__filename__ = "theme.py" __author__ = "Bob Mottram" __license__ = "AGPL3+" __version__ = "1.6.0" __maintainer__ = "Bob Mottram" __email__ = "bob@libreserver.org" __status__ = "Production" __module_group__ = "Web Interface" import os from shutil import copyfile from shutil import make_archive from shutil import unpack_archive from shutil import rmtree from utils import data_dir from utils import string_ends_with from utils import is_account_dir from utils import load_json from utils import save_json from utils import get_image_extensions from utils import copytree from utils import acct_dir from utils import dangerous_svg from utils import local_actor_url from utils import remove_html from utils import text_in_file from utils import remove_eol from utils import language_right_to_left from content import dangerous_css def import_theme(base_dir: str, filename: str) -> bool: """Imports a theme """ if not os.path.isfile(filename): return False temp_theme_dir = base_dir + '/imports/files' if os.path.isdir(temp_theme_dir): rmtree(temp_theme_dir, ignore_errors=False, onexc=None) os.mkdir(temp_theme_dir) unpack_archive(filename, temp_theme_dir, 'zip') essential_theme_files = ('name.txt', 'theme.json') for theme_file in essential_theme_files: if not os.path.isfile(temp_theme_dir + '/' + theme_file): print('WARN: ' + theme_file + ' missing from imported theme') return False new_theme_name = None new_theme_name1 = None try: with open(temp_theme_dir + '/name.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_theme: new_theme_name1 = fp_theme.read() except OSError: print('EX: import_theme unable to read ' + temp_theme_dir + '/name.txt') if new_theme_name1: new_theme_name = remove_eol(new_theme_name1) if len(new_theme_name) > 20: print('WARN: Imported theme name is too long') return False if len(new_theme_name) < 2: print('WARN: Imported theme name is too short') return False new_theme_name = new_theme_name.lower() forbidden_chars = ( ' ', ';', '/', '\\', '?', '!', '#', '@', ':', '%', '&', '"', '+', '<', '>', '$' ) for char in forbidden_chars: if char in new_theme_name: print('WARN: theme name contains forbidden character') return False if not new_theme_name: return False # if the theme name in the default themes list? default_themes_filename = base_dir + '/defaultthemes.txt' if os.path.isfile(default_themes_filename): test_str = new_theme_name.title() + '\n' if text_in_file(test_str, default_themes_filename): new_theme_name = new_theme_name + '2' theme_dir = base_dir + '/theme/' + new_theme_name if not os.path.isdir(theme_dir): os.mkdir(theme_dir) copytree(temp_theme_dir, theme_dir, False, None) if os.path.isdir(temp_theme_dir): rmtree(temp_theme_dir, ignore_errors=False, onexc=None) if scan_themes_for_scripts(theme_dir): rmtree(theme_dir, ignore_errors=False, onexc=None) return False return os.path.isfile(theme_dir + '/theme.json') def export_theme(base_dir: str, theme: str) -> bool: """Exports a theme as a zip file """ theme_dir = base_dir + '/theme/' + theme if not os.path.isfile(theme_dir + '/theme.json'): return False if not os.path.isdir(base_dir + '/exports'): os.mkdir(base_dir + '/exports') export_filename = base_dir + '/exports/' + theme + '.zip' if os.path.isfile(export_filename): try: os.remove(export_filename) except OSError: print('EX: export_theme unable to delete ' + str(export_filename)) try: make_archive(base_dir + '/exports/' + theme, 'zip', theme_dir) except BaseException: print('EX: export_theme unable to archive ' + base_dir + '/exports/' + str(theme)) return os.path.isfile(export_filename) def _get_theme_files() -> []: """Gets the list of theme style sheets """ return ('epicyon.css', 'login.css', 'follow.css', 'suspended.css', 'calendar.css', 'blog.css', 'options.css', 'search.css', 'links.css', 'welcome.css', 'graph.css', 'podcast.css') def is_news_theme_name(base_dir: str, theme_name: str) -> bool: """Returns true if the given theme is a news instance """ theme_dir = base_dir + '/theme/' + theme_name if os.path.isfile(theme_dir + '/is_news_instance'): return True return False def get_themes_list(base_dir: str) -> []: """Returns the list of available themes Note that these should be capitalized, since they're also used to create the web interface dropdown list and