \
        'application/activity+json; ' + \
        'profile="' + profile_str + '"'
    as_header = {
        'Accept': accept_str
    if '/outbox/' in outbox_url:
        accept_str = \
            'application/ld+json; ' + \
            'profile="' + profile_str + '"'
        as_header = {
            'Accept': accept_str

    blocked_posts = {}

    i = 0
    user_feed = parse_user_feed(signing_priv_key_pem,
                                session, outbox_url, as_header,
                                project_version, http_prefix, domain, debug)
    for item in user_feed:
        i += 1
        if i > max_posts:
        if not has_object_dict(item):
        if item['object'].get('inReplyTo'):
            if isinstance(item['object']['inReplyTo'], str):
                post_domain, post_port = \
                if is_blocked_domain(base_dir, post_domain):
                    if item['object'].get('url'):
                        url = item['object']['url']
                        url = item['object']['id']
                    if not blocked_posts.get(post_domain):
                        blocked_posts[post_domain] = [url]
                        if url not in blocked_posts[post_domain]:

        if item['object'].get('tag'):
            for tag_item in item['object']['tag']:
                if not tag_item.get('type'):
                tag_type = tag_item['type'].lower()
                if tag_type == 'mention' and tag_item.get('href'):
                    post_domain, post_port = \
                    if is_blocked_domain(base_dir, post_domain):
                        if item['object'].get('url'):
                            url = item['object']['url']
                            url = item['object']['id']
                        if not blocked_posts.get(post_domain):
                            blocked_posts[post_domain] = [url]
                            if url not in blocked_posts[post_domain]:
    return blocked_posts

def delete_all_posts(base_dir: str,
                     nickname: str, domain: str, boxname: str) -> None:
    """Deletes all posts for a person from inbox or outbox
    if boxname not in ('inbox', 'outbox', 'tlblogs', 'tlnews'):
    box_dir = create_person_dir(nickname, domain, base_dir, boxname)
    for delete_filename in os.scandir(box_dir):
        delete_filename = delete_filename.name
        file_path = os.path.join(box_dir, delete_filename)
            if os.path.isfile(file_path):
            elif os.path.isdir(file_path):
                shutil.rmtree(file_path, ignore_errors=False, onerror=None)
        except OSError as ex:
            print('ERROR: delete_all_posts ' + str(ex))

def save_post_to_box(base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, post_id: str,
                     nickname: str, domain: str, post_json_object: {},
                     boxname: str) -> str:
    """Saves the give json to the give box
    Returns the filename
    if boxname not in ('inbox', 'outbox', 'tlblogs', 'tlnews', 'scheduled'):
        return None
    original_domain = domain
    domain = remove_domain_port(domain)

    if not post_id:
        status_number, _ = get_status_number()
        post_id = \
            local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, original_domain) + \
            '/statuses/' + status_number
        post_json_object['id'] = post_id + '/activity'
    if has_object_dict(post_json_object):
        post_json_object['object']['id'] = post_id
        post_json_object['object']['atomUri'] = post_id

    box_dir = create_person_dir(nickname, domain, base_dir, boxname)
    filename = box_dir + '/' + post_id.replace('/', '#') + '.json'

    save_json(post_json_object, filename)
    return filename

def _update_hashtags_index(base_dir: str, tag: {}, new_post_id: str) -> None:
    """Writes the post url for hashtags to a file
    This allows posts for a hashtag to be quickly looked up
    if tag['type'] != 'Hashtag':

    # create hashtags directory
    tags_dir = base_dir + '/tags'
    if not os.path.isdir(tags_dir):
    tag_name = tag['name']
    tags_filename = tags_dir + '/' + tag_name[1:] + '.txt'
    tagline = new_post_id + '\n'

    if not os.path.isfile(tags_filename):
        # create a new tags index file
            with open(tags_filename, 'w+') as tags_file:
        except OSError:
            print('EX: _update_hashtags_index unable to write tags file ' +
        # prepend to tags index file
        if tagline not in open(tags_filename).read():
                with open(tags_filename, 'r+') as tags_file:
                    content = tags_file.read()
                    if tagline not in content:
                        tags_file.seek(0, 0)
                        tags_file.write(tagline + content)
            except OSError as ex:
                print('EX: Failed to write entry to tags file ' +
                      tags_filename + ' ' + str(ex))

def _add_schedule_post(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
                       event_date_str: str, post_id: str) -> None:
    """Adds a scheduled post to the index
    handle = nickname + '@' + domain
    schedule_index_filename = \
        base_dir + '/accounts/' + handle + '/schedule.index'

    index_str = event_date_str + ' ' + post_id.replace('/', '#')
    if os.path.isfile(schedule_index_filename):
        if index_str not in open(schedule_index_filename).read():
                with open(schedule_index_filename, 'r+') as schedule_file:
                    content = schedule_file.read()
                    if index_str + '\n' not in content:
                        schedule_file.seek(0, 0)
                        schedule_file.write(index_str + '\n' + content)
                        print('DEBUG: scheduled post added to index')
            except OSError as ex:
                print('EX: Failed to write entry to scheduled posts index ' +
                      schedule_index_filename + ' ' + str(ex))
            with open(schedule_index_filename, 'w+') as schedule_file:
                schedule_file.write(index_str + '\n')
        except OSError as ex:
            print('EX: Failed to write entry to scheduled posts index2 ' +
                  schedule_index_filename + ' ' + str(ex))

def valid_content_warning(cw: str) -> str:
    """Returns a validated content warning
    cw = remove_html(cw)
    # hashtags within content warnings apparently cause a lot of trouble
    # so remove them
    if '#' in cw:
        cw = cw.replace('#', '').replace('  ', ' ')
    return remove_invalid_chars(cw)

def _load_auto_cw(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str) -> []:
    """Loads automatic CWs file and returns a list containing
    the lines of the file
    filename = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/autocw.txt'
    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
        return []
        with open(filename, 'r') as fp_auto:
            return fp_auto.readlines()
    except OSError:
        print('EX: unable to load auto cw file ' + filename)
    return []

def _add_auto_cw(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
                 subject: str, content: str) -> str:
    """Appends any automatic CW to the subject line
    and returns the new subject line
    new_subject = subject
    auto_cw_list = _load_auto_cw(base_dir, nickname, domain)
    for cw_rule in auto_cw_list:
        if '->' not in cw_rule:
        rulematch = cw_rule.split('->')[0].strip()
        if rulematch not in content:
        cw_str = cw_rule.split('->')[1].strip()
        if new_subject:
            if cw_str not in new_subject:
                new_subject += ', ' + cw_str
            new_subject = cw_str
    return new_subject

def _create_post_cw_from_reply(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
                               in_reply_to: str,
                               sensitive: bool, summary: str,
                               system_language: str,
                               languages_understood: []) -> (bool, str):
    """If this is a reply and the original post has a CW
    then use the same CW
    if in_reply_to and not sensitive:
        # locate the post which this is a reply to and check if
        # it has a content warning. If it does then reproduce
        # the same warning
        reply_post_filename = \
            locate_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, in_reply_to)
        if reply_post_filename:
            reply_to_json = load_json(reply_post_filename)
            if reply_to_json:
                if reply_to_json.get('object'):
                    if reply_to_json['object'].get('sensitive'):
                        if reply_to_json['object']['sensitive']:
                            sensitive = True
                            if reply_to_json['object'].get('summary'):
                                summary = \

    return sensitive, summary

def _create_post_s2s(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
                     http_prefix: str, content: str, status_number: str,
                     published: str, new_post_id: str, post_context: {},
                     to_recipients: [], to_cc: [], in_reply_to: str,
                     sensitive: bool, comments_enabled: bool,
                     tags: [], attach_image_filename: str,
                     media_type: str, image_description: str, city: str,
                     post_object_type: str, summary: str,
                     in_reply_to_atom_uri: str, system_language: str,
                     conversation_id: str, low_bandwidth: bool,
                     content_license_url: str) -> {}:
    """Creates a new server-to-server post
    actor_url = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain)
    id_str = \
        local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain) + \
        '/statuses/' + status_number + '/replies'
    new_post_url = \
        http_prefix + '://' + domain + '/@' + nickname + '/' + status_number
    new_post_attributed_to = \
        local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain)
    if not conversation_id:
        conversation_id = new_post_id
    new_post = {
        '@context': post_context,
        'id': new_post_id + '/activity',
        'type': 'Create',
        'actor': actor_url,
        'published': published,
        'to': to_recipients,
        'cc': to_cc,
        'object': {
            'id': new_post_id,
            'conversation': conversation_id,
            'type': post_object_type,
            'summary': summary,
            'inReplyTo': in_reply_to,
            'published': published,
            'url': new_post_url,
            'attributedTo': new_post_attributed_to,
            'to': to_recipients,
            'cc': to_cc,
            'sensitive': sensitive,
            'atomUri': new_post_id,
            'inReplyToAtomUri': in_reply_to_atom_uri,
            'commentsEnabled': comments_enabled,
            'rejectReplies': not comments_enabled,
            'mediaType': 'text/html',
            'content': content,
            'contentMap': {
                system_language: content
            'attachment': [],
            'tag': tags,
            'replies': {
                'id': id_str,
                'type': 'Collection',
                'first': {
                    'type': 'CollectionPage',
                    'next': id_str + '?only_other_accounts=true&page=true',
                    'partOf': id_str,
                    'items': []
    if attach_image_filename:
        new_post['object'] = \
            attach_media(base_dir, http_prefix, nickname, domain, port,
                         new_post['object'], attach_image_filename,
                         media_type, image_description, city, low_bandwidth,
    return new_post

def _create_post_c2s(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
                     http_prefix: str, content: str, status_number: str,
                     published: str, new_post_id: str, post_context: {},
                     to_recipients: [], to_cc: [], in_reply_to: str,
                     sensitive: bool, comments_enabled: bool,
                     tags: [], attach_image_filename: str,
                     media_type: str, image_description: str, city: str,
                     post_object_type: str, summary: str,
                     in_reply_to_atom_uri: str, system_language: str,
                     conversation_id: str, low_bandwidth: str,
                     content_license_url: str) -> {}:
    """Creates a new client-to-server post
    domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port)
    id_str = \
        local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full) + \
        '/statuses/' + status_number + '/replies'
    new_post_url = \
        http_prefix + '://' + domain + '/@' + nickname + '/' + status_number
    if not conversation_id:
        conversation_id = new_post_id
    new_post = {
        "@context": post_context,
        'id': new_post_id,
        'conversation': conversation_id,
        'type': post_object_type,
        'summary': summary,
        'inReplyTo': in_reply_to,
        'published': published,
        'url': new_post_url,
        'attributedTo': local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full),
        'to': to_recipients,
        'cc': to_cc,
        'sensitive': sensitive,
        'atomUri': new_post_id,
        'inReplyToAtomUri': in_reply_to_atom_uri,
        'commentsEnabled': comments_enabled,
        'rejectReplies': not comments_enabled,
        'mediaType': 'text/html',
        'content': content,
        'contentMap': {
            system_language: content
        'attachment': [],
        'tag': tags,
        'replies': {
            'id': id_str,
            'type': 'Collection',
            'first': {
                'type': 'CollectionPage',
                'next': id_str + '?only_other_accounts=true&page=true',
                'partOf': id_str,
                'items': []
    if attach_image_filename:
        new_post = \
            attach_media(base_dir, http_prefix, nickname, domain, port,
                         new_post, attach_image_filename,
                         media_type, image_description, city, low_bandwidth,
    return new_post

def _create_post_place_and_time(event_date: str, end_date: str,
                                event_time: str, end_time: str,
                                summary: str, content: str,
                                schedule_post: bool,
                                event_uuid: str,
                                location: str,
                                tags: []) -> str:
    """Adds a place and time to the tags on a new post
    end_date_str = None
    if end_date:
        event_name = summary
        if not event_name:
            event_name = content
        end_date_str = end_date
        if end_time:
            if end_time.endswith('Z'):
                end_date_str = end_date + 'T' + end_time
                end_date_str = end_date + 'T' + end_time + \
                    ':00' + strftime("%z", gmtime())
            end_date_str = end_date + 'T12:00:00Z'

    # get the starting date and time
    event_date_str = None
    if event_date:
        event_name = summary
        if not event_name:
            event_name = content
        event_date_str = event_date
        if event_time:
            if event_time.endswith('Z'):
                event_date_str = event_date + 'T' + event_time
                event_date_str = event_date + 'T' + event_time + \
                    ':00' + strftime("%z", gmtime())
            event_date_str = event_date + 'T12:00:00Z'
        if not end_date_str:
            end_date_str = event_date_str
        if not schedule_post and not event_uuid:
                "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
                "type": "Event",
                "name": event_name,
                "startTime": event_date_str,
                "endTime": end_date_str
    if location and not event_uuid:
        latitude = longitude = None
        if '://' in location:
            _, latitude, longitude = \
        if latitude and longitude:
                "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
                "type": "Place",
                "name": location,
                "latitude": latitude,
                "longitude": longitude
                "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
                "type": "Place",
                "name": location
    return event_date_str

def _consolidate_actors_list(actors_list: []) -> None:
    """ consolidate duplicated actors
    https://domain/@nick gets merged with https://domain/users/nick
    possible_duplicate_actors = []
    for cc_actor in actors_list:
        if '/@' in cc_actor:
            if cc_actor not in possible_duplicate_actors:
    if possible_duplicate_actors:
        u_paths = get_user_paths()
        remove_actors = []
        for cc_actor in possible_duplicate_actors:
            for usr_path in u_paths:
                cc_actor_full = cc_actor.replace('/@', usr_path)
                if cc_actor_full in actors_list:
                    if cc_actor not in remove_actors:
        for cc_actor in remove_actors:

def _create_post_mentions(cc_url: str, new_post: {},
                          to_recipients: [], tags: []) -> None:
    """Updates mentions for a new post
    if not cc_url:
    if len(cc_url) == 0:

    if new_post.get('object'):
        if cc_url not in new_post['object']['cc']:
            new_post['object']['cc'] = [cc_url] + new_post['object']['cc']

        # if this is a public post then include any mentions in cc
        to_cc = new_post['object']['cc']
        if len(to_recipients) != 1:
        if to_recipients[0].endswith('#Public') and \
            for tag in tags:
                if tag['type'] != 'Mention':
                if tag['href'] not in to_cc:

        new_post['cc'] = new_post['object']['cc']
        if cc_url not in new_post['cc']:
            new_post['cc'] = [cc_url] + new_post['cc']

def _create_post_mod_report(base_dir: str,
                            is_moderation_report: bool, new_post: {},
                            new_post_id: str) -> None:
    """ if this is a moderation report then add a status
    if not is_moderation_report:
    # add status
    if new_post.get('object'):
        new_post['object']['moderationStatus'] = 'pending'
        new_post['moderationStatus'] = 'pending'
    # save to index file
    moderation_index_file = base_dir + '/accounts/moderation.txt'
        with open(moderation_index_file, 'a+') as mod_file:
            mod_file.write(new_post_id + '\n')
    except OSError:
        print('EX: unable to write moderation index file ' +

def get_actor_from_in_reply_to(in_reply_to: str) -> str:
    """Tries to get the replied to actor from the inReplyTo post id
    Note: this will not always be successful for some instance types
    reply_nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(in_reply_to)
    if not reply_nickname:
        return None
    reply_actor = None
    if '/' + reply_nickname + '/' in in_reply_to:
        reply_actor = \
            in_reply_to.split('/' + reply_nickname + '/')[0] + \
            '/' + reply_nickname
    elif '#' + reply_nickname + '#' in in_reply_to:
        reply_actor = \
            in_reply_to.split('#' + reply_nickname + '#')[0] + \
            '#' + reply_nickname
        reply_actor = reply_actor.replace('#', '/')
    if not reply_actor:
        return None
    if '://' not in reply_actor:
        return None
    return reply_actor

def _create_post_base(base_dir: str,
                      nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
                      to_url: str, cc_url: str, http_prefix: str, content: str,
                      followers_only: bool, save_to_file: bool,
                      client_to_server: bool, comments_enabled: bool,
                      attach_image_filename: str,
                      media_type: str, image_description: str, city: str,
                      is_moderation_report: bool,
                      is_article: bool,
                      in_reply_to: str,
                      in_reply_to_atom_uri: str,
                      subject: str, schedule_post: bool,
                      event_date: str, event_time: str,
                      location: str,
                      event_uuid: str, category: str,
                      join_mode: str,
                      end_date: str, end_time: str,
                      maximum_attendee_capacity: int,
                      replies_moderation_option: str,
                      anonymous_participation_enabled: bool,
                      event_status: str, ticket_url: str,
                      system_language: str,
                      conversation_id: str, low_bandwidth: bool,
                      content_license_url: str,
                      languages_understood: []) -> {}:
    """Creates a message
    content = remove_invalid_chars(content)

    subject = _add_auto_cw(base_dir, nickname, domain, subject, content)

    if nickname != 'news':
        mentioned_recipients = \
            get_mentioned_people(base_dir, http_prefix, content, domain, False)
        mentioned_recipients = ''

