__filename__ = "webapp_timeline.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.3.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@libreserver.org" __status__ = "Production" __module_group__ = "Timeline" import os import time from shutil import copyfile from utils import is_artist from utils import dangerous_markup from utils import get_config_param from utils import get_full_domain from utils import is_editor from utils import remove_id_ending from utils import acct_dir from utils import is_float from utils import local_actor_url from utils import remove_eol from follow import follower_approval_active from person import is_person_snoozed from markdown import markdown_to_html from webapp_utils import html_keyboard_navigation from webapp_utils import html_hide_from_screen_reader from webapp_utils import html_post_separator from webapp_utils import get_banner_file from webapp_utils import html_header_with_external_style from webapp_utils import html_footer from webapp_utils import shares_timeline_json from webapp_utils import html_highlight_label from webapp_post import prepare_post_from_html_cache from webapp_post import individual_post_as_html from webapp_column_left import get_left_column_content from webapp_column_right import get_right_column_content from webapp_headerbuttons import header_buttons_timeline from posts import is_moderator from announce import is_self_announce def _log_timeline_timing(enable_timing_log: bool, timeline_start_time, box_name: str, debug_id: str) -> None: """Create a log of timings for performance tuning """ if not enable_timing_log: return time_diff = int((time.time() - timeline_start_time) * 1000) if time_diff > 100: print('TIMELINE TIMING ' + box_name + ' ' + debug_id + ' = ' + str(time_diff)) def _get_help_for_timeline(base_dir: str, box_name: str) -> str: """Shows help text for the given timeline """ # get the filename for help for this timeline help_filename = base_dir + '/accounts/help_' + box_name + '.md' if not os.path.isfile(help_filename): language = \ get_config_param(base_dir, 'language') if not language: language = 'en' theme_name = \ get_config_param(base_dir, 'theme') default_filename = None if theme_name: default_filename = \ base_dir + '/theme/' + theme_name + '/welcome/' + \ 'help_' + box_name + '_' + language + '.md' if not os.path.isfile(default_filename): default_filename = None if not default_filename: default_filename = \ base_dir + '/defaultwelcome/' + \ 'help_' + box_name + '_' + language + '.md' if not os.path.isfile(default_filename): default_filename = \ base_dir + '/defaultwelcome/help_' + box_name + '_en.md' if os.path.isfile(default_filename): copyfile(default_filename, help_filename) # show help text if os.path.isfile(help_filename): instance_title = \ get_config_param(base_dir, 'instanceTitle') if not instance_title: instance_title = 'Epicyon' with open(help_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as help_file: help_text = help_file.read() if dangerous_markup(help_text, False): return '' help_text = help_text.replace('INSTANCE', instance_title) return '<div class="container">\n' + \ markdown_to_html(help_text) + '\n' + \ '</div>\n' return '' def _html_timeline_new_post(manually_approve_followers: bool, box_name: str, icons_as_buttons: bool, users_path: str, translate: {}, access_keys: {}) -> str: """Returns html for the new post button """ new_post_button_str = '' if box_name == 'dm': if not icons_as_buttons: new_post_button_str += \ '<a class="imageAnchor" href="' + users_path + \ '/newdm?nodropdown" tabindex="3" accesskey="' + \ access_keys['menuNewPost'] + '">' + \ '<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" src="/' + \ 'icons/newpost.png" title="' + \ translate['Create a new DM'] + \ '" alt="| ' + translate['Create a new DM'] + \ '" class="timelineicon"/></a>\n' else: new_post_button_str += \ '<a href="' + users_path + \ '/newdm?nodropdown" tabindex="3" accesskey="' + \ access_keys['menuNewPost'] + '">' + \ '<button class="button"><span>' + \ translate['Post'] + ' </span></button></a>' elif box_name in ('tlblogs', 'tlnews', 'tlfeatures'): if not icons_as_buttons: new_post_button_str += \ '<a class="imageAnchor" href="' + users_path + \ '/newblog" tabindex="3" accesskey="' + \ access_keys['menuNewPost'] + '">' + \ '<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" src="/' + \ 'icons/newpost.png" title="' + \ translate['Create a new post'] + '" alt="| ' + \ translate['Create a new post'] + \ '" class="timelineicon"/></a>\n' else: new_post_button_str += \ '<a href="' + users_path + \ '/newblog" tabindex="3" accesskey="' + \ access_keys['menuNewPost'] + '">' + \ '<button class="button"><span>' + \ translate['Post'] + '</span></button></a>' elif box_name == 'tlshares': if not icons_as_buttons: new_post_button_str += \ '<a class="imageAnchor" href="' + users_path + \ '/newshare?nodropdown" tabindex="3" accesskey="' + \ access_keys['menuNewPost'] + '">' + \ '<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" src="/' + \ 'icons/newpost.png" title="' + \ translate['Create a new shared item'] + '" alt="| ' + \ translate['Create a new shared item'] + \ '" class="timelineicon"/></a>\n' else: new_post_button_str += \ '<a href="' + users_path + \ '/newshare?nodropdown" tabindex="3" accesskey="' + \ access_keys['menuNewPost'] + '">' + \ '<button class="button"><span>' + \ translate['Post'] + '</span></button></a>' elif box_name == 'tlwanted': if not icons_as_buttons: new_post_button_str += \ '<a class="imageAnchor" href="' + users_path + \ '/newwanted?nodropdown" tabindex="3" accesskey="' + \ access_keys['menuNewPost'] + '">' + \ '<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" src="/' + \ 'icons/newpost.png" title="' + \ translate['Create a new wanted item'] + '" alt="| ' + \ translate['Create a new wanted item'] + \ '" class="timelineicon"/></a>\n' else: new_post_button_str += \ '<a href="' + users_path + \ '/newwanted?nodropdown" tabindex="3" accesskey="' + \ access_keys['menuNewPost'] + '">' + \ '<button class="button"><span>' + \ translate['Post'] + '</span></button></a>' else: if not manually_approve_followers: if not icons_as_buttons: new_post_button_str += \ '<a class="imageAnchor" href="' + users_path + \ '/newpost" tabindex="3">' + \ '<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" src="/' + \ 'icons/newpost.png" title="' + \ translate['Create a new post'] + '" alt="| ' + \ translate['Create a new post'] + \ '" class="timelineicon"/></a>\n' else: new_post_button_str += \ '<a href="' + users_path + '/newpost" tabindex="3">' + \ '<button class="button"><span>' + \ translate['Post'] + '</span></button></a>' else: if not icons_as_buttons: new_post_button_str += \ '<a class="imageAnchor" href="' + users_path + \ '/newfollowers" tabindex="3" accesskey="' + \ access_keys['menuNewPost'] + '">' + \ '<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" src="/' + \ 'icons/newpost.png" title="' + \ translate['Create a new post'] + \ '" alt="| ' + translate['Create a new post'] + \ '" class="timelineicon"/></a>\n' else: new_post_button_str += \ '<a href="' + users_path + \ '/newfollowers" tabindex="3" accesskey="' + \ access_keys['menuNewPost'] + '">' + \ '<button class="button"><span>' + \ translate['Post'] + '</span></button></a>' return