__filename__ = "daemon.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.2.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@freedombone.net" __status__ = "Production" from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, ThreadingHTTPServer, HTTPServer import sys import json import time import urllib.parse import datetime from socket import error as SocketError import errno from functools import partial import pyqrcode # for saving images from hashlib import sha256 from hashlib import sha1 from session import createSession from webfinger import webfingerMeta from webfinger import webfingerNodeInfo from webfinger import webfingerLookup from webfinger import webfingerUpdate from mastoapiv1 import getMastoApiV1Account from mastoapiv1 import getMastApiV1Id from mastoapiv1 import getNicknameFromMastoApiV1Id from metadata import metaDataInstance from metadata import metaDataNodeInfo from pgp import getEmailAddress from pgp import setEmailAddress from pgp import getPGPpubKey from pgp import getPGPfingerprint from pgp import setPGPpubKey from pgp import setPGPfingerprint from xmpp import getXmppAddress from xmpp import setXmppAddress from ssb import getSSBAddress from ssb import setSSBAddress from tox import getToxAddress from tox import setToxAddress from briar import getBriarAddress from briar import setBriarAddress from jami import getJamiAddress from jami import setJamiAddress from matrix import getMatrixAddress from matrix import setMatrixAddress from donate import getDonationUrl from donate import setDonationUrl from person import setPersonNotes from person import getDefaultPersonContext from person import savePersonQrcode from person import randomizeActorImages from person import personUpgradeActor from person import activateAccount from person import deactivateAccount from person import registerAccount from person import personLookup from person import personBoxJson from person import createSharedInbox from person import createNewsInbox from person import suspendAccount from person import reenableAccount from person import removeAccount from person import canRemovePost from person import personSnooze from person import personUnsnooze from posts import outboxMessageCreateWrap from posts import getPinnedPostAsJson from posts import pinPost from posts import jsonPinPost from posts import undoPinnedPost from posts import isModerator from posts import mutePost from posts import unmutePost from posts import createQuestionPost from posts import createPublicPost from posts import createBlogPost from posts import createReportPost from posts import createUnlistedPost from posts import createFollowersOnlyPost from posts import createEventPost from posts import createDirectMessagePost from posts import populateRepliesJson from posts import addToField from posts import expireCache from inbox import clearQueueItems from inbox import inboxPermittedMessage from inbox import inboxMessageHasParams from inbox import runInboxQueue from inbox import runInboxQueueWatchdog from inbox import savePostToInboxQueue from inbox import populateReplies from inbox import getPersonPubKey from follow import isFollowingActor from follow import getFollowingFeed from follow import sendFollowRequest from follow import unfollowAccount from follow import createInitialLastSeen from auth import authorize from auth import createPassword from auth import createBasicAuthHeader from auth import authorizeBasic from auth import storeBasicCredentials from threads import threadWithTrace from threads import removeDormantThreads from media import replaceYouTube from media import attachMedia from blocking import setBrochMode from blocking import addBlock from blocking import removeBlock from blocking import addGlobalBlock from blocking import removeGlobalBlock from blocking import isBlockedHashtag from blocking import isBlockedDomain from blocking import getDomainBlocklist from roles import setRole from roles import clearModeratorStatus from roles import clearEditorStatus from roles import clearCounselorStatus from blog import htmlBlogPageRSS2 from blog import htmlBlogPageRSS3 from blog import htmlBlogView from blog import htmlBlogPage from blog import htmlBlogPost from blog import htmlEditBlog from webapp_utils import getAvatarImageUrl from webapp_utils import htmlHashtagBlocked from webapp_utils import htmlFollowingList from webapp_utils import setBlogAddress from webapp_utils import getBlogAddress from webapp_calendar import htmlCalendarDeleteConfirm from webapp_calendar import htmlCalendar from webapp_about import htmlAbout from webapp_confirm import htmlConfirmDelete from webapp_confirm import htmlConfirmRemoveSharedItem from webapp_confirm import htmlConfirmUnblock from webapp_person_options import htmlPersonOptions from webapp_timeline import htmlShares from webapp_timeline import htmlInbox from webapp_timeline import htmlBookmarks from webapp_timeline import htmlEvents from webapp_timeline import htmlInboxDMs from webapp_timeline import htmlInboxReplies from webapp_timeline import htmlInboxMedia from webapp_timeline import htmlInboxBlogs from webapp_timeline import htmlInboxNews from webapp_timeline import htmlInboxFeatures from webapp_timeline import htmlOutbox from webapp_media import loadPeertubeInstances from webapp_moderation import htmlAccountInfo from webapp_moderation import htmlModeration from webapp_moderation import htmlModerationInfo from webapp_create_post import htmlNewPost from webapp_login import htmlLogin from webapp_login import htmlGetLoginCredentials from webapp_suspended import htmlSuspended from webapp_tos import htmlTermsOfService from webapp_confirm import htmlConfirmFollow from webapp_confirm import htmlConfirmUnfollow from webapp_post import htmlPostReplies from webapp_post import htmlIndividualPost from webapp_profile import htmlEditProfile from webapp_profile import htmlProfileAfterSearch from webapp_profile import htmlProfile from webapp_column_left import htmlLinksMobile from webapp_column_left import htmlEditLinks from webapp_column_right import htmlNewswireMobile from webapp_column_right import htmlEditNewswire from webapp_column_right import htmlCitations from webapp_column_right import htmlEditNewsPost from webapp_search import htmlSkillsSearch from webapp_search import htmlHistorySearch from webapp_search import htmlHashtagSearch from webapp_search import rssHashtagSearch from webapp_search import htmlSearchEmoji from webapp_search import htmlSearchSharedItems from webapp_search import htmlSearchEmojiTextEntry from webapp_search import htmlSearch from webapp_hashtagswarm import getHashtagCategoriesFeed from webapp_hashtagswarm import htmlSearchHashtagCategory from webapp_welcome import welcomeScreenIsComplete from webapp_welcome import htmlWelcomeScreen from webapp_welcome import isWelcomeScreenComplete from webapp_welcome_profile import htmlWelcomeProfile from webapp_welcome_final import htmlWelcomeFinal from shares import getSharesFeedForPerson from shares import addShare from shares import removeShare from shares import expireShares from categories import setHashtagCategory from utils import loadTranslationsFromFile from utils import getLocalNetworkAddresses from utils import decodedHost from utils import isPublicPost from utils import getLockedAccount from utils import hasUsersPath from utils import getFullDomain from utils import removeHtml from utils import isEditor from utils import getImageExtensions from utils import mediaFileMimeType from utils import getCSS from utils import firstParagraphFromString from utils import clearFromPostCaches from utils import containsInvalidChars from utils import isSystemAccount from utils import setConfigParam from utils import getConfigParam from utils import removeIdEnding from utils import updateLikesCollection from utils import undoLikesCollectionEntry from utils import deletePost from utils import isBlogPost from utils import removeAvatarFromCache from utils import locatePost from utils import getCachedPostFilename from utils import removePostFromCache from utils import getNicknameFromActor from utils import getDomainFromActor from utils import getStatusNumber from utils import urlPermitted from utils import loadJson from utils import saveJson from utils import isSuspended from utils import dangerousMarkup from utils import refreshNewswire from manualapprove import manualDenyFollowRequest from manualapprove import manualApproveFollowRequest from announce import createAnnounce from content import replaceEmojiFromTags from content import addHtmlTags from content import extractMediaInFormPOST from content import saveMediaInFormPOST from content import extractTextFieldsInPOST from media import removeMetaData from cache import checkForChangedActor from cache import storePersonInCache from cache import getPersonFromCache from httpsig import verifyPostHeaders from theme import isNewsThemeName from theme import getTextModeBanner from theme import setNewsAvatar from theme import setTheme from theme import getTheme from theme import enableGrayscale from theme import disableGrayscale from schedule import runPostSchedule from schedule import runPostScheduleWatchdog from schedule import removeScheduledPosts from outbox import postMessageToOutbox from happening import removeCalendarEvent from bookmarks import bookmark from bookmarks import undoBookmark from petnames import setPetName from followingCalendar import addPersonToCalendar from followingCalendar import removePersonFromCalendar from devices import E2EEdevicesCollection from devices import E2EEvalidDevice from devices import E2EEaddDevice from newswire import getRSSfromDict from newswire import rss2Header from newswire import rss2Footer from newswire import loadHashtagCategories from newsdaemon import runNewswireWatchdog from newsdaemon import runNewswireDaemon from filters import isFiltered from filters import addGlobalFilter from filters import removeGlobalFilter from context import hasValidContext from speaker import getSSMLbox import os # maximum number of posts to list in outbox feed maxPostsInFeed = 12 # reduced posts for media feed because it can take a while maxPostsInMediaFeed = 6 # Blogs can be longer, so don't show many per page maxPostsInBlogsFeed = 4 maxPostsInNewsFeed = 10 # Maximum number of entries in returned rss.xml maxPostsInRSSFeed = 10 # number of follows/followers per page followsPerPage = 6 # number of item shares per page sharesPerPage = 12 def saveDomainQrcode(baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domainFull: str, scale=6) -> None: """Saves a qrcode image for the domain name This helps to transfer onion or i2p domains to a mobile device """ qrcodeFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/qrcode.png' url = pyqrcode.create(httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull) url.png(qrcodeFilename, scale) class PubServer(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): protocol_version = 'HTTP/1.1' def _getheaderSignatureInput(self): """There are different versions of http signatures with different header styles """ if self.headers.get('Signature-Input'): # https://tools.ietf.org/html/ # draft-ietf-httpbis-message-signatures-01 return self.headers['Signature-Input'] elif self.headers.get('signature'): # Ye olde Masto http sig return self.headers['signature'] return None def _pathIsImage(self, path: str) -> bool: if path.endswith('.png') or \ path.endswith('.jpg') or \ path.endswith('.gif') or \ path.endswith('.svg') or \ path.endswith('.avif') or \ path.endswith('.webp'): return True return False def _pathIsVideo(self, path: str) -> bool: if path.endswith('.ogv') or \ path.endswith('.mp4'): return True return False def _pathIsAudio(self, path: str) -> bool: if path.endswith('.ogg') or \ path.endswith('.mp3'): return True return False def handle_error(self, request, client_address): print('ERROR: http server error: ' + str(request) + ', ' + str(client_address)) pass def _isMinimal(self, nickname: str) -> bool: """Returns true if minimal buttons should be shown for the given account """ accountDir = self.server.baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + self.server.domain if not os.path.isdir(accountDir): return True minimalFilename = accountDir + '/.notminimal' if os.path.isfile(minimalFilename): return False return True def _setMinimal(self, nickname: str, minimal: bool) -> None: """Sets whether an account should display minimal buttons """ accountDir = self.server.baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + self.server.domain if not os.path.isdir(accountDir): return minimalFilename = accountDir + '/.notminimal' minimalFileExists = os.path.isfile(minimalFilename) if minimal and minimalFileExists: os.remove(minimalFilename) elif not minimal and not minimalFileExists: with open(minimalFilename, 'w+') as fp: fp.write('\n') def _sendReplyToQuestion(self, nickname: str, messageId: str, answer: str) -> None: """Sends a reply to a question """ votesFilename = self.server.baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + self.server.domain + '/questions.txt' if os.path.isfile(votesFilename): # have we already voted on this? if messageId in open(votesFilename).read(): print('Already voted on message ' + messageId) return print('Voting on message ' + messageId) print('Vote for: ' + answer) commentsEnabled = True attachImageFilename = None mediaType = None imageDescription = None inReplyTo = messageId inReplyToAtomUri = messageId subject = None schedulePost = False eventDate = None eventTime = None location = None messageJson = \ createPublicPost(self.server.baseDir, nickname, self.server.domain, self.server.port, self.server.httpPrefix, answer, False, False, False, commentsEnabled, attachImageFilename, mediaType, imageDescription, inReplyTo, inReplyToAtomUri, subject, schedulePost, eventDate, eventTime, location, False) if messageJson: # name field contains the answer messageJson['object']['name'] = answer if self._postToOutbox(messageJson, __version__, nickname): postFilename = \ locatePost(self.server.baseDir, nickname, self.server.domain, messageId) if postFilename: postJsonObject = loadJson(postFilename) if postJsonObject: populateReplies(self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domainFull, postJsonObject, self.server.maxReplies, self.server.debug) # record the vote votesFile = open(votesFilename, 'a+') if votesFile: votesFile.write(messageId + '\n') votesFile.close() # ensure that the cached post is removed if it exists, # so that it then will be recreated cachedPostFilename = \ getCachedPostFilename(self.server.baseDir, nickname, self.server.domain, postJsonObject) if cachedPostFilename: if os.path.isfile(cachedPostFilename): os.remove(cachedPostFilename) # remove from memory cache removePostFromCache(postJsonObject, self.server.recentPostsCache) else: print('ERROR: unable to post vote to outbox') else: print('ERROR: unable to create vote') def _removePostInteractions(self, postJsonObject: {}) -> None: """Removes potentially sensitive interactions from a post This is the type of thing which would be of interest to marketers or of saleable value to them. eg. Knowing who likes who or what. """ if postJsonObject.get('likes'): postJsonObject['likes'] = {'items': []} if postJsonObject.get('shares'): postJsonObject['shares'] = {} if postJsonObject.get('replies'): postJsonObject['replies'] = {} if postJsonObject.get('bookmarks'): postJsonObject['bookmarks'] = {} if not postJsonObject.get('object'): return if not isinstance(postJsonObject['object'], dict): return if postJsonObject['object'].get('likes'): postJsonObject['object']['likes'] = {'items': []} if postJsonObject['object'].get('shares'): postJsonObject['object']['shares'] = {} if postJsonObject['object'].get('replies'): postJsonObject['object']['replies'] = {} if postJsonObject['object'].get('bookmarks'): postJsonObject['object']['bookmarks'] = {} def _requestHTTP(self) -> bool: """Should a http response be given? """ if not self.headers.get('Accept'): return False acceptStr = self.headers['Accept'] if self.server.debug: print('ACCEPT: ' + acceptStr) if 'application/ssml' in acceptStr: if 'text/html' not in acceptStr: return False if 'image/' in acceptStr: if 'text/html' not in acceptStr: return False if 'video/' in acceptStr: if 'text/html' not in acceptStr: return False if 'audio/' in acceptStr: if 'text/html' not in acceptStr: return False if acceptStr.startswith('*'): if self.headers.get('User-Agent'): if 'ELinks' in self.headers['User-Agent'] or \ 'Lynx' in self.headers['User-Agent']: return True return False if 'json' in acceptStr: return False return True def _fetchAuthenticated(self) -> bool: """http authentication of GET requests for json """ if not self.server.authenticatedFetch: return True # check that the headers are signed if not self.headers.get('signature'): if self.server.debug: print('WARN: authenticated fetch, ' + 'GET has no signature in headers') return False # get the keyId keyId = None signatureParams = self.headers['signature'].split(',') for signatureItem in signatureParams: if signatureItem.startswith('keyId='): if '"' in signatureItem: keyId = signatureItem.split('"')[1] break if not keyId: if self.server.debug: print('WARN: authenticated fetch, ' + 'failed to obtain keyId from signature') return False # is the keyId (actor) valid? if not urlPermitted(keyId, self.server.federationList): if self.server.debug: print('Authorized fetch failed: ' + keyId + ' is not permitted') return False # make sure we have a session if not self.server.session: print('DEBUG: creating new session during authenticated fetch') self.server.session = createSession(self.server.proxyType) if not self.server.session: print('ERROR: GET failed to create session during ' + 'authenticated fetch') return False # obtain the public key pubKey = \ getPersonPubKey(self.server.baseDir, self.server.session, keyId, self.server.personCache, self.server.debug, __version__, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.onionDomain) if not pubKey: if self.server.debug: print('DEBUG: Authenticated fetch failed to ' + 'obtain public key for ' + keyId) return False # it is assumed that there will be no message body on # authenticated fetches and also consequently no digest GETrequestBody = '' GETrequestDigest = None # verify the GET request without any digest if verifyPostHeaders(self.server.httpPrefix, pubKey, self.headers, self.path, True, GETrequestDigest, GETrequestBody, self.server.debug): return True return False def _login_headers(self, fileFormat: str, length: int, callingDomain: str) -> None: self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', fileFormat) self.send_header('Content-Length', str(length)) self.send_header('Host', callingDomain) self.send_header('WWW-Authenticate', 'title="Login to Epicyon", Basic realm="epicyon"') self.send_header('X-Robots-Tag', 'noindex, nofollow, noarchive, nosnippet') self.send_header('Referrer-Policy', 'origin') self.end_headers() def _logout_headers(self, fileFormat: str, length: int, callingDomain: str) -> None: self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', fileFormat) self.send_header('Content-Length', str(length)) self.send_header('Set-Cookie', 'epicyon=; SameSite=Strict') self.send_header('Host', callingDomain) self.send_header('WWW-Authenticate', 'title="Login to Epicyon", Basic realm="epicyon"') self.send_header('X-Robots-Tag', 'noindex, nofollow, noarchive, nosnippet') self.send_header('Referrer-Policy', 'origin') self.end_headers() def _logout_redirect(self, redirect: str, cookie: str, callingDomain: str) -> None: if '://' not in redirect: print('REDIRECT ERROR: redirect is not an absolute url ' + redirect) self.send_response(303) self.send_header('Set-Cookie', 'epicyon=; SameSite=Strict') self.send_header('Location', redirect) self.send_header('Host', callingDomain) self.send_header('InstanceID', self.server.instanceId) self.send_header('Content-Length', '0') self.send_header('X-Robots-Tag', 'noindex, nofollow, noarchive, nosnippet') self.send_header('Referrer-Policy', 'origin') self.end_headers() def _set_headers_base(self, fileFormat: str, length: int, cookie: str, callingDomain: str) -> None: self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', fileFormat) if length > -1: self.send_header('Content-Length', str(length)) if cookie: cookieStr = cookie if 'HttpOnly;' not in cookieStr: if self.server.httpPrefix == 'https': cookieStr += '; Secure' cookieStr += '; HttpOnly; SameSite=Strict' self.send_header('Cookie', cookieStr) self.send_header('Host', callingDomain) self.send_header('InstanceID', self.server.instanceId) self.send_header('X-Robots-Tag', 'noindex, nofollow, noarchive, nosnippet') self.send_header('X-Clacks-Overhead', 'GNU Natalie Nguyen') self.send_header('Referrer-Policy', 'origin') self.send_header('Accept-Ranges', 'none') def _set_headers(self, fileFormat: str, length: int, cookie: str, callingDomain: str) -> None: self._set_headers_base(fileFormat, length, cookie, callingDomain) self.send_header('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=0') self.end_headers() def _set_headers_head(self, fileFormat: str, length: int, etag: str, callingDomain: str) -> None: self._set_headers_base(fileFormat, length, None, callingDomain) if etag: self.send_header('ETag', etag) self.end_headers() def _set_headers_etag(self, mediaFilename: str, fileFormat: str, data, cookie: str, callingDomain: str) -> None: datalen = len(data) self._set_headers_base(fileFormat, datalen, cookie, callingDomain) self.send_header('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=86400') etag = None if os.path.isfile(mediaFilename + '.etag'): try: with open(mediaFilename + '.etag', 'r') as etagFile: etag = etagFile.read() except BaseException: pass if not etag: etag = sha1(data).hexdigest() # nosec try: with open(mediaFilename + '.etag', 'w+') as etagFile: etagFile.write(etag) except BaseException: pass if etag: self.send_header('ETag', etag) self.end_headers() def _etag_exists(self, mediaFilename: str) -> bool: """Does an etag header exist for the given file? """ etagHeader = 'If-None-Match' if not self.headers.get(etagHeader): etagHeader = 'if-none-match' if not self.headers.get(etagHeader): etagHeader = 'If-none-match' if self.headers.get(etagHeader): oldEtag = self.headers['If-None-Match'] if os.path.isfile(mediaFilename + '.etag'): # load the etag from file currEtag = '' try: with open(mediaFilename, 'r') as etagFile: currEtag = etagFile.read() except BaseException: pass if oldEtag == currEtag: # The file has not changed return True return False def _redirect_headers(self, redirect: str, cookie: str, callingDomain: str) -> None: if '://' not in redirect: print('REDIRECT ERROR: redirect is not an absolute url ' + redirect) self.send_response(303) if cookie: cookieStr = cookie.replace('SET:', '').strip() if 'HttpOnly;' not in cookieStr: if self.server.httpPrefix == 'https': cookieStr += '; Secure' cookieStr += '; HttpOnly; SameSite=Strict' if not cookie.startswith('SET:'): self.send_header('Cookie', cookieStr) else: self.send_header('Set-Cookie', cookieStr) self.send_header('Location', redirect) self.send_header('Host', callingDomain) self.send_header('InstanceID', self.server.instanceId) self.send_header('Content-Length', '0') self.send_header('X-Robots-Tag', 'noindex, nofollow, noarchive, nosnippet') self.send_header('Referrer-Policy', 'origin') self.end_headers() def _httpReturnCode(self, httpCode: int, httpDescription: str, longDescription: str) -> None: msg = \ '<html><head><title>' + str(httpCode) + '</title></head>' \ '<body bgcolor="linen" text="black">' \ '<div style="font-size: 400px; ' \ 'text-align: center;">' + str(httpCode) + '</div>' \ '<div style="font-size: 128px; ' \ 'text-align: center; font-variant: ' \ 'small-caps;"><p role="alert">' + httpDescription + '</p></div>' \ '<div style="text-align: center;">' + longDescription + '</div>' \ '</body></html>' msg = msg.encode('utf-8') self.send_response(httpCode) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8') msgLenStr = str(len(msg)) self.send_header('Content-Length', msgLenStr) self.send_header('X-Robots-Tag', 'noindex, nofollow, noarchive, nosnippet') self.send_header('Referrer-Policy', 'origin') self.end_headers() if not self._write(msg): print('Error when showing ' + str(httpCode)) def _200(self) -> None: if self.server.translate: self._httpReturnCode(200, self.server.translate['Ok'], self.server.translate['This is nothing ' + 'less than an utter ' + 'triumph']) else: self._httpReturnCode(200, 'Ok', 'This is nothing less ' + 'than an utter triumph') def _404(self) -> None: if self.server.translate: self._httpReturnCode(404, self.server.translate['Not Found'], self.server.translate['These are not the ' + 'droids you are ' + 'looking for']) else: self._httpReturnCode(404, 'Not Found', 'These are not the ' + 'droids you are ' + 'looking for') def _304(self) -> None: if self.server.translate: self._httpReturnCode(304, self.server.translate['Not changed'], self.server.translate['The contents of ' + 'your local cache ' + 'are up to date']) else: self._httpReturnCode(304, 'Not changed', 'The contents of ' + 'your local cache ' + 'are up to date') def _400(self) -> None: if self.server.translate: self._httpReturnCode(400, self.server.translate['Bad Request'], self.server.translate['Better luck ' + 'next time']) else: self._httpReturnCode(400, 'Bad Request', 'Better luck next time') def _503(self) -> None: if self.server.translate: self._httpReturnCode(503, self.server.translate['Unavailable'], self.server.translate['The server is busy. ' + 'Please try again ' + 'later']) else: self._httpReturnCode(503, 'Unavailable', 'The server is busy. Please try again ' + 'later') def _write(self, msg) -> bool: tries = 0 while tries < 5: try: self.wfile.write(msg) return True except Exception as e: print(e) time.sleep(0.5) tries += 1 return False def _robotsTxt(self) -> bool: if not self.path.lower().startswith('/robot'): return False msg = 'User-agent: *\nDisallow: /' msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/plain; charset=utf-8', msglen, None, self.server.domainFull) self._write(msg) return True def _hasAccept(self, callingDomain: str) -> bool: if self.headers.get('Accept') or callingDomain.endswith('.b32.i2p'): if not self.headers.get('Accept'): self.headers['Accept'] = \ 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,' \ 'application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8' return True return False def _mastoApiV1(self, path: str, callingDomain: str, authorized: bool, httpPrefix: str, baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, domainFull: str) -> bool: """This is a vestigil mastodon API for the purpose of returning an empty result to sites like https://mastopeek.app-dist.eu """ if not path.startswith('/api/v1/'): return False print('mastodon api v1: ' + path) print('mastodon api v1: authorized ' + str(authorized)) print('mastodon api v1: nickname ' + str(nickname)) sendJson = None sendJsonStr = '' # parts of the api needing authorization if authorized and nickname: if path == '/api/v1/accounts/verify_credentials': sendJson = getMastoApiV1Account(baseDir, nickname, domain) sendJsonStr = 'masto API account sent for ' + nickname # Parts of the api which don't need authorization mastoId = getMastApiV1Id(path) if mastoId is not None: pathNickname = getNicknameFromMastoApiV1Id(mastoId) if pathNickname: originalPath = path if '/followers?' in path or \ '/following?' in path or \ '/search?' in path or \ '/relationships?' in path or \ '/statuses?' in path: path = path.split('?')[0] if path.endswith('/followers'): sendJson = [] sendJsonStr = 'masto API followers sent for ' + nickname elif path.endswith('/following'): sendJson = [] sendJsonStr = 'masto API following sent for ' + nickname elif path.endswith('/statuses'): sendJson = [] sendJsonStr = 'masto API statuses sent for ' + nickname elif path.endswith('/search'): sendJson = [] sendJsonStr = 'masto API search sent ' + originalPath elif path.endswith('/relationships'): sendJson = [] sendJsonStr = \ 'masto API relationships sent ' + originalPath else: sendJson = \ getMastoApiV1Account(baseDir, pathNickname, domain) sendJsonStr = 'masto API account sent for ' + nickname if path.startswith('/api/v1/blocks'): sendJson = [] sendJsonStr = 'masto API instance blocks sent' elif path.startswith('/api/v1/favorites'): sendJson = [] sendJsonStr = 'masto API favorites sent' elif path.startswith('/api/v1/follow_requests'): sendJson = [] sendJsonStr = 'masto API follow requests sent' elif path.startswith('/api/v1/mutes'): sendJson = [] sendJsonStr = 'masto API mutes sent' elif path.startswith('/api/v1/notifications'): sendJson = [] sendJsonStr = 'masto API notifications sent' elif path.startswith('/api/v1/reports'): sendJson = [] sendJsonStr = 'masto API reports sent' elif path.startswith('/api/v1/statuses'): sendJson = [] sendJsonStr = 'masto API statuses sent' elif path.startswith('/api/v1/timelines'): sendJson = [] sendJsonStr = 'masto API timelines sent' adminNickname = getConfigParam(self.server.baseDir, 'admin') if adminNickname and path == '/api/v1/instance': instanceDescriptionShort = \ getConfigParam(self.server.baseDir, 'instanceDescriptionShort') if not instanceDescriptionShort: instanceDescriptionShort = \ self.server.translate['Yet another Epicyon Instance'] instanceDescription = getConfigParam(self.server.baseDir, 'instanceDescription') instanceTitle = getConfigParam(self.server.baseDir, 'instanceTitle') sendJson = \ metaDataInstance(instanceTitle, instanceDescriptionShort, instanceDescription, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.baseDir, adminNickname, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.registration, self.server.systemLanguage, self.server.projectVersion) sendJsonStr = 'masto API instance metadata sent' elif path.startswith('/api/v1/instance/peers'): # This is just a dummy result. # Showing the full list of peers would have privacy implications. # On a large instance you are somewhat lost in the crowd, but on # small instances a full list of peers would convey a lot of # information about the interests of a small number of accounts sendJson = ['mastodon.social', self.server.domainFull] sendJsonStr = 'masto API peers metadata sent' elif path.startswith('/api/v1/instance/activity'): sendJson = [] sendJsonStr = 'masto API activity metadata sent' if sendJson is not None: msg = json.dumps(sendJson).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) if self._hasAccept(callingDomain): if 'application/ld+json' in self.headers['Accept']: self._set_headers('application/ld+json', msglen, None, callingDomain) else: self._set_headers('application/json', msglen, None, callingDomain) else: self._set_headers('application/ld+json', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) if sendJsonStr: print(sendJsonStr) return True # no api endpoints were matched self._404() return True def _mastoApi(self, path: str, callingDomain: str, authorized: bool, httpPrefix: str, baseDir: str, nickname: str, domain: str, domainFull: str) -> bool: return self._mastoApiV1(path, callingDomain, authorized, httpPrefix, baseDir, nickname, domain, domainFull) def _nodeinfo(self, callingDomain: str) -> bool: if not self.path.startswith('/nodeinfo/2.0'): return False if self.server.debug: print('DEBUG: nodeinfo ' + self.path) info = metaDataNodeInfo(self.server.baseDir, self.server.registration, self.server.projectVersion) if info: msg = json.dumps(info).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) if self._hasAccept(callingDomain): if 'application/ld+json' in self.headers['Accept']: self._set_headers('application/ld+json', msglen, None, callingDomain) else: self._set_headers('application/json', msglen, None, callingDomain) else: self._set_headers('application/ld+json', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) print('nodeinfo sent') return True self._404() return True def _webfinger(self, callingDomain: str) -> bool: if not self.path.startswith('/.well-known'): return False if self.server.debug: print('DEBUG: WEBFINGER well-known') if self.server.debug: print('DEBUG: WEBFINGER host-meta') if self.path.startswith('/.well-known/host-meta'): if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and \ self.server.onionDomain: wfResult = \ webfingerMeta('http', self.server.onionDomain) elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and self.server.i2pDomain): wfResult = \ webfingerMeta('http', self.server.i2pDomain) else: wfResult = \ webfingerMeta(self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domainFull) if wfResult: msg = wfResult.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('application/xrd+xml', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) return True self._404() return True if self.path.startswith('/.well-known/nodeinfo'): if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and \ self.server.onionDomain: wfResult = \ webfingerNodeInfo('http', self.server.onionDomain) elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and self.server.i2pDomain): wfResult = \ webfingerNodeInfo('http', self.server.i2pDomain) else: wfResult = \ webfingerNodeInfo(self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domainFull) if wfResult: msg = json.dumps(wfResult).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) if self._hasAccept(callingDomain): if 'application/ld+json' in self.headers['Accept']: self._set_headers('application/ld+json', msglen, None, callingDomain) else: self._set_headers('application/json', msglen, None, callingDomain) else: self._set_headers('application/ld+json', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) return True self._404() return True if self.server.debug: print('DEBUG: WEBFINGER lookup ' + self.path + ' ' + str(self.server.baseDir)) wfResult = \ webfingerLookup(self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.domain, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.port, self.server.debug) if wfResult: msg = json.dumps(wfResult).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('application/jrd+json', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) else: if self.server.debug: print('DEBUG: WEBFINGER lookup 404 ' + self.path) self._404() return True def _permittedDir(self, path: str) -> bool: """These are special paths which should not be accessible directly via GET or POST """ if path.startswith('/wfendpoints') or \ path.startswith('/keys') or \ path.startswith('/accounts'): return False return True def _postToOutbox(self, messageJson: {}, version: str, postToNickname=None) -> bool: """post is received by the outbox Client to server message post https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#client-to-server-outbox-delivery """ if postToNickname: print('Posting to nickname ' + postToNickname) self.postToNickname = postToNickname return postMessageToOutbox(self.server.session, self.server.translate, messageJson, self.postToNickname, self.server, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, self.server.port, self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.followersThreads, self.server.federationList, self.server.sendThreads, self.server.postLog, self.server.cachedWebfingers, self.server.personCache, self.server.allowDeletion, self.server.proxyType, version, self.server.debug, self.server.YTReplacementDomain, self.server.showPublishedDateOnly, self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess) def _postToOutboxThread(self, messageJson: {}) -> bool: """Creates a thread to send a post """ accountOutboxThreadName = self.postToNickname if not accountOutboxThreadName: accountOutboxThreadName = '*' if self.server.outboxThread.get(accountOutboxThreadName): print('Waiting for previous outbox thread to end') waitCtr = 0 thName = accountOutboxThreadName while self.server.outboxThread[thName].is_alive() and waitCtr < 8: time.sleep(1) waitCtr += 1 if waitCtr >= 8: self.server.outboxThread[accountOutboxThreadName].kill() print('Creating outbox thread') self.server.outboxThread[accountOutboxThreadName] = \ threadWithTrace(target=self._postToOutbox, args=(messageJson.copy(), __version__), daemon=True) print('Starting outbox thread') self.server.outboxThread[accountOutboxThreadName].start() return True def _updateInboxQueue(self, nickname: str, messageJson: {}, messageBytes: str) -> int: """Update the inbox queue """ if self.server.restartInboxQueueInProgress: self._503() print('Message arrived but currently restarting inbox queue') self.server.POSTbusy = False return 2 # check that the incoming message has a fully recognized # linked data context if not hasValidContext(messageJson): print('Message arriving at inbox queue has no valid context') self._400() self.server.POSTbusy = False return 3 # check for blocked domains so that they can be rejected early messageDomain = None if not messageJson.get('actor'): print('Message arriving at inbox queue has no actor') self._400() self.server.POSTbusy = False return 3 # actor should be a string if not isinstance(messageJson['actor'], str): self._400() self.server.POSTbusy = False return 3 # actor should look like a url if '://' not in messageJson['actor'] or \ '.' not in messageJson['actor']: print('POST actor does not look like a url ' + messageJson['actor']) self._400() self.server.POSTbusy = False return 3 # sent by an actor on a local network address? if not self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess: localNetworkPatternList = getLocalNetworkAddresses() for localNetworkPattern in localNetworkPatternList: if localNetworkPattern in messageJson['actor']: print('POST actor contains local network address ' + messageJson['actor']) self._400() self.server.POSTbusy = False return 3 messageDomain, messagePort = \ getDomainFromActor(messageJson['actor']) if isBlockedDomain(self.server.baseDir, messageDomain): print('POST from blocked domain ' + messageDomain) self._400() self.server.POSTbusy = False return 3 # if the inbox queue is full then return a busy code if len(self.server.inboxQueue) >= self.server.maxQueueLength: if messageDomain: print('Queue: Inbox queue is full. Incoming post from ' + messageJson['actor']) else: print('Queue: Inbox queue is full') self._503() clearQueueItems(self.server.baseDir, self.server.inboxQueue) if not self.server.restartInboxQueueInProgress: self.server.restartInboxQueue = True self.server.POSTbusy = False return 2 # Convert the headers needed for signature verification to dict headersDict = {} headersDict['host'] = self.headers['host'] headersDict['signature'] = self.headers['signature'] if self.headers.get('Date'): headersDict['Date'] = self.headers['Date'] if self.headers.get('digest'): headersDict['digest'] = self.headers['digest'] if self.headers.get('Collection-Synchronization'): headersDict['Collection-Synchronization'] = \ self.headers['Collection-Synchronization'] if self.headers.get('Content-type'): headersDict['Content-type'] = self.headers['Content-type'] if self.headers.get('Content-Length'): headersDict['Content-Length'] = self.headers['Content-Length'] elif self.headers.get('content-length'): headersDict['content-length'] = self.headers['content-length'] originalMessageJson = messageJson.copy() # For follow activities add a 'to' field, which is a copy # of the object field messageJson, toFieldExists = \ addToField('Follow', messageJson, self.server.debug) # For like activities add a 'to' field, which is a copy of # the actor within the object field messageJson, toFieldExists = \ addToField('Like', messageJson, self.server.debug) beginSaveTime = time.time() # save the json for later queue processing messageBytesDecoded = messageBytes.decode('utf-8') queueFilename = \ savePostToInboxQueue(self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, nickname, self.server.domainFull, messageJson, originalMessageJson, messageBytesDecoded, headersDict, self.path, self.server.debug) if queueFilename: # add json to the queue if queueFilename not in self.server.inboxQueue: self.server.inboxQueue.append(queueFilename) if self.server.debug: timeDiff = int((time.time() - beginSaveTime) * 1000) if timeDiff > 200: print('SLOW: slow save of inbox queue item ' + queueFilename + ' took ' + str(timeDiff) + ' mS') self.send_response(201) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return 0 self._503() self.server.POSTbusy = False return 1 def _isAuthorized(self) -> bool: self.authorizedNickname = None if self.path.startswith('/icons/') or \ self.path.startswith('/avatars/') or \ self.path.startswith('/favicon.ico') or \ self.path.startswith('/newswire_favicon.ico') or \ self.path.startswith('/categories.xml') or \ self.path.startswith('/newswire.xml'): return False # token based authenticated used by the web interface if self.headers.get('Cookie'): if self.headers['Cookie'].startswith('epicyon='): tokenStr = self.headers['Cookie'].split('=', 1)[1].strip() if ';' in tokenStr: tokenStr = tokenStr.split(';')[0].strip() if self.server.tokensLookup.get(tokenStr): nickname = self.server.tokensLookup[tokenStr] if not isSystemAccount(nickname): self.authorizedNickname = nickname # default to the inbox of the person if self.path == '/': self.path = '/users/' + nickname + '/inbox' # check that the path contains the same nickname # as the cookie otherwise it would be possible # to be authorized to use an account you don't own if '/' + nickname + '/' in self.path: return True elif '/' + nickname + '?' in self.path: return True elif self.path.endswith('/' + nickname): return True if self.server.debug: print('AUTH: nickname ' + nickname + ' was not found in path ' + self.path) return False print('AUTH: epicyon cookie ' + 'authorization failed, header=' + self.headers['Cookie'].replace('epicyon=', '') + ' tokenStr=' + tokenStr + ' tokens=' + str(self.server.tokensLookup)) return False print('AUTH: Header cookie was not authorized') return False # basic auth for c2s if self.headers.get('Authorization'): if authorize(self.server.baseDir, self.path, self.headers['Authorization'], self.server.debug): return True print('AUTH: C2S Basic auth did not authorize ' + self.headers['Authorization']) return False def _clearLoginDetails(self, nickname: str, callingDomain: str) -> None: """Clears login details for the given account """ # remove any token if self.server.tokens.get(nickname): del self.server.tokensLookup[self.server.tokens[nickname]] del self.server.tokens[nickname] self._redirect_headers(self.server.httpPrefix + '://' + self.server.domainFull + '/login', 'epicyon=; SameSite=Strict', callingDomain) def _benchmarkGETtimings(self, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, prevGetId: str, currGetId: str) -> None: """Updates a dictionary containing how long each segment of GET takes """ timeDiff = int((time.time() - GETstartTime) * 1000) logEvent = False if timeDiff > 100: logEvent = True if prevGetId: if GETtimings.get(prevGetId): timeDiff = int(timeDiff - int(GETtimings[prevGetId])) GETtimings[currGetId] = str(timeDiff) if logEvent and self.server.debug: print('GET TIMING ' + currGetId + ' = ' + str(timeDiff)) def _benchmarkPOSTtimings(self, POSTstartTime, POSTtimings: [], postID: int) -> None: """Updates a list containing how long each segment of POST takes """ if self.server.debug: timeDiff = int((time.time() - POSTstartTime) * 1000) logEvent = False if timeDiff > 100: logEvent = True if POSTtimings: timeDiff = int(timeDiff - int(POSTtimings[-1])) POSTtimings.append(str(timeDiff)) if logEvent: ctr = 1 for timeDiff in POSTtimings: if self.server.debug: print('POST TIMING|' + str(ctr) + '|' + timeDiff) ctr += 1 def _pathContainsBlogLink(self, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, path: str) -> (str, str): """If the path contains a blog entry then return its filename """ if '/users/' not in path: return None, None userEnding = path.split('/users/', 1)[1] if '/' not in userEnding: return None, None userEnding2 = userEnding.split('/') nickname = userEnding2[0] if len(userEnding2) != 2: return None, None if len(userEnding2[1]) < 14: return None, None userEnding2[1] = userEnding2[1].strip() if not userEnding2[1].isdigit(): return None, None # check for blog posts blogIndexFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + domain + '/tlblogs.index' if not os.path.isfile(blogIndexFilename): return None, None if '#' + userEnding2[1] + '.' not in open(blogIndexFilename).read(): return None, None messageId = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + \ '/users/' + nickname + '/statuses/' + userEnding2[1] return locatePost(baseDir, nickname, domain, messageId), nickname def _loginScreen(self, path: str, callingDomain: str, cookie: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, debug: bool) -> None: """Shows the login screen """ # get the contents of POST containing login credentials length = int(self.headers['Content-length']) if length > 512: print('Login failed - credentials too long') self.send_response(401) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return try: loginParams = self.rfile.read(length).decode('utf-8') except SocketError as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('WARN: POST login read ' + 'connection reset by peer') else: print('WARN: POST login read socket error') self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return except ValueError as e: print('ERROR: POST login read failed') print(e) self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return loginNickname, loginPassword, register = \ htmlGetLoginCredentials(loginParams, self.server.lastLoginTime, self.server.domain) if loginNickname: if isSystemAccount(loginNickname): print('Invalid username login: ' + loginNickname + ' (system account)') self._clearLoginDetails(loginNickname, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return self.server.lastLoginTime = int(time.time()) if register: if not registerAccount(baseDir, httpPrefix, domain, port, loginNickname, loginPassword, self.server.manualFollowerApproval): self.server.POSTbusy = False if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: self._redirect_headers('http://' + onionDomain + '/login', cookie, callingDomain) elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): self._redirect_headers('http://' + i2pDomain + '/login', cookie, callingDomain) else: self._redirect_headers(httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + '/login', cookie, callingDomain) return authHeader = \ createBasicAuthHeader(loginNickname, loginPassword) if not authorizeBasic(baseDir, '/users/' + loginNickname + '/outbox', authHeader, False): print('Login failed: ' + loginNickname) self._clearLoginDetails(loginNickname, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return else: if isSuspended(baseDir, loginNickname): msg = \ htmlSuspended(self.server.cssCache, baseDir).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._login_headers('text/html', msglen, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.POSTbusy = False return # login success - redirect with authorization print('Login success: ' + loginNickname) # re-activate account if needed activateAccount(baseDir, loginNickname, domain) # This produces a deterministic token based # on nick+password+salt saltFilename = \ baseDir+'/accounts/' + \ loginNickname + '@' + domain + '/.salt' salt = createPassword(32) if os.path.isfile(saltFilename): try: with open(saltFilename, 'r') as fp: salt = fp.read() except Exception as e: print('WARN: Unable to read salt for ' + loginNickname + ' ' + str(e)) else: try: with open(saltFilename, 'w+') as fp: fp.write(salt) except Exception as e: print('WARN: Unable to save salt for ' + loginNickname + ' ' + str(e)) tokenText = loginNickname + loginPassword + salt token = sha256(tokenText.