to lookup function names """ themes = [] for _, dirs, _ in os.walk(base_dir + '/theme'): for theme_name in dirs: if '~' not in theme_name and \ theme_name != 'icons' and theme_name != 'fonts': themes.append(theme_name.title()) break themes.sort() print('Themes available: ' + str(themes)) return themes def _copy_theme_help_files(base_dir: str, theme_name: str, system_language: str) -> None: """Copies any theme specific help files from the welcome subdirectory """ if not system_language: system_language = 'en' theme_dir = base_dir + '/theme/' + theme_name + '/welcome' if not os.path.isdir(theme_dir): theme_dir = base_dir + '/defaultwelcome' dir_str = data_dir(base_dir) for _, _, files in os.walk(theme_dir): for help_markdown_file in files: if not help_markdown_file.endswith('_' + system_language + '.md'): continue dest_help_markdown_file = \ help_markdown_file.replace('_' + system_language + '.md', '.md') if dest_help_markdown_file in ('profile.md', 'final.md'): dest_help_markdown_file = 'welcome_' + dest_help_markdown_file if os.path.isdir(dir_str): copyfile(theme_dir + '/' + help_markdown_file, dir_str + '/' + dest_help_markdown_file) break def _set_theme_in_config(base_dir: str, name: str) -> bool: """Sets the theme with the given name within config.json """ config_filename = base_dir + '/config.json' if not os.path.isfile(config_filename): return False config_json = load_json(config_filename) if not config_json: return False config_json['theme'] = name return save_json(config_json, config_filename) def _set_newswire_publish_as_icon(base_dir: str, use_icon: bool) -> bool: """Shows the newswire publish action as an icon or a button """ config_filename = base_dir + '/config.json' if not os.path.isfile(config_filename): return False config_json = load_json(config_filename) if not config_json: return False config_json['showPublishAsIcon'] = use_icon return save_json(config_json, config_filename) def _set_icons_as_buttons(base_dir: str, use_buttons: bool) -> bool: """Whether to show icons in the header (inbox, outbox, etc) as buttons """ config_filename = base_dir + '/config.json' if not os.path.isfile(config_filename): return False config_json = load_json(config_filename) if not config_json: return False config_json['iconsAsButtons'] = use_buttons return save_json(config_json, config_filename) def _set_rss_icon_at_top(base_dir: str, at_top: bool) -> bool: """Whether to show RSS icon at the top of the timeline """ config_filename = base_dir + '/config.json' if not os.path.isfile(config_filename): return False config_json = load_json(config_filename) if not config_json: return False config_json['rssIconAtTop'] = at_top return save_json(config_json, config_filename) def _set_publish_button_at_top(base_dir: str, at_top: bool) -> bool: """Whether to show the publish button above the title image in the newswire column """ config_filename = base_dir + '/config.json' if not os.path.isfile(config_filename): return False config_json = load_json(config_filename) if not config_json: return False config_json['publishButtonAtTop'] = at_top return save_json(config_json, config_filename) def _set_full_width_timeline_button_header(base_dir: str, full_width: bool) -> bool: """Shows the timeline button header containing inbox, outbox, calendar, etc as full width """ config_filename = base_dir + '/config.json' if not os.path.isfile(config_filename): return False config_json = load_json(config_filename) if not config_json: return False config_json['fullWidthTlButtonHeader'] = full_width return save_json(config_json, config_filename) def get_theme(base_dir: str) -> str: """Gets the current theme name from config.json """ config_filename = base_dir + '/config.json' if os.path.isfile(config_filename): config_json = load_json(config_filename) if config_json: if config_json.get('theme'): return config_json['theme'] return 'default' def _remove_theme(base_dir: str): """Removes the current theme style sheets """ theme_files = _get_theme_files() for filename in theme_files: if not os.path.isfile(base_dir + '/' + filename): continue try: os.remove(base_dir + '/' + filename) except OSError: print('EX: _remove_theme unable to delete ' + base_dir + '/' + filename) def set_css_param(css: str, param: str, value: