__filename__ = "webapp_media.py"
__author__ = "Bob Mottram"
__license__ = "AGPL3+"
__version__ = "1.3.0"
__maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram"
__email__ = "bob@libreserver.org"
__status__ = "Production"
__module_group__ = "Timeline"
import os
from utils import valid_url_prefix
def load_peertube_instances(base_dir: str, peertube_instances: []) -> None:
"""Loads peertube instances from file into the given list
peertube_list = None
peertube_instances_filename = base_dir + '/accounts/peertube.txt'
if os.path.isfile(peertube_instances_filename):
with open(peertube_instances_filename, 'r') as fp_inst:
peertube_str = fp_inst.read()
if peertube_str:
peertube_str = peertube_str.replace('\r', '')
peertube_list = peertube_str.split('\n')
if not peertube_list:
for url in peertube_list:
if url in peertube_instances:
def _add_embedded_video_from_sites(translate: {}, content: str,
peertube_instances: [],
width: int, height: int) -> str:
"""Adds embedded videos
if '>vimeo.com/' in content:
url = content.split('>vimeo.com/')[1]
if '<' in url:
url = url.split('<')[0]
content += \
return content
video_site = 'https://www.youtube.com'
if 'https://m.youtube.com' in content:
content = content.replace('https://m.youtube.com', video_site)
if '"' + video_site in content:
url = content.split('"' + video_site)[1]
if '"' in url:
url = url.split('"')[0]
if '/channel/' not in url and '/playlist' not in url:
url = url.replace('/watch?v=', '/embed/')
if '&' in url:
url = url.split('&')[0]
if '?utm_' in url:
url = url.split('?utm_')[0]
content += \
return content
video_site = 'https://youtu.be/'
if '"' + video_site in content:
url = content.split('"' + video_site)[1]
if '"' in url:
url = url.split('"')[0]
if '/channel/' not in url and '/playlist' not in url:
url = 'embed/' + url
if '&' in url:
url = url.split('&')[0]
if '?utm_' in url:
url = url.split('?utm_')[0]
video_site = 'https://www.youtube.com/'
content += \
return content
invidious_sites = (
'http://c7hqkpkpemu6e7emz5b4vy' +
'http://axqzx4s6s54s32yentfqojs3x5i7faxza6xo3ehd4' +
for video_site in invidious_sites:
if '"' + video_site in content:
url = content.split('"' + video_site)[1]
if '"' in url:
url = url.split('"')[0].replace('/watch?v=', '/embed/')
if '&' in url:
url = url.split('&')[0]
if '?utm_' in url:
url = url.split('?utm_')[0]
# explicitly turn off autoplay
if '?' in url:
if '&autoplay=' not in url:
url += '&autoplay=0'
url = url.replace('&autoplay=1', '&autoplay=0')
if '?autoplay=' not in url:
url += '?autoplay=0'
url = url.replace('?autoplay=1', '?autoplay=0')
content += \
return content
video_site = 'https://media.ccc.de'
if '"' + video_site in content:
url = content.split('"' + video_site)[1]
if '"' in url:
url = url.split('"')[0]
video_site_settings = ''
if '#' in url:
video_site_settings = '#' + url.split('#', 1)[1]
url = url.split('#')[0]
if not url.endswith('/oembed'):
url = url + '/oembed'
url += video_site_settings
content += \
return content
if '"https://' in content:
if peertube_instances:
# only create an embedded video for a limited set of
# peertube sites.
peertube_sites = peertube_instances
# A default minimal set of peertube instances
# Also see https://peertube_isolation.frama.io/list/ for
# adversarial instances. Nothing in that list should be
# in the defaults below.
peertube_sites = (
for site in peertube_sites:
site = site.strip()
if not site:
if len(site) < 5:
if '.' not in site:
site_str = site
if site.startswith('http://'):
site = site.replace('http://', '')
elif site.startswith('https://'):
site = site.replace('https://', '')
if site.endswith('.onion') or site.endswith('.i2p'):
site_str = 'http://' + site
site_str = 'https://' + site
site_str = '"' + site_str
if site_str not in content:
url = content.split(site_str)[1]
if '"' not in url:
url = url.split('"')[0]
if '/c/' in url:
# don't try to embed peertube channel page
if '?sort=' in url:
# don't try to embed a sorted list
if '/w/' in url:
if '/videos/' not in url:
url = url.replace('/w/', '/videos/embed/')
url = url.replace('/w/', '/embed/')
url = url.replace('/watch/', '/embed/')
content += \
return content
return content
def _add_embedded_audio(translate: {}, content: str) -> str:
"""Adds embedded audio for mp3/ogg/opus
if not ('.mp3' in content or '.ogg' in content or '.opus' in content):
return content
if '