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() self.server.tokens[loginNickname] = token loginHandle = loginNickname + '@' + domain tokenFilename = \ baseDir+'/accounts/' + \ loginHandle + '/.token' try: with open(tokenFilename, 'w+') as fp: fp.write(token) except Exception as e: print('WARN: Unable to save token for ' + loginNickname + ' ' + str(e)) personUpgradeActor(baseDir, None, loginHandle, baseDir + '/accounts/' + loginHandle + '.json') index = self.server.tokens[loginNickname] self.server.tokensLookup[index] = loginNickname cookieStr = 'SET:epicyon=' + \ self.server.tokens[loginNickname] + '; SameSite=Strict' if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: self._redirect_headers('http://' + onionDomain + '/users/' + loginNickname + '/' + self.server.defaultTimeline, cookieStr, callingDomain) elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): self._redirect_headers('http://' + i2pDomain + '/users/' + loginNickname + '/' + self.server.defaultTimeline, cookieStr, callingDomain) else: self._redirect_headers(httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + '/users/' + loginNickname + '/' + self.server.defaultTimeline, cookieStr, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return self._200() self.server.POSTbusy = False def _moderatorActions(self, path: str, callingDomain: str, cookie: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, debug: bool) -> None: """Actions on the moderator screen """ usersPath = path.replace('/moderationaction', '') nickname = usersPath.replace('/users/', '') if not isModerator(self.server.baseDir, nickname): if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: actorStr = 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actorStr = 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath self._redirect_headers(actorStr + '/moderation', cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return actorStr = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + usersPath length = int(self.headers['Content-length']) try: moderationParams = self.rfile.read(length).decode('utf-8') except SocketError as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('WARN: POST moderationParams connection was reset') else: print('WARN: POST moderationParams ' + 'rfile.read socket error') self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return except ValueError as e: print('ERROR: POST moderationParams rfile.read failed') print(e) self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return if '&' in moderationParams: moderationText = None moderationButton = None for moderationStr in moderationParams.split('&'): if moderationStr.startswith('moderationAction'): if '=' in moderationStr: moderationText = \ moderationStr.split('=')[1].strip() modText = moderationText.replace('+', ' ') moderationText = \ urllib.parse.unquote_plus(modText.strip()) elif moderationStr.startswith('submitInfo'): searchHandle = moderationText if searchHandle: if '/@' in searchHandle: searchNickname = \ getNicknameFromActor(searchHandle) searchDomain, searchPort = \ getDomainFromActor(searchHandle) searchHandle = \ searchNickname + '@' + searchDomain if '@' not in searchHandle: if searchHandle.startswith('http'): searchNickname = \ getNicknameFromActor(searchHandle) searchDomain, searchPort = \ getDomainFromActor(searchHandle) searchHandle = \ searchNickname + '@' + searchDomain if '@' not in searchHandle: # is this a local nickname on this instance? localHandle = \ searchHandle + '@' + self.server.domain if os.path.isdir(self.server.baseDir + '/accounts/' + localHandle): searchHandle = localHandle else: searchHandle = None if searchHandle: msg = \ htmlAccountInfo(self.server.cssCache, self.server.translate, baseDir, httpPrefix, nickname, self.server.domain, self.server.port, searchHandle, self.server.debug) else: msg = \ htmlModerationInfo(self.server.cssCache, self.server.translate, baseDir, httpPrefix, nickname) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._login_headers('text/html', msglen, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.POSTbusy = False return elif moderationStr.startswith('submitBlock'): moderationButton = 'block' elif moderationStr.startswith('submitUnblock'): moderationButton = 'unblock' elif moderationStr.startswith('submitFilter'): moderationButton = 'filter' elif moderationStr.startswith('submitUnfilter'): moderationButton = 'unfilter' elif moderationStr.startswith('submitSuspend'): moderationButton = 'suspend' elif moderationStr.startswith('submitUnsuspend'): moderationButton = 'unsuspend' elif moderationStr.startswith('submitRemove'): moderationButton = 'remove' if moderationButton and moderationText: if debug: print('moderationButton: ' + moderationButton) print('moderationText: ' + moderationText) nickname = moderationText if nickname.startswith('http') or \ nickname.startswith('dat'): nickname = getNicknameFromActor(nickname) if '@' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('@')[0] if moderationButton == 'suspend': suspendAccount(baseDir, nickname, domain) if moderationButton == 'unsuspend': reenableAccount(baseDir, nickname) if moderationButton == 'filter': addGlobalFilter(baseDir, moderationText) if moderationButton == 'unfilter': removeGlobalFilter(baseDir, moderationText) if moderationButton == 'block': fullBlockDomain = None if moderationText.startswith('http') or \ moderationText.startswith('dat'): # https://domain blockDomain, blockPort = \ getDomainFromActor(moderationText) fullBlockDomain = getFullDomain(blockDomain, blockPort) if '@' in moderationText: # nick@domain or *@domain fullBlockDomain = moderationText.split('@')[1] else: # assume the text is a domain name if not fullBlockDomain and '.' in moderationText: nickname = '*' fullBlockDomain = moderationText.strip() if fullBlockDomain or nickname.startswith('#'): addGlobalBlock(baseDir, nickname, fullBlockDomain) if moderationButton == 'unblock': fullBlockDomain = None if moderationText.startswith('http') or \ moderationText.startswith('dat'): # https://domain blockDomain, blockPort = \ getDomainFromActor(moderationText) fullBlockDomain = getFullDomain(blockDomain, blockPort) if '@' in moderationText: # nick@domain or *@domain fullBlockDomain = moderationText.split('@')[1] else: # assume the text is a domain name if not fullBlockDomain and '.' in moderationText: nickname = '*' fullBlockDomain = moderationText.strip() if fullBlockDomain or nickname.startswith('#'): removeGlobalBlock(baseDir, nickname, fullBlockDomain) if moderationButton == 'remove': if '/statuses/' not in moderationText: removeAccount(baseDir, nickname, domain, port) else: # remove a post or thread postFilename = \ locatePost(baseDir, nickname, domain, moderationText) if postFilename: if canRemovePost(baseDir, nickname, domain, port, moderationText): deletePost(baseDir, httpPrefix, nickname, domain, postFilename, debug, self.server.recentPostsCache) if nickname != 'news': # if this is a local blog post then also remove it # from the news actor postFilename = \ locatePost(baseDir, 'news', domain, moderationText) if postFilename: if canRemovePost(baseDir, 'news', domain, port, moderationText): deletePost(baseDir, httpPrefix, 'news', domain, postFilename, debug, self.server.recentPostsCache) if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: actorStr = 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actorStr = 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath self._redirect_headers(actorStr + '/moderation', cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return def _personOptions(self, path: str, callingDomain: str, cookie: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, debug: bool) -> None: """Receive POST from person options screen """ pageNumber = 1 usersPath = path.split('/personoptions')[0] originPathStr = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + usersPath chooserNickname = getNicknameFromActor(originPathStr) if not chooserNickname: if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: originPathStr = 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): originPathStr = 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath print('WARN: unable to find nickname in ' + originPathStr) self._redirect_headers(originPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return length = int(self.headers['Content-length']) try: optionsConfirmParams = self.rfile.read(length).decode('utf-8') except SocketError as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('WARN: POST optionsConfirmParams ' + 'connection reset by peer') else: print('WARN: POST optionsConfirmParams socket error') self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return except ValueError as e: print('ERROR: POST optionsConfirmParams rfile.read failed') print(e) self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return optionsConfirmParams = \ urllib.parse.unquote_plus(optionsConfirmParams) # page number to return to if 'pageNumber=' in optionsConfirmParams: pageNumberStr = optionsConfirmParams.split('pageNumber=')[1] if '&' in pageNumberStr: pageNumberStr = pageNumberStr.split('&')[0] if pageNumberStr.isdigit(): pageNumber = int(pageNumberStr) # actor for the person optionsActor = optionsConfirmParams.split('actor=')[1] if '&' in optionsActor: optionsActor = optionsActor.split('&')[0] # url of the avatar optionsAvatarUrl = optionsConfirmParams.split('avatarUrl=')[1] if '&' in optionsAvatarUrl: optionsAvatarUrl = optionsAvatarUrl.split('&')[0] # link to a post, which can then be included in reports postUrl = None if 'postUrl' in optionsConfirmParams: postUrl = optionsConfirmParams.split('postUrl=')[1] if '&' in postUrl: postUrl = postUrl.split('&')[0] # petname for this person petname = None if 'optionpetname' in optionsConfirmParams: petname = optionsConfirmParams.split('optionpetname=')[1] if '&' in petname: petname = petname.split('&')[0] # Limit the length of the petname if len(petname) > 20 or \ ' ' in petname or '/' in petname or \ '?' in petname or '#' in petname: petname = None # notes about this person personNotes = None if 'optionnotes' in optionsConfirmParams: personNotes = optionsConfirmParams.split('optionnotes=')[1] if '&' in personNotes: personNotes = personNotes.split('&')[0] personNotes = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(personNotes.strip()) # Limit the length of the notes if len(personNotes) > 64000: personNotes = None # get the nickname optionsNickname = getNicknameFromActor(optionsActor) if not optionsNickname: if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: originPathStr = 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): originPathStr = 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath print('WARN: unable to find nickname in ' + optionsActor) self._redirect_headers(originPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return optionsDomain, optionsPort = getDomainFromActor(optionsActor) optionsDomainFull = getFullDomain(optionsDomain, optionsPort) if chooserNickname == optionsNickname and \ optionsDomain == domain and \ optionsPort == port: if debug: print('You cannot perform an option action on yourself') # person options screen, view button # See htmlPersonOptions if '&submitView=' in optionsConfirmParams: if debug: print('Viewing ' + optionsActor) self._redirect_headers(optionsActor, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return # person options screen, petname submit button # See htmlPersonOptions if '&submitPetname=' in optionsConfirmParams and petname: if debug: print('Change petname to ' + petname) handle = optionsNickname + '@' + optionsDomainFull setPetName(baseDir, chooserNickname, domain, handle, petname) usersPathStr = \ usersPath + '/' + self.server.defaultTimeline + \ '?page=' + str(pageNumber) self._redirect_headers(usersPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return # person options screen, person notes submit button # See htmlPersonOptions if '&submitPersonNotes=' in optionsConfirmParams: if debug: print('Change person notes') handle = optionsNickname + '@' + optionsDomainFull if not personNotes: personNotes = '' setPersonNotes(baseDir, chooserNickname, domain, handle, personNotes) usersPathStr = \ usersPath + '/' + self.server.defaultTimeline + \ '?page=' + str(pageNumber) self._redirect_headers(usersPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return # person options screen, on calendar checkbox # See htmlPersonOptions if '&submitOnCalendar=' in optionsConfirmParams: onCalendar = None if 'onCalendar=' in optionsConfirmParams: onCalendar = optionsConfirmParams.split('onCalendar=')[1] if '&' in onCalendar: onCalendar = onCalendar.split('&')[0] if onCalendar == 'on': addPersonToCalendar(baseDir, chooserNickname, domain, optionsNickname, optionsDomainFull) else: removePersonFromCalendar(baseDir, chooserNickname, domain, optionsNickname, optionsDomainFull) usersPathStr = \ usersPath + '/' + self.server.defaultTimeline + \ '?page=' + str(pageNumber) self._redirect_headers(usersPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return # person options screen, permission to post to newswire # See htmlPersonOptions if '&submitPostToNews=' in optionsConfirmParams: adminNickname = getConfigParam(self.server.baseDir, 'admin') if (chooserNickname != optionsNickname and (chooserNickname == adminNickname or (isModerator(self.server.baseDir, chooserNickname) and not isModerator(self.server.baseDir, optionsNickname)))): postsToNews = None if 'postsToNews=' in optionsConfirmParams: postsToNews = optionsConfirmParams.split('postsToNews=')[1] if '&' in postsToNews: postsToNews = postsToNews.split('&')[0] accountDir = self.server.baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ optionsNickname + '@' + optionsDomain newswireBlockedFilename = accountDir + '/.nonewswire' if postsToNews == 'on': if os.path.isfile(newswireBlockedFilename): os.remove(newswireBlockedFilename) refreshNewswire(self.server.baseDir) else: if os.path.isdir(accountDir): noNewswireFile = open(newswireBlockedFilename, "w+") if noNewswireFile: noNewswireFile.write('\n') noNewswireFile.close() refreshNewswire(self.server.baseDir) usersPathStr = \ usersPath + '/' + self.server.defaultTimeline + \ '?page=' + str(pageNumber) self._redirect_headers(usersPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return # person options screen, permission to post to featured articles # See htmlPersonOptions if '&submitPostToFeatures=' in optionsConfirmParams: adminNickname = getConfigParam(self.server.baseDir, 'admin') if (chooserNickname != optionsNickname and (chooserNickname == adminNickname or (isModerator(self.server.baseDir, chooserNickname) and not isModerator(self.server.baseDir, optionsNickname)))): postsToFeatures = None if 'postsToFeatures=' in optionsConfirmParams: postsToFeatures = \ optionsConfirmParams.split('postsToFeatures=')[1] if '&' in postsToFeatures: postsToFeatures = postsToFeatures.split('&')[0] accountDir = self.server.baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ optionsNickname + '@' + optionsDomain featuresBlockedFilename = accountDir + '/.nofeatures' if postsToFeatures == 'on': if os.path.isfile(featuresBlockedFilename): os.remove(featuresBlockedFilename) refreshNewswire(self.server.baseDir) else: if os.path.isdir(accountDir): noFeaturesFile = open(featuresBlockedFilename, "w+") if noFeaturesFile: noFeaturesFile.write('\n') noFeaturesFile.close() refreshNewswire(self.server.baseDir) usersPathStr = \ usersPath + '/' + self.server.defaultTimeline + \ '?page=' + str(pageNumber) self._redirect_headers(usersPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return # person options screen, permission to post to newswire # See htmlPersonOptions if '&submitModNewsPosts=' in optionsConfirmParams: adminNickname = getConfigParam(self.server.baseDir, 'admin') if (chooserNickname != optionsNickname and (chooserNickname == adminNickname or (isModerator(self.server.baseDir, chooserNickname) and not isModerator(self.server.baseDir, optionsNickname)))): modPostsToNews = None if 'modNewsPosts=' in optionsConfirmParams: modPostsToNews = \ optionsConfirmParams.split('modNewsPosts=')[1] if '&' in modPostsToNews: modPostsToNews = modPostsToNews.split('&')[0] accountDir = self.server.baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ optionsNickname + '@' + optionsDomain newswireModFilename = accountDir + '/.newswiremoderated' if modPostsToNews != 'on': if os.path.isfile(newswireModFilename): os.remove(newswireModFilename) else: if os.path.isdir(accountDir): modNewswireFile = open(newswireModFilename, "w+") if modNewswireFile: modNewswireFile.write('\n') modNewswireFile.close() usersPathStr = \ usersPath + '/' + self.server.defaultTimeline + \ '?page=' + str(pageNumber) self._redirect_headers(usersPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return # person options screen, block button # See htmlPersonOptions if '&submitBlock=' in optionsConfirmParams: if debug: print('Adding block by ' + chooserNickname + ' of ' + optionsActor) addBlock(baseDir, chooserNickname, domain, optionsNickname, optionsDomainFull) # person options screen, unblock button # See htmlPersonOptions if '&submitUnblock=' in optionsConfirmParams: if debug: print('Unblocking ' + optionsActor) msg = \ htmlConfirmUnblock(self.server.cssCache, self.server.translate, baseDir, usersPath, optionsActor, optionsAvatarUrl).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.POSTbusy = False return # person options screen, follow button # See htmlPersonOptions if '&submitFollow=' in optionsConfirmParams: if debug: print('Following ' + optionsActor) msg = \ htmlConfirmFollow(self.server.cssCache, self.server.translate, baseDir, usersPath, optionsActor, optionsAvatarUrl).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.POSTbusy = False return # person options screen, unfollow button # See htmlPersonOptions if '&submitUnfollow=' in optionsConfirmParams: print('Unfollowing ' + optionsActor) msg = \ htmlConfirmUnfollow(self.server.cssCache, self.server.translate, baseDir, usersPath, optionsActor, optionsAvatarUrl).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.POSTbusy = False return # person options screen, DM button # See htmlPersonOptions if '&submitDM=' in optionsConfirmParams: if debug: print('Sending DM to ' + optionsActor) reportPath = path.replace('/personoptions', '') + '/newdm' msg = htmlNewPost(self.server.cssCache, False, self.server.translate, baseDir, httpPrefix, reportPath, None, [optionsActor], None, None, pageNumber, chooserNickname, domain, domainFull, self.server.defaultTimeline, self.server.newswire, self.server.themeName, True).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.POSTbusy = False return # person options screen, Info button # See htmlPersonOptions if '&submitPersonInfo=' in optionsConfirmParams: if isModerator(self.server.baseDir, chooserNickname): if debug: print('Showing info for ' + optionsActor) msg = \ htmlAccountInfo(self.server.cssCache, self.server.translate, baseDir, httpPrefix, chooserNickname, domain, self.server.port, optionsActor, self.server.debug).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.POSTbusy = False return else: self._404() return # person options screen, snooze button # See htmlPersonOptions if '&submitSnooze=' in optionsConfirmParams: usersPath = path.split('/personoptions')[0] thisActor = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + usersPath if debug: print('Snoozing ' + optionsActor + ' ' + thisActor) if '/users/' in thisActor: nickname = thisActor.split('/users/')[1] personSnooze(baseDir, nickname, domain, optionsActor) if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: thisActor = 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): thisActor = 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath actorPathStr = \ thisActor + '/' + self.server.defaultTimeline + \ '?page=' + str(pageNumber) self._redirect_headers(actorPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return # person options screen, unsnooze button # See htmlPersonOptions if '&submitUnSnooze=' in optionsConfirmParams: usersPath = path.split('/personoptions')[0] thisActor = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + usersPath if debug: print('Unsnoozing ' + optionsActor + ' ' + thisActor) if '/users/' in thisActor: nickname = thisActor.split('/users/')[1] personUnsnooze(baseDir, nickname, domain, optionsActor) if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: thisActor = 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): thisActor = 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath actorPathStr = \ thisActor + '/' + self.server.defaultTimeline + \ '?page=' + str(pageNumber) self._redirect_headers(actorPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return # person options screen, report button # See htmlPersonOptions if '&submitReport=' in optionsConfirmParams: if debug: print('Reporting ' + optionsActor) reportPath = \ path.replace('/personoptions', '') + '/newreport' msg = htmlNewPost(self.server.cssCache, False, self.server.translate, baseDir, httpPrefix, reportPath, None, [], None, postUrl, pageNumber, chooserNickname, domain, domainFull, self.server.defaultTimeline, self.server.newswire, self.server.themeName, True).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.POSTbusy = False return # redirect back from person options screen if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: originPathStr = 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain: originPathStr = 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath self._redirect_headers(originPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return def _unfollowConfirm(self, callingDomain: str, cookie: str, authorized: bool, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, debug: bool) -> None: """Confirm to unfollow """ usersPath = path.split('/unfollowconfirm')[0] originPathStr = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + usersPath followerNickname = getNicknameFromActor(originPathStr) length = int(self.headers['Content-length']) try: followConfirmParams = self.rfile.read(length).decode('utf-8') except SocketError as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('WARN: POST followConfirmParams ' + 'connection was reset') else: print('WARN: POST followConfirmParams socket error') self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return except ValueError as e: print('ERROR: POST followConfirmParams rfile.read failed') print(e) self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return if '&submitYes=' in followConfirmParams: followingActor = \ urllib.parse.unquote_plus(followConfirmParams) followingActor = followingActor.split('actor=')[1] if '&' in followingActor: followingActor = followingActor.split('&')[0] followingNickname = getNicknameFromActor(followingActor) followingDomain, followingPort = \ getDomainFromActor(followingActor) followingDomainFull = getFullDomain(followingDomain, followingPort) if followerNickname == followingNickname and \ followingDomain == domain and \ followingPort == port: if debug: print('You cannot unfollow yourself!') else: if debug: print(followerNickname + ' stops following ' + followingActor) followActor = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + \ '/users/' + followerNickname statusNumber, published = getStatusNumber() followId = followActor + '/statuses/' + str(statusNumber) unfollowJson = { '@context': 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', 'id': followId + '/undo', 'type': 'Undo', 'actor': followActor, 'object': { 'id': followId, 'type': 'Follow', 'actor': followActor, 'object': followingActor } } pathUsersSection = path.split('/users/')[1] self.postToNickname = pathUsersSection.split('/')[0] unfollowAccount(self.server.baseDir, self.postToNickname, self.server.domain, followingNickname, followingDomainFull) self._postToOutboxThread(unfollowJson) if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: originPathStr = 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): originPathStr = 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath self._redirect_headers(originPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False def _followConfirm(self, callingDomain: str, cookie: str, authorized: bool, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, debug: bool) -> None: """Confirm to follow """ usersPath = path.split('/followconfirm')[0] originPathStr = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + usersPath followerNickname = getNicknameFromActor(originPathStr) length = int(self.headers['Content-length']) try: followConfirmParams = self.rfile.read(length).decode('utf-8') except SocketError as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('WARN: POST followConfirmParams ' + 'connection was reset') else: print('WARN: POST followConfirmParams socket error') self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return except ValueError as e: print('ERROR: POST followConfirmParams rfile.read failed') print(e) self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return if '&submitView=' in followConfirmParams: followingActor = \ urllib.parse.unquote_plus(followConfirmParams) followingActor = followingActor.split('actor=')[1] if '&' in followingActor: followingActor = followingActor.split('&')[0] self._redirect_headers(followingActor, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return if '&submitYes=' in followConfirmParams: followingActor = \ urllib.parse.unquote_plus(followConfirmParams) followingActor = followingActor.split('actor=')[1] if '&' in followingActor: followingActor = followingActor.split('&')[0] followingNickname = getNicknameFromActor(followingActor) followingDomain, followingPort = \ getDomainFromActor(followingActor) if followerNickname == followingNickname and \ followingDomain == domain and \ followingPort == port: if debug: print('You cannot follow yourself!') elif (followingNickname == 'news' and followingDomain == domain and followingPort == port): if debug: print('You cannot follow the news actor') else: print('Sending follow request from ' + followerNickname + ' to ' + followingActor) sendFollowRequest(self.server.session, baseDir, followerNickname, domain, port, httpPrefix, followingNickname, followingDomain, followingActor, followingPort, httpPrefix, False, self.server.federationList, self.server.sendThreads, self.server.postLog, self.server.cachedWebfingers, self.server.personCache, debug, self.server.projectVersion) if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: originPathStr = 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): originPathStr = 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath self._redirect_headers(originPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False def _blockConfirm(self, callingDomain: str, cookie: str, authorized: bool, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, debug: bool) -> None: """Confirms a block """ usersPath = path.split('/blockconfirm')[0] originPathStr = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + usersPath blockerNickname = getNicknameFromActor(originPathStr) if not blockerNickname: if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: originPathStr = 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): originPathStr = 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath print('WARN: unable to find nickname in ' + originPathStr) self._redirect_headers(originPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return length = int(self.headers['Content-length']) try: blockConfirmParams = self.rfile.read(length).decode('utf-8') except SocketError as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('WARN: POST blockConfirmParams ' + 'connection was reset') else: print('WARN: POST blockConfirmParams socket error') self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return except ValueError as e: print('ERROR: POST blockConfirmParams rfile.read failed') print(e) self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return if '&submitYes=' in blockConfirmParams: blockingActor = \ urllib.parse.unquote_plus(blockConfirmParams) blockingActor = blockingActor.split('actor=')[1] if '&' in blockingActor: blockingActor = blockingActor.split('&')[0] blockingNickname = getNicknameFromActor(blockingActor) if not blockingNickname: if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: originPathStr = 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): originPathStr = 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath print('WARN: unable to find nickname in ' + blockingActor) self._redirect_headers(originPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return blockingDomain, blockingPort = \ getDomainFromActor(blockingActor) blockingDomainFull = getFullDomain(blockingDomain, blockingPort) if blockerNickname == blockingNickname and \ blockingDomain == domain and \ blockingPort == port: if debug: print('You cannot block yourself!') else: if debug: print('Adding block by ' + blockerNickname + ' of ' + blockingActor) addBlock(baseDir, blockerNickname, domain, blockingNickname, blockingDomainFull) if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: originPathStr = 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): originPathStr = 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath self._redirect_headers(originPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False def _unblockConfirm(self, callingDomain: str, cookie: str, authorized: bool, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, debug: bool) -> None: """Confirms a unblock """ usersPath = path.split('/unblockconfirm')[0] originPathStr = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + usersPath blockerNickname = getNicknameFromActor(originPathStr) if not blockerNickname: if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: originPathStr = 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): originPathStr = 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath print('WARN: unable to find nickname in ' + originPathStr) self._redirect_headers(originPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return length = int(self.headers['Content-length']) try: blockConfirmParams = self.rfile.read(length).decode('utf-8') except SocketError as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('WARN: POST blockConfirmParams ' + 'connection was reset') else: print('WARN: POST blockConfirmParams socket error') self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return except ValueError as e: print('ERROR: POST blockConfirmParams rfile.read failed') print(e) self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return if '&submitYes=' in blockConfirmParams: blockingActor = \ urllib.parse.unquote_plus(blockConfirmParams) blockingActor = blockingActor.split('actor=')[1] if '&' in blockingActor: blockingActor = blockingActor.split('&')[0] blockingNickname = getNicknameFromActor(blockingActor) if not blockingNickname: if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: originPathStr = 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): originPathStr = 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath print('WARN: unable to find nickname in ' + blockingActor) self._redirect_headers(originPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return blockingDomain, blockingPort = \ getDomainFromActor(blockingActor) blockingDomainFull = getFullDomain(blockingDomain, blockingPort) if blockerNickname == blockingNickname and \ blockingDomain == domain and \ blockingPort == port: if debug: print('You cannot unblock yourself!') else: if debug: print(blockerNickname + ' stops blocking ' + blockingActor) removeBlock(baseDir, blockerNickname, domain, blockingNickname, blockingDomainFull) if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: originPathStr = 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): originPathStr = 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath self._redirect_headers(originPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False def _receiveSearchQuery(self, callingDomain: str, cookie: str, authorized: bool, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, searchForEmoji: bool, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, debug: bool) -> None: """Receive a search query """ # get the page number pageNumber = 1 if '/searchhandle?page=' in path: pageNumberStr = path.split('/searchhandle?page=')[1] if '#' in pageNumberStr: pageNumberStr = pageNumberStr.split('#')[0] if pageNumberStr.isdigit(): pageNumber = int(pageNumberStr) path = path.split('?page=')[0] usersPath = path.replace('/searchhandle', '') actorStr = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + usersPath length = int(self.headers['Content-length']) try: searchParams = self.rfile.read(length).decode('utf-8') except SocketError as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('WARN: POST searchParams connection was reset') else: print('WARN: POST searchParams socket error') self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return except ValueError as e: print('ERROR: POST searchParams rfile.read failed') print(e) self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return if 'submitBack=' in searchParams: # go back on search screen if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: actorStr = 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actorStr = 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath self._redirect_headers(actorStr + '/' + self.server.defaultTimeline, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return if 'searchtext=' in searchParams: searchStr = searchParams.split('searchtext=')[1] if '&' in searchStr: searchStr = searchStr.split('&')[0] searchStr = \ urllib.parse.unquote_plus(searchStr.strip()) searchStr = searchStr.lower().strip() print('searchStr: ' + searchStr) if searchForEmoji: searchStr = ':' + searchStr + ':' if searchStr.startswith('#'): nickname = getNicknameFromActor(actorStr) # hashtag search hashtagStr = \ htmlHashtagSearch(self.server.cssCache, nickname, domain, port, self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.maxRecentPosts, self.server.translate, baseDir, searchStr[1:], 1, maxPostsInFeed, self.server.session, self.server.cachedWebfingers, self.server.personCache, httpPrefix, self.server.projectVersion, self.server.YTReplacementDomain, self.server.showPublishedDateOnly, self.server.peertubeInstances, self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess, self.server.themeName) if hashtagStr: msg = hashtagStr.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._login_headers('text/html', msglen, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.POSTbusy = False return elif searchStr.startswith('*'): # skill search searchStr = searchStr.replace('*', '').strip() skillStr = \ htmlSkillsSearch(actorStr, self.server.cssCache, self.server.translate, baseDir, httpPrefix, searchStr, self.server.instanceOnlySkillsSearch, 64) if skillStr: msg = skillStr.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._login_headers('text/html', msglen, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.POSTbusy = False return elif searchStr.startswith('!'): # your post history search nickname = getNicknameFromActor(actorStr) searchStr = searchStr.replace('!', '').strip() historyStr = \ htmlHistorySearch(self.server.cssCache, self.server.translate, baseDir, httpPrefix, nickname, domain, searchStr, maxPostsInFeed, pageNumber, self.server.projectVersion, self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.maxRecentPosts, self.server.session, self.server.cachedWebfingers, self.server.personCache, port, self.server.YTReplacementDomain, self.server.showPublishedDateOnly, self.server.peertubeInstances, self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess, self.server.themeName) if historyStr: msg = historyStr.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._login_headers('text/html', msglen, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.POSTbusy = False return elif ('@' in searchStr or ('://' in searchStr and hasUsersPath(searchStr))): if searchStr.endswith(':') or \ searchStr.endswith(';') or \ searchStr.endswith('.'): if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: actorStr = 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actorStr = 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath self._redirect_headers(actorStr + '/search', cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return # profile search nickname = getNicknameFromActor(actorStr) if not self.server.session: print('Starting new session during handle search') self.server.session = \ createSession(self.server.proxyType) if not self.server.session: print('ERROR: POST failed to create session ' + 'during handle search') self._404() self.server.POSTbusy = False return profilePathStr = path.replace('/searchhandle', '') # are we already following the searched for handle? if isFollowingActor(baseDir, nickname, domain, searchStr): if not hasUsersPath(searchStr): searchNickname = getNicknameFromActor(searchStr) searchDomain, searchPort = \ getDomainFromActor(searchStr) actor = \ httpPrefix + '://' + \ getFullDomain(searchDomain, searchPort) + \ '/users/' + searchNickname else: actor = searchStr avatarUrl = \ getAvatarImageUrl(self.server.session, baseDir, httpPrefix, actor, self.server.personCache, None, True) profilePathStr += \ '?options=' + actor + ';1;' + avatarUrl self._showPersonOptions(callingDomain, profilePathStr, baseDir, httpPrefix, domain, domainFull, GETstartTime, GETtimings, onionDomain, i2pDomain, cookie, debug, authorized) return else: showPublishedDateOnly = self.server.showPublishedDateOnly allowLocalNetworkAccess = \ self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess profileStr = \ htmlProfileAfterSearch(self.server.cssCache, self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.maxRecentPosts, self.server.translate, baseDir, profilePathStr, httpPrefix, nickname, domain, port, searchStr, self.server.session, self.server.cachedWebfingers, self.server.personCache, self.server.debug, self.server.projectVersion, self.server.YTReplacementDomain, showPublishedDateOnly, self.server.defaultTimeline, self.server.peertubeInstances, allowLocalNetworkAccess, self.server.themeName) if profileStr: msg = profileStr.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._login_headers('text/html', msglen, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.POSTbusy = False return else: if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: actorStr = 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actorStr = 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath self._redirect_headers(actorStr + '/search', cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return elif (searchStr.startswith(':') or searchStr.endswith(' emoji')): # eg. "cat emoji" if searchStr.endswith(' emoji'): searchStr = \ searchStr.replace(' emoji', '') # emoji search emojiStr = \ htmlSearchEmoji(self.server.cssCache, self.server.translate, baseDir, httpPrefix, searchStr) if emojiStr: msg = emojiStr.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._login_headers('text/html', msglen, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.POSTbusy = False return else: # shared items search sharedItemsStr = \ htmlSearchSharedItems(self.server.cssCache, self.server.translate, baseDir, searchStr, pageNumber, maxPostsInFeed, httpPrefix, domainFull, actorStr, callingDomain) if sharedItemsStr: msg = sharedItemsStr.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._login_headers('text/html', msglen, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.POSTbusy = False return if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: actorStr = 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain: actorStr = 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath self._redirect_headers(actorStr + '/' + self.server.defaultTimeline, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False def _receiveVote(self, callingDomain: str, cookie: str, authorized: bool, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, debug: bool) -> None: """Receive a vote via POST """ pageNumber = 1 if '?page=' in path: pageNumberStr = path.split('?page=')[1] if '#' in pageNumberStr: pageNumberStr = pageNumberStr.split('#')[0] if pageNumberStr.isdigit(): pageNumber = int(pageNumberStr) path = path.split('?page=')[0] # the actor who votes usersPath = path.replace('/question', '') actor = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + usersPath nickname = getNicknameFromActor(actor) if not nickname: if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: actor = 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actor = 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath actorPathStr = \ actor + '/' + self.server.defaultTimeline + \ '?page=' + str(pageNumber) self._redirect_headers(actorPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return # get the parameters length = int(self.headers['Content-length']) try: questionParams = self.rfile.read(length).decode('utf-8') except SocketError as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('WARN: POST questionParams connection was reset') else: print('WARN: POST questionParams socket error') self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return except ValueError as e: print('ERROR: POST questionParams rfile.read failed') print(e) self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return questionParams = questionParams.replace('+', ' ') questionParams = questionParams.replace('%3F', '') questionParams = \ urllib.parse.unquote_plus(questionParams.strip()) # post being voted on messageId = None if 'messageId=' in questionParams: messageId = questionParams.split('messageId=')[1] if '&' in messageId: messageId = messageId.split('&')[0] answer = None if 'answer=' in questionParams: answer = questionParams.split('answer=')[1] if '&' in answer: answer = answer.split('&')[0] self._sendReplyToQuestion(nickname, messageId, answer) if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: actor = 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actor = 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath actorPathStr = \ actor + '/' + self.server.defaultTimeline + \ '?page=' + str(pageNumber) self._redirect_headers(actorPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return def _receiveImage(self, length: int, callingDomain: str, cookie: str, authorized: bool, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, debug: bool) -> None: """Receives an image via POST """ if not self.outboxAuthenticated: if debug: print('DEBUG: unauthenticated attempt to ' + 'post image to outbox') self.send_response(403) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return pathUsersSection = path.split('/users/')[1] if '/' not in pathUsersSection: self._404() self.server.POSTbusy = False return self.postFromNickname = pathUsersSection.split('/')[0] accountsDir = \ baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ self.postFromNickname + '@' + domain if not os.path.isdir(accountsDir): self._404() self.server.POSTbusy = False return try: mediaBytes = self.rfile.read(length) except SocketError as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('WARN: POST mediaBytes ' + 'connection reset by peer') else: print('WARN: POST mediaBytes socket error') self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return except ValueError as e: print('ERROR: POST mediaBytes rfile.read failed') print(e) self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return mediaFilenameBase = accountsDir + '/upload' mediaFilename = mediaFilenameBase + '.png' if self.headers['Content-type'].endswith('jpeg'): mediaFilename = mediaFilenameBase + '.jpg' if self.headers['Content-type'].endswith('gif'): mediaFilename = mediaFilenameBase + '.gif' if self.headers['Content-type'].endswith('svg+xml'): mediaFilename = mediaFilenameBase + '.svg' if self.headers['Content-type'].endswith('webp'): mediaFilename = mediaFilenameBase + '.webp' if self.headers['Content-type'].endswith('avif'): mediaFilename = mediaFilenameBase + '.avif' with open(mediaFilename, 'wb') as avFile: avFile.write(mediaBytes) if debug: print('DEBUG: image saved to ' + mediaFilename) self.send_response(201) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False def _removeShare(self, callingDomain: str, cookie: str, authorized: bool, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, debug: bool) -> None: """Removes a shared item """ usersPath = path.split('/rmshare')[0] originPathStr = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + usersPath length = int(self.headers['Content-length']) try: removeShareConfirmParams = \ self.rfile.read(length).decode('utf-8') except SocketError as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('WARN: POST removeShareConfirmParams ' + 'connection was reset') else: print('WARN: POST removeShareConfirmParams socket error') self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return except ValueError as e: print('ERROR: POST removeShareConfirmParams rfile.read failed') print(e) self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return if '&submitYes=' in removeShareConfirmParams: removeShareConfirmParams = \ removeShareConfirmParams.replace('+', ' ').strip() removeShareConfirmParams = \ urllib.parse.unquote_plus(removeShareConfirmParams) shareActor = removeShareConfirmParams.split('actor=')[1] if '&' in shareActor: shareActor = shareActor.split('&')[0] shareName = removeShareConfirmParams.split('shareName=')[1] if '&' in shareName: shareName = shareName.split('&')[0] shareNickname = getNicknameFromActor(shareActor) if shareNickname: shareDomain, sharePort = getDomainFromActor(shareActor) removeShare(baseDir, shareNickname, shareDomain, shareName) if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: originPathStr = 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): originPathStr = 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath self._redirect_headers(originPathStr + '/tlshares', cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False def _removePost(self, callingDomain: str, cookie: str, authorized: bool, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, debug: bool) -> None: """Endpoint for removing posts after confirmation """ pageNumber = 1 usersPath = path.split('/rmpost')[0] originPathStr = \ httpPrefix + '://' + \ domainFull + usersPath length = int(self.headers['Content-length']) try: removePostConfirmParams = \ self.rfile.read(length).decode('utf-8') except SocketError as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('WARN: POST removePostConfirmParams ' + 'connection was reset') else: print('WARN: POST removePostConfirmParams socket error') self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return except ValueError as e: print('ERROR: POST removePostConfirmParams rfile.read failed') print(e) self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return if '&submitYes=' in removePostConfirmParams: removePostConfirmParams = \ urllib.parse.unquote_plus(removePostConfirmParams) removeMessageId = \ removePostConfirmParams.split('messageId=')[1] if '&' in removeMessageId: removeMessageId = removeMessageId.split('&')[0] if 'pageNumber=' in removePostConfirmParams: pageNumberStr = \ removePostConfirmParams.split('pageNumber=')[1] if '&' in pageNumberStr: pageNumberStr = pageNumberStr.split('&')[0] if pageNumberStr.isdigit(): pageNumber = int(pageNumberStr) yearStr = None if 'year=' in removePostConfirmParams: yearStr = removePostConfirmParams.split('year=')[1] if '&' in yearStr: yearStr = yearStr.split('&')[0] monthStr = None if 'month=' in removePostConfirmParams: monthStr = removePostConfirmParams.split('month=')[1] if '&' in monthStr: monthStr = monthStr.split('&')[0] if '/statuses/' in removeMessageId: removePostActor = removeMessageId.split('/statuses/')[0] if originPathStr in removePostActor: toList = ['https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public', removePostActor] deleteJson = { "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", 'actor': removePostActor, 'object': removeMessageId, 'to': toList, 'cc': [removePostActor + '/followers'], 'type': 'Delete' } self.postToNickname = getNicknameFromActor(removePostActor) if self.postToNickname: if monthStr and yearStr: if monthStr.isdigit() and yearStr.isdigit(): yearInt = int(yearStr) monthInt = int(monthStr) removeCalendarEvent(baseDir, self.postToNickname, domain, yearInt, monthInt, removeMessageId) self._postToOutboxThread(deleteJson) if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: originPathStr = 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): originPathStr = 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath if pageNumber == 1: self._redirect_headers(originPathStr + '/outbox', cookie, callingDomain) else: pageNumberStr = str(pageNumber) actorPathStr = originPathStr + '/outbox?page=' + pageNumberStr self._redirect_headers(actorPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False def _linksUpdate(self, callingDomain: str, cookie: str, authorized: bool, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, debug: bool, defaultTimeline: str, allowLocalNetworkAccess: bool) -> None: """Updates the left links column of the timeline """ usersPath = path.replace('/linksdata', '') usersPath = usersPath.replace('/editlinks', '') actorStr = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + usersPath if ' boundary=' in self.headers['Content-type']: boundary = self.headers['Content-type'].split('boundary=')[1] if ';' in boundary: boundary = boundary.split(';')[0] # get the nickname nickname = getNicknameFromActor(actorStr) editor = None if nickname: editor = isEditor(baseDir, nickname) if not nickname or not editor: if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and \ onionDomain: actorStr = \ 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actorStr = \ 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath if not nickname: print('WARN: nickname not found in ' + actorStr) else: print('WARN: nickname is not a moderator' + actorStr) self._redirect_headers(actorStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return length = int(self.headers['Content-length']) # check that the POST isn't too large if length > self.server.maxPostLength: if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and \ onionDomain: actorStr = \ 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actorStr = \ 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath print('Maximum links data length exceeded ' + str(length)) self._redirect_headers(actorStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return try: # read the bytes of the http form POST postBytes = self.rfile.read(length) except SocketError as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('WARN: connection was reset while ' + 'reading bytes from http form POST') else: print('WARN: error while reading bytes ' + 'from http form POST') self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return except ValueError as e: print('ERROR: failed to read bytes for POST') print(e) self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return linksFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/links.txt' aboutFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/about.md' TOSFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/tos.md' # extract all of the text fields into a dict fields = \ extractTextFieldsInPOST(postBytes, boundary, debug) if fields.get('editedLinks'): linksStr = fields['editedLinks'] linksFile = open(linksFilename, "w+") if linksFile: linksFile.write(linksStr) linksFile.close() else: if os.path.isfile(linksFilename): os.remove(linksFilename) adminNickname = \ getConfigParam(baseDir, 'admin') if nickname == adminNickname: if fields.get('editedAbout'): aboutStr = fields['editedAbout'] if not dangerousMarkup(aboutStr, allowLocalNetworkAccess): aboutFile = open(aboutFilename, "w+") if aboutFile: aboutFile.write(aboutStr) aboutFile.close() else: if os.path.isfile(aboutFilename): os.remove(aboutFilename) if fields.get('editedTOS'): TOSStr = fields['editedTOS'] if not dangerousMarkup(TOSStr, allowLocalNetworkAccess): TOSFile = open(TOSFilename, "w+") if TOSFile: TOSFile.write(TOSStr) TOSFile.close() else: if os.path.isfile(TOSFilename): os.remove(TOSFilename) # redirect back to the default timeline if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and \ onionDomain: actorStr = \ 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actorStr = \ 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath self._redirect_headers(actorStr + '/' + defaultTimeline, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False def _setHashtagCategory(self, callingDomain: str, cookie: str, authorized: bool, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, debug: bool, defaultTimeline: str, allowLocalNetworkAccess: bool) -> None: """On the screen after selecting a hashtag from the swarm, this sets the category for that tag """ usersPath = path.replace('/sethashtagcategory', '') hashtag = '' if '/tags/' not in usersPath: # no hashtag is specified within the path self._404() return hashtag = usersPath.split('/tags/')[1].strip() hashtag = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(hashtag) if not hashtag: # no hashtag was given in the path self._404() return hashtagFilename = baseDir + '/tags/' + hashtag + '.txt' if not os.path.isfile(hashtagFilename): # the hashtag does not exist self._404() return usersPath = usersPath.split('/tags/')[0] actorStr = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + usersPath tagScreenStr = actorStr + '/tags/' + hashtag if ' boundary=' in self.headers['Content-type']: boundary = self.headers['Content-type'].split('boundary=')[1] if ';' in boundary: boundary = boundary.split(';')[0] # get the nickname nickname = getNicknameFromActor(actorStr) editor = None if nickname: editor = isEditor(baseDir, nickname) if not hashtag or not editor: if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and \ onionDomain: actorStr = \ 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actorStr = \ 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath if not nickname: print('WARN: nickname not found in ' + actorStr) else: print('WARN: nickname is not a moderator' + actorStr) self._redirect_headers(tagScreenStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return length = int(self.headers['Content-length']) # check that the POST isn't too large if length > self.server.maxPostLength: if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and \ onionDomain: actorStr = \ 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actorStr = \ 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath print('Maximum links data length exceeded ' + str(length)) self._redirect_headers(tagScreenStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return try: # read the bytes of the http form POST postBytes = self.rfile.read(length) except SocketError as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('WARN: connection was reset while ' + 'reading bytes from http form POST') else: print('WARN: error while reading bytes ' + 'from http form POST') self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return except ValueError as e: print('ERROR: failed to read bytes for POST') print(e) self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return # extract all of the text fields into a dict fields = \ extractTextFieldsInPOST(postBytes, boundary, debug) if fields.get('hashtagCategory'): categoryStr = fields['hashtagCategory'].lower() if not isBlockedHashtag(baseDir, categoryStr) and \ not isFiltered(baseDir, nickname, domain, categoryStr): setHashtagCategory(baseDir, hashtag, categoryStr) else: categoryFilename = baseDir + '/tags/' + hashtag + '.category' if os.path.isfile(categoryFilename): os.remove(categoryFilename) # redirect back to the default timeline if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and \ onionDomain: actorStr = \ 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actorStr = \ 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath self._redirect_headers(tagScreenStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False def _newswireUpdate(self, callingDomain: str, cookie: str, authorized: bool, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, debug: bool, defaultTimeline: str) -> None: """Updates the right newswire column of the timeline """ usersPath = path.replace('/newswiredata', '') usersPath = usersPath.replace('/editnewswire', '') actorStr = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + usersPath if ' boundary=' in self.headers['Content-type']: boundary = self.headers['Content-type'].split('boundary=')[1] if ';' in boundary: boundary = boundary.split(';')[0] # get the nickname nickname = getNicknameFromActor(actorStr) moderator = None if nickname: moderator = isModerator(baseDir, nickname) if not nickname or not moderator: if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and \ onionDomain: actorStr = \ 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actorStr = \ 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath if not nickname: print('WARN: nickname not found in ' + actorStr) else: print('WARN: nickname is not a moderator' + actorStr) self._redirect_headers(actorStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return length = int(self.headers['Content-length']) # check that the POST isn't too large if length > self.server.maxPostLength: if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and \ onionDomain: actorStr = \ 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actorStr = \ 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath print('Maximum newswire data length exceeded ' + str(length)) self._redirect_headers(actorStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return try: # read the bytes of the http form POST postBytes = self.rfile.read(length) except SocketError as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('WARN: connection was reset while ' + 'reading bytes from http form POST') else: print('WARN: error while reading bytes ' + 'from http form POST') self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return except ValueError as e: print('ERROR: failed to read bytes for POST') print(e) self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return newswireFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/newswire.txt' # extract all of the text fields into a dict fields = \ extractTextFieldsInPOST(postBytes, boundary, debug) if fields.get('editedNewswire'): newswireStr = fields['editedNewswire'] newswireFile = open(newswireFilename, "w+") if newswireFile: newswireFile.write(newswireStr) newswireFile.close() else: if os.path.isfile(newswireFilename): os.remove(newswireFilename) # save filtered words list for the newswire filterNewswireFilename = \ baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ 'news@' + domain + '/filters.txt' if fields.get('filteredWordsNewswire'): with open(filterNewswireFilename, 'w+') as filterfile: filterfile.write(fields['filteredWordsNewswire']) else: if os.path.isfile(filterNewswireFilename): os.remove(filterNewswireFilename) # save news tagging rules hashtagRulesFilename = \ baseDir + '/accounts/hashtagrules.txt' if fields.get('hashtagRulesList'): with open(hashtagRulesFilename, 'w+') as rulesfile: rulesfile.write(fields['hashtagRulesList']) else: if os.path.isfile(hashtagRulesFilename): os.remove(hashtagRulesFilename) newswireTrustedFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/newswiretrusted.txt' if fields.get('trustedNewswire'): newswireTrusted = fields['trustedNewswire'] if not newswireTrusted.endswith('\n'): newswireTrusted += '\n' trustFile = open(newswireTrustedFilename, "w+") if trustFile: trustFile.write(newswireTrusted) trustFile.close() else: if os.path.isfile(newswireTrustedFilename): os.remove(newswireTrustedFilename) # redirect back to the default timeline if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and \ onionDomain: actorStr = \ 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actorStr = \ 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath self._redirect_headers(actorStr + '/' + defaultTimeline, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False def _citationsUpdate(self, callingDomain: str, cookie: str, authorized: bool, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, debug: bool, defaultTimeline: str, newswire: {}) -> None: """Updates the citations for a blog post after hitting update button on the citations screen """ usersPath = path.replace('/citationsdata', '') actorStr = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + usersPath nickname = getNicknameFromActor(actorStr) citationsFilename = \ baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + domain + '/.citations.txt' # remove any existing citations file if os.path.isfile(citationsFilename): os.remove(citationsFilename) if newswire and \ ' boundary=' in self.headers['Content-type']: boundary = self.headers['Content-type'].split('boundary=')[1] if ';' in boundary: boundary = boundary.split(';')[0] length = int(self.headers['Content-length']) # check that the POST isn't too large if length > self.server.maxPostLength: if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and \ onionDomain: actorStr = \ 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actorStr = \ 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath print('Maximum citations data length exceeded ' + str(length)) self._redirect_headers(actorStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return try: # read the bytes of the http form POST postBytes = self.rfile.read(length) except SocketError as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('WARN: connection was reset while ' + 'reading bytes from http form ' + 'citation screen POST') else: print('WARN: error while reading bytes ' + 'from http form citations screen POST') self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return except ValueError as e: print('ERROR: failed to read bytes for ' + 'citations screen POST') print(e) self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return # extract all of the text fields into a dict fields = \ extractTextFieldsInPOST(postBytes, boundary, debug) print('citationstest: ' + str(fields)) citations = [] for ctr in range(0, 128): fieldName = 'newswire' + str(ctr) if not fields.get(fieldName): continue citations.append(fields[fieldName]) if citations: citationsStr = '' for citationDate in citations: citationsStr += citationDate + '\n' # save citations dates, so that they can be added when # reloading the newblog screen citationsFile = open(citationsFilename, "w+") if citationsFile: citationsFile.write(citationsStr) citationsFile.close() # redirect back to the default timeline if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and \ onionDomain: actorStr = \ 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actorStr = \ 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath self._redirect_headers(actorStr + '/newblog', cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False def _newsPostEdit(self, callingDomain: str, cookie: str, authorized: bool, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, debug: bool, defaultTimeline: str) -> None: """edits a news post after receiving POST """ usersPath = path.replace('/newseditdata', '') usersPath = usersPath.replace('/editnewspost', '') actorStr = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + usersPath if ' boundary=' in self.headers['Content-type']: boundary = self.headers['Content-type'].split('boundary=')[1] if ';' in boundary: boundary = boundary.split(';')[0] # get the nickname nickname = getNicknameFromActor(actorStr) editorRole = None if nickname: editorRole = isEditor(baseDir, nickname) if not nickname or not editorRole: if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and \ onionDomain: actorStr = \ 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actorStr = \ 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath if not nickname: print('WARN: nickname not found in ' + actorStr) else: print('WARN: nickname is not an editor' + actorStr) if self.server.newsInstance: self._redirect_headers(actorStr + '/tlfeatures', cookie, callingDomain) else: self._redirect_headers(actorStr + '/tlnews', cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return length = int(self.headers['Content-length']) # check that the POST isn't too large if length > self.server.maxPostLength: if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and \ onionDomain: actorStr = \ 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actorStr = \ 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath print('Maximum news data length exceeded ' + str(length)) if self.server.newsInstance: self._redirect_headers(actorStr + '/tlfeatures', cookie, callingDomain) else: self._redirect_headers(actorStr + '/tlnews', cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return try: # read the bytes of the http form POST postBytes = self.rfile.read(length) except SocketError as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('WARN: connection was reset while ' + 'reading bytes from http form POST') else: print('WARN: error while reading bytes ' + 'from http form POST') self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return except ValueError as e: print('ERROR: failed to read bytes for POST') print(e) self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return # extract all of the text fields into a dict fields = \ extractTextFieldsInPOST(postBytes, boundary, debug) newsPostUrl = None newsPostTitle = None newsPostContent = None if fields.get('newsPostUrl'): newsPostUrl = fields['newsPostUrl'] if fields.get('newsPostTitle'): newsPostTitle = fields['newsPostTitle'] if fields.get('editedNewsPost'): newsPostContent = fields['editedNewsPost'] if newsPostUrl and newsPostContent and newsPostTitle: # load the post postFilename = \ locatePost(baseDir, nickname, domain, newsPostUrl) if postFilename: postJsonObject = loadJson(postFilename) # update the content and title postJsonObject['object']['summary'] = \ newsPostTitle postJsonObject['object']['content'] = \ newsPostContent # update newswire pubDate = postJsonObject['object']['published'] publishedDate = \ datetime.datetime.strptime(pubDate, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") if self.server.newswire.get(str(publishedDate)): self.server.newswire[publishedDate][0] = \ newsPostTitle self.server.newswire[publishedDate][4] = \ firstParagraphFromString(newsPostContent) # save newswire newswireStateFilename = \ baseDir + '/accounts/.newswirestate.json' try: saveJson(self.server.newswire, newswireStateFilename) except Exception as e: print('ERROR saving newswire state, ' + str(e)) # remove any previous cached news posts newsId = \ postJsonObject['object']['id'].replace('/', '#') clearFromPostCaches(baseDir, self.server.recentPostsCache, newsId) # save the news post saveJson(postJsonObject, postFilename) # redirect back to the default timeline if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and \ onionDomain: actorStr = \ 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actorStr = \ 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath if self.server.newsInstance: self._redirect_headers(actorStr + '/tlfeatures', cookie, callingDomain) else: self._redirect_headers(actorStr + '/tlnews', cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False def _profileUpdate(self, callingDomain: str, cookie: str, authorized: bool, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, debug: bool, allowLocalNetworkAccess: bool, systemLanguage: str) -> None: """Updates your user profile after editing via the Edit button on the profile screen """ usersPath = path.replace('/profiledata', '') usersPath = usersPath.replace('/editprofile', '') actorStr = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + usersPath if ' boundary=' in self.headers['Content-type']: boundary = self.headers['Content-type'].split('boundary=')[1] if ';' in boundary: boundary = boundary.split(';')[0] # get the nickname nickname = getNicknameFromActor(actorStr) if not nickname: if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and \ onionDomain: actorStr = \ 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actorStr = \ 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath print('WARN: nickname not found in ' + actorStr) self._redirect_headers(actorStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return length = int(self.headers['Content-length']) # check that the POST isn't too large if length > self.server.maxPostLength: if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and \ onionDomain: actorStr = \ 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actorStr = \ 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath print('Maximum profile data length exceeded ' + str(length)) self._redirect_headers(actorStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return try: # read the bytes of the http form POST postBytes = self.rfile.read(length) except SocketError as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('WARN: connection was reset while ' + 'reading bytes from http form POST') else: print('WARN: error while reading bytes ' + 'from http form POST') self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return except ValueError as e: print('ERROR: failed to read bytes for POST') print(e) self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return adminNickname = getConfigParam(self.server.baseDir, 'admin') # get the various avatar, banner and background images actorChanged = True profileMediaTypes = ('avatar', 'image', 'banner', 'search_banner', 'instanceLogo', 'left_col_image', 'right_col_image') profileMediaTypesUploaded = {} for mType in profileMediaTypes: # some images can only be changed by the admin if mType == 'instanceLogo': if nickname != adminNickname: print('WARN: only the admin can change ' + 'instance logo') continue if debug: print('DEBUG: profile update extracting ' + mType + ' image or font from POST') mediaBytes, postBytes = \ extractMediaInFormPOST(postBytes, boundary, mType) if mediaBytes: if debug: print('DEBUG: profile update ' + mType + ' image or font was found. ' + str(len(mediaBytes)) + ' bytes') else: if debug: print('DEBUG: profile update, no ' + mType + ' image or font was found in POST') continue # Note: a .temp extension is used here so that at no # time is an image with metadata publicly exposed, # even for a few mS if mType == 'instanceLogo': filenameBase = \ baseDir + '/accounts/login.temp' else: filenameBase = \ baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + domain + \ '/' + mType + '.temp' filename, attachmentMediaType = \ saveMediaInFormPOST(mediaBytes, debug, filenameBase) if filename: print('Profile update POST ' + mType + ' media or font filename is ' + filename) else: print('Profile update, no ' + mType + ' media or font filename in POST') continue postImageFilename = filename.replace('.temp', '') if debug: print('DEBUG: POST ' + mType + ' media removing metadata') # remove existing etag if os.path.isfile(postImageFilename + '.etag'): try: os.remove(postImageFilename + '.etag') except BaseException: pass removeMetaData(filename, postImageFilename) if os.path.isfile(postImageFilename): print('profile update POST ' + mType + ' image or font saved to ' + postImageFilename) if mType != 'instanceLogo': lastPartOfImageFilename = \ postImageFilename.split('/')[-1] profileMediaTypesUploaded[mType] = \ lastPartOfImageFilename actorChanged = True else: print('ERROR: profile update POST ' + mType + ' image or font could not be saved to ' + postImageFilename) postBytesStr = postBytes.decode('utf-8') redirectPath = '' checkNameAndBio = False onFinalWelcomeScreen = False if 'name="previewAvatar"' in postBytesStr: redirectPath = '/welcome_profile' elif 'name="initialWelcomeScreen"' in postBytesStr: redirectPath = '/welcome' elif 'name="finalWelcomeScreen"' in postBytesStr: checkNameAndBio = True redirectPath = '/welcome_final' elif 'name="welcomeCompleteButton"' in postBytesStr: redirectPath = '/' + self.server.defaultTimeline welcomeScreenIsComplete(self.server.baseDir, nickname, self.server.domain) onFinalWelcomeScreen = True # extract all of the text fields into a dict fields = \ extractTextFieldsInPOST(postBytes, boundary, debug) if debug: if fields: print('DEBUG: profile update text ' + 'field extracted from POST ' + str(fields)) else: print('WARN: profile update, no text ' + 'fields could be extracted from POST') # load the json for the actor for this user actorFilename = \ baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + domain + '.json' if os.path.isfile(actorFilename): actorJson = loadJson(actorFilename) if actorJson: if not actorJson.get('discoverable'): # discoverable in profile directory # which isn't implemented in Epicyon actorJson['discoverable'] = True actorChanged = True if not actorJson['@context'][2].get('orgSchema'): actorJson['@context'][2]['orgSchema'] = \ 'toot:orgSchema' actorChanged = True if not actorJson['@context'][2].get('skills'): actorJson['@context'][2]['skills'] = 'toot:skills' actorChanged = True if not actorJson['@context'][2].get('shares'): actorJson['@context'][2]['shares'] = 'toot:shares' actorChanged = True if not actorJson['@context'][2].get('roles'): actorJson['@context'][2]['roles'] = 'toot:roles' actorChanged = True if not actorJson['@context'][2].get('availability'): actorJson['@context'][2]['availaibility'] = \ 'toot:availability' if actorJson.get('capabilityAcquisitionEndpoint'): del actorJson['capabilityAcquisitionEndpoint'] actorChanged = True # update the avatar/image url file extension uploads = profileMediaTypesUploaded.items() for mType, lastPart in uploads: repStr = '/' + lastPart if mType == 'avatar': actorUrl = actorJson['icon']['url'] lastPartOfUrl = actorUrl.split('/')[-1] srchStr = '/' + lastPartOfUrl actorUrl = actorUrl.replace(srchStr, repStr) actorJson['icon']['url'] = actorUrl print('actorUrl: ' + actorUrl) if '.' in actorUrl: imgExt = actorUrl.split('.')[-1] if imgExt == 'jpg': imgExt = 'jpeg' actorJson['icon']['mediaType'] = \ 'image/' + imgExt elif mType == 'image': lastPartOfUrl = \ actorJson['image']['url'].split('/')[-1] srchStr = '/' + lastPartOfUrl actorJson['image']['url'] = \ actorJson['image']['url'].replace(srchStr, repStr) if '.' in actorJson['image']['url']: imgExt = \ actorJson['image']['url'].split('.')[-1] if imgExt == 'jpg': imgExt = 'jpeg' actorJson['image']['mediaType'] = \ 'image/' + imgExt # set skill levels skillCtr = 1 newSkills = {} while skillCtr < 10: skillName = \ fields.get('skillName' + str(skillCtr)) if not skillName: skillCtr += 1 continue if isFiltered(baseDir, nickname, domain, skillName): skillCtr += 1 continue skillValue = \ fields.get('skillValue' + str(skillCtr)) if not skillValue: skillCtr += 1 continue if not actorJson['skills'].get(skillName): actorChanged = True else: if actorJson['skills'][skillName] != \ int(skillValue): actorChanged = True newSkills[skillName] = int(skillValue) skillsStr = self.server.translate['Skills'] setHashtagCategory(baseDir, skillName, skillsStr.lower()) skillCtr += 1 if len(actorJson['skills'].items()) != \ len(newSkills.items()): actorChanged = True actorJson['skills'] = newSkills # change password if fields.get('password'): if fields.get('passwordconfirm'): if actorJson['password'] == \ fields['passwordconfirm']: if len(actorJson['password']) > 2: # set password pwd = actorJson['password'] storeBasicCredentials(baseDir, nickname, pwd) # change displayed name if fields.get('displayNickname'): if fields['displayNickname'] != actorJson['name']: displayName = \ removeHtml(fields['displayNickname']) if not isFiltered(baseDir, nickname, domain, displayName): actorJson['name'] = displayName else: actorJson['name'] = nickname if checkNameAndBio: redirectPath = 'previewAvatar' actorChanged = True else: if checkNameAndBio: redirectPath = 'previewAvatar' # change media instance status if fields.get('mediaInstance'): self.server.mediaInstance = False self.server.defaultTimeline = 'inbox' if fields['mediaInstance'] == 'on': self.server.mediaInstance = True self.server.blogsInstance = False self.server.newsInstance = False self.server.defaultTimeline = 'tlmedia' setConfigParam(baseDir, "mediaInstance", self.server.mediaInstance) setConfigParam(baseDir, "blogsInstance", self.server.blogsInstance) setConfigParam(baseDir, "newsInstance", self.server.newsInstance) else: if self.server.mediaInstance: self.server.mediaInstance = False self.server.defaultTimeline = 'inbox' setConfigParam(baseDir, "mediaInstance", self.server.mediaInstance) # is this a news theme? if isNewsThemeName(self.server.baseDir, self.server.themeName): fields['newsInstance'] = 'on' # change news instance status if fields.get('newsInstance'): self.server.newsInstance = False self.server.defaultTimeline = 'inbox' if fields['newsInstance'] == 'on': self.server.newsInstance = True self.server.blogsInstance = False self.server.mediaInstance = False self.server.defaultTimeline = 'tlfeatures' setConfigParam(baseDir, "mediaInstance", self.server.mediaInstance) setConfigParam(baseDir, "blogsInstance", self.server.blogsInstance) setConfigParam(baseDir, "newsInstance", self.server.newsInstance) else: if self.server.newsInstance: self.server.newsInstance = False self.server.defaultTimeline = 'inbox' setConfigParam(baseDir, "newsInstance", self.server.mediaInstance) # change blog instance status if fields.get('blogsInstance'): self.server.blogsInstance = False self.server.defaultTimeline = 'inbox' if fields['blogsInstance'] == 'on': self.server.blogsInstance = True self.server.mediaInstance = False self.server.newsInstance = False self.server.defaultTimeline = 'tlblogs' setConfigParam(baseDir, "blogsInstance", self.server.blogsInstance) setConfigParam(baseDir, "mediaInstance", self.server.mediaInstance) setConfigParam(baseDir, "newsInstance", self.server.newsInstance) else: if self.server.blogsInstance: self.server.blogsInstance = False self.server.defaultTimeline = 'inbox' setConfigParam(baseDir, "blogsInstance", self.server.blogsInstance) # change theme if fields.get('themeDropdown'): self.server.themeName = fields['themeDropdown'] setTheme(baseDir, self.server.themeName, domain, allowLocalNetworkAccess, systemLanguage) self.server.textModeBanner = \ getTextModeBanner(self.server.baseDir) self.server.iconsCache = {} self.server.fontsCache = {} self.server.showPublishAsIcon = \ getConfigParam(self.server.baseDir, 'showPublishAsIcon') self.server.fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader = \ getConfigParam(self.server.baseDir, 'fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader') self.server.iconsAsButtons = \ getConfigParam(self.server.baseDir, 'iconsAsButtons') self.server.rssIconAtTop = \ getConfigParam(self.server.baseDir, 'rssIconAtTop') self.server.publishButtonAtTop = \ getConfigParam(self.server.baseDir, 'publishButtonAtTop') setNewsAvatar(baseDir, fields['themeDropdown'], httpPrefix, domain, domainFull) # change email address currentEmailAddress = getEmailAddress(actorJson) if fields.get('email'): if fields['email'] != currentEmailAddress: setEmailAddress(actorJson, fields['email']) actorChanged = True else: if currentEmailAddress: setEmailAddress(actorJson, '') actorChanged = True # change xmpp address currentXmppAddress = getXmppAddress(actorJson) if fields.get('xmppAddress'): if fields['xmppAddress'] != currentXmppAddress: setXmppAddress(actorJson, fields['xmppAddress']) actorChanged = True else: if currentXmppAddress: setXmppAddress(actorJson, '') actorChanged = True # change matrix address currentMatrixAddress = getMatrixAddress(actorJson) if fields.get('matrixAddress'): if fields['matrixAddress'] != currentMatrixAddress: setMatrixAddress(actorJson, fields['matrixAddress']) actorChanged = True else: if currentMatrixAddress: setMatrixAddress(actorJson, '') actorChanged = True # change SSB address currentSSBAddress = getSSBAddress(actorJson) if fields.get('ssbAddress'): if fields['ssbAddress'] != currentSSBAddress: setSSBAddress(actorJson, fields['ssbAddress']) actorChanged = True else: if currentSSBAddress: setSSBAddress(actorJson, '') actorChanged = True # change blog address currentBlogAddress = getBlogAddress(actorJson) if fields.get('blogAddress'): if fields['blogAddress'] != currentBlogAddress: setBlogAddress(actorJson, fields['blogAddress']) actorChanged = True else: if currentBlogAddress: setBlogAddress(actorJson, '') actorChanged = True # change tox address currentToxAddress = getToxAddress(actorJson) if fields.get('toxAddress'): if fields['toxAddress'] != currentToxAddress: setToxAddress(actorJson, fields['toxAddress']) actorChanged = True else: if currentToxAddress: setToxAddress(actorJson, '') actorChanged = True # change briar address currentBriarAddress = getBriarAddress(actorJson) if fields.get('briarAddress'): if fields['briarAddress'] != currentBriarAddress: setBriarAddress(actorJson, fields['briarAddress']) actorChanged = True else: if currentBriarAddress: setBriarAddress(actorJson, '') actorChanged = True # change jami address currentJamiAddress = getJamiAddress(actorJson) if fields.get('jamiAddress'): if fields['jamiAddress'] != currentJamiAddress: setJamiAddress(actorJson, fields['jamiAddress']) actorChanged = True else: if currentJamiAddress: setJamiAddress(actorJson, '') actorChanged = True # change PGP public key currentPGPpubKey = getPGPpubKey(actorJson) if fields.get('pgp'): if fields['pgp'] != currentPGPpubKey: setPGPpubKey(actorJson, fields['pgp']) actorChanged = True else: if currentPGPpubKey: setPGPpubKey(actorJson, '') actorChanged = True # change PGP fingerprint currentPGPfingerprint = getPGPfingerprint(actorJson) if fields.get('openpgp'): if fields['openpgp'] != currentPGPfingerprint: setPGPfingerprint(actorJson, fields['openpgp']) actorChanged = True else: if currentPGPfingerprint: setPGPfingerprint(actorJson, '') actorChanged = True # change donation link currentDonateUrl = getDonationUrl(actorJson) if fields.get('donateUrl'): if fields['donateUrl'] != currentDonateUrl: setDonationUrl(actorJson, fields['donateUrl']) actorChanged = True else: if currentDonateUrl: setDonationUrl(actorJson, '') actorChanged = True # account moved to new address movedTo = '' if actorJson.get('movedTo'): movedTo = actorJson['movedTo'] if fields.get('movedTo'): if fields['movedTo'] != movedTo and \ '://' in fields['movedTo'] and \ '.' in fields['movedTo']: actorJson['movedTo'] = movedTo actorChanged = True else: if movedTo: del actorJson['movedTo'] actorChanged = True # Other accounts (alsoKnownAs) alsoKnownAs = [] if actorJson.get('alsoKnownAs'): alsoKnownAs = actorJson['alsoKnownAs'] if fields.get('alsoKnownAs'): alsoKnownAsStr = '' alsoKnownAsCtr = 0 for altActor in alsoKnownAs: if alsoKnownAsCtr > 0: alsoKnownAsStr += ', ' alsoKnownAsStr += altActor alsoKnownAsCtr += 1 if fields['alsoKnownAs'] != alsoKnownAsStr and \ '://' in fields['alsoKnownAs'] and \ '@' not in fields['alsoKnownAs'] and \ '.' in fields['alsoKnownAs']: if ';' in fields['alsoKnownAs']: fields['alsoKnownAs'] = \ fields['alsoKnownAs'].replace(';', ',') newAlsoKnownAs = fields['alsoKnownAs'].split(',') alsoKnownAs = [] for altActor in newAlsoKnownAs: altActor = altActor.strip() if '://' in altActor and '.' in altActor: if altActor not in alsoKnownAs: alsoKnownAs.append(altActor) actorJson['alsoKnownAs'] = alsoKnownAs actorChanged = True else: if alsoKnownAs: del actorJson['alsoKnownAs'] actorChanged = True # change instance title if fields.get('instanceTitle'): currInstanceTitle = \ getConfigParam(baseDir, 'instanceTitle') if fields['instanceTitle'] != currInstanceTitle: setConfigParam(baseDir, 'instanceTitle', fields['instanceTitle']) # change YouTube alternate domain if fields.get('ytdomain'): currYTDomain = self.server.YTReplacementDomain if fields['ytdomain'] != currYTDomain: newYTDomain = fields['ytdomain'] if '://' in newYTDomain: newYTDomain = newYTDomain.split('://')[1] if '/' in newYTDomain: newYTDomain = newYTDomain.split('/')[0] if '.' in newYTDomain: setConfigParam(baseDir, 'youtubedomain', newYTDomain) self.server.YTReplacementDomain = \ newYTDomain else: setConfigParam(baseDir, 'youtubedomain', '') self.server.YTReplacementDomain = None # change instance description currInstanceDescriptionShort = \ getConfigParam(baseDir, 'instanceDescriptionShort') if fields.get('instanceDescriptionShort'): if fields['instanceDescriptionShort'] != \ currInstanceDescriptionShort: iDesc = fields['instanceDescriptionShort'] setConfigParam(baseDir, 'instanceDescriptionShort', iDesc) else: if currInstanceDescriptionShort: setConfigParam(baseDir, 'instanceDescriptionShort', '') currInstanceDescription = \ getConfigParam(baseDir, 'instanceDescription') if fields.get('instanceDescription'): if fields['instanceDescription'] != \ currInstanceDescription: setConfigParam(baseDir, 'instanceDescription', fields['instanceDescription']) else: if currInstanceDescription: setConfigParam(baseDir, 'instanceDescription', '') # change user bio if fields.get('bio'): if fields['bio'] != actorJson['summary']: bioStr = removeHtml(fields['bio']) if not isFiltered(baseDir, nickname, domain, bioStr): actorTags = {} actorJson['summary'] = \ addHtmlTags(baseDir, httpPrefix, nickname, domainFull, bioStr, [], actorTags) if actorTags: actorJson['tag'] = [] for tagName, tag in actorTags.items(): actorJson['tag'].append(tag) actorChanged = True else: if checkNameAndBio: redirectPath = 'previewAvatar' else: if checkNameAndBio: redirectPath = 'previewAvatar' adminNickname = \ getConfigParam(baseDir, 'admin') if adminNickname: # whether to require jsonld signatures # on all incoming posts if path.startswith('/users/' + adminNickname + '/'): verifyAllSignatures = False if fields.get('verifyallsignatures'): if fields['verifyallsignatures'] == 'on': verifyAllSignatures = True self.server.verifyAllSignatures = \ verifyAllSignatures setConfigParam(baseDir, "verifyAllSignatures", verifyAllSignatures) brochMode = False if fields.get('brochMode'): if fields['brochMode'] == 'on': brochMode = True currBrochMode = \ getConfigParam(baseDir, "brochMode") if brochMode != currBrochMode: setBrochMode(self.server.baseDir, self.server.domainFull, brochMode) setConfigParam(baseDir, "brochMode", brochMode) # change moderators list if fields.get('moderators'): if path.startswith('/users/' + adminNickname + '/'): moderatorsFile = \ baseDir + \ '/accounts/moderators.txt' clearModeratorStatus(baseDir) if ',' in fields['moderators']: # if the list was given as comma separated modFile = open(moderatorsFile, "w+") mods = fields['moderators'].split(',') for modNick in mods: modNick = modNick.strip() modDir = baseDir + \ '/accounts/' + modNick + \ '@' + domain if os.path.isdir(modDir): modFile.write(modNick + '\n') modFile.close() mods = fields['moderators'].split(',') for modNick in mods: modNick = modNick.strip() modDir = baseDir + \ '/accounts/' + modNick + \ '@' + domain if os.path.isdir(modDir): setRole(baseDir, modNick, domain, 'instance', 'moderator') else: # nicknames on separate lines modFile = open(moderatorsFile, "w+") mods = fields['moderators'].split('\n') for modNick in mods: modNick = modNick.strip() modDir = \ baseDir + \ '/accounts/' + modNick + \ '@' + domain if os.path.isdir(modDir): modFile.write(modNick + '\n') modFile.close() mods = fields['moderators'].split('\n') for modNick in mods: modNick = modNick.strip() modDir = \ baseDir + \ '/accounts/' + \ modNick + '@' + \ domain if os.path.isdir(modDir): setRole(baseDir, modNick, domain, 'instance', 'moderator') # change site editors list if fields.get('editors'): if path.startswith('/users/' + adminNickname + '/'): editorsFile = \ baseDir + \ '/accounts/editors.txt' clearEditorStatus(baseDir) if ',' in fields['editors']: # if the list was given as comma separated edFile = open(editorsFile, "w+") eds = fields['editors'].split(',') for edNick in eds: edNick = edNick.strip() edDir = baseDir + \ '/accounts/' + edNick + \ '@' + domain if os.path.isdir(edDir): edFile.write(edNick + '\n') edFile.close() eds = fields['editors'].split(',') for edNick in eds: edNick = edNick.strip() edDir = baseDir + \ '/accounts/' + edNick + \ '@' + domain if os.path.isdir(edDir): setRole(baseDir, edNick, domain, 'instance', 'editor') else: # nicknames on separate lines edFile = open(editorsFile, "w+") eds = fields['editors'].split('\n') for edNick in eds: edNick = edNick.strip() edDir = \ baseDir + \ '/accounts/' + edNick + \ '@' + domain if os.path.isdir(edDir): edFile.write(edNick + '\n') edFile.close() eds = fields['editors'].split('\n') for edNick in eds: edNick = edNick.strip() edDir = \ baseDir + \ '/accounts/' + \ edNick + '@' + \ domain if os.path.isdir(edDir): setRole(baseDir, edNick, domain, 'instance', 'editor') # change site counselors list if fields.get('counselors'): if path.startswith('/users/' + adminNickname + '/'): counselorsFile = \ baseDir + \ '/accounts/counselors.txt' clearCounselorStatus(baseDir) if ',' in fields['counselors']: # if the list was given as comma separated edFile = open(counselorsFile, "w+") eds = fields['counselors'].split(',') for edNick in eds: edNick = edNick.strip() edDir = baseDir + \ '/accounts/' + edNick + \ '@' + domain if os.path.isdir(edDir): edFile.write(edNick + '\n') edFile.close() eds = fields['counselors'].split(',') for edNick in eds: edNick = edNick.strip() edDir = baseDir + \ '/accounts/' + edNick + \ '@' + domain if os.path.isdir(edDir): setRole(baseDir, edNick, domain, 'instance', 'counselor') else: # nicknames on separate lines edFile = open(counselorsFile, "w+") eds = fields['counselors'].split('\n') for edNick in eds: edNick = edNick.strip() edDir = \ baseDir + \ '/accounts/' + edNick + \ '@' + domain if os.path.isdir(edDir): edFile.write(edNick + '\n') edFile.close() eds = fields['counselors'].split('\n') for edNick in eds: edNick = edNick.strip() edDir = \ baseDir + \ '/accounts/' + \ edNick + '@' + \ domain if os.path.isdir(edDir): setRole(baseDir, edNick, domain, 'instance', 'counselor') # remove scheduled posts if fields.get('removeScheduledPosts'): if fields['removeScheduledPosts'] == 'on': removeScheduledPosts(baseDir, nickname, domain) # approve followers if onFinalWelcomeScreen: # Default setting created via the welcome screen actorJson['manuallyApprovesFollowers'] = True actorChanged = True else: approveFollowers = False if fields.get('approveFollowers'): if fields['approveFollowers'] == 'on': approveFollowers = True if approveFollowers != \ actorJson['manuallyApprovesFollowers']: actorJson['manuallyApprovesFollowers'] = \ approveFollowers actorChanged = True # remove a custom font if fields.get('removeCustomFont'): if fields['removeCustomFont'] == 'on': fontExt = ('woff', 'woff2', 'otf', 'ttf') for ext in fontExt: if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/fonts/custom.' + ext): os.remove(baseDir + '/fonts/custom.' + ext) if os.path.isfile(baseDir + '/fonts/custom.' + ext + '.etag'): os.remove(baseDir + '/fonts/custom.' + ext + '.etag') currTheme = getTheme(baseDir) if currTheme: self.server.themeName = currTheme setTheme(baseDir, currTheme, domain, self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess, systemLanguage) self.server.textModeBanner = \ getTextModeBanner(self.server.baseDir) self.server.iconsCache = {} self.server.fontsCache = {} self.server.showPublishAsIcon = \ getConfigParam(self.server.baseDir, 'showPublishAsIcon') self.server.fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader = \ getConfigParam(self.server.baseDir, 'fullWidthTimeline' + 'ButtonHeader') self.server.iconsAsButtons = \ getConfigParam(self.server.baseDir, 'iconsAsButtons') self.server.rssIconAtTop = \ getConfigParam(self.server.baseDir, 'rssIconAtTop') self.server.publishButtonAtTop = \ getConfigParam(self.server.baseDir, 'publishButtonAtTop') # only receive DMs from accounts you follow followDMsFilename = \ baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + domain + '/.followDMs' if onFinalWelcomeScreen: # initial default setting created via # the welcome screen with open(followDMsFilename, 'w+') as fFile: fFile.write('\n') actorChanged = True else: followDMsActive = False if fields.get('followDMs'): if fields['followDMs'] == 'on': followDMsActive = True with open(followDMsFilename, 'w+') as fFile: fFile.write('\n') if not followDMsActive: if os.path.isfile(followDMsFilename): os.remove(followDMsFilename) # remove Twitter retweets removeTwitterFilename = \ baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + domain + \ '/.removeTwitter' removeTwitterActive = False if fields.get('removeTwitter'): if fields['removeTwitter'] == 'on': removeTwitterActive = True with open(removeTwitterFilename, 'w+') as rFile: rFile.write('\n') if not removeTwitterActive: if os.path.isfile(removeTwitterFilename): os.remove(removeTwitterFilename) # hide Like button hideLikeButtonFile = \ baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + domain + \ '/.hideLikeButton' notifyLikesFilename = \ baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + domain + \ '/.notifyLikes' hideLikeButtonActive = False if fields.get('hideLikeButton'): if fields['hideLikeButton'] == 'on': hideLikeButtonActive = True with open(hideLikeButtonFile, 'w+') as rFile: rFile.write('\n') # remove notify likes selection if os.path.isfile(notifyLikesFilename): os.remove(notifyLikesFilename) if not hideLikeButtonActive: if os.path.isfile(hideLikeButtonFile): os.remove(hideLikeButtonFile) # notify about new Likes if onFinalWelcomeScreen: # default setting from welcome screen with open(notifyLikesFilename, 'w+') as rFile: rFile.write('\n') actorChanged = True else: notifyLikesActive = False if fields.get('notifyLikes'): if fields['notifyLikes'] == 'on' and \ not hideLikeButtonActive: notifyLikesActive = True with open(notifyLikesFilename, 'w+') as rFile: rFile.write('\n') if not notifyLikesActive: if os.path.isfile(notifyLikesFilename): os.remove(notifyLikesFilename) # this account is a bot if fields.get('isBot'): if fields['isBot'] == 'on': if actorJson['type'] != 'Service': actorJson['type'] = 'Service' actorChanged = True else: # this account is a group if fields.get('isGroup'): if fields['isGroup'] == 'on': if actorJson['type'] != 'Group': actorJson['type'] = 'Group' actorChanged = True else: # this account is a person (default) if actorJson['type'] != 'Person': actorJson['type'] = 'Person' actorChanged = True # grayscale theme grayscale = False if fields.get('grayscale'): if fields['grayscale'] == 'on': grayscale = True if grayscale: enableGrayscale(baseDir) else: disableGrayscale(baseDir) # save filtered words list filterFilename = \ baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + domain + \ '/filters.txt' if fields.get('filteredWords'): with open(filterFilename, 'w+') as filterfile: filterfile.write(fields['filteredWords']) else: if os.path.isfile(filterFilename): os.remove(filterFilename) # word replacements switchFilename = \ baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + domain + \ '/replacewords.txt' if fields.get('switchWords'): with open(switchFilename, 'w+') as switchfile: switchfile.write(fields['switchWords']) else: if os.path.isfile(switchFilename): os.remove(switchFilename) # autogenerated tags autoTagsFilename = \ baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + domain + \ '/autotags.txt' if fields.get('autoTags'): with open(autoTagsFilename, 'w+') as autoTagsFile: autoTagsFile.write(fields['autoTags']) else: if os.path.isfile(autoTagsFilename): os.remove(autoTagsFilename) # autogenerated content warnings autoCWFilename = \ baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + domain + \ '/autocw.txt' if fields.get('autoCW'): with open(autoCWFilename, 'w+') as autoCWFile: autoCWFile.write(fields['autoCW']) else: if os.path.isfile(autoCWFilename): os.remove(autoCWFilename) # save blocked accounts list blockedFilename = \ baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + domain + \ '/blocking.txt' if fields.get('blocked'): with open(blockedFilename, 'w+') as blockedfile: blockedfile.write(fields['blocked']) else: if os.path.isfile(blockedFilename): os.remove(blockedFilename) # save allowed instances list allowedInstancesFilename = \ baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + domain + \ '/allowedinstances.txt' if fields.get('allowedInstances'): with open(allowedInstancesFilename, 'w+') as aFile: aFile.write(fields['allowedInstances']) else: if os.path.isfile(allowedInstancesFilename): os.remove(allowedInstancesFilename) # save peertube instances list peertubeInstancesFile = \ baseDir + '/accounts/peertube.txt' if fields.get('ptInstances'): adminNickname = \ getConfigParam(baseDir, 'admin') if adminNickname and \ path.startswith('/users/' + adminNickname + '/'): self.server.peertubeInstances.clear() with open(peertubeInstancesFile, 'w+') as aFile: aFile.write(fields['ptInstances']) ptInstancesList = \ fields['ptInstances'].split('\n') if ptInstancesList: for url in ptInstancesList: url = url.strip() if not url: continue if url in self.server.peertubeInstances: continue self.server.peertubeInstances.append(url) else: if os.path.isfile(peertubeInstancesFile): os.remove(peertubeInstancesFile) self.server.peertubeInstances.clear() # save git project names list gitProjectsFilename = \ baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + domain + \ '/gitprojects.txt' if fields.get('gitProjects'): with open(gitProjectsFilename, 'w+') as aFile: aFile.write(fields['gitProjects'].lower()) else: if os.path.isfile(gitProjectsFilename): os.remove(gitProjectsFilename) # save actor json file within accounts if actorChanged: # update the context for the actor actorJson['@context'] = [ 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', 'https://w3id.org/security/v1', getDefaultPersonContext() ] if actorJson.get('nomadicLocations'): del actorJson['nomadicLocations'] if not actorJson.get('featured'): actorJson['featured'] = \ actorJson['id'] + '/collections/featured' if not actorJson.get('featuredTags'): actorJson['featuredTags'] = \ actorJson['id'] + '/collections/tags' randomizeActorImages(actorJson) saveJson(actorJson, actorFilename) webfingerUpdate(baseDir, nickname, domain, onionDomain, self.server.cachedWebfingers) # also copy to the actors cache and # personCache in memory storePersonInCache(baseDir, actorJson['id'], actorJson, self.server.personCache, True) # clear any cached images for this actor idStr = actorJson['id'].replace('/', '-') removeAvatarFromCache(baseDir, idStr) # save the actor to the cache actorCacheFilename = \ baseDir + '/cache/actors/' + \ actorJson['id'].replace('/', '#') + '.json' saveJson(actorJson, actorCacheFilename) # send profile update to followers pubStr = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/' + \ 'activitystreams#Public' pubNumber, pubDate = getStatusNumber() pubContext = actorJson['@context'].copy() # remove the context from the actor json and put it # at the start of the Upgrade activity del actorJson['@context'] updateActorJson = { '@context': pubContext, 'id': actorJson['id'] + '#updates/' + pubNumber, 'type': 'Update', 'actor': actorJson['id'], 'to': [pubStr], 'cc': [actorJson['id'] + '/followers'], 'object': actorJson } print('Sending actor update: ' + str(updateActorJson)) self._postToOutbox(updateActorJson, __version__, nickname) # deactivate the account if fields.get('deactivateThisAccount'): if fields['deactivateThisAccount'] == 'on': deactivateAccount(baseDir, nickname, domain) self._clearLoginDetails(nickname, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return # redirect back to the profile screen if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and \ onionDomain: actorStr = \ 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actorStr = \ 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath self._redirect_headers(actorStr + redirectPath, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False def _progressiveWebAppManifest(self, callingDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}) -> None: """gets the PWA manifest """ app1 = "https://f-droid.org/en/packages/eu.siacs.conversations" app2 = "https://staging.f-droid.org/en/packages/im.vector.app" manifest = { "name": "Epicyon", "short_name": "Epicyon", "start_url": "/index.html", "display": "standalone", "background_color": "black", "theme_color": "grey", "orientation": "portrait-primary", "categories": ["microblog", "fediverse", "activitypub"], "screenshots": [ { "src": "/mobile.jpg", "sizes": "418x851", "type": "image/jpeg" }, { "src": "/mobile_person.jpg", "sizes": "429x860", "type": "image/jpeg" }, { "src": "/mobile_search.jpg", "sizes": "422x861", "type": "image/jpeg" } ], "icons": [ { "src": "/logo72.