str) -> str: """Sets a CSS parameter to a given value """ value = remove_html(value) # is this just a simple string replacement? if ';' in param: return css.replace(param, value) # color replacement if param.startswith('rgba('): return css.replace(param, value) # if the parameter begins with * then don't prepend -- once_only = False if param.startswith('*'): if param.startswith('**'): once_only = True search_str = param.replace('**', '') + ':' else: search_str = param.replace('*', '') + ':' else: search_str = '--' + param + ':' if search_str not in css: return css if once_only: sstr = css.split(search_str, 1) else: sstr = css.split(search_str) newcss = '' for section_str in sstr: # handle font-family which is a variable next_section = section_str if ';' in next_section: next_section = next_section.split(';')[0] + ';' if search_str == 'font-family:' and "var(--" in next_section: newcss += search_str + ' ' + section_str continue if not newcss: if section_str: newcss = section_str else: newcss = ' ' else: if ';' in section_str: newcss += \ search_str + ' ' + value + ';' + \ section_str.split(';', 1)[1] else: newcss += search_str + ' ' + section_str return newcss.strip() def _set_theme_from_dict(base_dir: str, name: str, theme_params: {}, bg_params: {}, allow_local_network_access: bool, system_language: str) -> None: """Uses a dictionary to set a theme """ if name: _set_theme_in_config(base_dir, name) rtl = language_right_to_left(system_language) theme_files = _get_theme_files() for filename in theme_files: # check for custom css within the theme directory template_filename = \ base_dir + '/theme/' + name + '/epicyon-' + filename if filename == 'epicyon.css': template_filename = \ base_dir + '/theme/' + name + '/epicyon-profile.css' # Ensure that any custom CSS is mostly harmless. # If not then just use the defaults if dangerous_css(template_filename, allow_local_network_access) or \ not os.path.isfile(template_filename): # use default css template_filename = base_dir + '/epicyon-' + filename if filename == 'epicyon.css': template_filename = base_dir + '/epicyon-profile.css' if not os.path.isfile(template_filename): continue with open(template_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_css: css = fp_css.read() for param_name, param_value in theme_params.items(): if param_name == 'newswire-publish-icon': if param_value.lower() == 'true': _set_newswire_publish_as_icon(base_dir, True) else: _set_newswire_publish_as_icon(base_dir, False) continue if param_name == 'full-width-timeline-buttons': if param_value.lower() == 'true': _set_full_width_timeline_button_header(base_dir, True) else: _set_full_width_timeline_button_header(base_dir, False) continue if param_name == 'icons-as-buttons': if param_value.lower() == 'true': _set_icons_as_buttons(base_dir, True) else: _set_icons_as_buttons(base_dir, False) continue if param_name == 'rss-icon-at-top': if param_value.lower() == 'true': _set_rss_icon_at_top(base_dir, True) else: _set_rss_icon_at_top(base_dir, False) continue if param_name == 'publish-button-at-top': if param_value.lower() == 'true': _set_publish_button_at_top(base_dir, True) else: _set_publish_button_at_top(base_dir, False) continue css = set_css_param(css, param_name, param_value) # set the text direction if rtl: css = set_css_param(css, 'text-justify', 'right') css = set_css_param(css, 'language-direction', 'rtl') filename = base_dir + '/' + filename try: with open(filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_css: fp_css.write(css) except OSError: print('EX: _set_theme_from_dict unable to write ' + filename) screen_name = ( 'login', 'follow', 'options', 'search', 'welcome' ) for scr in screen_name: if bg_params.get(scr): _set_background_format(base_dir, scr, bg_params[scr]) def _set_background_format(base_dir: str, background_type: str, extension: str) -> None: """Sets the background file extension """ if extension == 'jpg': return css_filename = base_dir + '/' + background_type + '.css' if not os.path.isfile(css_filename): return css = None try: with open(css_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_css: css = fp_css.read() except OSError as exc: print('EX: _set_background_format 1 ' + css_filename + ' ' + str(exc)) if css: css = css.replace('background.jpg', 