new_post_button_str def _html_timeline_moderation_buttons(moderator: bool, box_name: str, nickname: str, moderation_action_str: str, translate: {}) -> str: """Returns html for the moderation screen buttons """ tl_str = '' if moderator and box_name == 'moderation': tl_str += \ '<form id="modtimeline" method="POST" action="/users/' + \ nickname + '/moderationaction">' tl_str += '<div class="container">\n' idx = 'Nickname or URL. Block using *@domain or nickname@domain' tl_str += \ ' <b>' + translate[idx] + '</b><br>\n' if moderation_action_str: tl_str += ' <input type="text" ' + \ 'name="moderationAction" value="' + \ moderation_action_str + '" autofocus><br>\n' else: tl_str += ' <input type="text" ' + \ 'name="moderationAction" value="" autofocus><br>\n' tl_str += \ ' <input type="submit" title="' + \ translate['Information about current blocks/suspensions'] + \ '" alt="' + \ translate['Information about current blocks/suspensions'] + \ ' | " ' + \ 'name="submitInfo" value="' + translate['Info'] + '">\n' tl_str += \ ' <input type="submit" title="' + \ translate['Remove the above item'] + '" ' + \ 'alt="' + translate['Remove the above item'] + ' | " ' + \ 'name="submitRemove" value="' + \ translate['Remove'] + '">\n' tl_str += \ ' <input type="submit" title="' + \ translate['Suspend the above account nickname'] + '" ' + \ 'alt="' + \ translate['Suspend the above account nickname'] + ' | " ' + \ 'name="submitSuspend" value="' + translate['Suspend'] + '">\n' tl_str += \ ' <input type="submit" title="' + \ translate['Remove a suspension for an account nickname'] + '" ' + \ 'alt="' + \ translate['Remove a suspension for an account nickname'] + \ ' | " ' + \ 'name="submitUnsuspend" value="' + \ translate['Unsuspend'] + '">\n' tl_str += \ ' <input type="submit" title="' + \ translate['Block an account on another instance'] + '" ' + \ 'alt="' + \ translate['Block an account on another instance'] + ' | " ' + \ 'name="submitBlock" value="' + translate['Block'] + '">\n' tl_str += \ ' <input type="submit" title="' + \ translate['Unblock an account on another instance'] + '" ' + \ 'alt="' + \ translate['Unblock an account on another instance'] + ' | " ' + \ 'name="submitUnblock" value="' + translate['Unblock'] + '">\n' tl_str += \ ' <input type="submit" title="' + \ translate['Filter out words'] + '" ' + \ 'alt="' + \ translate['Filter out words'] + ' | " ' + \ 'name="submitFilter" value="' + translate['Filter'] + '">\n' tl_str += \ ' <input type="submit" title="' + \ translate['Unfilter words'] + '" ' + \ 'alt="' + \ translate['Unfilter words'] + ' | " ' + \ 'name="submitUnfilter" value="' + translate['Unfilter'] + '">\n' tl_str += '</div>\n</form>\n' return tl_str def _html_timeline_keyboard(moderator: bool, text_mode_banner: str, users_path: str, nickname: str, new_calendar_event: bool, new_dm: bool, new_reply: bool, new_share: bool, new_wanted: bool, follow_approvals: bool, access_keys: {}, translate: {}) -> str: """Returns html for timeline keyboard navigation """ calendar_str = translate['Calendar'] if new_calendar_event: calendar_str = '<strong>' + calendar_str + '</strong>' dm_str = translate['DM'] if new_dm: dm_str = '<strong>' + dm_str + '</strong>' replies_str = translate['Replies'] if new_reply: replies_str = '<strong>' + replies_str + '</strong>' shares_str = translate['Shares'] if new_share: shares_str = '<strong>' + shares_str + '</strong>' wanted_str = translate['Wanted'] if new_wanted: wanted_str = '<strong>' + wanted_str + '</strong>' menu_profile = \ html_hide_from_screen_reader('👤') + ' ' + \ translate['Switch to profile view'] menu_inbox = \ html_hide_from_screen_reader('📥') + ' ' + translate['Inbox'] menu_outbox = \ html_hide_from_screen_reader('📤') + ' ' + translate['Sent'] menu_search = \ html_hide_from_screen_reader('🔍') + ' ' + \ translate['Search and follow'] menu_calendar = \ html_hide_from_screen_reader('📅') + ' ' + calendar_str menu_dm = \ html_hide_from_screen_reader('📩') + ' ' + dm_str menu_replies = \ html_hide_from_screen_reader('📨') + ' ' + replies_str menu_bookmarks = \ html_hide_from_screen_reader('🔖') + ' ' + translate['Bookmarks'] menu_shares = \ html_hide_from_screen_reader('🤝') + ' ' + shares_str menu_wanted = \ html_hide_from_screen_reader('⛱') + ' ' + wanted_str menu_blogs = \ html_hide_from_screen_reader('📝') + ' ' + translate['Blogs'] menu_newswire = \ html_hide_from_screen_reader('📰') + ' ' + translate['Newswire'] menu_links = \ html_hide_from_screen_reader('🔗') + ' ' + translate['Links'] menu_new_post = \ html_hide_from_screen_reader('➕') + ' ' + \ translate['Create a new post'] menu_moderation = \ html_hide_from_screen_reader('⚡️') + ' ' + translate['Mod'] nav_links = { menu_profile: '/users/' + nickname, menu_inbox: users_path + '/inbox#timelineposts', menu_search: users_path + '/search', menu_new_post: users_path + '/newpost', menu_calendar: users_path + '/calendar', menu_dm: users_path + '/dm#timelineposts', menu_replies: users_path + '/tlreplies#timelineposts', menu_outbox: users_path + '/outbox#timelineposts', menu_bookmarks: users_path + '/tlbookmarks#timelineposts', menu_shares: users_path + '/tlshares#timelineposts', menu_wanted: users_path + '/tlwanted#timelineposts', menu_blogs: users_path + '/tlblogs#timelineposts', menu_newswire: users_path + '/newswiremobile', menu_links: users_path + '/linksmobile' } nav_access_keys = {} for variable_name, key in access_keys.items(): if not locals().get(variable_name): continue nav_access_keys[locals()[variable_name]] = key if moderator: nav_links[menu_moderation] = users_path + '/moderation#modtimeline' return html_keyboard_navigation(text_mode_banner, nav_links, nav_access_keys, None, users_path, translate, follow_approvals) def text_mode_browser(ua_str: str) -> bool: """Does the user agent indicate a text mode browser? """ text_mode_agents = ('Lynx/', 'w3m/', 'Links (', 'Emacs/', 'ELinks') for agent in text_mode_agents: if agent in ua_str: return True return False def _html_timeline_end(base_dir: str, nickname: str, domain_full: str, http_prefix: str, translate: {}, moderator: bool, editor: bool, newswire: {}, positive_voting: bool, show_publish_as_icon: bool, rss_icon_at_top: bool, publish_button_at_top: bool, authorized: bool, theme: str, default_timeline: str, access_keys: {}, box_name: str, enable_timing_log: bool, timeline_start_time, ua_str: str) -> str: """Ending of the timeline, containing the right column """ # end of timeline-posts tl_str = ' </div>\n' # end of column-center tl_str += ' </td>\n' # right column right_column_str = '' if not text_mode_browser(ua_str): right_column_str = \ get_right_column_content(base_dir, nickname, domain_full, http_prefix, translate, moderator, editor, newswire, positive_voting, False, None, True, show_publish_as_icon, rss_icon_at_top, publish_button_at_top, authorized, True, theme, default_timeline, access_keys) tl_str += ' <td valign="top" class="col-right" ' + \ 'id="newswire" tabindex="-1">\n' + \ ' <aside>\n' + \ right_column_str + \ ' </aside>\n' + \ ' </td>\n' + \ ' </tr>\n' _log_timeline_timing(enable_timing_log, timeline_start_time, box_name, '9') tl_str += ' </tbody>\n' tl_str += '</table>\n' tl_str += '</main>\n' return tl_str def page_number_buttons(users_path: str, box_name: str, page_number: int, header: str) -> str: """Shows selactable page numbers at the bottom of the screen """ pages_width = 3 min_page_number = page_number - pages_width min_page_number = max(min_page_number, 1) max_page_number = min_page_number + 1 + (pages_width * 2) num_str = '' for page in range(min_page_number, max_page_number): if num_str: separator_str = \ '<label class="pageslistDash">────</label>' num_str += html_hide_from_screen_reader(separator_str) aria_page_str = '' page_str = ' ' + str(page) + ' ' curr_page_str = '' if page == page_number: page_str = '[<mark>' + str(page) + '</mark>]' aria_page_str = ' aria-current="true"' curr_page_str = 'Current Page, ' num_str += \ '<a href="' + users_path + '/' + box_name + '?page=' + \ str(page) + '#' + header + '" class="pageslist" ' + \ 'aria-label="' + curr_page_str + 'Page ' + str(page) + \ '"' + aria_page_str + ' tabindex="11">' + page_str + '</a>' return '<center>\n' + \ ' <nav role="navigation" aria-label="Pagination Navigation">\n' + \ ' ' + num_str + '\n' + \ ' </nav>\n' + \ '</center>\n' def html_timeline(default_timeline: str, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_recent_posts: int, translate: {}, page_number: int, items_per_page: int, session, base_dir: str, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, timeline_json: {}, box_name: str, allow_deletion: bool, http_prefix: str, project_version: str, manually_approve_followers: bool, minimal: bool, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, newswire: {}, moderator: bool, editor: bool, artist: bool, positive_voting: bool, show_publish_as_icon: bool, full_width_tl_button_header: bool, icons_as_buttons: bool, rss_icon_at_top: bool, publish_button_at_top: bool, authorized: bool, moderation_action_str: str, theme: str, peertube_instances: [], allow_local_network_access: bool, text_mode_banner: str, access_keys: {}, system_language: str, max_like_count: int, shared_items_federated_domains: [], signing_priv_key_pem: str, cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: str, timezone: str, bold_reading: bool, dogwhistles: {}, ua_str: str) -> str: """Show the timeline as html """ enable_timing_log = False timeline_start_time = time.time() account_dir = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) # should the calendar icon be highlighted? new_calendar_event = False calendar_image = 'calendar.png' calendar_path = '/calendar' calendar_file = account_dir + '/.newCalendar' if os.path.isfile(calendar_file): new_calendar_event = True calendar_image = 'calendar_notify.png' with open(calendar_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as calfile: calendar_path = calfile.read().replace('##sent##', '') calendar_path = remove_eol(calendar_path) if '/calendar' not in calendar_path: calendar_path = '/calendar' # should the DM button be highlighted? new_dm = False dm_file = account_dir + '/.newDM' if os.path.isfile(dm_file): new_dm = True if box_name == 'dm': try: os.remove(dm_file) except OSError: print('EX: html_timeline unable to delete ' + dm_file) # should the Replies button be highlighted? new_reply = False reply_file = account_dir + '/.newReply' if os.path.isfile(reply_file): new_reply = True if box_name == 'tlreplies': try: os.remove(reply_file) except OSError: print('EX: html_timeline unable to delete ' + reply_file) # should the Shares button be highlighted? new_share = False new_share_file = account_dir + '/.newShare' if os.path.isfile(new_share_file): new_share = True if box_name == 'tlshares': try: os.remove(new_share_file) except OSError: print('EX: html_timeline unable to delete ' + new_share_file) # should the Wanted button be highlighted? new_wanted = False new_wanted_file = account_dir + '/.newWanted' if os.path.isfile(new_wanted_file): new_wanted = True if box_name == 'tlwanted': try: os.remove(new_wanted_file) except OSError: print('EX: html_timeline unable to delete ' + new_wanted_file) # should the Moderation/reports button be highlighted? new_report = False new_report_file = account_dir + '/.newReport' if os.path.isfile(new_report_file): new_report = True if box_name == 'moderation': try: os.remove(new_report_file) except OSError: print('EX: html_timeline unable to delete ' + new_report_file) separator_str = '' if box_name != 'tlmedia': separator_str = html_post_separator(base_dir, None) # the css filename css_filename = base_dir + '/epicyon-profile.css' if os.path.isfile(base_dir + '/epicyon.css'): css_filename = base_dir + '/epicyon.css' # filename of the banner shown at the top banner_file, _ = \ get_banner_file(base_dir, nickname, domain, theme) _log_timeline_timing(enable_timing_log, timeline_start_time, box_name, '1') # is the user a moderator? if not moderator: moderator = is_moderator(base_dir, nickname) # is the user a site editor? if not editor: editor = is_editor(base_dir, nickname) _log_timeline_timing(enable_timing_log, timeline_start_time, box_name, '2') # the appearance of buttons - highlighted or not inbox_button = 'button' blogs_button = 'button' features_button = 'button' news_button = 'button' dm_button = 'button' if new_dm: dm_button = 'buttonhighlighted' replies_button = 'button' if new_reply: replies_button = 'buttonhighlighted' media_button = 'button' bookmarks_button = 'button' # eventsButton = 'button' sent_button = 'button' shares_button = 'button' if new_share: shares_button = 'buttonhighlighted' wanted_button = 'button' if new_wanted: wanted_button = 'buttonhighlighted' moderation_button = 'button' if new_report: moderation_button = 'buttonhighlighted' if box_name == 'inbox': inbox_button = 'buttonselected' elif box_name == 'tlblogs': blogs_button = 'buttonselected' elif box_name == 'tlfeatures': features_button = 'buttonselected' elif box_name == 'tlnews': news_button = 'buttonselected' elif box_name == 'dm': dm_button = 'buttonselected' if new_dm: dm_button = 'buttonselectedhighlighted' elif box_name == 'tlreplies': replies_button = 'buttonselected' if new_reply: replies_button = 'buttonselectedhighlighted' elif box_name == 'tlmedia': media_button = 'buttonselected' elif box_name == 'outbox': sent_button = 'buttonselected' elif box_name == 'moderation': moderation_button = 'buttonselected' if new_report: moderation_button = 'buttonselectedhighlighted' elif box_name == 'tlshares': shares_button = 'buttonselected' if new_share: shares_button = 'buttonselectedhighlighted' elif box_name == 'tlwanted': wanted_button = 'buttonselected' if new_wanted: wanted_button = 'buttonselectedhighlighted' elif box_name in ('tlbookmarks', 'bookmarks'): bookmarks_button = 'buttonselected' # get the full domain, including any port number full_domain = get_full_domain(domain, port) users_path = '/users/' + nickname actor = http_prefix + '://' + full_domain + users_path show_individual_post_icons = True # show an icon for new follow approvals follow_approvals = '' follow_requests_filename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/followrequests.txt' if os.path.isfile(follow_requests_filename): with open(follow_requests_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as foll_file: for line in foll_file: if len(line) > 0: # show follow approvals icon follow_approvals = \ '<a href="' + users_path + \ '/followers#buttonheader" ' + \ 'accesskey="' + access_keys['followButton'] + '">' + \ '<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" ' + \ 'class="timelineicon" alt="' + \ translate['Approve follow requests'] + \ '" title="' + translate['Approve follow requests'] + \ '" src="/icons/person.png"/></a>\n' break _log_timeline_timing(enable_timing_log, timeline_start_time, box_name, '3') # moderation / reports button moderation_button_str = '' if moderator and not minimal: moderation_button_str = \ '<a href="' + users_path + '/moderation"' if box_name == 'moderation': moderation_button_str += ' aria-current="location"' moderation_button_str += \ '><button class="' + \ moderation_button + '" tabindex="2"><span>' + \ html_highlight_label(translate['Mod'], new_report) + \ ' </span></button></a>' # shares, bookmarks and events buttons shares_button_str = '' wanted_button_str = '' bookmarks_button_str = '' events_button_str = '' if not minimal: shares_button_str = \ '<a href="' + users_path + '/tlshares"' if box_name == 'tlshares': shares_button_str += ' aria-current="location"' shares_button_str += \ '><button class="' + shares_button + '" tabindex="2"><span>' + \ html_highlight_label(translate['Shares'], new_share) + \ '</span></button></a>' wanted_button_str = \ '<a href="' + users_path + '/tlwanted"><button class="' + \ wanted_button + '" tabindex="2"' if box_name == 'tlwanted': wanted_button_str += ' aria-current="location"' wanted_button_str += \ '><span>' + \ html_highlight_label(translate['Wanted'], new_wanted) + \ '</span></button></a>' bookmarks_button_str = \ '<a href="' + users_path + '/tlbookmarks"' if box_name == 'tlbookmarks': bookmarks_button_str += ' aria-current="location"' bookmarks_button_str += \ '><button class="' + \ bookmarks_button + '" tabindex="2">' + \ '<span>' + translate['Bookmarks'] + '</span></button></a>' instance_title = \ get_config_param(base_dir, 'instanceTitle') tl_str = \ html_header_with_external_style(css_filename, instance_title, None) _log_timeline_timing(enable_timing_log, timeline_start_time, box_name, '4') # if this is a news instance and we are viewing the news timeline news_header = False if default_timeline == 'tlfeatures' and box_name == 'tlfeatures': news_header = True new_post_button_str = '' # start of headericons div if not news_header: if not icons_as_buttons: new_post_button_str += '<div class="headericons">' # what screen to go to when a new post is created new_post_button_str += \ _html_timeline_new_post(manually_approve_followers, box_name, icons_as_buttons, users_path, translate, access_keys) # keyboard navigation tl_str += \ _html_timeline_keyboard(moderator, text_mode_banner, users_path, nickname, new_calendar_event, new_dm, new_reply, new_share, new_wanted, follow_approvals, access_keys, translate) # banner and row of buttons tl_str += \ '<header>\n' + \ '<a href="/users/' + nickname + '" title="' + \ translate['Switch to profile view'] + '" alt="' + \ translate['Switch to profile view'] + '" ' + \ 'aria-flowto="containerHeader" tabindex="1" accesskey="' + \ access_keys['menuProfile'] + '">\n' tl_str += '<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" ' + \ 'class="timeline-banner" alt="" ' + \ 'src="' + users_path + '/' + banner_file + '" /></a>\n' + \ '</header>\n' if full_width_tl_button_header: is_text_browser = text_mode_browser(ua_str) tl_str += \ header_buttons_timeline(default_timeline, box_name, page_number, translate, users_path, media_button, blogs_button, features_button, news_button, inbox_button, dm_button, new_dm, replies_button, new_reply, minimal, sent_button, shares_button_str, wanted_button_str, bookmarks_button_str, events_button_str, moderation_button_str, new_post_button_str, base_dir, nickname, domain, timeline_start_time, new_calendar_event, calendar_path, calendar_image, follow_approvals, icons_as_buttons, access_keys, is_text_browser) # start the timeline tl_str += \ '<main>\n' + \ '<table class="timeline">\n' + \ ' <colgroup>\n' + \ ' <col span="1" class="column-left">\n' + \ ' <col span="1" class="column-center">\n' + \ ' <col span="1" class="column-right">\n' + \ ' </colgroup>\n' + \ ' <tbody>\n' + \ ' <tr>\n' domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port) # left column left_column_str = '' if not text_mode_browser(ua_str): left_column_str = \ get_left_column_content(base_dir, nickname, domain_full, http_prefix, translate, editor, artist, False, None, rss_icon_at_top, True, False, theme, access_keys, shared_items_federated_domains) tl_str += ' <td valign="top" class="col-left" ' + \ 'id="links" tabindex="-1">\n' + \ ' <aside>\n' + \ left_column_str + \ ' </aside>\n' + \ ' </td>\n' # center column containing posts tl_str += ' <td valign="top" class="col-center" tabindex="-1">\n' if not full_width_tl_button_header: is_text_browser = text_mode_browser(ua_str) tl_str += \ header_buttons_timeline(default_timeline, box_name, page_number, translate, users_path, media_button, blogs_button, features_button, news_button, inbox_button, dm_button, new_dm, replies_button, new_reply, minimal, sent_button, shares_button_str, wanted_button_str, bookmarks_button_str, events_button_str, moderation_button_str, new_post_button_str, base_dir, nickname, domain, timeline_start_time, new_calendar_event, calendar_path, calendar_image, follow_approvals, icons_as_buttons, access_keys, is_text_browser) tl_str += \ ' <div id="timelineposts" class="timeline-posts" ' + \ 'itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Collection">\n' # second row of buttons for moderator actions tl_str += \ _html_timeline_moderation_buttons(moderator, box_name, nickname, moderation_action_str, translate) _log_timeline_timing(enable_timing_log, timeline_start_time, box_name, '6') if box_name == 'tlshares': max_shares_per_account = items_per_page return (tl_str + _html_shares_timeline(translate, page_number, items_per_page, base_dir, actor, nickname, domain, port, max_shares_per_account, http_prefix, shared_items_federated_domains, 'shares') + _html_timeline_end(base_dir, nickname, domain_full, http_prefix, translate, moderator, editor, newswire, positive_voting, show_publish_as_icon, rss_icon_at_top, publish_button_at_top, authorized, theme, default_timeline, access_keys, box_name, enable_timing_log, timeline_start_time, ua_str) + html_footer()) elif box_name == 'tlwanted': max_shares_per_account = items_per_page return (tl_str + _html_shares_timeline(translate, page_number, items_per_page, base_dir, actor, nickname, domain, port, max_shares_per_account, http_prefix, shared_items_federated_domains, 'wanted') + _html_timeline_end(base_dir, nickname, domain_full, http_prefix, translate, moderator, editor, newswire, positive_voting, show_publish_as_icon, rss_icon_at_top, publish_button_at_top, authorized, theme, default_timeline, access_keys, box_name, enable_timing_log, timeline_start_time, ua_str) + html_footer()) _log_timeline_timing(enable_timing_log, timeline_start_time, box_name, '7') # separator between posts which only appears in shell browsers # such as Lynx and is not read by screen readers if box_name != 'tlmedia': text_mode_separator = \ '<div class="transparent"><hr></div>' else: text_mode_separator = '' # page up arrow if page_number > 1: tl_str += text_mode_separator tl_str += '<br>' + \ page_number_buttons(users_path, box_name, page_number, 'timelineposts') tl_str += \ ' <center>\n' + \ ' <a href="' + users_path + '/' + box_name + \ '?page=' + str(page_number - 1) + \ '#timelineposts" accesskey="' + access_keys['Page up'] + '" ' + \ 'class="imageAnchor" tabindex="9">' + \ '<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="pageicon" src="/' + \ 'icons/pageup.png" title="' + \ translate['Page up'] + '" alt="' + \ translate['Page up'] + '"></a>\n' + \ ' </center>\n' # show the posts item_ctr = 0 if timeline_json: if 'orderedItems' not in timeline_json: print('ERROR: no orderedItems in timeline for ' + box_name + ' ' + str(timeline_json)) return '' use_cache_only = False if box_name == 'inbox': use_cache_only = True if timeline_json: # if this is the media timeline then add an extra gallery container if box_name == 'tlmedia': if page_number > 1: tl_str += '<br>' tl_str += '<div class="galleryContainer">\n' # show each post in the timeline for item in timeline_json['orderedItems']: if item['type'] == 'Create' or \ item['type'] == 'Announce': # is the actor who sent this post snoozed? if is_person_snoozed(base_dir, nickname, domain, item['actor']): continue if is_self_announce(item): continue # is the post in the memory cache of recent ones? curr_tl_str = None if box_name != 'tlmedia' and recent_posts_cache.get('html'): post_id = remove_id_ending(item['id']).replace('/', '#') if recent_posts_cache['html'].get(post_id): curr_tl_str = recent_posts_cache['html'][post_id] curr_tl_str = \ prepare_post_from_html_cache(nickname, curr_tl_str, box_name, page_number) _log_timeline_timing(enable_timing_log, timeline_start_time, box_name, '10') if not curr_tl_str: _log_timeline_timing(enable_timing_log, timeline_start_time, box_name, '11') mitm = False if item.get('mitm'): mitm = True # read the post from disk curr_tl_str = \ individual_post_as_html(signing_priv_key_pem, False, recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, translate, page_number, base_dir, session, cached_webfingers, person_cache, nickname, domain, port, item, None, True, allow_deletion, http_prefix, project_version, box_name, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, theme, system_language, max_like_count, box_name != 'dm', show_individual_post_icons, manually_approve_followers, False, True, use_cache_only, cw_lists, lists_enabled, timezone, mitm, bold_reading, dogwhistles) _log_timeline_timing(enable_timing_log, timeline_start_time, box_name, '12') if curr_tl_str: if curr_tl_str not in tl_str: item_ctr += 1 tl_str += text_mode_separator + curr_tl_str if separator_str: tl_str += separator_str if box_name == 'tlmedia': tl_str += '</div>\n' if item_ctr < 3: print('Items added to html timeline ' + box_name + ': ' + str(item_ctr) + ' ' + str(timeline_json['orderedItems'])) # page down arrow if item_ctr > 0: tl_str += text_mode_separator tl_str += \ ' <br>\n' + \ ' <center>\n' + \ ' <a href="' + users_path + '/' + box_name + '?page=' + \ str(page_number + 1) + \ '#timelineposts" accesskey="' + access_keys['Page down'] + '" ' + \ 'class="imageAnchor" tabindex="9">' + \ '<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="pageicon" src="/' + \ 'icons/pagedown.png" title="' + \ translate['Page down'] + '" alt="' + \ translate['Page down'] + '"></a>\n' + \ ' </center>\n' tl_str += page_number_buttons(users_path, box_name, page_number, 'timelineposts') tl_str += '<br>' tl_str += text_mode_separator elif item_ctr == 0: tl_str += _get_help_for_timeline(base_dir, box_name) tl_str += \ _html_timeline_end(base_dir, nickname, domain_full, http_prefix, translate, moderator, editor, newswire, positive_voting, show_publish_as_icon, rss_icon_at_top, publish_button_at_top, authorized, theme, default_timeline, access_keys, box_name, enable_timing_log, timeline_start_time, ua_str) tl_str += html_footer() return tl_str def html_individual_share(domain: str, share_id: str, actor: str, shared_item: {}, translate: {}, show_contact: bool, remove_button: bool, shares_file_type: str) -> str: """Returns an individual shared item as html """ profile_str = '<div class="container">\n' profile_str += \ '<p class="share-title">' + shared_item['displayName'] + '</p>\n' if shared_item.get('imageUrl'): profile_str += '<a href="' + shared_item['imageUrl'] + '">\n' profile_str += \ '<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" ' + \ 'src="' + shared_item['imageUrl'] + \ '" alt="' + translate['Item image'] + '">\n</a>\n' profile_str += '<p>' + shared_item['summary'] + '</p>\n<p>' if shared_item.get('itemQty'): if shared_item['itemQty'] > 1: profile_str += \ '<b>' + translate['Quantity'] + ':</b> ' + \ str(shared_item['itemQty']) + '<br>' profile_str += \ '<b>' + translate['Type'] + ':</b> ' + shared_item['itemType'] + '<br>' profile_str += \ '<b>' + translate['Category'] + ':</b> ' + \ shared_item['category'] + '<br>' if shared_item.get('location'): profile_str += \ '<b>' + translate['Location'] + ':</b> ' + \ shared_item['location'] + '<br>' contact_title_str = translate['Contact'] if shared_item.get('itemPrice') and shared_item.get('itemCurrency'): if is_float(shared_item['itemPrice']): if float(shared_item['itemPrice']) > 0: profile_str += ' ' + \ '<b>' + translate['Price'] + ':</b> ' + \ shared_item['itemPrice'] + ' ' + \ shared_item['itemCurrency'] contact_title_str = translate['Buy'] profile_str += '</p>\n' sharedesc = shared_item['displayName'] if '<' not in sharedesc and ';' not in sharedesc: if show_contact: button_style_str = 'button' if shared_item['category'] == 'accommodation': contact_title_str = translate['Request to stay'] button_style_str = 'contactbutton' contact_actor = shared_item['actor'] profile_str += \ '<p>' + \ '<a href="' + actor + \ '?replydm=sharedesc:' + sharedesc + \ '?mention=' + contact_actor + '">' + \ '<button class="' + button_style_str + '">' + \ contact_title_str + '</button></a>\n' profile_str += \ '<a href="' + contact_actor + '"><button class="button">' + \ translate['Profile'] + '</button></a>\n' if remove_button and domain in share_id: if shares_file_type == 'shares': profile_str += \ ' <a href="' + actor + '?rmshare=' + share_id + \ '"><button class="button">' + \ translate['Remove'] + '</button></a>\n' else: profile_str += \ ' <a href="' + actor + '?rmwanted=' + share_id + \ '"><button class="button">' + \ translate['Remove'] + '</button></a>\n' profile_str += '</div>\n' return profile_str def _html_shares_timeline(translate: {}, page_number: int, items_per_page: int, base_dir: str, actor: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, max_shares_per_account: int, http_prefix: str, shared_items_federated_domains: [], shares_file_type: str) -> str: """Show shared items timeline as html """ shares_json, last_page = \ shares_timeline_json(actor, page_number, items_per_page, base_dir, domain, nickname, max_shares_per_account, shared_items_federated_domains, shares_file_type) domain_full = get_full_domain(domain, port) actor = local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full) admin_nickname = get_config_param(base_dir, 'admin') admin_actor = '' if admin_nickname: admin_actor = \ local_actor_url(http_prefix, admin_nickname, domain_full) timeline_str = '' if page_number > 1: timeline_str += '<br>' + \ page_number_buttons(actor, 'tl' + shares_file_type, page_number, 'timelineposts') timeline_str += \ ' <center>\n' + \ ' <a href="' + actor + '/tl' + shares_file_type + '?page=' + \ str(page_number - 1) + \ '#timelineposts" class="imageAnchor" tabindex="9">' + \ '<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" ' + \ 'class="pageicon" src="/' + \ 'icons/pageup.png" title="' + translate['Page up'] + \ '" alt="' + translate['Page up'] + '"></a>\n' + \ ' </center>\n' separator_str = html_post_separator(base_dir, None) ctr = 0 is_admin_account = False if admin_actor and actor == admin_actor: is_admin_account = True is_moderator_account = False if is_moderator(base_dir, nickname): is_moderator_account = True for _, shared_item in shares_json.items(): show_contact_button = False if shared_item['actor'] != actor: show_contact_button = True show_remove_button = False if '___' + domain in shared_item['shareId']: if shared_item['actor'] == actor or \ is_admin_account or is_moderator_account: show_remove_button = True timeline_str += \ html_individual_share(domain, shared_item['shareId'], actor, shared_item, translate, show_contact_button, show_remove_button, shares_file_type) timeline_str += separator_str ctr += 1 if ctr == 0: timeline_str += \ _get_help_for_timeline(base_dir, 'tl' + shares_file_type) if not last_page: timeline_str += \ ' <center>\n' + \ ' <a href="' + actor + '/tl' + shares_file_type + '?page=' + \ str(page_number + 1) + \ '#timelineposts" class="imageAnchor" tabindex="9">' + \ '<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" ' + \ 'class="pageicon" src="/' + \ 'icons/pagedown.png" title="' + translate['Page down'] + \ '" alt="' + translate['Page down'] + '"></a>\n' + \ ' </center>\n' timeline_str += \ page_number_buttons(actor, 'tl' + shares_file_type, page_number, 'timelineposts') timeline_str += '<br>' return timeline_str def html_shares(default_timeline: str, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_recent_posts: int, translate: {}, page_number: int, items_per_page: int, session, base_dir: str, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, allow_deletion: bool, http_prefix: str, project_version: str, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, newswire: {}, positive_voting: bool, show_publish_as_icon: bool, full_width_tl_button_header: bool, icons_as_buttons: bool, rss_icon_at_top: bool, publish_button_at_top: bool, authorized: bool, theme: str, peertube_instances: [], allow_local_network_access: bool, text_mode_banner: str, access_keys: {}, system_language: str, max_like_count: int, shared_items_federated_domains: [], signing_priv_key_pem: str, cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: str, timezone: str, bold_reading: bool, dogwhistles: {}, ua_str: str) -> str: """Show the shares timeline as html """ manually_approve_followers = \ follower_approval_active(base_dir, nickname, domain) artist = is_artist(base_dir, nickname) return html_timeline(default_timeline, recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, translate, page_number, items_per_page, session, base_dir, cached_webfingers, person_cache, nickname, domain, port, None, 'tlshares', allow_deletion, http_prefix, project_version, manually_approve_followers, False, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, newswire, False, False, artist, positive_voting, show_publish_as_icon, full_width_tl_button_header, icons_as_buttons, rss_icon_at_top, publish_button_at_top, authorized, None, theme, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, text_mode_banner, access_keys, system_language, max_like_count, shared_items_federated_domains, signing_priv_key_pem, cw_lists, lists_enabled, timezone, bold_reading, dogwhistles, ua_str) def html_wanted(default_timeline: str, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_recent_posts: int, translate: {}, page_number: int, items_per_page: int, session, base_dir: str, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, allow_deletion: bool, http_prefix: str, project_version: str, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, newswire: {}, positive_voting: bool, show_publish_as_icon: bool, full_width_tl_button_header: bool, icons_as_buttons: bool, rss_icon_at_top: bool, publish_button_at_top: bool, authorized: bool, theme: str, peertube_instances: [], allow_local_network_access: bool, text_mode_banner: str, access_keys: {}, system_language: str, max_like_count: int, shared_items_federated_domains: [], signing_priv_key_pem: str, cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: str, timezone: str, bold_reading: bool, dogwhistles: {}, ua_str: str) -> str: """Show the wanted timeline as html """ manually_approve_followers = \ follower_approval_active(base_dir, nickname, domain) artist = is_artist(base_dir, nickname) return html_timeline(default_timeline, recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, translate, page_number, items_per_page, session, base_dir, cached_webfingers, person_cache, nickname, domain, port, None, 'tlwanted', allow_deletion, http_prefix, project_version, manually_approve_followers, False, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, newswire, False, False, artist, positive_voting, show_publish_as_icon, full_width_tl_button_header, icons_as_buttons, rss_icon_at_top, publish_button_at_top, authorized, None, theme, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, text_mode_banner, access_keys, system_language, max_like_count, shared_items_federated_domains, signing_priv_key_pem, cw_lists, lists_enabled, timezone, bold_reading, dogwhistles, ua_str) def html_inbox(default_timeline: str, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_recent_posts: int, translate: {}, page_number: int, items_per_page: int, session, base_dir: str, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, inbox_json: {}, allow_deletion: bool, http_prefix: str, project_version: str, minimal: bool, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, newswire: {}, positive_voting: bool, show_publish_as_icon: bool, full_width_tl_button_header: bool, icons_as_buttons: bool, rss_icon_at_top: bool, publish_button_at_top: bool, authorized: bool, theme: str, peertube_instances: [], allow_local_network_access: bool, text_mode_banner: str, access_keys: {}, system_language: str, max_like_count: int, shared_items_federated_domains: [], signing_priv_key_pem: str, cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: str, timezone: str, bold_reading: bool, dogwhistles: {}, ua_str: str) -> str: """Show the inbox as html """ manually_approve_followers = \ follower_approval_active(base_dir, nickname, domain) artist = is_artist(base_dir, nickname) return html_timeline(default_timeline, recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, translate, page_number, items_per_page, session, base_dir, cached_webfingers, person_cache, nickname, domain, port, inbox_json, 'inbox', allow_deletion, http_prefix, project_version, manually_approve_followers, minimal, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, newswire, False, False, artist, positive_voting, show_publish_as_icon, full_width_tl_button_header, icons_as_buttons, rss_icon_at_top, publish_button_at_top, authorized, None, theme, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, text_mode_banner, access_keys, system_language, max_like_count, shared_items_federated_domains, signing_priv_key_pem, cw_lists, lists_enabled, timezone, bold_reading, dogwhistles, ua_str) def