    # add hashtags from audio file ID3 tags, such as Artist, Album, etc
    if attach_image_filename and media_type:
        audio_types = get_audio_extensions()
        music_metadata = None
        for ext in audio_types:
            if ext in media_type:
                music_metadata = get_music_metadata(attach_image_filename)
        if music_metadata:
            for audio_tag, audio_value in music_metadata.items():
                if audio_tag == 'title' or audio_tag == 'track':
                # capitalize and remove any spaces
                audio_value = audio_value.title().replace(' ', '')
                # check that the tag is valid
                if valid_hash_tag(audio_value) and \
                   '#' + audio_value not in content:
                    # check that it hasn't been blocked
                    if not is_blocked_hashtag(base_dir, audio_value):
                        content += ' #' + audio_value

    tags = []
    hashtags_dict = {}

    domain = get_full_domain(domain, port)

    # add tags
    if nickname != 'news':
        content = \
            add_html_tags(base_dir, http_prefix,
                          nickname, domain, content,
                          hashtags_dict, True)

    # replace emoji with unicode
    tags = []
    for tag_name, tag in hashtags_dict.items():

    # get list of tags
    if nickname != 'news':
        content = \
            replace_emoji_from_tags(None, base_dir, content, tags, 'content',
                                    False, True)
    # remove replaced emoji
    hashtags_dict_copy = hashtags_dict.copy()
    for tag_name, tag in hashtags_dict_copy.items():
        if tag.get('name'):
            if tag['name'].startswith(':'):
                if tag['name'] not in content:
                    del hashtags_dict[tag_name]

    status_number, published = get_status_number()
    new_post_id = \
        local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain) + \
        '/statuses/' + status_number

    sensitive = False
    summary = None
    if subject:
        summary = remove_invalid_chars(valid_content_warning(subject))
        sensitive = True

    to_recipients = []
    to_cc = []
    if to_url:
        if not isinstance(to_url, str):
            print('ERROR: to_url is not a string')
            return None
        to_recipients = [to_url]

    # who to send to
    if mentioned_recipients:
        for mention in mentioned_recipients:
            if mention not in to_cc:

    is_public = False
    for recipient in to_recipients:
        if recipient.endswith('#Public'):
            is_public = True

    # create a list of hashtags
    # Only posts which are #Public are searchable by hashtag
    if hashtags_dict:
        for tag_name, tag in hashtags_dict.items():
            if not post_tag_exists(tag['type'], tag['name'], tags):
            if is_public:
                _update_hashtags_index(base_dir, tag, new_post_id)
        # print('Content tags: ' + str(tags))

    sensitive, summary = \
        _create_post_cw_from_reply(base_dir, nickname, domain,
                                   in_reply_to, sensitive, summary,
                                   system_language, languages_understood)

    event_date_str = \
        _create_post_place_and_time(event_date, end_date,
                                    event_time, end_time,
                                    summary, content, schedule_post,
                                    event_uuid, location, tags)

    post_context = get_individual_post_context()

    if not is_public:
        # make sure that CC doesn't also contain a To address
        # eg. To: [ "https://mydomain/users/foo/followers" ]
        #     CC: [ "X", "Y", "https://mydomain/users/foo", "Z" ]
        remove_from_cc = []
        for cc_recipient in to_cc:
            for send_to_actor in to_recipients:
                if cc_recipient in send_to_actor and \
                   cc_recipient not in remove_from_cc:
        for cc_removal in remove_from_cc:
        if in_reply_to:
            # If this is a public post then get the actor being
            # replied to end ensure that it is within the CC list
            reply_actor = get_actor_from_in_reply_to(in_reply_to)
            if reply_actor:
                if reply_actor not in to_cc:

    # the type of post to be made
    post_object_type = 'Note'
    if is_article:
        post_object_type = 'Article'

    if not client_to_server:
        new_post = \
            _create_post_s2s(base_dir, nickname, domain, port,
                             http_prefix, content, status_number,
                             published, new_post_id, post_context,
                             to_recipients, to_cc, in_reply_to,
                             sensitive, comments_enabled,
                             tags, attach_image_filename,
                             media_type, image_description, city,
                             post_object_type, summary,
                             in_reply_to_atom_uri, system_language,
                             conversation_id, low_bandwidth,
        new_post = \
            _create_post_c2s(base_dir, nickname, domain, port,
                             http_prefix, content, status_number,
                             published, new_post_id, post_context,
                             to_recipients, to_cc, in_reply_to,
                             sensitive, comments_enabled,
                             tags, attach_image_filename,
                             media_type, image_description, city,
                             post_object_type, summary,
                             in_reply_to_atom_uri, system_language,
                             conversation_id, low_bandwidth,

    _create_post_mentions(cc_url, new_post, to_recipients, tags)

    _create_post_mod_report(base_dir, is_moderation_report,
                            new_post, new_post_id)

    # If a patch has been posted - i.e. the output from
    # git format-patch - then convert the activitypub type
    convert_post_to_patch(base_dir, nickname, domain, new_post)

    if schedule_post:
        if event_date and event_time:
            # add an item to the scheduled post index file
            _add_schedule_post(base_dir, nickname, domain,
                               event_date_str, new_post_id)
            save_post_to_box(base_dir, http_prefix, new_post_id,
                             nickname, domain, new_post, 'scheduled')
            print('Unable to create scheduled post without ' +
                  'date and time values')
            return new_post
    elif save_to_file:
        if is_article:
            save_post_to_box(base_dir, http_prefix, new_post_id,
                             nickname, domain, new_post, 'tlblogs')
            save_post_to_box(base_dir, http_prefix, new_post_id,
                             nickname, domain, new_post, 'outbox')
    return new_post

def outbox_message_create_wrap(http_prefix: str,
                               nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
                               message_json: {}) -> {}:
    """Wraps a received message in a Create

    domain = get_full_domain(domain, port)
    status_number, published = get_status_number()
    if message_json.get('published'):
        published = message_json['published']
    new_post_id = \
        local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain) + \
        '/statuses/' + status_number
    cc_list = []
    if message_json.get('cc'):
        cc_list = message_json['cc']
    new_post = {
        "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
        'id': new_post_id + '/activity',
        'type': 'Create',
        'actor': local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain),
        'published': published,
        'to': message_json['to'],
        'cc': cc_list,
        'object': message_json
    new_post['object']['id'] = new_post['id']
    new_post['object']['url'] = \
        http_prefix + '://' + domain + '/@' + nickname + '/' + status_number
    new_post['object']['atomUri'] = \
        local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain) + \
        '/statuses/' + status_number
    return new_post

def _post_is_addressed_to_followers(base_dir: str,
                                    nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
                                    http_prefix: str,
                                    post_json_object: {}) -> bool:
    """Returns true if the given post is addressed to followers of the nickname
    domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port)

    if not post_json_object.get('object'):
        return False
    to_list = []
    cc_list = []
    if post_json_object['type'] != 'Update' and \
        if post_json_object['object'].get('to'):
            to_list = post_json_object['object']['to']
        if post_json_object['object'].get('cc'):
            cc_list = post_json_object['object']['cc']
        if post_json_object.get('to'):
            to_list = post_json_object['to']
        if post_json_object.get('cc'):
            cc_list = post_json_object['cc']

    followers_url = \
        local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full) + '/followers'

    # does the followers url exist in 'to' or 'cc' lists?
    addressed_to_followers = False
    if followers_url in to_list:
        addressed_to_followers = True
    elif followers_url in cc_list:
        addressed_to_followers = True
    return addressed_to_followers

def pin_post(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
             pinned_content: str, followers_only: bool) -> None:
    """Pins the given post Id to the profile of then given account
    account_dir = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain)
    pinned_filename = account_dir + '/pinToProfile.txt'
        with open(pinned_filename, 'w+') as pin_file:
    except OSError:
        print('EX: unable to write ' + pinned_filename)

def undo_pinned_post(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str) -> None:
    """Removes pinned content for then given account
    account_dir = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain)
    pinned_filename = account_dir + '/pinToProfile.txt'
    if not os.path.isfile(pinned_filename):
    except OSError:
        print('EX: undo_pinned_post unable to delete ' + pinned_filename)

def get_pinned_post_as_json(base_dir: str, http_prefix: str,
                            nickname: str, domain: str,
                            domain_full: str, system_language: str) -> {}:
    """Returns the pinned profile post as json
    account_dir = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain)
    pinned_filename = account_dir + '/pinToProfile.txt'
    pinned_post_json = {}
    actor = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full)
    if os.path.isfile(pinned_filename):
        pinned_content = None
        with open(pinned_filename, 'r') as pin_file:
            pinned_content = pin_file.read()
        if pinned_content:
            pinned_post_json = {
                'atomUri': actor + '/pinned',
                'attachment': [],
                'attributedTo': actor,
                'cc': [
                    actor + '/followers'
                'content': pinned_content,
                'contentMap': {
                    system_language: pinned_content
                'id': actor + '/pinned',
                'inReplyTo': None,
                'inReplyToAtomUri': None,
                'published': file_last_modified(pinned_filename),
                'replies': {},
                'sensitive': False,
                'summary': None,
                'tag': [],
                'to': ['https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public'],
                'type': 'Note',
                'url': replace_users_with_at(actor) + '/pinned'
    return pinned_post_json

def json_pin_post(base_dir: str, http_prefix: str,
                  nickname: str, domain: str,
                  domain_full: str, system_language: str) -> {}:
    """Returns a pinned post as json
    pinned_post_json = \
        get_pinned_post_as_json(base_dir, http_prefix,
                                nickname, domain,
                                domain_full, system_language)
    items_list = []
    if pinned_post_json:
        items_list = [pinned_post_json]

    actor = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full)
    post_context = get_individual_post_context()
    return {
        '@context': post_context,
        'id': actor + '/collections/featured',
        'orderedItems': items_list,
        'totalItems': len(items_list),
        'type': 'OrderedCollection'

def regenerate_index_for_box(base_dir: str,
                             nickname: str, domain: str,
                             box_name: str) -> None:
    """Generates an index for the given box if it doesn't exist
    Used by unit tests to artificially create an index
    box_dir = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/' + box_name
    box_index_filename = box_dir + '.index'

    if not os.path.isdir(box_dir):
    if os.path.isfile(box_index_filename):

    index_lines = []
    for _, _, files in os.walk(box_dir):
        for fname in files:
            if ':##' not in fname:


    result = ''
        with open(box_index_filename, 'w+') as fp_box:
            for line in index_lines:
                result += line + '\n'
                fp_box.write(line + '\n')
    except OSError:
        print('EX: unable to generate index for ' + box_name + ' ' + result)
    print('Index generated for ' + box_name + '\n' + result)

def create_public_post(base_dir: str,
                       nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, http_prefix: str,
                       content: str, followers_only: bool, save_to_file: bool,
                       client_to_server: bool, comments_enabled: bool,
                       attach_image_filename: str, media_type: str,
                       image_description: str, city: str,
                       in_reply_to: str,
                       in_reply_to_atom_uri: str, subject: str,
                       schedule_post: bool,
                       event_date: str, event_time: str, event_end_time: str,
                       location: str, is_article: bool, system_language: str,
                       conversation_id: str, low_bandwidth: bool,
                       content_license_url: str,
                       languages_understood: []) -> {}:
    """Public post
    domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port)
    is_moderation_report = False
    event_uuid = None
    category = None
    join_mode = None
    end_date = event_date
    end_time = event_end_time
    maximum_attendee_capacity = None
    replies_moderation_option = None
    anonymous_participation_enabled = None
    event_status = None
    ticket_url = None
    local_actor = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full)
    return _create_post_base(base_dir, nickname, domain, port,
                             local_actor + '/followers',
                             http_prefix, content, followers_only,
                             client_to_server, comments_enabled,
                             attach_image_filename, media_type,
                             image_description, city,
                             is_moderation_report, is_article,
                             in_reply_to, in_reply_to_atom_uri, subject,
                             schedule_post, event_date, event_time, location,
                             event_uuid, category, join_mode,
                             end_date, end_time,
                             event_status, ticket_url, system_language,
                             conversation_id, low_bandwidth,

def _append_citations_to_blog_post(base_dir: str,
                                   nickname: str, domain: str,
                                   blog_json: {}) -> None:
    """Appends any citations to a new blog post
    # append citations tags, stored in a file
    citations_filename = \
        acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/.citations.txt'
    if not os.path.isfile(citations_filename):
    citations_separator = '#####'
    with open(citations_filename, 'r') as fp_cit:
        citations = fp_cit.readlines()
        for line in citations:
            if citations_separator not in line:
            sections = line.strip().split(citations_separator)
            if len(sections) != 3:
            # date_str = sections[0]
            title = sections[1]
            link = sections[2]
            tag_json = {
                "type": "Article",
                "name": title,
                "url": link

def create_blog_post(base_dir: str,
                     nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, http_prefix: str,
                     content: str, followers_only: bool, save_to_file: bool,
                     client_to_server: bool, comments_enabled: bool,
                     attach_image_filename: str, media_type: str,
                     image_description: str, city: str,
                     in_reply_to: str, in_reply_to_atom_uri: str,
                     subject: str, schedule_post: bool,
                     event_date: str, event_time: str, event_end_time: str,
                     location: str, system_language: str,
                     conversation_id: str, low_bandwidth: bool,
                     content_license_url: str,
                     languages_understood: []) -> {}:
    blog_json = \
                           nickname, domain, port, http_prefix,
                           content, followers_only, save_to_file,
                           client_to_server, comments_enabled,
                           attach_image_filename, media_type,
                           image_description, city,
                           in_reply_to, in_reply_to_atom_uri, subject,
                           event_date, event_time, event_end_time, location,
                           True, system_language, conversation_id,
                           low_bandwidth, content_license_url,
    blog_json['object']['url'] = \
        blog_json['object']['url'].replace('/@', '/users/')
    _append_citations_to_blog_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, blog_json)

    return blog_json

def create_news_post(base_dir: str,
                     domain: str, port: int, http_prefix: str,
                     content: str, followers_only: bool, save_to_file: bool,
                     attach_image_filename: str, media_type: str,
                     image_description: str, city: str,
                     subject: str, system_language: str,
                     conversation_id: str, low_bandwidth: bool,
                     content_license_url: str,
                     languages_understood: []) -> {}:
    client_to_server = False
    in_reply_to = None
    in_reply_to_atom_uri = None
    schedule_post = False
    event_date = None
    event_time = None
    event_end_time = None
    location = None
    blog = \
                           'news', domain, port, http_prefix,
                           content, followers_only, save_to_file,
                           client_to_server, False,
                           attach_image_filename, media_type,
                           image_description, city,
                           in_reply_to, in_reply_to_atom_uri, subject,
                           event_date, event_time, event_end_time, location,
                           True, system_language, conversation_id,
                           low_bandwidth, content_license_url,
    blog['object']['type'] = 'Article'
    return blog

def create_question_post(base_dir: str,
                         nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
                         http_prefix: str,
                         content: str, q_options: [],
                         followers_only: bool, save_to_file: bool,
                         client_to_server: bool, comments_enabled: bool,
                         attach_image_filename: str, media_type: str,
                         image_description: str, city: str,
                         subject: str, durationDays: int,
                         system_language: str, low_bandwidth: bool,
                         content_license_url: str,
                         languages_understood: []) -> {}:
    """Question post with multiple choice options
    domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port)
    local_actor = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full)
    message_json = \
        _create_post_base(base_dir, nickname, domain, port,
                          local_actor + '/followers',
                          http_prefix, content, followers_only, save_to_file,
                          client_to_server, comments_enabled,
                          attach_image_filename, media_type,
                          image_description, city,
                          False, False, None, None, subject,
                          False, None, None, None, None, None,
                          None, None, None,
                          None, None, None, None, None, system_language,
                          None, low_bandwidth, content_license_url,
    message_json['object']['type'] = 'Question'
    message_json['object']['oneOf'] = []
    message_json['object']['votersCount'] = 0
    curr_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    days_since_epoch = \
        int((curr_time - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)).days + durationDays)
    end_time = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) + \
    message_json['object']['endTime'] = end_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
    for question_option in q_options:
            "type": "Note",
            "name": question_option,
            "replies": {
                "type": "Collection",
                "totalItems": 0
    return message_json

def create_unlisted_post(base_dir: str,
                         nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
                         http_prefix: str,
                         content: str, followers_only: bool,
                         save_to_file: bool,
                         client_to_server: bool, comments_enabled: bool,
                         attach_image_filename: str, media_type: str,
                         image_description: str, city: str,
                         in_reply_to: str, in_reply_to_atom_uri: str,
                         subject: str, schedule_post: bool,
                         event_date: str, event_time: str, event_end_time: str,
                         location: str, system_language: str,
                         conversation_id: str, low_bandwidth: bool,
                         content_license_url: str,
                         languages_understood: []) -> {}:
    """Unlisted post. This has the #Public and followers links inverted.
    domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port)
    local_actor = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full)
    return _create_post_base(base_dir, nickname, domain, port,
                             local_actor + '/followers',
                             http_prefix, content, followers_only,
                             client_to_server, comments_enabled,
                             attach_image_filename, media_type,
                             image_description, city,
                             False, False,
                             in_reply_to, in_reply_to_atom_uri, subject,
                             schedule_post, event_date,
                             event_time, location,
                             None, None, None, event_date, event_end_time,
                             None, None, None, None, None, system_language,
                             conversation_id, low_bandwidth,
                             content_license_url, languages_understood)

