Epicyon news rules processing

As news arrives via RSS or Atom feeds it can be processed to add or remove hashtags, in accordance to some rules which you can define.

On the newswire edit screen, available to moderators, you can define the news processing rules. There is one rule per line.


if [conditions] then [action]

Logical Operators

The following operators are available:

    not, and, or, xor, from, contains


A simple example is:

    if moderated and not #oxfordimc then block

For moderated feeds this will only allow items through if they have the #oxfordimc hashtag.

If you want to add hashtags an example is:

    if contains "garden" or contains "lawn" then add #gardening

So if incoming news contains the word "garden" either in its title or description then it will automatically be assigned the hashtag #gardening. You can also add hashtags based upon other hashtags.

    if #garden or #lawn then add #gardening

You can also remove hashtags.

    if #garden or #lawn then remove #gardening

Which will remove #gardening if it exists as a hashtag within the news post.

You can add tags based upon the RSS link, such as:

    if from "mycatsite.com" then add #cats