__filename__ = "webapp_question.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.2.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@libreserver.org" __status__ = "Production" __module_group__ = "Web Interface" import os from question import isQuestion from utils import removeIdEnding from utils import acct_dir def insertQuestion(base_dir: str, translate: {}, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, content: str, post_json_object: {}, pageNumber: int) -> str: """ Inserts question selection into a post """ if not isQuestion(post_json_object): return content if len(post_json_object['object']['oneOf']) == 0: return content messageId = removeIdEnding(post_json_object['id']) if '#' in messageId: messageId = messageId.split('#', 1)[0] pageNumberStr = '' if pageNumber: pageNumberStr = '?page=' + str(pageNumber) votesFilename = \ acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) + '/questions.txt' showQuestionResults = False if os.path.isfile(votesFilename): if messageId in open(votesFilename).read(): showQuestionResults = True if not showQuestionResults: # show the question options content += '<div class="question">' content += \ '<form method="POST" action="/users/' + \ nickname + '/question' + pageNumberStr + '">\n' content += \ '<input type="hidden" name="messageId" value="' + \ messageId + '">\n<br>\n' for choice in post_json_object['object']['oneOf']: if not choice.get('type'): continue if not choice.get('name'): continue content += \ '<input type="radio" name="answer" value="' + \ choice['name'] + '"> ' + choice['name'] + '<br><br>\n' content += \ '<input type="submit" value="' + \ translate['Vote'] + '" class="vote"><br><br>\n' content += '</form>\n</div>\n' else: # show the responses to a question content += '<div class="questionresult">\n' # get the maximum number of votes maxVotes = 1 for questionOption in post_json_object['object']['oneOf']: if not questionOption.get('name'): continue if not questionOption.get('replies'): continue votes = 0 try: votes = int(questionOption['replies']['totalItems']) except BaseException: print('EX: insertQuestion unable to convert to int') if votes > maxVotes: maxVotes = int(votes+1) # show the votes as sliders questionCtr = 1 for questionOption in post_json_object['object']['oneOf']: if not questionOption.get('name'): continue if not questionOption.get('replies'): continue votes = 0 try: votes = int(questionOption['replies']['totalItems']) except BaseException: print('EX: insertQuestion unable to convert to int 2') votesPercent = str(int(votes * 100 / maxVotes)) content += \ '<p>\n' + \ ' <label class="labels">' + \ questionOption['name'] + '</label><br>\n' + \ ' <svg class="voteresult">\n' + \ ' <rect width="' + votesPercent + \ '%" class="voteresultbar" />\n' + \ ' </svg>' + \ ' <label class="labels">' + votesPercent + '%</label>\n' + \ '</p>\n' questionCtr += 1 content += '</div>\n' return content