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "72x72" }, { "src": "/logo96.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "96x96" }, { "src": "/logo128.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "128x128" }, { "src": "/logo144.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "144x144" }, { "src": "/logo152.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "152x152" }, { "src": "/logo192.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "192x192" }, { "src": "/logo256.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "256x256" }, { "src": "/logo512.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "512x512" } ], "related_applications": [ { "platform": "fdroid", "url": app1 }, { "platform": "fdroid", "url": app2 } ] } msg = json.dumps(manifest, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('application/json', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) if self.server.debug: print('Sent manifest: ' + callingDomain) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show logout', 'send manifest') def _getFavicon(self, callingDomain: str, baseDir: str, debug: bool, favFilename: str) -> None: """Return the site favicon or default newswire favicon """ favType = 'image/x-icon' if self._hasAccept(callingDomain): if 'image/webp' in self.headers['Accept']: favType = 'image/webp' favFilename = favFilename.split('.')[0] + '.webp' if 'image/avif' in self.headers['Accept']: favType = 'image/avif' favFilename = favFilename.split('.')[0] + '.avif' if not self.server.themeName: self.themeName = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'theme') if not self.server.themeName: self.server.themeName = 'default' # custom favicon faviconFilename = \ baseDir + '/theme/' + self.server.themeName + \ '/icons/' + favFilename if not favFilename.endswith('.ico'): if not os.path.isfile(faviconFilename): if favFilename.endswith('.webp'): favFilename = favFilename.replace('.webp', '.ico') elif favFilename.endswith('.avif'): favFilename = favFilename.replace('.avif', '.ico') if not os.path.isfile(faviconFilename): # default favicon faviconFilename = \ baseDir + '/theme/default/icons/' + favFilename if self._etag_exists(faviconFilename): # The file has not changed if debug: print('favicon icon has not changed: ' + callingDomain) self._304() return if self.server.iconsCache.get(favFilename): favBinary = self.server.iconsCache[favFilename] self._set_headers_etag(faviconFilename, favType, favBinary, None, self.server.domainFull) self._write(favBinary) if debug: print('Sent favicon from cache: ' + callingDomain) return else: if os.path.isfile(faviconFilename): with open(faviconFilename, 'rb') as favFile: favBinary = favFile.read() self._set_headers_etag(faviconFilename, favType, favBinary, None, self.server.domainFull) self._write(favBinary) self.server.iconsCache[favFilename] = favBinary if self.server.debug: print('Sent favicon from file: ' + callingDomain) return if debug: print('favicon not sent: ' + callingDomain) self._404() def _getSpeaker(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, domain: str, debug: bool) -> None: """Returns the speaker file used for TTS and accessed via c2s """ nickname = path.split('/users/')[1] if '/' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('/')[0] speakerFilename = \ baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain + '/speaker.json' if not os.path.isfile(speakerFilename): self._404() return speakerJson = loadJson(speakerFilename) msg = json.dumps(speakerJson, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('application/json', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) def _getFonts(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, debug: bool, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}) -> None: """Returns a font """ fontStr = path.split('/fonts/')[1] if fontStr.endswith('.otf') or \ fontStr.endswith('.ttf') or \ fontStr.endswith('.woff') or \ fontStr.endswith('.woff2'): if fontStr.endswith('.otf'): fontType = 'font/otf' elif fontStr.endswith('.ttf'): fontType = 'font/ttf' elif fontStr.endswith('.woff'): fontType = 'font/woff' else: fontType = 'font/woff2' fontFilename = \ baseDir + '/fonts/' + fontStr if self._etag_exists(fontFilename): # The file has not changed self._304() return if self.server.fontsCache.get(fontStr): fontBinary = self.server.fontsCache[fontStr] self._set_headers_etag(fontFilename, fontType, fontBinary, None, self.server.domainFull) self._write(fontBinary) if debug: print('font sent from cache: ' + path + ' ' + callingDomain) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'hasAccept', 'send font from cache') return else: if os.path.isfile(fontFilename): with open(fontFilename, 'rb') as fontFile: fontBinary = fontFile.read() self._set_headers_etag(fontFilename, fontType, fontBinary, None, self.server.domainFull) self._write(fontBinary) self.server.fontsCache[fontStr] = fontBinary if debug: print('font sent from file: ' + path + ' ' + callingDomain) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'hasAccept', 'send font from file') return if debug: print('font not found: ' + path + ' ' + callingDomain) self._404() def _getRSS2feed(self, authorized: bool, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, port: int, proxyType: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, debug: bool) -> None: """Returns an RSS2 feed for the blog """ nickname = path.split('/blog/')[1] if '/' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('/')[0] if not nickname.startswith('rss.'): if os.path.isdir(self.server.baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain): if not self.server.session: print('Starting new session during RSS request') self.server.session = \ createSession(proxyType) if not self.server.session: print('ERROR: GET failed to create session ' + 'during RSS request') self._404() return msg = \ htmlBlogPageRSS2(authorized, self.server.session, baseDir, httpPrefix, self.server.translate, nickname, domain, port, maxPostsInRSSFeed, 1, True) if msg is not None: msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/xml', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) if debug: print('Sent rss2 feed: ' + path + ' ' + callingDomain) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'sharedInbox enabled', 'blog rss2') return if debug: print('Failed to get rss2 feed: ' + path + ' ' + callingDomain) self._404() def _getRSS2site(self, authorized: bool, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domainFull: str, port: int, proxyType: str, translate: {}, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, debug: bool) -> None: """Returns an RSS2 feed for all blogs on this instance """ if not self.server.session: print('Starting new session during RSS request') self.server.session = \ createSession(proxyType) if not self.server.session: print('ERROR: GET failed to create session ' + 'during RSS request') self._404() return msg = '' for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(baseDir + '/accounts'): for acct in dirs: if '@' not in acct: continue if 'inbox@' in acct or 'news@' in acct: continue nickname = acct.split('@')[0] domain = acct.split('@')[1] msg += \ htmlBlogPageRSS2(authorized, self.server.session, baseDir, httpPrefix, self.server.translate, nickname, domain, port, maxPostsInRSSFeed, 1, False) break if msg: msg = rss2Header(httpPrefix, 'news', domainFull, 'Site', translate) + msg + rss2Footer() msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/xml', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) if debug: print('Sent rss2 feed: ' + path + ' ' + callingDomain) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'sharedInbox enabled', 'blog rss2') return if debug: print('Failed to get rss2 feed: ' + path + ' ' + callingDomain) self._404() def _getNewswireFeed(self, authorized: bool, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, port: int, proxyType: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, debug: bool) -> None: """Returns the newswire feed """ if not self.server.session: print('Starting new session during RSS request') self.server.session = \ createSession(proxyType) if not self.server.session: print('ERROR: GET failed to create session ' + 'during RSS request') self._404() return msg = getRSSfromDict(self.server.baseDir, self.server.newswire, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domainFull, 'Newswire', self.server.translate) if msg: msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/xml', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) if debug: print('Sent rss2 newswire feed: ' + path + ' ' + callingDomain) return if debug: print('Failed to get rss2 newswire feed: ' + path + ' ' + callingDomain) self._404() def _getHashtagCategoriesFeed(self, authorized: bool, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, port: int, proxyType: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, debug: bool) -> None: """Returns the hashtag categories feed """ if not self.server.session: print('Starting new session during RSS categories request') self.server.session = \ createSession(proxyType) if not self.server.session: print('ERROR: GET failed to create session ' + 'during RSS categories request') self._404() return hashtagCategories = None msg = \ getHashtagCategoriesFeed(baseDir, hashtagCategories) if msg: msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/xml', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) if debug: print('Sent rss2 categories feed: ' + path + ' ' + callingDomain) return if debug: print('Failed to get rss2 categories feed: ' + path + ' ' + callingDomain) self._404() def _getRSS3feed(self, authorized: bool, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, port: int, proxyType: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, debug: bool) -> None: """Returns an RSS3 feed """ nickname = path.split('/blog/')[1] if '/' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('/')[0] if not nickname.startswith('rss.'): if os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain): if not self.server.session: print('Starting new session during RSS3 request') self.server.session = \ createSession(proxyType) if not self.server.session: print('ERROR: GET failed to create session ' + 'during RSS3 request') self._404() return msg = \ htmlBlogPageRSS3(authorized, self.server.session, baseDir, httpPrefix, self.server.translate, nickname, domain, port, maxPostsInRSSFeed, 1) if msg is not None: msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/plain; charset=utf-8', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) if self.server.debug: print('Sent rss3 feed: ' + path + ' ' + callingDomain) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'sharedInbox enabled', 'blog rss3') return if debug: print('Failed to get rss3 feed: ' + path + ' ' + callingDomain) self._404() def _showPersonOptions(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, cookie: str, debug: bool, authorized: bool) -> None: """Show person options screen """ backToPath = '' optionsStr = path.split('?options=')[1] originPathStr = path.split('?options=')[0] if ';' in optionsStr and '/users/news/' not in path: pageNumber = 1 optionsList = optionsStr.split(';') optionsActor = optionsList[0] optionsPageNumber = optionsList[1] optionsProfileUrl = optionsList[2] if '.' in optionsProfileUrl and \ optionsProfileUrl.startswith('/members/'): ext = optionsProfileUrl.split('.')[-1] optionsProfileUrl = optionsProfileUrl.split('/members/')[1] optionsProfileUrl = optionsProfileUrl.replace('.' + ext, '') optionsProfileUrl = \ '/users/' + optionsProfileUrl + '/avatar.' + ext backToPath = 'moderation' if optionsPageNumber.isdigit(): pageNumber = int(optionsPageNumber) optionsLink = None if len(optionsList) > 3: optionsLink = optionsList[3] donateUrl = None PGPpubKey = None PGPfingerprint = None xmppAddress = None matrixAddress = None blogAddress = None toxAddress = None briarAddress = None jamiAddress = None ssbAddress = None emailAddress = None lockedAccount = False alsoKnownAs = None movedTo = '' actorJson = getPersonFromCache(baseDir, optionsActor, self.server.personCache, True) if actorJson: if actorJson.get('movedTo'): movedTo = actorJson['movedTo'] lockedAccount = getLockedAccount(actorJson) donateUrl = getDonationUrl(actorJson) xmppAddress = getXmppAddress(actorJson) matrixAddress = getMatrixAddress(actorJson) ssbAddress = getSSBAddress(actorJson) blogAddress = getBlogAddress(actorJson) toxAddress = getToxAddress(actorJson) briarAddress = getBriarAddress(actorJson) jamiAddress = getJamiAddress(actorJson) emailAddress = getEmailAddress(actorJson) PGPpubKey = getPGPpubKey(actorJson) PGPfingerprint = getPGPfingerprint(actorJson) if actorJson.get('alsoKnownAs'): alsoKnownAs = actorJson['alsoKnownAs'] if self.server.session: checkForChangedActor(self.server.session, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domainFull, optionsActor, optionsProfileUrl, self.server.personCache, 5) msg = htmlPersonOptions(self.server.defaultTimeline, self.server.cssCache, self.server.translate, baseDir, domain, domainFull, originPathStr, optionsActor, optionsProfileUrl, optionsLink, pageNumber, donateUrl, xmppAddress, matrixAddress, ssbAddress, blogAddress, toxAddress, briarAddress, jamiAddress, PGPpubKey, PGPfingerprint, emailAddress, self.server.dormantMonths, backToPath, lockedAccount, movedTo, alsoKnownAs, self.server.textModeBanner, self.server.newsInstance, authorized).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'registered devices done', 'person options') return if '/users/news/' in path: self._redirect_headers(originPathStr + '/tlfeatures', cookie, callingDomain) return if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: originPathStrAbsolute = \ 'http://' + onionDomain + originPathStr elif callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain: originPathStrAbsolute = \ 'http://' + i2pDomain + originPathStr else: originPathStrAbsolute = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + originPathStr self._redirect_headers(originPathStrAbsolute, cookie, callingDomain) def _showMedia(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}) -> None: """Returns a media file """ if self._pathIsImage(path) or \ self._pathIsVideo(path) or \ self._pathIsAudio(path): mediaStr = path.split('/media/')[1] mediaFilename = baseDir + '/media/' + mediaStr if os.path.isfile(mediaFilename): if self._etag_exists(mediaFilename): # The file has not changed self._304() return mediaFileType = mediaFileMimeType(mediaFilename) with open(mediaFilename, 'rb') as avFile: mediaBinary = avFile.read() self._set_headers_etag(mediaFilename, mediaFileType, mediaBinary, None, self.server.domainFull) self._write(mediaBinary) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show emoji done', 'show media') return self._404() def _showEmoji(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}) -> None: """Returns an emoji image """ if self._pathIsImage(path): emojiStr = path.split('/emoji/')[1] emojiFilename = baseDir + '/emoji/' + emojiStr if os.path.isfile(emojiFilename): if self._etag_exists(emojiFilename): # The file has not changed self._304() return mediaImageType = 'png' if emojiFilename.endswith('.png'): mediaImageType = 'png' elif emojiFilename.endswith('.jpg'): mediaImageType = 'jpeg' elif emojiFilename.endswith('.webp'): mediaImageType = 'webp' elif emojiFilename.endswith('.avif'): mediaImageType = 'avif' elif emojiFilename.endswith('.svg'): mediaImageType = 'svg+xml' else: mediaImageType = 'gif' with open(emojiFilename, 'rb') as avFile: mediaBinary = avFile.read() self._set_headers_etag(emojiFilename, 'image/' + mediaImageType, mediaBinary, None, self.server.domainFull) self._write(mediaBinary) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'background shown done', 'show emoji') return self._404() def _showIcon(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}) -> None: """Shows an icon """ if path.endswith('.png'): mediaStr = path.split('/icons/')[1] if '/' not in mediaStr: if not self.server.themeName: theme = 'default' else: theme = self.server.themeName iconFilename = mediaStr else: theme = mediaStr.split('/')[0] iconFilename = mediaStr.split('/')[1] mediaFilename = \ baseDir + '/theme/' + theme + '/icons/' + iconFilename if self._etag_exists(mediaFilename): # The file has not changed self._304() return if self.server.iconsCache.get(mediaStr): mediaBinary = self.server.iconsCache[mediaStr] mimeTypeStr = mediaFileMimeType(mediaFilename) self._set_headers_etag(mediaFilename, mimeTypeStr, mediaBinary, None, self.server.domainFull) self._write(mediaBinary) return else: if os.path.isfile(mediaFilename): with open(mediaFilename, 'rb') as avFile: mediaBinary = avFile.read() mimeType = mediaFileMimeType(mediaFilename) self._set_headers_etag(mediaFilename, mimeType, mediaBinary, None, self.server.domainFull) self._write(mediaBinary) self.server.iconsCache[mediaStr] = mediaBinary self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show files done', 'icon shown') return self._404() def _showHelpScreenImage(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}) -> None: """Shows a help screen image """ if not path.endswith('.jpg') and \ not path.endswith('.png') and \ not path.endswith('.webp') and \ not path.endswith('.avif') and \ not path.endswith('.gif'): return mediaStr = path.split('/helpimages/')[1] if '/' not in mediaStr: if not self.server.themeName: theme = 'default' else: theme = self.server.themeName iconFilename = mediaStr else: theme = mediaStr.split('/')[0] iconFilename = mediaStr.split('/')[1] mediaFilename = \ baseDir + '/theme/' + theme + '/helpimages/' + iconFilename # if there is no theme-specific help image then use the default one if not os.path.isfile(mediaFilename): mediaFilename = \ baseDir + '/theme/default/helpimages/' + iconFilename if self._etag_exists(mediaFilename): # The file has not changed self._304() return if os.path.isfile(mediaFilename): with open(mediaFilename, 'rb') as avFile: mediaBinary = avFile.read() mimeType = mediaFileMimeType(mediaFilename) self._set_headers_etag(mediaFilename, mimeType, mediaBinary, None, self.server.domainFull) self._write(mediaBinary) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show files done', 'help image shown') return self._404() def _showCachedAvatar(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}) -> None: """Shows an avatar image obtained from the cache """ mediaFilename = baseDir + '/cache' + path if os.path.isfile(mediaFilename): if self._etag_exists(mediaFilename): # The file has not changed self._304() return with open(mediaFilename, 'rb') as avFile: mediaBinary = avFile.read() mimeType = mediaFileMimeType(mediaFilename) self._set_headers_etag(mediaFilename, mimeType, mediaBinary, None, self.server.domainFull) self._write(mediaBinary) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'icon shown done', 'avatar shown') return self._404() def _hashtagSearch(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, cookie: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}) -> None: """Return the result of a hashtag search """ pageNumber = 1 if '?page=' in path: pageNumberStr = path.split('?page=')[1] if '#' in pageNumberStr: pageNumberStr = pageNumberStr.split('#')[0] if pageNumberStr.isdigit(): pageNumber = int(pageNumberStr) hashtag = path.split('/tags/')[1] if '?page=' in hashtag: hashtag = hashtag.split('?page=')[0] hashtag = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(hashtag) if isBlockedHashtag(baseDir, hashtag): print('BLOCK: hashtag #' + hashtag) msg = htmlHashtagBlocked(self.server.cssCache, baseDir, self.server.translate).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._login_headers('text/html', msglen, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.GETbusy = False return nickname = None if '/users/' in path: actor = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + path nickname = \ getNicknameFromActor(actor) hashtagStr = \ htmlHashtagSearch(self.server.cssCache, nickname, domain, port, self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.maxRecentPosts, self.server.translate, baseDir, hashtag, pageNumber, maxPostsInFeed, self.server.session, self.server.cachedWebfingers, self.server.personCache, httpPrefix, self.server.projectVersion, self.server.YTReplacementDomain, self.server.showPublishedDateOnly, self.server.peertubeInstances, self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess, self.server.themeName) if hashtagStr: msg = hashtagStr.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) else: originPathStr = path.split('/tags/')[0] originPathStrAbsolute = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + originPathStr if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: originPathStrAbsolute = \ 'http://' + onionDomain + originPathStr elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and onionDomain): originPathStrAbsolute = \ 'http://' + i2pDomain + originPathStr self._redirect_headers(originPathStrAbsolute + '/search', cookie, callingDomain) self.server.GETbusy = False self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'login shown done', 'hashtag search') def _hashtagSearchRSS2(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, cookie: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}) -> None: """Return an RSS 2 feed for a hashtag """ hashtag = path.split('/tags/rss2/')[1] if isBlockedHashtag(baseDir, hashtag): self._400() self.server.GETbusy = False return nickname = None if '/users/' in path: actor = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + path nickname = \ getNicknameFromActor(actor) hashtagStr = \ rssHashtagSearch(nickname, domain, port, self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.maxRecentPosts, self.server.translate, baseDir, hashtag, maxPostsInFeed, self.server.session, self.server.cachedWebfingers, self.server.personCache, httpPrefix, self.server.projectVersion, self.server.YTReplacementDomain) if hashtagStr: msg = hashtagStr.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/xml', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) else: originPathStr = path.split('/tags/rss2/')[0] originPathStrAbsolute = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + originPathStr if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: originPathStrAbsolute = \ 'http://' + onionDomain + originPathStr elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and onionDomain): originPathStrAbsolute = \ 'http://' + i2pDomain + originPathStr self._redirect_headers(originPathStrAbsolute + '/search', cookie, callingDomain) self.server.GETbusy = False self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'login shown done', 'hashtag rss feed') def _announceButton(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, cookie: str, proxyType: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, repeatPrivate: bool, debug: bool) -> None: """The announce/repeat button was pressed on a post """ pageNumber = 1 repeatUrl = path.split('?repeat=')[1] if '?' in repeatUrl: repeatUrl = repeatUrl.split('?')[0] timelineBookmark = '' if '?bm=' in path: timelineBookmark = path.split('?bm=')[1] if '?' in timelineBookmark: timelineBookmark = timelineBookmark.split('?')[0] timelineBookmark = '#' + timelineBookmark if '?page=' in path: pageNumberStr = path.split('?page=')[1] if '?' in pageNumberStr: pageNumberStr = pageNumberStr.split('?')[0] if '#' in pageNumberStr: pageNumberStr = pageNumberStr.split('#')[0] if pageNumberStr.isdigit(): pageNumber = int(pageNumberStr) timelineStr = 'inbox' if '?tl=' in path: timelineStr = path.split('?tl=')[1] if '?' in timelineStr: timelineStr = timelineStr.split('?')[0] actor = path.split('?repeat=')[0] self.postToNickname = getNicknameFromActor(actor) if not self.postToNickname: print('WARN: unable to find nickname in ' + actor) self.server.GETbusy = False actorAbsolute = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + actor if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: actorAbsolute = 'http://' + onionDomain + actor elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actorAbsolute = 'http://' + i2pDomain + actor actorPathStr = \ actorAbsolute + '/' + timelineStr + \ '?page=' + str(pageNumber) self._redirect_headers(actorPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) return if not self.server.session: print('Starting new session during repeat button') self.server.session = createSession(proxyType) if not self.server.session: print('ERROR: GET failed to create session ' + 'during repeat button') self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return self.server.actorRepeat = path.split('?actor=')[1] announceToStr = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + '/users/' + \ self.postToNickname + '/followers' if not repeatPrivate: announceToStr = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public' announceJson = \ createAnnounce(self.server.session, baseDir, self.server.federationList, self.postToNickname, domain, port, announceToStr, None, httpPrefix, repeatUrl, False, False, self.server.sendThreads, self.server.postLog, self.server.personCache, self.server.cachedWebfingers, debug, self.server.projectVersion) if announceJson: # clear the icon from the cache so that it gets updated if self.server.iconsCache.get('repeat.png'): del self.server.iconsCache['repeat.png'] self._postToOutboxThread(announceJson) self.server.GETbusy = False actorAbsolute = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + actor if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: actorAbsolute = 'http://' + onionDomain + actor elif callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain: actorAbsolute = 'http://' + i2pDomain + actor actorPathStr = \ actorAbsolute + '/' + timelineStr + '?page=' + \ str(pageNumber) + timelineBookmark self._redirect_headers(actorPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'emoji search shown done', 'show announce') def _undoAnnounceButton(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, cookie: str, proxyType: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, repeatPrivate: bool, debug: bool): """Undo announce/repeat button was pressed """ pageNumber = 1 repeatUrl = path.split('?unrepeat=')[1] if '?' in repeatUrl: repeatUrl = repeatUrl.split('?')[0] timelineBookmark = '' if '?bm=' in path: timelineBookmark = path.split('?bm=')[1] if '?' in timelineBookmark: timelineBookmark = timelineBookmark.split('?')[0] timelineBookmark = '#' + timelineBookmark if '?page=' in path: pageNumberStr = path.split('?page=')[1] if '?' in pageNumberStr: pageNumberStr = pageNumberStr.split('?')[0] if '#' in pageNumberStr: pageNumberStr = pageNumberStr.split('#')[0] if pageNumberStr.isdigit(): pageNumber = int(pageNumberStr) timelineStr = 'inbox' if '?tl=' in path: timelineStr = path.split('?tl=')[1] if '?' in timelineStr: timelineStr = timelineStr.split('?')[0] actor = path.split('?unrepeat=')[0] self.postToNickname = getNicknameFromActor(actor) if not self.postToNickname: print('WARN: unable to find nickname in ' + actor) self.server.GETbusy = False actorAbsolute = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + actor if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: actorAbsolute = 'http://' + onionDomain + actor elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actorAbsolute = 'http://' + i2pDomain + actor actorPathStr = \ actorAbsolute + '/' + timelineStr + '?page=' + \ str(pageNumber) self._redirect_headers(actorPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) return if not self.server.session: print('Starting new session during undo repeat') self.server.session = createSession(proxyType) if not self.server.session: print('ERROR: GET failed to create session ' + 'during undo repeat') self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return undoAnnounceActor = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + \ '/users/' + self.postToNickname unRepeatToStr = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public' newUndoAnnounce = { "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", 'actor': undoAnnounceActor, 'type': 'Undo', 'cc': [undoAnnounceActor+'/followers'], 'to': [unRepeatToStr], 'object': { 'actor': undoAnnounceActor, 'cc': [undoAnnounceActor+'/followers'], 'object': repeatUrl, 'to': [unRepeatToStr], 'type': 'Announce' } } # clear the icon from the cache so that it gets updated if self.server.iconsCache.get('repeat_inactive.png'): del self.server.iconsCache['repeat_inactive.png'] self._postToOutboxThread(newUndoAnnounce) self.server.GETbusy = False actorAbsolute = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + actor if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: actorAbsolute = 'http://' + onionDomain + actor elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actorAbsolute = 'http://' + i2pDomain + actor actorPathStr = \ actorAbsolute + '/' + timelineStr + '?page=' + \ str(pageNumber) + timelineBookmark self._redirect_headers(actorPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show announce done', 'unannounce') def _followApproveButton(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, cookie: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, debug: bool): """Follow approve button was pressed """ originPathStr = path.split('/followapprove=')[0] followerNickname = originPathStr.replace('/users/', '') followingHandle = path.split('/followapprove=')[1] if '://' in followingHandle: handleNickname = getNicknameFromActor(followingHandle) handleDomain, handlePort = getDomainFromActor(followingHandle) followingHandle = \ handleNickname + '@' + getFullDomain(handleDomain, handlePort) if '@' in followingHandle: if not self.server.session: print('Starting new session during follow approval') self.server.session = createSession(proxyType) if not self.server.session: print('ERROR: GET failed to create session ' + 'during follow approval') self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return manualApproveFollowRequest(self.server.session, baseDir, httpPrefix, followerNickname, domain, port, followingHandle, self.server.federationList, self.server.sendThreads, self.server.postLog, self.server.cachedWebfingers, self.server.personCache, debug, self.server.projectVersion) originPathStrAbsolute = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + originPathStr if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: originPathStrAbsolute = \ 'http://' + onionDomain + originPathStr elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): originPathStrAbsolute = \ 'http://' + i2pDomain + originPathStr self._redirect_headers(originPathStrAbsolute, cookie, callingDomain) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'unannounce done', 'follow approve shown') self.server.GETbusy = False def _newswireVote(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, cookie: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, debug: bool, newswire: {}): """Vote for a newswire item """ originPathStr = path.split('/newswirevote=')[0] dateStr = \ path.split('/newswirevote=')[1].replace('T', ' ') dateStr = dateStr.replace(' 00:00', '').replace('+00:00', '') dateStr = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(dateStr) + '+00:00' nickname = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(originPathStr.split('/users/')[1]) if '/' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('/')[0] print('Newswire item date: ' + dateStr) if newswire.get(dateStr): if isModerator(baseDir, nickname): newswireItem = newswire[dateStr] print('Voting on newswire item: ' + str(newswireItem)) votesIndex = 2 filenameIndex = 3 if 'vote:' + nickname not in newswireItem[votesIndex]: newswireItem[votesIndex].append('vote:' + nickname) filename = newswireItem[filenameIndex] newswireStateFilename = \ baseDir + '/accounts/.newswirestate.json' try: saveJson(newswire, newswireStateFilename) except Exception as e: print('ERROR saving newswire state, ' + str(e)) if filename: saveJson(newswireItem[votesIndex], filename + '.votes') else: print('No newswire item with date: ' + dateStr + ' ' + str(newswire)) originPathStrAbsolute = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + originPathStr + '/' + \ self.server.defaultTimeline if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: originPathStrAbsolute = \ 'http://' + onionDomain + originPathStr elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): originPathStrAbsolute = \ 'http://' + i2pDomain + originPathStr self._redirect_headers(originPathStrAbsolute, cookie, callingDomain) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'unannounce done', 'vote for newswite item') self.server.GETbusy = False def _newswireUnvote(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, cookie: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, debug: bool, newswire: {}): """Remove vote for a newswire item """ originPathStr = path.split('/newswireunvote=')[0] dateStr = \ path.split('/newswireunvote=')[1].replace('T', ' ') dateStr = dateStr.replace(' 00:00', '').replace('+00:00', '') dateStr = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(dateStr) + '+00:00' nickname = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(originPathStr.split('/users/')[1]) if '/' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('/')[0] if newswire.get(dateStr): if isModerator(baseDir, nickname): votesIndex = 2 filenameIndex = 3 newswireItem = newswire[dateStr] if 'vote:' + nickname in newswireItem[votesIndex]: newswireItem[votesIndex].remove('vote:' + nickname) filename = newswireItem[filenameIndex] newswireStateFilename = \ baseDir + '/accounts/.newswirestate.json' try: saveJson(newswire, newswireStateFilename) except Exception as e: print('ERROR saving newswire state, ' + str(e)) if filename: saveJson(newswireItem[votesIndex], filename + '.votes') else: print('No newswire item with date: ' + dateStr + ' ' + str(newswire)) originPathStrAbsolute = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + originPathStr + '/' + \ self.server.defaultTimeline if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: originPathStrAbsolute = \ 'http://' + onionDomain + originPathStr elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): originPathStrAbsolute = \ 'http://' + i2pDomain + originPathStr self._redirect_headers(originPathStrAbsolute, cookie, callingDomain) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'unannounce done', 'unvote for newswite item') self.server.GETbusy = False def _followDenyButton(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, cookie: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, debug: bool): """Follow deny button was pressed """ originPathStr = path.split('/followdeny=')[0] followerNickname = originPathStr.replace('/users/', '') followingHandle = path.split('/followdeny=')[1] if '://' in followingHandle: handleNickname = getNicknameFromActor(followingHandle) handleDomain, handlePort = getDomainFromActor(followingHandle) followingHandle = \ handleNickname + '@' + getFullDomain(handleDomain, handlePort) if '@' in followingHandle: manualDenyFollowRequest(self.server.session, baseDir, httpPrefix, followerNickname, domain, port, followingHandle, self.server.federationList, self.server.sendThreads, self.server.postLog, self.server.cachedWebfingers, self.server.personCache, debug, self.server.projectVersion) originPathStrAbsolute = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + originPathStr if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: originPathStrAbsolute = \ 'http://' + onionDomain + originPathStr elif callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain: originPathStrAbsolute = \ 'http://' + i2pDomain + originPathStr self._redirect_headers(originPathStrAbsolute, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.GETbusy = False self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'follow approve done', 'follow deny shown') def _likeButton(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, cookie: str, debug: str): """Press the like button """ pageNumber = 1 likeUrl = path.split('?like=')[1] if '?' in likeUrl: likeUrl = likeUrl.split('?')[0] timelineBookmark = '' if '?bm=' in path: timelineBookmark = path.split('?bm=')[1] if '?' in timelineBookmark: timelineBookmark = timelineBookmark.split('?')[0] timelineBookmark = '#' + timelineBookmark actor = path.split('?like=')[0] if '?page=' in path: pageNumberStr = path.split('?page=')[1] if '?' in pageNumberStr: pageNumberStr = pageNumberStr.split('?')[0] if '#' in pageNumberStr: pageNumberStr = pageNumberStr.split('#')[0] if pageNumberStr.isdigit(): pageNumber = int(pageNumberStr) timelineStr = 'inbox' if '?tl=' in path: timelineStr = path.split('?tl=')[1] if '?' in timelineStr: timelineStr = timelineStr.split('?')[0] self.postToNickname = getNicknameFromActor(actor) if not self.postToNickname: print('WARN: unable to find nickname in ' + actor) self.server.GETbusy = False actorAbsolute = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + actor if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: actorAbsolute = 'http://' + onionDomain + actor elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actorAbsolute = 'http://' + i2pDomain + actor actorPathStr = \ actorAbsolute + '/' + timelineStr + \ '?page=' + str(pageNumber) + timelineBookmark self._redirect_headers(actorPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) return if not self.server.session: print('Starting new session during like') self.server.session = createSession(proxyType) if not self.server.session: print('ERROR: GET failed to create session during like') self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return likeActor = \ httpPrefix + '://' + \ domainFull + '/users/' + self.postToNickname actorLiked = path.split('?actor=')[1] if '?' in actorLiked: actorLiked = actorLiked.split('?')[0] likeJson = { "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", 'type': 'Like', 'actor': likeActor, 'to': [actorLiked], 'object': likeUrl } # directly like the post file likedPostFilename = locatePost(baseDir, self.postToNickname, domain, likeUrl) if likedPostFilename: if debug: print('Updating likes for ' + likedPostFilename) updateLikesCollection(self.server.recentPostsCache, baseDir, likedPostFilename, likeUrl, likeActor, domain, debug) # clear the icon from the cache so that it gets updated if self.server.iconsCache.get('like.png'): del self.server.iconsCache['like.png'] else: print('WARN: unable to locate file for liked post ' + likeUrl) # send out the like to followers self._postToOutbox(likeJson, self.server.projectVersion) self.server.GETbusy = False actorAbsolute = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + actor if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: actorAbsolute = 'http://' + onionDomain + actor elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actorAbsolute = 'http://' + i2pDomain + actor actorPathStr = \ actorAbsolute + '/' + timelineStr + \ '?page=' + str(pageNumber) + timelineBookmark self._redirect_headers(actorPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'follow deny done', 'like shown') def _undoLikeButton(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, cookie: str, debug: str): """A button is pressed to undo """ pageNumber = 1 likeUrl = path.split('?unlike=')[1] if '?' in likeUrl: likeUrl = likeUrl.split('?')[0] timelineBookmark = '' if '?bm=' in path: timelineBookmark = path.split('?bm=')[1] if '?' in timelineBookmark: timelineBookmark = timelineBookmark.split('?')[0] timelineBookmark = '#' + timelineBookmark if '?page=' in path: pageNumberStr = path.split('?page=')[1] if '?' in pageNumberStr: pageNumberStr = pageNumberStr.split('?')[0] if '#' in pageNumberStr: pageNumberStr = pageNumberStr.split('#')[0] if pageNumberStr.isdigit(): pageNumber = int(pageNumberStr) timelineStr = 'inbox' if '?tl=' in path: timelineStr = path.split('?tl=')[1] if '?' in timelineStr: timelineStr = timelineStr.split('?')[0] actor = path.split('?unlike=')[0] self.postToNickname = getNicknameFromActor(actor) if not self.postToNickname: print('WARN: unable to find nickname in ' + actor) self.server.GETbusy = False actorAbsolute = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + actor if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: actorAbsolute = 'http://' + onionDomain + actor elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and onionDomain): actorAbsolute = 'http://' + i2pDomain + actor actorPathStr = \ actorAbsolute + '/' + timelineStr + \ '?page=' + str(pageNumber) self._redirect_headers(actorPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) return if not self.server.session: print('Starting new session during undo like') self.server.session = createSession(proxyType) if not self.server.session: print('ERROR: GET failed to create session ' + 'during undo like') self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return undoActor = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + '/users/' + self.postToNickname actorLiked = path.split('?actor=')[1] if '?' in actorLiked: actorLiked = actorLiked.split('?')[0] undoLikeJson = { "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", 'type': 'Undo', 'actor': undoActor, 'to': [actorLiked], 'object': { 'type': 'Like', 'actor': undoActor, 'to': [actorLiked], 'object': likeUrl } } # directly undo the like within the post file likedPostFilename = locatePost(baseDir, self.postToNickname, domain, likeUrl) if likedPostFilename: if debug: print('Removing likes for ' + likedPostFilename) undoLikesCollectionEntry(self.server.recentPostsCache, baseDir, likedPostFilename, likeUrl, undoActor, domain, debug) # clear the icon from the cache so that it gets updated if self.server.iconsCache.get('like_inactive.png'): del self.server.iconsCache['like_inactive.png'] # send out the undo like to followers self._postToOutbox(undoLikeJson, self.server.projectVersion) self.server.GETbusy = False actorAbsolute = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + actor if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: actorAbsolute = 'http://' + onionDomain + actor elif callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain: actorAbsolute = 'http://' + i2pDomain + actor actorPathStr = \ actorAbsolute + '/' + timelineStr + \ '?page=' + str(pageNumber) + timelineBookmark self._redirect_headers(actorPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'like shown done', 'unlike shown') def _bookmarkButton(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, cookie: str, debug: str): """Bookmark button was pressed """ pageNumber = 1 bookmarkUrl = path.split('?bookmark=')[1] if '?' in bookmarkUrl: bookmarkUrl = bookmarkUrl.split('?')[0] timelineBookmark = '' if '?bm=' in path: timelineBookmark = path.split('?bm=')[1] if '?' in timelineBookmark: timelineBookmark = timelineBookmark.split('?')[0] timelineBookmark = '#' + timelineBookmark actor = path.split('?bookmark=')[0] if '?page=' in path: pageNumberStr = path.split('?page=')[1] if '?' in pageNumberStr: pageNumberStr = pageNumberStr.split('?')[0] if '#' in pageNumberStr: pageNumberStr = pageNumberStr.split('#')[0] if pageNumberStr.isdigit(): pageNumber = int(pageNumberStr) timelineStr = 'inbox' if '?tl=' in path: timelineStr = path.split('?tl=')[1] if '?' in timelineStr: timelineStr = timelineStr.split('?')[0] self.postToNickname = getNicknameFromActor(actor) if not self.postToNickname: print('WARN: unable to find nickname in ' + actor) self.server.GETbusy = False actorAbsolute = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + actor if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: actorAbsolute = 'http://' + onionDomain + actor elif callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain: actorAbsolute = 'http://' + i2pDomain + actor actorPathStr = \ actorAbsolute + '/' + timelineStr + \ '?page=' + str(pageNumber) self._redirect_headers(actorPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) return if not self.server.session: print('Starting new session during bookmark') self.server.session = createSession(proxyType) if not self.server.session: print('ERROR: GET failed to create session ' + 'during bookmark') self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return bookmarkActor = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + '/users/' + self.postToNickname ccList = [] bookmark(self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.session, baseDir, self.server.federationList, self.postToNickname, domain, port, ccList, httpPrefix, bookmarkUrl, bookmarkActor, False, self.server.sendThreads, self.server.postLog, self.server.personCache, self.server.cachedWebfingers, self.server.debug, self.server.projectVersion) # clear the icon from the cache so that it gets updated if self.server.iconsCache.get('bookmark.png'): del self.server.iconsCache['bookmark.png'] # self._postToOutbox(bookmarkJson, self.server.projectVersion) self.server.GETbusy = False actorAbsolute = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + actor if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: actorAbsolute = 'http://' + onionDomain + actor elif callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain: actorAbsolute = 'http://' + i2pDomain + actor actorPathStr = \ actorAbsolute + '/' + timelineStr + \ '?page=' + str(pageNumber) + timelineBookmark self._redirect_headers(actorPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'unlike shown done', 'bookmark shown') def _undoBookmarkButton(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, cookie: str, debug: str): """Button pressed to undo a bookmark """ pageNumber = 1 bookmarkUrl = path.split('?unbookmark=')[1] if '?' in bookmarkUrl: bookmarkUrl = bookmarkUrl.split('?')