def create_followers_only_post(base_dir: str,
                               nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
                               http_prefix: str,
                               content: str, followers_only: bool,
                               save_to_file: bool,
                               client_to_server: bool, comments_enabled: bool,
                               attach_image_filename: str, media_type: str,
                               image_description: str, city: str,
                               in_reply_to: str,
                               in_reply_to_atom_uri: str,
                               subject: str, schedule_post: bool,
                               event_date: str,
                               event_time: str,  event_end_time: str,
                               location: str, system_language: str,
                               conversation_id: str, low_bandwidth: bool,
                               content_license_url: str,
                               languages_understood: []) -> {}:
    """Followers only post
    domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port)
    local_actor = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full)
    return _create_post_base(base_dir, nickname, domain, port,
                             local_actor + '/followers', None,
                             http_prefix, content, followers_only,
                             client_to_server, comments_enabled,
                             attach_image_filename, media_type,
                             image_description, city,
                             False, False,
                             in_reply_to, in_reply_to_atom_uri, subject,
                             schedule_post, event_date, event_time, location,
                             None, None, None, event_date, event_end_time,
                             None, None, None, None, None, system_language,
                             conversation_id, low_bandwidth,
                             content_license_url, languages_understood)

def get_mentioned_people(base_dir: str, http_prefix: str,
                         content: str, domain: str, debug: bool) -> []:
    """Extracts a list of mentioned actors from the given message content
    if '@' not in content:
        return None
    mentions = []
    words = content.split(' ')
    for wrd in words:
        if not wrd.startswith('@'):
        handle = wrd[1:]
        if debug:
            print('DEBUG: mentioned handle ' + handle)
        if '@' not in handle:
            handle = handle + '@' + domain
            if not os.path.isdir(base_dir + '/accounts/' + handle):
            external_domain = handle.split('@')[1]
            if not ('.' in external_domain or
                    external_domain == 'localhost'):
        mentioned_nickname = handle.split('@')[0]
        mentioned_domain = handle.split('@')[1].strip('\n').strip('\r')
        if ':' in mentioned_domain:
            mentioned_domain = remove_domain_port(mentioned_domain)
        if not valid_nickname(mentioned_domain, mentioned_nickname):
        actor = \
            local_actor_url(http_prefix, mentioned_nickname,
    return mentions

def create_direct_message_post(base_dir: str,
                               nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
                               http_prefix: str,
                               content: str, followers_only: bool,
                               save_to_file: bool, client_to_server: bool,
                               comments_enabled: bool,
                               attach_image_filename: str, media_type: str,
                               image_description: str, city: str,
                               in_reply_to: str,
                               in_reply_to_atom_uri: str,
                               subject: str, debug: bool,
                               schedule_post: bool,
                               event_date: str, event_time: str,
                               event_end_time: str,
                               location: str, system_language: str,
                               conversation_id: str, low_bandwidth: bool,
                               content_license_url: str,
                               languages_understood: [],
                               dm_is_chat: bool) -> {}:
    """Direct Message post
    content = resolve_petnames(base_dir, nickname, domain, content)
    mentioned_people = \
        get_mentioned_people(base_dir, http_prefix, content, domain, debug)
    if debug:
        print('mentioned_people: ' + str(mentioned_people))
    if not mentioned_people:
        return None
    post_to = None
    post_cc = None
    message_json = \
        _create_post_base(base_dir, nickname, domain, port,
                          post_to, post_cc,
                          http_prefix, content, followers_only, save_to_file,
                          client_to_server, comments_enabled,
                          attach_image_filename, media_type,
                          image_description, city,
                          False, False,
                          in_reply_to, in_reply_to_atom_uri, subject,
                          schedule_post, event_date, event_time, location,
                          None, None, None, event_date, event_end_time,
                          None, None, None, None, None, system_language,
                          conversation_id, low_bandwidth,
                          content_license_url, languages_understood)
    # mentioned recipients go into To rather than Cc
    message_json['to'] = message_json['object']['cc']
    message_json['object']['to'] = message_json['to']
    message_json['cc'] = []
    message_json['object']['cc'] = []
    if dm_is_chat:
        message_json['object']['type'] = 'ChatMessage'
    if schedule_post:
        post_id = remove_id_ending(message_json['object']['id'])
        save_post_to_box(base_dir, http_prefix, post_id,
                         nickname, domain, message_json, 'scheduled')
    return message_json

def create_report_post(base_dir: str,
                       nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, http_prefix: str,
                       content: str, followers_only: bool, save_to_file: bool,
                       client_to_server: bool, comments_enabled: bool,
                       attach_image_filename: str, media_type: str,
                       image_description: str, city: str,
                       debug: bool, subject: str, system_language: str,
                       low_bandwidth: bool,
                       content_license_url: str,
                       languages_understood: []) -> {}:
    """Send a report to moderators
    domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port)

    # add a title to distinguish moderation reports from other posts
    report_title = 'Moderation Report'
    if not subject:
        subject = report_title
        if not subject.startswith(report_title):
            subject = report_title + ': ' + subject

    # create the list of moderators from the moderators file
    moderators_list = []
    moderators_file = base_dir + '/accounts/moderators.txt'
    if os.path.isfile(moderators_file):
        with open(moderators_file, 'r') as fp_mod:
            for line in fp_mod:
                line = line.strip('\n').strip('\r')
                if line.startswith('#'):
                if line.startswith('/users/'):
                    line = line.replace('users', '')
                if line.startswith('@'):
                    line = line[1:]
                if '@' in line:
                    nick = line.split('@')[0]
                    moderator_actor = \
                        local_actor_url(http_prefix, nick, domain_full)
                    if moderator_actor not in moderators_list:
                if line.startswith('http') or \
                   line.startswith('ipfs') or \
                   line.startswith('ipns') or \
                    # must be a local address - no remote moderators
                    if '://' + domain_full + '/' in line:
                        if line not in moderators_list:
                    if '/' not in line:
                        moderator_actor = \
                            local_actor_url(http_prefix, line, domain_full)
                        if moderator_actor not in moderators_list:
    if len(moderators_list) == 0:
        # if there are no moderators then the admin becomes the moderator
        admin_nickname = get_config_param(base_dir, 'admin')
        if admin_nickname:
            local_actor = \
                local_actor_url(http_prefix, admin_nickname, domain_full)
    if not moderators_list:
        return None
    if debug:
        print('DEBUG: Sending report to moderators')
    post_to = moderators_list
    post_cc = None
    post_json_object = None
    for to_url in post_to:
        # who is this report going to?
        to_nickname = to_url.split('/users/')[1]
        handle = to_nickname + '@' + domain

        post_json_object = \
            _create_post_base(base_dir, nickname, domain, port,
                              to_url, post_cc,
                              http_prefix, content, followers_only,
                              client_to_server, comments_enabled,
                              attach_image_filename, media_type,
                              image_description, city,
                              True, False, None, None, subject,
                              False, None, None, None, None, None,
                              None, None, None,
                              None, None, None, None, None, system_language,
                              None, low_bandwidth, content_license_url,
        if not post_json_object:

        # save a notification file so that the moderator
        # knows something new has appeared
        new_report_file = base_dir + '/accounts/' + handle + '/.newReport'
        if os.path.isfile(new_report_file):
            with open(new_report_file, 'w+') as fp_report:
                fp_report.write(to_url + '/moderation')
        except OSError:
            print('EX: create_report_post unable to write ' + new_report_file)

    return post_json_object

def thread_send_post(session, post_json_str: str, federation_list: [],
                     inbox_url: str, base_dir: str,
                     signature_header_json: {},
                     signature_header_json_ld: {},
                     post_log: [], debug: bool,
                     http_prefix: str, domain_full: str) -> None:
    """Sends a with retries
    tries = 0
    send_interval_sec = 30
    for _ in range(20):
        post_result = None
        unauthorized = False
        if debug:
            print('Getting post_json_string for ' + inbox_url)
            post_result, unauthorized, return_code = \
                post_json_string(session, post_json_str, federation_list,
                                 inbox_url, signature_header_json,
                                 debug, http_prefix, domain_full)
            if return_code >= 500 and return_code < 600:
                # if an instance is returning a code which indicates that
                # it might have a runtime error, like 503, then don't
                # continue to post to it
            if debug:
                print('Obtained post_json_string for ' + inbox_url +
                      ' unauthorized: ' + str(unauthorized))
        except Exception as ex:
            print('ERROR: post_json_string failed ' + str(ex))

        if unauthorized:
            # try again with application/ld+json header
            post_result = None
            unauthorized = False
            if debug:
                print('Getting ld post_json_string for ' + inbox_url)
                post_result, unauthorized, return_code = \
                    post_json_string(session, post_json_str, federation_list,
                                     inbox_url, signature_header_json_ld,
                                     debug, http_prefix, domain_full)
                if return_code >= 500 and return_code < 600:
                    # if an instance is returning a code which indicates that
                    # it might have a runtime error, like 503, then don't
                    # continue to post to it
                if debug:
                    print('Obtained ld post_json_string for ' + inbox_url +
                          ' unauthorized: ' + str(unauthorized))
            except Exception as ex:
                print('ERROR: ld post_json_string failed ' + str(ex))

        if unauthorized:
            print('WARN: thread_send_post: Post is unauthorized ' +
                  inbox_url + ' ' + post_json_str)
        if post_result:
            log_str = 'Success on try ' + str(tries) + ': ' + post_json_str
            log_str = 'Retry ' + str(tries) + ': ' + post_json_str
        # keep the length of the log finite
        # Don't accumulate massive files on systems with limited resources
        while len(post_log) > 16:
        if debug:
            # save the log file
            post_log_filename = base_dir + '/post.log'
            if os.path.isfile(post_log_filename):
                with open(post_log_filename, 'a+') as log_file:
                    log_file.write(log_str + '\n')
                with open(post_log_filename, 'w+') as log_file:
                    log_file.write(log_str + '\n')

        if post_result:
            if debug:
                print('DEBUG: successful json post to ' + inbox_url)
            # our work here is done
        if debug:
            print('DEBUG: json post to ' + inbox_url +
                  ' failed. Waiting for ' +
                  str(send_interval_sec) + ' seconds.')
        tries += 1

def send_post(signing_priv_key_pem: str, project_version: str,
              session, base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
              to_nickname: str, to_domain: str, to_port: int, cc: str,
              http_prefix: str, content: str, followers_only: bool,
              save_to_file: bool, client_to_server: bool,
              comments_enabled: bool,
              attach_image_filename: str, media_type: str,
              image_description: str, city: str,
              federation_list: [], send_threads: [], post_log: [],
              cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {},
              is_article: bool, system_language: str,
              languages_understood: [],
              shared_items_federated_domains: [],
              shared_item_federation_tokens: {},
              low_bandwidth: bool, content_license_url: str,
              debug: bool = False, in_reply_to: str = None,
              in_reply_to_atom_uri: str = None, subject: str = None) -> int:
    """Post to another inbox. Used by unit tests.
    with_digest = True
    conversation_id = None

    if to_nickname == 'inbox':
        # shared inbox actor on @domain@domain
        to_nickname = to_domain

    to_domain = get_full_domain(to_domain, to_port)

    handle = http_prefix + '://' + to_domain + '/@' + to_nickname

    # lookup the inbox for the To handle
    wf_request = webfinger_handle(session, handle, http_prefix,
                                  domain, project_version, debug, False,
    if not wf_request:
        return 1
    if not isinstance(wf_request, dict):
        print('WARN: Webfinger for ' + handle + ' did not return a dict. ' +
        return 1

    if not client_to_server:
        post_to_box = 'inbox'
        post_to_box = 'outbox'
        if is_article:
            post_to_box = 'tlblogs'

    # get the actor inbox for the To handle
    origin_domain = domain
    (inbox_url, _, pub_key, to_person_id, _, _,
     _, _) = get_person_box(signing_priv_key_pem,
                            base_dir, session, wf_request,
                            project_version, http_prefix,
                            nickname, domain, post_to_box,

    if not inbox_url:
        return 3
    if not pub_key:
        return 4
    if not to_person_id:
        return 5
    # shared_inbox is optional

    post_json_object = \
        _create_post_base(base_dir, nickname, domain, port,
                          to_person_id, cc, http_prefix, content,
                          followers_only, save_to_file, client_to_server,
                          attach_image_filename, media_type,
                          image_description, city,
                          False, is_article, in_reply_to,
                          in_reply_to_atom_uri, subject,
                          False, None, None, None, None, None,
                          None, None, None,
                          None, None, None, None, None, system_language,
                          conversation_id, low_bandwidth,
                          content_license_url, languages_understood)

    # get the senders private key
    private_key_pem = _get_person_key(nickname, domain, base_dir, 'private')
    if len(private_key_pem) == 0:
        return 6

    if to_domain not in inbox_url:
        return 7
    post_path = inbox_url.split(to_domain, 1)[1]

    if not post_json_object.get('signature'):
            signed_post_json_object = post_json_object.copy()
            generate_json_signature(signed_post_json_object, private_key_pem)
            post_json_object = signed_post_json_object
        except Exception as ex:
            print('WARN: send_post failed to JSON-LD sign post, ' + str(ex))

    # convert json to string so that there are no
    # subsequent conversions after creating message body digest
    post_json_str = json.dumps(post_json_object)

    # construct the http header, including the message body digest
    signature_header_json = \
        create_signed_header(None, private_key_pem, nickname, domain, port,
                             to_domain, to_port,
                             post_path, http_prefix, with_digest,
                             post_json_str, 'application/activity+json')
    signature_header_json_ld = \
        create_signed_header(None, private_key_pem, nickname, domain, port,
                             to_domain, to_port,
                             post_path, http_prefix, with_digest,
                             post_json_str, 'application/ld+json')

    # if the "to" domain is within the shared items
    # federation list then send the token for this domain
    # so that it can request a catalog
    domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port)
    if to_domain in shared_items_federated_domains:
        if shared_item_federation_tokens.get(domain_full):
            signature_header_json['Origin'] = domain_full
            signature_header_json_ld['Origin'] = domain_full
            signature_header_json['SharesCatalog'] = \
            signature_header_json_ld['SharesCatalog'] = \
            if debug:
                print('SharesCatalog added to header')
        elif debug:
            print(domain_full + ' not in shared_item_federation_tokens')
    elif debug:
        print(to_domain + ' not in shared_items_federated_domains ' +

    if debug:
        print('signature_header_json: ' + str(signature_header_json))

    # Keep the number of threads being used small
    while len(send_threads) > 1000:
        print('WARN: Maximum threads reached - killing send thread')
        print('WARN: thread killed')
    print('THREAD: thread_send_post')
    thr = \
                                inbox_url, base_dir,
                                post_log, debug, http_prefix,
                                domain_full), daemon=True)
    return 0

def send_post_via_server(signing_priv_key_pem: str, project_version: str,
                         base_dir: str, session,
                         from_nickname: str, password: str,
                         from_domain: str, from_port: int,
                         to_nickname: str, to_domain: str, to_port: int,
                         cc: str,
                         http_prefix: str, content: str, followers_only: bool,
                         comments_enabled: bool,
                         attach_image_filename: str, media_type: str,
                         image_description: str, city: str,
                         cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {},
                         is_article: bool, system_language: str,
                         languages_understood: [],
                         low_bandwidth: bool,
                         content_license_url: str,
                         event_date: str, event_time: str, event_end_time: str,
                         location: str,
                         debug: bool = False,
                         in_reply_to: str = None,
                         in_reply_to_atom_uri: str = None,
                         conversation_id: str = None,
                         subject: str = None) -> int:
    """Send a post via a proxy (c2s)
    if not session:
        print('WARN: No session for send_post_via_server')
        return 6

    from_domain_full = get_full_domain(from_domain, from_port)

    handle = http_prefix + '://' + from_domain_full + '/@' + from_nickname

    # lookup the inbox for the To handle
    wf_request = \
        webfinger_handle(session, handle, http_prefix, cached_webfingers,
                         from_domain_full, project_version, debug, False,
    if not wf_request:
        if debug:
            print('DEBUG: post webfinger failed for ' + handle)
        return 1
    if not isinstance(wf_request, dict):
        print('WARN: post webfinger for ' + handle +
              ' did not return a dict. ' + str(wf_request))
        return 1

    post_to_box = 'outbox'
    if is_article:
        post_to_box = 'tlblogs'

    # get the actor inbox for the To handle
    origin_domain = from_domain
    (inbox_url, _, _, from_person_id, _, _,
     _, _) = get_person_box(signing_priv_key_pem,
                            base_dir, session, wf_request,
                            project_version, http_prefix,
                            from_domain_full, post_to_box,
    if not inbox_url:
        if debug:
            print('DEBUG: post no ' + post_to_box +
                  ' was found for ' + handle)
        return 3
    if not from_person_id:
        if debug:
            print('DEBUG: post no actor was found for ' + handle)
        return 4

