__filename__ = "desktop_client.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.2.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@libreserver.org" __status__ = "Production" __module_group__ = "Client" import os import html import time import sys import select import webbrowser import urllib.parse from pathlib import Path from random import randint from utils import getBaseContentFromPost from utils import hasObjectDict from utils import getFullDomain from utils import isDM from utils import loadTranslationsFromFile from utils import removeHtml from utils import getNicknameFromActor from utils import getDomainFromActor from utils import isPGPEncrypted from utils import localActorUrl from session import createSession from speaker import speakableText from speaker import getSpeakerPitch from speaker import getSpeakerRate from speaker import getSpeakerRange from like import sendLikeViaServer from like import sendUndoLikeViaServer from follow import approveFollowRequestViaServer from follow import denyFollowRequestViaServer from follow import getFollowRequestsViaServer from follow import getFollowingViaServer from follow import getFollowersViaServer from follow import sendFollowRequestViaServer from follow import sendUnfollowRequestViaServer from posts import sendBlockViaServer from posts import sendUndoBlockViaServer from posts import sendMuteViaServer from posts import sendUndoMuteViaServer from posts import sendPostViaServer from posts import c2sBoxJson from posts import downloadAnnounce from announce import sendAnnounceViaServer from announce import sendUndoAnnounceViaServer from pgp import pgpLocalPublicKey from pgp import pgpDecrypt from pgp import hasLocalPGPkey from pgp import pgpEncryptToActor from pgp import pgpPublicKeyUpload from like import noOfLikes from bookmarks import sendBookmarkViaServer from bookmarks import sendUndoBookmarkViaServer from delete import sendDeleteViaServer from person import getActorJson def _desktopHelp() -> None: """Shows help """ _desktopClearScreen() indent = ' ' print('') print(indent + _highlightText('Help Commands:')) print('') print(indent + 'quit ' + 'Exit from the desktop client') print(indent + 'show dm|sent|inbox|replies|bookmarks ' + 'Show a timeline') print(indent + 'mute ' + 'Turn off the screen reader') print(indent + 'speak ' + 'Turn on the screen reader') print(indent + 'sounds on ' + 'Turn on notification sounds') print(indent + 'sounds off ' + 'Turn off notification sounds') print(indent + 'rp ' + 'Repeat the last post') print(indent + 'like ' + 'Like the last post') print(indent + 'unlike ' + 'Unlike the last post') print(indent + 'bookmark ' + 'Bookmark the last post') print(indent + 'unbookmark ' + 'Unbookmark the last post') print(indent + 'block [post number|handle] ' + 'Block someone via post number or handle') print(indent + 'unblock [handle] ' + 'Unblock someone') print(indent + 'mute ' + 'Mute the last post') print(indent + 'unmute ' + 'Unmute the last post') print(indent + 'reply ' + 'Reply to the last post') print(indent + 'post ' + 'Create a new post') print(indent + 'post to [handle] ' + 'Create a new direct message') print(indent + 'announce/boost ' + 'Boost the last post') print(indent + 'follow [handle] ' + 'Make a follow request') print(indent + 'unfollow [handle] ' + 'Stop following the give handle') print(indent + 'next ' + 'Next page in the timeline') print(indent + 'prev ' + 'Previous page in the timeline') print(indent + 'read [post number] ' + 'Read a post from a timeline') print(indent + 'open [post number] ' + 'Open web links within a timeline post') print(indent + 'profile [post number or handle] ' + 'Show profile for the person who made the given post') print(indent + 'following [page number] ' + 'Show accounts that you are following') print(indent + 'followers [page number] ' + 'Show accounts that are following you') print(indent + 'approve [handle] ' + 'Approve a follow request') print(indent + 'deny [handle] ' + 'Deny a follow request') print(indent + 'pgp ' + 'Show your PGP public key') print('') def _createDesktopConfig(actor: str) -> None: """Sets up directories for desktop client configuration """ homeDir = str(Path.home()) if not os.path.isdir(homeDir + '/.config'): os.mkdir(homeDir + '/.config') if not os.path.isdir(homeDir + '/.config/epicyon'): os.mkdir(homeDir + '/.config/epicyon') nickname = getNicknameFromActor(actor) domain, port = getDomainFromActor(actor) handle = nickname + '@' + domain if port != 443 and port != 80: handle += '_' + str(port) readPostsDir = homeDir + '/.config/epicyon/' + handle if not os.path.isdir(readPostsDir): os.mkdir(readPostsDir) def _markPostAsRead(actor: str, postId: str, postCategory: str) -> None: """Marks the given post as read by the given actor """ homeDir = str(Path.home()) _createDesktopConfig(actor) nickname = getNicknameFromActor(actor) domain, port = getDomainFromActor(actor) handle = nickname + '@' + domain if port != 443 and port != 80: handle += '_' + str(port) readPostsDir = homeDir + '/.config/epicyon/' + handle readPostsFilename = readPostsDir + '/' + postCategory + '.txt' if os.path.isfile(readPostsFilename): if postId in open(readPostsFilename).read(): return try: # prepend to read posts file postId += '\n' with open(readPostsFilename, 'r+') as readFile: content = readFile.read() if postId not in content: readFile.seek(0, 0) readFile.write(postId + content) except Exception as e: print('WARN: Failed to mark post as read' + str(e)) else: with open(readPostsFilename, 'w+') as readFile: readFile.write(postId + '\n') def _hasReadPost(actor: str, postId: str, postCategory: str) -> bool: """Returns true if the given post has been read by the actor """ homeDir = str(Path.home()) _createDesktopConfig(actor) nickname = getNicknameFromActor(actor) domain, port = getDomainFromActor(actor) handle = nickname + '@' + domain if port != 443 and port != 80: handle += '_' + str(port) readPostsDir = homeDir + '/.config/epicyon/' + handle readPostsFilename = readPostsDir + '/' + postCategory + '.txt' if os.path.isfile(readPostsFilename): if postId in open(readPostsFilename).read(): return True return False def _postIsToYou(actor: str, postJsonObject: {}) -> bool: """Returns true if the post is to the actor """ toYourActor = False if postJsonObject.get('to'): if actor in postJsonObject['to']: toYourActor = True if not toYourActor and postJsonObject.get('cc'): if actor in postJsonObject['cc']: toYourActor = True if not toYourActor and hasObjectDict(postJsonObject): if postJsonObject['object'].get('to'): if actor in postJsonObject['object']['to']: toYourActor = True if not toYourActor and postJsonObject['object'].get('cc'): if actor in postJsonObject['object']['cc']: toYourActor = True return toYourActor def _newDesktopNotifications(actor: str, inboxJson: {}, notifyJson: {}) -> None: """Looks for changes in the inbox and adds notifications """ notifyJson['dmNotifyChanged'] = False notifyJson['repliesNotifyChanged'] = False if not inboxJson: return if not inboxJson.get('orderedItems'): return DMdone = False replyDone = False for postJsonObject in inboxJson['orderedItems']: if not postJsonObject.get('id'): continue if not postJsonObject.get('type'): continue if postJsonObject['type'] == 'Announce': continue if not _postIsToYou(actor, postJsonObject): continue if isDM(postJsonObject): if not DMdone: if not _hasReadPost(actor, postJsonObject['id'], 'dm'): changed = False if not notifyJson.get('dmPostId'): changed = True else: if notifyJson['dmPostId'] != postJsonObject['id']: changed = True if changed: notifyJson['dmNotify'] = True notifyJson['dmNotifyChanged'] = True notifyJson['dmPostId'] = postJsonObject['id'] DMdone = True else: if not replyDone: if not _hasReadPost(actor, postJsonObject['id'], 'replies'): changed = False if not notifyJson.get('repliesPostId'): changed = True else: if notifyJson['repliesPostId'] != postJsonObject['id']: changed = True if changed: notifyJson['repliesNotify'] = True notifyJson['repliesNotifyChanged'] = True notifyJson['repliesPostId'] = postJsonObject['id'] replyDone = True def _desktopClearScreen() -> None: """Clears the screen """ os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear') def _desktopShowBanner() -> None: """Shows the banner at the top """ bannerFilename = 'banner.txt' if not os.path.isfile(bannerFilename): bannerTheme = 'starlight' bannerFilename = 'theme/' + bannerTheme + '/banner.txt' if not os.path.isfile(bannerFilename): return with open(bannerFilename, 'r') as bannerFile: banner = bannerFile.read() if banner: print(banner + '\n') def _desktopWaitForCmd(timeout: int, debug: bool) -> str: """Waits for a command to be entered with a timeout Returns the command, or None on timeout """ i, o, e = select.select([sys.stdin], [], [], timeout) if (i): text = sys.stdin.readline().strip() if debug: print("Text entered: " + text) return text else: if debug: print("Timeout") return None def _speakerEspeak(espeak, pitch: int, rate: int, srange: int, sayText: str) -> None: """Speaks the given text with espeak """ espeak.set_parameter(espeak.Parameter.Pitch, pitch) espeak.set_parameter(espeak.Parameter.Rate, rate) espeak.set_parameter(espeak.Parameter.Range, srange) espeak.synth(html.unescape(sayText)) def _speakerPicospeaker(pitch: int, rate: int, systemLanguage: str, sayText: str) -> None: """TTS using picospeaker """ speakerLang = 'en-GB' if systemLanguage: if systemLanguage.startswith('fr'): speakerLang = 'fr-FR' elif systemLanguage.startswith('es'): speakerLang = 'es-ES' elif systemLanguage.startswith('de'): speakerLang = 'de-DE' elif systemLanguage.startswith('it'): speakerLang = 'it-IT' sayText = str(sayText).replace('"', "'") speakerCmd = 'picospeaker ' + \ '-l ' + speakerLang + \ ' -r ' + str(rate) + \ ' -p ' + str(pitch) + ' "' + \ html.unescape(str(sayText)) + '" 2> /dev/null' os.system(speakerCmd) def _playNotificationSound(soundFilename: str, player: str = 'ffplay') -> None: """Plays a sound """ if not os.path.isfile(soundFilename): return if player == 'ffplay': os.system('ffplay ' + soundFilename + ' -autoexit -hide_banner -nodisp 2> /dev/null') def _desktopNotification(notificationType: str, title: str, message: str) -> None: """Shows a desktop notification """ if not notificationType: return if notificationType == 'notify-send': # Ubuntu os.system('notify-send "' + title + '" "' + message + '"') elif notificationType == 'zenity': # Zenity os.system('zenity --notification --title "' + title + '" --text="' + message + '"') elif notificationType == 'osascript': # Mac os.system("osascript -e 'display notification \"" + message + "\" with title \"" + title + "\"'") elif notificationType == 'New-BurntToastNotification': # Windows os.system("New-BurntToastNotification -Text \"" + title + "\", '" + message + "'") def _textToSpeech(sayStr: str, screenreader: str, pitch: int, rate: int, srange: int, systemLanguage: str, espeak=None) -> None: """Say something via TTS """ # speak the post content if screenreader == 'espeak': _speakerEspeak(espeak, pitch, rate, srange, sayStr) elif screenreader == 'picospeaker': _speakerPicospeaker(pitch, rate, systemLanguage, sayStr) def _sayCommand(content: str, sayStr: str, screenreader: str, systemLanguage: str, espeak=None, speakerName: str = 'screen reader', speakerGender: str = 'They/Them') -> None: """Speaks a command """ print(content) if not screenreader: return pitch = getSpeakerPitch(speakerName, screenreader, speakerGender) rate = getSpeakerRate(speakerName, screenreader) srange = getSpeakerRange(speakerName) _textToSpeech(sayStr, screenreader, pitch, rate, srange, systemLanguage, espeak) def _desktopReplyToPost(session, postId: str, baseDir: str, nickname: str, password: str, domain: str, port: int, httpPrefix: str, cachedWebfingers: {}, personCache: {}, debug: bool, subject: str, screenreader: str, systemLanguage: str, espeak, conversationId: str, lowBandwidth: bool, signingPrivateKeyPem: str) -> None: """Use the desktop client to send a reply to the most recent post """ if '://' not in postId: return toNickname = getNicknameFromActor(postId) toDomain, toPort = getDomainFromActor(postId) sayStr = 'Replying to ' + toNickname + '@' + toDomain _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) sayStr = 'Type your reply message, then press Enter.' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) replyMessage = input() if not replyMessage: sayStr = 'No reply was entered.' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) return replyMessage = replyMessage.strip() if not replyMessage: sayStr = 'No reply was entered.' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) return print('') sayStr = 'You entered this reply:' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) _sayCommand(replyMessage, replyMessage, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) sayStr = 'Send this reply, yes or no?' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) yesno = input() if 'y' not in yesno.lower(): sayStr = 'Abandoning reply' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) return ccUrl = None followersOnly = False attach = None mediaType = None attachedImageDescription = None isArticle = False subject = None commentsEnabled = True city = 'London, England' sayStr = 'Sending reply' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) if sendPostViaServer(signingPrivateKeyPem, __version__, baseDir, session, nickname, password, domain, port, toNickname, toDomain, toPort, ccUrl, httpPrefix, replyMessage, followersOnly, commentsEnabled, attach, mediaType, attachedImageDescription, city, cachedWebfingers, personCache, isArticle, systemLanguage, lowBandwidth, debug, postId, postId, conversationId, subject) == 0: sayStr = 'Reply sent' else: sayStr = 'Reply failed' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) def _desktopNewPost(session, baseDir: str, nickname: str, password: str, domain: str, port: int, httpPrefix: str, cachedWebfingers: {}, personCache: {}, debug: bool, screenreader: str, systemLanguage: str, espeak, lowBandwidth: bool, signingPrivateKeyPem: str) -> None: """Use the desktop client to create a new post """ conversationId = None sayStr = 'Create new post' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) sayStr = 'Type your post, then press Enter.' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) newMessage = input() if not newMessage: sayStr = 'No post was entered.' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) return newMessage = newMessage.strip() if not newMessage: sayStr = 'No post was entered.' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) return print('') sayStr = 'You entered this public post:' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) _sayCommand(newMessage, newMessage, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) sayStr = 'Send this post, yes or no?' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) yesno = input() if 'y' not in yesno.lower(): sayStr = 'Abandoning new post' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) return ccUrl = None followersOnly = False attach = None mediaType = None attachedImageDescription = None city = 'London, England' isArticle = False subject = None commentsEnabled = True subject = None sayStr = 'Sending' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) if sendPostViaServer(signingPrivateKeyPem, __version__, baseDir, session, nickname, password, domain, port, None, '#Public', port, ccUrl, httpPrefix, newMessage, followersOnly, commentsEnabled, attach, mediaType, attachedImageDescription, city, cachedWebfingers, personCache, isArticle, systemLanguage, lowBandwidth, debug, None, None, conversationId, subject) == 0: sayStr = 'Post sent' else: sayStr = 'Post failed' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) def _safeMessage(content: str) -> str: """Removes anything potentially unsafe from a string """ return content.replace('`', '').replace('$(', '$ (') def _timelineIsEmpty(boxJson: {}) -> bool: """Returns true if the given timeline is empty """ empty = False if not boxJson: empty = True else: if not isinstance(boxJson, dict): empty = True elif not boxJson.get('orderedItems'): empty = True return empty def _getFirstItemId(boxJson: {}) -> str: """Returns the id of the first item in the timeline """ if _timelineIsEmpty(boxJson): return if len(boxJson['orderedItems']) == 0: return return boxJson['orderedItems'][0]['id'] def _textOnlyContent(content: str) -> str: """Remove formatting from the given string """ content = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(content) content = html.unescape(content) return removeHtml(content) def _getImageDescription(postJsonObject: {}) -> str: """Returns a image description/s on a post """ imageDescription = '' if not postJsonObject['object'].get('attachment'): return imageDescription attachList = postJsonObject['object']['attachment'] if not isinstance(attachList, list): return imageDescription # for each attachment for img in attachList: if not isinstance(img, dict): continue if not img.get('name'): continue if not isinstance(img['name'], str): continue messageStr = img['name'] if messageStr: messageStr = messageStr.strip() if not messageStr.endswith('.'): imageDescription += messageStr + '. ' else: imageDescription += messageStr + ' ' return imageDescription def _showLikesOnPost(postJsonObject: {}, maxLikes: int) -> None: """Shows the likes on a post """ if not hasObjectDict(postJsonObject): return if not postJsonObject['object'].get('likes'): return if not isinstance(postJsonObject['object']['likes'], dict): return if not postJsonObject['object']['likes'].get('items'): return if not isinstance(postJsonObject['object']['likes']['items'], list): return print('') ctr = 0 for item in postJsonObject['object']['likes']['items']: print(' ❤ ' + str(item['actor'])) ctr += 1 if ctr >= maxLikes: break def _showRepliesOnPost(postJsonObject: {}, maxReplies: int) -> None: """Shows the replies on a post """ if not hasObjectDict(postJsonObject): return if not postJsonObject['object'].get('replies'): return if not isinstance(postJsonObject['object']['replies'], dict): return if not postJsonObject['object']['replies'].get('items'): return if not isinstance(postJsonObject['object']['replies']['items'], list): return print('') ctr = 0 for item in postJsonObject['object']['replies']['items']: print(' ↰ ' + str(item['url'])) ctr += 1 if ctr >= maxReplies: break def _readLocalBoxPost(session, nickname: str, domain: str, httpPrefix: str, baseDir: str, boxName: str, pageNumber: int, index: int, boxJson: {}, systemLanguage: str, screenreader: str, espeak, translate: {}, yourActor: str, domainFull: str, personCache: {}, signingPrivateKeyPem: str, blockedCache: {}) -> {}: """Reads a post from the given timeline Returns the post json """ if _timelineIsEmpty(boxJson): return {} postJsonObject = _desktopGetBoxPostObject(boxJson, index) if not postJsonObject: return {} gender = 'They/Them' boxNameStr = boxName if boxName.startswith('tl'): boxNameStr = boxName[2:] sayStr = 'Reading ' + boxNameStr + ' post ' + str(index) + \ ' from page ' + str(pageNumber) + '.' sayStr2 = sayStr.replace(' dm ', ' DM ') _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr2, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) print('') if postJsonObject['type'] == 'Announce': actor = postJsonObject['actor'] nameStr = getNicknameFromActor(actor) recentPostsCache = {} allowLocalNetworkAccess = False YTReplacementDomain = None postJsonObject2 = \ downloadAnnounce(session, baseDir, httpPrefix, nickname, domain, postJsonObject, __version__, translate, YTReplacementDomain, allowLocalNetworkAccess, recentPostsCache, False, systemLanguage, domainFull, personCache, signingPrivateKeyPem, blockedCache) if postJsonObject2: if hasObjectDict(postJsonObject2): if postJsonObject2['object'].get('attributedTo') and \ postJsonObject2['object'].get('content'): attributedTo = postJsonObject2['object']['attributedTo'] content = \ getBaseContentFromPost(postJsonObject2, systemLanguage) if isinstance(attributedTo, str) and content: actor = attributedTo nameStr += ' ' + translate['announces'] + ' ' + \ getNicknameFromActor(actor) sayStr = nameStr _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) print('') if screenreader: time.sleep(2) content = \ _textOnlyContent(content) content += _getImageDescription(postJsonObject2) messageStr, detectedLinks = \ speakableText(baseDir, content, translate) sayStr = content _sayCommand(sayStr, messageStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) return postJsonObject2 return {} attributedTo = postJsonObject['object']['attributedTo'] if not attributedTo: return {} content = getBaseContentFromPost(postJsonObject, systemLanguage) if not isinstance(attributedTo, str) or \ not isinstance(content, str): return {} actor = attributedTo nameStr = getNicknameFromActor(actor) content = _textOnlyContent(content) content += _getImageDescription(postJsonObject) if isPGPEncrypted(content): sayStr = 'Encrypted message. Please enter your passphrase.' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) content = pgpDecrypt(domain, content, actor, signingPrivateKeyPem) if isPGPEncrypted(content): sayStr = 'Message could not be decrypted' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) return {} content = _safeMessage(content) messageStr, detectedLinks = speakableText(baseDir, content, translate) if screenreader: time.sleep(2) # say the speaker's name _sayCommand(nameStr, nameStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak, nameStr, gender) print('') if postJsonObject['object'].get('inReplyTo'): print('Replying to ' + postJsonObject['object']['inReplyTo'] + '\n') if screenreader: time.sleep(2) # speak the post content _sayCommand(content, messageStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak, nameStr, gender) _showLikesOnPost(postJsonObject, 10) _showRepliesOnPost(postJsonObject, 10) # if the post is addressed to you then mark it as read if _postIsToYou(yourActor, postJsonObject): if isDM(postJsonObject): _markPostAsRead(yourActor, postJsonObject['id'], 'dm') else: _markPostAsRead(yourActor, postJsonObject['id'], 'replies') return postJsonObject def _desktopShowActor(baseDir: str, actorJson: {}, translate: {}, systemLanguage: str, screenreader: str, espeak) -> None: """Shows information for the given actor """ actor = actorJson['id'] actorNickname = getNicknameFromActor(actor) actorDomain, actorPort = getDomainFromActor(actor) actorDomainFull = getFullDomain(actorDomain, actorPort) handle = '@' + actorNickname + '@' + actorDomainFull sayStr = 'Profile for ' + html.unescape(handle) _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) print(actor) if actorJson.get('movedTo'): sayStr = 'Moved to ' + html.unescape(actorJson['movedTo']) _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) if actorJson.get('alsoKnownAs'): alsoKnownAsStr = '' ctr = 0 for altActor in actorJson['alsoKnownAs']: if ctr > 0: alsoKnownAsStr += ', ' ctr += 1 alsoKnownAsStr += altActor sayStr = 'Also known as ' + html.unescape(alsoKnownAsStr) _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) if actorJson.get('summary'): sayStr = html.unescape(removeHtml(actorJson['summary'])) sayStr = sayStr.replace('"', "'") sayStr2 = speakableText(baseDir, sayStr, translate)[0] _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr2, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) def _desktopShowProfile(session, nickname: str, domain: str, httpPrefix: str, baseDir: str, boxName: str, pageNumber: int, index: int, boxJson: {}, systemLanguage: str, screenreader: str, espeak, translate: {}, yourActor: str, postJsonObject: {}, signingPrivateKeyPem: str) -> {}: """Shows the profile of the actor for the given post Returns the actor json """ if _timelineIsEmpty(boxJson): return {} if not postJsonObject: postJsonObject = _desktopGetBoxPostObject(boxJson, index) if not postJsonObject: return {} actor = None if postJsonObject['type'] == 'Announce': nickname = getNicknameFromActor(postJsonObject['object']) if nickname: nickStr = '/' + nickname + '/' if nickStr in postJsonObject['object']: actor = \ postJsonObject['object'].split(nickStr)[0] + \ '/' + nickname else: actor = postJsonObject['object']['attributedTo'] if not actor: return {} isHttp = False if 'http://' in actor: isHttp = True actorJson, asHeader = \ getActorJson(domain, actor, isHttp, False, False, True, signingPrivateKeyPem) _desktopShowActor(baseDir, actorJson, translate, systemLanguage, screenreader, espeak) return actorJson def _desktopShowProfileFromHandle(session, nickname: str, domain: str, httpPrefix: str, baseDir: str, boxName: str, handle: str, systemLanguage: str, screenreader: str, espeak, translate: {}, yourActor: str, postJsonObject: {}, signingPrivateKeyPem: str) -> {}: """Shows the profile for a handle Returns the actor json """ actorJson, asHeader = \ getActorJson(domain, handle, False, False, False, True, signingPrivateKeyPem) _desktopShowActor(baseDir, actorJson, translate, systemLanguage, screenreader, espeak) return actorJson def _desktopGetBoxPostObject(boxJson: {}, index: int) -> {}: """Gets the post with the given index from the timeline """ ctr = 0 for postJsonObject in boxJson['orderedItems']: if not postJsonObject.get('type'): continue if not postJsonObject.get('object'): continue if postJsonObject['type'] == 'Announce': if not isinstance(postJsonObject['object'], str): continue ctr += 1 if ctr == index: return postJsonObject continue if not hasObjectDict(postJsonObject): continue if not postJsonObject['object'].get('published'): continue if not postJsonObject['object'].get('content'): continue ctr += 1 if ctr == index: return postJsonObject return None def _formatPublished(published: str) -> str: """Formats the published time for display on timeline """ dateStr = published.split('T')[0] monthStr = dateStr.split('-')[1] dayStr = dateStr.split('-')[2] timeStr = published.split('T')[1] hourStr = timeStr.split(':')[0] minStr = timeStr.split(':')[1] return monthStr + '-' + dayStr + ' ' + hourStr + ':' + minStr + 'Z' def _padToWidth(content: str, width: int) -> str: """Pads the given string to the given width """ if len(content) > width: content = content[:width] else: while len(content) < width: content += ' ' return content def _highlightText(text: str) -> str: """Returns a highlighted version of the given text """ return '\33[7m' + text + '\33[0m' def _desktopShowBox(indent: str, followRequestsJson: {}, yourActor: str, boxName: str, boxJson: {}, translate: {}, screenreader: str, systemLanguage: str, espeak, pageNumber: int = 1, newReplies: bool = False, newDMs: bool = False) -> bool: """Shows online timeline """ numberWidth = 2 nameWidth = 16 contentWidth = 50 # title _desktopClearScreen() _desktopShowBanner() notificationIcons = '' if boxName.startswith('tl'): boxNameStr = boxName[2:] else: boxNameStr = boxName titleStr = _highlightText(boxNameStr.upper()) # if newDMs: # notificationIcons += ' 📩' # if newReplies: # notificationIcons += ' 📨' if notificationIcons: while len(titleStr) < 95 - len(notificationIcons): titleStr += ' ' titleStr += notificationIcons print(indent + titleStr + '\n') if _timelineIsEmpty(boxJson): boxStr = boxNameStr if boxName == 'dm': boxStr = 'DM' sayStr = indent + 'You have no ' + boxStr + ' posts yet.' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) print('') return False ctr = 1 for postJsonObject in boxJson['orderedItems']: if not postJsonObject.get('type'): continue if postJsonObject['type'] == 'Announce': if postJsonObject.get('actor') and \ postJsonObject.get('object'): if isinstance(postJsonObject['object'], str): authorActor = postJsonObject['actor'] name = getNicknameFromActor(authorActor) + ' ⮌' name = _padToWidth(name, nameWidth) ctrStr = str(ctr) posStr = _padToWidth(ctrStr, numberWidth) published = _formatPublished(postJsonObject['published']) announcedNickname = \ getNicknameFromActor(postJsonObject['object']) announcedDomain, announcedPort = \ getDomainFromActor(postJsonObject['object']) announcedHandle = announcedNickname + '@' + announcedDomain lineStr = \ indent + str(posStr) + ' | ' + name + ' | ' + \ published + ' | ' + \ _padToWidth(announcedHandle, contentWidth) print(lineStr) ctr += 1 continue if not hasObjectDict(postJsonObject): continue if not postJsonObject['object'].get('published'): continue if not postJsonObject['object'].get('content'): continue ctrStr = str(ctr) posStr = _padToWidth(ctrStr, numberWidth) authorActor = postJsonObject['object']['attributedTo'] contentWarning = None if postJsonObject['object'].get('summary'): contentWarning = '⚡' + \ _padToWidth(postJsonObject['object']['summary'], contentWidth) name = getNicknameFromActor(authorActor) # append icons to the end of the name spaceAdded = False if postJsonObject['object'].get('inReplyTo'): if not spaceAdded: spaceAdded = True name += ' ' name += '↲' if postJsonObject['object'].get('replies'): repliesList = postJsonObject['object']['replies'] if repliesList.get('items'): items = repliesList['items'] for i in range(int(items)): name += '↰' if i > 10: break likesCount = noOfLikes(postJsonObject) if likesCount > 10: likesCount = 10 for like in range(likesCount): if not spaceAdded: spaceAdded = True name += ' ' name += '❤' name = _padToWidth(name, nameWidth) published = _formatPublished(postJsonObject['published']) contentStr = getBaseContentFromPost(postJsonObject, systemLanguage) content = _textOnlyContent(contentStr) if boxName != 'dm': if isDM(postJsonObject): content = '📧' + content if not contentWarning: if isPGPEncrypted(content): content = '🔒' + content elif '://' in content: content = '🔗' + content content = _padToWidth(content, contentWidth) else: # display content warning if isPGPEncrypted(content): content = '🔒' + contentWarning else: if '://' in content: content = '🔗' + contentWarning else: content = contentWarning if postJsonObject['object'].get('ignores'): content = '🔇' if postJsonObject['object'].get('bookmarks'): content = '🔖' + content if '\n' in content: content = content.replace('\n', ' ') lineStr = indent + str(posStr) + ' | ' + name + ' | ' + \ published + ' | ' + content if boxName == 'inbox' and \ _postIsToYou(yourActor, postJsonObject): if not _hasReadPost(yourActor, postJsonObject['id'], 'dm'): if not _hasReadPost(yourActor, postJsonObject['id'], 'replies'): lineStr = _highlightText(lineStr) print(lineStr) ctr += 1 if followRequestsJson: _desktopShowFollowRequests(followRequestsJson, translate) print('') # say the post number range sayStr = indent + boxNameStr + ' page ' + str(pageNumber) + \ ' containing ' + str(ctr - 1) + ' posts. ' sayStr2 = sayStr.replace('\33[3m', '').replace('\33[0m', '') sayStr2 = sayStr2.replace('show dm', 'show DM') sayStr2 = sayStr2.replace('dm post', 'Direct message post') _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr2, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) print('') return True def _desktopNewDM(session, toHandle: str, baseDir: str, nickname: str, password: str, domain: str, port: int, httpPrefix: str, cachedWebfingers: {}, personCache: {}, debug: bool, screenreader: str, systemLanguage: str, espeak, lowBandwidth: bool, signingPrivateKeyPem: str) -> None: """Use the desktop client to create a new direct message which can include multiple destination handles """ if ' ' in toHandle: handlesList = toHandle.split(' ') elif ',' in toHandle: handlesList = toHandle.split(',') elif ';' in toHandle: handlesList = toHandle.split(';') else: handlesList = [toHandle] for handle in handlesList: handle = handle.strip() _desktopNewDMbase(session, handle, baseDir, nickname, password, domain, port, httpPrefix, cachedWebfingers, personCache, debug, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak, lowBandwidth, signingPrivateKeyPem) def _desktopNewDMbase(session, toHandle: str, baseDir: str, nickname: str, password: str, domain: str, port: int, httpPrefix: str, cachedWebfingers: {}, personCache: {}, debug: bool, screenreader: str, systemLanguage: str, espeak, lowBandwidth: bool, signingPrivateKeyPem: str) -> None: """Use the desktop client to create a new direct message """ conversationId = None toPort = port if '://' in toHandle: toNickname = getNicknameFromActor(toHandle) toDomain, toPort = getDomainFromActor(toHandle) toHandle = toNickname + '@' + toDomain else: if toHandle.startswith('@'): toHandle = toHandle[1:] toNickname = toHandle.split('@')[0] toDomain = toHandle.split('@')[1] sayStr = 'Create new direct message to ' + toHandle _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) sayStr = 'Type your direct message, then press Enter.' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) newMessage = input() if not newMessage: sayStr = 'No direct message was entered.' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) return newMessage = newMessage.strip() if not newMessage: sayStr = 'No direct message was entered.' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) return sayStr = 'You entered this direct message to ' + toHandle + ':' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) _sayCommand(newMessage, newMessage, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) ccUrl = None followersOnly = False attach = None mediaType = None attachedImageDescription = None city = 'London, England' isArticle = False subject = None commentsEnabled = True subject = None # if there is a local PGP key then attempt to encrypt the DM # using the PGP public key of the recipient if hasLocalPGPkey(): sayStr = \ 'Local PGP key detected...' + \ 'Fetching PGP public key for ' + toHandle _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) paddedMessage = newMessage if len(paddedMessage) < 32: # add some padding before and after # This is to guard against cribs based on small messages, like "Hi" for before in range(randint(1, 16)): paddedMessage = ' ' + paddedMessage for after in range(randint(1, 16)): paddedMessage += ' ' cipherText = \ pgpEncryptToActor(domain, paddedMessage, toHandle, signingPrivateKeyPem) if not cipherText: sayStr = \ toHandle + ' has no PGP public key. ' + \ 'Your message will be sent in clear text' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) else: newMessage = cipherText sayStr = 'Message encrypted' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) sayStr = 'Send this direct message, yes or no?' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) yesno = input() if 'y' not in yesno.lower(): sayStr = 'Abandoning new direct message' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) return sayStr = 'Sending' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) if sendPostViaServer(signingPrivateKeyPem, __version__, baseDir, session, nickname, password, domain, port, toNickname, toDomain, toPort, ccUrl, httpPrefix, newMessage, followersOnly, commentsEnabled, attach, mediaType, attachedImageDescription, city, cachedWebfingers, personCache, isArticle, systemLanguage, lowBandwidth, debug, None, None, conversationId, subject) == 0: sayStr = 'Direct message sent' else: sayStr = 'Direct message failed' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) def _desktopShowFollowRequests(followRequestsJson: {}, translate: {}) -> None: """Shows any follow requests """ if not isinstance(followRequestsJson, dict): return if not followRequestsJson.get('orderedItems'): return if not followRequestsJson['orderedItems']: return indent = ' ' print('') print(indent + 'Follow requests:') print('') for item in followRequestsJson['orderedItems']: handleNickname = getNicknameFromActor(item) handleDomain, handlePort = getDomainFromActor(item) handleDomainFull = \ getFullDomain(handleDomain, handlePort) print(indent + ' 👤 ' + handleNickname + '@' + handleDomainFull) def _desktopShowFollowing(followingJson: {}, translate: {}, pageNumber: int, indent: str, followType='following') -> None: """Shows a page of accounts followed """ if not isinstance(followingJson, dict): return if not followingJson.get('orderedItems'): return if not followingJson['orderedItems']: return print('') if followType == 'following': print(indent + 'Following page ' + str(pageNumber)) elif followType == 'followers': print(indent + 'Followers page ' + str(pageNumber)) print('') for item in followingJson['orderedItems']: handleNickname = getNicknameFromActor(item) handleDomain, handlePort = getDomainFromActor(item) handleDomainFull = \ getFullDomain(handleDomain, handlePort) print(indent + ' 👤 ' + handleNickname + '@' + handleDomainFull) def runDesktopClient(baseDir: str, proxyType: str, httpPrefix: str, nickname: str, domain: str, port: int, password: str, screenreader: str, systemLanguage: str, notificationSounds: bool, notificationType: str, noKeyPress: bool, storeInboxPosts: bool, showNewPosts: bool, language: str, debug: bool, lowBandwidth: bool) -> None: """Runs the desktop and screen reader client, which announces new inbox items """ # TODO: this should probably be retrieved somehow from the server signingPrivateKeyPem = None blockedCache = {} indent = ' ' if showNewPosts: indent = '' _desktopClearScreen() _desktopShowBanner() espeak = None if screenreader: if screenreader == 'espeak': print('Setting up espeak') from espeak import espeak elif screenreader != 'picospeaker': print(screenreader + ' is not a supported TTS system') return sayStr = indent + 'Running ' + screenreader + ' for ' + \ nickname + '@' + domain _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) else: print(indent + 'Running desktop notifications for ' + nickname + '@' + domain) if notificationSounds: sayStr = indent + 'Notification sounds on' else: sayStr = indent + 'Notification sounds off' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) currTimeline = 'inbox' pageNumber = 1 postJsonObject = {} originalScreenReader = screenreader soundsDir = 'theme/default/sounds/' # prevSay = '' # prevCalendar = False # prevFollow = False # prevLike = '' # prevShare = False dmSoundFilename = soundsDir + 'dm.ogg' replySoundFilename = soundsDir + 'reply.ogg' # calendarSoundFilename = soundsDir + 'calendar.ogg' # followSoundFilename = soundsDir + 'follow.ogg' # likeSoundFilename = soundsDir + 'like.ogg' # shareSoundFilename = soundsDir + 'share.ogg' player = 'ffplay' nameStr = None gender = None messageStr = None content = None cachedWebfingers = {} personCache = {} newRepliesExist = False newDMsExist = False pgpKeyUpload = False sayStr = indent + 'Loading translations file' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) translate, systemLanguage = \ loadTranslationsFromFile(baseDir, language) sayStr = indent + 'Connecting...' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) session = createSession(proxyType) sayStr = indent + '/q or /quit to exit' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) domainFull = getFullDomain(domain, port) yourActor = localActorUrl(httpPrefix, nickname, domainFull) actorJson = None notifyJson = { "dmPostId": "Initial", "dmNotify": False, "dmNotifyChanged": False, "repliesPostId": "Initial", "repliesNotify": False, "repliesNotifyChanged": False } prevTimelineFirstId = '' desktopShown = False while (1): if not pgpKeyUpload: if not hasLocalPGPkey(): print('No PGP public key was found') else: sayStr = indent + 'Uploading PGP public key' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) pgpPublicKeyUpload(baseDir, session, nickname, password, domain, port, httpPrefix, cachedWebfingers, personCache, debug, False, signingPrivateKeyPem) sayStr = indent + 'PGP public key uploaded' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) pgpKeyUpload = True boxJson = c2sBoxJson(baseDir, session, nickname, password, domain, port, httpPrefix, currTimeline, pageNumber, debug, signingPrivateKeyPem) followRequestsJson = \ getFollowRequestsViaServer(baseDir, session, nickname, password, domain, port, httpPrefix, 1, cachedWebfingers, personCache, debug, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) if not (currTimeline == 'inbox' and pageNumber == 1): # monitor the inbox to generate notifications inboxJson = c2sBoxJson(baseDir, session, nickname, password, domain, port, httpPrefix, 'inbox', 1, debug, signingPrivateKeyPem) else: inboxJson = boxJson newDMsExist = False newRepliesExist = False if inboxJson: _newDesktopNotifications(yourActor, inboxJson, notifyJson) if notifyJson.get('dmNotify'): newDMsExist = True if notifyJson.get('dmNotifyChanged'): _desktopNotification(notificationType, "Epicyon", "New DM " + yourActor + '/dm') if notificationSounds: _playNotificationSound(dmSoundFilename, player) if notifyJson.get('repliesNotify'): newRepliesExist = True if notifyJson.get('repliesNotifyChanged'): _desktopNotification(notificationType, "Epicyon", "New reply " + yourActor + '/replies') if notificationSounds: _playNotificationSound(replySoundFilename, player) if boxJson: timelineFirstId = _getFirstItemId(boxJson) if timelineFirstId != prevTimelineFirstId: _desktopClearScreen() _desktopShowBox(indent, followRequestsJson, yourActor, currTimeline, boxJson, translate, None, systemLanguage, espeak, pageNumber, newRepliesExist, newDMsExist) desktopShown = True prevTimelineFirstId = timelineFirstId else: session = createSession(proxyType) if not desktopShown: if not session: print('No session\n') _desktopClearScreen() _desktopShowBanner() print('No posts\n') if proxyType == 'tor': print('You may need to run the desktop client ' + 'with the --http option') # wait for a while, or until a key is pressed if noKeyPress: time.sleep(10) else: commandStr = _desktopWaitForCmd(30, debug) if commandStr: refreshTimeline = False if commandStr.startswith('/'): commandStr = commandStr[1:] if commandStr == 'q' or \ commandStr == 'quit' or \ commandStr == 'exit': sayStr = 'Quit' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) if screenreader: commandStr = _desktopWaitForCmd(2, debug) break elif commandStr.startswith('show dm'): pageNumber = 1 prevTimelineFirstId = '' currTimeline = 'dm' boxJson = c2sBoxJson(baseDir, session, nickname, password, domain, port, httpPrefix, currTimeline, pageNumber, debug, signingPrivateKeyPem) if boxJson: _desktopShowBox(indent, followRequestsJson, yourActor, currTimeline, boxJson, translate, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak, pageNumber, newRepliesExist, newDMsExist) newDMsExist = False elif commandStr.startswith('show rep'): pageNumber = 1 prevTimelineFirstId = '' currTimeline = 'tlreplies' boxJson = c2sBoxJson(baseDir, session, nickname, password, domain, port, httpPrefix, currTimeline, pageNumber, debug, signingPrivateKeyPem) if boxJson: _desktopShowBox(indent, followRequestsJson, yourActor, currTimeline, boxJson, translate, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak, pageNumber, newRepliesExist, newDMsExist) # Turn off the replies indicator newRepliesExist = False elif commandStr.startswith('show b'): pageNumber = 1 prevTimelineFirstId = '' currTimeline = 'tlbookmarks' boxJson = c2sBoxJson(baseDir, session, nickname, password, domain, port, httpPrefix, currTimeline, pageNumber, debug, signingPrivateKeyPem) if boxJson: _desktopShowBox(indent, followRequestsJson, yourActor, currTimeline, boxJson, translate, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak, pageNumber, newRepliesExist, newDMsExist) # Turn off the replies indicator newRepliesExist = False elif (commandStr.startswith('show sen') or commandStr.startswith('show out')): pageNumber = 1 prevTimelineFirstId = '' currTimeline = 'outbox' boxJson = c2sBoxJson(baseDir, session, nickname, password, domain, port, httpPrefix, currTimeline, pageNumber, debug, signingPrivateKeyPem) if boxJson: _desktopShowBox(indent, followRequestsJson, yourActor, currTimeline, boxJson, translate, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak, pageNumber, newRepliesExist, newDMsExist) elif (commandStr == 'show' or commandStr.startswith('show in') or commandStr == 'clear'): pageNumber = 1 prevTimelineFirstId = '' currTimeline = 'inbox' refreshTimeline = True elif commandStr.startswith('next'): pageNumber += 1 prevTimelineFirstId = '' refreshTimeline = True elif commandStr.startswith('prev'): pageNumber -= 1 if pageNumber < 1: pageNumber = 1 prevTimelineFirstId = '' boxJson = c2sBoxJson(baseDir, session, nickname, password, domain, port, httpPrefix, currTimeline, pageNumber, debug, signingPrivateKeyPem) if boxJson: _desktopShowBox(indent, followRequestsJson, yourActor, currTimeline, boxJson, translate, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak, pageNumber, newRepliesExist, newDMsExist) elif commandStr.startswith('read ') or commandStr == 'read': if commandStr == 'read': postIndexStr = '1' else: postIndexStr = commandStr.split('read ')[1] if boxJson and postIndexStr.isdigit(): _desktopClearScreen() _desktopShowBanner() postIndex = int(postIndexStr) postJsonObject = \ _readLocalBoxPost(session, nickname, domain, httpPrefix, baseDir, currTimeline, pageNumber, postIndex, boxJson, systemLanguage, screenreader, espeak, translate, yourActor, domainFull, personCache, signingPrivateKeyPem, blockedCache) print('') sayStr = 'Press Enter to continue...' sayStr2 = _highlightText(sayStr) _sayCommand(sayStr2, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) input() prevTimelineFirstId = '' refreshTimeline = True print('') elif commandStr.startswith('profile ') or commandStr == 'profile': actorJson = None if commandStr == 'profile': if postJsonObject: actorJson = \ _desktopShowProfile(session, nickname, domain, httpPrefix, baseDir, currTimeline, pageNumber, postIndex, boxJson, systemLanguage, screenreader, espeak, translate, yourActor, postJsonObject, signingPrivateKeyPem) else: postIndexStr = '1' else: postIndexStr = commandStr.split('profile ')[1] if not postIndexStr.isdigit(): profileHandle = postIndexStr _desktopClearScreen() _desktopShowBanner() _desktopShowProfileFromHandle(session, nickname, domain, httpPrefix, baseDir, currTimeline, profileHandle, systemLanguage, screenreader, espeak, translate, yourActor, None, signingPrivateKeyPem) sayStr = 'Press Enter to continue...' sayStr2 = _highlightText(sayStr) _sayCommand(sayStr2, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) input() prevTimelineFirstId = '' refreshTimeline = True elif not actorJson and boxJson: _desktopClearScreen() _desktopShowBanner() postIndex = int(postIndexStr) actorJson = \ _desktopShowProfile(session, nickname, domain, httpPrefix, baseDir, currTimeline, pageNumber, postIndex, boxJson, systemLanguage, screenreader, espeak, translate, yourActor, None, signingPrivateKeyPem) sayStr = 'Press Enter to continue...' sayStr2 = _highlightText(sayStr) _sayCommand(sayStr2, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) input() prevTimelineFirstId = '' refreshTimeline = True print('') elif commandStr == 'reply' or commandStr == 'r': if postJsonObject: if postJsonObject.get('id'): postId = postJsonObject['id'] subject = None if postJsonObject['object'].get('summary'): subject = postJsonObject['object']['summary'] conversationId = None if postJsonObject['object'].get('conversation'): conversationId = \ postJsonObject['object']['conversation'] sessionReply = createSession(proxyType) _desktopReplyToPost(sessionReply, postId, baseDir, nickname, password, domain, port, httpPrefix, cachedWebfingers, personCache, debug, subject, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak, conversationId, lowBandwidth, signingPrivateKeyPem) refreshTimeline = True print('') elif (commandStr == 'post' or commandStr == 'p' or commandStr == 'send' or commandStr.startswith('dm ') or commandStr.startswith('direct message ') or commandStr.startswith('post ') or commandStr.startswith('send ')): sessionPost = createSession(proxyType) if commandStr.startswith('dm ') or \ commandStr.startswith('direct message ') or \ commandStr.startswith('post ') or \ commandStr.startswith('send '): commandStr = commandStr.replace(' to ', ' ') commandStr = commandStr.replace(' dm ', ' ') commandStr = commandStr.replace(' DM ', ' ') # direct message toHandle = None if commandStr.startswith('post '): toHandle = commandStr.split('post ', 1)[1] elif commandStr.startswith('send '): toHandle = commandStr.split('send ', 1)[1] elif commandStr.startswith('dm '): toHandle = commandStr.split('dm ', 1)[1] elif commandStr.startswith('direct message '): toHandle = commandStr.split('direct message ', 1)[1] if toHandle: _desktopNewDM(sessionPost, toHandle, baseDir, nickname, password, domain, port, httpPrefix, cachedWebfingers, personCache, debug, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak, lowBandwidth, signingPrivateKeyPem) refreshTimeline = True else: # public post _desktopNewPost(sessionPost, baseDir, nickname, password, domain, port, httpPrefix, cachedWebfingers, personCache, debug, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak, lowBandwidth, signingPrivateKeyPem) refreshTimeline = True print('') elif commandStr == 'like' or commandStr.startswith('like '): currIndex = 0 if ' ' in commandStr: postIndex = commandStr.split(' ')[-1].strip() if postIndex.isdigit(): currIndex = int(postIndex) if currIndex > 0 and boxJson: postJsonObject = \ _desktopGetBoxPostObject(boxJson, currIndex) if postJsonObject: if postJsonObject.get('id'): likeActor = postJsonObject['object']['attributedTo'] sayStr = 'Liking post by ' + \ getNicknameFromActor(likeActor) _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) sessionLike = createSession(proxyType) sendLikeViaServer(baseDir, sessionLike, nickname, password, domain, port, httpPrefix, postJsonObject['id'], cachedWebfingers, personCache, False, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) refreshTimeline = True print('') elif (commandStr == 'undo mute' or commandStr == 'undo ignore' or commandStr == 'remove mute' or commandStr == 'rm mute' or commandStr == 'unmute' or commandStr == 'unignore' or commandStr == 'mute undo' or commandStr.startswith('undo mute ') or commandStr.startswith('undo ignore ') or commandStr.startswith('remove mute ') or commandStr.startswith('remove ignore ') or commandStr.startswith('unignore ') or commandStr.startswith('unmute ')): currIndex = 0 if ' ' in commandStr: postIndex = commandStr.split(' ')[-1].strip() if postIndex.isdigit(): currIndex = int(postIndex) if currIndex > 0 and boxJson: postJsonObject = \ _desktopGetBoxPostObject(boxJson, currIndex) if postJsonObject: if postJsonObject.get('id'): muteActor = postJsonObject['object']['attributedTo'] sayStr = 'Unmuting post by ' + \ getNicknameFromActor(muteActor) _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) sessionMute = createSession(proxyType) sendUndoMuteViaServer(baseDir, sessionMute, nickname, password, domain, port, httpPrefix, postJsonObject['id'], cachedWebfingers, personCache, False, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) refreshTimeline = True print('') elif (commandStr == 'mute' or commandStr == 'ignore' or commandStr.startswith('mute ') or commandStr.startswith('ignore ')): currIndex = 0 if ' ' in commandStr: postIndex = commandStr.split(' ')[-1].strip() if postIndex.isdigit(): currIndex = int(postIndex) if currIndex > 0 and boxJson: postJsonObject = \ _desktopGetBoxPostObject(boxJson, currIndex) if postJsonObject: if postJsonObject.get('id'): muteActor = postJsonObject['object']['attributedTo'] sayStr = 'Muting post by ' + \ getNicknameFromActor(muteActor) _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) sessionMute = createSession(proxyType) sendMuteViaServer(baseDir, sessionMute, nickname, password, domain, port, httpPrefix, postJsonObject['id'], cachedWebfingers, personCache, False, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) refreshTimeline = True print('') elif (commandStr == 'undo bookmark' or commandStr == 'remove