__filename__ = "daemon_get_post.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.5.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@libreserver.org" __status__ = "Production" __module_group__ = "Core GET" import os import json from webapp_conversation import html_conversation_view from flags import is_public_post_from_url from flags import is_public_post from flags import is_premium_account from utils import get_instance_url from utils import local_actor_url from utils import locate_post from utils import get_config_param from utils import can_reply_to from utils import get_nickname_from_actor from utils import get_new_post_endpoints from utils import acct_dir from utils import get_json_content_from_accept from utils import convert_domains from utils import has_object_dict from utils import load_json from session import establish_session from languages import get_understood_languages from languages import get_reply_language from httpcodes import write2 from httpcodes import http_401 from httpcodes import http_403 from httpcodes import http_404 from httpheaders import set_headers from httpheaders import login_headers from httpheaders import redirect_headers from httprequests import request_http from posts import populate_replies_json from posts import remove_post_interactions from webapp_post import html_post_replies from webapp_post import html_individual_post from webapp_create_post import html_new_post from webapp_likers import html_likers_of_post from fitnessFunctions import fitness_performance from securemode import secure_mode from context import get_individual_post_context from conversation import convthread_id_to_conversation_tag def _show_post_from_file(self, post_filename: str, liked_by: str, react_by: str, react_emoji: str, authorized: bool, calling_domain: str, referer_domain: str, base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, getreq_start_time, proxy_type: str, cookie: str, debug: str, include_create_wrapper: bool, curr_session, translate: {}, account_timezone: {}, bold_reading_nicknames: {}, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_recent_posts: int, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, project_version: str, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, peertube_instances: [], allow_local_network_access: bool, theme_name: str, system_language: str, max_like_count: int, signing_priv_key_pem: str, cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: {}, dogwhistles: {}, min_images_for_accounts: [], buy_sites: [], auto_cw_cache: {}, fitness: {}, path: str, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str) -> bool: """Shows an individual post from its filename """ if not os.path.isfile(post_filename): http_404(self, 71) self.server.getreq_busy = False return True # if this is a premium account and the viewer is unauthorized if not authorized: if is_premium_account(base_dir, nickname, domain): http_401(self, translate['Premium account']) self.server.getreq_busy = False return True post_json_object = load_json(post_filename) if not post_json_object: self.send_response(429) self.end_headers() self.server.getreq_busy = False return True # Only authorized viewers get to see likes on posts # Otherwize marketers could gain more social graph info if not authorized: pjo = post_json_object if not is_public_post(pjo): # only public posts may be viewed by unauthorized viewers http_401(self, 'only public posts ' + 'may be viewed by unauthorized viewers') self.server.getreq_busy = False return True remove_post_interactions(pjo, True) if request_http(self.headers, debug): timezone = None if account_timezone.get(nickname): timezone = account_timezone.get(nickname) mitm = False if os.path.isfile(post_filename.replace('.json', '') + '.mitm'): mitm = True bold_reading = False if bold_reading_nicknames.get(nickname): bold_reading = True msg = \ html_individual_post(recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, translate, base_dir, curr_session, cached_webfingers, person_cache, nickname, domain, port, authorized, post_json_object, http_prefix, project_version, liked_by, react_by, react_emoji, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, theme_name, system_language, max_like_count, signing_priv_key_pem, cw_lists, lists_enabled, timezone, mitm, bold_reading, dogwhistles, min_images_for_accounts, buy_sites, auto_cw_cache) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) set_headers(self, 'text/html', msglen, cookie, calling_domain, False) write2(self, msg) fitness_performance(getreq_start_time, fitness, '_GET', 'show_post_from_file', debug) else: if secure_mode(curr_session, proxy_type, False, self.server, self.headers, path): if not include_create_wrapper and \ post_json_object['type'] == 'Create' and \ has_object_dict(post_json_object): unwrapped_json = post_json_object['object'] unwrapped_json['@context'] = \ get_individual_post_context() msg_str = json.dumps(unwrapped_json, ensure_ascii=False) else: msg_str = json.dumps(post_json_object, ensure_ascii=False) msg_str = convert_domains(calling_domain, referer_domain, msg_str, http_prefix, domain, onion_domain, i2p_domain) msg = msg_str.