    # Get the json for the c2s post, not saving anything to file
    # Note that base_dir is set to None
    save_to_file = False
    client_to_server = True
    if to_domain.lower().endswith('public'):
        to_person_id = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public'
        cc = local_actor_url(http_prefix, from_nickname, from_domain_full) + \
        if to_domain.lower().endswith('followers') or \
            to_person_id = \
                                from_nickname, from_domain_full) + \
            to_domain_full = get_full_domain(to_domain, to_port)
            to_person_id = \
                local_actor_url(http_prefix, to_nickname, to_domain_full)

    post_json_object = \
                          from_nickname, from_domain, from_port,
                          to_person_id, cc, http_prefix, content,
                          followers_only, save_to_file, client_to_server,
                          attach_image_filename, media_type,
                          image_description, city,
                          False, is_article, in_reply_to,
                          in_reply_to_atom_uri, subject,
                          event_date, event_time, location,
                          None, None, None, event_date, event_end_time,
                          None, None, None, None, None, system_language,
                          conversation_id, low_bandwidth,
                          content_license_url, languages_understood)

    auth_header = create_basic_auth_header(from_nickname, password)

    if attach_image_filename:
        headers = {
            'host': from_domain_full,
            'Authorization': auth_header
        post_result = \
            post_image(session, attach_image_filename, [],
                       inbox_url, headers, http_prefix, from_domain_full)
        if not post_result:
            if debug:
                print('DEBUG: post failed to upload image')
#            return 9

    headers = {
        'host': from_domain_full,
        'Content-type': 'application/json',
        'Authorization': auth_header
    post_dumps = json.dumps(post_json_object)
    post_result, unauthorized, return_code = \
        post_json_string(session, post_dumps, [],
                         inbox_url, headers, debug,
                         http_prefix, from_domain_full,
                         5, True)
    if not post_result:
        if debug:
            if unauthorized:
                print('DEBUG: POST failed for c2s to ' +
                      inbox_url + ' unathorized')
                print('DEBUG: POST failed for c2s to ' +
                      inbox_url + ' return code ' + str(return_code))
        return 5

    if debug:
        print('DEBUG: c2s POST success')
    return 0

def group_followers_by_domain(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str) -> {}:
    """Returns a dictionary with followers grouped by domain
    handle = nickname + '@' + domain
    followers_filename = base_dir + '/accounts/' + handle + '/followers.txt'
    if not os.path.isfile(followers_filename):
        return None
    grouped = {}
    with open(followers_filename, 'r') as foll_file:
        for follower_handle in foll_file:
            if '@' not in follower_handle:
            fhandle = \
                follower_handle.strip().replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
            follower_domain = fhandle.split('@')[1]
            if not grouped.get(follower_domain):
                grouped[follower_domain] = [fhandle]
    return grouped

def _add_followers_to_public_post(post_json_object: {}) -> None:
    """Adds followers entry to cc if it doesn't exist
    if not post_json_object.get('actor'):

    if isinstance(post_json_object['object'], str):
        if not post_json_object.get('to'):
        if len(post_json_object['to']) > 1:
        if len(post_json_object['to']) == 0:
        if not post_json_object['to'][0].endswith('#Public'):
        if post_json_object.get('cc'):
        post_json_object['cc'] = post_json_object['actor'] + '/followers'
    elif has_object_dict(post_json_object):
        if not post_json_object['object'].get('to'):
        if len(post_json_object['object']['to']) > 1:
        if len(post_json_object['object']['to']) == 0:
        if not post_json_object['object']['to'][0].endswith('#Public'):
        if post_json_object['object'].get('cc'):
        post_json_object['object']['cc'] = \
            post_json_object['actor'] + '/followers'

def send_signed_json(post_json_object: {}, session, base_dir: str,
                     nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
                     to_nickname: str, to_domain: str, to_port: int, cc: str,
                     http_prefix: str, save_to_file: bool,
                     client_to_server: bool, federation_list: [],
                     send_threads: [], post_log: [], cached_webfingers: {},
                     person_cache: {}, debug: bool, project_version: str,
                     shared_items_token: str, group_account: bool,
                     signing_priv_key_pem: str,
                     source_id: int, curr_domain: str,
                     onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str) -> int:
    """Sends a signed json object to an inbox/outbox
    if debug:
        print('DEBUG: send_signed_json start')
    if not session:
        print('WARN: No session specified for send_signed_json')
        return 8
    with_digest = True

    if to_domain.endswith('.onion') or to_domain.endswith('.i2p'):
        http_prefix = 'http'

    if to_nickname == 'inbox':
        # shared inbox actor on @domain@domain
        to_nickname = to_domain

    to_domain = get_full_domain(to_domain, to_port)

    to_domain_url = http_prefix + '://' + to_domain
    if not site_is_active(to_domain_url, 10):
        print('Domain is inactive: ' + to_domain_url)
        return 9
    print('Domain is active: ' + to_domain_url)
    handle_base = to_domain_url + '/@'
    if to_nickname:
        handle = handle_base + to_nickname
        single_user_instance_nickname = 'dev'
        handle = handle_base + single_user_instance_nickname

    if debug:
        print('DEBUG: handle - ' + handle + ' to_port ' + str(to_port))

    # lookup the inbox for the To handle
    wf_request = webfinger_handle(session, handle, http_prefix,
                                  domain, project_version, debug,
                                  group_account, signing_priv_key_pem)
    if not wf_request:
        if debug:
            print('DEBUG: webfinger for ' + handle + ' failed')
        return 1
    if not isinstance(wf_request, dict):
        print('WARN: Webfinger for ' + handle + ' did not return a dict. ' +
        return 1

    if wf_request.get('errors'):
        if debug:
            print('DEBUG: webfinger for ' + handle +
                  ' failed with errors ' + str(wf_request['errors']))

    if not client_to_server:
        post_to_box = 'inbox'
        post_to_box = 'outbox'

    # get the actor inbox/outbox for the To handle
    origin_domain = domain
    (inbox_url, _, pub_key, to_person_id, shared_inbox_url, _,
     _, _) = get_person_box(signing_priv_key_pem,
                            base_dir, session, wf_request,
                            project_version, http_prefix,
                            nickname, domain, post_to_box,

    print("inbox_url: " + str(inbox_url))
    print("to_person_id: " + str(to_person_id))
    print("shared_inbox_url: " + str(shared_inbox_url))
    if inbox_url:
        if inbox_url.endswith('/actor/inbox') or \
            inbox_url = shared_inbox_url

    if not inbox_url:
        if debug:
            print('DEBUG: missing inbox_url')
        return 3

    if debug:
        print('DEBUG: Sending to endpoint ' + inbox_url)

    if not pub_key:
        if debug:
            print('DEBUG: missing pubkey')
        return 4
    if not to_person_id:
        if debug:
            print('DEBUG: missing person_id')
        return 5
    # shared_inbox is optional

    # get the senders private key
    account_domain = origin_domain
    if onion_domain:
        if account_domain == onion_domain:
            account_domain = curr_domain
    if i2p_domain:
        if account_domain == i2p_domain:
            account_domain = curr_domain
    private_key_pem = \
        _get_person_key(nickname, account_domain, base_dir, 'private', debug)
    if len(private_key_pem) == 0:
        if debug:
            print('DEBUG: Private key not found for ' +
                  nickname + '@' + account_domain +
                  ' in ' + base_dir + '/keys/private')
        return 6

    if to_domain not in inbox_url:
        if debug:
            print('DEBUG: ' + to_domain + ' is not in ' + inbox_url)
        return 7
    post_path = inbox_url.split(to_domain, 1)[1]


    if not post_json_object.get('signature'):
            signed_post_json_object = post_json_object.copy()
            generate_json_signature(signed_post_json_object, private_key_pem)
            post_json_object = signed_post_json_object
        except BaseException as ex:
            print('WARN: send_signed_json failed to JSON-LD sign post, ' +

    # convert json to string so that there are no
    # subsequent conversions after creating message body digest
    post_json_str = json.dumps(post_json_object)

    # if the sender domain has changed from clearnet to onion or i2p
    # then change the content of the post accordingly
    if debug:
        print('Checking for changed origin domain: ' +
              domain + ' ' + curr_domain)
    if domain != curr_domain:
        if not curr_domain.endswith('.onion') and \
           not curr_domain.endswith('.i2p'):
            if debug:
                print('Changing post content sender domain from ' +
                      curr_domain + ' to ' + domain)
            post_json_str = \
                post_json_str.replace(curr_domain, domain)

    # construct the http header, including the message body digest
    signature_header_json = \
        create_signed_header(None, private_key_pem, nickname, domain, port,
                             to_domain, to_port,
                             post_path, http_prefix, with_digest,
    signature_header_json_ld = \
        create_signed_header(None, private_key_pem, nickname, domain, port,
                             to_domain, to_port,
                             post_path, http_prefix, with_digest,
    # optionally add a token so that the receiving instance may access
    # your shared items catalog
    if shared_items_token:
        signature_header_json['Origin'] = get_full_domain(domain, port)
        signature_header_json['SharesCatalog'] = shared_items_token
    elif debug:
        print('Not sending shared items federation token')

    # Keep the number of threads being used small
    while len(send_threads) > 1000:
        print('WARN: Maximum threads reached - killing send thread')
        print('WARN: thread killed')

    if debug:
        print('DEBUG: starting thread to send post')
    domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port)
    print('THREAD: thread_send_post 2')
    thr = \
                                inbox_url, base_dir,
                                post_log, debug,
                                http_prefix, domain_full), daemon=True)
    # thr.start()
    return 0

def add_to_field(activity_type: str, post_json_object: {},
                 debug: bool) -> ({}, bool):
    """The Follow/Add/Remove activity doesn't have a 'to' field and so one
    needs to be added so that activity distribution happens in a consistent way
    Returns true if a 'to' field exists or was added
    if post_json_object.get('to'):
        return post_json_object, True

    if debug:
        print('DEBUG: no "to" field when sending to named addresses 2')

    is_same_type = False
    to_field_added = False
    if post_json_object.get('object'):
        if isinstance(post_json_object['object'], str):
            if post_json_object.get('type'):
                if post_json_object['type'] == activity_type:
                    is_same_type = True
                    if debug:
                        print('DEBUG: ' +
                              'add_to_field1 "to" field assigned to ' +
                    to_address = post_json_object['object']
                    if '/statuses/' in to_address:
                        to_address = to_address.split('/statuses/')[0]
                    post_json_object['to'] = [to_address]
                    if debug:
                        print('DEBUG: "to" address added: ' + to_address)
                    to_field_added = True
        elif has_object_dict(post_json_object):
            # add a to field to bookmark add or remove
            if post_json_object.get('type') and \
               post_json_object.get('actor') and \
                if post_json_object['type'] == 'Add' or \
                   post_json_object['type'] == 'Remove':
                    if post_json_object['object']['type'] == 'Document':
                        post_json_object['to'] = \
                        post_json_object['object']['to'] = \
                        to_field_added = True

            if not to_field_added and \
                if post_json_object['object']['type'] == activity_type:
                    is_same_type = True
                    if isinstance(post_json_object['object']['object'], str):
                        if debug:
                            print('DEBUG: add_to_field2 ' +
                                  '"to" field assigned to ' +
                        to_address = post_json_object['object']['object']
                        if '/statuses/' in to_address:
                            to_address = to_address.split('/statuses/')[0]
                        post_json_object['object']['to'] = [to_address]
                        post_json_object['to'] = [to_address]
                        if debug:
                            print('DEBUG: "to" address added: ' + to_address)
                        to_field_added = True

    if not is_same_type:
        return post_json_object, True
    if to_field_added:
        return post_json_object, True
    return post_json_object, False

def _is_profile_update(post_json_object: {}) -> bool:
    """Is the given post a profile update?
    for actor updates there is no 'to' within the object
    if post_json_object.get('type'):
        if has_object_string_type(post_json_object, False):
            if (post_json_object['type'] == 'Update' and
                (post_json_object['object']['type'] == 'Person' or
                 post_json_object['object']['type'] == 'Application' or
                 post_json_object['object']['type'] == 'Group' or
                 post_json_object['object']['type'] == 'Service')):
                return True
    return False

def _send_to_named_addresses(server, session, session_onion, session_i2p,
                             base_dir: str,
                             nickname: str, domain: str,
                             onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str, port: int,
                             http_prefix: str, federation_list: [],
                             send_threads: [], post_log: [],
                             cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {},
                             post_json_object: {}, debug: bool,
                             project_version: str,
                             shared_items_federated_domains: [],
                             shared_item_federation_tokens: {},
                             signing_priv_key_pem: str,
                             proxy_type: str) -> None:
    """sends a post to the specific named addresses in to/cc
    if not session:
        print('WARN: No session for sendToNamedAddresses')
    if not post_json_object.get('object'):
    is_profile_update = False
    if has_object_dict(post_json_object):
        if _is_profile_update(post_json_object):
            # use the original object, which has a 'to'
            recipients_object = post_json_object
            is_profile_update = True

        if not is_profile_update:
            if not post_json_object['object'].get('to'):
                if debug:
                    print('DEBUG: ' +
                          'no "to" field when sending to named addresses')
                if has_object_string_type(post_json_object, debug):
                    if post_json_object['object']['type'] == 'Follow' or \
                       post_json_object['object']['type'] == 'Join':
                        post_json_obj2 = post_json_object['object']['object']
                        if isinstance(post_json_obj2, str):
                            if debug:
                                print('DEBUG: _send_to_named_addresses ' +
                                      '"to" field assigned to Follow')
                            post_json_object['object']['to'] = \
                if not post_json_object['object'].get('to'):
            recipients_object = post_json_object['object']
        post_json_object, field_added = \
            add_to_field('Follow', post_json_object, debug)
        if not field_added:
        post_json_object, field_added = \
            add_to_field('Like', post_json_object, debug)
        if not field_added:
        recipients_object = post_json_object

    recipients = []
    recipient_type = ('to', 'cc')
    for rtype in recipient_type:
        if not recipients_object.get(rtype):
        if isinstance(recipients_object[rtype], list):
            if debug:
                print('recipients_object: ' + str(recipients_object[rtype]))
            for address in recipients_object[rtype]:
                if not address:
                if '/' not in address:
                if address.endswith('#Public'):
                if address.endswith('/followers'):
        elif isinstance(recipients_object[rtype], str):
            address = recipients_object[rtype]
            if address:
                if '/' in address:
                    if address.endswith('#Public'):
                    if address.endswith('/followers'):
    if not recipients:
        if debug:
            print('DEBUG: no individual recipients')
    if debug:
        print('DEBUG: Sending individually addressed posts: ' +
    # randomize the recipients list order, so that we are not favoring
    # any particular account in terms of delivery time
    # this is after the message has arrived at the server
    client_to_server = False
    for address in recipients:
        to_nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(address)
        if not to_nickname:
        to_domain, to_port = get_domain_from_actor(address)
        if not to_domain:
        # Don't send profile/actor updates to yourself
        if is_profile_update:
            domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port)
            to_domain_full = get_full_domain(to_domain, to_port)
            if nickname == to_nickname and \
               domain_full == to_domain_full:
                if debug:
                    print('Not sending profile update to self. ' +
                          nickname + '@' + domain_full)

        # if we have an alt onion domain and we are sending to
        # another onion domain then switch the clearnet
        # domain for the onion one
        from_domain = domain
        from_domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port)
        from_http_prefix = http_prefix
        curr_session = session
        curr_proxy_type = proxy_type
        session_type = 'default'
        if onion_domain:
            if not from_domain.endswith('.onion') and \
                from_domain = onion_domain
                from_domain_full = onion_domain
                from_http_prefix = 'http'
                curr_session = session_onion
                port = 80
                to_port = 80
                curr_proxy_type = 'tor'
                session_type = 'tor'
        if i2p_domain:
            if not from_domain.endswith('.i2p') and \
                from_domain = i2p_domain
                from_domain_full = i2p_domain
                from_http_prefix = 'http'
                curr_session = session_i2p
                port = 80
                to_port = 80
                curr_proxy_type = 'i2p'
                session_type = 'i2p'
        cc_list = []

        if debug:
            to_domain_full = get_full_domain(to_domain, to_port)
            print('DEBUG: Post sending s2s: ' +
                  nickname + '@' + from_domain_full +
                  ' to ' + to_nickname + '@' + to_domain_full)

