__filename__ = "pgp.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.2.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@freedombone.net" __status__ = "Production" import os import subprocess from pathlib import Path from person import getActorJson from utils import containsPGPPublicKey from utils import isPGPEncrypted from utils import getFullDomain from utils import getStatusNumber from webfinger import webfingerHandle from posts import getPersonBox from auth import createBasicAuthHeader from session import postJson def getEmailAddress(actorJson: {}) -> str: """Returns the email address for the given actor """ if not actorJson.get('attachment'): return '' for propertyValue in actorJson['attachment']: if not propertyValue.get('name'): continue if not propertyValue['name'].lower().startswith('email'): continue if not propertyValue.get('type'): continue if not propertyValue.get('value'): continue if propertyValue['type'] != 'PropertyValue': continue if '@' not in propertyValue['value']: continue if '.' not in propertyValue['value']: continue return propertyValue['value'] return '' def getPGPpubKey(actorJson: {}) -> str: """Returns PGP public key for the given actor """ if not actorJson.get('attachment'): return '' for propertyValue in actorJson['attachment']: if not propertyValue.get('name'): continue if not propertyValue['name'].lower().startswith('pgp'): continue if not propertyValue.get('type'): continue if not propertyValue.get('value'): continue if propertyValue['type'] != 'PropertyValue': continue if not containsPGPPublicKey(propertyValue['value']): continue return propertyValue['value'] return '' def getPGPfingerprint(actorJson: {}) -> str: """Returns PGP fingerprint for the given actor """ if not actorJson.get('attachment'): return '' for propertyValue in actorJson['attachment']: if not propertyValue.get('name'): continue if not propertyValue['name'].lower().startswith('openpgp'): continue if not propertyValue.get('type'): continue if not propertyValue.get('value'): continue if propertyValue['type'] != 'PropertyValue': continue if len(propertyValue['value']) < 10: continue return propertyValue['value'] return '' def setEmailAddress(actorJson: {}, emailAddress: str) -> None: """Sets the email address for the given actor """ notEmailAddress = False if '@' not in emailAddress: notEmailAddress = True if '.' not in emailAddress: notEmailAddress = True if '<' in emailAddress: notEmailAddress = True if emailAddress.startswith('@'): notEmailAddress = True if not actorJson.get('attachment'): actorJson['attachment'] = [] # remove any existing value propertyFound = None for propertyValue in actorJson['attachment']: if not propertyValue.get('name'): continue if not propertyValue.get('type'): continue if not propertyValue['name'].lower().startswith('email'): continue propertyFound = propertyValue break if propertyFound: actorJson['attachment'].remove(propertyFound) if notEmailAddress: return for propertyValue in actorJson['attachment']: if not propertyValue.get('name'): continue if not propertyValue.get('type'): continue if not propertyValue['name'].lower().startswith('email'): continue if propertyValue['type'] != 'PropertyValue': continue propertyValue['value'] = emailAddress return newEmailAddress = { "name": "Email", "type": "PropertyValue", "value": emailAddress } actorJson['attachment'].append(newEmailAddress) def setPGPpubKey(actorJson: {}, PGPpubKey: str) -> None: """Sets a PGP public key for the given actor """ removeKey = False if not PGPpubKey: removeKey = True else: if not containsPGPPublicKey(PGPpubKey): removeKey = True if '<' in PGPpubKey: removeKey = True if not actorJson.get('attachment'): actorJson['attachment'] = [] # remove any existing value propertyFound = None for propertyValue in actorJson['attachment']: if not propertyValue.get('name'): continue if not propertyValue.get('type'): continue if not propertyValue['name'].lower().startswith('pgp'): continue propertyFound = propertyValue break if propertyFound: actorJson['attachment'].remove(propertyValue) if removeKey: return for propertyValue in actorJson['attachment']: if not propertyValue.get('name'): continue if not propertyValue.get('type'): continue if not propertyValue['name'].lower().startswith('pgp'): continue if propertyValue['type'] != 'PropertyValue': continue propertyValue['value'] = PGPpubKey return newPGPpubKey = { "name": "PGP", "type": "PropertyValue", "value": PGPpubKey } actorJson['attachment'].append(newPGPpubKey) def setPGPfingerprint(actorJson: {}, fingerprint: str) -> None: """Sets a PGP fingerprint for the given actor """ removeFingerprint = False if not fingerprint: removeFingerprint = True else: if len(fingerprint) < 10: removeFingerprint = True if not