__filename__ = "session.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.2.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@freedombone.net" __status__ = "Production" __module_group__ = "Core" import os import requests from utils import urlPermitted from utils import isImageFile from httpsig import createSignedHeader import json from socket import error as SocketError import errno from http.client import HTTPConnection baseDirectory = None def createSession(proxyType: str): session = None try: session = requests.session() except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: print('WARN: requests error during createSession ' + str(e)) return None except SocketError as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('WARN: connection was reset during createSession ' + str(e)) else: print('WARN: socket error during createSession ' + str(e)) return None except ValueError as e: print('WARN: error during createSession ' + str(e)) return None if not session: return None if proxyType == 'tor': session.proxies = {} session.proxies['http'] = 'socks5h://localhost:9050' session.proxies['https'] = 'socks5h://localhost:9050' elif proxyType == 'i2p': session.proxies = {} session.proxies['http'] = 'socks5h://localhost:4447' session.proxies['https'] = 'socks5h://localhost:4447' elif proxyType == 'gnunet': session.proxies = {} session.proxies['http'] = 'socks5h://localhost:7777' session.proxies['https'] = 'socks5h://localhost:7777' # print('New session created with proxy ' + str(proxyType)) return session def urlExists(session, url: str, timeoutSec: int = 3, httpPrefix: str = 'https', domain: str = 'testdomain') -> bool: if not isinstance(url, str): print('url: ' + str(url)) print('ERROR: urlExists failed, url should be a string') return False sessionParams = {} sessionHeaders = {} sessionHeaders['User-Agent'] = 'Epicyon/' + __version__ if domain: sessionHeaders['User-Agent'] += \ '; +' + httpPrefix + '://' + domain + '/' if not session: print('WARN: urlExists failed, no session specified') return True try: result = session.get(url, headers=sessionHeaders, params=sessionParams, timeout=timeoutSec) if result: if result.status_code == 200 or \ result.status_code == 304: return True else: print('urlExists for ' + url + ' returned ' + str(result.status_code)) except BaseException: pass return False def _getJsonRequest(session, url: str, domainFull: str, sessionHeaders: {}, sessionParams: {}, timeoutSec: int, signingPrivateKeyPem: str, quiet: bool, debug: bool) -> {}: """http GET for json """ try: result = session.get(url, headers=sessionHeaders, params=sessionParams, timeout=timeoutSec) if result.status_code != 200: if result.status_code == 401: if not signingPrivateKeyPem: print("WARN: getJson requires secure fetch url: " + url) else: return _getJsonSigned(session, url, domainFull, sessionHeaders, sessionParams, timeoutSec, signingPrivateKeyPem, quiet, debug) elif result.status_code == 403: print('WARN: getJson Forbidden url: ' + url) elif result.status_code == 404: print('WARN: getJson Not Found url: ' + url) else: print('WARN: getJson url: ' + url + ' failed with error code ' + str(result.status_code) + ' headers: ' + str(sessionHeaders)) return result.json() except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: sessionHeaders2 = sessionHeaders.copy() if sessionHeaders2.get('Authorization'): sessionHeaders2['Authorization'] = 'REDACTED' if debug and not quiet: print('ERROR: getJson failed, url: ' + str(url) + ', ' + 'headers: ' + str(sessionHeaders2) + ', ' + 'params: ' + str(sessionParams) + ', ' + str(e)) except ValueError as e: sessionHeaders2 = sessionHeaders.copy() if sessionHeaders2.get('Authorization'): sessionHeaders2['Authorization'] = 'REDACTED' if debug and not quiet: print('ERROR: getJson failed, url: ' + str(url) + ', ' + 'headers: ' + str(sessionHeaders2) + ', ' + 'params: ' + str(sessionParams) + ', ' + str(e)) except SocketError as e: if not quiet: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('WARN: getJson failed, ' + 'connection was reset during getJson ' + str(e)) return None def _getJsonSigned(session, url: str, domainFull: str, sessionHeaders: {}, sessionParams: {}, timeoutSec: int, signingPrivateKeyPem: str, quiet: bool, debug: bool) -> {}: """Authorized fetch - a signed version of GET """ if not domainFull: if debug: print('No sending domain for signed GET') return None if '://' not in url: return None httpPrefix = url.split('://')[0] toDomainFull = url.split('://')[1] if '/' in toDomainFull: toDomainFull = toDomainFull.split('/')[0] if ':' in domainFull: domain = domainFull.split(':')[0] port = domainFull.split(':')[1] else: domain = domainFull if httpPrefix == 'https': port = 443 else: port = 80 if ':' in toDomainFull: toDomain = toDomainFull.split(':')[0] toPort = toDomainFull.split(':')[1] else: toDomain = toDomainFull if httpPrefix == 'https': toPort = 443 else: toPort = 80 # instance actor nickname = domain # if debug: print('Signed GET nickname: ' + nickname) print('Signed GET domain: ' + domain + ' ' + str(port)) print('Signed GET toDomain: ' + toDomain + ' ' + str(toPort)) print('Signed GET url: ' + url) print('Signed GET httpPrefix: ' + httpPrefix) messageStr = '' withDigest = False signatureHeaderJson = \ createSignedHeader(signingPrivateKeyPem, nickname, domain, port, toDomain, toPort, url, httpPrefix, withDigest, messageStr) print('Signed GET signatureHeaderJson ' + str(signatureHeaderJson)) for key, value in signatureHeaderJson.items(): if key == 'Accept' or key == 'User-Agent': continue sessionHeaders[key] = value print('Signed GET sessionHeaders ' + str(sessionHeaders)) return _getJsonRequest(session, url, domainFull, sessionHeaders, sessionParams, timeoutSec, None, quiet, debug) def getJson(signingPrivateKeyPem: str, session, url: str, headers: {}, params: {}, debug: bool, version: str = '1.2.0', httpPrefix: str = 'https', domain: str = 'testdomain', timeoutSec: int = 20, quiet: bool = False) -> {}: if not isinstance(url, str): if debug and not quiet: print('url: ' + str(url)) print('ERROR: getJson failed, url should be a string') return None sessionParams = {} sessionHeaders = {} if headers: sessionHeaders = headers if params: sessionParams = params sessionHeaders['User-Agent'] = 'Epicyon/' + version if domain: sessionHeaders['User-Agent'] += \ '; +' + httpPrefix + '://' + domain + '/' if not session: if not quiet: print('WARN: getJson failed, no session specified for getJson') return None if debug: HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1 return _getJsonRequest(session, url, domain, sessionHeaders, sessionParams, timeoutSec, signingPrivateKeyPem, quiet, debug) def postJson(httpPrefix: str, domainFull: str, session, postJsonObject: {}, federationList: [], inboxUrl: str, headers: {}, timeoutSec: int = 60, quiet: bool = False) -> str: """Post a json message to the inbox of another person """ # check that we are posting to a permitted domain if not urlPermitted(inboxUrl, federationList): if not quiet: print('postJson: ' + inboxUrl + ' not permitted') return None sessionHeaders = headers sessionHeaders['User-Agent'] = 'Epicyon/' + __version__ sessionHeaders['User-Agent'] += \ '; +' + httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + '/' try: postResult = \ session.post(url=inboxUrl, data=json.dumps(postJsonObject), headers=headers, timeout=timeoutSec) except requests.Timeout as e: if not quiet: print('ERROR: postJson timeout ' + inboxUrl + ' ' + json.dumps(postJsonObject) + ' ' + str(headers)) print(e) return '' except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: if not quiet: print('ERROR: postJson requests failed ' + inboxUrl + ' ' + json.dumps(postJsonObject) + ' ' + str(headers) + ' ' + str(e)) return None except SocketError as e: if not quiet and e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('WARN: connection was reset during postJson') return None except ValueError as e: if not quiet: print('ERROR: postJson failed ' + inboxUrl + ' ' + json.dumps(postJsonObject) + ' ' + str(headers) + ' ' + str(e)) return None if postResult: return postResult.text return None def postJsonString(session, postJsonStr: str, federationList: [], inboxUrl: str, headers: {}, debug: bool, timeoutSec: int = 30, quiet: bool = False) -> (bool, bool): """Post a json message string to the inbox of another person The second boolean returned is true if the send is unauthorized NOTE: Here we post a string rather than the original json so that conversions between string and json format don't invalidate the message body digest of http signatures """ try: postResult = \ session.post(url=inboxUrl, data=postJsonStr, headers=headers, timeout=timeoutSec) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: if not quiet: print('WARN: error during postJsonString requests ' + str(e)) return None, None except SocketError as e: if not quiet and e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('WARN: connection was reset during postJsonString') if not quiet: print('ERROR: postJsonString failed ' + inboxUrl + ' ' + postJsonStr + ' ' + str(headers)) return None, None except ValueError as e: if not quiet: print('WARN: error during postJsonString ' + str(e)) return None, None if postResult.status_code < 200 or postResult.status_code > 202: if postResult.status_code >= 400 and \ postResult.status_code <= 405 and \ postResult.status_code != 404: if not quiet: print('WARN: Post to ' + inboxUrl + ' is unauthorized. Code ' + str(postResult.status_code)) return False, True else: if not quiet: print('WARN: Failed to post to ' + inboxUrl + ' with headers ' + str(headers)) print('status code ' + str(postResult.status_code)) return False, False return True, False def postImage(session, attachImageFilename: str, federationList: [], inboxUrl: str, headers: {}) -> str: """Post an image to the inbox of another person or outbox via c2s """ # check that we are posting to a permitted domain if not urlPermitted(inboxUrl, federationList): print('postJson: ' + inboxUrl + ' not permitted') return None if not isImageFile(attachImageFilename): print('Image must be png, jpg, webp, avif, gif or svg') return None if not os.path.isfile(attachImageFilename): print('Image not found: ' + attachImageFilename) return None contentType = 'image/jpeg' if attachImageFilename.endswith('.png'): contentType = 'image/png' elif attachImageFilename.endswith('.gif'): contentType = 'image/gif' elif attachImageFilename.endswith('.webp'): contentType = 'image/webp' elif attachImageFilename.endswith('.avif'): contentType = 'image/avif' elif attachImageFilename.endswith('.svg'): contentType = 'image/svg+xml' headers['Content-type'] = contentType with open(attachImageFilename, 'rb') as avFile: mediaBinary = avFile.read() try: postResult = session.post(url=inboxUrl, data=mediaBinary, headers=headers) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: print('WARN: error during postImage requests ' + str(e)) return None except SocketError as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('WARN: connection was reset during postImage') print('ERROR: postImage failed ' + inboxUrl + ' ' + str(headers) + ' ' + str(e)) return None except ValueError as e: print('WARN: error during postImage ' + str(e)) return None if postResult: return postResult.text return None