[0] timelineBookmark = '' if '?bm=' in path: timelineBookmark = path.split('?bm=')[1] if '?' in timelineBookmark: timelineBookmark = timelineBookmark.split('?')[0] timelineBookmark = '#' + timelineBookmark if '?page=' in path: pageNumberStr = path.split('?page=')[1] if '?' in pageNumberStr: pageNumberStr = pageNumberStr.split('?')[0] if '#' in pageNumberStr: pageNumberStr = pageNumberStr.split('#')[0] if pageNumberStr.isdigit(): pageNumber = int(pageNumberStr) timelineStr = 'inbox' if '?tl=' in path: timelineStr = path.split('?tl=')[1] if '?' in timelineStr: timelineStr = timelineStr.split('?')[0] actor = path.split('?unbookmark=')[0] self.postToNickname = getNicknameFromActor(actor) if not self.postToNickname: print('WARN: unable to find nickname in ' + actor) self.server.GETbusy = False actorAbsolute = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + actor if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: actorAbsolute = 'http://' + onionDomain + actor elif callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain: actorAbsolute = 'http://' + i2pDomain + actor actorPathStr = \ actorAbsolute + '/' + timelineStr + \ '?page=' + str(pageNumber) self._redirect_headers(actorPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) return if not self.server.session: print('Starting new session during undo bookmark') self.server.session = createSession(proxyType) if not self.server.session: print('ERROR: GET failed to create session ' + 'during undo bookmark') self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return undoActor = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + '/users/' + self.postToNickname ccList = [] undoBookmark(self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.session, baseDir, self.server.federationList, self.postToNickname, domain, port, ccList, httpPrefix, bookmarkUrl, undoActor, False, self.server.sendThreads, self.server.postLog, self.server.personCache, self.server.cachedWebfingers, debug, self.server.projectVersion) # clear the icon from the cache so that it gets updated if self.server.iconsCache.get('bookmark_inactive.png'): del self.server.iconsCache['bookmark_inactive.png'] # self._postToOutbox(undoBookmarkJson, self.server.projectVersion) self.server.GETbusy = False actorAbsolute = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + actor if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: actorAbsolute = 'http://' + onionDomain + actor elif callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain: actorAbsolute = 'http://' + i2pDomain + actor actorPathStr = \ actorAbsolute + '/' + timelineStr + \ '?page=' + str(pageNumber) + timelineBookmark self._redirect_headers(actorPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'bookmark shown done', 'unbookmark shown') def _deleteButton(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, cookie: str, debug: str): """Delete button is pressed on a post """ if not cookie: print('ERROR: no cookie given when deleting') self._400() self.server.GETbusy = False return pageNumber = 1 if '?page=' in path: pageNumberStr = path.split('?page=')[1] if '?' in pageNumberStr: pageNumberStr = pageNumberStr.split('?')[0] if '#' in pageNumberStr: pageNumberStr = pageNumberStr.split('#')[0] if pageNumberStr.isdigit(): pageNumber = int(pageNumberStr) deleteUrl = path.split('?delete=')[1] if '?' in deleteUrl: deleteUrl = deleteUrl.split('?')[0] timelineStr = self.server.defaultTimeline if '?tl=' in path: timelineStr = path.split('?tl=')[1] if '?' in timelineStr: timelineStr = timelineStr.split('?')[0] usersPath = path.split('?delete=')[0] actor = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + usersPath if self.server.allowDeletion or \ deleteUrl.startswith(actor): if self.server.debug: print('DEBUG: deleteUrl=' + deleteUrl) print('DEBUG: actor=' + actor) if actor not in deleteUrl: # You can only delete your own posts self.server.GETbusy = False if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: actor = 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain: actor = 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath self._redirect_headers(actor + '/' + timelineStr, cookie, callingDomain) return self.postToNickname = getNicknameFromActor(actor) if not self.postToNickname: print('WARN: unable to find nickname in ' + actor) self.server.GETbusy = False if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: actor = 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain: actor = 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath self._redirect_headers(actor + '/' + timelineStr, cookie, callingDomain) return if not self.server.session: print('Starting new session during delete') self.server.session = createSession(proxyType) if not self.server.session: print('ERROR: GET failed to create session ' + 'during delete') self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return deleteStr = \ htmlConfirmDelete(self.server.cssCache, self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.maxRecentPosts, self.server.translate, pageNumber, self.server.session, baseDir, deleteUrl, httpPrefix, __version__, self.server.cachedWebfingers, self.server.personCache, callingDomain, self.server.YTReplacementDomain, self.server.showPublishedDateOnly, self.server.peertubeInstances, self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess, self.server.themeName) if deleteStr: deleteStrLen = len(deleteStr) self._set_headers('text/html', deleteStrLen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(deleteStr.encode('utf-8')) self.server.GETbusy = False return self.server.GETbusy = False if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: actor = 'http://' + onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actor = 'http://' + i2pDomain + usersPath self._redirect_headers(actor + '/' + timelineStr, cookie, callingDomain) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'unbookmark shown done', 'delete shown') def _muteButton(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, cookie: str, debug: str): """Mute button is pressed """ muteUrl = path.split('?mute=')[1] if '?' in muteUrl: muteUrl = muteUrl.split('?')[0] timelineBookmark = '' if '?bm=' in path: timelineBookmark = path.split('?bm=')[1] if '?' in timelineBookmark: timelineBookmark = timelineBookmark.split('?')[0] timelineBookmark = '#' + timelineBookmark timelineStr = self.server.defaultTimeline if '?tl=' in path: timelineStr = path.split('?tl=')[1] if '?' in timelineStr: timelineStr = timelineStr.split('?')[0] actor = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + path.split('?mute=')[0] nickname = getNicknameFromActor(actor) mutePost(baseDir, nickname, domain, muteUrl, self.server.recentPostsCache) self.server.GETbusy = False if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: actor = \ 'http://' + onionDomain + \ path.split('?mute=')[0] elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain): actor = \ 'http://' + i2pDomain + \ path.split('?mute=')[0] self._redirect_headers(actor + '/' + timelineStr + timelineBookmark, cookie, callingDomain) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'delete shown done', 'post muted') def _undoMuteButton(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, cookie: str, debug: str): """Undo mute button is pressed """ muteUrl = path.split('?unmute=')[1] if '?' in muteUrl: muteUrl = muteUrl.split('?')[0] timelineBookmark = '' if '?bm=' in path: timelineBookmark = path.split('?bm=')[1] if '?' in timelineBookmark: timelineBookmark = timelineBookmark.split('?')[0] timelineBookmark = '#' + timelineBookmark timelineStr = self.server.defaultTimeline if '?tl=' in path: timelineStr = path.split('?tl=')[1] if '?' in timelineStr: timelineStr = timelineStr.split('?')[0] actor = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + path.split('?unmute=')[0] nickname = getNicknameFromActor(actor) unmutePost(baseDir, nickname, domain, muteUrl, self.server.recentPostsCache) self.server.GETbusy = False if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: actor = \ 'http://' + onionDomain + path.split('?unmute=')[0] elif callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain: actor = \ 'http://' + i2pDomain + path.split('?unmute=')[0] self._redirect_headers(actor + '/' + timelineStr + timelineBookmark, cookie, callingDomain) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'post muted done', 'unmute activated') def _showRepliesToPost(self, authorized: bool, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, cookie: str, debug: str) -> bool: """Shows the replies to a post """ if not ('/statuses/' in path and '/users/' in path): return False namedStatus = path.split('/users/')[1] if '/' not in namedStatus: return False postSections = namedStatus.split('/') if len(postSections) < 4: return False if not postSections[3].startswith('replies'): return False nickname = postSections[0] statusNumber = postSections[2] if not (len(statusNumber) > 10 and statusNumber.isdigit()): return False boxname = 'outbox' # get the replies file postDir = \ baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain + '/' + boxname postRepliesFilename = \ postDir + '/' + \ httpPrefix + ':##' + domainFull + '#users#' + \ nickname + '#statuses#' + statusNumber + '.replies' if not os.path.isfile(postRepliesFilename): # There are no replies, # so show empty collection contextStr = \ 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams' firstStr = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + '/users/' + nickname + \ '/statuses/' + statusNumber + '/replies?page=true' idStr = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + '/users/' + nickname + \ '/statuses/' + statusNumber + '/replies' lastStr = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + '/users/' + nickname + \ '/statuses/' + statusNumber + '/replies?page=true' repliesJson = { '@context': contextStr, 'first': firstStr, 'id': idStr, 'last': lastStr, 'totalItems': 0, 'type': 'OrderedCollection' } if self._requestHTTP(): if not self.server.session: print('DEBUG: creating new session during get replies') self.server.session = createSession(proxyType) if not self.server.session: print('ERROR: GET failed to create session ' + 'during get replies') self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return recentPostsCache = self.server.recentPostsCache maxRecentPosts = self.server.maxRecentPosts translate = self.server.translate session = self.server.session cachedWebfingers = self.server.cachedWebfingers personCache = self.server.personCache projectVersion = self.server.projectVersion ytDomain = self.server.YTReplacementDomain peertubeInstances = self.server.peertubeInstances msg = \ htmlPostReplies(self.server.cssCache, recentPostsCache, maxRecentPosts, translate, baseDir, session, cachedWebfingers, personCache, nickname, domain, port, repliesJson, httpPrefix, projectVersion, ytDomain, self.server.showPublishedDateOnly, peertubeInstances, self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess, self.server.themeName) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) else: if self._fetchAuthenticated(): msg = json.dumps(repliesJson, ensure_ascii=False) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') protocolStr = 'application/json' msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers(protocolStr, msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) else: self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return True else: # replies exist. Itterate through the # text file containing message ids contextStr = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams' idStr = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + \ '/users/' + nickname + '/statuses/' + \ statusNumber + '?page=true' partOfStr = \ httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + \ '/users/' + nickname + '/statuses/' + statusNumber repliesJson = { '@context': contextStr, 'id': idStr, 'orderedItems': [ ], 'partOf': partOfStr, 'type': 'OrderedCollectionPage' } # populate the items list with replies populateRepliesJson(baseDir, nickname, domain, postRepliesFilename, authorized, repliesJson) # send the replies json if self._requestHTTP(): if not self.server.session: print('DEBUG: creating new session ' + 'during get replies 2') self.server.session = createSession(proxyType) if not self.server.session: print('ERROR: GET failed to ' + 'create session ' + 'during get replies 2') self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return recentPostsCache = self.server.recentPostsCache maxRecentPosts = self.server.maxRecentPosts translate = self.server.translate session = self.server.session cachedWebfingers = self.server.cachedWebfingers personCache = self.server.personCache projectVersion = self.server.projectVersion ytDomain = self.server.YTReplacementDomain peertubeInstances = self.server.peertubeInstances msg = \ htmlPostReplies(self.server.cssCache, recentPostsCache, maxRecentPosts, translate, baseDir, session, cachedWebfingers, personCache, nickname, domain, port, repliesJson, httpPrefix, projectVersion, ytDomain, self.server.showPublishedDateOnly, peertubeInstances, self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess, self.server.themeName) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'individual post done', 'post replies done') else: if self._fetchAuthenticated(): msg = json.dumps(repliesJson, ensure_ascii=False) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') protocolStr = 'application/json' msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers(protocolStr, msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) else: self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return True return False def _showRoles(self, authorized: bool, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, cookie: str, debug: str) -> bool: """Show roles within profile screen """ namedStatus = path.split('/users/')[1] if '/' not in namedStatus: return False postSections = namedStatus.split('/') nickname = postSections[0] actorFilename = \ baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain + '.json' if not os.path.isfile(actorFilename): return False actorJson = loadJson(actorFilename) if not actorJson: return False if actorJson.get('roles'): if self._requestHTTP(): getPerson = \ personLookup(domain, path.replace('/roles', ''), baseDir) if getPerson: defaultTimeline = \ self.server.defaultTimeline recentPostsCache = \ self.server.recentPostsCache cachedWebfingers = \ self.server.cachedWebfingers YTReplacementDomain = \ self.server.YTReplacementDomain iconsAsButtons = \ self.server.iconsAsButtons msg = \ htmlProfile(self.server.rssIconAtTop, self.server.cssCache, iconsAsButtons, defaultTimeline, recentPostsCache, self.server.maxRecentPosts, self.server.translate, self.server.projectVersion, baseDir, httpPrefix, True, getPerson, 'roles', self.server.session, cachedWebfingers, self.server.personCache, YTReplacementDomain, self.server.showPublishedDateOnly, self.server.newswire, self.server.themeName, self.server.dormantMonths, self.server.peertubeInstances, self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess, self.server.textModeBanner, self.server.debug, actorJson['roles'], None, None) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'post replies done', 'show roles') else: if self._fetchAuthenticated(): msg = json.dumps(actorJson['roles'], ensure_ascii=False) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('application/json', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) else: self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return True return False def _showSkills(self, authorized: bool, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, cookie: str, debug: str) -> bool: """Show skills on the profile screen """ namedStatus = path.split('/users/')[1] if '/' in namedStatus: postSections = namedStatus.split('/') nickname = postSections[0] actorFilename = \ baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + domain + '.json' if os.path.isfile(actorFilename): actorJson = loadJson(actorFilename) if actorJson: if actorJson.get('skills'): if self._requestHTTP(): getPerson = \ personLookup(domain, path.replace('/skills', ''), baseDir) if getPerson: defaultTimeline = \ self.server.defaultTimeline recentPostsCache = \ self.server.recentPostsCache cachedWebfingers = \ self.server.cachedWebfingers YTReplacementDomain = \ self.server.YTReplacementDomain showPublishedDateOnly = \ self.server.showPublishedDateOnly iconsAsButtons = \ self.server.iconsAsButtons allowLocalNetworkAccess = \ self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess msg = \ htmlProfile(self.server.rssIconAtTop, self.server.cssCache, iconsAsButtons, defaultTimeline, recentPostsCache, self.server.maxRecentPosts, self.server.translate, self.server.projectVersion, baseDir, httpPrefix, True, getPerson, 'skills', self.server.session, cachedWebfingers, self.server.personCache, YTReplacementDomain, showPublishedDateOnly, self.server.newswire, self.server.themeName, self.server.dormantMonths, self.server.peertubeInstances, allowLocalNetworkAccess, self.server.textModeBanner, self.server.debug, actorJson['skills'], None, None) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'post roles done', 'show skills') else: if self._fetchAuthenticated(): msg = json.dumps(actorJson['skills'], ensure_ascii=False) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('application/json', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) else: self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return True actor = path.replace('/skills', '') actorAbsolute = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + actor if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: actorAbsolute = 'http://' + onionDomain + actor elif callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain: actorAbsolute = 'http://' + i2pDomain + actor self._redirect_headers(actorAbsolute, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.GETbusy = False return True def _showIndividualAtPost(self, authorized: bool, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, cookie: str, debug: str) -> bool: """get an individual post from the path /@nickname/statusnumber """ if '/@' not in path: return False likedBy = None if '?likedBy=' in path: likedBy = path.split('?likedBy=')[1].strip() if '?' in likedBy: likedBy = likedBy.split('?')[0] path = path.split('?likedBy=')[0] namedStatus = path.split('/@')[1] if '/' not in namedStatus: # show actor nickname = namedStatus else: postSections = namedStatus.split('/') if len(postSections) == 2: nickname = postSections[0] statusNumber = postSections[1] if len(statusNumber) > 10 and statusNumber.isdigit(): postFilename = \ baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + \ domain + '/outbox/' + \ httpPrefix + ':##' + \ domainFull + '#users#' + \ nickname + '#statuses#' + \ statusNumber + '.json' if os.path.isfile(postFilename): postJsonObject = loadJson(postFilename) loadedPost = False if postJsonObject: loadedPost = True else: postJsonObject = {} if loadedPost: # Only authorized viewers get to see likes # on posts. Otherwize marketers could gain # more social graph info if not authorized: pjo = postJsonObject if not isPublicPost(pjo): self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return True self._removePostInteractions(pjo) if self._requestHTTP(): recentPostsCache = \ self.server.recentPostsCache maxRecentPosts = \ self.server.maxRecentPosts translate = \ self.server.translate cachedWebfingers = \ self.server.cachedWebfingers personCache = \ self.server.personCache projectVersion = \ self.server.projectVersion ytDomain = \ self.server.YTReplacementDomain showPublishedDateOnly = \ self.server.showPublishedDateOnly peertubeInstances = \ self.server.peertubeInstances cssCache = self.server.cssCache allowLocalNetworkAccess = \ self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess themeName = \ self.server.themeName msg = \ htmlIndividualPost(cssCache, recentPostsCache, maxRecentPosts, translate, self.server.baseDir, self.server.session, cachedWebfingers, personCache, nickname, domain, port, authorized, postJsonObject, httpPrefix, projectVersion, likedBy, ytDomain, showPublishedDateOnly, peertubeInstances, allowLocalNetworkAccess, themeName) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) else: if self._fetchAuthenticated(): msg = json.dumps(postJsonObject, ensure_ascii=False) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('application/json', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) else: self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'new post done', 'individual post shown') return True else: self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return True return False def _showIndividualPost(self, authorized: bool, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, cookie: str, debug: str) -> bool: """Shows an individual post """ likedBy = None if '?likedBy=' in path: likedBy = path.split('?likedBy=')[1].strip() if '?' in likedBy: likedBy = likedBy.split('?')[0] path = path.split('?likedBy=')[0] namedStatus = path.split('/users/')[1] if '/' not in namedStatus: return False postSections = namedStatus.split('/') if len(postSections) < 3: return False nickname = postSections[0] statusNumber = postSections[2] if len(statusNumber) <= 10 or (not statusNumber.isdigit()): return False postFilename = \ baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + \ domain + '/outbox/' + \ httpPrefix + ':##' + \ domainFull + '#users#' + \ nickname + '#statuses#' + \ statusNumber + '.json' if os.path.isfile(postFilename): postJsonObject = loadJson(postFilename) if not postJsonObject: self.send_response(429) self.end_headers() self.server.GETbusy = False return True else: # Only authorized viewers get to see likes # on posts # Otherwize marketers could gain more social # graph info if not authorized: pjo = postJsonObject if not isPublicPost(pjo): self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return True self._removePostInteractions(pjo) if self._requestHTTP(): recentPostsCache = \ self.server.recentPostsCache maxRecentPosts = \ self.server.maxRecentPosts translate = \ self.server.translate cachedWebfingers = \ self.server.cachedWebfingers personCache = \ self.server.personCache projectVersion = \ self.server.projectVersion ytDomain = \ self.server.YTReplacementDomain showPublishedDateOnly = \ self.server.showPublishedDateOnly peertubeInstances = \ self.server.peertubeInstances allowLocalNetworkAccess = \ self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess themeName = \ self.server.themeName msg = \ htmlIndividualPost(self.server.cssCache, recentPostsCache, maxRecentPosts, translate, baseDir, self.server.session, cachedWebfingers, personCache, nickname, domain, port, authorized, postJsonObject, httpPrefix, projectVersion, likedBy, ytDomain, showPublishedDateOnly, peertubeInstances, allowLocalNetworkAccess, themeName) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show skills ' + 'done', 'show status') else: if self._fetchAuthenticated(): msg = json.dumps(postJsonObject, ensure_ascii=False) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('application/json', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) else: self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return True else: self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return True return False def _showInbox(self, authorized: bool, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, cookie: str, debug: str, recentPostsCache: {}, session, defaultTimeline: str, maxRecentPosts: int, translate: {}, cachedWebfingers: {}, personCache: {}, allowDeletion: bool, projectVersion: str, YTReplacementDomain: str) -> bool: """Shows the inbox timeline """ if '/users/' in path: if authorized: inboxFeed = \ personBoxJson(recentPostsCache, session, baseDir, domain, port, path, httpPrefix, maxPostsInFeed, 'inbox', authorized, 0, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.votingTimeMins) if inboxFeed: if GETstartTime: self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show status done', 'show inbox json') if self._requestHTTP(): nickname = path.replace('/users/', '') nickname = nickname.replace('/inbox', '') pageNumber = 1 if '?page=' in nickname: pageNumber = nickname.split('?page=')[1] nickname = nickname.split('?page=')[0] if pageNumber.isdigit(): pageNumber = int(pageNumber) else: pageNumber = 1 if 'page=' not in path: # if no page was specified then show the first inboxFeed = \ personBoxJson(recentPostsCache, session, baseDir, domain, port, path + '?page=1', httpPrefix, maxPostsInFeed, 'inbox', authorized, 0, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.votingTimeMins) if GETstartTime: self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show status done', 'show inbox page') fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader = \ self.server.fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader minimalNick = self._isMinimal(nickname) msg = htmlInbox(self.server.cssCache, defaultTimeline, recentPostsCache, maxRecentPosts, translate, pageNumber, maxPostsInFeed, session, baseDir, cachedWebfingers, personCache, nickname, domain, port, inboxFeed, allowDeletion, httpPrefix, projectVersion, minimalNick, YTReplacementDomain, self.server.showPublishedDateOnly, self.server.newswire, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.showPublishAsIcon, fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader, self.server.iconsAsButtons, self.server.rssIconAtTop, self.server.publishButtonAtTop, authorized, self.server.themeName, self.server.peertubeInstances, self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess, self.server.textModeBanner) if GETstartTime: self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show status done', 'show inbox html') if msg: msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) if GETstartTime: self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show status done', 'show inbox') else: # don't need authenticated fetch here because # there is already the authorization check msg = json.dumps(inboxFeed, ensure_ascii=False) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('application/json', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.GETbusy = False return True else: if debug: nickname = path.replace('/users/', '') nickname = nickname.replace('/inbox', '') print('DEBUG: ' + nickname + ' was not authorized to access ' + path) if path != '/inbox': # not the shared inbox if debug: print('DEBUG: GET access to inbox is unauthorized') self.send_response(405) self.end_headers() self.server.GETbusy = False return True return False def _showDMs(self, authorized: bool, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, cookie: str, debug: str) -> bool: """Shows the DMs timeline """ if '/users/' in path: if authorized: inboxDMFeed = \ personBoxJson(self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.session, baseDir, domain, port, path, httpPrefix, maxPostsInFeed, 'dm', authorized, 0, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.votingTimeMins) if inboxDMFeed: if self._requestHTTP(): nickname = path.replace('/users/', '') nickname = nickname.replace('/dm', '') pageNumber = 1 if '?page=' in nickname: pageNumber = nickname.split('?page=')[1] nickname = nickname.split('?page=')[0] if pageNumber.isdigit(): pageNumber = int(pageNumber) else: pageNumber = 1 if 'page=' not in path: # if no page was specified then show the first inboxDMFeed = \ personBoxJson(self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.session, baseDir, domain, port, path + '?page=1', httpPrefix, maxPostsInFeed, 'dm', authorized, 0, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.votingTimeMins) fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader = \ self.server.fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader minimalNick = self._isMinimal(nickname) msg = \ htmlInboxDMs(self.server.cssCache, self.server.defaultTimeline, self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.maxRecentPosts, self.server.translate, pageNumber, maxPostsInFeed, self.server.session, baseDir, self.server.cachedWebfingers, self.server.personCache, nickname, domain, port, inboxDMFeed, self.server.allowDeletion, httpPrefix, self.server.projectVersion, minimalNick, self.server.YTReplacementDomain, self.server.showPublishedDateOnly, self.server.newswire, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.showPublishAsIcon, fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader, self.server.iconsAsButtons, self.server.rssIconAtTop, self.server.publishButtonAtTop, authorized, self.server.themeName, self.server.peertubeInstances, self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess, self.server.textModeBanner) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show inbox done', 'show dms') else: # don't need authenticated fetch here because # there is already the authorization check msg = json.dumps(inboxDMFeed, ensure_ascii=False) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('application/json', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.GETbusy = False return True else: if debug: nickname = path.replace('/users/', '') nickname = nickname.replace('/dm', '') print('DEBUG: ' + nickname + ' was not authorized to access ' + path) if path != '/dm': # not the DM inbox if debug: print('DEBUG: GET access to DM timeline is unauthorized') self.send_response(405) self.end_headers() self.server.GETbusy = False return True return False def _showReplies(self, authorized: bool, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, cookie: str, debug: str) -> bool: """Shows the replies timeline """ if '/users/' in path: if authorized: inboxRepliesFeed = \ personBoxJson(self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.session, baseDir, domain, port, path, httpPrefix, maxPostsInFeed, 'tlreplies', True, 0, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.votingTimeMins) if not inboxRepliesFeed: inboxRepliesFeed = [] if self._requestHTTP(): nickname = path.replace('/users/', '') nickname = nickname.replace('/tlreplies', '') pageNumber = 1 if '?page=' in nickname: pageNumber = nickname.split('?page=')[1] nickname = nickname.split('?page=')[0] if pageNumber.isdigit(): pageNumber = int(pageNumber) else: pageNumber = 1 if 'page=' not in path: # if no page was specified then show the first inboxRepliesFeed = \ personBoxJson(self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.session, baseDir, domain, port, path + '?page=1', httpPrefix, maxPostsInFeed, 'tlreplies', True, 0, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.votingTimeMins) fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader = \ self.server.fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader minimalNick = self._isMinimal(nickname) msg = \ htmlInboxReplies(self.server.cssCache, self.server.defaultTimeline, self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.maxRecentPosts, self.server.translate, pageNumber, maxPostsInFeed, self.server.session, baseDir, self.server.cachedWebfingers, self.server.personCache, nickname, domain, port, inboxRepliesFeed, self.server.allowDeletion, httpPrefix, self.server.projectVersion, minimalNick, self.server.YTReplacementDomain, self.server.showPublishedDateOnly, self.server.newswire, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.showPublishAsIcon, fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader, self.server.iconsAsButtons, self.server.rssIconAtTop, self.server.publishButtonAtTop, authorized, self.server.themeName, self.server.peertubeInstances, self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess, self.server.textModeBanner) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show dms done', 'show replies 2') else: # don't need authenticated fetch here because there is # already the authorization check msg = json.dumps(inboxRepliesFeed, ensure_ascii=False) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('application/json', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.GETbusy = False return True else: if debug: nickname = path.replace('/users/', '') nickname = nickname.replace('/tlreplies', '') print('DEBUG: ' + nickname + ' was not authorized to access ' + path) if path != '/tlreplies': # not the replies inbox if debug: print('DEBUG: GET access to inbox is unauthorized') self.send_response(405) self.end_headers() self.server.GETbusy = False return True return False def _showMediaTimeline(self, authorized: bool, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, cookie: str, debug: str) -> bool: """Shows the media timeline """ if '/users/' in path: if authorized: inboxMediaFeed = \ personBoxJson(self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.session, baseDir, domain, port, path, httpPrefix, maxPostsInMediaFeed, 'tlmedia', True, 0, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.votingTimeMins) if not inboxMediaFeed: inboxMediaFeed = [] if self._requestHTTP(): nickname = path.replace('/users/', '') nickname = nickname.replace('/tlmedia', '') pageNumber = 1 if '?page=' in nickname: pageNumber = nickname.split('?page=')[1] nickname = nickname.split('?page=')[0] if pageNumber.isdigit(): pageNumber = int(pageNumber) else: pageNumber = 1 if 'page=' not in path: # if no page was specified then show the first inboxMediaFeed = \ personBoxJson(self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.session, baseDir, domain, port, path + '?page=1', httpPrefix, maxPostsInMediaFeed, 'tlmedia', True, 0, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.votingTimeMins) fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader = \ self.server.fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader minimalNick = self._isMinimal(nickname) msg = \ htmlInboxMedia(self.server.cssCache, self.server.defaultTimeline, self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.maxRecentPosts, self.server.translate, pageNumber, maxPostsInMediaFeed, self.server.session, baseDir, self.server.cachedWebfingers, self.server.personCache, nickname, domain, port, inboxMediaFeed, self.server.allowDeletion, httpPrefix, self.server.projectVersion, minimalNick, self.server.YTReplacementDomain, self.server.showPublishedDateOnly, self.server.newswire, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.showPublishAsIcon, fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader, self.server.iconsAsButtons, self.server.rssIconAtTop, self.server.publishButtonAtTop, authorized, self.server.themeName, self.server.peertubeInstances, self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess, self.server.textModeBanner) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show replies 2 done', 'show media 2') else: # don't need authenticated fetch here because there is # already the authorization check msg = json.dumps(inboxMediaFeed, ensure_ascii=False) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('application/json', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.GETbusy = False return True else: if debug: nickname = path.replace('/users/', '') nickname = nickname.replace('/tlmedia', '') print('DEBUG: ' + nickname + ' was not authorized to access ' + path) if path != '/tlmedia': # not the media inbox if debug: print('DEBUG: GET access to inbox is unauthorized') self.send_response(405) self.end_headers() self.server.GETbusy = False return True return False def _showBlogsTimeline(self, authorized: bool, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, cookie: str, debug: str) -> bool: """Shows the blogs timeline """ if '/users/' in path: if authorized: inboxBlogsFeed = \ personBoxJson(self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.session, baseDir, domain, port, path, httpPrefix, maxPostsInBlogsFeed, 'tlblogs', True, 0, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.votingTimeMins) if not inboxBlogsFeed: inboxBlogsFeed = [] if self._requestHTTP(): nickname = path.replace('/users/', '') nickname = nickname.replace('/tlblogs', '') pageNumber = 1 if '?page=' in nickname: pageNumber = nickname.split('?page=')[1] nickname = nickname.split('?page=')[0] if pageNumber.isdigit(): pageNumber = int(pageNumber) else: pageNumber = 1 if 'page=' not in path: # if no page was specified then show the first inboxBlogsFeed = \ personBoxJson(self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.session, baseDir, domain, port, path + '?page=1', httpPrefix, maxPostsInBlogsFeed, 'tlblogs', True, 0, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.votingTimeMins) fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader = \ self.server.fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader minimalNick = self._isMinimal(nickname) msg = \ htmlInboxBlogs(self.server.cssCache, self.server.defaultTimeline, self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.maxRecentPosts, self.server.translate, pageNumber, maxPostsInBlogsFeed, self.server.session, baseDir, self.server.cachedWebfingers, self.server.personCache, nickname, domain, port, inboxBlogsFeed, self.server.allowDeletion, httpPrefix, self.server.projectVersion, minimalNick, self.server.YTReplacementDomain, self.server.showPublishedDateOnly, self.server.newswire, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.showPublishAsIcon, fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader, self.server.iconsAsButtons, self.server.rssIconAtTop, self.server.publishButtonAtTop, authorized, self.server.themeName, self.server.peertubeInstances, self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess, self.server.textModeBanner) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show media 2 done', 'show blogs 2') else: # don't need authenticated fetch here because there is # already the authorization check msg = json.dumps(inboxBlogsFeed, ensure_ascii=False) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('application/json', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.GETbusy = False return True else: if debug: nickname = path.replace('/users/', '') nickname = nickname.replace('/tlblogs', '') print('DEBUG: ' + nickname + ' was not authorized to access ' + path) if path != '/tlblogs': # not the blogs inbox if debug: print('DEBUG: GET access to blogs is unauthorized') self.send_response(405) self.end_headers() self.server.GETbusy = False return True return False def _showNewsTimeline(self, authorized: bool, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, cookie: str, debug: str) -> bool: """Shows the news timeline """ if '/users/' in path: if authorized: inboxNewsFeed = \ personBoxJson(self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.session, baseDir, domain, port, path, httpPrefix, maxPostsInNewsFeed, 'tlnews', True, self.server.newswireVotesThreshold, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.votingTimeMins) if not inboxNewsFeed: inboxNewsFeed = [] if self._requestHTTP(): nickname = path.replace('/users/', '') nickname = nickname.replace('/tlnews', '') pageNumber = 1 if '?page=' in nickname: pageNumber = nickname.split('?page=')[1] nickname = nickname.split('?page=')[0] if pageNumber.isdigit(): pageNumber = int(pageNumber) else: pageNumber = 1 if 'page=' not in path: # if no page was specified then show the first inboxNewsFeed = \ personBoxJson(self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.session, baseDir, domain, port, path + '?page=1', httpPrefix, maxPostsInBlogsFeed, 'tlnews', True, self.server.newswireVotesThreshold, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.votingTimeMins) currNickname = path.split('/users/')[1] if '/' in currNickname: currNickname = currNickname.split('/')[0] moderator = isModerator(baseDir, currNickname) editor = isEditor(baseDir, currNickname) fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader = \ self.server.fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader minimalNick = self._isMinimal(nickname) msg = \ htmlInboxNews(self.server.cssCache, self.server.defaultTimeline, self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.maxRecentPosts, self.server.translate, pageNumber, maxPostsInNewsFeed, self.server.session, baseDir, self.server.cachedWebfingers, self.server.personCache, nickname, domain, port, inboxNewsFeed, self.server.allowDeletion, httpPrefix, self.server.projectVersion, minimalNick, self.server.YTReplacementDomain, self.server.showPublishedDateOnly, self.server.newswire, moderator, editor, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.showPublishAsIcon, fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader, self.server.iconsAsButtons, self.server.rssIconAtTop, self.server.publishButtonAtTop, authorized, self.server.themeName, self.server.peertubeInstances, self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess, self.server.textModeBanner) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show blogs 2 done', 'show news 2') else: # don't need authenticated fetch here because there is # already the authorization check msg = json.dumps(inboxNewsFeed, ensure_ascii=False) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('application/json', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.GETbusy = False return True else: if debug: nickname = 'news' print('DEBUG: ' + nickname + ' was not authorized to access ' + path) if path != '/tlnews': # not the news inbox if debug: print('DEBUG: GET access to news is unauthorized') self.send_response(405) self.end_headers() self.server.GETbusy = False return True return False def _showFeaturesTimeline(self, authorized: bool, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, cookie: str, debug: str) -> bool: """Shows the features timeline (all local blogs) """ if '/users/' in path: if authorized: inboxFeaturesFeed = \ personBoxJson(self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.session, baseDir, domain, port, path, httpPrefix, maxPostsInNewsFeed, 'tlfeatures', True, self.server.newswireVotesThreshold, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.votingTimeMins) if not inboxFeaturesFeed: inboxFeaturesFeed = [] if self._requestHTTP(): nickname = path.replace('/users/', '') nickname = nickname.replace('/tlfeatures', '') pageNumber = 1 if '?page=' in nickname: pageNumber = nickname.split('?page=')[1] nickname = nickname.split('?page=')[0] if pageNumber.isdigit(): pageNumber = int(pageNumber) else: pageNumber = 1 if 'page=' not in path: # if no page was specified then show the first inboxFeaturesFeed = \ personBoxJson(self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.session, baseDir, domain, port, path + '?page=1', httpPrefix, maxPostsInBlogsFeed, 'tlfeatures', True, self.server.newswireVotesThreshold, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.votingTimeMins) currNickname = path.split('/users/')[1] if '/' in currNickname: currNickname = currNickname.split('/')[0] fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader = \ self.server.fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader minimalNick = self._isMinimal(nickname) msg = \ htmlInboxFeatures(self.server.cssCache, self.server.defaultTimeline, self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.maxRecentPosts, self.server.translate, pageNumber, maxPostsInBlogsFeed, self.server.session, baseDir, self.server.cachedWebfingers, self.server.personCache, nickname, domain, port, inboxFeaturesFeed, self.server.allowDeletion, httpPrefix, self.server.projectVersion, minimalNick, self.server.YTReplacementDomain, self.server.showPublishedDateOnly, self.server.newswire, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.showPublishAsIcon, fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader, self.server.iconsAsButtons, self.server.rssIconAtTop, self.server.publishButtonAtTop, authorized, self.server.themeName, self.server.peertubeInstances, self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess, self.server.textModeBanner) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show blogs 2 done', 'show news 2') else: # don't need authenticated fetch here because there is # already the authorization check msg = json.dumps(inboxFeaturesFeed, ensure_ascii=False) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('application/json', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.GETbusy = False return True else: if debug: nickname = 'news' print('DEBUG: ' + nickname + ' was not authorized to access ' + path) if path != '/tlfeatures': # not the features inbox if debug: print('DEBUG: GET access to features is unauthorized') self.send_response(405) self.end_headers() self.server.GETbusy = False return True return False def _showSharesTimeline(self, authorized: bool, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, cookie: str, debug: str) -> bool: """Shows the shares timeline """ if '/users/' in path: if authorized: if self._requestHTTP(): nickname = path.replace('/users/', '') nickname = nickname.replace('/tlshares', '') pageNumber = 1 if '?page=' in nickname: pageNumber = nickname.split('?page=')[1] nickname = nickname.split('?page=')[0] if pageNumber.isdigit(): pageNumber = int(pageNumber) else: pageNumber = 1 msg = \ htmlShares(self.server.cssCache, self.server.defaultTimeline, self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.maxRecentPosts, self.server.translate, pageNumber, maxPostsInFeed, self.server.session, baseDir, self.server.cachedWebfingers, self.server.personCache, nickname, domain, port, self.server.allowDeletion, httpPrefix, self.server.projectVersion, self.server.YTReplacementDomain, self.server.showPublishedDateOnly, self.server.newswire, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.showPublishAsIcon, self.server.fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader, self.server.iconsAsButtons, self.server.rssIconAtTop, self.server.publishButtonAtTop, authorized, self.server.themeName, self.server.peertubeInstances, self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess, self.server.textModeBanner) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show blogs 2 done', 'show shares 2') self.server.GETbusy = False return True # not the shares timeline if debug: print('DEBUG: GET access to shares timeline is unauthorized') self.send_response(405) self.end_headers() self.server.GETbusy = False return True def _showBookmarksTimeline(self, authorized: bool, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, cookie: str, debug: str) -> bool: """Shows the bookmarks timeline """ if '/users/' in path: if authorized: bookmarksFeed = \ personBoxJson(self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.session, baseDir, domain, port, path, httpPrefix, maxPostsInFeed, 'tlbookmarks', authorized, 0, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.votingTimeMins) if bookmarksFeed: if self._requestHTTP(): nickname = path.replace('/users/', '') nickname = nickname.replace('/tlbookmarks', '') nickname = nickname.replace('/bookmarks', '') pageNumber = 1 if '?page=' in nickname: pageNumber = nickname.split('?page=')[1] nickname = nickname.split('?page=')[0] if pageNumber.isdigit(): pageNumber = int(pageNumber) else: pageNumber = 1 if 'page=' not in path: # if no page was specified then show the first bookmarksFeed = \ personBoxJson(self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.session, baseDir, domain, port, path + '?page=1', httpPrefix, maxPostsInFeed, 'tlbookmarks', authorized, 0, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.votingTimeMins) fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader = \ self.server.fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader minimalNick = self._isMinimal(nickname) msg = \ htmlBookmarks(self.server.cssCache, self.server.defaultTimeline, self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.maxRecentPosts, self.server.translate, pageNumber, maxPostsInFeed, self.server.session, baseDir, self.server.cachedWebfingers, self.server.personCache, nickname, domain, port, bookmarksFeed, self.server.allowDeletion, httpPrefix, self.server.projectVersion, minimalNick, self.server.YTReplacementDomain, self.server.showPublishedDateOnly, self.server.newswire, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.showPublishAsIcon, fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader, self.server.iconsAsButtons, self.server.rssIconAtTop, self.server.publishButtonAtTop, authorized, self.server.themeName, self.server.peertubeInstances, self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess, self.server.textModeBanner) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show