actorJson.get('attachment'): actorJson['attachment'] = [] # remove any existing value propertyFound = None for propertyValue in actorJson['attachment']: if not propertyValue.get('name'): continue if not propertyValue.get('type'): continue if not propertyValue['name'].lower().startswith('openpgp'): continue propertyFound = propertyValue break if propertyFound: actorJson['attachment'].remove(propertyValue) if removeFingerprint: return for propertyValue in actorJson['attachment']: if not propertyValue.get('name'): continue if not propertyValue.get('type'): continue if not propertyValue['name'].lower().startswith('openpgp'): continue if propertyValue['type'] != 'PropertyValue': continue propertyValue['value'] = fingerprint.strip() return newPGPfingerprint = { "name": "OpenPGP", "type": "PropertyValue", "value": fingerprint } actorJson['attachment'].append(newPGPfingerprint) def extractPGPPublicKey(content: str) -> str: """Returns the PGP key from the given text """ startBlock = '--BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK--' endBlock = '--END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK--' if startBlock not in content: return None if endBlock not in content: return None if '\n' not in content: return None linesList = content.split('\n') extracting = False publicKey = '' for line in linesList: if not extracting: if startBlock in line: extracting = True else: if endBlock in line: publicKey += line break if extracting: publicKey += line + '\n' return publicKey def _pgpImportPubKey(recipientPubKey: str) -> str: """ Import the given public key """ # do a dry run cmdImportPubKey = \ 'echo "' + recipientPubKey + '" | gpg --dry-run --import 2> /dev/null' proc = subprocess.Popen([cmdImportPubKey], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) (importResult, err) = proc.communicate() if err: return None # this time for real cmdImportPubKey = \ 'echo "' + recipientPubKey + '" | gpg --import 2> /dev/null' proc = subprocess.Popen([cmdImportPubKey], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) (importResult, err) = proc.communicate() if err: return None # get the key id cmdImportPubKey = \ 'echo "' + recipientPubKey + '" | gpg --show-keys' proc = subprocess.Popen([cmdImportPubKey], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) (importResult, err) = proc.communicate() if not importResult: return None importResult = importResult.decode('utf-8').split('\n') keyId = '' for line in importResult: if line.startswith('pub'): continue elif line.startswith('uid'): continue elif line.startswith('sub'): continue keyId = line.strip() break return keyId def _pgpEncrypt(content: str, recipientPubKey: str) -> str: """ Encrypt using your default pgp key to the given recipient """ keyId = _pgpImportPubKey(recipientPubKey) if not keyId: return None cmdEncrypt = \ 'echo "' + content + '" | gpg --encrypt --armor --recipient ' + \ keyId + ' 2> /dev/null' proc = subprocess.Popen([cmdEncrypt], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) (encryptResult, err) = proc.communicate() if not encryptResult: return None encryptResult = encryptResult.decode('utf-8') if not isPGPEncrypted(encryptResult): return None return encryptResult def _getPGPPublicKeyFromActor(handle: str, actorJson=None) -> str: """Searches tags on the actor to see if there is any PGP public key specified """ if not actorJson: actorJson = getActorJson(handle, False, False, False, True) if not actorJson: return None if not actorJson.get('attachment'): return None if not isinstance(actorJson['attachment'], list): return None # search through the tags on the actor for tag in actorJson['attachment']: if not isinstance(tag, dict): continue if not tag.get('value'): continue if not isinstance(tag['value'], str): continue if containsPGPPublicKey(tag['value']): return tag['value'] return None def hasLocalPGPkey() -> bool: """Returns true if there is a local .gnupg directory """ homeDir = str(Path.home()) gpgDir = homeDir + '/.gnupg' if os.path.isdir(gpgDir): keyId = _pgpLocalPublicKeyId() if keyId: return True return False def pgpEncryptToActor(content: str, toHandle: str) -> str: """PGP encrypt a message to the given actor or handle """ # get the actor and extract the pgp public key from it recipientPubKey = _getPGPPublicKeyFromActor(toHandle) if not recipientPubKey: return None # encrypt using the recipient public key return _pgpEncrypt(content, recipientPubKey) def pgpDecrypt(content: str, fromHandle: str) -> str: """ Encrypt using your default pgp key to the given recipient fromHandle can be a handle or actor url """ if not isPGPEncrypted(content): return content # if the public key is also included within the message then import it if containsPGPPublicKey(content): pubKey = extractPGPPublicKey(content) else: pubKey = _getPGPPublicKeyFromActor(content, fromHandle) if pubKey: _pgpImportPubKey(pubKey) cmdDecrypt = \ 'echo "' + content + '" | gpg --decrypt --armor 2> /dev/null' proc = subprocess.Popen([cmdDecrypt], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) (decryptResult, err) = proc.communicate() if not decryptResult: return content decryptResult = decryptResult.decode('utf-8').strip() return decryptResult def _pgpLocalPublicKeyId() -> str: """Gets the local pgp public key ID """ cmdStr = \ "gpgconf --list-options gpg | " + \ "awk -F: '$1 == \"default-key\" {print $10}'" proc = subprocess.Popen([cmdStr], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) (result, err) = proc.communicate() if err: return None if not result: return None if len(result) < 5: return None return result.decode('utf-8').replace('"', '').strip() def pgpLocalPublicKey() -> str: """Gets the local pgp public key """ keyId = _pgpLocalPublicKeyId() if not keyId: return None cmdStr = "gpg --armor --export " + keyId proc = subprocess.Popen([cmdStr], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) (result, err) = proc.communicate() if err: return None if not result: return None return extractPGPPublicKey(result.decode('utf-8')) def pgpPublicKeyUpload(baseDir: str, session, nickname: str, password: str, domain: str, port: int, httpPrefix: str, cachedWebfingers: {}, personCache: {}, debug: bool, test: str) -> {}: if debug: print('pgpPublicKeyUpload') if not session: if debug: print('WARN: No session for pgpPublicKeyUpload') return None if not test: if debug: print('Getting PGP public key') PGPpubKey = pgpLocalPublicKey() if not PGPpubKey: return None PGPpubKeyId = _pgpLocalPublicKeyId() else: if debug: print('Testing with PGP public key ' + test) PGPpubKey = test PGPpubKeyId = None domainFull = getFullDomain(domain, port) if debug: print('PGP test domain: ' + domainFull) handle = nickname + '@' + domainFull if debug: print('Getting actor for ' + handle) actorJson = getActorJson(handle, False, False, debug, True) if not actorJson: if debug: print('No actor returned for ' + handle) return None if debug: print('Actor for ' + handle + ' obtained') actor = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + '/users/' + nickname handle = actor.replace('/users/', '/@') # check that this looks like the correct actor if not actorJson.get('id'): if debug: print('Actor has no id') return None if not actorJson.get('url'): if debug: print('Actor has no url') return None if not actorJson.get('type'): if debug: print('Actor has no type') return None if actorJson['id'] != actor: if debug: print('Actor id is not ' + actor + ' instead is ' + actorJson['id']) return None if actorJson['url'] != handle: if debug: print('Actor url is not ' + handle) return None if actorJson['type'] != 'Person': if debug: print('Actor type is not Person') return None # set the pgp details if PGPpubKeyId: setPGPfingerprint(actorJson, PGPpubKeyId) else: if debug: print('No PGP key Id. Continuing anyway.') if debug: print('Setting PGP key within ' + actor) setPGPpubKey(actorJson, PGPpubKey) # create an actor update statusNumber, published = getStatusNumber() actorUpdate = { '@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', 'id': actor + '#updates/' + statusNumber, 'type': 'Update', 'actor': actor, 'to': [actor], 'cc': [], 'object': actorJson } if debug: print('actor update is ' + str(actorUpdate)) # lookup the inbox for the To handle wfRequest = \ webfingerHandle(session, handle, httpPrefix, cachedWebfingers, domain, __version__, debug) if not wfRequest: if debug: print('DEBUG: pgp actor update webfinger failed for ' + handle) return None if not isinstance(wfRequest, dict): if debug: print('WARN: Webfinger for ' + handle + ' did not return a dict. ' + str(wfRequest)) return None postToBox = 'outbox' # get the actor inbox for the To handle (inboxUrl, pubKeyId, pubKey, fromPersonId, sharedInbox, avatarUrl, displayName) = getPersonBox(baseDir, session, wfRequest, personCache, __version__, httpPrefix, nickname, domain, postToBox, 52025) if not inboxUrl: if debug: print('DEBUG: No ' + postToBox + ' was found for ' + handle) return None if not fromPersonId: if debug: print('DEBUG: No actor was found for ' + handle) return None authHeader = createBasicAuthHeader(nickname, password) headers = { 'host': domain, 'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': authHeader } quiet = not debug tries = 0 while tries < 4: postResult = \ postJson(session, actorUpdate, [], inboxUrl, headers, 5, quiet) if postResult: break tries += 1 if postResult is None: if debug: print('DEBUG: POST pgp actor update failed for c2s to ' + inboxUrl) return None if debug: print('DEBUG: c2s POST pgp actor update success') return actorUpdate