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) protocol_str = \ get_json_content_from_accept(self.headers['Accept']) set_headers(self, protocol_str, msglen, None, calling_domain, False) write2(self, msg) fitness_performance(getreq_start_time, fitness, '_GET', 'show_post_from_file json', debug) else: http_404(self, 73) self.server.getreq_busy = False return True def show_individual_post(self, ssml_getreq: bool, authorized: bool, calling_domain: str, referer_domain: str, path: str, base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, domain: str, domain_full: str, port: int, getreq_start_time, proxy_type: str, cookie: str, debug: str, curr_session, translate: {}, account_timezone: {}, fitness: {}, bold_reading_nicknames: {}, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_recent_posts: int, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, project_version: str, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, peertube_instances: [], allow_local_network_access: bool, theme_name: str, system_language: str, max_like_count: int, signing_priv_key_pem: str, cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: {}, dogwhistles: {}, min_images_for_accounts: [], buy_sites: [], auto_cw_cache: {}, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str) -> bool: """Shows an individual post """ liked_by = None if '?likedBy=' in path: liked_by = path.split('?likedBy=')[1].strip() if '?' in liked_by: liked_by = liked_by.split('?')[0] path = path.split('?likedBy=')[0] react_by = None react_emoji = None if '?reactBy=' in path: react_by = path.split('?reactBy=')[1].strip() if ';' in react_by: react_by = react_by.split(';')[0] if ';emoj=' in path: react_emoji = path.split(';emoj=')[1].strip() if ';' in react_emoji: react_emoji = react_emoji.split(';')[0] path = path.split('?reactBy=')[0] named_status = path.split('/users/')[1] if '/' not in named_status: return False post_sections = named_status.split('/') if len(post_sections) < 3: return False nickname = post_sections[0] status_number = post_sections[2] if len(status_number) <= 10 or (not status_number.isdigit()): return False if ssml_getreq: ssml_filename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/outbox/' + \ http_prefix + ':##' + domain_full + '#users#' + nickname + \ '#statuses#' + status_number + '.ssml' if not os.path.isfile(ssml_filename): ssml_filename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/postcache/' + \ http_prefix + ':##' + domain_full + '#users#' + \ nickname + '#statuses#' + status_number + '.ssml' if not os.path.isfile(ssml_filename): http_404(self, 74) return True ssml_str = None try: with open(ssml_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_ssml: ssml_str = fp_ssml.read() except OSError: print('EX: unable to read ssml file ' + ssml_filename) if ssml_str: msg = ssml_str.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) set_headers(self, 'application/ssml+xml', msglen, cookie, calling_domain, False) write2(self, msg) return True http_404(self, 75) return True post_filename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/outbox/' + \ http_prefix + ':##' + domain_full + '#users#' + nickname + \ '#statuses#' + status_number + '.json' include_create_wrapper = False if post_sections[-1] == 'activity': include_create_wrapper = True result = _show_post_from_file(self, post_filename, liked_by, react_by, react_emoji, authorized, calling_domain, referer_domain, base_dir, http_prefix, nickname, domain, port, getreq_start_time, proxy_type, cookie, debug, include_create_wrapper, curr_session, translate, account_timezone, bold_reading_nicknames, recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, cached_webfingers, person_cache, project_version, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, theme_name, system_language, max_like_count, signing_priv_key_pem, cw_lists, lists_enabled, dogwhistles, min_images_for_accounts, buy_sites, auto_cw_cache, fitness, path, onion_domain, i2p_domain) fitness_performance(getreq_start_time, fitness, '_GET', 'show_individual_post', debug) return result def show_new_post(self, edit_post_params: {}, calling_domain: str, path: str, media_instance: bool, translate: {}, base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, in_reply_to_url: str, reply_to_list: [], reply_is_chat: bool, share_description: str, reply_page_number: int, reply_category: str, domain: str, domain_full: str, getreq_start_time, cookie, no_drop_down: bool, conversation_id: str, convthread_id: str, curr_session, default_reply_interval_hrs: int, debug: bool, access_keys: {}, key_shortcuts: {}, system_language: str, default_post_language: {}, bold_reading_nicknames: {}, person_cache: {}, fitness: {}, default_timeline: str, newswire: {}, theme_name: str, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_recent_posts: int, cached_webfingers: {}, port: int, project_version: str, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, peertube_instances: [], allow_local_network_access: bool, max_like_count: int, signing_priv_key_pem: str, cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: {}, dogwhistles: {}, min_images_for_accounts: [], buy_sites: [], auto_cw_cache: {}, searchable_by_default_dict: []) -> bool: """Shows the new post screen """ searchable_by_default = 'yourself' is_new_post_endpoint = False new_post_month = None new_post_year = None if '/users/' in path and '/new' in path: if '?month=' in path: month_str = path.split('?month=')[1] if ';' in month_str: month_str = month_str.split(';')[0] if month_str.isdigit(): new_post_month = int(month_str) if new_post_month and ';year=' in path: year_str = path.split(';year=')[1] if ';' in year_str: year_str = year_str.split(';')[0] if year_str.isdigit(): new_post_year = int(year_str) if new_post_year: path = path.split('?month=')[0] # Various types of new post in the web interface new_post_endpoints = get_new_post_endpoints() for curr_post_type in new_post_endpoints: if path.endswith('/' + curr_post_type): is_new_post_endpoint = True break if is_new_post_endpoint: nickname = get_nickname_from_actor(path) if not nickname: http_404(self, 103) return True if searchable_by_default_dict.get(nickname): searchable_by_default = searchable_by_default_dict[nickname] if in_reply_to_url: reply_interval_hours = default_reply_interval_hrs if not can_reply_to(base_dir, nickname, domain, in_reply_to_url, reply_interval_hours): print('Reply outside of time window ' + in_reply_to_url + ' ' + str(reply_interval_hours) + ' hours') http_403(self) return True if debug: print('Reply is within time interval: ' + str(reply_interval_hours) + ' hours') if key_shortcuts.get(nickname): access_keys = key_shortcuts[nickname] custom_submit_text = get_config_param(base_dir, 'customSubmitText') default_post_language2 = system_language if default_post_language.get(nickname): default_post_language2 = default_post_language[nickname] post_json_object = None if in_reply_to_url: reply_post_filename = \ locate_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, in_reply_to_url) if reply_post_filename: post_json_object = load_json(reply_post_filename) if post_json_object: reply_language = \ get_reply_language(base_dir, post_json_object) if reply_language: default_post_language2 = reply_language bold_reading = False if bold_reading_nicknames.get(nickname): bold_reading = True languages_understood = \ get_understood_languages(base_dir, http_prefix, nickname, domain_full, person_cache) default_buy_site = '' msg = \ html_new_post(edit_post_params, media_instance, translate, base_dir, http_prefix, path, in_reply_to_url, reply_to_list, share_description, None, reply_page_number, reply_category, nickname, domain, domain_full, default_timeline, newswire, theme_name, no_drop_down, access_keys, custom_submit_text, conversation_id, convthread_id, recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, curr_session, cached_webfingers, person_cache, port, post_json_object, project_version, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, system_language, languages_understood, max_like_count, signing_priv_key_pem, cw_lists, lists_enabled, default_timeline, reply_is_chat, bold_reading, dogwhistles, min_images_for_accounts, new_post_month, new_post_year, default_post_language2, buy_sites, default_buy_site, auto_cw_cache, searchable_by_default) if not msg: print('Error replying to ' + in_reply_to_url) http_404(self, 104) return True msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) set_headers(self, 'text/html', msglen, cookie, calling_domain, False) write2(self, msg) fitness_performance(getreq_start_time, fitness, '_GET', 'show_new_post', debug) return True return False def show_individual_at_post(self, ssml_getreq: bool, authorized: bool, calling_domain: str, referer_domain: str, path: str, base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, domain: str, domain_full: str, port: int, getreq_start_time, proxy_type: str, cookie: str, debug: str, curr_session, translate: {}, account_timezone: {}, fitness: {}, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_recent_posts: int, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, project_version: str, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, peertube_instances: [], allow_local_network_access: bool, theme_name: str, system_language: str, max_like_count: int, signing_priv_key_pem: str, cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: {}, dogwhistles: {}, min_images_for_accounts: [], buy_sites: [], auto_cw_cache: {}, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str, bold_reading_nicknames: {}) -> bool: """get an individual post from the path /@nickname/statusnumber """ if '/@' not in path: return False liked_by = None if '?likedBy=' in path: liked_by = path.split('?likedBy=')[1].strip() if '?' in liked_by: liked_by = liked_by.split('?')