shares 2 done', 'show bookmarks 2') else: # don't need authenticated fetch here because # there is already the authorization check msg = json.dumps(bookmarksFeed, ensure_ascii=False) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('application/json', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.GETbusy = False return True else: if debug: nickname = path.replace('/users/', '') nickname = nickname.replace('/tlbookmarks', '') nickname = nickname.replace('/bookmarks', '') print('DEBUG: ' + nickname + ' was not authorized to access ' + path) if debug: print('DEBUG: GET access to bookmarks is unauthorized') self.send_response(405) self.end_headers() self.server.GETbusy = False return True def _showEventsTimeline(self, authorized: bool, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, cookie: str, debug: str) -> bool: """Shows the events timeline """ if '/users/' in path: if authorized: # convert /events to /tlevents if path.endswith('/events') or \ '/events?page=' in path: path = path.replace('/events', '/tlevents') eventsFeed = \ personBoxJson(self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.session, baseDir, domain, port, path, httpPrefix, maxPostsInFeed, 'tlevents', authorized, 0, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.votingTimeMins) print('eventsFeed: ' + str(eventsFeed)) if eventsFeed: if self._requestHTTP(): nickname = path.replace('/users/', '') nickname = nickname.replace('/tlevents', '') pageNumber = 1 if '?page=' in nickname: pageNumber = nickname.split('?page=')[1] nickname = nickname.split('?page=')[0] if pageNumber.isdigit(): pageNumber = int(pageNumber) else: pageNumber = 1 if 'page=' not in path: # if no page was specified then show the first eventsFeed = \ personBoxJson(self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.session, baseDir, domain, port, path + '?page=1', httpPrefix, maxPostsInFeed, 'tlevents', authorized, 0, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.votingTimeMins) fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader = \ self.server.fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader minimalNick = self._isMinimal(nickname) msg = \ htmlEvents(self.server.cssCache, self.server.defaultTimeline, self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.maxRecentPosts, self.server.translate, pageNumber, maxPostsInFeed, self.server.session, baseDir, self.server.cachedWebfingers, self.server.personCache, nickname, domain, port, eventsFeed, self.server.allowDeletion, httpPrefix, self.server.projectVersion, minimalNick, self.server.YTReplacementDomain, self.server.showPublishedDateOnly, self.server.newswire, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.showPublishAsIcon, fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader, self.server.iconsAsButtons, self.server.rssIconAtTop, self.server.publishButtonAtTop, authorized, self.server.themeName, self.server.peertubeInstances, self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess, self.server.textModeBanner) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show bookmarks 2 done', 'show events') else: # don't need authenticated fetch here because # there is already the authorization check msg = json.dumps(eventsFeed, ensure_ascii=False) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('application/json', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.GETbusy = False return True else: if debug: nickname = path.replace('/users/', '') nickname = nickname.replace('/tlevents', '') print('DEBUG: ' + nickname + ' was not authorized to access ' + path) if debug: print('DEBUG: GET access to events is unauthorized') self.send_response(405) self.end_headers() self.server.GETbusy = False return True def _showOutboxTimeline(self, authorized: bool, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, cookie: str, debug: str) -> bool: """Shows the outbox timeline """ # get outbox feed for a person outboxFeed = \ personBoxJson(self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.session, baseDir, domain, port, path, httpPrefix, maxPostsInFeed, 'outbox', authorized, self.server.newswireVotesThreshold, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.votingTimeMins) if outboxFeed: if self._requestHTTP(): nickname = \ path.replace('/users/', '').replace('/outbox', '') pageNumber = 1 if '?page=' in nickname: pageNumber = nickname.split('?page=')[1] nickname = nickname.split('?page=')[0] if pageNumber.isdigit(): pageNumber = int(pageNumber) else: pageNumber = 1 if 'page=' not in path: # if a page wasn't specified then show the first one outboxFeed = \ personBoxJson(self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.session, baseDir, domain, port, path + '?page=1', httpPrefix, maxPostsInFeed, 'outbox', authorized, self.server.newswireVotesThreshold, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.votingTimeMins) fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader = \ self.server.fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader minimalNick = self._isMinimal(nickname) msg = \ htmlOutbox(self.server.cssCache, self.server.defaultTimeline, self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.maxRecentPosts, self.server.translate, pageNumber, maxPostsInFeed, self.server.session, baseDir, self.server.cachedWebfingers, self.server.personCache, nickname, domain, port, outboxFeed, self.server.allowDeletion, httpPrefix, self.server.projectVersion, minimalNick, self.server.YTReplacementDomain, self.server.showPublishedDateOnly, self.server.newswire, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.showPublishAsIcon, fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader, self.server.iconsAsButtons, self.server.rssIconAtTop, self.server.publishButtonAtTop, authorized, self.server.themeName, self.server.peertubeInstances, self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess, self.server.textModeBanner) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show events done', 'show outbox') else: if self._fetchAuthenticated(): msg = json.dumps(outboxFeed, ensure_ascii=False) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('application/json', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) else: self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return True return False def _showModTimeline(self, authorized: bool, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, cookie: str, debug: str) -> bool: """Shows the moderation timeline """ if '/users/' in path: if authorized: moderationFeed = \ personBoxJson(self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.session, baseDir, domain, port, path, httpPrefix, maxPostsInFeed, 'moderation', True, 0, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.votingTimeMins) if moderationFeed: if self._requestHTTP(): nickname = path.replace('/users/', '') nickname = nickname.replace('/moderation', '') pageNumber = 1 if '?page=' in nickname: pageNumber = nickname.split('?page=')[1] nickname = nickname.split('?page=')[0] if pageNumber.isdigit(): pageNumber = int(pageNumber) else: pageNumber = 1 if 'page=' not in path: # if no page was specified then show the first moderationFeed = \ personBoxJson(self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.session, baseDir, domain, port, path + '?page=1', httpPrefix, maxPostsInFeed, 'moderation', True, 0, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.votingTimeMins) fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader = \ self.server.fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader moderationActionStr = '' msg = \ htmlModeration(self.server.cssCache, self.server.defaultTimeline, self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.maxRecentPosts, self.server.translate, pageNumber, maxPostsInFeed, self.server.session, baseDir, self.server.cachedWebfingers, self.server.personCache, nickname, domain, port, moderationFeed, True, httpPrefix, self.server.projectVersion, self.server.YTReplacementDomain, self.server.showPublishedDateOnly, self.server.newswire, self.server.positiveVoting, self.server.showPublishAsIcon, fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader, self.server.iconsAsButtons, self.server.rssIconAtTop, self.server.publishButtonAtTop, authorized, moderationActionStr, self.server.themeName, self.server.peertubeInstances, self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess, self.server.textModeBanner) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show outbox done', 'show moderation') else: # don't need authenticated fetch here because # there is already the authorization check msg = json.dumps(moderationFeed, ensure_ascii=False) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('application/json', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.GETbusy = False return True else: if debug: nickname = path.replace('/users/', '') nickname = nickname.replace('/moderation', '') print('DEBUG: ' + nickname + ' was not authorized to access ' + path) if debug: print('DEBUG: GET access to moderation feed is unauthorized') self.send_response(405) self.end_headers() self.server.GETbusy = False return True def _showSharesFeed(self, authorized: bool, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, cookie: str, debug: str) -> bool: """Shows the shares feed """ shares = \ getSharesFeedForPerson(baseDir, domain, port, path, httpPrefix, sharesPerPage) if shares: if self._requestHTTP(): pageNumber = 1 if '?page=' not in path: searchPath = path # get a page of shares, not the summary shares = \ getSharesFeedForPerson(baseDir, domain, port, path + '?page=true', httpPrefix, sharesPerPage) else: pageNumberStr = path.split('?page=')[1] if '#' in pageNumberStr: pageNumberStr = pageNumberStr.split('#')[0] if pageNumberStr.isdigit(): pageNumber = int(pageNumberStr) searchPath = path.split('?page=')[0] getPerson = \ personLookup(domain, searchPath.replace('/shares', ''), baseDir) if getPerson: if not self.server.session: print('Starting new session during profile') self.server.session = createSession(proxyType) if not self.server.session: print('ERROR: GET failed to create session ' + 'during profile') self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return True msg = \ htmlProfile(self.server.rssIconAtTop, self.server.cssCache, self.server.iconsAsButtons, self.server.defaultTimeline, self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.maxRecentPosts, self.server.translate, self.server.projectVersion, baseDir, httpPrefix, authorized, getPerson, 'shares', self.server.session, self.server.cachedWebfingers, self.server.personCache, self.server.YTReplacementDomain, self.server.showPublishedDateOnly, self.server.newswire, self.server.themeName, self.server.dormantMonths, self.server.peertubeInstances, self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess, self.server.textModeBanner, self.server.debug, shares, pageNumber, sharesPerPage) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show moderation done', 'show profile 2') self.server.GETbusy = False return True else: if self._fetchAuthenticated(): msg = json.dumps(shares, ensure_ascii=False) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('application/json', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) else: self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return True return False def _showFollowingFeed(self, authorized: bool, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, cookie: str, debug: str) -> bool: """Shows the following feed """ following = \ getFollowingFeed(baseDir, domain, port, path, httpPrefix, authorized, followsPerPage) if following: if self._requestHTTP(): pageNumber = 1 if '?page=' not in path: searchPath = path # get a page of following, not the summary following = \ getFollowingFeed(baseDir, domain, port, path + '?page=true', httpPrefix, authorized, followsPerPage) else: pageNumberStr = path.split('?page=')[1] if '#' in pageNumberStr: pageNumberStr = pageNumberStr.split('#')[0] if pageNumberStr.isdigit(): pageNumber = int(pageNumberStr) searchPath = path.split('?page=')[0] getPerson = \ personLookup(domain, searchPath.replace('/following', ''), baseDir) if getPerson: if not self.server.session: print('Starting new session during following') self.server.session = createSession(proxyType) if not self.server.session: print('ERROR: GET failed to create session ' + 'during following') self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return True msg = \ htmlProfile(self.server.rssIconAtTop, self.server.cssCache, self.server.iconsAsButtons, self.server.defaultTimeline, self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.maxRecentPosts, self.server.translate, self.server.projectVersion, baseDir, httpPrefix, authorized, getPerson, 'following', self.server.session, self.server.cachedWebfingers, self.server.personCache, self.server.YTReplacementDomain, self.server.showPublishedDateOnly, self.server.newswire, self.server.themeName, self.server.dormantMonths, self.server.peertubeInstances, self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess, self.server.textModeBanner, self.server.debug, following, pageNumber, followsPerPage).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.GETbusy = False self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show profile 2 done', 'show profile 3') return True else: if self._fetchAuthenticated(): msg = json.dumps(following, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('application/json', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) else: self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return True return False def _showFollowersFeed(self, authorized: bool, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, cookie: str, debug: str) -> bool: """Shows the followers feed """ followers = \ getFollowingFeed(baseDir, domain, port, path, httpPrefix, authorized, followsPerPage, 'followers') if followers: if self._requestHTTP(): pageNumber = 1 if '?page=' not in path: searchPath = path # get a page of followers, not the summary followers = \ getFollowingFeed(baseDir, domain, port, path + '?page=1', httpPrefix, authorized, followsPerPage, 'followers') else: pageNumberStr = path.split('?page=')[1] if '#' in pageNumberStr: pageNumberStr = pageNumberStr.split('#')[0] if pageNumberStr.isdigit(): pageNumber = int(pageNumberStr) searchPath = path.split('?page=')[0] getPerson = \ personLookup(domain, searchPath.replace('/followers', ''), baseDir) if getPerson: if not self.server.session: print('Starting new session during following2') self.server.session = createSession(proxyType) if not self.server.session: print('ERROR: GET failed to create session ' + 'during following2') self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return True msg = \ htmlProfile(self.server.rssIconAtTop, self.server.cssCache, self.server.iconsAsButtons, self.server.defaultTimeline, self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.maxRecentPosts, self.server.translate, self.server.projectVersion, baseDir, httpPrefix, authorized, getPerson, 'followers', self.server.session, self.server.cachedWebfingers, self.server.personCache, self.server.YTReplacementDomain, self.server.showPublishedDateOnly, self.server.newswire, self.server.themeName, self.server.dormantMonths, self.server.peertubeInstances, self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess, self.server.textModeBanner, self.server.debug, followers, pageNumber, followsPerPage).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.GETbusy = False self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show profile 3 done', 'show profile 4') return True else: if self._fetchAuthenticated(): msg = json.dumps(followers, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('application/json', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) else: self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return True return False def _getFeaturedCollection(self, callingDomain: str, baseDir: str, path: str, httpPrefix: str, nickname: str, domain: str, domainFull: str): """Returns the featured posts collections in actor/collections/featured """ featuredCollection = \ jsonPinPost(baseDir, httpPrefix, nickname, domain, domainFull) msg = json.dumps(featuredCollection, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('application/json', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) def _getFeaturedTagsCollection(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, httpPrefix: str, domainFull: str): """Returns the featured tags collections in actor/collections/featuredTags TODO add ability to set a featured tags """ featuredTagsCollection = { '@context': ['https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', {'atomUri': 'ostatus:atomUri', 'conversation': 'ostatus:conversation', 'inReplyToAtomUri': 'ostatus:inReplyToAtomUri', 'sensitive': 'as:sensitive', 'toot': 'http://joinmastodon.org/ns#', 'votersCount': 'toot:votersCount'}], 'id': httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + path, 'orderedItems': [], 'totalItems': 0, 'type': 'OrderedCollection' } msg = json.dumps(featuredTagsCollection, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('application/json', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) def _showPersonProfile(self, authorized: bool, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, cookie: str, debug: str) -> bool: """Shows the profile for a person """ # look up a person actorJson = personLookup(domain, path, baseDir) if not actorJson: return False if self._requestHTTP(): if not self.server.session: print('Starting new session during person lookup') self.server.session = createSession(proxyType) if not self.server.session: print('ERROR: GET failed to create session ' + 'during person lookup') self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return True msg = \ htmlProfile(self.server.rssIconAtTop, self.server.cssCache, self.server.iconsAsButtons, self.server.defaultTimeline, self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.maxRecentPosts, self.server.translate, self.server.projectVersion, baseDir, httpPrefix, authorized, actorJson, 'posts', self.server.session, self.server.cachedWebfingers, self.server.personCache, self.server.YTReplacementDomain, self.server.showPublishedDateOnly, self.server.newswire, self.server.themeName, self.server.dormantMonths, self.server.peertubeInstances, self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess, self.server.textModeBanner, self.server.debug, None, None).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show profile 4 done', 'show profile posts') else: if self._fetchAuthenticated(): msgStr = json.dumps(actorJson, ensure_ascii=False) msg = msgStr.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('application/ld+json', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) else: self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return True def _showBlogPage(self, authorized: bool, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, port: int, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, proxyType: str, cookie: str, translate: {}, debug: str) -> bool: """Shows a blog page """ pageNumber = 1 nickname = path.split('/blog/')[1] if '/' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('/')[0] if '?' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('?')[0] if '?page=' in path: pageNumberStr = path.split('?page=')[1] if '?' in pageNumberStr: pageNumberStr = pageNumberStr.split('?')[0] if '#' in pageNumberStr: pageNumberStr = pageNumberStr.split('#')[0] if pageNumberStr.isdigit(): pageNumber = int(pageNumberStr) if pageNumber < 1: pageNumber = 1 elif pageNumber > 10: pageNumber = 10 if not self.server.session: print('Starting new session during blog page') self.server.session = createSession(proxyType) if not self.server.session: print('ERROR: GET failed to create session ' + 'during blog page') self._404() return True msg = htmlBlogPage(authorized, self.server.session, baseDir, httpPrefix, translate, nickname, domain, port, maxPostsInBlogsFeed, pageNumber, self.server.peertubeInstances) if msg is not None: msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'blog view done', 'blog page') return True self._404() return True def _redirectToLoginScreen(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, httpPrefix: str, domainFull: str, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, authorized: bool, debug: bool): """Redirects to the login screen if necessary """ divertToLoginScreen = False if '/media/' not in path and \ '/sharefiles/' not in path and \ '/statuses/' not in path and \ '/emoji/' not in path and \ '/tags/' not in path and \ '/avatars/' not in path and \ '/fonts/' not in path and \ '/icons/' not in path: divertToLoginScreen = True if path.startswith('/users/'): nickStr = path.split('/users/')[1] if '/' not in nickStr and '?' not in nickStr: divertToLoginScreen = False else: if path.endswith('/following') or \ '/following?page=' in path or \ path.endswith('/followers') or \ '/followers?page=' in path or \ path.endswith('/skills') or \ path.endswith('/roles') or \ path.endswith('/shares'): divertToLoginScreen = False if divertToLoginScreen and not authorized: divertPath = '/login' if self.server.newsInstance: # for news instances if not logged in then show the # front page divertPath = '/users/news' # if debug: print('DEBUG: divertToLoginScreen=' + str(divertToLoginScreen)) print('DEBUG: authorized=' + str(authorized)) print('DEBUG: path=' + path) if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: self._redirect_headers('http://' + onionDomain + divertPath, None, callingDomain) elif callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain: self._redirect_headers('http://' + i2pDomain + divertPath, None, callingDomain) else: self._redirect_headers(httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + divertPath, None, callingDomain) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'robots txt', 'show login screen') return True return False def _getStyleSheet(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}) -> bool: """Returns the content of a css file """ # get the last part of the path # eg. /my/path/file.css becomes file.css if '/' in path: path = path.split('/')[-1] if os.path.isfile(path): tries = 0 while tries < 5: try: css = getCSS(self.server.baseDir, path, self.server.cssCache) if css: break except Exception as e: print(e) time.sleep(1) tries += 1 msg = css.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/css', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show login screen done', 'show profile.css') return True self._404() return True def _showQRcode(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, domain: str, port: int, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}) -> bool: """Shows a QR code for an account """ nickname = getNicknameFromActor(path) savePersonQrcode(baseDir, nickname, domain, port) qrFilename = \ baseDir + '/accounts/' + nickname + '@' + domain + '/qrcode.png' if os.path.isfile(qrFilename): if self._etag_exists(qrFilename): # The file has not changed self._304() return tries = 0 mediaBinary = None while tries < 5: try: with open(qrFilename, 'rb') as avFile: mediaBinary = avFile.read() break except Exception as e: print(e) time.sleep(1) tries += 1 if mediaBinary: mimeType = mediaFileMimeType(qrFilename) self._set_headers_etag(qrFilename, mimeType, mediaBinary, None, self.server.domainFull) self._write(mediaBinary) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'login screen logo done', 'account qrcode') return True self._404() return True def _searchScreenBanner(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, domain: str, port: int, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}) -> bool: """Shows a banner image on the search screen """ nickname = getNicknameFromActor(path) bannerFilename = \ baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + domain + '/search_banner.png' if os.path.isfile(bannerFilename): if self._etag_exists(bannerFilename): # The file has not changed self._304() return True tries = 0 mediaBinary = None while tries < 5: try: with open(bannerFilename, 'rb') as avFile: mediaBinary = avFile.read() break except Exception as e: print(e) time.sleep(1) tries += 1 if mediaBinary: mimeType = mediaFileMimeType(bannerFilename) self._set_headers_etag(bannerFilename, mimeType, mediaBinary, None, self.server.domainFull) self._write(mediaBinary) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'account qrcode done', 'search screen banner') return True self._404() return True def _columnImage(self, side: str, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, domain: str, port: int, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}) -> bool: """Shows an image at the top of the left/right column """ nickname = getNicknameFromActor(path) if not nickname: self._404() return True bannerFilename = \ baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + domain + '/' + side + '_col_image.png' if os.path.isfile(bannerFilename): if self._etag_exists(bannerFilename): # The file has not changed self._304() return True tries = 0 mediaBinary = None while tries < 5: try: with open(bannerFilename, 'rb') as avFile: mediaBinary = avFile.read() break except Exception as e: print(e) time.sleep(1) tries += 1 if mediaBinary: mimeType = mediaFileMimeType(bannerFilename) self._set_headers_etag(bannerFilename, mimeType, mediaBinary, None, self.server.domainFull) self._write(mediaBinary) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'account qrcode done', side + ' col image') return True self._404() return True def _showBackgroundImage(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}) -> bool: """Show a background image """ imageExtensions = getImageExtensions() for ext in imageExtensions: for bg in ('follow', 'options', 'login', 'welcome'): # follow screen background image if path.endswith('/' + bg + '-background.' + ext): bgFilename = \ baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ bg + '-background.' + ext if os.path.isfile(bgFilename): if self._etag_exists(bgFilename): # The file has not changed self._304() return True tries = 0 bgBinary = None while tries < 5: try: with open(bgFilename, 'rb') as avFile: bgBinary = avFile.read() break except Exception as e: print(e) time.sleep(1) tries += 1 if bgBinary: if ext == 'jpg': ext = 'jpeg' self._set_headers_etag(bgFilename, 'image/' + ext, bgBinary, None, self.server.domainFull) self._write(bgBinary) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'search screen ' + 'banner done', 'background shown') return True self._404() return True def _showShareImage(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}) -> bool: """Show a shared item image """ if not self._pathIsImage(path): self._404() return True mediaStr = path.split('/sharefiles/')[1] mediaFilename = \ baseDir + '/sharefiles/' + mediaStr if not os.path.isfile(mediaFilename): self._404() return True if self._etag_exists(mediaFilename): # The file has not changed self._304() return True mediaFileType = 'png' if mediaFilename.endswith('.png'): mediaFileType = 'png' elif mediaFilename.endswith('.jpg'): mediaFileType = 'jpeg' elif mediaFilename.endswith('.webp'): mediaFileType = 'webp' elif mediaFilename.endswith('.avif'): mediaFileType = 'avif' elif mediaFilename.endswith('.svg'): mediaFileType = 'svg+xml' else: mediaFileType = 'gif' with open(mediaFilename, 'rb') as avFile: mediaBinary = avFile.read() self._set_headers_etag(mediaFilename, 'image/' + mediaFileType, mediaBinary, None, self.server.domainFull) self._write(mediaBinary) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show media done', 'share files shown') return True def _showAvatarOrBanner(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, domain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}) -> bool: """Shows an avatar or banner or profile background image """ if '/users/' not in path: return False if not self._pathIsImage(path): return False avatarStr = path.split('/users/')[1] if not ('/' in avatarStr and '.temp.' not in path): return False avatarNickname = avatarStr.split('/')[0] avatarFile = avatarStr.split('/')[1] avatarFileExt = avatarFile.split('.')[-1] # remove any numbers, eg. avatar123.png becomes avatar.png if avatarFile.startswith('avatar'): avatarFile = 'avatar.' + avatarFileExt elif avatarFile.startswith('banner'): avatarFile = 'banner.' + avatarFileExt elif avatarFile.startswith('search_banner'): avatarFile = 'search_banner.' + avatarFileExt elif avatarFile.startswith('image'): avatarFile = 'image.' + avatarFileExt elif avatarFile.startswith('left_col_image'): avatarFile = 'left_col_image.' + avatarFileExt elif avatarFile.startswith('right_col_image'): avatarFile = 'right_col_image.' + avatarFileExt avatarFilename = \ baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ avatarNickname + '@' + domain + '/' + avatarFile if not os.path.isfile(avatarFilename): return False if self._etag_exists(avatarFilename): # The file has not changed self._304() return True mediaImageType = 'png' if avatarFile.endswith('.png'): mediaImageType = 'png' elif avatarFile.endswith('.jpg'): mediaImageType = 'jpeg' elif avatarFile.endswith('.gif'): mediaImageType = 'gif' elif avatarFile.endswith('.avif'): mediaImageType = 'avif' elif avatarFile.endswith('.svg'): mediaImageType = 'svg+xml' else: mediaImageType = 'webp' with open(avatarFilename, 'rb') as avFile: mediaBinary = avFile.read() self._set_headers_etag(avatarFilename, 'image/' + mediaImageType, mediaBinary, None, self.server.domainFull) self._write(mediaBinary) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'icon shown done', 'avatar background shown') return True def _confirmDeleteEvent(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, cookie: str, translate: {}, domainFull: str, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}) -> bool: """Confirm whether to delete a calendar event """ postId = path.split('?id=')[1] if '?' in postId: postId = postId.split('?')[0] postTime = path.split('?time=')[1] if '?' in postTime: postTime = postTime.split('?')[0] postYear = path.split('?year=')[1] if '?' in postYear: postYear = postYear.split('?')[0] postMonth = path.split('?month=')[1] if '?' in postMonth: postMonth = postMonth.split('?')[0] postDay = path.split('?day=')[1] if '?' in postDay: postDay = postDay.split('?')[0] # show the confirmation screen screen msg = htmlCalendarDeleteConfirm(self.server.cssCache, translate, baseDir, path, httpPrefix, domainFull, postId, postTime, postYear, postMonth, postDay, callingDomain) if not msg: actor = \ httpPrefix + '://' + \ domainFull + \ path.split('/eventdelete')[0] if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and onionDomain: actor = \ 'http://' + onionDomain + \ path.split('/eventdelete')[0] elif callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and i2pDomain: actor = \ 'http://' + i2pDomain + \ path.split('/eventdelete')[0] self._redirect_headers(actor + '/calendar', cookie, callingDomain) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'calendar shown done', 'calendar delete shown') return True msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.GETbusy = False return True def _showNewPost(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, mediaInstance: bool, translate: {}, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, inReplyToUrl: str, replyToList: [], shareDescription: str, replyPageNumber: int, domain: str, domainFull: str, GETstartTime, GETtimings: {}, cookie, noDropDown: bool) -> bool: """Shows the new post screen """ isNewPostEndpoint = False if '/users/' in path and '/new' in path: # Various types of new post in the web interface newPostEnd = ('newpost', 'newblog', 'newunlisted', 'newfollowers', 'newdm', 'newreminder', 'newevent', 'newreport', 'newquestion', 'newshare') for postType in newPostEnd: if path.endswith('/' + postType): isNewPostEndpoint = True break if isNewPostEndpoint: nickname = getNicknameFromActor(path) msg = htmlNewPost(self.server.cssCache, mediaInstance, translate, baseDir, httpPrefix, path, inReplyToUrl, replyToList, shareDescription, None, replyPageNumber, nickname, domain, domainFull, self.server.defaultTimeline, self.server.newswire, self.server.themeName, noDropDown).encode('utf-8') if not msg: print('Error replying to ' + inReplyToUrl) self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return True msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.GETbusy = False self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'unmute activated done', 'new post made') return True return False def _editProfile(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, translate: {}, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, port: int, cookie: str) -> bool: """Show the edit profile screen """ if '/users/' in path and path.endswith('/editprofile'): peertubeInstances = self.server.peertubeInstances msg = htmlEditProfile(self.server.cssCache, translate, baseDir, path, domain, port, httpPrefix, self.server.defaultTimeline, self.server.themeName, peertubeInstances, self.server.textModeBanner).encode('utf-8') if msg: msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) else: self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return True return False def _editLinks(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, translate: {}, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, port: int, cookie: str, theme: str) -> bool: """Show the links from the left column """ if '/users/' in path and path.endswith('/editlinks'): msg = htmlEditLinks(self.server.cssCache, translate, baseDir, path, domain, port, httpPrefix, self.server.defaultTimeline, theme).encode('utf-8') if msg: msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) else: self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return True return False def _editNewswire(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, translate: {}, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, port: int, cookie: str) -> bool: """Show the newswire from the right column """ if '/users/' in path and path.endswith('/editnewswire'): msg = htmlEditNewswire(self.server.cssCache, translate, baseDir, path, domain, port, httpPrefix, self.server.defaultTimeline, self.server.themeName).encode('utf-8') if msg: msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) else: self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return True return False def _editNewsPost(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, translate: {}, baseDir: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, port: int, domainFull: str, cookie: str) -> bool: """Show the edit screen for a news post """ if '/users/' in path and '/editnewspost=' in path: postActor = 'news' if '?actor=' in path: postActor = path.split('?actor=')[1] if '?' in postActor: postActor = postActor.split('?')[0] postId = path.split('/editnewspost=')[1] if '?' in postId: postId = postId.split('?')[0] postUrl = httpPrefix + '://' + domainFull + \ '/users/' + postActor + '/statuses/' + postId path = path.split('/editnewspost=')[0] msg = htmlEditNewsPost(self.server.cssCache, translate, baseDir, path, domain, port, httpPrefix, postUrl).encode('utf-8') if msg: msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) else: self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return True return False def _editEvent(self, callingDomain: str, path: str, httpPrefix: str, domain: str, domainFull: str, baseDir: str, translate: {}, mediaInstance: bool, cookie: str) -> bool: """Show edit event screen """ messageId = path.split('?editeventpost=')[1] if '?' in messageId: messageId = messageId.split('?')[0] actor = path.split('?actor=')[1] if '?' in actor: actor = actor.split('?')[0] nickname = getNicknameFromActor(path) if nickname == actor: # postUrl = \ # httpPrefix + '://' + \ # domainFull + '/users/' + nickname + \ # '/statuses/' + messageId msg = None # TODO # htmlEditEvent(mediaInstance, # translate, # baseDir, # httpPrefix, # path, # nickname, domain, # postUrl) if msg: msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.GETbusy = False return True return False def do_GET(self): callingDomain = self.server.domainFull if self.headers.get('Host'): callingDomain = decodedHost(self.headers['Host']) if self.server.onionDomain: if callingDomain != self.server.domain and \ callingDomain != self.server.domainFull and \ callingDomain != self.server.onionDomain: print('GET domain blocked: ' + callingDomain) self._400() return else: if callingDomain != self.server.domain and \ callingDomain != self.server.domainFull: print('GET domain blocked: ' + callingDomain) self._400() return GETstartTime = time.time() GETtimings = {} self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, None, 'start') # Since fediverse crawlers are quite active, # make returning info to them high priority # get nodeinfo endpoint if self._nodeinfo(callingDomain): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'start', '_nodeinfo[callingDomain]') if self.path == '/logout': if not self.server.newsInstance: msg = \ htmlLogin(self.server.cssCache, self.server.translate, self.server.baseDir, False).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._logout_headers('text/html', msglen, callingDomain) self._write(msg) else: if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and \ self.server.onionDomain: self._logout_redirect('http://' + self.server.onionDomain + '/users/news', None, callingDomain) elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and self.server.i2pDomain): self._logout_redirect('http://' + self.server.i2pDomain + '/users/news', None, callingDomain) else: self._logout_redirect(self.server.httpPrefix + '://' + self.server.domainFull + '/users/news', None, callingDomain) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, '_nodeinfo[callingDomain]', 'logout') return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, '_nodeinfo[callingDomain]', 'show logout') # replace https://domain/@nick with https://domain/users/nick if self.path.startswith('/@'): self.path = self.path.replace('/@', '/users/') # replace https://domain/@nick/statusnumber # with https://domain/users/nick/statuses/statusnumber nickname = self.path.split('/users/')[1] if '/' in nickname: statusNumberStr = nickname.split('/')[1] if statusNumberStr.isdigit(): nickname = nickname.split('/')[0] self.path = \ self.path.replace('/users/' + nickname + '/', '/users/' + nickname + '/statuses/') # turn off dropdowns on new post screen noDropDown = False if self.path.endswith('?nodropdown'): noDropDown = True self.path = self.path.replace('?nodropdown', '') # redirect music to #nowplaying list if self.path == '/music' or self.path == '/nowplaying': self.path = '/tags/nowplaying' if self.server.debug: print('DEBUG: GET from ' + self.server.baseDir + ' path: ' + self.path + ' busy: ' + str(self.server.GETbusy)) if self.server.debug: print(str(self.headers)) cookie = None if self.headers.get('Cookie'): cookie = self.headers['Cookie'] self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show logout', 'get cookie') # manifest for progressive web apps if '/manifest.json' in self.path: if self._hasAccept(callingDomain): if not self._requestHTTP(): self._progressiveWebAppManifest(callingDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings) return else: self.path = '/' # default newswire favicon, for links to sites which # have no favicon if 'newswire_favicon.ico' in self.path: self._getFavicon(callingDomain, self.server.baseDir, self.server.debug, 'newswire_favicon.ico') return # favicon image if 'favicon.ico' in self.path: self._getFavicon(callingDomain, self.server.baseDir, self.server.debug, 'favicon.ico') return # check authorization authorized = self._isAuthorized() if self.server.debug: if authorized: print('GET Authorization granted') else: print('GET Not authorized') self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show logout', 'isAuthorized') # minimal mastodon api if self._mastoApi(self.path, callingDomain, authorized, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.baseDir, self.authorizedNickname, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, '_nodeinfo[callingDomain]', '_mastoApi[callingDomain]') if not self.server.session: print('Starting new session during GET') self.server.session = createSession(self.server.proxyType) if not self.server.session: print('ERROR: GET failed to create session duing GET') self._404() self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'isAuthorized', 'session fail') return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'isAuthorized', 'create session') # is this a html request? htmlGET = False if self._hasAccept(callingDomain): if self._requestHTTP(): htmlGET = True else: if self.headers.get('Connection'): # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/ # docs/Web/HTTP/Protocol_upgrade_mechanism if self.headers.get('Upgrade'): print('HTTP Connection request: ' + self.headers['Upgrade']) else: print('HTTP Connection request: ' + self.headers['Connection']) self._200() else: print('WARN: No Accept header ' + str(self.headers)) self._400() return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'create session', 'hasAccept') # get css # Note that this comes before the busy flag to avoid conflicts if self.path.endswith('.css'): if self._getStyleSheet(callingDomain, self.path, GETstartTime, GETtimings): return # get fonts if '/fonts/' in self.path: self._getFonts(callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.debug, GETstartTime, GETtimings) return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'hasAccept', 'fonts') # treat shared inbox paths consistently if self.path == '/sharedInbox' or \ self.path == '/users/inbox' or \ self.path == '/actor/inbox' or \ self.path == '/users/' + self.server.domain: # if shared inbox is not enabled if not self.server.enableSharedInbox: self._503() return self.path = '/inbox' self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'fonts', 'sharedInbox enabled') if self.path == '/categories.xml': self._getHashtagCategoriesFeed(authorized, callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.port, self.server.proxyType, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.debug) return if self.path == '/newswire.xml': self._getNewswireFeed(authorized, callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.port, self.server.proxyType, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.debug) return # RSS 2.0 if self.path.startswith('/blog/') and \ self.path.endswith('/rss.xml'): if not self.path == '/blog/rss.xml': self._getRSS2feed(authorized, callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.port, self.server.proxyType, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.debug) else: self._getRSS2site(authorized, callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.proxyType, self.server.translate, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.debug) return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'sharedInbox enabled', 'rss2 done') # RSS 3.0 if self.path.startswith('/blog/') and \ self.path.endswith('/rss.txt'): self._getRSS3feed(authorized, callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.port, self.server.proxyType, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.debug) return usersInPath = False if '/users/' in self.path: usersInPath = True # authorized endpoint used for TTS of posts # arriving in your inbox if authorized and usersInPath and \ self.path.endswith('/speaker'): if 'application/ssml' not in self.headers['Accept']: # json endpoint self._getSpeaker(callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.domain, self.server.debug) else: xmlStr = \ getSSMLbox(self.server.baseDir, self.path, self.server.domain, self.server.systemLanguage, self.server.instanceTitle, 'inbox') if xmlStr: msg = xmlStr.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('application/xrd+xml', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) return # redirect to the welcome screen if htmlGET and authorized and usersInPath and \ '/welcome' not in self.path: nickname = self.path.split('/users/')[1] if '/' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('/')[0] if '?' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('?')