        # if the "to" domain is within the shared items
        # federation list then send the token for this domain
        # so that it can request a catalog
        shared_items_token = None
        if to_domain in shared_items_federated_domains:
            if shared_item_federation_tokens.get(from_domain_full):
                shared_items_token = \

        group_account = has_group_type(base_dir, address, person_cache)

        if not curr_session:
            curr_session = create_session(curr_proxy_type)
            if server:
                if session_type == 'tor':
                    server.session_onion = curr_session
                elif session_type == 'i2p':
                    server.session_i2p = curr_session
                    server.session = curr_session

        send_signed_json(post_json_object, curr_session, base_dir,
                         nickname, from_domain, port,
                         to_nickname, to_domain, to_port,
                         cc_list, from_http_prefix, True, client_to_server,
                         send_threads, post_log, cached_webfingers,
                         person_cache, debug, project_version,
                         shared_items_token, group_account,
                         signing_priv_key_pem, 34436782,
                         domain, onion_domain, i2p_domain)

def send_to_named_addresses_thread(server, session, session_onion, session_i2p,
                                   base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
                                   onion_domain: str,
                                   i2p_domain: str, port: int,
                                   http_prefix: str, federation_list: [],
                                   send_threads: [], post_log: [],
                                   cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {},
                                   post_json_object: {}, debug: bool,
                                   project_version: str,
                                   shared_items_federated_domains: [],
                                   shared_item_federation_tokens: {},
                                   signing_priv_key_pem: str,
                                   proxy_type: str):
    """Returns a thread used to send a post to named addresses
    print('THREAD: _send_to_named_addresses')
    send_thread = \
                          args=(server, session, session_onion, session_i2p,
                                base_dir, nickname, domain,
                                onion_domain, i2p_domain, port,
                                http_prefix, federation_list,
                                send_threads, post_log,
                                cached_webfingers, person_cache,
                                post_json_object, debug,
                                proxy_type), daemon=True)
    except SocketError as ex:
        print('WARN: socket error while starting ' +
              'thread to send to named addresses. ' + str(ex))
        return None
    except ValueError as ex:
        print('WARN: error while starting ' +
              'thread to send to named addresses. ' + str(ex))
        return None
    return send_thread

def _has_shared_inbox(session, http_prefix: str, domain: str,
                      debug: bool, signing_priv_key_pem: str) -> bool:
    """Returns true if the given domain has a shared inbox
    This tries the new and the old way of webfingering the shared inbox
    try_handles = []
    if ':' not in domain:
        try_handles.append(domain + '@' + domain)
    try_handles.append('inbox@' + domain)
    for handle in try_handles:
        wf_request = webfinger_handle(session, handle, http_prefix, {},
                                      domain, __version__, debug, False,
        if wf_request:
            if isinstance(wf_request, dict):
                if not wf_request.get('errors'):
                    return True
    return False

def _sending_profile_update(post_json_object: {}) -> bool:
    """Returns true if the given json is a profile update
    if post_json_object['type'] != 'Update':
        return False
    if not has_object_string_type(post_json_object, False):
        return False
    activity_type = post_json_object['object']['type']
    if activity_type in ('Person', 'Application', 'Group', 'Service'):
        return True
    return False

def send_to_followers(server, session, session_onion, session_i2p,
                      base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
                      onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str, port: int,
                      http_prefix: str, federation_list: [],
                      send_threads: [], post_log: [],
                      cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {},
                      post_json_object: {}, debug: bool,
                      project_version: str,
                      shared_items_federated_domains: [],
                      shared_item_federation_tokens: {},
                      signing_priv_key_pem: str) -> None:
    """sends a post to the followers of the given nickname
    if not _post_is_addressed_to_followers(base_dir, nickname, domain,
                                           port, http_prefix,
        if debug:
            print('Post is not addressed to followers')
    print('Post is addressed to followers')

    grouped = group_followers_by_domain(base_dir, nickname, domain)
    if not grouped:
        if debug:
            print('Post to followers did not resolve any domains')
    print('Post to followers resolved domains')
    # print(str(grouped))

    # this is after the message has arrived at the server
    client_to_server = False

    curr_proxy_type = None
    if domain.endswith('.onion'):
        curr_proxy_type = 'tor'
    elif domain.endswith('.i2p'):
        curr_proxy_type = 'i2p'

    sending_start_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    print('Sending post to followers begins ' +
    sending_ctr = 0

    # randomize the order of sending to instances
    randomized_instances = []
    for follower_domain, follower_handles in grouped.items():
        randomized_instances.append([follower_domain, follower_handles])

    # send out to each instance
    for group_send in randomized_instances:
        follower_domain = group_send[0]
        follower_handles = group_send[1]
        print('Sending post to followers progress ' +
              str(int(sending_ctr * 100 / len(grouped.items()))) + '% ' +
        sending_ctr += 1

        if debug:

        # if the followers domain is within the shared items
        # federation list then send the token for this domain
        # so that it can request a catalog
        shared_items_token = None
        if follower_domain in shared_items_federated_domains:
            domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port)
            if shared_item_federation_tokens.get(domain_full):
                shared_items_token = shared_item_federation_tokens[domain_full]

        # check that the follower's domain is active
        follower_domain_url = http_prefix + '://' + follower_domain
        if not site_is_active(follower_domain_url, 10):
            print('Sending post to followers domain is inactive: ' +
        print('Sending post to followers domain is active: ' +

        # select the appropriate session
        curr_session = session
        curr_http_prefix = http_prefix
        if onion_domain:
            if follower_domain.endswith('.onion'):
                curr_session = session_onion
                curr_http_prefix = 'http'
        if i2p_domain:
            if follower_domain.endswith('.i2p'):
                curr_session = session_i2p
                curr_http_prefix = 'http'

        with_shared_inbox = \
            _has_shared_inbox(curr_session, curr_http_prefix, follower_domain,
                              debug, signing_priv_key_pem)
        if debug:
            if with_shared_inbox:
                print(follower_domain + ' has shared inbox')
        if not with_shared_inbox:
            print('Sending post to followers, ' + follower_domain +
                  ' does not have a shared inbox')

        to_port = port
        index = 0
        to_domain = follower_handles[index].split('@')[1]
        if ':' in to_domain:
            to_port = get_port_from_domain(to_domain)
            to_domain = remove_domain_port(to_domain)

        cc_list = ''

        # if we are sending to an onion domain and we
        # have an alt onion domain then use the alt
        from_domain = domain
        from_http_prefix = http_prefix
        session_type = 'default'
        if onion_domain:
            if to_domain.endswith('.onion'):
                from_domain = onion_domain
                from_http_prefix = 'http'
                port = 80
                to_port = 80
                curr_proxy_type = 'tor'
                session_type = 'tor'
        if i2p_domain:
            if to_domain.endswith('.i2p'):
                from_domain = i2p_domain
                from_http_prefix = 'http'
                port = 80
                to_port = 80
                curr_proxy_type = 'i2p'
                session_type = 'i2p'

        if not curr_session:
            curr_session = create_session(curr_proxy_type)
            if server:
                if session_type == 'tor':
                    server.session_onion = curr_session
                elif session_type == 'i2p':
                    server.session_i2p = curr_session
                    server.session = curr_session

        if with_shared_inbox:
            to_nickname = follower_handles[index].split('@')[0]

            group_account = False
            if to_nickname.startswith('!'):
                group_account = True
                to_nickname = to_nickname[1:]

            # if there are more than one followers on the domain
            # then send the post to the shared inbox
            if len(follower_handles) > 1:
                to_nickname = 'inbox'

            if to_nickname != 'inbox' and post_json_object.get('type'):
                if _sending_profile_update(post_json_object):
                    print('Sending post to followers ' +
                          'shared inbox of ' + to_domain)
                    to_nickname = 'inbox'

            print('Sending post to followers from ' +
                  nickname + '@' + domain +
                  ' to ' + to_nickname + '@' + to_domain)

            send_signed_json(post_json_object, curr_session, base_dir,
                             nickname, from_domain, port,
                             to_nickname, to_domain, to_port,
                             cc_list, from_http_prefix, True,
                             client_to_server, federation_list,
                             send_threads, post_log, cached_webfingers,
                             person_cache, debug, project_version,
                             shared_items_token, group_account,
                             signing_priv_key_pem, 639342,
                             domain, onion_domain, i2p_domain)
            # randomize the order of handles, so that we are not
            # favoring any particular account in terms of its delivery time
            # send to individual followers without using a shared inbox
            for handle in follower_handles:
                print('Sending post to followers ' + handle)
                to_nickname = handle.split('@')[0]

                group_account = False
                if to_nickname.startswith('!'):
                    group_account = True
                    to_nickname = to_nickname[1:]

                if post_json_object['type'] != 'Update':
                    print('Sending post to followers from ' +
                          nickname + '@' + domain + ' to ' +
                          to_nickname + '@' + to_domain)
                    print('Sending post to followers profile update from ' +
                          nickname + '@' + domain + ' to ' +
                          to_nickname + '@' + to_domain)

                send_signed_json(post_json_object, curr_session, base_dir,
                                 nickname, from_domain, port,
                                 to_nickname, to_domain, to_port,
                                 cc_list, from_http_prefix, True,
                                 client_to_server, federation_list,
                                 send_threads, post_log, cached_webfingers,
                                 person_cache, debug, project_version,
                                 shared_items_token, group_account,
                                 signing_priv_key_pem, 634219,
                                 domain, onion_domain, i2p_domain)


    if debug:
        print('DEBUG: End of send_to_followers')

    sending_end_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    sending_mins = \
        int((sending_end_time - sending_start_time).total_seconds() / 60)
    print('Sending post to followers ends ' + str(sending_mins) + ' mins')

def send_to_followers_thread(server, session, session_onion, session_i2p,
                             base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
                             onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str, port: int,
                             http_prefix: str, federation_list: [],
                             send_threads: [], post_log: [],
                             cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {},
                             post_json_object: {}, debug: bool,
                             project_version: str,
                             shared_items_federated_domains: [],
                             shared_item_federation_tokens: {},
                             signing_priv_key_pem: str):
    """Returns a thread used to send a post to followers
    print('THREAD: send_to_followers')
    send_thread = \
                          args=(server, session, session_onion, session_i2p,
                                base_dir, nickname, domain,
                                onion_domain, i2p_domain, port,
                                http_prefix, federation_list,
                                send_threads, post_log,
                                cached_webfingers, person_cache,
                                post_json_object.copy(), debug,
                                signing_priv_key_pem), daemon=True)
    except SocketError as ex:
        print('WARN: socket error while starting ' +
              'thread to send to followers. ' + str(ex))
        return None
    except ValueError as ex:
        print('WARN: error while starting ' +
              'thread to send to followers. ' + str(ex))
        return None
    return send_thread

def create_inbox(recent_posts_cache: {},
                 session, base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
                 http_prefix: str, items_per_page: int, header_only: bool,
                 page_number: int) -> {}:
    return _create_box_indexed(recent_posts_cache,
                               session, base_dir, 'inbox',
                               nickname, domain, port, http_prefix,
                               items_per_page, header_only, True,
                               0, False, 0, page_number)

def create_bookmarks_timeline(session, base_dir: str,
                              nickname: str, domain: str,
                              port: int, http_prefix: str, items_per_page: int,
                              header_only: bool, page_number: int) -> {}:
    return _create_box_indexed({}, session, base_dir, 'tlbookmarks',
                               nickname, domain,
                               port, http_prefix, items_per_page, header_only,
                               True, 0, False, 0, page_number)

def create_dm_timeline(recent_posts_cache: {},
                       session, base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
                       port: int, http_prefix: str, items_per_page: int,
                       header_only: bool, page_number: int) -> {}:
    return _create_box_indexed(recent_posts_cache,
                               session, base_dir, 'dm', nickname,
                               domain, port, http_prefix, items_per_page,
                               header_only, True, 0, False, 0, page_number)

def create_replies_timeline(recent_posts_cache: {},
                            session, base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
                            port: int, http_prefix: str, items_per_page: int,
                            header_only: bool, page_number: int) -> {}:
    return _create_box_indexed(recent_posts_cache, session,
                               base_dir, 'tlreplies',
                               nickname, domain, port, http_prefix,
                               items_per_page, header_only, True,
                               0, False, 0, page_number)

def create_blogs_timeline(session, base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
                          port: int, http_prefix: str, items_per_page: int,
                          header_only: bool, page_number: int) -> {}:
    return _create_box_indexed({}, session, base_dir, 'tlblogs', nickname,
                               domain, port, http_prefix,
                               items_per_page, header_only, True,
                               0, False, 0, page_number)

def create_features_timeline(session, base_dir: str,
                             nickname: str, domain: str,
                             port: int, http_prefix: str, items_per_page: int,
                             header_only: bool, page_number: int) -> {}:
    return _create_box_indexed({}, session, base_dir, 'tlfeatures', nickname,
                               domain, port, http_prefix,
                               items_per_page, header_only, True,
                               0, False, 0, page_number)

def create_media_timeline(session, base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
                          port: int, http_prefix: str, items_per_page: int,
                          header_only: bool, page_number: int) -> {}:
    return _create_box_indexed({}, session, base_dir, 'tlmedia', nickname,
                               domain, port, http_prefix,
                               items_per_page, header_only, True,
                               0, False, 0, page_number)

def create_news_timeline(session, base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
                         port: int, http_prefix: str, items_per_page: int,
                         header_only: bool, newswire_votes_threshold: int,
                         positive_voting: bool, voting_time_mins: int,
                         page_number: int) -> {}:
    return _create_box_indexed({}, session, base_dir, 'outbox', 'news',
                               domain, port, http_prefix,
                               items_per_page, header_only, True,
                               newswire_votes_threshold, positive_voting,
                               voting_time_mins, page_number)

def create_outbox(session, base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
                  port: int, http_prefix: str,
                  items_per_page: int, header_only: bool, authorized: bool,
                  page_number: int) -> {}:
    return _create_box_indexed({}, session, base_dir, 'outbox',
                               nickname, domain, port, http_prefix,
                               items_per_page, header_only, authorized,
                               0, False, 0, page_number)

def create_moderation(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
                      http_prefix: str, items_per_page: int, header_only: bool,
                      page_number: int) -> {}:
    box_dir = create_person_dir(nickname, domain, base_dir, 'inbox')
    boxname = 'moderation'

    domain = get_full_domain(domain, port)

    if not page_number:
        page_number = 1

    page_str = '?page=' + str(page_number)
    box_url = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain) + '/' + boxname
    box_header = {
        '@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams',
        'first': box_url + '?page=true',
        'id': box_url,
        'last': box_url + '?page=true',
        'totalItems': 0,
        'type': 'OrderedCollection'
    box_items = {
        '@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams',
        'id': box_url + page_str,
        'orderedItems': [
        'partOf': box_url,
        'type': 'OrderedCollectionPage'

    if is_moderator(base_dir, nickname):
        moderation_index_file = base_dir + '/accounts/moderation.txt'
        if os.path.isfile(moderation_index_file):
            with open(moderation_index_file, 'r') as index_file:
                lines = index_file.readlines()
            box_header['totalItems'] = len(lines)
            if header_only:
                return box_header

            page_lines = []
            if len(lines) > 0:
                end_line_number = \
                    len(lines) - 1 - int(items_per_page * page_number)
                if end_line_number < 0:
                    end_line_number = 0
                start_line_number = \
                    len(lines) - 1 - int(items_per_page * (page_number - 1))
                if start_line_number < 0:
                    start_line_number = 0
                line_number = start_line_number
                while line_number >= end_line_number:
                    line_no_str = lines[line_number].strip('\n').strip('\r')
                    line_number -= 1

            for post_url in page_lines:
                post_filename = \
                    box_dir + '/' + post_url.replace('/', '#') + '.json'
                if os.path.isfile(post_filename):
                    post_json_object = load_json(post_filename)
                    if post_json_object:

    if header_only:
        return box_header
    return box_items

def is_image_media(session, base_dir: str, http_prefix: str,
                   nickname: str, domain: str,
                   post_json_object: {}, translate: {},
                   yt_replace_domain: str,
                   twitter_replacement_domain: str,
                   allow_local_network_access: bool,
                   recent_posts_cache: {}, debug: bool,
                   system_language: str,
                   domain_full: str, person_cache: {},
                   signing_priv_key_pem: str,
                   bold_reading: bool) -> bool:
    """Returns true if the given post has attached image media
    if post_json_object['type'] == 'Announce':
        blocked_cache = {}
        post_json_announce = \
            download_announce(session, base_dir, http_prefix,
                              nickname, domain, post_json_object,
                              __version__, translate,
                              recent_posts_cache, debug,
                              domain_full, person_cache,
                              blocked_cache, bold_reading)
        if post_json_announce:
            post_json_object = post_json_announce
    if post_json_object['type'] != 'Create':
        return False
    if not has_object_dict(post_json_object):
        return False
    if post_json_object['object'].get('moderationStatus'):
        return False
    if post_json_object['object']['type'] != 'Note' and \
       post_json_object['object']['type'] != 'Page' and \
       post_json_object['object']['type'] != 'Event' and \
       post_json_object['object']['type'] != 'ChatMessage' and \
       post_json_object['object']['type'] != 'Article':
        return False
    if not post_json_object['object'].get('attachment'):
        return False
    if not isinstance(post_json_object['object']['attachment'], list):
        return False
    for attach in post_json_object['object']['attachment']:
        if attach.get('mediaType') and attach.get('url'):
            if attach['mediaType'].startswith('image/') or \
               attach['mediaType'].startswith('audio/') or \
                return True
    return False

def _add_post_string_to_timeline(post_str: str, boxname: str,
                                 posts_in_box: [], box_actor: str) -> bool:
    """ is this a valid timeline post?
    # must be a recognized ActivityPub type
    if ('"Note"' in post_str or
        '"EncryptedMessage"' in post_str or
        '"ChatMessage"' in post_str or
        '"Event"' in post_str or
        '"Article"' in post_str or
        '"Patch"' in post_str or
        '"Announce"' in post_str or
        ('"Question"' in post_str and
         ('"Create"' in post_str or '"Update"' in post_str))):

        if boxname == 'dm':
            if '#Public' in post_str or '/followers' in post_str:
                return False
        elif boxname == 'tlreplies':
            if box_actor not in post_str:
                return False
        elif boxname in ('tlblogs', 'tlnews', 'tlfeatures'):
            if '"Create"' not in post_str:
                return False
            if '"Article"' not in post_str:
                return False
        elif boxname == 'tlmedia':
            if '"Create"' in post_str:
                if ('mediaType' not in post_str or
                    ('image/' not in post_str and
                     'video/' not in post_str and
                     'audio/' not in post_str)):
                    return False
        # add the post to the dictionary
        return True
    return False

def _add_post_to_timeline(file_path: str, boxname: str,
                          posts_in_box: [], box_actor: str) -> bool:
    """ Reads a post from file and decides whether it is valid
    with open(file_path, 'r') as post_file:
        post_str = post_file.read()

        if file_path.endswith('.json'):
            replies_filename = file_path.replace('.json', '.replies')
            if os.path.isfile(replies_filename):
                # append a replies identifier, which will later be removed
                post_str += '<hasReplies>'

            mitm_filename = file_path.replace('.json', '.mitm')
            if os.path.isfile(mitm_filename):
                # append a mitm identifier, which will later be removed
                post_str += '<postmitm>'

        return _add_post_string_to_timeline(post_str, boxname, posts_in_box,
    return False

def remove_post_interactions(post_json_object: {}, force: bool) -> bool:
    """ Don't show likes, replies, bookmarks, DMs or shares (announces) to
    unauthorized viewers. This makes the timeline less useful to
    marketers and other surveillance-oriented organizations.
    Returns False if this is a private post
    has_object = False
    if has_object_dict(post_json_object):
        has_object = True
    if has_object:
        post_obj = post_json_object['object']
        if not force:
            # If not authorized and it's a private post
            # then just don't show it within timelines
            if not is_public_post(post_json_object):
                return False
        post_obj = post_json_object