[0] path = path.split('?likedBy=')[0] react_by = None react_emoji = None if '?reactBy=' in path: react_by = path.split('?reactBy=')[1].strip() if ';' in react_by: react_by = react_by.split(';')[0] if ';emoj=' in path: react_emoji = path.split(';emoj=')[1].strip() if ';' in react_emoji: react_emoji = react_emoji.split(';')[0] path = path.split('?reactBy=')[0] named_status = path.split('/@')[1] if '/' not in named_status: # show actor nickname = named_status return False post_sections = named_status.split('/') if len(post_sections) != 2: return False nickname = post_sections[0] status_number = post_sections[1] if len(status_number) <= 10 or not status_number.isdigit(): return False if ssml_getreq: ssml_filename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/outbox/' + \ http_prefix + ':##' + domain_full + '#users#' + nickname + \ '#statuses#' + status_number + '.ssml' if not os.path.isfile(ssml_filename): ssml_filename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/postcache/' + \ http_prefix + ':##' + domain_full + '#users#' + \ nickname + '#statuses#' + status_number + '.ssml' if not os.path.isfile(ssml_filename): http_404(self, 67) return True ssml_str = None try: with open(ssml_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_ssml: ssml_str = fp_ssml.read() except OSError: print('EX: unable to read ssml file 2 ' + ssml_filename) if ssml_str: msg = ssml_str.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) set_headers(self, 'application/ssml+xml', msglen, cookie, calling_domain, False) write2(self, msg) return True http_404(self, 68) return True post_filename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/outbox/' + \ http_prefix + ':##' + domain_full + '#users#' + nickname + \ '#statuses#' + status_number + '.json' include_create_wrapper = False if post_sections[-1] == 'activity': include_create_wrapper = True result = _show_post_from_file(self, post_filename, liked_by, react_by, react_emoji, authorized, calling_domain, referer_domain, base_dir, http_prefix, nickname, domain, port, getreq_start_time, proxy_type, cookie, debug, include_create_wrapper, curr_session, translate, account_timezone, bold_reading_nicknames, recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, cached_webfingers, person_cache, project_version, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, theme_name, system_language, max_like_count, signing_priv_key_pem, cw_lists, lists_enabled, dogwhistles, min_images_for_accounts, buy_sites, auto_cw_cache, fitness, path, onion_domain, i2p_domain) fitness_performance(getreq_start_time, fitness, '_GET', 'show_individual_at_post', debug) return result def show_likers_of_post(self, authorized: bool, calling_domain: str, path: str, base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, domain: str, port: int, getreq_start_time, cookie: str, debug: str, curr_session, bold_reading_nicknames: {}, translate: {}, theme_name: str, access_keys: {}, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_recent_posts: int, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, project_version: str, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, peertube_instances: [], allow_local_network_access: bool, system_language: str, max_like_count: int, signing_priv_key_pem: str, cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: {}, default_timeline: str, dogwhistles: {}, min_images_for_accounts: [], buy_sites: [], auto_cw_cache: {}, fitness: {}) -> bool: """Show the likers of a post """ if not authorized: return False if '?likers=' not in path: return False if '/users/' not in path: return False nickname = path.split('/users/')[1] if '?' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('?')[0] post_url = path.split('?likers=')[1] if '?' in post_url: post_url = post_url.split('?')