html_bookmarks(default_timeline: str, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_recent_posts: int, translate: {}, page_number: int, items_per_page: int, session, base_dir: str, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, bookmarks_json: {}, allow_deletion: bool, http_prefix: str, project_version: str, minimal: bool, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, newswire: {}, positive_voting: bool, show_publish_as_icon: bool, full_width_tl_button_header: bool, icons_as_buttons: bool, rss_icon_at_top: bool, publish_button_at_top: bool, authorized: bool, theme: str, peertube_instances: [], allow_local_network_access: bool, text_mode_banner: str, access_keys: {}, system_language: str, max_like_count: int, shared_items_federated_domains: [], signing_priv_key_pem: str, cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: str, timezone: str, bold_reading: bool, dogwhistles: {}, ua_str: str) -> str: """Show the bookmarks as html """ manually_approve_followers = \ follower_approval_active(base_dir, nickname, domain) artist = is_artist(base_dir, nickname) return html_timeline(default_timeline, recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, translate, page_number, items_per_page, session, base_dir, cached_webfingers, person_cache, nickname, domain, port, bookmarks_json, 'tlbookmarks', allow_deletion, http_prefix, project_version, manually_approve_followers, minimal, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, newswire, False, False, artist, positive_voting, show_publish_as_icon, full_width_tl_button_header, icons_as_buttons, rss_icon_at_top, publish_button_at_top, authorized, None, theme, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, text_mode_banner, access_keys, system_language, max_like_count, shared_items_federated_domains, signing_priv_key_pem, cw_lists, lists_enabled, timezone, bold_reading, dogwhistles, ua_str) def html_inbox_dms(default_timeline: str, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_recent_posts: int, translate: {}, page_number: int, items_per_page: int, session, base_dir: str, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, inbox_json: {}, allow_deletion: bool, http_prefix: str, project_version: str, minimal: bool, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, newswire: {}, positive_voting: bool, show_publish_as_icon: bool, full_width_tl_button_header: bool, icons_as_buttons: bool, rss_icon_at_top: bool, publish_button_at_top: bool, authorized: bool, theme: str, peertube_instances: [], allow_local_network_access: bool, text_mode_banner: str, access_keys: {}, system_language: str, max_like_count: int, shared_items_federated_domains: [], signing_priv_key_pem: str, cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: str, timezone: str, bold_reading: bool, dogwhistles: {}, ua_str: str) -> str: """Show the DM timeline as html """ artist = is_artist(base_dir, nickname) return html_timeline(default_timeline, recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, translate, page_number, items_per_page, session, base_dir, cached_webfingers, person_cache, nickname, domain, port, inbox_json, 'dm', allow_deletion, http_prefix, project_version, False, minimal, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, newswire, False, False, artist, positive_voting, show_publish_as_icon, full_width_tl_button_header, icons_as_buttons, rss_icon_at_top, publish_button_at_top, authorized, None, theme, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, text_mode_banner, access_keys, system_language, max_like_count, shared_items_federated_domains, signing_priv_key_pem, cw_lists, lists_enabled, timezone, bold_reading, dogwhistles, ua_str) def html_inbox_replies(default_timeline: str, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_recent_posts: int, translate: {}, page_number: int, items_per_page: int, session, base_dir: str, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, inbox_json: {}, allow_deletion: bool, http_prefix: str, project_version: str, minimal: bool, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, newswire: {}, positive_voting: bool, show_publish_as_icon: bool, full_width_tl_button_header: bool, icons_as_buttons: bool, rss_icon_at_top: bool, publish_button_at_top: bool, authorized: bool, theme: str, peertube_instances: [], allow_local_network_access: bool, text_mode_banner: str, access_keys: {}, system_language: str, max_like_count: int, shared_items_federated_domains: [], signing_priv_key_pem: str, cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: str, timezone: str, bold_reading: bool, dogwhistles: {}, ua_str: str) -> str: """Show the replies timeline as html """ artist = is_artist(base_dir, nickname) return html_timeline(default_timeline, recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, translate, page_number, items_per_page, session, base_dir, cached_webfingers, person_cache, nickname, domain, port, inbox_json, 'tlreplies', allow_deletion, http_prefix, project_version, False, minimal, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, newswire, False, False, artist, positive_voting, show_publish_as_icon, full_width_tl_button_header, icons_as_buttons, rss_icon_at_top, publish_button_at_top, authorized, None, theme, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, text_mode_banner, access_keys, system_language, max_like_count, shared_items_federated_domains, signing_priv_key_pem, cw_lists, lists_enabled, timezone, bold_reading, dogwhistles, ua_str) def html_inbox_media(default_timeline: str, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_recent_posts: int, translate: {}, page_number: int, items_per_page: int, session, base_dir: str, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, inbox_json: {}, allow_deletion: bool, http_prefix: str, project_version: str, minimal: bool, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, newswire: {}, positive_voting: bool, show_publish_as_icon: bool, full_width_tl_button_header: bool, icons_as_buttons: bool, rss_icon_at_top: bool, publish_button_at_top: bool, authorized: bool, theme: str, peertube_instances: [], allow_local_network_access: bool, text_mode_banner: str, access_keys: {}, system_language: str, max_like_count: int, shared_items_federated_domains: [], signing_priv_key_pem: str, cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: str, timezone: str, bold_reading: bool, dogwhistles: {}, ua_str: str) -> str: """Show the media timeline as html """ artist = is_artist(base_dir, nickname) return html_timeline(default_timeline, recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, translate, page_number, items_per_page, session, base_dir, cached_webfingers, person_cache, nickname, domain, port, inbox_json, 'tlmedia', allow_deletion, http_prefix, project_version, False, minimal, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, newswire, False, False, artist, positive_voting, show_publish_as_icon, full_width_tl_button_header, icons_as_buttons, rss_icon_at_top, publish_button_at_top, authorized, None, theme, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, text_mode_banner, access_keys, system_language, max_like_count, shared_items_federated_domains, signing_priv_key_pem, cw_lists, lists_enabled, timezone, bold_reading, dogwhistles, ua_str) def