__filename__ = "acceptreject.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.3.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@libreserver.org" __status__ = "Production" __module_group__ = "ActivityPub" import os from utils import has_object_string_object from utils import has_users_path from utils import get_full_domain from utils import url_permitted from utils import get_domain_from_actor from utils import get_nickname_from_actor from utils import domain_permitted from utils import follow_person from utils import acct_dir from utils import has_group_type from utils import local_actor_url from utils import has_actor from utils import has_object_string_type def _create_accept_reject(base_dir: str, federation_list: [], nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, to_url: str, cc_url: str, http_prefix: str, object_json: {}, accept_type: str) -> {}: """Accepts or rejects something (eg. a follow request or offer) Typically to_url will be https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public and cc_url might be a specific person favorited or repeated and the followers url objectUrl is typically the url of the message, corresponding to url or atomUri in createPostBase """ if not object_json.get('actor'): return None if not url_permitted(object_json['actor'], federation_list): return None domain = get_full_domain(domain, port) new_accept = { "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", 'type': accept_type, 'actor': local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain), 'to': [to_url], 'cc': [], 'object': object_json } if cc_url: if len(cc_url) > 0: new_accept['cc'] = [cc_url] return new_accept def create_accept(base_dir: str, federation_list: [], nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, to_url: str, cc_url: str, http_prefix: str, object_json: {}) -> {}: return _create_accept_reject(base_dir, federation_list, nickname, domain, port, to_url, cc_url, http_prefix, object_json, 'Accept') def create_reject(base_dir: str, federation_list: [], nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, to_url: str, cc_url: str, http_prefix: str, object_json: {}) -> {}: return _create_accept_reject(base_dir, federation_list, nickname, domain, port, to_url, cc_url, http_prefix, object_json, 'Reject') def _accept_follow(base_dir: str, message_json: {}, federation_list: [], debug: bool, curr_domain: str, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str) -> None: """Receiving a follow Accept activity """ if not has_object_string_type(message_json, debug): return if not message_json['object']['type'] == 'Follow': if not message_json['object']['type'] == 'Join': return if debug: print('DEBUG: receiving Follow activity') if not message_json['object'].get('actor'): print('DEBUG: no actor in Follow activity') return # no, this isn't a mistake if not has_object_string_object(message_json, debug): return if not message_json.get('to'): if debug: print('DEBUG: No "to" parameter in follow Accept') return if debug: print('DEBUG: follow Accept received ' + str(message_json)) this_actor = message_json['object']['actor'] nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(this_actor) if not nickname: print('WARN: no nickname found in ' + this_actor) return accepted_domain, accepted_port = get_domain_from_actor(this_actor) if not accepted_domain: if debug: print('DEBUG: domain not found in ' + this_actor) return if not nickname: if debug: print('DEBUG: nickname not found in ' + this_actor) return if accepted_port: if '/' + accepted_domain + ':' + str(accepted_port) + \ '/users/' + nickname not in this_actor: if debug: print('Port: ' + str(accepted_port)) print('Expected: /' + accepted_domain + ':' + str(accepted_port) + '/users/' + nickname) print('Actual: ' + this_actor) print('DEBUG: unrecognized actor ' + this_actor) return else: if not '/' + accepted_domain + '/users/' + nickname in this_actor: if debug: print('Expected: /' + accepted_domain + '/users/' + nickname) print('Actual: ' + this_actor) print('DEBUG: unrecognized actor ' + this_actor) return followed_actor = message_json['object']['object'] followed_domain, port = get_domain_from_actor(followed_actor) if not followed_domain: print('DEBUG: no domain found within Follow activity object ' + followed_actor) return followed_domain_full = followed_domain if port: followed_domain_full = followed_domain + ':' + str(port) followed_nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(followed_actor) if not followed_nickname: print('DEBUG: no nickname found within Follow activity object ' + followed_actor) return # convert from onion/i2p to clearnet accepted domain if onion_domain: if accepted_domain.endswith('.onion') and \ not curr_domain.endswith('.onion'): accepted_domain = curr_domain if i2p_domain: if accepted_domain.endswith('.i2p') and \ not curr_domain.endswith('.i2p'): accepted_domain = curr_domain accepted_domain_full = accepted_domain if accepted_port: accepted_domain_full = accepted_domain + ':' + str(accepted_port) # has this person already been unfollowed? unfollowed_filename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, accepted_domain_full) + '/unfollowed.txt' if os.path.isfile(unfollowed_filename): if followed_nickname + '@' + followed_domain_full in \ open(unfollowed_filename, encoding='utf-8').read(): if debug: print('DEBUG: follow accept arrived for ' + nickname + '@' + accepted_domain_full + ' from ' + followed_nickname + '@' + followed_domain_full + ' but they have been unfollowed') return # does the url path indicate that this is a group actor group_account = has_group_type(base_dir, followed_actor, None, debug) if debug: print('Accepted follow is a group: ' + str(group_account) + ' ' + followed_actor + ' ' + base_dir) if follow_person(base_dir, nickname, accepted_domain_full, followed_nickname, followed_domain_full, federation_list, debug, group_account): if debug: print('DEBUG: ' + nickname + '@' + accepted_domain_full + ' followed ' + followed_nickname + '@' + followed_domain_full) else: if debug: print('DEBUG: Unable to create follow - ' + nickname + '@' + accepted_domain + ' -> ' + followed_nickname + '@' + followed_domain) def receive_accept_reject(base_dir: str, domain: str, message_json: {}, federation_list: [], debug: bool, curr_domain: str, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str) -> bool: """Receives an Accept or Reject within the POST section of HTTPServer """ if message_json['type'] != 'Accept' and message_json['type'] != 'Reject': return False if not has_actor(message_json, debug): return False if not has_users_path(message_json['actor']): if debug: print('DEBUG: "users" or "profile" missing from actor in ' + message_json['type'] + '. Assuming single user instance.') domain, _ = get_domain_from_actor(message_json['actor']) if not domain_permitted(domain, federation_list): if debug: print('DEBUG: ' + message_json['type'] + ' from domain not permitted - ' + domain) return False nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(message_json['actor']) if not nickname: # single user instance nickname = 'dev' if debug: print('DEBUG: ' + message_json['type'] + ' does not contain a nickname. ' + 'Assuming single user instance.') # receive follow accept _accept_follow(base_dir, message_json, federation_list, debug, curr_domain, onion_domain, i2p_domain) if debug: print('DEBUG: Uh, ' + message_json['type'] + ', I guess') return True