[0] post_url = post_url.replace('--', '/') bold_reading = False if bold_reading_nicknames.get(nickname): bold_reading = True msg = \ html_likers_of_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, port, post_url, translate, http_prefix, theme_name, access_keys, recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, curr_session, cached_webfingers, person_cache, project_version, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, system_language, max_like_count, signing_priv_key_pem, cw_lists, lists_enabled, 'inbox', default_timeline, bold_reading, dogwhistles, min_images_for_accounts, buy_sites, auto_cw_cache, 'likes') if not msg: http_404(self, 69) return True msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) set_headers(self, 'text/html', msglen, cookie, calling_domain, False) write2(self, msg) fitness_performance(getreq_start_time, fitness, '_GET', 'show_likers_of_post', debug) return True def show_announcers_of_post(self, authorized: bool, calling_domain: str, path: str, base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, domain: str, port: int, getreq_start_time, cookie: str, debug: str, curr_session, bold_reading_nicknames: {}, translate: {}, theme_name: str, access_keys: {}, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_recent_posts: int, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, project_version: str, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, peertube_instances: [], allow_local_network_access: bool, system_language: str, max_like_count: int, signing_priv_key_pem: str, cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: {}, default_timeline: str, dogwhistles: {}, min_images_for_accounts: [], buy_sites: [], auto_cw_cache: {}, fitness: {}) -> bool: """Show the announcers of a post """ if not authorized: return False if '?announcers=' not in path: return False if '/users/' not in path: return False nickname = path.split('/users/')[1] if '?' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('?')[0] post_url = path.split('?announcers=')[1] if '?' in post_url: post_url = post_url.split('?')[0] post_url = post_url.replace('--', '/') bold_reading = False if bold_reading_nicknames.get(nickname): bold_reading = True # note that the likers function is reused, but with 'shares' msg = \ html_likers_of_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, port, post_url, translate, http_prefix, theme_name, access_keys, recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, curr_session, cached_webfingers, person_cache, project_version, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, system_language, max_like_count, signing_priv_key_pem, cw_lists, lists_enabled, 'inbox', default_timeline, bold_reading, dogwhistles, min_images_for_accounts, buy_sites, auto_cw_cache, 'shares') if not msg: http_404(self, 70) return True msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) set_headers(self, 'text/html', msglen, cookie, calling_domain, False) write2(self, msg) fitness_performance(getreq_start_time, fitness, '_GET', 'show_announcers_of_post', debug) return True def show_replies_to_post(self, authorized: bool, calling_domain: str, referer_domain: str, path: str, base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, domain: str, domain_full: str, port: int, getreq_start_time, proxy_type: str, cookie: str, debug: str, curr_session, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_recent_posts: int, translate: {}, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, project_version: str, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, peertube_instances: [], account_timezone: {}, bold_reading_nicknames: {}, show_published_date_only: bool, allow_local_network_access: bool, theme_name: str, system_language: str, max_like_count: int, signing_priv_key_pem: str, cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: {}, dogwhistles: {}, min_images_for_accounts: [], buy_sites: [], auto_cw_cache: {}, fitness: {}, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str) -> bool: """Shows the replies to a post """ if not ('/statuses/' in path and '/users/' in path): return False named_status = path.split('/users/')[1] if '/' not in named_status: return False post_sections = named_status.split('/') if len(post_sections) < 4: return False if not post_sections[3].startswith('replies'): return False nickname = post_sections[0] status_number = post_sections[2] if not (len(status_number) > 10 and status_number.isdigit()): return False boxname = 'outbox' # get the replies file post_dir = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/' + boxname orig_post_url = http_prefix + ':##' + domain_full + '#users#' + \ nickname + '#statuses#' + status_number post_replies_filename = \ post_dir + '/' + orig_post_url + '.replies' if not os.path.isfile(post_replies_filename): # There are no replies, # so show empty collection first_str = \ local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full) + \ '/statuses/' + status_number + '/replies?page=true' id_str = \ local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full) + \ '/statuses/' + status_number + '/replies' last_str = \ local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full) + \ '/statuses/' + status_number + '/replies?page=true' replies_json = { "@context": [ 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', 