__filename__ = "daemon_get_hashtag.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.5.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@libreserver.org" __status__ = "Production" __module_group__ = "Core" import json import urllib.parse from session import establish_session from httpcodes import http_400 from httpcodes import http_404 from httpcodes import write2 from httpheaders import login_headers from httpheaders import redirect_headers from httpheaders import set_headers from blocking import is_blocked_hashtag from utils import convert_domains from utils import get_nickname_from_actor from fitnessFunctions import fitness_performance from webapp_utils import html_hashtag_blocked from webapp_search import html_hashtag_search from webapp_search import hashtag_search_rss from webapp_search import hashtag_search_json from webapp_hashtagswarm import get_hashtag_categories_feed def hashtag_search_rss2(self, calling_domain: str, path: str, cookie: str, base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, domain: str, domain_full: str, port: int, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str, getreq_start_time) -> None: """Return an RSS 2 feed for a hashtag """ hashtag = path.split('/tags/rss2/')[1] if is_blocked_hashtag(base_dir, hashtag): http_400(self) return nickname = None if '/users/' in path: actor = \ http_prefix + '://' + domain_full + path nickname = \ get_nickname_from_actor(actor) hashtag_str = \ hashtag_search_rss(nickname, domain, port, base_dir, hashtag, http_prefix, self.server.system_language) if hashtag_str: msg = hashtag_str.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) set_headers(self, 'text/xml', msglen, cookie, calling_domain, False) write2(self, msg) else: origin_path_str = path.split('/tags/rss2/')[0] origin_path_str_absolute = \ http_prefix + '://' + domain_full + origin_path_str if calling_domain.endswith('.onion') and onion_domain: origin_path_str_absolute = \ 'http://' + onion_domain + origin_path_str elif (calling_domain.endswith('.i2p') and onion_domain): origin_path_str_absolute = \ 'http://' + i2p_domain + origin_path_str redirect_headers(self, origin_path_str_absolute + '/search', cookie, calling_domain) fitness_performance(getreq_start_time, self.server.fitness, '_GET', '_hashtag_search_rss2', self.server.debug) def hashtag_search_json2(self, calling_domain: str, referer_domain: str, path: str, cookie: str, base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, domain: str, domain_full: str, port: int, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str, getreq_start_time, max_posts_in_feed: int) -> None: """Return a json collection for a hashtag """ page_number = 1 if '?page=' in path: page_number_str = path.split('?page=')[1] if page_number_str.isdigit(): page_number = int(page_number_str) path = path.split('?page=')[0] hashtag = path.split('/tags/')[1] if is_blocked_hashtag(base_dir, hashtag): http_400(self) return nickname = None if '/users/' in path: actor = \ http_prefix + '://' + domain_full + path nickname = \ get_nickname_from_actor(actor) hashtag_json = \ hashtag_search_json(nickname, domain, port, base_dir, hashtag, page_number, max_posts_in_feed, http_prefix) if hashtag_json: msg_str = json.dumps(hashtag_json) msg_str = convert_domains(calling_domain, referer_domain, msg_str, http_prefix, domain, onion_domain, i2p_domain) msg = msg_str.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) set_headers(self, 'application/json', msglen, None, calling_domain, True) write2(self, msg) else: origin_path_str = path.split('/tags/')[0] origin_path_str_absolute = \ http_prefix + '://' + domain_full + origin_path_str if calling_domain.endswith('.onion') and onion_domain: origin_path_str_absolute = \ 'http://' + onion_domain + origin_path_str elif (calling_domain.endswith('.i2p') and onion_domain): origin_path_str_absolute = \ 'http://' + i2p_domain + origin_path_str redirect_headers(self, origin_path_str_absolute, cookie, calling_domain) fitness_performance(getreq_start_time, self.server.fitness, '_GET', '_hashtag_search_json', self.server.debug) def hashtag_search2(self, calling_domain: str, path: str, cookie: str, base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, domain: str, domain_full: str, port: int, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str, getreq_start_time, curr_session, max_posts_in_hashtag_feed: int) -> None: """Return the result of a hashtag search """ page_number = 1 if '?page=' in path: page_number_str = path.split('?page=')[1] if '#' in page_number_str: page_number_str = page_number_str.split('#')[0] if len(page_number_str) > 5: page_number_str = "1" if page_number_str.isdigit(): page_number = int(page_number_str) hashtag = path.split('/tags/')[1] if '?page=' in hashtag: hashtag = hashtag.split('?page=')[0] hashtag = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(hashtag) if is_blocked_hashtag(base_dir, hashtag): print('BLOCK: blocked hashtag #' + hashtag) msg = html_hashtag_blocked(base_dir, self.server.translate).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) login_headers(self, 'text/html', msglen, calling_domain) write2(self, msg) return nickname = None if '/users/' in path: nickname = path.split('/users/')[1] if '/' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('/')[0] if '?' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('?')[0] timezone = None if self.server.account_timezone.get(nickname): timezone = \ self.server.account_timezone.get(nickname) bold_reading = False if self.server.bold_reading.get(nickname): bold_reading = True hashtag_str = \ html_hashtag_search(nickname, domain, port, self.server.recent_posts_cache, self.server.max_recent_posts, self.server.translate, base_dir, hashtag, page_number, max_posts_in_hashtag_feed, curr_session, self.server.cached_webfingers, self.server.person_cache, http_prefix, self.server.project_version, self.server.yt_replace_domain, self.server.twitter_replacement_domain, self.server.show_published_date_only, self.server.peertube_instances, self.server.allow_local_network_access, self.server.theme_name, self.server.system_language, self.server.max_like_count, self.server.signing_priv_key_pem, self.server.cw_lists, self.server.lists_enabled, timezone, bold_reading, self.server.dogwhistles, self.server.map_format, self.server.access_keys, 'search', self.server.min_images_for_accounts, self.server.buy_sites, self.server.auto_cw_cache) if hashtag_str: msg = hashtag_str.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) set_headers(self, 'text/html', msglen, cookie, calling_domain, False) write2(self, msg) else: origin_path_str = path.split('/tags/')[0] origin_path_str_absolute = \ http_prefix + '://' + domain_full + origin_path_str if calling_domain.endswith('.onion') and onion_domain: origin_path_str_absolute = \ 'http://' + onion_domain + origin_path_str elif (calling_domain.endswith('.i2p') and onion_domain): origin_path_str_absolute = \ 'http://' + i2p_domain + origin_path_str redirect_headers(self, origin_path_str_absolute + '/search', cookie, calling_domain) fitness_performance(getreq_start_time, self.server.fitness, '_GET', '_hashtag_search', self.server.debug) def get_hashtag_categories_feed2(self, calling_domain: str, path: str, base_dir: str, proxy_type: str, getreq_start_time, debug: bool, curr_session) -> None: """Returns the hashtag categories feed """ curr_session = \ establish_session("get_hashtag_categories_feed", curr_session, proxy_type, self.server) if not curr_session: http_404(self, 27) return hashtag_categories = None msg = \ get_hashtag_categories_feed(base_dir, hashtag_categories) if msg: msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) set_headers(self, 'text/xml', msglen, None, calling_domain, True) write2(self, msg) if debug: print('Sent rss2 categories feed: ' + path + ' ' + calling_domain) fitness_performance(getreq_start_time, self.server.fitness, '_GET', '_get_hashtag_categories_feed', debug) return if debug: print('Failed to get rss2 categories feed: ' + path + ' ' + calling_domain) http_404(self, 28)