[0] if nickname == self.authorizedNickname and \ self.path != '/users/' + nickname: if not isWelcomeScreenComplete(self.server.baseDir, nickname, self.server.domain): self._redirect_headers('/users/' + nickname + '/welcome', cookie, callingDomain) return if not htmlGET and \ usersInPath and self.path.endswith('/pinned'): nickname = self.path.split('/users/')[1] if '/' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('/')[0] pinnedPostJson = \ getPinnedPostAsJson(self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, nickname, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull) messageJson = {} if pinnedPostJson: postId = pinnedPostJson['id'] messageJson = \ outboxMessageCreateWrap(self.server.httpPrefix, nickname, self.server.domain, self.server.port, pinnedPostJson) messageJson['id'] = postId + '/activity' messageJson['object']['id'] = postId messageJson['object']['url'] = postId.replace('/users/', '/@') messageJson['object']['atomUri'] = postId msg = json.dumps(messageJson, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('application/json', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) return if not htmlGET and \ usersInPath and self.path.endswith('/collections/featured'): nickname = self.path.split('/users/')[1] if '/' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('/')[0] self._getFeaturedCollection(callingDomain, self.server.baseDir, self.path, self.server.httpPrefix, nickname, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull) return if not htmlGET and \ usersInPath and self.path.endswith('/collections/featuredTags'): self._getFeaturedTagsCollection(callingDomain, self.path, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domainFull) return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'sharedInbox enabled', 'rss3 done') # show the main blog page if htmlGET and (self.path == '/blog' or self.path == '/blog/' or self.path == '/blogs' or self.path == '/blogs/'): if '/rss.xml' not in self.path: if not self.server.session: print('Starting new session during blog view') self.server.session = \ createSession(self.server.proxyType) if not self.server.session: print('ERROR: GET failed to create session ' + 'during blog view') self._404() return msg = htmlBlogView(authorized, self.server.session, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.translate, self.server.domain, self.server.port, maxPostsInBlogsFeed, self.server.peertubeInstances) if msg is not None: msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'rss3 done', 'blog view') return self._404() return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'rss3 done', 'blog view done') # show a particular page of blog entries # for a particular account if htmlGET and self.path.startswith('/blog/'): if '/rss.xml' not in self.path: if self._showBlogPage(authorized, callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, cookie, self.server.translate, self.server.debug): return # list of registered devices for e2ee # see https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/pull/13820 if authorized and usersInPath: if self.path.endswith('/collections/devices'): nickname = self.path.split('/users/') if '/' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('/')[0] devJson = E2EEdevicesCollection(self.server.baseDir, nickname, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.httpPrefix) msg = json.dumps(devJson, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('application/json', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'blog page', 'registered devices') return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'blog view done', 'registered devices done') if htmlGET and usersInPath: # show the person options screen with view/follow/block/report if '?options=' in self.path: self._showPersonOptions(callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, cookie, self.server.debug, authorized) return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'registered devices done', 'person options done') # show blog post blogFilename, nickname = \ self._pathContainsBlogLink(self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.path) if blogFilename and nickname: postJsonObject = loadJson(blogFilename) if isBlogPost(postJsonObject): msg = htmlBlogPost(authorized, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.translate, nickname, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, postJsonObject, self.server.peertubeInstances) if msg is not None: msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'person options done', 'blog post 2') return self._404() return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'person options done', 'blog post 2 done') # remove a shared item if htmlGET and '?rmshare=' in self.path: shareName = self.path.split('?rmshare=')[1] shareName = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(shareName.strip()) usersPath = self.path.split('?rmshare=')[0] actor = \ self.server.httpPrefix + '://' + \ self.server.domainFull + usersPath msg = htmlConfirmRemoveSharedItem(self.server.cssCache, self.server.translate, self.server.baseDir, actor, shareName, callingDomain).encode('utf-8') if not msg: if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and \ self.server.onionDomain: actor = 'http://' + self.server.onionDomain + usersPath elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and self.server.i2pDomain): actor = 'http://' + self.server.i2pDomain + usersPath self._redirect_headers(actor + '/tlshares', cookie, callingDomain) return msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'blog post 2 done', 'remove shared item') return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'blog post 2 done', 'remove shared item done') if self.path.startswith('/terms'): if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and \ self.server.onionDomain: msg = htmlTermsOfService(self.server.cssCache, self.server.baseDir, 'http', self.server.onionDomain) elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and self.server.i2pDomain): msg = htmlTermsOfService(self.server.cssCache, self.server.baseDir, 'http', self.server.i2pDomain) else: msg = htmlTermsOfService(self.server.cssCache, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domainFull) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._login_headers('text/html', msglen, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'blog post 2 done', 'terms of service shown') return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'blog post 2 done', 'terms of service done') # show a list of who you are following if htmlGET and authorized and usersInPath and \ self.path.endswith('/followingaccounts'): nickname = getNicknameFromActor(self.path) followingFilename = \ self.server.baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + self.server.domain + '/following.txt' if not os.path.isfile(followingFilename): self._404() return msg = htmlFollowingList(self.server.cssCache, self.server.baseDir, followingFilename) msglen = len(msg) self._login_headers('text/html', msglen, callingDomain) self._write(msg.encode('utf-8')) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'terms of service done', 'following accounts shown') return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'terms of service done', 'following accounts done') if self.path.endswith('/about'): if callingDomain.endswith('.onion'): msg = \ htmlAbout(self.server.cssCache, self.server.baseDir, 'http', self.server.onionDomain, None, self.server.translate) elif callingDomain.endswith('.i2p'): msg = \ htmlAbout(self.server.cssCache, self.server.baseDir, 'http', self.server.i2pDomain, None, self.server.translate) else: msg = \ htmlAbout(self.server.cssCache, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domainFull, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.translate) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._login_headers('text/html', msglen, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'following accounts done', 'show about screen') return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'following accounts done', 'show about screen done') # send robots.txt if asked if self._robotsTxt(): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show about screen done', 'robots txt') # the initial welcome screen after first logging in if htmlGET and authorized and \ '/users/' in self.path and self.path.endswith('/welcome'): nickname = self.path.split('/users/')[1] if '/' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('/')[0] if not isWelcomeScreenComplete(self.server.baseDir, nickname, self.server.domain): msg = \ htmlWelcomeScreen(self.server.baseDir, nickname, self.server.systemLanguage, self.server.translate, self.server.themeName) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._login_headers('text/html', msglen, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'following accounts done', 'show welcome screen') return else: self.path = self.path.replace('/welcome', '') # the welcome screen which allows you to set an avatar image if htmlGET and authorized and \ '/users/' in self.path and self.path.endswith('/welcome_profile'): nickname = self.path.split('/users/')[1] if '/' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('/')[0] if not isWelcomeScreenComplete(self.server.baseDir, nickname, self.server.domain): msg = \ htmlWelcomeProfile(self.server.baseDir, nickname, self.server.domain, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domainFull, self.server.systemLanguage, self.server.translate, self.server.themeName) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._login_headers('text/html', msglen, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show welcome screen', 'show welcome profile screen') return else: self.path = self.path.replace('/welcome_profile', '') # the final welcome screen if htmlGET and authorized and \ '/users/' in self.path and self.path.endswith('/welcome_final'): nickname = self.path.split('/users/')[1] if '/' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('/')[0] if not isWelcomeScreenComplete(self.server.baseDir, nickname, self.server.domain): msg = \ htmlWelcomeFinal(self.server.baseDir, nickname, self.server.domain, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domainFull, self.server.systemLanguage, self.server.translate, self.server.themeName) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._login_headers('text/html', msglen, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show welcome profile screen', 'show welcome final screen') return else: self.path = self.path.replace('/welcome_final', '') # if not authorized then show the login screen if htmlGET and self.path != '/login' and \ not self._pathIsImage(self.path) and \ self.path != '/' and \ self.path != '/users/news/linksmobile' and \ self.path != '/users/news/newswiremobile': if self._redirectToLoginScreen(callingDomain, self.path, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domainFull, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, authorized, self.server.debug): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'robots txt', 'show login screen done') # manifest images used to create a home screen icon # when selecting "add to home screen" in browsers # which support progressive web apps if self.path == '/logo72.png' or \ self.path == '/logo96.png' or \ self.path == '/logo128.png' or \ self.path == '/logo144.png' or \ self.path == '/logo152.png' or \ self.path == '/logo192.png' or \ self.path == '/logo256.png' or \ self.path == '/logo512.png': mediaFilename = \ self.server.baseDir + '/img' + self.path if os.path.isfile(mediaFilename): if self._etag_exists(mediaFilename): # The file has not changed self._304() return tries = 0 mediaBinary = None while tries < 5: try: with open(mediaFilename, 'rb') as avFile: mediaBinary = avFile.read() break except Exception as e: print(e) time.sleep(1) tries += 1 if mediaBinary: mimeType = mediaFileMimeType(mediaFilename) self._set_headers_etag(mediaFilename, mimeType, mediaBinary, cookie, self.server.domainFull) self._write(mediaBinary) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'profile.css done', 'manifest logo shown') return self._404() return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'profile.css done', 'manifest logo done') # manifest images used to show example screenshots # for use by app stores if self.path == '/screenshot1.jpg' or \ self.path == '/screenshot2.jpg': screenFilename = \ self.server.baseDir + '/img' + self.path if os.path.isfile(screenFilename): if self._etag_exists(screenFilename): # The file has not changed self._304() return tries = 0 mediaBinary = None while tries < 5: try: with open(screenFilename, 'rb') as avFile: mediaBinary = avFile.read() break except Exception as e: print(e) time.sleep(1) tries += 1 if mediaBinary: mimeType = mediaFileMimeType(screenFilename) self._set_headers_etag(screenFilename, mimeType, mediaBinary, cookie, self.server.domainFull) self._write(mediaBinary) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'manifest logo done', 'show screenshot') return self._404() return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'manifest logo done', 'show screenshot done') # image on login screen or qrcode if self.path == '/login.png' or \ self.path == '/login.gif' or \ self.path == '/login.svg' or \ self.path == '/login.webp' or \ self.path == '/login.avif' or \ self.path == '/login.jpeg' or \ self.path == '/login.jpg' or \ self.path == '/qrcode.png': iconFilename = \ self.server.baseDir + '/accounts' + self.path if os.path.isfile(iconFilename): if self._etag_exists(iconFilename): # The file has not changed self._304() return tries = 0 mediaBinary = None while tries < 5: try: with open(iconFilename, 'rb') as avFile: mediaBinary = avFile.read() break except Exception as e: print(e) time.sleep(1) tries += 1 if mediaBinary: mimeTypeStr = mediaFileMimeType(iconFilename) self._set_headers_etag(iconFilename, mimeTypeStr, mediaBinary, cookie, self.server.domainFull) self._write(mediaBinary) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show screenshot done', 'login screen logo') return self._404() return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show screenshot done', 'login screen logo done') # QR code for account handle if usersInPath and \ self.path.endswith('/qrcode.png'): if self._showQRcode(callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.domain, self.server.port, GETstartTime, GETtimings): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'login screen logo done', 'account qrcode done') # search screen banner image if usersInPath: if self.path.endswith('/search_banner.png'): if self._searchScreenBanner(callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.domain, self.server.port, GETstartTime, GETtimings): return if self.path.endswith('/left_col_image.png'): if self._columnImage('left', callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.domain, self.server.port, GETstartTime, GETtimings): return if self.path.endswith('/right_col_image.png'): if self._columnImage('right', callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.domain, self.server.port, GETstartTime, GETtimings): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'account qrcode done', 'search screen banner done') if '-background.' in self.path: if self._showBackgroundImage(callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, GETstartTime, GETtimings): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'search screen banner done', 'background shown done') # emoji images if '/emoji/' in self.path: self._showEmoji(callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, GETstartTime, GETtimings) return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'background shown done', 'show emoji done') # show media # Note that this comes before the busy flag to avoid conflicts if '/media/' in self.path: self._showMedia(callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, GETstartTime, GETtimings) return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show emoji done', 'show media done') # show shared item images # Note that this comes before the busy flag to avoid conflicts if '/sharefiles/' in self.path: if self._showShareImage(callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, GETstartTime, GETtimings): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show media done', 'share files done') # icon images # Note that this comes before the busy flag to avoid conflicts if self.path.startswith('/icons/'): self._showIcon(callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, GETstartTime, GETtimings) return # help screen images # Note that this comes before the busy flag to avoid conflicts if self.path.startswith('/helpimages/'): self._showHelpScreenImage(callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, GETstartTime, GETtimings) return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show files done', 'icon shown done') # cached avatar images # Note that this comes before the busy flag to avoid conflicts if self.path.startswith('/avatars/'): self._showCachedAvatar(self.server.domainFull, self.path, self.server.baseDir, GETstartTime, GETtimings) return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'icon shown done', 'avatar shown done') # show avatar or background image # Note that this comes before the busy flag to avoid conflicts if self._showAvatarOrBanner(callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.domain, GETstartTime, GETtimings): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'icon shown done', 'avatar background shown done') # This busy state helps to avoid flooding # Resources which are expected to be called from a web page # should be above this if self.server.GETbusy: currTimeGET = int(time.time()) if currTimeGET - self.server.lastGET == 0: if self.server.debug: print('DEBUG: GET Busy') self.send_response(429) self.end_headers() return self.server.lastGET = currTimeGET self.server.GETbusy = True self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'avatar background shown done', 'GET busy time') if not self._permittedDir(self.path): if self.server.debug: print('DEBUG: GET Not permitted') self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return # get webfinger endpoint for a person if self._webfinger(callingDomain): self.server.GETbusy = False self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'GET busy time', 'webfinger called') return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'GET busy time', 'permitted directory') # show the login screen if (self.path.startswith('/login') or (self.path == '/' and not authorized and not self.server.newsInstance)): # request basic auth msg = htmlLogin(self.server.cssCache, self.server.translate, self.server.baseDir).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._login_headers('text/html', msglen, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.GETbusy = False self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'permitted directory', 'login shown') return # show the news front page if self.path == '/' and \ not authorized and \ self.server.newsInstance: if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and \ self.server.onionDomain: self._logout_redirect('http://' + self.server.onionDomain + '/users/news', None, callingDomain) elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and self.server.i2pDomain): self._logout_redirect('http://' + self.server.i2pDomain + '/users/news', None, callingDomain) else: self._logout_redirect(self.server.httpPrefix + '://' + self.server.domainFull + '/users/news', None, callingDomain) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'permitted directory', 'news front page shown') return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'permitted directory', 'login shown done') if htmlGET and self.path.startswith('/users/') and \ self.path.endswith('/newswiremobile'): if (authorized or (not authorized and self.path.startswith('/users/news/') and self.server.newsInstance)): nickname = getNicknameFromActor(self.path) if not nickname: self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return timelinePath = \ '/users/' + nickname + '/' + self.server.defaultTimeline showPublishAsIcon = self.server.showPublishAsIcon rssIconAtTop = self.server.rssIconAtTop iconsAsButtons = self.server.iconsAsButtons defaultTimeline = self.server.defaultTimeline msg = htmlNewswireMobile(self.server.cssCache, self.server.baseDir, nickname, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.translate, self.server.newswire, self.server.positiveVoting, timelinePath, showPublishAsIcon, authorized, rssIconAtTop, iconsAsButtons, defaultTimeline, self.server.themeName).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.GETbusy = False return if htmlGET and self.path.startswith('/users/') and \ self.path.endswith('/linksmobile'): if (authorized or (not authorized and self.path.startswith('/users/news/') and self.server.newsInstance)): nickname = getNicknameFromActor(self.path) if not nickname: self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return timelinePath = \ '/users/' + nickname + '/' + self.server.defaultTimeline iconsAsButtons = self.server.iconsAsButtons defaultTimeline = self.server.defaultTimeline msg = htmlLinksMobile(self.server.cssCache, self.server.baseDir, nickname, self.server.domainFull, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.translate, timelinePath, authorized, self.server.rssIconAtTop, iconsAsButtons, defaultTimeline, self.server.themeName).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.GETbusy = False return # hashtag search if self.path.startswith('/tags/') or \ (authorized and '/tags/' in self.path): if self.path.startswith('/tags/rss2/'): self._hashtagSearchRSS2(callingDomain, self.path, cookie, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings) return self._hashtagSearch(callingDomain, self.path, cookie, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings) return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'login shown done', 'hashtag search done') # show or hide buttons in the web interface if htmlGET and usersInPath and \ self.path.endswith('/minimal') and \ authorized: nickname = self.path.split('/users/')[1] if '/' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('/')[0] self._setMinimal(nickname, not self._isMinimal(nickname)) if not (self.server.mediaInstance or self.server.blogsInstance): self.path = '/users/' + nickname + '/inbox' else: if self.server.blogsInstance: self.path = '/users/' + nickname + '/tlblogs' elif self.server.mediaInstance: self.path = '/users/' + nickname + '/tlmedia' else: self.path = '/users/' + nickname + '/tlfeatures' # search for a fediverse address, shared item or emoji # from the web interface by selecting search icon if htmlGET and usersInPath: if self.path.endswith('/search') or \ '/search?' in self.path: if '?' in self.path: self.path = self.path.split('?')[0] # show the search screen msg = htmlSearch(self.server.cssCache, self.server.translate, self.server.baseDir, self.path, self.server.domain, self.server.defaultTimeline, self.server.themeName, self.server.textModeBanner).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.GETbusy = False self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'hashtag search done', 'search screen shown') return # show a hashtag category from the search screen if htmlGET and '/category/' in self.path: msg = htmlSearchHashtagCategory(self.server.cssCache, self.server.translate, self.server.baseDir, self.path, self.server.domain, self.server.themeName) if msg: msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.GETbusy = False self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'hashtag category done', 'hashtag category screen shown') return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'hashtag search done', 'search screen shown done') # Show the calendar for a user if htmlGET and usersInPath: if '/calendar' in self.path: # show the calendar screen msg = htmlCalendar(self.server.personCache, self.server.cssCache, self.server.translate, self.server.baseDir, self.path, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domainFull, self.server.textModeBanner).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.GETbusy = False self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'search screen shown done', 'calendar shown') return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'search screen shown done', 'calendar shown done') # Show confirmation for deleting a calendar event if htmlGET and usersInPath: if '/eventdelete' in self.path and \ '?time=' in self.path and \ '?id=' in self.path: if self._confirmDeleteEvent(callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, cookie, self.server.translate, self.server.domainFull, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'calendar shown done', 'calendar delete shown done') # search for emoji by name if htmlGET and usersInPath: if self.path.endswith('/searchemoji'): # show the search screen msg = htmlSearchEmojiTextEntry(self.server.cssCache, self.server.translate, self.server.baseDir, self.path).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.GETbusy = False self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'calendar delete shown done', 'emoji search shown') return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'calendar delete shown done', 'emoji search shown done') repeatPrivate = False if htmlGET and '?repeatprivate=' in self.path: repeatPrivate = True self.path = self.path.replace('?repeatprivate=', '?repeat=') # announce/repeat button was pressed if htmlGET and '?repeat=' in self.path: self._announceButton(callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, cookie, self.server.proxyType, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, repeatPrivate, self.server.debug) return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'emoji search shown done', 'show announce done') if htmlGET and '?unrepeatprivate=' in self.path: self.path = self.path.replace('?unrepeatprivate=', '?unrepeat=') # undo an announce/repeat from the web interface if htmlGET and '?unrepeat=' in self.path: self._undoAnnounceButton(callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, cookie, self.server.proxyType, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, repeatPrivate, self.server.debug) return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show announce done', 'unannounce done') # send a newswire moderation vote from the web interface if authorized and '/newswirevote=' in self.path and \ self.path.startswith('/users/'): self._newswireVote(callingDomain, self.path, cookie, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, self.server.debug, self.server.newswire) return # send a newswire moderation unvote from the web interface if authorized and '/newswireunvote=' in self.path and \ self.path.startswith('/users/'): self._newswireUnvote(callingDomain, self.path, cookie, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, self.server.debug, self.server.newswire) return # send a follow request approval from the web interface if authorized and '/followapprove=' in self.path and \ self.path.startswith('/users/'): self._followApproveButton(callingDomain, self.path, cookie, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, self.server.debug) return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'unannounce done', 'follow approve done') # deny a follow request from the web interface if authorized and '/followdeny=' in self.path and \ self.path.startswith('/users/'): self._followDenyButton(callingDomain, self.path, cookie, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, self.server.debug) return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'follow approve done', 'follow deny done') # like from the web interface icon if htmlGET and '?like=' in self.path: self._likeButton(callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, cookie, self.server.debug) return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'follow deny done', 'like shown done') # undo a like from the web interface icon if htmlGET and '?unlike=' in self.path: self._undoLikeButton(callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, cookie, self.server.debug) return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'like shown done', 'unlike shown done') # bookmark from the web interface icon if htmlGET and '?bookmark=' in self.path: self._bookmarkButton(callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, cookie, self.server.debug) return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'unlike shown done', 'bookmark shown done') # undo a bookmark from the web interface icon if htmlGET and '?unbookmark=' in self.path: self._undoBookmarkButton(callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, cookie, self.server.debug) return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'bookmark shown done', 'unbookmark shown done') # delete button is pressed on a post if htmlGET and '?delete=' in self.path: self._deleteButton(callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, cookie, self.server.debug) return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'unbookmark shown done', 'delete shown done') # The mute button is pressed if htmlGET and '?mute=' in self.path: self._muteButton(callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, cookie, self.server.debug) return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'delete shown done', 'post muted done') # unmute a post from the web interface icon if htmlGET and '?unmute=' in self.path: self._undoMuteButton(callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, cookie, self.server.debug) return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'post muted done', 'unmute activated done') # reply from the web interface icon inReplyToUrl = None # replyWithDM = False replyToList = [] replyPageNumber = 1 shareDescription = None # replytoActor = None if htmlGET: # public reply if '?replyto=' in self.path: inReplyToUrl = self.path.split('?replyto=')[1] if '?' in inReplyToUrl: mentionsList = inReplyToUrl.split('?') for m in mentionsList: if m.startswith('mention='): replyHandle = m.replace('mention=', '') if replyHandle not in replyToList: replyToList.append(replyHandle) if m.startswith('page='): replyPageStr = m.replace('page=', '') if replyPageStr.isdigit(): replyPageNumber = int(replyPageStr) # if m.startswith('actor='): # replytoActor = m.replace('actor=', '') inReplyToUrl = mentionsList[0] self.path = self.path.split('?replyto=')[0] + '/newpost' if self.server.debug: print('DEBUG: replyto path ' + self.path) # reply to followers if '?replyfollowers=' in self.path: inReplyToUrl = self.path.split('?replyfollowers=')[1] if '?' in inReplyToUrl: mentionsList = inReplyToUrl.split('?') for m in mentionsList: if m.startswith('mention='): replyHandle = m.replace('mention=', '') if m.replace('mention=', '') not in replyToList: replyToList.append(replyHandle) if m.startswith('page='): replyPageStr = m.replace('page=', '') if replyPageStr.isdigit(): replyPageNumber = int(replyPageStr) # if m.startswith('actor='): # replytoActor = m.replace('actor=', '') inReplyToUrl = mentionsList[0] self.path = self.path.split('?replyfollowers=')[0] + \ '/newfollowers' if self.server.debug: print('DEBUG: replyfollowers path ' + self.path) # replying as a direct message, # for moderation posts or the dm timeline if '?replydm=' in self.path: inReplyToUrl = self.path.split('?replydm=')[1] inReplyToUrl = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(inReplyToUrl) if '?' in inReplyToUrl: # multiple parameters mentionsList = inReplyToUrl.split('?') for m in mentionsList: if m.startswith('mention='): replyHandle = m.replace('mention=', '') inReplyToUrl = replyHandle if replyHandle not in replyToList: replyToList.append(replyHandle) elif m.startswith('page='): replyPageStr = m.replace('page=', '') if replyPageStr.isdigit(): replyPageNumber = int(replyPageStr) elif m.startswith('sharedesc:'): # get the title for the shared item shareDescription = \ m.replace('sharedesc:', '').strip() shareDescription = \ shareDescription.replace('_', ' ') else: # single parameter if inReplyToUrl.startswith('mention='): replyHandle = inReplyToUrl.replace('mention=', '') inReplyToUrl = replyHandle if replyHandle not in replyToList: replyToList.append(replyHandle) elif inReplyToUrl.startswith('sharedesc:'): # get the title for the shared item shareDescription = \ inReplyToUrl.replace('sharedesc:', '').strip() shareDescription = \ shareDescription.replace('_', ' ') self.path = self.path.split('?replydm=')[0] + '/newdm' if self.server.debug: print('DEBUG: replydm path ' + self.path) # Edit a blog post if authorized and \ '/users/' in self.path and \ '?editblogpost=' in self.path and \ '?actor=' in self.path: messageId = self.path.split('?editblogpost=')[1] if '?' in messageId: messageId = messageId.split('?')[0] actor = self.path.split('?actor=')[1] if '?' in actor: actor = actor.split('?')[0] nickname = getNicknameFromActor(self.path.split('?')[0]) if nickname == actor: postUrl = \ self.server.httpPrefix + '://' + \ self.server.domainFull + '/users/' + nickname + \ '/statuses/' + messageId msg = htmlEditBlog(self.server.mediaInstance, self.server.translate, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.path, replyPageNumber, nickname, self.server.domain, postUrl) if msg: msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('text/html', msglen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self.server.GETbusy = False return # Edit an event if authorized and \ '/tlevents' in self.path and \ '?editeventpost=' in self.path and \ '?actor=' in self.path: if self._editEvent(callingDomain, self.path, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.baseDir, self.server.translate, self.server.mediaInstance, cookie): return # edit profile in web interface if self._editProfile(callingDomain, self.path, self.server.translate, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.port, cookie): return # edit links from the left column of the timeline in web interface if self._editLinks(callingDomain, self.path, self.server.translate, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.port, cookie, self.server.themeName): return # edit newswire from the right column of the timeline if self._editNewswire(callingDomain, self.path, self.server.translate, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.port, cookie): return # edit news post if self._editNewsPost(callingDomain, self.path, self.server.translate, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.port, self.server.domainFull, cookie): return if self._showNewPost(callingDomain, self.path, self.server.mediaInstance, self.server.translate, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, inReplyToUrl, replyToList, shareDescription, replyPageNumber, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, GETstartTime, GETtimings, cookie, noDropDown): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'unmute activated done', 'new post done') # get an individual post from the path /@nickname/statusnumber if self._showIndividualAtPost(authorized, callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, cookie, self.server.debug): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'new post done', 'individual post done') # get replies to a post /users/nickname/statuses/number/replies if self.path.endswith('/replies') or '/replies?page=' in self.path: if self._showRepliesToPost(authorized, callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, cookie, self.server.debug): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'individual post done', 'post replies done') if self.path.endswith('/roles') and usersInPath: if self._showRoles(authorized, callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, cookie, self.server.debug): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'post replies done', 'show roles done') # show skills on the profile page if self.path.endswith('/skills') and usersInPath: if self._showSkills(authorized, callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, cookie, self.server.debug): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'post roles done', 'show skills done') # get an individual post from the path # /users/nickname/statuses/number if '/statuses/' in self.path and usersInPath: if self._showIndividualPost(authorized, callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, cookie, self.server.debug): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show skills done', 'show status done') # get the inbox timeline for a given person if self.path.endswith('/inbox') or '/inbox?page=' in self.path: if self._showInbox(authorized, callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, cookie, self.server.debug, self.server.recentPostsCache, self.server.session, self.server.defaultTimeline, self.server.maxRecentPosts, self.server.translate, self.server.cachedWebfingers, self.server.personCache, self.server.allowDeletion, self.server.projectVersion, self.server.YTReplacementDomain): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show status done', 'show inbox done') # get the direct messages timeline for a given person if self.path.endswith('/dm') or '/dm?page=' in self.path: if self._showDMs(authorized, callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, cookie, self.server.debug): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show inbox done', 'show dms done') # get the replies timeline for a given person if self.path.endswith('/tlreplies') or '/tlreplies?page=' in self.path: if self._showReplies(authorized, callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, cookie, self.server.debug): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show dms done', 'show replies 2 done') # get the media timeline for a given person if self.path.endswith('/tlmedia') or '/tlmedia?page=' in self.path: if self._showMediaTimeline(authorized, callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, cookie, self.server.debug): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show replies 2 done', 'show media 2 done') # get the blogs for a given person if self.path.endswith('/tlblogs') or '/tlblogs?page=' in self.path: if self._showBlogsTimeline(authorized, callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, cookie, self.server.debug): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show media 2 done', 'show blogs 2 done') # get the news for a given person if self.path.endswith('/tlnews') or '/tlnews?page=' in self.path: if self._showNewsTimeline(authorized, callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, cookie, self.server.debug): return # get features (local blogs) for a given person if self.path.endswith('/tlfeatures') or \ '/tlfeatures?page=' in self.path: if self._showFeaturesTimeline(authorized, callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, cookie, self.server.debug): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show blogs 2 done', 'show news 2 done') # get the shared items timeline for a given person if self.path.endswith('/tlshares') or '/tlshares?page=' in self.path: if self._showSharesTimeline(authorized, callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, cookie, self.server.debug): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show blogs 2 done', 'show shares 2 done') # block a domain from htmlAccountInfo if authorized and usersInPath and \ '/accountinfo?blockdomain=' in self.path and \ '?handle=' in self.path: nickname = self.path.split('/users/')[1] if '/' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('/')[0] if not isModerator(self.server.baseDir, nickname): self._400() return blockDomain = self.path.split('/accountinfo?blockdomain=')[1] searchHandle = blockDomain.split('?handle=')[1] searchHandle = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(searchHandle) blockDomain = blockDomain.split('?handle=')[0] blockDomain = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(blockDomain.strip()) if '?' in blockDomain: blockDomain = blockDomain.split('?')[0] addGlobalBlock(self.server.baseDir, '*', blockDomain) self.server.GETbusy = False msg = \ htmlAccountInfo(self.server.cssCache, self.server.translate, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, nickname, self.server.domain, self.server.port, searchHandle, self.server.debug) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._login_headers('text/html', msglen, callingDomain) self._write(msg) return # unblock a domain from htmlAccountInfo if authorized and usersInPath and \ '/accountinfo?unblockdomain=' in self.path and \ '?handle=' in self.path: nickname = self.path.split('/users/')[1] if '/' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('/')[0] if not isModerator(self.server.baseDir, nickname): self._400() return blockDomain = self.path.split('/accountinfo?unblockdomain=')[1] searchHandle = blockDomain.split('?handle=')[1] searchHandle = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(searchHandle) blockDomain = blockDomain.split('?handle=')[0] blockDomain = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(blockDomain.strip()) removeGlobalBlock(self.server.baseDir, '*', blockDomain) self.server.GETbusy = False msg = \ htmlAccountInfo(self.server.cssCache, self.server.translate, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, nickname, self.server.domain, self.server.port, searchHandle, self.server.debug) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._login_headers('text/html', msglen, callingDomain) self._write(msg) return # get the bookmarks timeline for a given person if self.path.endswith('/tlbookmarks') or \ '/tlbookmarks?page=' in self.path or \ self.path.endswith('/bookmarks') or \ '/bookmarks?page=' in self.path: if self._showBookmarksTimeline(authorized, callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, cookie, self.server.debug): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show shares 2 done', 'show bookmarks 2 done') # get the events for a given person if self.path.endswith('/tlevents') or \ '/tlevents?page=' in self.path or \ self.path.endswith('/events') or \ '/events?page=' in self.path: if self._showEventsTimeline(authorized, callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, cookie, self.server.debug): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show bookmarks 2 done', 'show events done') # outbox timeline if self._showOutboxTimeline(authorized, callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, cookie, self.server.debug): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show events done', 'show outbox done') # get the moderation feed for a moderator if self.path.endswith('/moderation') or \ '/moderation?' in self.path: if self._showModTimeline(authorized, callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, cookie, self.server.debug): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show outbox done', 'show moderation done') if self._showSharesFeed(authorized, callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, cookie, self.server.debug): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show moderation done', 'show profile 2 done') if self._showFollowingFeed(authorized, callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, cookie, self.server.debug): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show profile 2 done', 'show profile 3 done') if self._showFollowersFeed(authorized, callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, cookie, self.server.debug): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show profile 3 done', 'show profile 4 done') # look up a person if self._showPersonProfile(authorized, callingDomain, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, GETstartTime, GETtimings, self.server.proxyType, cookie, self.server.debug): return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show profile 4 done', 'show profile posts done') # check that a json file was requested if not self.path.endswith('.json'): if self.server.debug: print('DEBUG: GET Not json: ' + self.path + ' ' + self.server.baseDir) self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return if not self._fetchAuthenticated(): if self.server.debug: print('WARN: Unauthenticated GET') self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False return self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'show profile posts done', 'authenticated fetch') # check that the file exists filename = self.server.baseDir + self.path if os.path.isfile(filename): with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as File: content = File.read() contentJson = json.loads(content) msg = json.dumps(contentJson, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('application/json', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'authenticated fetch', 'arbitrary json') else: if self.server.debug: print('DEBUG: GET Unknown file') self._404() self.server.GETbusy = False self._benchmarkGETtimings(GETstartTime, GETtimings, 'arbitrary json', 'end benchmarks') def do_HEAD(self): callingDomain = self.server.domainFull if self.headers.get('Host'): callingDomain = decodedHost(self.headers['Host']) if self.server.onionDomain: if callingDomain != self.server.domain and \ callingDomain != self.server.domainFull and \ callingDomain != self.server.onionDomain: print('HEAD domain blocked: ' + callingDomain) self._400() return else: if callingDomain != self.server.domain and \ callingDomain != self.server.domainFull: print('HEAD domain blocked: ' + callingDomain) self._400() return checkPath = self.path etag = None fileLength = -1 if '/media/' in self.path: if self._pathIsImage(self.path) or \ self._pathIsVideo(self.path) or \ self._pathIsAudio(self.path): mediaStr = self.path.split('/media/')[1] mediaFilename = \ self.server.baseDir + '/media/' + mediaStr if os.path.isfile(mediaFilename): checkPath = mediaFilename fileLength = os.path.getsize(mediaFilename) mediaTagFilename = mediaFilename + '.etag' if os.path.isfile(mediaTagFilename): try: with open(mediaTagFilename, 'r') as etagFile: etag = etagFile.read() except BaseException: pass else: with open(mediaFilename, 'rb') as avFile: mediaBinary = avFile.read() etag = sha1(mediaBinary).hexdigest() # nosec try: with open(mediaTagFilename, 'w+') as etagFile: etagFile.write(etag) except BaseException: pass mediaFileType = mediaFileMimeType(checkPath) self._set_headers_head(mediaFileType, fileLength, etag, callingDomain) def _receiveNewPostProcess(self, postType: str, path: str, headers: {}, length: int, postBytes, boundary: str, callingDomain: str, cookie: str, authorized: bool) -> int: # Note: this needs to happen synchronously # 0=this is not a new post # 1=new post success # -1=new post failed # 2=new post canceled if self.server.debug: print('DEBUG: receiving POST') if ' boundary=' in headers['Content-Type']: if self.server.debug: print('DEBUG: receiving POST headers ' + headers['Content-Type'] + ' path ' + path) nickname = None nicknameStr = path.split('/users/')[1] if '?' in nicknameStr: nicknameStr = nicknameStr.split('?')