'https://w3id.org/security/v1' ], 'first': first_str, 'id': id_str, 'last': last_str, 'totalItems': 0, 'type': 'OrderedCollection' } if request_http(self.headers, debug): curr_session = \ establish_session("showRepliesToPost", curr_session, proxy_type, self.server) if not curr_session: http_404(self, 61) return True yt_domain = yt_replace_domain timezone = None if account_timezone.get(nickname): timezone = account_timezone.get(nickname) bold_reading = False if bold_reading_nicknames.get(nickname): bold_reading = True msg = \ html_post_replies(recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, translate, base_dir, curr_session, cached_webfingers, person_cache, nickname, domain, port, replies_json, http_prefix, project_version, yt_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, theme_name, system_language, max_like_count, signing_priv_key_pem, cw_lists, lists_enabled, timezone, bold_reading, dogwhistles, min_images_for_accounts, buy_sites, auto_cw_cache) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) set_headers(self, 'text/html', msglen, cookie, calling_domain, False) write2(self, msg) fitness_performance(getreq_start_time, fitness, '_GET', 'show_replies_to_post', debug) else: if secure_mode(curr_session, proxy_type, False, self.server, self.headers, path): msg_str = json.dumps(replies_json, ensure_ascii=False) msg_str = convert_domains(calling_domain, referer_domain, msg_str, http_prefix, domain, onion_domain, i2p_domain) msg = msg_str.encode('utf-8') protocol_str = \ get_json_content_from_accept(self.headers['Accept']) msglen = len(msg) set_headers(self, protocol_str, msglen, None, calling_domain, False) write2(self, msg) fitness_performance(getreq_start_time, fitness, '_GET', 'show_replies_to_post json', debug) else: http_404(self, 62) return True # replies exist. Itterate through the # text file containing message ids id_str = \ local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full) + \ '/statuses/' + status_number + '?page=true' part_of_str = \ local_actor_url(http_prefix, nickname, domain_full) + \ '/statuses/' + status_number replies_json = { "@context": [ 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams', 'https://w3id.org/security/v1' ], 'id': id_str, 'orderedItems': [ ], 'partOf': part_of_str, 'type': 'OrderedCollectionPage' } # if the original post is public then return the replies replies_are_public = \ is_public_post_from_url(base_dir, nickname, domain, orig_post_url) if replies_are_public: authorized = True # populate the items list with replies populate_replies_json(base_dir, nickname, domain, post_replies_filename, authorized, replies_json) # send the replies json if request_http(self.headers, debug): curr_session = \ establish_session("showRepliesToPost2", curr_session, proxy_type, self.server) if not curr_session: http_404(self, 63) return True yt_domain = yt_replace_domain timezone = None if account_timezone.get(nickname): timezone = account_timezone.get(nickname) bold_reading = False if bold_reading_nicknames.get(nickname): bold_reading = True msg = \ html_post_replies(recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, translate, base_dir, curr_session, cached_webfingers, person_cache, nickname, domain, port, replies_json, http_prefix, project_version, yt_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, theme_name, system_language, max_like_count, signing_priv_key_pem, cw_lists, lists_enabled, timezone, bold_reading, dogwhistles, min_images_for_accounts, buy_sites, auto_cw_cache) msg = msg.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) set_headers(self, 'text/html', msglen, cookie, calling_domain, False) write2(self, msg) fitness_performance(getreq_start_time, fitness, '_GET', 'show_replies_to_post', debug) else: if secure_mode(curr_session, proxy_type, False, self.server, self.headers, path): msg_str = json.dumps(replies_json, ensure_ascii=False) msg_str = convert_domains(calling_domain, referer_domain, msg_str, http_prefix, domain, onion_domain, i2p_domain) msg = msg_str.encode('utf-8') protocol_str = \ get_json_content_from_accept(self.headers['Accept']) msglen = len(msg) set_headers(self, protocol_str, msglen, None, calling_domain, False) write2(self, msg) fitness_performance(getreq_start_time, fitness, '_GET', 'show_replies_to_post json', debug) else: http_404(self, 64) return True def show_notify_post(self, authorized: bool, calling_domain: str, referer_domain: str, path: str, base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, domain: str, port: int, getreq_start_time, proxy_type: str, cookie: str, debug: str, curr_session, translate: {}, account_timezone: {}, fitness: {}, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_recent_posts: int, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, project_version: str, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, peertube_instances: [], allow_local_network_access: bool, theme_name: str, system_language: str, max_like_count: int, signing_priv_key_pem: str, cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: {}, dogwhistles: {}, min_images_for_accounts: [], buy_sites: [], auto_cw_cache: {}, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str, bold_reading_nicknames: {}) -> bool: """Shows an individual post from an account which you are following and where you have the notify checkbox set on person options """ liked_by = None react_by = None react_emoji = None post_id = path.split('?notifypost=')[1].strip() post_id = post_id.replace('-', '/') path = path.split('?notifypost=')[0] nickname = path.split('/users/')[1] if '/' in nickname: return False replies = False post_filename = locate_post(base_dir, nickname, domain, post_id, replies) if not post_filename: return False include_create_wrapper = False if path.endswith('/activity'): include_create_wrapper = True result = _show_post_from_file(self, post_filename, liked_by, react_by, react_emoji, authorized, calling_domain, referer_domain, base_dir, http_prefix, nickname, domain, port, getreq_start_time, proxy_type, cookie, debug, include_create_wrapper, curr_session, translate, account_timezone, bold_reading_nicknames, recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, cached_webfingers, person_cache, project_version, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, theme_name, system_language, max_like_count, signing_priv_key_pem, cw_lists, lists_enabled, dogwhistles, min_images_for_accounts, buy_sites, auto_cw_cache, fitness, path, onion_domain, i2p_domain) fitness_performance(getreq_start_time, fitness, '_GET', 'show_notify_post', debug) return result def show_conversation_thread(self, authorized: bool, calling_domain: str, path: str, base_dir: str, http_prefix: str, domain: str, port: int, debug: str, curr_session, cookie: str, ua_str: str, domain_full: str, onion_domain: str, i2p_domain: str, account_timezone: {}, bold_reading_nicknames: {}, translate: {}, project_version: str, recent_posts_cache: {}, max_recent_posts: int, cached_webfingers: {}, person_cache: {}, yt_replace_domain: str, twitter_replacement_domain: str, show_published_date_only: bool, peertube_instances: [], allow_local_network_access: bool, theme_name: str, system_language: str, max_like_count: int, signing_priv_key_pem: str, cw_lists: {}, lists_enabled: {}, dogwhistles: {}, access_keys: {}, min_images_for_accounts: [], buy_sites: [], blocked_cache: {}, block_federated: {}, auto_cw_cache: {}, default_timeline: str) -> bool: """get conversation thread from the date link on a post """ if not path.startswith('/users/'): return False conv_separator = '?convthread=' # https://codeberg.org/fediverse/fep/src/branch/main/fep/76ea/fep-76ea.md if conv_separator not in path and '/thread/' in path: convthread_id = path.split('/thread/', 1)[1].strip() if convthread_id.isdigit(): new_tag = convthread_id_to_conversation_tag(domain_full, convthread_id) if new_tag: path = \ path.split(conv_separator)[0] + conv_separator + new_tag if conv_separator not in path: return False post_id = path.split(conv_separator)[1].strip() post_id = post_id.replace('--', '/') if post_id.startswith('/users/'): instance_url = get_instance_url(calling_domain, http_prefix, domain_full, onion_domain, i2p_domain) post_id = instance_url + post_id nickname = path.split('/users/')[1] if conv_separator in nickname: nickname = nickname.split(conv_separator)[0] if '/' in nickname: nickname = nickname.split('/')[0] timezone = None if account_timezone.get(nickname): timezone = account_timezone.get(nickname) bold_reading = False if bold_reading_nicknames.get(nickname): bold_reading = True conv_str = \ html_conversation_view(authorized, post_id, translate, base_dir, http_prefix, nickname, domain, project_version, recent_posts_cache, max_recent_posts, curr_session, cached_webfingers, person_cache, port, yt_replace_domain, twitter_replacement_domain, show_published_date_only, peertube_instances, allow_local_network_access, theme_name, system_language, max_like_count, signing_priv_key_pem, cw_lists, lists_enabled, timezone, bold_reading, dogwhistles, access_keys, min_images_for_accounts, debug, buy_sites, blocked_cache, block_federated, auto_cw_cache, ua_str, default_timeline) if conv_str: msg = conv_str.encode('utf-8') msglen = len(msg) login_headers(self, 'text/html', msglen, calling_domain) write2(self, msg) self.server.getreq_busy = False return True # redirect to the original site if there are no results if '://' + domain_full + '/' in post_id: redirect_headers(self, post_id, cookie, calling_domain, 303) else: redirect_headers(self, post_id, None, calling_domain, 303) self.server.getreq_busy = False return True