    # clear the likes
    if post_obj.get('likes'):
        post_obj['likes'] = {
            'items': []
    # clear the reactions
    if post_obj.get('reactions'):
        post_obj['reactions'] = {
            'items': []
    # remove other collections
    remove_collections = (
        'replies', 'shares', 'bookmarks', 'ignores'
    for remove_name in remove_collections:
        if post_obj.get(remove_name):
            post_obj[remove_name] = {}
    return True

def _passed_newswire_voting(newswire_votes_threshold: int,
                            base_dir: str, domain: str,
                            post_filename: str,
                            positive_voting: bool,
                            voting_time_mins: int) -> bool:
    """Returns true if the post has passed through newswire voting
    # apply votes within this timeline
    if newswire_votes_threshold <= 0:
        return True
    # note that the presence of an arrival file also indicates
    # that this post is moderated
    arrival_date = \
        locate_news_arrival(base_dir, domain, post_filename)
    if not arrival_date:
        return True
    # how long has elapsed since this post arrived?
    curr_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    time_diff_mins = \
        int((curr_date - arrival_date).total_seconds() / 60)
    # has the voting time elapsed?
    if time_diff_mins < voting_time_mins:
        # voting is still happening, so don't add this
        # post to the timeline
        return False
    # if there a votes file for this post?
    votes_filename = \
        locate_news_votes(base_dir, domain, post_filename)
    if not votes_filename:
        return True
    # load the votes file and count the votes
    votes_json = load_json(votes_filename, 0, 2)
    if not votes_json:
        return True
    if not positive_voting:
        if votes_on_newswire_item(votes_json) >= \
            # Too many veto votes.
            # Continue without incrementing
            # the posts counter
            return False
        if votes_on_newswire_item < \
            # Not enough votes.
            # Continue without incrementing
            # the posts counter
            return False
    return True

def _create_box_indexed(recent_posts_cache: {},
                        session, base_dir: str, boxname: str,
                        nickname: str, domain: str, port: int,
                        http_prefix: str,
                        items_per_page: int, header_only: bool,
                        authorized: bool,
                        newswire_votes_threshold: int, positive_voting: bool,
                        voting_time_mins: int, page_number: int) -> {}:
    """Constructs the box feed for a person with the given nickname
    if not authorized or not page_number:
        page_number = 1

    if boxname not in ('inbox', 'dm', 'tlreplies', 'tlmedia',
                       'tlblogs', 'tlnews', 'tlfeatures', 'outbox',
                       'tlbookmarks', 'bookmarks'):
        print('ERROR: invalid boxname ' + boxname)
        return None

    # bookmarks and events timelines are like the inbox
    # but have their own separate index
    index_box_name = boxname
    timeline_nickname = nickname
    if boxname == "tlbookmarks":
        boxname = "bookmarks"
        index_box_name = boxname
    elif boxname == "tlfeatures":
        boxname = "tlblogs"
        index_box_name = boxname
        timeline_nickname = 'news'

    original_domain = domain
    domain = get_full_domain(domain, port)

    box_actor = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain)

    page_str = '?page=true'
    if page_number:
        if page_number < 1:
            page_number = 1
            page_str = '?page=' + str(page_number)
        except BaseException:
            print('EX: _create_box_indexed ' +
                  'unable to convert page number to string')
    box_url = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain) + '/' + boxname
    box_header = {
        '@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams',
        'first': box_url + '?page=true',
        'id': box_url,
        'last': box_url + '?page=true',
        'totalItems': 0,
        'type': 'OrderedCollection'
    box_items = {
        '@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams',
        'id': box_url + page_str,
        'orderedItems': [
        'partOf': box_url,
        'type': 'OrderedCollectionPage'

    posts_in_box = []
    post_urls_in_box = []

    index_filename = \
        acct_dir(base_dir, timeline_nickname, original_domain) + \
        '/' + index_box_name + '.index'
    total_posts_count = 0
    posts_added_to_timeline = 0
    if os.path.isfile(index_filename):
        with open(index_filename, 'r') as index_file:
            posts_added_to_timeline = 0
            while posts_added_to_timeline < items_per_page:
                post_filename = index_file.readline()

                if not post_filename:

                # Has this post passed through the newswire voting stage?
                if not _passed_newswire_voting(newswire_votes_threshold,
                                               base_dir, domain,

                # Skip through any posts previous to the current page
                if total_posts_count < int((page_number - 1) * items_per_page):
                    total_posts_count += 1

                # if this is a full path then remove the directories
                if '/' in post_filename:
                    post_filename = post_filename.split('/')[-1]

                # filename of the post without any extension or path
                # This should also correspond to any index entry in
                # the posts cache
                post_url = \
                    post_filename.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
                post_url = post_url.replace('.json', '').strip()

                if post_url in post_urls_in_box:

                # is the post cached in memory?
                if recent_posts_cache.get('index'):
                    if post_url in recent_posts_cache['index']:
                        if recent_posts_cache['json'].get(post_url):
                            url = recent_posts_cache['json'][post_url]
                            if _add_post_string_to_timeline(url,
                                total_posts_count += 1
                                posts_added_to_timeline += 1
                            print('Post not added to timeline')

                # read the post from file
                full_post_filename = \
                    locate_post(base_dir, nickname,
                                original_domain, post_url, False)
                if full_post_filename:
                    # has the post been rejected?
                    if os.path.isfile(full_post_filename + '.reject'):

                    if _add_post_to_timeline(full_post_filename, boxname,
                                             posts_in_box, box_actor):
                        posts_added_to_timeline += 1
                        total_posts_count += 1
                        print('WARN: Unable to add post ' + post_url +
                              ' nickname ' + nickname +
                              ' timeline ' + boxname)
                    if timeline_nickname != nickname:
                        # if this is the features timeline
                        full_post_filename = \
                            locate_post(base_dir, timeline_nickname,
                                        original_domain, post_url, False)
                        if full_post_filename:
                            if _add_post_to_timeline(full_post_filename,
                                                     posts_in_box, box_actor):
                                posts_added_to_timeline += 1
                                total_posts_count += 1
                                print('WARN: Unable to add features post ' +
                                      post_url + ' nickname ' + nickname +
                                      ' timeline ' + boxname)
                            print('WARN: features timeline. ' +
                                  'Unable to locate post ' + post_url)
                        if timeline_nickname == 'news':
                            print('WARN: Unable to locate news post ' +
                                  post_url + ' nickname ' + nickname)
                            print('WARN: Unable to locate post ' + post_url +
                                  ' nickname ' + nickname)

    if total_posts_count < 3:
        print('Posts added to json timeline ' + boxname + ': ' +

    # Generate first and last entries within header
    if total_posts_count > 0:
        last_page = int(total_posts_count / items_per_page)
        if last_page < 1:
            last_page = 1
        box_header['last'] = \
            local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain) + \
            '/' + boxname + '?page=' + str(last_page)

    if header_only:
        box_header['totalItems'] = len(posts_in_box)
        prev_page_str = 'true'
        if page_number > 1:
            prev_page_str = str(page_number - 1)
        box_header['prev'] = \
            local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain) + \
            '/' + boxname + '?page=' + prev_page_str

        next_page_str = str(page_number + 1)
        box_header['next'] = \
            local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain) + \
            '/' + boxname + '?page=' + next_page_str
        return box_header

    for post_str in posts_in_box:
        # Check if the post has replies
        has_replies = False
        if post_str.endswith('<hasReplies>'):
            has_replies = True
            # remove the replies identifier
            post_str = post_str.replace('<hasReplies>', '')

        # Check if the post was delivered via a third party
        mitm = False
        if post_str.endswith('<postmitm>'):
            mitm = True
            # remove the mitm identifier
            post_str = post_str.replace('<postmitm>', '')

        pst = None
            pst = json.loads(post_str)
        except BaseException:
            print('EX: _create_box_indexed unable to load json ' + post_str)

        # Does this post have replies?
        # This will be used to indicate that replies exist within the html
        # created by individual_post_as_html
        pst['hasReplies'] = has_replies

        # was the post delivered via a third party?
        pst['mitm'] = mitm

        if not authorized:
            if not remove_post_interactions(pst, False):


    return box_items

def expire_cache(base_dir: str, person_cache: {},
                 http_prefix: str, archive_dir: str,
                 recent_posts_cache: {},
                 max_posts_in_box: int):
    """Thread used to expire actors from the cache and archive old posts
    while True:
        # once per day
        time.sleep(60 * 60 * 24)
        archive_posts(base_dir, http_prefix, archive_dir, recent_posts_cache,

def archive_posts(base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, archive_dir: str,
                  recent_posts_cache: {},
                  max_posts_in_box=32000) -> None:
    """Archives posts for all accounts
    if max_posts_in_box == 0:

    if archive_dir:
        if not os.path.isdir(archive_dir):

    if archive_dir:
        if not os.path.isdir(archive_dir + '/accounts'):
            os.mkdir(archive_dir + '/accounts')

    for _, dirs, _ in os.walk(base_dir + '/accounts'):
        for handle in dirs:
            if '@' in handle:
                nickname = handle.split('@')[0]
                domain = handle.split('@')[1]
                archive_subdir = None
                if archive_dir:
                    if not os.path.isdir(archive_dir + '/accounts/' + handle):
                        os.mkdir(archive_dir + '/accounts/' + handle)
                    if not os.path.isdir(archive_dir + '/accounts/' +
                                         handle + '/inbox'):
                        os.mkdir(archive_dir + '/accounts/' +
                                 handle + '/inbox')
                    if not os.path.isdir(archive_dir + '/accounts/' +
                                         handle + '/outbox'):
                        os.mkdir(archive_dir + '/accounts/' +
                                 handle + '/outbox')
                    archive_subdir = archive_dir + '/accounts/' + \
                        handle + '/inbox'
                                         nickname, domain, base_dir,
                                         'inbox', archive_subdir,
                                         recent_posts_cache, max_posts_in_box)
                if archive_dir:
                    archive_subdir = archive_dir + '/accounts/' + \
                        handle + '/outbox'
                                         nickname, domain, base_dir,
                                         'outbox', archive_subdir,
                                         recent_posts_cache, max_posts_in_box)

def archive_posts_for_person(http_prefix: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
                             base_dir: str,
                             boxname: str, archive_dir: str,
                             recent_posts_cache: {},
                             max_posts_in_box=32000) -> None:
    """Retain a maximum number of posts within the given box
    Move any others to an archive directory
    if boxname not in ('inbox', 'outbox'):
    if archive_dir:
        if not os.path.isdir(archive_dir):
    box_dir = create_person_dir(nickname, domain, base_dir, boxname)
    posts_in_box = os.scandir(box_dir)
    no_of_posts = 0
    for _ in posts_in_box:
        no_of_posts += 1
    if no_of_posts <= max_posts_in_box:
        print('Checked ' + str(no_of_posts) + ' ' + boxname +
              ' posts for ' + nickname + '@' + domain)

    # remove entries from the index
    handle = nickname + '@' + domain
    index_filename = \
        base_dir + '/accounts/' + handle + '/' + boxname + '.index'
    if os.path.isfile(index_filename):
        index_ctr = 0
        # get the existing index entries as a string
        new_index = ''
        with open(index_filename, 'r') as index_file:
            for post_id in index_file:
                new_index += post_id
                index_ctr += 1
                if index_ctr >= max_posts_in_box:
        # save the new index file
        if len(new_index) > 0:
            with open(index_filename, 'w+') as index_file:

    posts_in_box_dict = {}
    posts_ctr = 0
    posts_in_box = os.scandir(box_dir)
    for post_filename in posts_in_box:
        post_filename = post_filename.name
        if not post_filename.endswith('.json'):
        # Time of file creation
        full_filename = os.path.join(box_dir, post_filename)
        if os.path.isfile(full_filename):
            content = open(full_filename).read()
            if '"published":' in content:
                published_str = content.split('"published":')[1]
                if '"' in published_str:
                    published_str = published_str.split('"')[1]
                    if published_str.endswith('Z'):
                        posts_in_box_dict[published_str] = post_filename
                        posts_ctr += 1

    no_of_posts = posts_ctr
    if no_of_posts <= max_posts_in_box:
        print('Checked ' + str(no_of_posts) + ' ' + boxname +
              ' posts for ' + nickname + '@' + domain)

    # sort the list in ascending order of date
    posts_in_box_sorted = \
        OrderedDict(sorted(posts_in_box_dict.items(), reverse=False))

    # directory containing cached html posts
    post_cache_dir = box_dir.replace('/' + boxname, '/postcache')

    remove_ctr = 0
    for published_str, post_filename in posts_in_box_sorted.items():
        file_path = os.path.join(box_dir, post_filename)
        if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
        if archive_dir:
            archive_path = os.path.join(archive_dir, post_filename)
            os.rename(file_path, archive_path)

            extensions = ('replies', 'votes', 'arrived', 'muted')
            for ext in extensions:
                ext_path = file_path.replace('.json', '.' + ext)
                if os.path.isfile(ext_path):
                              archive_path.replace('.json', '.' + ext))
                    ext_path = file_path.replace('.json',
                                                 '.json.' + ext)
                    if os.path.isfile(ext_path):
                                                       '.json.' + ext))
            delete_post(base_dir, http_prefix, nickname, domain,
                        file_path, False, recent_posts_cache, False)

        # remove cached html posts
        post_cache_filename = \
            os.path.join(post_cache_dir, post_filename)
        post_cache_filename = post_cache_filename.replace('.json', '.html')
        if os.path.isfile(post_cache_filename):
            except OSError:
                print('EX: archive_posts_for_person unable to delete ' +

        no_of_posts -= 1
        remove_ctr += 1
        if no_of_posts <= max_posts_in_box:
    if archive_dir:
        print('Archived ' + str(remove_ctr) + ' ' + boxname +
              ' posts for ' + nickname + '@' + domain)
        print('Removed ' + str(remove_ctr) + ' ' + boxname +
              ' posts for ' + nickname + '@' + domain)
    print(nickname + '@' + domain + ' has ' + str(no_of_posts) +
          ' in ' + boxname)

def get_public_posts_of_person(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
                               raw: bool, simple: bool, proxy_type: str,
                               port: int, http_prefix: str,
                               debug: bool, project_version: str,
                               system_language: str,
                               signing_priv_key_pem: str,
                               origin_domain: str) -> None:
    """ This is really just for test purposes
    if debug:
        if signing_priv_key_pem:
            print('Signing key available')
            print('Signing key missing')

    print('Starting new session for getting public posts')
    session = create_session(proxy_type)
    if not session:
        if debug:
            print('Session was not created')
    person_cache = {}
    cached_webfingers = {}
    federation_list = []
    group_account = False
    if nickname.startswith('!'):
        nickname = nickname[1:]
        group_account = True
    domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port)
    handle = http_prefix + "://" + domain_full + "/@" + nickname

    wf_request = \
        webfinger_handle(session, handle, http_prefix, cached_webfingers,
                         origin_domain, project_version, debug, group_account,
    if not wf_request:
        if debug:
            print('No webfinger result was returned for ' + handle)
    if not isinstance(wf_request, dict):
        print('Webfinger for ' + handle + ' did not return a dict. ' +

    if debug:
        print('Getting the outbox for ' + handle)
    (person_url, _, _, person_id, _, _,
     _, _) = get_person_box(signing_priv_key_pem,
                            base_dir, session, wf_request,
                            project_version, http_prefix,
                            nickname, domain, 'outbox',
    if debug:
        print('Actor url: ' + str(person_id))
    if not person_id:

    max_mentions = 10
    max_emoji = 10
    max_attachments = 5
    _get_posts(session, person_url, 30, max_mentions, max_emoji,
               max_attachments, federation_list,
               person_cache, raw, simple, debug,
               project_version, http_prefix, origin_domain, system_language,

def get_public_post_domains(session, base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
                            origin_domain: str,
                            proxy_type: str, port: int, http_prefix: str,
                            debug: bool, project_version: str,
                            word_frequency: {}, domain_list: [],
                            system_language: str,
                            signing_priv_key_pem: str) -> []:
    """ Returns a list of domains referenced within public posts
    if not session:
        session = create_session(proxy_type)
    if not session:
        return domain_list
    person_cache = {}
    cached_webfingers = {}
    federation_list = []

    domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port)
    handle = http_prefix + "://" + domain_full + "/@" + nickname
    wf_request = \
        webfinger_handle(session, handle, http_prefix, cached_webfingers,
                         domain, project_version, debug, False,
    if not wf_request:
        return domain_list
    if not isinstance(wf_request, dict):
        print('Webfinger for ' + handle + ' did not return a dict. ' +
        return domain_list