bookmark' or commandStr == 'rm bookmark' or commandStr == 'undo bm' or commandStr == 'rm bm' or commandStr == 'remove bm' or commandStr == 'unbookmark' or commandStr == 'bookmark undo' or commandStr == 'bm undo ' or commandStr.startswith('undo bm ') or commandStr.startswith('remove bm ') or commandStr.startswith('undo bookmark ') or commandStr.startswith('remove bookmark ') or commandStr.startswith('unbookmark ') or commandStr.startswith('unbm ')): currIndex = 0 if ' ' in commandStr: postIndex = commandStr.split(' ')[-1].strip() if postIndex.isdigit(): currIndex = int(postIndex) if currIndex > 0 and boxJson: postJsonObject = \ _desktopGetBoxPostObject(boxJson, currIndex) if postJsonObject: if postJsonObject.get('id'): bmActor = postJsonObject['object']['attributedTo'] sayStr = 'Unbookmarking post by ' + \ getNicknameFromActor(bmActor) _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) sessionbm = createSession(proxyType) sendUndoBookmarkViaServer(baseDir, sessionbm, nickname, password, domain, port, httpPrefix, postJsonObject['id'], cachedWebfingers, personCache, False, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) refreshTimeline = True print('') elif (commandStr == 'bookmark' or commandStr == 'bm' or commandStr.startswith('bookmark ') or commandStr.startswith('bm ')): currIndex = 0 if ' ' in commandStr: postIndex = commandStr.split(' ')[-1].strip() if postIndex.isdigit(): currIndex = int(postIndex) if currIndex > 0 and boxJson: postJsonObject = \ _desktopGetBoxPostObject(boxJson, currIndex) if postJsonObject: if postJsonObject.get('id'): bmActor = postJsonObject['object']['attributedTo'] sayStr = 'Bookmarking post by ' + \ getNicknameFromActor(bmActor) _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) sessionbm = createSession(proxyType) sendBookmarkViaServer(baseDir, sessionbm, nickname, password, domain, port, httpPrefix, postJsonObject['id'], cachedWebfingers, personCache, False, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) refreshTimeline = True print('') elif (commandStr.startswith('undo block ') or commandStr.startswith('remove block ') or commandStr.startswith('rm block ') or commandStr.startswith('unblock ')): currIndex = 0 if ' ' in commandStr: postIndex = commandStr.split(' ')[-1].strip() if postIndex.isdigit(): currIndex = int(postIndex) if currIndex > 0 and boxJson: postJsonObject = \ _desktopGetBoxPostObject(boxJson, currIndex) if postJsonObject: if postJsonObject.get('id') and \ postJsonObject.get('object'): if hasObjectDict(postJsonObject): if postJsonObject['object'].get('attributedTo'): blockActor = \ postJsonObject['object']['attributedTo'] sayStr = 'Unblocking ' + \ getNicknameFromActor(blockActor) _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) sessionBlock = createSession(proxyType) sendUndoBlockViaServer(baseDir, sessionBlock, nickname, password, domain, port, httpPrefix, blockActor, cachedWebfingers, personCache, False, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) refreshTimeline = True print('') elif commandStr.startswith('block '): blockActor = None currIndex = 0 if ' ' in commandStr: postIndex = commandStr.split(' ')[-1].strip() if postIndex.isdigit(): currIndex = int(postIndex) else: if '@' in postIndex: blockHandle = postIndex if blockHandle.startswith('@'): blockHandle = blockHandle[1:] if '@' in blockHandle: blockDomain = blockHandle.split('@')[1] blockNickname = blockHandle.split('@')[0] blockActor = \ localActorUrl(httpPrefix, blockNickname, blockDomain) if currIndex > 0 and boxJson and not blockActor: postJsonObject = \ _desktopGetBoxPostObject(boxJson, currIndex) if postJsonObject and not blockActor: if postJsonObject.get('id') and \ postJsonObject.get('object'): if hasObjectDict(postJsonObject): if postJsonObject['object'].get('attributedTo'): blockActor = \ postJsonObject['object']['attributedTo'] if blockActor: sayStr = 'Blocking ' + \ getNicknameFromActor(blockActor) _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) sessionBlock = createSession(proxyType) sendBlockViaServer(baseDir, sessionBlock, nickname, password, domain, port, httpPrefix, blockActor, cachedWebfingers, personCache, False, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) refreshTimeline = True print('') elif commandStr == 'unlike' or commandStr == 'undo like': currIndex = 0 if ' ' in commandStr: postIndex = commandStr.split(' ')[-1].strip() if postIndex.isdigit(): currIndex = int(postIndex) if currIndex > 0 and boxJson: postJsonObject = \ _desktopGetBoxPostObject(boxJson, currIndex) if postJsonObject: if postJsonObject.get('id'): unlikeActor = postJsonObject['object']['attributedTo'] sayStr = \ 'Undoing like of post by ' + \ getNicknameFromActor(unlikeActor) _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) sessionUnlike = createSession(proxyType) sendUndoLikeViaServer(baseDir, sessionUnlike, nickname, password, domain, port, httpPrefix, postJsonObject['id'], cachedWebfingers, personCache, False, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) refreshTimeline = True print('') elif (commandStr.startswith('announce') or commandStr.startswith('boost') or commandStr.startswith('retweet')): currIndex = 0 if ' ' in commandStr: postIndex = commandStr.split(' ')[-1].strip() if postIndex.isdigit(): currIndex = int(postIndex) if currIndex > 0 and boxJson: postJsonObject = \ _desktopGetBoxPostObject(boxJson, currIndex) if postJsonObject: if postJsonObject.get('id'): postId = postJsonObject['id'] announceActor = \ postJsonObject['object']['attributedTo'] sayStr = 'Announcing post by ' + \ getNicknameFromActor(announceActor) _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) sessionAnnounce = createSession(proxyType) sendAnnounceViaServer(baseDir, sessionAnnounce, nickname, password, domain, port, httpPrefix, postId, cachedWebfingers, personCache, True, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) refreshTimeline = True print('') elif (commandStr.startswith('unannounce') or commandStr.startswith('undo announce') or commandStr.startswith('unboost') or commandStr.startswith('undo boost') or commandStr.startswith('undo retweet')): currIndex = 0 if ' ' in commandStr: postIndex = commandStr.split(' ')[-1].strip() if postIndex.isdigit(): currIndex = int(postIndex) if currIndex > 0 and boxJson: postJsonObject = \ _desktopGetBoxPostObject(boxJson, currIndex) if postJsonObject: if postJsonObject.get('id'): postId = postJsonObject['id'] announceActor = \ postJsonObject['object']['attributedTo'] sayStr = 'Undoing announce post by ' + \ getNicknameFromActor(announceActor) _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) sessionAnnounce = createSession(proxyType) sendUndoAnnounceViaServer(baseDir, sessionAnnounce, postJsonObject, nickname, password, domain, port, httpPrefix, postId, cachedWebfingers, personCache, True, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) refreshTimeline = True print('') elif (commandStr == 'follow requests' or commandStr.startswith('follow requests ')): currPage = 1 if ' ' in commandStr: pageNum = commandStr.split(' ')[-1].strip() if pageNum.isdigit(): currPage = int(pageNum) followRequestsJson = \ getFollowRequestsViaServer(baseDir, session, nickname, password, domain, port, httpPrefix, currPage, cachedWebfingers, personCache, debug, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) if followRequestsJson: if isinstance(followRequestsJson, dict): _desktopShowFollowRequests(followRequestsJson, translate) print('') elif (commandStr == 'following' or commandStr.startswith('following ')): currPage = 1 if ' ' in commandStr: pageNum = commandStr.split(' ')[-1].strip() if pageNum.isdigit(): currPage = int(pageNum) followingJson = \ getFollowingViaServer(baseDir, session, nickname, password, domain, port, httpPrefix, currPage, cachedWebfingers, personCache, debug, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) if followingJson: if isinstance(followingJson, dict): _desktopShowFollowing(followingJson, translate, currPage, indent, 'following') print('') elif (commandStr == 'followers' or commandStr.startswith('followers ')): currPage = 1 if ' ' in commandStr: pageNum = commandStr.split(' ')[-1].strip() if pageNum.isdigit(): currPage = int(pageNum) followersJson = \ getFollowersViaServer(baseDir, session, nickname, password, domain, port, httpPrefix, currPage, cachedWebfingers, personCache, debug, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) if followersJson: if isinstance(followersJson, dict): _desktopShowFollowing(followersJson, translate, currPage, indent, 'followers') print('') elif (commandStr == 'follow' or commandStr.startswith('follow ')): if commandStr == 'follow': if actorJson: followHandle = actorJson['id'] else: followHandle = '' else: followHandle = commandStr.replace('follow ', '').strip() if followHandle.startswith('@'): followHandle = followHandle[1:] if '@' in followHandle or '://' in followHandle: followNickname = getNicknameFromActor(followHandle) followDomain, followPort = \ getDomainFromActor(followHandle) if followNickname and followDomain: sayStr = 'Sending follow request to ' + \ followNickname + '@' + followDomain _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) sessionFollow = createSession(proxyType) sendFollowRequestViaServer(baseDir, sessionFollow, nickname, password, domain, port, followNickname, followDomain, followPort, httpPrefix, cachedWebfingers, personCache, debug, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) else: if followHandle: sayStr = followHandle + ' is not valid' else: sayStr = 'Specify a handle to follow' _sayCommand(sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) print('') elif (commandStr.startswith('unfollow ') or commandStr.startswith('stop following ')): followHandle = commandStr.replace('unfollow ', '').strip() followHandle = followHandle.replace('stop following ', '') if followHandle.startswith('@'): followHandle = followHandle[1:] if '@' in followHandle or '://' in followHandle: followNickname = getNicknameFromActor(followHandle) followDomain, followPort = \ getDomainFromActor(followHandle) if followNickname and followDomain: sayStr = 'Stop following ' + \ followNickname + '@' + followDomain _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) sessionUnfollow = createSession(proxyType) sendUnfollowRequestViaServer(baseDir, sessionUnfollow, nickname, password, domain, port, followNickname, followDomain, followPort, httpPrefix, cachedWebfingers, personCache, debug, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) else: sayStr = followHandle + ' is not valid' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) print('') elif commandStr.startswith('approve '): approveHandle = commandStr.replace('approve ', '').strip() if approveHandle.startswith('@'): approveHandle = approveHandle[1:] if '@' in approveHandle or '://' in approveHandle: approveNickname = getNicknameFromActor(approveHandle) approveDomain, approvePort = \ getDomainFromActor(approveHandle) if approveNickname and approveDomain: sayStr = 'Sending approve follow request for ' + \ approveNickname + '@' + approveDomain _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) sessionApprove = createSession(proxyType) approveFollowRequestViaServer(baseDir, sessionApprove, nickname, password, domain, port, httpPrefix, approveHandle, cachedWebfingers, personCache, debug, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) else: if approveHandle: sayStr = approveHandle + ' is not valid' else: sayStr = 'Specify a handle to approve' _sayCommand(sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) print('') elif commandStr.startswith('deny '): denyHandle = commandStr.replace('deny ', '').strip() if denyHandle.startswith('@'): denyHandle = denyHandle[1:] if '@' in denyHandle or '://' in denyHandle: denyNickname = getNicknameFromActor(denyHandle) denyDomain, denyPort = \ getDomainFromActor(denyHandle) if denyNickname and denyDomain: sayStr = 'Sending deny follow request for ' + \ denyNickname + '@' + denyDomain _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) sessionDeny = createSession(proxyType) denyFollowRequestViaServer(baseDir, sessionDeny, nickname, password, domain, port, httpPrefix, denyHandle, cachedWebfingers, personCache, debug, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) else: if denyHandle: sayStr = denyHandle + ' is not valid' else: sayStr = 'Specify a handle to deny' _sayCommand(sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) print('') elif (commandStr == 'repeat' or commandStr == 'replay' or commandStr == 'rp' or commandStr == 'again' or commandStr == 'say again'): if screenreader and nameStr and \ gender and messageStr and content: sayStr = 'Repeating ' + nameStr _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak, nameStr, gender) time.sleep(2) _sayCommand(content, messageStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak, nameStr, gender) print('') elif (commandStr == 'sounds on' or commandStr == 'sound on' or commandStr == 'sound'): sayStr = 'Notification sounds on' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) notificationSounds = True elif (commandStr == 'sounds off' or commandStr == 'sound off' or commandStr == 'nosound'): sayStr = 'Notification sounds off' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) notificationSounds = False elif (commandStr == 'speak' or commandStr == 'screen reader on' or commandStr == 'speaker on' or commandStr == 'talker on' or commandStr == 'reader on'): if originalScreenReader: screenreader = originalScreenReader sayStr = 'Screen reader on' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) else: print('No --screenreader option was specified') elif (commandStr == 'mute' or commandStr == 'screen reader off' or commandStr == 'speaker off' or commandStr == 'talker off' or commandStr == 'reader off'): if originalScreenReader: screenreader = None sayStr = 'Screen reader off' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, originalScreenReader, systemLanguage, espeak) else: print('No --screenreader option was specified') elif commandStr.startswith('open'): currIndex = 0 if ' ' in commandStr: postIndex = commandStr.split(' ')[-1].strip() if postIndex.isdigit(): currIndex = int(postIndex) if currIndex > 0 and boxJson: postJsonObject = \ _desktopGetBoxPostObject(boxJson, currIndex) if postJsonObject: if postJsonObject['type'] == 'Announce': recentPostsCache = {} allowLocalNetworkAccess = False YTReplacementDomain = None postJsonObject2 = \ downloadAnnounce(session, baseDir, httpPrefix, nickname, domain, postJsonObject, __version__, translate, YTReplacementDomain, allowLocalNetworkAccess, recentPostsCache, False, systemLanguage, domainFull, personCache, signingPrivateKeyPem, blockedCache) if postJsonObject2: postJsonObject = postJsonObject2 if postJsonObject: content = \ getBaseContentFromPost(postJsonObject, systemLanguage) messageStr, detectedLinks = \ speakableText(baseDir, content, translate) linkOpened = False for url in detectedLinks: if '://' in url: webbrowser.open(url) linkOpened = True if linkOpened: sayStr = 'Opened web links' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, originalScreenReader, systemLanguage, espeak) else: sayStr = 'There are no web links to open.' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, originalScreenReader, systemLanguage, espeak) print('') elif commandStr.startswith('pgp') or commandStr.startswith('gpg'): if not hasLocalPGPkey(): print('No PGP public key was found') else: print(pgpLocalPublicKey()) print('') elif commandStr.startswith('h'): _desktopHelp() sayStr = 'Press Enter to continue...' sayStr2 = _highlightText(sayStr) _sayCommand(sayStr2, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) input() prevTimelineFirstId = '' refreshTimeline = True elif (commandStr == 'delete' or commandStr == 'rm' or commandStr.startswith('delete ') or commandStr.startswith('rm ')): currIndex = 0 if ' ' in commandStr: postIndex = commandStr.split(' ')[-1].strip() if postIndex.isdigit(): currIndex = int(postIndex) if currIndex > 0 and boxJson: postJsonObject = \ _desktopGetBoxPostObject(boxJson, currIndex) if postJsonObject: if postJsonObject.get('id'): rmActor = postJsonObject['object']['attributedTo'] if rmActor != yourActor: sayStr = 'You can only delete your own posts' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) else: print('') if postJsonObject['object'].get('summary'): print(postJsonObject['object']['summary']) contentStr = getBaseContentFromPost(postJsonObject, systemLanguage) print(contentStr) print('') sayStr = 'Confirm delete, yes or no?' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) yesno = input() if 'y' not in yesno.lower(): sayStr = 'Deleting post' _sayCommand(sayStr, sayStr, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak) sessionrm = createSession(proxyType) sendDeleteViaServer(baseDir, sessionrm, nickname, password, domain, port, httpPrefix, postJsonObject['id'], cachedWebfingers, personCache, False, __version__, signingPrivateKeyPem) refreshTimeline = True print('') if refreshTimeline: if boxJson: _desktopShowBox(indent, followRequestsJson, yourActor, currTimeline, boxJson, translate, screenreader, systemLanguage, espeak, pageNumber, newRepliesExist, newDMsExist)