html_inbox_blogs(default_timeline: str, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_recent_posts: int, translate: {}, page_number: int, items_per_page: int, session, base_dir: str, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, inbox_json: {}, allow_deletion: bool, http_prefix: str, project_version: str, minimal: bool, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, newswire: {}, positive_voting: bool, show_publish_as_icon: bool, full_width_tl_button_header: bool, icons_as_buttons: bool, rss_icon_at_top: bool, publish_button_at_top: bool, authorized: bool, theme: str, peertube_instances: [], allow_local_network_access: bool, text_mode_banner: str, access_keys: {}, system_language: str, max_like_count: int, shared_items_federated_domains: [], signing_priv_key_pem: str, cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: str, timezone: str, bold_reading: bool, dogwhistles: {}, ua_str: str) -> str: """Show the blogs timeline as html """ artist = is_artist(base_dir, nickname) return html_timeline(default_timeline, recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, translate, page_number, items_per_page, session, base_dir, cached_webfingers, person_cache, nickname, domain, port, inbox_json, 'tlblogs', allow_deletion, http_prefix, project_version, False, minimal, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, newswire, False, False, artist, positive_voting, show_publish_as_icon, full_width_tl_button_header, icons_as_buttons, rss_icon_at_top, publish_button_at_top, authorized, None, theme, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, text_mode_banner, access_keys, system_language, max_like_count, shared_items_federated_domains, signing_priv_key_pem, cw_lists, lists_enabled, timezone, bold_reading, dogwhistles, ua_str) def html_inbox_features(default_timeline: str, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_recent_posts: int, translate: {}, page_number: int, items_per_page: int, session, base_dir: str, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, inbox_json: {}, allow_deletion: bool, http_prefix: str, project_version: str, minimal: bool, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, newswire: {}, positive_voting: bool, show_publish_as_icon: bool, full_width_tl_button_header: bool, icons_as_buttons: bool, rss_icon_at_top: bool, publish_button_at_top: bool, authorized: bool, theme: str, peertube_instances: [], allow_local_network_access: bool, text_mode_banner: str, access_keys: {}, system_language: str, max_like_count: int, shared_items_federated_domains: [], signing_priv_key_pem: str, cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: str, timezone: str, bold_reading: bool, dogwhistles: {}, ua_str: str) -> str: """Show the features timeline as html """ return html_timeline(default_timeline, recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, translate, page_number, items_per_page, session, base_dir, cached_webfingers, person_cache, nickname, domain, port, inbox_json, 'tlfeatures', allow_deletion, http_prefix, project_version, False, minimal, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, newswire, False, False, False, positive_voting, show_publish_as_icon, full_width_tl_button_header, icons_as_buttons, rss_icon_at_top, publish_button_at_top, authorized, None, theme, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, text_mode_banner, access_keys, system_language, max_like_count, shared_items_federated_domains, signing_priv_key_pem, cw_lists, lists_enabled, timezone, bold_reading, dogwhistles, ua_str) def html_inbox_news(default_timeline: str, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_recent_posts: int, translate: {}, page_number: int, items_per_page: int, session, base_dir: str, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, inbox_json: {}, allow_deletion: bool, http_prefix: str, project_version: str, minimal: bool, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, newswire: {}, moderator: bool, editor: bool, artist: bool, positive_voting: bool, show_publish_as_icon: bool, full_width_tl_button_header: bool, icons_as_buttons: bool, rss_icon_at_top: bool, publish_button_at_top: bool, authorized: bool, theme: str, peertube_instances: [], allow_local_network_access: bool, text_mode_banner: str, access_keys: {}, system_language: str, max_like_count: int, shared_items_federated_domains: [], signing_priv_key_pem: str, cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: str, timezone: str, bold_reading: bool, dogwhistles: {}, ua_str: str) -> str: """Show the news timeline as html """ return html_timeline(default_timeline, recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, translate, page_number, items_per_page, session, base_dir, cached_webfingers, person_cache, nickname, domain, port, inbox_json, 'tlnews', allow_deletion, http_prefix, project_version, False, minimal, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, newswire, moderator, editor, artist, positive_voting, show_publish_as_icon, full_width_tl_button_header, icons_as_buttons, rss_icon_at_top, publish_button_at_top, authorized, None, theme, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, text_mode_banner, access_keys, system_language, max_like_count, shared_items_federated_domains, signing_priv_key_pem, cw_lists, lists_enabled, timezone, bold_reading, dogwhistles, ua_str) def html_outbox(default_timeline: str, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_recent_posts: int, translate: {}, page_number: int, items_per_page: int, session, base_dir: str, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, outbox_json: {}, allow_deletion: bool, http_prefix: str, project_version: str, minimal: bool, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, newswire: {}, positive_voting: bool, show_publish_as_icon: bool, full_width_tl_button_header: bool, icons_as_buttons: bool, rss_icon_at_top: bool, publish_button_at_top: bool, authorized: bool, theme: str, peertube_instances: [], allow_local_network_access: bool, text_mode_banner: str, access_keys: {}, system_language: str, max_like_count: int, shared_items_federated_domains: [], signing_priv_key_pem: str, cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: str, timezone: str, bold_reading: bool, dogwhistles: {}, ua_str: str) -> str: """Show the Outbox as html """ manually_approve_followers = \ follower_approval_active(base_dir, nickname, domain) artist = is_artist(base_dir, nickname) return html_timeline(default_timeline, recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, translate, page_number, items_per_page, session, base_dir, cached_webfingers, person_cache, nickname, domain, port, outbox_json, 'outbox', allow_deletion, http_prefix, project_version, manually_approve_followers, minimal, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, newswire, False, False, artist, positive_voting, show_publish_as_icon, full_width_tl_button_header, icons_as_buttons, rss_icon_at_top, publish_button_at_top, authorized, None, theme, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, text_mode_banner, access_keys, system_language, max_like_count, shared_items_federated_domains, signing_priv_key_pem, cw_lists, lists_enabled, timezone, bold_reading, dogwhistles, ua_str)