'background.' + extension) try: with open(css_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_css2: fp_css2.write(css) except OSError as exc: print('EX: _set_background_format 2 ' + css_filename + ' ' + str(exc)) def enable_grayscale(base_dir: str) -> None: """Enables grayscale for the current theme """ theme_files = _get_theme_files() for filename in theme_files: template_filename = base_dir + '/' + filename if not os.path.isfile(template_filename): continue try: with open(template_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_css: css = fp_css.read() if 'grayscale' not in css: css = \ css.replace('body, html {', 'body, html {\n' + ' filter: grayscale(100%);') filename = base_dir + '/' + filename with open(filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_css: fp_css.write(css) except OSError as ex: print('EX: enable_grayscale unable to read ' + template_filename + ' ' + str(ex)) grayscale_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/.grayscale' if not os.path.isfile(grayscale_filename): try: with open(grayscale_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_gray: fp_gray.write(' ') except OSError as ex: print('EX: enable_grayscale unable to write ' + grayscale_filename + ' ' + str(ex)) def disable_grayscale(base_dir: str) -> None: """Disables grayscale for the current theme """ theme_files = _get_theme_files() for filename in theme_files: template_filename = base_dir + '/' + filename if not os.path.isfile(template_filename): continue try: with open(template_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_css: css = fp_css.read() if 'grayscale' in css: css = \ css.replace('\n filter: grayscale(100%);', '') filename = base_dir + '/' + filename with open(filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_css: fp_css.write(css) except OSError as ex: print('EX: disable_grayscale unable to read ' + template_filename + ' ' + str(ex)) grayscale_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/.grayscale' if os.path.isfile(grayscale_filename): try: os.remove(grayscale_filename) except OSError: print('EX: disable_grayscale unable to delete ' + grayscale_filename) def _set_dyslexic_font(base_dir: str) -> bool: """sets the dyslexic font if needed """ theme_files = _get_theme_files() for filename in theme_files: template_filename = base_dir + '/' + filename if not os.path.isfile(template_filename): continue css = None try: with open(template_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_css: css = fp_css.read() except OSError: print('EX: _set_dyslexic_font unable to read ' + template_filename) if css: css = \ set_css_param(css, "*src", "url('./fonts/OpenDyslexic-Regular.woff2" + "') format('woff2')") css = set_css_param(css, "*font-family", "'OpenDyslexic'") filename = base_dir + '/' + filename try: with open(filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_css: fp_css.write(css) except OSError: print('EX: _set_dyslexic_font unable to write ' + filename) return False def _set_custom_font(base_dir: str): """Uses a dictionary to set a theme """ custom_font_ext = None custom_font_type = None font_extension = { 'woff': 'woff', 'woff2': 'woff2', 'otf': 'opentype', 'ttf': 'truetype' } for ext, ext_type in font_extension.items(): filename = base_dir + '/fonts/custom.' + ext if os.path.isfile(filename): custom_font_ext = ext custom_font_type = ext_type if not custom_font_ext: return theme_files = _get_theme_files() for filename in theme_files: template_filename = base_dir + '/' + filename if not os.path.isfile(template_filename): continue css = None try: with open(template_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_css: css = fp_css.read() except OSError: print('EX: _set_custom_font unable to read ' + template_filename) if css: css = \ set_css_param(css, "*src", "url('./fonts/custom." + custom_font_ext + "') format('" + custom_font_type + "')") css = set_css_param(css, "*font-family", "'CustomFont'") css = set_css_param(css, "header-font", "'CustomFont'") filename = base_dir + '/' + filename try: with open(filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_css: fp_css.write(css) except OSError: print('EX: _set_custom_font unable to write ' + filename) def set_theme_from_designer(base_dir: str, theme_name: str, domain: str, theme_params: {}, allow_local_network_access: bool, system_language: str, dyslexic_font: bool): custom_theme_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/theme.json' save_json(theme_params, custom_theme_filename) set_theme(base_dir, theme_name, domain, allow_local_network_access, system_language, dyslexic_font, False) def reset_theme_designer_settings(base_dir: str) -> None: """Resets the theme designer settings """ custom_variables_file = data_dir(base_dir) + '/theme.json' if os.path.isfile(custom_variables_file): try: os.remove(custom_variables_file) print('Theme designer settings were reset') except OSError: print('EX: unable to remove theme designer settings on reset') def _read_variables_file(base_dir: str, theme_name: str, variables_file: str, allow_local_network_access: bool, system_language: str) -> None: """Reads variables from a file in the theme directory """ theme_params = load_json(variables_file) if not theme_params: return # set custom theme parameters custom_variables_file = data_dir(base_dir) + '/theme.json' if os.path.isfile(custom_variables_file): custom_theme_params = load_json(custom_variables_file) if custom_theme_params: for variable_name, value in custom_theme_params.items(): theme_params[variable_name] = value bg_params = { "login": "jpg", "follow": "jpg", "options": "jpg", "search": "jpg" } _set_theme_from_dict(base_dir, theme_name, theme_params, bg_params, allow_local_network_access, system_language) def _set_theme_default(base_dir: str, allow_local_network_access: bool, system_language: str): name = 'default' _remove_theme(base_dir) _set_theme_in_config(base_dir, name) variables_file = base_dir + '/theme/' + name + '/theme.json' if os.path.isfile(variables_file): _read_variables_file(base_dir, name, variables_file, allow_local_network_access, system_language) else: bg_params = { "login": "jpg", "follow": "jpg", "options": "jpg", "search": "jpg" } theme_params = { "newswire-publish-icon": True, "full-width-timeline-buttons": False, "icons-as-buttons": False, "rss-icon-at-top": True, "publish-button-at-top": False, "banner-height": "20vh", "banner-height-mobile": "10vh", "search-banner-height-mobile": "15vh" } _set_theme_from_dict(base_dir, name, theme_params, bg_params, allow_local_network_access, system_language) def _set_theme_fonts(base_dir: str, theme_name: str) -> None: """Adds custom theme fonts """ theme_name_lower = theme_name.lower() fonts_dir = base_dir + '/fonts' theme_fonts_dir = \ base_dir + '/theme/' + theme_name_lower + '/fonts' if not os.path.isdir(theme_fonts_dir): return for _, _, files in os.walk(theme_fonts_dir): for filename in files: if string_ends_with(filename, ('.woff2', '.woff', '.ttf', '.otf')): dest_filename = fonts_dir + '/' + filename if os.path.isfile(dest_filename): # font already exists in the destination location continue copyfile(theme_fonts_dir + '/' + filename, dest_filename) break def get_text_mode_banner(base_dir: str) -> str: """Returns the banner used for shell browsers, like Lynx """ text_mode_banner_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/banner.txt' if os.path.isfile(text_mode_banner_filename): with open(text_mode_banner_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_text: banner_str = fp_text.read() if banner_str: return banner_str.replace('\n', '
') return None def get_text_mode_logo(base_dir: str) -> str: """Returns the login screen logo used for shell browsers, like Lynx """ text_mode_logo_filename = data_dir(base_dir) + '/logo.txt' if not os.path.isfile(text_mode_logo_filename): text_mode_logo_filename = base_dir + '/img/logo.txt' with open(text_mode_logo_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_text: logo_str = fp_text.read() if logo_str: return logo_str.replace('\n', '