[0] if '/' in nicknameStr: nickname = nicknameStr.split('/')[0] else: nickname = nicknameStr if self.server.debug: print('DEBUG: POST nickname ' + str(nickname)) if not nickname: print('WARN: no nickname found when receiving ' + postType + ' path ' + path) return -1 length = int(headers['Content-Length']) if length > self.server.maxPostLength: print('POST size too large') return -1 boundary = headers['Content-Type'].split('boundary=')[1] if ';' in boundary: boundary = boundary.split(';')[0] # Note: we don't use cgi here because it's due to be deprecated # in Python 3.8/3.10 # Instead we use the multipart mime parser from the email module if self.server.debug: print('DEBUG: extracting media from POST') mediaBytes, postBytes = \ extractMediaInFormPOST(postBytes, boundary, 'attachpic') if self.server.debug: if mediaBytes: print('DEBUG: media was found. ' + str(len(mediaBytes)) + ' bytes') else: print('DEBUG: no media was found in POST') # Note: a .temp extension is used here so that at no time is # an image with metadata publicly exposed, even for a few mS filenameBase = \ self.server.baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + self.server.domain + '/upload.temp' filename, attachmentMediaType = \ saveMediaInFormPOST(mediaBytes, self.server.debug, filenameBase) if self.server.debug: if filename: print('DEBUG: POST media filename is ' + filename) else: print('DEBUG: no media filename in POST') if filename: if filename.endswith('.png') or \ filename.endswith('.jpg') or \ filename.endswith('.webp') or \ filename.endswith('.avif') or \ filename.endswith('.svg') or \ filename.endswith('.gif'): postImageFilename = filename.replace('.temp', '') print('Removing metadata from ' + postImageFilename) removeMetaData(filename, postImageFilename) if os.path.isfile(postImageFilename): print('POST media saved to ' + postImageFilename) else: print('ERROR: POST media could not be saved to ' + postImageFilename) else: if os.path.isfile(filename): newFilename = filename.replace('.temp', '') os.rename(filename, newFilename) filename = newFilename fields = \ extractTextFieldsInPOST(postBytes, boundary, self.server.debug) if self.server.debug: if fields: print('DEBUG: text field extracted from POST ' + str(fields)) else: print('WARN: no text fields could be extracted from POST') # was the citations button pressed on the newblog screen? citationsButtonPress = False if postType == 'newblog' and fields.get('submitCitations'): if fields['submitCitations'] == \ self.server.translate['Citations']: citationsButtonPress = True if not citationsButtonPress: # process the received text fields from the POST if not fields.get('message') and \ not fields.get('imageDescription') and \ not fields.get('pinToProfile'): print('WARN: no message, image description or pin') return -1 if fields.get('submitPost'): if fields['submitPost'] != \ self.server.translate['Submit']: print('WARN: no submit field ' + fields['submitPost']) return -1 else: print('WARN: no submitPost') return 2 if not fields.get('imageDescription'): fields['imageDescription'] = None if not fields.get('subject'): fields['subject'] = None if not fields.get('replyTo'): fields['replyTo'] = None if not fields.get('schedulePost'): fields['schedulePost'] = False else: fields['schedulePost'] = True print('DEBUG: shedulePost ' + str(fields['schedulePost'])) if not fields.get('eventDate'): fields['eventDate'] = None if not fields.get('eventTime'): fields['eventTime'] = None if not fields.get('location'): fields['location'] = None if not citationsButtonPress: # Store a file which contains the time in seconds # since epoch when an attempt to post something was made. # This is then used for active monthly users counts lastUsedFilename = \ self.server.baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + self.server.domain + '/.lastUsed' try: lastUsedFile = open(lastUsedFilename, 'w+') if lastUsedFile: lastUsedFile.write(str(int(time.time()))) lastUsedFile.close() except BaseException: pass mentionsStr = '' if fields.get('mentions'): mentionsStr = fields['mentions'].strip() + ' ' if not fields.get('commentsEnabled'): commentsEnabled = False else: commentsEnabled = True if not fields.get('privateEvent'): privateEvent = False else: privateEvent = True if postType == 'newpost': if not fields.get('pinToProfile'): pinToProfile = False else: pinToProfile = True # is the post message empty? if not fields['message']: # remove the pinned content from profile screen undoPinnedPost(self.server.baseDir, nickname, self.server.domain) return 1 messageJson = \ createPublicPost(self.server.baseDir, nickname, self.server.domain, self.server.port, self.server.httpPrefix, mentionsStr + fields['message'], False, False, False, commentsEnabled, filename, attachmentMediaType, fields['imageDescription'], fields['replyTo'], fields['replyTo'], fields['subject'], fields['schedulePost'], fields['eventDate'], fields['eventTime'], fields['location'], False) if messageJson: if fields['schedulePost']: return 1 if pinToProfile: pinPost(self.server.baseDir, nickname, self.server.domain, messageJson['object']['content']) return 1 if self._postToOutbox(messageJson, __version__, nickname): populateReplies(self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domainFull, messageJson, self.server.maxReplies, self.server.debug) return 1 else: return -1 elif postType == 'newblog': # citations button on newblog screen if citationsButtonPress: messageJson = \ htmlCitations(self.server.baseDir, nickname, self.server.domain, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.defaultTimeline, self.server.translate, self.server.newswire, self.server.cssCache, fields['subject'], fields['message'], filename, attachmentMediaType, fields['imageDescription'], self.server.themeName) if messageJson: messageJson = messageJson.encode('utf-8') messageJsonLen = len(messageJson) self._set_headers('text/html', messageJsonLen, cookie, callingDomain) self._write(messageJson) return 1 else: return -1 if not fields['subject']: print('WARN: blog posts must have a title') return -1 if not fields['message']: print('WARN: blog posts must have content') return -1 # submit button on newblog screen messageJson = \ createBlogPost(self.server.baseDir, nickname, self.server.domain, self.server.port, self.server.httpPrefix, fields['message'], False, False, False, commentsEnabled, filename, attachmentMediaType, fields['imageDescription'], fields['replyTo'], fields['replyTo'], fields['subject'], fields['schedulePost'], fields['eventDate'], fields['eventTime'], fields['location']) if messageJson: if fields['schedulePost']: return 1 if self._postToOutbox(messageJson, __version__, nickname): refreshNewswire(self.server.baseDir) populateReplies(self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domainFull, messageJson, self.server.maxReplies, self.server.debug) return 1 else: return -1 elif postType == 'editblogpost': print('Edited blog post received') postFilename = \ locatePost(self.server.baseDir, nickname, self.server.domain, fields['postUrl']) if os.path.isfile(postFilename): postJsonObject = loadJson(postFilename) if postJsonObject: cachedFilename = \ self.server.baseDir + '/accounts/' + \ nickname + '@' + self.server.domain + \ '/postcache/' + \ fields['postUrl'].replace('/', '#') + '.html' if os.path.isfile(cachedFilename): print('Edited blog post, removing cached html') try: os.remove(cachedFilename) except BaseException: pass # remove from memory cache removePostFromCache(postJsonObject, self.server.recentPostsCache) # change the blog post title postJsonObject['object']['summary'] = fields['subject'] # format message tags = [] hashtagsDict = {} mentionedRecipients = [] fields['message'] = \ addHtmlTags(self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, nickname, self.server.domain, fields['message'], mentionedRecipients, hashtagsDict, True) # replace emoji with unicode tags = [] for tagName, tag in hashtagsDict.items(): tags.append(tag) # get list of tags fields['message'] = \ replaceEmojiFromTags(fields['message'], tags, 'content') postJsonObject['object']['content'] = fields['message'] imgDescription = '' if fields.get('imageDescription'): imgDescription = fields['imageDescription'] if filename: postJsonObject['object'] = \ attachMedia(self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.port, postJsonObject['object'], filename, attachmentMediaType, imgDescription) replaceYouTube(postJsonObject, self.server.YTReplacementDomain) saveJson(postJsonObject, postFilename) # also save to the news actor if nickname != 'news': postFilename = \ postFilename.replace('#users#' + nickname + '#', '#users#news#') saveJson(postJsonObject, postFilename) print('Edited blog post, resaved ' + postFilename) return 1 else: print('Edited blog post, unable to load json for ' + postFilename) else: print('Edited blog post not found ' + str(fields['postUrl'])) return -1 elif postType == 'newunlisted': messageJson = \ createUnlistedPost(self.server.baseDir, nickname, self.server.domain, self.server.port, self.server.httpPrefix, mentionsStr + fields['message'], False, False, False, commentsEnabled, filename, attachmentMediaType, fields['imageDescription'], fields['replyTo'], fields['replyTo'], fields['subject'], fields['schedulePost'], fields['eventDate'], fields['eventTime'], fields['location']) if messageJson: if fields['schedulePost']: return 1 if self._postToOutbox(messageJson, __version__, nickname): populateReplies(self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, messageJson, self.server.maxReplies, self.server.debug) return 1 else: return -1 elif postType == 'newfollowers': messageJson = \ createFollowersOnlyPost(self.server.baseDir, nickname, self.server.domain, self.server.port, self.server.httpPrefix, mentionsStr + fields['message'], True, False, False, commentsEnabled, filename, attachmentMediaType, fields['imageDescription'], fields['replyTo'], fields['replyTo'], fields['subject'], fields['schedulePost'], fields['eventDate'], fields['eventTime'], fields['location']) if messageJson: if fields['schedulePost']: return 1 if self._postToOutbox(messageJson, __version__, nickname): populateReplies(self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, messageJson, self.server.maxReplies, self.server.debug) return 1 else: return -1 elif postType == 'newevent': # A Mobilizon-type event is posted # if there is no image dscription then make it the same # as the event title if not fields.get('imageDescription'): fields['imageDescription'] = fields['subject'] # Events are public by default, with opt-in # followers only status if not fields.get('followersOnlyEvent'): fields['followersOnlyEvent'] = False if not fields.get('anonymousParticipationEnabled'): anonymousParticipationEnabled = False else: anonymousParticipationEnabled = True maximumAttendeeCapacity = 999999 if fields.get('maximumAttendeeCapacity'): maximumAttendeeCapacity = \ int(fields['maximumAttendeeCapacity']) messageJson = \ createEventPost(self.server.baseDir, nickname, self.server.domain, self.server.port, self.server.httpPrefix, mentionsStr + fields['message'], privateEvent, False, False, commentsEnabled, filename, attachmentMediaType, fields['imageDescription'], fields['subject'], fields['schedulePost'], fields['eventDate'], fields['eventTime'], fields['location'], fields['category'], fields['joinMode'], fields['endDate'], fields['endTime'], maximumAttendeeCapacity, fields['repliesModerationOption'], anonymousParticipationEnabled, fields['eventStatus'], fields['ticketUrl']) if messageJson: if fields['schedulePost']: return 1 if self._postToOutbox(messageJson, __version__, nickname): return 1 else: return -1 elif postType == 'newdm': messageJson = None print('A DM was posted') if '@' in mentionsStr: messageJson = \ createDirectMessagePost(self.server.baseDir, nickname, self.server.domain, self.server.port, self.server.httpPrefix, mentionsStr + fields['message'], True, False, False, commentsEnabled, filename, attachmentMediaType, fields['imageDescription'], fields['replyTo'], fields['replyTo'], fields['subject'], True, fields['schedulePost'], fields['eventDate'], fields['eventTime'], fields['location']) if messageJson: if fields['schedulePost']: return 1 print('Sending new DM to ' + str(messageJson['object']['to'])) if self._postToOutbox(messageJson, __version__, nickname): populateReplies(self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, messageJson, self.server.maxReplies, self.server.debug) return 1 else: return -1 elif postType == 'newreminder': messageJson = None handle = nickname + '@' + self.server.domainFull print('A reminder was posted for ' + handle) if '@' + handle not in mentionsStr: mentionsStr = '@' + handle + ' ' + mentionsStr messageJson = \ createDirectMessagePost(self.server.baseDir, nickname, self.server.domain, self.server.port, self.server.httpPrefix, mentionsStr + fields['message'], True, False, False, False, filename, attachmentMediaType, fields['imageDescription'], None, None, fields['subject'], True, fields['schedulePost'], fields['eventDate'], fields['eventTime'], fields['location']) if messageJson: if fields['schedulePost']: return 1 print('DEBUG: new reminder to ' + str(messageJson['object']['to'])) if self._postToOutbox(messageJson, __version__, nickname): return 1 else: return -1 elif postType == 'newreport': if attachmentMediaType: if attachmentMediaType != 'image': return -1 # So as to be sure that this only goes to moderators # and not accounts being reported we disable any # included fediverse addresses by replacing '@' with '-at-' fields['message'] = fields['message'].replace('@', '-at-') messageJson = \ createReportPost(self.server.baseDir, nickname, self.server.domain, self.server.port, self.server.httpPrefix, mentionsStr + fields['message'], True, False, False, True, filename, attachmentMediaType, fields['imageDescription'], self.server.debug, fields['subject']) if messageJson: if self._postToOutbox(messageJson, __version__, nickname): return 1 else: return -1 elif postType == 'newquestion': if not fields.get('duration'): return -1 if not fields.get('message'): return -1 # questionStr = fields['message'] qOptions = [] for questionCtr in range(8): if fields.get('questionOption' + str(questionCtr)): qOptions.append(fields['questionOption' + str(questionCtr)]) if not qOptions: return -1 messageJson = \ createQuestionPost(self.server.baseDir, nickname, self.server.domain, self.server.port, self.server.httpPrefix, fields['message'], qOptions, False, False, False, commentsEnabled, filename, attachmentMediaType, fields['imageDescription'], fields['subject'], int(fields['duration'])) if messageJson: if self.server.debug: print('DEBUG: new Question') if self._postToOutbox(messageJson, __version__, nickname): return 1 return -1 elif postType == 'newshare': if not fields.get('itemType'): return -1 if not fields.get('category'): return -1 if not fields.get('location'): return -1 if not fields.get('duration'): return -1 if attachmentMediaType: if attachmentMediaType != 'image': return -1 durationStr = fields['duration'] if durationStr: if ' ' not in durationStr: durationStr = durationStr + ' days' addShare(self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, nickname, self.server.domain, self.server.port, fields['subject'], fields['message'], filename, fields['itemType'], fields['category'], fields['location'], durationStr, self.server.debug) if filename: if os.path.isfile(filename): os.remove(filename) self.postToNickname = nickname return 1 return -1 def _receiveNewPost(self, postType: str, path: str, callingDomain: str, cookie: str, authorized: bool) -> int: """A new post has been created This creates a thread to send the new post """ pageNumber = 1 if '/users/' not in path: print('Not receiving new post for ' + path + ' because /users/ not in path') return None if '?' + postType + '?' not in path: print('Not receiving new post for ' + path + ' because ?' + postType + '? not in path') return None print('New post begins: ' + postType + ' ' + path) if '?page=' in path: pageNumberStr = path.split('?page=')[1] if '?' in pageNumberStr: pageNumberStr = pageNumberStr.split('?')[0] if '#' in pageNumberStr: pageNumberStr = pageNumberStr.split('#')[0] if pageNumberStr.isdigit(): pageNumber = int(pageNumberStr) path = path.split('?page=')[0] # get the username who posted newPostThreadName = None if '/users/' in path: newPostThreadName = path.split('/users/')[1] if '/' in newPostThreadName: newPostThreadName = newPostThreadName.split('/')[0] if not newPostThreadName: newPostThreadName = '*' if self.server.newPostThread.get(newPostThreadName): print('Waiting for previous new post thread to end') waitCtr = 0 while (self.server.newPostThread[newPostThreadName].is_alive() and waitCtr < 8): time.sleep(1) waitCtr += 1 if waitCtr >= 8: print('Killing previous new post thread for ' + newPostThreadName) self.server.newPostThread[newPostThreadName].kill() # make a copy of self.headers headers = {} headersWithoutCookie = {} for dictEntryName, headerLine in self.headers.items(): headers[dictEntryName] = headerLine if dictEntryName.lower() != 'cookie': headersWithoutCookie[dictEntryName] = headerLine print('New post headers: ' + str(headersWithoutCookie)) length = int(headers['Content-Length']) if length > self.server.maxPostLength: print('POST size too large') return None if not headers.get('Content-Type'): if headers.get('Content-type'): headers['Content-Type'] = headers['Content-type'] elif headers.get('content-type'): headers['Content-Type'] = headers['content-type'] if headers.get('Content-Type'): if ' boundary=' in headers['Content-Type']: boundary = headers['Content-Type'].split('boundary=')[1] if ';' in boundary: boundary = boundary.split(';')[0] try: postBytes = self.rfile.read(length) except SocketError as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('WARN: POST postBytes ' + 'connection reset by peer') else: print('WARN: POST postBytes socket error') return None except ValueError as e: print('ERROR: POST postBytes rfile.read failed') print(e) return None # second length check from the bytes received # since Content-Length could be untruthful length = len(postBytes) if length > self.server.maxPostLength: print('POST size too large') return None # Note sending new posts needs to be synchronous, # otherwise any attachments can get mangled if # other events happen during their decoding print('Creating new post from: ' + newPostThreadName) self._receiveNewPostProcess(postType, path, headers, length, postBytes, boundary, callingDomain, cookie, authorized) return pageNumber def _cryptoAPIreadHandle(self): """Reads handle """ messageBytes = None maxDeviceIdLength = 2048 length = int(self.headers['Content-length']) if length >= maxDeviceIdLength: print('WARN: handle post to crypto API is too long ' + str(length) + ' bytes') return {} try: messageBytes = self.rfile.read(length) except SocketError as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('WARN: handle POST messageBytes ' + 'connection reset by peer') else: print('WARN: handle POST messageBytes socket error') return {} except ValueError as e: print('ERROR: handle POST messageBytes rfile.read failed') print(e) return {} lenMessage = len(messageBytes) if lenMessage > 2048: print('WARN: handle post to crypto API is too long ' + str(lenMessage) + ' bytes') return {} handle = messageBytes.decode("utf-8") if not handle: return None if '@' not in handle: return None if '[' in handle: return json.loads(messageBytes) if handle.startswith('@'): handle = handle[1:] if '@' not in handle: return None return handle.strip() def _cryptoAPIreadJson(self) -> {}: """Obtains json from POST to the crypto API """ messageBytes = None maxCryptoMessageLength = 10240 length = int(self.headers['Content-length']) if length >= maxCryptoMessageLength: print('WARN: post to crypto API is too long ' + str(length) + ' bytes') return {} try: messageBytes = self.rfile.read(length) except SocketError as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('WARN: POST messageBytes ' + 'connection reset by peer') else: print('WARN: POST messageBytes socket error') return {} except ValueError as e: print('ERROR: POST messageBytes rfile.read failed') print(e) return {} lenMessage = len(messageBytes) if lenMessage > 10240: print('WARN: post to crypto API is too long ' + str(lenMessage) + ' bytes') return {} return json.loads(messageBytes) def _cryptoAPIQuery(self, callingDomain: str) -> bool: handle = self._cryptoAPIreadHandle() if not handle: return False if isinstance(handle, str): personDir = self.server.baseDir + '/accounts/' + handle if not os.path.isdir(personDir + '/devices'): return False devicesList = [] for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(personDir + '/devices'): for f in files: deviceFilename = os.path.join(personDir + '/devices', f) if not os.path.isfile(deviceFilename): continue contentJson = loadJson(deviceFilename) if contentJson: devicesList.append(contentJson) break # return the list of devices for this handle msg = \ json.dumps(devicesList, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) self._set_headers('application/json', msglen, None, callingDomain) self._write(msg) return True return False def _cryptoAPI(self, path: str, authorized: bool) -> None: """POST or GET with the crypto API """ if authorized and path.startswith('/api/v1/crypto/keys/upload'): # register a device to an authorized account if not self.authorizedNickname: self._400() return deviceKeys = self._cryptoAPIreadJson() if not deviceKeys: self._400() return if isinstance(deviceKeys, dict): if not E2EEvalidDevice(deviceKeys): self._400() return E2EEaddDevice(self.server.baseDir, self.authorizedNickname, self.server.domain, deviceKeys['deviceId'], deviceKeys['name'], deviceKeys['claim'], deviceKeys['fingerprintKey']['publicKeyBase64'], deviceKeys['identityKey']['publicKeyBase64'], deviceKeys['fingerprintKey']['type'], deviceKeys['identityKey']['type']) self._200() return self._400() elif path.startswith('/api/v1/crypto/keys/query'): # given a handle (nickname@domain) return a list of the devices # registered to that handle if not self._cryptoAPIQuery(): self._400() elif path.startswith('/api/v1/crypto/keys/claim'): # TODO self._200() elif authorized and path.startswith('/api/v1/crypto/delivery'): # TODO self._200() elif (authorized and path.startswith('/api/v1/crypto/encrypted_messages/clear')): # TODO self._200() elif path.startswith('/api/v1/crypto/encrypted_messages'): # TODO self._200() else: self._400() def do_POST(self): POSTstartTime = time.time() POSTtimings = [] if not self.server.session: print('Starting new session from POST') self.server.session = \ createSession(self.server.proxyType) if not self.server.session: print('ERROR: POST failed to create session during POST') self._404() return if self.server.debug: print('DEBUG: POST to ' + self.server.baseDir + ' path: ' + self.path + ' busy: ' + str(self.server.POSTbusy)) if self.server.POSTbusy: currTimePOST = int(time.time()) if currTimePOST - self.server.lastPOST == 0: self.send_response(429) self.end_headers() return self.server.lastPOST = currTimePOST callingDomain = self.server.domainFull if self.headers.get('Host'): callingDomain = decodedHost(self.headers['Host']) if self.server.onionDomain: if callingDomain != self.server.domain and \ callingDomain != self.server.domainFull and \ callingDomain != self.server.onionDomain: print('POST domain blocked: ' + callingDomain) self._400() return else: if callingDomain != self.server.domain and \ callingDomain != self.server.domainFull: print('POST domain blocked: ' + callingDomain) self._400() return self.server.POSTbusy = True if not self.headers.get('Content-type'): print('Content-type header missing') self._400() self.server.POSTbusy = False return # remove any trailing slashes from the path if not self.path.endswith('confirm'): self.path = self.path.replace('/outbox/', '/outbox') self.path = self.path.replace('/tlblogs/', '/tlblogs') self.path = self.path.replace('/tlevents/', '/tlevents') self.path = self.path.replace('/inbox/', '/inbox') self.path = self.path.replace('/shares/', '/shares') self.path = self.path.replace('/sharedInbox/', '/sharedInbox') if self.path == '/inbox': if not self.server.enableSharedInbox: self._503() self.server.POSTbusy = False return cookie = None if self.headers.get('Cookie'): cookie = self.headers['Cookie'] # check authorization authorized = self._isAuthorized() if not authorized and self.server.debug: print('POST Not authorized') print(str(self.headers)) if self.path.startswith('/api/v1/crypto/'): self._cryptoAPI(self.path, authorized) self.server.POSTbusy = False return # if this is a POST to the outbox then check authentication self.outboxAuthenticated = False self.postToNickname = None self._benchmarkPOSTtimings(POSTstartTime, POSTtimings, 1) # login screen if self.path.startswith('/login'): self._loginScreen(self.path, callingDomain, cookie, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, self.server.debug) return self._benchmarkPOSTtimings(POSTstartTime, POSTtimings, 2) if authorized and self.path.endswith('/sethashtagcategory'): self._setHashtagCategory(callingDomain, cookie, authorized, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, self.server.debug, self.server.defaultTimeline, self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess) return # update of profile/avatar from web interface, # after selecting Edit button then Submit if authorized and self.path.endswith('/profiledata'): self._profileUpdate(callingDomain, cookie, authorized, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, self.server.debug, self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess, self.server.systemLanguage) return if authorized and self.path.endswith('/linksdata'): self._linksUpdate(callingDomain, cookie, authorized, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, self.server.debug, self.server.defaultTimeline, self.server.allowLocalNetworkAccess) return if authorized and self.path.endswith('/newswiredata'): self._newswireUpdate(callingDomain, cookie, authorized, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, self.server.debug, self.server.defaultTimeline) return if authorized and self.path.endswith('/citationsdata'): self._citationsUpdate(callingDomain, cookie, authorized, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, self.server.debug, self.server.defaultTimeline, self.server.newswire) return if authorized and self.path.endswith('/newseditdata'): self._newsPostEdit(callingDomain, cookie, authorized, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, self.server.debug, self.server.defaultTimeline) return self._benchmarkPOSTtimings(POSTstartTime, POSTtimings, 3) usersInPath = False if '/users/' in self.path: usersInPath = True # moderator action buttons if authorized and usersInPath and \ self.path.endswith('/moderationaction'): self._moderatorActions(self.path, callingDomain, cookie, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, self.server.debug) return self._benchmarkPOSTtimings(POSTstartTime, POSTtimings, 4) searchForEmoji = False if self.path.endswith('/searchhandleemoji'): searchForEmoji = True self.path = self.path.replace('/searchhandleemoji', '/searchhandle') if self.server.debug: print('DEBUG: searching for emoji') print('authorized: ' + str(authorized)) self._benchmarkPOSTtimings(POSTstartTime, POSTtimings, 5) self._benchmarkPOSTtimings(POSTstartTime, POSTtimings, 6) # a search was made if ((authorized or searchForEmoji) and (self.path.endswith('/searchhandle') or '/searchhandle?page=' in self.path)): self._receiveSearchQuery(callingDomain, cookie, authorized, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, searchForEmoji, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, POSTstartTime, {}, self.server.debug) return self._benchmarkPOSTtimings(POSTstartTime, POSTtimings, 7) if not authorized: if self.path.endswith('/rmpost'): print('ERROR: attempt to remove post was not authorized. ' + self.path) self._400() self.server.POSTbusy = False return else: # a vote/question/poll is posted if self.path.endswith('/question') or \ '/question?page=' in self.path: self._receiveVote(callingDomain, cookie, authorized, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, self.server.debug) return # removes a shared item if self.path.endswith('/rmshare'): self._removeShare(callingDomain, cookie, authorized, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, self.server.debug) return self._benchmarkPOSTtimings(POSTstartTime, POSTtimings, 8) # removes a post if self.path.endswith('/rmpost'): if '/users/' not in self.path: print('ERROR: attempt to remove post ' + 'was not authorized. ' + self.path) self._400() self.server.POSTbusy = False return if self.path.endswith('/rmpost'): self._removePost(callingDomain, cookie, authorized, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, self.server.debug) return self._benchmarkPOSTtimings(POSTstartTime, POSTtimings, 9) # decision to follow in the web interface is confirmed if self.path.endswith('/followconfirm'): self._followConfirm(callingDomain, cookie, authorized, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, self.server.debug) return self._benchmarkPOSTtimings(POSTstartTime, POSTtimings, 10) # decision to unfollow in the web interface is confirmed if self.path.endswith('/unfollowconfirm'): self._unfollowConfirm(callingDomain, cookie, authorized, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, self.server.debug) return self._benchmarkPOSTtimings(POSTstartTime, POSTtimings, 11) # decision to unblock in the web interface is confirmed if self.path.endswith('/unblockconfirm'): self._unblockConfirm(callingDomain, cookie, authorized, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, self.server.debug) return self._benchmarkPOSTtimings(POSTstartTime, POSTtimings, 12) # decision to block in the web interface is confirmed if self.path.endswith('/blockconfirm'): self._blockConfirm(callingDomain, cookie, authorized, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, self.server.debug) return self._benchmarkPOSTtimings(POSTstartTime, POSTtimings, 13) # an option was chosen from person options screen # view/follow/block/report if self.path.endswith('/personoptions'): self._personOptions(self.path, callingDomain, cookie, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.port, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, self.server.debug) return self._benchmarkPOSTtimings(POSTstartTime, POSTtimings, 14) # receive different types of post created by htmlNewPost postTypes = ("newpost", "newblog", "newunlisted", "newfollowers", "newdm", "newreport", "newshare", "newquestion", "editblogpost", "newreminder", "newevent") for currPostType in postTypes: if not authorized: if self.server.debug: print('POST was not authorized') break postRedirect = self.server.defaultTimeline if currPostType == 'newshare': postRedirect = 'shares' elif currPostType == 'newevent': postRedirect = 'tlevents' pageNumber = \ self._receiveNewPost(currPostType, self.path, callingDomain, cookie, authorized) if pageNumber: print(currPostType + ' post received') nickname = self.path.split('/users/')[1] if '?' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('?')[0] if '/' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('/')[0] if callingDomain.endswith('.onion') and \ self.server.onionDomain: actorPathStr = \ 'http://' + self.server.onionDomain + \ '/users/' + nickname + '/' + postRedirect + \ '?page=' + str(pageNumber) self._redirect_headers(actorPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) elif (callingDomain.endswith('.i2p') and self.server.i2pDomain): actorPathStr = \ 'http://' + self.server.i2pDomain + \ '/users/' + nickname + '/' + postRedirect + \ '?page=' + str(pageNumber) self._redirect_headers(actorPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) else: actorPathStr = \ self.server.httpPrefix + '://' + \ self.server.domainFull + '/users/' + nickname + \ '/' + postRedirect + '?page=' + str(pageNumber) self._redirect_headers(actorPathStr, cookie, callingDomain) self.server.POSTbusy = False return self._benchmarkPOSTtimings(POSTstartTime, POSTtimings, 15) if self.path.endswith('/outbox') or self.path.endswith('/shares'): if usersInPath: if authorized: self.outboxAuthenticated = True pathUsersSection = self.path.split('/users/')[1] self.postToNickname = pathUsersSection.split('/')[0] if not self.outboxAuthenticated: self.send_response(405) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return self._benchmarkPOSTtimings(POSTstartTime, POSTtimings, 16) # check that the post is to an expected path if not (self.path.endswith('/outbox') or self.path.endswith('/inbox') or self.path.endswith('/shares') or self.path.endswith('/moderationaction') or self.path == '/sharedInbox'): print('Attempt to POST to invalid path ' + self.path) self._400() self.server.POSTbusy = False return self._benchmarkPOSTtimings(POSTstartTime, POSTtimings, 17) # read the message and convert it into a python dictionary length = int(self.headers['Content-length']) if self.server.debug: print('DEBUG: content-length: ' + str(length)) if not self.headers['Content-type'].startswith('image/') and \ not self.headers['Content-type'].startswith('video/') and \ not self.headers['Content-type'].startswith('audio/'): if length > self.server.maxMessageLength: print('Maximum message length exceeded ' + str(length)) self._400() self.server.POSTbusy = False return else: if length > self.server.maxMediaSize: print('Maximum media size exceeded ' + str(length)) self._400() self.server.POSTbusy = False return # receive images to the outbox if self.headers['Content-type'].startswith('image/') and \ usersInPath: self._receiveImage(length, callingDomain, cookie, authorized, self.path, self.server.baseDir, self.server.httpPrefix, self.server.domain, self.server.domainFull, self.server.onionDomain, self.server.i2pDomain, self.server.debug) return # refuse to receive non-json content contentTypeStr = self.headers['Content-type'] if not contentTypeStr.startswith('application/json') and \ not contentTypeStr.startswith('application/activity+json') and \ not contentTypeStr.startswith('application/ld+json'): print("POST is not json: " + self.headers['Content-type']) if self.server.debug: print(str(self.headers)) length = int(self.headers['Content-length']) if length < self.server.maxPostLength: try: unknownPost = self.rfile.read(length).decode('utf-8') except SocketError as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('WARN: POST unknownPost ' + 'connection reset by peer') else: print('WARN: POST unknownPost socket error') self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return except ValueError as e: print('ERROR: POST unknownPost rfile.read failed') print(e) self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return print(str(unknownPost)) self._400() self.server.POSTbusy = False return if self.server.debug: print('DEBUG: Reading message') self._benchmarkPOSTtimings(POSTstartTime, POSTtimings, 18) # check content length before reading bytes if self.path == '/sharedInbox' or self.path == '/inbox': length = 0 if self.headers.get('Content-length'): length = int(self.headers['Content-length']) elif self.headers.get('Content-Length'): length = int(self.headers['Content-Length']) elif self.headers.get('content-length'): length = int(self.headers['content-length']) if length > 10240: print('WARN: post to shared inbox is too long ' + str(length) + ' bytes') self._400() self.server.POSTbusy = False return try: messageBytes = self.rfile.read(length) except SocketError as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: print('WARN: POST messageBytes ' + 'connection reset by peer') else: print('WARN: POST messageBytes socket error') self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return except ValueError as e: print('ERROR: POST messageBytes rfile.read failed') print(e) self.send_response(400) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return # check content length after reading bytes if self.path == '/sharedInbox' or self.path == '/inbox': lenMessage = len(messageBytes) if lenMessage > 10240: print('WARN: post to shared inbox is too long ' + str(lenMessage) + ' bytes') self._400() self.server.POSTbusy = False return if containsInvalidChars(messageBytes.decode("utf-8")): self._400() self.server.POSTbusy = False return # convert the raw bytes to json messageJson = json.loads(messageBytes) self._benchmarkPOSTtimings(POSTstartTime, POSTtimings, 19) # https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#object-without-create if self.outboxAuthenticated: if self._postToOutbox(messageJson, __version__): if messageJson.get('id'): locnStr = removeIdEnding(messageJson['id']) self.headers['Location'] = locnStr self.send_response(201) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return else: if self.server.debug: print('Failed to post to outbox') self.send_response(403) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return self._benchmarkPOSTtimings(POSTstartTime, POSTtimings, 20) # check the necessary properties are available if self.server.debug: print('DEBUG: Check message has params') if not messageJson: self.send_response(403) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return if self.path.endswith('/inbox') or \ self.path == '/sharedInbox': if not inboxMessageHasParams(messageJson): if self.server.debug: print("DEBUG: inbox message doesn't have the " + "required parameters") self.send_response(403) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return self._benchmarkPOSTtimings(POSTstartTime, POSTtimings, 21) headerSignature = self._getheaderSignatureInput() if headerSignature: if 'keyId=' not in headerSignature: if self.server.debug: print('DEBUG: POST to inbox has no keyId in ' + 'header signature parameter') self.send_response(403) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return self._benchmarkPOSTtimings(POSTstartTime, POSTtimings, 22) if not self.server.unitTest: if not inboxPermittedMessage(self.server.domain, messageJson, self.server.federationList): if self.server.debug: # https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3PrSj9XEu4 print('DEBUG: Ah Ah Ah') self.send_response(403) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return self._benchmarkPOSTtimings(POSTstartTime, POSTtimings, 23) if self.server.debug: print('DEBUG: POST saving to inbox queue') if usersInPath: pathUsersSection = self.path.split('/users/')[1] if '/' not in pathUsersSection: if self.server.debug: print('DEBUG: This is not a users endpoint') else: self.postToNickname = pathUsersSection.split('/')[0] if self.postToNickname: queueStatus = \ self._updateInboxQueue(self.postToNickname, messageJson, messageBytes) if queueStatus >= 0 and queueStatus <= 3: return if self.server.debug: print('_updateInboxQueue exited ' + 'without doing anything') else: if self.server.debug: print('self.postToNickname is None') self.send_response(403) self.end_headers() self.server.POSTbusy = False return else: if self.path == '/sharedInbox' or self.path == '/inbox': if self.server.debug: print('DEBUG: POST to shared inbox') queueStatus = \ self._updateInboxQueue('inbox', messageJson, messageBytes) if queueStatus >= 0 and queueStatus <= 3: return self._200() self.server.POSTbusy = False class PubServerUnitTest(PubServer): protocol_version = 'HTTP/1.0' class EpicyonServer(ThreadingHTTPServer): def handle_error(self, request, client_address): # surpress connection reset errors cls, e = sys.exc_info()[:2] if cls is ConnectionResetError: print('ERROR: ' + str(cls) + ", " + str(e)) pass else: return HTTPServer.handle_error(self, request, client_address) def runPostsQueue(baseDir: str, sendThreads: [], debug: bool, timeoutMins: int) -> None: """Manages the threads used to send posts """ while True: time.sleep(1) removeDormantThreads(baseDir, sendThreads, debug, timeoutMins) def runSharesExpire(versionNumber: str, baseDir: str) -> None: """Expires shares as needed """ while True: time.sleep(120) expireShares(baseDir) def runPostsWatchdog(projectVersion: str, httpd) -> None: """This tries to keep the posts thread running even if it dies """ print('Starting posts queue watchdog') postsQueueOriginal = httpd.thrPostsQueue.clone(runPostsQueue) httpd.thrPostsQueue.start() while True: time.sleep(20) if not httpd.thrPostsQueue.is_alive(): httpd.thrPostsQueue.kill() httpd.thrPostsQueue = postsQueueOriginal.clone(runPostsQueue) httpd.thrPostsQueue.start() print('Restarting posts queue...') def runSharesExpireWatchdog(projectVersion: str, httpd) -> None: """This tries to keep the shares expiry thread running even if it dies """ print('Starting shares expiry watchdog') sharesExpireOriginal = httpd.thrSharesExpire.clone(runSharesExpire) httpd.thrSharesExpire.start() while True: time.sleep(20) if not httpd.thrSharesExpire.is_alive(): httpd.thrSharesExpire.kill() httpd.thrSharesExpire = sharesExpireOriginal.clone(runSharesExpire) httpd.thrSharesExpire.start() print('Restarting shares expiry...') def loadTokens(baseDir: str, tokensDict: {}, tokensLookup: {}) -> None: for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(baseDir + '/accounts'): for handle in dirs: if '@' in handle: tokenFilename = baseDir + '/accounts/' + handle + '/.token' if not os.path.isfile(tokenFilename): continue nickname = handle.split('@')[0] token = None try: with open(tokenFilename, 'r') as fp: token = fp.read() except Exception as e: print('WARN: Unable to read token for ' + nickname + ' ' + str(e)) if not token: continue tokensDict[nickname] = token tokensLookup[token] = nickname break def runDaemon(brochMode: bool, verifyAllSignatures: bool, sendThreadsTimeoutMins: int, dormantMonths: int, maxNewswirePosts: int, allowLocalNetworkAccess: bool, maxFeedItemSizeKb: int, publishButtonAtTop: bool, rssIconAtTop: bool, iconsAsButtons: bool, fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader: bool, showPublishAsIcon: bool, maxFollowers: int, maxNewsPosts: int, maxMirroredArticles: int, maxNewswireFeedSizeKb: int, maxNewswirePostsPerSource: int, showPublishedDateOnly: bool, votingTimeMins: int, positiveVoting: bool, newswireVotesThreshold: int, newsInstance: bool, blogsInstance: bool, mediaInstance: bool, maxRecentPosts: int, enableSharedInbox: bool, registration: bool, language: str, projectVersion: str, instanceId: str, clientToServer: bool, baseDir: str, domain: str, onionDomain: str, i2pDomain: str, YTReplacementDomain: str, port=80, proxyPort=80, httpPrefix='https', fedList=[], maxMentions=10, maxEmoji=10, authenticatedFetch=False, proxyType=None, maxReplies=64, domainMaxPostsPerDay=8640, accountMaxPostsPerDay=864, allowDeletion=False, debug=False, unitTest=False, instanceOnlySkillsSearch=False, sendThreads=[], manualFollowerApproval=True) -> None: if len(domain) == 0: domain = 'localhost' if '.' not in domain: if domain != 'localhost': print('Invalid domain: ' + domain) return if unitTest: serverAddress = (domain, proxyPort) pubHandler = partial(PubServerUnitTest) else: serverAddress = ('', proxyPort) pubHandler = partial(PubServer) if not os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/accounts'): print('Creating accounts directory') os.mkdir(baseDir + '/accounts') try: httpd = EpicyonServer(serverAddress, pubHandler) except Exception as e: if e.errno == 98: print('ERROR: HTTP server address is already in use. ' + str(serverAddress)) return False print('ERROR: HTTP server failed to start. ' + str(e)) print('serverAddress: ' + str(serverAddress)) return False # ASCII/ANSI text banner used in shell browsers, such as Lynx httpd.textModeBanner = getTextModeBanner(baseDir) httpd.unitTest = unitTest httpd.allowLocalNetworkAccess = allowLocalNetworkAccess if unitTest: # unit tests are run on the local network with LAN addresses httpd.allowLocalNetworkAccess = True httpd.YTReplacementDomain = YTReplacementDomain # newswire storing rss feeds httpd.newswire = {} # maximum number of posts to appear in the newswire on the right column httpd.maxNewswirePosts = maxNewswirePosts # whether to require that all incoming posts have valid jsonld signatures httpd.verifyAllSignatures = verifyAllSignatures # This counter is used to update the list of blocked domains in memory. # It helps to avoid touching the disk and so improves flooding resistance httpd.blocklistUpdateCtr = 0 httpd.blocklistUpdateInterval = 100 httpd.domainBlocklist = getDomainBlocklist(baseDir) httpd.manualFollowerApproval = manualFollowerApproval httpd.onionDomain = onionDomain httpd.i2pDomain = i2pDomain httpd.mediaInstance = mediaInstance httpd.blogsInstance = blogsInstance # load translations dictionary httpd.translate = {} httpd.systemLanguage = 'en' if not unitTest: httpd.translate, httpd.systemLanguage = \ loadTranslationsFromFile(baseDir, language) print('System language: ' + httpd.systemLanguage) if not httpd.translate: print('ERROR: no translations were loaded') sys.exit() # For moderated newswire feeds this is the amount of time allowed # for voting after the post arrives httpd.votingTimeMins = votingTimeMins # on the newswire, whether moderators vote positively for items # or against them (veto) httpd.positiveVoting = positiveVoting # number of votes needed to remove a newswire item from the news timeline # or if positive voting is anabled to add the item to the news timeline httpd.newswireVotesThreshold = newswireVotesThreshold # maximum overall size of an rss/atom feed read by the newswire daemon # If the feed is too large then this is probably a DoS attempt httpd.maxNewswireFeedSizeKb = maxNewswireFeedSizeKb # For each newswire source (account or rss feed) # this is the maximum number of posts to show for each. # This avoids one or two sources from dominating the news, # and also prevents big feeds from slowing down page load times httpd.maxNewswirePostsPerSource = maxNewswirePostsPerSource # Show only the date at the bottom of posts, and not the time httpd.showPublishedDateOnly = showPublishedDateOnly # maximum number of news articles to mirror httpd.maxMirroredArticles = maxMirroredArticles # maximum number of posts in the news timeline/outbox httpd.maxNewsPosts = maxNewsPosts # The maximum number of tags per post which can be # attached to RSS feeds pulled in via the newswire httpd.maxTags = 32 # maximum number of followers per account httpd.maxFollowers = maxFollowers # whether to show an icon for publish on the # newswire, or a 'Publish' button httpd.showPublishAsIcon = showPublishAsIcon # Whether to show the timeline header containing inbox, outbox # calendar, etc as the full width of the screen or not httpd.fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader = fullWidthTimelineButtonHeader # whether to show icons in the header (eg calendar) as buttons httpd.iconsAsButtons = iconsAsButtons # whether to show the RSS icon at the top or the bottom of the timeline httpd.rssIconAtTop = rssIconAtTop # Whether to show the newswire publish button at the top, # above the header image httpd.publishButtonAtTop = publishButtonAtTop # maximum size of individual RSS feed items, in K httpd.maxFeedItemSizeKb = maxFeedItemSizeKb # maximum size of a hashtag category, in K httpd.maxCategoriesFeedItemSizeKb = 1024 # how many months does a followed account need to be unseen # for it to be considered dormant? httpd.dormantMonths = dormantMonths if registration == 'open': httpd.registration = True else: httpd.registration = False httpd.enableSharedInbox = enableSharedInbox httpd.outboxThread = {} httpd.newPostThread = {} httpd.projectVersion = projectVersion httpd.authenticatedFetch = authenticatedFetch # max POST size of 30M httpd.maxPostLength = 1024 * 1024 * 30 httpd.maxMediaSize = httpd.maxPostLength # Maximum text length is 64K - enough for a blog post httpd.maxMessageLength = 64000 # Maximum overall number of posts per box httpd.maxPostsInBox = 32000 httpd.domain = domain httpd.port = port httpd.domainFull = getFullDomain(domain, port) saveDomainQrcode(baseDir, httpPrefix, httpd.domainFull) httpd.httpPrefix = httpPrefix httpd.debug = debug httpd.federationList = fedList.copy() httpd.baseDir = baseDir httpd.instanceId = instanceId httpd.personCache = {} httpd.cachedWebfingers = {} httpd.proxyType = proxyType httpd.session = None httpd.sessionLastUpdate = 0 httpd.lastGET = 0 httpd.lastPOST = 0 httpd.GETbusy = False httpd.POSTbusy = False httpd.receivedMessage = False httpd.inboxQueue = [] httpd.sendThreads = sendThreads httpd.postLog = [] httpd.maxQueueLength = 64 httpd.allowDeletion = allowDeletion httpd.lastLoginTime = 0 httpd.maxReplies = maxReplies httpd.tokens = {} httpd.tokensLookup = {} loadTokens(baseDir, httpd.tokens, httpd.tokensLookup) httpd.instanceOnlySkillsSearch = instanceOnlySkillsSearch # contains threads used to send posts to followers httpd.followersThreads = [] # cache to store css files httpd.cssCache = {} # whether to enable broch mode, which locks down the instance setBrochMode(baseDir, httpd.domainFull, brochMode) if not os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/accounts/inbox@' + domain): print('Creating shared inbox: inbox@' + domain) createSharedInbox(baseDir, 'inbox', domain, port, httpPrefix) if not os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/accounts/news@' + domain): print('Creating news inbox: news@' + domain) createNewsInbox(baseDir, domain, port, httpPrefix) # set the avatar for the news account httpd.themeName = getConfigParam(baseDir, 'theme') if not httpd.themeName: httpd.themeName = 'default' if isNewsThemeName(baseDir, httpd.themeName): newsInstance = True httpd.newsInstance = newsInstance httpd.defaultTimeline = 'inbox' if mediaInstance: httpd.defaultTimeline = 'tlmedia' if blogsInstance: httpd.defaultTimeline = 'tlblogs' if newsInstance: httpd.defaultTimeline = 'tlfeatures' setNewsAvatar(baseDir, httpd.themeName, httpPrefix, domain, httpd.domainFull) if not os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/cache'): os.mkdir(baseDir + '/cache') if not os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/cache/actors'): print('Creating actors cache') os.mkdir(baseDir + '/cache/actors') if not os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/cache/announce'): print('Creating announce cache') os.mkdir(baseDir + '/cache/announce') if not os.path.isdir(baseDir + '/cache/avatars'): print('Creating avatars cache') os.mkdir(baseDir + '/cache/avatars') archiveDir = baseDir + '/archive' if not os.path.isdir(archiveDir): print('Creating archive') os.mkdir(archiveDir) print('Creating cache expiry thread') httpd.thrCache = \ threadWithTrace(target=expireCache, args=(baseDir, httpd.personCache, httpd.httpPrefix, archiveDir, httpd.maxPostsInBox), daemon=True) httpd.thrCache.start() # number of mins after which sending posts or updates will expire httpd.sendThreadsTimeoutMins = sendThreadsTimeoutMins print('Creating posts queue') httpd.thrPostsQueue = \ threadWithTrace(target=runPostsQueue, args=(baseDir, httpd.sendThreads, debug, httpd.sendThreadsTimeoutMins), daemon=True) if not unitTest: httpd.thrPostsWatchdog = \ threadWithTrace(target=runPostsWatchdog, args=(projectVersion, httpd), daemon=True) httpd.thrPostsWatchdog.start() else: httpd.thrPostsQueue.start() print('Creating expire thread for shared items') httpd.thrSharesExpire = \ threadWithTrace(target=runSharesExpire, args=(__version__, baseDir), daemon=True) if not unitTest: httpd.thrSharesExpireWatchdog = \ threadWithTrace(target=runSharesExpireWatchdog, args=(projectVersion, httpd), daemon=True) httpd.thrSharesExpireWatchdog.start() else: httpd.thrSharesExpire.start() httpd.recentPostsCache = {} httpd.maxRecentPosts = maxRecentPosts httpd.iconsCache = {} httpd.fontsCache = {} # load peertube instances from file into a list httpd.peertubeInstances = [] loadPeertubeInstances(baseDir, httpd.peertubeInstances) createInitialLastSeen(baseDir, httpPrefix) print('Creating inbox queue') httpd.thrInboxQueue = \ threadWithTrace(target=runInboxQueue, args=(httpd.recentPostsCache, httpd.maxRecentPosts, projectVersion, baseDir, httpPrefix, httpd.sendThreads, httpd.postLog, httpd.cachedWebfingers, httpd.personCache, httpd.inboxQueue, domain, onionDomain, i2pDomain, port, proxyType, httpd.federationList, maxReplies, domainMaxPostsPerDay, accountMaxPostsPerDay, allowDeletion, debug, maxMentions, maxEmoji, httpd.translate, unitTest, httpd.YTReplacementDomain, httpd.showPublishedDateOnly, httpd.maxFollowers, httpd.allowLocalNetworkAccess, httpd.peertubeInstances, verifyAllSignatures, httpd.themeName), daemon=True) print('Creating scheduled post thread') httpd.thrPostSchedule = \ threadWithTrace(target=runPostSchedule, args=(baseDir, httpd, 20), daemon=True) print('Creating newswire thread') httpd.thrNewswireDaemon = \ threadWithTrace(target=runNewswireDaemon, args=(baseDir, httpd, httpPrefix, domain, port, httpd.translate), daemon=True) # flags used when restarting the inbox queue httpd.restartInboxQueueInProgress = False httpd.restartInboxQueue = False print('Adding hashtag categories for language ' + httpd.systemLanguage) loadHashtagCategories(baseDir, httpd.systemLanguage) if not unitTest: print('Creating inbox queue watchdog') httpd.thrWatchdog = \ threadWithTrace(target=runInboxQueueWatchdog, args=(projectVersion, httpd), daemon=True) httpd.thrWatchdog.start() print('Creating scheduled post watchdog') httpd.thrWatchdogSchedule = \ threadWithTrace(target=runPostScheduleWatchdog, args=(projectVersion, httpd), daemon=True) httpd.thrWatchdogSchedule.start() print('Creating newswire watchdog') httpd.thrNewswireWatchdog = \ threadWithTrace(target=runNewswireWatchdog, args=(projectVersion, httpd), daemon=True) httpd.thrNewswireWatchdog.start() else: httpd.thrInboxQueue.start() httpd.thrPostSchedule.start() if clientToServer: print('Running ActivityPub client on ' + domain + ' port ' + str(proxyPort)) else: print('Running ActivityPub server on ' + domain + ' port ' + str(proxyPort)) httpd.serve_forever()