    (person_url, _, _, _, _, _,
     _, _) = get_person_box(signing_priv_key_pem,
                            base_dir, session, wf_request,
                            project_version, http_prefix,
                            nickname, domain, 'outbox',
    max_mentions = 99
    max_emoji = 99
    max_attachments = 5
    post_domains = \
        get_post_domains(session, person_url, 64, max_mentions, max_emoji,
                         max_attachments, federation_list,
                         person_cache, debug,
                         project_version, http_prefix, domain,
                         word_frequency, domain_list, system_language,
    return post_domains

def download_follow_collection(signing_priv_key_pem: str,
                               follow_type: str,
                               session, http_prefix: str,
                               actor: str, page_number: int,
                               no_of_pages: int, debug: bool) -> []:
    """Returns a list of following/followers for the given actor
    by downloading the json for their following/followers collection
    prof = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams'
    if '/channel/' not in actor or '/accounts/' not in actor:
        accept_str = \
            'application/activity+json; ' + \
            'profile="' + prof + '"'
        session_headers = {
            'Accept': accept_str
        accept_str = \
            'application/ld+json; ' + \
            'profile="' + prof + '"'
        session_headers = {
            'Accept': accept_str
    result = []
    for page_ctr in range(no_of_pages):
        url = \
            actor + '/' + follow_type + '?page=' + str(page_number + page_ctr)
        followers_json = \
            get_json(signing_priv_key_pem, session, url, session_headers, None,
                     debug, __version__, http_prefix, None)
        if followers_json:
            if followers_json.get('orderedItems'):
                for follower_actor in followers_json['orderedItems']:
                    if follower_actor not in result:
            elif followers_json.get('items'):
                for follower_actor in followers_json['items']:
                    if follower_actor not in result:
    return result

def get_public_post_info(session, base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
                         origin_domain: str,
                         proxy_type: str, port: int, http_prefix: str,
                         debug: bool, project_version: str,
                         word_frequency: {}, system_language: str,
                         signing_priv_key_pem: str) -> []:
    """ Returns a dict of domains referenced within public posts
    if not session:
        session = create_session(proxy_type)
    if not session:
        return {}
    person_cache = {}
    cached_webfingers = {}
    federation_list = []

    domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port)
    handle = http_prefix + "://" + domain_full + "/@" + nickname
    wf_request = \
        webfinger_handle(session, handle, http_prefix, cached_webfingers,
                         domain, project_version, debug, False,
    if not wf_request:
        return {}
    if not isinstance(wf_request, dict):
        print('Webfinger for ' + handle + ' did not return a dict. ' +
        return {}

    (person_url, _, _, _, _, _,
     _, _) = get_person_box(signing_priv_key_pem,
                            base_dir, session, wf_request,
                            project_version, http_prefix,
                            nickname, domain, 'outbox',
    max_mentions = 99
    max_emoji = 99
    max_attachments = 5
    max_posts = 64
    post_domains = \
        get_post_domains(session, person_url, max_posts,
                         max_mentions, max_emoji,
                         max_attachments, federation_list,
                         person_cache, debug,
                         project_version, http_prefix, domain,
                         word_frequency, [], system_language,
    domains_info = {}
    for pdomain in post_domains:
        if not domains_info.get(pdomain):
            domains_info[pdomain] = []

    blocked_posts = \
        _get_posts_for_blocked_domains(base_dir, session,
                                       person_url, max_posts,
                                       max_emoji, max_attachments,
                                       project_version, http_prefix,
                                       domain, signing_priv_key_pem)
    for blocked_domain, post_url_list in blocked_posts.items():
        domains_info[blocked_domain] += post_url_list

    return domains_info

def get_public_post_domains_blocked(session, base_dir: str,
                                    nickname: str, domain: str,
                                    proxy_type: str, port: int,
                                    http_prefix: str,
                                    debug: bool, project_version: str,
                                    word_frequency: {}, domain_list: [],
                                    system_language: str,
                                    signing_priv_key_pem: str) -> []:
    """ Returns a list of domains referenced within public posts which
    are globally blocked on this instance
    origin_domain = domain
    post_domains = \
        get_public_post_domains(session, base_dir, nickname, domain,
                                proxy_type, port, http_prefix,
                                debug, project_version,
                                word_frequency, domain_list, system_language,
    if not post_domains:
        return []

    blocking_filename = base_dir + '/accounts/blocking.txt'
    if not os.path.isfile(blocking_filename):
        return []

    # read the blocked domains as a single string
    blocked_str = ''
    with open(blocking_filename, 'r') as fp_block:
        blocked_str = fp_block.read()

    blocked_domains = []
    for domain_name in post_domains:
        if '@' not in domain_name:
        # get the domain after the @
        domain_name = domain_name.split('@')[1].strip()
        if is_evil(domain_name):
        if domain_name in blocked_str:

    return blocked_domains

def _get_non_mutuals_of_person(base_dir: str,
                               nickname: str, domain: str) -> []:
    """Returns the followers who are not mutuals of a person
    i.e. accounts which follow you but you don't follow them
    followers = \
        get_followers_list(base_dir, nickname, domain, 'followers.txt')
    following = \
        get_followers_list(base_dir, nickname, domain, 'following.txt')
    non_mutuals = []
    for handle in followers:
        if handle not in following:
    return non_mutuals

def check_domains(session, base_dir: str,
                  nickname: str, domain: str,
                  proxy_type: str, port: int, http_prefix: str,
                  debug: bool, project_version: str,
                  max_blocked_domains: int, single_check: bool,
                  system_language: str,
                  signing_priv_key_pem: str) -> None:
    """Checks follower accounts for references to globally blocked domains
    word_frequency = {}
    non_mutuals = _get_non_mutuals_of_person(base_dir, nickname, domain)
    if not non_mutuals:
        print('No non-mutual followers were found')
    follower_warning_filename = base_dir + '/accounts/followerWarnings.txt'
    update_follower_warnings = False
    follower_warning_str = ''
    if os.path.isfile(follower_warning_filename):
        with open(follower_warning_filename, 'r') as fp_warn:
            follower_warning_str = fp_warn.read()

    if single_check:
        # checks a single random non-mutual
        index = random.randrange(0, len(non_mutuals))
        handle = non_mutuals[index]
        if '@' in handle:
            non_mutual_nickname = handle.split('@')[0]
            non_mutual_domain = handle.split('@')[1].strip()
            blocked_domains = \
                get_public_post_domains_blocked(session, base_dir,
                                                proxy_type, port, http_prefix,
                                                debug, project_version,
                                                word_frequency, [],
            if blocked_domains:
                if len(blocked_domains) > max_blocked_domains:
                    follower_warning_str += handle + '\n'
                    update_follower_warnings = True
        # checks all non-mutuals
        for handle in non_mutuals:
            if '@' not in handle:
            if handle in follower_warning_str:
            non_mutual_nickname = handle.split('@')[0]
            non_mutual_domain = handle.split('@')[1].strip()
            blocked_domains = \
                get_public_post_domains_blocked(session, base_dir,
                                                proxy_type, port, http_prefix,
                                                debug, project_version,
                                                word_frequency, [],
            if blocked_domains:
                for bdomain in blocked_domains:
                    print('  ' + bdomain)
                if len(blocked_domains) > max_blocked_domains:
                    follower_warning_str += handle + '\n'
                    update_follower_warnings = True

    if update_follower_warnings and follower_warning_str:
        with open(follower_warning_filename, 'w+') as fp_warn:
        if not single_check:

def populate_replies_json(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
                          post_replies_filename: str, authorized: bool,
                          replies_json: {}) -> None:
    pub_str = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public'
    # populate the items list with replies
    replies_boxes = ('outbox', 'inbox')
    with open(post_replies_filename, 'r') as replies_file:
        for message_id in replies_file:
            reply_found = False
            # examine inbox and outbox
            for boxname in replies_boxes:
                message_id2 = message_id.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
                search_filename = \
                    acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/' + \
                    boxname + '/' + \
                    message_id2.replace('/', '#') + '.json'
                if os.path.isfile(search_filename):
                    if authorized or \
                       pub_str in open(search_filename).read():
                        post_json_object = load_json(search_filename)
                        if post_json_object:
                            if post_json_object['object'].get('cc'):
                                pjo = post_json_object
                                if (authorized or
                                    (pub_str in pjo['object']['to'] or
                                     pub_str in pjo['object']['cc'])):
                                    reply_found = True
                                if authorized or \
                                   pub_str in post_json_object['object']['to']:
                                    pjo = post_json_object
                                    reply_found = True
            # if not in either inbox or outbox then examine the shared inbox
            if not reply_found:
                message_id2 = message_id.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
                search_filename = \
                    base_dir + \
                    '/accounts/inbox@' + \
                    domain + '/inbox/' + \
                    message_id2.replace('/', '#') + '.json'
                if os.path.isfile(search_filename):
                    if authorized or \
                       pub_str in open(search_filename).read():
                        # get the json of the reply and append it to
                        # the collection
                        post_json_object = load_json(search_filename)
                        if post_json_object:
                            if post_json_object['object'].get('cc'):
                                pjo = post_json_object
                                if (authorized or
                                    (pub_str in pjo['object']['to'] or
                                     pub_str in pjo['object']['cc'])):
                                    pjo = post_json_object
                                if authorized or \
                                   pub_str in post_json_object['object']['to']:
                                    pjo = post_json_object

def _reject_announce(announce_filename: str,
                     base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
                     announce_post_id: str, recent_posts_cache: {}):
    """Marks an announce as rejected
    reject_post_id(base_dir, nickname, domain, announce_post_id,

    # reject the post referenced by the announce activity object
    if not os.path.isfile(announce_filename + '.reject'):
        with open(announce_filename + '.reject', 'w+') as reject_announce_file:

def download_announce(session, base_dir: str, http_prefix: str,
                      nickname: str, domain: str,
                      post_json_object: {}, project_version: str,
                      translate: {},
                      yt_replace_domain: str,
                      twitter_replacement_domain: str,
                      allow_local_network_access: bool,
                      recent_posts_cache: {}, debug: bool,
                      system_language: str,
                      domain_full: str, person_cache: {},
                      signing_priv_key_pem: str,
                      blocked_cache: {}, bold_reading: bool) -> {}:
    """Download the post referenced by an announce
    if not post_json_object.get('object'):
        return None
    if not isinstance(post_json_object['object'], str):
        return None
    # ignore self-boosts
    if post_json_object['actor'] in post_json_object['object']:
        return None

    # get the announced post
    announce_cache_dir = base_dir + '/cache/announce/' + nickname
    if not os.path.isdir(announce_cache_dir):

    post_id = None
    if post_json_object.get('id'):
        post_id = remove_id_ending(post_json_object['id'])
    announce_filename = \
        announce_cache_dir + '/' + \
        post_json_object['object'].replace('/', '#') + '.json'

    if os.path.isfile(announce_filename + '.reject'):
        return None

    if os.path.isfile(announce_filename):
        if debug:
            print('Reading cached Announce content for ' +
        post_json_object = load_json(announce_filename)
        if post_json_object:
            return post_json_object
        profile_str = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams'
        accept_str = \
            'application/activity+json; ' + \
            'profile="' + profile_str + '"'
        as_header = {
            'Accept': accept_str
        if '/channel/' in post_json_object['actor'] or \
           '/accounts/' in post_json_object['actor']:
            accept_str = \
                'application/ld+json; ' + \
                'profile="' + profile_str + '"'
            as_header = {
                'Accept': accept_str
        actor_nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(post_json_object['actor'])
        if not actor_nickname:
            print('WARN: download_announce no actor_nickname')
            return None
        actor_domain, actor_port = \
        if not actor_domain:
            print('Announce actor does not contain a ' +
                  'valid domain or port number: ' +
            return None
        if is_blocked(base_dir, nickname, domain,
                      actor_nickname, actor_domain):
            print('Announce download blocked actor: ' +
                  actor_nickname + '@' + actor_domain)
            return None
        object_nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(post_json_object['object'])
        object_domain, _ = \
        if not object_domain:
            print('Announce object does not contain a ' +
                  'valid domain or port number: ' +
            return None
        if is_blocked(base_dir, nickname, domain, object_nickname,
            if object_nickname and object_domain:
                print('Announce download blocked object: ' +
                      object_nickname + '@' + object_domain)
                print('Announce download blocked object: ' +
            return None
        if debug:
            print('Downloading Announce content for ' +
        announced_json = \
            get_json(signing_priv_key_pem, session,
                     as_header, None, debug, project_version,
                     http_prefix, domain)

        if not announced_json:
            return None

        if not isinstance(announced_json, dict):
            print('WARN: announced post json is not a dict - ' +
                             base_dir, nickname, domain, post_id,
            return None
        if not announced_json.get('id'):
            print('WARN: announced post does not have an id ' +
                             base_dir, nickname, domain, post_id,
            return None
        if not announced_json.get('type'):
            print('WARN: announced post does not have a type ' +
                             base_dir, nickname, domain, post_id,
            return None
        if announced_json['type'] == 'Video':
            converted_json = \
                convert_video_to_note(base_dir, nickname, domain,
                                      announced_json, blocked_cache)
            if converted_json:
                announced_json = converted_json
        if '/statuses/' not in announced_json['id']:
            print('WARN: announced post id does not contain /statuses/ ' +
                             base_dir, nickname, domain, post_id,
            return None
        if not has_users_path(announced_json['id']):
            print('WARN: announced post id does not contain /users/ ' +
                             base_dir, nickname, domain, post_id,
            return None
        if announced_json['type'] != 'Note' and \
           announced_json['type'] != 'Page' and \
           announced_json['type'] != 'Article':
            print('WARN: announced post is not Note/Page/Article ' +
            # You can only announce Note or Article types
                             base_dir, nickname, domain, post_id,
            return None
        if not announced_json.get('content'):
            print('WARN: announced post does not have content ' +
                             base_dir, nickname, domain, post_id,
            return None
        if not announced_json.get('published'):
            print('WARN: announced post does not have published ' +
                             base_dir, nickname, domain, post_id,
            return None
        if '.' in announced_json['published'] and \
           'Z' in announced_json['published']:
            announced_json['published'] = \
                announced_json['published'].split('.')[0] + 'Z'
        if not valid_post_date(announced_json['published'], 90, debug):
            print('WARN: announced post is not recently published ' +
                             base_dir, nickname, domain, post_id,
            return None
        if not understood_post_language(base_dir, nickname, domain,
                                        announced_json, system_language,
                                        http_prefix, domain_full,
            return None
        # Check the content of the announce
        content_str = announced_json['content']
        using_content_map = False
        if announced_json.get('contentMap'):
            if announced_json['contentMap'].get(system_language):
                content_str = announced_json['contentMap'][system_language]
                using_content_map = True
        if dangerous_markup(content_str, allow_local_network_access):
            print('WARN: announced post contains dangerous markup ' +
                             base_dir, nickname, domain, post_id,
            return None

        if is_filtered(base_dir, nickname, domain, content_str):
            print('WARN: announced post has been filtered ' +
                             base_dir, nickname, domain, post_id,
            return None

        if invalid_ciphertext(content_str):
            print('WARN: announced post contains invalid ciphertext ' +
                             base_dir, nickname, domain, post_id,
            print('WARN: Invalid ciphertext within announce ' +
            return None

        # remove any long words
        content_str = remove_long_words(content_str, 40, [])

        # Prevent the same word from being repeated many times
        content_str = limit_repeated_words(content_str, 6)

        # remove text formatting, such as bold/italics
        content_str = remove_text_formatting(content_str, bold_reading)

        # set the content after santitization
        if using_content_map:
            announced_json['contentMap'][system_language] = content_str
        announced_json['content'] = content_str

        # wrap in create to be consistent with other posts
        announced_json = \
                                       actor_nickname, actor_domain,
                                       actor_port, announced_json)
        if announced_json['type'] != 'Create':
            print('WARN: announced post could not be wrapped in Create ' +
            # Create wrap failed
                             base_dir, nickname, domain, post_id,
            return None