') return None def _set_text_mode_theme(base_dir: str, name: str) -> None: # set the text mode logo which appears on the login screen # in browsers such as Lynx text_mode_logo_filename = \ base_dir + '/theme/' + name + '/logo.txt' dir_str = data_dir(base_dir) if os.path.isfile(text_mode_logo_filename): try: copyfile(text_mode_logo_filename, dir_str + '/logo.txt') except OSError: print('EX: _set_text_mode_theme unable to copy ' + text_mode_logo_filename + ' ' + dir_str + '/logo.txt') else: dir_str = data_dir(base_dir) try: copyfile(base_dir + '/img/logo.txt', dir_str + '/logo.txt') except OSError: print('EX: _set_text_mode_theme unable to copy ' + base_dir + '/img/logo.txt ' + dir_str + '/logo.txt') # set the text mode banner which appears in browsers such as Lynx text_mode_banner_filename = \ base_dir + '/theme/' + name + '/banner.txt' if os.path.isfile(dir_str + '/banner.txt'): try: os.remove(dir_str + '/banner.txt') except OSError: print('EX: _set_text_mode_theme unable to delete ' + dir_str + '/banner.txt') if os.path.isfile(text_mode_banner_filename): try: copyfile(text_mode_banner_filename, dir_str + '/banner.txt') except OSError: print('EX: _set_text_mode_theme unable to copy ' + text_mode_banner_filename + ' ' + dir_str + '/banner.txt') def _set_theme_images(base_dir: str, name: str) -> None: """Changes the profile background image and banner to the defaults """ theme_name_lower = name.lower() profile_image_filename = \ base_dir + '/theme/' + theme_name_lower + '/image.png' banner_filename = \ base_dir + '/theme/' + theme_name_lower + '/banner.png' search_banner_filename = \ base_dir + '/theme/' + theme_name_lower + '/search_banner.png' left_col_image_filename = \ base_dir + '/theme/' + theme_name_lower + '/left_col_image.png' right_col_image_filename = \ base_dir + '/theme/' + theme_name_lower + '/right_col_image.png' _set_text_mode_theme(base_dir, theme_name_lower) background_names = ('login', 'shares', 'delete', 'follow', 'options', 'block', 'search', 'calendar', 'welcome') extensions = get_image_extensions() dir_str = data_dir(base_dir) for _, dirs, _ in os.walk(dir_str): for acct in dirs: if not is_account_dir(acct): continue account_dir = os.path.join(dir_str, acct) for background_type in background_names: for ext in extensions: if theme_name_lower == 'default': background_image_filename = \ base_dir + '/theme/default/' + \ background_type + '_background.' + ext else: background_image_filename = \ base_dir + '/theme/' + theme_name_lower + '/' + \ background_type + '_background' + '.' + ext if os.path.isfile(background_image_filename): try: copyfile(background_image_filename, dir_str + '/' + background_type + '-background.' + ext) continue except OSError: print('EX: _set_theme_images unable to copy ' + background_image_filename) # background image was not found # so remove any existing file if os.path.isfile(dir_str + '/' + background_type + '-background.' + ext): try: os.remove(dir_str + '/' + background_type + '-background.' + ext) except OSError: print('EX: _set_theme_images unable to delete ' + dir_str + '/' + background_type + '-background.' + ext) if os.path.isfile(profile_image_filename) and \ os.path.isfile(banner_filename): try: copyfile(profile_image_filename, account_dir + '/image.png') except OSError: print('EX: _set_theme_images unable to copy ' + profile_image_filename) try: copyfile(banner_filename, account_dir + '/banner.png') except OSError: print('EX: _set_theme_images unable to copy ' + banner_filename) try: if os.path.isfile(search_banner_filename): copyfile(search_banner_filename, account_dir + '/search_banner.png') except OSError: print('EX: _set_theme_images unable to copy ' + search_banner_filename) try: if os.path.isfile(left_col_image_filename): copyfile(left_col_image_filename, account_dir + '/left_col_image.png') elif os.path.isfile(account_dir + '/left_col_image.png'): try: os.remove(account_dir + '/left_col_image.png') except OSError: print('EX: _set_theme_images unable to delete ' + account_dir + '/left_col_image.png') except OSError: print('EX: _set_theme_images unable to copy ' + left_col_image_filename) try: if os.path.isfile(right_col_image_filename): copyfile(right_col_image_filename, account_dir + '/right_col_image.png') else: if os.path.isfile(account_dir + '/right_col_image.png'): try: os.remove(account_dir + '/right_col_image.png') except OSError: print('EX: _set_theme_images ' + 'unable to delete ' + account_dir + '/right_col_image.png') except OSError: print('EX: _set_theme_images unable to copy ' + right_col_image_filename) break def set_news_avatar(base_dir: str, name: str, http_prefix: str, domain: str, domain_full: str) -> None: """Sets the avatar for the news account """ nickname = 'news' new_filename = base_dir + '/theme/' + name + '/icons/avatar_news.png' if not os.path.isfile(new_filename): new_filename = base_dir + '/theme/default/icons/avatar_news.png' if not os.path.isfile(new_filename): return avatar_filename = \ local_actor_url(http_prefix, domain_full, nickname) + '.png' avatar_filename = avatar_filename.replace('/', '-') filename = base_dir + '/cache/avatars/' + avatar_filename if os.path.isfile(filename): try: os.remove(filename) except OSError: print('EX: set_news_avatar unable to delete ' + filename) if os.path.isdir(base_dir + '/cache/avatars'): copyfile(new_filename, filename) account_dir = acct_dir(base_dir, nickname, domain) copyfile(new_filename, account_dir + '/avatar.png') def _set_clear_cache_flag(base_dir: str) -> None: """Sets a flag which can be used by an external system (eg. a script in a cron job) to clear the browser cache """ dir_str = data_dir(base_dir) if not os.path.isdir(dir_str): return flag_filename = dir_str + '/.clear_cache' try: with open(flag_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_flag: fp_flag.write('\n') except OSError: print('EX: _set_clear_cache_flag unable to write ' + flag_filename) def set_theme(base_dir: str, name: str, domain: str, allow_local_network_access: bool, system_language: str, dyslexic_font: bool, designer_reset: bool) -> bool: """Sets the theme with the given name as the current theme """ result = False prev_theme_name = get_theme(base_dir) # if the theme has changed then remove any custom settings if prev_theme_name != name or designer_reset: reset_theme_designer_settings(base_dir) _remove_theme(base_dir) # has the theme changed? themes = get_themes_list(base_dir) for theme_name in themes: theme_name_lower = theme_name.lower() if name == theme_name_lower: if prev_theme_name: if prev_theme_name.lower() != theme_name_lower or \ designer_reset: # change the banner and profile image # to the default for the theme _set_theme_images(base_dir, name) _set_theme_fonts(base_dir, name) result = True break if not result: # default _set_theme_default(base_dir, allow_local_network_access, system_language) result = True # read theme settings from a json file in the theme directory variables_file = base_dir + '/theme/' + name + '/theme.json' if os.path.isfile(variables_file): _read_variables_file(base_dir, name, variables_file, allow_local_network_access, system_language) if dyslexic_font: _set_dyslexic_font(base_dir) else: _set_custom_font(base_dir) # set the news avatar news_avatar_theme_filename = \ base_dir + '/theme/' + name + '/icons/avatar_news.png' dir_str = data_dir(base_dir) if os.path.isdir(dir_str + '/news@' + domain): if os.path.isfile(news_avatar_theme_filename): news_avatar_filename = dir_str + '/news@' + domain + '/avatar.png' copyfile(news_avatar_theme_filename, news_avatar_filename) grayscale_filename = dir_str + '/.grayscale' if os.path.isfile(grayscale_filename): enable_grayscale(base_dir) else: disable_grayscale(base_dir) _copy_theme_help_files(base_dir, name, system_language) _set_theme_in_config(base_dir, name) _set_clear_cache_flag(base_dir) return result def update_default_themes_list(base_dir: str) -> None: """Recreates the list of default themes """ theme_names = get_themes_list(base_dir) default_themes_filename = base_dir + '/defaultthemes.txt' try: with open(default_themes_filename, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as fp_def: for name in theme_names: fp_def.write(name + '\n') except OSError: print('EX: update_default_themes_list unable to write ' + default_themes_filename) def scan_themes_for_scripts(base_dir: str) -> bool: """Scans the theme directory for any svg files containing scripts """ # allow recursive walk for subdir, _, files in os.walk(base_dir + '/theme'): for fname in files: if not fname.endswith('.svg'): continue svg_filename = os.path.join(subdir, fname) content = '' try: with open(svg_filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp_svg: content = fp_svg.read() except OSError: print('EX: scan_themes_for_scripts unable to read ' + svg_filename) svg_dangerous = dangerous_svg(content, False) if svg_dangerous: print('svg file contains script: ' + svg_filename) return True # deliberately no break - should resursively scan return False