        # labelAccusatoryPost(post_json_object, translate)
        # set the id to the original status
        announced_json['id'] = post_json_object['object']
        announced_json['object']['id'] = post_json_object['object']
        # check that the repeat isn't for a blocked account
        attributed_nickname = \
        attributed_domain, attributed_port = \
        if attributed_nickname and attributed_domain:
            attributed_domain = \
                get_full_domain(attributed_domain, attributed_port)
            if is_blocked(base_dir, nickname, domain,
                          attributed_nickname, attributed_domain):
                print('WARN: announced post handle is blocked ' +
                      str(attributed_nickname) + '@' + attributed_domain)
                                 base_dir, nickname, domain, post_id,
                return None
        post_json_object = announced_json
        replace_you_tube(post_json_object, yt_replace_domain, system_language)
        replace_twitter(post_json_object, twitter_replacement_domain,
        if save_json(post_json_object, announce_filename):
            return post_json_object
    return None

def is_muted_conv(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, post_id: str,
                  conversation_id: str) -> bool:
    """Returns true if the given post is muted
    if conversation_id:
        conv_muted_filename = \
            acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/conversation/' + \
            conversation_id.replace('/', '#') + '.muted'
        if os.path.isfile(conv_muted_filename):
            return True
    post_filename = locate_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, post_id)
    if not post_filename:
        return False
    if os.path.isfile(post_filename + '.muted'):
        return True
    return False

def send_block_via_server(base_dir: str, session,
                          from_nickname: str, password: str,
                          from_domain: str, from_port: int,
                          http_prefix: str, blocked_url: str,
                          cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {},
                          debug: bool, project_version: str,
                          signing_priv_key_pem: str) -> {}:
    """Creates a block via c2s
    if not session:
        print('WARN: No session for send_block_via_server')
        return 6

    from_domain_full = get_full_domain(from_domain, from_port)

    block_actor = local_actor_url(http_prefix, from_nickname, from_domain_full)
    to_url = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public'
    cc_url = block_actor + '/followers'

    new_block_json = {
        "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
        'type': 'Block',
        'actor': block_actor,
        'object': blocked_url,
        'to': [to_url],
        'cc': [cc_url]

    handle = http_prefix + '://' + from_domain_full + '/@' + from_nickname

    # lookup the inbox for the To handle
    wf_request = webfinger_handle(session, handle, http_prefix,
                                  from_domain, project_version, debug, False,
    if not wf_request:
        if debug:
            print('DEBUG: block webfinger failed for ' + handle)
        return 1
    if not isinstance(wf_request, dict):
        print('WARN: block Webfinger for ' + handle +
              ' did not return a dict. ' + str(wf_request))
        return 1

    post_to_box = 'outbox'

    # get the actor inbox for the To handle
    origin_domain = from_domain
    (inbox_url, _, _, from_person_id, _, _,
     _, _) = get_person_box(signing_priv_key_pem,
                            base_dir, session, wf_request,
                            project_version, http_prefix,
                            from_domain, post_to_box, 72652)

    if not inbox_url:
        if debug:
            print('DEBUG: block no ' + post_to_box +
                  ' was found for ' + handle)
        return 3
    if not from_person_id:
        if debug:
            print('DEBUG: block no actor was found for ' + handle)
        return 4

    auth_header = create_basic_auth_header(from_nickname, password)

    headers = {
        'host': from_domain,
        'Content-type': 'application/json',
        'Authorization': auth_header
    post_result = post_json(http_prefix, from_domain_full,
                            session, new_block_json, [], inbox_url,
                            headers, 30, True)
    if not post_result:
        print('WARN: block unable to post')

    if debug:
        print('DEBUG: c2s POST block success')

    return new_block_json

def send_mute_via_server(base_dir: str, session,
                         from_nickname: str, password: str,
                         from_domain: str, from_port: int,
                         http_prefix: str, muted_url: str,
                         cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {},
                         debug: bool, project_version: str,
                         signing_priv_key_pem: str) -> {}:
    """Creates a mute via c2s
    if not session:
        print('WARN: No session for send_mute_via_server')
        return 6

    from_domain_full = get_full_domain(from_domain, from_port)

    actor = local_actor_url(http_prefix, from_nickname, from_domain_full)
    handle = replace_users_with_at(actor)

    new_mute_json = {
        "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
        'type': 'Ignore',
        'actor': actor,
        'to': [actor],
        'object': muted_url

    # lookup the inbox for the To handle
    wf_request = webfinger_handle(session, handle, http_prefix,
                                  from_domain, project_version, debug, False,
    if not wf_request:
        if debug:
            print('DEBUG: mute webfinger failed for ' + handle)
        return 1
    if not isinstance(wf_request, dict):
        print('WARN: mute Webfinger for ' + handle +
              ' did not return a dict. ' + str(wf_request))
        return 1

    post_to_box = 'outbox'

    # get the actor inbox for the To handle
    origin_domain = from_domain
    (inbox_url, _, _, from_person_id, _, _,
     _, _) = get_person_box(signing_priv_key_pem,
                            base_dir, session, wf_request,
                            project_version, http_prefix,
                            from_domain, post_to_box, 72652)

    if not inbox_url:
        if debug:
            print('DEBUG: mute no ' + post_to_box + ' was found for ' + handle)
        return 3
    if not from_person_id:
        if debug:
            print('DEBUG: mute no actor was found for ' + handle)
        return 4

    auth_header = create_basic_auth_header(from_nickname, password)

    headers = {
        'host': from_domain,
        'Content-type': 'application/json',
        'Authorization': auth_header
    post_result = post_json(http_prefix, from_domain_full,
                            session, new_mute_json, [], inbox_url,
                            headers, 3, True)
    if post_result is None:
        print('WARN: mute unable to post')

    if debug:
        print('DEBUG: c2s POST mute success')

    return new_mute_json

def send_undo_mute_via_server(base_dir: str, session,
                              from_nickname: str, password: str,
                              from_domain: str, from_port: int,
                              http_prefix: str, muted_url: str,
                              cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {},
                              debug: bool, project_version: str,
                              signing_priv_key_pem: str) -> {}:
    """Undoes a mute via c2s
    if not session:
        print('WARN: No session for send_undo_mute_via_server')
        return 6

    from_domain_full = get_full_domain(from_domain, from_port)

    actor = local_actor_url(http_prefix, from_nickname, from_domain_full)
    handle = replace_users_with_at(actor)

    undo_mute_json = {
        "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
        'type': 'Undo',
        'actor': actor,
        'to': [actor],
        'object': {
            'type': 'Ignore',
            'actor': actor,
            'to': [actor],
            'object': muted_url

    # lookup the inbox for the To handle
    wf_request = webfinger_handle(session, handle, http_prefix,
                                  from_domain, project_version, debug, False,
    if not wf_request:
        if debug:
            print('DEBUG: undo mute webfinger failed for ' + handle)
        return 1
    if not isinstance(wf_request, dict):
        print('WARN: undo mute Webfinger for ' + handle +
              ' did not return a dict. ' + str(wf_request))
        return 1

    post_to_box = 'outbox'

    # get the actor inbox for the To handle
    origin_domain = from_domain
    (inbox_url, _, _, from_person_id, _, _,
     _, _) = get_person_box(signing_priv_key_pem,
                            base_dir, session, wf_request,
                            project_version, http_prefix,
                            from_domain, post_to_box, 72652)

    if not inbox_url:
        if debug:
            print('DEBUG: undo mute no ' + post_to_box +
                  ' was found for ' + handle)
        return 3
    if not from_person_id:
        if debug:
            print('DEBUG: undo mute no actor was found for ' + handle)
        return 4

    auth_header = create_basic_auth_header(from_nickname, password)

    headers = {
        'host': from_domain,
        'Content-type': 'application/json',
        'Authorization': auth_header
    post_result = post_json(http_prefix, from_domain_full,
                            session, undo_mute_json, [], inbox_url,
                            headers, 3, True)
    if post_result is None:
        print('WARN: undo mute unable to post')

    if debug:
        print('DEBUG: c2s POST undo mute success')

    return undo_mute_json

def send_undo_block_via_server(base_dir: str, session,
                               from_nickname: str, password: str,
                               from_domain: str, from_port: int,
                               http_prefix: str, blocked_url: str,
                               cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {},
                               debug: bool, project_version: str,
                               signing_priv_key_pem: str) -> {}:
    """Creates a block via c2s
    if not session:
        print('WARN: No session for send_block_via_server')
        return 6

    from_domain_full = get_full_domain(from_domain, from_port)

    block_actor = local_actor_url(http_prefix, from_nickname, from_domain_full)
    to_url = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public'
    cc_url = block_actor + '/followers'

    new_block_json = {
        "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
        'type': 'Undo',
        'actor': block_actor,
        'object': {
            'type': 'Block',
            'actor': block_actor,
            'object': blocked_url,
            'to': [to_url],
            'cc': [cc_url]

    handle = http_prefix + '://' + from_domain_full + '/@' + from_nickname

    # lookup the inbox for the To handle
    wf_request = webfinger_handle(session, handle, http_prefix,
                                  from_domain, project_version, debug, False,
    if not wf_request:
        if debug:
            print('DEBUG: unblock webfinger failed for ' + handle)
        return 1
    if not isinstance(wf_request, dict):
        print('WARN: unblock webfinger for ' + handle +
              ' did not return a dict. ' + str(wf_request))
        return 1

    post_to_box = 'outbox'

    # get the actor inbox for the To handle
    origin_domain = from_domain
    (inbox_url, _, _, from_person_id, _, _,
     _, _) = get_person_box(signing_priv_key_pem,
                            base_dir, session, wf_request,
                            project_version, http_prefix,
                            from_domain, post_to_box, 53892)

    if not inbox_url:
        if debug:
            print('DEBUG: unblock no ' + post_to_box +
                  ' was found for ' + handle)
        return 3
    if not from_person_id:
        if debug:
            print('DEBUG: unblock no actor was found for ' + handle)
        return 4

    auth_header = create_basic_auth_header(from_nickname, password)

    headers = {
        'host': from_domain,
        'Content-type': 'application/json',
        'Authorization': auth_header
    post_result = post_json(http_prefix, from_domain_full,
                            session, new_block_json, [], inbox_url,
                            headers, 30, True)
    if not post_result:
        print('WARN: unblock unable to post')

    if debug:
        print('DEBUG: c2s POST unblock success')

    return new_block_json

def post_is_muted(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
                  post_json_object: {}, message_id: str) -> bool:
    """ Returns true if the given post is muted
    is_muted = None
    if 'muted' in post_json_object:
        is_muted = post_json_object['muted']
    if is_muted is True or is_muted is False:
        return is_muted

    is_muted = False
    post_dir = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain)
    mute_filename = \
        post_dir + '/inbox/' + message_id.replace('/', '#') + '.json.muted'
    if os.path.isfile(mute_filename):
        is_muted = True
        mute_filename = \
            post_dir + '/outbox/' + \
            message_id.replace('/', '#') + '.json.muted'
        if os.path.isfile(mute_filename):
            is_muted = True
            mute_filename = \
                base_dir + '/accounts/cache/announce/' + nickname + \
                '/' + message_id.replace('/', '#') + '.json.muted'
            if os.path.isfile(mute_filename):
                is_muted = True
    return is_muted

def c2s_box_json(base_dir: str, session,
                 nickname: str, password: str,
                 domain: str, port: int,
                 http_prefix: str,
                 box_name: str, page_number: int,
                 debug: bool, signing_priv_key_pem: str) -> {}:
    """C2S Authenticated GET of posts for a timeline
    if not session:
        print('WARN: No session for c2s_box_json')
        return None

    domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port)
    actor = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full)

    auth_header = create_basic_auth_header(nickname, password)

    profile_str = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams'
    headers = {
        'host': domain,
        'Content-type': 'application/json',
        'Authorization': auth_header,
        'Accept': 'application/ld+json; profile="' + profile_str + '"'

    # GET json
    url = actor + '/' + box_name + '?page=' + str(page_number)
    box_json = get_json(signing_priv_key_pem, session, url, headers, None,
                        debug, __version__, http_prefix, None)

    if box_json is not None and debug:
        print('DEBUG: GET c2s_box_json success')

    return box_json

def seconds_between_published(published1: str, published2: str) -> int:
    """Returns the number of seconds between two published dates
        published1_time = \
            datetime.datetime.strptime(published1, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
    except BaseException:
        print('EX: seconds_between_published unable to parse date 1 ' +
        return -1
        published2_time = \
            datetime.datetime.strptime(published2, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
    except BaseException:
        print('EX: seconds_between_published unable to parse date 2 ' +
        return -1
    return (published2_time - published1_time).seconds

def edited_post_filename(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain: str,
                         post_json_object: {}, debug: bool,
                         max_time_diff_seconds: int,
                         system_language: str) -> (str, {}):
    """Returns the filename of the edited post
    if not has_object_dict(post_json_object):
        return '', None
    if not post_json_object.get('type'):
        return '', None
    if not post_json_object['object'].get('type'):
        return '', None
    if not post_json_object['object'].get('published'):
        return '', None
    if not post_json_object['object'].get('id'):
        return '', None
    if not post_json_object['object'].get('content'):
        return '', None
    if not post_json_object['object'].get('attributedTo'):
        return '', None
    if not isinstance(post_json_object['object']['attributedTo'], str):
        return '', None
    actor = post_json_object['object']['attributedTo']
    actor_filename = \
        acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/lastpost/' + \
        actor.replace('/', '#')
    if not os.path.isfile(actor_filename):
        return '', None
    post_id = remove_id_ending(post_json_object['object']['id'])
    lastpost_id = None
        with open(actor_filename, 'r') as fp_actor:
            lastpost_id = fp_actor.read()
    except OSError:
        print('EX: edited_post_filename unable to read ' + actor_filename)
        return '', None
    if not lastpost_id:
        return '', None
    if lastpost_id == post_id:
        return '', None
    lastpost_filename = \
        locate_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, lastpost_id, False)
    if not lastpost_filename:
        return '', None
    lastpost_json = load_json(lastpost_filename, 0)
    if not lastpost_json:
        return '', None
    if not lastpost_json.get('type'):
        return '', None
    if lastpost_json['type'] != post_json_object['type']:
        return '', None
    if not lastpost_json['object'].get('type'):
        return '', None
    if lastpost_json['object']['type'] != post_json_object['object']['type']:
        return '', None
    if not lastpost_json['object'].get('published'):
        return '', None
    if not lastpost_json['object'].get('id'):
        return '', None
    if not lastpost_json['object'].get('content'):
        return '', None
    if not lastpost_json['object'].get('attributedTo'):
        return '', None
    if not isinstance(lastpost_json['object']['attributedTo'], str):
        return '', None
    time_diff_seconds = \
    if time_diff_seconds > max_time_diff_seconds:
        return '', None
    if debug:
        print(post_id + ' might be an edit of ' + lastpost_id)
    lastpost_content = lastpost_json['object']['content']
    if lastpost_json['object'].get('contentMap'):
        if lastpost_json['object']['contentMap'].get(system_language):
            lastpost_content = \
    content = post_json_object['object']['content']
    if post_json_object['object'].get('contentMap'):
        if post_json_object['object']['contentMap'].get(system_language):
            content = \
    if words_similarity(lastpost_content, content, 10) < 70:
        return '', None
    print(post_id + ' is an edit of ' + lastpost_id)
    return lastpost_filename, lastpost_json

def get_original_post_from_announce_url(announce_url: str, base_dir: str,
                                        nickname: str,
                                        domain: str) -> (str, str, str):
    """From the url of an announce this returns the actor, url and
    filename (if available) of the original post being announced
    post_filename = locate_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, announce_url)
    if not post_filename:
        return None, None, None
    announce_post_json = load_json(post_filename, 0, 1)
    if not announce_post_json:
        return None, None, post_filename
    if not announce_post_json.get('type'):
        return None, None, post_filename
    if announce_post_json['type'] != 'Announce':
        return None, None, post_filename
    if not announce_post_json.get('object'):
        return None, None, post_filename
    if not isinstance(announce_post_json['object'], str):
        return None, None, post_filename
    actor = url = None
    # do we have the original post?
    orig_post_id = announce_post_json['object']
    orig_filename = locate_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, orig_post_id)
    if orig_filename:
        # we have the original post
        orig_post_json = load_json(orig_filename, 0, 1)
        if orig_post_json:
            if has_object_dict(orig_post_json):
                if orig_post_json['object'].get('attributedTo'):
                    attrib = orig_post_json['object']['attributedTo']
                    if isinstance(attrib, str):
                        actor = orig_post_json['object']['attributedTo']
                        url = orig_post_id
                elif orig_post_json['object'].get('actor'):
                    actor = orig_post_json['actor']
                    url = orig_post_id
        # we don't have the original post
        if has_users_path(orig_post_id):
            # get the actor from the original post url
            orig_nick = get_nickname_from_actor(orig_post_id)
            orig_domain, _ = get_domain_from_actor(orig_post_id)
            if orig_nick and orig_domain:
                actor = \
                    orig_post_id.split('/' + orig_nick + '/')[0] + \
                    '/' + orig_nick
                url = orig_post_id

    return actor, url, orig_filename